So, we have a Labour Leader who won’t condemn the IRA and a Labour Shadow Chancellor who has fantasised about assassinating Margaret Thatcher. What a crew. Anyway, time to start the week with a new Open Thread. The floor is yours, comrades.
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Last night’s News at Ten included the assertion that German public opinion is in favour of allowing in all these immigrants. I must say I find that incredibly difficult to believe, unless they’ve all suddenly lost the power of rational thought. (Although in fairness, Merkel seems to have.) Does anyone have a link to that, or contrary information.
That assertion does seem worthy of being substantiated.
Why does one suspect that asking the BBC to do so would result in them suddenly retreating behind ‘editorial integrity’ and ‘purposes of’ bluster to avoid having to?
Hence the BBC licence is mainly to make stuff up.
Very unique. Hardly vital.
I think it IS licenced to make stuff up “in the interests of social cohesion”..
I think we need to be more careful with what ALL the media are telling us.
I like to think that in the UK we have or at least had, a fairly honest and reliable media, both in print and broadcast sectors. I have evidence – not from the mainstream media – that journalistic standards are slipping although The Times, today, getting one of the European Cup scores the wrong way round on its front page might be an example of MSM decline as well!
Just as I feel the BBC has gone through an amazing change on its impartiality as well as its competence in the last ten years or so (and again in the last twelve months) I think the print media has also changed. The Daily Telegraph, which I haven’t regularly read for some years, became ‘tabloid-ish’ in its content in the 1990s. Even my late father, a long time DT reader, I was brought up on it along with mother’s milk!, was persuaded to switch to The Times a few years before he died.
This may merit a Thread of its own for B-BBC Forumites to try and analyse what has happened to our media and the reasons for it. I think I might start by pointing a finger at ‘dumbing down’ and suggest that Facebook and Twitter may have a lot to answer for in that regard.
In the meantime, I will recall the words of Sgt Phil from Hill Street Blues which I remember I used to use regularly on Nick’s and Steffie’s Blogs on the BBC web-site:
“Hey! HEY! Let’s be careful out there ….. today. “
I still take the DT, largely for its excellent obituaries page. It still has half a dozen journalists worth reading, but I think they are spending most of their time teaching the other staff how to read and write.
We still take the DT for the sudoku, Charles Moore and Christopher Booker. But we increasingly don’t bother with a paper at all. Mary Ridell, I don’t know if she really believes the stupid things she writes or says them just to annoy the readers. But the DT’s line is increasingly similar to the BBC.
Roland Deschain – you asked if there was any contrary evidence to the BBC’s assertion that German public opinion is in favour of immigrants. My contact in Hungary says that the Hungarian TV showed a clip from German TV, where a live on-air poll asking should Germany take more migrants received a resounding ‘no’ – and there was a hurried ‘cut to commercial.’ I haven’t been able to find anything online about this however, so it’s purely anecdotal.
“I haven’t been able to find anything online about this”
This is what puzzles me. Perhaps it’s my lousy searching skills, but any attempt to Google about German public opinion on this draws a fat blank. Sure, you get pages from the Guardian etc. stating that German opinion supports Merkel, but it isn’t substantiated, any more than last night’s claim by the BBC was. The only poll that comes up dates back to February and states that most Germans oppose immigration from outside the EU. So, amidst all this crisis, no-one has asked?
I smell a rat trying to subvert opinion.
I can’t believe there has been anything negative on German TV about the “Syrian refugees”. It’s Willkommenskultur and appreciative Germans applauding the new arrivals at various railway stations all the time. The Maischberger talkshow tonight was typical fare. The guests included the Hungarian Human Resources Minister Balog who was there simply to be vilified by the other guests who included de Maiziere the German Minister of the Interior and some nonentity who is Luxembourg’s Minister for Foreign Affaires. Balog was on the naughty step because he believed that his country had the right to decide whether or not Muslim immigration should be allowed to change the way of life in Hungary. He was informed by all that sovereignty is not the highest value in the EU. Apparently, we have all signed up to a “community of values”, these include European solidarity and the absolute human right of refugees to enter the EU, regardless of the numbers and the social impact on any particular country. Everything is seen in terms of this New Morality. Apart from the Hungarian, everyone seemed to think there was no way of stopping this vast invasion from the Middle East and elsewhere Defending the EU’s external borders would somehow be inhumane and contrary to our Europeann values. Borders don’t work anymore. All that matters is setting compulsory quotas in the interest of “European Solidarity”. One deluded Green type thought that, even though Germany would be altered irrevocably by a vast influx, it could mark a new and exciting beginning for Germany. A New Jerusalem will be created, Wir schaffen das! What is wrong with these people? The sooner we leave the EU, the better.
If Germany wants the so-called ‘refugees’ so much, why isn’t Germany clearing and transporting all those that are trying to walk through all the hostile countries of the EU to get there?
I am afraid there is a lot of media propaganda and suppression in force now.
Has any one seen or heard any thing from Merkel in the last few days? Are there any German readers viewing this site that can enlighten us?
ID, it is certainly time to get out of the EU – it should have happened a long, long time ago .
BBC News Website
“”Marine population halved since 1970 – report””
“In addition to human activity such as overfishing, the report also says climate change (CO2 making oceans acidic) is having an impact.
The document was prepared by the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London.”
The World Wildlife Fund is a campaigning organisation. In my experience, that indicates a Left leaning organisation. This extract from their website:-
“”For the love of starving children worlwide
Because it is so unfair when we have millionaires and billionaires who could pay for resources to allow clean water and a way for people to provide basic food for their families.””
BBC News Website
“”Five ‘happy refugees’ pictures that went viral””
More tweet agenda fodder. Pass the vomit bucket, please.
The story of the BBC trashing the deaf Tory MP went pretty viral. Did ‘trending’ miss that? If so, was it ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)?
BBC radio 4 Today program interviews some far leftist who I didn’t catch the name of or the organisation. (UNHCR?)
Melita H. Sunjic??
She moaned about everything! Hungary was processing asylum seekers too fast! They were sending the failed ones to Serbia which she didn’t regard as a safe country!!!!! There was of course no explanation, until pressed. She then said it’s not safe because they are overwhelmed with other migrants.
In other words she lied.
What she actually meant was that Serbia wasn’t going to give them a house & an iPhone !
