The Corbyn leadership poses problems for the comrades at the BBC. They know he is vulnerable due to his extremism so they have to be a bit careful not to link themselves too closely BUT they like what he says all the same. I thought their coverage of his PMQ’s debut was incredibly biased. His “revolution” which they were swooning over consisted of him reading out other people’s questions. This had the BBC reaching for epithets. I think we are in for an interesting time ahead. Labour have chosen an extreme Leftist as leader and the BBC do sympathise with a lot of what he says.
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As an illustration of the man’s irrelevance and the power of BBC ‘celebrity’ promotion, when I read the headline my immediate thought was ‘Vine’…..?
‘Other people’s questions’….all a bit of a fraud….only questions that match the Labour narrative…so no need for the ‘theatrics’ from Corbyn as the questions were the same old that came from Miliband et al.
Please forgive me-but , yet again, I think in music pop cultural terms.
Marc Bolans “Children Of the Revolution” to be precise….which sums up the whole liberal mirror hat fey phonies that populate the Left and their media mouthpieces.
” I` ve got a Rolls Royce-`cos it`s good for my voice” being THE line for me.
Now that Corbyns come along-we`ll get the same songs “unplugged”…Eeyore meets Pete Seeger with his toothpick and letter opener at the ready to deal with Bolans “going electric”-after Johns Children, and the doting caring hands of John Peel( but do keep them up on the table John will ya?).
And until they decide whether the new tone is Nick Drake or John Martyn tributes-we`ll continue to get Blockbuster, Ballroom Blitz,Hellraiser and Teenage Rampage-with that anchor line(x3)..”we just haven`t a clue WHAT to do!”-until the Left and the BBC can work out a soundtrack for our lives…
For me-Elvis Costello in 1979 was a prophet…it`s called Armed Forces, but he didn`t have the courage to call it as he saw it “Emotional Fascism”.
The Hungarians know all too well what THAT is Mishal Husain, you Islamic plum…
How do we know that these “questions” were genuine?……I would imagine, looking through Comrade Corbyns inbox, the standard of E-Mail would look far more like: – Vladimir from Moscow asked “When will you go all out to destroy capitalism from within, whilst Mohammed of Pakistan queried “When will the legal age for marriage be lowered to seven in the U.K., as Muslims find it Islamophobic that the U.K. hasn’t capitulated to our demands already”
“Mohammed of Pakistan” posted that concerned email while waiting for a flight from Karachi to the UK.
…To meet his ISIS handler and pick up his tickets on his way to Syria join Join ISIS
That PMQ made me cringe. It was like listening to the headmaster of a primary school reading out letters to Santa written by his pupils. ‘Little Jonny of form 3c in the infants wrote this letter saying “Dear Santa, I would like an x-box, a bike, a mcdonald’s happy meal and more benefits for my daddy who is on disability’. etc.
It was not just embarrassing it was also cowardly – hiding behind a member of the public so Cameron can’t ridicule the question. I do wonder though if he changed the names or whether there was some other reason why all the names seemed very ‘English’ .
So can anyone just email Ratty Dustbyn ? Or have you got to be a genuine constituent ?
“Dear Jezza,
Please ask Dave two Kitchens if he is going to accept any illegal’s into his own home, also is it true that you and fatty Abbott were lovers, back in the day.
Yours sincerely
Jezza ought to watch out.
…..and in real life, that git Daniel Craig has alledgedly given $50,000 to the presidential campaign for the US Jeremy Corbyn, socialist Bernie Sanders. I never liked his mumbling thug portrayal of Bond, and like his off screen persona less. Typical dull, mouth-breathing, leftist Hollywood airhead.
Worst Bond ever, and he looks like Norman Wisdom (if you squint)
I think Daiel Craig looks like Putin (without squinting) and I understand Norman Wisdom was a very nice man who brought his children up himself after his wife ran off with somebody else.
Just seen Man from Uncle………Solo, Mr Cavell, would make a superb Bond….
It comes from a lifetime of reading a script by somepne else. No genuine real thinking by these Hollywood bozos.
Hardly a week goes by without some glorified ham opining on something or other that he or she knows nothing about and is probably totally unaffected by. The only thing that surprises me is that anyone listens. Why are their opinions considered more important solely because they ply their trade in front of a camera instead of a bus or a milk float?
They should stick to what they do best which, in many cases, isn’t up to much anyway.
The format he adopted is simply not sustainable.
Can you imagine when some catastrophe happens somewhere, possibly with an impact on brtitish troops or something, and Lianne from Kidderminster writes in to complain that her bins are only emptied once a month, what is the PM going to do about it?
Sooner or later, he will have to go back to the format that he so objects to.
I do hope that before not too long, Corbyn stands up and says “And finally, Prime Minister, I have one from some bloke called Jeremy … ” and even ” this from Tom, who I have a shrewd suspicion is sitting nearby and will give me a hard time if I don’t ask …”
I Think Corbyn was pathetic. They were not his own questions, a ten year old could have just read them out and no one should be rude to a ten year old. The Labour party defended him to a Tee lying through their teeth.
