Here you go, a new OPEN thread for your completion! Going into a weekend that may see Corbyn elected Labour leader, and has seen Khan win the gig to be Labour’s London Mayoral candidate, I expect the BBC will be fervently behind the comrades.
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Will the BBC come to regret their total bias towards the ‘migrant’ events we have seen of late? Their one sided view that ‘migrants’ equal good and anyone who suggests another view is ‘bad’.
All I want from the BBC is to present all aspects of the debate. I don’t want their conclusions without a debate.
In fact, I don’t want their conclusions at all as I have over the past few years lost all trust in the BBC.
To be fair the whole UK media is behind this though of course the BBC are behaving as they normally do. I’ve never had a clearer view that the whole mainstream media is being told what to report.
I actually felt personally aggrieved when I saw that the BBC had managed to insert correspondents into Yemen (Yemen!) and yet had singularly failed to send someone to register the views of Greek Islanders in Kos.
Five Live and Russell Fuller was creaming his knicks over Serena Williams – how much she’s done for, not only African American wimmin’, but wimmin’ the world over.
He then rattled off a few other athletes who have done extraordinary things – Tiger Woods (black, tick), Usain Bolt (black, tick) and Michael Phelps (not British, tick).
My thoughts immediately went to Sir Steve Redgrave – British, middle-aged, heterosexual, white.
There was no chance was there?
(PS – shame the “Serena slam” was nowt more than Russell’s wet dream)
Phelps is of course gay, hence his inclusion.
They are so bleeding predictable aren’t they………….
Also known as Serena “Lance Armstrong” Williams.
Tony Hall wants to make the BBC a hub of creativity and excellence !! BBC 4 the other night ” The Toilet ,” is this what he had in mind ? or perhaps this is a euphemism of what immigrants have done to Britain.
I see the crane in Saudi was felled by a bolt of lightening which struck at the base (what happened to path of least resistance?)
The crane was made by a company owned by the Bin Laden Family, and it just happened to collapse on 9/11 killing several Muslims in Islams holiest site.
And this wasn’t the intervention of God ?
I hate to burst your bubble, but it wasn’t ‘diving intervention’. The arabs are easily the most incompetent people on the face of the planet. They’re quite capable of fu<king up the erection of a crane, leading to the deaths of hundreds.
The sad truth is, they'll all be blaming Mossad, rather than looking at themselves and their endemically corrupt and useless society.
Breibart London – ex-UKIP Leader Advisor – Interviews Tommy Robinson:
Nobody on B-BBC would be surprised to hear that typing “Five Live” and the c-word into Google would immediately summon up Nicky Campbell, but the Queen Of Daytime Radio was undone once again this morning by *that* word, although, for a change, it was uttered by another, and not Campbell.
Interviewing a frightfully posh QC regarding the British Army Sergeant who was jailed for life for killing a Taliban fighter, the QC took exception to Campbell’s interpretation of events and decided to illustrate his point by repeating verbatim what the Sergeant was reported as having said to the enemy before delivering the coup-de-grace. It wasn’t pretty, and certainly wasn’t material suitable for just gone eight thirty in the morning. Campbell audibly shrank, while Burden, perhaps conscious that someone might have guessed her BDSM safe word, fell into a welcome stony silent.
Two observations can be drawn. Firstly, Campbell, perhaps fearing his record of two breakfast c-words was in jeopardy, squealed like a small child before ushering the QC off air. Secondly, the QC proved once more that there are some things so bloody stupid only a very, very, very intelligent person can do them.
After a whole week of wall-to-wall migrant humbug on Five Live this was a rather refreshing moment. To hear the word that pops into my head several times during every Five Live Your Call let loose upon the airwaves rather cheered me up.
I was listening in and it brought a smile to my face as the Dame pissed his pants live on air.
Jonathan Goldberg QC was quoting directly from transcripts – Sgt Blackman, having put the already dying raghead out of his misery, said:”It’s more than you would have done for us you cunt” (ie saving him from the prolonged, tortuous death which had been suffered by many of Sgt Blackman’s colleagues who fell into Taliban hands).
Anyway, darling Nicki nearly threw up – “oh please, oh we can’t have that”
The irony of course is that when favourite BBC Labour loving leftie Jim Naughtie “accidentally” called Jeremy Hunt a “cunt” live on air he’s provided with a bottle of champers.–outburst.html
At the taxpayer’s expense I assume?
By the way, you can contribute to the Justice for Sgt Blackman appeal here;
The irony of course is that when favourite BBC Labour loving leftie Jim Naughtie “accidentally” called Jeremy Hunt a “cunt” live on air he’s provided with a bottle of champers.
Oh, how they all laughed! Naughtie’s faux-pas was so deliberately accidental it was buttock-clenching.
Is it pure unashamed hypocrisy at the BBC or a stunning lack of self-wareness? Either way, they are not fit for purpose (as is commonly said).
It was probably a bet they’d all agreed on in a late night coke and rent boy session – ‘a bottle of bolly to the person that calls him a ‘cunt’ to his face’
How they all must have laughed…
”How will a population boom change Africa?” ( To be more exact, how will it change Europe )
”Africa’s population will double to 2.5 billion by 2050. About 400 million of these people will live in Nigeria alone.”You always have three things together: you have high fertility, rapid growth and young populations.”
“Currently in Africa we estimate that 41% of the population is under the age 15. This is a very high fraction. Another 19% are between ages 15 and 24. So if you add those two together you’ve got three-fifths of the population that is under the age of 25. ”
The EUSSR better start building homes to house them all.
60 % are under 25 and they will ALL be wanting Nike trainers and I-phones,
And in 40 years time they will all be old, who will look after them?
Merkel and the EU leaders welcoming young immigrants as vital to look after and pay the taxes to look after the old indigenous populations never look beyond the end of their noses!
Come on, tell us what will happen when we don’t just a few million in an aging population, but hundreds of millions. Come to think of it, will Africans and others want to work to look after white pensioners?
Mind, long before then technology and robots will have replaced many many of the more routine jobs.
The new arrivals are very fertile and motivated to breed. They will produce their own replacements. Replacements for you and yours, too.
Ethnic cleansing – it’s not just about men with guns.
And we all know that the easiest way to get the Nike trainers and iPhone is to come to UK and mug a white man.
Very serious stuff:
A very serious point very poorly made.
