At 8.45 this morning Al Beeb, in the person of ‘Miss Shouty’ Montagu acknowledged that only 20% odd of asylum seekers/economic migrants this year are from Syria, according to official EU figures. She then asks a Syrian about this and he states that everyone claims to be Syrian, including those who clearly are not (I think their ethnicity often gives them away!), and many have false papers. She then suggests to Romano Prodi, of all people, that it is impossible to tell one from another and that all EU countries should be impelled to accept ‘refugee/asylum seeker’ quotas. Prodi, most unsurprisingly, agrees!
‘British’ should be removed from Al Beeb’s official nomenclature, they are ever more evidently totally anti-British, just like Corbyn and his Leftoid hordes.
I thought I heard the highly paid-journalist Lyse Doucet (R4 TODAY 8.35pm segment) admit that ‘she didn’t know what was going on’ (ie. was not doing her job properly) but having re-listened to that programme segment, she did not.
That said, Lyse and her colleagues have, I think, been completely caught out by approaching the Mediterranen Crisis with blinkers on. She stated at one point – in examining where migrants are coming from – that Afghanistan is at war, ie. these are all war refugees, whether approaching Europe from the east, the south-east or the south. Is that strictly correct? The Allied forces have declared the war over and have withdrawn from Afghanistan. They, sadly, have trouble again with the Taliban but are these not, strictly speaking, terrorists? Has Afghanistan formerly proclaimed a state of war against the Taliban? I could be wrong there and welcome correction.
It appears that Lyse and her colleagues within the BBC have been making assumptions that all these people seeking to enter Europe illegally must be refugees from war. They have approached their assignment around the Mediterranean countries and elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe with pre-judgements made. Perhaps it is only the questions asked, by wary members of the public, together with the release of UN statistics, that has woken the BBC journalists up to other possibilities.
“Lies, damn lies and statistics” … is an oft repeated phrase, now used to denigrate statistics, except sometimes – as now – statistics can reveal uncomfortable truths and bring a dose of realism in their wake.
The Licence Fee payer would be right to question the Director General about whether they are getting good value for money from the roster of BBC journalists covering events around the Mediterranean and in Europe.
Was that a Channel 4 reporter or just another BBC man embedded with the migrants last night who slipped awkwardly over the approved appellation : “Economic… er sorry…. refugees and migrants…” His editor will surely say – go to the back of the class, son. You were hardly worth the air fare.
“Let us through, we have money” shouts a frustrated Syrian woman – not the sort of statement likely to start a charity appeal.
Yes, I heard that, too, and thought to myself “what a glorious Freudian slip”. That was shortly before I changed channels – the greasy “chat” between Snow and Kerry put me right off. They are a couple of turds, and i wouldn’t trust either of them.
Jo Coburn, sour faced BBC cow with the statutory sneer in her voice interviews leader of the English Democratic Party. Examines a statement from a party member about shooting migrants, and does not accept the man’s arguments that it might be necessary if police were under attack. OK fair enough. But watch for the BBC bias around 3.45 when she states that the migrants in Hungary responded to police tear gas by throwing stones. Factually incorrect piece of bias, that was even corrected by the token Labour representative who acknowledged that it was the police who responded to the stone throwing.
Standard BBC approach to Gaza, well worn by now.
Yes, only if they are legally entitled to be in the EU you a***oles, and you know it!
So if I smuggle myself into Austria, i can go wherever I want eh! Nobody can check who I am!
“Only six of the 28 EU member states are outside the Schengen zone – Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK.”
So what! They are not EU citizens so none of this applies does it. What don’t they get. It’s simple. How can a tax paid public service in a DEMOCRACY be allowed to carry on like this. This is nowhere like news, it is widescale miseducation and brainwashing of the public.
“Frustrated at the failure of global-warming alarmism to shift an apathetic public, Big Climate could do several things.
Most obviously, they could resume public debate with those who disagree with them, win the argument and thereby persuade the people.
Which is how, change is effected in self-governing societies.
… Instead, twenty of them have written to the US President to demand that the most powerful government on earth use the RICO laws to prosecute climate “sceptics” and “deniers”.
Instead of winning the debate, it’s easier to criminalize it”
With that in mind.
Climate Change …. BBC5 live … errr Science ?
Chris Smith and the Naked Scientists look at how climate change is affecting the oceans.
(What a typically scientific and studious photograph too 😀 )
… BBC leads the rest of the UK enemedia, in the scientific “great leap backwards”
More bias by omission. The bBBC ‘news’ doesn’t seem to have room to report that those oh-so-peaceful Muslims in Saudi Arabia have sentenced to death by crucifixion, and beheading as well (!), a 17-year-old Christian boy, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, for the ‘crime’ of saying that the government isn’t very nice.
The BBC are so exorcise about Gay Leftie Paul Gambacini being on Police bail that they have chosen to use the subject as a question on Any Questions.
Funny how they weren’t so concerned when Jim Davidson raised the subject of his treatment isn’t it?
Never mind turning over the bloody airwaves, to one of their own cronies, it was R2 yesterday, R4 morning
R5Live later … and bloody any questions on R4 this afternoon.
Blubbering on about an evening at the theeeatre, then “my world” crashed, how (media) friends pulled him through
etc etc.
So the guy is innocent, I m pleased he s now plugging his ………….. book, and venting is cathartic
WHERE ARE THE COSY INDEPTH INTERVIEWS with the groups struggling to get any media time now, over continuing Islamic child gang rape … he would get respect from me, if he highlighted those victims, and his gay buddies under threat NOW from a growing Islamic presence, its real, its relative, and would do more for his state than any amount of bleating poor me.
Any Answers starts with Annand saying “Infants being teargassed” total bollocks as usual. I saw the sky pictures of people kicking at the barricade that the Hungarians had put in.
I look forward to another week of petulance fron Anita.
I thought you would have gotten with the programme by now DS – immigration isn’t to blame for anything bad, ever.
It’s always us that are the problem and never them.
(Two days ago, I complained in writing to the BBC about the contrived use of children to further their pro-immigration narrative. The above is grossly cynical and just mocks the media. I can’t copy and save the photo, unfortunately. Can someone do it here of the crawling toddler on it’s own heading towards the line of riot police?).
Funny that because I’ve got one of a kid in a Hummer with a machine gun which we photoshopped into a scene in Iraq. Taking the image of a child an depositing it into an image of a line of Police is – well – child’s play !
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licence Evasion: The Rudd Defence: We explain the successful 1987 House of Lords Appeal by Jeffery Rudd, which the BBC is too scared to talk about because it undermines its TV Licensing prosecution process.
– TV Licensing for University Freshers: As TV Licensing targets the latest tranche of young minds heading to university, we redress the balance by telling them how it really is.
– TV Licensing Detector Van Cornered in Plymouth: Another of the BBC’s oh-so-secret TV detector vans is confronted by a concerned father in Plymouth. The van had been observed spying on people in the quiet residential street on five separate occasions.
What’s happened to all those who were apoplectic at the use of words like “swarm”, swamp, ‘invasion’ and a ‘moving mass of peoples’ ? The silence is deafening now they are faced with ‘tsunami’ and ‘overwhelming’ !! what bloody planet were they on in the first place not to see that a trickle soon becomes a stream, to a river, sea, ocean and tsunami ! Noticeable that there are a lack of interviews with ‘do-gooders’, or anymore pictures of welcoming hosts since the realisation that this ‘trickle’ has no sign of ending.
These are the introductions to the BBC News Channel in their “Work Plan and Statements of Programme Policy” annual reports
“The BBC News Channel should deliver up-to-the-minute, accurate, impartial and independent news, analysis and insight.”
“The BBC News Channel should deliver up-to-the-minute, accurate, impartial and independent news. It should provide timely and comprehensive coverage of events as they unfold, specialist analysis and insight to put the news in context, and give UK viewers a wide and diverse range of guests and opinion.”
I would say they have failed on every single count. Mind you they only said they SHOULD do these things, they never said they would.
This is from “the Controller’s VISION (Sam Taylor) for the service in 2014/15″
” It will maintain a strong reputation for accuracy and authority … We will do this by providing high quality coverage of significant events, and comprehensive explanation and analysis of politics, business, the economy, social policy, science and world affairs. ”
“We will explain the context and significance of major world events using our international bureaux and presenters on location — including the Ukraine crisis, the situation in Syria, Egypt and the wider Middle East. ”
It’s OK they will explain to us what is going on. They are authorised to be accurate and provide comprehensive explanations. Why was I ever worried? I hope Sam Taylor is taking something to help with his visions.
‘Swarm’ is verboten on the BBC. But thanks to Anita Anand on Any Answers (Radio 4, 2.03pm today) we have ‘Refugee tide’. This now has the BBC-mark of approval. It may, of course, help to conjure up or remind everyone of certain pictures from earlier in the month.
It should remind people of a certain tide from Boxing Day in 2004, though this current one will probably turn out to do more (irreparable) damage than that earlier one and the monetary and social costs of it, will doubtless prove to be unending and incalculable.
OT, but justified. Sky are involved in some kind of competition with the BBC to see which of them can be more disingenuous, pro-immigrant and nakedly political. Just watched a report on Sky News (5pm bulletin) which can only be described as entirely contrived. Children, of course, featured large and were the main focus – even as the EU’s own figures inform us that three quarters of all illegal immigrants currently swarming into Eastern Europe are males aged 18-35yrs. Call me a cynic, but the two boys interviewed seemed to me to be very well rehearsed in their comments.
Comedy moment: Sky finds a young man who claimed to be from Iraq and breathlessly told the camera he was dentist. Seconds later he changed his profession to doctor, before waving the camera sheepishly away.
So many doctors, dentists, teachers, architects and social workers…
Well, Al, I guess someone, somewhere has been paying attention to the BBC News from last autumn, winter, spring and summer this year: there is a crisis in the UK National Health Service. They are short of doctors. They are short of nurses. They are short of dentists. “They must let me in if I tell them I am a dent, doctor … ”
Am surprised that there are none interviewed saying “I am a housebuilder! Stronger, quicker, cheaper than Polish person … “
One of the things I learnt while living in Hungary is that the country has a real problem with a lack of doctors. By EU standards they are very underpaid, and many have left to work in Sweden, the UK etc. The government actively encourages medical students from the middle east as well as Africa to come to train in Hungary in the hope that they will work for their health service. Surely therefore if all these migrants are doctors, they would be welcomed with open arms!
Yes you’re right Cranmer, they have a problem with highly-trained Hungarians leaving for better paid jobs in places like the UK and Germany.
However maybe all these new immigrant doctors, dentists, etc don’t want to stay in Hungary and experience what my wife’s opthamologist had to go through, which he told her about during her visit to Budapest this week.
Apparently the normally clean undercover mall where he has his offices was overrun with migrants camping out, peeing next to their tents, and generally making no-one want to go there. The opthamologist had a dramatic fall in business as a result.
To add insult to injury, a ‘refugee’ charity then set up in the vacant unit next to his, and surreptitiously hooked up to his electricity connection in order to power their cookers, churning out nice hot meals for the migrants. Needless to say he was slammed when he found out and complained to them.
Al Beeb and the rest of the MSM have consistently preached a lot of garbage to us about migrants boosting the economy with the arrival of so many doctors, engineers, nurses, students and teachers.
Yet most of the poor countries of Europe that really need that workforce are moving them on?
Perhaps they should be sent to Africa to help out there?
