So, we have a Labour Leader who won’t condemn the IRA and a Labour Shadow Chancellor who has fantasised about assassinating Margaret Thatcher. What a crew. Anyway, time to start the week with a new Open Thread. The floor is yours, comrades.
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Another million votes for UKIP!
Don’t be so sure. He may appeal to part of the “anti-politics” vote that goes to UKIP.
Not a chance. Corbyn is provably anti British.
He wants to give the Falklands over to Argentina.
He is very pro unlimited Immigration.
He is Pro Sharia Law (whilst also claiming to be a multiculturalist)
He is a green ecomentalist zealot, (who also wants to reopen coal mines)
Labour will be campaigning to stay IN the EU. (according to their new shadow foreign secretary).
He openly and proudly supports people who march under Nazi flags and prey for the re-establishment of the Nazi Reichs, whilst praising Hitler. (Hamas).
I cannot foresee any Ukipper supporting such an anti-British, illogical and inept party as Corbyn’s labour party.
But , protest voters don`t always follow logical thought , some kippers will return to Labour , no doubt . I would not get to cocky about anything, until the fat lady ( Tom Watson ) sings
Essexman, you mean the intellectually challenged Diane Abbott , surely ?
Totally agree. Thankfully his ideas are so wacky I don’t think he’ll ever get the chance to take us back to the dark ages. Like @essexman says though you can never tell with some voters though, particularly those who are trying to make a point but hopefully they’re a minority.
Not too mention the re-nationlisation plans which will cost how many hundreds of billions exactly! Of it’s easy, you just tax the fat cats more – problem solved, until all the fat cats leave home.
Personally I think the “iceberg” for ship Corbyn, is the SNP. Scotland have sniffed the possibility of independance. Do you think all those SNP voters are going to jeopordise their chances of another vote by losing their stranglehold on the government. I think most of the new SNP voters will be stayers.
What has really infuriated me is all this blatently biased BBC coverage. More so than usual. They really have mastered the art of bias without saying anything. Usually political leaders are torn to shreds, skeletons dig out closets, and such – well sometimes. Not so much here, just lots of airtime for Corbyn and his desciples.
Can’t stop. It’s my bedtime and I have to cycle to my bedroom at the other end of my mansion. Not my main bike of course, my moutain bike. Let’s keep things sensible 😉
Piggy Abbot in the Shadow Cabinet….sorry I can’t stop laughing…what a bunch of horrors.
Even the beeboids must be confused ??
Good news is this means she won’t be on the BBC ‘This Week’ any more.
PMQs will be interesting. Of course, the BBC will rate Corbyn as the debate winner whatever happens.
“…Of course, the BBC will rate Corbyn as the debate winner whatever happens.
I’m not so sure about that. The BBC are disciples of New Labour, not the kind of voter-resistant leftwing nuttery Chairman Corbyn espouses. The BBC are still in deep, deep mourning over the death of their beloved New Labour Project and are no friends of Corbyn and his old-skool Comintern.
Let’s see how this plays out with the BBC – once a few of Corbyn’s policies are laid bare to public scrutiny (I’m thinking of his lukewarm stance on the EU and his complete adversity to NATO here) we’ll have a much better idea where the Corporation itself decides place its markers. It’s a fabulous minefield of competing doctrines and oppositional ideologies. Gonna be interesting!
But which one is you?

“You don’t need to ask that, now move along….”
I truly think using Alex Guinness’s image next to Jeremiah Cubit utterly disgusting one lived a good life and even fought for his country, the other one is a guttersnipe wannabe Stalin !
May the force(s) be not with you but be disbanded and replaced by a big peace camp (J Corbyn)
Light sabres are so militaristic and not inclusive. We really need to sit down and talk to the Empire and apologise for our existence.
‘These are not the terrorists you are looking for.’
I am very interested to see what the BBC make of his environment policies. He is as much of an ecomentalist zealot as Vivienne Westwood…… BUT he wants to reopen coal mines.
Yes, Corbyn is quite happy to send people back down the pits, so long as it is not him. He has never done a proper day’s work in his life. Total scumbag.
I never imagined I might find myself genuinely wishing for the likes of Chuka Umunna and his Blairite peers to be running the Labour Party, but here we are. I have no doubt Mr Umunna will eventually stage his coup and he will wrest back the Labour Leadership from the clutches of the socialist left – but this ain’t gonna be pretty (not in this age of the Twatterati).
Beware the Ides of March, Chairman Corbyn. Already, your would-be political assassins are hiding in the shadows sharpening their daggers for the killing blow. What has happened was Never Supposed To Happen and forces immeasurably more Machiavellian, more powerful and clever than than you are biding their time now. But their time will come again.
This is gonna be FUN!
Jeremy Corbyn is everything here we could wish for ! Anti EU and unelectable! It’s a win win situation!
I do wonder what the BBC will make of that though. That is of course if the EU doesn’t self destruct before the referendum with Germany suspending Schengen
In terms of value for money, I have never had so much return for a mere £3.00.
A gift that just keeps giving. Watching JC trying to get a camera crew arrested (Sky) demonstrates his base instincts. How this goes down with the electorate is another matter.
The only drawback is the number of spam emails I have had to block since the “Great Acclamation”!!!
No, I really don’t think ObiWan this is going to be fun; only in the same way that Auntie thought the goings on in a Cairo square were fun. We really don’t know where this will lead. Whilst all the prophets of ‘fun’ may well be right and I really hope they are I really fear for the future.
I agree, its potentially a very dangerous situation – a split right/centre vote could see Labour being the largest party and they could then do a deal with the Scottish marxists.
Notice how the Beeb refer to Corbyn as left wing, whilst almost every other news source calls him hard left or extreme left.
‘Left leaning’ according to Norman Smith on Today last week.
Possibly they don’t regard him as ‘far Left’… compared to them?
For God’s sake, he is a Marxist , pure and simple.
Anyone who disagrees with Corbyn and his clique now, and as time goes by, also the Labour party itself, will be considered as ‘counter-revolutionaries’ and will need to be ‘dealt with’, or ‘taken down’.
His thugs are already out. Purges are beginning within the party and in its organisational structure as they begin to take control.
He stands no chance. Corbyn is utilising all the stazi like talents of the far left to purge the back-office, the movers and shakers and give the unions even more power. He will quickly re-define how labour’s leaders can be deposed and change the election rules. They are busy stitching up the labour party. But that is good, because the Nazi supporter’s friend will NEVER even get close to winning a general election.
The labour grass roots will never allow him to be ousted either. Given the scale of his victory (largely due to tories and kippers paying 3 quid to wreck the labour party and creating a huge buzz) How can labour basically tell MOST of their members, the unions and their supporters to basically fuck off and then win a general election?
There is no way that the grass roots would hang around if Corbyn is ousted. Good luck winning an election without any ground forces to campaign for them.
Even if Corbyn, were to die from entirely natural causes, his supporters contain a very large number of conspiracy nutters who would totally believe he was a victim of an “establishment assassination” attempt. There is no way that the grass roots would hang around if Corbyn is ousted. Good luck winning an election without any ground forces to campaign for them.
So labour cannot win the general election with Corbyn… and they cannot get rid of him either.
