Here you go, a new OPEN thread for your completion! Going into a weekend that may see Corbyn elected Labour leader, and has seen Khan win the gig to be Labour’s London Mayoral candidate, I expect the BBC will be fervently behind the comrades.
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Latest news coming form AlBeeb is beginning to sound like Merkel has made a boob! – Never mind, it doesn’t stop Germany ripping up the rule book and abandoning the Schengen Agreement.
Does the EU make the rules up as it goes ? – or is Germany in charge of Europe ?
Germany has always been in charge of Europe – along with its poodle, the French. That’s another truth you will never hear from the hopelessly biased BBC.
The Big Brother Corbyn Corporation has posted “Corbyn a Beginners Guide” in case you are a naive young thing looking for political inspiration. Aside from the observation that he looks a bit like that fictional fighter against the dark forces, Obi Wan Kenobi, we also discover that ” as a full-time advocate for peace and human rights, political campaigning has been his lifetimes work.” He loves hummus, and making jam from fruit grown on his allotment. He is a vegetarian and a keen cyclist. He is a ” democratic socialist” so no Marxist class struggle, just “growth not austerity” and no more “illegal wars”. What’s not to love about this paragon of virtue ?
Game plan clear enough ?
Can someone advise on the public / private status of Adams Grammar School when JC attended.
I cannot really elucidate from Wikipedia its status at that time.
William Adams was born in Newport but became a wealthy London Haberdasher. In 1656 he founded the Free Grammar School in his native town, endowed it well and appointed the Master and Wardens of the Haberdashers’ Company to govern it. This entertaining new book follows the fortunes of the school through periods of success, scandal, conflict and uncertainty, including its relations with the Haberdashers and with Shropshire County Council. Well-researched and illustrated, the book will appeal beyond the Shropshire/Staffordshire borders.
Adams Grammar School? Named after Gerry perhaps ……..
For anyone who wants to know, I live in the Canterbury constituency.
Thanks for that. I’ll use your copy letter if that’s ok. listen to Stephen Nolan taking the moral high ground what a smuck
The AlBeeb take us for fools, the problem is, is that there are a good many of them under 25 and straight out of university or should I call it ‘Uni’. They tend to make whoop,whooping noises if the they agree with some populist comment from a left winger who invariably offers no plausible or credible solution.
What baffles me though is the fact that I couldn’t ever have envisaged myself being taken in by this incredibility stupid ‘save the world’ migration problem.
Take Germany’s stance, I’m sure I would have understood at 25 years of age the they have a birth rate problem, the economy will have a need to increase productivity and therefore pay future pensions and welfare payments,including subsidised medical costs. It has nothing to do about sympathy or care for the migrants or being left ‘shaken by a dead child. I was never that naiive.
Only the naiive would suggest that governments consider the people’s desire on maintaining culture and heritage, (much as I wish they would), they care primarily about the economy and their personal standing amongst the electorate in giving the false appearance of actually giving a damn about ex servicemen who sleep on the streets whilst giving preferential housing to migrants because it is currently popular, or how about doing little or nothing about illegal immigrants in their allowing the legal system to take up to 5 years or more to process and then deport someone. Protected by human rights and a right to a family life, I read the other day the illegal who won such a case never even saw or paid any monet to an infant he fathered!! Our politicians do little or nothing to restrict the legal powers of the leech like lawyers, who do what they can to cause harm to this country in the cause of personal profit.
The youths in the Britain of today seem particularly dim to me.
Side tracking a little.
Why don’t feminist demonstrate in Hyde Park against Muslims who regard them in their faith as worthless beings,FGM,Honour killings, arranged marriages, Polygamous marriages, Sharia Law, – Weak and pathetic feminits, bit different weren’t they when Ched Evans was accused of rape.-It doesn’t seem to matter that so many Muslims commit rape on young children and then pass the children around for other family members rape also. Integration my arse.
Feminists in Britain, I regard as being the most cowardly and pathetic group of people I have ever come across. Shame on them and I tell to their face.
The AlBeeb take us for fools, the problem is, is that there are a good many fools under 25 and either in or straight out of university or should I call it ‘Uni’. They tend to make whoop,whooping noises if the they agree with some populist comment from a left winger who invariably offers no plausible or credible solution.
What baffles me though is the fact that I couldn’t ever have envisaged myself being ‘taken in’ by this incredibility stupid ‘save the world’ migration problem.
