If you believed the BBC you’d think the UK was the cause of most of the world’s problems, Yemen a case in point…however the truth might in fact be a lot different than the impression given by the BBC…from 2014 but it seems all too relevant today:
From the Economist…
A new index ranks national decency
It ranks countries based on how much they do for others globally. Ireland and Finland come on top; Libya is rock bottom. The measure is based on 35 datasets broken down into seven areas, such as technology, health and culture. The idea is clever but the execution is tricky. The index often scales countries on a GDP basis to give poor countries a chance against rich ones. That’s nice, but is Cyprus really a tech leader or Malta a cultural paragon?
And the “peace and security” area is flawed: it penalises countries involved in armed conflicts abroad or that sell arms. Couldn’t one argue that this fosters a stable world? Still, the index is a worthwhile pursuit by imagining how countries might compete when they aim to serve others.
On the basis of that last comment, that engaging in ‘ethical’ armed conflict and selling arms fosters a stable world, the UK must in fact be ranked much higher than 7th…surely! The BBC of course thinks the opposite and believes all war, and the associated arms sales, must be de facto bad regardless of the necessity, intent or outcome.
Cyprus is a major telecoms hub between Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia. Also government listening stations to all that traffic.
I can concur , with Mr T. about Cyprus , I have been to said places, on the Island.
If that table is true then it shows that our so called ” influence ” , projection of British values and spending on foreign aid is a waste of time and money .
Don’t say that; Lord Hall Hall wants more dosh to project ‘soft power’.
This kind of thing could mess with his plans.
In respect to what this nation could do with a Billion pounds that Britain has given away to supposedly support for the Syrian’s, then yes it is waste. Incomprehensible that this government who are and will have to face massive increases in its borrowing, can blithely announce its intention to plough 0ne billion pounds in foreign aid, yet the nation it is supposed to support, is still suffering so much neglect, which will become worse as the government without differing to the public view, allows the importation of thousands of mainly Muslims across our borders. Who is going to pay for their housing, their medical services, the schooling of their children? Can the infrastructure support this? NO, is surely the answer, as at present Britain seems unable to support its own indigenous white folk; those who with their ancesters fought a hard long battle to remain FREE. What is now the future for us all?
What a load of subjective tosh.
Any country which has the boon of an indigenous population following the religion of peace should, by the normal claims of the BBC and their progressive buddies, be high up on the list.
So…..why no Pakistan, Algeria, Iran etc.etc. etc. ??
It must be because of wicked western colonialism, I suppose.
Oh yeah and I wouldn’t bet the farm on Sweden remaining on the list for very much longer.
If you believed the BBC …
Nearly all contributors are here because we do not believe the BBC.
Contributors who want others to believe that the BBC is a treasonous, anti-white racist, pro Marxist international socialist, collection of grade A scumbags and lowlife who are a waste of DNA.
For those who have fed only from the BBC trough containing the pearls of its wisdom and the diamonds of its even handedness, neutrality and fair play, the truth may be surprising.
Industrial revolution, science, technology, began, was nurtured, blossomed, seeded in the UK, and elsewhere in Western Europe, or in our, usually treasonous, relations in North America.
In fact statistics, which is being used or misused, to create this table, was 100% developed in the West.