@theJeremyVine Why should JC want to be interviewed by R4, since you are propagandists for the right-wing neoliberal agenda.
We were constantly being told by Labour MPs that Jeremy Corbyn was a lovely person in person, affable, kind and with a sense of humour. Maybe he is but he certainly doesn’t come across that way…his acceptance speech left me entirely cold and thinking he was an extremely sour, thin-skinned sort who puts ideology before all else regardless of pain and suffering it causes…but that’s Communism for you.
A report in the Telegraph doesn’t dispel that thought…
Labour leader refuses to sing national anthem or button collar at St Paul’s memorial service
Newly-elected Jeremy Corbyn failed to sing the national anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial service at St Paul’s Cathedral today.
Barlicker in the comments has spotted this by Tony Parsons which recognises that chippy, bitter attitude of the Left…
I first realised that I was Tory scum on the weekend after the general election. The losing side was throwing a terrible tantrum. “F*** TORY SCUM”, they sprayed on a Whitehall memorial dedicated to the women who fought in the Second World War.
And who says of the BBC that…
The BBC today is about as representative of the British people as the men’s toilets at the Guardian. Fifteen million people voted for the Tories or Ukip – but how many of them work in Broadcasting House? My guess would be: none. But none of it mattered.
He notes how the Left claims the moral high ground and relish calling the Tories the ‘nasty party’ and yet it is more often than not the Left which indulges itself in orgies of extreme hate and bile….
Get beyond the watering holes of the metropolitan elite and the heartland’s deeply held values – my family, my work, my country – are the new mainstream.
The loud left are as pertinent to modern Britain as blacksmiths. No wonder their protests are increasingly ugly. They react with furious disbelief at the result of a democratic election. They rave about balancing the nation’s books as if it was like drowning kittens in a sack. They scream in our faces about their own compassion while bandying around epithets like “scum” and “filth” with the vicious abandon of Nazis talking about Jews.
So how are the Tories morally inferior to this shower?
And of course, unnoticed by the BBC, it is the UAF, ironically teamed up with Muslim radicals, that is the instigator of violence when the likes of the EDL march and not the EDL….and yet the EDL are the violent ‘scumbags’.
I went on a rally with HopenotHate a few summers ago. T I have an old freind from college, back in the halcyon days of Thatcher vs Foot in the 1980s.
I went on a HopenotHate rally a few summers ago. I was talked into it by remeeting up with an old college friend from my college days back in the 1980s. He was a firebrand socialist back then, and I was a die-hard Tebbit supporting Thatcherite. Our politics could not have been further apart, but we were still great friends. After leaving college we went our seperate ways, and thanks to Facebook, we got back in touch, and through this, he invited me out to a pub, to watch a few bands for old time’s sake.
It turned out it was a “hope not hate” benefit gig and as I had never heard of them before this, I thought they were a reasonable, anti-racist organisation, so I agreed to go to the rally.
It was only once on the coach, I realised what a bunch of violent, racist, prejudiced fuckwits all these people were. They hate the white race. They hate everything the English have done in the world, totally ignoring all the great human rights we exported with Common Law all over the world. When they got to the destination, they were itching for a fight. I left the coach, went by myself to the EDL march and chatted to EDL marchers. Most of them were decent ordinary people, more scared of police retribution, and getting lost and being beaten up by the HnH thugs, than anything else. They wear masks, not because they intend to break the law, but because the politically correct police will harass and detain and arrest them without cause if they know who they are.
It is a sickening andictment on the state of our society that decent people who are rightly very worried about OUR native culture, traditions and heritage are being destroyed before our eyes, and yet the police will attack them with impunity.
Are the BBC covering the JC National Anthem matter anywhere?
A link would be interesting, and no link even more interesting!
Jeremy Corbyn criticised for ‘silence’ during national anthem
The bBBC put scare quotes around ‘silence’ because they are scared of what would happen to them if they dared put anything critical of the comrades.
The funniest thing is that a JC spokesman said the silence was “out of respect”. Do they think we are stupid ?
It’s more they don’t care, perhaps because they think they don’t have to.
What’s quaint is the inevitable follow-up by ‘people’ that actually makes it worse. In this Labour and the BBC are as one:
“BBC later issued a statement insisting that the editorial guidelines Mr Norman referred to only applied to broadcasts”
Any who have encountered CECUTT will chuckle at the BBC pointing at the BBC’s own rules, which they interpret on whim to suit, especially when clearly struggling to even make these apply the way they attempt.
Sounds like frustrating a powerful democratic oversight committee is not their latest smart move.
On top of lying through their teeth when caught dead to rights.
