It is a big story, but the reporting and focus is on a perspective different to mine.
I understand why there might be some emotional content, and the media as a whole love people stories but the emotional blackmail which is being launched upon us is becoming intolerable. Decisions are being made on an emotional basis, and there is no better example of this than the one made by Angela Merkel.
Emotionally made decisions invariably turn out to be bad. The BBC is not short on delivering emotional blackmail and has done on many occasions in the past. It is continuing to do this now.
“Emotionally made decisions invariably turn out to be bad.”
It was emotionally made decisions that led us to where we are now. When the first boats started earlier in the year, the EU actively went out and rescued them and brought them to Europe, because not to do so seemed, on the face of it, cruel. As many of us pointed out at the time, the cruel thing to do was in reality to indicate that Europe was open to all and sundry, thus encouraging hundreds of thousands to try the same. How many more have died because of that? But we were shouted down as racists and uncaring by those who like to feel good about themselves without caring about the consequences. The BBC continues to encourage this attitude by focussing on the women, children, disabled and those with fluffy pets whilst ignoring the reality of 70-80% of them being young men of fighting age, with an alien mindset to our own and a powder keg in the making. The further we go down this line the more bloody the resolution will be.
Roland Deschain – that’s a perfect summing up of the situation we are in and what and who caused it. The best post I’ve seen on here for quite a while.
The Syrian Refugee Crisis is Not Our Problem
Daniel Greenfield
“The Syrian refugee crisis that the media bleats about is not a crisis. And the Syrian refugees it champions are often neither Syrians nor refugees.
Fake Syrian passports are cheaper than an EU politician’s virtue and easier to come by. Just about anyone who speaks enough Arabic to pass the scrutiny of a European bureaucrat can come with his two wives in tow and take a turn on the carousel of their welfare state. Or on our welfare state which pays Christian and Jewish groups to bring the Muslim terrorists of tomorrow to our towns and cities.
And their gratitude will be as short-lived as our budgets. The head of a UNHCR camp called Syrian refugees “The most difficult refugees I’ve ever seen.
In Bulgaria, they complained that there were no jobs.
In Sweden, they took off their clothes to protest that it was too cold.
In Italy, Muslim African “refugees” rejected pasta and demanded food from their own countries.
But the cruel Europeans who “mistreat” migrants set up a kitchen in Calais with imported spices cooked by a Michelin chef determined to give them the stir-fried rabbit and lamb meatballs they’re used to.
There are also mobile phone charging stations so the destitute refugees can check on their Facebook accounts. It had to be done because the refugees in Italy were throwing rocks at police while demanding free wifi. -:
Syria was the one country that took in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians when we “liberated” Iraq. It is one the few ME countries that has freedoms for religious minorities. Religious minorites in Syria had freedoms that are unthinkable in countries such as Saudi Arabia, our most trustec ally.
Syria is governed by a secular party, and all religions are respected and allowed. To the Sunnis in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood , and their supporters Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, a secular non-Muslim country in the ME, is totally unacceptable. Hence this war to remove Assad, and replace it with a Muslim brotherhood Wahabbi Islam one.
Our idiot politicians thought they could appease Saudi Arabia by replacing Assad, with al Nusra and so-called freedom fighters, all fronts for al Qaeda and worse. If the West succeeds in removing the Assad government and replacing it with al Nusra, aka known aa ISIS, we will see the mass beheading of Christians in Syria. However Western governments & media will not show the atrocities, or admit culpability for the atrocities, just as we havnt for the atrocities committed by the removal of Gaddaffi.
It is interesting to note that minorities in Syria – the Druze, Alawites, and Christians of various denominations, have not abandoned Assad. In reality, Assad is winning for precisely that reason, while ISIS, al Nusra and others such, are losing. It is not then a surprise, that most Syrian refugees swarming to Europe, are fighting fit young Sunni Muslims ( probably trying to escape the coming nemesis), with few Syrian Druze or Christians among them. Do we really need young fighting fit Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Thanks NCBBC. I’ve been wondering why the subject of Syrian Christians hasn’t had more coverage, ie, questions raised about should we, as a nominally Christian country, be offering them sanctuary etc – but this doesn’t seem part of the narrative.
At first I thought it was because the BBC etc just didn’t want to give any credence to the idea that we might have some historic responsibility towards Christians over Muslims, but what you’ve said makes me wonder if most of the Christians have actually been staying in Syria. Of course, I don’t expect to see this discussed on air anytime soon.
Syrian Christians are identifying Syrian Jihadists who have reached Europe. These particular Syrians appear to be doing more to help us than all of Europe’s “intelligence” agencies and “leaders” (including our own), combined.
I’ve always maintained, to any bod in earshot, that we should be attacking the wretched Saudis, no-one else…..2-3 Carrier fleets, Med and Indian oceans, destroy their air force, destroy their army and communications, move in to secure the oil fields, assuring Russia and China of continued supply.Put the ‘Royal Family’ back on camels…end of. This should have been done in Sept. 2011. These greedy fat bastards have stirred up the ME against us…..payback time.
When asked what Ms Abbott did after that suggestion, Ms Phillips replied: “She fucked off.”
She added: “People said to me they had always wanted to say that to her, and I don’t know why they don’t as the opportunity presents itself every other minute.”
I am trying to compile a list of comedians who do not appear to be left-wing. Harry Hill, Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, Malcolm Macintyre. Not quite sure , really. Any ideas ? Why am I asking this question ?
Grant, I often find myself wondering the same thing. Certainly there are very few comedians who are willing to ‘out’ themselves as expressly non-left. If you discount older club-style comics like Jim Davidson, the only one I can think of is Andrew Lawrence; he was effectively excommunicated from the circuit for his views but enjoys something of an underground following. I think Lee Hurst might be similar but I’m not sure.
There are a few comics who are a bit ‘off-message’ also and who are hard to pigeonhole as either right or left, such as Ricky Gervais, and Doug Stanhope and Bill Burr in the USA, plus quite a few ‘non-political’ mainstream comedians who I suspect may be so because they don’t share the standard lefty comedian viewpoint, but don’t want to alienate themselves from their audiences.
Cranmer, many thanks for that. You have mentioned a few names I have never heard of . Must check them out. I have seen Ricky Gervais a few times and sort of wondered. Maybe I go back a bit longer than you, but I remember Lenny Bruce in the 1960s. Leaving aside politics, he was almost risking his life. Compare him with the smug, safe, financally secure , leftist BBC “comedians” these days ! Risky ? Brave ? LOL !
I find listening to Bill Burr to be a breath of fresh air. Doug Stanhope is a tricky one for me – he’s very tediously left wing in some respects, (eg, anti-libertarian right, pro gun control, anti church) but in others he’s totally radical – ie, has no truck with political correctness, feminists etc. He even had bottles thrown at him by some students in England because of his ‘sexist’ remarks.
I’d say two things about Ricky Gervais. A) he’s not very funny, and B) he seems to err towards the left.
Of the others named in Grant’s original post, I don’t think many are seen on the BBC but that may not have been the point of his post. Personally, I think that Kevin Bridges and Henning Wehn are two of the funniest around at the moment. Hard to tell which has the funnier anecdote as shown on Would I Lie to You , both of which are on You Tube.
Oh yes Doug Stanehope knows how to bash political correctness when knocking Sarah Palin’s child with Downs. Brave man or stooge for the left? By all means let this piece of slime do his performances, but he needs to called out for what he is. A performing leftie pervert. I believe he was enthusiastically embraced by a BBC turd.
Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse may well be “left wing”, they may vote Labour for all I know, but they do seem to have a sense of humour, and are willing to poke fun at lefty shibboleths, which is more than you will ever get from 99% of the BBC approved Jeremy Hardy/Sandi Toksvig/Shappi Khorshandi class of politically correct humour commissars.
Good point Rob in Cheshire. I personally don’t really care what a comedian’s political views are – I care about whether he or she is actually funny and willing to take on the shibboleths/sacred cows etc that any good comedian or satirist should be able to.
Comedy, in my view, has to have a certain impartiality about it, but most of the comedians since the 1980s have really just been leftist preachers who smatter their discourse with the occasional joke. This would be just as unfunny, however, if they were all doctrinaire right wingers.
Rob, did you see Harry and Paul about 2 weeks ago on BBC ? They were taking the P out of everything , including Stephen Fry. No way will they be allowed back on the BBC after that !
You’re right DB, QT is beyond parody – which is what makes the sketch so good, it is full of all the (real life) caricatures one sees on the programme week in and week out.
Got to admire him getting the BBC to fund his return to Australia to recreate bits of his autobiography…for he`d cycled across a few years prior.
Funnily enough, though his book also cites his many trips over to Towyn and Rhyl…but (for some reason) neither Bishop nor the BBC though THAT worth reprising!
Well, I`ll be….
er…no sadly. Another dull leftist tw@t, and to prove it he is a leading part of Plane Stupid, an extreme eco-loon outfit. He won’t fly anywhere and thinks every time you fire up your motor, Mother Earth starts weeping. That nutty.
Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist, with his character “Achmed the Dead Terrorist” – f*****g hilarious, but don’t expect to see him on BBC anytime soon or any of his other non-PC characters.
Bernard Manning didn’t give a monkeys when on stage, and he was genuinely funny, filling theatres and always ensured high viewing figures on the box – then he was killed off by the PC brigade. He was never a ‘bit’ off message, he was never ‘on’ message to start with !!!
I’ve watched quite a lot of Mr Manning’s performances. He was incredibly skilled – had impeccable timing, didn’t take himself seriously and always had that little twinkle in his eye. What the PC brigade didn’t seem to realise was that he made fun of EVERYBODY, including himself – he wasn’t singling out blacks, gays etc – his act was basically summarised as ‘life is funny and there are no sacred cows in comedy’. I think it was that that the left really hated about him.
My favourite Bernard Manning joke (told in 1982 at his Embassy Club): ‘Ladies and gentlemen I’ve just been told we’ve got two lads down the front here who’ve just come back from fighting in the Falklands.’ (Big cheer and applause from audience. Pause.). ‘I don’t know what you’re all fookin’ clapping for. They’re Argentinians.’
LOL ! I think the late and greats , like Tommy Cooper and Bob Monkhouse ( in his “alternative comedian ” role ) were not political.
Tommy, gave a short speech at a dinner for Dean Martin’s 60th ( ? ) birthday. It is on youtube . Poor quality transfer. Totally politically incorrect. Tommy says to Dean ” I always wondered what happened to that eytie who couldn’t sing ” !
I promise this is my last Bernard Manning joke. ‘This feller wins a bog brush in a church raffle. Couple of weeks later, the vicar sees him and says “how are you getting on with the toilet brush”? Feller says ‘Not too good vicar. To be honest I’m thinkin’ of goin’ back to using paper.’
