Antonia Quirk in The New Statesman expresses doubts about Jeremy Vine’s qualities as a hard hitting investigator of news as he interviews, very nearly, Max Mosley…..
Pain is so close to pleasure: Max Mosley on BBC Radio 2
Mosley was coming over as the most clubbable man in the universe. Not a peep from Jeremy Vine.
Apparently Jeremy wasn’t too keen on getting to the truth about Mosley and his S&M proclivites….but then why invite him on?..surely nothing else about Mosley is of greater interest…his black-shirted father aside.
Oh hang on, there’s his musical tastes which have broadened the apparently innocent and insular Jeremy Vine’s world view…
Mosley, on the other hand, was coming over as the most clubbable man in the universe, even playing Janis Joplin singing “Mercedes Benz” and affectionately declaring it “so funny in so many ways” – after which Jeremy admitted, “I’ve not heard that before, ever, [not] once in my life.” Never much of a freewheeler, Jeremy.
Can a man who works for Radio 2 and plays a great deal of music on his show really not have heard one of the most famous songs in the world? Talk about a BBC ‘bubble’! (4 mins 30 secs in interview)
He has though heard of Yusuf Islam’s music and loves it, as do many at the BBC…perhaps more out of solidarity than actual appreciation of his music.
I think this one is more in keeping with the beliefs of Yusuf’s co-religionists.
The BBC obviously didn’t hear this on the grape vine: that this Tory MP is in fact partially deaf and requires access to a listening aid installed on the chair. Funny how the BBC seem to have time to observe the small things like how Tory MPs look in parliament but miss humungous things like the way Corbyn was dressed today at the remembrance service for the Battle of Britain, or the fact that the scumbag refused to sing the National Anthem.