If the UNHCR has become so desperate as to declare countries unsafe when they are very obviously safe, and if they set that definition so high that only parts of Northern Europe can be ‘safe’ then the whole world would in their eyes have a right to come here.
There was an admission that the Syrians amongst the group (and there was no acceptance they were anything but) had come from Turkey and Lebanon, which again isn’t regarded as ‘safe’ because they are living in tents.
It seems that in every pronouncement the UN makes itself more obviously infiltrated by the liberal left, and that makes it less & less credible to those people who know what they have become.
Obviously the BBC has a fantastic source of ready & reliable left wing rent a quotes from a branded organisation.
Agreed. The BBC has historically regarded the UN as the fount of an almost papal wisdom, rather than the ragbag collection of thugs, scroungers, hypocrites and lunatics that it really is. More to the point it has never properly held the body to account for the criminal acts its staff have sometimes committed.
The UN is a Leftist’s dream and, as such, is sacred to the BBC and the chatterti.
She moaned about everything, but was also encouraged to moan by the BBC interviewer, instead of being properly challenged. For example, “Is what Hungary is doing contrary to international law?”. Why, yes it is, I’m glad you asked, was the implied response. Funny that. I thought it was Germany that had ridden roughshod over international law by inviting all and sundry (but expecting everyone else to help pick up the pieces), whilst Hungary was attempting to uphold it, but I’ve never heard the BBC criticise Germany for not keeping to international law.
And of course the accompanying article had to refer to people running “with children” to get across the border (implication: most have children) or ask us to imagine waking up on a motorway not knowing where you can go now when it’s taken months to get that far (but strangely not asking where you’ve been over those months that you couldn’t apply for asylum there).
The bias is continual and the BBC doesn’t care because it knows no-one is going to do anything to stop it. The only positive I can see is that, judging by internet comments, its bias has become evident to a great many more people, which may be its undoing.
I heard that – quite incredible. When Toady’s Muslima queried her about Serbia not being a safe country for refugees, she responded something along the lines of: “safe, but that doesn’t necessarily refer to physical safety.” WTF?
BBc Breakfast. The lead story, Corbyn faces Cameroon today in PMQs, Obviously the most important story in the world this morning.
Battle of Britain
How apt it was that the Corbyn kefuffle kicks off at a memorial with that significant title
There’s no doubt it is a battle for Britain – Miliband’s dad hated Britain and in slow motion Leftists are targeting and incrementally degrading both our military and civilian population
In response there’s ‘a range of views’ or some such say BBC Breakfast – so that’ll be a typical BBC 50:50 split then?
Well, Bill Turnbull read out two ‘texts’ on each side of the argument so it must be true?
Dear Bill, with that winsome little smile, the self-confessed darling of the Women’s Institute the house eunuch par excellence.
I was just about to ‘text’ the BBC about the dangers of migrants smoking near their kids!
Now over to Buzz Aldrin (a real man) on putting a man on the Red Planet – blimey, when will the BBC ever again put a man on the Red Sofa?
So last night on Newsnight, we were treated to Evan Davis smirking his way through another painful, awkward explanation of ‘just what Mr Corbyn represents’. Turns out, according to Evan, that Mr Corbyn is a unique figure in politics today; a conviction politics kind of man, someone who speaks his mind, who isn’t impressed by the Westminster intelligentsia, who doesn’t care about spin doctors and a carefully coached personal media presentation. A man who sticks to his principles, however unpopular they might be.
It’s strange, isn’t it, how the BBC suddenly spot, for the first time, a ‘unique man of the people’ when that man happens to be a committed socialist espousing all manner of left wing collectivist progressive marxist bollox?
Meanwhile, another ‘outspoken conviction politician’, Nigel Farage, who’s UKIP polled more than 4 million votes at the last General Election (but was still somehow robbed of all but 1 actual MP in Parliament) was never – ever – treated to the same slyly affectionate navel-gazing attention from the hateful Corporation.
Anyone know why this might be..?
Very good point, ObiWan.
Hear! Hear! An excellent observation, ObiWan!
Obi Wan “Anyone know why this might be..? ”
Not about Farage but certainly about BBC-Corbyn-mania I can make a suggestion. Listening to some of the TODAY programme this a.m. while waking up, a thought struck my relaxed and relatively uncluttered brain that Corbyn has been set up to fail. Just thinking about it now, it has also struck me that not one but two or three groups are at work here. Two are inside the Labour Party. The other is a segment of the mainstream media, including the BBC.
Firstly, those who want absolute control. New Labour, as exemplified by Lord Falconer and his ilk. Secondly, another group, less-well defined and identified, that need an excuse to leave Labour with a clear conscience. Either that or to remain and with the backing of a great groundswell of public and Party member opinion, to sweep out New Labour and also get rid of the Old Socialist/Marxist/Trotskyist Labour from the Labour Party for good. They would then seek to turn Labour into something it has never really been: a Party entirely for straightforwardly ordinary, working people and to represent their interests.
Some of the mainstream media, I suspect are fully paid up New Labour or traditional, patrician Champagne Socialists. They like Corbyn for the trouble he can cause inside and outside his Party but would not enjoy the impact of some, maybe many, of his policies. If he can collapse into chaos after a year or two, they can blame others and throw mud at competitors, while installing or helping to install their favoured candidate who will give them all that they want.
Conspiracy theorist? Moi? I couldn’t possibly comment.
As Miliband E. was exploding, I had thought Miliband D. was being groomed to appear as the saviour of Labour, on the basis of anyone but Ed being such a relief they’d be a shoo-in.
However, maybe they are being more subtle, realising a Bush dynasty-style political handover may not play too well.
Hence a bit of a caretaker… who can really make David look like the moderate middle England can take to heart.
Just a theory, which is my own.
Good post ObiWan, I read on Alexander Boot’s blog about the ‘one minor difference’ between Corbyn and Farage: ‘UKIP wants to preserve Britain; Corbyn yearns to destroy it.’
The tangled tale of the teeth of the drowned refugee boy’s father – now lost in BBC time and space – just provoked a memory of a BBC news clip a few weeks back.
In search of NHS dental bottlenecks the BBC camera crew fetched up in Sheffield for a hospital visit. The item featured besides the reporter and BBC crew a non-English speaking family, plus NHS dentist, plus NHS intepreter – all hard at work at our expense.
The family appeared to be Turkish or Middle Eastern.