M fav gags, always one-liners from the blessed Bernard, were, ‘ Went to Bradford last week….felt like a dot on a domino ‘ and….’ Call 999 in Bradford you get the Bengal Lancers ‘…magic. I believe those gags are visible on a Parkinson interview with Bernard and Esther Rantzen….good stuff.
Another Bernard Manning joke, ” A black man walks into a pub with a parrot on his shoulder, the bartender says ” Where did you get him ? ” The parrot replies ” Africa, there’s millions of them there.”
Mrs Kitty, I forgot about him. He was great. Not a political bone in his body. Whisky and fags and gags ! What happened to Jeffrey Bernard ? Totally politically incorrect !
David, I have to top this with Tommy Cooper. I went to my doctor and said ” Doctor, I am drinking too much vodka. ” He said ” well switch to whisky “. ” So now I am on a whisky diet. Last week I lost 3 days “.
Maybe now`s the time to remember Bernard, Benny and the other giants of REAL comedy-before the Oxbridge/MancUni unfunnies like Ben Elton and Edmondson became the New Breed.
honourable mentions here for George Roper, Chic Murray and Norman Collier too!
This is shocking. Why not show your passport and buy a ticket like everyone else?
The BBC seem to have missed the point that what these people are doing is actually illegal. Just the same way they stood by filming while people cut the fence at Coquelles (also illegal actually) but they can’t resist a lilly-livered liberal story. I heard they wanted to change to but the domain was taken.
I saw that the Mayor of one of the towns with a ‘Z’ in it, didn’t want the migrants because of the diseases they bring – especially the ones from Africa. Seemed like a sensible chap to me !
Thought Miles Jupp handles “The News Quiz” pretty well tonight.
Yep, plenty open doors re migrants etc-but , from a poor baseline, there were a few cracks at Comrade Steel as well as a few anti-liberal digs.
Remember our pub in Redhill packing a coach to go up and see Bernard Manning a few years back , just before he dies-and It`s a regular drinking hole when I call by.
My favourite joke at the Embassy.
” I`m here to say that I tend to recall Holocaust Day, as the day my dear granny died…she fell out of the watchtower!”
Great example of BBC bias found inadvertently last night.
Just check out he planned future venues of “Question Time” and note which party represents the local constituency
Wembley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Leicester, Poole, Grimsby, Edinburgh, Tottenham, Stoke, Belfast, Manchester, Birmingham, Bath.
Just 2 Tory constituencies out of 13. 9 Labour. Funny, that.
Question Time is a joke. It reminds me of those clips we see of North Korea or China, where the party faithful are all trying to outdo each other by madly applauding the great leader. When you occasionally get a right winger on, such as James Delingpole, most of what they say is greeted not with applause but with the sound of tumbleweeds blowing across the stage.
”Gerald Kaufman told the houses of parliament that if the people of the UK don’t open their borders to a never ending flow of “migrants” they “will live to regret it” for the rest of their lives. Gerald Kaufman, who is an MP in an area of the UK called Gorton, said that he receives “mailbags” each day from people in his area who are saying the UK must open the borders and “let them in.” He goes on to rouse the crowd in the parliament room by concluding, “let’s get on with it!”
Now, what Kaufmann doesn’t point out is the reason he is getting these mailbags of letters (assuming he’s not lying) is because approximately 48% of the people in his area are non-White and that’s only counting the ones who responded to the census data! So, as you can see, it’s never just one “migrant” boy, it’s never just one “migrant” family, it’s ALL “migrants” that want to come to White countries! After all how can these “liberals” close the borders to “migrant” number 40,000,001?”
Remember “Sir” Gerald Kaufman blamed a self-diagnosed “obsessive compulsive disorder” for ordering a 40 inch Bang and Olufsen £8000 (yes the figure is correct) and pair of grapefruit bowls £200 and a £225 roller ball pen from us the tax payer. I believe there were other “claims.”
He has OCD, so he says. I call him a thieving c%&t and utterly untrustworthy.
” Then once these “migrants” come into White countries they start to vote for more non-White immigration and in any shape or form; be it refugees, asylum seekers “tech workers” or “to do the jobs that we won’t do” workers. But isn’t ethnic networking how all groups of people work? Ethnic groups want to be around their own kind. Apart from White people of course, they aren’t allowed to because that would be “racist” and some kind of pathological phobia!
Don’t let anti-Whites pretend this flood of “migrants” won’t alter the demographics of Europe in a significant and genocidal way. Although we don’t have the data to hand, our guess is that back in the 1970s Kaufmanns constituency was 95-99% White. Now think about that for a moment. In the space of 30-40 years it is almost minority White! Get your head around that for a minute because that’s the way ALL areas in Europe are heading. The current day influx of non-White immigration (illegal AND legal) dwarfs the immigration levels of the past! It is growing larger and larger every month! Furthermore it appears the real reason for this “migrant” crisis is to flood ALL and ONLY White countries with so much non-White immigration that by the time the indigenous White populations have woken up to the SCAM they will be overwhelmed and unable to act! Over at White Genocide Project they have reported on Peter Sutherland who is one of the main proponents of this tactic…..just the kind of man you would want in charge of “international migration” at the UN !! ”
Peter Sutherland is a former Irish cabinet minister. Oddly he never calls on his own country whose navy is in the Mediterranean picking up people off Libyan beaches to bring them back to Ireland. They are dumped in Italy to go north.
A bit like Fatty Salmond then, calling on Britain to take ever more refugees, but never once offering to settle them in Scotland – one of the most sparsely populated parts of the U.K.
This footage is disturbing. Has she converted to Islam.
She is saying as some terrorists are from europe, we should let all in. Don’t be scared of what you hear in the news, we are already heading towards an Islamic state. And if you don’t like it, go to church. Maybe that will help you. Remember how bad we were with the jews. Don’t judge others after what we did. I as German chancellor am the opposite of Hitler. OK we have to prepare for terrorist danger, but its not that big a deal. We were pretty evil in the past.
She has no children, so no stake in Germany’s future.
Please see the below information from TV Licensing that we hope you find of interest.
They don’t need a TV to need a TV Licence – make sure they’re covered
Dear Parent,
Drop them off at uni knowing they’re legally covered.
Many students don’t realise they may need their own TV Licence, even if they don’t have a TV.
Students need to be covered if they’re in their room watching or recording programmes as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.
This applies even if they’re using a laptop, tablet, phone, games console, digital box, DVD/VHS recorder or any other device.
A TV Licence costs £145.50 for a year. They can spread the cost or pay in one go.
Check if they need a licence
Check if they need their own licence.
Your licence probably won’t cover them and neither will their hall’s licence.
The average student owns three devices capable of showing or recording TV.
Sensible advice (it does say check & sets the reality out, but is littered with ‘scares’), or one quango passing on a carefully worded sales pitch from another?
This is what I mean about the BBC (and all the rest) never quite managing to report the facts:
The International Organisation for Migration says 473,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe this year, including more than 180,000 Syrians
Oookkaaay. So who were the other 293,000 and which wars were they fleeing from?
Here’s some bias straight out of the “You couldn’t make it up” category.
Today there has been a “Have your Say” on refugees etc. However all the top rated comments were way off-BBC message, instead asking pertinent questions such as “where are all the women refugees?”
Obviously this would NOT do. So it has been taken down and instead there is a form to fill in with the following prompts – “Are you seeking refuge in Europe? Are you in Serbia, Hungary or Croatia?”
99%+ of website readers are of course not in this category. No, we just pay the licence fee in order to keep their bilge flowing.
Just watching the invasion of Europe on AlBeeb telly and what struck me was the total inability and incompetency of the EU do absolutely nothing about it. Farage was right after all!
Time to get out MR Cameron, or do you have ‘a cunning plan’?
re Brissles at 1.34pm.
You’re right ! But quite hard to find on google. But no harm done. My google search also produced the long-ago story of the resignation of Beverley Hughes, which we should all commit to memory when listening to BBC sanctimony.
And I can’t resist this quote from the article (in THE GUARDIAN of all places !!). Quote:
“The issue of asylum demanded his close interest, Mr Blair said. He said: “We need to deal with it because otherwise it becomes a real source of tension and misunderstanding within our own community here in this country.”
Remember that one as the Beeb-lefties carry on with their sanctimonious refugee drivel.
Ah Beverley Hughes!
The very embodiment of New Labours turn from Demonic to Satanic.
She was a Party Member when I was-and , as I moved away: I noted her greasing the pole ans scaling it.
Her holiday home was (if I`m correct) only a few miles from Morecambe Bay when the cockle pickers went down in Feb 2004…and , when my dear dead mum moaned about Moss Side gangs dealing near her house, ole Bev told her she was “racist”.
As I say, the very embodiment of all that went wrong with our politics…a prototype Jacqui Smith, albeit one who once bought a round in 1982…bet the pension she`s snaffling is due reward for fiddling the migration issue.
As all Labour scum did-past and present included.
It never stops! ‘The World at One’ had a heart-rending story of a Syrian pianist who had had a run-in with ISIS, and was making the journey to Germany, saying he would bring his wife and children over once he got there. The reporter even interviewed him as he got into a boat on the Turkish coast – no questions or editorialising about his situation; just pure emotion and ‘human interest’ that even ‘Take a Break’ magazine would reject as being too sentimental. Is it too much to expect the BBC to give an impartial, objective report of the facts?
Needless to say the comments were not too supportive of the narrative being pushed, or the BBC’s ‘reporting’ standards either.
Some wondering if every worthy refugee (there are doubtless some) has been issued with a personal BBC embedee to share their journey, thus denying a wife or child the place to go along too. there are of course 20,000 to support in this way.
Francine Numa of ‘Save the Children is having a whinge on Classic F… oh, no, she isn’t any more.
okay, this guy walks into a bar, he takes out a tiny piano, and a twelve inch pianist, oh, no, wait, I can’t tell that one! – Krusty the Klown.
I have noticed the BBC do sometimes post impartial, objective, unbiased reports on the invasion crisis. But they disappear so quickly, any reference to them can only be found on websites such as this. Reading the BBC charter, they are doing far less than the bare minimum to claim impartiality. Actually, no they not fulfilling their obligation to be impartial, and are mind numbingly biased. They have taken bias to a new level. Super bias!
Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, Bottom stage show, they were adrift, clinging to Eddies organ while tossing in the sea. Turns out it was a whirlitzer.
Oh dear. The Croatians have just bussed lots of migrants up to the Hungarian border – and the Hungarians have moved forward armoured cars. But here’s some interesting reporting on the incident:
Headline: Croatia ‘moving migrants on’.
It doesn’t even mention where they’re being ‘moved on’ to until the third paragraph. ‘Croatia sending back migrants’ is more accurate, because most of them will have come from the Hungarian border.
