Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.
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How to operate a new McCarthyism and see things which aren’t there by the BBC.
Unfortunately McCarthy did have an issue and did prevent several Communists from pushing their political agenda to children and the masses via the ‘arts’.
Today though the BBC has it’s own agenda and they’ve come up with a corker to justify their support for the UK taking an infinite number of asylum seekers despite widespread public opposition.
It’s very simple. There isn’t any widespread public opposition ! The public supports the BBC view of the world ! The BBC according to radio 4 believes that ALL of the polling that has been carried out has been infiltrated and influenced by “right wing activist groups, and internet trolls” Talk about burying your head in the sand !
To me this explains a lot about the BBC, fighting an enemy which in reality isn’t there. It genuinely appears to believe that a lot of British citizens (probably us included) are some appalling neo Nazi group who are the sworn enemies of freedom. It’s the kind of paranoia that those in ivory towers separated from the world often develop. It makes me wonder who the BBC will nominate as its new Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General, out to find those who transgress the BBCs unwritten political acceptability.
It is (in my belief) indicative of a general madness which infects the corporation as a whole, that they are fighting a war against an enemy which doesn’t exist.
The Vicky Derbyshire show presented 3 viewers from Europe – and natch the chap from Budapest got slated by the Frenchman and the Austrian woman for telling the truth. He said that 80% of the migrants – he refused to call them refugees, were young men of fighting age between 18 and 34 and were economic migrants coming in from other countries other than Syria and Libya. That they were throwing away their papers if they were from Pakistan and maintaining Syria was their homeland. Cries of ‘shame’ from the Frenchman, but then when pressed he admitted being ashamed of his own government for the Calais issues. I suppose it was beyond the Beeb to have a more balanced view with 2 for and 2 against, but no, the Hungarians are now classed as the wicked witch of the West.
Re: the novel ‘Camp of Saints’. I haven’t read it, but I have read the excellent ‘Fugue for a Darkening Island’ by Christopher Priest. It’s about a dystopian future where mass immigration brings about a civil war in Britain. Well worth a read. Needless to say the literati have cried ‘racist’ ever since it was published.
Re: treatment of the Queen by the BBC. I’m often puzzled by the high degree of respect given to Her Majesty by the BBC. It doesn’t seem to fit with the general tone of most of the Beeb’s output. Any theories?
My guess is they simply wouldn’t dare take on the popular support for Her Majesty. They may be vile, but the cultural Marxists at the BBC are also cunning.
Yep the Queen is much loved and is now a sweet old Lady, even the Beeb aren’t stupid enough to turn on her on the day of her record breaking reign. They can also use their “respect” as an example that they do care about Britain and are not the loony 5th columnists everyone thinks they are.
Too right ! Privately , I can just picture Beeboids sitting around drinking Prosecco and making jokes about the Queen and the royal family. Beeboids are hypocrites and liars.
Don’t forget the BBC tried very hard to denigrate the Queen after Diana died. One of the main criticisms was that the Royal Family didn’t let their emotions run wild – rather like the BBC’s position on those of us with concerns about the number of illegal immigrants we should admit.
I to have a copy of ‘Fugue’ among my collection of black books- interestingly according to an interview I once saw ,Priest claims that the book was initially acclaimed winning awards but within in a few years ,as SF was subject to a concerted ‘French turn’ ,it was excommunicated from the cannon
To say it was prophetic is an understatement
Mark Adlard’s ‘T-City’ trilogy – Interface, Volteface, and MultiFace-is also worth reading. You can find them, as the ministry of truth hasn’t burnt all copies yet ,unlike Jack London’s
‘The Unparalleled Invasion’
dontblamemeivotedukip – John Christopher’s ‘The World in Winter’ is another good one. A new ice age forces Europeans to move en masse to Africa, where they are treated as second class citizens. It’s obviously meant as a satire on the problems of third world migrants to Europe, but it does raise some important questions about just how welcoming some countries would be in such an event; again, I think it would be uncomfortable reading for today’s literati.
And first published in 1962 when the “cooling climate” was fashionable !
‘And first published in 1962 when the “cooling climate” was fashionable !’
Haha yes I’d forgotten that! The threat of global cooling was a real fear back then. Funny we don’t hear about that much these days. However much some people use the phrase ‘climate change’, people still think of it as global warming, not cooling.
And the survey says…………………….
What is it with the BBC and polls on almost every ‘news’ story? Now there’s a poll conducted in Syria. Of course the results just happen to fit in with alBeeb’s agenda! This poll was conducted by ORB.
I took a brief look at another Beeb favourite website; COMRES. Now here’s a really honest biography from Emma Bailey who joined ComRes from Theos, the Religion and Society think-tank!
“Emma has managed hundreds of research projects for clients including Oxfam, UNICEF and Christian Aid. She is passionate about designing and conducting research projects that allow charities to maximise their impact and achieve their objectives.”