Take Germany’s stance, I’m sure I would have understood at 25 years of age the they have a birth rate problem, the economy will have a need to increase productivity and therefore pay future pensions and welfare payments,including subsidised medical costs. It has nothing to do about sympathy or care for the migrants or being left ‘shaken by a dead child. I was never that naiive.
Only the naiive would suggest that governments consider the people’s desire on maintaining culture and heritage, (much as I wish they would), they care primarily about the economy and their personal standing amongst the electorate in giving the false appearance of actually giving a damn about ex servicemen who sleep on the streets whilst giving preferential housing to migrants because it is currently popular, or how about doing little or nothing about illegal immigrants in their allowing the legal system to take up to 5 years or more to process and then deport someone. Protected by human rights and a right to a family life, I read the other day the illegal who won such a case never even saw or paid any monet to an infant he fathered!! Our politicians do little or nothing to restrict the legal powers of the leech like lawyers, who do what they can to cause harm to this country in the cause of personal profit.
The youths in the Britain of today seem particularly dim to me.
Side tracking a little.
Why don’t feminist demonstrate in Hyde Park against Muslims who regard them in their faith as worthless beings,FGM,Honour killings, arranged marriages, Polygamous marriages, Sharia Law, – Weak and pathetic feminists, bit different weren’t they when Ched Evans was accused of rape.-It doesn’t seem to matter to Feminazi’s that so many Muslims commit rape on young children aged as young as 8 years old and then pass the children around for other family members rape also. Integration my arse.
Feminists in Britain, I regard as being the most cowardly and pathetic group of people I have ever come across. Shame on them and I tell to their face, they deserve it.
I blame the Jimmy Saville loving BBC for much of the destruction of out society’s morals and culture.
Good, I feel so much better now that I’ve got that off my chest!
Good post wronged, re the feminazis complete failure in confronting the votaries of the RoP, yet going purple in the face raging at things like Page 3: these b@tches know that raging at Page 3 won’t get your throat cut or acid thrown in your face, but protesting against the other, that might.
Your conclusions about them are spot on and can be applied equally to other Progressives, when their stance – regarding the delightful habits which have been brought to this island by Islam and Muslims, is examined.
Plot twist!
With a side plot that Chris Bryant may be less in the spotlight on matters Aunty than he was.
‘…ordinary people have no voice in this’
Fascinating comment from a guest female journo from the German newspaper Die Welt to Ben Brown on BBC News Channel just now.
Our Ben is keen to suggest that 60% of Germans want to let more migrants in – quite where his polling comes from is anyone’s guess.
Sadly I didn’t catch her name but the German woman made a very apt and likely a very prescient reply ‘This is like the Corbyn thing… it’s the media, social media… ordinary people have no voice in this’
Of course on Corbyn she might be a real leftie referring to some popular groundswell. I prefer the reading that ordinary people will pan Labour at the first real election at which Corbyn is tested.
Ben Brown should quote his source of 60% who want to let more immigrants into Germany.
It’s easy to make up a figure, which I suspect was done. Strange that the made up figure wasn’t 10%?
But 10% wouldn’t conform to the BBC’s/Left narrative.
(I’ve decided that whenever I type BBC, I will in future type BBC/Left. It’s much more accurate).
‘Ordinary people’ are loathed by Lefties and Cameroon Tories alike. They tend to hold ‘reactionary’ views and are more concerned about getting on with their lives than are the political classes, who are obsessed with politics to the exclusion of almost all else. Corbyn is a fine example of this.
The BBC employs a hugely disproportionate number of people in this category and their contempt for ‘ordinary people’ knows no bounds.
It’s odd that the BBC portrays Corbyn as some sort of ‘rebel’ and a ‘breath of fresh air’ but he’s nothing of the sort.
The video of him posted earlier here showing him in a pub in Islington singing the Red Flag (and knowing all the words) says it all.
I can’t wait to hear the announcement of his shadow cabinet! A box full of ticks?
Ticks, as in blood sucking parasites?
Have you noticed that anyone opposed to the invasion of Europe by Syrian / Muslim migrants is from the far right / neo Nazi groups?
This kind of language enables the Fascist left to dismiss opposition from ordinary reasonable people, their worries and concerns simply overridden.
It’s the same thinking that lies behind the BBC’s denial of polls indicating 70% of the populace does not want migrants – they’re being interfered with by far right groups.
