The BBC did a hatchet job on the Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban, for his comments about Muslim migration into Europe and referenced a comment by the Economist made way back in 2007…….the BBC said..
‘Politics of the gutter’
Out of government, Mr Orban was regarded by political analysts as a populist, to the extent that in 2007 the UK’s Economist awarded him its “politics of the gutter award”, citing his “cynical populism and mystifyingly authoritarian socialist-style policies”.
And here is what the Economist said:
Politics of the gutter award: Given jointly to Ferenc Gyurcsany, prime minister of Hungary, for admitting that his government had lied, and for turning a blind eye to police brutality; and to Hungary’s opposition leader, Viktor Orban, for cynical populism and mystifyingly authoritarian socialist-style policies.
Have to say that Jeremy Corbyn must be in line for the next award then considering his ‘ cynical populism and mystifyingly authoritarian socialist-style policies.‘
But it is, as always, instructive as to what the BBC doesn’t tell us that the Economist also said….first that ….
Most worrying trend: Between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas there is not a single strong reforming government. Drift, muddle and sleaze were the hallmarks of 2006.
And yet the BBC complains that Orban is too strong, too reformist….curious they miss that one out.
Then, and this is all the more surprising omission considering the BBC is writing about immigration into Europe and defending it, there is this…..
Big question: East-west migration. The worst-governed ex-communist countries have lost a million people or more to emigration. Now local job markets are tight, and wages are rising, but not enough to attract many migrants back. The opportunities and the quality of government are still so much better in western Europe. Until that gap narrows, worries of depopulation in the east, and overcrowding in the west, will grow.
So the Economist thinks that there is ‘overcrowding in the west‘! No wonder the BBC missed that little gem out.
But who owns the Economist ? It’s the Rothschilds in house magazine.
“But who owns the Economist ? It’s the Rothschilds in house magazine.”
I guess you “forgot” the others on the owners’ list:
“The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders.”
Selective reporting? You’re not a BBC employee by any chance, are you?
“But who owns the Economist ? It’s the Rothschilds in house magazine.”
I guess you “forgot” the others on the owners’ list:
“The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders.”
Selective reporting? You’re not a BBC employee by any chance, are you?
Sorry, for some reason it has posted twice. (I’m using a different browser today – Opera – been having problems with Firefox)
Mr Wood, you’re not a Labour supporter by any chance, are you ?
David Brims asked: “Mr Wood, you’re not a Labour supporter by any chance, are you ?”
Dear Mr Brims,
Anyone who has followed this blog for some time will know better than to ask that question.
Now, in the same vein, may I ask you, Mr. Brims, are you by any chance an anti-Semite, or do you just happen to pick out Jews from any “stories” you happen to come across?
In other words – how *did* you happen to find the Rothschilds in the list of the Economist’s owners and ignore all of the others?
”Now, in the same vein, may I ask you, Mr. Brims, are you by any chance an anti-Semite, or do you just happen to pick out Jews from any “stories” you happen to come across?”
That lot are hardly a recommendation as far as I am concerned. No friends of a free man.
I never suggested they were any recommendation as friends of free men, neither one way or the other.
At the same time, I would be very interested to hear from you just who *are* friends of free men in this day and age?
I am of the opinion that there are very, very few truly free men left in the UK and should you try to find a free man in the populace who is not afraid to declare that. you will also probably find hens’ teeth at the same time.
A freeman has no friends at least nobody in a position of power . He never has had and never will.
Hungary seems the BBC’s target for Today, if Facebook is any judge.
And they have a nice, emotive image of actual refugee families. Middle-aged fathers with mother’s and kids, fleeing Russians.
Some have noted what they were fleeing from, and how they gratefully integrated, vs. images of flocking feral male youths flocking to perceived economic nirvana, already shouting the odds and making demands that hosts conform to them.
If the BBC cannot see the difference, they must be simple. Uniquely so.
Hungary deserves our admiration for trying to uphold principles of fair and legal migration. Unfortunately Merkel has completely undermined their efforts. If there is a reason to get out of the disastrous and undemocratic EU, this is it. Interesting opinion poll in the Sunday Mail showing shift against EU membership.
Meanwhile the biased Marr show returns. Owen Jones reviews the papers with a sympathetic Marr. When will we get a major news broadcaster that is not left wing?
Significant 30 minute TV special on the effects of islamic immigration in Germany
The video is still on Vladtepes. May not be for long.
2. Merkel: No Legal Limit to Asylum Seekers Germany Can Take
Reminds me of Labour’s almost succesful attempt to destroy the UK.
Video: “They built parallel worlds.”
Yes, just like in Bradford etc.
It’s always the same.
OT for the thread main topic, but speaking of gutter journalism, and that educating and informing thing the BBC used to do…
Seems there is now no limit to Emma’s talents, and the pulpit the BBC will afford such folk.
Yep, there’s nothing like repeating a false prediction in the hope it may come true. M/s Thompson has forgotten that some environ’mentalists’ had promised in 1998 that we’d be frying in +4 degrees above average temperatures just after 2010. I was wearing a light jacket indoors on Thursday and Friday last week as the temperature sank down to 62.5F
She seems well wrapped up and feeling the cold in spite of global warming.