Basically it is checkmate.
If you’re really worried about needing a party that’s incredibly similar to the pre-Corbyn Labour then why worry? You have Cameron’s “conservatives”.
If it gets you elected (it worked for Tony Blair) you retain your grip on the levers of power.
Something that JC and his fan club do not seem to recognise.
ITV use Morley as their benchmark to gauge political opinion, showing the “Balls moment” in the introduction (I doubt the BBC would do that!)
A report last night showed the older people can remember the glory days of the 70s and 80s and did not wish to return there. The younger people were more supportive of his lunacy.
So there appears to be an education job for the doubtlessly older make up of this website’s contributors to remind our children and grand children of those wonderful days.
That is the problem. Running on a moderate ticket to get elected and then pursuing a completely set of policies once elected. The British People are sick of it. As are the membership of the LibLabCon. First they lie to the membership to get the gig, then they lie to the public to get power, then they do what they want.
When Europeans go to the Third World its called ” invading and colonising.” When Third Worlders come to Europe its called ” Enriching, multiculturalism and die-versity.”
More than just diversity. The liberal elite believe also in homeopathy (a ‘treatment’ based on the use of highly diluted substances, which practitioners claim can cause the body to heal itself) and apply the principle to society. By the use of unfettered immigration it seems they believe that we all will eventually be ‘healed’
I still don’t see why they believe that in adding millions to our population it won’t add to class sizes, waiting lists, housing shortages or even pressure on roads and public transport. Even they know that their “doctors and engineers” meme is a smoke screen that fools nobody. I have heard this several times on R5L recently and still met without challenge. None were reminded that these talented people can actually apply legally and would be welcomed. So why walk across deserts and swim seas to get here?
If only they did practice homeopathy in this case. Homeopathy results in such extreme dilution that there is no active substance in the “medicine”, so if it was homeopathic migration being engineered we would see just 1 migrant not millions introduced.
The scum who danced around bonfires at the news of Mrs Thatcher now expect us to think that it was mere high spirits.
True evil self-righteous scum, who depend for their muscle on embittered old Yorkshire miners and their terminally aggrieved wives and grandkids…and this lot will all be around Corbyn to ensure that his “no personal attacks” mantra is all Gordon Brown/McPoison bipolar savagery yet again.
This time we`ve seen their faces-and evil will be faced down.
“True evil self-righteous scum, who depend for their muscle on embittered old Yorkshire miners and their terminally aggrieved wives and grandkids”
– Not any more. Now they rely on the local lads at the Mosque who they appear to have no trouble winding up like clockwork.
So Corbyn ended his second marriage over his Wife’s decision to send his son to a grammar school, but is prepared to give arch hypocrite Fatty Abbott a place in the shadow cabinet despite her own lack of principles when it came to her sons education.
And Corbyn is Grammar school boy. Personally, I have more respect for second -hand car dealers. No insult intended to them .
My worry/fear is we are seeing the beginnings of an “Obama effect”. Politician who comes out of nowhere supported by left wing factions and is known as a campaigner. The low information voters are taken in by it and then when the General Election comes around we get a twitterati based journey or crusade to elect the first “true socialist” etc.
Never fear gb in today’s x-factor politics the likes of Jezza will not get the same sort of adulation that Obama did. For starters there was a large core of black voters who wanted a man of colour in the White house.
And with the best will in the world Corbyn lacks the photogenic quality of Obama.
Plus there are plenty more dodgy pictures of Jezza, hugging terrorists to get wheeled out. Not to mention his appalling lack of action over the Islington care home child abuse scandal.
Indeed. Corbyn is also renowned for having a very short temper with those with whom he disagrees. It won’t be too long before someone like Kay Burley will make him snap into a furious bullying rant. How will the feminazis cope with a stale, pale and male member of the patriarchy, who only has men at the highest levels of cabinet, losing it and launching into a bullying sexist rant against a woman?
Well we have to utilise social media to expose the truth of the Nazi supporting Corbyn.
(Of course I am using lefty logic there. E.G. Farage is shown in a meeting with some Eastern European MEP who has any tenuous links with parties who were once Neo Nazi… so obviously Farage is a Nazi, due to the company he keeps)
Using the above logic, Corbyn fully openly and proudly supports Hamas, who, in turn, proudly march under Nazi flags, who pray for the resurrection of the Nazi Reich and who openly admit that they wish that Hitler had completed his “final solution”.
By openly supporting such Nazi supporters ofHamas, Corbyn IS a Nazi!
The greatest obstacle to the EUSSR project is the nation state, the power elites like Peter Sutherland and Merkel know and realise that the people are quite attached and loyal to them, what better way to dissolve them by importing millions of invaders who don’t give a shit about our nations borders, history and culture.
I just loved listening to Her Royal Highness Emily Thornberry explain on Saturday how she had nominated Jerry but not voted for him , obviously it was a joke nomination not one that was meant to be taken seriously………OOPS How they must have laughed at the Beeb when the unthinkable came to pass ……….wait a minute ……..a poll says the Labour Party will be unelectable for at least a decade. Surely Corbyn is just what every correct thinking person in the UK wants??? Big bowl of popcorn on standby as the Beeb and Labour twist themselves into knots over this one .
Copied from the last open thread. I’d used oldartist’s letter as a template to send to my MP.
Good Morning Feargal
Thank you for your email and I agree that a solution must be well thought out to ensure that we are able to cope with the number of refugees we receive.
What is happening in the Mediterranean is a great human tragedy and we are facing the very real possibility of a migration crisis which could cost 30,000 lives this year. However, the attitude of successive Westminster governments when it comes to asylum and refugees has been nothing less than appalling – it’s time for the UK Government to step up to the plate and make clear its long-term commitment to working with EU partners in finding a long-term solution.
Eighty years ago the UK offered refuge and asylum to those who were being pursued by the Nazis. Now, in contrast, the UK has an appalling record on the resettlement of Syrian refugees and is not prepared to co-operate with other European nations on accepting refugees who have been rescued in the Mediterranean even while other nations such as Germany and Sweden are accepting them.
The team of SNP MPs at Westminster have directly challenged the Prime Minister and the policies of his government in parliament this month. It’s about time that the UK Government’s policy towards asylum seekers and refugees prioritised the basic human values of fairness and compassion and we will be using our opposition day debate to bring a Government Minister to answer for their lack of action and the lives that have been lost because of it.
My colleagues and I will continue to put pressure on the UK Government to demonstrate its commitment to a long-term solution to the problem however please be assured we would want this done in a way that is fair and acceptable to the people already living in this country.
Dr Philippa Whitford Member for Central Ayrshire
I’ve had to type her (SNP cookie cutter?) response verbatim as my inability to cut and paste her e-mail is rather frustrating.
To summarise her answer;
Her party which has brought in laws making the singing of ‘sectarian songs’ a criminal offence is willing the UK Government to import sectarian moslem problems that will make the, currently not so frequent, Glasgow football rivalry look like a teddy bear’s picnic.
No mention of the vast amount of aid the UK has pushed to Syria et al, or the lack of support from Gulf States (is it because the sunni ISIS caliphate is ‘one of their own’?), or the UN/Arab League/OIC lack of involvement, or Merkel finally realising that she better shut the border as her refugee offer has become seriously over-subscribed.
