If you want to control immigration and believe that mass immigration is going to be highly disruptive and de-stabilise countries then that’s because you are a little Hitler, a little bit Fascist, a little bit Nazi. That’s the lesson we must learn today as the BBC lectures us on our failings as humane beings.
The BBC, already almost extremist in its proselytising for immigration, has, in desperation as the borders are being slammed shut, resorted to bottom-dredging and name-calling….Godwin’s Law has been unleashed.
Sarah Montague broke us in gently, (08:51) not letting on where she was really going with this, as she asked ‘Why did Hitler want to kill the Jews?’ She tells us that sure, he was mad and evil, but, she asks, was there something more to his ideology…something that can provide a lesson for us today?…still no clue as to the subject of those lessons from her though….but of course you really know where this is going.
Apparently Hitler referred to the Jews as a ‘pestilence’ who would cause a global ecological crisis….politically, scientifically and ethically the Jews were crushing the world…preventing prosperity, peace and security for the other races….not explained how the Jews managed this world domination.
Hitler’s fear was that ‘If the Jews had their way’ the Germans would suffer…starve to death. He wanted not only physical, geographic room, to live but also to live in comfort…to preserve the kind of life style that they had.
Now we’re getting to it, the real reason the BBC are looking at this…the lessons from this are what we should be applying now…it was not that Germany became an overly powerful state that classified and eliminated people but it was that Germany eliminated other states which created anarchy and the room for chaos to ensue….and this is happening now with the movement of people into Europe due to the West’s destruction of Iraq…and of course you, with your complaints that the migrants will destroy your living standards are just a touch ‘Hitler’…aren’t you? So selfish. So Why would Hitler want to kill the immigrants?
Ironically, and it can’t be what the open borders, anti-nation state BBC wanted to hear, we were told that states have to be preserved, state structures and citizenship actually protect people, we should be trying to prop up state structures…but then we get to why the BBC, grinding its teeth no doubt, accepted that ‘necessary evil’ of the nation state in this crude bit of modern exploitation of the past to try and conveniently explain the future….what’s happening in the Middle East shows that we need state structures...the Iraq state was destroyed and this has contributed to the problem of mass migration apparently….not the Syrian state then?
And there you go, the BBC’s favourite hobby horse, the Iraq war is the cause of all the world’s ills and ‘we’ are the cause therefore of the migrant crisis and therefore morally responsible for the migrants…never mind that it has little to nothing to do with events in Syria which were the result of the Syrian people rising up against Assad and Assad releasing ISIL members from prison and allowing them to rebuild their forces.
So from this we can summarise that refusing to accept mass, uncontrolled immigration is like denying the Holocaust, in fact it is akin to actually implementing the Holocaust…..you are no better than a Nazi death camp guard…as Ken Livingstone might say.
Just another day on the BBC which, as Tony Parsons says, ‘is about as representative of the British people as the men’s toilets at the Guardian.’
If you believe the BBC all of Britain’s problems can be traced back to 1979 before which was the ‘Dark Ages’, dark in terms of political significance..nothing happened before 1979 apparently, and in 1997 British political and economic history once again stopped with nothing to report, only to restart in 2010 as Doomsday, and the Tories, approached….similarly the History of the Middle East only began in 2003 and there were never any Muslim extremists in the world before 7/7/2005.
(Was it just me or did the good historian, Timothy Snyder, seem to sort of agree with Hitler on the Jew’s attitude towards science and the alleged risks that posed to Germany…he says we have ignored the ecological aspects to Hitler’s ideology because we are in a time when we don’t want for food and so we can’t understand Hitler’s perspective, we don’t understand Hitler’s appeal…hmmm…he was justified then in some shape or form for his anti-Jewish stance?…..all in all a curious report from the BBC that demonises the Jews and gives more ammunition to the anti-Semites by raising these matters even though supposedly qualified by saying ‘this is what Hitler thought‘…wonder what any Jewish people who heard it thought?)
Alan, a quick correction. Sarah Montague not Montgomery. And a station identifier in the text is helpful in case readers here have already heard or not heard the programme and wish to access it their own way: Today BBC R4.
Oh yes, Thanks, not sure where that came from….must be a WWII reference with all that Hitler talk. Good old Monty.
^ LOL! 🙂
Wasn`t this a shocker?