The problem is that they don’t actually say who these shadowy ‘right wing’ groups actually are. All of us here opposed to the entry of Migrants to the UK are part of this imaginary group, however there is no doubt the BBC do really believe this group do exist, and that they have to fight it.
In Germany a large multi room house was burned down by local people (or so it was reported on the smaller websites, but as soon as it hits the MSM it’s the work of the shadowy ‘right wing’ groups.
Strange this, the bBC tell us we only import doctors and engineers….Scum, this old guy was of my fathers generation, can’t repeat what I’d do with them…
If this has already been posted then I’m sorry missed it. Anyhow I thought it worth posting.
Reports of Germany’s actions today have not been indicted that they are contrary to its stance of a week ago let alone requiring the usual hysteria of “U turn”, “humiliation” etc. I wonder what puts Herr Merkel above such treatment.
”I wonder what puts Herr Merkel.” Frau.
Reality is seeping through .Germany closes the border with Austria despite Merkel’s absurd stance a few days ago. In a country that does not rule it’s citizens through fear and terror it is impossible for a leader to evade reality indefinitely. The liberal media cannot compute this so reports it factually as if it is a perfectly normal thing to do. It is not. It is an extreme measure bought about by extreme cicumstances. This is the way a real crisis develops. First it is ignored then it is played down as much as possible and then ? The crisis gets out of hand and all hell breaks loose.
Reality always wins in the end.
On a related note concerning the unreal I heard Frank Field on R4 quietly and to my mind devastatingly, putting the absurdity of Corbyn’s election into some sort of real context.
Corbyn is absurd. His election is absurd and Field knows this and said it. It is not a good thing for our version of democracy and it will lead to chaos in the body politic. This is about all you can say on the matter.
Corbyn will legitimize the rule of the street thug because this is the only way his beliefs stand a chance of being put into action. He has nothing to say to the millions of us in the shires and the small towns and villages of England. That he does not grasp this makes him a fool and a dangerous one.
Put Corbyns anti EU stance into the picture though, along with UKIP, and half the Tories, plus the absurd antics over mass migration and you have a perfect recipe for the UK leaving the damn thing.
With all these parties looking to get out of the EU who other than the few Tories and business leaders plus the BBC is going to be putting the case for staying in?
Is Corbyn anti-EU? I read today in the MoS he isn’t; although pre-1983 Labour were against it, as indeed they should still be – if they were truly the party representing the working class of the UK.
And I thought the Tardis was only make believe on the BBC. Well, maybe not.:
So when Germany closes the borders and stops the trains they get a free pass from the BBC, but Hungary – who attempted to do exactly the same – are a bunch of evil bastards?
Okay, I get it. Can the BBC be any more despicable?
With a closed border with Germany & refugees continuing to demand to pass straight through Hungary, I hope Austria gets it comeuppance for bringing Godwin’s law into the crisis with accusations against Hungary.
Funny how it is taking JC almost as long to announce the Shadow Cabinet as it took Dave with the coalition government.
Tonight’s News at Ten is pure bBBC.
1. Corbyn’s Marxist Shadow Cabinet (with scarcely a mention of all the Labour heavyweights who have declined to serve under him).
Illegal immigrantsRefugees, with another Muslim corpse for the beeboid to emote over.3. Raging homosexual Elton John wants to persuade President Putin to let queers sodomise each other in Russia.
Speaking as a queer myself, I do hope Dame Elton finds the time in his busy travels to stop by Iraq/Syria and persuade Islamic State not to keep chucking puffs off the top of tall buildings. If that’s a bit tricky for Elsie, she could always take the slightly less dangerous option and instead go and have a few remonstrations with our Saudi friends (currently putting to death as many queers as Islamic State, at the last count).
Hmmm. That reminds me, what else do Islamic State and the royal House of Saud have in common (apart from immense wealth and appallingly bad fashion sense, obviously)..?
Is that you Phil? Why the name change? (the avatar is a give-away, as is the writing)
Actually homosexuality is legal in Russia, though they don’t like them doing it in the street and frightening the horses. Of course in Iran homosexuals are hanged from cranes, a slow and agonising death, but Sir Elton Hercules John seems strangely reticent about tackling the wily fakirs on this subject. I wonder why? Surely he’s not a fat old coward or anything?
And the winner of today’s ‘No Shit, Sherlock’ prize is Gavin Hewitt.