I may have to have another coffee before I compose my answer as it seems she is interested in nothing more than cheap party political point scoring.
That’s before the stress on social housing/benefits, hospitals, schools and jobs/the economy are considered…….I may be sometime!
If I remember the last open thread correctly, she hasn’t bothered to read your letter before copying and pasting an SNP press release. Quelle surprise.
Her reply was not sent until the next morning but was a cookie cutter answer.
My retort to her response;
Dear Dr Whitford
What is happening in the Mediterranean is a tragedy. Has your party considered that with 1.8M already waiting on social housing, and an ongoing overburden on the accommodation/benefits system/hospitals/schools/jobs, we are already welcoming immigrants en masse?
HMG has apparently given £900M in aid to the Syrian situation. What has this been used for if the non-sunni muslims are moving away?
Have you considered why the sunni Gulf states of Sudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait have not offered to take in refugees apparently ‘escaping’ from the sunni ISIS caliphate?
Where are the UN/Arab League/OIC whilst this carnage is taking place on their geographical doorstep?
Are you aware that Angela Merkel has closed the German border upon realising that her comments of last week have seen her plans to process 800,000 ‘refugees’ become seriously over-subscribed?
I’m all for human compassion, but not the variety currently served up by the bBC and other lesser media outlets.
For a party that brought ‘sectarian hate’ laws in through the Edinburgh government, you appear to be willing to accept sectarian troubles from abroad that will make the ‘Old Firm’ look like Laurel & Hardy.
Your ‘commitment to a long-term solution to the problem’ must look for the source of the problem. I do not believe that will be found north of the Mediterranean. Either our foreign aid is being abused or misdirected. That should be the start point of your pressure to HMG.
Yours sincerely
feargal the cat
Top class response, Feargal.
Meant to add, her last para is just farcical nonsense.
”Eighty years ago the UK offered refuge and asylum to those who were being pursued by the Nazis.” Godwins Law's_law
And now labour is run by a Nazi sympathiser
He fully supports these people:
After all the ” Migrant Porn” on television one craves for some common sense, here’s Jared Taylor on the invasion of Europe, Calais and Effnik rapes in Sweden.
Brilliant summation.
These invaders have destroyed their own countries, now they’re coming here to destroy ours.
Fantastic summary – should be aired on a national TV network set up to inform and educate – oh…….. are they porcine aviators that just went over?
Yes it should be and if it was then there would be large demonstrations making sure our politicians knew that we didn’t want any of these migrants. But because the BBC controls the news agenda of the country the anti immigrant argument never gets aired and many gullible people think that we should take thousand upon thousand of these folks with no idea of the awful consequences of doing so. The BBC is responsible for wrecking our country. But the politicians who must know the truth are also guilty. They should be forcing the issue with the BBC instead of cowering and allowing the BBC to dictate public opinion and even policy.
Mr Jared Taylor is exceptional; thanks for posting that DB, a superb analysis of the present insanity.
Peons led by Wonkies
I’m afraid I don’t forsee a coup against Comrade Corbyn
Those still under the Labour banner are a notoriously tribal lot – they will sullenly fix bayonets and go over the top shouting ‘death to the tories’ with whatever forlorn hope and in any daft direction their dimwit leader demands. Not for nothing does their song contain the line ‘Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer’. They’re like League One football fans, they are happiest of all moaning about the leadership, lack of cash, high prices, soggy pies, weak beer, their ill fortune and even the weather – Greens I’m talking about you!
Behind the scenes there are some really nasty cutomers – read Guido Fawkes for insights.
The grumpy tetchy when questioned Corbyn may prove to be easily manipulated by those powers behind the throne.
My guess is he will lose his rag with his own side – lose the dressing room as they say – and likely walk away playing the saint and martyr – like his mates Bobby Sands and that lot in Palestine who do all the sandy protests
The Cornynistas are on a roll. They have issued a call for direct action against the Tory Conference in Manchester.
‘Direct action’, commonly known as ‘bypassing the ballot box’.
AKA mob rule and thug enforced dictatorship, like in so many third world banana republics, which is exactly what those thugs are trying to turn the UK into. They know that they cannot win at the ballot box, so they will revert to violent thuggery. It is all they know, because they are utterly un-evolved, thick and profoundly selfish.
What have I seen him in?
You know, that Austrian actor… no not Crocodile Dundee – I said Austrian not Australian. What do you mean you don’t know any Austrian actors – there’s Arnie Schwarzenegger, well I suppose he’s the only one. Well he was on TV, on BBC news. Yeah it was about the migrants and this guy was in a high viz jacket on the border of Hungary and Serbia and the BBC reporter pointed him out and said something like ‘look, there’s an Austrian helping the refugees – he’s an actor by the way’
Blonde Germanic-looking bloke – wouldn’t get much work in a Lenny Henry run BBC
Goodness knows why we needed to know that he was an actor – perhaps the reporter recognised one of his own – one of the luvvie-media-industrial-complex
Yes, how did the reporter know? Smacks of a pre-arranged shoot – perhaps even sponsored by Common Purpose Speed Dial.
I thought Bruno Ganz was Austrian or Italian, whatever he played Hitler in the phenomenal film ‘Downfall’. I wonder if Corbyn and his fellow travellers should take a look at that film, it could very prescient for them.
SKY News, more migrant porn, they interviewed a Syrian invader with a prosthetic leg !!! So we’ve got the Afghan granny in a wheelchair, the Kurd with no teeth and now this joker with one leg, he’s hopped all the way from Greece to Serbia. You just can’t make this shit up.
‘SKY News, more migrant porn, they interviewed a Syrian invader with a prosthetic leg !’
That’s a potential Team GB Paralympic medalist there, that is.
A few more more hospital appointments lost by the indigenous….
The media probably “upped the ante” too quickly with the drowned toddler image. They can’t continually hark back to the drowned toddler for effect. They are probably now ghoulishly looking for tens of drowned infants or drowned infants cuddling teddy bears. People losing their false teeth/legs on the “long and perilous journey etc.” is a bit of an anticlimax . The “long and perilous journey, etc,” mantra repeated every minute of the day is becomimg exceedingly irksome. Hopefully, they won’t find a new heart tugger or Camerloon will be filling his voluminous lachrymatory and letting in 800,000 like the Blessed Ma Merkel.
“The “long and perilous journey, etc,” mantra repeated every minute of the day is becomimg exceedingly irksome.”
And they always miss off the most important words… long and perilous and ILLEGAL journey.
The hope lies in the East.
The Poles over here have reported back home how life is here.
To misquote Orwell, ” If there is any hope , it is in the Poles “.
If they find a transgender leper I’ll get a full house on my “refugee” bingo card.
New cast of the Adams family meet up for a read through…
A group of people who despise everything I believe in. A collective noun is required,
A ‘cunt’ of Labourites perhaps.