Oh so the Poll is designed to get the desired outcome!!!!!!!!!!
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and Polls.
How convenient for the heartstring tuggers at the BBC. And what a shame that every other poll (for what little any of them are worth) shows the exact opposite!
How the hell do you conduct a statistically significant poll in Syria ? Bizarre ! Polls tend to be skewed towards the results the clients want. After all, they are paying for it !
I’m guessing alBeeb think that by including a Poll they are trying to convince us that they are truly reporting the news impartially!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definitely get the impression that the BBC are getting desperate and many erstwhile “believers” are now doubting them. The more extreme the BBC’s reporting becomes, the more supporters they will lose.
Would anyone here object to taking these people into the UK and offering them asylum? A shocking level of discrimination has been perpetrated against them, and continues to be so. Yet they are educated and contribute to society, quiet and respectful.
They have no families and are unlikely to burden us with multiple scrounging units in the future.
Their ‘crime’ is that they are gay, and for that crime the penalty is death.
Whilst I have every objection imaginable to the voracious hoards of locust like migrants being allowed to befoul Europe I believe that the majority of British people would not have a problem giving refuge and a place of safety to people like these whose lives are in very real danger, rather than giving over our country to the people doing it to them !
Apologies if this has already been posted. This video shows a migrant grabbing a woman and pushing her onto the tracks in Hungary. However, the BBC only showed the footage of them on the tracks, not how they got there, and the reporter is unclear (or deliberately obfuscates) what happened. I really don’t see how this can be anything other than clear bias. This has been reported in other mainstream news sources (Mirror, Mail etc) but I can’t find anything on the BBC about it.
What a disgraceful and deliberate piece of miss-reporting the BBC are without shame
Cranmer, I think it was posted here and the BBC report implied it was a Hungarian policeman who had pushed the woman onto the tracks. I can’t quite remember but I am sure someone here will.
Great catch Cranmer. I will always believe that the BBC are lying to us in pretty much everything they tell us or show us. Your link just confirms what I and many others are now seeing for themselves through the internet. I’ve already stuck my head above the parapet and stated that the child “drowning” photo was staged and I even have my doubts as to whether the child did in fact “drown”. It has been proven the fathers statement(s) have been proved to be a pack of lies, the photo “staged” so why should I believe that a child had “drowned”? Just because the Liberal and Far Left news agencies such as the BBC tell me? Nah, sorry, I’ll do my own homework thank you. The BBC, a most dangerous news (Leftist propaganda) gathering organisation. Why any sane minded person would wish to give them £145.50, is quite simply beyond me..
Thanks Grant. I speak Hungarian a little, and the officer nearest the migrants is saying ‘what are you doing?’ to the couple, using the polite form (like ‘vous’ in French, rather than ‘tu’) and in a calming tone. Hungarians are direct people (they can sound impolite and brusque if you’re not used to them) and if there had been some sort of punch up involving the police I doubt he would have spoken as politely as that.
Cranmer, that is interesting . I wonder if the BBC will give an apology and correction. LOL !
Posted it a few days ago,
more of the NON BBC footage
Thanks, Nogginator. That was it !
I can’t believe BBC are trying to spin the footage of the woman throwing herself on the track. That would be absolutely disgraceful by any standard. I saw the original on the day it happened. The screaming woman jumping onto the track with her child and rolling about. Her husband hitting himself on the head repeatedly. It was almost comical. The police, although confused as to how to respond, were caring, concerned, patient and polite. So a BBC reporter sees the footage and lies. How stupid can you get. Anyone can watch the full footage. All there strategies and spinning is beginning to unravel. There polls are nonsense. A small fraction of the population (3-5%) want increased immigration. That figure has been constant for over 20 years. It may change a little but not the ridiculous increases the BBC are coming up with.
But the BBC are quite happy to show this video:
Admittedly what the Hungarian reporter did was wrong but if they are prepared to show this video in its entirety surely they should show the migrant’s actions in FULL.
Never a truer word spoken ah ‘Essexman’
Don`t be so ridiculous , Peter Hitchins would all like us to be living in the 1950`s even now , No Sunday shopping , Pubs shut in the afternoon , black & white TV , valve radio`s etc. Ukip would not be able to deliver even 1% of your shopping list , so get real , they will never be in power , that`s why I am a Conservative & proud . No Government can please all the people all the time , but I would rather have a Conservative Govt , then a socialist ,one of Millipeed , Corbyn , Balls n co etc, then we really would be flooded by half of Africa & Middle East . You have heard the idiots in their leadership bids , utterly frightening .And God Bless Queen Elizabeth, on her being the longest serving English Monarch ever .
