Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.
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One of the reasons given by a government spokesman a few days ago, for the about turn on taking in migrants was the amount of emails sent to MP’s by their constituents. I would suggest that the kind of people who email their MP’s tend to be political activists and are not in the least typical of the population as a whole. There is only one way to counter this.
As stated I E-mailed my MP Friday asking them not to kowtow to the bleeding hearts (no reply still) I did used to be active in the trade union movement. Looks like I’ll have to dust off the attitude & start to be more active again.
Current Sheffield poll 29% yes and 71% no.
I think the figures probable reflect the whole country. The post
Another poll in the 64-78% band. Funny that it’s so consistent.
I think the BBC may have seriously underestimated the hostility towards them that has been engendered by their coverage of this crisis. Anecdotally, I’ve been speaking to two friends about it, who both normally seem to look up to the BBC as an impartial broadcaster, and who are both centre-left in their opinions. Both have said, without much prompting from me, that the BBC seems to be larding on the sentiment and not giving coverage to the full story in this matter. One said it had ‘all gone a bit Princess Di’.
It’s the Danny Cohen/Lord Hall double-header effect. These two clowns – common purpose drones to their core – have the BBC in a progressive stranglehold. The more they infect the Corporation with their ceaseless progressive messaging, the further away from reality (and credibility) the Corporation drifts. It’s so endemic now that even the Average Joe can smell it a mile off and even the most resistant can at least catch the odd, undeniable whiff of it now and again.
This is how the BBC ends up broadcasting an edition of Songs of Praise from a ‘refugee’ (aka: economic migrants/illegal immigrants) camp in Calais. This is how the BBC ends up becoming a pro-‘refugee’ campaigning organisation all summer – never once having the self-awareness to even attempt to conceal its agenda. This is also why the BBC can’t process the disjoint between its relentless, dogmatic politicking and the views of the ordinary person (what my BBC Editor brother-in-law calls, generically, ‘the widow in Hull’).
The thing is, we expect Jon Snow and Channel 4 News to behave like a p*sspoor fifth-form left-wing debating society; but at least we are not forced to pay for them, so they can legitimately do what they want on their advertiser’s dime. I guess if their advertisers don’t like it eventually they’ll stop paying for it.We enjoy no such luxury with the BBC.
The BBC doesn’t care because it doesn’t have to care. Until that changes the BBC will continue to act as a publicly-funded platform for every miserable progressive agenda – from so-called ‘climate change’ to so-called ‘refugees’.
It’s a cancer on open, representative, impartial, balanced public discourse and it badly needs to be cut out.
That ‘Princess Di’ sentiment has been echoed quite a lot in the past week and it’s very apt. R4’s WATO has been full-on with it for the past half hour. The BBC seems oblivious to the yawning (and widening) chasm between its SJW fixations and what the rest of the country thinks.
A bit OT – but a total palate-cleanser
Here’s a demonstration of how leftie pro-immigration interviewers should be smacked around with the facts and with clear resolute opinion – including bashing aside any interruptions :
Part 2 of Ann Coulter versus Jorge Ramos is also worth a look.
We badly need an Ann Coulter in the UK.
Which, of course, is why the Left is so desperate to hang on to the BBC’s near-monopoly of news provision.
Thanks for posting this Coulter piece MrA.
This Jorge Ramos is the ultimate in not listening to one figure, one argument from Ann.
Clearly he`s a bought up Howard Zinn kind of agitprop pinhead…and it`s truly worrying that any TV station or magazine would employ such an Alinsky-“community activist/organiser” clone.
Doesn`t market-share or ratings count in the USA anymore….or are they all BBC/Guardian East Coast cretins as rewarded by Obamas Benetton traitors?
Followed on with part 2, utterly creepy…the level of “questions” involved asking her to hug fat Latinos, and -again-not listen to a single word , statistic or opinion that she says.
Mind you-saw her being baited by Bill Maher and other Common Purpose cretins and audiences…she`s brave fearless-but if she ever stops selling books or looking good….sense she`ll be in a UN Protective Custody Camp before we are.
She`s great-and the BBC don`t need to care about ratings, so they can put their public sector suckups on 24/7…used to think that the USA was better, but am having my doubts after seeing these clips though.
Ann Coulter is the real deal.
Child rape by Pakistani Muslim sex gangs is of course the fault of white people. It’s always the fault of white people ! Everything is the fault of white people.
