We play a game whilst driving its called spot the white man,sometimes we can drive for 3-5 miles before we spot one.This country is doomed ,take Sweden as an example. R.I.P UK,Europe.The war is lost. You can see why Mr T.Bliar got rid of the treason law the first day he was in power.
These days I ask myself will I hear English and everyday I’m disappointed. I have to use google translate in the local shops because no English food sold.
I get the Northern line twice every day I am quite often the only English bloke in the entire carriage , Burkas , Beards , East Europeans , Africans I am half expecting there to be chickens and goats running up and down the carriage shortly
In this video white men are being beaten up by large Asian gangs; Asians are standing around laughing, too. But the BBC of course are far more interested in Islamaphobia.
In the video above one of the people being interviewed described Sweden as violently anti religion, and that the Swedes have adopted anti racism as some kind of moral foundation instead of religion. Yes, that makes sense. But then we have the anomaly that their anti racism takes the form of defence of the most fanatical and fundamental religion the world has ever known.
Just a thought.
Here in BBC South and Points West(Eurabia Zone 7), I know a few of the “Refugees Welcome Here” mob either have very big houses or decently sized holiday homes.
Of courser there are loads of toffs/celebrities round about…but i`m only thinking of those who explicitly have aligned themselves with “The Project”.
Billy Bragg`s got a fine gaff, and he can`t always be occupying all that land and bedrooms..can he?
Which side are you Billy-need I ask?
So far, I`ve yet to see him offering his house, private land and footpaths to the local Imam, local Travellers communities( maybe start with the Oirish, then get more exotic if that works out?).
One can hope-wonder if there could be a register starting with Yvette Cooper.
“Migrants are not just for election cycles”Yvette-Ed can only play piano at one house at a time can`t he?…Yorkshire or London?…surely that depends on if they want to firebomb Stamford Hill or go rogue in Rotherham eh?
No Yvette-Migrants are for life-and they`ll be after yours once they`ve dealt with the chavs who oppose your bucket list of liberal tropes.
I would say they`re not just for Christmas-but that`s only Winterval `til they fix us into Ramadan.
Braggys Bed and Breakfast?…rent controls though eh Billy, and they`ll be gone as soon as his bellicose quack of the Red Flag sells its usual hospice sized quantities.
I`ll buy a charity copy as long as he shows us how to house a few.
yep and doesn’t call me Dave live in the Cotswolds somewhere lets make sure his local town takes say 10,000 so he can see the enrichment for his own eyes
This is such a good video, thanks for posting Alan.
Calm, logical and coldly clear without any need to exaggerate or extrapolate, let alone emote or abuse.
Just the kind of thing that an old BBC might have attempted before Hugh Carleton Greene and his new breed of Snows, Pilgers, Paxmans and the “journalism of engaged and passionate attachment”-too much Red Lion Square, too much Vietnam I fear.
Why do we have to rely on CBN to report from the coming My Lai, the tentative Matthausens?
Can`t the BBC just USE this one , and practice how to tell truth to us ?
No…but thanks for reminding me of when a news story let me draw my own conclusions and chose to draw threads of interest Europe-wide…not just give us Conchita Wurst and Pussy Riot by way of “Foreign Affairs”
I recall one heavily-headscarved woman saying “If freedom means bikinis then I’m against freedom”.
I think all so-called “refugees” should be asked ‘Are you here to join in with our freedom and democracy and abandon your third-world habits of tyranny, opression, corruption, violence, mysogyny and homophobia?’ If the answer is ‘no’ then send them straight back home. If the answer is ‘yes’ then let them stay on licence and one whiff of reversing to their third-world state – send them home.
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
We play a game whilst driving its called spot the white man,sometimes we can drive for 3-5 miles before we spot one.This country is doomed ,take Sweden as an example. R.I.P UK,Europe.The war is lost. You can see why Mr T.Bliar got rid of the treason law the first day he was in power.