I wasn’t there in the 50’s, but I’m not sure it wasn’t that bad. Sunday shopping is just another stab at Christianity, and a nod to the great God of commerce, look what extended pub hours have done and I’m not sure why you think we would still be watching B&W TV and using valve radios, Britain led the way scientifically, look how advanced the BRITiSH jets of the 50’s were, Concorde?
We had pride, cohesion and respect in the 50’s as my parents often told me.
As far as being flooded by half of Africa & the Middle East, we already are and Cameron has been in power since 2010, immigration has actually gone up.
I do however agree re QE2, although one does wonder just how her ancestors would view the country’s fall from grace under her reign….
I WAS around in the 50’s and yes, life wasn’t THAT bad, in fact due to home cooked food by Mums who KNEW how to cook, we were never obese, Christmas and birthdays were ‘special’ because it was the only time we had presents, no Sunday shopping meant the roads were easier to travel on (and go to Switzerland, no Sunday shopping there either), the pubs where I live don’t open in the afternoons too. Back in the 50’s we played out all day without being wrapped in cotton wool and didn’t have helicopter parents, we walked to school – YES walked to school from infancy, if you went into hospital all the doctors and nurses were white English and there was the smell of antiseptic everywhere – and CLEAN ! Best of all ? there was discipline and respect and everyone knew PLEASE and THANK YOU. I could spend all afternoon on this, but this is enough to be going on with.
Let’s be honest, shall we? You’d vote for a Gloucester Old Spot so long as it sported a blue rosette.
Tribal party voting is the reason British politics is in the mess it’s in.
He’d vote for Anjem Choudary with one, never mind an Old Spot! Cameron wants us to remain in the EU, that of itself is enough reason NOT to vote Tory; as long as we remain an inmate of that particular stalag – nothing will change.
In a way it’s as bad as those traditional working class folk in places like Rotherham and Bradford, relentlessly voting in Labour councillors and MPs even though doing so turns their and their families’ lives to s***.
I agree Al S. I have relations in Rotherham and despite being lifelong Labourites, they were ashamed to admit coming from Rotherham, with the cowards who represented them on the Council, and so wholeheartedly voted UKIP in the election.
Hmm ,Ukip not tribal ? I love sausages , especially the old traditional ones .
Essexmanchild ” that`s why I am a Cuckservative & pwoud.” Yes, we can see that and it’s nauseating.
“Don`t be so ridiculous , Peter Hitchins would all like us to be living in the 1950`s even now , No Sunday shopping , Pubs shut in the afternoon , black & white TV , valve radio`s etc.”
You are being ridiculous. You won’t ever win an argument if you descend to making such stupid and false points.
Funny how every poll the BBC has control over is favourable towards immigration. However, every time the BBC graciously permits a HYS on the issue they get their fingers burned. ITV conducted a poll asking if you would be prepared to accept migrants into your home. The result was 10:1 against. Keep up the good work BBC and the MSM; you are heading into oblivion as nobody is fooled.
On World Service Outside Source we were told by an intrepid reporter why Poland doesn’t want to take 1000s of migrants. Apparently its because they are not multi-cultural so the new arrivals wont integrate so well and Poland is poorer so hasn’t got as much cash for the migrants. Nothing of course about the overwhelming public opposition to such a policy or the reasons why.
We did get though a nice summary of Mr Junkers “state of the union” address, seems that the best option is compulsory and unlimited quotas, there’s democracy for you.
I’m suspicious whenever single photographs or ‘iconic images’ are used to influence public opinion. Even the famous picture of the burnt girl running along the road in Vietnam was cropped to remove the reporters standing around taking pictures (although they did help her moments later). The famous ‘dustbowl’ picture of the miserable unemployed American woman in the 1930s was just one of several; others showed her looking happy.
I have to say my whole view of the Vietnam war was recalibrated when I read the true story behind the S. Vietnamese general offing a Vietkong. I think even the photojourno admitted later on that he regretted all context was removed to suit the narrative at the time.
What is certain is an innocent child died, and did not need to.
I absolutely know who and what is not responsible. How remains uncertain.
That these images and footage (track man) are all the propagandists have, and push, when clearly not as billed, yet become ‘iconic’, and sway numpties in Islington and Brighton, suggests a lot is wrong in the matrix already.
‘What is certain is an innocent child died, and did not need to.’
True. I’m not one to denigrate individual suffering. I also wouldn’t go so far as to claim any iconic images (including the recent one of the drowned boy) have really been ‘faked’. What really annoys me is the way these images are used as rallying cries to drum up support from the semi-intelligent.
Journalism should be about investigating all angles of a story – who, what, why, when and where – rather than issuing shallow propaganda. Unfortunately, it’s the latter that sells papers, and which makes the careers of photojournalists.
Agreed. It is the cynical use of other people’s misery for political ends that is really disgusting – and that is precisely what the BBC (and Sky, let’s be fair) have been doing for the past fortnight.