This is todays nouveau Fascism in which the Jews are every bit as hated as in the Old Fascism, but whites are also added into that as a kind of untermensch to be blamed for every ill.
T … I turned off the Al BBC this afternoon, over to LBC (I know, I know)
Sadly the odious waste of oxygen, Ian Dale was reiterating exactly the
handwringing and shameful drivel to which you refer.
Don t know how these f-ckers can live with themselves.
Beneath contempt
Has anyone on this site with the ability to organise, thought of organising a mass demonstration/march against the Beeb at their studio’s. I would definitely go, no doubt that they would accuse me of being a threat to Beeb free ‘twisted’ speech. Then call me an extremist because I want our national broadcaster to tell the truth and support the indigenous people-sic license payers!
Police would no doubt try and deny our freedom of expression and support the counter protest group militia UAF in throwing bricks at us, for which many of us will no doubt be arrested for being hit with ‘said’ bricks or daring to infringe their ‘uuuuman rights’ and ‘personal liberties’ in asking the UAF to politely stop throwing bricks at us.
No doubt we will be called insurgents to ‘stalinist’ democracy.
Maybe I’ve just talked myself out of the march!!!
Those of us who’d like to go to something like that tend to have jobs to worry about if we get arrested for not being UAF, or simply seen in public on Something Not Approved Of. Those on the left tend not to have these same worries. Plus we have more to our lives than demonstrating and can’t just up sticks.
British when being bombed, Asian when raping schoolgirls.
No they are “men”, “Rotherham men”, “Dewsbury men”, “Oxford men” etc. They are only “Asian” when talking in general terms.
Good God, it seems the BBC are on the side of those filth from Islamic State. Firstly, they ARE NOT BRITISH and never will be; secondly, why are the BBC wringing their spineless hands over the ‘legality’ of wasting them? Perhaps the BBC would enjoy living under their revolting and most foul Sharia Islamic state? The BBC conveniently ignore the ‘legality’ of those terrorist scum who are continually legging it off to fight for those demonic excrement, Islamic State but rather give us sob stories from their families and friends. Also, the word ‘legality’ never seems to crop up in relation to the swarms of chancers at Calias. Thus, the BBC seek to use this word on their own left-wing terms. Whose side are the BBC on? It was the same with the BBC’s Taliwallyban sympathies; endless BBC programmes looking at the history of the movement and interviews with its members over how us ‘nasty Brits and Americans’ tortured them etc.
I would be so bold as to say that quite a few employees in the BBC along with Comrade Corbyn and the far-Left in general would side with these Islamic terrorist filth against the west.
If we could get all of those jihadiwaddy scum in one place with the absolute certainty that no children and innocent people would be harmed, I’d say drop a nuke on them. But there lies the problem you see; apart from the Left wing whinge bags (who are nothing but treacherous scum) these ISIS excrement are cowards who hide amongst innocent people. They MUST be wiped from the planet.
Sorry for the appalling grammar and sentence structure in the above; I’m eating my lunch in one hand whilst typing with the other! Only got twenty mins for lunch you see 🙂
The BBC definition of “British” is what it says on a person’s passport. In the same way that the word “British” in BBC means that the BBC is “British”.
You’re being very generous – the threshold to being ‘British’ is far lower. I’ve seen an article on the BBC website where the person described as ‘British’ turns out to be an illegal immigrant who had been in the country for less than a year. Simply being in Britain is sufficient to be ‘British’ to the BBC. Here’s a detailed worked example – it’s from Sweden but shows the process they follow. A woman on a ferry was gang raped by a group of Somalis described as ‘Swedes’ by the media. See
The enemy within are no more British than the ‘Man on the Moon’. Neither do they see themselves as British. That is obvious to most people.
AlBeeb uses the term ‘British’ as a camouflage, as a means to hide the true ethnicity and identity of any traitor or criminal because they fear the backlash it could create from the ‘True Brits’. Or cause a ‘so called phobia’.
‘Asians’ is another example. Its all a feeble attempt at propaganda.
The only good thing worth noting is that the enablers and appeasers are letting themselves be known.
Something has crossed my mind in a flash based upon what Frank Gardner BBC Middle East correspondent said today on The Daily Politics.
