The BBC treated us to a ‘Migration Special’ today…not sure why it was ‘special’ as it seemed to be the same old unpleasant, emotive trickery rank with the odour of sanctimonious and completely unearned moral superiority that BBC journalists wrap themselves in.
The BBC mashed together as many of its old reports on the migrants that it could, the more emotive, the more sympathy inducing, the more guilt inducing the better. This was pure propaganda designed to ‘change your mind’ should you have doubts about the wisdom of opening the borders in the way they have been to what can only be described as an invasion, one that seems to consist mostly of highly aggressive young men which can’t bode well for the future.
The BBC has three prongs to its attack…one, make you feel sympathy for the plight of the ‘refugees’, and we are constantly assured that they are refugees despite many coming from safe countries, second, to make you feel guilty that perhaps you are not being compassionate or humane enough, the BBC telling us we just don’t understand how these migrants/refugees must feel, third, failing all that they try to shame us by suggesting that anyone who doesn’t support the migration must be a Nazi…of course they don’t say this outright but they head off to Hungary or the Czech Republic, quote someone from there, make a sweeping conclusion from that one quote that the whole country is therefore packed full of racists and that you don’t really want to be seen to be like them…do you? The BBC’s Rob Cameron claimed that East Europeans are a bit too white and a bit too culturally unenlightened…they haven’t learnt of the benefits of a multicultural society as we have in the UK…such as Rotherham, or the Trojan Horse scandal or bombs going off in London or a British soldier being almost beheaded in an English city.
As I say, nowt but propaganda.
And the BBC isn’t giving up….it’s not just the news being fabricated to fit the BBC agenda but they have started to use licence payers money to pump out dramas that are pure propaganda for the migrant cause.
Tonight we had a drama that must have been churned out as fast as possible in the hope that putting the plight of the migrants in a form that wasn’t ‘cold, hard news’, in a form that could be artistically embellished [to a greater extent than they have already achieved with the news] would increase the emotional manipulation and be more effective than ‘straight news’ that people might view less emotionally and more critically….and of course it allows the BBC to build ‘loveable’ characters and invent life stories and dramatic and perilous troubles that supposedly hook the viewer and link them to the characters and their situation, all intended to hopefully produce a feeling of personal connection and sympathy which will then translate into real life and how you feel about real refugees.
When the BBC churns out highly political messages dressed up as entertainment, as drama, then you have to think the BBC has stepped way over the line and has completely lost the plot as it moves from a supposedly impartial observer and reporter helping people understand the issues to an activist, an alarmist campaigner peddling its own views and attempting to label anyone who disagrees as inhumane nazis.
BBC news is shaped not to inform but to reform. You are too uneducated or too prejudiced to be allowed to make your own decisions…the BBC will make them for you and if you don’t agree then it will publicly denounce you as a racist, a Nazi or as someone lacking compassion and humanity hoping to make it ‘socially unacceptable’ to express concerns about immigration.
The only light at the end of the tunnel is that despite all this mawkish and emotive propaganda from the BBC I have yet to meet anyone who thinks opening the borders is a good idea…or that helping British jihadis on their way to martyrdom is a bad thing….many would happily send the bill for the hellfire missile that ended their murderous lives to the families of the recently deceased seeing as how ready the jihadis and Co are to sue the British government.
The BBC, liberal/ left , Gramscians and TPTB cannot distinguish between asylum seekers, refugees and economic immigrants, and for that matter criminals , chancers , freeloaders , idlers and terrorists.
“asylum seekers, refugees and economic immigrants, and for that matter criminals , chancers , freeloaders , idlers and terrorists”
These are not mutually exclusive, either.
asylum seekers, refugees and economic immigrants, and for that matter criminals , chancers , freeloaders , idlers and terrorists. …
I don’t see any of these in the photo above. What I see are highly qualified engineers, IT specialists, industrial designers, doctors and a few male nurses.
They are incapable of balanced reporting on this issue. There is ample evidence that not all of these people streaming across borders are genuine refugees. Hardly a word on that subject. Nor do we hear or read about the large number of these people who refuse to be photographed or finger printed, nor any discussion regarding why these refusals occur. They also state that the majority of the German public are happy with this uncontrolled mass immigration into their country. Some proper unbiased journalism would easily uncover the truth that this is not the case.