Which diplomats ? Typical unattributed BBC bullshit.
You can add AlBeeb’s world service to that Mr Hewitt.
Top insight there Gavin, well worth £4 billion of anyone’s money.
When are British Feminists going to wake up like those in France?? Shocking that the Muslims attacked them while security had detained them.
No way these two are going to be invited to appear on moaners hour, given what they’ve done.
Hmm this is a tricky one for picking sides. Loony feminists vs looney ROP’ers. I bet you won’t see that reported much in the left wing media. I think my policy would be stop all immigration and at the same time start deporting feminists and marxist progressive traitors to any country that wants to enslave them.
Commendable notion, where to send them though? Mauritania, Somalia, North Korea or all three?
Hmm this is a tricky one for picking sides
Not for me. These feminist activists are putting their
moneytits where their mouth is. Good on ’em for targeting a legitimate object of their protestations. Not like the hypocritical feminazis of safe British ‘uni’ campus ‘safe zones’, who continue to remain safe from being exposed to the teachings of Islam. I see the upstanding european male citizens in attendance acted in a rather ungentlemanly manner , befitting of their religious beliefs. Quelle surprise?I wonder how many of the hideously white male population of Britain would kick a woman ?
Even the bBBC would be embarrassed by this … Diane Abbott is Shadow Secretary for Racism.
As a racist Diane Abbot is well qualified for the job.
Her other qualification is that she is thick as two short planks.
She’s now Shadow Secretary of State for International Development. Perhaps they were reading this and realised how ludicrous it would be to put a racist in the role of Shadow Communities Secretary. Mind you some industries employ burglars or hackers to improve security…
Do they do tyres big enough to fit around her fat neck, when she goes trawling round Soweto for her sons private PhD studies I wonder?
Tractor tyre maybe?…put it around her waist, tell her its a hula hoop for the village and paint it red, gold and green?
Well-surely to God-as she looks at her Collins Black History Munf Atlas to find out if Azure is a condiment or a country…she`ll be off Andrew Neils sofa for a bit…eh Beeb?
That woman is just Linda Bellos in a fatsuit…a nasty oaf who personnifies BBC priviledge and Labour sponging.
Dig up Bob Mellish-who makes her look a principled saint in retrospect!
With Corbyn in-I`m now leafing through my 1978-1985 days in London under Red Ken etc…back to the Fuckup eh?
As a “brilliant” campaigner, activist and all round yes woman in chief; she will no doubt excel in bringing racism to all parts of the British Isles. Possibly Europe as well.
Having seen a photo of her stuffing her face with freebie buffet lunches at the H o P, she must think all her Christmases have come at once with all the potential free food on offer. Apparently she is the biggest offender in Westminster at ‘gate-crashing’ business lunches, and has been seen to take 5 canapes at a time – the photo was priceless !
The way ahead……………….
Merkel’s idiotic unilateral call for all the troubled people of the Middle East to come to Germany along with the great media hype and propaganda of using a dead body of a child has created the biggest migration crisis in Europe since the Second World War. Cameron in fairness, warned our Parliament that this is exactly what would happen.
Next watch the rest of Europe get second thoughts about jumping on the bandwagon and get cold feet about taking these migrants in. France will start getting problems with the overflow and will push the surplus towards Calais. This is when we in the UK will start getting ‘boat people’ attempting to cross the English Channel and land illegally on our shores because the French aren’t going to stop them
Will Cameron have the bottle to get the Royal Navy to protect our coast and take them back to France or will they be sent to ‘rescue’ these stupid people and bring them in to our country to claim asylum because they are ‘desperate’ to escape from France?
We saw the way that the Tunnel crisis was managed – its all about the propaganda of AlBeeb and its all about Mr Cameron keeping his election promise to cut immigration.
Cameron’s friends in the anti Fascist movement are already defending us all from the far right who object to his proposals to take in more migrants (er refugees). Picture from Saturday’s display of peaceful support for Cameron’s multiculty state in Dover. What kind of Prime Minister remains a founding supporter of this filth?
Just got this from leftist pressure group 38degs
Murdoch vs BBC
Nat Whalley – 38 Degrees
The Government are trying to destroy our independent BBC. Can you fill in their public survey to show them you want to protect it?
