Here you go, a new OPEN thread for your completion! Going into a weekend that may see Corbyn elected Labour leader, and has seen Khan win the gig to be Labour’s London Mayoral candidate, I expect the BBC will be fervently behind the comrades.
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I read this about a poor BBC presenter’s upset over house building, which essentially has its roots in the immigration – sorry “housing” – crisis. Oh the sweet irony.
I may have held some sympathy for Fiona Bruce and her reaction to the planning application for a block of 6 flats that will overlook her back garden in Camden but, unlike Ms Bruce, I’m not a supporter of the mass immigration that is radically changing Britain. Her reactions, after having been ‘heist on her own petard’, expose her as yet another NIMBY BBC hypocrite. (Owen Jones last week.) Amongst other things, she’s unhappy that her teenage children will be overlooked while in her garden and has written to Camden council saying that, if the flats were built, then her enjoyment of it will be ‘utterly compromised’.
Just a few words for Fiona and her fellow BBC advocates of the ‘benefits’ of mass immigration and multiculturalism: you are not immune from the consequences of your actions. You, your children and your children’s children will have to live with what you and the politicians have done to a wonderful country and you will have to learn an obvious truth: you don’t save one part of the world by destroying another.
Yes, it may be schadenfreude on my part but, I can’t help but think that there may be some justice in this world when I read the name of the planning applicant, one Shamim Shafi. Enjoy the multiculturalism, Ms Bruce.
If the BBC wet their knickers over Jezza and the SWP victory in the Labour Party, wait till they hear that Hussein Obama gets a second Nobel Prize.
I never knew there was a Nobel Arsehole Prize.
What is it for ? Science ?
Sorry, mistype ! I mean, the only 2 people to win the prize twice are scientists who made a real contribution to humanity.
Just listening to everton v chelsea on 5dead, comentater breaks off from the match to tell listeners that later on there shall be lots of reaction to the new leader of the labour party. Ffs, we are paying for this!
Guys and Gals. Angryman’s angry again. Rant warning. A distraction from Corbynmania which has broken out on the BBC.
BBC favourite and all round Europhile good guy Benedict CumberBatch – Moral Relativism in Action. Slightly O/T.
Further evidence of how a deficit of reason, common sense, and a basic inability to understand: the significance of the numbers; geopolitical reality; Islam; infrastructure and societal harmony (amongst other subjects) is continuing to corrupt public discourse.
Luvvies sometimes make me reach for a bucket. Cop this low intellect propaganda:
Using ‘child death porn’ images and the original lies that brought the images into the homes of our nation, to encourage the ongoing mass relocation of (mainly young males) people into Europe from different cultures, and legitimising this as “morally correct”. Useful idiots? Or more sinister? They must have been advised by now that the poor dead child in question was not fleeing from persecution, but resided in the safety of Turkey. That the boy’s father is reported to be an alleged liar and ‘people trafficker’ who put his own family at risk, resulting in their deaths, must be known to these celebrities too, surely?
Hollywood Luvvies, FAGs (Film Actors Guild) uber-rich individuals and wannabes using their fame to show their adoring fans what lovely, compassionate, humanitarian all round good guys they are. I don’t expect their ‘back yards’, or bank balances, will be affected too much by the results of their inferred policy of enforced repatriation of Syrians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, Somali, Nigerian, Iraqi, ….. into England and Wales [selected constituencies of course, Eh Mr Danczuk?]. All at the expense of the stretched English taxpayer, who already isn’t coughing up enough to cover the current government’s ongoing profligate spending programs. Well I for one won’t be funding these luvvies careers any more.
On a lighter note:
A few months ago, the left were shouting about the housing ‘crisis’. 1.8 million on the social housing waiting list and counting – a real problem that requires understandable solutions! Where in your constituency are the 1000+ homes going to be built during the next parliament? Does your MP even know? Who is actually building them, and why are so many ex-servicemen destitute and sleeping rough? Now the left (including Cameron) are shouting to exacerbate the problem at approximately 1000 persons a day, + the latest bid from a populist politician. Populist madness, but it sure makes them feel good about themselves, whilst Britain’s prosperity will be damaged, its young impoverished and its social cohesion diminished.
Even if our Government had the will to understand and face up to the nature of the geopolitical realities (instead of engaging in the distractions of the emotional response brigade and the self-righteousness junkies), ongoing membership of the EU would , in effect, render it incapable of controlling ongoing demographic upheaval. This inability to project population and actual demographics with any degree of accuracy will render our service providers incapable of planning with any coherence. Doctors surgeries and hospitals, schools and old people’s homes, our courts and policing are all suffering and will suffer to a greater degree in the coming years until our government repatriates it’s duty, our birth right that was within no public servant’s power to give away – but was, to control our borders and protect the interests of all British people.
Do we not yet know? Is it not obvious to us? Have we forgotten our history so quickly? We must leave the EU. To protect what we are duty bound to protect: The birth rights of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren – freedom, respect of property rights and the rule of law, all equal under it, and through that, a more peaceful and safe Britain.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense not Common Purpose.
You can , vote to leave the EU in the next couple of years , but after that , the decision would have been made either way.So what happens to Ukip then ?
I’ll go dust off my crystal ball.
In the meantime, vote UKIP. In fact EM, go join your local UKIP branch and help shape it. Priti’s not doing it for Britain is she? I suggest she’s in it for herself.
One good thing which has come out of the election of Jeremy Corbyn is that he is very anti EU. It doesn’t matter that his reasons for being so are different to ours, an out vote doesn’t discriminate.
So that’s now Labour, UKIP, half the Tory party, passionate about getting out, and against that, the other half of the Tories (the wets) and the Fib Dems, if there are any left, the SNP who control a lot of seats but not many people.
If Jean Claude Junker carries on in the way he has been doing the whole lot might unravel.
Denmark not happy, Netherlands Geert Wilders Freedom party ahead in the polls, Marine Le Penn looking strong, the future is not looking too bright for the EU at all. I wonder if Junker will actually realise the danger he is causing.
I was treated to 2 mins of Juncker’s speech this week, courtesy of Yahoo News. YN, as is their wont, were having a little ‘technical difficulty’ and there was no sound. I watched it anyway, partly because of the lead still photo. About 1m20s of the 2m was a wide awake, animated, purposeful-looking Cameron in mid-speech somewhere, maybe in the House. The 40s of silent Juncker was a shock. He looked stoned. Like someone who had had a spliff to relax and then been told their father had died after cutting them out of his will.
In the still photo, Juncker had been framed with a halo of EU stars. Don’t know if it was recent, but he looked like a rabbit on a motorway catching a first sight of approaching headlights.