Not just for the BBC being on the wrong end of an ‘accused of’ headline that they pioneered. But it is ironic. And funny.
They’re at it again! Last night on the ‘ten’, we had Fergal Fingal O’Flaherty Keen reporting from the Serbo-Hungarian border. We had clips of mothers brandishing babies, trying to get to the border before it closed; and a final shot of a toddler wistfully gazing through the closed border gates at the guards beyond, weakly tapping at the latch with her tiny hand.
In fairness, Mr Keen did mention a group of Pakistanis were there also – but no attempt was made to find out what exactly they wanted refuge from.
Here’s a couple of things I’ve noticed though about BBC coverage of this:
1. When anything remotely dramatic happens it seems to come with a comment of ‘Just as we arrived, this happened….’ or ‘while we were packing up to leave, this happened…’ or ‘while we were interviewing a tearful mother about xyz, suddenly this happened…’ I now tend to think of phrases like this as BBC codewords for ‘you are now about to be shown a staged event’.
2. BBC presenters get around the globe quicker than Roger Moore in a James Bond film. There seem to be several different correspondents in Hungary, and Keen seems to be all over the place – why isn’t the one BBC correspondent in Hungary doing the reporting? (Mr Nick Thorpe, I believe.) Hungary is not a big country, with a fast car you can be pretty much anywhere in 3-4 hours, so why does the licence fee payer have to pay for all this rushing about?
“with a fast car you can be pretty much anywhere in 3-4 hours”
Unless there are migrants in the road ! I wonder what road sign they might dream up for that – now there’s a comedy challenge !
The explanation for Keane popping up all over the ‘Migrant Trail’ is simple: wherever there’s a whiff of a gong to be won, Keane won’t be far behind at the wheel of his ambulance.
The man is a joke. A self parody of the stereotypical bleeding heart progressive do-gooder, only he’s in it to win it. The BBC fire him off into every ‘human interest’ story to provide his dulcet tones, his liberal compassion, in the vague hope that the man can repeat some of his earlier triumphs on behalf of the BBC, come the annual press awards season.
Keep trying, Feargal – you know you can do it!
All he needs is a Teddy Bear in his rucksack.
The spirit of Damian Day lives on!
Unending bias:
Five ‘happy refugees’ pictures that went viral
Yet the images of criminal misbehaviour by refugees which went viral and verboten and those which the BBC feels the need to ‘challenge’ it does even though there is little evidence to do so.
SKY no better this morning – interviewed a group of ‘Syrians’ (approx 25 males age 20-30) one could speak perfect English and stated they ‘were here to stay………….until the border opens’
He stated he was a university student from Syria who after 4 years of civil war had decided to come to Europe, paid 2,500 Euros to get this far and ‘had a little money left’
When pressed if the border would not open what would they do? ‘We will NEVER go back’
He then turned with a smirk and looked at all his mates and said ‘we will be here to celebrate Christmas’ and a couple of his mates did the one finger pointy thing that all the scummy muslims do on the ISIS videos.
No pressure from reporter as to:
1. Why suddenly decide to leave this month like all the others after 4 years of civil war?
2. Buy a plane ticket instead of paying people traffickers?
3. Why did you not stay in Turkey which was safe?
4. Where are all the women and children?
I think that kind of approach by Sky’s reporter (and I use the word ‘reporter’ very loosely) is commonly known as ‘lying by omission’. Nobody does it better than the BBC, of course, but Sky are really trying to up their game.
Sky’s coverage is every bit as bad as the BBC’s, IMHO. I use the Sky Android news app, since the BBC broke theirs by trying to be too clever, and it’s like getting an intravenous shot of the Guardian every half hour or so.
And of about as much therapeutic value!
We were constantly reminded that when an asylum seeker/draft dodger flees a country the family are targeted. Sadam, Gadafi, et al were famous for it. BBC’s support of fighting age cowards running from Asad’s army and backing forces against Asad (indirectly IS) destabilizes Syria more and more. Right or wrong, good or bad, Asad offers stability in a hugely volatile area. Syrians should return and help stabilize their own country. They are muslims and only know Islam, which demands dictators. Europe is not home to them, whatever narrative the BBC tries to fabricate.
A 13 year old Syrian puts all them so called men to shame. He shows great promise
I will be honest and state that the Headline Weather forecasting in the Daily Express normally gives me a good old chuckle, but just once in a while their reports and sensational headlines are worth a look at and some consideration. The latest (see link below) carries a good deal of weight, especially the bit about the rapid cooling of the Atlantic and the easing of the gulf stream which protects us from the very cold Northern Latitude climate. We have been told so very recently that the World (Global Average)has seen a record high temperature above the mean (period data 1961-1990) of just 0.035 degrees with a plus or minus 1.5 degrees as the accepted error on the long term) but we are now being told, and quite correctly that the Atlantic is cooling rapidly and has been for over 18 months now. Hence no Hurricanes. So how did we arrive at the record Global high? Yeah, pinch of salt springs to mind and dare I suggest on a public forum, temperature data fixing?
Have a look and give it some consideration:
PS: The bit about outside of natural variation is total bollocks, as there has in the past been the same event as described in the same article, the natural variation is of course not natural but due to man made Co2….yeah I say, total bollocks, if only they would read their own reports!
Well, TOB, the south-east of England has been the consistently warmest and sunniest this summer as far as I can make out. That is until an August Bank Holiday hove into view on the horizon and the showers started. Despite that sunshine it has been very cool, often thanks to some sharp winds, and I’ve noticed that I have reached for an extra layer, or two, on one or more days in most weeks this summer. To me, that is a real measure of my bit of Global Warming. I have a sneaking suspicion that that measurement might be a more reliable indicator than some of Dame Paula Slingo’s measurements. The number of “Phew .. it’s hot … collapse… sort of days” this summer could be counted on the fingers of one hand but at least we had ‘a summer’. Others in the UK were not so fortunate.
Perhaps we need a Vest & Pully Index* 😉 to be set up by some old blokes on the Interwebby to gather this data from around the world?
*Bagsy copyright on that one!
“Well, TOB, the south-east of England has been the consistently warmest and sunniest this summer as far as I can make out.”
Really?! Not in my neck of the woods it hasn’t! I keep close note of greenhouse temperatures and sunlight levels and it has been dry but consistently overcast and cool for most of the summer, with the exception of a mere handful of days, about which a great fuss was made.
