Remember the furore over Cameron using the word ‘swarm’…apparently this meant he was dismissing the migrants (can we use that word?) as insects or animals (and listen to Sarah Montague snort in what is definitely a knowingly mocking way when Sir John Holmes talks of not seeing migrants as ‘animals’ in another interview…you know exaclty what went through her mind and how she was thinking).
Remember Gordon Brown’s reaction to the ‘bigoted’ Gillian Duffy when she talked of immigrants ‘flocking here’.
Guess someone at the BBC didn’t get the memo….
Ending the war in Syria would make a huge difference – but that still looks a long way off. Syrians are the biggest group of migrants flocking to Europe.
‘Flocking to Europe’.…shock horror!! Hang him out to dry.
Funny no one has denounced the BBC for such language.
Mr. Cameron may like to discover how the BBC now shapes UK policy:
The term “burden sharing” also seems to go unchallenged . Isn’t that “dehumanising”?
“The term “burden sharing” also seems to go unchallenged”
Shouldn’t the correct BBC term be “enrichment sharing”?
a right little hive of do-gooders, sure enough Feargal Keane is among them.
Jonathan Dimbleby used the word bidding on Any Questions ? On Friday .
I can’t believe he used such a word after a BBC news presenter said he couldn’t believe Douglas Carswell used such a word .
I wonder if its ok to say that I hope “A swarm will be flocking to UKIP with votes in future elections”
Only as long as you’re POURING the drinks!
With reference to the two dead children, if they were real then there must be a post mortem to determine the cause of death. So, where are the journalists who are reporting on the Post mortems? Or were these in fact fake pictures?
From the BBC news website’s main headline this morning, you’d think it was all quiet on the immigration front:
BBC pledges to become ‘open platform’ for creativity
That is, of course, the most important news event in the world at the moment, and people up and down the country are talking about little else.
Imagine the mockery you’d get on HIGNFY if the Sun were to lead with a headline of ‘News International pledges to become ‘open platform’ for creativity’…