Watching Sky news non stop Ccrbyn show and all of the rats leaving the sinking shadow cabinet, seven so far and speculation on their replacements and how many more to go? I think it was well worth my £1(Ex forces discount ) for sheer entertainment value of hearing Emily Thornberry admit not voting for Corbyn after nominating him, reading that one senior Labour MP has said Labour is now Fxxxed with Corbyn in charge and watching the look on the faces of the other nominees. The joy of seeing Tom and Jerry as a headline sums it up nicely. I’m now off to read a non-fiction book “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter” and relax. I know it’s not BBBC but can’t watch Beeb in France, and I’m sure the Beeb has gone into love fest mode.
Is there any precedent for such mass resignations from a Shadow Cabinet ? I can’t think of one in the last 30 years at least.
It’s a BBC love fest with the Corbyn victory. Jane Hill and the other reporters and presenters are beaming broadly as they present him and his victory in glowing terms.
What amazes me is the extraordinary amount of coverage that the Labour leadership contest has been given by AlBeeb. IMHO it has had far more broadcasting time than the general election campaign got in May.
You’d think that Labour/BBC had just won the General Election.
Electing Corbyn is the last Labour/BBC victory.
The sainted Craig at “Is The BBC Biased” has posted this one up featuring Stephen Nolan.
In a week of Naughtie/Jenkin…O`Neil/Polish Tory MP…and now this one…I sense a campaign here.
Later callers demand an apology from Nolan for John of Swansea.
We are all John, as we hear this-and only a BBC lefty could dare to treat legitimate concerns like this.
Nolans fat head needs putting on a frisbee with Jimmy Saviles Merchandising approval!
The BBC seem awful keen on rescuing kids-did Savile teach them nothing?
Or simply teach them all too much?
Not sure about John of Swansea-but Nigel of Cambridge deserves a bigger apology than Nigel!
(This one is for Alex Dyke)
Can we start a get a Syrian family into Stephen Nolan’s house fund I’ll donate a grand lets see him do it
…But his boyfriend wouldn’t like it….
Yuk is he a bender too ? I am serious I will sponsor a nice Syrian bloke to live in their houses it’s time to call out this bullshit
I think everyone who went on a welcome refugees march today should be asked to take a Syrian family into their house.
A lot of them looked like immigrants themselves
They should be asked to f**k off to Syria themselves, since they like them so much.
It’s @rseh0les like that who would wreck our country completely if they could – importing all this human cr@p.
Thanks for posting chrisH.
Typical BBC logic displayed. If you are anti rampant immigration, you obviously don’t care about the ‘children’.
Emotional blackmail and they use it at every turn.
But I was impressed as to how the callers were not swayed or intimidated.
That broadcast is an example of AlBeeb propaganda at its best .
Good post !
A couple of weeks ago I was listening to his show in the car. He had a couple of his usual guests on, the extreme leftist Richard Coles and the American. The discussion was should we do with the Calais migrants. Naturally, Richard Coles wanted them all to be let in, and let rip on the people of UK in no uncertain terms. The American stated, as in the Radio 5 commentary above, ‘I like to know who is coming into our country’. A completely rational requirement by any standard. He was calm and patient putting over his arguments, while Richard Coles screamed and shouted over him at every point. Coles insulted us all for not ‘thinking about the children’, and was not interested in counter arguments. And Nolan thought it was OK for Coles to insult everybody in the UK including his other studio guest, because Coles supports unlimited immigration. So one rule for one etc. And too much thinking about the children is what got the BBC into trouble isn’t it. These callers are not politically motivated, they are just concerned about the future of the UK.
That was absolutely brilliant. A must listen! More, more!
I’ve now had a chance to listen to that. Pardon the language, but what a fucking prick.
It demonstrates how relatively powerless any one of us is against someone who controls the airwaves and can simply cut you off rather than deal with facts. Perhaps some of us regulars should arrange to call at the same time so if he cuts one off there’s a good chance another is waiting to take up cudgels. I’m sure that’s what the lefties do.
Also note how pissed off he was when the last caller went off piste, was not on agenda and had lied to the researcher. It goes to show just how contrived and agenda driven these ‘phone ins’ are.
BBC Pravda vets the callers, 2 or 3 filtration stage process to get on air, yet the BBC doesn’t want to vet the invaders coming into the country, Nolan suffering from a lack of irony.
Stephen Nolan shreiks ” What about the CHILDREN ? !!! If the caller was quick witted, he could have replied ” Exactly Stephen, look at Rotherham, that’s why I don’t want them here.”
I’m well up for that.
Anyone get the vibes that there may be one or two Tory MPs popping over to look at this bolg site form time to time? They must be sending reports to our MP – Surely ?
Statistic for BBC Radio 4 More or Less:
Oslo this year 83 rapes prosecuted 83 of the guilty parties were Pakistani Muslims.
Spin that you B******ds !
“Oslo this year 83 rapes prosecuted 83 of the guilty parties were Pakistani Muslims”
Can you provide some evidence to back up that statement?
How did Pakistani Muslims ever get into Norway ????? there surely can’t be a shortage of taxi drivers over there !
10% of Swedish women over 15 years old have been raped ! God alone knows what that figure is in the towns because there have to be quite a lot living in rural areas.
They must like it though because they keep voting for more of it !
“10% of Swedish women over 15 years old have been raped!”
“Nearly 1 in 5 Women in U.S. Survey Say They Have Been Sexually Assaulted”
How are you going to compare the Rotherham rapists jason, not to mention Oxford, Peterborough and countless other grooming rapists?
Sexual assault is not the same as rape. Neither are acceptable, of course.
Jason seems to feel that Muslim men are no worse than any other men when it comes to sexual crimes, I was wondering why , thats all
It would be interesting to ascertain, what the ethnicity of the majority of the perpetrators and the victims of those sexual assaults in the U.S. were.
Labour supporters have today been supporting Corbyn’s idea of printing money to finance government spending (a la Mugabe) rather than the conventional route of borrowing. Jeremy Warner, economics writer in the Telegraph has this to say about the practice :- QE as so far practiced isn’t basically money printing at all, though this is admittedly a handy term for it. Rather it is creation of interest bearing Bank of England reserves.
The effect is merely to depress long term interest rates, and thereby create demand for higher risk assets. To wilfully confuse the two, as Mr Corbyn and his supporters seem to, demonstrates either a childish misunderstanding of monetary economics or outright dishonesty with the voters.
Perhaps the BBC’s lack of challenge to the proposal suggests that the BBC should be similarly accused
“Economic migrants FAKE being Syrian to claim EU asylum and head for Britain”
“The head of Europe’s border agency Frontex said that trafficking in fake Syrian passports had increased”.