Why would you think that Hope not Hate would be in any way respectable?…..It’s just the usual hard left Socialist metamorphose of a leopard changing it’s spots, to seem somewhat more presentable for a period, as the UAF have gone beyond the pale for ordinary members of the public….
Let’s look at the “leadership” of Hope not Hate….”Leading” from the front you have the former Searchlight editor Nick Lowles, a man that cut his teeth with the violent street group “Red Action”, indeed a group so extreme that they proceeded on to carry out terrorists acts on British streets, in that, they defiantly planted the bomb outside Harrods that killed six people and injured many others, and are highly likely to have planted the bomb outside McDonald’s in Warrington that killed a small child…
The next “reasonable” HNH leader comes in the form of Matthew Collins. A front National Front and Combat 18 imbecile, whose only real claim to fame is that he turned full political circle, stabbed all of his far right mates in the back by grassing them up, and then quickly proceeded to become a full on Communist, Seemingly because Matthew Collins doesn’t do politics that aren’t on the margins of extreme..
or how about Carl Morphet A.K.A. Simon Cressey, Ex Socialist workers party – who seemingly was booted out of that Trotsky haven because he had made too many enemies within it’s ranks, because reportedly of his manipulation, slander, hater and lies……Now that really must take some doing coming from the SWP…
And last but not least the trade unions darling – Ruth Smeeth – Parachuted into the safe seat of Stoke central be McCluskey and co, she’s currently a member of Comrade Corbyns Labour Party…..
The only reason that this extremist grouping are considered “reasonable” is because leftist orginisations like the BBC and the Daily Mirror tell people that it’s so..
I thought they were respectable a few summers ago, when I had never heard of them and only had one friend’s reccomendation of them. It did not take me long to see how racist they were themselves. Then the more I learned about them, the more I dispised their hypocrisy and open hatred.
I strongly suspect that Mr Corbyn’s own nature will eventually get the better of him. Yes, he’s a very principled man, politically speaking – most hard left ideologues are. I don’t think he’s prepared, at all, for the ‘open debate’ he espoused at his victory speech. How ‘open to debate’ do you think he will be to say, the EU, climate scepticism, Islamic State or issues around illegal immigration..?
Over to you, Mr Corbyn. Prove it. We’re waiting.
The first interview he had on channel4 news after he wa nominated showed him to be intolerant and with a bad temper. All it will take is a female journalist pushing him a bit too far, and he will resort to sexist bullying ranting. Then how will the lefty die-hard feminist wing react?
Why does turning up looking like an unmade bed, seem to be the benchmark of sincerity for the loony left ?
Is it a badge of honour to try and see who can look the worst ?
It may seem trivial but is it really too much to ask that Jezza runs a comb through his hair.
The Calais Migrants have been throwing away clothing that have been given to them by socialist well wishers. At least one socialist has taken advantage of this.
Corbyn makes Muslim garb look stylish.
Styling by Max Wall.
Note the serious “My thoughts and lofty principles are above matters affecting personal appearance” expression.
A bit of sun wouldn’t hurt though.
Communists and muslims create hate out of nothing and the bbc is always there to lap it up.
Perhaps Corbyn doesn’t remember the words? Isn’t that worse in a man who hopes to be Prime Minister?
Prime Minister? No.
Lenin’s successor.
Create Cheka.
Kill the Royal Family.
Civil War.
Mass Starvation.
Mass repression.
Gulag creation.
Export “heaven on Earth”.
Learn nothing from history, “the point, however, is to change it.”
Pass the beacon on to to a real hardliner.
The biggest question of all is, what is JC doing with all his earnings if he isn’t spending them? Has he got an offshore bank account? Does he throw fivers, tenners and twenties at random people who look like they might be struggling to upgrade their phones? Is he funding food banks?
If he’s living a modest lifestyle in a modest house, then surely his generous salary will be going somewhere. I guess he’s funding a real-life Tracy Island! Socialists are Go!
Don’t try to invent something that will improve peoples lives – JC will nationalise it and then it won’t get made because everyone will be on strike. When it does (eventually) get made, it will drop off the production line not fit for purpose.
HINT: This is why British innovation internationally has fallen to the back of the queue in the past.
If something catastrophic happened and JC became PM, his air miles would increase dramatically. How would he react during a foreign national anthem or, for that matter, any ceremony that appeared to conflict with his high moral tone and vaunted lack of hypocrisy?
Or is anything OK with this paragon so long as it’s non British, white American or Israeli?
I had to laugh at the ‘respectful silence’ explanation. What a joke! It reminded me of that MP (was it Dennis Skinner?) who boasted about crossing his fingers behind his back during the loyal oath in Parliament. What was impressive about the ‘respectful silence’ claim was that it also seemed to imply that Mr Corbyn was somehow being more respectful than those singing. I suppose we should be grateful he bothered to stand up.