Damien Thompson in the Spectator thinks that the champagne socialists at the BBC and the Guardian may be in fo a bit for a shock as their dreams come true…
The groans that must be coming from the newsrooms of the Guardian and the BBC right now! With a descant of coloratura shrieks from right-on luvvies. And, needless to say, vigorous hand-wringing – they’ll be sending out for Band-Aids to treat their sore fingers by the end of the day.
‘Progressive’ Labour supporters in higher income brackets did not want Jeremy Corbyn to win today. You only have to read the agonised Twitter streams of just about every liberal journalist in the country to realise that.
You don’t have to tell me that the man’s policies are bonkers and the sympathies of his far-Left supporters verging on the sinister. But the Guardian/BBC lobby weren’t bothered by these people when they were staging ‘Stop the War’ protests, and though they didn’t join the ‘Occupy’ mob they looked benevolently on such marvellously spontaneous anti-capitalist street theatre.
Which was a bit rich, because – like bien pensant types everywhere – British liberal-Left professionals are obsessed with money. Spending it, mostly.
But now the socialist party they vote for has spoiled everything by electing an actual socialist to lead it, a man so uncouth that it never occurs to him to ease the stress of defending the marginalised by dropping essential oils into his jacuzzi.
It’s all so embarrassing, it really is. The Polish ‘help’ has been quite impertinent since you gently reproved her for voting Tory in May. Now she’s going to be insufferable…
24 things that Jeremy Corbyn believes – – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34209478
Here’s a 25th thing he believes – that Britain’s military should be funded by voluntary donations: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/Jeremy_Corbyn/11844594/Jeremy-Corbyn-Let-taxpayers-opt-out-of-funding-the-Army.html
He actually said:
“British taxpayers have a right of conscience not to participate in the armed forces in time of conscription and should have a similar right in time of peace to ensure that part of their tax goes to peace, not war.”
How odd that a proposal which, if implemented, would make Britain virtually defenseless against attack wasn’t deemed worthy of inclusion in the article.
Oh, and something else that Corbyn is for is protecting the BBC from further cuts, although I’m sure that won’t affect their coverage of him.
Seems A. Newsroom Tealady has been active on the ‘not news’ front here too.
Propaganda and censorship; a potent mix in the wrong hands.
In the BBC’s, a democratic disaster.
Actually, take it to a logical conclusion – the people only pay taxes for the areas they deem important based on their priorities.
I don’t want to pay for climate change and diversity officers. I don’t want to pay for international aid. I do not want to pay the TV tax. Happy to pay for the armed forces though.
Go on, what are people’s top three that they would prefer taxes weren’t spent on?
My three to spend my taxes on are:
1. The armed forces – but minus the communist and common purpose senior officers
2. Border Control – but actively keeping the swarm out and removing those who are already here
3. Safeguarding the nation’s food and energy supplies – including reclaiming our fishing grounds and abolishing all the Climate Change crap.
I agree with your three, though.
In respect to 1. We need urgent action to vastly increase the number of small armed vessels to protect our coastline, especially along the south and east coasts against attempts to land small vessels along it. We are virtually defenceless at present against any such incursions. Any boats intercepted must be returned to France or anywhere on that coast where they likely came from, it doesn’t matter exactly. There can be no doubt about their origins and the people on them will not be in danger by being returned, so no excuses. Corbyn however will no doubt send rescue vessels if he had the chance – even Cameron is stupid enough – they may even be planning something along those lines now; no doubt the BBC will egg them on and have their reporters ready with ‘Welcome to the UK’. But England will have to house them, they are unlikely to want to go to Scotland or Wales and won’t get sent there.
Who would have thought we might have to worry about such a thing. The complacent and arrogant leadership of our country have taken the view ‘can’t happen here’, and anyway are taking 20,000,(+ no doubt) and ridiculed any such thought – we shall see. Maybe the winter weather will help us in the short term.
An explanation.
An insight into the mind of Corbyn and Co.
They are all insane.
They are the White Queen come to life.
They really can believe six impossible things, six different impossible things,before not only breakfast, but before every meal.
Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Kim Il Sung, Mao Tse Tung, Vladimir Illych Ulyanov, Lev Davidovitch Bronstein, Ioseph Vissarionovitch Djugashvilli, and others are their heroes.
Heroes who actually participated in administrations which killed 120,000,000 people.
Rather than dreamed of doing so, like the ink stained hacks who purvey the nonsense put out by Auntie.
The BBC, and its staff and associates are the enemies of the West. A psychopathic group of people who not only are of no value to society, but are actually of negative value.
Time to turn them into something useful, fertiliser.
Has he dropped the Labour policy of free owls for everyone, or will he print some more QE money and upgrade us all to Ospreys apiece?