The BBC’s weather forecast (via app or online) has been even less accurate than in previous years – which is saying something!
“Well, TOB, the south-east of England has been the consistently warmest and sunniest this summer as far as I can make out.” We have, when compared to the rest of the country who have been moaning asll over the place.
Which forecast? The condensed version of the broadcast one via their standard web-page or the hour-by-hour version in my link?
That often gets updated as the day passes.
Earlier somebody posted an article to an English-language Hungarian news site which stated that the cost to the Hungarian government to look after an asylum seeker is slightly more than the cost of paying the pension of a Hungarian, who is likely to have paid into the system all his or her life.
Hungary is one of the EU’s poorest countries and has not been able (unlike the UK) to fool everybody into thinking it is wealthy. Just what is the Hungarian government supposed to do? They have been criticised for spending money on a fence, but obviously, they had to do this to save money in the longer term.
Yet I have not heard this argument on the BBC. Is it because most leftists seem to think that governments have bottomless money pots? Perhaps Hungary should introduce ‘QE for the Migrants’?
Last night, watching Evan interview that young woman barrister who felt ‘offended’ at having been paid a perfectly innocent compliment on her LinkedIn page by a much older ‘colleague’ I was struck by how often she referred to something she called the ‘need for a debate’ around the issues of sexism, etc.
I hear this call ‘for a debate’ a lot these days, especially from progressive fascists, self-appointed SJW’s and all the usual left wing advocacy groups. Labour’s new Dear Leader himself made the call ‘for a debate’ about things during his victory rally at the weekend. The BBC is always suggesting something is good ‘for a debate’.
Then it struck me. Whenever lefty progressive-fascists talk about ‘the need for a debate’ what they are actually saying is ‘SHUTTHEF*CKUP, NAZI!’. I dunno, perhaps they’re too polite to say what they really mean, but if I can see through the semantics, anyone can.
As far as progressives are concerned, there are no ‘debates’, are there? I mean, no real debates with completely opposing views invited to lay out their arguments, with fair-minded moderation?
No. For progressives, there are simply different ways of all agreeing on the same thing. Those that refuse – they won’t be offered a ‘debate’; they’ll be ostracised, alienated, ridiculed, humiliated, belittled and abused.
Welcome to the world of the progressive fascisti.
I understand the lady in question has performed on Wimmins Hour before this storm in a tea cup came up, so must be on the BBC approved list of those whose opinions can be called on when the “right” message is required.
Enough said?
She’s argued in public against Sharia law so probably not.
This woman you mean
I think perhaps AlBeeb may not be telling us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth M’Lud
It’s not always a debate. Sometimes it’s a “conversation”.
“…It’s not always a debate. Sometimes it’s a “conversation”.”
Yes, quite true. But they’re not asking for a ‘conversation’ are they? It’s the same as when they say they want a ‘debate’. They both amount to the same thing: SHUTUPANDGOAWAY, YOU FASCIST!
I start to listen for the familiar phrases now from progressives, and as soon as they start rambling on about some phantom ‘debate’ or ‘conversation’ that ‘needs to be had’ we all know they’ll never have it, because they never wanted to have it in the first place.
This is why there is no ‘debate’ about climate change, no ‘debate’ about illegal immigration, no ‘debate’ about the EU or the dangers of Islam to Western culture.
Words. Just words.
That reminds me of one of the classic lines from Justified:
“Next time we have this conversation, it won’t be a conversation”.
PMQs. Corbyn banging on about mental health. Whose mental health is he talking about ?
It has been said that Mr. Corbyn’s temper may soon get the better of him.
Fear not, he has learned, like the BBC, and it is possible (‘wasn’t us’ spinning still in progress) he now has ‘people’ for that now…
The irony being who would be the first victim to fall on a night of Jezza’s long cardigans.
Some comments a treat as always.
Can I suggest that he gets one of his Brownshirts to twat James O’Brien?
I would genuinely pay significant money to see that.
Even better if Michael Prick is there to film it all.
Al-Beeb are blaming the Government Driver of course, not the lunatic leftie!
My favourite comment on Guido is this description of Jezza..
“He resembles a rat staring through a bog brush”
I’m not sure it can be bettered.
That’s not just funny – it’s also pretty accurate!
I suspect the ‘need for debate’ roughly translates as ‘the need for the left wing viewpoint to be the only one heard’.
We don’t hear about a ‘need for debate’ on migration, ‘climate change’, grammar schools, abortion on demand, multiculturalism, or any other issue considered ‘settled’ by the left.
The loony left love a good old mass debate.
News item on the Beeb. Pakistani schoolboy who was shot in his school last year was told by doctors in his homeland that he would never walk again. Due to sponsorship his parents were able to send the lad to London for surgery. Now due to surgery by a clearly Indian surgeon he is now able to work again. When interviewed the lad wants to continue his studies……….here in the UK. Of course it would be inhumane not to wish the lad well, BUT my point is the medics. Indian and Pakistani surgeons are able to carry out procedures that cannot be done in their homeland ? Surely these well trained clinicians could improve matters no end in their own countries, thus freeing up spaces here for home grown medical graduates. Interesting to note that the interviewer at the hospital was also of Asian extract, alongside the patient, his parents and the surgeon.
Sshh! You’ll give the bloody game away!
Only a madman would go to Pakistan for any reasonable length of time. It is rapidly descending into a (nuclear armed) ISIS-style theocratic society.
Bloody bBC weather forecast, last night they said it was going to very wet here in the West Country from 11am onwards. Well its been bright all morning and now at 2pm the sun has been out for the last 20 minutes with no sign of rain.
Have put off doing stuff things today due to the forecast.
Buy some seaweed Geoff. It’ll probably be more accurate.
I have to say I’m surprised that anyone considers “forecasts” from the Met Office in any way relevant to their plans for the day.
I’ll learn one day….!
Over in the south-east the BBC based MetOffice forecast has been 100% accurate.
Just gone very grey – again. It’s now raining – again. The limited, broadcast 7.57 & 12.57 forecasts were also spot on for us but today, it’s easy. Rain. More rain. Maybe stopping for a bit. Then more rain. 🙂 Couldn’t have got the Spitfires & Hurricanes up today, old boy. Jerry would have had to stay away, too. What!