More ‘evil bastards’ (just like Hungary, remember?) decide, finally, that allowing untold numbers of illegal muslim immigrants into their nations might not be such a good idea, after all…
Austria says it is deploying troops to help deal with a migrant influx, and will tighten controls on its border with Hungary. The move came after Germany imposed controls on its border with Austria. Slovakia and the Netherlands are the latest countries to announce such controls, which challenge the EU’s Schengen agreement on free movement.
Who could have guessed it?
“challenge”. BBC speak for “destroy” !
Oh no..punchable prick Owen hateful Jones spouting rubbish on the news.
Yesterday on the Marr Show dear old Polly Toynbee , ex BBC and currently writing for the Guardian, ( same difference of course) was complaining that the right wing press, 80% of the total according to Polly, would try to smear Corbyn. In leftist speak this means tell the truth about him and warn the public of the looney that he is. My view is that left to himself he will soon demonstrate what a silly man he is. But she went on to say ‘ that at least he still had broadcasting’ ! But that she was worried that he had turned down an interview with the BBC. The clear implication being that she thought the BBC could be relied upon to be nice to him and were on his side. Do we need a more clear statement from an experienced BBC person of the leftist bias of the corporation?
Polly and those on the left just can’t understand that the press is free from any obligation to be impartial because you don’t have to pay for a newspaper if you don’t want to. But of course the BBC is funded by the tax payer and so must be impartial. Admittedly, it does a good job of totally ignoring this duty and seems to be allowed to get away with it by the Tories. As the BBC doesn’t believe it should be impartial then it ought to become subscription funded. It can’t possibly mount a defence claiming that it impartial.That would be laughable. I suppose that Polly et al really want the guaranteed income of state funding without the problem of being impartial and see nothing wrong in this approach, after all they see themselves as on the side of the angels. I imagine in Polly’s inverted world she thinks the Guardian should also be state funded!
Smear “In leftist speak this means tell the truth about him and warn the public”
Not too sure about that, most of the Farage and UKIP smears during the last election were untrue.
That was the other way round, what Labour/BBC/Guardian claimed was true about UKIP was actually untrue smears. What the left call smears is actually truth against them.
The left did not class those lies as “smears”. the left do not realise that all they do is smear and tell lies. To them, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
If Toynbee engaged her brain before gobbing off she might be dangerous.
Hmmm, maybe she don’t have a brain…
When I last looked at the Guardian it was full of job adverts for the BBC and the public sector.
None of them need to advertise in the press, there’s nothing to stop them putting up their own websites with their jobs on. Cost to taxpayer: next to nothing. Instead they’d rather spend our money subsidising the Guardian and jobs for their mates.
The Guardian is already publicly funded by this large and generous subsidy. One again we have no choice about it.
That’s another tory fail. The tories are in power, they are the Government. It is about time they made a massive cut to their personnel advertising budget and instead only advertised jobs on their own .gov website.
Beeb has spent weeks telling us how the Germans love refugees (though apparently less today as they close the borders) with lots of photos of kids dishing out sweets at Munich station etc.
Today we have an article “Migrant crisis: Germans chide Facebook over race hate”
about a German Green MP who is getting lots of social media hate messages about her pro immigration views, so can I conclude from this that not everybody in Germany is happy.
BBC deploying its renowned editorial integrity with limited space on what is ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) and what clearly is:
Jeremy Corbyn · Trending
2 hrs ·
Jeremy Corbyn’s got loads of famous supporters, like this lot…
Jeremy Corbyn’s famous supporters: Daniel Radcliffe, Charlotte Church, Russell Brand
The comments on the connection between man and glee club could, frankly, be disappointing to the BBC genius who posted this.
So it’s not just Harry Potter who’s got a head full of magic.
What an incredible year 2015 has been:-
– Conservatives win a majority in General Election
– Ed Balls and most of the LibDems lose their seats
– Sanctimonious arsehole Paddy Ashdown totally humiliated
– Ed Miliband wiped off the face of political relevance
– Tony Blair shown nothing but contempt by everybody (apart from the BBC)
– Everyone in the country (apart from the twitter twats) laughing at Russell Brand (and not because they think he’s funny)
– Leanne-but-dim and Aussie Sheila banished to political obscurity
– An extreme far-left Marxist, Jeremy Corbyn win a landslide victory for Labour party leadership
– The fat, ugly, hypocritical joke that is Dianne Abbott being appointed to the Labour front bench
– The words “The Labour party” becoming a joke funnier than anything from the Edinburgh Fringe
– England bowl out Australia for 60 runs in a test match
If someone had predicted the above on January 1st you’ve have said they needed therapy…….all we need now is for John Whittingdale to come up with the goods.
BBC Radio4 The World This Weekend, [17:40]
Mark Mardell “Would you serve in the shadow cabinet? Would you like a shadow cabinet job?”
Dianne Abbott “I’m very happy on the back benches, thank you very much. You can also serve ..we also serve who serve on the back benches.”
Every cloud has a silver lining
Her loss is everyone’s gain. Not sure this will work out quite as well as she had hoped.
One is sure the BBC will find a worthy recipient of licence fee money in due course.
This is pensionable, though. So, it will actually cost us well into the future.
Bang goes her daily doughnut budget.
And Lewis Hamilton looking like the only Brit who will win back-to-back F1 championships and his third world title, placing him firmly amongst the greats of the sport.
Before I was pointed in the direction of this excellent website I was a lost and lonely soul. Content to type into Google, phrases like “Richard Bacon is a k**b” or “Robbie Savage is a w****r” or “Colin Murray is a c**t”, as a means of discovering if anyone else had those same thoughts. Well, over the past few years whenever “Islamic Affairs” were discussed on R5Live’s Your Call, I noticed that Nicky Campbell was becoming more and more obsequious to his muslim guests or callers. I heard him many times refer to them as “Sir” whilst using a disparaging and harsh tone with others. This got me thinking. This got me typing into Google “Nicky Campbell is a m****m”. Top of the page was this: I was not surprised.
I think you’ve been here before. But still a lost and lonely soul, I think.
Roland Deschain, having re-read my post I have given your comment a like. I appear to have adopted the persona of a drunken vulgarian gate-crashing a party where I knew nobody, who then sprays coarse language at all and sundry.
It was my first post, and possibly reflects the years of rage felt at the BBC, together with the enthusiasm of discovering a platform to expel said rage. Nonetheless, thanks for the comment.
I was shocked to read on that livingislam website that Campbell has 2 dogs. After all, dogs are considered unclean in Islam, which is why police forces avoid using them when searching for possible drugs and weapons when dealing with ROPers. He’s hardly a suitable person if he keeps such filthy beasts.
Also disappointing that said website includes amongst its sponsors: Macmillan Cancer Support; British Heart Foundation; Anthony Nolan trust. I’m sure no readers will want to boycott them because of that, though.
Interesting post Mr.Golightly .Indeed is Nicky Cambell a moslem? it would explain much
I was prompted to make several similar searches my self but could find no indication of his personal faith or an association with any religion other than the link you provided
I know that absence of evidence is not proof of any thing but the lack of statement from a man who hosts a religious show and pontificates on religious matters is strange
His Wikipedia entry while very thin does not hide his family IRA association , but is coy about his religious conviction
Calling them Sir or being ‘obsequious’ to them is the normal default position for the bBC when dealing with such guests or callers, infact it happens in nearly every walk of life, especially if you want to keep your job.