They interviewed a young girl, who blubbed about as convincingly as a fresher at RADA, and claimed her brother in Britain who they’re trying to get to is a brain surgeon.
Surely if that is remotely true, then isn’t it more than feasible that someone with a standing of ‘brain surgeon’ regardless of his country of work, would not have THAT many problems in relocating his family to where he is ?
The other consequence (yet another) of this influx into Europe from the Third World, is that it is harming relations between neighbouring countries in the region; who are being obliged by necessity, to desperately confront a crisis which is not of their making: i.e. Hungary and Croatia, Hungary and Serbia, Austria and Hungary; Hungary and Slovakia etc.
In a sane world the other countries of the E.U. would demand for the (irredeemable) Merkel to resign, as it is she who has induced this suicidal invasion into the continent.
Thanks for the link – I tend to avoid The Grauniad like the plague, but it’s very interesting seeing how ‘off message’ the comments section is on that piece. We really do live in interesting times…
Thanks Lobster for the link. The readers’ ‘comments’ are from all over Europe and very anti-immigrant. Additionally, most posts are very articulate. Encouraging that at least the Guardian are allowing dissent from the narrative of the Left. Oversight by the Guardian? Or perhaps a realisation that things are not going to end well?
Al Shubtill – this is a good point and one which I’ve been thinking about as well. Hungary has in general rather difficult relations with its immediate neighbours (Austria, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and the Ukraine) because it was forced at the Treaty of Versailles (Trianon) to cede about 2/3 of the country to its neighbours. This created a lot of ill feeling which is still strong today, almost a century later. The migrant crisis is likely therefore to cause quite a few diplomatic problems and we have already seen this eg with migrants being bussed back to the Hungarian border by the Croatians etc. I’m yet to hear the BBC discuss any of these potential problems, however.
Off topic: rather interestingly, the only British serviceman to have been killed on Hungarian soil (as far as I know) was a sailor who was shot during the Bolshevik uprising in Budapest in 1919; he was in landing party from a royal naval vessel sent up the Danube to enforce the partition of Hungary.
A certain Muslim living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC must be sniggering his fluffy socks off at all this lovely chaos. He printed ‘Loadsamoney’ , billions to be exact, to give to those oh so democratic fighters in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and of course in The Ukraine, (Did I miss anywhere?). Then he withdrew his troops from Iraq & Afghanistan leaving behind hell on earth for the people there when the Islamic terrorists took over.
All over the Middle East, Africa and now with Mad Mistress Merkel’s help the chaos is going well in Europe. Hungary and the former Yugoslavian states are at loggerheads. The Germans and the Austrians are only being kept in check due to past guilty feelings and accusations of racism. That won’t last and then the fireworks will spread across Europe. With a bloody vengeance.
Then there is Vladimir. He has been vilified, threatened and had his beloved country, Russia, brought to the door of economic ruin. Just because he wanted to protect the Russians in The Ukraine and the Crimea from the criminals gangs paid for in U.S. Dollars.
That man, the one with the suspect Hawaiian birth certificate, is due for another Nobel Peace Prize by the way, has fermented so much trouble that the world will be lucky to last until the end of his time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Officially supposed to end next year but Judging by the quantity of weapons and military hardware that he has bought for the police to use on the streets of American cities he must be expecting all out world war and Martial Law in the USA very soon. I know I am.
Time to raise the drawbridge I think, this country is full. Can someone tell po-face from Chipping Norton please?
A very good analysis, but you missed out the use of the Global Warming Scare to keep the Third World poor by preventing them investing in the production of cheap energy by burning fossil fuels. Then mandating that the West has to use increasing amounts of bio-fuel, reducing the amount of land available for growing food crops and driving up world food prices.
The ‘Global warming’ scam is like so many ideas of the left, nothing short of a tool of oppression which has no actual effect on anything.
The developed world does not stop anything to do with fossil fuels, as their Saudi paymasters wouldn’t allow them to.
Why do you think oil is so cheap at the moment? It’s to keep Putin in his place and to prevent him wiping ISIS out or helping Assad. Unfortunately the tactic hasn’t worked!
The Global Warming Scam makes sense if you view it as a way for the oil/gas industry to destroy the coal companies. Once it becomes obvious that wind and solar aren’t the solution we’re left with gas fired generation for the base load.
Angela Merkel, the de facto leader of the EU, with her unilateral, like-it-or-lump-it, make-it-up-on-the-hoof, heart-over-head immigration policy certainly seems to have cemented herself as a firm favourite of the British left-leaning commentariat.
It’s not often the Guardian bends down that low before an international leader.
I prefer to think of Merkel as the Fourth Rice Pudding (h/t Spike Milligan?)
So the President is set…
I mean the precedent is set. Across Africa, Asia and the Middle East there are at least 100 countries where major armed internal insurgency or full blown civil conflict can easily be envisaged in the near to medium term.
In other words, even were we miraculously to solve the Syrian Civil War tomorrow, next summer we might have simmering… who knows… a Sri Lanka, a Burma, Nigeria, or Uganda? Not to mention those already bubbling up nicely – Afghanistan, Yemen…
In future every year we can now look forward to a menu of at least 1 to 2 million of the more economically mobile from some conflict zone somewhere upping sticks and arriving on the European doorstep, begging bowl in hand – because Merkel just put out the welcome mat.
I don’t understand that story. Last year, the BBC were reported to have paid out, I believe, £4/£40 million to 200 saville claimants/victims. I was surprised they could have investigated so many cases so quickly. Were they just interim payments?
Even as eastern European nation squabble amongst themselves about just what could be the fastest way to expedite the transportation through their respective territories of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into north and western EU nations, the BBC (and Sky, and CH4, etc) seem somehow only able to find pro-immigration native Croatians, Hungarians, Serbians, etc for interview to wax lyrical about the virtues of this muslim invasion.
It’s almost as if there is no other opinion on the issue – because if there is (and there is) neither the BBC nor Sky, nor CH4 or any of the msm can seem to find anyone who has anything remotely ‘off message’ to say about that army of expert doctors, dentists, teachers, architects and social workers flooding into the EU.
(1) Question Time: Few Tory voters and no UKIP voters in Britain at the moment.
(2) Newsnight: Both the left-wing and right wing politicians are all now Labour MP’s.
(3) Horizon: All the scientists in the world are now American.
(4) The News: All the British scientists are now Environmental activists with Arts, Drama and Language qualifications.
(5) One Show: Groupthink is now so narrow that David Attenborough is now almost the only Guest that is now acceptable for the One Show to invite.
I stumbled across this site a couple of weeks ago when I became fed up with the bbc’s one sided view of illegal immigrants crossing into Europe. It’s a relief to see others have a similar point of view although I suspect we are part of the silent majority. I’m fed up with those who question anything to do with immigration being labelled as a racist or an islamophobic zealot.
Anyway, I know our prime minister isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I think he’s played quite a good game so far. By pointing out how much aid we give and actually visiting the camps, at least he doesn’t (yet) have egg on his face as per Angela Merkel.
I write here because, when I watched/listened to our “uniquely funded state broadcaster,” I thought I was going mad with its extraordinary political bias, hypocrisy, rampant nepotism, financial waste, naked greed and on top of it an annual state enforced theft of £145 – all of which would shame North Korea.
Clearly I’m not mental or maybe I am and have found a nest of like minded lunatics.
@taffman – You are correct of course, although now the useless lib dems have been kicked into touch, hopefully a Tory government can be a bit more, well, conservative.
Al Beeb reporting the charitable moves of this wealthy chap.
Why was he not so magnanimous to the homeless people that live in cardboard boxes and wander about London every year – charity begins at home.
Any thing for a bit of PR for the struggling C of E, I suppose ?
Following that speech by Merkel Dave al bin to Eton Cameron made a similar speech – his first speech as PM – saying that state multiculturalism has failed, then followed it up with prosecutions of those who protested against shariah, or objectors to the murder of a British soldier in the London streets, and each year he produces a grovelling praise of Ramadan, also pointing out that he wanted to see a muslim PM and did not want to open his door to a sea of white Christian faces.
Cameron ,does not prosecute anyone , the laws on this aspect were passed by Blair`s Mob . The cops arrest people , & present the evidence to the CPS. The CPS decide whether to prosecute a suspect . Once in court the evidence is presented to the jury , who decide if the accused is Guilty or not Guilty . If Guilty, the Judge passes a sentence on the accused .If you want a law changed , petition parliament .
Essexman, a few years ago I would have endorsed your objection. I used to believe that Britain held to the principle of the separation of powers, between the executive and the judiciary. But since Blair began to erode this separation it has gotten worse. The CPS are not politically neutral; they withhold prosecution if it is politically unwise, and sentences more and more harmonise with the political opinion of the executive. You only have to see the imbalance between prosecutions of – shall we call them – ethnics and indigenous people. And since many prosecutions and punishments are made under the influence of estimated impact the scope for the erosion of the separation of powers has increased. (note last week how the sexual abuse of a muslim child was regarded by the courts as more serious than other children) The first victim of multiculturalism was the principle that the law should be applied independently of politics. Cameron, and that repulsive tart of a Home Secretary are destroying our legal system,
Signed it a week or 2 back. The Judges are independent & are not allowed to be leant on by politicians. If they make daft rulings because of the Human Right`s Act , that is all Blair`s doing .
The Archers has often been used a vehicle for the BBC’s ‘liberal’ propaganda campaigns. Remember all the ‘gay’ plotlines of a few years ago? The trendy vicar and his multi-culti family life?
No wonder so few people bother ro go to chuch today. They can stay at home and get preached at by the BBC instead.
I used to listen to the Archers in the evening while driving home from work. I gave up a few years ago when episode after episode contained a piece on Third World Debt Forgiveness. From memory that was every conversation between Shula and the trendy vicar., and her then telling everyone else about the conversations. I haven’t listened since.
BBC propaganda at its most irritating.
P.S. After hitting “Post” I realised that “most irritating” is an overstatement. Other BBC programmes I used to watch and listen to were abandoned for being equally, if not more, irritating. From Dr Who to Sherlock, by way of PM and just about every BBC Radio “comedy” programme.
It comes across as reasonably balanced, but a couple of things struck me:
‘those migrants who were unable to cross set out on the 12km walk to Kiralyhalom, the next border crossing point.
The previous day, I drove the same section, and counted 17 points at which the fence had been breached.’
He is basically giving directions to people as to where the fence is weakest. It’s a bit like saying, ‘I noticed that round the back of Harrod’s in London there are several doors which aren’t locked at night’. All he needed to do was simply report that there is evidence that the fence had been breached.
Then there’s this bit:
‘Aid workers in the past days have been mainly treating blisters and leg injuries, as people rushed up through the Balkans without rest to reach Hungary by Monday night.’
If this really was a refugee crisis, with old people and young children fleeing for their lives, we would be seeing heart attacks and other serious illness.
‘He was subsequently challenged to a debate on the matter, instead choosing to block many of his Twitter followers that urged him to accept, and rebuffed by radio presenter Jon Gaunt as a “fat boy, pompous pr*ck”’
So their new market rate attack dog on Newsnight is proven pants at the one job he does, and now this? The fat boy jibe evidently OK between those who can see each other easily. ‘Pompous’ is just so… tiresome, isn’t it?
Is it a DNA thing?
Maybe time to get Mishal on again to seek redress in the form of enough dead kids from sections of society she feels under-represented in the body count stakes.
