Woke up this morning to the Today programme demanding to know why the UK had ..gasp…killed two Islamic Jihadists. This is the same Today programme that has been shrieking that we must accept those who flee Islamic State. I wonder do they ever sit down and examine the extreme cognitive dissonance that permeates their daily ‘coverage”?
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Look!….Agree with the BBC – They know best. How dare we stop planned Jihadi attacks in Britain if it involves striking “British Nationals”, who are willfully aligned to the Islamic state? Let’s allow them to do as they please..Think of the innocent women – Think of the innocent children – Fleeing to Europe, persecuted and penniless, wanting little else than to contribute to our Society and turn their backs on their own….Muslims are all cuddly teddy bears – Like this….
I suppose the BBC think that “British nationals killed by RAF in Syria” will give the impression that the “British government is murdering their own citizens”. “Traitors to Britain killed by RAF in Syria” describes the situation accurately. It is not surprising thatthe BBC is very reluctant to draw attention to concepts like treason or love of country as it would draw attention to their lack of one and excess of the other. The eagerness with which they have acted as a conduit for IRA propaganda, the whitewashing of the Soviet Union, apologia for Muslim terrorism, lack of interest in any view expressed by the indigenous population.
On Newsshite, they were proclaiming that a poll had shown that the biggest group of Britons at 40% was for more refugees, only mentioning afterwards that in fact 60% were for the same or less. The correct way to summarise the poll is that the majority of Britons is against increased acceptance of refugees. The also said that this was a representative sample, which means, I suppose it includes 25% foreign born. I wonder what Britons who are actually British and not nominally British think.
Those statistics are total bollox from the BBC. Since 2004, year on year, between 3% and 5% of the UK would like migration to increase. In that time, In that time, 60% – 78% of people want less immigration. In fact, since 2003 over 50% of people want it reduced a lot. Surprisingly they are complete total liars.
Click to access 1634_sri-perceptions-and-reality-immigration-report-2011.pdf
Thats a MORI pole, who’s clients include ‘FTSE 100 companies, the government and the public sector.’
I think they do BBC poles. The BBC are a sack of snakes. I could have massaged some figures in summarizing, but I wouldn’t stoop that low!
The bleeding-heart left-wing establishment say that we must “remember that these are human beings”. Well maybe this mob should start acting like they are decent human beings. The Hungarian authorities should film all the chanters and deport them back to Syria and bill Merkel to recover their expenses.
Maybe every employee of the BBC should be forced to take 4 each, Dame Nikki would love that.
There is NO contradiction in the stance of the BBC. Their whole outlook is determined by a view that the they despise the UK and most of those who live here. They find the views of the Labour Party most in tune with their own. They oppose the Conservative Party and have an all consuming hatred of UKIP, both of which are far too pro UK for their liking. So using all their powers of manipulation and the privileged monopoly position they occupy, they try to force the government to take in as many migrants as possible one day and the next have a fit about the killing of two religious fanatics bent on doing the country harm. Both are good sticks to beat the country and the Conservatives with. You see perfect consistency.
11.10am BBC news24, the latest attack line by the bBC is that Cameron is an assassin over the killings. The presenter is talking to Lord Carlile, got into a completely fluff state when he accused her of bias. BBC having a VERY bad day. She said she was a professional journalist and Carlile said ‘you do not sound like one to me’.
I really think the BBC has overstepped the mark with this migration coverage. A lot of people were woken up by their abysmal Election smearing, I mean, reportage, but if you look at the ratings on the comments on the HYS articles, those which are anti-BBC are generally getting three times as many votes agreeing as they are disagreeing. Bad enough for the BBC you may think, but those that comment specifically on the BBC’s coverage of the migrants is 90%+ in favour of it being biased and/or propaganda.
Hopefully this will result in some real questions once the heat has died down. Especially if some real riots and/or terrorist attacks happen. (I know riots are happening now but I mean BIG ones, the kind even the BBC can’y just choose to ignore or put down to “far-right groups”).
It’s just a shame that our MPs, judging from the comments in Parliament yesterday, seem to get ALL their news coverage from the BBC. “Public mood”, indeed! If they had any idea of the public mood they’d be readying the deportation vessels…..
Only ONE MP – Philip Davies, said in Parliament that the public in general are NOT sympathetic to being inundated with refugees. The ‘rest of them’, what a mealy mouthed lot!
