The crisis deepens: Isis are threatening to capture a vital highway in Syria – its loss could spark the exodus of millions more refugees
Many credible voices, such as Lord Carey and Boris Johnson, are saying that Europe is essentially being invaded. Had the migrants been armed we would look entirely differently at them but because they come over as ‘refugees’ they are treated benignly as if there are no very serious implications resulting from this tidal wave of people who are mostly Muslim entering Europe.
It is undeniable that what is happening is in essence everything that ISIL could have dreamt of…the increasing spread of Islam to Europe and all without any actual military/terrorist force having to be deployed. People like the Prime Minister of Hungary suggest that this is a cultural time bomb inside Europe….one that we have already had plenty of evidence is ticking.
The BBC asks what is to be done? It has several answers…
- Agreeing on asylum rules
- National asylum quotas
- Tackling migration at source
- Legal migration paths
- Sending migrants back
None of which solve the real problem…the war in Syria. The BBC ‘solution’s’ actually increase the problem or ignore that real problem though they do admit that:
Ending the war in Syria would make a huge difference – but that still looks a long way off. Syrians are the biggest group of migrants flocking to Europe.
Why hasn’t anyone acted to make a genuine effort to end the war? Because the same BBC and its fellow travellers would launch a media counter-offensive to prevent military action just as they did with Iraq and then proceed to paint Cameron as a war criminal over the course of the next 10 years.
Merkel has said that the refugee crisis is Europe’s biggest migration emergency since the second world war.
So treat this like the second world war. Put together a massive coalition of forces and destroy ISIL. Assad is almost certainly secure…..with Russian forces reportedly now moving in to support and bolster his regime making it very difficult to take action against him without getting a counter-reaction from Moscow…hardly likely to be something that brings peace to the world.
The West [& Saudi Arabia will have to be told to back off and stop supporting ISIL….and also to stop funding Muslim fundamentalism around the world] will have to accept that Assad is in fact the best hope for a stable Syria and Iraq and will have to fight alongside him to destroy ISIL even if not in an explicit coalition…. we joined up with the Communists in WWII so nothing new there. The ‘Free Syria’ forces will have to be put back in their box.. Hard facts but the only way.
This demands not just airstrikes but a massive presence on the ground. Kurdish forces, and certainly not Iraqi forces, will not dislodge ISIL. Only the combined might of many countries will rapidly end this and it has to be done now.
Lord Carey advocates airstrikes, George Osborne wants to smash ISIL, the former defence secretary Liam Fox says that “handwringing” about the plight of the refugees was not enough and action was needed to deal with the “root of the problem”…
“You’ve got to deal with the [migration] problem at source, which is this evil Assad regime and the Isil terrorists, and you need a comprehensive plan for a more stable, peaceful Syria. A huge challenge of course, but you can’t just let that crisis fester. We’ve got to get engaged in that.”
Even the ‘tread-lightly’ Matthew Parris in the Times thinks that the answer lies in tackling Syria telling us to ‘Stop crying if you’re serious about migrants’. He says that saying ‘we must do more’ when we see photos of dead children is not a policy….a ‘shaft of ice should enter the soul’ when considering the issues and we should not be swayed by emotive photographs or presumably BBC ‘journalism’.
He argues that the likes of the BBC have been exploiting the photograph of the drowned boy but we should not be swayed by this when deciding how to react, and that if we don’t get it right social cohesion in Europe will fall apart with all that entails….
Basic human decency takes us not a quarter of the way to a solution…Millions of migrants from another culture settling across Europe in a short time is not the answer for the countries they come from, or for us.
Every effort must be made to stop this accelerating…..There will be casualties and, yes, “casualties” is a euphemism for dead people. It isn’t easy to pit, against the power of one heart-rending photograph, a string of abstract nouns about the future social cohesion. But we must try.’
He is suggesting military action is the solution and that Muslim migration is a danger to Europe echoing the words of Orban and Carey and Boris Johnson.
The BBC has been avoiding serious discussion about military action as the solution…as shown above its main concern is the migrants and their comfort and when given the opportunity Sarah Montague failed to explore the issue when raised by Sir John Holmes. which is kind of remarkable for the BBC’s prime news and current affairs programme bearing in mind that this is probably one of , if not the, most pressing issue at the moment for the UK.
The BBC will of course not want to raise the question of the effect of Muslim immigration into Europe but it looks like it may well be forced onto their agenda with so many voices expressing serious concerns about this issue.
The only solution to Syria is boots on the ground. The BBC will hate this as it not only opposes any military action but is more than happy to see European unity and cultural solidarity smashed by immigration as it does in the UK seeking to encourage the notion that there is no such thing as ‘English’ identity.
The BBC does not really want a solution to the emigration crisis, it thinks the ‘crisis’ is in fact everything it, and the hard left, has dreamt of for years.
The photo looks like D Day.
Quite. Very similar to the craft used by the allies to invade the continent.
”ISIS may capture a vital highway.” They’ve already captured Londonistan, Birminghamobad, Abu Bradford etc etc enabled by Lib Lab Con.
Well said Lord Carey
Interestingly Justin Welby has chosen to talk about assisted suicide today and not pander to alBeeb’s desire to adopt every Syrian.
The best solution is not to allow any immigrants into the EU at all. A few weeks of that and they wouldn’t keep coming. Let some in and millions more will try. Merkel and Hollande are fools. The BBC is as usual determined to damage the UK in any way it can. The war in Syria is a Muslim civil war for which we have no responsibility. Even if we find a way to stop the war in Syria it will break out elsewhere in the Muslim world. Like the religious wars in Europe in the 17th century it may last a long, long time with millions of casualties. If another 10 million are displaced or choose to leave how many are EU leaders planning to take?The right thing for Europe is to refuse to take any of these folks and let the Muslims sort themselves out.