He has stated that IS has stated that it is at war with Britain, -I already knew that, therefore he states we are therefore at war with IS. Given this is the case would I be within my rights to arrest anyone I suspected of IS as being a spy, or could I just shoot them, with my rifle?
Remember Tower Hamlets had, a few months ago, raised, an IS flag above the Town Hall. Could I have got my tank out of the garage and blown the building up!
Surely, given we are in a state of war I’d be legally within my rights to do so,wouldn’t I?
Let us know how you get on.
The wife’s bazooka’s will knock ’em bandy.
There is a serious point behind my earlier post. When has it been reported on the media that war has been declared? I don’t recall it ever being the first pronouncement on any news broadcast. (Maybe I need to get out of Bin Laden’s cave) Should we not introduce internment camps? Should there not be a greater level of scrutiny into BBC staff as to their religious and background checks? Remember until recently, the Beeb’s Head of Religious Affairs was a moslem!
There would certainly been a greater level of scrutiny during WW2. I don’t recall many Goebbels, Adolf’s or Goering’s at the BBC then! We have lots of Mohammed’s there now though!
I would not, for one minute, envisaged Winston Churchill allowing lots of Germans to come here and live here during a war.
What then,are we therefore doing, letting in Syrians into this country. Have we gone completely mad!
Propaganda is an important weapon when used in war. The BBC appear to be batting for the other side. I think the citizens of Britain have a right to be worried about the AlBeeb’s unpatriotic stance.
Remember we are at war.
I do enjoy the Daily Express; it is the closest I will get to finding a paper that resonates with my respectable centre-right values. Here, for example, the use of the word ‘scum’ is adopted to rightly describe ISIS Muslim terrorist filth –
I wish other papers used terminology with such honesty.
Agreed Alex, Leo McKinstry is one of the best journalists currently writing about what is going on in our country, due to immigration and the E.U. and it is the Express which gives him a platform.
Was rather hoping by now that I could catch up on BBC News 24 in connection with some news poppet getting her arse slapped by fusty, useless old Lord Carlile earlier-as someone on this site told us earlier.
Seems a long time before they post it up-let`s hope they`re not doing a spot of editing eh?
I`m enjoying a cup of tea as I wait-but the BBCs “File On Four” later on, threatens to tell me that I`m condoning slave wages, colonial patronage and racist supermarkets
I`m due a teabagging if I know the BBC…so best enjoy it while I can.
Before I have to drink Irwell Canal pissed out champagne, Highgate lavender water or the squeezed milk from Ken Livingstons nursing newts….
Bet File On Four won`t be campaigning at Colwell or Carrington about the sourcing of all the kit and footballs, boots and bags that Chelsea and United anytime soon will they?
Let alone all those disabled scooters manufacturing of chip holders and Pepsi grips…
Surreal ! What is a “Pepsi grip ” ?
Made it up grant-don`t know the name for a cup holder that holds a tin of fizz on those disability scooters.
Can tell you though that those baskets at the front can hold up to four large KFC Bucket jobbies…or a box of Bud if laid on its side.
LOL ! You should copyright some of your expressions before some Beeboid ” comedian” nicks them !
Wonder if Help For Heroes would be happy to get a cheque for £145.50, if the RAF will liquidate Jihadi John by way of a reward?
Only saying this, seeing as i`ve just heard Yvette-Balls Cooper compare the Refuse G`s to those who fled Kristallnacht.
At least there`s a use for the Jews from Jiz Corbyns mates…as shit scraping shoe horns to bring in Muslims who can recreate a few more Kristallnachts-only it`ll have to be Bluewater in full daylight these days, seeing as there`s no synagogues with exposed glass these days, I`d imagine.
Eddie Mair on R4 is currently leading the inquest into the ‘legality’ of disposing of the terrorists taken out of circulation last month by the RAF.
During the course of an interview with one of the terrorists’ school friends from Aberdeen, we were reminded that Ruhul Amin was originally from Bangladesh.
You could sense the mile wide chasm between this fact and the campaign the Corporation has been running over the latest crop of liberal pin-ups that it is desperate to see allowed to settle in the UK. Mair is apparently too stupid to connect the two. Too stupid, or too duplicitous.
Despite the sanctuary offered to Amin, and so many others, and the advantages they received from being allowed to live here, they turned against the people who sheltered them and plotted to kill as many of us as possible.