Philip Davies always, always talks sense. He’s also a big (and well-informed) critic of those other Leftist, State-funded parasites in our midst, the fake charities. He’s given many a good speech on “lifestyle regulation” and dismantled the totalitarian liars at ASH and the like on many occasion. It doesn’t surprise me that he talks sense on this issue, too.
He is also one of the few MP’s with clear ideas about the climate-change scam ?
If they had any idea of the public mood they’d be readying the deportation vessels…..
Thier own I hope.
That sounds incredible. The BBC must soon have a HYS or a poll asking if people think the BBC is bias. From top to bottom, society is sick of BBC shite. Why are they not in prison with Choudry and hook hand. Don’t know his name
The BBC are getting more desperate and bizarre by the hour. They are so stupid that they do not appreciate that they are just playing into the hands of their enemies. Idiots.
I’m all for killing “British” Jihadi’s but I’m not in favour of Cameron using the economic migrant crisis as an excuse for getting us embroiled in yet another inter-muslim war in Syria. Has he learned nothing from Iraq & Libya? In an interview the other day Osbourne said he wanted to fight BOTH isis AND Assad FFS!
Chilli, I couldn’t imagine Osborne fighting his way out of a paper bag, but he is free to fight them if he wants ! And good riddance to him !
I agree but for the fact that we are stuck with millions of Muslims. Once they are a majority, and that is quite likely in 30 years, we are finished. In fact Europe, and therefore world civilisation is finished.
What do we do? We have to solve the problem of the culture of the ME. Middle Easterners are quite unable to do so. That means that we have to take on the responsibility of the ME. And this time round explain properly why we have to do it for the next two decades or so. That is, a sustained and relwentless military effort that brooks no nonsense, no PCness, along the lines that we did in WWII. I think that had Bush and Blair explained the nature of the enemy, instead of giving it a RoP award that it does not merit, they would have had the support.
The world is sitting on a tinder box – from Australia, China, Asia, Europe, and to the USA, all because of Islam. It will not take much for a planetary war to ignite. It might just be Iran on Israel, or Pakistan on India. Then all bets are off. Migarnt problems, Muslm immigrants settled behind enemy lines – all will be sorted in the great wash and rinse cycle.
Or else it is a sharia future for us.
I disagree with your analysis. Regan, assisted by the indomitable Lady T, got it right by targeting Gaddafi personally and bombing his palace and killing some of his family. It is likely that the US told the dictator that if there was any more state sponsored terrorism against the West or Israel, that was suspected as coming from Libya, they would pay him another, more powerful, personal visit with the specific aim of killing him. But if he behaved himself he could rule Libya as he wished.
If this same strategy had been employed against the other Arab dictators we would have a much more stable Middle East, with no migrants and a lot of Arab people who would better off than they are now. The BBC would of course have had to be managed. Perhaps the same strategy could have been employed!
I find it interesting that when the BBC talks about how the Middle East was destabilised to create “the refugee” problem it constantly mentions the war in Iraq (which it opposed) but no longer mentions the Arab Spring (which it supported). The closest it gets is the bombing of Libya, but then it conveniently forgets to put that in context.
Rewriting history on a daily basis.
Your analysis is correct. We should never have interfered in the way Arab dictators run their feifdom. They know their people, how much and what type of force required to keep the nation stable and good for all. The process for the worse started with Carter helping Khomeini overturn a freindly shah. From then on it has been downhill.
All that is in the past. My previous is not an analysis but a gloomy forecast. Strong dictators can be found and put in place, but what we have is a huge Muslim population that is going to be a threat to us in the near future. The idiot Merkel has opened the gates of Europe to its most deadly and historic enemy. Seen in this context, I see liitle hope of avoiding a major war. To paraphrase, never in the course of human destiny has so much been destroyed by so few.
Muslims are not British.
Muslims are the enemies of British people.
Jesus believed you should love your enemies. I have a diametrically opposed point of view.
Dead Muslims, who cares?
Anyone who believes that Muslims care about the British is a deluded fool.
Jesus did ask us to love your enemies and do good to them that hate you. But that does not mean that Christians have to allow evil to flourish, for that would violate “Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Allowing Muslims to settle in the West is in effect allowing Satan’s (allah) will to be done on earth.
This view of a pacifist Christianity that makes Buddhism look violent, is a new phenomenon, brought about by the infiltration of the church by the Gramsian Frankfurt school.
