The BBC keeps telling us that the migrant crisis could be solved if the European countries could only come up with a unified plan to parcel out the migrants equitably. Of course what the BBC means by ‘migrant crisis’ is probably entirely different to what most people’s understanding of the term might be. The BBC’s interpretation is that the millions of people heading towards Europe are not a migrant crisis, the BBC is in fact a cheerleader for this, the crisis is purely in the mishandling of the migrants once they get here and not in the fact that they come. The BBC thinks that if only we could process these migrants faster and more efficiently and share them out between the different countries, regardless of where they want to go, then the crisis is solved.
You would hope that this is not what they actually think….many BBC reporters must be victims of group-think as well as pressure from their fellow reporters to toe the compassionate line…start reporting the truth and investigating the consequences of so much migration into Europe by totally ‘alien’ peoples and they would soon find themselves shut out of the BBC club and victims of the ‘consensus’.
The Telegraph is running a poll asking if Merkel has made the migrant crisis [a normal person’s understanding of the term] worse….when I looked 99% said she had made things worse…by unilaterally opening Germany’s borders, and hence Europe’s, without asking anyone else in Europe if they agreed…and then demanding ‘unity’ to solve the problem created by her own disunity.
The BBC has misjudged the Public mood, well, determinedly ignored it. Which is ironic really because the BBC thinks it is Cameron who misjudged the Public mood when he refused to let in anymore Syrian migrants until the photograph of the boy on the beach surfaced….apparently when Cameron relented and agreed to let in more Syrians he was only then just catching up with the Public mood….obviously we all wanted more Syrian migrants. You can hear the BBC’s wise words at about 4 mins 30 secs in this video…..
Hitchens, in the video, takes the view that the only sensible way to deal with this ‘migrant crisis’ is to improve the refugee camps in the areas surrounding Syria…he says the migrants coming into Europe are actually economic migrants and that they will transform the whole of Europe and that pro-immigant propaganda, such as the photograph of the boy on the beach, is used to silence people and stop critical, rational thinking about the migrants, there is a lot of emotion clouding judgement, a lot of emotive stupidity.
The BBC, as said, doesn’t see millions of migrants flooding into Europe as a crisis and keeps asking if we shouldn’t be taking more migrants. Funny the direction in which the BBC pressure is always applied.
On Friday 5Live brought us Anna Holligan (46 mins) reporting from Croatia where she tells us that ‘We’ve all seen these pictures of razor wire, police using water cannon and tear gas to disperse refugees who came to the border to try and cross into Hungary…’
Several problems with that small sentence…first we have the ever-present use of the term ‘razor wire’ which the BBC uses as often as possible in what must be a deliberate attempt to make the Hungarians look as bad as possible and the ‘plight’ of the migrants really harsh….not that much different to the victims of the Holocaust…something that the BBC also alludes to frequently in regard to the migrants and their treatment, or alleged treatment.
Secondly the police didn’t use water cannon and tear gas to disperse ‘refugees’, they used them to stop migrants from attacking the police with extreme violence and attempting to storm the border by force….curious how the BBC never seems to mention the violence of the migrants when it mentions Hungary’s use of control measures. And of course they are not so much ‘refugees’ as economic migrants.
She then admits that Croatia says it cannot cope with the numbers and might close its borders…odd how Croatia gets a sympathetic hearing but Hungary gets called a Fascist state when it says it can’t cope….such an approach seems BBC-wide and not just limited to Holligan as this example shows…
Croatia initially welcomed the migrants, but then said it was unable to cope with the numbers and moved them over its border with Hungary, which quickly ferried them west to Austria.
When that finding came out the BBC has had to find a new way to promote the idea that Syrians are supposedly the bulk of the migrants when the truth is they are not…the BBC now says the Syrians are merely the ‘largest group’ which doesn’t tell you that overall they make up only 20% of the migrants…..
The largest group arriving in Europe are Syrians escaping the conflict there, followed by Afghans, then migrants from Eritrea, Nigeria and Somalia, fleeing war and human rights abuses.
And yet it is the Syrians that the BBC concentrates on and uses as a means to try and induce guilt in the West by claiming the West is responsible for events in Syria in a way it couldn’t do for Eirtrea, Nigeria and Somalia. They try to ramp up the sympathy or guilt for the migrant cause overall by exploiting the Syrian angle.
Have to say that Hungary proves that migration can be controlled and stopped despite the BBC saying it is inevitable and unstoppable….the border fence, and the will to stop them, forced the migrants to turn elsewhere…so the logic would be that similar preventative measures elsewhere would send out the message that Europe is not open to all the world and this would force potential migrants, the vast majority of whom are economic, to think again. The BBC of course can be relied upon to seek out those who did attempt to come here anyway and ended up stranded behind the fences or on the beaches somewhere because they didn’t listen and the BBC would be working hard to ‘break down’ the fences and the political will to stop migration by looking for more ‘dead babies’ on those beaches to try and paint a picture of a continuing ‘migrant crisis’ and suffering migrants.
Peter Hitchens, echoing government policy, has the only sensible answer….improve the refugee camps and stop the war in Syria. The solution is not merely finding a way to accomodate millions of people flooding into Europe in hope of a better life as the BBC’s campaigning supports.
The BBC is, as always, completely out of touch with Public opinon in the UK, and probaly the majority Public opinion across most of Europe.
Chwarae teg Alan.
“4 out of 5 migrants aren’t Syrian” and a high percentage are ISIS moles.