And the young Syrians currently being courted by Mair and his colleagues? What delusion allows these liberal fools to believe that among them won’t be any number of future Ruhul Amins?
It could only happen on the BBC’s PM. Mair in happy chuckly tones, recalling the life of innocence of the recently terminated “British” terrorist, referred to as a “British fighter” with a childhood friend. How touching!. 15 minute eulogy for a hero who” had no fear of death” and “only thought of himself”. “Wham bam thank you Cam” is disrespectful to the families. Mair, the vile cunt, .prompting criticism of government for eliminating a mass murderer. Insert a bit of pro mosque propaganda for good measure. Truly sickening. Pity the BBC can’t show the same respect for all those who have been butchered by the Muslim scum that infests our country.
I’m going to have to disagree. I thought it was what they should be doing – interviewing someone who had grown up with him to try to get an insight into what happens to make someone like that join ISIS. The friend didn’t deny that he’d got what was coming to him, but did complain that the actions of one man were being used to campaign against mosques being built. I’d say he’s wrong, it’s not one man but a cumulation of men, but I don’t expect interviewees to share my every opinion.
Poor old Marvin though was happy to welcome a mosque or three in Aberdeen though.
Sounded like a StoneyBridge Mr Nice but Dim to me.
And when Mair mentioned the “They had it coming” headline and was hoping for condemnation…it seemed to jar with Marvin( who -I think-actually was being quoted by the Daily Mail, hence the headline)
So what insight did you obtain? You have obviously gleaned the answer to the ISIS fifth-columm problem from this tour de force of BBC public service broadcasting.
And the 6 O Clock News that followed Eddies love-in with Steven Marvin referred to the late-lamented Mozzies as being- British Citizens-in his headline-and then British Nationals in the main powder puff piece to follow.
Life`s too short for me to split the difference…but how come a Bangladeshi-born Muslim nutter gets to be described as British…and why the nuances between British-BORN. CITIZEN and/or NATIONAL?
Who came up with THAT crock of shite-and wouldn`t a decent Border Agency and an honest BBC make it clear which one is which?
And both these Dea`sh Board tea lights of Allah are Scottish and Welsh as well?…
AND-were you to ask these self styled plums of Peace(PBUThem!)…THEY`D never call themselves Al_Britani…nor Beatles…but “citizens of Islamic State”, Slaves of Allah.
These two wastes of foreskins are enemy combatants in a war as begun buy their Islamic State…so f*** the BBC!
Has the BBC ever known a terrorist group which it does not like ? IRA, ETA, PKK , Taliban, etc. You name it, the BBC will suck up to it. I see it as a form of mental illness, and that is being charitable.
It is a form of mental illness. Janet Daley, very accurately, described it as being a form of autoimmune disease – one in which the organism turns on and eventually destroys itself.
GCooper, Let’s hope so !
(In somewhat more tempered language), and following on being called ‘British’, its never escaped my notice that the very successful (and now very rich) runner, one Mohammed Farrer, has constantly been referred to as Mo – thus Anglicising him in a very good marketing way. Born in Somalia and now resident in America, he is always referred to as the British athlete, but unlike “British Asians” he is never referred to as a British Somalian.
You may laugh, but until she saw a photo of him, my dear old mum thought “Mo” was short for Maurice Farrer, she got a shock when she saw him.
Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, accused the BBC of letting Springwatch presenter Packham use the corporation to push his own views.
The Countryside Alliance, which campaigns on behalf of hunting, shooting and fishing groups, has now accused Mr Packham of abusing his position to promote ‘blatant political propaganda.’
Of course the Countryside Alliance should realise that the BBC will let anyone promote a ‘blatant political propaganda.’ just so long it agrees with it, but woe betide you if they don’t a la Clarkson !
Hey Ahmed, are you coming down ze bierkeller?
Oh Mohammed, can’t you see I have my syphony to finish!
As Merkel oversees the humanitarian fitting of free lederhosen all round – what could possibly go wrong?
Given time and numbers she may well achieve what carpet-bombing, firestorms, de-nazification – not to to mention the Red Army, the Berlin Wall, Vopos and the Stazi – all failed to complete. The end of German culture as we used to know it. Well, we already gave up on ours so it just about serves them right!
To lighter matters.
Anybody tell me how Peter Kay gets to play a Cockney dad in “From Cradle To Grave”?