Prepare fro the next staged ‘heart wrenching’ picture/video to be picked up by the bBC, ‘German toddler gives immigrant toddler sweets’
The women telling the kid to give sweets to the invader child. Yes, utter propaganda,
Caption comp:
‘That’s it Ursula give the invader a sweetie, in ten years time her cab driving uncles will be “enriching” you in ways you could never imagine’
I do hope that any animal contents in the sweets were not halal.
I took my 2 year old daughter to Westfield Stratford yesterday. They have a play area and we go early to avoid the crowds. When we got there there was a child already there refusing to let my daughter in. The mother in hijab did nothing! Fortunately more children arrived and the would be terrorist had to concede defeat and left. It seems the inability to integrate starts at a young age.
I wonder if I had taken a photograph if the BBC would have published it?
I’m sick of the reporters ‘speaking’ for the toddlers and babes in arms when they are crying, – that they are desperate and distressed at the journeys they’ve undertaken, and looking forward to a new life after losing everything. Its truly laughable that they resort to having us believe that these children are ‘desperate and distressed’. Children haven’t a clue what’s going on, as long as Mum or Dad are around, – all babies cry, and toddlers are quite happy with a box to play with as we all know. This continuance of showing distressed children is really quite nauseating, its taking us for fools, and certainly not having the effect the media wants.
I think it was John Wyndham who wrote something like ‘the time to worry is not when the papers print bad news, but good news’. Obviously staged feel-good pictures like the one above should rightly ring alarm bells.
I just love the fact the Indy feels this represents ‘news’:
Still, it does now give the BBC some BBC PR in a tame co-medium to ‘report’ on back.
Truly vomit-inducing self-serving bile from the usual troughers at the BBC. Of course they’ll jump up and down at the merest hint of BBC 4 possibly closing down (it won’t happen, btw – it truly is a progressive hold-out, rather like Radio 4). It’s all just another false flag operation designed to give useful idiots an opportunity to blather on about how ‘vital’ the BBC is in general to the ‘national discourse’, etc, etc, blah, blah.
First they threatened to close BBC2 now it is BBC4. No-one,in their right mind, can take the BBC seriously !
Whittingdale, for God’s sake call Lord Hall – Hall’s bluff. He’s extracting the urine out you Whitto old chap. Respond in kind or appear weak.
I’m not gullible and neither are the people on this site, (the educated elite in my view).
Hall is trying to threaten the middle classes who watch these programmes especially when The Voice or X Factor is on.
Now I wonder why he didn’t say ‘The BBC are going to have to get rid of BBC 3 (dross), BBC Asia, BBC Scotland, BBC North Korea, BBC Bullsh-t,etc.
Come on Whitto, show a bit of spine, backbone old boy ,backbone. Laugh at Hall, he’s being childish! Sit him on the naughty step.
Do not follow Cameron’s style of leadership. I swear he’s an invertebrate.
The government should make clear the BBC can be run for far less.
At the same time make clear that it is entirely up to the BBC where it trims – if the BBC decides to close your local Radio station rather than BBC Asian music or whatever then take it up with the BBC because they have decided Asian music is more important than you to them.
The simple answer would be to tell Hall that if he cut BBC2 or BBC4 rather than the dross there would be a further reduction in the TV Tax. Repeat as required.
The BBC holds its hands up.
Oh sorry – no, it’s two fingers.
Unfortunately, I’m unable – for reasons of good taste and decorum – to record my precise views on the rancid Mr Packham. Suffice to say – he’s a ‘true BBC type’ in every possible way. I’m just going to leave it there before I write something extremely foolhardy. I think you’ll get my drift.
Are you trying to say Packham is a ***t ?
If so I concur.
Packham is most definitely a tw@t and that is being kind. He is yet another tedious animals first – reduce human numbers zealot. Watch his appearance on Room 101 for the proof.
To be honest I’ve been avoiding news channels for the last 2 days as I’m sick to death of the propaganda.I’ve just watched the 13:00 news mostly because I can’t remember where I put the remote. Was it me or has the reporting ever so slightly changed? Just a little bit but not much.
I think finding out that the drowned toddlers Father held the funerals back in Syria, wanted a new set of teeth, and my not even have been on the boat, was a slight game changer.
Journalists are still desperately trying to hold on to the vulnerable Women and Children narrative, but even they must be aware that social media has made facts a lot more checkable and people are not playing ball and allowing themselves to be manipulated.
Maybe some of journo’s even look at sites like this, I know if I was a beeboid, I’d be checking out the enemy. It might have dawned on some of them that it is better to try and let this story die down a bit, as nightly reports of criminal young men forcing their way across Europe, are not helping put the far lefts side of things in a good light.
Too true Shelly. Have you noticed that the refugee’s have been airbrushed out of all mainstream media today. No pictures, no video’s..nothing.
