The BBC doesn’t like the way you think. You’re far too independent of mind and far too unwilling to bow to their superior intelligence, knowledge and heightened sense of morality…Hence the BBC feels justified in patronising and lecturing you with an endless stream of pro-immigration propaganda that is designed to counter your appalling prejudices, ignorance and inhumanity.
Think we shouldn’t let in so many culturally alien migrants? That’s very sad says Mark Easton as he expresses his sorrow at our selfishness and unfeeling inhumanity.
Think that the migrants are mainly economic since they abandon the safe areas they have initially fled to? Wrong…the situation is very confused….and poverty and loss of hope is a terrible burden that the West can alleviate….and you know what, the migrants only want to contribute to our economy…listen out for that one…it’s one of the phrases that seems to have been forged and passed on in the ‘memo’ for use against the doubters.
Think that Europe doesn’t need all these migrants? Wrong...Germany is in desperate need of more workers as it’s population falls and ages….that of course is no solution as the migrants will age and they also bring with them their own cultural baggage….the Turks refuse to integrate and have been told not to by the Turkish government…..that is just storing up a lot of trouble for the future…..Merkel admits there’s trouble ahead…but still invites more in…‘Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the “breathtaking” flow of migrants into Germany will “occupy and change” the country in the coming years.’
Think that Hungary has the right approach to dealing with the swarms of migrants invading their territory? Wrong…..The Hungarians are such hypocrites…having been ‘fed a diet of anti-migrant vitriol’ and having been migrants themselves…Migrant crisis: Hungary crossings echo 1989 and 1956…..though of course the Hungarians in the UK don’t set up parrallel societies , try to take over schools by stealth, call white women prostitutes, consider young white girls as trash and sexual playthings, they don’t try to bomb us, they don’t cut off soldiers heads in the streets of Britain, they don’t set up ‘Hungarian patrols’ to force people to live by their own laws…..just a few of the difficulties that ‘alien’cultures bring with them.
“Why these defendants focused their attention on white under-age girls is unexplained but I have no doubt vulnerability played a substantial part in it,” he said.
“If they pursued Asian under-age girls, they would have paid a heavy price in their community.”
Think that ISIL members might be hiding in amongst the migrants (along with many ‘normal’ criminals’)? Wrong….it’s all propaganda from the anti-immigration brigade…This viral photo falsely claims to show an IS fighter posing as a refugee
The possibility of militants sneaking into Europe as part of the huge flow of migrants from Syria and other countries has long worried governments and experts, but one viral picture claiming to show proof of a “migrant” Islamic State fighter isn’t at all what it seems.
But if there are IS fighters posing as asylum seekers, this man is not one of them. In fact, for an asylum seeker, his identity is unusually well documented. His name is Laith Al Saleh, and last month he was the subject of a profile by the Associated Press news agency. He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo.
Note that ‘unusually well documented’….really? By whom? There’s only one report and that is based on the guy’s own word that he isn’t an ISIL member. Why has he shaved off his beard? He says he is one of the Free Syria groups….that could be ISIL, or it could be Al Nusra or any of the other hardline groups there…not at all certain who he is or his history….so not at all ‘unusually well documented’.
And note this that the BBC doesn’t quote from the same source..
‘Kos held a more sinister encounter for him — a man he recognized as a Syrian enemy. “Two days ago, I saw a sniper for the government forces,” he said. “I didn’t talk to him, but I am still very angry.”
So that’s an alleged ‘Free Syria’ rebel and an Assad sniper mingling with the crowds…any chance that there are plenty of ISIL amongst them too?
Think that most of the migrants are fit, healthy young men of an aggressive nature? No you’d be wrong as the BBC fills the screens and its reports with photos of women and children and we hear heart rending tales of perilous jourmeys against the odds….even though I did hear James Mates admit this morning that most of the migrants are in fact young, fit males who are in fact dodging conscription into the Syrian army or one of the rebel groups….odd how that isn’t reflected in the vast majority of the BBC’s reporting and their TV pictures and web photos.