Loving Jeremy Corbyn – literally.
People with a weak disposition or those about to eat do not look:
That probably explains his teetotalism, imagine you go out get plastered and wake up the next morning next to Diane Abbott…
You’d never touch another drop.
Pass the sick-bag please. I’ve been imagining what the bastard offspring would have been like. A cross between old man Steptoe and Winnie Mandela, half-caste racist Marxist hypocrites, probably perfect candidates for Labour MPs.
I knew that JC had problems with women , but Diane Abbott ? Some things are beyond redemption !
My guess, and it is only a guess, is that this is the beginning of a new attack policy.
In the time since it became apparent that Corbyn might win the vote, his supporters have been planning how they will modify the previous, unsuccessful Labour methods.
So no references to New Labour.
No references to Janus like Milliband (elision needed?) looking backward towards the “glories” of Marxism while looking forward to who knew what?
Corbyn is a man of principle, so we are told. Which does not mean he will be any less inclined than Lenin or Stalin to use ruthless methods.
So the kiddies letters are part of a new, loveable Corbyn, image improving offensive, to broaden his appeal.
On the other hand we can expect as many strike by the public sector, who serve us so dutifully, as Corbyn can arrange, which may be many.
I can also see Corbyn cuddling up to the fish, they have a lot of views in common. The illogical position the SNP have, being a nationalist party while wanting to be part of the rabidly anti-nationalist EU, helps Corbyn here.
Interesting times, meanwhile Labour have not changed one policy. If you have no supporters, Import some. Ensure they remain supporters by treating them more favourably than people whose ancestors have been here for millennia. Denigrate the locals at every opportunity, try to exterminate them like Kulaks.
One thing I forgot.
I think we may be soon referring to Corbyn as Jezz the Fez.
Nothwithstanding the yawning chasm between childish Marxist beliefs and puerile Muslim beliefs , Corbyn will soon be making concessions to Islam, to the detriment of everyone else.
. Denigrate the locals at every opportunity, try to exterminate them like Kulaks.
And dont forget, “Rapes for Votes” policy for people of “This has nothing to do with Islam” tribe.
I’ve always thought the real turning point in British politics will come when the left and the Islamists have a major falling out over something. At present there’s a sort of nazi-soviet pact between them, but if there’s a bust up over, say, gay rights or wimmins’ rights, this will cause a split between the soft PC left and the old Marxist left.
However, by that time the Kulaks will be cold in their graves, or burnt to ashes.
Its just a cheap tactic and easy for everyone except the BBC Guardianistas to see through. 40,000 replies maybe but he still has to CHOOSE which questions to raise. So all he does is find one he wanted to raise anyway and gain a veneer of populism in the process. Pretty simple really.
But 5/10 for the Beeb chasing down the question askers – who surprise surprise seem to be left-wing Labour Party supporters!
His style is counter productive. The Prime Minister needs to be tested and challenged to ensure he has the right ideas and is strong enough to see them through.
It was rather like a tennis player turning up for a match and his opponent saying: ‘Hey, let’s not be competitive. Here is an easy lob for you to play back.’
David Cameron was able to list his ‘successes’ without a challenge.
^ Good point. ^
Jeremy is a life long member of the League Against Cruel Sports and a champion of animal rights. Nothing wrong in that in my view. But my question for him is , what are his views on the barbaric ritual slaughter of animals for Halal meat?
Good question. I have put this to many supporters of animal rights – who must be separated from advocates of animal welfare – and their reply is ambiguous to say the least. How do the Greens deal with support for Islam and animal rights?
Corbyn was quite astonishingly unremarkable. He actually succeeded in making Cameron look impressive.
It was unbelievable. I will agree with one comment on alBeeb (makes a change these days) “It was like a local radio phone in”.
Cameron played along and came out on top!
I doubt it will be long before the other members of parliament get bored with it and expect the leader of the opposition to be more challenging and demand a return to the old ways.
No wonder Corbyn was never given any portfolio when Labour was in power. One cpould see Cameron almost exultant that he had suich a wimp of an opponent.
It was the first time that Cameron seemed to have balls !
Core bin = boring
Peter, and , like all lefties, including Beeboids, Corbyn has no sense of humour.
So Corbyn the new ‘says it as it is’ and ‘won’t be bowed’ within the space of less than a week has decided now to sing the national anthem, wear a red poppy instead of the insulting white poppy and become a suit and tie man.
Hmmm….seems he has moulded himself extremely rapidly to slide right into the blandness of our current crop of establishment politicians….principles yes, but very fluid one I would suggest.
Jerry, it’s a leaf out of Groucho Marx’s book – “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
This is how Corbyn will continue. Ridicule.
I see Corbyn the new ‘says it as it is’ and ‘principled’ new leader has not only changed his tune on singing the national anthem and changing the colour of his poppy for Remembrance Sunday, he has now turned from being anti EU to being pro EU….all in less than a week.
Will the real Mr Corbyn please stand up!