If people like Charles Martel, Jan Sobieski, Valette and others such, did not think so, and they were far mnre devout Christoians then the present pope, archbishops, bishops and vicars. If they had believed such nonsense, Europe would be Islamic, and there would be no Western civilisation. The world would have reverted to a dark age far darker then any other.
Yes love your enemies for two main reasons
1. They too were created by God but are now misguided
2. Hating does not good to your own psyche or soul
This allws you one to neutralise the enemy without turning your own inner self tl become hate filed.
If your enemy repents, then show him mercy.
I wouldn’t normally address a religious argument (its like debating storylines in Lord of the Rings) but that’s absolute nonsense!
‘that would violate “Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. ‘ This refers to God’s will. When his kingdom comes, his will be done, not a decision by humans or a recommendation on their behaviour.
This view of a pacifist Christianity clearly comes from Christ.
Reality is though that Islam is largely plagarised from the Old and New testaments, the differences between these cults are simply down to historical accident. Jesus was a wandering hippy and Mo was a bit of a warlord. Christians are never going to be in a position to criticise as ultimately they’re two sides of the same coin.
The Have Your Say section also badly back-fired on them.
The top comment with 640 Likes was:
“RAF strike which killed two British Islamic State jihadists”….?
There is no such thing as a BRITISH Islamic State jihadist.
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The BBC has really misjudged the public mood if my part of the world is typical. Nobody cares about the Isis targets of drone strikes
They care about the people foully gunned down in Tunisia, the victims of 7/7 and Lee Rigby. Isis has declared war on the West and the UK in particular. We understand this. But not the liberal left establishment.
They are verging on traitorous in their attitude and that is dangerous. I heard Herlena Kennedy complaining on R4. She just does not get it at all. In times like these and facing a violent foe all that really matters is loyalty to the nation and to the people. That is the way of us down the ages from Anglo Saxon days and the liberals had better understand this before they and their media mouthpieces really upset the people of the shires .
How right you are. I saw the look of self satisfied gloating on the faces of BBC news presenters today. They had the smug look that said that they had turned the debate around by showing Pali propaganda, so that even Cameron has agreed to take 20,000 refugees.
Whenever I hear the word ‘Briton’ mentioned it is so sad that I no longer think of someone like me, I imagine someone different to me in every way. We only exist now in Britain our homeland as English Irish Scottish or Welsh, the word ‘Briton’ has been so bastardized as to be rendered corrupt, and indeed an insult to us and our forbears going back millennia.
AlBeeb relish the division of Great Britain.
It focuses on broadcasting the nationalistic traits of each of home country. It it sees the ‘Union of Britain’ as an obstacle to full integration into the EU.
As a lad we all thought of Britain as one country, one nation, and were very proud of our heritage especially those who were born after the end of the Second World War, a war that Britain ‘gave its all’ to pull Europe out of the mess .
This heritage has been derided and eroded by AlBeeb in the last 25 years.
‘United we stand and divided we fall’
Yes indeed NCBBC, with such numbers of these followers of the teachings of Islam, already residing in Europe (50 million) and with the ever increasing hordes ( 2 million upwards) that will continue to swarm across the seas to invade the shores of Europe. The resulting signs, seen by the likes of you and me, but distorted by the duplicitious media, will result indisputably in Sharia Law being rolled out across our Western Christian Society- we shall be de-Christianised, de-humanised, and that includes Canada & USA, who have big problems in this direction already. Did you know that Shariah Law is already significant in many cities in Germany and it is reported that Germany’s judicary are deffering in some cases to Sharai Law-most disturbing news.
Like many I forsee-massive resentment building up over this issue that will eventually lead to civil unrest, which could result in civil war throughout Europe. Although I am 73, my heart and body are strong enough to bear arms for the defense of Freedom that my ancestors fought so hard to bring about for all to enjoy today, but for how much longer?
I too feel great sadness that our politicians have dragged us into a mess from which nothing short of a war will extricate us. The last war cost 40 million lives. I wonder how many will die this time, or will we just go softly into a sharia future. Our leaders know that anything they do against Islam, will elicit massive violencce from the RoP in Europe and the rest of the world. However they know that we wont do anthing except write a few letters. Bit by bit, we will die a death of a thousand cuts. See what happened to Christian and other non-Muslim nations when Muslims came into their countries.
Just watching AlBeeb propaganda at its best.
We see one reporter ”interviewing” another reporter to get the biased message out as if there is impartiality in opinion.
Where is our media watch dog ? Another Quango.