For the default position when dealing with the indigenous, have a listen to the YouTube clip of Nolan that is doing the rounds….
Corbyn appoints a woman he’s never met: Lucy Powell, who did such a great job as Miliband’s election coordinator.
Perhaps this will help remind him who she is:
That clip never gets old, thanks for posting S_A_S-G; what a cretinous @rshole – she keeps yapping “Let me finish!” yet never seems to stop f*****g talking nor interrupting.
Ah, another patient for the Today Rehabilitation Programme aka ‘Interview’ aka ‘Cosy Little Chat’.
Corbyn has had to scrape the barrel to find people even more thick than him.
I have just listened to “Beyond Belief” on Radio 4. This is not a programme I would normally listen to, but I was busy and didn’t want to break off from what I was doing to turn the radio off.
The subject was leaving a religion. Most of the major religions were represented and there was even a speaker who had been a Jehovah’s Witness. In fact it turned out to quite interesting. Yet strangely that significant world religion Islam was not represented. Could it be that, bearing in mind the rather terminal punishment for apostasy in the Koran, doesn’t quite tie in with the cuddly BBC version of Islam? After all they’ve got to keep the idiots on the “religion of peace” track. The BBC aren’t just liars, they are also hopeless liars.
As ever it’s what the BBC don’t include that enables them to shape the message.
BBC bias.
Day 3 and Jeremy Corbyn/Labour are still the main story on the BBC webpage.
Keep an eye on how many days it stretches to……
I think the bBBC managed to drag out “Ralph Miliband was a Marxist (but the Daily Mail shouldn’t have reminded us)” to five days so “Corbyn is a Marxist (but don’t mention the M-word)” has some way to go yet.
BBC PM Radio 4 has the same old fantasy politics over German catastrophic immigration. Apparently the German people are massively in favour of mass immigration, and any one who isn’t is part of the non existent ‘right wing groups’, but we are told, it might not stay this way unless the rest of Europe gets behind Germany and helps it out over the number of migrants it has let it, and there’s yet more criticism of the British government.
Shocking lies and promotion of mass migration with threats as well!
No information given as to where the mass support of mass migration in Germany and no real analysis of the EU position either.
Having just posed that question I thought I’d go find out for myself, and was shocked by a poll taken back in February before the German insanity began.
Poll: Majority of Germans reject immigration from outside the EU
In Thursday’s (19 February) national edition of the Eurobarometer opinion poll, 37% of Germans surveyed see migration as the biggest challenge for the EU, and for Germany, at the moment.
Only in the United Kingdom (38%) and Malta (57%) are these percentages higher.
Meanwhile only 29% of Germans have a positive opinion of immigration from third countries, outside the EU. A relative majority (45%) said they believe illegal immigration into the EU should be counteracted at both EU and national levels. This corresponds to perceptions among a growing number of respondents in Germany (29%), who feel there are not enough inspections at the EU’s external borders.
As a result, German citizens are somewhat more critical than the average of all Europeans surveyed, of which 57% are against immigrants from third countries. Opposition was higher than in Germany among respondents from Italy (75%), Latvia (79%) and Slovakia (74%).
So proof positive that the BBC are lying and that Germans feel roughly the same way the British feel about illegal migration.
“A prediction from the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) indicates the total number of asylum applications is likely to rise 50% compared to 2014, reaching 300,000. This includes around 250,000 first-time and 50,000 follow-up applications, a spokeswoman from the Federal Agency said on Thursday, citing the prognosis, which she said had been sent to the federal states.”
Oops got that one a bit wrong! Didn’t count on the mad Merkel effect !
While I’m here has no one seen this?
Or this
For those that haven’t signed that petition yet ( or more importantly shared it)
Here it is again…
currently 167,801 and still rising
BBC Points West, live report from the selection meeting for the Tory mayoral candidate, but we don’t want to talk about that do we? Nah let’s talk about Jeremy Corbin! An interview with the vegan fox and badger loving Shadow Secretary for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs!
Same on look east. Labour mp interviewed left unchallenged to wax lyrical about the “wonderfull” jeremy
“It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table.”
The new Shadow Chancellor waxing lyrical about the IRA. (Source:
Why the silence from the BBC on this?
I think the public have a right to know that the Shadow Chancellor is a fan of terrorism, particularly as he’d be in a position to donate their taxes to shadowy terrorists groups who his boss calls friends if Labour were to win the next election.
So “refugees” in Germany are currently parading their I.S. flags, fighting police?…I’m sure that the BBC will be all over this like a rash…
That sweetie swinging the flagpole certainly shows every sign of a family man fleeing from conflict.
Is it like snakes and ladders, where he is popped back to ‘Go’, collects his $5000 and finds a lifeboat with an emoting Beebette in it to have another run at it?
I think that is an old picture of some Islamic filth already in Germany and is not of the latest batch of religiously toxic, human rubbish to be let in there.
So even their vulnerable wives and children have facial hair!
Tuned into ‘PM’ around 5.45 in the middle of one of the most one-sided, mind-numbing pieces of leftist, race-hustling agitprop I’ve ever heard broadcast by the Brainwashing Corporation.
All about a ‘black only’ concert orchestra which has been formed ‘to make people think’ because, as we all know (because a BBC proxy tells us so), elitist occupations ‘magnify the prejudices of wider society’.
One black woman (sounded suspiciously like Diane Abbott) had played in a multi-national orchestra in this country but, because she was the only black person in it, people thought she must be a foreigner – but she was actually born in Birmingham!
Then we had the composer of some classical piece written in honour of Stephen Lawrence – which this all-black orchestra will play, naturally (think MOBO, classical-style) and he told us of his experience having racist slogans shouted at him by a gang of white teenagers once and it was ‘really, really scary’.
And so one of the BBC’s favourite narratives played out once more completely unopposed – probably for the umpteenth time today, who knows.
So just to be clear: you can be a mega-rich black footballer, you can be one of many black footballers who have played for England, you can be black and play rugby for England, or cricket, you can be a black barrister, or doctor etc etc but your path will be blocked by racists if you want to pursue a career in the luvvie world of classical music. How this black orchestra got their classical training remained a mystery – the BBC must have thought it too rude, if not racistly rude, to ask.
I don’t know about you but if I saw a black person in an orchestra I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Why are the BBC so colour conscious and constantly on about how racist we are when it’s absolutely bleedin’ obvious the world and his dog want to come and live in England and the vast majority applaud when they integrate and succeed?
Meanwhile those of us who believe other factors could be in play e.g. young black kids don’t want to be seen carrying a violin, or a clarinet, or a trumpet because it might just affect their street cred or far, far worse – will just have to cleanse our minds of such evil, racist thoughts.
And there have been several black classical singers (including Jessie Norman beloved of all prommers) and nobody turned a hair when they performed.