These days I ask myself the question, before I go out, will I be able to get through the day without seeing an ethnic? And every day I’m disappointed.
An ethnic? You lucky person. Many are lucky if they see more than a handful, if that, of non-ethnics
These days I ask myself will I hear English and everyday I’m disappointed. I have to use google translate in the local shops because no English food sold.
I get the Northern line twice every day I am quite often the only English bloke in the entire carriage , Burkas , Beards , East Europeans , Africans I am half expecting there to be chickens and goats running up and down the carriage shortly
No better at weekends. All seem to be on concessionary passes so we get the tab for that as well.
“T.Bliar got rid of the treason law the first day he was in power.”
He didn’t. It’s still in force.
He did however remove the Death Penalty for the few remaining offences. Treason and Piracy with violence were no longer capital offences in 1998.
In this video white men are being beaten up by large Asian gangs; Asians are standing around laughing, too. But the BBC of course are far more interested in Islamaphobia.
That’s the usual “Asian” modus operandi – a large gang against one or two. Get them on their own and they shit themselves.
In the video above one of the people being interviewed described Sweden as violently anti religion, and that the Swedes have adopted anti racism as some kind of moral foundation instead of religion. Yes, that makes sense. But then we have the anomaly that their anti racism takes the form of defence of the most fanatical and fundamental religion the world has ever known.
Just a thought.
Here in BBC South and Points West(Eurabia Zone 7), I know a few of the “Refugees Welcome Here” mob either have very big houses or decently sized holiday homes.
Of courser there are loads of toffs/celebrities round about…but i`m only thinking of those who explicitly have aligned themselves with “The Project”.
Billy Bragg`s got a fine gaff, and he can`t always be occupying all that land and bedrooms..can he?
Which side are you Billy-need I ask?
So far, I`ve yet to see him offering his house, private land and footpaths to the local Imam, local Travellers communities( maybe start with the Oirish, then get more exotic if that works out?).
One can hope-wonder if there could be a register starting with Yvette Cooper.
“Migrants are not just for election cycles”Yvette-Ed can only play piano at one house at a time can`t he?…Yorkshire or London?…surely that depends on if they want to firebomb Stamford Hill or go rogue in Rotherham eh?
No Yvette-Migrants are for life-and they`ll be after yours once they`ve dealt with the chavs who oppose your bucket list of liberal tropes.
I would say they`re not just for Christmas-but that`s only Winterval `til they fix us into Ramadan.
Braggys Bed and Breakfast?…rent controls though eh Billy, and they`ll be gone as soon as his bellicose quack of the Red Flag sells its usual hospice sized quantities.
I`ll buy a charity copy as long as he shows us how to house a few.
yep and doesn’t call me Dave live in the Cotswolds somewhere lets make sure his local town takes say 10,000 so he can see the enrichment for his own eyes
This is such a good video, thanks for posting Alan.
Calm, logical and coldly clear without any need to exaggerate or extrapolate, let alone emote or abuse.
Just the kind of thing that an old BBC might have attempted before Hugh Carleton Greene and his new breed of Snows, Pilgers, Paxmans and the “journalism of engaged and passionate attachment”-too much Red Lion Square, too much Vietnam I fear.
Why do we have to rely on CBN to report from the coming My Lai, the tentative Matthausens?
Can`t the BBC just USE this one , and practice how to tell truth to us ?
No…but thanks for reminding me of when a news story let me draw my own conclusions and chose to draw threads of interest Europe-wide…not just give us Conchita Wurst and Pussy Riot by way of “Foreign Affairs”
I recall one heavily-headscarved woman saying “If freedom means bikinis then I’m against freedom”.
I think all so-called “refugees” should be asked ‘Are you here to join in with our freedom and democracy and abandon your third-world habits of tyranny, opression, corruption, violence, mysogyny and homophobia?’ If the answer is ‘no’ then send them straight back home. If the answer is ‘yes’ then let them stay on licence and one whiff of reversing to their third-world state – send them home.