This weekend the loony left and charities plan a mega demo marching from Hyde Park Corner to 10 Downing Street. They are asking for more migrants. War on Want will be collecting money, Celebrities promoting their books and TV shows, the Trot and anarchist left from Jihadi supporting UAF, Left Unity and Class War will be hoping for a proletariat army in the migrants, and it will be a last chance to celebrated Corbyn’s capture of the Labour Party. Watch out for BBC coverage to compensate for the fact that the migrant campaign is rapidly losing public support
Photo of Kate Hudson of Left Unity, People’s Assembly and Secretary of CND
I wonder if she means migrants!
Maybe she is only showing a part of the sign, maybe it reads Refugees Welcome ……to go back to their first country of refuge under the legal terms of the EU according to the Dublin Convention as agreed by all member states. Doing otherwise is breaking the law. So piss off!
Kate Hudson is/was a member of the Communist Party, how many refugees are Russia taking Ms Hudson!!!
Russia aren’t a Communist country anymore – do keep up ! How about Zimbabwe? or maybe North Korea?
Inevitably the BBC is keen to give a ‘republican’ some airtime today.
No, I certainly don’t refer to the GOP, the red party in the US – as if?
Nor Gerry Adams and his Sinn Fein mates who are absolutley not in the IRA. Perish the thought.
No, I mean that rather dull lot who drone on about the hereditary principle being not suitable in the 21st century. Go tell it to the Dutch, the Spanish, the Norwegians etc…
Johnny Rotten may have changed his mind but…
The BBC still loves to knock the Royals (otherwise what on earth would Paul Merton do for material?) and so The Daily Politics carries what it calls a ‘soapbox’ item.
Sadly we are never told about all the great Presidents who might have been… Mandelson, Blair…
What, they wouldn’t have had to have been politicians…?
Savile anyone?
“…the hereditary principle being not suitable in the 21st century. Go tell it to the Dutch, the Spanish, the Norwegians etc… ”
…and the Dimblebys.
and the Snows.
The Mail reports on that dreadful interview Bernard Jenkin MP suffered from James Naughtie yesterday. They highlight the fact that when Jenkin criticised BBC pro-EU bias – pointing to the fact that the BBC had earlier admitted this bias – Naughtie rudely snapped that Jenk was being “tedious”.
What gives this arrogant BBC presenter the right to call a senior Parliamentarian (and Chairman by election of one of the Commons Select Committees) making perfectly fair points “tedious”. Nothing gives Naughtie that right. It was pure bad-tempered bile on Naughtie’s part – simply reinforcing the charge of bias.
The Mail article includes a couple of other good points – John Redwood saying that somehow the BBC has never enquired what we might do with the billions we would save each year from leaving the EU, and Philip Davies saying that the BBC somehow fails to interview any of the many companies which want an exit.
These anti-EU Tory MPs need to start making their presence felt.
It has probably been posted up above but let us just take Syrian Christians and see what the BBC says to that!
This is how the invasion works. Saudi Arabia refuses to take any Syrian refugees, but wants to build another 200 mosques in Germany.
Mr Anderson – I’ve noticed this kind of ‘tetchy’ response by interviewers lately. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but it does seem to be on the increase. It puts me in mind of a teacher who’s been shown to be in the wrong by a particularly bright pupil. Could it be that the Beeb are feeling more and more put upon, by accusations of bias, impending cuts, etc?
It’s strange, because if I were a BBC interviewer (I’m not; I’m a technical journalist who occasionally interviews people for print articles; I realise the two things are different) I would take the approach of being both defending and prosecuting counsel in a court case. I don’t think I’d describe a valid point of view as ‘tedious’, rather I’d just ask to stick to the matter in hand.
Cranmer, I agree with your acuity, I also think that the AlBeeb are on the back foot. They know that people are onto them.
The level of left wing bias is obvious even to people with half a brain.
People no longer trust what the Beeb say in this country, this also filters across to the World Service programmes. People abroad listening in would say that if the indigenous populace don’t trust a word they say, why should we? The implications on the BBC’s credibility and growing lack of influence are enormous. This needs to be highlighted more by members of the Tory party as it will inevitably cause national harm on the wider political front.
The accusations of bias need to said more readily on live broadcasts by Tory MP’s. They are in the position of power and are best able to do so. But alas, they rarely if ever, do.
As the Naughtie, (well named in my view), his immature comments reflect more on him as an incompetent and unfit broadcaster.
BTW As a former Maths teacher, I have often smiled when I’ve got my Quadratics in a mess and been corrected by a pupil!
The BBC has made a rod for its own back. People are beginning to critically analyse interviews conducted and reports/documentaries produced by them. They are spotting the precise biased editing and rude closed minded interview techniques by their so called ‘journalists’. The BBC has one goal, an open door to all immigration. Everything is spun to that end. All suggested solutions to the problem, good and bad, are rejected off hand. E.g., the Australian model is a proven winner. So would be allowing genuine Syrian refugees to enter the UK, whilst reducing immigration from the rest of the world. I can’t see how the BBC can reject this.