And how does Danny Baker get his “autobiography” done for free.
Can only assume that Dick Van Dyke wasn`t available to reprise his Bert from “Sound Of Music”.
How on earth can Kay be such a duff cockney-there must have been hundreds who could have done it …and Kay used to do them well enough when he wasn`t a BBC luvvie!
For once I”ll side with the bBC, I wouldn’t call either Baker or Kay bBC luvvies’, Baker has more than once been removed from is radio show.
Apparently as nowhere in London now resembles 1970s London the show was filmed in Manchester and Kay being a local and friend of Baker he was cast in the show, which was actually produced by ITV studios.
Just a thought.
Further to my offer of £145,50 if they make plum jam out of JIhadi John?
Could we not persuade Stafford-Smith, Peirce, Alibhiah Brown, Toynbee, Shami and Choudhury to make a human shield round the vulnerable little chap?
That would be 6x£145.50 for Help For Heroes.
Come on luvvies-I`m happy to do my bit for cheridee…are they?
Could free up a few houses for Syrians too,shouid it all turn out not necessarily to the Labour Liberal elites advantage?
Your plans will be frustrated if the families of the about-to-be-martyred ever hit on the idea of sending cute baby photos to Camerloon. “”Aaawwwh they’re sooo cute. How could anyone harm these cheekie chappies?” Tears and feeling good about oneself.
Even lawyers were children once.
Since when did our military commanders or the heads of HM Government require a lawyer to stand at their elbows; to consult on what they can and can’t do to the enemies of our state, who wish harm to it and it’s citizens? I don’t believe those such as Churchill, Montgomery or Bomber Harris would have concerned themselves with such idiocy.
‘The essence of war is violence, and moderation in war is imbecility.’ Macaulay.
‘Necessity knows no law.’ Oliver Cromwell.
All Shubtill
Yes, they are modern versions of Col. Blimp who always believe “right is might”. The same types who believe that ISIS will run away when we blandish “our Western values” at them like some tribal fetish. The same types who believe everything will be OK if we get the “tone” and the “language” right. The tiresome, pseudo-Edwardian Tory throwbacks to the days when everything was “British fair play” and “cricket”.
China presenter and world-traveller at your expense, Billie “JD” Porter is impossible to “out”. Any amount of internet search fails to reveal her “humble origins” . Usually that means there is something to hide, but this obnoxious Yoof presenter appears to be unborn, except for clues as to an upbringing in Fulham, if that’s the same. Her precocious bragging about her early “wildness” has a dreary MTV sound to it, teenage sex programmes, and Fulham has never been a “working class” area. Whatevah, she is a nobody with much empty space between the ears, perfect BBC front-girl.
I`m guessing that we send out the likes of Porter and Doolin as a tribute to the great Peaches Geldof…whose gig all this was meant to have been, no doubt.
Either that-or we`re sending our air headed finest to China and Jo`burg to encourage them to check the white meat available in the UK-and to let them know that our Roedean-type educayshun system for our top totty is as crap as theirs is good.
Come on boys-this country is splayed for your pleasure-and THIS is London Calling these days!
“22 year-old London girl, Billie JD Porter has already amassed an impressive career online, in print and on television. She left her mark on NME, Vice and Dazed and Confused with her wry interview style and immersive approach, often turning up for a 10 minute Q+A with a band, and ending up spending weeks on the road. French style bible Jalouse have since made her a regular face in the magazine, thrusting her into the world of modeling where she has since posed for the likes of Louis Vuitton and Levi’s. A regular DJ and attendee of fashion events, Billie is known for her unique sense of style.
As a talented film maker, Billie has directed and presented a documentary on the cult of celebrity for Vice Television and was the star of Channel 4’s hit show “The Joy Of Teen Sex”, acting as a roving reporter. Billie also co-presented the channel 4 TX Pilot, ‘Smells Like Friday Night’ alongside Rizzle Kicks and Rob Beckett. Most recently Billie has authored documentaries for BBC3 such as ‘Prostitution What’s the Harm?’ and 3 part series ‘Sex, Money, Beauty: Secrets of South America.’”
So yeah. Basically she another Chloe or Trixie Belle from a nice bit of London who ended up “modelling”, presenting and was writing for “cool” magazines by the time she was 18. ie. mumsy and daddsy set her up with an internship. Then she was a bike and shagged her way up from there.
