Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.
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Sorry, I posted this in the other open thread but that was hundreds of posts long and I think it bears repeating.
Anyone interested in seeing what is REALLY going on in Lesbos, I STRONGLY urge you to watch these two videos and share far and wide. Remember, this isn’t just “somewhere foreign.” This is in Europe! And it’s all coming to a street near you.
Please watch and share to counter the BBC’s….. I was going to say bias, but really their coverage goes far beyond that now. We’re getting into the realms of collaboration now. It may even make one of those “poor refugees, why are you so heartless?” idiots use their brains for once.
“We are afraid! [….] Someone has to protect us. They are coming into our houses.” —
“Our lives are in danger…. they are coming in our houses.” —
This should be on the 10 0’clock news. Still tonight at 7.30 0n the BBC we have ‘What it’s like to live behind the veil’ – who gives a f£*k is the standard answer.
‘What it’s like to live behind the veil’.
A bit hot, but it does stop ketchup from getting all over your beard, so it’s not all down-side is it?
Hi, thought I would share this with you all. My wife is Polish and received an email from a friend on Sunday 6th Sept. She didn’t have time to translate it for me so I put it through google translate, That’s why some of the grammar is a little strange, but the meaning I think is clear
‘Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria with my own eyes I saw a great many immigrants … With all solidarity with people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror … This huge mass of people – sorry, that’s right – but it’s an absolute wilderness … Vulgar, throwing bottles, loud shouts of “We want Germany” – and Germany is now a paradise? I saw an elderly Italian women surrounded in her car, pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted the car drive away. The coach in which I was in the group tried to push over? Shit thrown at us, banging on the door to be opened driver, spat on the glass … I ask for what purpose? How does this wilderness is to assimilate in Germany? I felt for a moment like a war … I really feel sorry for these people, but if they reached Poland – I do not think that they will receive from us any understanding … We have three hours to the border through which ultimately passed. The whole group of police cordon was transported back to Italy. Coach is damaged, faeces smeared, scratched, broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea of the demographics? These big powerful hordes of savages? Among them was actually not women, no children – the vast majority of aggressive were young men … Just yesterday I read the news on all the websites subconsciously compassion, worried about their fate and today after what I saw just afraid and yet I am happy, they do not choose our country as their destination. We Poles are simply not ready to accept these people – neither culturally nor financially. I do not know if anyone is ready. EU walks pathology which has not had a chance to ever see, and sorry if anyone offended his entry … I think that drove up the car with humanitarian aid – mainly food and water and they just rolled their car they … With megaphones Austrians imparted a message that there is consensus that crossed over the border – they wanted to register them and let go on – but they did not understand these messages. I do not understand. And it was all the greatest horror … For those few thousand people nobody understood neither Italian nor the angielksu, or German, or Russian, or Spanish … What mattered was right fist … They fought for permission to move on and this agreement have – but did not realize that they have it! The coach of the French group hatches were open – everything was in the middle in a short time has been stolen, some things lying on the ground … Never in my short life, I had no opportunity to watch such scenes and I feel that this is just the beginning. On a final note, it is worth helping, but not at any price’.
No propaganda, just a friend of my wife seeing the truth
Thanks for that, Mr A. I and my FB friends know – the Ministry of Truth refuses to show it! It needs to go in all the newspapers as well. I have a personal interest in Lesvos – it is to be my retirement home…..
World at One was full of it. It is not even news reporting but simply propaganda with no consideration of the real issues. Laughable in fact for an organisation that costs so much and is so full of it.
Always the leading questions that are so agenda driven . There was a long interview with a Syrian who spoke excellent and colloquial English. He had either lived in the US , Canada or here. The BBC hack did not pick up on this at all. Now there should have been a question there waiting to be asked but nothing from the hack at all .Just emoting and tut tutting.
This will go on till the kiddies get tired of it and find some new cause to emote over.
That Russia has moved men and advanced weaponry into Syria did not get a mention. That is news and they should know it.
What a bunch these hacks are nowadays.
Are you there Harrabin? The Guardian has located an important factor in the refugee crisis.
It’s Climate Change.
6 men jailed over Aylesbury sex ring, not sure why Al Beeb decided to helpfully add, that the victims came from “troubled backgrounds”
nudge nudge
On BBC text service no mention of ethnicity or names, only indication was via photgraphs on the news report. Doubtless photos will be lost in ensuing reports.
“Asian men ” it says on BBCNews website.
So unfortunately the poor untainted Sikhs’ and Hindus’ lumped in with the ROPists’ in these heinous crimes.
Meanwhile BBC text news, reports claims of sexual abuse by a former Dragon’s Den panellist and helpfully not only gives his name but also age.
In the Midlands text news we learn of an physical attack on someone; the attacker is described as white. We all know when there is no description the ethnicity of the attackers.
BBC report on supposed increase in attacks on Muslims, nothing compared with the viscous sexual abuse (racist) on young white girls, but as Shelly and others here indicate, the BBC is too cowardly, racist and biased against truthful reporting when dealing with EMB crime
A few days ago a young Jewish boy was attacked in Prestwich near Manchester, by a group of men. He was so badly injured that he’s lucky to still be alive. Goodness knows the ethnicity of the men who attacked him because the few short reports I’ve seen make no mention of it. Habitually, now when neither pictures nor a description of the perpetrators is given, I conclude they are non-white, non-Christian. If a muslim had been attacked by a gang of English men the bbc would have been all over it like a rash. But, just as with the murder of Kris Donald by hate filled muslims, in the bbc’s world they choose to ignore where the hate and viciousness resides. God help us when the swarm finally get started on cleansing us from our own country.
A lot of people are asking what the wealthy Arab Sates are doing about this crisis.
The simple answer is laughing up their sleeves. They must be pissing their pants at how Europe is slashing its own throat. Their dream of a global caliphate could not have been more easily realised.
The pro-immigration propaganda from the BBC is incessant. I seriously wonder what it will take to prompt any shift in tone?
Will it be when one million are here, two million, ten million?
There are 7.6 million people displaced in Syria – just Syria – so not Somalia, Eritrea, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc etc
Merkel, Hollande, Pope Francis etc are doing nothing but encouraging others to come to our continent.
And millions will come. And the results will be catatsrophic. And all ably assisted by the fifth columnists at the BBC.
All part of the agenda.
Most of the people workign at the BBC have no loyalty to British people, they are either of total or partial immigrant descent themselves, or are homosexual, hence are a bit chippy towards authority and tradition, seeing it as hsotile to their own particualr agenda. Lots of the homosexual men have a fancy for exotic boys too, and see immigration as delivering them straight into their hands.