Oh I filled it in all right – then they asked me to share – always glad to oblige
Fill your boots
Search -that will take you to it
When far left activist groups begin protesting on behalf of the BBC they make it crystal clear that the BBC is biased towards the left. Where are the right of centre groups defending it? That’s the proof of the BBCs claims of impartiality !
I decided to change the default email to Andy Slaughter which you are taken to after filling out the petition.
“Please make the BBC subscription only.
To criminalise people for not having a licence is gross abuse of personal freedom and surely cannot be justified in a modern society.”
Below are the very leading prompts on the petition and my answers to them.
How well is the BBC serving its national and international audiences?
The BBC is dreadful, there is not one part of it that is worth the money they steal from me each year.
Which elements of universality are most important for the BBC?
The BBC advertises it’s own shows, which is annoying. The quality of their output has severely declined.
Is the BBC’s content sufficiently high quality and distinctive from that of other broadcasters? What could improve it?
I quite enjoyed the first two series of Sherlock, the third however was so terrible I will never be able to bring myself to watch it again. Jobs for the main stars relatives, and poor writing. The news is terribly biased as well.
Where does the evidence suggest the BBC has a positive or negative wider impact on the market?
The BBC is well behind the curve, Sky is a superior product in every way.
Is the expansion of the BBC’s services justified in the context of increased choice for audiences? Is the BBC crowding out commercial competition and, if so, is this justified?
The BBC does not offer a great deal of choice, and is pitched very much towards a certain section of society. It loathes the working class.
Has the BBC been doing enough to deliver value for money? How could it go further?
It is most certainly not worth the licence fee and it is outrageous in this day and age to criminalise people for not having a licence. Especially when they have no say in matter.
How should we pay for the BBC and how should the licence fee be modernised?
Make it subscription only. People deserve to choose.
How should the relationship between Parliament, Government, Ofcom, the National Audit Office and the BBC work? What accountability structures and expectations, including financial transparency and spending controls should apply?
The BBC are publicly funded and as such should be completely transparent and accountable, they seem to think we should pay through the nose for a second rate service, but that they should not have to justify their editorial content or spending.
Most undemocratic.
Done! And MP emailed, too.
Global Warming. BBC
“”Next two years hottest, says Met Office””
“”When asked when the pause in surface warming would end, they stressed that from their perspective there was no real pause in the Earth’s warming because the oceans continued to heat, sea levels continued to rise and ice continued to melt””.
I’m freezing my nuts off here today.
But Harrabin and his chums have got all options covered! Apparently one of the results of global warming will be eight years worth of colder drier summers in our part of the world.
So if it’s hot, it’s man made global warming…if it’s cold, it’s man made global warming.
The same Met Office warned us that April would be the hottest ever, it wasn’t, May would be the hottest ever, it wasn’t, June would be the hottest ever, it wasn’t, July would be the hottest ever, it wasn’t, August would be the hottest ever, it wasn’t and September will be the hottest won’t be. Harrabin is blindingly stupid but then people are when they believe in a religion. The Atlantic has been cooling for years, the ice sheets (Arctic and Antarctic) have been recovering for years, Glaciers have been recovering for years, there have been no hurricanes this year and sea levels are not rising outside of natural land sink. So why on earth should anyone believe anything the Met Office or Harrabin or the BBC tell us? All I read in that article is, could, might, maybe, if, a chance, might not, not sure, possibly…aka…we don’t fu*king know but keep the money coming in. Hey, guys, what about Cycle 24 and the feared Cycle 25 of the Sun Spot activity? Oh sorry, I forgot the met Office give no consideration at all to what effect the sun has on our Climate…doh. The Met Office, not fit for purpose…a bit like Harrabin outside of the BBC.
Subtlety of a brick. Breakfast and an article on “empty” houses. Join the dots and see where this takes me…Loads of housing just lying around empty.
I saw that too. BBC/Labour didn’t explain of course why they were empty as it would destroy their narrative that these are ‘Homes fit for Syrians’.
Houses are empty for many varied reasons. The main one is legal disputes over ownership.
It’s like saying that most cars are empty and not being used, so therefore Syrians should be given them.
The BBC Breakfast item on ’empty houses’ delivered an unintentional smile – ‘A report out today reveals that empty houses are most prevalent in areas of low house prices and deprivation’ – well you could have knocked me down with a feather!
My tv was then quickly switched to off as the insufferable smugness-personified Emily Thornberry appeared for a chat with one of the sofa wallahs to tell us what a jolly good bloke is this Jeremy Corbyn.