Yes, I noticed his absence from the airwaves last night. I didn’t feel quite the same urgncy to turn the radio off after the rugby as I usually do on a Saturday evening at 10.00.
Part of the BBC’s statement: “As he would with any caller, particularly one putting forward strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting, the presenter challenged Jonathan and asked some searching questions about his opinions and beliefs…”
They don’t seem to allow the same when the presenter has put forward strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting. You’re more likely to be cut off.
I could understand it if no spokesman was available if it was some back-bedroom hack blogger calling up about it, but the ‘Jewish Chronicle’ is a mainstream respected publication. I can’t believe the Beeb couldn’t get someone to talk to them.
GW “Be interesting how Dame Smith’s findings rate on the BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) scale.”
Please can someone explain* this B-BBC in-joke to this newbie, or relative newbie. While, I can make one or two vaguely educated guesses as to what is meant by it, I’d quite like to be totally clear about it. Perhaps we need an explanation and a panel included on the registration page, for standard in-jokes. Maybe we can set about coming up with more? If the BBC are not careful, by imposing all sorts of new restrictions they may drive legions of web watchers away from their own web-site to places like this.
Whoops. Managed to report you by accident first. Sorry.
It’s a minor satrirical indulgence from the days of irregular guests (Cherry Vultures or Flokkers), with one, dubbing themselves A. Journalist, on hand to pronounce gratituitous examples of BBC editorial by omission as easily explained away by being ‘not news’ to professional media folk of impeccable editorial integrity.
We have also had input from A. Scientist and others in a similar vein.
I simply enjoyed, and still enjoy poking a bit of fun their way, especially when they try and bluff their way out of not covering something about the BBC that BBC News would prefer to ignore.
Thanks. Both of my guesses would have been wrong then!
I assumed it might have been a reference to the ‘Personal Identity survey’, a piece of comedic writing from the Telegraph and referenced on either this Thread or elsewhere on B-BBC, hence the (c) prefix …
… taken from a BBC pro-forma, pre-printed reply to a letter complaint, that is merely a tick-box exercise and is dealt with, not by a suitably senior person but by the Newsroom Tealady.
Actually, that last one – as a form of corporate contempt – is actually quite believable, now I think about it.
Not BBC bias I know, but I’ve been looking through several articles on the migrant crisis on the Guardian website. Comments are overwhelmingly anti open-door policy; a few lefties are claiming it’s all the west’s fault etc, but these are being outnumbered like a Croatian special constable on a border fence. A lot of comments have been removed, including apparently one which gave a link to an article in ‘Die Welt’ which criticised Merkel.
Hungary has apparently also started allowing migrants to transit straight through to Austria and thence Germany.
If you use Facebook, open up some of the appeals from charities supporting the migrants, and see the negative comments there. People are expressing their views in many ways, which are contrary to the Official media view.
Looks like Cameron has taken the only course available to ensure that a Tory features on BBC News during the Labour Conference. The Bullingdon toff is taking himself off to the West Indies for the week. I’m sure the chance of showing how out of touch he is with hard working families will ensure that a BBC crew will also suffer the hardship of the trip.
He is entitled to a holiday , although Comrade Corbyn , went on a motorcycle holiday to Eastern Europe with fatty Abbott , when the wall was up . He must of wanted to see those workers paradises ,with enforced KGB /Starzi reigns of terror . Then he would of been able to whisk fatty off to Cuba ,for their own fun in the sun too .
I don’t know how many readers have heard the story widely reported on the BBC of the US Muslim who made a ‘clock’ and took it to school & showed it to one teacher who warned him not to show it to any other teacher as they might get the wrong idea. Reading that it didn’t cross my mind as to why a teacher would warn the kid that way.
He did show it to another teacher, who told the school principle and the deputy who called the Police who promptly arrested the kid.
The story was presented by the BBC as wholly unreasonable over reaction by the teachers on the grounds that the kid was Muslim and making a ‘clock’ was just some kind of electronics hobby. How wrong that impression turned out to be.
The BBC was careful not to show a picture of the ‘clock’, and now I’ve seen it I know exactly why they were so coy. The ‘clock’ it turns out is concealed in the base of an attaché case, the only thing missing is the explosives. It raises the question as to whether the kid did make this, or whether some adult did and he found it & took it into school claiming it as his own work unaware of the nature of it.
It now turns out that all time looney Obama has invited the kid to show him the clock at the Whitehouse. We can only hope he packs it with explosives first.
Personally I think the school over-reacted, which just played into the hands of the ‘everyone is islamophobic’ crowd. The teachers should, if they were concerned, have made a few discrete enquiries into how he made it, where he got the idea etc.
But it is fascinating how the Strirrer in Chief seems to have a knack for taking something trivial and best dealt with quickly and quietly, and elevating it to full outrage status in various communities.
If he had a son, he’d be making his old man proud with 71 and a half virgins by now.
The boy’s father is a muslim activist with a history of muslim agit prop activities, including twice standing for President of the Sudan, and taking part in well publicised debates. and has some kind of connection with CAIR. This prank would fit in with his activities.
And the boy recently gave the game away in an interview:
‘Ahmed Mohamad, the clock-hoaxer, told the Dallas Morning News, “I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat … so it won’t look that much suspicious.”
As for the photograph of the boy in handcuffs which went viral, this was taken by his sister because the family insisted that the cuffs remained on after he was released for the purpose of a photograph.
It seems that the scam was well orchestrated with the White House on standby ready to go into action.
Why cannot the BBC with its army of reporters dig a few facts up about these stories?
I think the left are just desperate for ‘virtue-signalling’ stories about Muslims at the moment. The basic message seems to be that we’re all getting a bit too nasty about them and we ought to be jolly ashamed of ourselves. This is a perfect story for the ‘hashtag-show-you’re-not-racist-and-think-Americans-are-stupid -bigots crowd’.
– kid makes ‘clock’ by taking apart the casing of an old clock and sticking it in a little attache case. No engineering skill required. It was probably either a prank or a rather naive attempt to impress his teacher into letting him join the science club.
– showed it to his teacher, who told him to keep it out of sight as it might be mistaken for a bomb
– the alarm went off in another class, and that teacher called the police who investigated it as a hoax bomb incident (hoax bombs are illegal in that state).
– it then all kicked off and got blown up (no pun intended) into a hashtag social justice warrior outrage incident, which may or may not have been aided and abetted by his father
I am sure Licence Payers will be fascinated to learn that BBC presenters are encouraged to ‘challenge…’ ‘ strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting’
This was, after all, an opinion-based radio phone-in broadcast after 10pm. One has to wonder at the supposed mind-set of these poor sensitive souls who might have been ‘upset’ by the views of ‘John in Merseyside’ (or whatever the chap’s name was)
From listening to the relevant clips the caller appeared simply to attempt to express a view contrary to the prevailing BBC received opinion that this country ought to let in all and sundry. Perhaps I understate this BBC view by calling it ‘received’ – it is quite clear that this is the one and only view of migrant acceptance being broadcast by the BBC loud and clear.
When has the BBC ever felt to need to ‘challenge’ in this agressive way any of the views that upset me?
I regularly have to put up with repeated calls for euthanisia, narcotics legalisation and anti-monarchist republicanism.
I am often upset when the BBC gives a platforms to radical Muslims criticising British foreign policy, and to foreign jounalists calling for Argentina to annex the Falkland Islands – none of which are ‘challenged’ in the agressive style which the BBC has defended in Stephen Nolan’s approach. In fact these views are welcomed with simpering approval by the likes of Gavin Esler.
BBC presenters have often ‘upset’ me with their pronoucements. Just one example can suffice – Tony Livesey on BBC Radio 5 Live declared my people, the peopleof England to be ‘Only English by default’
So let’s have less of this claim of protection from ‘upset’ as an excuse for leftist bias
One interviewed migrant with perfect English , repeatedly said Germany was his destination, and then when pressed said he was UK bound once he had the necessary papers.!!! no surprise there then ! Too many interviewed speak English for my liking, and not one has replied in German out of the hundreds interviewed. How many will stay in Sweden once they get their ‘papers’ ? Swedish is not a global language, and its cold, so they too will be on the move south, via Scotland no doubt.
All these migrants coming, all potential doctors/dentists/ brain surgeons/engineers…………. till they get here and suddenly they become wealthy enough to become landlords of slum properties (large town in Bedfordshire has one such landlord owning in excess of 400 properties !!!) , taxi firm owners, swag shops, and their wives and teenage kids are at the head of the queues at Sale openings.
Viewing figures for Doctor Who tank so the BBC’s response is to mention this followed by all the press cuttings saying how good Dr Who is. I almost couldn’t believe this priceless bit,
‘But reviewers were enthusiastic about the Doctor’s return, with the Radio Times giving it five stars.’ The Radio Times…really. Actually, I can believe.
Sadly, another great show has been turned into a vehicle for diversity propaganda.
A tip for the BBC, your real paymasters are not happy.
Well, the Doctor was always a bit of a Guardian reading liberal (remember that bit where the Tom Baker incarnation had the chance to annihilate the Daleks but didn’t do it because he felt it wasn’t his right) but he always came across more as a sort of muscular-Christian padre type who didn’t believe in violence but who could still give a good right hook if it was required. Plus the ‘Brigadier’ was usually there to show that some problems could only be solved with an Enfield revolver.
The ‘new’ doctor has far too much diversity check listing in it for my liking. I stopped watching after some particularly silly sniggering joke about two lesbian aliens engaging in cunnilingus. And why did so many of the aliens end up in Wales? ‘Your leader take me to, there’s lovely old butt!’
Haha didn’t see that but nothing would surprise me! It’s a shame because Dr Who is a great concept. They have made one or two good episodes in the modern version – there was one set in a public school around 1914 where some scarecrows came to life and the Cadet Corps had to fight them off – of course there was some twaddle about corporal punishment worked in to it but other than that it was quite good.
I’ve been a big fan of Doctor Who since Jon Pertwee’s time. But yesterday for the first time I really wasn’t bothered that a new series was starting. I watched it anyway and boy, what a pile of pants. England in the 1100’s and the audience for the fight had a number of ethnic faces. Still, it was better than the lesbian lizard.
Ah, that’s racial quotas, isn’t it. Lord Hall-hall spoke about this in the Guardian, (20 June 2014) saying ‘My aim is for the BBC to be the No 1 destination for talented people regardless of their background.’ Pardon me but doesn’t having a racial quota mean exactly the opposite, ie a proportion of people will be employed BECAUSE of their background?
As the doctor would say, set the coordinates and get us out of here!
Another dilemma for the BBC:
Black man says a Muslim should not be President of the US; the world can be so awkward when you have an agenda, can’t it. The BBC has clutched the only straw available in that the black man in question, Ben Carson, is a Republican so that makes him a traitor. The article also transitions seamlessly into yet another attack on Donald Trump. Great work BBC.
DI Oakes, of Greater Manchester Police said: “The city centre is a very busy place around this time on a Saturday.
“I know incidents like this can cause a lot of distress but I would like to assure the public that we will always take reports of this nature extremely seriously and we have launched a full investigation.”
Hey copper, the police, like everybody else ought to be taking rape seriously. Is this a suggestion that the victims came from ‘disturbed backgrounds’ and the men were culturally challenged, hence don’t expect it to be treated seriously.
