Anyone else bored senseless with the nightly reports filed on the BBC News at Ten by Fergal Keen which are little more than pro-immigrant propaganda? He churns out the same cliches night after night – with the constant narrative that these swarming economic immigrants are lovely people out to make Europe a more vibrant and successful place. Dar Al Islam.
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I am making a conscious effort to avoid the BBC, and Channel 4 news programmes, for fear of turning violent. I would imagine that the vast proportion of the viewing public must feel the same way, by now. Radio isn’t much better, with the awful Global News on Classic FM wringing its own liberal, leftie hands all the time, too.
OG, the basic problem is one of an absence of competing narratives. None of the msm broadcasters seem prepared – ever – to offer up any balance in their reporting. I wouldn’t object in the least to them shamelessly exploiting images of mothers and babies, of crying kids, etc if they then go on to explain in as much detail the counter narrative; the legal case for, say, Hungary taking a stand against unlimited immigration and how there is nothing illegal or morally wrong about Hungary wishing to enforce the EU’s own rules.
But all the coverage (Sky and even RT are just as bad in this respect) is almost entirely one-sided, telling just one, illiberal progressive narrative: that ‘these people are migrants and it is our duty to let them into our countries in unlimited numbers, ‘cos y’know’. This is not journalism; it’s not even reporting – it’s a political agenda.
This is why I end up getting so frustrated by the media’s coverage of the illegal immigrant crisis. It’s as if they have all decided not to report the news, to not examine the facts, to stay well away from the cultural ramifications, implications and obvious conclusions in favour of telling an alternative pro-immigrant narrative designed to lull us all into a false sense of security – that all of these 18-30yr old men are ‘doctors’, teachers, architects and engineers’, etc when we can see for ourselves this is at the very least an unlikely state of affairs.
The msm are trying to misdirect, obfuscate and dissemble on the immigrant issue. In the end, events themselves will expose their duplicity – but isn’t it a shame that we have to wait for the first shootings/bombings/beheadings for the msm to even attempt to start reporting the facts..?
Obiwan, good points. Somebody posited the theory on here – and I think it has some credibility – that the left are getting increasingly desperate to control the narrative, and are putting everything towards a ‘last big push,’ like the Germans in 1918. This could be why a far-left figure like Corbyn is elected, and why the aussies have got rid of a conservative PM.
They can see that if they don’t have absolute control of public opinion on the migrant crisis very soon, that a cultural-marxist, multicultural agenda will never be able to be established, because it’s all going to unwind very quickly, and liberal leaders like Merkel are going to become unviable.
Of course, this is all speculation – but I think what we are seeing is not just about large movements of people, but a battle for the dominance of different ideologies.
They may have taken control of the narrative but, judging from the online comments on Sky/BBC, the people aren’t listening. The game is up but the left haven’t sussed it yet.
Honestly, the older I get and more wise I become, the less I am inclined towards “tin-foil-hat” conspiracy theories… However….
I cannot come up with any other rational explaination for the entirety of the mainstream media, and the “mainstream” (so-called) political establishment to ALL be so utterly and obviously wrong, all at once, on an issue which will change the entire demographic of a continent and lead to massive death, slaughter and EU wide civil war, other than something like a meeting of all the top politicians, industrialists, military leaders, media moguls etc…. All conducted without a published agenda, effectively in secret, for them to come up with a set of directions which leads inexorably to where we are today.
Everything from the lunacy of the decision to use various agencies from the EU, (shamefully) including OUR Royal Navy, to act as a taxi service for illegal immigrants and give a huge business boost to the trafficers, and that sent out a HUGE message right across Africa and the middle east that the EU is open to ALL.
If that was not bad enough, Merkal had to turbo charge it by inviting the world to Germany.
On top of that, the world’s media are all taking the exact same line.
Is this a Bilderberg thing or what? I hate to think that it is, but I am damned if I can come up with a better explaination.
Your second paragraph covers it all perfectly, and is incomprehensible to believe all at the same time.
I agree so much with your comments-yes they have quite clearly shown not to want to report the news, not to examine facts-only a pro-immigrant narrative designed to lull some into a false sense of security-as 1oo’s of thousands of non-Christians swarm into and across the borders of Europe, which if not stopped will alter the course of nearly 2000 yrs of our European history. Indeed utter duplicity by all Western Governments has been the orders from the Fascist Elitist’s, whose aim is to destroy the West & bring about a global governance.