According to a report in the paper, you can be assured of refugees being billeted in the North of England – the rents are lower than the South East. Oxfordshire has only about half a dozen refugees. …… interesting.
Sounds like Polly can safely reinvest in Tuscany. Inland and Italy not a favoured location.
However, all those Beeboid second piece a terre on the Cornish coastline…
No doubt like OB above, I listened to the Global Warming News (oops, I mean the TODAY Programme) and another thing for Jeremy Corbyn to fix this a.m.. I am getting more and more uncomfortable with where the temperatures are being taken as far as global warming is concerned. I have a feeling that some of the scientists & meteorologists are cherry picking the data they want to use. Dame Julia Slingo dropped a hint of this, talking on the TODAY programme about El Nino on the Peruvian coast being +4 degrees. If there’s an equivalent chunk of ocean that’s -4 degrees (around Antartica?) then global warming for 2015 will, according to my feeble brain, = 0.
The Humph wasn’t sharp enough to ask about whole world temperatures at various levels, the question that this listener would want him to have asked Dame Julia at that point while reminding her of the global bit in Global Warming.
She sounded to me as if she didn’t have much of a clue about what she was talking. Lot’s of ‘absolutelys’ and ‘maybes, and ‘we thinks’. We’re back to the ‘hidden heat ‘lurking in the oceans, only to resurface at an inconvenient time, to threaten us all. She talked of greenhouse gases, leading us to the assumption that CO2 was doing all this “damage” in the current period – she didn’t mention the fact that at 400 ppm it was an infinitesimal amount, compared with the thousands ppm of CO2 in historical times, when all life on the planet thrived. Neither did she mention the most abundant (and potentially damaging) greenhouse gas – H2O.
She tried to make the current El Nino out to be some never-before-encountered monster arriving to devour all our babies and heat the globe to an enormous, unbearable temperature. She failed to let it be known that these events come, and they go, and any heating or cooling effect is merely temporary. She again led us to believe that the polar ice was in decline. Humphrys suggested that the modelling they used wasn’t up to much – she seemed to sidestep that.
Had she been honest (or even aware of the facts), she would have made it quite clear that these are natural events, and that humanity has, is having, and will have a negligible effect on processes which have been running for bilennia.
Not much chance of that, with Harrabin hanging on her every word, and Paris looming, I suspect
The North sea (around our shores) is 10 degrees cooler than average at the moment. The Atlantic is 6 degrees cooler than average (hence unable to support the Tropical Storms/Hurricanes), but hey, do we have any reports on this major “meteorological event”” Climate Event” from Harrabin, the Met Office or the BBC? Not a hope as it doesn’t fit their narrative. And yes, the Met Offices around the World do cherry pick their data or even falsify it to pedal the myth of man made Global Warming thus leading to Man Made Climate Change. Concerning the Chief Scientist at the met Office, Slingo is a busted flush concerning the reason for Climate Change, she too follows the religion, but one never bites the hand that feeds it.
That’s because all the hyper-dense hot water is sinking into the deep oceans, beyond measurement, but nevertheless fully ‘in the model’!
Some of the press are now warning of the “worst winter” in 50 years starting as early as October!!Seem to remember a similar story last year about this time.
Good for them. so long as it is just reporting an event that happened before in living memory, and doesn’t get elevated to ‘unprecedented’ by any in positions of journalistic authority who clearly do not know what it means.
Thus warned I will prepare accordingly. Snow tires yes. Carbon offsets to Viv Westwoord… less so.
Old Goat, “Humphrys suggested that the modelling they used wasn’t up to much – she seemed to sidestep that.”
Yes, I did notice that. I wanted him to follow up with some more difficult questioning. Think the old dog has lost a lot of his bite. To be fair, he cannot be far off 70 now so maybe the little grey cells are greying out? Mine are heading that way.
Just as an armchair scientist and listening to news from around the world this year, I get the impression of very hot west coast USA and very hot central Europe (in places) with cold in between. Then parts of India have also been very hot. (Forgot to ask a friend who has been in India what temps were like in the East of the country. Doh!) Don’t think I’ve heard of massive temperatures in China & further east. Thus, it appears the northern hemisphere is divided into strips of hot & cold this summer. The same, IIRC, was true over last winter.
Can’t remember right now anything about southern hemisphere except sudden, unexpected snow at start of winter in Australia – plus of course, the thickening ice in Antartica.