… No surely not, I m shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you
“Fabrice Leggeri called for more guards to help register migrants at the main entry points.
He said: “There are people who are in Turkey now who buy fake Syrian passports because they know Syrians get the right to asylum in all the member states of the European Union.
“People who use fake Syrian passports often speak Arabic. They may come from North Africa or the Middle East but they have the profile of economic migrants.”
Mr Leggeri added: “Faced with the influx, registration systems are overwhelmed.
We have an idea of nationalities, but …
not a clear picture of who is entering and the real profile of these migrants.”
In the Swedish capital Stockholm, about 1,000 people appealed for more generous support for refugees. Sweden can do much more, not only because it has the capacity to do so, but also because it, along with the European Union, bears responsibility for the conflict in Syria
An estimated 30,000 people rallied gathered outside parliament in the Danish capital Copenhagen, chanting “Say it loud and say it clear, refugees are welcome here”.
Thousands turned out in Sydney in support of refugees
Pro-refugee marchers rallied at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter appealed urgently for other German regions to do more to process and accommodate the new arrivals. He described as “scandalous” the failure of other regions to provide more accommodation, according to state broadcaster ARD. Reports suggest the government is considering new temporary powers to take control of unoccupied rental property to accommodate migrants.
BBC Viewpoint: Munich migrant welcome shames Europe
Truly the world turned upside down.
BBC Viewpoint: Munich migrant welcome shames Europe
BBC bias shames journalism
Multiple passenger accounts now confirm that Kurdi as a despicable, shameless liar and criminal:
Any BBC coverage……..?
appalling left wing diatribe from the conductor on stage of the Last night of the proms nothing like what it used to be. What has happened to Tom Bowling, The Saucy Arethusa, Farewell and Adieu, Ye Spanish Ladies?
Every year they seem to chip away at the last night trying to introduce something ‘inclusive’ taking something the left find unacceptable away, until it’s as bland and characterless as everything else the BBC produces,
Prince Charles was worrying about ‘grey goo’ from nano technology, he needn’t have worried about the nano technology, the BBC is bringing it to us every day !
Now I find the conductor is an American left wing feminist lesbian married to a french horn player. no wonder the BBC loves her so much !
I just caught the end of the program not knowing anything about the woman, but immediately formed the opinion ‘there’s an agenda going on here’ turns out I was right.
She certainly isn’t playing the pink oboe, then.
Thoughtful, I had to switch off when she started giving her political speech. I never ever remember a conductor doing that in the past. On the other hand, we had Daniella de Niese, now that is my kind of woman !!!!
An unacceptable diatribe, but of course it suits the BBC agenda of ramming feminism and multiculturalism down our throats. Alsop was chosen for a purpose – expect to see her every couple of years.
But the other thing I noticed was the playing of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. A ‘tradition’ it was described as. It is indeed a tradition, a tradition that at the end of the performances, the audience take over and spontaneously sign off with their own rendition of the song. Not tonight, the BBC muscled in took control – this time the BBC orchestra led the community singing. A small point? Possibly, but one that exemplified the BBC’s desire to control and disempower ordinary people.
I was half expecting “The Red Flag” ! Maybe next year ?
I agree 100% with what you say here. Even the hornpipe only sped up on its last round. She is actually not a very good conductress either as one piece she messed at the end by shaking her baton too quickly. I noticed she was a lesbian by the fact she festooned the bottom of her podium with rainbow flags, which is also a political statement. I don’t care that she’s a woman or what her sexuality is, but I expect to see the best person for the job and for them not to use the platform for political posturing. She’ll be on every other year until they can find another woman.
Did anyone also notice that Glasgow and Swansea left connection prior to the patriotic pieces (which the conductress clearly felt she had to rush through as she didn’t really care for them) and Belfast left after Rule Britannia? Surely the point of having these connections was to join in the community singing at the end and not to waste them on a dodgy rendition from the Sound of Music. Obviously the BBC think they have weaned the Scots and Welsh off UK patriotism and the break with patriotic Belfast would have been to please their IRA heroes.
I’ve been to four excellent Proms this year but I am getting more frustrated every year by the BBC dumbing down the season. The Proms is about making classical music available for all to enjoy and not have musicals nights, jazz nights and Rap nights. All these other types of music are worthy (maybe not rap) and can stand on their own merits, but they have sufficient television and radio time so they don’t need to reduce the only major classical season on television and radio that we have.
When she patted Jonas Kaufmann on the back, it was somewhat “mannish”. But how wonderful to hear a German singing “Rule Britannia” !
Demon, excellent post, saves me saying the same thing.
Sky laying it on thick with the migrant story tonight, maybe I’m callous and selfish, but everytime they show the old, infirm, crippled and pregnant heading this way all I’m thinking is there goes mine, my wife’s and my kids future hospital appointments as well as our futures. Our birthrights and our ancestors blood count for nothing now…
Waiting for Match of the Day (only because Chelsea lost) I caught the end of the News. They showed the “Refugees are Welcome” demonstration. Ye gods, I swear a good 90 percent of this mob were foreigners. There was the occasional rather “confused” indigenous type ( I’m being polite), but the overwhelming majority were not from these islands originally….and now they are telling our government how to conduct foreign policy. Talk about gratitude!
I suppose Dave could explain that due to 20 years of mass immigration we are desperately over crowded.Our population has never been higher, our children can’t get into the schools we want, we can’t afford houses and pretty soon in parts of London it will be standing room only. However if these concerned demonstrators pissed off home then we might have a bit more room for the new lot.
If only…
The Eastern European’s have got it right…
Seen before by Fascist states, white people forced out of their homes to make way for migrants. How long before this happens here?
Headline on BBC website “Elton John wants Putin gay rights talks”. ( It almost makes it seem as if Putin is gay, now that would be a laugh ). The BBC, bringing us the big news stories. Because we deserve it !
I await the day when Elton John wants Iranian gay rights talks or (substitute Muslim Islamofascist state here) .
Maybe he is just using Putin as a dummy run. On the other hand, maybe not !
A bit like the high integrity BBC editorial reporting his efforts, it is possible Elton restricts himself to areas where the narrative is served with little chance of ‘complications’.
One is sure his people and their people will get on famously.
“I await the day when Elton John wants Iranian gay rights talks…”
Thoughtful, hardly an hour ago you slagged off the conductor of BBC Proms because she was a lesbian.
Do the words; “stinking” and “hypocrite” mean anything to you?
Jason, far be it for me to speak for Thoughtful, but I think the point he is making is not about Gay Rights, but about Elton John’s hypocrisy and his cowardice.
I believe he is a she.
