The BBC et al have been scathingly dismissive of the Hungarian approach to migration especially the Prime Minister’s suggestion that Hungary should only take in Christian migrants as Muslims will ‘threaten to undermine Europe’s Christian roots’. The BBC have decided he is an extremist….Hungary PM Viktor Orban: Antagonising Europe since 2010. However if you read the piece you will come away thinking there is nothing that Hungary has done that is ‘extreme’, judging by the BBC’s seeming criteria for such a label the Tories would also be ‘extremists’…but then what’s new?
Orban was roundly condemned for his words…
He denied that the emergency was a refugee crisis, but one of mass migration.
“Those arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims,” he said. “This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity.
“Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? There is no alternative, and we have no option but to defend our borders.”
But is he right? Judging by events not just from around the world but inside Europe itself you have to say he probably is.
So how will people now react to the words of Lord Carey?:
Britain should make Syrian Christians a priority because they are a particularly vulnerable group. Furthermore, we are a Christian nation with an established Church so Syrian Christians will find no challenge to integration. The churches are already well-prepared and eager to offer support and accommodation to those escaping the conflict.
Some will not like me saying this, but in recent years, there has been too much Muslim mass immigration to Europe. This has resulted in ghettos of Muslim communities living parallel lives to mainstream society, following their own customs and even their own laws. Isn’t it high-time instead for the oil-rich Gulf States to open their doors to the many Muslims who are fleeing conflict? Surely if they are concerned for fellow Muslims who prefer to live in Muslim-majority countries, then they have a moral responsibility to intervene.
The Guardian has reported only his comments on airstrikes in Syria they have dodged his other comments…. the BBC has not reported any of his words at all at present.
He also says:
As a European Union, we should be prepared to close the doors to large numbers of economic migrants and return them to their countries. A proper process of registration must be conducted, ideally in refugee camps on the borders of Europe. And if the numbers get too large, we should be prepared to admit refugees on a provisional and temporary basis, reviewing their status periodically until they can return home.
It’s not enough to send aid to refugee camps in the Middle East. There must be renewed military and diplomatic efforts to crush the twin menaces of Islamic State and al-Qaeda once and for all. Make no mistake: this may mean air strikes and other British military assistance to create secure and safe enclaves in Syria.
So a triple whammy for the BBC….no more Muslims, no more economic migrants and military action to crush Muslim extremists.
The BBC are scouring Wikipedia for the dirt on Lord Carey as you read. The hatchets are being sharpened and a counter-narrative prepared to prove him not only wrong but possibly mad and more than likely the long lost son of Adolf Hitler.
If this invasion continues we’ll have ‘Syria law’ in no time.
But seriously folks, has anyone done any investigation into just who the traffickers are? Certainly in Lybia all the reports I’ve seen show ISIS is behind it. Now that would make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it? The cameras like to focus in on women and children, but when they pan out we can easily see that the overwhelming majority are male Muslims of military age. As ever the BBC are playing the jihadi propaganda game.
Sensible comments from both Orban and Carey, but we don’t have any spare troop to deploy in the Middle East. We’ll need them on the street here.
Strange how the BBC are first to criticise elected politicians and candidates for doing the same.
The BBC has been trying to run a “moral” argument. Yet when the former Archbishop of Canterbury gives a considered moral view on the topic – the BBC ignores him utterly. A search of the BBC website shows not a single reference to Carey’s remarks. He is persona non grata, obviously – a rabid xenophobe in the BBC’s book.
Carey’s arguments are compelling, I feel. Especially his remarks about rich Arab countries failing to take any refugees from Syria.
I have a lot of sympathy for the “rich Arab countries” on this very narrow point. They have said that they are not willing to accept “refugees” because their number will also include terrorists. The priority for the Gulf States is their existing populations and safeguarding them from terrorist attacks. I wish our government had a similar priority.
On the wider question of Muslim terrorism I have no sympathy for the Gulf States as they have done so much to encourage and fund the terrorists.
Lest anybody think that the BBC are uncaring about the plight of Christians:
Given all the persecution of Christians throughout the Islamic world for years now as described by Raymond Ibrahim, the BBC have finally decided to come to their rescue. They’ve also put the story on the main Mid-East webpage to ensure that it will receive the public attention it deserves.
So guess who the evil regime singled out are.
Protesters rally over funding for Christian schools in Israel
What bothers me greatly in all this that outside Hungary (it seems) very few people value or even understand European cultural heritage. We actually don’t in the normal course of life really need to understand it as it runs through or very nature like writing through a stick of rock. But when this culture is threatened, as it is now, we ought to wake up pretty fast & appreciate & protect our culture or else everything that we hold dear will be torn away from us.
Yes Europe has a Christian cultural heritage, it is also rooted in Judaism, but we also have a Classical cultural heritage rooted in Ancient Greece, not only did that give us the basis of democracy but also the foundation of all our philosophy.
Europeans have a unifying personality of rationality, pilanthropy, & morals that come from this heritage of Classicism, Judaism, Christianity, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, democracy, universal suffrage. These are all things I fail to see in Islam. If I thought Islam would be the next beneficial step in our culture I would be quite relaxed by today’s situation, but Islam’s very existance is to destroy our culture, it certainly cannot accept it by its own very nature. They want to rid the world of Western culture, its art, music philosophy, everything.
Even if you do not believe in God, the Christian culture still runs deep in everything we do. Islam will destroy it & us. Hungary is right.
CranbrookPhil you are so correct in your analysis. What is to become of our future generations.Will our children and grandchildren thank us or curse us for diluting our British Nationhood.
I am afraid the change towards Britain becoming an Islamist country is inevitable all the while the lefty Labour supporting Anti British Broadcasting Authority steer the indigenous populus away from our British roots.
On a slightly different point why are not the Unions and Labour MP’s more damagingly exposed in their support of the very disgusting facist group- Unite Against Facsim. The anti British UAF whose leader Azid Ali once said that as a muslim he would be called to kill British soldiers. Another member is Weyman Bennett who is an admitted Islamist.Enough said.
The police along with the BBC also tend to support them against pro British demonstrators. The state is clearly against the preservation of what has taken this country years to mature, educate and develop. The state is now in the hands of big business -generally foreign-and does not in my opinion represent the common or garden British citizen.
The civil war in Britain will soon be upon us unless Cameron develops a spine which he will not. As an Englishman born and bred I’ve had enough of multiculturist political correctness stuffed down my throat. I want to be a free man in both speech and expression, and feel a proud member in what I have always believed in to be my country, England.