I notice that Corbyn hasn’t appointed a Climate Change minister.
Not a good time.
All those refugees from Africa and the Middle East who don’t want hand me down jummies and get benefits to crank the thermo to 11 as winter looms.
He could perhaps consider appointing his ‘climate denialist’ brother, Piers. Piers is very outspoken on the subject and believes that CO2 is a ‘red herring’.
Funny how the BBC don’t really have much to say about that.
His brother Piers!…none better!
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who sensed a change in the way the BBC reported the migrant crisis on the ‘ten’ last night.
I think the closing of the border between Austria and Germany has hit home to the Beeb that this is a serious problem; if Germany, the ‘saviours’, the only compassionate country in the EU etc, is closing the borders, maybe things are not quite as jolly as the BBC thought they were.
It felt to me a bit like someone the day after a massive party, suddenly having to confront the reality of his house being trashed the night before. There were close-ups of piles of rubbish on the refugee trail and an interview with a civil servant in Munich saying the town couldn’t cope etc.
However, it’s business as usual with some. The correspondent in Brussels said (I’m paraphrasing) ‘Germany has closed its borders, which is a signal to the rest of Europe that they should do more.’
Er – is it? To me it’s a signal that says don’t make rash promises that encourage thousands of economic migrants to enter your country if you don’t have the resources to cope with them.
Has Merkel gone bonkers?
Or has she just sobered up?
One minutes she’s clambering aboard the BBC-flight-certificated red Fokker Bi-Plane with Elton John as rear gunner so as to swoop the roundabout route via Russia and avoiding Mecca (closed air space?) to carpet bomb the Middle East and North Africa with unicorns rainbows and EU Passports – the next minute the border controls go up.
Did the BBC ever meet a German Chancellor they didn’t like?
How come Germany can’t possibly offer the Greeks debt relief – Verboten
Perhaps the Bubbles have missed a trick – pack up shop and their share of the family marbles and turn up in Munich – housing, jobs, German lessons on the rates! The job’s a good ‘un Yanis Varoufakis!
One minute they are all growth enducing society enriching baby-booming boons to Euroland-Germania – the next minute Merkel wants to share her national bounty bar all around the EU? Chocks away?
Perhaps Merkel might twig that they are mostly draft dodging chancers and pass them on rouse? I was struck that a BBC guy in Greece recently referred to the migrants being ‘very well aware’ of what was happening further up the track on their journey. You betcha they are.
This is the beginning of the end for Merkel. Despite what the Albeeb report, the indigenous German’s are very, very unhappy with her. Schengen is in disarray. I’m just waiting for the major riots to take place in Europe.
Scientifically it’s definitely going to happen, as Sir Isaaac Newton stated, for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
I’m waiting, tick, tock,tick,tock….!
It’s a pity our political elite never studied Science (notwithstanding the blessed Margaret).
Merckels roots are very murky-just as Obamas and Blairs.
Merckel-like Barroso, Von Rumpoy,Prodi, Santer and the rest of `em….all either lived under a Fascist/Communist dictatorship-or lived under occupation within their (or parents) generations.
Reckon this has not been looked into…Merckels family did rather well under Honneker and Krenz…and if her ilk haven`t been wiped of their tendencies(and how they got to prominence)…they really ought to have been.
The Communist Stockholm Syndrome types of the Left throughout Europe despise Anglocentric freedoms-and Blasted Heath only conspired to do us up like a Tenerife kipper…
Oooo. Who could be scared by a nice bearded man in a cardi ? Certainly not the Big Brother Corbyn Corporation. But no, wait a minute, Obi Wan has appointed a man red in tooth and claw to some day manage our tax system- a man who believes in public ownership of just about everything, including most of our money. Er, what is our team of highly paid business “experts” going to say about this ? Mmm, lets leave that for later and just bang on about the rights of trade unions instead….. not many women in Obi Wan’s new freedom fighting elite team- well of course there is always Diane and oo, oo, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Seema Malhotra. And what practical experience does she have on economics and business ? Er, not too much really ? So what do we say about Obi Wan’s industrial policy ? We could say ” JC sees mixed reaction from business lobby groups”- no-one likes lobby groups, and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors did say JC had “raised some challenging but principled issues”. Unfortunately everyone else said his ideas are crap. Ok then let’s just focus on the unions for now…
Not the BBc but there are lots of these types of programs out there on several channels. It was alright in the 80s. You know the format. They show something “outrageous ” from the past hen z list celebs act shocked at how they could broadcast such a thing. Last night Owen Jones who was born in 1984 and therefore an ideal candidate to comment on 1980s TV.