Thoughtful, that is.
Guest Who. LOL ! Thanks for that. It just proves that I am unbiased when it comes to the sexes !
Only the BBC would reckon that King Elton of Pinner deserves a meeting with his peer and comparable bezzie in waiting…Vladimir Putin.
Got a lot of time for Elton…but he ought to know by now where this BBC fawning stuff ends up.
I well remember Elton touring the USSR in the late 70s-and with Ray Cooper, I`m pretty sure the concerts went down well and did a lot of good.
But then we had Brezhnev-the likes of Sakharov,Bonner, Solzhenitsyn,Sharansky,(and Havel/Walesa from Comintern) in real danger of their lives. Jews and true unionists, academics fleeing and being bugged and buggered.
Nasty times….but I don`t recall the left or Elton giving a hang about REAL persecutions.
Maybe NOT of the stature of Reggie Yates or Pussy Riot though…but possibly with more on their minds that wearing ripped tights and smearing red lipstick on their faces in St Basils Cathedral or Nowa Huta!
Elt could easily do this privately-but telling the BBC(in one way or another) only makes me think that he`s a shill for the liberal oafs who thought that Walesa had it coming, that Havel should have sucked up to Husak and that Sakharov needed to lighten up with the KGB.
Useful idiot Elton. Look it up.
I`ve no time for Putin, but at least-like Corbyn I “see where he`s coming from”…we fucked up over Yeltsin, and we knew what that would mean…and, to be fair, he hates Islam and terrorist appeasement much as we do.
AND-one other thing-anybody seen a Russian get taken hostage in Iraq? an orange jumpsuit?
There`s a reason for that-“Life Isn`t Everything” Elton-but Russians are NOT dicked about with by Arabs or Islam…find out why eh?
Funny isn’t it, I make a comment about the conductor of the proms being a left wing feminist lesbian, and criticise her for using last night of the proms to make a political speech, and you seem to have managed to read into that criticism of her sexuality!
Years ago schools taught English comprehension now they only teach reading, and many people can read, but cannot understand what is written.
Perhaps you can explain to us where the ‘slagging off’ actually occurred in my text, and if not (and I really doubt this) apologise for the usual left wing name calling?
Just a slight inkling that this person may be only obsessed to the point of derangement by one topic and keener to derail topics of a BBC nature with OT accusations about fellow posters.
Does the word ‘Bless’ spring to mind?
I`m with you too thoughtful.
I too thought her speech was utter “Imagine” crap.
Her citing of Baltimore was typical-virtue signalling without any need to actually STAY in her city and tell THEM all that guff.
Not too difficult to “Imagine”why she might be visiting Brazil so often, given her exotic priorities…but for her to tell us that THEY are enlightened re their “patronage of the arts”…and only the BBC represent that kind of cheridee/Yeats On the Rates crap was typical guff.
Favelas. drugs, homelessness, empty violent football stadiums, wiping out of indigenous tribes, nigh-on daily demonstarions against the (woman) Presidents corruption re Big OIl?…why, oh why don`t we ALL become like that?
Well, her coded crap for more migrants should bring that about Allsoppy!
Mind you-I did see plenty rainbow gay flags on the podium(and in the hall) to ensure at least a few of the Rainbow Tribe of Marins will get a decent gaily-painted shroud?
That Rainbow Tribe I speak of DO need wiping out-imported muticulti scuttlebuns like Alsop and Greer(Bonnie)..I find a UKIP badge brings them out in hives or the vapours…recommended!
Had to laugh at Channel 4s ‘It Was Alright In The 80s’ cue a clip of impressionist Faith Brown blacking up and mimicking black cook Rusty Lee. Our ‘right on’ lefty comedians and modern day metrosexuals are aghast that such a thing could happen. Thankfully Rusty Lee is allowed her say and puts the offended by proxy well and truly in their place, telling us it wasn’t malicious, it was just fun, get a grip, get a life…
Good ‘ol Rusty, I like her, sadly she won’t be appearing on the BBC anytime soon.
There is no integration or assimilation with many of our migrants or immigrants .
But here is someone who says it as it is and gets heavily criticised …………………
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
― George Orwell.
Something else that won’t be covered by the BBC:
Polish media reporting that Martin Shulz has advocated the use of force against EU member states that do not want to abide by “refugee” quotas:
This site (and one or two others) does a fine job in highlighting obvious BBC bias in detail. Thank you David for your continuous hard work and dedication.
My question to everyone reading this is: “What are we going to do about it?”
With David’s permission I’d like to suggest a pragmatic approach for how to deal with the bias of the Beeb’s news and current affairs output.
This post is about general strategy and the second moves on to specifics. Apologies for the length of the 2 posts!
1. The Short-Term – What can we realistically hope to achieve with the BBC in the next 3-6 months and what methods could be used?
2. The Longer-Term – Addressing inherent and systemic bias and correcting this via legislation.
The purpose of the two-pronged approach is essentially carrot and stick: we need some real change quickly and it’s our collective fault that many of us haven’t addressed this properly before now. This leaves us limited options and I suggest that legislative remedies will not be available to effect the changes needed in the short time available before the EU Referendum.
However the short-term methods of Phase 1 should have the backing and threat of Phase 2: the potential dismantling of the Corporation’s current structure and the BBC’s loss of its existing cosy way of life.
Like many of my fellow-countrymen I’m not quick to anger but I can be pushed just so far. For decades I supported the BBC’s independence and even backed it when it came under attack, despite the attacks coming from those with whom I disagreed.
Regrettably I’ve now come to the conclusion that my once-loved BBC is not the animal it used to be in days gone by, when it could be respected by most people. In fact it’s now so far gone that radical surgery will be required.
With David’s permission my next post will put forward a couple of practical ideas on a possible ‘Phase 1’ – ways in which all interested people could participate in helping the BBC towards a short-term and partial fix to the overwhelming bias we’re all seeing in their output on a daily basis.
And maybe all of you could add to this with your own ideas. One of us is sure to come up with something which David and everyone else likes!
I’d like to reiterate the suggestion made above – time to start coordinating call-ins.
Here are a couple of ideas for the ‘Phase 1’ plan to tackle BBC News & Current Affairs endemic bias in the short-term. I’m sure other correspondents will be able to add to this with their own ideas for practical measures which could be applied.
In the House of Commons last Monday night, several Honourable Members made the point that they thought that BBC staff are unaware of the depth and breadth of the bias which comes out in their daily reporting. I tend to agree, despite the fact that these staff are highly-paid and are supposed to be intelligent.