It seems to me these headlines always imply a subtext, which is that before multiculturalism Britain was a drab, dull, colourless place. But it wasn’t! There was folk music, singing, dancing, pageants, festivals, all kinds of things going on.
There was no Eid, or mosques, and as a child in Kent we’d only heard of synagogues being in London – as were drug addicts, there were no gang rapes, hospitals were clean, nurses looked like nurses and were never overweight, it was safe to ride in a taxi, and corner shops were run by Alf Roberts.
And certainly no authors/commentators from across the pond i.e. Bonnie Greer telling us how to run OUR country.
Dont know if this has been discussed yet, beeb boss tony hall decides to “save” c-beebies after 130,000 people sign online petition. How many have signed the no more refugees petition,160 odd thousand last time i looked tony
Another one just interviewed from Syria (?) who wants to come to England to continue his studies (he looked at least 35) because he doesn’t speak German. I’m finding this slit throatingly depressing.
Yes. These poor sods will say whatever they think will get them into the EU. I don’t blame them personally; I’d probably do the same in their position, I just dislike the way the interviewers are treating them like dancing monkies. They’re like those Jews that the Nazis used to put in propaganda films of the ghetto, all smiling and saying how good life was under Herr Hitler.
And i would agree,but the oil rich saudis are taking none of their muslim brothers,why would that be. Also,if the boot was on the other foot i a,would look for a country peopled by like minded folk, andb, be ashamed to go to syria ,or wherever,and start “demanding” housing ,food,rights etc .no im sorry,its a muslim invasion.
Yes its this whole DEMANDING of – don’t want to settle here, I want to go there attitude. Eeee Gods we’ve all seen the images of headscarf wearing ululating women in the middle East and the breast beating men in unison when protesting or demanding, so, is that what we can expect to see in future years in the town centre of Stamford, or in the shopping centre at Milton Keynes ??? Because its mob rule at the moment when they can force their way through Europe, so whose to say that get enough of ’em over here to amalgamate and we really are in trouble.
Brissles, exactly that. The problem is we have no leaders who can actively point it out on msm. People in general,i would say from experience, have the same opinon as us ,so all is not lost mate
Credit where it’s due – never let it be said that we can’t give the BBC a gold star when it does something right. Tonight’s The Go-Between (BBC1) was a stunning example of what the BBC once used to do all the time: make excellent period drama without a whisper of progressive messaging or revisionist history. This was a sumptuous, fantastically rendered re-telling of L P Hartley’s tale, beautifully acted and gorgeously photographed throughout. Set in England, 1900, the attention to period detail was faultless, the hazy, sun-drenched English countryside in summer has never looked better – nor more nostalgic.
There were a few moments towards the end where I feared the BBC would not be able to help itself and slip in a non-white face just…because BBC, but no. Amazingly, the BBC stayed faithful both to the source material and to English historical/social/cultural accuracy (for the era). I have nothing at all against the inclusion of any ethnic faces in any drama where it is appropriate and faithful to the source material, it just makes me sad to think this drama was that rare beast within the hallowed halls of BBC drama these days – an uncompromised re-imagining of how things once used to be in England.
So well done, BBC. How this ever got past the BBC’s Inclusivity Police I’ll never know, but I’m very grateful for it.
”the BBC stayed faithful both to the source material and to English historical/social/cultural accuracy (for the era).” So no incongruous black guy riding a Penny Farthing down a cobbled street then ?
Reminds me of an excellent programme on the World Service – Masterpiece. Unfortunately they trashed it soon after I became aware of it. Anyway, I’m indebted to it for awakening me to the late Eva Cassidy, who was an superb singer and guitarist.
The programme started with Judy Garland and her singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and later on, without an introduction or naming of the artist, played the song again. I realised it wasn’t Judy Garland but someone quite different and I was spellbound by it.
Here she is:
And just found this documentary on her:
Yes, the BBC can still sometimes produce fine programmes. ‘Assignment’ did a good job investigating the ‘suicide’ of the prosecutor who was on the verge of exposing the cover up of the terrorist murderers of Jews in Buenos Aires in the nineties.
It’s a damn pity that the good work is overshadowed by the lefty political indoctrination and bias by distortion and omission of facts that passes for news at the BBC.
My light bulb moment of BBC bias, was when the Lady Guinevere in the Merlin series was an actress of mixed race. Er, what ??? the lady in question was an excellent actress, but we’re talking of the century just in double figures, so this was a gross miscasting.
I have made several recent comments here about the migrant issue. As more and more arrive at the borders of the West and are ushered through to its heartlands, I am now getting seriously worried about the prospects for the UK.
This is a national emergency, and our government should be taking unequivocal steps to counter what is now a credible threat to our territorial integrity – in short, an invasion. Our ‘national broadcaster’ continues to treat the situation, bizarrely, as a ‘humanitarian crisis’. If our government is to be a government at all, it must put a stop to this lying on the part of the BBC immediately. Our leaders must fulfil their duty not only to take effective steps to safeguard us, but also to reassure us publicly that they are doing so. This means halting the seditious output of the BBC, which has had a free ride for far too long now, and is doing real damage to the nation by its output and attitudes.
Surely, the situation is now far too serious for the government to be held to ransom by a broadcaster ‘gone rogue’?
Just to emphasise, I am now really worried about this accelerating situation, as the EU dithers, or actively hampers any efforts to resist this tide of hostile humanity. If large numbers of these people succeed in reaching our shores we will be helpless and unable to influence the further course of events. What is our government doing about it? They simply must bring the BBC to heel and establish a clear channel of communication between government and people, without the treacherous interference of the Corporation. The need to preserve our own existence takes precedence over any other actions now.
Yes, when even Guardian readers on Comment is Free are not only pointing out bias but making EXACTLY THE SAME comments as here IN EXACTLY THE SAME TERMS (agit-prop, propaganda, Pallywood, lying MSM etc) then clearly something, somewhere has gone very wrong and desperately needs addressing.
If sentiment is THAT strong, I cannot believe that it has slipped by those in Government. The BBC is now essentially the official Opposition party of the UK, which is particularly dangerous as they control the media narrative and so many people still think they are “unbiased and impartial.”
Mr A
“I cannot believe that it has slipped by those in Government”. Neither can I, neither can I.
As I have stated here before, where are all the Tory voters, MPs and their party activists who without doubt , would have wandered or searched for a site such as this? They don’t seem to be making many noises in the MSM about AlBeeb’s bias ?
Come to think about it, we never hear any criticism about AlBeeb’s obvious bias from its competitors. It is almost as if Is there some sort of corrupt clique controlling the media ?
I wish – but Murdoch should try, after all the BBC successfully weakened him. Plus the BBC has a far more pervasive influence than even Murdoch could ever have dreamed of so it needs weakening drastically. (Personally, its total removal would be just weak enough for me!)
Al Beeb reports that the limpdems leader, Tim Farron, is urging Labour MPs who are dismayed with the election of Corbyn to join his party?
They would be far better off following the Labour voters and join UKIP, and so would the rest of the country.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
At 8.45 this morning Al Beeb, in the person of ‘Miss Shouty’ Montagu acknowledged that only 20% odd of asylum seekers/economic migrants this year are from Syria, according to official EU figures. She then asks a Syrian about this and he states that everyone claims to be Syrian, including those who clearly are not (I think their ethnicity often gives them away!), and many have false papers. She then suggests to Romano Prodi, of all people, that it is impossible to tell one from another and that all EU countries should be impelled to accept ‘refugee/asylum seeker’ quotas. Prodi, most unsurprisingly, agrees!
‘British’ should be removed from Al Beeb’s official nomenclature, they are ever more evidently totally anti-British, just like Corbyn and his Leftoid hordes.
I thought I heard the highly paid-journalist Lyse Doucet (R4 TODAY 8.35pm segment) admit that ‘she didn’t know what was going on’ (ie. was not doing her job properly) but having re-listened to that programme segment, she did not.
That said, Lyse and her colleagues have, I think, been completely caught out by approaching the Mediterranen Crisis with blinkers on. She stated at one point – in examining where migrants are coming from – that Afghanistan is at war, ie. these are all war refugees, whether approaching Europe from the east, the south-east or the south. Is that strictly correct? The Allied forces have declared the war over and have withdrawn from Afghanistan. They, sadly, have trouble again with the Taliban but are these not, strictly speaking, terrorists? Has Afghanistan formerly proclaimed a state of war against the Taliban? I could be wrong there and welcome correction.
It appears that Lyse and her colleagues within the BBC have been making assumptions that all these people seeking to enter Europe illegally must be refugees from war. They have approached their assignment around the Mediterranean countries and elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe with pre-judgements made. Perhaps it is only the questions asked, by wary members of the public, together with the release of UN statistics, that has woken the BBC journalists up to other possibilities.
“Lies, damn lies and statistics” … is an oft repeated phrase, now used to denigrate statistics, except sometimes – as now – statistics can reveal uncomfortable truths and bring a dose of realism in their wake.
The Licence Fee payer would be right to question the Director General about whether they are getting good value for money from the roster of BBC journalists covering events around the Mediterranean and in Europe.
EU figures expose the myth that the majority of the refugees are from a war zone.
Was that a Channel 4 reporter or just another BBC man embedded with the migrants last night who slipped awkwardly over the approved appellation : “Economic… er sorry…. refugees and migrants…” His editor will surely say – go to the back of the class, son. You were hardly worth the air fare.
“Let us through, we have money” shouts a frustrated Syrian woman – not the sort of statement likely to start a charity appeal.
Some guy interviewed by Alex Crawford on Sky News just now admitted to being an economic migrant. He obviously hadn’t read the scrypt.
Yes, I heard that, too, and thought to myself “what a glorious Freudian slip”. That was shortly before I changed channels – the greasy “chat” between Snow and Kerry put me right off. They are a couple of turds, and i wouldn’t trust either of them.
Meanwhile in Sweden…. oops
Surprised that the BBC is not covering this?
Jo Coburn, sour faced BBC cow with the statutory sneer in her voice interviews leader of the English Democratic Party. Examines a statement from a party member about shooting migrants, and does not accept the man’s arguments that it might be necessary if police were under attack. OK fair enough. But watch for the BBC bias around 3.45 when she states that the migrants in Hungary responded to police tear gas by throwing stones. Factually incorrect piece of bias, that was even corrected by the token Labour representative who acknowledged that it was the police who responded to the stone throwing.
Standard BBC approach to Gaza, well worn by now.
I was surprised that PC Plod didn’t pounce on him there and then for whipping up racial hatred!
Damn you BBC
“Non-EU nationals who have a Schengen visa generally do not have ID checks once they are travelling inside the zone.”
Yes, only if they are legally entitled to be in the EU you a***oles, and you know it!
So if I smuggle myself into Austria, i can go wherever I want eh! Nobody can check who I am!
“Only six of the 28 EU member states are outside the Schengen zone – Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK.”
So what! They are not EU citizens so none of this applies does it. What don’t they get. It’s simple. How can a tax paid public service in a DEMOCRACY be allowed to carry on like this. This is nowhere like news, it is widescale miseducation and brainwashing of the public.
“Frustrated at the failure of global-warming alarmism to shift an apathetic public, Big Climate could do several things.
Most obviously, they could resume public debate with those who disagree with them, win the argument and thereby persuade the people.
Which is how, change is effected in self-governing societies.
… Instead, twenty of them have written to the US President to demand that the most powerful government on earth use the RICO laws to prosecute climate “sceptics” and “deniers”.