Is it just my frenzied right-wing imagination at work, or is this meant to look as if the Croats have given them a smile and a cheery wave through all the way to Munich?
“More than 700,000 people have taken to Twitter to support Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old student who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school that was mistaken for a bomb”
never underestimate the power of indoctrination, and inbuilt herd mentality
Buraq Hussein Obama, and the rest of the ” if it looks like a bomb, its a clock” brigade of useful idiots eh!
how dangerous is that waste of oxygen?
”A migrant has died after being electrocuted at the entrance to the Eurotunnel in Calais, French police have said.
The man died after being found on the roof of a freight train at the Channel Tunnel.
A friend told the BBC the dead man was Abdel Kader Hanna, who was in his early 30s and came from southern Syria.”
No shit ? These invaders claim to be all electrical engineers so you’d think they would know electricity is dangerous,
Southern Syria, where there’s no war. Hezbollah are also indulging in their favourite pastime there of lobbing Iranian-made missiles at northern Israel.
The BBC must ensure that all those invited to comment on the news are “one of us”. BBC News channel covering the implementation by Lidl of the minimum wage as recommended by the Living Wage Foundation, interview a Retail Analyst. Even he has the jargon off pat, prefixing reference to the National Minimum Wage with “so called”.
I was listening to Jezza Vine today and he had a discussion between Jonny Mercer (ex-army Tory MP) in favour of UK military action in Syria and a former British Military Intelligence officer called Frank Ledwidge, against our going anywhere near the place. It was one of the best pieces that Vine has done on his show in a long time; despite him not being able to keep his trap shut so they could get on with it.
It was a quite superb analysis by Ledwidge, whilst Mercer showed that our politicians appear to have learned nothing from the foreign entanglements they involve us in, despite them always seeming to end so disastrously.
‘The BBC Arabic Festival brings film and documentaries from a changing Arab world to London’
I expect in future there may have to be a special feature on German culture…
Oktoberfest… Munich’s mayor will tap the first barrel thus declaring the “Wiesn“ – as the Munich people call it – officially open… or… perhaps not – not unless it’s all alcohol free
How about Wittlich’s commemoration of a local legend with an annual pig fest – or, perhaps not.
Never mind, there’s always Christmas… Germany’s cities, towns and villages are filled with Christmas magic during the holiday season. The Christmas Market season runs throughout the Advent period, from the end of November to the third week of December….. what’s Christmas? Oh Scheisse! Winterval, anyone?
1. One thing I can’t work out is why so many of these migrants – having allegedly walked so many/hundreds of miles, have arrived so fresh and fighting (well plenty energy for throwing stones or children) on the frontiers of Hungary/Serbia/Croatia. I did notice that along their tracks there seemed to be foodstores to which they helped themselves from time to time – who has provided these? Are they funded with ISIL money.
2. Why do senior German ministers think they can indulge in open threats of retribution against other EU countries when the matters haven’t yet been formally discussed or voted on yet within the relevant EU decision-making body.
Every migrant interviewed by the BBC seems to be a brain surgeon or, at minimum, a doctor … I wonder if there’s any Nobel Prize Winners amongst the “migrants”. Presumably, there are no medieval slobs, looking forward to a life on benefits and free healthcare and education for the 8-10 sprogs they’ve got or intend to have in future.
Why was Syria in such a state with third world conditions if all the migrants were professionals and skilled peoples. If Syria as a country is an example of their skills, then I can see a lot of them never getting work !
They are skilled professionals by Syrian standards, which are pretty low. Same for Africans. Skilled professionals are recruited via foreign agencies, not from illegal immigrants. BBC forgets stuff sometimes god bless it!
18.00 5Lies – News Headlines – blatant politicking by BBC moron.
One Anna Holligan stationed God knows where in Eastern Europe describes 40,000 migrants passing into an adjacent country during last few days. Finishes her piece by saying ….”and that’s twice as much as David Cameron has promised to take in over five years”.
David. This is the BBC saying “This is what the country looks like now. Get used to it.” Trouble is, where I live it doesn’t look anything like that. For now.
Who could have imagined that his name might have been Mohammed Ali?
Enough Ricin to kill 1400 people and he gets a sentence of just 8 years meaning he will be out in just 4, you get longer for looking at a Muslim the wrong way!
The usual excuses are trotted out mental illness lone wolf, operating alone etc etc, and the family yet again claim “They are distraught and appalled by the mess he has got into.” In other words, they’re upset he got caught !
The BBC whilst actually reporting this fail to investigate the motivation, or the Islamic angle at all, they simply view it as a British man whose motivations are unknown.
I agree. The “Breaking Bad” angle was merely his bullshit excuse for ordering ricin, yet the BBC reports it as if it’s a fact. Why do I feel that the Koran might have been more of an influence on this turd than a box set?
s this the end of Isis? British special forces colonel claims devastating loss of land and troops thanks to air strikes and battles with Kurdish forces will lead to ‘house of cards’ falling down
One British Colonel reportedly said ISIS are ‘fragile’ and in a ‘poor position’
Brigadier added it was just a ‘question of time’ before jihadis were defeated
Terrorist numbers said to have fallen by 8,000 since campaign started
Makes you wonder if this Colonel has realised that they’ve all upped sticks and moved to Germany ?
Hopefully the catastrophe this c**t has initiated in Europe will be the end of her; so glad to see the Germans are beginning to treat her as she deserves to be.
How weird that this was not on the BBC news. I thought all the Krauts were hanging out at railway stations with “Refugees Welcome” placards. Surely the BBC would not mislead us on this major story?
Unfortunately it transpires this video of Merkel is from 2012; but I should expect her to get even less of a warm welcome now, as the effects of the demographic atom bomb (she’s set to detonate in Germany) become evermore apparent to those Germans who, like similar minded folk in other European countries, don’t relish becoming the minority in their own f*****g country!
I was watching our local BBC news last night (Look North) and it had a piece about how a load of curry munchers in Batley, were getting together to transport a load of stuff (tents, food, clothes, batteries etc) they’d got from a charitable appeal, to help those in “refugee camps” in Europe. (This is obviously after they’d been through it all and ferreted out any of the good stuff for themselves of course.)
The female beeboid, they had sent to interview them, was talking to this one rag head, complete with his beard and pyjamas, about how wonderful it was for this to have been done by “not just appealing to the Muslim community, but to other communities as well” etc etc – the usual inclusivity b******s.
There was then a shot of a pallet of stuff being loaded into an artic, it was wrapped in plastic and the logo on the plastic was of a hand clenched with the forefinger pointing upwards as per ISIS and a load of their squiggle above and below it. I rewound it to show Mrs S and we both shook our heads – needless to say Ms Beeb didn’t cotton on, or if she did she didn’t question Osama about it.
I don’t know if anyone else on here who watched it, noticed that too?
Alex Thompson, SKY News very own Katie Adie, infamous for being in the back of a pick up truck, wetting herself in excitement, reporting about the Arab Spring / nightmare in Libya. ” Hungary is on a WAR FOOTING !!! ” camera cuts to one soldier.
News at Ten on now, the immigrant crisis. Most close-up shots show women, children or babies. General shots reveal most to be men. Now they’ve found Girl In A Wheelchair again.
Turned over from the rugby to see the pestilential BBC at it again, with a wheelchair bound refugee.
Whilst I’d agree that young lady is probably a genuine refugee, the BBC choose to portray her predicament as a blanket justification for all these parasites.
90% are not Syrian, and not refugees, but migrants from as far afield as India.
We are heading towards a serious uprising in Europe. This will all end in blood and tears.
Thank god for Putin. Never thought I’d say that, but it looks like he’s the only world leader with any cojones regarding the carnage in Syria. Thank god Russia is aligned with Assad – I literally cannot wait for the Russians to start kicking the sh*t out of Islamic State. Please, let it happen. BBC is all serious faces.
Russia steps in. Iraq and Syria are freed from IS stranglehold. Return the refugees/immigrants. Install hard-line dictators. It’s all Islam understands.
Why is the BBC going berserk over Rugby Union football? It is pushing this World Cup thing like there’s no tomorrow.
I know Justin Webb (Today Presenter) is a big fan and that from the same programme, Humphrys & Naughtie come over all nationalistic at Six Nations time. But why the massive puff? Webb tried to claim that RU was the world’s fourth sport, or something like that, whereas a quick online search shows that – only when combined with Rugby League – it is just in or just struggling to get in the Top Ten. There are probably more Chinese who watch Serie A soccer from Italy and the UK Premiership each weekend than people worldwide will be spectating the RU World Cup. So, why the fuss?
Possibly the berserker behaviour on almost anything now caused by the proliferation of PR moppets on every event, matched only by the number of cubicle kindergardeners desperate for anything to fill space to justify their jobs.
As Merkel gets booed so loud in Germany, it drowns her speech,
EU mandatory refugee quotas could have to be forced through by majority vote,
warns German minister
If a PC media won’t report on migrants’ epidemic of rape in Germany and elsewhere?,
then we will: Gatestone Inst
Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic
“We Are the Biggest Brothel in Munich
One of the topics of this years meeting held in Austria was the U.S Election. Why would the world’s most powerful people, from around the world, want to discuss a democratic election – that is, supposedly, solely decided by American voters? What is there to discuss?
Well, according to some observers, the Bilderberg Conference is nothing less than a “king maker” as it selects the right candidate to advance its agenda … although, this year, the Conference might be a “queen maker”.
The result of large scale Islamic immigration in Germany, precisely because the vast majority of the new will be young men, and not disabled children, the latest “swarm” stats bear this out..
It consists of a civil front invasion, passing through external EU borders, via internal ones, to target Northern states – Germany, Sweden, and probably the UK in due course, indirectly through the use of EU paperwork once it has been acquired in other EU states.
The approaching front is mainly military age males, probably overwhelmingly Sunni in allegiance. They are approaching 10 Divisions in strength; they are in good communication across locations and between forward and rear positions; they have a well-rehearsed mob behaviour when challenged by any civil authorities in their path; they have successfully resisted registration or identification; they carry women, children, the disabled and other photographic and narrative ‘window’ with them as long as is convenient but no further; and they are able to act in a coordinated manner across entry points to out manouevre national border defences by exploiting one nation against another.
Their advance is currently being actively assisted by the central EU administration, together with the leadership of several key Western states, in defiance of the clear wishes of the majority of their populations. They are (a) delaying and disrupting any coordinated defensive response at the EU level, and (b) marginalising and threatening those states, mainly in the East, that have acted independently to maintain the integrity of external EU borders.
Their advance is also being actively assisted by a co-ordinated comprehensive propaganda campaign through all the major broadcasting and newspaper channels, unprecedented in scope and reach since WWII, and certainly greater in intensity than anything seen during the Cold War. Its simultaneity and relentlessness indicate a degree of pre-planning which means it was probably part of the planning for the invasion itself.