In light of thousands being given ‘wave through’ access to everywhere in Europe, does that now mean we in this country don’t have to stand for ever in a Security queue at the airport for a flight to Berlin ! It seems beyond belief that we are expected to undergo the security, initially caused by the 9/11 outrage by the vast majority of the religious group now invading Europe, yet these same peoples could be responsible for possibly tons of explosives being given unrestricted access into this continent without the slightest hint of security.
From the Telegraph today:
“There is an angry demonstration by Syrians demanding to be allowed off the island. Such was their anger, one refugee told me: “Until now, we have respected Greek people.” Marah al-Darwish, 24, a Syrian Kurd from Aleppo, went on: “But if this goes on, refugees will start breaking cars and killing people.”
09:33 –
The lack of balance in BBC comedy has often been noted here. If the likes of Jeremy Hardy, Rufus Hound etc are looking for suitable material they are welcome to the following:-
Have you ever wondered why it’s OK to make jokes about Catholics, the Pope, Jews, Christians, the Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Chinese, the French (including French Canadians), the elderly, bad golfers, men/women , blacks/whites, etc, but its insensitive to make jokes about Muslims?
Time to level the playing field!
1. If you grow and refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor, You may be a Muslim.
2. If you own a $3,000 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes,
You may be a Muslim.
3. If you have more wives than teeth, You may be a Muslim.
4. If you wipe your butt with your bare hand but consider bacon to be unclean, You may be a Muslim.
5. If you think vests come in two styles: Bullet-proof and suicide.
You may be a Muslim
6. If you can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared jihad against,
You may be a Muslim.
7. If you consider television dangerous but routinely carry explosives in your clothing,
You may be a Muslim.
8. If you were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs,
You may be a Muslim.
9. If you have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four,
You may be a Muslim.
The BBC broadcast a programme last night at 23.00 on Radio 4 Extra which took the pee out of moslems called Sparkhill Sound.
Might be worth a listen on “catch up”.
Is a fatwah on the way for someone at the BBC?
It also used the word “Paki” so I think I will send in a complaint as that is a banned word on the BBC as far as I know, unless because the script was by those with a sub-continent connection and the performers ditto that may be acceptable in the BBC’s eyes.
10. If some of your best friends are gay,
11. If you will fight to defend women’s liberty,
12. If you have vowed to eradicate anti-Semitism,
13. If you are a staunch defender of multi-culturalism and a plural society where everyone’s beliefs are respected, and we all rub along together,
14. If anti-slavery is a cause that is written on your heart,
15. If peace is a prize that is worth making the first move for,
16. If you will welcome the poor and suffering of the world to your doorstep,
17. If you value emotional intelligence, empathy. and are passionate about tolerating those that offend you,
Then I’m sure you may be a muslim.
Islamophobic crime in London up by 70%.
Thats the headline on the BBC News site, it was on the front page but is now just prominent in the UK section. It also featured as one of the leading headlines on BBC TV and Radio news this morning.
As usual there is more to this story that could be said. To that effect I have sent the following complaint to our friends:-
Dear BBC
Your report correctly states that Islamophobic crime in London has increased by 70% from 478 to 816 incidents. However the Met Police data, actually available from a link in your article, shows that anti-Semitic crime over the same period grew at a much faster rate – up 93.4% from 258 to 499 cases. In view of the fact that the London Muslim population is vastly higher, over 1m Muslims compared to c170k Jews according to wiki. both the incidence of anti-Semitic crime and the rate of growth is far far worse than the corresponding figures for Islamophobia. So why does one group (Muslims) get front page coverage on BBC News website and regular mentions as a headline on BBC TV news while the other (Jews) is not even mentioned? Going further it appears that there will be a TV program tonight devoted to the Islamophobic crime rate, why not a similar program for the far worse anti-Semitic crime wave? I await your reply with interest.
I wonder what the response will be?
“I wonder what the response will be?”
You will probably be accused of being an Islamaphobe.
Well done, John. Great stuff. Please keep us posted if you get a reply. Shelly, LOL !
Islamofauxbia hate crime? … more intelligence insulting garbage
if I ever hear anyone use that term, I pull them up on it immediately
I explain, how it was invented, and why and by whom.
I am forthright explain how groups playing on this term here are discredited, even laughable.
Islamophobia this nonsense words literal meaning debunked in less than 5 seconds …
What happens if you draw Mohamhead or burn a Quran?
it is not a phobia then is it…
There’s nothing wrong with hatred. Jesus hates; He hates evil. islam is the embodiment of evil and deserves to be hated. The muslims know this and that’s why they are determined to ban any negative thoughts about islam.
I see there is a link to Tell MAMA but not to Migrationwatch.
BTW, how can a phobia be a crime?
Good point John will the animal rights activists be after me because I have a phobia about Rats ?
The far left don’t know their isms from their obias
So, I am guilty of hate crimes against spiders?
I had no idea – they really kept that hidden well, didn’t they?
I posted this on the last thread and the BBC have used Fiyaz Mughal and ‘Tell MAMA’ the discredited liar.
Many of the attacks on Muslims have not been ‘Islamophobic’ in any way nor racist either, in general attacks on Muslims run at a lower level than the normal populace.
One such attack which was pretty dreadful was a deranged black asylum seeker who punched a Muslim woman unconscious with a single punch then ran off. Turned out he was psychotic, didn’t stop it being recorded as a hate crime though despite all the evidence to the contrary because the meaningless words ‘racism, and Islamophbia’ are what ever the ‘victim’ want them to be.
I dunno why anyone is surprised when the BBC come up with ridiculous “Islamophobia” reports like this, citing totally discredited orginisations such as “Tell Mama”…The vast majority of their current “news” reporters have obtained their positions by applying for jobs via the Guardian newspaper….
Now the Guardian newspapers overall circulation is at a historic low, but you would never know that if your only news outlet was the BBC, indeed sometimes via the BBCs six o clock news, you can scan down the headlines given off on the Guardian newspaper to know what comes next in Al-beebs televisual format.
Take a trip around the Internet….Ignore the swivel eyed loons of the militant left that claim that the BBC are pro Israel, and you’ll find that everyone everywhere is well aware that the BBC’s news output is disgracefully biased toward the left.