In that picture above they don’t look very much like Libyans or Syrians, nor like families for that matter. Do you think the BBC and the rest of the MSM are lying to us???
Na! The BBC is committed to the truth. Its in their DNA.
On the BBCs News Hour yesterday we were given the East West split analysis of the EU on the back of Junkers state of the union address. Yes those nasty East EU countries dont want the migrants because they are not as developed as the western members, have more fragile democracies, etc. The implication of the piece was that the West EU countries were emphatically in favour of the migrants. The spineless political leaders might make sympathetic noises, but the opinion polls tell different stories. In the UK at best only 50% of the population want more refugees, Sweden most popular political party is the ant-immigrant Swedish Democrats, Denmark no more migrants thanks, etc, etc.
I read on the BBC newsguide that Denmark had closed its rail link, as well as motorways to Germany.
One item on the Pravda website today is likely to be buried very quietly “Which countries are in the best position to take migrants ?” . This concerns projections by Eurostat (the stats department of the European Commission) that in the next 65 years, based on current trends, the UK will become the most populous country in the EU (if we are still in the EU in 2080) with a total population of 80 million. While England has only half the land mass of the UK it already has 80% of the UK’s total population, so England will also have by far the highest population density of any of the major european economies by 2080. As we have seen, in the past decade public services like heath and education,, housing and transportation have all failed to keep pace with population growth. As just one example of the disbenefits of uncontriolled immigration, the number of people in the UK living in overcrowded housing conditions has risen by over a half since 2005. So the charge sheet with regard to the propaganda spewing from the BBC and the liberal left is growing longer by the day.
I believe England already has the highest population density of any major European country (i.e not counting tiny principalities). The lowest (official ONS) figure quoted is around 413 people per square kilometre for 2014 but other reputable sources quote around 456. It exceeded the Netherlands a couple of years ago or so.
I would like to know how many of the migrants/refugees/illegal immigrants/scum Monaco or Lichtenstein plan to take?????
‘Special Brew’ from the BBC… that has to be ‘Bad Manners’!
Excellent point about BBC drama being used to bolster an agenda. Do they have some sort of leftie version of Ernie Wise sitting in an Islington flat churning out radio plays to order?
Well that is an interesting point – when the BBC was caught red-handed promoting the climate change agenda (see climategate 28) following the 2006 internal meeting at which the BBC decided unilaterally that the CAGW climate debate had now been so decisively won by the warmists that the BBC’s obligation of impartiality no longer required them to give any air time to the other side – it came out that the relevant meeting had not been attended by impartial scientists but a load of warmist propagandists and the heads of BBC comedy, drama, childrens programmes etc. The BBC had designed the message to be promulgated widely throughout the organisation to reach the widest possible audience. Anyone who accesses the BBC and does not appreciate this agenda is deliberately denied the truth – the BBC is a propagandist organisation and on every important question we need to ask – why are these lying bastards lying to me about this?
I would like to know why all these young men, and most of these “refugees” are young men, aren’t fighting to save their countries, rather than running away? They certainly don’t look like pacifists.
The apposite word is “cowards”
They have already won, and made the ME a Christianity frei region. Tyey are no longer needed Syria or Iraq.
They are now coming to Europe to do the same.
The question is, why is Angela Merkel so intent in destroying Germany and Europe – in that order. My guess is that having been the one of longest serving chancellors of Germany, the most powerful state in Europe, she is not content with that.
I think she is angling for a Nobel Peace prize. Considering that the Nobel preace prize committee is made up of leftys, it wont surprise me that she gets it – at the expense of the destruction of historic Europe.
Does she work for the KGB ? Out to destroy Europe ?
I dont think so. Putin has warned Europe about taking in Muslims, as they endanger Christian Europe.
They seem to be waking up to the fact that most people are proving harder to convince than usual despite the relentless propaganda, and are now turning away from the ‘open our hearts and our borders ‘ line, to one of ‘try to put yourself in their shoes’ and we ‘must do our bit‘ appealing instead to the very traditional British approach of moderate response.
That should be counterracted with the argument that we have alreday done WAY more than ‘our bit’ takign refugees in the past and in donating overseas aid in crises.