And that, is why the Fascist left will always win! They know the power of comedy, they know the power of satire and poking fun, ridiculing their enemies/opponents.
We by contrast appear to become all Po faced and cannot accept that serious matters need to be made fun of to get a point across.
That is why we can never beat the bias of the left, and we never will until attitudes this side of the fence change.
In my experience it is the lefties who can’t see the funny side. I thought that was one advantage – perhaps the only remaining one – that we had over them.
Never the less the lefties output 100% of what passes for comedy on the BBC, and they constantly take swipes at anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
Personally I find the clip hugely funny because it pokes fun at Jihadis and Islam, and also the Fascist left who claim it is the RoP
I wonder what it was about the blacks-only orchestra that made the BBC feel obliged to give it a puff piece on the News at Ten?
Yes I saw that. So many black players were nothing of the sort, they were mixed race. probably had black dads or as Dame Kelly Holmes said of hers, ”just a sperm donor”. Many will have left the white mother to bring up the clearly talented child on her own. First black President of the US,= absent black father, white mother and her parents bring him up; so 50% genetics and 100% care, education etc. Not always the case, but I’m afraid too often it just so. First black Oscar winning female actress Halle Berry. White English mother deserted by black father, strange how that 50% genetics is always overlooked, plus of course the upbringing
Never hardly , happens the other way ,white father , black mother , but the father rarely leaves ,in that case.
Didn’t take long
Meanwhile, Germany will mobilise 4,000 soldiers in the next 48-hours to help with the entry of up to 40,000 refugees in the country, Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday.
She told Der Spiegel that she was placing the troops on alert with the expectation they could be asked to do more than just welcome the immigrant arrivals.
Good. The sooner the Germans are forced to face reality the better for all of us.
So WHEN did Angela Merkrl decide that Germany had too little people to keep itself ?
The little people in Germany too? We’re surrounded.
Uh oh, more propaganda BS, Albert Speer’s daughter, age 79, has taken in two Syrian invaders. A perfect synergy or a Liberal wet dream, evil nazi, racists and refugees with halo’s above their heads.
”Admiring the apple, peach and pear trees flanking her beautiful Berlin villa, Hilde Schramm suddenly stops me. She’s spotted a stranger inside her home.
She guesses he’s Syrian, and chuckles. “That’s really nice,” she says, genuinely pleased.
“My Syrian lodgers bring friends. They always know people coming from Syria. They stay here while they decide what to do next.”
I don’t like relatives or even my own family members staying at my house, so I can’t believe this, it feels like an agenda, a psyop, we’re being conditioned, programmed and brainwashed to accept this invasion.
”As she guides me through her elegant yet simply furnished home. I ask her how many people live here and there’s a curious pause before she breaks into a smile. She just doesn’t know. ” What ??? is she simple minded ?
“They stay here while they decide what to do next”. They have already decided to kick you out !
I read that. And immediately thought “bullshit”. In fact I now find that for any BBC story on the swarm I’m thinking “What propaganda are you feeding me?”. And assume it’s lies.
Sounds like a Common Purpose speed dial operation.
Good analysis by Craig on Is The BBC Biased? regarding the rather selective images of “migrants” used on BBC news. No prizes for guessing what they concentrate on.
Rather good capture by Craig also on what the BBC deletes (and justifies with weasel disclaimers if caught out) as well as ‘selects’:
Censorship and propaganda. A heady mix to be forced to pay for in these febrile times
Does the BBC have any professional staff of integrity left under their roof?
WOW. Just watched that gobsh*te James O’Brian being given a good going over by a Tory MP On Newsnight. Finally someone gets a chance to publicly accuse the BBC of blatant bias, repeatedly, despite O’Brian’s sneering, aggressive and bullying tone.
See if you can catch it on iPlayer tomorrow – an absolute classic!
Thanks ObiWan. I’ll take a look tomorrow.
Sorry Obi, I was obviously typing my outrage as you were posting.
It was more like the MP interviewing Newshite’s James O’Brian.
Starts at about 13.50, but worth watching the whole item to appreciate where the Tory MP is coming from.
This is the first time I’ve seen James O’ Brien and my God, what a puffed up, self righteous, arrogant little piece of left wing BBC shit he is.
Let’s hope this MP’s very frank, open and well-founded accusations of bias start a trend.
Just watched back end of Newsnight with an evil bastard called James O’Brien. Never seen him before but after tonight’s performance interviewing Daniel Kawczynski he has got to be sacked. If ever there was a face you really wanted to smack, his is it. Daniel Kawczynski ended up by saying ” Of course the BBC is omnipotent”. Surely the BBC have gone too far this time. David Cameron, get some backbone let alone common sense and do something.
James o’Brein, the BBC’s socialist attack dog, just got into a slanging match with a Government minister on Newsnight.
After yet an another emotive but factually weak polemic about the war in Yemen, and that Saudi use of British made weapons somehow implicates us in ‘war crimes’, the minister quite rightly challenged BBC mythical impartiality, and accused them of having an agenda. Which is true. He also challenged their almost childish methods of fact gathering.
Again he was right.
Hopefully the moribund Newsnight will soon be for the chop.
After all, if you resort to having a sociopath like o’Brien presenting, you can no longer be taken seriously as a unbiased source of news.
”you can no longer be taken seriously.” Remember Kirsty Squawk dancing, highly embarrassing
Even now it is embarking to watch.
Embarrassing I mean ( and I haven’t even had a drink !!!!)
I didn’t think I’d see something that could top the “feminist choir” on Newsnight – and then I saw the clip of George Monbigot chopping up a squirrel to eat whilst having an earnest political discussion with that aggressive, puffed up manchild, O’Brien.
If I feel like some self-abuse I listen to O’Brien on LBC, he is incapable of having a reasoned discussion with anyone he disagrees with, be they UKIP, or a Sikh who wishes to comment on the child-molesting inclinations of the ROP. His radio programme is one long job application for a BBC sinecure. He is like Paxman without the wit,wisdom, or intelligence.
This was TV gold. It is heartening to see Conservative MPs have finally got the backbone to call out BBC bias and slug it out with them. It reminds me of when the crowds finally turned against Ceaucescu and started booing him. Within days he was up against a wall and shot, something for Ian Katz to think about perhaps? He has dragged Newsnight into the shit, and unless he gets his marching orders, the programme is surely doomed.