Instead of winning the debate, it’s easier to criminalize it”
With that in mind.
Climate Change …. BBC5 live … errr Science ?
Chris Smith and the Naked Scientists look at how climate change is affecting the oceans.
(What a typically scientific and studious photograph too 😀 )
… BBC leads the rest of the UK enemedia, in the scientific “great leap backwards”
More bias by omission. The bBBC ‘news’ doesn’t seem to have room to report that those oh-so-peaceful Muslims in Saudi Arabia have sentenced to death by crucifixion, and beheading as well (!), a 17-year-old Christian boy, Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, for the ‘crime’ of saying that the government isn’t very nice.
The BBC are so exorcise about Gay Leftie Paul Gambacini being on Police bail that they have chosen to use the subject as a question on Any Questions.
Funny how they weren’t so concerned when Jim Davidson raised the subject of his treatment isn’t it?
Never mind turning over the bloody airwaves, to one of their own cronies, it was R2 yesterday, R4 morning
R5Live later … and bloody any questions on R4 this afternoon.
Blubbering on about an evening at the theeeatre, then “my world” crashed, how (media) friends pulled him through
etc etc.
So the guy is innocent, I m pleased he s now plugging his ………….. book, and venting is cathartic
WHERE ARE THE COSY INDEPTH INTERVIEWS with the groups struggling to get any media time now, over continuing Islamic child gang rape … he would get respect from me, if he highlighted those victims, and his gay buddies under threat NOW from a growing Islamic presence, its real, its relative, and would do more for his state than any amount of bleating poor me.
Any Answers starts with Annand saying “Infants being teargassed” total bollocks as usual. I saw the sky pictures of people kicking at the barricade that the Hungarians had put in.
I look forward to another week of petulance fron Anita.
Woman and children first, or rather babies first, as performed by the gimmigrants of Hungary.
BBC News Website
“”Why can’t Britain build enough homes to meet demand?””
Every reason is given apart from…. you guessed it…. immigration!
How that elephant stomps silently around the BBC room!
All part of the BBC/Left narrative that immigration is totally positive and cannot have a negative side.
I thought you would have gotten with the programme by now DS – immigration isn’t to blame for anything bad, ever.
It’s always us that are the problem and never them.
Ye gods!
How much more overtly contrived can a photo be?
(Two days ago, I complained in writing to the BBC about the contrived use of children to further their pro-immigration narrative. The above is grossly cynical and just mocks the media. I can’t copy and save the photo, unfortunately. Can someone do it here of the crawling toddler on it’s own heading towards the line of riot police?).
This one?
Funny that because I’ve got one of a kid in a Hummer with a machine gun which we photoshopped into a scene in Iraq. Taking the image of a child an depositing it into an image of a line of Police is – well – child’s play !
I think you missed the point. These are not photoshopped pictures but images that show the depths to which the BBC will stoop to push their agenda.
Get in touch with this bird -She may have a job for you
Getting a ‘steady on’ from Mark Easton takes some doing, but she seems to have pushed the envelope.
I wonder if he and his colleagues ever pause to reflect on the lunatics they credit with running the asylum.
Snap. Here is another baby from the Guardian.
Is this some kind of bonkers race the parents and media are concocting. Or simply the world’s sickest crèche?
They train the Jihadists and Suicide Bombers from a young age.
Welcome to Islamophilic BBC s Pallywood style “Gimme grant” agenda
Out of shot is a BBC Journo waving a Farley’s Rusk!
That’s the one !! Thanks.
Is that the far right, far right “apartheid state” police in that pic?
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licence Evasion: The Rudd Defence: We explain the successful 1987 House of Lords Appeal by Jeffery Rudd, which the BBC is too scared to talk about because it undermines its TV Licensing prosecution process.
– TV Licensing for University Freshers: As TV Licensing targets the latest tranche of young minds heading to university, we redress the balance by telling them how it really is.
– TV Licensing Detector Van Cornered in Plymouth: Another of the BBC’s oh-so-secret TV detector vans is confronted by a concerned father in Plymouth. The van had been observed spying on people in the quiet residential street on five separate occasions.
What’s happened to all those who were apoplectic at the use of words like “swarm”, swamp, ‘invasion’ and a ‘moving mass of peoples’ ? The silence is deafening now they are faced with ‘tsunami’ and ‘overwhelming’ !! what bloody planet were they on in the first place not to see that a trickle soon becomes a stream, to a river, sea, ocean and tsunami ! Noticeable that there are a lack of interviews with ‘do-gooders’, or anymore pictures of welcoming hosts since the realisation that this ‘trickle’ has no sign of ending.
Tsunamis retreat once they’ve caused their havoc. I don’t see this invading deluge doing any such thing.
These are the introductions to the BBC News Channel in their “Work Plan and Statements of Programme Policy” annual reports
“The BBC News Channel should deliver up-to-the-minute, accurate, impartial and independent news, analysis and insight.”
“The BBC News Channel should deliver up-to-the-minute, accurate, impartial and independent news. It should provide timely and comprehensive coverage of events as they unfold, specialist analysis and insight to put the news in context, and give UK viewers a wide and diverse range of guests and opinion.”
I would say they have failed on every single count. Mind you they only said they SHOULD do these things, they never said they would.
This is from “the Controller’s VISION (Sam Taylor) for the service in 2014/15″
” It will maintain a strong reputation for accuracy and authority … We will do this by providing high quality coverage of significant events, and comprehensive explanation and analysis of politics, business, the economy, social policy, science and world affairs. ”
“We will explain the context and significance of major world events using our international bureaux and presenters on location — including the Ukraine crisis, the situation in Syria, Egypt and the wider Middle East. ”
It’s OK they will explain to us what is going on. They are authorised to be accurate and provide comprehensive explanations. Why was I ever worried? I hope Sam Taylor is taking something to help with his visions.
Tory cuts? The Labour loonies running Haringey council (home of ‘Baby P’) spent £80,000 on a new logo. The bBBC doesn’t tell us, though: see Evening Standard.
Suitable Semantics #3
‘Swarm’ is verboten on the BBC. But thanks to Anita Anand on Any Answers (Radio 4, 2.03pm today) we have ‘Refugee tide’. This now has the BBC-mark of approval. It may, of course, help to conjure up or remind everyone of certain pictures from earlier in the month.
It should remind people of a certain tide from Boxing Day in 2004, though this current one will probably turn out to do more (irreparable) damage than that earlier one and the monetary and social costs of it, will doubtless prove to be unending and incalculable.
OT, but justified. Sky are involved in some kind of competition with the BBC to see which of them can be more disingenuous, pro-immigrant and nakedly political. Just watched a report on Sky News (5pm bulletin) which can only be described as entirely contrived. Children, of course, featured large and were the main focus – even as the EU’s own figures inform us that three quarters of all illegal immigrants currently swarming into Eastern Europe are males aged 18-35yrs. Call me a cynic, but the two boys interviewed seemed to me to be very well rehearsed in their comments.
Comedy moment: Sky finds a young man who claimed to be from Iraq and breathlessly told the camera he was dentist. Seconds later he changed his profession to doctor, before waving the camera sheepishly away.
So many doctors, dentists, teachers, architects and social workers…
Well, Al, I guess someone, somewhere has been paying attention to the BBC News from last autumn, winter, spring and summer this year: there is a crisis in the UK National Health Service. They are short of doctors. They are short of nurses. They are short of dentists. “They must let me in if I tell them I am a dent, doctor … ”
Am surprised that there are none interviewed saying “I am a housebuilder! Stronger, quicker, cheaper than Polish person … “
One of the things I learnt while living in Hungary is that the country has a real problem with a lack of doctors. By EU standards they are very underpaid, and many have left to work in Sweden, the UK etc. The government actively encourages medical students from the middle east as well as Africa to come to train in Hungary in the hope that they will work for their health service. Surely therefore if all these migrants are doctors, they would be welcomed with open arms!
Yes you’re right Cranmer, they have a problem with highly-trained Hungarians leaving for better paid jobs in places like the UK and Germany.
However maybe all these new immigrant doctors, dentists, etc don’t want to stay in Hungary and experience what my wife’s opthamologist had to go through, which he told her about during her visit to Budapest this week.
Apparently the normally clean undercover mall where he has his offices was overrun with migrants camping out, peeing next to their tents, and generally making no-one want to go there. The opthamologist had a dramatic fall in business as a result.
To add insult to injury, a ‘refugee’ charity then set up in the vacant unit next to his, and surreptitiously hooked up to his electricity connection in order to power their cookers, churning out nice hot meals for the migrants. Needless to say he was slammed when he found out and complained to them.
There must be more dentists in the Middle East than there are teeth.
… which makes it all the stranger that Aylan Kurdi’s dad couldn’t get his teeth fixed in Turkey.
He would have to pay for it in Turkey!
“So many doctors, dentists, teachers, architects and social workers…”
I’m more worried about the bomb technicians.
Al Beeb and the rest of the MSM have consistently preached a lot of garbage to us about migrants boosting the economy with the arrival of so many doctors, engineers, nurses, students and teachers.
Yet most of the poor countries of Europe that really need that workforce are moving them on?
Perhaps they should be sent to Africa to help out there?
Oh, pleeeeeeeease !
They interviewed a young girl, who blubbed about as convincingly as a fresher at RADA, and claimed her brother in Britain who they’re trying to get to is a brain surgeon.
Surely if that is remotely true, then isn’t it more than feasible that someone with a standing of ‘brain surgeon’ regardless of his country of work, would not have THAT many problems in relocating his family to where he is ?
The other consequence (yet another) of this influx into Europe from the Third World, is that it is harming relations between neighbouring countries in the region; who are being obliged by necessity, to desperately confront a crisis which is not of their making: i.e. Hungary and Croatia, Hungary and Serbia, Austria and Hungary; Hungary and Slovakia etc.
In a sane world the other countries of the E.U. would demand for the (irredeemable) Merkel to resign, as it is she who has induced this suicidal invasion into the continent.
It looks like the penny has finally dropped with the Guardian readers. The comments are definitely NOT following the expected direction. I doubt if comments will be allowed for much longer.
Thanks for the link – I tend to avoid The Grauniad like the plague, but it’s very interesting seeing how ‘off message’ the comments section is on that piece. We really do live in interesting times…
Thanks Lobster for the link. The readers’ ‘comments’ are from all over Europe and very anti-immigrant. Additionally, most posts are very articulate. Encouraging that at least the Guardian are allowing dissent from the narrative of the Left. Oversight by the Guardian? Or perhaps a realisation that things are not going to end well?
Al Shubtill – this is a good point and one which I’ve been thinking about as well. Hungary has in general rather difficult relations with its immediate neighbours (Austria, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and the Ukraine) because it was forced at the Treaty of Versailles (Trianon) to cede about 2/3 of the country to its neighbours. This created a lot of ill feeling which is still strong today, almost a century later. The migrant crisis is likely therefore to cause quite a few diplomatic problems and we have already seen this eg with migrants being bussed back to the Hungarian border by the Croatians etc. I’m yet to hear the BBC discuss any of these potential problems, however.
Off topic: rather interestingly, the only British serviceman to have been killed on Hungarian soil (as far as I know) was a sailor who was shot during the Bolshevik uprising in Budapest in 1919; he was in landing party from a royal naval vessel sent up the Danube to enforce the partition of Hungary.