While not specifically classical music, there were plenty of black American swing orchestras back in the late 1920s and 1930s which were very popular in Britain – e.g. Benny Carter’s orchestra, Louis Armstrong’s , Jimmie Lunceford’s, Fats Waller’s, and later on Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Many British bands had black musicians, Billy Cotton’s, Lew Stone’s, Joe Loss’ and a British band led by Ken ‘Snakehips’ Johnson, originally born in Jamaica. He was greatly mourned by much of the public when he and five of his band were killed in a Luftwaffe bombing raid while they were playing at the Cafe de Paris in London. Black musicians have always been accepted and admired by the British music loving public so why the BBC should single out black musicians now as though they are something special is curious, especially as their archives must have thousands of recordings of the bands I’ve mentioned above, and the many other bands I haven’t mentioned.
And , surely, Billie Holiday was the greatest blues/jazz singer along with Ella Fitzgerald ?
It has been pointed out here before that if black people can’t be bothered or are not sufficiently interested in classical music to turn up at free concerts in Trafalgar Square or relatively inexpensive informal concerts at the Royal Albert Hall, we can hardly expect a significant presence on the concert platform. South east Asians, on the other hand, don’t seem to be put off so easily.
Don’t entirely agree with the “luvvie” description though. Overused, in my opinion. Playing a musical instrument means having to overcome many purely practical problems of a type which don’t seem to affect the acting profession, where I believe luvviedom originated. The down to earth LSO Master Class demonstrations on YouTube illustrate this point very well.
Janet Suzman has sleepless nights thinking about getting black people to go to the theatre, they’re just not interested. “ Theatre is a white invention, a European invention, and white people go to it. It’s in their DNA. It starts with Shakespeare,” Suzman said.
The Shakespearean actor, who was born in, and has worked in, South Africa and whose aunt was the anti-apartheid campaigner Helen Suzman, has been a vocal opponent of racism. She was made a dame in 2011 for services to drama.
Suzman said: “I’ve just done a South African play. My co-star is a young black man from the slums of Cape Town. Totally brilliant actor. I saw one black face in the room, at the Print Room. I rail against that and say why don’t black people come to see a play about one of the most powerful African states?“And they don’t bloody come. They’re not interested. It’s not in their culture, that’s why. Just as their stuff is not in white culture,” she said ”
Did anyone else hear Jezza Vine interviewing Sgt Blackman’s wife this lunchtime, about her husband’s appeal?
When the interview was over, Vine read out listeners’ comments – these were overwhelmingly against Blackman.
There was one which stated that he (Blackman) should have been executed by firing squad in front of his family, who should then have had their citizenship revoked and been deported. WTF! Vine said “I’m just reading them out as they come.” No you’re not you f*****g d@ckhead! You’re reading out the comments which are being selected for you; and bearing in mind Mrs Blackman was (in all likelihood) still listening to the programme he should have had enough about him to not read out the one I’ve quoted above.
This is one of the things which p***** me off most about the BBC: they never allow equality of debate in an argument where the opposite view is contrary to that which they favour. The other side, must also appear to be demolished. It is a vile, vile organization; which seems to be getting worse with time.
Yep, commented on it before.
I`ve never met a person who would be so “BBC compliant” to say such outrageous things.
Either it was IS…or a BBC stiffie who “tweeted in”….heard some Michael Clarke from “The Military Media” at 8.30 or so this morning-now HE was as much a quisling traitor to “his men” as the BBC could dream of.
Appalling-but Jezzie Vines stich up was typical Stephen Nolan confections…I`m sure of it.
Phut, Phut and Phut again eh Met Office? I hope that like me, many of you took an interest last week of the Met Office prediction concerning the Tropical Storm Henri and we were shown through the BBC, graphics of how the jet stream worked, where the jet stream was and how and what would happen to the Tropical Storm “Henri” when it arrived into Great Britain. I said to my girlfriend and others in my village who all ask me about weather related items, what I thought concerning “Henri” as it was supposed to arrive tomorrow (Tuesday). ” Ain’t going to happen” I told everyone. The looks I got were all like..”this guy is weird”. But I pointed out that it ain’t going to happen because the Atlantic is so cold and it cannot support the storm as the pressure centre of that storm is not low enough to generate and sustain energy whilst on its 4,000 mile journey. The best we would get I told my followers is a bit of rain and a stiff breeze at best. I also stated that our Met Office had not taken into account in their modelling the true temperature of the Atlantic Ocean and of its effects on this storm. Well guess what? Henri has given up the ghost and dissipated. Well what a surprise. And this is the same Met Office that happily predicts that the next two years will be the hottest ever. They can’t even predict what is going to happen over a three day period and do not seem to understand why their predictions are so inaccurate because they keep getting it wrong. And these are the jokers that the BBC keep telling us are the all knowing Climate Scientists and that their science is settled heavily promoted by Mr Harrabin, a student of English and nothing else. The world has gone mad.
Thanks for that OB. Global Warming and the Emperor’s Clothes are quite well matched these days, don’t you think?
Yes Dover Sentry, and did you know that as of midnight last night NOWHERE ON PLANET EARTH was there a Hurricane, Typhoon, Tropical Storm, Cyclones or any other overly deep depression causing havoc. Nothing. Remember when we were all being told that Global Warming and henceforth Climate Change was going to have the exact opposite trend? Yeah, well I can. Obviously the BBC and the nut job Harrabin have short memories. The last time this happened was in 1977 and guess what the sun spot activity was like? Yup just as it is today, none or virtually none. There is not enough heat in the oceans to support storm life. Hottest year eva? Lies, lies and more lies. Oh and did you hear about the record winter blizzards of 1977 through 1978?
This is the history of British weather of that time:
1976-77: Heavy wet snow fell in early December, mid December, and mid January. Mid January also saw some good coverings though, up to 6 inches lying at times.
1977-78: Mid January, 6 foot drifts! A week later, and 4 inches fell. Mid February saw 4 inches also. Late January, heavy snow in Scotland, drifting, 28 inches falling in parts! Mid February (see above) was very snowy in the North East, East and South West. February 11th had 1 ft in Durham and Edinburgh. Feb. 15-16th South West England, blizzard with huge drifts, sounds like my cup of tea!
I remember a documentary narrated by Leonard Nimoy telling us the latest climate scientists were predicting an imminent ice age at that time.
I remember that (as I live in County Durham). Basically a front came up from the South and hit arctic air coming down from the North and got stuck over County Durham. It moved a few miles into Northumberland and was then pushed back south again. The weatherman’s report was “There are reports of flooding. Fortunately the rain is turning to snow on high ground.”
Hi , OB , why did they call it Henri with an “i” & not a “y” ? Incidentally , have you heard about the Met Office`s new prediction about more hot years to come ,except for er England , which will have cooler dryer summers . Any thoughts on this ?
Hi Essexman,
As you might be aware, the Hurricanes or tropical storms carry either male or female names (one year male, next year female etc etc) and can be used to identify single or multiple storms in a chain event. The names are given to these storms by the W.M.O (World Meteorological Organisation) and are given names based on the ethnicity of the basin where the storms would impact most, so a storm impacting within the atlantic basin would have English names. This one which carries Henri is shortened from King Henrii of France as the storm track when active passed through French colonies. You will also note that the storms are in alphabetical order.
