Well then, Labour’s John McDonnell used his appearance on BBC “Question Time” to offer a fulsome apology for his pro-IRA comments back in 2003. The BBC seem satisfied with this, honour has been restored and we can all now move on. Except, of course, McDonnell has simply resorted to lying and the BBC let him away with it. His explanation for his comments, made in 2003, was that he (along with Corbyn) were desperate to help ensure the “Peace Process” survived. The FACT of the matter is that this sordid process commenced in 1998 when the Belfast Agreement was ‘signed”. So what the hell was McDonnell doing FIVE YEARS LATER and why was it almost invisible at that time? The BBC know perfectly well that McDonnell’s explanation is flimsy but they have chosen not to go after him any further. In fact, on Question Time, when Timothy Stanley at least TRIED to go after McDonnell a bit more, he was shut up. It’s easy to say sorry when the sorrow is for yourself.
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The Dimbleby clan have relied upon the BBC TV tax for an income throughout their adult lives.
They are paid high, six figure annual incomes and regularly enjoy convivial dinner parties with Melvyn Bragg, Alan Yentob and Tony Hall.
The chance of them showing any form of balance and straying from the liberal left, “progressive” BBC mind think is nil.
Mr McDonnell has apologised for the upset his words caused but what’s more upsetting and repulsive is that he holds these beliefs. If his apology had been because he has come to see the error of his beliefs then we might just accept that he is a new man. But it wasn’t’t and he isn’t.
And nobody does.
There are two very different types of apology:
1. What I did was wrong, and I am sorry I did it;
2. What I did was right, and I am sorry you are too stupid to appreciate that fact.
McDonnell’s “apology” was the classic politician’s type 2 apology, what you might call a non-apology apology. It shows contempt for the audience. Right back at you McDonnell.
Indeed, it is the “I am sorry”… that you are offended by my beliefs which is an utter non-apology
Funny how the BBC never let Farage off the hook, even for things he has not done.
Agree with all the comments to date.
But no-one has attempted to show that this treason; for that is what it is, is inbuilt into the Labour psyche.
There is a whole flotilla of previous Labour MPs who were traitors.
The nastiest being, naturally, the New Labour scum who imported millions of Muslims.
With no apologies, sincere or otherwise, to date. Not that any apology would be accepted.
So the pale pink Socialists committed the greatest act of treason in world history.
What could we expect from the full on, red in tooth and claw, Corbyn & co, answer worse.
Some former Labour MPs were Soviet agents working to undermine the UK in particular, the West more generally and the nation state internationally. Many more MPs were Soviet sympathisers who approved of both the USSR and of the Labour spies.
This approval did not disappear when the legacy of Stalinism was publicised, nor when the excesses
of Mao were revealed. The death of 18% of the population of Cambodia in four years went unremarked.
These Labour twats do not care about these deaths, except in so far as they might turn people away from voting Labour.
Any reading of the history of England suggests there is only one way our ancestors would have dealt with this parasitic vermin, But you will have to read between the lines.
We must leave the EU. We must have a pan Western white people first movement, we must put the Socialist movement where it belongs, in the lavatory. Then flush them into the eternal sewers where they so richly deserve to be.
Treason is every where,Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, etc etc
” The current ‘standard’ of political leaders goes much deeper than that. Nearly all the past and current leaders throughout the West since the end of the Second World War, or shortly thereafter, were handpicked for their future roles. Most of those leaders since the mid 1950s onward have all attended Bilderberg meetings and have affiliations with groups that fall in with those who run the financial houses of the world.
Once you can understand that nothing takes place by happenstance throughout the West in political and business circles, then you gain one step closer in understanding as to who really runs the world. ” gatesofvienna.net/2015/09/germanys-official-suicide-note/
IRA sympathiser John McDonnell -‘A man of peace’.
You’re having a laugh!!
Other IRA sympathisers, Ken Livingstone, Jeremy Corbyn, Peter Hain. All left wing -enough said!
Can’t help noticing that McDonnell had 12 years in which to apologise, unilaterally, without any coercion.
But hey presto, he only does so after suddenly and amazingly becoming Shadow Chancellor.
What are the chances of that?
But did anyone notice how for much of QT, the questions were framed as to be quite apolitical, so McDonnell’s extremist views were conveniently masked by the actual questions asked? What a shame Dimbleboid didn’t ask the Women’s Equality Party spokesperson (the unfunny Toksvig) (and there’s an example of bias right there btw) how come so few refugees are women.
bBC Scotland division is well known as the Republican Guard. Unfortunately, there are many who hold the same beliefs and values as McConnell. Their wholesale departure from Labour ranks explains in part the SNP surge, particularly in the 4 constituencies which voted Yes in the recent referendum.
Whether he will be a lure for their potential return remains to be seen but meanwhile they are resident in numbers within the SNP bloc.
In fairness the Daily Politics had the DUP back on at lunchtime and the emptiness of the apology was succinctly described.
It was inevitable that once on QT this man would try to explain away his previous traitrous persona. The BBC is complicit in this tawdry affair. We in the shires are not taken in and neither will we be by Corbyn and his marxist friends.
That such a bunch of treacherous and self seving people could now be in a potential position of power in a major party is yet another marker on our long but accelerating road to suicide as a nation.
The eminent Douglas Murray has an excellent article on McDonnell’s ‘non-apology’.
Why are people falling for John McDonnell’s Question Time ‘apology’?
He came over as very sincere and tortured on Question Time as he apologised.
However, as I watched I thought ; was it really just now, on the show, that he was sorry? Why did he not say sorry last week, last year, the last time he saw it reported in print or when it first occurred to him (whenever that was)?
Why now, when coincidentally it suits him most to cement power ?