A certain Muslim living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC must be sniggering his fluffy socks off at all this lovely chaos. He printed ‘Loadsamoney’ , billions to be exact, to give to those oh so democratic fighters in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and of course in The Ukraine, (Did I miss anywhere?). Then he withdrew his troops from Iraq & Afghanistan leaving behind hell on earth for the people there when the Islamic terrorists took over.
All over the Middle East, Africa and now with Mad Mistress Merkel’s help the chaos is going well in Europe. Hungary and the former Yugoslavian states are at loggerheads. The Germans and the Austrians are only being kept in check due to past guilty feelings and accusations of racism. That won’t last and then the fireworks will spread across Europe. With a bloody vengeance.
Then there is Vladimir. He has been vilified, threatened and had his beloved country, Russia, brought to the door of economic ruin. Just because he wanted to protect the Russians in The Ukraine and the Crimea from the criminals gangs paid for in U.S. Dollars.
That man, the one with the suspect Hawaiian birth certificate, is due for another Nobel Peace Prize by the way, has fermented so much trouble that the world will be lucky to last until the end of his time at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Officially supposed to end next year but Judging by the quantity of weapons and military hardware that he has bought for the police to use on the streets of American cities he must be expecting all out world war and Martial Law in the USA very soon. I know I am.
Time to raise the drawbridge I think, this country is full. Can someone tell po-face from Chipping Norton please?
A very good analysis, but you missed out the use of the Global Warming Scare to keep the Third World poor by preventing them investing in the production of cheap energy by burning fossil fuels. Then mandating that the West has to use increasing amounts of bio-fuel, reducing the amount of land available for growing food crops and driving up world food prices.
The ‘Global warming’ scam is like so many ideas of the left, nothing short of a tool of oppression which has no actual effect on anything.
The developed world does not stop anything to do with fossil fuels, as their Saudi paymasters wouldn’t allow them to.
Why do you think oil is so cheap at the moment? It’s to keep Putin in his place and to prevent him wiping ISIS out or helping Assad. Unfortunately the tactic hasn’t worked!
The Global Warming Scam makes sense if you view it as a way for the oil/gas industry to destroy the coal companies. Once it becomes obvious that wind and solar aren’t the solution we’re left with gas fired generation for the base load.
Nice article. economy news
Angela Merkel, the de facto leader of the EU, with her unilateral, like-it-or-lump-it, make-it-up-on-the-hoof, heart-over-head immigration policy certainly seems to have cemented herself as a firm favourite of the British left-leaning commentariat.
’10 utterly convincing years’
It’s not often the Guardian bends down that low before an international leader.
I prefer to think of Merkel as the Fourth Rice Pudding (h/t Spike Milligan?)
So the President is set…
I mean the precedent is set. Across Africa, Asia and the Middle East there are at least 100 countries where major armed internal insurgency or full blown civil conflict can easily be envisaged in the near to medium term.
In other words, even were we miraculously to solve the Syrian Civil War tomorrow, next summer we might have simmering… who knows… a Sri Lanka, a Burma, Nigeria, or Uganda? Not to mention those already bubbling up nicely – Afghanistan, Yemen…
In future every year we can now look forward to a menu of at least 1 to 2 million of the more economically mobile from some conflict zone somewhere upping sticks and arriving on the European doorstep, begging bowl in hand – because Merkel just put out the welcome mat.
I gather from the Sunday Express that a Jim’ll Fix It victim has been ‘paid (off?) by the BBC’.
I wonder where the money ‘the BBC’ used came from?
I don’t understand that story. Last year, the BBC were reported to have paid out, I believe, £4/£40 million to 200 saville claimants/victims. I was surprised they could have investigated so many cases so quickly. Were they just interim payments?
Even as eastern European nation squabble amongst themselves about just what could be the fastest way to expedite the transportation through their respective territories of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into north and western EU nations, the BBC (and Sky, and CH4, etc) seem somehow only able to find pro-immigration native Croatians, Hungarians, Serbians, etc for interview to wax lyrical about the virtues of this muslim invasion.
It’s almost as if there is no other opinion on the issue – because if there is (and there is) neither the BBC nor Sky, nor CH4 or any of the msm can seem to find anyone who has anything remotely ‘off message’ to say about that army of expert doctors, dentists, teachers, architects and social workers flooding into the EU.
Funny old world, eh?
(1) Question Time: Few Tory voters and no UKIP voters in Britain at the moment.
(2) Newsnight: Both the left-wing and right wing politicians are all now Labour MP’s.
(3) Horizon: All the scientists in the world are now American.
(4) The News: All the British scientists are now Environmental activists with Arts, Drama and Language qualifications.
(5) One Show: Groupthink is now so narrow that David Attenborough is now almost the only Guest that is now acceptable for the One Show to invite.
Hello all. First time user here.
I stumbled across this site a couple of weeks ago when I became fed up with the bbc’s one sided view of illegal immigrants crossing into Europe. It’s a relief to see others have a similar point of view although I suspect we are part of the silent majority. I’m fed up with those who question anything to do with immigration being labelled as a racist or an islamophobic zealot.
Anyway, I know our prime minister isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I think he’s played quite a good game so far. By pointing out how much aid we give and actually visiting the camps, at least he doesn’t (yet) have egg on his face as per Angela Merkel.
Welcome uglybear .
Cameron has let a few Tory voters down since his last election promise. What’s he doing about AlBeeb’s Bias ?
Welcome uglybear.
I write here because, when I watched/listened to our “uniquely funded state broadcaster,” I thought I was going mad with its extraordinary political bias, hypocrisy, rampant nepotism, financial waste, naked greed and on top of it an annual state enforced theft of £145 – all of which would shame North Korea.
Clearly I’m not mental or maybe I am and have found a nest of like minded lunatics.
Either way welcome.
@taffman – You are correct of course, although now the useless lib dems have been kicked into touch, hopefully a Tory government can be a bit more, well, conservative.
And yes the bbc needs reigning in big time.
Welcome uglybear – I can also recommend:
Silenced majority, I think.
@Stuart Beaker – spot on.
Al Beeb reporting the charitable moves of this wealthy chap.
Why was he not so magnanimous to the homeless people that live in cardboard boxes and wander about London every year – charity begins at home.
Any thing for a bit of PR for the struggling C of E, I suppose ?
Maybe he was too busy supporting the Homeless Veterans! Anyway seems to be doing a lot more than Barry Morgan.
He certainly is .
Has this woman ‘lost her marbles’ ? What are the Germans thinking ?
Following that speech by Merkel Dave al bin to Eton Cameron made a similar speech – his first speech as PM – saying that state multiculturalism has failed, then followed it up with prosecutions of those who protested against shariah, or objectors to the murder of a British soldier in the London streets, and each year he produces a grovelling praise of Ramadan, also pointing out that he wanted to see a muslim PM and did not want to open his door to a sea of white Christian faces.
Cameron ,does not prosecute anyone , the laws on this aspect were passed by Blair`s Mob . The cops arrest people , & present the evidence to the CPS. The CPS decide whether to prosecute a suspect . Once in court the evidence is presented to the jury , who decide if the accused is Guilty or not Guilty . If Guilty, the Judge passes a sentence on the accused .If you want a law changed , petition parliament .
Essexman, a few years ago I would have endorsed your objection. I used to believe that Britain held to the principle of the separation of powers, between the executive and the judiciary. But since Blair began to erode this separation it has gotten worse. The CPS are not politically neutral; they withhold prosecution if it is politically unwise, and sentences more and more harmonise with the political opinion of the executive. You only have to see the imbalance between prosecutions of – shall we call them – ethnics and indigenous people. And since many prosecutions and punishments are made under the influence of estimated impact the scope for the erosion of the separation of powers has increased. (note last week how the sexual abuse of a muslim child was regarded by the courts as more serious than other children) The first victim of multiculturalism was the principle that the law should be applied independently of politics. Cameron, and that repulsive tart of a Home Secretary are destroying our legal system,
There appears to be a race to the bottom here, with apparently opposing parties simply competing in expediency.
Essexman, this one is worth a try ?
Signed it a week or 2 back. The Judges are independent & are not allowed to be leant on by politicians. If they make daft rulings because of the Human Right`s Act , that is all Blair`s doing .
Ooh arrrr they just managed a sombre mention of the “refugees” on the Archers.
The Archers has often been used a vehicle for the BBC’s ‘liberal’ propaganda campaigns. Remember all the ‘gay’ plotlines of a few years ago? The trendy vicar and his multi-culti family life?
No wonder so few people bother ro go to chuch today. They can stay at home and get preached at by the BBC instead.
I used to listen to the Archers in the evening while driving home from work. I gave up a few years ago when episode after episode contained a piece on Third World Debt Forgiveness. From memory that was every conversation between Shula and the trendy vicar., and her then telling everyone else about the conversations. I haven’t listened since.
BBC propaganda at its most irritating.
P.S. After hitting “Post” I realised that “most irritating” is an overstatement. Other BBC programmes I used to watch and listen to were abandoned for being equally, if not more, irritating. From Dr Who to Sherlock, by way of PM and just about every BBC Radio “comedy” programme.
Here’s an interesting report from the BBC’s Hungarian correspondent:
It comes across as reasonably balanced, but a couple of things struck me:
‘those migrants who were unable to cross set out on the 12km walk to Kiralyhalom, the next border crossing point.
The previous day, I drove the same section, and counted 17 points at which the fence had been breached.’
He is basically giving directions to people as to where the fence is weakest. It’s a bit like saying, ‘I noticed that round the back of Harrod’s in London there are several doors which aren’t locked at night’. All he needed to do was simply report that there is evidence that the fence had been breached.
Then there’s this bit:
‘Aid workers in the past days have been mainly treating blisters and leg injuries, as people rushed up through the Balkans without rest to reach Hungary by Monday night.’
If this really was a refugee crisis, with old people and young children fleeing for their lives, we would be seeing heart attacks and other serious illness.
BBC in hot water over antisemitic caricature in Proms programme
BBC also feeling slightly uncomfortable over fatty Nolan show
Perhaps complaining has some effect, not much but some
PS I don’t think there is anything casual about their anti-Semitism.
‘He was subsequently challenged to a debate on the matter, instead choosing to block many of his Twitter followers that urged him to accept, and rebuffed by radio presenter Jon Gaunt as a “fat boy, pompous pr*ck”’
So their new market rate attack dog on Newsnight is proven pants at the one job he does, and now this? The fat boy jibe evidently OK between those who can see each other easily. ‘Pompous’ is just so… tiresome, isn’t it?
Is it a DNA thing?
Maybe time to get Mishal on again to seek redress in the form of enough dead kids from sections of society she feels under-represented in the body count stakes.
Yes, I noticed his absence from the airwaves last night. I didn’t feel quite the same urgncy to turn the radio off after the rugby as I usually do on a Saturday evening at 10.00.
He fills a very large and much needed void.
(That’s ‘casual’ as in ‘blasé’.)
Part of the BBC’s statement:
“As he would with any caller, particularly one putting forward strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting, the presenter challenged Jonathan and asked some searching questions about his opinions and beliefs…”
They don’t seem to allow the same when the presenter has put forward strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting. You’re more likely to be cut off.
‘A spokesperson for the BBC Proms was unavailable for comment
Amazing how often that happens when it’s the BBC needing to explain itself.