The main thrust of the propaganda offensive is to induce an emotional response of sufficient intensity, and for just sufficient duration, to decisively influence government policies and actions in a direction which it will be impossible to reverse before sufficient numbers of incoming individuals are ‘in place and impossible to displace’.
As a corollary of this, there is a clear secondary intent to marginalise and render ineffectual any opponents of the invasion, by asserting that they are few, they are weak and they are morally shameful and repellent. This is the only remaining Achilles’ heel of the entire process –
if it becomes apparent to sufficient numbers of the objecting populations of the West that they are in fact so numerous as to be in the overwhelming majority, morally unassailable, and therefore possessing a strength which they have simply not so far exercised, then it is not too late to stop the whole disaster in its tracks – literally.
This is currently the only thing the perpetrators of this infamy are afraid of.
I have found notions of conspiracy hard to credit. Nothing deliberate of this nature could be coordinated without words spoken or written being recorded to be shared. And a leak is inevitable. If it happened the consequences would be spectacular.
So how to explain where Europe now finds itself? When Corbyn and Abbott had their hippy-trysty jaunt behind the Iron Curtain on their tandem, did they happen across a passionate Frau called Angela and concoct all this with others whilst staring up at the stars from an East German mountain top? Unlikely.
So the spotlight must turn to to other factors, such as incompetence, cowardice, greed and ambition, from the last and current generation of political opportunists and pygmies.
Not coordinated perhaps, but simply coming together like a series of imperfect storms, with each short term decision or knee jerk feeding the downward spiral of another.
All fed by the pathetic desire to please the social engineers at the BBC and foolishly attempt to placate the minority, if vocal, Twitter mob bubble they exist in.
I despair that an actual ballot of the population is years away as these bozos dig the hole ever deeper.
Yes, I realise that it’s a big step to take, to talk of conspiracy. I prefer to talk about planning, predilection and a cultural atmosphere which encourages thought trains between politicians at the top of the tree, their permanent civil bureaucracies (which in my experience have their own values apart from their political masters, and will always attempt to gain control of the situation for the sake of those values, which are only loosely related to democracy), and the major NGOs, which as global powers in their own right certainly do engage in much scenario-planning informed by values which are not necessarily reflective of our own national culture.
I don’t think it is necessary to go into full paranoid mode to see that there are elements of intention behind the scenes we are daily presented with. Maybe we need a new model of conspiracy which matches the new environment of global social media and telecomms, plus the legacy of global institutions which were initially envisioned to be at the command of a transparent global consensus, but which have transmogrified into the instruments of campaigning minorities, some of them public, and some of them more closeted.
Sure, there is always incompetency, fearfulness and idiocy in government as in the population at large. What is important is the checks and balances on these – have they kept up with the facts of modern life, or are they being finessed whether intentionally or by inadvertence?
Mr Beaker- whilst I don’t personally subscribe to the idea that there is a central organising power behind this crisis, I do think your last paragraph is very accurate. Here’s something that readers may find encouraging in this regard. A few years ago in Oxford, a mosque announced that it would play the call to prayer the statutory five times a day from loudspeakers.
There were huge numbers of objections in the local press, to the council etc, and of course the first response from the various arms of the liberal establishment was to cry ‘racist’ – but the deluge – and it was a deluge – of opposition continued, until the proposal was dropped, with the addition of some feeble statement by the mosque that they’d never intended to do it anyway and it had all been misinterpreted.
Public opinion can make a big difference to events sometimes; the BBC knows this and I believe this is why they are desperate to prevent control of the narrative slipping out of their hands.
This short song, about 2:30mins was, I think, written for The Walking Dead TV show, I could be wrong. I’m not overly sure on posting links, it is freely available on you tube, The lyrics are below.
As the inevitable approaches us all, this decade resonates of the 1930’s. Appeasers all around ignoring the elephant in the room and closing their eyes to that inevitable. At some point the conflict between ‘The West’ and Islam will progress beyond proxy wars in mid east shitholes and somebody, some loon somewhere will do something that provokes a response which will lead to that greater conflict.
A Jihad bullet for the US President, a Jihad bomb for a head of state, or just riots in Europe getting out of control prompting more and more reprisals. There is so much money available from the Middle East they can embed their people everywhere and all it takes is that one moment, that ‘9 11′ moment and the house of cards will fall.
In my hands, I hold the ashes
In my veins, black pitch runs
In my chest, a fire catches
In my way, a setting sun
Dark clouds gather ’round me
To the west, my soul is bound
And I will go on ahead, free
There’s a light yet to be found
The last pale light in the west
The last pale light in the west
And I ask for no redemption
In this cold and barren place
Still I see the faint reflection
And so by it, I got my way
The last pale light in the west
The last pale light in the west
BBC Bias 19/9/15. “It’s nothing to do with Islam, (is it Dave)?” variety.
Here is a piece of classic BBC distortion of truth, using words and pici-wikis from Dominic Casciani ‘Home Affairs Correspondent’,[cough]. Dominic clearly got the memo about how the BBC cannot implicate Muslims or Islam with anything bad, in this case, terrorism:
The Conservative Woman website has many perceptive writers. Laurence Hodge has saved me the time of explaining how Dominic and the BBC continue to numb the sheeples minds and hide the inconvenient truth.
The two most serious cases led to the only terrorism murders the UK has suffered since 7/7 – Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich and Muslim grandfather Mohammed Saleem, killed in the street by a neo-Nazi who then tried to bomb three mosques.
Yep, that’s right Dom. Muslims are the victims of ‘neo-nazi’ terrorism, and Lee Rigby the victim of ……. I guess you missed that bit out Dom. Our young ones will (and won’t) get the message. I also guess that the families and friends of the Sousse massacre in June are no longer part of our UK, or haven’t suffered, or Dominic just doesn’t regard them as terrorism murders. Only two terrorism murders the UK has suffered? I don’t believe that statistic. Surely it is wrong?
Scrap the Telly tax. The BBC Poisoning our society with their obfuscatory narrative, again.
There are innumerable cases of Islamic terrorism in the UK: terrorism isn’t just about fatalities. The Muslim rape gangs are a form of terrorism, against our young women and children – a method which Islam has employed against its enemies, almost since its inception.
There are also things such as the ‘parking Jihad’ waged, as Gavin Boby has described, when a mosque is opened in an area which is still non-Muslim – that is also terrorism, non-lethal of course, but still aimed towards the same objective: Islamic domination of the kaffir.
None of the above would be described as such by Al Beebus and in the case of parking Jihad, it would never even be mentioned by them at all.
In Longsight & Levenshulme near where I live which are virtually Islamic, the Muslim communities have purchased local churches and turned them into community centers or similar. You could call this ‘religious cleansing’. However, I have seen a church with a ‘for sale’ sign on it. I should look into it.
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I am sick to the gunnels of hearing about gimmegrants, wherever they are.
That’s all.
It is a big story, but the reporting and focus is on a perspective different to mine.
I understand why there might be some emotional content, and the media as a whole love people stories but the emotional blackmail which is being launched upon us is becoming intolerable. Decisions are being made on an emotional basis, and there is no better example of this than the one made by Angela Merkel.
Emotionally made decisions invariably turn out to be bad. The BBC is not short on delivering emotional blackmail and has done on many occasions in the past. It is continuing to do this now.
“Emotionally made decisions invariably turn out to be bad.”
It was emotionally made decisions that led us to where we are now. When the first boats started earlier in the year, the EU actively went out and rescued them and brought them to Europe, because not to do so seemed, on the face of it, cruel. As many of us pointed out at the time, the cruel thing to do was in reality to indicate that Europe was open to all and sundry, thus encouraging hundreds of thousands to try the same. How many more have died because of that? But we were shouted down as racists and uncaring by those who like to feel good about themselves without caring about the consequences. The BBC continues to encourage this attitude by focussing on the women, children, disabled and those with fluffy pets whilst ignoring the reality of 70-80% of them being young men of fighting age, with an alien mindset to our own and a powder keg in the making. The further we go down this line the more bloody the resolution will be.
Roland Deschain – that’s a perfect summing up of the situation we are in and what and who caused it. The best post I’ve seen on here for quite a while.
“Emotionally made decisions invariably turn out to be bad.”
The standard BBC question has become: “What do you feel ……?”
There was a time when the question was: “What do you think…….?”
I feel that politicians need to think more.
The Syrian Refugee Crisis is Not Our Problem
Daniel Greenfield
“The Syrian refugee crisis that the media bleats about is not a crisis. And the Syrian refugees it champions are often neither Syrians nor refugees.
Fake Syrian passports are cheaper than an EU politician’s virtue and easier to come by. Just about anyone who speaks enough Arabic to pass the scrutiny of a European bureaucrat can come with his two wives in tow and take a turn on the carousel of their welfare state. Or on our welfare state which pays Christian and Jewish groups to bring the Muslim terrorists of tomorrow to our towns and cities.
And their gratitude will be as short-lived as our budgets. The head of a UNHCR camp called Syrian refugees “The most difficult refugees I’ve ever seen.
In Bulgaria, they complained that there were no jobs.
In Sweden, they took off their clothes to protest that it was too cold.
In Italy, Muslim African “refugees” rejected pasta and demanded food from their own countries.
But the cruel Europeans who “mistreat” migrants set up a kitchen in Calais with imported spices cooked by a Michelin chef determined to give them the stir-fried rabbit and lamb meatballs they’re used to.
There are also mobile phone charging stations so the destitute refugees can check on their Facebook accounts. It had to be done because the refugees in Italy were throwing rocks at police while demanding free wifi. -:
Syria was the one country that took in hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians when we “liberated” Iraq. It is one the few ME countries that has freedoms for religious minorities. Religious minorites in Syria had freedoms that are unthinkable in countries such as Saudi Arabia, our most trustec ally.
Syria is governed by a secular party, and all religions are respected and allowed. To the Sunnis in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood , and their supporters Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, a secular non-Muslim country in the ME, is totally unacceptable. Hence this war to remove Assad, and replace it with a Muslim brotherhood Wahabbi Islam one.
Our idiot politicians thought they could appease Saudi Arabia by replacing Assad, with al Nusra and so-called freedom fighters, all fronts for al Qaeda and worse. If the West succeeds in removing the Assad government and replacing it with al Nusra, aka known aa ISIS, we will see the mass beheading of Christians in Syria. However Western governments & media will not show the atrocities, or admit culpability for the atrocities, just as we havnt for the atrocities committed by the removal of Gaddaffi.