TV Gold indeed! Daniel Kawczynski made a complete fool of himself.
The funniest bit was right at the start when O’Brian called Daniel ” Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee ” and had to be reminded that the Chair is a Labour MP. Typical BBC , getting their facts wrong. Anyway , next time , we can expect an aggressive interview with the Labour chair. LOL ! The BBC are a joke, but an expensive and dangerous joke.
Actually if you listen to the interview, O’Brien had referred to Crispin Blunt (who had been on the previous night) as Chair of the the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, not Kawczynski.
Blunt is chair, and Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi a member only:
Kawczynski doesn’t appear to know who the chair of his own committee is!!!
Blunt certainly seems to think an investigation was appropriate. His comments on Newsnight’s report were spot on: (He’s Conservative if it makes you feel any better Alan):
12 mins.
“Daniel Kawczynski made a complete fool of himself”
Why? Because he wasn’t prepared to be treated like the shit on James O’Brien’s shoes?
Crispin Blunt (Conservative) answered the simple question in a dignified and considered way:
12 mins.
Kawczynski repeatedly didn’t answer and instead attacked the messenger with the most specious of arguments. I think we deserve better of our elected representatives.
Paxman was persistent and framed his questions intelligently. O’ Brien just came across as an indignant, self-righteous shouter with a pre-conceived agenda (there should be an enquiry, full stop).
Kawczynski kept his cool and his dignity throughout and showed O’ Brien up for what he is.
Voice, I just watched it. ” Sociopath” sums it up. O’Brien clearly has psychological problems, beyond merely being left-wing and , to put it in Beeboid-speak, ” anger management issues”.
Many killed after crane collapse in Mecca mosque is clearly a newsworthy story — public place, Islam, many death and video footage. One must wonder how Sebastian Usher defines his no major incidents in recent years remark — Wakf press release , no doubt.
Usher concedes there have been thousands of deaths at Mecca. In 1987, 400 died as Iranian marchers battled Saudi police. Perhaps it was politically incorrect to mention it.
However mostly the deaths are human rather than mechanical failure. Just in the last ten years, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina. 2006: A stampede during the ritual ramy al-jamarāt on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more.
Mecca is a dangerous place to be.
“Mecca is a dangerous place to be”
Is that why they don’t allow the migrants to go there ?
You never heard of any accidents when it was a bingo hall.
Here’s the Newsnight clip showing O’Brien getting a good chinning…
Give Mr Kawczynski a medal! O’Brien (and the BBC for that matter) gets exactly what he deserves.
Good God! What a simply awful, awful b@st@rd.
Even by the BBC’s “standards”, O’Brien is the most nasty, revolting c..t ( not a word I use lightly ), I have seen on the BBC. My God, suddenly, Paxo looks restrained in comparison. Well done Daniel !
This O’Brien character is what Paxman would be like if he had half of his brain removed and then was gene-spliced with Jeremy Kyle. He’s one of those people I have a visceral “want to punch” reaction to before I even hear what he says.
Mr A, well said ! He has a ” punch me ” face and attitude.
Interesting ?
What will John Whittingdale or even our Prime Minister do about this?
”What will John Whittingdale or even our Prime Minister do about this?” Renew the BBC charter.
Hopefully sack Kawczynski for being a dishonest and incompetent fool!
He seems to have touched a raw nerve with you. Imagine the lese majeste of a mere politician standing up to the gods of journalism at the BBC. What was he thinking?
Indeed. How dare a democratically-elected representative of the people challenge the views of the BBC!
Now that is one Tory I’d vote for.
On current evidence, reach down for the soap.
Seems Ian Katz not afraid to use that unique pulpit he has been gifted to keep things going once the opportunity for real time response has been reduced. I wonder if he’ll be blocking like a good ‘un on twitter in keeping with BBC ‘views my own, and mine alone’ policy?
And the digging up and posting archive ‘dirt’? Classy. Didn’t BBC PR have to apologize when they pulled that stunt with one… John Whittingdale?
The edifice is out of control, and crumbling.
This is the same Katz that invited Kawczynski onto that unique pulpit the day after he’d made his criticisms of Newsnight’s report for an opportunity for real time (ish) response. Pity for him he got exposed.
What a surprise that of all the presenters on LBC, the BBC would recruit Red JOBo.
Raising the notion of selective scrutiny as beyond the pale is brave by a BBC staff member.
Oddly, when the BBC is tasked on this, by complaint or FOI, via the systems they alone control, they simply shut it all down.
It’s worse than that Jim; your cred is dead.
Well, words almost fail me. It is two years since I have watched any Newsnight broadcast, but I did watch this clip. The arrogance and nastiness of O’Brian is breathtaking. Any D.G. worthy of that designation would have removed him instantly from live broadcasting after his grossly insulting attitude to Mr Kawczynski, but, of course, Hall will do nothing. We are still waiting for Whittingdale to do something about the BBC, but I fear he is either going native, or ‘Dave’ has told him not to do anything – probably the latter, if Dave’s history of weak action or cowardly inaction is anything to go by.
I don’t think he’ll do nothing. I expect, quite rightly, that O’Brien and Newsnight will be congratulated on their superb coverage of events in Yemen. Some people just don’t recognise, or even deserve impartial and independent journalism.
LOL ! Thaddeus, you are almost as funny as chrisH !
Top trolling, though
Thanks, but Chris H ain’t funny.
Obviously ChrisH is not as funny as Jeremy Hardy, but who is ?
“impartial and independent journalism. ”
When I see any on the BBC, as opposed to playground agitprop, I will let you know.
Some people just don’t recognise, or even deserve impartial and independent journalism.
Perhaps you’d like to comment on the BBC’s ‘impartial and independent’ coverage of the refugee family on the railtracks incident. Looky here, and listen carefully to how the BBC man frames his report vs amateur video of what actually happened:
Your response is eagerly awaited.
“I don`t think he`ll do nothing”?
So that means you think ”
“he`ll do something”?
I`ve never claimed “to be funny” Thaddeus…but I hope my grammar is better than yours on this occasion…elitist though that might appear.
The uncensored moment in its dubious glory.
Magnificent Leamas!
Note how the Dame continually looks to his producer/Editor for help – like a child seeking the assistance of an adult.
What a c**t!