The BBC is a progressive project, leftwing in tooth and claw and thoroughly riven with common purpose dogma. We know this, because its Current Affairs Department, this summer, has all but abandoned any pretence of being anything other than a pro-immigrant campaigning organisation. But we also knew the BBC is, by its own admission, institutionally biased, anyway – 28Gate, anyone?
John Redwood makes an interesting point – and one that is not wasted on a great many BBC viewers/listeners. With the BBC, one soon learns that the most important things to watch for/listen for are the things the BBC does not ask or ‘explain’.
Once that is understood, and becomes the default setting when embarking on a spell in the BBC’s company, one starts to realise just how far from ‘the news’ the BBC chooses to remove itself on a daily (hourly) basis, quickly followed by the sad realisation that the only ‘news’ the BBC ever serves up has either been ‘fluffed-up’ and pre-approved by their Political Officer, or is simply there to serve one agenda or another.
Yes, it’s ‘news’, Jim (Naughtie), but not as we know it. And we know it.
Russia Today telling the truths the BBC is lying about
Guardian has renamed drowned boy from Aylan Kurdi to Alan Kurdi
If you go to this page look at the tab at the top and the caption under the photo.
I’m not sure of the relevance, but it’s there.
Actually, just read it. He’s called Alan in the report too. I thought it might have been a mistake a first, but obviously not.
Definitely intentional
At the bottom of the report
‘Note: An amendment was made to the age of the Syrian boy Alan Kurdi. The article originally said he was five, he is three. His body was found in Turkey, not Greece.’
They are probably thinking that it will draw more sympathy if they give him an English name rather than a foreign one.
The name is probably “Alyan” meaning ” one who climbs upwards “, not Aylan. You can trust journalists to get everything wrong anyway.
To be fair he’s had about three names now. He’s also been called Alan Shenu, rather than “Kurdi”.
All very suspicious.
More here:
BBC Interviewing techniques? Here’s a thing: when I was at secondary school, for some strange reason, we were taught the principles of good journalism in English lessons at GCEO/GCSE level.
I enjoy Rumpole on BBC R4. If the Beeb bothered to listen to their own programmes, especially Rumpole, they would hear frequent references to ‘leading’. This is where a prosecuting or defending lawyer in Court leads a witness via their question to say something in a particular form of words that would help the case they are pursuing. Normally, the opposing lawyer will protest, and the Judge tell the offender to stop, perhaps even striking the witness reply. Occasionally, a Judge will intervene when the innocent lawyer has not been sharp or awake enough to protest.
In the past, say until about five years ago, I would occasionally mutter ‘Leading’ in proper Rumpolean fashion in the direction of a radio tuned to R4 News & Current Affairs.
Now it has become commonplace.
Leading questions, You mean like this ?
Wonderful clip. They don’t do ’em like that any more.
It is actually my ambition to be interviewed by a certain TOADY presenter. My plan is to answer their questions with Yes or No answers. At the end of a three or four minute interview, I would expect a certain ‘froideur’ to be filling the studio.
The feeling would be mutual.
I suppose there are some 300 editions of the Today programme.
Taking this flagship news programme as an example (you could do the same with Newsnight) – what percentage of Today programmes would be free of the various besetting BBC crimes against neutrality :
1 Over-emphasis on a favourite BBC topic eg climate change
2 Fierce and often downright rude interviewing of people opposed to the BBC groupthink on various topics – EU, immigration etc
3 Namby-pamby interviewing of people in step with BBC groupthink
4 Swallowing without question press releases by pressure groups, charities and NGOs pushing a leftie line
5 Suppression of equivalent reports by bodies opposed to BBC groupthink
6 Biased selection of who to interview – and who not to interview
7 Sneering tone to any people or views outside the BBC groupthink
8Outright avoidance of stories that day that undercut the BBC groupthink – “suppressio veri”
9 Dodgy “statistics” – often from dodgy sources
10 Attribution of views to the great British public that the public plainly does not share – “there is widespread concern” etc
etc etc.
I doubt if more than 10% of these programmes would pass the “impartiality” test.
This deep-seated endemic bias – in their DNA – is especially dangerous as we approach the EU referendum, a once-in-a-generation decision of existential importance for our nation state.
BBC bias stinks to high heaven – it is essential that the BBC monolith is curbed, cut back to size, and forced to observe its Charter.
I should have added the use of leading questions – as explained by Up2snuff above. And there may be other categories of building in bias to BBC “reporting”.
On the basis that the BBC is intrinsically Marxist I’ve been wondering which of the brothers’ many one liners is the most apposite. I’ll go with_
“Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”
Yes! Well said, sir!