The BBC is very definitely running a campaign to ‘change your mind’ on immigration. So much for it being ‘your’ BBC.
Who needs a charter review if the BBC is closed down as perhaps it should be?…It is now completely out of control and unaccountable it seems.
You only have to go online to realise the counter narrative is not working. The more BBC tries to sugar coat and distort everything ,the more angry people become.
Thinking of dodgy photos, the one illustrating Robert Peston’s Blog yesterday, with a refugee in red shirt with two bags and holding up a photo of Angela Merkel doesn’t seem quite right. It ‘feels’ visually odd to me. It may be entirely correct and fully innocent but if someone here has good computer interrogation skills perhaps they could check it out.
A while ago, the BBC used what appeared to be a dubious photo of a Border Agency staff member at a port or airport on their web-site. The BA person was pictured, cropped from just above the chin down to waist level, examining a passport but female hands & arms (holding the passport) appeared to have been grafted onto a male torso.
This ‘counter narrative’ is about the EU referendum. listen to a replay of R4 about 6.50am. Naughtie is interviewing Bernard Jenkin MP about the conditions of the Bill about the referendum. Jenkin keeps on talking as he accuses the bBC of bias and effectively cannot be trusted. Naughtie tells him it is ‘tiresome’ to hear the accusations. Well worth a listen!
Wow, beat the Speecie to it!!!
One to treasure.
A beebot trying to cast doubt on an person across the table using examples (that happen to have substance) vs. their inevitable one degree of separation smokescreen use of mystery 3rd parties to conceal their prejudices.
This is what the incessant pro-invader propaganda means to me. Everytime I turned on Radio 5 on Monday the propaganda was unrelenting. Our politicians have betrayed us.
That’s what they’re there for – we shouldn’t lose sight of that, then perhaps we will be less surprised when they let us all down badly, which they inevitably do.
Why would Muslim countries in the ME take Muslim refugees? These countriea are already Muslim. Muslim Hijra refugees are a precious Islamic resource that cannot be wasted by sending them to Muslim countries. Further, it would be a waste of an opportubity that has come in a thousand years, thanks be to allah, to subjugate Christendom, and may never come again. Thanks again to allah, that he has softened the heads of EU leaders to make this possible.
Satire or truth?
The Annihilation of Civilizations
Aug 8 2011 | by Bill Warner
If civil war erupts in Hungary then it might just be the turning point for the EU,other countries will say enough is enough and ban islam. Would the powers at be stop someone trying to blow up the houses of parliament ideal target for the ROP.
“blow up the Houses of Parliament “. Er…. Let me think about that and get back to you !
Where’s Guy Fawkes when you need him?
It’s possible these illegal immigrants are the nicest of people, however I wish they’d go and be nice somewhere else.
Hungary is applying international law in the way it is dealing with the economic migrants – by grouping them all up and vetting their asylum applications. But it seems international law should be ignored in this instance. So we’re moving the goal posts then?
According to Amnesty International (Hungary: Change to Asylum Law puts tens of thousands at risk):
“Under the change, access to an asylum procedure could be denied to asylum-seekers who first pass through a list of countries the Hungarian authorities have deemed “safe”, including Serbia and Macedonia. Anyone who simply transited through those countries, regardless of their country of origin, could be rejected.”
Surely, all Hungary is doing is changing its own law so that it fits with international law?
It’s all very different when Lefties come to the defence of genuine refugees/asylum seekers by insisting they are not economic migrants but strictly refugees/asylum seekers, yet when they are, by definition, economic migrants because they have left a safe country for a wealthier country, definitions suddenly become meaningless and they are still refugees.
As always, these self-righteous hypocrites want it all their own way. Like taking a bunch of flowers and a teddy bear to the scene of a fatal accident, they don’t have anything of substance that can help the situation. All they have is words.
The BBC is disappointed with the existing British population, and would like to import a new one.
Could be that the BBC is fed up with Songs of Praise and would like the Muslim Call to prayer from different mosques, to replace it.
The BBC’s Head of Religious Programming certainly would.
The BBC certainly do their bit to create a climate conducive to Islamic blokes feeling free to screw about with white underage girls.