This is mainly a test post, by a newcomer. I thought I’d throw in a story that might amuse you, though. It’s not about the BBC, but is a warning of the way the media-entertainment industry are throwing their pet PC obsessions into just about everything. Mr Hand-Basket and I recently watched a DVD – by Opera Australia – of the Mikado (first produced 1885). The comic song listing ‘society offenders who might well be underground’ had been re-worded by the ‘luvvies’ to include ‘climate change deniers’. (Isn’t there a scene where Nanki-Poo puts a noose round his neck, ready to hang himself? I know how how he felt.)
Now we know that even pre-twentieth century works aren’t safe, I’d advise you to keep a close watch on any BBC classic dramas. You might just find they’ve inserted into a Hamlet soliloquy an impassioned plea for a more diverse Denmark.
(Any suggestions as to ways of making ‘the punishment fit the crime’ for Opera Australia will be gratefully received.)
Welcome, Helena. I don’t remember much Shakespeare on BBC for a long time and , certainly not Gilbert and Sullivan. The latter is too middle class and hideously white, for the massive intellects on Planet Beeboid !
Gilbert and Sullivan were very anti-establishment for their day but the Beeboids are too intellectually lacking to realise this.
True !
I’m afraid that every modern version of the Mikado seems to have a contemporary version of the “Little List” reflecting the views of the performer(s). I just wish they’d stick to the original instead of signalling their PC views.
Ramzpaul on the invasion of Europe, drowned child media propaganda manipulation, Camp of the Saints.
I’d be inclined to start with the social justice warriors.
“Saudi officials are investigating why a crane has crashed into a mosque in the holy city of Mecca.”
Radio 4 news at 7.05am
For me and for most of the population of the UK , Mecca is not a holy city and Mohammed is not a prophet. Why does the BBC keep thrusting these terms down our throats?
Curious how I can visit almost all ‘Holy’ cities and sites in the world apart from Muslim ones. Rome, Canterbury, Salt Lake City Utah, Varanasi on the Ganges. No problems. Welcome one and all. Mecca they’ll kill you because you are kuffar. Nice people, and we can expect lots more of them now in Europe, bringing their medieval intolerance with them.
Can the BBC do an investigation into registration time at schools. How does the teacher know who is present and who is not when he starts the register – Mohammed here sir, Mohammed here sir, Muhammed here sir and what about when they put there hands up to answer a question and he says ‘yes Mohammed’ how do they know which one he is talking too ?
I don’t know about registration, but most Muzzies are as thick as s**t, so they won’t be answering too many questions.
I don’t know about schools but they can get away with anything in higher education, as in cases where a Ph.D from a wealthy Moslem is rejected because of fraud, followed by threats to sue the university, followed by granting the PHD. No.I am not giving details, but fellow academics know them.
On the Daily Politics yesterday we had a nearly sensible discussion on the immigrant crisis with a range of views being aired. This is the first time on the BBC that I have heard the anti immigration given a hearing , let alone a fair hearing. Patrick O’Flynn MEP UKIP and to an Extent Daniel Hannah MEP conservative, were allowed to make sensible observations on the impact of taking untold numbers of migrants on our way of life throughout Europe. Also there was piece in which the opposition to taking migrants in much of eastern Europe was reported without sneers and horror from the reporter.
Was it a coincidence that Andrew Neil was in the chair? Of course being the excellent journalist that he is he allowed the pro immigration side a chance to air their views to. The bias shown by the BBC on this issue is extreme. I have asked my MP why the BBC has been allowed to misrepresent the views of the British people in this way. They should be investigated .
Meanwhile, in a strange, parallel world that normal people can barely comprehend…
Looks like, in UK, if you tell the truth, you have to resign. If you lie, you keep your job. There is a total “moral inversion” in the left-wing establishment.
“First black and minority ethnic orchestra to make debut” champions BBC website.
I checked out the Chineke Orchestra’s website. Here’s what they say…
“Our Mission
Viva Chineke! Viva Musica!
At the Chineke! Foundation, we think that all young people deserve the chance to grow and develop as musicians, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Chineke! therefore seeks to be a force for good in the classical music industry, levelling the playing field for young Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) music students, and helping to create a vibrant new generation of professional musicians of all colours.”
Its strictly for BME musicians ONLY, so their policy of helping musicians “regardless of who they are or where they come from.” is not only utter bollocks. Its simply racist.
By the way if you watch the BBC article they talk of encouraging non middle class children however if you listen to the musicians they are clearly BME’s from middle class backgrounds.
…I feel more like Winston Smith by the day.
Because of his extreme political views the BBC seem to be in a state of high anxiety about the damage Jeremy Corbyn might do to the prospects of a Labour government. From what I have heard of his opinions they correspond with an average Question Time audience, and as a BBC Question Time audience (as we know) is scientifically selected by the BBC to represent the Country, Jeremy Corbyn should win a landslide for the Labour Party at the next General Election. So what are the BBC fretting about?
A left-leaning acquintance of mine put it very well after the Conservatives won the last election:
“It makes no real difference to the equalities and diversity agenda, or to Europe, or to anything else I believe in. But there’s less chance of Cameron buggering up the economy than our lot would. I can have my cake and eat it.”
In other words, socialism and champagne are preferable to socialism and a reduced lifestyle for the BBC liberal with an ounce (or should that be 25.4g?) of intelligence.
28.35g maybe?
25.4mm to the inch. Sorry for the pedantry Ian, but its best to be accurate.
Some of us still think of an ounce as 437.5 grains – a little on the light side for a bullet for a Martini Henry.
My sincere apologies – I hope nobody thought I was being weightist as that could cause an outrage and a fury on Twitter. As Britain’s cleverest man – Neil Kinnock – once observed: “We are miles away from being a metric nation”.
A political earthquake ? A grey bearded bloke from Islington is going to take over the Labour party and consign it to the bin of history. How long before UKIP will be the number 2 party in this country. The BBC is going to have a tough job now trying to keep Jeremy C off the news. Personally I think Mo Farah should give up running in circles and eating quorn and enter politics now he is a statesman we could trust to run our Country – Britain’s Greatest Sportsman – Pah. Oh hang on Global Warming in California .I love watching all this crap on a Saturday morning nice to keep tabs on what the minority think
Can’t wait to see Corbyn at the Cenotaph in November; in his vest, open necked shirt, knitted jumper, baker boy’s cap, with open sandals and brown socks
Can he rest his bike on the Cenotaph ?