When is Gwyneth Williams going to do something about those broadcast forecasts?
I seem to recall she promised.
Hi Geoff, it was pretty clear to me that the forecast last night (18.55 and 21.00) on BBC Devon, was at best fanciful. Myself and a few other weather watchers were having a chuckle as it was obvious to us that the colder air over G.B. which extended into the English Channel was going to halt the progress of the weather front and associated rain. Sure enough our Met Office, which are based in Exeter got it very wrong indeed. It was interesting to note that David Brain on his moving weather map (18.55) pointed out two low pressure areas joining hands to give us a wet start to the day, and stating that ONE of them was the tropical storm Henri, but not which one! The one which was Henri missed us completely, was downgraded to a depression and tracked through France and Southern Germany yesterday. The weather system we are having today, believe it or not originated in Scotland 4 days ago and got its act together when meeting some warm seas in the Bay of Biscay. All missed by our Met Office.
But as I write this at 15.31, the first drops of rain are now falling and the wind is well, breezy. They got there in the end, but woeful forecasting nevertheless.
Yep, just started here @ 16.15, a quarter of a day out!
I can’t believe it. Christian Fraser on the Hungarian border with cameras actually pointing directly to the weak points in the barrier which will assist the migrants in their illegal crossing. This is not BBC bias; it is downright support for and participation in law breaking.
I noticed on this morning’s Today Programme the reporters were explaining in great detail how exactly illegal immigrants could go about finding a way through Hungary’s perfectly legal border controls. I remember thinking how useful such information would be to me, if I were a economic scrounger with a toxic religious ideology looking to set up my stall in, say, Germany, or Sweden.
The BBC just don’t even try to hide the bias any more. I think it’s the casual belligerence of it that grates the most, tbh.
I only heard it on Radio 5 Dead so I didn’t see what he looked like, but I thought Corbyn did quite well at PMQs today. It was amusing, though, that he has copied from the lefties’ beloved bBBC Question Time … and now we have a question from Mavis in Neasden.
Corbyn is playing a blinder at the minute.
To reduce the “press gallery” to moaning about how boring he was at PMQ-and the BBCs continual pushing for some showmanship or flair to impress these their thick fuckwits of the commentary boxes…is a joy.
To watch the liberal elite also try and square their love of the EU with the TUCs threats to vote no…IF Cameron doesn`t improve workers rights for them…which would obviously break Cameron and his partys wish to stay in, despite a referendum…which Labour said they would never allow us to have, but now are going along with it?
It`s like an episode of Soap from way back…the political class and their media whores have long played some farting in a spacesuit game of their own…and Corbyn, MacDonnell don`t give a fart about the teenage scribblers and superannuated screamers like Snow or Wark.
These new two have been ignored for over thirty years-they rightly despise the media shits who`ve mocked and sneered since 1983..and they hate the arrivistes who claim to be Labour, but never did a thing to look at working people-Burnham etc.
They`re a breath of fresh air these two, not only will they slough off New Labour scum…but we can have a real fight over policies…only hope they hold their nerve, and wait for the Tories to collapse.
Happy Black Wednesday everyone!
Oh-and I HATE Labour, never want them in again…but Corbyn and McDonnell will smoke out for us all those who danced at Thatchers death in 2013…and at least I prefer to face evil rather than pay £145.50 to play footsie with Satans little elves.
AS long as they stuff the media games, they`ll be OK and will get elected if George Soros takes against the Tories as he did in 1992…the BBC won`t be here to rejoice at that prospect though, please God!
Finally-why SHOULD anybody be forced to sing the national Anthem in a Church-it is NOT a hymn, so well done Jeremy!…and how come the sneering anti-monarchists in the meeja choose THIS to go all Witchell on us then?…he`s in church-once was a sanctuary until the BBC decided that they could piss in the fonts much as Occupy do!
BBC R4’s Martha Kearney (a woman who is never going to win Mastermind) plays pat-a-cake with Corbyn’s shadow Environment spokesperson (a clown by the name of Lisa Nandy, apparently) who trilled about Owen Paterson having been a “climate change denier” – ‘how can you have an energy Secretary who is a climate change denier?’, she demanded.
Sadly, Kearney wasn’t fast enough on her feet (alternatively, too dumb or too scared) to offer the obvious riposte: ‘But surely your leader’s brother is one of the world’s most prominent “deniers”, isn’t he? And isn’t he a solar physicist? Do you have any qualifications we should be aware of, Ms Nandy?
Fools badly interviewed by partisans and amateurs. Welcome to the BBC.
Yup, all morning the crap about Corbyn not singing the national Anthem.
And then Hungary`s turn in the stocks `til the grown ups like Cathy Newman, Evan Davis and Reggie Yates get in this evening….to think it would once have been a Day, Kennedy or even a Sissons!
THAT`S how low the cultural commentariat have sunk…poor Martha is as good as it gets…how was she to know that Kerry McCarthy has a slightly higher IQ than Marthas shoe size?
Maybe we should get Shadow BBC reporters to ask the questions when their higher-paid “buddies” fail to think on their pinkies…
Riots now on the Hungarian border with tear gas and water cannon being used. One migrant rallying everyone with a loud hailer / bullhorn. Now how in God’s name did he get THAT ? tucked away in his rucksack was it , like you do when escaping a war zone ? Oh forget the Pot Noodle, clean underwear and deodorant darling, just find room for the loud hailer and wire cutters.
And claiming women and children being carried away because of the tear gas??????? I watched it and saw no women or kids just the usual suspects young men 17-35 throwing rocks and things then surprised when the tear gas and water cannon was brought in. Didn’t the boarder guards know if they demand to be let in they should just capitulate or the people from the UN will say they’re all nasty people.
After watching the repeats I correct myself………I saw one pregnant woman and two children. Being used as emotional blackmail at the front .
Someone on Digital Spy claiming they were shouting “Allahu Akbar” through the loudspeaker. Can anyone confirm?
I went to the BBC site to see what they were saying… zilch, as far as I can see. Sky are reporting it but… “Sky News witnesses a pregnant woman being stretchered from the scene and a young boy being carried away with tear gas in his eyes“. That’s so nasty of the Hungarians: 80% are young men yet its pregnant women and kids who get targeted. How dare they stop anyone who wants entering?
Is there anywhere you can just get the facts now, without the emotional blackmail, obfuscation and downright lying?
