It seems we are being fed a line on the migration crisis and people are happy to look the other way and accept whatever is said if it makes the migrants tales more harrowing and piles on the ‘guilt’ that puts pressure on politicians to open the borders. The Today programme had a tale of terror from Kobane in Syria telling us of the dreadful dangers that the inhabitants still live under and that many are still fleeing…could that have been a counter to the story that the father of the drowned children has gone back to Kobane in war torn Syria to bury his family and live there which no doubt has raised a few eyebrows in question about his reasons for taking that terrible risk with his family…
Aylan Kurdi buried alongside brother and mother in Syria
The funeral of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, his brother Galip and their mother takes place in their hometown of Kobane in Syria
The father whose wife and sons drowned as they attempted to reach the Greek island of Kos from Turkey warned fellow Syrians not to risk the lives of their loved ones by attempting to flee the country, as he buried his family on Friday.
Speaking at the funerals of Aylan Kurdi, three, his brother Ghalib, five, and their mother Rehana, in the Syrian town of Kobane, Abdullah Kurdi blamed the international community for its failure to protect civilians caught in the nation’s bitter civil war.
Local officials had reportedly tried to organise the funeral in neighbouring Turkey before crossing the border into Kobane. But Mr Kurdi insisted it should take place in the land of the children’s birth.
Apparently he is now saying he will stay there with the graves of his family.
This is a man who put that family onto a tiny boat to make an unnecessary sea crossing knowing that his wife was terrified of the water and that a 3 year old and a 5 year old, without life jackets, would have no chance of survival if the worst happened, as it did, as he should have expected. He is no hero or ‘victim’ of the West and its asylum policy as the BBC seem to be trying to portray him as. Every sympathy for his wife and children but for him? Not so much.
His family were safe in Turkey but we were told that because of a log jam in the Turkish asylum process applicants were forced to take the dangerous DIY route in dangerous small boats…how true is that? They could of course head off across land or go by ferry perhaps….in May the Telegraph reported that Syrians were in fact being allowed to take ferries to Greece quite freely and openly…
Turkish border officials are allowing huge numbers of Syrian asylum seekers to cross into Europe on holiday ferries serving the Greek islands, a Telegraph investigation has found.
Residents of Greece’s eastern Aegean islands say ferries carrying hundreds of Syrian migrants at a time are making the short hop from Turkey’s coast, with Turkish officials making no attempt to stop them boarding.
In what appears to be yet another gap in Europe’s border controls, the migrants have no need to risk their lives in rickety people-smuggling boats or pay exorbitant fees to smuggling gangs.
It turns out also that the family never made an asylum claim to go to Canada as was claimed to much anguished comment in response..’if only…they’d still be alive…’.guilt guilt guilt.
One other thing….a UKIP candidate tweeted this: “The little Syrian boy was well clothed and well fed. He died because his parents were greedy for the good life in Europe. Queue jumping costs.”…now maybe the word greed is one of those trigger words that are too honest to be allowed but why the outrage…other than the fact it was a UKIP man who said this? After all Tory Malcolm Rifkind on the Today programme said exactly the same thing in less emotive wording…
The point I would have to make from a humanitarian view, I don’t blame people wanting to find a better life in the countries of northern Europe, but from an asylum point of view, if you are already in Turkey than your life is not in danger, your children are not going to lose their lives, your children are safe from Syria, so it becomes a separate issue as to whether the countries of Europe should be expected to have, as it were, an open ended position for anyone who wants to come here.
No BBC journalist declaring Rifkind is the ‘worst human alive’:
H/T Don’tblamemeivotedukip:
The BBC confirmed to Breitbart London that Morrison’s use of his BBC-linked Twitter account was inappropriate, and that the licence fee-funded journalist had removed the comment.
A spokesman for the organisation said: “The BBC has clear social media guidelines which staff must adhere to, even when using personal accounts.
“We have spoken to Alex and reminded him of his responsibility to uphold our guidelines. He has deleted the tweet.”
That family would still be alive if they didn’t think the streets of Europe were paved with gold and were encouraged to do so by the pro-immigration extremists cheerled by the BBC.
After the civil war has finished in this country,statues of Enoch will go up and people will say ‘ He was a wise man who we owe a great deal,pity we refused to listen’.
We are well and truly finished as a country,our way of life has gone,everything British is frowned upon.Why should our politicians be allowed to do this,our brave people who fought to be free over hundreds of years would be turning in their graves to see what we have allowed our country to become.
I think that yesterday pointless “Dave” had his very own “Good Friday agreement”, where-by he caved in to the left and opened the doors for thousands more Muslim Immigrants to “swarm” to these shores, whilst at the very same time, released our very own “Muslim political prisoner” Anjem Choudary, away from the system and back onto the streets, Allahu Akbar…
Why is a hate merchant like Chowdery allowed to stay in this country whilst decent, law abiding truth tellers like Geller, Spencer and Wilders are banned from even visting this country. What stinking priorities our governments have.
And the Afghan interpreters ? abandoned along with their families to a fate too horrible to imagine. These guys would be welcome to live as my next door neighbour anytime.
We can’t allow the interpreters in – they don’t hate us enough.
Enemies we help, friends we abandon.