Nothing against Sneiders right to flog his book-and I`ve read enough reviews to know that most people think that descent into climate change eco-loonery at the end of the book is dreadful ,and completely against the whole thrust of(until then) is a good book by all accounts.
Only the BBC would major on the idea that veggie pagan-worshipping Adolf was a precursor to the likes of Harrabin and Monbiot.
And-to be honest-much of the green loopy lunacy IS Fascism, albeit without the black leathers…just lime green dips of assorted shrouds instead.
Hitler was a Catholic until the day he died. It has been suggested that the reason he did not excommunicate himself was out of respect for his mother. The reason Hitler is often (wrongly) labelled as an atheist is simply down to his wish to move Germany towards secularism and remove religious influence in politics. This tied in with his fear of Jewish dominance in German banking at that time and the dangerous exposure to economic insecurity that entailed.
Paganism, Christianity, Islamism, Shikism… What’s the difference? They all require a suspension of rational thought. Let’s all go Looby Loo!
Edward, you can’t excommunicate yourself only the church authorities can. Check out Hitlers Table Talk, he wasn’t keen on Christianity. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitlers-Table-Talk-Martin-Bormann/dp/1493770292/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442383435&sr=8-1&keywords=hitlers+table+talk
“Paganism, Christianity, Islamism, Shikism… What’s the difference?”
Some reformed, others didn’t.
“Paganism, Christianity, Islamism, Sikhism…”
The usual secularist cop-out.
And ‘looby loo’ is the correct way to describe this post.
‘After the Jews, the Christians’ says our old chum to Martin Bormann in 1942. But before this, he’s already banned the Nativity, and replaced the star on the Christmas tree with his own portrait.
Christians were regularly beaten up by the SA from 1933 on; and the Pope’s condemnation of the regime came in 1938 (Mit Brennender Sorge – With Burning Sorrow):
‘It condemned ” pantheistic confusion”, “neo-paganism”, “the so-called myth of race and blood”, and the idolizing of the State’ (Wikipedia)
Some Catholic! But a good tree hugger, as ‘pagan’ as the Pope said he was. For EVERYTHING YOU HAVE READ ABOUT FASCISM IS WRONG (Jonah Goldberg)
Edward the internet is rife with claim and counter claim
Here’s a brief, even handed ,synopsis
The writer concludes that Hitler was some sort of agnostic ( in the vernacular sense) but I would say, based on the evidence he presents alone ( and there is much more to be had), he was clearly an Atheist who made conciliatory public statements when it was expedient- just like his erstwhile mate Stalin( and no ones claiming he was orthodox)
” veggie pagan-worshipping Adolf” ????
Sorry but I think you got the wrong Nazi ! Heinrich Himmler ex chicken farmer was the pagan one Hitler was pretty much non plussed by the whole thing, saying that he dreaded that Himmer’s Pagans would make him a Saint !
Hitler was in fact a great admirer of Islam and may have actually converted. He made several admiring quotes which are well documented. As his vegetarianism is put down to digestive problems, it might have been a cover avoiding the requirement of meat being Halal.
In addition his housekeeper commented about him not eating during the day, but coming down at night to raid the fridge, was he secretly observing Ramadan?
Or perhaps he was consulting his alien controllers?
According to the media Nazis are just everywhere !! under the bed, behind lamp posts, etc, etc, although I’ve never actually seen one, the BBC tells me so. Here’s Ramzpaul take on it.
You do not have to look far to find real Nazi sympethisers. Hamas, Hesbollah etc… All prey for a return of a Nazi Reichs. Funny how the BBC seem to miss the Palestinians marching with swastikas and doing Nazi salutes, and they have not brought that up when discussing Corbyn’s support for them.
How long can the traitorous BBC keep up the sham..?
In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Minister of the Interior of the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lorenz Caffier, confirmed suspicions about the origin of many supposed Syrian refugees. “At least a quarter of those refugees allegedly coming from Syria are not from Syria, but from other Arab or African countries,” said Caffier.
Caffier’s statement echoes the experience of Rainer Wendt, head of the German Police Union: “Almost without exception, every refugee pretends to be a Syrian when in fact, many come from other countries, even from sub-Saharan Africa,” he said.
“All present themselves as Syrians,” said a police officer stationed in Bavaria to Spiegel Online, “even if they are obviously black Africans.”
The discovery echoes comments made by the chief of the European border force FRONTEX, who said last week, “A lot of people get into Turkey [with] Syrian fake papers, because they know that they’ll get easier asylum in the EU… People who use these fake passports, speak mostly Arabic. They come from North Africa, the Middle East, but are economic refugees”.