Again-this time it was Aylesbury and Milton Keynes…all rather near to Luton is it not?
And-need I add-some Bradford Tyke of Takfir was before the beak as well yesterday, as Aylesbury Market stallholders (of-it must be said-a Muslim persuasion, by photos released quietly).
Again-6 Muslims( albeit one with a Sikh name…will the BBC elucidate?) done for using and abusing white underage girls that Bucks think are good “fucks”…bit of poetry there!
But hardly a peep…South Today said nothing, even though Aylesbury crops up on other stories once in a while.
Now we can add Aylesbury to the Muslim Roll Call of Honour Assertions for Islam…best put them in alphabetical order seeing as the list of towns getting fucked by Islam expands.
Is Aylesbury my first to file?…have the Scots had this yet(i.e Aberdeen, Alloa, Arran free of Muslim enrichment of the white girls in social service “care”…as “invested in” by Labour?)
Germany can cope with at least 500,000 asylum-seekers a year for several years, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has said.
Mr Gabriel reiterated that other EU states should share the burden.
Once more, in less then 70 years, Germany is out to destroy Europe.
I don’t think I’ve heard anything on AlBeeb about Germany’s desire to redress their declining birth rate and need to maintain economic productivity.
To governments people are just widgets and culture is meaningless. This only goes to reinforce the viewpoint that big foreign businesses run countries.
If the German politicians are prepared to invite millions of Muslims into their country because they have a declining population they must be stark staring mad. We in this country know that it will certainly work after our experience with New Labour’s mass immigration policy, the population will rise, but it will be accompanied by a host of very unpleasant problems that will last for ever. The German people should throw these politicians out. I am sure that if there was a free and fair referendum , which of course we never had, then the Germans would tell the politicians to stuff that idea. But they need to protest NOW once the Muslims are in the country it will be 100 times more difficult to get them out.
Surely the free movement of people with in the EU should allow a million or two Europeans into Germany to help them out rather than take a few million Muslims. The Germans can’t really want these awful Muslim aliens in their country can they?! Don’t they know they are dangerous, never integrate and hate western values. Have they been listening to the BBC lies about how successful multi-culturalism is in Britain?
Most of them are English speaking so Merkel will give them EU passports and dump them all on us.
Simples ! (but our PM cant see that )
Get out of the EU before its to late.
Totally agree. It’s bloody obvious, except that is, to the dumb/bent/self interested politicians who we elected to represent us and foreign big business. Not me, I voted UKIP. Blame anyone in the country who didn’t vote UKIP. Blame them, they have no room to complain.
The German political elites like the French, British, Swedish elites are anti the indigenous people.
…and they are all involved in big business. Take Cameron’s father in law, Lord Astor. He apparently has made 30,000 pounds per month in publicly funded subsidised government grants allowing wind turbines on his estate, a policy put forward by his son in law. My hard earned money achieved by working hard goes straight into Lord Astor’s pockets.
Of course they don’t care about us, the people. Never have done, never will. Why do think Cameron wants to stay in Europe.-For us, Nope. For himself, Yep.
Peter Sutherland, a Bilderberger, ” European governments should do their utmost to undermine their own homogeneity.”
Only their own indigenous peoples. They fall over themselves to promote and patronise the indigenous people of Third World countries, especially if there are employment opportunities with NGOs, aid agencies and chartities for liberals such as themselves.
To create a new world order you have to destroy the old, ancient nation states, Gordon Brown, Gawd, what a bore, he’s at 7.00 minutes
The Prime Minister’s Pledge
Some of the descendants of asylum seekers are out in Syria with IS, more are trying to go out there – one was killed yesterday by a drone .
There is a superb article by James Kirkpatrick at
It is titled “The Great Replacement” and is one of the best that I have read on this subject of immigration into Europe and the reasons for the enthusiasm of the elites of Germany, France and the EU.
I’m unsure of how to link it though.
The International New York Times yesterday pointed out that Germany’s media led the campaign to change people’s minds about immigration .
Oh dear! Another nation led by the nose.