Watch this Youtube
It seems that Merkel has lost her mind
Did Merkel just “read out Germany’s suicide note”?
More insanity the Mad Merkel has brought into Europe
Brilliant…I like many others have refused to watch the so called News particularly the BBC out of shear frustration and anger. My only surprise is that it has received so few ‘like’ votes on this site.
Yes thanks for posting NBB. This is a very interesting clip. I think the interviewer makes a very good point about ‘groupthink’ as opposed to an organised conspiracy to control the narrative on immigration.
I thought they were engineers , IT specialists and such, instrumental for the production of wealth. And now you are telling me that they are nothing of the sort.
Come to think of it, if they are from Syria, and they are Muslim, then most likely they are Sunni Muslims. They are also very likely to be Muslim Brotherhood supporters. This means they support al Nusra and ISIS.
So why are they desperate to flee to Europe?
Syria is a secular state, and unlike many of the regimes in that area, a nation where there is genuine freedom of religion. This is anathema not just to the majority Sunnis, but clearly unacceptable to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the rest of the theocratic fascist states so beloved by Western governments. To have a secular government in Arabia, is an affront to Saudi Arabia, and hence this war. The Saudis, Qataris, Muslim Brotherhood, and its offshoots – al Nusra, ISIS and a whole bunch of Jihadis, are waging this war., to establish a Sunni theocratioc state, as required by Mohammed. Not for the first time though – this is the third one in my memory.
America as usual supports anything that the Saudis would like – creation of two Muslim states in Europe for a start. So a relatively decent government in Syria is demonised, and a whole bunch of Jihadi zombies are let loose on Syria & its various minorities.
It is interesting to note a couple of years into this viscous war, that minorities in Syria – the Druze, Alawites, and Christians of various denominations, have not abandoned Assad. The minorities know very clearly that if Assad falls, al Nusra and ISIS will behead then, rape all women above the age of 6, and rape young boys as well.
Assad is winning for the reason that the moderate population supports him, while ISIS, al Nusra and others such, are losing. It is then NOT a surprise, that the Syrian refugees swarming to Europe, are fighting fit young Sunni Muslims ( probably trying to escape the coming nemesis), with few Syrian Druze or Christians among them. They can’t go anywhere else – Saudis dont want them. Anywhere else they will be executed. That leaves Europe – the continent of Human Rights, where they are assured of a royal welcome, a decent apartment and stipend, and no questions.
I’ve also given up watching Brendan Beha…er, I mean, Fergal Keen. As you say, it’s just the same old cliches rolled out with little or no attempt to provide any insight into what is actually happening. Tabloid TV at its finest. I’m old enough to remember the days when foreign correspondents on television were restricted to a verbal report over a crackly telephone line, accompanied by a still photo of them holding a phone! This was much better because they couldn’t lard on the sentiment or play with our emotions so easily. They were restricted to who, what, why, where, when. This is what the BBC should stick to instead of trying to remake ‘Ghandi’ every bloody night!
I myself find that if I turn the sound down, they all look like Edward Munchs “Screamers”…and bloody funny, and the botox slips and the tans align in empathy.
As someone said-whoever at RADA trained these faceaches to emote to camera -mummy and turkey basting significant other need a refund.
Thought Muslims didn`t like ham…these hacks stink of it , smellovision or no!
chrisH, get your drift ! Exactly . ” Munch Screamers ” has it on the button !
Reading the Bible, my understanding is that on several occasions God has used evil to punish those who have gone against Him. I think that’s what He is now doing to us in Europe, the USA and the West in general. I also think we can gauge the depth of God’s anger by the size of the punishment that He has arranged for us. I don’t believe this will be over until God says it’s over so we should probably prepare for a very long period of fear and pain. The only consolation is that once the instrument of His punishment had served its purpose, God will annihilate them.
Dead right John in Cheshire.
It all depends on which layer of Gods word, you`re mining-they are seams, some blend into another-and it`s a bloody complex geological map I can tell you.
Still, the prospecting is very good…it`s all going as it should.