When will the BBC finally start telling the truth – the absolute, factually-proven truth? It really beggars belief.
You are right – and the problem is that there is no one able or willing to hold the BBC to account. Even the hated ‘Murdoch Press’ beloved of the hope not soap brigade, even the Mail and even the ‘Torygraph’ are all written by the same metropolitan ‘elite’ and reflect the narrowest breadth of views.
Only relatively marginalised voices on the web (including on this blog) are willing to call the BBC liars (which they are) and the impact is minimal. That’s what hegemony looks like when describing our corrupt, worthless media.
Most of the Daily Mail photos of the ‘asylum seekers’ focus on the little children. A couple of days ago an article had about 30 photos, everyone of children. I wondered if it was the editor or the author of the piece that held an agenda but the subliminal story was not very subliminal.
This is what 50 years of cultural marxism ends up looking like. Nobody is immune. The better educated are even more likely to be infected.
it is virus. It infects the sufferer with a desire to see the world as it should be and not as it really is. So then reality is ignored and facts become things to be used in the service of creating this unreal view of the world.
it is curable both individually and in a society. Sometimes by clear thinking but usually by reality itself.
To expect sense and honesty from our media is itself an unreal approach. The media does not so much lie ( that would imply a deliberate act) but take part in what is a mass delusion. To challenge this is almost now impossible. The deluded no longer believe in the possibility of error.
It is in reality a quasi spiritual attitude akin to direct revelation.
Charles de Gaulle on immigration, he’s a nazi !!
”It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion.
Don’t tell me stories! Muslims, have you gone to see them? Have you watched them with their turbans and jellabiyas? You can see that they are not French! Those who advocate integration have the brain of a hummingbird. Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a second, they will separate again.
Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.”
Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a second, they will separate again.
Whizz them up in a blender and they make Mayonnaise though!
Thoughtful, I am not coming to your house to eat! Blending French dressing does not make mayonnaise. I need egg yolks to make mine.
This viral photo falsely claims to show an IS fighter posing as a refugee
Can you feel the BBC smirk?
Islamic State or Free Syrian Army, what is the difference? Combatants are excluded from claiming refugee status. The FSA, by the way has also been accused of war crimes and general extortion.
Surely the point the BBC misses is that no one of from the ‘refugees’ is being given even a cursory security check.
More on this in The wrong virus
This has been posted before, you must have missed it, and the glaring assumption the BBC have made which puts the entire piece in doubt.
“He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo.”
He says – so therefore he was! No questions asked, no doubts, no caveats. Suppose just for a moment that he isn’t telling the truth (although he might well have been a plasterer) and that he was as was claimed, an ISIS member, How would anybody know?
The real scandal of this piece is that the BBC have just accepted his word and used it presented as absolute fact when it is far from it.
Read the piece again in that light and its deceptive nature might leave you more surprised and angry than you were when you first read it, after all they deceived you too with it.
No doubt the BBC would have believed Adolf Eichmann if he told them he was a mere bureaucrat who was only obeying orders. Let that man into Britain and give him a council house!
The BBC don’t exactly give the invaders the same grilling they give the evil Tories. They should let loose O’Brian from Newsnight on the invaders. He would soon sort them out……. er……….
“Hitler’s fear was that ‘If the Jews had their way’ the Germans would suffer…starve to death.”
He was correct.
Morgenthau plan.
Another bit of creative, starvation inducing, thinking from a group who get an easy ride on BBBC.
An easy ride which is assisted by deletion of every comment by myself criticising Jews.
And I’m sure you believe the Protocols of Zion are genuine. I suppose next you will be telling us that the holocaust didn’t happen.
Thank you for your prompt, “novel”, “unexpected”, “original”, reply.
A reply which doubtless will, in a few minutes, look absurd, as your contribution, will appear to respond to nothing. The BBBC memory hole having been invoked.
I contribute here with some success, if approval ratings are of value.
I once had all the beliefs which are criticised on BBBC.
I aquired these beliefs by progressing through what is popularly described as “The British Education System”.
A cover name for the mass indoctrination of a lying propaganda inculcated by traitors (mainly the NUT) to this country.
I was an ideal product for this process, which produced outstanding results.
I was a green as grass trusting little sponge who absorbed all the bollox taught, and believed it.