Bravo John – thanks for bringing this to our attention. You inspired me to submit my own formal complaint as follows:
Your news site headlines and reports on 7 September 2015 the latest Metropolitan Police yearly data on Islamophobic crime in London, which has, as you say, increased by 70.7%, to 816 from 478 crimes. However, the link you give to the same crime figures also shows that anti-Semitic crime grew at a much faster rate, namely by 93.4%, to 499 from 258 crimes. As there are around 7 times as many Muslims as Jews in London, it means that both the relative incidence of anti-Semitic crime and growth in anti-Semitic crime are significantly greater than the incidence and growth of Islamophobic crime. My complaint is that the BBC has not reported this situation fully or fairly, selecting to report only on how one religious group (Muslim) is affected, and ignoring the other (Jewish) which is actually relatively worse affected. I also see that a special program on Islamophobic crime will be screened on BBC Inside Out London and the BBC News Channel on 7 September, compounding your apparent bias in reporting this type of crime. The public are not being told the full story by BBC News, and what they are being told is not the main story.
Alright I know he’s not with the Beeb but surely Jon Snow is an honorary beeboid.
Snow is a bellend. He’s making a false comparison – and deliberately so. The Asians we welcomed into the UK back in the 70s fully integrated into our culture, respecting our freedoms and laws (and our children). More importantly, they didn’t bring with them the toxic ideology of The Religion of Special Needs.
Islam – overwhelmingly the toxic ideology of the vast majority of young, fighting-age economic migrants/footsoldiers of the Caliphate that are currently stealing their way into Western Europe – respects no freedoms, no laws other than its own Sharia laws and cannot be equated with the Asians who came in the 70s. There is a gulf of difference between the two events on so many levels, and Snow, being the dissembling moron that he is, is well aware of it.
Snow is a clueless, dishonest ‘multiculti’ zealot. He couldn’t care less about the dangers posed to all Western European nations by the influx of young, fighting-age stateless, disenfranchised muslim men. And why would such things bother him, in his hermetically-sealed progressive-fascist bubble of self-congratulatory backslapping?
If I could be bothered I’d tweet Snow and ask him if “all Asians look the same to him” and then accuse him of racism.
I believe the Ugandan Asians had British passports. What was the government meant to do?
And yes, Jon Snow is a complete bellend.
I can only comment on the one Ugandan Asian I know.
Really nice chap, married an English girl and integrated really well.
The Ugandan Asians were a bit like the Chinese in Malaya – the ones who run the businesses, which the indigenous begrudge.
Am I right in thinking many turned their hands to corner shop proprietorship?
”The Asians we welcomed into the UK back in the 70s fully integrated into our culture, respecting our freedoms and laws”
Yasmin Allbai Brown?!
I think you will find there are a lot like her from the same intake. They like her father regarded black people as inferior.
In her case, she has become her father, but it is white British men she despises.
The Ugandan Asians had no legal right to come to Britain, just because some of them had U.K. passports. There had been legislation in 1962 to curb the entry of the holders of U.K. and Colonies passports; in addition, when the British colonies in East Africa became independent there was nothing to suggest that their citizens had a right to move to Britain and legislation in 1968 had specified that the opposite should, in fact, be the case.
There was no obligation to the Ugandan Asians under international law, as they weren’t British nationals: a condition of Britain joining the E.E.C. (as then called) was a negotiation with the E.E.C. which defined who British nationals were. The definition of which clearly excluded those such as the Ugandan Asians.
They should have returned to their ancestral homelands, the Indian sub-continent, not been allowed to move here; those who were allowed by Traitor Heath (another Tory @rseh0l3 PM) to move here, just gravitated to those areas already riddled with immigrants (e.g. West Midlands) and further exacerbated the existing problems caused by immigration in those places.
Was Jasmine Alibaba Brown in that lot?
And we were blessed with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown…..
Grateful she is not. Like 20,000 others coming I would suspect.
Priti Patel’s family were Ugandan Asians
That would be this Alibhai-Brown, who seems to have forgotten the colour of the skins of the majority of people in Britain – you know, the country that saved her.
Controversial columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is accused of making a series of racist remarks against white people, even going as far as to say she wants them to be a “lost species”. According to Rod Liddle, when asked in a TV interview what she thought of white people, she responded: “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
Lord Hall outlined his view of the future for the BBC this morning
Clever stuff I guess, but an awful lot of assumptions in here, it seems to me, most of them currently untested.
When Osborne says that the BBC is too imperialist in its approach (or something like that) he isn’t wrong. Why should we, the Licence Fee payer, pay for the development of a news service in Ethiopia or Eritrea?
Lord Hall pretends the BBC is trying to help the local newspaper industry.
A rep. of that industry says it is all BS – and rejects Hall’s ideas.
Will that soft fool Whittingdale be taken in ? (He looks like a pudding and increasingly talks like a pudding)
Help the local news industry by recruiting another 100 BBC journalists to provide them with ‘unique’ news stories.
After her rash offer of opening her doors to the lot of them, with a view to taking in nearly a million migrants, Ms Merkel has now stepped up to the mic and wants the rest of Europe to take their share ! Hang on Ang, you’ve barely taken in 30,000 and now you want help already ???? er, don’t think so love, you’re clearly getting grief from your own colleagues for landing Germany in it, – there’s an old British saying……. ‘you makes your bed……………..’
Funny that, 5 years ago Merkel said:
Good article by the BBC’s Robert Peston describing how Germany is actually acting in its own self interest in taking in economic migrants, and how different the demographics are from Britain.
”Good article by the BBC’s Robert Peston.” An oxymoron.
The only reason Germany’s demographics are different is because the UK has already been conned into accepting the flawed logic of mass immigration is now chock full of non British. It is certainly not in the interests of the German people.
If Germany is acting in its own interest, why ask other countries to “share the burden”. You can’t have it both ways. The barge-arsed chancellor did after all welcome all fleeing Syrians into her state. Has she now decided that there is an optimal level of self-interest? Why did she not realise this a couple of days ago?
If I was German I wouldn’t be happy, and would prefer the Japanese model, but Merkel is not being altruistic. She hopes to cherry pick workers for German industry but disperse the rest through Europe. The UK does not need to take any lessons on morality from Germany or France.
I agree with you regarding the Japanese model’ In 50 years time Japan will still be Japan with it’s own culture, ethnicity and history. This despite all the claims it needs migrants to help deal with an aging population and declining birthrate.
Innovation and invention, robots and technology will deal with productivity etc. while a declining population,(just going back to former levels) will mean Japan can sustain and feed it’s own population.
In the West, we will have no cultural identity of our own, factions at war with each other, massive and unsustainable population levels. Of course the migrants will be able to pop home with children, grandchildren to their former country where they will be able to identify with their own culture and ethnic heritage.
If we need workers, then let them come, be responsible for all their own living costs and go home when their work contract expires, thank you for your help, but no residency and no nationality including for any children born to them
Sensible model base on the UAE where my daughter, husband and two g/children live.