Be careful what you wish for with Corbyn. It seems to me that there is no shortage of people in this country who think either that money grows on trees (QE for the people) or that plenty of taxes can be raised, as long as its from other folk. It was demonstrated in a small way last night when Gyles Brandreth found support for Corbyn’s policies by true blue voters in true blue Guildford.
I agree. Miliband’s policies on the economy were not much better than Corbyn’s – but the BBC and others presented him as a thoroughly reasonable man. But for the SNP scare driving many possible UKIP votes back into the Tory fold the General Election result could have been closer.
And another example of voters’ irrationality on the economy. Labour suffered a poor result – but the LibDems had an appalling result, even though the LibDems had assented to – and were still advocating – a more responsible economic policy than Labour.
Corbyn’s policies may be folly, and many of his associations and causes look very unpleasant – but this chimes well with a lot of people. The BBC will give him a friendly platform, at least at first – and he may be able to keep most of the Labour MPs in line, if only by fear of re-selection contests in their constituencies. And don’t forget the ever-increasing immigrant factor, which helped Labour keep its vote up across most of London.
A statesman who has made it known he WANTS a knighthood. I hope the Awards Office has taken note.
BBC News played a nasty little trick whilst interviewing Nigel Farage about the migrant crisis. As expected Nigel was pointing out the folly of accepting many thousands into the hub of Europe. He mentioned that ISIS had warned they would infiltrate these numerous fleeing refugees and that we could be bringing terrorists in as an act of charity. As he was speaking the Beeb used a split screen showing Nigel talking to camera on one half and a heart rending mother and child scenario on the other. It’s not even subtle, is it?
When we’re not being brainwashed by close ups of weeping women you can clearly see most of these “refugees” seem to be able bodied fit young men.
It’s nothing short of propaganda.
I also saw that , it was pretty blatant.
The propaganda will get worse as AlBeeb becomes more confident that it will not be pulled up for it. It suites our PM not to get rid of this corporation because he needs AlBeeb to support him in his forthcoming campaign to keep Britain in the EU.
At present the ‘tail is wagging the dog’.
A point I have raised before. I see the BBC more as a state within a state, which collects taxes, with its own foreign and internal policy and its own politicians. Hence the BBC is not subject to the rule of this democratic state, and Cameron and most of his government and the loyal opposition, are state employees of the BBC. If Cameron strays too far from the official (BBC) state policy, he is quickly brought to heel. And that explains why Cameron and snivelling nonentity. Whittingdale, will never stand up for the British people against the state.
D’you know, that really fits. It used to be the FO, in the days when it was the FCO, that was often accused of being a state-within-a-state; even further back, this also included, of course, the Government of India (which was incidentally charged with running the war of 1914-18 in its region, which included Mesopotamia). I am not too familiar with this, but I believe there have always been puzzling, embarrassing and downright dangerous conflicts between ‘official’ government policy and the ‘policies’ seemingly adopted by the FO, and some other permanent bureaucracies.
I suppose the difference now is that, with power depending so utterly on wholesale information management, it naturally falls to a broadcasting outfit to become the locus for the SWAS. This must be a double-edged sword for the ‘powers’ of the BBC and their collaborators. On the one hand, the Corporation is not even nominally responsible to the government or the country for its actual policy objectives – the charter is notoriously slippery, and not some kind of legally binding obligation. On the other hand, it is intrinsic to broadcasting that the perpetrators of ‘policy’ are treading perpetually in the realms of discoverability. This means that considerable effort must be set aside to countering that possibility, and the possible levels of internal chaos and confusion are potentially high.
I haven’t thought carefully yet about whether that could be used against the BBC’s evidently imperial ambitions. It is certainly well-defended against the more ‘civil’ kinds of objections to its activities and agendas (I include Biased and all the other forums in this category). How it would fare against a more determined opponent I don’t know.. I guess the poor old public is unlikely to be a knowing party to any serious attempt to topple the BBC as the unaccountable wielder of power in the nation that it has now become. We will only know, if it shrinks or morphs into something else..
I see the BBC are tackling the ‘big’ issues on their webpage:
Google is their friend. It’s a very lazy news room that posts google street view pictures for every story they can’t be bothered to send a local journalist to. We only get pictures of dead migrant children and Jezza’s beard these days.
‘It was almost Biblical…”
Some-might-say a technically or perhaps theologically inappropriate way to describe the sudden wind storm which toppled a crane at Mecca, but a phrase used by a man the BBC tells me is a Haj tour operator and organiser from Birmingham who we are told was an eye-witness.
On BBC Breakfast this morning we are further informed he was just 400 yards away at the time of the accident.
My suspicions are aroused as he spends at lot of his time on air – to my mind an inordinate amount of time and effort – in praising the actions of the authorities and of the army on the scene.
His story is further embellished when he says his mother was inside the mosque when the crane collapsed. Pressed for details he is a little vague – “Scary” “It was dark”
Now I have no evidence that this man is not what he says and was not where he claims or that his testimony is not true – I have to rely on the BBC to do the checking.
He certainly seemed to take great pains to ingratiate himself with any Saudi officials who might have been watching. I presume official documentation and approval from the Saudis is required for a person to be able to make his living as a Haj tour operator – so he would, wouldn’t he?
Funny how Saudi Arabia is suddenly OK for the BBC !
The attitudes of successive governments of all hues to Saudi Arabia has been for decades, to borrow a phrase, ‘complex’. Basically juggling arms money, regional security and oil against ethical [cough] foreign policy.
Basically rampant compromise and hypocrisy.
However the BBC has elevated these to new levels. They have only become interested in the responsibilities of those providing the hardware, while still totally ignoring those of the people using it.
Hence they continue to protect their leaseholders in Salford and new client base for World, yet bash the elected government they ideologically oppose.
Just watched s SKY reporter on a so called ‘refugee boat’ of migrants crossing to Greece. The vessel was once again full of young men . Not one media reporter has looked at the crisis from a different point of view.
Oh to have at least ONE reporter ask a young fit male migrant if he considers himself to be a coward ! for running away from conscription which would mean fighting for his country. Because that is what they are. Just imagine all our young men in both Wars fleeing for fear of being called up to fight for this country. Makes you wonder what would happen if we did go to war again. Will all these British alien young men, regardless of religion stand in line to fight ? oooooo a pig just flew past the window. I’d love Jeremy C to answer THAT one.