The likes of Thatcher, MLK and Parry are prophets…flawed like all of them were…and I like to think I too have a role.
May 22nd 1988 was the last time a serving Prime Minister talked to a Church in the UK to any purpose-but who listened in in Edinburgh.
And we`re told she hated Scotland?…
Islam has 99 words(balloons, problems?) for God-but only Christianity has the word “Love” for God(1 John 4.16-18).
But seeing as his surname isn`t Lennon, who`s giving a damn.
God is in the business of improving or removing-and Islam is taking a rotating kebab slice from the London Palladium revolving stage in salami slices and thicker, on request.
Corbyn loves Humus apparently…and, as MY JC says-we will reap what we sow in many, many ways…more than 99 anyhoo!
Yet JIC…the GOOD guys win…and we`ve over four hundred years yet to go!
Martin Luther, also thought that the Ottoman invasion of Europe was God’s chastisement on Europe.
The photograph that BBC Newsnight does not want broadcast…
“So lads, what would you say to the fact that you’re a bunch of fit, violent parasites who just want to enter the UK and live for the rest of your lives claiming British benefits?….. This is Fergal Keane, reporting from The Jungle, Calais…Quick Evan, get me the feck out of here!”
And stuff the MSM does not want you to see
This is not refuge-seeking, this is an invasion!
‘A plague of locusts’
Cranmer at 10.19am
Interesting ideas. Personally I think the Far Left will just support any mechanism which might bring the free market economy to its knees. Allowing in a million economic migrants/refugees under the cloak of humanitarianism is just a good tactical way of achieving that.
The extra benefit of this policy is a bit like the Gordon Brown ‘client class’ tactic. Make the migrants reliant on the State and give them the vote. Result? The biggest exercise in jerrymandering in history and the creation of an Islamic Socialist European state (not ideal but preferable in the left’s eyes to a free market economy).
Needles to say, the BBC leftie-student brigade in their newsroom would love to see this happen.
Indeed they would. right up until the moment that they had their heads cut off.
It makes me want to vomit every time I hear Keane’s weepy voice telling us how the Muslim invaders are fleeing war. In fact they want to bring it with them.
No criticism of the EU, Germany or Merkel; over this migrant disaster. Are they all in it together? Sky, bBC the papers never want to raise this part of the issue.
Another thing I have just remembered, the EU redefined the 1951 Geneva convention on refugees. Of course the EU so gilded the lily that their definition makes it open to almost all who try.
R4 Today, does on occasion go rogue. That is a news snippet or some obscure programme will expose some information that is against/does not help the main bBC mantra. This was a snippet from the news about 8.30 am. It was a report that only a small portion of the migrants are from Syria. It claimed that the majority are from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa. Well I don’t need to labour the point of what country these migrants will FINALLY want to end up in, but we all know.
@ geyza
Interesting post. I wrote a novel about mass immigration into Europe a few years ago called The Horse at the Gates. During the course of my research I couldn’t help but wonder why European governments were doing little to discourage the constant flow of people into Europe, given the potential repercussions. I was left with the distinct impression that there was another agenda at play. I’ve attached a link to an article by a Hungarian journalist that BBBC readers may find interesting, one that touches on the subject of a far wider conspiracy currently being played out across the continent today.
I looked at crits of your books. They look interesting, I must try to find them.
It may as well be the Gaza strip down there on the Serbian border, for all the difference in the media coverage it gets.
I don’t generally hold with conspiracy theories, because I don’t think that there’s anybody in power who could effectively organise them. Orwell wrote (I think it was in ‘Coming up for Air’) that the First World War seemed like a conspiracy but was in fact just an enormous balls-up. Yes, people are benefiting from this crisis – but I don’t think it’s being directed by any one body or organisation. It’s being made possible by a toxic spew of ludicrous outdated left-wing theories about multiculturalism, soft-hearted liberal daydreamers, religious fanaticism, corporate greed and governmental laziness and contempt. It’s a perfect parliament of fools. Anybody who makes a remotely rational and organised response (ie, Orban) gets demonised.
I agree Cranmer. I was getting a bit worried by the conspiracy theories being suggested earlier in these replies.