Another interesting point about the Japanese model. They do have a lot of foreign workers. They come to work in factories like Isuzu in Yokohama. You can see Brazilians working there with safety signs put up in Portuguese for their benefit. The difference is they are being trained in Japanese methods and culture. They then return to their own country spreading Japanese methods and culture; the reverse of what is happening in Europe.
She’ll be able to do that too, the intelligent and well educated will learn German and get jobs, while the dim or illiterate will come to Britain, where they speak a smatering of the language, as soon as they get citizenship, which is just a matter of months by account of one ‘Mohammed’ whose story of settlement in Germany the BBC gace us this morning.
Not sure I’d agree with that. Seemed to be full of gaping holes, in the sound economics sense. Think old Bob was caught up in the spirit of the 1930s when he was writing that piece.
He has to decide whether he’s going to be Economics Editor, Business Editor or Politics Editor and then get the DG to agree. Have a sneaking suspicion that he’d like to be all three and DG as well!
(Sorry, I clicked this as a reply to Flexdream, the w/s s/ware has decided otherwise!)
Dan Walker on Five Live – “We’re getting a lot of texts accusing us of propaganda. All we’re trying to do is give you a picture of what’s going on across Europe right now.”
Preceded by a piece by Sarah Brett aggressively interviewing an Eastern European politician who’s not too keen on accepting millions of immigrants and a nicey nicey chat with the Aid worker.
Was there ever a more deluded fool?
The fact he’s admitting it suggests to me they’re getting a hell of a lot. This could be doing the BBC a lot of damage, because its bias has become clear to a lot more people.
I think this is the time the BBC has completely jumped the shark. Even the most blinkered person cannot fail to see their naked bias. They are failing in their most basic requirement of being a news organisation. The left liberal mindset which is universal at the BBC simply cannot comprehend the damage they have done to themselves. The fact that they are panicking over the texts they are getting shows that at some level they may dimly be becoming aware of it, but at this stage there is nothing they can do to change it.
None of this means that they will not survive the charter renewal mostly unscathed, of course, because Call Me Dave is a spineless idiot.
And later the simpering joy and abandon, the excitement in her voice as she describes the huge welcome that the migrants / asylum seekers /draft dodgers / illegals / on the runners get as they step down from the train.
Then, interview after interview with the handwringers who have turned out with sweeties clothes and toys, presented as the human face of Germany and anyone of good faith that questions what is going on is ridiculed or marginalised – it’s the way that the left shut people up.
All day the BBC have been at it.
Is anyone keeping track at the number of ISIS militants smuggling themselves into Europe under the guise of being a “refugee?” The IS top brass probably can’t believe their luck. We are simply letting them walk in. Muslims have tried for over a millennia to rampage into Europe and all they had to do all along was pretend they are refugees. Our crusading ancestors must be turning in their graves.
Don’t forget the Taliban as well. The reports from the Beeb were informative enough to say there were Afghans in some of the groups. Hopefully they will be Afghans who are favourably disposed to the West and will be a peaceful moderating influence.
Am clutching at straws, I know.
Why aren’t the Saudi’s taking in refugees? They have the facilities. Enough room here for BBC staff covering the migrant crisis.
As seen in the photo, it is not a refugee camp. It is a tent camp in the mine, these are for the pilgrims toward Mecca. Each tent is made of non-combustible material and fully air-conditioned. The warehouse can hold 3 million people.
Why they will not be made available to the refugees, their Muslim brothers and sisters who are fleeing from war? Saudi Arabia has a 0 (zero) refugees from Syria!
Find out the truth ..see>
The Saudis know what these people are like. Bloodthirsty savages ready to rape and pillage to get whatever they want.
And that’s just the BBC reporters trying to make a story out of a story !!!!
Here, the BBC – in a way not afforded to Western nations – explains, analyses, and makes all sorts of excuses for, the Gulf States’ refusal to lift a finger in the refugee crisis.
Sadly, the feelings and views of what surely must be the vast majority of the BBC’s home nation is not granted the same depth of coverage. In fact, they haven’t even given it the time of day (to the best of my knowledge) – we are just racist.
Move along please.
To explain this requires delving deeper into Gulf states’ fears regarding political stability within their own borders, and into larger questions of civic identity and the notion of what being a citizen of a Gulf state means.
Oh, the fucking irony….
I haven’t watched the News for the past couple of days, it has become unbearable, the sobbing, the wailing, the hysterical over acting, and that’s just the reporters. It’s like Princess Diana’s death all over again.
What, Princess Diana is dead? They kept that quiet! Does the Daily Mail know?
David I have used the Diana hysteria to compare the present BBc ptopaganda more than once even on this blog but only the once on here. Oh and now.
Caught red-handed. Starts at 11.15.
That of course would be ‘Tory tech dragon’ and recent BBC ‘talent’.
There are some interesting OT comments on the BBC’s keeping to the actualite in their ‘migrant’ reporting from Germany.
“More trust and transparency with your tea, Vicar?”
Enema Thompson ” The Calais migrants have been through unspeakable things,” is she referring to Songs of Praise ?
No she’s referring to that silly cow who lobbed up with her ukulele playing mate…And treated them to a rendition of Don’t worry be happy.
Same thing.
Did they have to watch an episode of “Thompson”?
This c*nt really boils my piss.
For some reason, the late Alan Clark MP’s euphemism for defaecation was “Thompson”, as in “He had a Thompson”. I don’t think he was was referring to Emma, but you never know. Yes, Thompson with a “p”.
Please note that this vapid, silly bitch has carefully contrived a look now…..combat like jacket or headscarve round neck, minimal make-up, tousled hair,…..angst look and body language perfected in the mirror, with glass of wine handy……how false is this….then again, she is…acting.
Enema Thompson ” We’re ALL waaycist,” apparently, from Lands End to John O’Groats, if that’s the case how come London is now majority ethnic ?
The BBC and half a story.
West Bank arson attack: Mother of baby victim dies
Tragic to be sure but in typical BBC fashion the as yet unproven claim that Jews were responsible is highlighted by being repeated twice and considerable signs that it might not be the Jews after all is ignored.
1) Zakaria al-Sadda, official fieldworker for Rabbis for Human Rights, said in a statement, “According to my experience and my follow ups on settler attacks, we can rule out the possibility that they caused the burning of this house, and that the most likely cause is due to an electrical fault.” [Source in Arabic]
2) Coinicidence alert: This was the fourth Dawabeshe fire in Duma this year
3) The report notes that one of the grafitti says revenge in Hebrew but doesn’t mention that the other says ‘Long live the king messiah’. This is very odd because this is a slogan of the Chabad sect in Judaism referring to the late Lubavitcher Rabbi and the settler movement and the settler movement is not associated with Chabad.