Or in her own rather pretentious words (which certainly supports the bike aspect):
Enjoying a cup of tea, having heard a bit of that File On Four crap a minute ago.
Apparently, it only applies if you drink Harrods or Fortnum and Masons.
BBC tea-I`m guessing- is exempt…as is all future teas I buy…and the BBC can get us all to drink cannabis tea instead…which could only enhance the farming communities in Swaziland and/or South Africa.
The BBC-always thinking about others.
And-of course-Channel 4 carps on about the Tories need to get a judge, lawyer-or somebody more important like Stephen Fry -to check that IS psychos get plenty warning and turn off the tellies…for that is the reason why the BBC gives a damn.
The rest of us don`t…Wham Bam..thank you Cam apparently.
As I watched Channel 4 News-the Save the Children ads to Save Syria were on in the ads…well, “ad”!
We`re paying for the rest…and, the whole hour was one long chugger cast for Islamic State-as well as a wish to give Assange some film of it all.
Fuggin traitors…how MANY cheridees are out there for Guru-Murthy and Easton to interview?…I“ve run out of acronyms.
LOL ! I wonder how many muslim charities are donating ?
A friend of a friend is a helicopter pilot (civilian) in one of the Gulf States, he told my pal that the Arabs there are laughing and taking the p*** about how Europe is taking in all these “Syrians”.
London Calling – I agree that Fulham has never been a working class area in Ms Porter’s lifetime – but until the 1980s property boom it was a run-down, upper-working/lower middle class area of London. I believe the character of Terry McCann in ‘Minder’ lived there – and you can’t get much more working class than that!
A simplistic pro immigration piece by German newspaper editor that gets the go ahead under the “Viewpoint” banner
Viewpoint: Munich migrant welcome shames Europe
Will we get another Viewpoint, somehow I very much doubt it.
Article MPs debate UK plan to take 20,000…
continues to push the pro immigration agenda even linking the petition to accept more asylum seekers (which seems to have stalled). Nothing on the Stop allowing immigration petition, but it was belittled on the radio the other day when it had 25000 signatures, now 110,000
I just signed and it is 118000.
Up 2000 in under an hour seems to be accelerating
I signed at 120,184. Spread the word.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but there is some disgusting bias in this interview with Douglas Carswell MP.
Mr Carswell makes a perfectly reasonable, valid argument and is admirably calm in the face of an emotional blackmail attempt by the BBC interviewer, who reacted exactly as the presenter of ‘Any Answers’ did on Saturday when she heard something she didn’t like. Well done for standing his ground.
Oh the humanity! That, I believe, was Simon McCoy. The man is biased and a fool. Perhaps Carswell’s quip about a list of pre-prepared questions hit home and put the BBC man’s back up. Desperation is setting in at BBC central – they just can’t accept that anyone could disagree with them.
What a sorry excuse for a man old Simon is he was actually wringing his hands.
BBC few tips :-
-Nobody wants to adopt a mussie
-We have had enough of immigration
-Mohammed Farah is not the greatest ever English Sportsmen (have you seen a photo of him ? he probably could not point out England on a map )
-Nobody gives a crap about wimmins sport
– We all want out of the EU
– Nobody believes in Climate change
Put down your i-phones and get off your twitter accounts and get out and about and start reporting the real news
Is he really a professional journalist. Who told him that? His idea of reducing general immigration to allow for bringing in the refugees is surely a good idea that the BBC twat must agree with. Both sides win. The BBC gets its refugees, and immigration isn’t increased. Oh wait, BBC wants all of Islam here to wage jihad on us not just some of them. Cheers BEEB bastards. You are an institution rotten to the core.
Disgusting BBC. Impartial? Yeah Right.
Look there were barely 2000 people said they would consider housing an illegal/refugee, consider how many would probably follow it through, this is relentless propaganda, just because twitter says eh!, elitist opinionated crap.
Migrant crisis: UK public ‘split’ over taking refugees
“The poll was an attempt to gauge public opinion after the publication of photos showing the body of three-year-old Syrian boy Alan Kurdi after his family’s ill-fated attempt to reach Europe.
The largest group supported more refugees being allowed to come and live in Britain – 40% of respondents.
Thirty one per cent said Britain should take fewer refugees, and 26% said the number should be about the same as it currently is,”
That’s the quote.