See my post about Rusty Lee on the previous page.
Saw that post Geoff sums up the I must be outraged because I have been told I must be outraged (whether I am or not) brigade.
The reactions on their faces were priceless.
I’m guessing most here lived through the 80’s, what was portrayed was not in anyway totally representative of the decade. If so, it was it certainly more entertaining than the sterile multiculty bollox on TV now.
Anyway, the 80’s are in fashion again, the Labour Party have just gone into full Ashes To Ashes mode and taken us back to 1983….
My, it’s been a long weekend!
Tony Abbott unseated. There will be wet patches at the BBC now.
Snap:) In my defence I was writing a bit more. But great minds ‘n all.
Someone better get a Tena delivery round to JonDon’s gaff stat.
This may inspire him a) to write something this month and b) about Australia.
It will however be interesting to see how the machinations of the Liberal party there are covered by the BBC, vs. the noble seeking of excellence in leadership that Labour has indulged in here.
Over recent years the BBC has actually reduced the number of staff paid a salary higher than that of the Prime Minister.
The BBC seem keen to pay for polls.
Has anyone seen a question in one of their polls along the lines of “The BBC has cut back recently on staff numbers and highly paid executives – have you noticed any difference?”
You couldn’t make it up, the BBC is asking this question on their online news webpages.
“Are you a refugee seeking asylum in Europe? Email your story or find out about other ways to contact BBC News”
I can’t find the request for “Are you a British citizen, TV licence payer and fucked off with the BBC and their constant propaganda on the migrant crisis and the fact that your country is being invaded? Email…..”
Dear BBC,
I am a refugee and I am looking to stay in Britain. I am particularly interested in engineering, in particular armaments.
I speak English and enjoy debating with my friends on social networks. We all belong to the social group IS. I particularly enjoy it when someone loses their head when offering a different point of view.
I am of the Muslim faith and believe in the consecration of marriage, I have seven wives one for every day of the week, they are also refugees and in need of medical support via your NHS as they are all pregnant. My family members especially like cuddling up to very young girls, We are family oriented and like children very much, especially young girls.
I look forward to hearing from the Anti British BBC, and trust that my wives and I will receive a letter of acknowledgement, along with relevant passports along with advice as to free accommodation.
Yours Faithfully,
Jihadi Terry-Ist
Geoff, Beeboids are so stupid, they cannot understand that genuine refugees would have no access to the internet anyway. Whoever the “refugees” are fleeing from, it looks like their oppressors must have left their internet connections intact . As for the families left behind ………………
Well spotted!
Have there been any official estimates of the percentage of fighting-age men among these immigrants?
What the hell is Cameron doing in Lebanon today ?
Posing for the cameras.
Sticking two fingers up to our own homeless…
Don`t let him back…and beg Donald Trump to take us over.
Reference to Cameron
He’s photograph was taken in though in Hackney though!
I think he needs an interpreter!
Only the BBC seem to think that Sgt Blackman needs to stay in prison.
Unbelievable nasties read out on Vines show…be very surprised if real people wrote in to say such..sense it`s their “some might say” lot in his whispering gallery.
And yet more about Corbyns Crackers…who the hell is Heidi Alexander-how many of THEM are there?
Anyway-Martha gives us no snarky stuff on why O`Donnell empty chairs her and her little show…then proceeds to show that Heidi and an Eagle Bugger(Maria is it?) is “NEW Defence Secretary”!)
Got that sistaz out there?…he`s not a sexist oaf is Jezza-he waited until we were on the air, before he deigned to tell we servants of the people?
The BBC are barking aren`t they?…another rubber bone for them to slobber over until they can arrange some more harrowing scenes from Slovakias border.
Not Germanys though-Angela leads their pack….
Just received this from a relative………..
Just had the radio on, on my way to work and you know all those pics we have seen on the telly with the Germans welcoming all the refugees giving them sweets and so pleased they were there.
Interviewing the crowd now and are all moaning as they say its just mostly young single men (no shit sherlock)
They thought it would be all families, if they had come to Rotherham we could have put them straight earlier lol !