BBC2 11 am , 2 hour programme on the result of the Labour leadership contest. I must have missed the one on the Lib Dem contest. I am beginning to think the BBC are biased towards Labour. LOL ! If Corbyn wins , looks like mass resignations from the Shadow Cabinet. This is great fun ! I am enjoying every minute !
Lots of good posts above re the Saudi Crane…or the hand of God as we could call it.
If you want to mess with a liberals head today, just ask them if the crane disaster was
1. Judgement for 9/11/vengeance comes in Gods time-and fourteen years is a microsecond to God.
2. A judgement on their not taking enough fellow Muslims by way of migration( as a Saudi might have said-we`ve got plenty Muslims here already, and we know what they do-hence it`s better to send you the money for a few mosques.
Issa used the same kind of cleaving question(Mk 11.29 33 etal)..that`s Jesus in Arabic apparently.
And when your smug lefty says that God has no part in all this-then tell it to speak to Al Jazeera and try and get on to say that-and see what happens…and to be fair they were actually THERE!
Again to be fair-English Al Jaz and Arabic do work as a pincer movement with completely different priorities.
Arabic last night stayed on their Assad story UNTIL a Saudi Official from the KSA would “give them the steer”…or camel as we`d know it.
Al Jaz English certainly were better for real time commentary-but now their story will be the “progressive consensus” that we`ve all come to know this morning.
Did note that Channel 4 certainly did NOT attempt to run the story with pictures until they`d been approved during their news at 7pm…had it been a Hungarian beating a refugee with a Weetabix sachet, they`d have run a live feed surely!
And-one final thing-to die like this is Mecca is as good as it gets for Muslims( except for blowing yourself up on a bus in Haifa, natch)…so there`ll be plenty celebrations for those who died in Thanatos Terms…107 x72 raisins on order.
Just as well-so many people die in Mecca at these times of hajj…maybe it`s just as well they`1l only let Rageh Omar in.
S`pose the BBC won`t be telling us on More or Less what the death rate is for going to Mecca on pilgrimage-bridges collapsing, tunnels crashing down, cranes and soldiers going postal (as in 1979)…if only Bin Ladens firm put as much effort into building things as they do into bringing down buildings.
He`s just Fred Dibnah as drawn by Shaitan(that“s Satan to them?).
Anyway…fuck a liberal in the head day, as they crown Corbyn…won`t enter their skulls, but you`ll have planted a US flag in their dandruff!
It’s going to be a very long day. The BBC already orgasmic with the likelihood of their idol JC winning; some prat was even saying this morning that his support was most significant IN London, and that London is now turning into a ‘different country’. An inadvertent recognition of the effects of unfettered immigration perhaps? Of course JC’s far-Left fan club will be most numerous in Londonistan; because it is no longer a British city.
“Merkel calls in the army: ‘Generous’ Germany faces migrant chaos as troops put on alert”
I hope the backlash is quick and immediate. It might halt Merkel introducing this madness not only to Germany but to western Europe.
The Saudis have offered to build a mosque for every 100 Muslims in Germany !! lslamification has begun !
Perhaps some other users noticed this as well, but last night me and my family were utterly aghast at the shameful Labour, and to be more accurate Corbyn, propaganda. The One Show, on BBC 1, had a segment set in the very English, very white city of Guildford. Here, the presenter was making unsuspecting members of the public take a test, “are you a secret socialist?”
The test consisted of four questions such as “do you think university fees should be scrapped” and “do you think the NHS should be fully funded by the government.” Answering yes to each of these questions meant, of course, you are a secret socialist. Important point number 1: only people answering yes were shown. No one answering “no” to any question was shown, to give the impression that being a socialist is more common and not as dangerous than it actually is. Important point number 2: the presenter could barely hide his glee when declaring to his member of the public that they were, in fact, a secret socialist! He even squealed with delight, saying “yay!” to one person. He’d pull a giant portrait of Corbyn out and proudly state “you are endorsing this man’s policies!” The member of the public would then act all embarrassed and confused before sauntering off. It was quite something to watch.
Needless the say, the rest of the show was yet more of them blowing smoke up Labour’s arse. Some politics “expert” was on telling us people are voting for Corbyn because he promises to be different and people can see a future with him. Smug arrogance could be detected whilst informing us that Corbyn’s odds of being Labour leader dropped from 200/1 to 1/6. It’s like they don’t even try to hide that they are pro-Labour now.
Notice that the BBC have only got fully behind Corbyn after it became fairly certain he will win. ” BBC, we always back the winner “.
The Guardian readers at the BBC make the Leftist crap fest that is Newsnight for themselves, but they seek to use programmes such as the One Show to educate the public into making the correct decision at the ballot box – which is to say the election of any Party which will redistributes power and wealth into the hands and pockets of sanctimonious thieving middle class public sector authoritarians such as themselves i.e. the twatocracy.
Does anyone think that the BBC would have mobilised its entire News Channel to non-stop coverage of a Tory Leadership election? Looking and sounding like the Labour Political HQ, with still a half hour before it’s ‘live coverage’ of the election results are due to start, the BBC has been effectively covering this live for the past couple of hours.
So, does anyone think this might perhaps stink of bias..? Why is the election of a new Labour Leader so important to the BBC that it sees fit to clear the News schedule and devote all of its transmission time to this one subject?
I’m struggling to think of any reasons…
Krishnan Guru Murthy-when he wasn`t metaphorically comparing house sizes with Sadiq Khan in an appalling Labour love-in at the end of his “so-called News”…showed me film of food getting thrown over a fence to “refugees” in Hungary.
Cue utterly “distressing and awful scenes”…far worse than Belsen surely eh Krish?
Cue my flashback.
T`was late Thursday evening late May 1983…down from t`north for the Cup Final Replay.
Bloody Brighton fans(yes, that`s true-they got to Wembley that year) not only mocked me and “mi bredren” with brown and orange cards, big Giros and chants about no jobs…but then proceeded to throw bread rolls over the separating fence!
The flashback was restimulated by Channel 4, and I`m still in tears about this vicious early example of “Anti Northern Prejudice”…or ANC as we dyslexics and thick northern agitprop forwards know it…and we and the Grievance Monkeys( Somerset Branch) want to know who to sue…the Austrian Labour MP for filming it, Google for disemenating it(new word!)…or Krishan for showing it without warning that the upcoming clip might restimulate those of a Northern disposition( but not northern enough to actually LIVE there!).