We could therefore give them something to think about. Regrettably I don’t feel that Members of Parliament are the right people to do this on their own. Witness Bernard Jenkin MP on the Today programme interviewed by Jim Naughtie on Tuesday morning. Naughtie clearly felt that Jenkins’ criticism was beneath contempt. And this is the man who is about to be given a roving BBC brief on the EU Referendum. Heaven help us….
I therefore feel we need to inundate the BBC with the views of normal citizens and licence-payers from all political persuasions. Perhaps if they saw the sheer volume of views about BBC bias, they might pause for thought.
In recent months I’ve read this and other specialist websites which clearly detail and demonstrate BBC bias and which have hundreds of readers’ comments. I’ve also been reading the daily comments sections of the major newspapers (including the Guardian) and various other news and current affairs sites. Almost all the comments dealing with the Beeb are complaining about its bias.
If all the people who complain on these sites were to complain to the BBC, at the very least the Corporation couldn’t ignore the strength of feeling on this subject. I’m happy to post the online link to the BBC’s complaints dept specifically for News and Current Affairs. The emails they receive are allegedly circulated to all staff in News and Current Affairs each morning.
Nearly half-a-million twitterites and other ‘instantly competitive-compassionate’ people signed a government website petition following the photo of the poor 3-year old who lost his life in Turkish waters.
Why can’t we launch a more thoughtful petition asking the Government to introduce compulsory guidelines for fair and balanced reporting from the BBC, with some form of oversight and penalties? It could also state no confidence in the Trust as a suitable mechanism of ultimate adjudication. 100,000 signatures leads to the Government having to debate it in the House or give good reasons why not.
To give just one small example of the kind of thing I’m proposing in the Phase 2 legislative stage, all staff in what the Beeb now calls ‘newsgathering’ and current affairs should attend compulsory re-training as to what constitutes balanced reporting and programme-making. This would include the fundamentals of having all viewpoints represented, by inviting those with opposing views onto each programme.
This re-training would also include the ‘explanation’ that BBC News and Current Affairs is not funded as a campaigning organisation. It’s there to present us with facts and also to question those who are in positions of power or influence, in order to bring out all aspects of a story.
The reporters’ own views should not appear in words, vocal inflection, facial expression or in any other way, because they’re reporters. They’re not there to make or shape the story in their own image. If that’s their ambition they should run for Parliament, or they should seek employment with an appropriate NGO or charity in which case they’ll have no problem being invited onto the BBC all the time.
This needs to be kept separate to Petition No.1, and would propose that the Government immediately decriminalises the offence of non-payment of the licence fee, making it a civil matter.
In order to drive the point home, I suggest the petition should explain the reason behind it. Something like : “In light of the BBC’s continued long-term and institutionalised bias in its News and Current Affairs output, it is no longer reasonable to prosecute those whom it no longer serves with fair and balanced reporting of national and world events.”
This would result in a dramatic fall in revenues and present the BBC with a major problem in collecting fees via civil prosecutions. The idea is to hit the BBC where it hurts most – in the pocket.
I have other ideas but for now I’ll shut up and open it to the floor. Please restrict these to practical short-term ideas.
You never know, we may actually be able to help to effect change, rather than just complaining about where we are now.
David, some good thoughts. Time does not allow me to respond in detail now but I’m getting very angry and prepared to do things I would never have previously contemplated. I don’t think I’m the only one.
Almost the entire front page of BBC website is devoted to JC. The BBC has almost given up even the pretence of impartiality. It is unreal.
Good piece for you to read. Really captures the disgraceful behaviour of the BBC –
Alex, thanks for that link. A superb blog, sums it up perfectly. I would urge all here to read it.
Damien Day and Dimbles would seem all that is missing.
That is excellent Alex, thanks for posting.
A German friend of mine sent me some German Facebook discussion on the immigrant situation in Germany.
There is no apparent sympathy for Merkel’s ‘open door’ policy.
Here is one entry typical of many. I’ve used ‘Google Translate’, but I think you’ll get the gist:
“And it is these thoughts expressed by a lot of people on the street and who addressed us openly . The three main fears were : Fear of Stimmungskippung (?) with corresponding consequences , fear of terrorism in their own country and the uncertainty about the funding that eventually could result in the fact that the weakest members of our society will receive less , especially pensioners . So no, it’s not a crime to express an opinion . We need to even talk specifically , what moves loudly and clearly about anything in this connection . And we must act primarily …”
The Germans also appear to have issues with their state broadcaster.
The BBC and #criticsaresaying
Seems an Australian minister has made a joke and a nearby mic caught it.
This has roused the spirit of JonDonunder to see a full piece on the outrage that has ensued.
It’s only after many paragraphs does one learn it is from the opposition
Now I am not a professional media guru, but ‘government enemies try to stir up non story’ is usually ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)…. unless in the hands of a waiting propaganda organ.
All very strange the old bloke with a beard from Islington wins who is a teetotal veggie and he does not appear on the Marr show despite being scheduled and it doesn’t look like he is going to do PM’s QT this week. So that is a good start what could they possibly be frightened of ? Get the bloke on I am dying to hear his views
Lock13, I guess he is busy with what must be total turmoil in the Labour Party. At least I hope so !
Maybe they could empty chair him?
Or is that on a selective basis too?
Latest BBC… ‘News’ on Facebook:
“Can eating more than six bananas at once kill you?”
Comments so far going well.
Gameshow had a ‘Your Call’ special this morning, following ‘Jeremy’s’ win (one of Campbell’s colleagues was obviously so excited she was one first name terms).
Towards the end of the phone-in a caller from Durham, Bruce, identified himself as a former ‘Labour man’ but who had voted Tory in the last two elections.
In the light of Corbyn’s victory, Campbell asked him: ‘…..ARE YOU COMING HOME…BACK TO LABOUR’
Naughtie, Naughtie!
On my way out from work this morning my colleagues informed me that the Labour Party is now being led by TOM and JERRY?
Can anyone explain this?
TOM Watson-and JERRYmy Corbyn!
Cartoons to the same abound with Jerry in his Lenin cap.
That’s all folks.
I’m an American with an EU passport living in Germany. I’ve been watching both CNN and the BBC. I can tell you that CNN has inexplicably been pushing just as much of a pro-migration agenda as the BBC has. Their coverage has repeatedly focused on the kung fu camerawoman and the Hungarian police officers chucking food at the immigrants. There has also been a vastly disproportionate, and thus misleading, emphasis on the women and children among the refugees. I have heard nary a mention of what the estimated percentage of fighting-age men is among these people. My guess is that it’s around 80%, if not higher.