I could understand it if no spokesman was available if it was some back-bedroom hack blogger calling up about it, but the ‘Jewish Chronicle’ is a mainstream respected publication. I can’t believe the Beeb couldn’t get someone to talk to them.
‘Misleading or not, it is data, it was and is stored, and the BBC should not be tap-dancing around like this, pretending it knows nothing’
Kafka, Beware of the Leopard… call it what you will, pretending to know nothing is pretty much the BBC SOP.
And yet they prevail.
While on the subject of a lot of money for not very much…
‘Then there’s pensions. Last year the BBC used £188m of licence fees to reduce the pension deficit.’
Because at the BBc, things money-grubbing can go up or… really up.
Between the pensions and pay-offs, licence fee payers may need to prepare for a bumper season of Dad’s Army.
Noting use of “quotes” and reference to mystery men the BBC feel somehow responsible for, financially at least.
Be interesting how Dame Smith’s findings rate on the BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) scale.
”I ran away but BBC security team took me back’
Maybe they should be redeployed in Turkey?
GW “Be interesting how Dame Smith’s findings rate on the BBC ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) scale.”
Please can someone explain* this B-BBC in-joke to this newbie, or relative newbie. While, I can make one or two vaguely educated guesses as to what is meant by it, I’d quite like to be totally clear about it. Perhaps we need an explanation and a panel included on the registration page, for standard in-jokes. Maybe we can set about coming up with more? If the BBC are not careful, by imposing all sorts of new restrictions they may drive legions of web watchers away from their own web-site to places like this.
* That’s if anyone actually knows. 🙂
Whoops. Managed to report you by accident first. Sorry.
It’s a minor satrirical indulgence from the days of irregular guests (Cherry Vultures or Flokkers), with one, dubbing themselves A. Journalist, on hand to pronounce gratituitous examples of BBC editorial by omission as easily explained away by being ‘not news’ to professional media folk of impeccable editorial integrity.
We have also had input from A. Scientist and others in a similar vein.
I simply enjoyed, and still enjoy poking a bit of fun their way, especially when they try and bluff their way out of not covering something about the BBC that BBC News would prefer to ignore.
Thanks. Both of my guesses would have been wrong then!
I assumed it might have been a reference to the ‘Personal Identity survey’, a piece of comedic writing from the Telegraph and referenced on either this Thread or elsewhere on B-BBC, hence the (c) prefix …
… taken from a BBC pro-forma, pre-printed reply to a letter complaint, that is merely a tick-box exercise and is dealt with, not by a suitably senior person but by the Newsroom Tealady.
Actually, that last one – as a form of corporate contempt – is actually quite believable, now I think about it.
Not BBC bias I know, but I’ve been looking through several articles on the migrant crisis on the Guardian website. Comments are overwhelmingly anti open-door policy; a few lefties are claiming it’s all the west’s fault etc, but these are being outnumbered like a Croatian special constable on a border fence. A lot of comments have been removed, including apparently one which gave a link to an article in ‘Die Welt’ which criticised Merkel.
Hungary has apparently also started allowing migrants to transit straight through to Austria and thence Germany.
‘There’s an east wind coming, Watson…’
If you use Facebook, open up some of the appeals from charities supporting the migrants, and see the negative comments there. People are expressing their views in many ways, which are contrary to the Official media view.
Looks like Cameron has taken the only course available to ensure that a Tory features on BBC News during the Labour Conference. The Bullingdon toff is taking himself off to the West Indies for the week. I’m sure the chance of showing how out of touch he is with hard working families will ensure that a BBC crew will also suffer the hardship of the trip.
He is entitled to a holiday , although Comrade Corbyn , went on a motorcycle holiday to Eastern Europe with fatty Abbott , when the wall was up . He must of wanted to see those workers paradises ,with enforced KGB /Starzi reigns of terror . Then he would of been able to whisk fatty off to Cuba ,for their own fun in the sun too .
I don’t know how many readers have heard the story widely reported on the BBC of the US Muslim who made a ‘clock’ and took it to school & showed it to one teacher who warned him not to show it to any other teacher as they might get the wrong idea. Reading that it didn’t cross my mind as to why a teacher would warn the kid that way.
He did show it to another teacher, who told the school principle and the deputy who called the Police who promptly arrested the kid.
The story was presented by the BBC as wholly unreasonable over reaction by the teachers on the grounds that the kid was Muslim and making a ‘clock’ was just some kind of electronics hobby. How wrong that impression turned out to be.
The BBC was careful not to show a picture of the ‘clock’, and now I’ve seen it I know exactly why they were so coy. The ‘clock’ it turns out is concealed in the base of an attaché case, the only thing missing is the explosives. It raises the question as to whether the kid did make this, or whether some adult did and he found it & took it into school claiming it as his own work unaware of the nature of it.
It now turns out that all time looney Obama has invited the kid to show him the clock at the Whitehouse. We can only hope he packs it with explosives first.
See what you think of it:
Personally I think the school over-reacted, which just played into the hands of the ‘everyone is islamophobic’ crowd. The teachers should, if they were concerned, have made a few discrete enquiries into how he made it, where he got the idea etc.
But it is fascinating how the Strirrer in Chief seems to have a knack for taking something trivial and best dealt with quickly and quietly, and elevating it to full outrage status in various communities.
If he had a son, he’d be making his old man proud with 71 and a half virgins by now.
Speaking of stirring….
‘OK, B-ster, how high?’
The story told by the boy and his father is full of holes, which are being examined. The boy did not invent the clock; it was a dismantled 1980’s clock.
The boy’s father is a muslim activist with a history of muslim agit prop activities, including twice standing for President of the Sudan, and taking part in well publicised debates. and has some kind of connection with CAIR. This prank would fit in with his activities.
And the boy recently gave the game away in an interview:
‘Ahmed Mohamad, the clock-hoaxer, told the Dallas Morning News, “I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat … so it won’t look that much suspicious.”
As for the photograph of the boy in handcuffs which went viral, this was taken by his sister because the family insisted that the cuffs remained on after he was released for the purpose of a photograph.
It seems that the scam was well orchestrated with the White House on standby ready to go into action.
Why cannot the BBC with its army of reporters dig a few facts up about these stories?
Have you seen the photographs of this thing? Only have his word that he was the one who made it !
Plus the fact his dad ran for president of Sudan twice and the kid will now meet Obama!
There’s more to this than meets the eye!
I think the left are just desperate for ‘virtue-signalling’ stories about Muslims at the moment. The basic message seems to be that we’re all getting a bit too nasty about them and we ought to be jolly ashamed of ourselves. This is a perfect story for the ‘hashtag-show-you’re-not-racist-and-think-Americans-are-stupid -bigots crowd’.
‘The story was presented by the BBC as wholly unreasonable over reaction by the teachers’
‘ I think the left are just desperate for ‘virtue-signalling’ stories about Muslims at the moment’
“If you spot something suspicious, don’t be afraid to tell a member of staff or a police officer. It’s up to all of us to keep London secure.”
From what I can gather it looks something like:
– kid makes ‘clock’ by taking apart the casing of an old clock and sticking it in a little attache case. No engineering skill required. It was probably either a prank or a rather naive attempt to impress his teacher into letting him join the science club.
– showed it to his teacher, who told him to keep it out of sight as it might be mistaken for a bomb
– the alarm went off in another class, and that teacher called the police who investigated it as a hoax bomb incident (hoax bombs are illegal in that state).
– it then all kicked off and got blown up (no pun intended) into a hashtag social justice warrior outrage incident, which may or may not have been aided and abetted by his father
Spot on Cranmer
Ahmed Mohammed Clock is a FRAUD
Maher Battles Guests on Ahmed Mohamed: Be Cautious When Young Muslims Are ‘Blowing Sh*t Up’
Still got a flood of supporters inluding the Prez saying how wonderful this kid is.
Oh, did I mention his dad? “One of the earliest instances of the standout citizen making national news was in 2011, when he sensationally stood up to an anti-Islamic pastor and defended the Koran as its defense attorney.”
If this was a white kid it would have been treated as a complete non-event.
Here is a clock like Ahmed’s…made earlier.
Kool klock Kid!
[How does one embed a YouTube video? It never works for me. I expect I won’t get an invite to No. 10 then!]
Strong Views
I am sure Licence Payers will be fascinated to learn that BBC presenters are encouraged to ‘challenge…’ ‘ strong views that some listeners are likely to find upsetting’
This was, after all, an opinion-based radio phone-in broadcast after 10pm. One has to wonder at the supposed mind-set of these poor sensitive souls who might have been ‘upset’ by the views of ‘John in Merseyside’ (or whatever the chap’s name was)
From listening to the relevant clips the caller appeared simply to attempt to express a view contrary to the prevailing BBC received opinion that this country ought to let in all and sundry. Perhaps I understate this BBC view by calling it ‘received’ – it is quite clear that this is the one and only view of migrant acceptance being broadcast by the BBC loud and clear.
When has the BBC ever felt to need to ‘challenge’ in this agressive way any of the views that upset me?
I regularly have to put up with repeated calls for euthanisia, narcotics legalisation and anti-monarchist republicanism.
I am often upset when the BBC gives a platforms to radical Muslims criticising British foreign policy, and to foreign jounalists calling for Argentina to annex the Falkland Islands – none of which are ‘challenged’ in the agressive style which the BBC has defended in Stephen Nolan’s approach. In fact these views are welcomed with simpering approval by the likes of Gavin Esler.
BBC presenters have often ‘upset’ me with their pronoucements. Just one example can suffice – Tony Livesey on BBC Radio 5 Live declared my people, the peopleof England to be ‘Only English by default’
So let’s have less of this claim of protection from ‘upset’ as an excuse for leftist bias
One interviewed migrant with perfect English , repeatedly said Germany was his destination, and then when pressed said he was UK bound once he had the necessary papers.!!! no surprise there then ! Too many interviewed speak English for my liking, and not one has replied in German out of the hundreds interviewed. How many will stay in Sweden once they get their ‘papers’ ? Swedish is not a global language, and its cold, so they too will be on the move south, via Scotland no doubt.
All these migrants coming, all potential doctors/dentists/ brain surgeons/engineers…………. till they get here and suddenly they become wealthy enough to become landlords of slum properties (large town in Bedfordshire has one such landlord owning in excess of 400 properties !!!) , taxi firm owners, swag shops, and their wives and teenage kids are at the head of the queues at Sale openings.
Here is another little piece showing that the BBC will never take a hint:
Viewing figures for Doctor Who tank so the BBC’s response is to mention this followed by all the press cuttings saying how good Dr Who is. I almost couldn’t believe this priceless bit,
‘But reviewers were enthusiastic about the Doctor’s return, with the Radio Times giving it five stars.’ The Radio Times…really. Actually, I can believe.
Sadly, another great show has been turned into a vehicle for diversity propaganda.
A tip for the BBC, your real paymasters are not happy.
Well, the Doctor was always a bit of a Guardian reading liberal (remember that bit where the Tom Baker incarnation had the chance to annihilate the Daleks but didn’t do it because he felt it wasn’t his right) but he always came across more as a sort of muscular-Christian padre type who didn’t believe in violence but who could still give a good right hook if it was required. Plus the ‘Brigadier’ was usually there to show that some problems could only be solved with an Enfield revolver.
The ‘new’ doctor has far too much diversity check listing in it for my liking. I stopped watching after some particularly silly sniggering joke about two lesbian aliens engaging in cunnilingus. And why did so many of the aliens end up in Wales? ‘Your leader take me to, there’s lovely old butt!’