I saw an article earlier today about Iraq – people there are seeing what has been happening in Europe, are now selling their cars and other belongings to start the trek towards Europe. Likewise people all over Africa can see the crowds out of control, forcing their way across European borders. Merkel’s stupidity could trigger millions more to set off for Europe.
That’s too simple – Europe can’t see that .
Syria was the best moderate secular dictatorship in the ME, considering what is on offer in the rest of the ME, from Saudi Arabia and the rest.
Syria is/was a “beacon” of freedom of opportunity for religious minorities and women (comparatively). Christians can/could practice their faith publicly and without fear. Women can/could get an education and job, drive cars, and do just about anything.
Syria was the one country that took in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians when we “liberated” Iraq. It is one the few ME countries that has freedoms for religious minorities.
But our idiot politicians thought they could do better by replacing Assad, with al Nusra and so-called freedom fighters, all fronts for al Qaeda and worse.
An Armenian writes:
I can speak for the Armenians in Syria and can tell you that they are deathly afraid that the Syrian government will be overthrown by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi connected groups. The Western media make no mention of churches being attacked and of Christians being massacred by the Islamist groups the West supports, but when they do mention it they blame it on the Syrian government!
It is strange indeed when I, a staunch anti-Communist American-Armenian during the Cold War, now support Russia and China drawing a line in the sand against the West attacking the Syrian government.
The U.S. government is aiding and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis coming to power in multiple countries in the Middle East. This is the biggest strategic blunder by the West since the 1500s, along with Europe’s Euro-Arab Dialog which over the past 40 years has opened Europe to mass Muslim invasion. I spent most of my life believing in Western civilization but near the end of my life I see the West for what it has become — ignorant, deceptive, propelled by self-hatred, digging its own grave. It is no longer worthy of its inheritance.
As Arius, I no longer view USA as part of the West, but its enemy. As long as, what may term the Saudi -America axis of evil continues, tragedies for the civilised people, and the world will continue.
“The U.S. government is aiding and assisting the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis coming to power in multiple countries in the Middle East.”
Just remember who is the President of the USA.
The news that Russia is moving troops into Syria, indicates that they feel that Assad is winning the war. This means that the Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra, ISIS, and sundry other terrorist forces have lost.
Its good news for Christians and other minorities in Syria, but bad news for us, as Muslim Brotherhood, al Nusra and their dependants, will be coming to Europe, all rightfully claiming that they are Syrians. Miilions ,more from Africa are rushing to book their seats on rickety boats (@ricketyboatsEU. eu) , before the doors close, or autumn weather closes in.
What is Mad Merkel the thoughless, planning to do? She could resign, but that hardly helps, as the damage she has done to Europe cannot be undone without war.
Boots on the ground in Syria. But who will they fight? Cameron and Obama want to remove Assad, Putin wants to remove ISIS.
Best option is to let Allah sort it out; it’ a muslim war, not our responsibility as it has been going on since the time of the Pedo, long before oil was discovered, long before capitalism.
Stay out, enforce a cordon sanitaire; they don’t come here, we don’t go there. This war is set to continue for many years, millions will die, and given the number coming into Europe, it will break out here unless we produce politicians who are willing to stand firm.
I think that in the preoccupation with the Syrians we have forgotten all about the migrants from Africa.
Check out the photo
One day the significance of this poster will be accepted. For now these conquering heroes are welcome; they meet the emotional needs of the soft left, the political aspirations of leaders who believe that the BBC represents the people, and the Trots, and anarchists who are welcoming an international proletariat, ready to destroy capitalism
Situation in Greece and its islands are gettuing desperate
And more here from Hungary
Note the allahu ackbar – the war cry of Is;lam.
Where did they get that flag from ? Has someone brought it with them from wherever , or have they used time to make it when in the west ?
Here you are safe. All your worries will be gone.
The following video is so hideously foolish and unbelievably saccharine that I could barely stand to watch it. If it weren’t for my policy of viewing in full every video I embed, I would have bailed out after the first twenty seconds.
Watch it yourself; you’ll see.
Turkeys voting for Christmas. HELP!!!
It is quite obvious to the majority of Brits & Europeans, that the United Nations appear to be teading water in not taking the lead in this most dangerous of situation Europe has faced since WW2.
With hundreds of millions of African, Middle Eastern, and Asian people moving away from their places of origin heading for Europe-why Europe? Because with all the latest telecommunication geezmo’s, they can clearly see what delights await them in Europe-much beyond their wildest dreams, & with equal encouragement from EU politicians & their cohorts. Germany with its misplaced generosity of taking in another 800,000 migrants of which 640, 000 are Muslims, and which will by end of 2015 give Germany a population of 6 million Muslims will eventually destroy Germany. Sharia Law already well established in many German cities-God forbid.
But why has not the United Nations together with all Western governments challenged the rich Arab states to welcome their co-religionists?
Any of these people that claim to be refugee’s should understand that by paying a trafficker to aid their entry to a country is deemed illegal under the definition given by the United Nations. So that would expel nearly every one of the immigrants now arriving on European Shores. What are the authorities waiting for ?
“Furthermore, Gulf elites feel this mess would never have happened in the first place had the West done something sooner to deal with Mr Assad and his regime. Pleas from Western diplomats are likely to fall on deaf ears.”
Proof of what the Gulf states policy is on Syria, and what a surprise it’s exactly the same as the US and Western governments. Now I wonder what could possibly account for that?