Quotas…how does that work? If the migrants don’t want to live in the country they are forced to go to what use are quotas and why should one country or another then have to take them just because they have decided they want to go there?
The Today programme devoted the last half hour to the migration crisis….that’ll be half an hour and the other 23.5 hours on the BBC devoted to promoting the migration crisis.
They had on Sir John Holmes, former UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. (08:39) I’m not sure why they [Sarah Montague, emoting beautifully about migrants as per the norm] had him on as they pretty much ignored everything of relevance that he said….’everything’ that is if it didn’t reflect the BBC’s own extreme position on immigration.
Holmes said that there is an asylum crisis but there was also an underlying migrant crisis, ie that of economic migrants. Montague ignored that serious point that has been raised before, that the question of how many refugees any country can take is also wrapped up with the issue of the number of economic migrants that have already flooded into a country. Holmes also made the very relevant point that quotas simply won’t work because the migrants have no intention of being told where to live….so all the pressure on the UK to take ‘their quota’ is nonsense if most migrants seemingly want to go to Germany. Holmes says the UK has done very good work in helping the refugees in the Middle East but he says we should take more here..however he also said that accepting asylum seekers wasn’t the answer and that the crisis in Syria had to be addressed. You may have expected Montague to leap on that in a journalistic fashion, but no, she dodged asking the question, perhaps the answer would not be to the BBC’s liking….how to siolve Syria? That’s the only question that really matters. But not to the BBC? Usually the BBC is all too eager to end a war if it means stopping the West or Israel bashing Muslim terrorists…but seemingly not a war that sees Muslim terrorists being all too successful.
I’m guessing she had an agenda that didn’t include anything that not only stopped a war but stopped the flow of migrants to Europe….despite her admitting that the current situation just encourages more to come to Europe...’it is unlimited’.
Yesterday we had the pleasure of listening to the Chief Rabbi on the Today programme lecturing us about humanity…he’d just had a conflab with the Pope who declared that ‘We all share this world together, therefore we need to care for this world together,’”...the chief rabbi told us we must help these people ‘knocking on the door of Europe’.…hmm….whilst I support the existence of Israel I have to say I’m not being lectured about how we must reach out to everyone and open the borders when he doesn’t say the same about the Palestinians….when I hear him advocating a ‘one state’ solution for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I might take his words and sentiments seriously…but he knows that such a policy would destroy Israel….strange he doesn’t recognise the same will happen to Europe…as Boris Johnson has already alluded to with his ‘mass migration doomed the Roman Empire’ comment..
We need a paradigm mindshift he tells us…we look on these migrants as if they are from Mars he tells us….the Palestinians might say the same, he doesn’t tell us.
He refused to name numbers which makes his pleas meaningless….though definitely ‘some of them should be allowed in’
Webb managed to get him to proclaim that economic migrants were equally worthy of ‘asylum’ as their lives were in danger.
The BBC got what it wanted.
I was also listening to Lyse Doucet the other day on the TV news and if I hadn’t known she was BBC reporter I might have mistaken her for some sort of pro-immigration campaigner as she told us that something must be done and more migrants must be allowed in….having said that one look at her Twitter feed says it all…here curiously echoing the good Rabbi’s words….
lyse doucet retweeted jagmeet singh
lyse doucet added,
We need a paradigm mindshift he tells us…
Well guess what, the BBC and him have got their ‘paradigm mindshift’ in an example of incredible timing with the drowned boy photograph. It moved us all, most to tears no doubt. Win the ‘hearts and minds’ of the enemy is a well known phrase. Who’d have guessed we were the enemy after all. 400,000 voted for more immigration over the past 2 days. A few days ago the UK was overwhelmingly against more immigration. It will not matter anyway, because once registered, a migrant can go anywhere in Europe. So Cameron aggreeing to take 5000 from refugee camps just adds 5000 to the ones already coming here once registered in another European country.
”So Cameron aggreeing to take 5000. ” Add a couple of zeroes to get the true figure, 500,000 new voters on the electoral register, do you think they’ll be voting UKIP ?
They said 5,000 Poles would come, turned out it was 500,000.
Regarding the cartoon, more promotion of the one worlder agenda garbage.
That cartoon is doing the rounds.
I suggest a few bobbing in the water next to the lifeboat, with a 3rd speech bubble saying “The wrong religion, apparently”.
It seems certain means of exclusion are more tolerable to Lyse, damn lies and BBC news.
I wonder what part of the Earth the Christians were from ……..you know the ones the Muslims didn’t want to share the boat with??
The last half hour of the Today programme this Saturday plumbed new depths in its Goebels-like coverage of the migrants ‘crisis’, for which the rest if us read ‘the Muslim invasion of Europe’. There was some dopey bird , a philosophy professor from Sheffield University who is clearly a Corbynista, also a governance ‘expert ‘ from Oxford who was both left wing and extremely disingenuous in her answers. Having teed up the situation nicely we had to listen to appalling pro- immigration propaganda .