I don’t think it’s just the last five years, Up2snuff. For some 20 or 30 years the lazy ‘journalists’ have asked the “how worried are you?” or “how outraged do you feel?” type of questions and it takes a strong-minded respondent to say “I’m quite happy with it”. Of course if it’s a recorded interview, they won’t use the answers that don’t fit their pre-determined script. The live interviews, and those with people like politicians who know the bBBC’s tricks, are much more difficult for them to fiddle.
Oh the Vibrancy & Enrichment !
7 year old German victim of the Muslim invasion is completely ignored by the worlds press.
Up2snuff – good point. I was brought up on legal dramas, especially American ones, where there would be cries of ‘objection yaronna, counsel is leading the witness’ etc.
As you say, this seems common nowadays in tv interviews, but I don’t recall old fashioned interviewers such as Sir Robin Day doing it. Paxman gets away with it, because he tends to use his attack-dog method to prevent obfuscation, evasion etc, but other interviewers who are not as skilful seem to imitate the technique with bluster and outrage, which only goes to make them look weak and biased.
“which only goes to make them look weak and biased. ”
Ever thought they might in reality BE weak & biased ?
Paxman definitely started the trend, and Jonathan Ross started the trend of talking grossly inappropriately, almost criminally, to his guests. But the current BBC presenters are so funny. They are so professional reading the news in crystal clear accents. Then turn into a spoiled three year old brat when interviewing somebody whom they disagree with. The toys come out of the pram! Actually, just realized they turn into Kevin ‘I hate you, you’re so unfair!!!’
‘Who would have thought that employees of the impartial BBC would feel at home working for the Green lobby?’
I, for one, am shocked.
But one can feel the trust and transparency to future BBC ‘reporting’ of colleagues’ reporting already.
Just like when Peter Barron joined Google from Newsnight.
Well, one thing seems certain; John Whittingdale fits right in with the BBC he is meant to oversee on behalf of the voting public, when it comes to playing games.
It’s a shame that the BBC, which could be a force for good in the world, has turned into what it has. If it stuck to being a genuinely impartial reporting service, a little overpriced and dull but reliable and good quality – a sort of media version of John Lewis – it could have much wider admiration. Indeed, I get the impression this is what it was like in the early years.
Instead, it’s turned into a sort of Soviet era supermarket, with half empty shelves, stacking all the tins of beetroot and musty cabbages near the front to hide the emptiness within, telling people that’s what they should want, and getting angry when the customers point out the deception.
Your comparison with John Lewis is very good – solid, reliable, quality, well worth paying for. I imagine that everyone who has had dealings with John Lewis would attest to that firm’s quality. Above all it is trustworthy – a safe place to buy things eg electrical goods. And its supermarket chain Waitrose is clean and well-stocked. Staff always polite at both stores.
The BBC has deliberately gone downmarket in journalistic and programme quality. The BBC is longer trustworthy – you cannot trust the BBC to provide decent entertainment each evening, you cannot trust its “journalism”. All you can rely on is the BBC trying to swamp all other news outlets so that its endless stream of propaganda prevails. Journalists of the like of John Ware are a vanishing breed..
All this is blindingly obvious. But Whittingdale and his Cabinet colleagues seem scared witless of the radical reform that is feasible and necessary.,
Cranmer and John Anderson, Excellent posts, both. Nothing more to add !
The John Lewis of broadcasting has turned into Ratner’s.
Apologies to Ratner’s ex-employees.
It’s just possible that the ‘dilemma’ aspect the BBC is pitching here may be limited to a rather niche group.
For whom they do, doubtless, speak.
Presumebly all Beeboids have agreed to take “migrants” into their own homes ?
Look there were barely 2000 people said they would consider housing an illegal/refugee, consider how many would probably follow it through, (especially as the real picture has slowly started to emerge)
this is relentless propaganda, just because twitter says eh!, the BBC rolling, relentless on and on and on,
elitist, pontificating, opinionated, crap
I believe we have the church of climate change mentality,
Refugees/illegals? the only question allowed
how many can you take? … the “science” is settled
BBC “Cutting through familiar polarised positons, a panel of experts place the current situation within its proper historical context and assess the moral obligations that face the UK”
A panel of experts … UH OH!
proper context … that ll be, they re trying every trick in the book to come, BBC trying every trick in the book to facilitate them
Moral obligations … Well Iran, Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and almost every other Muslim country in the M E have been involved in the Syrian civil war now, where s the OIC, The Arab League? not one of the Gulf States has a resettlement programme for Syrian refugees…
Moral obligations? until Saud, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar etc step up … we have none
Yes Grant you’re probably right, all those rapists, murderers,thieves,peodophiles,etc. No checks, no passports, no vetting!!
For what they are about to receive may they be truly grateful, Amen.
If they’re BBC employees, then yes. As long as they’re under 10.