It just seems to me that at some stage since 1945 the left became seen as the do-gooders & the right the selfish greedy’ make myself loadsa money, sod everyone else’ type of people. It’s a fantasy but it appeals to the naive, as does the accompanying rubbish that taxing the rich will finance everyone who doesn’t want to work.
This feeble philosophy has replaced Christianity in the west as the philanthropic & righteous way we should think. It’s easy & lazy thinking so obviously gains traction.
The truth is that this facile thinking seems morally superior yet it is basically selfish & greedy. The left want something for nothing by riding on the backs of people who go out & do something, take financial risks with their own capital, i.e those who actually make some money. A welfare state is essential in a modern democracy, but throwing the blanket of benefits over every scrounger has the danger of smothering the identification of those who really need state help, the disabled & sick.
So the right tries to address this yet is seen as uncaring. Yet the right realises that there isn’t enough capital owned by the rich to raid at whatever rate of taxation to finance a benefit system & health service spiralling out of control. The BBC never tells us hard truth like this, it is down to brilliant commentators like Janet Daly who point out the hard facts – why is she never heard on the Beeb?
Sorry this has rambled a bit off message, but this do-good left thinking has swamped minds thanks to the BBC & the left-wing media, the clergy, & the teaching unions. Consequently the lazy (but seemingly moral) emotion expected by all ‘nice’ people at the sight of people struggling to enter Europe is to let them all in. It is lazy because there is no attempt to think that bit further down the line as to what the consequencies are. But folk on the left don’t think very far, either very far ahead or very far afield.
I am not at all surprised at the heart-tearing propaganda of BBC reporters, it’s just a result of lazy thinking that assumes itself to be morally correct.
Good points and I don’t think it’s off message to discuss the idea that a lot of our current problems are caused by the leftist mindset. You have to understand this to understand WHY the BBC acts as it does. A lot of it is down to a basic ignorance about how welfare states work.
There is a prevailing belief in the UK, (and presumably on the continent as well) that welfare states provide ‘free’ healthcare, ‘free’ education and so on. Of course they don’t; they provide services under a state monopoly paid for by compulsory taxation. In the USA, as far as I can tell from my three visits there, the people have more of an understanding that state provided services are ‘your tax dollars at work’ and not charity doled out by a benevolent government.
But most people, I believe, don’t understand this concept and think that governments conjure this (and all their money) out of thin air, and therefore we just need to dig a little deeper in the state pocket to provide for unlimited numbers of immigrants, none of whom have contributed any taxes; to deny this is to simply be an ‘evil tory’ who refuses to help, out of spite. Of course, if native Britons think this way, it’s hardly surprising that people from abroad will think the same and expect free everything simply for turning up.
The left is a conspiracy.
A very good five word summary!
Radio 5 in the early hours of this morning broadcast their usual propaganda pro-illegal immigrant news item from the frontline. As usual the poured out their stream of sob stories. At the end of the item I shook my head in amazement because I couldn’t believe what I had heard and wondered if, in their haste to create deep feelings of sadness for those illegally forcing their way across the borders of the EU, they actually take the time to monitor what they are saying.
They had been pushing their usual poor, frightened Syrian Refugees who had been forced to flee in terror from the allegedly horrific happenings there which were making staying impossible when they told us of one poor Syrian Refugee who had succeeded in forcing his way across the Border and was engaged in texting his family to report on his wonderful progress. Where were his family? Yes, you’ve probably guessed though the BBC completely missed seeing the obvious contradictions in their propaganda. the terrified, fleeing young man’s family are all still living in Syria from where they have obviously not felt the slightest inclination of any need to flee.
Despite the fact that they have reported on the radio news this evening that it is known that at least half the supposed Syrian refugees on the borders in the Balkans have absolutely no connection at all to Syria you can guarantee that the good old Beeb will keep pushing the same old misinformation in the hope that we will all go on a massive guilt trip and demand that we should allow them all to come here and swamp what is left of our British heritage and culture. Some bloody hope we will fall for that socialist inspired route to lemming like self-destruction.
The left rely on emotions without any thought to the consequences of actions. I would hate to think of my Grandaughter fleeing these shores because her life is in peril. But this is what could happen if we dont get a grip on where we want this country to go.
In a nutshell.
very good!
allahu akbar !
It didn’t end too well for the Trojans.