The coverage has also made it seem as though most Germans are welcoming migrants with open arms apart from a very few nasty neo-Nazi types who burn down shelters. The reality on the ground is much different. I have yet to meet one German who’s happy about this situation or who supports this open-door policy. And, no, none of these people are Nazis. They just understand (at least partially based on decades of experience of having had large numbers of Moslems in this country) that letting in hundreds of thousands of young Moslem men is most assuredly a recipe for disaster. Plus, what is a non-Nazi to do here when the right-wing/right-of-center party led by Merkel flings open the doors to these hordes? Who is one supposed to vote for during the next election? Certainly nobody has asked the German people whether they’re in agreement with such a drastic demographic change of their country. Indeed, Bavaria’s political leaders (who belong to Merkel’s party) have recently lamented the fact that they hadn’t been consulted before this catastrophic decision was made.
Unfortunately, I believe we are doomed. Western civilization, by far the best that the world has ever seen, will come to an end simply because we’re petrified of being called racists or Islamophobes. It will perish because we’re horrified at the very thought of hurting people’s feelings. Future historians will look back on us and think that we were absolutely insane.
yankalp, thank you so much for that valuable insight.
I fear there will be no future historians to look back on this period of Western civilisation.
Thank you for your post, good to get such from a different perspective, but, alas it is as I suspected.
Don`t worry yankalp.
Most of us here grew up with the “Eurovision” Channel that only ever showed the Eurovision Song Contest…though it did have a good impressive herald of a tune to announce its taking over of the BBC airwaves for a few hours.
Vaguely remembered Sandie,Clodagh. Lulu and Cliff -and definitely remember us metaphorically banging the saucepan lids when Dana won for “us”!
We also got “It`s a Knockout”..which became “Jeux Sans Frontieres” very soon after, and Eurovision would have been involved in that!
See where`1`m going?… we of a certain age KNOW what the Eurovision Idyll is-and the BBCs surrender to it round about 1973…we`ve all grown up with it.
Culturally we`re Johnny Rotten…not bloody Plastic Bertrand…but Jean Jacques Burnel is a good compromise-and that`s as fas as it goes.
The BBC want “Starman”-but it was the Thin White Duke we`ll be getting, despite the BBC omitting to tell us about Bowies imaginings of British Fascism/Socialism.
The European Canon is here indeed. Bowie is a prophet.
In short-don`t worry…we owe the USA, we love Israel(warts and all)-and we love England.
The Channel 4 crap “This Is England” is an Oxbridge confection…they want that, and need it to be fulfilled.
It`s not going to happen-we know there`ll be a fight, but it won`t be with the spineless BBC nomenklatura…it`s with the cBBC generations…Mark Duggans tribal spiral…and soon they`ll have to get wise, get off drugs, get out of school before Labour and the BBC tell Anjems Mama who they are and where they live.
Children of the Revolution eh?…let the BBC think Marc Bolan meant it “maan”…tuneless twats with Rolls Royces paid for by us is NOT what Marc meant!
(Mt11.19 and/or Lk7.35…big difference Justin!)
I for one still have faith that when it comes to the crunch, westerners will prevail ,if we are free of the liberals and the propaganda. I lived in virginia for ten years and i felt the same pro liberal agenda being pushed in the states. If i were a paranoid type ,i would think it was a westwide conspiracy to rid the world of intelligent white folk!
Could we die of embarrassment?
Or will we die of shame, instead?
Container with aid for “refugees” was full of weapons and ammunition. This is wall-to-wall on the BBC, obviously. Oh wait….
BH Paper reviews were BS earlier today( 9.45am/ Radio 4/13.915).
Was looking forward to John Timpson-whose chain of key cutters etc have been a feature of my life sicne the 70s…so he must be doing something right!
But no-he wouldn`t talk about Corbyn-even though THREE times he was asked to by Kevin Connolly( imagine the O`Connell types are still pissed from last night at Labour HQ).
I definitely detected some effort to get him to choose the “Corbynmania” meme-even as others were speaking.
For he was up north on the line-and I sensed Connollys crew were onto him to choose Jizz over fish fingers-and to be fair, he didn`t buckle.
But they had their revenge-for his views on the threat to us all re the Living Wage of Osborne next year will cause “Business” problems got shot down in flames by some unelected Labour Baroness(quite a few to choose from).
Funny who the new aristocracy are here?…Lady Worthington,Lord Falconer, Baroness Prosser/Amos/Scotland/Uddin…and never any query re how they got THOSE titles without even being elected…very E.U.
Imagine when the Tories had Lord Whitelaws,Carringtons eh?…and the crap THEY got for not being “in touch with the real world”…unelected toffs, unaccountable?
Wasn`t Falconer just Tonys BrewBoy in a flatshare in Lincolns Inn…so how come HE gets to talk of euthansia for the rest of us?
But I digress-you`ll know Prossers schtick…bloody Timpsons like-what would HE know about business?…unlike her union chums and the BBC, who`ve never done a days work outside the Bubble, not earned a penny-just been rewarded for their charity needs from the taxpayers Magic Money Tree.
The treatment of Timpson-an old boy, whose business longevity deserved a lot better than a Union Barons ambush, and a Guardian lefty called WRONG, was typical….(s`pose the BBC are only on first name terms though)
Utter crap…oh, and Timpsons lad is a Tory…the “priviledged toff” that Dunwoodys gal tried to defeat in a by election…and lost too.
Connolly seemed very pleased with his “are you a splitter or a server” question to all Labour luvvies who called by for a chat at BH this morning…he meant “shitter or a stirrer” I think-but hey, aren`t they all either/or in the Newer New Labour Party of Jeremy and his Whore Bin Tribe.
For those not privy to the John Timpson column in the DT he talks more common sense that a room full of our politicians.
It is his sort who need to be in the House of Lords, not superannuated failed politicians!
Somebody made a good point about professional qualifications. The BBC keeps reminding us that the migrants are doctors, brain surgeons, engineers, etc but doesn’t mention that there are very few international qualifications for professionals – most have to go through a lengthy process to achieve parity in another country. I’ve worked for professional bodies and it’s difficult enough for, say, a British engineer to practise in Germany, let alone a Syrian.
The BBC however seems to keep on reminding us how well qualified they all are, perhaps because it taps into concerns that we have insufficient numbers of skilled workers in the UK.
You are not suggesting they need qualifications are you ? Just put on a white coat pick up a stethoscope and off you go .Off topic my old mum was sitting in the Doctors surgery the other day and she reckoned nearly everyone who was called before her was called Mohammed probably getting a bit of practice in before they hold surgery
If you can buy a freshly written PhD overseas and despite evidence of skulduggery get it accepted, then professional qualifications duplicated overseas should be easy to come by. And given that the local management – hospital, school, university – are from your homeland and very likely possessing similar qualifications, there should be no problems.