It is interesting to note that minorities in Syria – the Druze, Alawites, and Christians of various denominations, have not abandoned Assad. In reality, Assad is winning for precisely that reason, while ISIS, al Nusra and others such, are losing. It is not then a surprise, that most Syrian refugees swarming to Europe, are fighting fit young Sunni Muslims ( probably trying to escape the coming nemesis), with few Syrian Druze or Christians among them. Do we really need young fighting fit Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Thanks NCBBC. I’ve been wondering why the subject of Syrian Christians hasn’t had more coverage, ie, questions raised about should we, as a nominally Christian country, be offering them sanctuary etc – but this doesn’t seem part of the narrative.
At first I thought it was because the BBC etc just didn’t want to give any credence to the idea that we might have some historic responsibility towards Christians over Muslims, but what you’ve said makes me wonder if most of the Christians have actually been staying in Syria. Of course, I don’t expect to see this discussed on air anytime soon.
Interesting (and useful) Facebook page here:
Syrian Christians are identifying Syrian Jihadists who have reached Europe. These particular Syrians appear to be doing more to help us than all of Europe’s “intelligence” agencies and “leaders” (including our own), combined.
I’ve always maintained, to any bod in earshot, that we should be attacking the wretched Saudis, no-one else…..2-3 Carrier fleets, Med and Indian oceans, destroy their air force, destroy their army and communications, move in to secure the oil fields, assuring Russia and China of continued supply.Put the ‘Royal Family’ back on camels…end of. This should have been done in Sept. 2011. These greedy fat bastards have stirred up the ME against us…..payback time.
Agreed GR. I’ve always seen Saudi and Pakistan as our real enemies in the region.
Where are the 300?
Why is a female labour MP allowed to tell Diane Abbott to F**k Off without any consequences?
Should I, as a male and pale Englishman have done the same I’d have had PC plod paying me a visit.
Ooo missed that bit of info, who was it, and give the girl a medal !
I think you might like this.
“as a male and pale Englishman”
All Englishmen are pale, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
There’s a great antidote to the BBC propaganda blitz called “I’m a Heartless Bastard”. It argues the case for taking zero refugees from Syria. Worth a look at:
Not heartless enough I have zero sympathy for any of them full stop.
I am trying to compile a list of comedians who do not appear to be left-wing. Harry Hill, Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, Malcolm Macintyre. Not quite sure , really. Any ideas ? Why am I asking this question ?
Grant, I often find myself wondering the same thing. Certainly there are very few comedians who are willing to ‘out’ themselves as expressly non-left. If you discount older club-style comics like Jim Davidson, the only one I can think of is Andrew Lawrence; he was effectively excommunicated from the circuit for his views but enjoys something of an underground following. I think Lee Hurst might be similar but I’m not sure.
There are a few comics who are a bit ‘off-message’ also and who are hard to pigeonhole as either right or left, such as Ricky Gervais, and Doug Stanhope and Bill Burr in the USA, plus quite a few ‘non-political’ mainstream comedians who I suspect may be so because they don’t share the standard lefty comedian viewpoint, but don’t want to alienate themselves from their audiences.
Cranmer, many thanks for that. You have mentioned a few names I have never heard of . Must check them out. I have seen Ricky Gervais a few times and sort of wondered. Maybe I go back a bit longer than you, but I remember Lenny Bruce in the 1960s. Leaving aside politics, he was almost risking his life. Compare him with the smug, safe, financally secure , leftist BBC “comedians” these days ! Risky ? Brave ? LOL !
I find listening to Bill Burr to be a breath of fresh air. Doug Stanhope is a tricky one for me – he’s very tediously left wing in some respects, (eg, anti-libertarian right, pro gun control, anti church) but in others he’s totally radical – ie, has no truck with political correctness, feminists etc. He even had bottles thrown at him by some students in England because of his ‘sexist’ remarks.
Cranmer, Doug sounds like ” Wacky left “. Does not march to the drum. I bet the bottles were empty !
I’d say two things about Ricky Gervais. A) he’s not very funny, and B) he seems to err towards the left.
Of the others named in Grant’s original post, I don’t think many are seen on the BBC but that may not have been the point of his post. Personally, I think that Kevin Bridges and Henning Wehn are two of the funniest around at the moment. Hard to tell which has the funnier anecdote as shown on Would I Lie to You , both of which are on You Tube.
Oh yes Doug Stanehope knows how to bash political correctness when knocking Sarah Palin’s child with Downs. Brave man or stooge for the left? By all means let this piece of slime do his performances, but he needs to called out for what he is. A performing leftie pervert. I believe he was enthusiastically embraced by a BBC turd.
I reached 1m15seconds – what a total f*****g tw@t.
Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse may well be “left wing”, they may vote Labour for all I know, but they do seem to have a sense of humour, and are willing to poke fun at lefty shibboleths, which is more than you will ever get from 99% of the BBC approved Jeremy Hardy/Sandi Toksvig/Shappi Khorshandi class of politically correct humour commissars.
Good point Rob in Cheshire. I personally don’t really care what a comedian’s political views are – I care about whether he or she is actually funny and willing to take on the shibboleths/sacred cows etc that any good comedian or satirist should be able to.
Comedy, in my view, has to have a certain impartiality about it, but most of the comedians since the 1980s have really just been leftist preachers who smatter their discourse with the occasional joke. This would be just as unfunny, however, if they were all doctrinaire right wingers.
Rob, did you see Harry and Paul about 2 weeks ago on BBC ? They were taking the P out of everything , including Stephen Fry. No way will they be allowed back on the BBC after that !
There’s a very funny Harry and Paul sketch about Question Time here;
That is so funny Cranmer, thanks for posting that.
Unfortunately that isn’t a parody.
You’re right DB, QT is beyond parody – which is what makes the sketch so good, it is full of all the (real life) caricatures one sees on the programme week in and week out.
Yes, I had that in mind. Hopefully they are popular enough to get a pass from the Comedy Commissars. Another not funny comedian.
Got to admire him getting the BBC to fund his return to Australia to recreate bits of his autobiography…for he`d cycled across a few years prior.
Funnily enough, though his book also cites his many trips over to Towyn and Rhyl…but (for some reason) neither Bishop nor the BBC though THAT worth reprising!
Well, I`ll be….
Alistair McGowan not a lefty, I believe, and an all-round good guy.
er…no sadly. Another dull leftist tw@t, and to prove it he is a leading part of Plane Stupid, an extreme eco-loon outfit. He won’t fly anywhere and thinks every time you fire up your motor, Mother Earth starts weeping. That nutty.
Alistair Mc Gowan is a greeny eco nut , I`ve heard him mention it on the radio .
Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist, with his character “Achmed the Dead Terrorist” – f*****g hilarious, but don’t expect to see him on BBC anytime soon or any of his other non-PC characters.
Check it out on YouTube.
Andrew Lawrence.
I highly recommend following his twitter feed. He’s come out with some utter belters about the current waves of lefty hypocrisy.
Bernard Manning didn’t give a monkeys when on stage, and he was genuinely funny, filling theatres and always ensured high viewing figures on the box – then he was killed off by the PC brigade. He was never a ‘bit’ off message, he was never ‘on’ message to start with !!!
I’ve watched quite a lot of Mr Manning’s performances. He was incredibly skilled – had impeccable timing, didn’t take himself seriously and always had that little twinkle in his eye. What the PC brigade didn’t seem to realise was that he made fun of EVERYBODY, including himself – he wasn’t singling out blacks, gays etc – his act was basically summarised as ‘life is funny and there are no sacred cows in comedy’. I think it was that that the left really hated about him.
Yes, Bernard Manning was a free spirit. Didn’t give a toss. RIP
Cranmer, it comes down to the Left’s hatred of anything they cannot control. At the end of the day, they do not believe in freedom.
My favourite Bernard Manning joke (told in 1982 at his Embassy Club): ‘Ladies and gentlemen I’ve just been told we’ve got two lads down the front here who’ve just come back from fighting in the Falklands.’ (Big cheer and applause from audience. Pause.). ‘I don’t know what you’re all fookin’ clapping for. They’re Argentinians.’
LOL ! I think the late and greats , like Tommy Cooper and Bob Monkhouse ( in his “alternative comedian ” role ) were not political.
Tommy, gave a short speech at a dinner for Dean Martin’s 60th ( ? ) birthday. It is on youtube . Poor quality transfer. Totally politically incorrect. Tommy says to Dean ” I always wondered what happened to that eytie who couldn’t sing ” !
I promise this is my last Bernard Manning joke. ‘This feller wins a bog brush in a church raffle. Couple of weeks later, the vicar sees him and says “how are you getting on with the toilet brush”? Feller says ‘Not too good vicar. To be honest I’m thinkin’ of goin’ back to using paper.’
Only slightly related but can anyone tell me if the official name for the latest male hairstyle is the bog brush?
It’s certainly what I call it!
You know the one with a round tuft on top of very short sides.
M fav gags, always one-liners from the blessed Bernard, were, ‘ Went to Bradford last week….felt like a dot on a domino ‘ and….’ Call 999 in Bradford you get the Bengal Lancers ‘…magic. I believe those gags are visible on a Parkinson interview with Bernard and Esther Rantzen….good stuff.
Grim, He told it like it is, no fear, no favours !
Another Bernard Manning joke, ” A black man walks into a pub with a parrot on his shoulder, the bartender says ” Where did you get him ? ” The parrot replies ” Africa, there’s millions of them there.”
For me it’s Dave Allen , his timing, cheeky grin and views on life had me crying with laughter. Sad to say we’ll never see his like again.
Mrs Kitty, I forgot about him. He was great. Not a political bone in his body. Whisky and fags and gags ! What happened to Jeffrey Bernard ? Totally politically incorrect !
Sadly he became permanently unwell some years ago. He was the reason I bought the Spectator.
I heard the Lisa Lampanelli was getting a gig at the bBC.
Logie, yes, same here. He did not give a toss !
David, I have to top this with Tommy Cooper. I went to my doctor and said ” Doctor, I am drinking too much vodka. ” He said ” well switch to whisky “. ” So now I am on a whisky diet. Last week I lost 3 days “.
As someone personally insulted by Mr. Manning at one of his gigs, I can attest to his brilliance. A top notch entertainer who didn’t give a toss.
Maybe now`s the time to remember Bernard, Benny and the other giants of REAL comedy-before the Oxbridge/MancUni unfunnies like Ben Elton and Edmondson became the New Breed.
honourable mentions here for George Roper, Chic Murray and Norman Collier too!
‘Super-gonorrhoea’ outbreak in Leeds.
Is this one of the ‘benefits’ of Multi Cultural enrichment?
This is shocking. Why not show your passport and buy a ticket like everyone else?
The BBC seem to have missed the point that what these people are doing is actually illegal. Just the same way they stood by filming while people cut the fence at Coquelles (also illegal actually) but they can’t resist a lilly-livered liberal story. I heard they wanted to change to but the domain was taken.
