Two down…many more to go!
One strike in Syria – what next?
Just a couple of weeks ago, an unmanned British Reaper drone did drop a missile on a group of so-called IS fighters in Syria that killed two British citizens.
One, the target, Reyaad Khan, was according to David Cameron involved in plotting a barbaric attack on British soil. In the PM’s view and, he says, the view of the government’s most senior lawyer – the attorney general – that made the attack entirely proper and legal.
“There was a terrorist directing murder on our streets and no other means to stop him,” the PM said. Although we’ve been told repeatedly British drones have been flying over Syria to carry out surveillance, in the small print the government always retained the right to act in extremis without specific permission from MPs.
But you know what….you can’t be sure this strike was in any way justified…the BBC has many questions to ask…
As the operation appears to have been led by intelligence the truth is we may never know what really happened, what the precise circumstances were.
As have the family…and the BBC is all too willing to provide a platform for them.
The ‘barbaric’ Khan is dead…but the BBC has already warmed up the seats in the studios for the lengthy series of chats they are looking forward to having with the family…the real ‘victims’….
Family ‘devastated and broken’ over RAF strike death
A friend of the Khan family says they are “devastated” over the death of Reyaad Khan in Syria.
One can almost sense BBC sympathy over the deaths of these vermin…
I’m quite disappointed by this. These are monsters and two is not enough – 200 would have been better. As much as I feel sympathy for the migrants, I feel nothing but hate for these evil scum and the more of them that die the more innocent lives will be saved. Sky yesterday were interviewing the lawyer for the terrorists. I hate that as it appears to give them some legitimacy.
I don’t know why we don’t nuke Raqqa, or whatever their capital is. The West is so namby-pamby about demonstrating the proper use of force. There’s a war on for god sake!
Plus their families, happily extracting Benefits, and now looking forward to compensation.
Families of Jihadis should be banished from the realm.
In fact, I dont see how any Muslim can be a loyal subject of Her majesty the Queen , defender of the Protestant Christian faith. So why are we allowing disloyal subjrects, and quite likely traitors to live in the UK. Isn’t the decapitation of a loyal soldier of the Crown, enough? How many more will be enough?
Those who plot against this country are fair game in my book.We could turn it into a national sport,dear old Auntie wouldn’t show it on TV.So it ticks our boxes.
5Live were getting desperate last night – they interviewed lots of people they hoped would say this was an illegal operation (War crimes!) and all of them were firmly of the opinion that it was a legal strike. They tried to bring about disquiet because a drone was used. It was pointed out to the BBC drones that whether a drone, a sniper or special forces the end result is the same so what does it matter. The BBC tried to smear the operation by association with US drone attacks in Pakistan directed by the CIA even though the US had assured Pakistan this would never happen. The beeboids were rightly scorned for attempting such a smear. Don’t usually have time for the likes of Paddy Ashdown but he spoke very well.
The BBC really want to make a story out of this though. Campbell was interviewing one of the victims (sorry, terrorists) local Labour councilor this morning – a Mr Islam (didn’t catch his first name – predictably asking for intelligence reports to be released and expressing ‘distrust’ on behalf of his community.
The ‘friend’ of Khan touted as an ex-councillor is called Mohammed Islam. Sums it all up really. He certainly has no kind of Welsh lilt and I wonder when he came to this country? Nevertheless he is the spokesman for ‘the community’.
Expect lots more of these kind of interviews and lots of publicity for the family as ‘victims’ from the BBC.
Meanwhile our Monarch and Armed forces may have been saved from attack. But what does that count for in topsy turvy multi-cultural Britain?
A friend of the Khan family says they are “devastated” over the death of Reyaad Khan in Syria.
Don’t recall reports of their ‘devastation’ when he went out there.
Or reports of their devastation when Lee Rigby was murdered.
Family ‘devastated and broken’ over RAF strike death
The community is shocked, shocked I tell you. He was such a nice boy. Wanted to be a doctor, and help the poor. Devout also.
The whole community is shocked.
This is fantastic. I just hope it doesn’t put off any other members of their ‘community’ from heading out there.
I hope not. Jihad Martyrdom guarantees 72 virgins, as well pre-pubescent boys with … you get the drift, as this is a decent blog.
When I saw the BBC website headline I thought it was tragic news – ‘Britons Killed in RAF Strike on Syria’ but reading on it turned out to be be Britons fighting for so called Islamic State…. so good news actually. Better use of the description would have been ‘so called Britons killed’…. but that would be expecting too much. No sign of any leeks or daffodils in their photos either.
There’s a HYS on this now! The few (and thank God it is only few) who think this poor hotheaded teenager should have been saved are getting very publicly humiliated!
HYS Link please if you can.
The hateful BBC really seem to hate white christian English people, we need the licence fee to be scrapped.
I am delighted that Reyaad Khan’s head is now several hundred yards from his arsehole. At least that’s one Mr Khan we won’t have to worry about in future.
I listened to the belligerence of that interview this morning with a real sense of incredulity (I should know better). The words quisling and traitor did spring to mind. As to the family of the terrorist, they should be questioning themselves. What did they think their son was doing in Syria, taking a gap year?