Yep husband says the commentator on sky news said he could hear that man with the loudhailer that he just happened to have,saying those words. Hungarian minister has just said migrants have attacked their Police and what are the Serbian Police going to do about it.
Now the Beeb are covering it. Better late than never. Of course, the headline is “Hungary police fire tear gas at Roszke crossing”, rather than “Illegal immigrants attempt to force their way into Hungary”.
They learned all this stuff whilst doing their training in Gaza.
I don’t normally watch PMQ but today I made an exception. Corbyn was as naff as I thought he would be. And respect to the DUP for this question Although no doubt I will be wrong and the DSUP question won’t be screened.
lots of food waste
They’re now trashing the duty free shop at the boarder and something is on fire ……..starting to remind of the trashy lands they left behind.
There is no way they’re getting through that border. Well done Hungary!
The footage I’m currently seeing on Sky News of people lighting fires and throwing massive stones at the police, isn’t going to soften many hearts in Europe. Of course, Sky News is showing the footage of mob violence with a ‘think of the children’ soundtrack.
Hungary has now shut the border for 30 days. About time somebody got a grip on this situation. It will be interesting (disturbing, I’m sure) to see how the BBC reports this.
In the medium term, the immigrants at the border will get what they want and they know it.
Europe is weak politically, and concessions will be made thanks to Merkel/EU/BBC.
There’s no way that these immigrants will be sent away from Europe. It would have to be done by force. Then imagine the media! The children! Oh, the children! The humanity!
Re the Charlotte Bailye/Proudman kefuffle.
I think back to a similar souffle as confected by the medias feminazis in regard of Caroline Criado-Perez.
She was the lady who said her campaign to put a woman(Jane Austen was it?) on a bank note led to threats against her.
And there were others like her, Everyday Sexism types-who, funnily enough,,Charlotte contacted to “call out” Mr Carter Silk.
She also contacted the Fabian Society as her first response , so I`m led to understand.
I am not condoning nasty little trolls who make threats..but Proudman is as much THAT as many of her alleged critics.
My point?
This story cropped up mid last week, she appeared on Womans Hour the same day that the Mail said she was a phoney milker of lefty sentiments for career enhancements and the publicity..but her personal double standards in leering over stock pictures of blokes has yet to be put to her-in a way that she answers the allegations against her hypocrisy.
Since the Womans Hour(pre-recorded) puff piece last week-she`s been quiet…and if she was not getting media training I`d be surprised-for her double header on Channel 4 News and Newsnight within hours on the same evening tells me there`s a liberal agenda somewhere with this story.
That her pre-recorded interviews have all been with women and gays tells me that she can`t face any real questions-granted that the Liberal elite employ few others than gays and women might account for that.
In short-another Perez template to fuck up the family, heterosexual relationships and scare blokes off from opening their mouths…and am I not the first to say that her response to a fairly ordinary appearance is intent on getting a gig later on.
I predict a Panorame or Question Time very soon-and a plum pupillage at Falconer sold gaff in Temple Bar.
Wish Mike Mansfield had stuck with MiniPops an Supersonic…very creepy shows eh?
Proudman is a vain poppet on the make-40% Credo-Perez…60%Vicky Pryce.
Were I a journalist doing my job…or a Craig/Sue whcih is even better-I`d really look at the genesis and timeline of this story and how it`s being baked by the liberal media…sinister.
Media management is the modern expression and the whole Proudman thing has a nasty pong to it, just like UCL’s sacked Professor a while ago. Just noting the appearances on newspaper front pages and then suddenly in the ‘taster’ bars at the top of the broadsheets rang alarm bells.
Integrity is in increasingly short supply these days.
“She also contacted the Fabian Society as her first response , so I`m led to understand.”
Breitbart suggests one Jessica Asato was also an early contact. Someone whom Norwich North did well to avoid as their Labour M.P. at the last election. Norwich South unfortunately failed to follow the lead and elected a mini Jez, who interestingly was a BBC reporter until his adoption as a candidate was confirmed – only at that stage do the BBC decide they may not be “impartial”.
He must have been extremely strong willed to not let that level of far left political belief “creep” into his reporting!
WatO majored a bit on Corbyn’s non-singing of the National Anthem.
Obviously they (BBC) did not look too closely at the newspaper front pages that they put up on the News section of their web-site for half a day. If you look you will see two other non-singers, including one almost right behind Corbyn. Now it is possible that one was clearing their throat but a bit of coincidence that two were at just the same moment that different photographers hit the the shutter releases.
Shame he didn’t sing, then the non-event would not have dominated quite so much coverage.
“Shame he didn’t sing, then the non-event would not have dominated quite so much coverage.”
Then there would have been more concentration on his dress sense at an event commemorating the military, who are expected to take a pride in their appearance when in public.
His disrespect will have been imprinted on many minds, and not in a positive way.
What a shame he was not old enough to have done National Service. I suspect with his sulky, childish “Shan’t” approach, he would probably have spent more time assisting with “meal preparation” than anything else!
I’m getting confused now over what is live and what is a repeat over on Sky news . If you see tear gas and water cannons do you push women and children to the front or keep them away also I’m getting muddled as to economic migrant or cameraman. The thing puzzling me is it claims to be live and shows what happened earlier on the left. As it’s now 17.42 in France I’m going to have a beer and try and make sense of it all.
”Bargain Hunt presenter Tim Wonnacott is suspended after ‘bust-up’ with producers and is ‘highly unlikely to return’
Tim Wonnacott, 62, suspended after fighting with producers last Friday
Presenter has hosted since 2003 and was a regular on Antiques Roadshow
BBC bosses have launched an immediate investigation into the incident
TV host is ‘highly unlikely’ to return as host of the popular daytime show
Guest presenters will be drafted to film rest of current Bargain Hunt series ”
Check out the photos. ”Violence erupts at Hungarian border as police fire tear gas and water cannons at migrants after 200 manage to force their way through razor-wire fence
Frustrated refugees finally lost their patience and demanded to be allowed to cross Serbia’s border into Hungary
They have been stuck on the Serbian side of the crossing since Hungary finished erecting its razor wire fences
Several hundred refugees stormed the fences this afternoon, throwing rocks and bottles at Hungarian police
Riot officers responded by firing tear gas and water cannons, sparking a stampede among panicked refugees ”
Note the wording starting the story. “Young girl… old man… baby’s eyes… toddlers wailed”. Nothing about the young men who comprise the vast majority. Just emotional skewing.