Well i KNOW I`m a top research scientist in Ireland-Stephen Gateley “Professor in Residence at Hooley Schooly Studies” there on Rugged island.
But-as you`ll know by now-I`ve lost my “stiff`kits” as I lent them to a nice lady to make boats for her jacuzzi pool-and they`re no longer available for you to check.
But -and I quote Sir Stephen here-no matter what I tell you, what I believe is true…and the same goes for you.
Now then…that finrot of yours…trousers down, let`s open this chequebook and have a look…..
BBC lies, propaganda and bias. People accept the BBC at its word, but that is changing fast i wish. Most, if not nearly all professional positions are filled by agencies who do the recruiting abroad to guarantee the quality of the professional. They will not employ from the migrant numbers, who even if they could prove there qualifications, those qualifications would fall well below the required standard. The NHS does this with Doctors and nurses, so I would presume this goes for most professional positions.
A valid argument against open borders and illegal migrants is that their identities cannot be proven. This allows for the inevitable entry into the UK of terrorists and criminals of all levels. From pickpockets to mass murderers. The BBC cannot in good conscience deny that. So if an identity cannot be proven, how can qualifications be trusted. References from where exactly. Africa has a massive scamming industry. Nothing out of Africa can be trusted anymore. And as said, even valid university qualifications are equal to UK college A level educations at most.
Colin Brazier on SKY news has just made a fair and impartial report from Lesbos. It allowed the viewer to make their own judgment.
Brazier (and small SKY crew) 1. BBC (and triple the number of SKY crew) 0.
I finally wrote to my MP today. I urge everybody here to do the same. We have to start fighting back, even if it’s only in a small way. I’m sure social media is also a powerful weapon, but I don’t use it. I don’t expect everybody here to agree with all the points and I’m not trying to start a debate on its content, but below is the text (I trust you will forgive me for preserving my anonymity on this forum):
Dear Mr —-,
Yesterday there was a demonstration in London, mainly by members of the left, protesting about the Government’s stance on immigration. May I take this opportunity to remind you that the kind of people who take to the streets in protest rallies are no more typical of the British public than the noisy left wing rabble in a typical BBC Question Time audience.
Almost every survey carried out indicates that the vast majority of British people, despite the blanket propaganda and sensationalism in the BBC and sections of the press over recent weeks, do not support the idea of an open door immigration policy. I believe that most people in Britain and in many other parts of Europe regard Angela Merkel’s response to the present migration crisis, and what would appear to be a refusal to distinguish between genuine refugees and economic migrants, to be foolhardy in the extreme. I would urge you to ensure that David Cameron stands firm on this issue. The numbers we see today will be as nothing compared to what will follow if we all took Germany’s short-term knee-jerk reaction to this crisis.
I am not a member of the far right. In fact I am probably only just right of centre and I am not opposed to sensible, controlled immigration. But we are already seeing the ramifications of the irresponsible immigration policy pursued by the last Labour government, who apparently wanted to “rub our noses in diversity”. I am sure this is a very unfashionable statement in this modern world of relative values, but I happen to believe that Western Civilisation is really rather precious. What is happening at the moment amounts to an invasion. It might not involve guns or tanks, but in such numbers it is still an invasion – an invasion by people who have little or no understanding of the British way of life and in many cases are opposed to it. It is a consequence of immigration that we now have less free speech in Britain than we had thirty years ago. Boris Johnson’s allusion to the fall of Rome was correct. I’m glad at least he had the courage to speak out. Our tolerance as a society, something we all hold dear, could paradoxically prove to be our downfall if we don’t defend ourselves.
Until recently I have not been at all Euro sceptic, but recent events have made a very strong impression on me. If David Cameron wants to win the oncoming referendum on the European Union he is going to have to show some real backbone and stand up for Britain and not be swayed by the diktats of Germany, or for that matter by a deluded and vociferous minority in this country.
I thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully
Excellent letter, OA, please post any response you get.
Excellent letter. Would help if you indicated which part of the country you live – so the MP doesn’t receive dozens of the repeated letter !! he/she might think there is a conspiracy going on !
Thanks for the composition. I’ve sent a copy to my MP.
I used your letter as a template (I would only be considered right wing by the hard left beeboids) and sent it to my MP Phillipa Whiteford .
Good Morning Feargal
Thank you for your email and I agree that a solution must be well thought out to ensure that we are able to cope with the number of refugees we receive.
What is happening in the Mediterranean is a great human tragedy and we are facing the very real possibility of a migration crisis which could cost 30,000 lives this year. However, the attitude of successive Westminster governments when it comes to asylum and refugees has been nothing less than appalling – it’s time for the UK Government to step up to the plate and make clear its long-term commitment to working with EU partners in finding a long-term solution.
Eighty years ago the UK offered refuge and asylum to those who were being pursued by the Nazis. Now, in contrast, the UK has an appalling record on the resettlement of Syrian refugees and is not prepared to co-operate with other European nations on accepting refugees who have been rescued in the Mediterranean even while other nations such as Germany and Sweden are accepting them.
The team of SNP MPs at Westminster have directly challenged the Prime Minister and the policies of his government in parliament this month. It’s about time that the UK Government’s policy towards asylum seekers and refugees prioritised the basic human values of fairness and compassion and we will be using our opposition day debate to bring a Government Minister to answer for their lack of action and the lives that have been lost because of it.
My colleagues and I will continue to put pressure on the UK Government to demonstrate its commitment to a long-term solution to the problem however please be assured we would want this done in a way that is fair and acceptable to the people already living in this country.
Dr Philippa Whitford Member for Central Ayrshire
I’ve had to type her (SNP cookie cutter?) response verbatim as my inability to cut and paste her e-mail is rather frustrating.
To summarise her answer;
Her party which has brought in laws making the singing of ‘sectarian songs’ a criminal offence is willing the UK Government to import sectarian moslem problems that will make the, currently not so frequent, Glasgow football rivalry look like a teddy bear’s picnic.
No mention of the vast amount of aid the UK has pushed to Syria et al, or the lack of support from Gulf States (is it because the sunni ISIS caliphate is ‘one of their own’?), or the UN/Arab League/OIC lack of involvement, or Merkel finally realising that she better shut the border as her refugee offer has become seriously over-subscribed.
I may have to have another coffee before I compose my answer as it seems she is interested in nothing more than cheap party political point scoring.
Some of this is new, some we’ve seen (apologies if this has already been posted) but would Thomson, Geldof and Mrs Balls et all be so welcoming to these inbred, war mongering, backward animals if the media actually showed us the truth. They bite the hand that feeds, a rabid Pitt Bull would probably be a better bet.