Is it RSVP only, or can anybody attend?
Part of the problem is rolling 24 hour news coverage, which requires instant dramatic footage. So you either get emotional-blackmail shots like the unfortunate woman pushed onto the railway lines in Hungary, with no attempt to find out what actually happened, or you get attempts to make news out of absolutely nothing, eg the type of thing Fergal Keen did in the Ukraine, ‘In this village all is quiet today…as it was yesterday…but what will tomorrow bring?’ etc.
The 90s news spoof ‘The Day Today’ was very prescient!
Why does it seem that the BBC is far more concerned about 3 walking piles of Islamic s*** getting smoked by the RAF; than it ever was about all the British tourists murdered on that beach in Tunisia by a Muslim with a machine gun?
Hmmm…I think I may have answered that myself within the question.
BBC1 news just interviewed a Syrian archaeology student. Didn’t ask him where in Syria he was studying archaeology and when ?
Simon McCoy is quite a BBC toady.
Just now he was in conversation with a Royal expert who – rather wittily I thought – quipped that Her Majesty would have preferred spending just another ordinary day but had instead ventured out in public and had to put up with spending time with Nicola Sturgeon. Queue our Simon jumping in as fast as he could to scotch the joke. Talk about the BBC bending over backward so as not to offend the bloody Nats.
Farage says stop the Migrant boats, reports the BBC
That’s what David Cameron said too but you reported Cameron as saying “UK to take 20,000”
BBC you really are a nasty, vile piece of dog excrement.
This be on the debate tonight on BBC R4
Almost all of the migrants massing in Calais have turned down the offer of asylum in France
Refugees: Merkel Warns Those Resisting Quotas
Totally OT
But has anyone noticed nobody is married anymore?
The pilot who stopped the burning plane from take off in Vegas apparently is the ‘partner’ of the woman they interviewed about his preventative actions. I have noticed this a lot of late on tv that every one has a partner but not a husband or wife….but of course the latter two terms are ‘judgemental’ !
True JO, I have also noticed that and when filling out forms or being asked questions at schools, hospitals, health centres etc they never ask for the name or details of someone’s wife, spouse or husband – it’s always their “partner”. As if your in bloody business together!
This evening I was watching a repeat of “World at War” on Yesterday. It was the episode on the fall of France. When it was first broadcast in the early 1970s I couldn’t understand the level of demoralisation and defeatism that so undermined the French will to fight.
Having experienced the past 25 years worth of government contempt for the people and constant anti-British propaganda from the BBC, designed to undermine any British pride in Britain, it’s achievements and history, I now have a much better understanding of the reasons for the collapse of France. What I now don’t understand is why the BBC hates us so much.
You’re not alone RJ
The left despises Britain because it holds anything successful in contempt – unless it can claim that success for one of its causes. It hates Britain for leading the world with the industrial revolution, for bringing the poor out of poverty and creating a market based economy, for defeating the Nazis against all odds in WWII.
The left only does hate, jealousy and greed. They despise anyone who has what they want and their bitterness knows no bounds, they would rather destroy what we have to spite us than help everyone else get the same.
” What I now don’t understand is why the BBC hates us so much. ”
” You’re not alone RJ ”
Because we are suckers, if you will pardon my Americanism. The swindler only has contempt for his mark. The conman laughs afterward at the ones he dupes when he’s got away with it.
This will seem like a party political point, it is not intended as such but if you don’t believe me, then that is too bad. Blair & Brown were deceivers. The BBC benefited in various ways from Blair & Brown. They know we were taken in and paid for it in various ways, not least the whopping increase in the BBC Licence Fee. You only have to see the millions creamed off at the top to realise something was going on. I’ve just thought of a good reason why this isn’t a party-political-point score. Nothing really changed under the other two political parties 2010-2015. The only one to appear to stand out against it in a small way was a Director General but only rather belatedly and perhaps prompted by other pressures.
Billie JD Porter – what a pretentious name!
She is clealry part of the BBC /Channel 4 agenda for encouraging young people to go off the rails, take drugs, rebel against their parents, start sex early and do badly at school, so thhat they may then moan that we ‘need skilled immigrants witha strong ‘work ethic’ to fill the roles the economy needs’
For every Billie JD Porter there are hundreds of silly young people who have taken thsi advice and end up unemployed, or pregnant, or ina low paid unskilled job.
Billie JD Porter – what a pretentious name!
She is clealry part of the BBC /Channel 4 agenda for encouraging young people to go off the rails, take drugs, rebel against their parents, start sex early and do badly at school, so thhat they may then moan that we ‘need skilled immigrants witha strong ‘work ethic’ to fill the roles the economy needs’
For every Billie JD Porter there are hundreds of silly young people who have taken thsi advice and end up unemployed, or pregnant, or ina low paid unskilled job. BBC 3 is poison to our young.