WTF is wrong with the media that they can’t or won’t see what I now believe is the majority can see perfectly plainly?
They are all bought and paid for. Objectivity is verbotten. Lefty tossers out to destroy the world as per their Fabian masters’ orders. We are all refugees now.
Video of rioters throwing rocks at Hungarian Police:
I can never embed videos from ‘’. Has anybody else managed it? The iframe code always disappears and the video is hidden. This is the code, minus the open bracket:
iframe src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling=”no” height=”360″ width=”640″>
As usual with the bBBC it’s what they don’t say as much as what they do say. Note that their latest report on the Muslim invasion doesn’t use the word ‘refugee’. Maybe even the bBBC have realised that we won’t buy the idea that thousands of young men, now fighting the Hungarian police, are fleeing from fighting in Syria, Eritrea, Somalia, Afghanistan, whichever country they’ve come from.
OT to the extent I was listening to Classic FM and had to endure the risible Global News, but by the medium of radio on the storming of Hungary I was treated to one of those seemingly pervasive nasal Ozzy women from some ‘rights’ outfit screeching about obligations and reputations, concluding with the observation that the scene ‘looked like a war zone’. Now, how and why precisely does a scene get like that? I very much doubt the Hungarians went there and messed it up all on their own for an episode of DIY SOS… ‘More Khaki… for the love of God we need more Khaki!’.
And as for any mother who drags Junior in there to play with the grown ups, there’s a recently-widowered people smuggler and dinghy Captain back in Syria who may be up for some rebound assault matrimony.
But what got me kicking the radio across the room was some jaw-dropping armchair general tripe about the Marine A case. No angel he, or the case handled well, but they seriously were waffling about him not having the moral compass to decide between mercy killing or tending first aid… to a terrorist, in a firefight.
Oh, and here is what seems to happen when the BBC ‘reports’ other riots it has an agenda on…
‘Early versions clearly suggested to readers that the violence was the result of the entry of the police into the compound, with no mention made of the intentions of the rioters and their prior organisation of pipe bombs and other objects intended to be used as weapons.’
So, they have form.
The Left are campaigning across all the media to remove the term ‘refugee’ altogether. They think that people’s perceptions are affected by descriptions. Broadly speaking, people have been opposed to ‘migrants’ but sympathetic to ‘refugees’. The problem now is that the term ‘refugee’ has been debased, as much of the population realise that many if not most of the swarm are nothing of the sort. The Left would like us to adopt a new, neutral term such as ‘people’ or ‘human beings’. Watch out in the coming days and weeks for phrases such as “it doesn’t really matter if we call them refugees, migrants or asylum seekers. At the end of the day they are human beings, just people like us and we should treat them as such”. The briefing packs have already gone out to the BBC, Labour Party MPs and aid agencies – you can be assured.
Vincent Graff reviews the papers on SKY, on his twitter account says that he’s a human being.
Mr Rushlow – I suspect you are right. We’ve already seen a similar process whereby the specific term ‘global warming’ has been replaced with the catch-all ‘climate change’. In recent weeks also we’ve heard things like ‘fleeing from poverty’ to describe the migrant situation. By that token, half the world’s population should be given free access into Europe.
And by the same process speed cameras become ‘safety cameras’. The Left learned the trick from the likes of Alinsky and Chomsky, two of the viler specimens to have walked the earth. Control the language and you control the debate.
Sky News said that some children had been injured (wait for it….) because they had been thrown over the crowd at the police. Cue much hand wringing about how this might be ‘interpreted’ and ‘play out’ with the public – highlighting cultural differences, expose them as economic migrants, etc.
I don’t expect to hear it mentioned again.
Here is my edit of the Sky report:
“The other issue is the extent to which the refugees, who are now overwhelmingly young and male, will resort to, what frankly they probably know best, which is a violent response to violence”
PS: Not sure why the video aspect ratio changes – sorry about that, but I can’t be bothered to re-encode the video.
BBC Radio 4 PM eulogises the Corbyn PMQs, they then go on to interview on of the people whose question Corbyn asked.
This is obviously going to be a far leftist. Corbyn is only going to ask questions he supported so they interviewed another hard leftist.
Then they went on to interview another three Labour members for their opinion.
It seems that the BBCs fascination with Labour has not ended with the Labour leadership election, and is carrying on unabated.
I could of told you that , as long as the fuckwitt , has the Waffen SS tattoo of “Labour” on their arm ,the evil BBC , will luv em , be it Blair , Brown , Millipeed ,or Comrade Corbyn . The lefter the better , & the evil BBC will big up Corbyn as much as possible .
Forgive me for being naive, but do refugees escaping a war generally start fighting and rioting against the legal representatives of the country they wish to enter?
I have no doubt of the way the BBC will spin these terrible events, but what is of more interest is what will happen next. As my Hungarian contact points out, the country is between a rock and a hard place. If they give in, the country will simply become a trashed corridor; if they hold out they will be branded as evil oppressors and probably eventually forced to capitulate anyway.
Why do they fight against the legal representatives of the country they want to enter? I have heard Choudhary say something which might provide an answer. For them, the entire world belongs to Allah and his followers, even countries where they are given safety. They have no obligation to respect any law other than sharia.
Those are not refugees escaping a war, but a civil front exporting it.
The reporters accompanying them give new life to the term ‘fellow travellers’.
I may have previously given the impression that Corbyns “played a blinder”.
Until PMQs I thought that he had-and then I actually heard it.
I thought his idea was good-and that he`d have had the gumption to follow up on his questions with some follow-up that could deal with Cameron.
But no-just six questions read out like a speak your weight machine.
And-of course-the voxpops with Scottish accents, with James O briens listeners on PM has now convinced me that the lefts desperation to make a silk purse from a sows ear is desperate crap.
I seem to have become the very embodiment ob the volatile electorate-and in future I will actually LISTEN, and not assume that Corbyn would behave like a normal student of the Socratic Method…as opposed to Professor Nod with planted questions from lefty shills from Holloway.
This was 180 turnabout and U-turn within a couple of hours….can the BBC now regard me as a principled veteran on lasting two hours with my soundbite?