AND they continue to push the notion that those poor families-and friends-and hacks-and Imran Khan, Gareth Peirce-and Shami-might yet SUE the Government for daring to defend us from the likes or the Raqqa Nakkas.
The BBC seem to have 72 of Muhammads Plums in their mouths(other orifices are, of course ,available).as they play on each others joysticks…before setting about them with a Stanley knife of two.
I myself have put £2 into the Help For Heroes jar-£1 for each one they slot…and, seeing it`s “cheridee”-how CAN the BBC protest?
Maybe we ALL should pay Help For Heroes by the results the RAF get…well done chaps!…
Just like the runaway “Bethnal Green” teenage girls. One of whose Father was pictured at a rally burning an American flag.
The families do not come under much scrutiny from the press, when we all know they are being radicalised at home.
Anyone minded to flee the country and fight for Isis or whoever, should be told that their family will be chucked out to join them, including Grandma, Aunty Fatima, Uncle Mo etc.
Never going to happen though.
Number one item in Jeremy Vine today: “Are you a little bit uncomfortable?” “Was it right?”
What a surprise.
“Do we believe the government?”
Funny how they aren’t questioning the fence-jumpers in Calais and railway station agitators in Hungary. The BBC certainly knows its friends and enemies doesn’t it?
Has Keith Vaz interviewed the families yet?
These two cruds are called “British citizens” who were blagging for “so-called ” islamic State.
The BBC, of course, will not put their “so-called” where it belongs.
SO-CALLED British Citizens…and Islamic State pretty much IS a “state”…and pretty Islamic too, and seems to mention that once in a while eh?
Course not
The BBC still want a UN Enquiry into the extra-judicial slotting of Mr Bin Laden, late of the BBC Uluma.No doubt.
Maybe if we tell the BBC that these two Shi`ts in Raqqa hadn`t paid for the TV License, they`d be a bit nicer to poor Tories like Fallon.
Even if the Muslim invaders were benefiting Europe economically, which they aren’t, they are a threat to the existence of Europe as a historic cultural identity. What Merkel and Germany are doing is to destroy Europe. They have no right to do this . Germany does not belong to them. It was given to them to look after. By destroying Germany, they are destroying Europe.
So once again, in less then then a century, Germany is forcing Europe to go to war on Germany.
Heaven help us.
BBC so concerned about the legality of this drone attack on two [BBC’s own description] jihadist traitors plotting terrorist attacks on the UK. But they show no such interest in the letter of the law when it comes to illegal economic migrants rampaging across Europe. Or the European people trafikers transporting illegals across borders from Hungary to Germany and Austria. BBC calls that ‘giving them a lift’.
The BBC is a collection of untouchable, blackmailing, thieving traitors hiding behind a tax paid organisation.
Slightly different thing but, there’s plenty on the disgusting, Islam loving, Christian hating BBC about false photographs of a member of ISIS who may have been confused with someone else and had his picture posted on the web but not a mention anywhere of the true facts about the picture of the drowned little boy, his disgusting father or the pulling of wool over eyes by omission by the BBC. They really are gutter journalists.
Regarding the deaths of the two Welsh Moslems, I’m glad they’re gone to hell and perhaps we should encourage more of them to go down the same route. The BBC are now treating them as heroes and say that people are clamouring for evidence that the killing was legal but, as with so many things, the Beeb is completely out of touch with the feelings of most people who, in fact, applaud the action and accept that this sort of action is on behalf of all the people. Long live democracy, down with the BBC.
5pm Radio 4 news started with “There are increasing demands for the Government to justify the killings” yada yada.
Not from where I sit. The headline should be “There are increasing demands for the BBC to STFU with its whinging and special pleading about murderous jihadist traitors, and its endless propaganda in favour of excessive immigration”.
There they go.
ALWAYS “there are calls to”…”the pressure is growing for”….and always inevitably to do something that the BBC/Gramsci/Common Purpose/38 degrees would like to do.
Bypassing the electorate of course, hence the uses of judges, EU/UN/charity activist and advocacy groups.
As you say John-here on Planet real, I`ve yet to hear anybody…anyone “call for”; “pressure anyone for”…well.whatever is required by the BBC and labour in particular.
Utterly despicable conch shell clarion calls for the Soft Revolution that they crave-without any wish to actually contribute or sacrifice a joy.
Let the chavs pay…fuck the BBC.
“there are calls to “, ” it has been suggested that” etc. etc. The BBC have lots of similar forms of words, but they all translate as ” The BBC thinks that….. ” So dishonest !
Don’t forget……’there was outrage’….’the controversial….’
I understand the police found a bomb in a car outside a mosque entrance in Wales today. But they said there was nothing to worry about as they had successfully managed to push the car inside.
LOL ! That will be the day !
Don’t forget another phrase I’ve noticed recently being used by the BBC, ‘people are saying’. What people, where? It’s Journalism 101 that you don’t use weasel words like ‘it has been said’ etc without qualifying them.