However adding it up the largest group is 57% NOT wanting more. So 40% is NOT the largest.
WTF! As the youngsters say.
liars to the end
The BBC tries to ensure that the question is structured so that the answer it doesn’t want is split between two sub-answers. That way if it gets the majority it wins, and if it gets the minority it can claim the largest group – and it still wins. They think we don’t notice how they do it.
P.S. My apologies. All my recent posts have been comments on what other have said. I’ve just realised that having watched Morcambe & Wise last night the previous BBC programme I watched was Morcambe & Wise last week. I seem to have given up on the BBC. I’ll have to try harder.
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later… The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell 1984
Carswell performed well in his BBC interview posted above (Thanks Cranmer).
Not easy in front of an interviewer with prepared questions and a BBC biased agenda.
The BBC are doing Labour’s job for them and failing in their attempts to rubbish both Carswell and Farage.
A point will be reached soon when the BBC will refuse to interview them.
This happened to Churchill in the 1930’s when the BBC refused to give him airtime. They viewed him as a war monger who criticised Germany and expected a war.
F%ck it! I’m off to Budapest.
Nice city. Good Prime Minister.
That’s 3 of us then so far……………………. (although I did visit Japan last year, now that IS a great place to live strangely enough. In 2 weeks the only faces, including tourists, I saw were Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese, NO migrants whatsoever, and the only Indian I saw was a tourist. An impossibly polite peoples, lorry drivers wore white gloves and taxi drivers wore suits !!! oh and the public toilets were the cleanest I’ve ever seen in the world !)
Shame they were such bastards to our POWs.
Had never heard of the 1974 novel, “The Camp of the Saints” before. It all seems alarmingly prescient now. Some of the voices described sound alarmingly like the BBC. And there was me thinking it would be zombies that would do me in.
pdf available here:
Click to access Camp_of_the_Saints.pdf
Apparently Wednesday is Radio 4 ‘Migration Special’ day, it would only be special if there was no mention of the m-word (as opposed to the M-word; wouldn’t it be nice if that word had stayed in the encyclopaedia?).
Jihadi John is on the hitlist. Expect an hour long tribute documenting his life from football loving, mcdonald eating, girl chasing future rap star to war hero some time soon. News has just shown the 2 year old boy who was terribly burned and injured. It is shocking. And all those bullying, arrogant, selfish cowards running away to Europe. They should be ashamed of themselves. Stand and fight!! Your children and wives are suffering as you tour Europe. F**ckers!
All day long I’ve been hearing that tonight will be “chilly” and that the lowest temperature across the U.K. will be 9 degrees. We are being lied to again. Here we are at 22.30, the sun has only been set for a couple of hours and the temperatures across Wales have dropped to a low of 5 degrees and in many, many places already down to 7. With the skies still clearing and winds falling light, ANOTHER frosty night will certainly be on the cards. So much for 9 degrees. What are the BBC/Met Office saying in your area?
Paul Hudson of Look North is worried about Heatwaves. He was once the best qualified planetary atmospheric climate scientist at the BBC. But then there are rumours that he has been under a great amount of retraining by the BBC’s scientifically unqualified Environmental Activists.
I see Worcester is now just 7 degrees, Hartpury in Gloucester 7 also, Brecon 7 degrees….you know what? It is not “Chilly” out there BBC, but “Bloody Cold” and it is only 22.30! No Heathrow warming on these gauges eh Mr Harrabin?
I posted this on another thread, but it is worth repeating here. This is one of the best articles I have read on the subject of the current mass immigration into Europe, and the reasons for the enthusiasm of the German, French and E.U. elites for it and what the possible consequences of that may be. It is well worth the read.
“The Great Replacement” is Killing the E.U. by James Kirkpatrick.
I don’t know how to post the link though unfortunately.
Ohh. Bingo! 4 degrees in Powys..frost now nipping at their toes and yet another 6 hours before sunrise..OUCH!
“Women and children first” is the bBBC’s motto. Every film shows 90% of the invaders are young men, but the bBBC ‘news’ ignores them and manages to focus on the odd woman or child.
One of the bBBC’s favourite lefties has just been enriched.
There is a God!!!
Thank you God, Thank you.