I gave up where Clara described Jane Austen as a great kisser.
Haha didn’t see that but nothing would surprise me! It’s a shame because Dr Who is a great concept. They have made one or two good episodes in the modern version – there was one set in a public school around 1914 where some scarecrows came to life and the Cadet Corps had to fight them off – of course there was some twaddle about corporal punishment worked in to it but other than that it was quite good.
I’ve been a big fan of Doctor Who since Jon Pertwee’s time. But yesterday for the first time I really wasn’t bothered that a new series was starting. I watched it anyway and boy, what a pile of pants. England in the 1100’s and the audience for the fight had a number of ethnic faces. Still, it was better than the lesbian lizard.
Ah, that’s racial quotas, isn’t it. Lord Hall-hall spoke about this in the Guardian, (20 June 2014) saying ‘My aim is for the BBC to be the No 1 destination for talented people regardless of their background.’ Pardon me but doesn’t having a racial quota mean exactly the opposite, ie a proportion of people will be employed BECAUSE of their background?
As the doctor would say, set the coordinates and get us out of here!
Another dilemma for the BBC:
Black man says a Muslim should not be President of the US; the world can be so awkward when you have an agenda, can’t it. The BBC has clutched the only straw available in that the black man in question, Ben Carson, is a Republican so that makes him a traitor. The article also transitions seamlessly into yet another attack on Donald Trump. Great work BBC.
I notice that their little vignette ‘Obama as a muslim- a short history’ shows them at their disingenuous best
They claim that rumors about the Kenyan being a moslem started during the 2008 election campaign, inferring that it was started by the republicans-Oh no they didn’t BBC as you well know
Can’t find this on the BBC …
“Who is Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and why is Saudi Arabia planning to behead and crucify him?”
It’s those ‘men’ again “Police investigate after reports two girls, aged 15 and 17, were raped in Manchester city centre”
Meanwhile the Fascist Police Commissioner Tony Lloyd who makes sure all these affairs are well covered up was out enjoying himself at this:
“Pakistan Parade brings song, dance and celebration of culture to Manchester streets”
Maybe he wasn’t enjoying himself, but was looking for suspects.
DI Oakes, of Greater Manchester Police said: “The city centre is a very busy place around this time on a Saturday.
“I know incidents like this can cause a lot of distress but I would like to assure the public that we will always take reports of this nature extremely seriously and we have launched a full investigation.”
Hey copper, the police, like everybody else ought to be taking rape seriously. Is this a suggestion that the victims came from ‘disturbed backgrounds’ and the men were culturally challenged, hence don’t expect it to be treated seriously.
“Pakistan is a very diverse country so ……………”
Really? I’m not an expert on the region but didn’t Partition in 1947 suggest otherwise?
I believe that in Pakistan only Muslims of a recognised mainstream kind get the vote.
So, diverse in disenfranchisement, rich in marginalisation. Or did I get this wrong?
You got it right! Coming to a town near you soon,lock up your grandkids and daugters
” Pakistan Parade brings song, dance and celebration of culture to Manchester streets.” Were they doing Jazz hands ?
It seems to me these headlines always imply a subtext, which is that before multiculturalism Britain was a drab, dull, colourless place. But it wasn’t! There was folk music, singing, dancing, pageants, festivals, all kinds of things going on.
”But it wasn’t! There was folk music, singing, dancing, pageants, festivals.” And cohesion.
There was no Eid, or mosques, and as a child in Kent we’d only heard of synagogues being in London – as were drug addicts, there were no gang rapes, hospitals were clean, nurses looked like nurses and were never overweight, it was safe to ride in a taxi, and corner shops were run by Alf Roberts.
And certainly no authors/commentators from across the pond i.e. Bonnie Greer telling us how to run OUR country.
Alf Roberts was a rum’un though. Well, he was in ‘Get Carter’ anyway.
He played Brumby, a slot-machine magnate with a daughter called Sandra, who Carter called a slag.
Manchester was famous for its Whit Walks, probably still persist but as I recall they were christian and disgustingly white.
Had to give up on Dr Who, just too much agitprop.
Dont know if this has been discussed yet, beeb boss tony hall decides to “save” c-beebies after 130,000 people sign online petition. How many have signed the no more refugees petition,160 odd thousand last time i looked tony
Oh great! More Rastamouse and Tales from Africa.
Another one just interviewed from Syria (?) who wants to come to England to continue his studies (he looked at least 35) because he doesn’t speak German. I’m finding this slit throatingly depressing.
Yes. These poor sods will say whatever they think will get them into the EU. I don’t blame them personally; I’d probably do the same in their position, I just dislike the way the interviewers are treating them like dancing monkies. They’re like those Jews that the Nazis used to put in propaganda films of the ghetto, all smiling and saying how good life was under Herr Hitler.
And i would agree,but the oil rich saudis are taking none of their muslim brothers,why would that be. Also,if the boot was on the other foot i a,would look for a country peopled by like minded folk, andb, be ashamed to go to syria ,or wherever,and start “demanding” housing ,food,rights etc .no im sorry,its a muslim invasion.
Yes its this whole DEMANDING of – don’t want to settle here, I want to go there attitude. Eeee Gods we’ve all seen the images of headscarf wearing ululating women in the middle East and the breast beating men in unison when protesting or demanding, so, is that what we can expect to see in future years in the town centre of Stamford, or in the shopping centre at Milton Keynes ??? Because its mob rule at the moment when they can force their way through Europe, so whose to say that get enough of ’em over here to amalgamate and we really are in trouble.
Brissles, exactly that. The problem is we have no leaders who can actively point it out on msm. People in general,i would say from experience, have the same opinon as us ,so all is not lost mate
Credit where it’s due – never let it be said that we can’t give the BBC a gold star when it does something right. Tonight’s The Go-Between (BBC1) was a stunning example of what the BBC once used to do all the time: make excellent period drama without a whisper of progressive messaging or revisionist history. This was a sumptuous, fantastically rendered re-telling of L P Hartley’s tale, beautifully acted and gorgeously photographed throughout. Set in England, 1900, the attention to period detail was faultless, the hazy, sun-drenched English countryside in summer has never looked better – nor more nostalgic.
There were a few moments towards the end where I feared the BBC would not be able to help itself and slip in a non-white face just…because BBC, but no. Amazingly, the BBC stayed faithful both to the source material and to English historical/social/cultural accuracy (for the era). I have nothing at all against the inclusion of any ethnic faces in any drama where it is appropriate and faithful to the source material, it just makes me sad to think this drama was that rare beast within the hallowed halls of BBC drama these days – an uncompromised re-imagining of how things once used to be in England.
So well done, BBC. How this ever got past the BBC’s Inclusivity Police I’ll never know, but I’m very grateful for it.
Glad to hear it. I assumed it would have the usual revisionist dross worked into it, but it’s good to hear it was untouched.
”the BBC stayed faithful both to the source material and to English historical/social/cultural accuracy (for the era).” So no incongruous black guy riding a Penny Farthing down a cobbled street then ?
Surely they could’ve got Lenny Henry a role, a country squire in tweeds or a butler ? BBC racist bastards !!
Reminds me of an excellent programme on the World Service – Masterpiece. Unfortunately they trashed it soon after I became aware of it. Anyway, I’m indebted to it for awakening me to the late Eva Cassidy, who was an superb singer and guitarist.
The programme started with Judy Garland and her singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and later on, without an introduction or naming of the artist, played the song again. I realised it wasn’t Judy Garland but someone quite different and I was spellbound by it.
Here she is:
And just found this documentary on her:
Yes, the BBC can still sometimes produce fine programmes. ‘Assignment’ did a good job investigating the ‘suicide’ of the prosecutor who was on the verge of exposing the cover up of the terrorist murderers of Jews in Buenos Aires in the nineties.
It’s a damn pity that the good work is overshadowed by the lefty political indoctrination and bias by distortion and omission of facts that passes for news at the BBC.
My light bulb moment of BBC bias, was when the Lady Guinevere in the Merlin series was an actress of mixed race. Er, what ??? the lady in question was an excellent actress, but we’re talking of the century just in double figures, so this was a gross miscasting.
I walked past her a few months ago. She’s even better looking in real life than on the TV.
I have made several recent comments here about the migrant issue. As more and more arrive at the borders of the West and are ushered through to its heartlands, I am now getting seriously worried about the prospects for the UK.
This is a national emergency, and our government should be taking unequivocal steps to counter what is now a credible threat to our territorial integrity – in short, an invasion. Our ‘national broadcaster’ continues to treat the situation, bizarrely, as a ‘humanitarian crisis’. If our government is to be a government at all, it must put a stop to this lying on the part of the BBC immediately. Our leaders must fulfil their duty not only to take effective steps to safeguard us, but also to reassure us publicly that they are doing so. This means halting the seditious output of the BBC, which has had a free ride for far too long now, and is doing real damage to the nation by its output and attitudes.
Surely, the situation is now far too serious for the government to be held to ransom by a broadcaster ‘gone rogue’?
Just to emphasise, I am now really worried about this accelerating situation, as the EU dithers, or actively hampers any efforts to resist this tide of hostile humanity. If large numbers of these people succeed in reaching our shores we will be helpless and unable to influence the further course of events. What is our government doing about it? They simply must bring the BBC to heel and establish a clear channel of communication between government and people, without the treacherous interference of the Corporation. The need to preserve our own existence takes precedence over any other actions now.
Yes, when even Guardian readers on Comment is Free are not only pointing out bias but making EXACTLY THE SAME comments as here IN EXACTLY THE SAME TERMS (agit-prop, propaganda, Pallywood, lying MSM etc) then clearly something, somewhere has gone very wrong and desperately needs addressing.
If sentiment is THAT strong, I cannot believe that it has slipped by those in Government. The BBC is now essentially the official Opposition party of the UK, which is particularly dangerous as they control the media narrative and so many people still think they are “unbiased and impartial.”
Mr A
“I cannot believe that it has slipped by those in Government”. Neither can I, neither can I.
As I have stated here before, where are all the Tory voters, MPs and their party activists who without doubt , would have wandered or searched for a site such as this? They don’t seem to be making many noises in the MSM about AlBeeb’s bias ?
Come to think about it, we never hear any criticism about AlBeeb’s obvious bias from its competitors. It is almost as if Is there some sort of corrupt clique controlling the media ?
Come to think about it, we never hear any criticism about AlBeeb’s obvious bias from its competitors.
No, there has been criticism, for example from the Daily Mail and the Telegraph.
‘there has been criticism, for example from the Daily Mail and the Telegraph’
Yet a Daily Dimbles gets cycled through to attempt a handbag of… Murdoch.
Have to say, ‘BBC lifer blames anyone but the BBC gravy train that serves him’ hardly seems ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
And it’s not like the Indy or even Graun Eds haven’t had a dig too.
I wish – but Murdoch should try, after all the BBC successfully weakened him. Plus the BBC has a far more pervasive influence than even Murdoch could ever have dreamed of so it needs weakening drastically. (Personally, its total removal would be just weak enough for me!)
Al Beeb reports that the limpdems leader, Tim Farron, is urging Labour MPs who are dismayed with the election of Corbyn to join his party?
They would be far better off following the Labour voters and join UKIP, and so would the rest of the country.
Looks like Wierd Al’s deft touch in funding oversight has scored again.