I have shared this link on my facebook page. However youtube appear to have pushed it behind their adult/risky content log-in screens, which they are aware will put off the casual viewer who cant be arsed to go through the process.
With over seventy per cent of the public having immigration as their number one concern, and Corbyn at an ‘immigrants welcome here’ demo, the maths add up to him never being elected as PM.
I remember years ago the Sun having the headline……….. last one leaving turn out the lights ! at the thought of Labour gaining power. Various ‘c’lebs’ have said something similar when faced with a Tory / Labour government, some have even threatened to leave the Country. They’re still here. Faced with the demographic change of the whole of Europe, not just Germany, it won’t be a case of turning out the lights or leaving them to it, because in a couple of generations the white European will no longer exist, and seeing a white anglo saxon in Londonistan will be rarer than a hen’s tooth. Happily I will have long left this mortal coil.
BBC report clashes between Israeli police and Pallies.
See the anti Israel bias.
‘Police say they entered the site “to prevent riots”. They were reported to have used tear gas and stun grenades, and were attacked with rocks and fireworks.’
That looks as if the the police started it.
Then a picture contradicts police claims that no one was injured. Poor injured Pallie being carried after police inflicted injuries.
Got away from radio 4 and hopped over to Radio 2.
Some highly-pushed “Concert In the Park” with all the usual well-fed suspects like Jo Whiley and Sarah Cox…I blame bloody Wogan for that!
Anyway-some new bloke-thinks he`s Marvin Gaye blended with Luther Vandross with Paul Wellers tin ear for “soul”.
Sean Escoffier or something similar.(I know it`s Escoffery though).
My point-his opening song was a homeopathic dilution of “Harvest For The World”…but Elton John likes him and he`s done loads on musicals so is au fait with Strickly rules.
Big shout out, make some noise, amazing awesome…FFS!
My point-a couple of lyrics.
“People having to pay for what they should get for free?”…did he mean the TV License here?…let`s discuss THAT Jo, Ken, Sarah and Zoe!!!
“People only hearing what they want to hear”-Labour migration and Corbyns wonderful election anybody?
Trouble is-he said it was THEY…not US who “only hear what they want to hear”…so I`m guessing Escoffery reckons it`s the whiter chavs, UKIP and Tories who are guilty of that.
Not the liberal bleeding hearts of the BBC, and those who put this blunt Gaye Blade on stage at Hyde Park.
Picnic Basket Cases this lot!…but we`re paying for it, so we`ll be hearing lots more from Chukka Escoffier!
I am , waiting to watch the Corrs , Bryan Adams ,& Rod .(Its on the red,Corbyn approved ,button)
Good to hear Kate Rusby, and -like you-I`ll find bits to like.
But how come the BBC is “sponsoring” this?…is it profitable-and are strings pulled to ensure that those who show up get extra record plays, or free publicity later on?
I think of U2 in 2009-wall too wall promotion over telly and radio…but the BBC seemed to absolve themselves as per.
Seems to me a Gang Show whenever Strictly, Blackburn etc get up on the stage to act out the “Hello Wembley” meme-the BBC seems to employ an awful lot of wannabes with no discernible talent, save for air guitar and tribute acts from 1976.
I saw a proper band live this afternoon among a hideously British beer and cider swilling crowd…The Wurzels, now there’s a proper band my lovelys. Them was good too…
Peaceful demonstrations yesterday in support of the migrants. At Dover there was a demonstration of people opposing migration, and were dubbed ‘far right fascists’. For all I know they may have been, as I have no information. But the left Nazi’s in Class War and on the Antifascists Network Facebook Page is a proud display of opposition to the far right and police. Looks to me as if the peaceful supporters of the migrants went looking for a fight. This is going to be our future thanks to Cameron, the EU, and the lefties around the media.
No it was a Blair , New Labour Policy , which started the ball rolling .Does anyone want him put on trial ?
Yes essexman ! I want blair strung up . Toaser started the ball rolling
Sorry,should have said tosser
Essexman, point accepted about Blair who played a role in flooding the country and sparking off resentful demonstrations in response to his wars. But his successor, Unite Against Fascism member, Dave Cameron, bears a lot of responsibility for the growth and legitimacy of the violent multiculty pro Jihadist, anarcho Nazi left. I predict as displeasure over immigration increases so will the violence of these nasties.
Absolutely, Cameron has been in power since 2010 and nothing at all has changed, in fact the country has become a more dangerous place, an heir to Blair.
No, it was Heath who started the “ball rolling” when he took us into the EEC, knowing it wasn’t going to be an economic union but (ultimately) a political one – the EU; and subverting the authority of the individual states from which it was formed, whilst destroying the sense of nationhood of their populations, to create the conditions for the easier imposition of huge numbers of immigrants.
The bias in that radio phone in that someone posted was disgusting. As ever though, it’s not the bias of the BBC that shocks me, it’s the sheer unprofessionalism and amateurism of its employees.
That presenter was like a left-wing version of Alan Partridge. Faced with criticism that the BBC’s coverage of the migrant crisis was over-emotional, what did he do? Did he ask for specific examples, perhaps drawing out what the listener thought was wrong with them? Did he ask the listener to suggest how he felt the issue should be shown more objectively?
No! He simply tried to use more emotional blackmail and ‘think of the children’ nonsense on his callers. I don’t even think this is bias, it’s just sheer inability to think outside the ‘hive mind.’ I hope that programme made him start to wonder if the views of the BBC greenroom are not, perhaps, universal after all.
It is not just the amateurism of the journalism, but at all levels. After many complaints the BBC have finally accepted that many dramas and documentaries have inaudible diction and that “background” “music” is, in fact, often “foreground” obscuring the commentary. A professional broadcaster should not have to be told that by its customers. There are many other examples I could give. But, I believe the BBC to be very unprofessional in all aspects.
Even on a technical level the BBC is failing badly. I read yesterday that the Corporation thinks it has found a solution to the complaints of poor sound quality on so many of its programmes. It is telling its production teams to view programmes on domestic receivers to make sure they are audible.
If the story is true, the ‘solution’ is so elementary that it beggars belief.
GCooper, yes, I saw that one as well. It is unbelievable that the BBC can be so incompetent.
But domestic receivers are only for the hoi polloi dontchaknow.
Apologies if this has appeared on here before but I have to share this. Their phone in vetting scheme backfired spectaculary on this occasion.
A disgusting response by Nolan who completely misrepresents what was said and offers nothing in return but contempt. Time to ditch the license fee.
Wherefore feed and clothe and save
From the cradle to the grave
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat—nay, drink your blood?
‘Men of England’ Percy Bysshe Shelley
The bbc- 6 form common room circa 1981!