Then, just as described in 1984, whenever this sponge was compressed out came the correct responses.
The fault in this system is that it taught me to read.
The catalyst in my conversion was loss of religious belief, in the COE beliefs I was brought up with.
This loss of belief caused me to give a very hard look at the other beliefs I had.
The result being that I rejected most of what I was taught.
To be of real value to our cause, believing solely in the United States version of World War Two, and events preceding and following, is not helpful. Because some of it is lies.
I neither know nor care about the authenticity of the “Protocols”. That the protocols reflect and describe genuine behaviour, is, I believe, certain. I do not care about popularity.
I also believe that denying, or ignoring, this, is detrimental to the UK cause.
Anyone who believes everything they were taught at school is a very immature adult. Unless other motives are responsible for them lying about it
“That the protocols reflect and describe genuine behaviour, is, I believe, certain.” Wow, we have a real one here.
I agree that you shouldn’t believe all you were told at school, like most on here I also didn’t and don’t. However, you shouldn’t believe all you read on fascist web sites either – these are at least as bad as the most indoctrinating teachers.
Here is a simple, schoolboy, problem for you.
Describe, in one word, 90% of United States citizens who spied for the USSR prior to and during World War Two.
Note that the correct answer is not my fault, not due to my beliefs, not due to my biases.
I was told the following many years ago.
“The truth will stand any inspection.”
One like wow? this site is about BBC bias not your anti-Semitism !
I hope I am fair, so I think the flood of immigrants to Europe, apart from the initial causes; has two main EU causes. The first is the sending of boats to rescue North African migrants and then the ‘open’ flags sent out by Merkel/Germany. To me this is so obvious, I cannot see why this is not being shouted from the rooftops. However the opposite is true, the silence is deafening, lead by the bBC. Their political bias showing through yet again.
Now, now, you’re being unreasonable. Who could possibly have foreseen the consequences of these actions?
Apart from myself and pretty well everyone who contributes here, way back when the rescues started. But what do we know?
The Syrian civil war has been raging over 4 years. The EU migrant crisis started this summer. It clearly wasn’t caused by the Syrian civil war.
Fred Bloggs,
I think you are both fair and right.
“That the protocols reflect and describe genuine behaviour, is, I believe, certain.” Sadly, I have heard that truly obnoxious view express before. I’m sure it is a commonly held belief in Iran and amongst members of Hamas. There may even be one or two BBC journalists who lean in that direction.
Has it occurred to you, BBC delenda est, that other contributors to this site may be as equally well read as you and not share your interpretation of history – and history is always an interpretation. You appear to think that only you have exclusive access to the truth.
I have repeatedly and recently described Muslims on BBBC as the “dregs of the planet” and Islam as the “nastiest organisation in history”. With not one dissenting voice here.
Yet believing that Jews have in the past, and continue today, to conspire against non Jews, is truly obnoxious?
I need to change my beliefs, right now.
I need to stop believing that Jewish writings repeatedly show contempt for non Jews.
I need to stop believing that Jewish writings refer more than once to the belief that non Jews are only useful as servants or slaves to Jews.
I need to stop believing that Jewish documents express the view that all non Jews should be exterminated.
Hello, is that Amazon? Please send me one thousand cartons of Tippex immediately. I need to rewrite history.
So you also say disgusting things about Muslims too. I accuse you of being a left-winger operating as a false-flag in order to discredit this site with your racist comments.
Spot on, Demon.
Interesting how the mention of Hitler on a blog so often brings the anti-Semites out from under their rocks.
Interesting article, Lawrence Auster, jewish himself on the Role of Jews in the Dispossession of White, Christian America http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/03/lawrence-auster-on-the-role-of-jews-in-disestablishing-white-christian-america/
Lawrence Auster ”The Jews also (as few people recognize, because the subject is forbidden) changed America in some profound and not always positive ways. In terms of national identity, Jews were instrumental in the reformulation of America as a universalist society based strictly on ideology rather than on peoplehood, a change that set the stage for mass Third-World immigration and the much more profound redefinition of America as a multicultural society. In terms of morality, many Jewish intellectuals, writers, and entertainers deliberately undermined the older Anglo-American Victorian ethos, a program of moral/cultural subversion that climaxed in the Sixties counterculture and the dominant nihilist culture of the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of politics, Jews were instrumental in replacing the old American order of Constitutional self-restraint with the statist politics of unrestrained compassion.”