4) Many Arabs are able to speak Hebrew. The style of lettering is somewhat odd as if Hebrew isn’t the writer’s normal written communication which bolsters the theory an Arab wrote it. There have been other cases where Arabs have scrawled graffiti at the site of a local dispute in the hopes of diverting the investigation. Notably at Tuba Zangaria
5) How likely is it that Jews could enter the village and torch a dwelling in the centre without being detected either coming or going.
None of this absolutely proves Jews were not responsible but it raises considerable doubt. You would never know from the BBC.
Labour and the BBC seem to be having a ‘left had/even lefter hand’ meltdown internally. When they try and get in step between them it really goes South. Funny if not also tragic.
Woman’s Hour
Subject rape.
Tens minutes without the “R” word and the “M” word.
No mention of the rape epidemic caused by non-whites.
No mention of the rape epidemic caused by Muslims.
No mention of the epidemic of whiplash injuries suffered by non-whites.
Ha ha ha Frauleins told to cover their arms and legs to appease the migrants.
“female pupils have been asked to refrain from wearing “revealing clothes” because “refugee accommodation” has been set up next to the school’s gym”
Someone thought that might be a good idea? 😯
What is Cameron thinking by letting some thousands of the migrants into our country? It seems as though the wishes of the British people not to have any migrants, are being ignored by the PM. Is he in league with the BBC et al , or is he scared of looking uncaring amongst those prize fools Merkel and Hollande? Surely he must know that the BBC isn’t just playing on our emotions but also willfully distorting the views of the people. In fact all the media are at it , claiming that we want these migrants, when all anecdotal evidence is that we don’t. Of course we don’t know the full extent of the anti immigrant feeling because that news is always suppressed, whilst the pro immigrant side of the issue is massively hyped. Perhaps Cameron has decided that the minimum he can get away with is to allow 15,000 in and hopes that this will appease the BBC et al and his looney EU colleagues. I doubt that this will be the case because once you start down this road where do you stop? The BBC will keep on hammering away with more pictures, stories, lies and distortions, designed to play on the emotions of the gullible and convince Cameron that the Brits overwhelmingly want more and more migrants. I expect that we will end up with more than a 100k by this time next year.
What is certain is that we have seen the power of the BBC at its most manipulative and worst during this summer’s migrant crisis. The damage that this organisation has done to my country over the past decades is enormous. It seems beyond the power of any government to reign it in . We are a country that is run by a state funded monopolistic propaganda agency for the left. Perhaps we are the first country in the world to be run by a mediaocracy that is so powerful that it can ignore the wishes of democratically elected governments but is able to shape their policy, and just ignores the will of the people themselves.
Indeed, if you look at the response from Westminster, the Lib Dems have been silent and Labour have been very quiet bar the odd mawkish selfie. The true “Opposition” in this country comes from the fake charities, the quangos, the Unions but most especially, as has been proven without a doubt in the last week or so, the BBC and their Twatterati minions. How any politician can let this monstrosity exist after this week is beyond me; surely even the Political Left would be wary of such a force, as sympathetic to their aims as it may be, that is wholly outside of their control.
One shaft of light – I’ve just been on the one BBC article that is allowing comments and there are lots of people mentioning BBC bias, the photo of the child possibly being staged, the overwhelming number of men in the horde and so on. So many can see through it. Then again, Cameron has just announced he’ll accept 20,000 so what does that matter? The numbers coming from this spineless gimp just keep going up, so we’ll be at 20 million by this time tomorrow.
Cameron can agree to take them now and bask in the warm glow of BBC approval, or he can wait a couple of weeks until Merkel gives instructions on the numbers to be allocated to each EU member – which will make him look a wimp. Of course agreeing a number now doesn’t make him any less a wimp, it just hides it better.
His key policy since 2005 has been appeasement of the BBC, so at least he’s being consistent.
Just watched the debate in the House of Commons on the migrant crisis. Only one MP , the member for Shipley , a conservative naturally, challenged the prevailing mood that the British people really wanted the UK to take in lots of migrants. He said something to the effect that, he hoped that the PM would remember the silent majority of the British people who were not convinced about taking lots of migrants. I wish he was my MP. I admire him for standing up for what the Brits really want, not what the liberal left/BBC want us to want. Otherwise it was how generous the Brits were in wanting to take so many, how MPs had been overwhelmed by the positive response to the call for more refugees, etc etc. All complete lies of course. It shows how dangerous the BBC is. It starts a movement off and within a few days it forces the government’s hand with a load of bogus stats and emotions.
Still waiting for the reply from my Mp that I e-mailed on Friday.
I don’t think Mr Cameron has actually capitulated at all to the BBC. Listening to PM what I have heard so far is a full rear-guard action, hastily cobbled together because the BBC had not been notified beforehand of the substance of Mr C’s statement. They have actually had to put in lengthy speeches by both the PM and Ms Harman on the drone attack on British ISIS plotters in Syria – they did not have any effective positions rehearsed and have been largely reduced to sniping, spluttering and meaningful pauses.
They have also had to minimise the much-anticipated ‘cave in’ on refugees, because an undertaking to take up to 20,000 verified refugees from Syria itself, or surrounding refugee camps, over 5 years and with an emphasis on children – real children – and a continued refusal to take any migrants via European conduits – is not a cave-in. It satisfies my wish to be humane without in itself exposing the UK to horrendous societal consequences of mass uncontrolled immigration from the ME and Africa.
I do hope this is not the full extent to which the BBC is going to be firmly ‘put in its place’. It is at least a start.
I am interested in other people’s impressions – maybe I’m missing something, but I do think summer may be over for the lunatics of the Corporation..
Yes I agree Cameron et al have done well in difficult circumstances. We get to choose who we take from Syria and hopefully can keep out those who want to kill us. Of course there is no telling how any of the young ones we do take will grow up, they are Muslim after all, but at least we do have some control for the present. And Cameron’s position that we are discouraging anyone from making the hazardous trip is irrefutable, although the nutters at the BBC will no doubt try to discredit it. This is in marked contrast to the stupid position Merkel and Hollande have adopted where they will get one Isil killer for every 10 or 50 they take. Of course if they give them European papers they can come here and kill us too. Then Merkel and Hollande will have British blood on their hands and we will definitely vote to leave the EU.
A lot of people do not see the need to take any migrants at all from Syria. But if it must be so, priority should be given to the Christians and other religious minorities, who have few other options as to where they can go and are less likely to be bogus or problematic. Cameron and Osborne are proposing to (partially) pay for it by taking £100 million out of the foreign aid budget and re-allocating it to councils. Again, a lot of people do not see the reason for Britain to have a foreign aid budget – over £12 billion and rising – at all. But if it must be so, then arguably it is a better use of the money. Now, Dave and George, it’s time to draw the lines between the dots. How about using the same principle for the immigration figures: to make way for the extra 20,000 Syrians, commit to remove at least 20,000 extra failed asylum seekers and illegal immigrants during the same period, and to reduce non-EU immigration – which is within your legal remit – by the same amount. That would be a mark of statemanship and sincerity and indicative of some sort of ethics.