No, just Northern claptrap.
So that’s where Superman’s been hiding
Like the return of TB ?
I saw that the Mayor of one of the towns with a ‘Z’ in it, didn’t want the migrants because of the diseases they bring – especially the ones from Africa. Seemed like a sensible chap to me !
And another one of those ‘men’ – just an ordinary guy really – watching too much American TV – Eh?
Here’s one doing the rounds………….
Syria has appealed for international assistance today, after a boatload of 500 Greeks arrived seeking a better life.
Thought Miles Jupp handles “The News Quiz” pretty well tonight.
Yep, plenty open doors re migrants etc-but , from a poor baseline, there were a few cracks at Comrade Steel as well as a few anti-liberal digs.
Remember our pub in Redhill packing a coach to go up and see Bernard Manning a few years back , just before he dies-and It`s a regular drinking hole when I call by.
My favourite joke at the Embassy.
” I`m here to say that I tend to recall Holocaust Day, as the day my dear granny died…she fell out of the watchtower!”
Great example of BBC bias found inadvertently last night.
Just check out he planned future venues of “Question Time” and note which party represents the local constituency
Wembley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Leicester, Poole, Grimsby, Edinburgh, Tottenham, Stoke, Belfast, Manchester, Birmingham, Bath.
Just 2 Tory constituencies out of 13. 9 Labour. Funny, that.
Question Time is a joke. It reminds me of those clips we see of North Korea or China, where the party faithful are all trying to outdo each other by madly applauding the great leader. When you occasionally get a right winger on, such as James Delingpole, most of what they say is greeted not with applause but with the sound of tumbleweeds blowing across the stage.
”Gerald Kaufman told the houses of parliament that if the people of the UK don’t open their borders to a never ending flow of “migrants” they “will live to regret it” for the rest of their lives. Gerald Kaufman, who is an MP in an area of the UK called Gorton, said that he receives “mailbags” each day from people in his area who are saying the UK must open the borders and “let them in.” He goes on to rouse the crowd in the parliament room by concluding, “let’s get on with it!”
Now, what Kaufmann doesn’t point out is the reason he is getting these mailbags of letters (assuming he’s not lying) is because approximately 48% of the people in his area are non-White and that’s only counting the ones who responded to the census data! So, as you can see, it’s never just one “migrant” boy, it’s never just one “migrant” family, it’s ALL “migrants” that want to come to White countries! After all how can these “liberals” close the borders to “migrant” number 40,000,001?”
Kaufmann has been a liar all his life. Don’t expect him to change. Ashamed of being a Jew.
Kaufmann is a sub-human…..end of.
Remember “Sir” Gerald Kaufman blamed a self-diagnosed “obsessive compulsive disorder” for ordering a 40 inch Bang and Olufsen £8000 (yes the figure is correct) and pair of grapefruit bowls £200 and a £225 roller ball pen from us the tax payer. I believe there were other “claims.”
He has OCD, so he says. I call him a thieving c%&t and utterly untrustworthy.
Kaufmann should be ashamed of being a Human Being.
” Then once these “migrants” come into White countries they start to vote for more non-White immigration and in any shape or form; be it refugees, asylum seekers “tech workers” or “to do the jobs that we won’t do” workers. But isn’t ethnic networking how all groups of people work? Ethnic groups want to be around their own kind. Apart from White people of course, they aren’t allowed to because that would be “racist” and some kind of pathological phobia!
Don’t let anti-Whites pretend this flood of “migrants” won’t alter the demographics of Europe in a significant and genocidal way. Although we don’t have the data to hand, our guess is that back in the 1970s Kaufmanns constituency was 95-99% White. Now think about that for a moment. In the space of 30-40 years it is almost minority White! Get your head around that for a minute because that’s the way ALL areas in Europe are heading. The current day influx of non-White immigration (illegal AND legal) dwarfs the immigration levels of the past! It is growing larger and larger every month! Furthermore it appears the real reason for this “migrant” crisis is to flood ALL and ONLY White countries with so much non-White immigration that by the time the indigenous White populations have woken up to the SCAM they will be overwhelmed and unable to act! Over at White Genocide Project they have reported on Peter Sutherland who is one of the main proponents of this tactic…..just the kind of man you would want in charge of “international migration” at the UN !! ”
I would not employ Sutherland to clean a toilet, although that would be the best place for him. Totally useless.
I’d be afraid of getting molested while spending a penny.
Peter Sutherland is a former Irish cabinet minister. Oddly he never calls on his own country whose navy is in the Mediterranean picking up people off Libyan beaches to bring them back to Ireland. They are dumped in Italy to go north.
A bit like Fatty Salmond then, calling on Britain to take ever more refugees, but never once offering to settle them in Scotland – one of the most sparsely populated parts of the U.K.
Are the Germans having second thoughts ? Nothing on AlBeeb yet ?
Merkel’s clearly barking:
This footage is disturbing. Has she converted to Islam.
She is saying as some terrorists are from europe, we should let all in. Don’t be scared of what you hear in the news, we are already heading towards an Islamic state. And if you don’t like it, go to church. Maybe that will help you. Remember how bad we were with the jews. Don’t judge others after what we did. I as German chancellor am the opposite of Hitler. OK we have to prepare for terrorist danger, but its not that big a deal. We were pretty evil in the past.
She has no children, so no stake in Germany’s future.
Just arrived in my in box
Just arrived in mine:
Subject: One more important thing before they go
Please see the below information from TV Licensing that we hope you find of interest.
They don’t need a TV to need a TV Licence – make sure they’re covered
Dear Parent,
Drop them off at uni knowing they’re legally covered.
Many students don’t realise they may need their own TV Licence, even if they don’t have a TV.
Students need to be covered if they’re in their room watching or recording programmes as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.
This applies even if they’re using a laptop, tablet, phone, games console, digital box, DVD/VHS recorder or any other device.
A TV Licence costs £145.50 for a year. They can spread the cost or pay in one go.
Check if they need a licence
Check if they need their own licence.
Your licence probably won’t cover them and neither will their hall’s licence.
The average student owns three devices capable of showing or recording TV.
Sensible advice (it does say check & sets the reality out, but is littered with ‘scares’), or one quango passing on a carefully worded sales pitch from another?
This is what I mean about the BBC (and all the rest) never quite managing to report the facts:
The International Organisation for Migration says 473,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe this year, including more than 180,000 Syrians
Oookkaaay. So who were the other 293,000 and which wars were they fleeing from?
BBC: *tumbleweed.jpg*
Transparency irony failure?
Sillies, they need to learn from the masters and simply claim FoI exemption for the purposes of ‘cos we can’.
Here’s a chuckle……… I’ve just read that the head of Germany’s Office for Migration & Refugees has resigned !!! oooops !
Here’s some bias straight out of the “You couldn’t make it up” category.
Today there has been a “Have your Say” on refugees etc. However all the top rated comments were way off-BBC message, instead asking pertinent questions such as “where are all the women refugees?”
Obviously this would NOT do. So it has been taken down and instead there is a form to fill in with the following prompts – “Are you seeking refuge in Europe? Are you in Serbia, Hungary or Croatia?”
99%+ of website readers are of course not in this category. No, we just pay the licence fee in order to keep their bilge flowing.
Just watching the invasion of Europe on AlBeeb telly and what struck me was the total inability and incompetency of the EU do absolutely nothing about it. Farage was right after all!
Time to get out MR Cameron, or do you have ‘a cunning plan’?
re Brissles at 1.34pm.
You’re right ! But quite hard to find on google. But no harm done. My google search also produced the long-ago story of the resignation of Beverley Hughes, which we should all commit to memory when listening to BBC sanctimony.
And I can’t resist this quote from the article (in THE GUARDIAN of all places !!). Quote:
“The issue of asylum demanded his close interest, Mr Blair said. He said: “We need to deal with it because otherwise it becomes a real source of tension and misunderstanding within our own community here in this country.”
Remember that one as the Beeb-lefties carry on with their sanctimonious refugee drivel.
Sorry, yes I should have said…… within the story on page 21 of the Daily Mail.
Ah Beverley Hughes!
The very embodiment of New Labours turn from Demonic to Satanic.
She was a Party Member when I was-and , as I moved away: I noted her greasing the pole ans scaling it.
Her holiday home was (if I`m correct) only a few miles from Morecambe Bay when the cockle pickers went down in Feb 2004…and , when my dear dead mum moaned about Moss Side gangs dealing near her house, ole Bev told her she was “racist”.
As I say, the very embodiment of all that went wrong with our politics…a prototype Jacqui Smith, albeit one who once bought a round in 1982…bet the pension she`s snaffling is due reward for fiddling the migration issue.
As all Labour scum did-past and present included.
It never stops! ‘The World at One’ had a heart-rending story of a Syrian pianist who had had a run-in with ISIS, and was making the journey to Germany, saying he would bring his wife and children over once he got there. The reporter even interviewed him as he got into a boat on the Turkish coast – no questions or editorialising about his situation; just pure emotion and ‘human interest’ that even ‘Take a Break’ magazine would reject as being too sentimental. Is it too much to expect the BBC to give an impartial, objective report of the facts?
It was on FaceBook too.
Needless to say the comments were not too supportive of the narrative being pushed, or the BBC’s ‘reporting’ standards either.
Some wondering if every worthy refugee (there are doubtless some) has been issued with a personal BBC embedee to share their journey, thus denying a wife or child the place to go along too. there are of course 20,000 to support in this way.
Francine Numa of ‘Save the Children is having a whinge on Classic F… oh, no, she isn’t any more.
They have pianos in Syria ?
okay, this guy walks into a bar, he takes out a tiny piano, and a twelve inch pianist, oh, no, wait, I can’t tell that one! – Krusty the Klown.
I have noticed the BBC do sometimes post impartial, objective, unbiased reports on the invasion crisis. But they disappear so quickly, any reference to them can only be found on websites such as this. Reading the BBC charter, they are doing far less than the bare minimum to claim impartiality. Actually, no they not fulfilling their obligation to be impartial, and are mind numbingly biased. They have taken bias to a new level. Super bias!
“The World at One’ had a heart-rending story of a Syrian pianist ”
Why was he getting into a boat? He could have rowed across in his piano.
Never put a piano in a flimsy dinghy. That’s just asking for trouble
Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, Bottom stage show, they were adrift, clinging to Eddies organ while tossing in the sea. Turns out it was a whirlitzer.
Well it was funny at the time!
Oh dear. The Croatians have just bussed lots of migrants up to the Hungarian border – and the Hungarians have moved forward armoured cars. But here’s some interesting reporting on the incident:
Daily Mail:
Headline: Croatian buses deposit hundreds of migrants on Hungarian border.
Headline: Croatia ‘moving migrants on’.