This 12 year old had a speight of air time a few weeks ago, – he was on every debate show possible, and I fully expected him to be picked for Strictly as competition to that other 14 year old Peter Andre ! I was so incensed I wrote a letter to the Guardian & Beeb, asking if this young boy had a bed at the BBC and whether his parents knew he was out so late at night. Still awaiting a reply.
If it was two guys on a moped he’s lucky it was just his mobile whisked away, as some areas turn into New Gaza.
Own up. Who robbed Pob?
And where were your parents young man!
No indication of ethnic origin. Sounds like an Italian Job !
A left-winger is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet
Two guys snatched Owen’s phone? . Perhaps they were two men.
Any chance of someone asking if the culprits displayed any suggestion of diversity.
And perhaps which model phone he has. I’ve not heard of one with legs before.
Have to say, BBC CECUTT rarely disappoints when it comes to new and improved ways of avoiding actually doing the job they are paid to. Uniquely.
Some really ungrateful posters on the Huffington post link.
Do they not know the BBC went out on a limb to support Ed, but are now hopefully going to get their reward in the Charter Review.
The BBC are going to be in an invidious position if planks like Corbyn and Abbot represent the party they want back in power in 2020 opposing the Tories and UKIp while supporting policies well past their sell by date decades ago.
I wonder if the BBC would be natural supporters of a breakaway party, which might go for the catchy title Social Democratic Party?
Luckily the BBc is here to report on those pesky right wingers.
“Who, What, Why: When is it legal to kill your own citizens?”
Perhaps (and this is a long shot) when they’re going to kill you?
“Long shot “. LOL !
‘Own citizens’
No HYS there either strangely.
BBC Pravda just reporting news of a BA ‘plane catching fire in LA : “Eyewitness Reggie Bugmuncher said she was waiting at a gate for her flight when she heard people saying: “Oh, my God.” Now I’m not saying it isn’t impossible that there is a woman out there in the omniverse called “Reggie Bugmuncher” or that someone, somewhere might have said “Oh my God”, but what sort of editor allows demented crap like this to be reported by our jewel in the crown news broadcaster ?
Well that’s Los Angeles for you! Hard to find a credible witness lmao.
She/he/it ticks all the BBC boxes, what else do you expect?
I understand no one was seriously hurt, so levity can be engaged.
Just lucky there was no one heard screeching ‘But I’m a vegetarian!!!!’
My fave eyewitness report is ‘it looked like a warzone’, when you are pretty sure they have never been in one, ever.
Not in a warzone?? like most of the “refugees” then?
Chris Gunness at UNRWA is ex-BBC and is often given a platform by the BBC to slag off Israel and deny the war crimes of Hamas.
This article shows some of the scum on his staff – Chris Gunness tries to deflect the criticism of these blatant anti-Semites.
That piece of slime, Gunness, had disappeared off the radar for some time and now he has returned to spoil my breakfast. I didn’t realise he was ex-BBC but since he is a fanatical anti-Semite it does not surprise me.
The BBC alumni are an interesting collection.
And always welcome back at the alma mater.
Can’t wait to see where JonDon lobs up when eventually BBC Oz runs out out of excuses to pay him for six off topic tweet rants a quarter.
Any one here know when Democracy died in the UK? It’s obviously dead but I’m not exactly sure when the certificate was issued.
It’s being kept alive on a LSU – been brain-dead for 18 years.
They may not be able to resist dusting off their Royal sickbag later today but so far the BBC are being rather respectful of the Queen.
Mind you, we are treated to a quick round up of Royal visits around the world and three guesses which proud nation and friend to the UK the BBC starts with…? Inevitably Pakistan.
Yes, BBC film archive researchers must have been all excited about the footage of the Queen ‘in a headscarf’ (I don’t recall the Queen ever appearing in public without a hat or having much of a reputation for flashing flesh in any case – but hey ho if it makes the BBC happy)
I swear the BBC are obsessed.
Next up Jamaica – Yeah mon, irie, Jah love de BBC
BBC – Migrant crisis: Germany ‘can take 500,000 asylum seekers a year’
Pat Condell
Has anyone bothered to ask the German people?
If they want their country transformed into the new Islamic Sweden?
Meanwhile …
Denmark has sent back first group of refugees who arrived from Germany,
Danish police said Tuesday, with others expected to follow.
France 24
Anne Marie Waters:
BBC Made Me Look As ‘Radical’ As an Islamist Hate Preacher, For Opposing Violent Islamism