Concerning what the Met Office have stated about being the hottest two years to come, well read what Geyaz has said! The thing is though, the met Office have not thought this through. Supposing we do get just two years of Global Warming temperatures mainly because of the new data sets which contain sea temperatures and the El Nino is a natural warming event, when the El Nino wains and temperatures drop away, what will we have then? Guess what? Global Cooling. Oh dear, talk about shooting oneself in the foot. When “my friends” in the met Office read this, there will be much chin scratching and expect a degree of arse covering. High guys! 😎 . Numpties.
For Hurricanes you should read about the Chris Landsea incident and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation 1870 to 1999 by (Knight et al 2005). I have also this information from recent Solar tide calculations. Solar Cycle 24 will be 17 years long, ending in 2026. The decline from mid-2013 will be 1.2 Kelvin on average over the then remaining twelve and a half years of the cycle, but thermal lags mean that the cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest. It also fits correlations found by David Archibald. So that’s the two years, followed by Global Cooling starting at the third year.
I think it is spelt “Henri” because it is a metrical tropical storm.
They keep getting it wrong, because all of their weather models are based on the CAGW hypothesis. The CAGW hypothesis, when scientifically tested by observation, is utterly falsified. This is why their medium and long term forecasts have an even worse accuracy level than sheer chance alone. They are wrong to a scientifically significant degree. This shows that the models they base, both their weather forecasts, and their climate forecasts are completely wrong.
After a 10-year-plus absence of warming Kevin Trenberth, a leading proponent of AGW confessed in a 2009 e-mail* ‘We can’t explain the lack of warming, and it’s a travesty we can’t’.
There followed several years of hand-wringing by the warmists and a comical free-for-all which saw them scrapping over which theory (yes, yet more) best explained where all the heat had ‘gone’.
Looks like they’ve finally settled on ocean warming, for which they have not a scrap of evidence.
It was comical to hear Julia Slingo challenged mildly by Humphrys this morning when he suggested that their models can’t have been up to the job if they missed such an important aspect of the world’s climate system (though he couldn’t quite bring himself to suggest the science obviously wasn’t ‘settled’ at all). The waffling which followed was a joy to behold as she unwittingly revealed that the models were (and are, still) a load of crap.
Meanwhile forecasts for Britain of ‘hot, dry summers’ (get those tropical plants planted!) made around the time of Trenberth’s agonies have gone straight up the cyclone and we have – sorry, ‘might have’ or ‘there’s a chance of’ (always read the fine print) cold, dry summers.
If this farce of a ‘science’ was about anything other than climate there would be government enquiry after government enquiry.
The whole sorry mess stinks.
*Courtesy ‘Climategate’**
**That ‘breaking and entering’ crime, as the BBC described it.
I don’t know why you guys are bringing this Global Warming thing up again – You really need to get hold of this top man on the subject and ask the leader of the opposition to take him on board as his meteorological advisor.
After initially taking the Greenhouse effect for granted, despite the fact that the formula (used in all those Computer Models) can never be used for the CO2 atmospheres of Venus or Mars. You will find that a formula derived from the (Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) works for all testable Planetary Atmospheres, and even produces the answers for why pterodactyls prove that the Atmosphere of the Earth must have been two to five times more massive during the time of the dinosaurs.
This proves that the mad Professor is correct. Although the family say that his brother was less academically gifted, the mad Professor has a thick brother in the family.
A very impressive start to Newer Labours breakout for glory.
MacDonnell was very impressive on Channel 4.
Don`t have to agree with a single word he says, but he was assured calm, and very unlikely to be rattled by teenage squitters or liberal fops like Jon Snow.
Could really be a refreshing change-the idiot media camp followers will be getting the scorn they deserve if MacDonnell etc continue to ignore the medias efforts to bland them out, and stay fixed on the crap Tories who will unravel at the first gust of wind.
I want Labour to implode-but MacDonnell etc may well be a surprise package-they don`t care, they have principles(including residual hatred of Israel)…but I know how to fight that, not find myself blanded with false friends like Miliband.
Might even see the end of Channel 4 and the BBC if they continue in this cold visionary way…having nothing to lose is a good thing for the revolutionary…
Macdonnell was impressive because he was given a soft interview.You would never have got the impression that the Macdonnells of this world wanted the IRA to win.I do think though that the new shadow cabinet is quite a smart selection with Lucinda Berger to counter accusations of anti-semitism and other photogenic ladies like Lisa Nandy and Lucy Powell in it ,Lord Falconer from the Blair wing and careerists like Burnham .Corbyn and Macdonell may well try to play a low profile and let their less stigmatic quizlings take high profiles.
Glad you think that appointing Berger will counter anti Semitism.
Sorry I just do not believe it. Corbyn and the rest of his bunch are opposed to the very existence of the state of Israel. They will dissemble and come out with the usual crap about just being anti Zionist but it is the same old thing.
Now wait and see just how suddenly it is respectable to support BDS in this country and how the lemmings in our media and the universities in particular will ramp up the rhetoric and cloak what is a policy that is designed to lead to the destruction of Israel in a load of self righteous drivel.
On so many levels this election is a disaster for England. Corbyn is just the so called cuddly woolly face of what is left wing thuggery waiting to get into a position of power.
I have no time for him and neither should any of us on this site.
Absolutely right – Corbyn is the classic ‘human face of a machine of destruction’.
It is not that his personal lunacy is itself a danger, it is the fact that he succeeded by virtue of a coup, and the same energy will now go on to wreak havoc with our democratic institutions of all kinds, not just the obvious parliamentary organs.
Anyone who thinks the hard-left have not been planning for just this situation for years, decades even, and are not poised to use this opportunity to maximum effect, is living in cloud-cuckoo land.
Just because we have had a long period of ineffectual politics with corporate trimmers in both government and opposition, does not mean we will continue in that way. The UK is a docile, sedated, society that is absolutely ripe for exploitation by political thuggery and eventual tyranny. We are in real danger from a cabal that will make Common Purpose look like what it is, a Freemasonry of the ineffectual and incompetent.
Good post, Dave S. I have just one question for hypocritical anti-Semites like Corbyn, who use opposition to Israeli policies to disguise their hatred of Jews:
If you are so deeply concerned about the ‘plight’ of the Palestinians, why don’t you take to the streets over their oppression and killing at the hands of their fellow-Arabs in countries like Syria?
The appointment of one left-wing Jew to his shadow cabinet means nothing and is probably just part of the thin veneer over his bigotry.
In case you`re discouraged.
Re Craigs YouTube link to Stephen Nolan.
Look at those comments-from round the world too!
Think we`re onto something-let`s try and get Nolan sacked-and let`s win one for Carol Thatcher.
chrisH, you have lost me again. What has Carol Thatcher got to do with it ?
I think chrisH is referring to her excommunication by the BBC for ‘badspeak’
P.S. chrisH have you seen this?
Carol Thatcher said some one who looked like a golliwog looked like a golliwog.
Liebour really are filth! Anti-British scum. They are a treacherous enemy.
We are beautiful too, say women from immigrant backgrounds mostly without head covering. They didn’t get the memo.
Dear BBC’s Stephen Nolan Re Migrants
So how about it Stephen? You name the time, you name the place. Me vs. you on the migrant crisis?
After all, isn’t it about time you picked on someone with an ego the size of your own?