Or Cathy Newman-for she was an accomplice was she not?
Who do I sue…still got my bread roll, and can produce the evidence for a long enquiry here.
PS-saw a flashbulb go off among the police lines-can I sue for that,seeing my epilepsy tends to come and go?
Just asking…You and Yours next?
PPS-could sue the Australian government if you like-we dyslexics see them all as the same as you know…and the weathers better for the enquiry…
Ha! Sorry ChrisH. I was one of those Seagulls fans. “And Smith must score…” He didn’t. UTD won.
“UTD won. ”
🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh gawd, I might’ve been too.
chrisH, Can I sue you for making me laugh so much ? You are almost as funny as Thaddeus. Keep up the good work !
I accuse the BBC of being biased in favour of football ( working class ) and against cricket ( upper class). Got to keep things simple for the little darlings.
If by some miracle we are blessed with a merciful cessation of BBC glorification of their Lord JC, then I wonder whether they might like to report on this story of yet another Muslim fascist in our classrooms?
Stop reading, NOW.
One hour special – Labour party leadership result, not to be missed.
On now.
Find out the next treasonous lump of filth the BBC queers will love.
Bloody hell; anyone would think from the BBC’s coverage that a new US president was being elected. Listening to that sanctimonious sweaty man, Tom Watson, pontificating from the podium, it really is nauseating silliness. I don’t think the BBC, Watson and anyone else in that conference room realise that Labour are irrelevant. They’re pathetic.
Tricky time for the BBC.
He’s done an End and assured they are safe under him if they toe the line, but he’s also iffy on the EU.
Dilemma time in Frankie Howerd on lines to take?
The degree of media attention being paid to Corbyn’s coronation, led by the BBC, is astounding. I cannot recall any comparable fuss having been made about a Conservative leadership context. R4 has even cleared its schedules for a live orgasm of celebration – passed off, though it will no doubt be, as an ‘examination’.
It’s not hard to imagine what will happen when Cameron is finally knifed by his Party: ‘meanwhile in other news, the Tories have elected….’
Yeah, the BBC’s clearing of the schedules to cover Chairman Corbyn’s apotheosis reminds me of the time the Corporation did the same thing to cover the last Conservative election…
– Oh.
Still, on a more cheerful note, seeing Chukka’s face in the audience at Corbyn’s coronation, one is minded to recall the fate of a certain Roman Emperor, stabbed to death by his friends and colleagues. Corbyn had best avoid the Ides of March. Assassination is already in the air… Going to be interesting.
So, Al Beeb’s useful idiot Norman Smith wetting himself at Corbyn’s election. You would think Corbyn had just won WWII on his own!
With 85% of the entryist Corbynutter vote, his new deputy, FaTWATson will feel pleased with the effort he put in firstly to engineer Corbyn’s addition to the list and his union mates to mobilising the Leftoid fringe to register for £3 so that the poll could be packed. I’m only surprised that Chairman Corbyn didn’t win 110% of the vote!
Absolutely right, GC. After the last Conservative LE, all we had was the next morning with the Humph on the TOADY prog making a complete ass of himself by going round in circles over tax cuts. (This a.m. he was sounding a bit sheepish about a Corbyn win, possibly thinking of a reduction in his disposable after the top Income Tax rate hits 60%!) In the run up to the vote, IIRC, they spent most of the little time devoted to it, replaying ID-S’s gaffs and odd public, ie. ‘Quiet Man’ proclamations.
We will not have long to wait about a test of impartiality for the BBC on the Conservative leadership front. I think Dave may be gone in as little as 18 months, depending on the EU Referendum date. Certainly he will not want to lumber the next leader – if he wants the Tories to win – with much less than two years before the next General Election. Not least because the campaign for that one, just like the 2015GE, will start at the previous Party Conference season.
Dame Nicky had phone in this morning to trumpet what they claim to be Corbyn’s overwhelming mandate to persue his policies. I texted to ask why they considered him to have been given such a mandate when only last week they were claiming that huge numbers of anti Labour people were paying £3 to vote to get him elected in order to disrupt the Labour party. Further more how is 250,000 votes ( less those cast by Tories) a significant proportion of the National electorate.
What a surprise no reply as usual.
The Labour Party:
September 12th 2015, after a long illness of SWP infiltration. The beloved daddy of Blair, Bevin and Brown.
Flowers and donations to Mr Rentokill at Campbell Mandelson Ltd Funeral Directors, Brewers droop London.
State funeral to be televised live by their beloved BBC.
I’m not entirely convinced. I can envisage a situation in which a sudden reversal of the country’s fortunes could result in Labour being elected – even with JC at the helm.
Imagine, for example, that the current crisis with immigration sparked a major economic collapse in Europe, which it might well. Add a winter of discontent due to extreme weather (far from unlikely given what Blair and his little chum Worthington did to the energy industry).
With the BBC and other far Left media outlets preaching the gospel, yes, I think sufficient numbers of the British are stupid enough to vote Corbyn into office.
Then, heaven help us!
You mention ‘extreme weather’, GC.
I wonder if ‘Our Friends on the Left’, cheerleading for mass migration into Europe, have considered the increased gas & electricity requirement they will bring with them. Oops, all those environ-mentalists with their brains ‘on hold’. IIRC, Germany, at present, is hoping to rely on windmills. For an extra 500,000 consumers. Some of the gas for central & western Europe is imported from further east with a variety of geo-political & strategic questions over security.
I’m expecting a chilly winter.
Although bits of Europe have had a very good summer, if this bit of the south-east is an indicator, there has not been much heat build up that you would expect after good periods of sunshine. This may be due, I think, to some chilly winds and low night-time temperatures. In a really good summer, if you go up to London early-ish in a morning, you can often feel the absorbed, retained heat hit you when you get within a couple of miles from the centre of the city. Not much this year. In addition, you notice the ground temperature via cold water from the tap. It is still coming out of the tap at a cool enough temperature to be acceptable to drink. In a really good year, it feels warm on the hand and requires refrigeration. Have hardly used the bottle of tap water chilling in the refrigerator this year.
We could be in a spot of bother – energy wise – if there are sustained periods of fog, ice and snow over the next six or seven months.