I’ve travelled quite a lot in Hungary and one of the things that struck me is the sheer flatness of it. It’s like Lincolnshire on a vast scale; I’ve seen both ends of a rainbow when out on the plains, it is that flat.
It’s easy then to understand how almost every marauding army in history from the Turks to the Russians has marched across that country, looting and burning everything in their paths, and for that reason it’s also easy to understand why the Hungarians are EVER so slightly touchy about large groups of foreigners massing on their borders, particularly those who happen to be burning buildings and tearing down fences.
Of course,it’s no wonder that the average Beeboid, safely ensconced in his island home, ‘a fortress built by nature for her own defence’ has little concept of this.
News coming out that a BBC cameraman has been injured in a “kerfuffle” outside Jeremy Corbyns house this morning. There was a caveat that it was not Corbyn or any of his people, but a driver who ran him over.
Details seemed scant, and according to the BBC, an investigation is still on-going.
Whether we shall hear anymore about this remains to be seen.
Kudos to anyone who manages to sit through a bBC news bulletin, but I seriously don’t think my blood pressure can stand another sob sob frontline ‘refugee’ story from Sky.
How can they expect to be treated like humans when they don’t act like human beings. Escaping atrocities and finding sanctuary in the first peaceful nation is one thing, but then when the ‘demands’ set in, it becomes a whole new ball game. Throwing tantrums and rocks because they can’t have their way are not the actions of grateful peoples being in a land free of conflict. (they clearly haven’t been at an airport when Easy Jet decide to cancel at the last minute). These peoples may have escaped a war zone (or not), but they are too thick to realise they are in fact CREATING a new war zone where they are heading.
What would happen if great swathes of England upped sticks, crossed the Channel and ‘demanded’ to settle in a nice area of Provence, or marched their way through to Tuscany – not a lot of difference really.
R4’s 6 pm news wheeled out one of their French Canadians (Lyse Doucet I imagine – the one who struggles to pronounce even the simplest words) who described the rioting illegal immigrants as having ‘thrown water bottles’ at the Hungarian police.
Now we have had posts this afternoon clearly saying that other reporters have identified rocks having been hurled. But Doucet insists they were ‘water bottles’ the clear implication being they were made of lightweight plastic.
So the question is, was Doucet lying through her hundreds of teeth or was she merely mistaken?
Answers on the back of a UN Press Release to Broadcasting House – where no one will take the slightest notice, whatever the truth.
Doucet has been a Council Member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and is currently a Council Member of the International Council for Human Rights (ICHR) based in Geneva. She is also involved with Friends of Aschiana UK which supports working street children in Afghanistan. Doucet takes pride in her ancestry and attends the Acadian World Congress which is held every five years. She notes that “It would be hypocritical to spend all my time learning about other tribes if I were to neglect my own”.
Maybe a conflict of interests when it comes to impartial reporting.
Yes, she sounds exactly the kind of person you would hire to be an unbiased reporter, doesn’t she?
The BBC is utterly shameless.
The ‘journalism of attachment’ is apparently the preferred mode of reporting nowadays, although Ms Doucet and others seem to be mainly attached to their own narcissism.
Grimer – thanks for that clip. It is the first time I have heard anyone suggest that the reason for the surge in migrants has been because it is young men trying to escape conscription in Syria. This is the sort of the thing the BBC should be investigating – but I doubt they will, because it doesn’t fit the agenda.
It’s also interesting to see how the reporter in that clip almost excuses the rioting, by saying it’s only natural that people from Syria would respond to the police in that way because that’s what they’re used to back home.
I’m reminded of the headmaster in the film ‘If’ shouting ‘Boys, boys, I understand you!’ just before he is shot down by his rebellious pupils.
Interesting to see on that very interesting clip, that many of the migrants were wearing masks – so, did they come prepared with those as well, along with the loud hailer and wire cutters ??
Another BBC presenter guilty of ‘wrongspeak’ do you think?
Wonder if Amazon are on a Bargain Hunt?
BBC Website News:
“Migrant crisis: Clashes at Hungary-Serbia border”
“”I (a BBC reporter) ran back with the crowd, with the sting of tear gas in my eyes. Several refugees pointed me towards a father carrying a baby – both had been caught up in the tear gas.
Away from the crowd, the atmosphere was calmer. Families sat on the ground next to their tents. From the back, we watched the Hungarian police fire water cannon – the water flared a rainbow colour in the sun. “”
Call me cynical, but why was the father with a baby in the rioting crowd when the other families were far back amongst the tents in safety? Was it because a BBC reporter was there? Oh, the children!!
And there is a very suspect photo half way down the page. It’s of an arab woman in tears being comforted by a white European woman. Not just any European woman, but a woman with short hair, heavy drop ear rings, no make up and a scarf around her neck. No doubt of the Left in SWP uniform. She’s generated an emotive tweet-fodder photo.
Oh, the humanity!
Don’t social workers call it abuse if a child witnesses domestic violence or even shouting? Wonder how they will cope with the influx of violent parents?
Full house on look east tonight. Addenbrooks hospital- tory cuts, electrification of the midland mainline-tory broken promises , and to finish, a “football coach ” from saffron walden, that decided to take a sack of balls to camp calais to “reach out to the migrants” via a shared love of football”. “They even shared their buiscuits with me,although they are starving”. I didnt catch his name-possibly foley,but he didnt come accross as your average footy coach,thats for sure.
The Midland Main line is electrified in the Look East area , up to Bedford , its the bit up to , Nottingham , Derby & Sheffield , which is really the Central & Calendar (Yorkshire) region , in which their is a delay , until the GWR electrification is complete. They don`t know their own region even .
One would imagine that the BBC will be furious that this debate is going to see the light of day…
Up the “Corbynistas” to kick it into touch…Along with “Dave” no doubt…
The ‘refugees’ demands to enter a given country both astounds and discusts me. With such wanton audacity, it can only be a matter of time before that razor wire becomes our front doors….
As this Thread is due to close soon, I’ll be naughty, go off-Topic and dish out some praise for the BBC.
Radio 4 comedy has become less good in recent years, in my view, but tonight’s ‘That Mitchell & Webb Sound’ (6.30-7pm) was truly excellent, outstanding even in places. Shades of the Two Ronnies at their best.
Mind you they had a dig or three at various bits of the television schedules’ content and one or two BBC programme producers and Channel bosses may have been squirming a bit. 🙂