It doesn’t even mention where they’re being ‘moved on’ to until the third paragraph. ‘Croatia sending back migrants’ is more accurate, because most of them will have come from the Hungarian border.
Is it just my frenzied right-wing imagination at work, or is this meant to look as if the Croats have given them a smile and a cheery wave through all the way to Munich?
Munich is the new Mecca. They are on a pilgrimage. this is the future
Its like a game of chess. Your move. Rather than check mate – it will be check point !
It reminds me more of blockbusters, but I don’t know why.
Two versions of the muslim boy with a clock story.
The BBC story follows their account of Obama inviting the lad to the White House.
Even on the BBC story, there is something well planned in the response to the boy’s arrest.
Hey, it looks like a bloody clock? Pull the other one.
Well well, there is a family tradition of pro muslim agitation.
Pamela Geller – full story. Boy’s Father has run for President of Sudan twice, with a history of pro muslim agitprop
Show that picture to anyone without text and ask what it is – I guarantee no-one will identify it as a clock.
“More than 700,000 people have taken to Twitter to support Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old student who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school that was mistaken for a bomb”
never underestimate the power of indoctrination, and inbuilt herd mentality
Buraq Hussein Obama, and the rest of the ” if it looks like a bomb, its a clock” brigade of useful idiots eh!
how dangerous is that waste of oxygen?
Whenever a film or TV series shows a bomb in a box it has a digital clock face on the front – usually to count down to the detonation.
The school would have been at fault if it had reacted in any other way.
Wonder if those same 700,000 would have been supportive if the school had blown up. Morons.
”A migrant has died after being electrocuted at the entrance to the Eurotunnel in Calais, French police have said.
The man died after being found on the roof of a freight train at the Channel Tunnel.
A friend told the BBC the dead man was Abdel Kader Hanna, who was in his early 30s and came from southern Syria.”
No shit ? These invaders claim to be all electrical engineers so you’d think they would know electricity is dangerous,
Selfish bastard making a very unpleasant task for the emergency crews who have to clean away the body.
Does he still qualify for his virgins? No wait, was it Virgin Rail? Got there in the end
Southern Syria, where there’s no war. Hezbollah are also indulging in their favourite pastime there of lobbing Iranian-made missiles at northern Israel.
The BBC must ensure that all those invited to comment on the news are “one of us”. BBC News channel covering the implementation by Lidl of the minimum wage as recommended by the Living Wage Foundation, interview a Retail Analyst. Even he has the jargon off pat, prefixing reference to the National Minimum Wage with “so called”.
I was listening to Jezza Vine today and he had a discussion between Jonny Mercer (ex-army Tory MP) in favour of UK military action in Syria and a former British Military Intelligence officer called Frank Ledwidge, against our going anywhere near the place. It was one of the best pieces that Vine has done on his show in a long time; despite him not being able to keep his trap shut so they could get on with it.
It was a quite superb analysis by Ledwidge, whilst Mercer showed that our politicians appear to have learned nothing from the foreign entanglements they involve us in, despite them always seeming to end so disastrously.
‘The BBC Arabic Festival brings film and documentaries from a changing Arab world to London’
I expect in future there may have to be a special feature on German culture…
Oktoberfest… Munich’s mayor will tap the first barrel thus declaring the “Wiesn“ – as the Munich people call it – officially open… or… perhaps not – not unless it’s all alcohol free
How about Wittlich’s commemoration of a local legend with an annual pig fest – or, perhaps not.
Never mind, there’s always Christmas… Germany’s cities, towns and villages are filled with Christmas magic during the holiday season. The Christmas Market season runs throughout the Advent period, from the end of November to the third week of December….. what’s Christmas? Oh Scheisse! Winterval, anyone?
1. One thing I can’t work out is why so many of these migrants – having allegedly walked so many/hundreds of miles, have arrived so fresh and fighting (well plenty energy for throwing stones or children) on the frontiers of Hungary/Serbia/Croatia. I did notice that along their tracks there seemed to be foodstores to which they helped themselves from time to time – who has provided these? Are they funded with ISIL money.
2. Why do senior German ministers think they can indulge in open threats of retribution against other EU countries when the matters haven’t yet been formally discussed or voted on yet within the relevant EU decision-making body.
Every migrant interviewed by the BBC seems to be a brain surgeon or, at minimum, a doctor … I wonder if there’s any Nobel Prize Winners amongst the “migrants”. Presumably, there are no medieval slobs, looking forward to a life on benefits and free healthcare and education for the 8-10 sprogs they’ve got or intend to have in future.
Why was Syria in such a state with third world conditions if all the migrants were professionals and skilled peoples. If Syria as a country is an example of their skills, then I can see a lot of them never getting work !
They are skilled professionals by Syrian standards, which are pretty low. Same for Africans. Skilled professionals are recruited via foreign agencies, not from illegal immigrants. BBC forgets stuff sometimes god bless it!
18.00 5Lies – News Headlines – blatant politicking by BBC moron.
One Anna Holligan stationed God knows where in Eastern Europe describes 40,000 migrants passing into an adjacent country during last few days. Finishes her piece by saying ….”and that’s twice as much as David Cameron has promised to take in over five years”.
FFS!! How on earth is that impartial reporting?
Why was last nights Question Time at the United Nations, did you see the audience ? all creeds, all races, all colours.
David. This is the BBC saying “This is what the country looks like now. Get used to it.” Trouble is, where I live it doesn’t look anything like that. For now.
Why are all the ‘migrants’ men?
Because they are walking Islamic sperm banks.
Breaking Bad fan jailed over Dark Web ricin plot.
Who could have imagined that his name might have been Mohammed Ali?
Enough Ricin to kill 1400 people and he gets a sentence of just 8 years meaning he will be out in just 4, you get longer for looking at a Muslim the wrong way!
The usual excuses are trotted out mental illness lone wolf, operating alone etc etc, and the family yet again claim “They are distraught and appalled by the mess he has got into.” In other words, they’re upset he got caught !
The BBC whilst actually reporting this fail to investigate the motivation, or the Islamic angle at all, they simply view it as a British man whose motivations are unknown.
Typical bias from both the BBC and the judiciary.
I agree. The “Breaking Bad” angle was merely his bullshit excuse for ordering ricin, yet the BBC reports it as if it’s a fact. Why do I feel that the Koran might have been more of an influence on this turd than a box set?
s this the end of Isis? British special forces colonel claims devastating loss of land and troops thanks to air strikes and battles with Kurdish forces will lead to ‘house of cards’ falling down
One British Colonel reportedly said ISIS are ‘fragile’ and in a ‘poor position’
Brigadier added it was just a ‘question of time’ before jihadis were defeated
Terrorist numbers said to have fallen by 8,000 since campaign started
Makes you wonder if this Colonel has realised that they’ve all upped sticks and moved to Germany ?
Hopefully the catastrophe this c**t has initiated in Europe will be the end of her; so glad to see the Germans are beginning to treat her as she deserves to be.
How weird that this was not on the BBC news. I thought all the Krauts were hanging out at railway stations with “Refugees Welcome” placards. Surely the BBC would not mislead us on this major story?
Unfortunately it transpires this video of Merkel is from 2012; but I should expect her to get even less of a warm welcome now, as the effects of the demographic atom bomb (she’s set to detonate in Germany) become evermore apparent to those Germans who, like similar minded folk in other European countries, don’t relish becoming the minority in their own f*****g country!
I was watching our local BBC news last night (Look North) and it had a piece about how a load of curry munchers in Batley, were getting together to transport a load of stuff (tents, food, clothes, batteries etc) they’d got from a charitable appeal, to help those in “refugee camps” in Europe. (This is obviously after they’d been through it all and ferreted out any of the good stuff for themselves of course.)
The female beeboid, they had sent to interview them, was talking to this one rag head, complete with his beard and pyjamas, about how wonderful it was for this to have been done by “not just appealing to the Muslim community, but to other communities as well” etc etc – the usual inclusivity b******s.
There was then a shot of a pallet of stuff being loaded into an artic, it was wrapped in plastic and the logo on the plastic was of a hand clenched with the forefinger pointing upwards as per ISIS and a load of their squiggle above and below it. I rewound it to show Mrs S and we both shook our heads – needless to say Ms Beeb didn’t cotton on, or if she did she didn’t question Osama about it.
I don’t know if anyone else on here who watched it, noticed that too?
Hopefully none of their dhimmi mates will get beheaded delivering this shit to the invading hordes, but you never know.
This is exceptionally good, about the crisis in Europe, by Ezra Levant.
35 MILLION migrants heading to Europe, says Hungary as it builds second fence
35 Million !!!!!!!!!!
35 million electrical engineers, how many do we need ?
…and about 12 genuine refugees.
Alex Thompson, SKY News very own Katie Adie, infamous for being in the back of a pick up truck, wetting herself in excitement, reporting about the Arab Spring / nightmare in Libya. ” Hungary is on a WAR FOOTING !!! ” camera cuts to one soldier.
My mistake, I meant Alex Crawford
News at Ten on now, the immigrant crisis. Most close-up shots show women, children or babies. General shots reveal most to be men. Now they’ve found Girl In A Wheelchair again.
I think I will rename it Propaganda at Ten.
Watched it too Roland. As you say, just another obscene piece of propaganda.
Utterly risible
Syria is just one massive university campus. Imagine threshers week wow!
Because Syria wasn’t full of religious bigots ‘educating/ brainwashing’ the young they actually used to have a pretty good education system.
Turned over from the rugby to see the pestilential BBC at it again, with a wheelchair bound refugee.
Whilst I’d agree that young lady is probably a genuine refugee, the BBC choose to portray her predicament as a blanket justification for all these parasites.
90% are not Syrian, and not refugees, but migrants from as far afield as India.
We are heading towards a serious uprising in Europe. This will all end in blood and tears.
God damn the EU!!!
Is she, though? She hasn’t claimed asylum in any safe country she’s passed through, as far as I know.
Fair point.
I did have a bit of sympathy for her, but you’re right she could have claimed asylum in the other countries she past through.
Thank god for Putin. Never thought I’d say that, but it looks like he’s the only world leader with any cojones regarding the carnage in Syria. Thank god Russia is aligned with Assad – I literally cannot wait for the Russians to start kicking the sh*t out of Islamic State. Please, let it happen. BBC is all serious faces.
Russia steps in. Iraq and Syria are freed from IS stranglehold. Return the refugees/immigrants. Install hard-line dictators. It’s all Islam understands.
A rather amusing faux ‘quiz’ where answer ‘C’ is the BBC management grade / presenter.
Why is the BBC going berserk over Rugby Union football? It is pushing this World Cup thing like there’s no tomorrow.