It satisfies my wish to be humane without in itself exposing the UK to horrendous societal consequences of mass uncontrolled immigration from the ME and Africa.
Stuart Beaker.
Rest assure while Germany and Sweden act as Trojan horses bringing in invaders from outside Europe, we WILL have uncontrolled immigration as hundreds of thousands of them start to head here after they gain EU citizenship – which is being speeded up for these invaders.
You may be right, but it will surely depend on exactly what documentation they receive on arrival in those countries – are Germany ans Sweden really going to ‘dress up’ immigrants as EU nationals – which are the only ones who do have right of free movement throughout the Union?
UK to accept 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020
So that’s the same rate we were taking them at anyway! Good for you not pandering to alBeeb.
Ooooops alBeeb just added the ADDITIONAL to the 20,000. Bollox I used to turn to the BBC for accurate reporting! Guess I’m going to have to use al Jezeera from now on.
Odd for a television station to devote any time at all to former employees. particularly if they will be future competition.
Netflix: Top Gear trio ‘not worth the money’
Flouncing around wailing to the sorority sisters like a spurned prom queen is pretty much exactly what I’d expect from the corporation headed by a ‘sack of rats’.
At least the Beeb get value for money out of people like Alan Yentob
In the sidebar to your link deegee, I see the beeb is doing its best to set the record straight on one jihadi:
It seems the beeb are quick to correct this one – how about correcting other false impressions regarding “migrants” bbc?
I must thank the BBC for alerting me to subscribe to Clarkson et-al’s new show….
“Latest contribution to peace,
Location Rotherham, obviously showing sincere contrition over people highlighting the epidemic of over 1400 Islamic child gang rapes.
A “Rotherham Unites – Muslim Lives Matter” rally descended into a riot yesterday afternoon
The video show what appears to be young Asian men throwing missiles at police in what has been described as a “riot” in the Wellgate area of Rotherham. People became trapped in an adjacent pub, which was then described as “under attack.”
“In the first video (below), the Rotherham Unites Muslim Lives Matter demonstration can be seem chanting “Who’s Streets? Our streets!” and “Enough is enough; Muslim Live Matter!” The group appears to have taken inspiration from the American “Black Live Matter” campaign.”
Although non BBC, (bias by omission), large numbers of people ganging up, “riots” people having to barricade themselves in due to threats of violence, multiple police attacks from
… say, just for example, people leaving a UKIP meeting
… do you think the BBC might possibly report it?.
The erm given “reason,” for such violence
… a video which actually I had to search around to find, was a march, a protest about lack of action about the epidemic of Islamic child gang rape,
Ask yourself Does the issue still need protesting about?
Still need attention drawing to perpetrators, still walking around, and it is still going on
Does the BBC yet call it ISLAMIC child gang rape?, that is what it is, does any of the MSM?.
We should not, as the press always seem to do “shoot the messenger” in regard to such protests
If well ordered, protest to highlight an issue, should always, be encouraged in a democracy.
We have to endure the discredited clowns from Tell MAMA … why not this?
When it first came to light about the horrendous sex abuse by Muslim men in Rotherham a couple of years ago, protests on the streets were rife, but neither the media nor the news stations reported it. I’m in the South, and only knew about it from relatives living in the area. The town itself has changed beyond recognition through excessive accommodation of migrants, to the town of warm hearted Yorkshire folk I remember as a child in the 50’s and 60’s. This will happen all over Britain, and no-one is stopping it.
Heres a link to a very interesting “youtuber” if thats the word.
Take a look at his new series on Rotherham. If only the BBC had an ounce of this chaps sense and courage.
An additional 20 000? I guess we can all look forwards to more of this then.
It even gets a mention on al-beeb
It won’t be 20,000, though. Once they’ve produced a few sprogs of their own they’ll be inviting the rest of their extended families over – and the EU will naturally let them in. So we’re looking at more like 60,000, minimum. That’s just the first tranche.
The lessons of Rotherham were learned by nobody. As far as progressives are concerned there were no lessons to learn except all the wrong ones. So, yeah, I fully expect perhaps an even bigger child sexual abuse scandal to rock some Western European country sooner rather than later – all those young muslim men suddenly at liberty in towns and cities across Europe…
It’s inevitable.
Yes, I find it alarming that the majority of migrants are virile young men, and there was no evidence of the same amount of Muslim young women accompanying them. So, its not beyond the wit of man to know whats going to happen. Are European women safe ? or shall we see in a year’s time an epidemic of babies being born in the Muslim faith.
Not if they’re children.
I think Cameron has lost a few Tory voters (including Essexsman) – but then, he was not going for another term . Perhaps he’s going for a better paid job in the EU ? As per Blair and Kinnock
Not one for the accuracy polls or petitions at the best of times, especially online (with no details to hand), but they can ‘suggest’ trends and the BBC loves them… when they suit.
Not sure this one will fall under that category.
Currently around 9:1 No. This is at odds with sentiments being claimed by the BBC (Ok, and others) by some measure. Albeit from one region.
Maybe a few questions do still need to be asked to understand the discrepancy? Though I suspect Hugs and a battalion of FoI lawyers will be waiting to ensure any numbers the BBC report stay excluded under ‘editorial integrity’, so they can keep saying whatever they hope might stick.
Hadn’t realised that 1 in 10 people in the North West were already BBC employees.
Doesn’t seem to be being reported on the BBC, but Saudi Arabia has ordered its puppets in the USA to protect ISIS at all costs, and right on cue up jumps senator Kerry to threaten Russia over its military build up in Syria.
Seems it’s OK when Saudi want us to eliminate Saddam, but when Russia sends its soldiers in to protect the world then America gets all uppity.
There’s no oil in Syria, our government claim ISIS is a threat to us, and we all know about the asylum seekers that it’s spawning, so what possible reason could any sensible Western government have to another government wiping them out? It’s not as if Russia would be gaining any new political allies, the Russians and Syrians have always been close.
Now we find the US pushing the Greek government to deny their airspace to Russian planes. It simply doesn’t make any reasonable sense – until that is you look at the interests of the oil rich Sunni gulf states and you quickly come back to the inevitable inescapable conclusion that Western political leaders are being bribed to take certain political decisions in the region which are not in their countries best interests.