“the quality of government are still so much better in western Europe. Until that gap narrows”
I wonder if the Economist now recognises that the gap has been closed?
Quote Out of government, Mr Orban was regarded by political analysts as a populist, to the extent that in 2007 the UK’s Economist awarded him its “politics of the gutter award”
Meanwhile, the left and our leaders, political and spiritual, are taking all of us into the gutter.
Liberals don’t understand Eastern Europe. Look at the picture in the BBC article and note what the demonstrators were all about. A much favoured liberal cuase.
Hungary worries the liberal ascendancy and so do all the old Warsaw pact lands. The old East is not about to exchange Communist tyrrany for EU tyrrany. As for Putin’s Russia that really frightens them.
I see Russia is active in Syria and upsetting the West. Putin will be worried. The West is so feeble now in mind and spirit that Russia can simply ignore us. The USA is neutralising itself rapidy so what has Putin to be worried about?
Cameron and Merkel lecturing him. I hardly think so.
The news that Russia is moving troops into Syria, indicates that they feel that Assad is winning the war. This means that the Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra, ISIS, and sundry other terrorist forces have lost.
Its a good news for Christians and other minorities in Syria, but bad news for us, as Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra and dependants, will be coming to Europe, all rightfully claiming that they are Syrians.
What is Mad Merkel the thoughless, planning to do?
Could well be but Russia is always paranoid about security on or near it’s borders. Quite right too.
Putin and co will be watching Hungary and the Balkans as well for signs of destabalisation.
Russia has no intention, in my opinion, of permitting chaos near it’s borders .
Now that it is clear that Assad is under Russian protection the useless Nato powers had better take note and only take action against Isis with Russian approval. The Russian air force is more than a match for anything Nato can put up.
The latest announcement is that Lord Hall wants to twin bBC news with local papers as some sort of public service. Sounds like desperation to me, try and make yourself indispensable so that the chop does not come.
Dave S, you are absolutely right that western liberals don’t understand eastern Europe. I was privileged to spend a few years living in Hungary. What western liberals don’t understand is that most eastern Europeans, having lived under Stalin’s jackboot, have absolutely no truck with champagne-socialism, Hampstead liberals, or the bleeding-heart policies of those who have never had to experience what it really means to live in a workers’ paradise.
Mr Orban is something of a dodgy character, I agree – he is keen on nationalising (ie, taking over for the benefit of his cronies) anything that makes money – he recently nationalised all the corner-shop tobacconists, for example – but there is no viable alternative to him in the country at the moment. The socialist government that preceded him were hopeless, and even admitted that they had bankrupted the country.
Of course you won’t hear this on the BBC, which will just wring its hands in confusion because of most of them haven’t been mentally east of the River Lea in their lives.
Almost all these illegal migrants are Muslims. One day they will pay back our kindness in the normal Islamic way of “Allahu Ackbar” – make no mistake about it.. Meanwhile, Middle Eastern Christians are noticeable by their absence. The reason being that if they show they are Christians, they will not be allowed to leave the Islamic country, or if they do get in a boat, will be thrown into the sea. So “no small boys” photo opportunity for them.
Silence of the Lambs comes to mind.
How hundreds of Muslim migrants are converting to Christianity to boost their chances of winning asylum in Germany
Let us hope that they are honest and its not just Taqiyya. What is generally not known is that King Ferdinand, after defeating and banishing Muslims fom Spain, was confronted by a similar situation. The Spanish Inquisition came about to determine the real converts from those who were just biding time for the right opportunity.
Will we have a German Inquisition? Who will conduct it? Mad Merkel?
Just a thought.
If all else is equal, how come Syrian Muslims are not converting.
It Is non-Syrian Muslims who are converting, as they do not get automatic ASYLUM
For Zonoobi and his wife Afsaneh – who since her baptism goes by the name of Katarina – the christening marks a new beginning.
‘Now we are free and can be ourselves,’ she said. ‘Most important, I am so happy that our children will have a good future here and can get a good education in Germany.’
The most important thing for a new Christian is not that his family will do well, and get a good education etc. The most important thing is that he has been saved by Jesus. All else is trivial.
Muslims will lie and cheat to infiltrate Europe.
It just shows what an unprecedented danger our EU elites have placed Europe in. Spanish Inquisition was a necessity.
I really hope that the conversions are not false.
After unilaterally calling all migrants to come to Germany, AlBeeb now reports that Merkel stated that ‘Germany could not solve the crisis on its own and urged all EU states to take in refugees.’
Where is the democracy of the EU ?
Time to get out .
Merkel that hatchet faced old boot, she knew what she was doing when she issued her clarion call to the swarm.
Come to Germany, we’ll take you all, then we’ll filter you through to the rest of Europe as fast as we can.
Meanwhile back in Calais………………….
So Mad Merkel will be the 2nd German in less then 80 years to bring blight on Europe.
I just hope we are not headed to another global war. OTH, there is no other way but a world war to bring Islam/Islamism to a conclusion.
I think you’re actually comparing her to an Austrian.
Silvio Berlusconi called her fat arsed and unfuckable, and he knew a thing or two about that. Of course the EU got rid of him in the end.