I know Justin Webb (Today Presenter) is a big fan and that from the same programme, Humphrys & Naughtie come over all nationalistic at Six Nations time. But why the massive puff? Webb tried to claim that RU was the world’s fourth sport, or something like that, whereas a quick online search shows that – only when combined with Rugby League – it is just in or just struggling to get in the Top Ten. There are probably more Chinese who watch Serie A soccer from Italy and the UK Premiership each weekend than people worldwide will be spectating the RU World Cup. So, why the fuss?
I think we should be told.
I wondered that as well. It seems a bit like the frenzy surrounding women’s football to me.
Possibly the berserker behaviour on almost anything now caused by the proliferation of PR moppets on every event, matched only by the number of cubicle kindergardeners desperate for anything to fill space to justify their jobs.
As Merkel gets booed so loud in Germany, it drowns her speech,
EU mandatory refugee quotas could have to be forced through by majority vote,
warns German minister
If a PC media won’t report on migrants’ epidemic of rape in Germany and elsewhere?,
then we will: Gatestone Inst
Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic
“We Are the Biggest Brothel in Munich
Don’t worry, Peter Sutherland will give her a big hug for carrying out orders at the next Bilderberg meeting.
One of the topics of this years meeting held in Austria was the U.S Election. Why would the world’s most powerful people, from around the world, want to discuss a democratic election – that is, supposedly, solely decided by American voters? What is there to discuss?
Well, according to some observers, the Bilderberg Conference is nothing less than a “king maker” as it selects the right candidate to advance its agenda … although, this year, the Conference might be a “queen maker”.
Do you think he’d touch her with a barge pole? Silvio Berlusconi wasn’t joking when he called her fat arsed and unfuckable.
While the Al BBC wants to know
“What is the next route for migrants”
Journey for a new life’ propaganda (using a disabled child story)
The result of large scale Islamic immigration in Germany, precisely because the vast majority of the new will be young men, and not disabled children, the latest “swarm” stats bear this out..
So the synopsis from all the above seems to be:
We are now in a conflict situation.
The conflict is unacknowledged.
It consists of a civil front invasion, passing through external EU borders, via internal ones, to target Northern states – Germany, Sweden, and probably the UK in due course, indirectly through the use of EU paperwork once it has been acquired in other EU states.
The approaching front is mainly military age males, probably overwhelmingly Sunni in allegiance. They are approaching 10 Divisions in strength; they are in good communication across locations and between forward and rear positions; they have a well-rehearsed mob behaviour when challenged by any civil authorities in their path; they have successfully resisted registration or identification; they carry women, children, the disabled and other photographic and narrative ‘window’ with them as long as is convenient but no further; and they are able to act in a coordinated manner across entry points to out manouevre national border defences by exploiting one nation against another.
Their advance is currently being actively assisted by the central EU administration, together with the leadership of several key Western states, in defiance of the clear wishes of the majority of their populations. They are (a) delaying and disrupting any coordinated defensive response at the EU level, and (b) marginalising and threatening those states, mainly in the East, that have acted independently to maintain the integrity of external EU borders.
Their advance is also being actively assisted by a co-ordinated comprehensive propaganda campaign through all the major broadcasting and newspaper channels, unprecedented in scope and reach since WWII, and certainly greater in intensity than anything seen during the Cold War. Its simultaneity and relentlessness indicate a degree of pre-planning which means it was probably part of the planning for the invasion itself.
The main thrust of the propaganda offensive is to induce an emotional response of sufficient intensity, and for just sufficient duration, to decisively influence government policies and actions in a direction which it will be impossible to reverse before sufficient numbers of incoming individuals are ‘in place and impossible to displace’.
As a corollary of this, there is a clear secondary intent to marginalise and render ineffectual any opponents of the invasion, by asserting that they are few, they are weak and they are morally shameful and repellent. This is the only remaining Achilles’ heel of the entire process –
if it becomes apparent to sufficient numbers of the objecting populations of the West that they are in fact so numerous as to be in the overwhelming majority, morally unassailable, and therefore possessing a strength which they have simply not so far exercised, then it is not too late to stop the whole disaster in its tracks – literally.
This is currently the only thing the perpetrators of this infamy are afraid of.
Superb analysis Stuart. i would say two words. Al-Hijra.
I think you’ve pretty much captured the essence of it there SB.
I have found notions of conspiracy hard to credit. Nothing deliberate of this nature could be coordinated without words spoken or written being recorded to be shared. And a leak is inevitable. If it happened the consequences would be spectacular.
So how to explain where Europe now finds itself? When Corbyn and Abbott had their hippy-trysty jaunt behind the Iron Curtain on their tandem, did they happen across a passionate Frau called Angela and concoct all this with others whilst staring up at the stars from an East German mountain top? Unlikely.
So the spotlight must turn to to other factors, such as incompetence, cowardice, greed and ambition, from the last and current generation of political opportunists and pygmies.
Not coordinated perhaps, but simply coming together like a series of imperfect storms, with each short term decision or knee jerk feeding the downward spiral of another.
All fed by the pathetic desire to please the social engineers at the BBC and foolishly attempt to placate the minority, if vocal, Twitter mob bubble they exist in.
I despair that an actual ballot of the population is years away as these bozos dig the hole ever deeper.
Yes, I realise that it’s a big step to take, to talk of conspiracy. I prefer to talk about planning, predilection and a cultural atmosphere which encourages thought trains between politicians at the top of the tree, their permanent civil bureaucracies (which in my experience have their own values apart from their political masters, and will always attempt to gain control of the situation for the sake of those values, which are only loosely related to democracy), and the major NGOs, which as global powers in their own right certainly do engage in much scenario-planning informed by values which are not necessarily reflective of our own national culture.
I don’t think it is necessary to go into full paranoid mode to see that there are elements of intention behind the scenes we are daily presented with. Maybe we need a new model of conspiracy which matches the new environment of global social media and telecomms, plus the legacy of global institutions which were initially envisioned to be at the command of a transparent global consensus, but which have transmogrified into the instruments of campaigning minorities, some of them public, and some of them more closeted.
Sure, there is always incompetency, fearfulness and idiocy in government as in the population at large. What is important is the checks and balances on these – have they kept up with the facts of modern life, or are they being finessed whether intentionally or by inadvertence?
Mr Beaker- whilst I don’t personally subscribe to the idea that there is a central organising power behind this crisis, I do think your last paragraph is very accurate. Here’s something that readers may find encouraging in this regard. A few years ago in Oxford, a mosque announced that it would play the call to prayer the statutory five times a day from loudspeakers.
There were huge numbers of objections in the local press, to the council etc, and of course the first response from the various arms of the liberal establishment was to cry ‘racist’ – but the deluge – and it was a deluge – of opposition continued, until the proposal was dropped, with the addition of some feeble statement by the mosque that they’d never intended to do it anyway and it had all been misinterpreted.
Public opinion can make a big difference to events sometimes; the BBC knows this and I believe this is why they are desperate to prevent control of the narrative slipping out of their hands.
This short song, about 2:30mins was, I think, written for The Walking Dead TV show, I could be wrong. I’m not overly sure on posting links, it is freely available on you tube, The lyrics are below.
As the inevitable approaches us all, this decade resonates of the 1930’s. Appeasers all around ignoring the elephant in the room and closing their eyes to that inevitable. At some point the conflict between ‘The West’ and Islam will progress beyond proxy wars in mid east shitholes and somebody, some loon somewhere will do something that provokes a response which will lead to that greater conflict.
A Jihad bullet for the US President, a Jihad bomb for a head of state, or just riots in Europe getting out of control prompting more and more reprisals. There is so much money available from the Middle East they can embed their people everywhere and all it takes is that one moment, that ‘9 11′ moment and the house of cards will fall.
In my hands, I hold the ashes
In my veins, black pitch runs
In my chest, a fire catches
In my way, a setting sun
Dark clouds gather ’round me
To the west, my soul is bound
And I will go on ahead, free
There’s a light yet to be found
The last pale light in the west
The last pale light in the west
And I ask for no redemption
In this cold and barren place
Still I see the faint reflection
And so by it, I got my way
The last pale light in the west
The last pale light in the west
BBC Bias 19/9/15. “It’s nothing to do with Islam, (is it Dave)?” variety.
Here is a piece of classic BBC distortion of truth, using words and pici-wikis from Dominic Casciani ‘Home Affairs Correspondent’,[cough]. Dominic clearly got the memo about how the BBC cannot implicate Muslims or Islam with anything bad, in this case, terrorism:
The Conservative Woman website has many perceptive writers. Laurence Hodge has saved me the time of explaining how Dominic and the BBC continue to numb the sheeples minds and hide the inconvenient truth.
Dominic saw fit to include this paragraph:
The two most serious cases led to the only terrorism murders the UK has suffered since 7/7 – Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich and Muslim grandfather Mohammed Saleem, killed in the street by a neo-Nazi who then tried to bomb three mosques.
Yep, that’s right Dom. Muslims are the victims of ‘neo-nazi’ terrorism, and Lee Rigby the victim of ……. I guess you missed that bit out Dom. Our young ones will (and won’t) get the message. I also guess that the families and friends of the Sousse massacre in June are no longer part of our UK, or haven’t suffered, or Dominic just doesn’t regard them as terrorism murders. Only two terrorism murders the UK has suffered? I don’t believe that statistic. Surely it is wrong?
Scrap the Telly tax. The BBC Poisoning our society with their obfuscatory narrative, again.
Liked this line : ” That envy of the world, the BBC, fees be upon it”.
Bowen, Cascani, Donnison… the BBC seems prone to hiring and elevating the inept, except when it comes to knowing what needs obscuring or erasing.
Propaganda backed by censorship, pure and simple.
I suppose that woman who had her head cut off by a jihadist doesn’t count as serious. I’m sure her loved ones thought it was serious.
Lone wolf. Deranged loner. NTDWI. etc etc.
There are innumerable cases of Islamic terrorism in the UK: terrorism isn’t just about fatalities. The Muslim rape gangs are a form of terrorism, against our young women and children – a method which Islam has employed against its enemies, almost since its inception.
There are also things such as the ‘parking Jihad’ waged, as Gavin Boby has described, when a mosque is opened in an area which is still non-Muslim – that is also terrorism, non-lethal of course, but still aimed towards the same objective: Islamic domination of the kaffir.
None of the above would be described as such by Al Beebus and in the case of parking Jihad, it would never even be mentioned by them at all.
In Longsight & Levenshulme near where I live which are virtually Islamic, the Muslim communities have purchased local churches and turned them into community centers or similar. You could call this ‘religious cleansing’. However, I have seen a church with a ‘for sale’ sign on it. I should look into it.
A state entity so insecure it abuses its position to punish any expressing concern over their failures.
And here’s a school being reported on by them for the same thing in another massive irony failure.
Maybe the Head should look up ‘expediting’? Works a charm for Tony and team.