An article in the Daily Mail tells of an attack on a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab in November 2012 by a Nigerian man in Plaistow, London. It states that this is an example of the Islamophobic attacks that have risen in this country and the BBC will be using this assault as one for their programme this evening:
Miss Kabir’s assault is an example of the Islamaphobic attacks being investigated in Inside Out London Special, which will be aired on BBC London tonight.
It comes as police revealed there has been a sharp rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in the capital, with women who wear a headscarf or hijab accounting for some 60 per cent of victims.
While the article does tell us Ayoade, who is originally from Nigeria, was jailed for four years in February 2013 after pleading guilty to two ‘vicious’ attacks on Tasneem and another young woman, it doesn’t tell us that the other woman was not a Muslim, and I’m willing to bet that the BBC won’t even bother to tell us about the other attack.
In point of fact, a quick Google search reveals this man had attacked 2 other woman prior to the Muslim one, neither of whom were Muslim, but one he wasn’t charged for. He clearly has serious psychological problems, and if the BBC, and for that matter the Daily Mail journalist, were trying to be accurate, they would not be using this incident as proof of their assertion.
Those of African “Heritage” seem to suffer more from these “enriching” problems.
Google “Race and schizophrenia”.
So much so that in the USA these peaceful people have to be protected, in their millions, in specially constructed buildings called prisons, from their violent Doppelgangers.
Doppelgangers, who are in no way of African “Heritage”, but are caused, like Ebola, by white people.
Meanwhile the Muslims are still plotting to kill or convert all 5,000,000,000 non Muslims.
Anything to say about this continuation of a 1400 year policy BBC? No, quelle surprise.
From a comment on the article “Saffronising India” in the Arab News, directed there by, amazingly, the BBC.
“The right wing hindus and government keep harping on injustices done 300-500 years and use this as justification for practice discrimination and racism towards present day Indian religious minorties mainly muslims.”
Stuff it Muzzies, you have the nastiest history on record and are working hard to ensure this record is maintained. All non Muslims, most of all the Hindus, owe you masses of retribution for the crimes committed in the name of your comedy religion.
This article from Raheem Kassam at Breitbart highlights the statistics that the BBC seem not to bothered to report as they cover the supposed ‘Islamophobic’ attacks that have increased over the last year. That there has been one anti-Semitic attack in London for every 601 Jewish people in the United Kingdom. There has been one Islamophobic attack in London for every 3,676 Muslims in the United Kingdom.
This man is doing something about all the woes…………………..
British men, not called ‘Smith’, killed by RAF in Syria; Aylesbury men, not called ‘Smith’, sent to prison.
How much longer can the BBC keep up this disingenuous reporting?
Very smart speech by Cameron today, starting with refugees then going on to drone strikes on British terrorists in Syria, subliminally reminding all of us that some of the Muslim invaders have a darker side.
Lord Hall-Hall, announcing new plans for the bBBC takeover of all broadcasting and publishing, says that the bBBC will provide “A pool of reporters to provide impartial reporting on councils and public services that could be used by both the BBC and other local news outlets”. Where will they find impartial reporters?
He was misheard: Not pool impartial reporting, but pooh limp asshole reporting.
The internet provides information and clues regarding major events that the over staffed and over funded state broadcaster will not cover. First, a piece about Pakistani’s dumping their passports and buying Syrian passports – easy.
Second, ‘desperate’ refugees refuse food because it has a Christian cross on it. Meannwhile non stop progpaganda from the BBC
BBC currently mobilising criticism of the actions against 2 ‘British’ ISIL psychos. Within an hour they’ve got a crew out in Cardiff interviewing a ‘friend of the family’ and prompting them to ask for more information.
I’m delighted the PM ordered those drone strikes, but it’s serious faces all round the msm – the BBC’s already throwing its toys out the pram, as well as Sky. No doubt Jon Snow will be positively fuming on CH4 News tonight.
Oh yeah, and Call Me Dave’s given the green light to 20,000 muslims to set up shop here in readiness for the Caliphate. You’d think the progressives-fascists would be delighted. More serious faces, I’m afraid, lol.
But they were such nice boys from good families. Liked playing football, listening to music,loved animals…..
Looking forward to the BBC giving Ed Balls a good grilling over his connection with the ISIS lad killed by a drone. Just imagine if UKIP had a member with such connections.
The bBBC is excited that a Hungarian woman, Johanna Konta, is about to become the top “British” tennis player.
Anything to erode the idea of “British”.
Bit of a cleft stick the BBC has shoved up itself re tennis.
Murray is Scottish when he is winning, British when he is losing.
Aljaz Bedene, East European, feted by BBC, because overnight he becomes “British”.
Heather Watson on the tennis pages more often than a Formula one driver, for the same reason.
These BBC racists have no shame.
Indeed. Just hope she has no connections to Viktor Orban or she may find the tone of BBC reporting turning against her!
A video from yesterday has surfaced showing the true nature of the Syrian immigrants.
There is nothing I can add to the horrendous bias by ommission of the BBC.
It has reached a new low.
”Angela Merkel booed by Germans, praised by Obama Decisions made by Angela Merkel’s government has caused outrage amongst many Germans, who have turned to rioting and burning down illegal immigrant housing, after the tens of thousands taking part in the PEGIDA protests were ignored.
Despite being recently booed by protesters in the town of Heidenau, near Dresden, President Obama praised Merkel in a phone conversation.
A White House statement said that Obama especially praised her decision to open Germany’s borders to all Syrians who claim to be refugees.
Merkel’s government has referred to the protesters as “neo-Nazis“, “xenophobes“, “racists“, “shameful and repulsive“, and “alcohol-fueled loudmouths” – just to name a few – but Markus Ulbig, the Interior Minister for Saxony, warned against screaming labels.
“We cannot label 10,000 people as right-wing extremists. That creates more problems than it solves“ he said.
Meanwhile, the protesters had just one name for Merkel; they held up signs with “Traitor” written on them.
Merkel responded to these protesters saying “There is no tolerance for those people who question the dignity of others, no tolerance for those who are not willing to help where legal and human help is required.”
In Germany we are starting to see the anti-White leaders turn away from the carrot method, and move on to the stick method.
These anti-Whites used to say how lovely it was to be a “diverse” society. Now they’re basically ordering us to do what they say.
Not a single vote to date has taken place which asked us if we wanted all this “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.
This agenda has been forced on us, and it is turning us into a minority in our own countries. It is nothing more than White genocide”.
If Angela Merkel is popular then why is she surrounded by security men, the people standing 50 yards away, cordoned off with dozens of police looking on ?
They’re shouting traitor.