“Germany, at present, is hoping to rely on windmills. For an extra 500,000 consumers. ”
So that’s Merkel’s secret plan for when the wind doesn’t blow – connect 500,000 treadmills to the turbines.
May need to, RJ.
When you are used to living in a country that is warmer on average than norther Europe you will want to be warm in a northern European winter. If it’s a bad one? And gas & electricity become scarce? I can survive with 62-65F showing on the indoor thermometer but I need to either keep active or hide under a duvet.
Maybe Merkel is hoping that a huge increase in the numbers of third world migrants will result in the production of an excess of natural gas.
SKY news, Jonathan Samuels, ” They’ve fled war and persecution !!! ” Turkey actually, a safe country. ” They’ve traveled a perilous journey to Lesbos !!! ” You’d think it was the north Atlantic, It’s a 3 mile boat trip, it’s a summer cruise. ” I WANT to go to Sweden I’ve got relatives there !!! ” one invader demanded, I bet she does and I suspect her relatives don’t look like Bjorn and Ingrid from ABBA.
This is what really pisses me off, we can all see it yet the media never ask the pertinment questions, or question their motives, they just take then at face value in full taqiyya mode.
On a lighter note if Ingrid were in ABBA, shoulbn’t they have been called ABBI ?
My mistake, Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, Anni Frid.
Forgive me a moment of flippancy but with Mrs Merkel and the Euroidiots sanctioning the Islamic surge into our continent we need to send out an ‘SOS’ or we may be ‘finally facing our Waterloo.’
…But will the Winner Take It All?
and soon we will all sing; ‘Thank you for the Muezzin’ 🙂
And the ‘Dancing Queens’ will be ‘Under Attack’
My very thought “Under Attack”.
Great song.
I think “The Visitors” is my feem toon”.
A really sinister song, but brilliant and catchy.
Maybe a new Abba Musical is called for.
“RamaDancing Queen”
I just found out that JC is a Grammar School boy !
Grammar School? That was the traditional way for Labour-lefties to climb up the ladder.
They then demolished the ladder to make sure less people could follow in their footsteps. (That’s sort of an interesting commentary on the present crisis.)
Speaking of education, and all the migrants qualified as doctors, nurses, barristers (yes according to the BBC), engineers, scientists, etc. The problem is their qualifications will not be recognized in the UK, as they fall well below the standards expected. Where 100% is a perfect education (UK 86%), Syria has (55%), Pakistan(30%),Iraq(47%),Bangladesh(44%). All the Africa nations fall below 50%, and as low as 20% in Niger. So even with qualifications as Doctors, lawyers etc from their own countries there is no way they could practice in the UK. Unless of course they were educated elsewhere in the world, including the UK. That would make them from backgrounds rich enough to provide a good education. So when a refugee is interviewed by the BBC and claims he is a lawyer or engineer, the next question should be where were you educated. I would argue that the ‘refugee’ has been privately educated abroad and returned home to a shithole, and wanted out. That is also why the interviewed ‘refugees’ always speak great English. I have worked in a pakistqni owned warehouse in the past, and I was shocked I was working with Dentists, engineers, accountants, etc. But they were educated in Pakistan and india, so in the UK their BSc, MSc and PHd mean sweet FA!
You imagine if this lot ever become the majority!
No need to imagine. Just look at the countries they come from.
He announced he will attend a “Refugees Welcome Here” rally in London once the leadership conference is over
More Labour voters being imported.
As I have said before.
Who votes Labour?
People on benefits, Public Sector workers, non-whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive, the counter productive.
And actors who are also non-productive, barely productive, counter productive !!!
Bull Shit Alert ”Viewpoint: Munich migrant welcome shames Europe By Heribert Prantl editor, Sueddeutsche Zeitung” ( Yes, Merkels actions have shamed Europe but not in the way this arse of a ”journalist ” thinks, has he never heard the story of the Trojan Horse ? )
”A gap-toothed little Syrian boy beamed as he was allowed to try on a Bavarian policeman’s hat.
An exhausted man, unshaven for three days, couldn’t help wiping a tear from his eye.
A cheerful young man was a picture of good humour, making a heart sign with his hands.
There were heart-warming scenes at Munich’s main railway station. People who had spent weeks fleeing were greeted with applause, sweets and soft toys – not by some political activists, but by many ordinary citizens.
Those citizens had set off for the station in Munich and other German cities to demonstrate to the refugees: “You’re not lepers, you’re welcome – we respect you for what you’ve had to endure”.
The media keeps on saying Germany this Germany that, but the German people had no say or vote on this invasion. It’s the traitor Angela Merkel.
Merkel’s time will come.
Deutschland unter Allah. Germany paying off war guilt or paying off war allies? Perhaps the latter.
”PROF Heribert Prantl is a senior editor at German news daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, based in Munich.” So this twit is a Professor Peabody type, spent his whole life with his nose stuck in a book, he may be intelligent but he’s not very wise.
Photo of Heribert Prantl, he looks like an arse, a hooman rights lawyer so he’s got a vested interest.
A ‘Prat’ and a ‘Herbert’ – both words one could get from his name if it came up on Countdown.
Before people start claiming that Corbyn won because he got lots of votes from non-members of the Labour Party – the details show that he got 121K votes from full members out of a total of 245K full members who voted. A touch short of 50% on the first round of voting. If the full-member votes for the other candidates were then re-distributed stage by stage he would have won with a clear margin.
That is – he got almost half of the party members, on the first round of voting, would have won a majority of full-members on the second or third round.
He is not an aberration. He really does represent much of the formal Labour Party membership in its present mood.
And he was certainly the choice (the very enthusiastic choice) of the champagne socialists – many of whom, sadly, I have to work among.
I said at the start of the election, with all the Tories for Corbyn cronies, etc … be careful what you wish for
He is continuing in galvanising support too, its still growing … and the debate is already moving away from Camoron and co. whether they like it or not, maybe the rabid press, and Tory press will do the hatchet job. well enough.
PMQs? … really shows nothing, its staged pap, with the patronising, arrogant Camoron on show … could be interesting.
Tory activists were signing up to the Liebour party so that they could vote for Corbyn and then boast about it in the media, bit gormless that, If you’re doing something sneaky and subversive you don’ t tell people about it.
just learn from Mr B-Liar 100% sneaky and subversive .