Kind regards,
Raheem Kassam
Breitbart London
Turks And Kurds Battle On Frankfurt Streets As German Army Called In
“The EU has now granted itself the power to conduct searches, seizure and even destroy boats if necessary. ”
That’s nice.
(Details in Byzantine Euro-speak here:
Jon Gaunt is no saint, but as an ex BBC employee he gives an interesting insight to Nolan’s weekend exploits.
As always Gaunt gets shouty, but the more meausred and intelligent comments of producer Nick Margerrison are well worth a listen and hits the nail right on the head re the bBC.
Its podcast 147 found here
Looking at it from another angle, I’m staggered that the Labour Party has voted in an elderly man ! I don’t say this unkindly because I’m the same age; and yes, if you’re in that frame of mind then 60 is the new 50. HOWEVER, we all have to be mindful (when one reaches this age) , that your brain doesn’t have the capacity it once had, – you forget, you misinterpret, you can become irrational, more grumpy and unreasonable ; and it can only get worse. JC is potentially in this job for the next 5 years when he will be just over 70 – this could be very worrying. Of course there are people running multi nationals at a great age, BUT here we have a possible next Prime Minister with his finger on the button, and like it or not, might not be in full command of his faculties, and could have Armageddon consequences – so not to elect someone much younger is indeed a folly.
People that are in a position to rule over a population should be subjected to rigorous psychological tests. What better way to root out sociopaths the like, and extremists like Corbyn that the majority of people would never ever agree with.
Utter nonsense. The UK has been peculiarly in thrall to the cult of yoof since Bliar – led in that idiotic pursuit by the media.
What we need in government isn’t ‘youthful idealism’ it’s hard-won experience and expertise.
Not quite ‘utter nonsense’, JC only has expertise of the back benches, and if you can call rebelling against the party Whip over 500 times as hard-won experience, without any time spent on the front benches – then I bow to your superior knowledge. Although I will agree that youthful idealism has had its day.
What is utter nonsense is your suggestion that someone Corbyn’s age is, simply by virtue of that age, unfit for the job.
Corbyn is an idiot now and he was an idiot in his twenties by all accounts. Unlike most, he didn’t grow out of it. His age has nothing to do with his ability – we’re not hiring a racing driver or a fighter pilot. We badly need older, wiser, hands at the wheel.
I’m inclined to think that Corbyn has the necessary experience for his new job. He’s spent his life in politics in opposition to the Labour leadership, culminating in fighting Blair’s New Labour Party. Now he can lead the opposition to Cameron’s New Labour Party.
This prove that he is a fruit cake.
“Friends said that Mr Corbyn and Ms Abbott began their relationship in the late 1970s when the newly elected Labour leader was a councillor in Haringey, north London. He was separated from his first wife, Jane Chapman, a fellow Labour councillor, whom he had married in 1974.
He must be thick in the head if he fancied Ms Flabbott.
“…I bow to your superior knowledge.”
Im not a Corbyn supporter but IMO age doesn’t come into it, wisdom does, Churchill was a wartime PM @ 71, with a further stint @ 77.
Churchill was Churchill.
Two MPs were talking about him in his last premiership
No 1: “I think he’s past it”
No 2: “I think he’s senile”
Churchill (turning around) “I also think he’s a bit deaf.”
Squeaky wheel and racist Henry gets yet another slot on the BBC .
“Paul Jones talks to Lenny Henry about his lifelong passion and enthusiasm for the blues as reflected in his forthcoming TV series Lenny Henry’s Got The Blues. In the course of making this he formed his own blues band and talked to musicians including Lulu, Van Morrison, Geno Wasjington and Laura Mvula as well as trying to find out why the UK has never produced a black blues singer of international standing. “
Could it be that ‘our’ blacks are Caribbean and not American? Can’t wait for Henry’s definitive series on Scottish Country Dancing or Russian Ballet.
Why has Britain never produced a black comedian of international standing?
JimS, Yes, Diane Abbott. I wonder if Lenny has ever been to West Africa. I have never met a black African there who has even heard of the ” Blues”.
A truly brilliant video from Jonathan Sacks,How I miss him on TFTD…the only voice of sense on that mad Today show, more often than not.
Happy Rosh Hashanah to all-God Bless Israel…from all true Christians(not the shower on Today, anyway!)
Vintage Peston on the 10 o’clock news tying himself in a knot trying desperately not to say outright that McDonnell was a catastrophic appointment.
Just seen Evan and some Guardian luvvie utterly bemused by Corbyns refusal to play their game thus far.(Newsnight 14/9/15)
Unprofessional says Lord Finkelstein, not taking the dead tree press seriously says Lord Tim Bell.
They`re not getting it at all-if Corbyn shafts the BBC and the likes of the Times and Guardian, he will do very well…for most of us hate the cosy Left/BBC/Guardian axis of weevils.
Corbyn hates Israel, doesn`t give a stuff about womens rights and will get his SWP/Hope Not hate goons out at the drop of his beret…but I know where I stand…at last.
Er… the post I was writing somehow posted itself prematurely and then vanished when I clicked on it, thinking it was clickable on.
Anyway, I was on the subject of Nuala McGovern, who is the latest presenter of ‘Outside Source’ on the World service and who has dumped any trace of professionalism she may once have had, thrown caution to the winds and become a proud and energetic activist for the Islamic invasion of Europe.
On Wednesday she demonstrated her support for that EU shmuck Juncker. She was particularly impressed with his intention to make the invasion “compulsory.” Then she got another shmuck, the BBC’s Ben James on to spout crap about the hordes flocking to Germany. James managed to find a German woman who really believes that all invaders, even those coming purely for economic reasons should be welcomed with open arms.
Nuala’s response? Good to hear also, Ben, German attitudes…”
Then to place a cherry atop her propaganda package, McGovern said she’d received at tweet asking how many refugees the US was taking in. And these people have the cheek to regard themselves as journalists.
The excruciating bit with Ben James starts at 6:15 minutes in:
(There’s one day left to listen – should any of my esteemed colleagues here want to risk their health and sanity by so doing.)
There’s another BBC propagandist called Lucy Gray who presented Outside Source for a while recently. She’s your standard indoctrinated campaigner for approved lefty causes and so I was astounded to hear her venture a contradictory opinion on the programme when speaking to yet another BBC shmuck who was somewhere in Europe welcoming the invading hordes. I could practically hear the impatience in her voice as she asked him something definitely off message, like whether there was some alternative to outright invasion. I was so thrown by this that I neglected to record it and post it for posterity here.
Come to think of it, that could well be the reason she’s no longer presenting OS.
The Germans have always been keen on invasion. Good thing we didn’t welcome them with open arms.
True. Thanks for the chuckle.
”Good thing we didn’t welcome them with open arms.” If we had perhaps London now wouldn’t look like across between Timbuktu and Mecca !!
I’ve just found out that the millionaire socialist Sandi Toksvig is on Question Time this Thursday. Looking forward to her hypocritical comments on migrants ( whom she will no doubt call refugees,thus changing their legal status).
I wonder if she will adopt a terrorist.
Final point, I heard on LBC (Ferrari) that 2 in every 100 migrants belong to IS. Blimey, can’t remember his source though!!!