All that security! …. sheesh!,
You would think it was an immigrant area
…….. no wait! 😀
I pray that Angela Merkel remains in charge in Germany. She will be worth millions of votes to the No-To-Europe campaign.
On PM tonight the BBC majored on the PMs statement about killing British Isil ( whatever) fanatics in Syria with a drone strike. PM went on to say that if he had firm evidence that other nutters in Syria/Iraq were planning to create mayhem on the streets of Britain he would do the same again.
BBC appalled. They don’t realise that the more appalled they become the more support the PM will get. This is exactly what we want to see, our government doing something to protect us, and to hell with any hair splitting about is it or is it not legal. Of course they will probably publish some absurd figure that 100% of the British people are opposed to this way of protecting themselves! The BBC should just piss off and die. Oh and by the way they mentioned that some more ‘men’ had been found guilty of rape. I fully expect the BBC to shortly publish a stat that claims that white Brits are responsible for 100% of all rapes.
Harriet Harman , in Parliament, asked what evidence Cameron had. She also asked how many Syrians would be allowed in this year. In both cases the BBC did not broadcast Cameron’s reply.
I am enjoying a brief moment of schadenfreude at the BBC’s evident inability to cope with being finessed out of the blue. The key seems to be not to let them know what you’re going to say before you actually say it. Hilarious, all those grim voices trying to maintain dignity in the face of the crumbling of their credibility.
I guess this will only be temporary – the shock troops will be frantically conferencing and planning for tomorrow, pulling the trousers up and putting the mockers back on. I do think Mr Cameron has nicely finessed Mrs Merkel, too – perhaps he’s not as easy to bully as I thought?
I agree, maybe Cameron will discover his inner warrior.
Hopefully this crisis could be the tipping point for Dave. If instead of kowtowing to the BBC and the Twitter mob in case he causes offence and makes everyone think he’s a nasty Tory, he realises that when he actually annoys these idiots then he has a decent indication that he’s on to a popular approach, then maybe, just maybe, we might see some bollox from him. I doubt it, but it’s a possibility…..
A nasty Tory.
A ruse used by the Beeboids and other leftie scum, in the hope that the ignorant will confuse the Tories with the Nazisty party.
Sorry you leftie scum, the Nazis were socialists, just like you.
Hilarious showing us on the six o’clock news a group of Bristol numptys collecting old shoes and clothes to send to the refugees . These people are wearing designer clothes and have i phones. Lefties are fick as sht it’s not our old clothes they want it’s our houses , hospitals and free money handouts. The lefties think it is like when they were at school and we all had to send a tin of soup to help feed Africa in their fluffy World.
How about the BBC all decide to go without their salary for a week and donate the money to the immigrant crisis they all care about so much.
Nail on had Lock13.
The irony is the lefties are actually really patronising. Many of the invaders are in most ways financially better off than the handwringers. In places like Syria a professional person can afford a large house, servants etc, everything local is dirt cheap. What they want in Britain is a better run country with a good health service, education prospects for their children, to escape a backward dull country for one where the utilities are reliabel, there are great shops, efficient public transport, police who do their job etc., “a better life” on other words.
They can then enjoy the ‘best of both’ with annual trips back home and feted by their families as a link to Britain.
for some reason I’m having trouble posting link to anti immigration petition currently at 94,500
I thought ‘Essexman’ might want to get his mates up the golf club to sign and share
A scan on Facebook of charities asking for money for the migrants reveals a majority of negative comments, and my favourite is the occurrence of the anti immigration petition.
Don’t understand why I cant post link on here
Those that haven’t seen it -search ‘Stop allowing immigrants into the UK’
currently at 97,889
No, can’t link but your ‘pointer worked for me’, ta. 100,454 signatures now!
I tried twice to post link here as well but it didn’t go through – very strange.
However the link is included in the Breitbart article you linked to above.
Signed it already me old ,son . Golf, you are having a laugh , do you think I am some sort of Terry Thomas or Leslie Phillips golf type, with a cravat . Never played it ,although I was at a polo club the other day . But that was all in the name of Rock & Roll ,went to see the reunion of one of the great rock bands of all times, The Faces , with Messrs Stewart, Wood & Jones back together again . The crowd was Hideously White , & we did clear the bar out , it was cider or nowt in the end.But very English .I will be going to a Camra real ale festival , near Colchester , this week , I`ll pass the word on .
Thanks Essexman, the votes are now running at 103,757.
(I must admit, I originally thought that you were Tony Hall in disguise )
Just signed , it’s now over 106,000
What does the BBC see as a requisite to appeal to the young?
Make a ‘documentary’ on China and let an attractive ignorant young woman convey nothing that would raise the consciousness of anybody else.
Why is the BBC’s latest ‘documentary’ on China fronted by someone who doesn’t know anything about China?
I actually watched the last episode, what an airheaded, embarrassment,
wandering aimlessly around, looked like she needed a bloody good bath.
What the P R China makes of her, god only knows
This is particularly bad because one of the bBBC’s very few world-class reporters is Carrie Gracie, who left the bBBC newsroom nearly two years ago to live in Beijing. She is fluent in Mandarin, married to a Chinese man, and really seems to understand the country.
But we all know, for the world the BBC envisions, intelligence and real knowledge doesn’t appeal to the young – or to the old for that matter.
Yes, an obvious choice you’d think. Perhaps Carrie Gracie has finally learned something about her employer.
Carrie wound her time down in the Newsroom after recovering from cancer, and then relocated shortly after to China. Despite thoughts on here about Simon McCoy, I did enjoy the banter between him and Carrie. She is sadly missed as a first class newsreader.
Who the hell is this programme aimed at? If it is aimed at young people I am certain that they would expect the young lady presenting it to actually know something about China. It is an absolute insult to people’s intelligence.
The BBC seem to think that all British children are thick as two short planks. Not true. The amazing thing is that, despite the dumbing down of education, many are very bright indeed.
Really ? I’ve seen examples of our wonderful education system where most go to ‘uni’, of those appearing on Pointless. I’ve been lost for words at seeing ‘uni-ites’ stumbling over whether Paris is the capital of France !!!! I’m wondering what these 20 somethings actually learn in their education, whether its ‘uni’ or school; because most I know seem to sadly lack the most basic general knowledge ! But they never haver a problem answering who was the X Factor winner of 2011 !!!!
I know what you mean, Brissles. The point I was trying to make was that the BBC patronise kids by dumbing everything down instead trying to improve their education as required by the BBC charter.
Proof, as if proof were needed, that Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation could not be made in 2015.
What a thick, gormless tart. I’m only surprised at the colour of her skin (being BBC, couldn’t they find an ethnic?). I suppose she’s related to somebody in the Beeb hierarchy.