Can I have my pistols back Mr Blair – I thought not!!!
I can only say that the indigenous population have been abandoned by various governments in the last 70 years.
Y mae’n iawn !
Vote UKIP in the next Welsh Assembly elections – let’s all get out of Europe .
Labour has failed Wales for 70 years and taken us all for granted.
I have done in BOTH the last two big elections – I can appreciate Plaid’s principles but their policies are sheer lunacy.
Dysgu Cymraeg!
Plaid are completely out of touch with Wales and its people …………..
Most round here (Gwendraith) are hacked off with all the so called main parties.
Then tell them about UKIP
Pleidlais UKIP
That’s who they’re talking about!!!
Then they are not wrong in Pontyberem and Pontyates.
Plaid are Welsh national socialists, just as the SNP are Scottish national socialists. Whatever problems a country may face, socialist policies are guaranteed to make them worse. Ask anyone from the toilet paper free socialist paradise of Venezuela if you doubt this eternal truth.
You’re right Taffman, but I believe there too many genetically -in the blood, dyed in the wool, hereditary politically dim, Labour sheep following voters in Wales. Too many citizens who say ‘my family have always voted for national Socialists (Nazi’s)/ communist (Stalinists) and therefore, so too will I.’
I would however, love to be proven wrong!
The invasion of Europe has been going on for 70 years, we’re reaching the end game now, to become minorities in our own nations, Sweden will be the first to go.
Multiculturalism, die-versity is a giant scam, it just means less white people, and with that the culture that white people produces, classical music, painting, opera, theatre, literature, sculpture goes as well to be replaced by a third world ”culture.”
Don’t forget the Brits ability to make fun and laugh at oneself, something most if not all Muslims find impossible to do!
A message to AlBeeb and our Prime Minister .
The first duty of a government of any nation is to protect its own people and secure its borders .
Well we’ve still got the Bridge and Offa’s Dyke!
sarc. off 🙂
Not when Cameron prefers to support big foreign businesses in trying to keep us in the EU at the expense of diluting our national identity.
History will one day see Cameron as a lying traitor to Britain. Like Bliar all those who voted for him will deny they ever did when our sovereignty and culture has been completely relinquished.
‘I will bring immigration down to the tens of thousands’ – what a lying,cowardly arse he is!
Cameron will only clip the wings of the Beeb if they do not support Britain’s membership.
As far as Cameron is concerned, we are all like the dead pig, and he’ll use us for the same purpose.
That is news to the both of them. As far as they are concerned, the first duty of both is to protect each other.
And look at this
Refugees shun France, land of red tape, unemployment and poor housing
Lucky France.
And how is the EU to equitably distribute these very fastiduous illegal Muslim invaders. They will go where they get the best apartment, largest dole money, and immediate clearance to bring in the whole extended family. Germany and Sweden are finished.
Once they have taken cared of Germany and Sweden, the Islamic invader horde will move on to rest of Europe.
Its time a mainline party called out on this invasion. And if the BBC and governments don’t like it, demand referendums.
BBC James Reynolds ” Welcome to Europe.” He actually said that to a boat load of invaders
How do spell the word pr*t?
Hello mods.
As in Tw@son?
Weren’t the BBC portraying Croatia in a bad light when they loaded a train full of migrants and shipped them off to Hungary?
Until they interviewed a Croatian government official and he said “that’s where they wanted to go, so we took them there”.
Turns out, the migrants were not loaded onto the train – they loaded themselves on to it!
Interesting this, Hungary have a current record of processing only 8% of asylum seekers. Croatia I assume must be even less. Or is it a geographically useful exodus of migrants just passing through Croatia to get to another country of convenience and weak governance?
I have noticed that the ex Greek Finance Minister Yanoufarkas is on Question Time this week, he will, I am sure be advocating for Greece’s withdrawal from the EU, as well as criticising the EU as an effective body. I also see the anti British Beeb have tried counter his remarks with the likes of the bumbling incompetent rogue Kenneth Clarke being invited to attend. Might be worth a watch. I did say might be, as there will inevitably bias.
Hardly matters, nobody absolutely nobody (left, right in the middle), give’s a monkey’s what Kenneth Clark thinks.
Actually the above clip is a classical example of just how the bBC play on our emotions. Note the last lingering image of the VT before it cuts back to the studio. A doe eyed child (again) staring forlornly and almost artistically through a hole in a tent.
This sets up the viewer to potentially hate anyone back in the studio who may dare question the ‘immigrants’ plight, bias by emotional blackmail if you like, full ‘but what about the children’ Nolan mode.
Thankfully most people are now seeing through it and personally it has no effect, all I now see is that kid potentially taking away what we have all paid for, that its our own futures, our hospital beds, our land, our school places, our houses, our culture and our beliefs.
That’s the emotional effect such shots have on me….
Dear Mister CaMoron,

I am Syrian electrical engineer. I have invented mobile phone I made with Lego. Do you think it is cool? I want to come live with you and your wife queen. I want to go White House, you fix for me?
I want top job Google, Facebook, NASA.
I want study Oxford College in Cambridge, MIT. I come soon?
P.S. Not Muslim, hope not problem.
Dear Jim S. Say, that’s a cool clock! Er…I mean detonator…er, calculator…er, what actually is it? Anyway, it’s cool!
I’d love to invite you to the White House but I don’t think we’ve seen you in handcuffs on social media. Also, I don’t think your Dad is a prominent activist in Sudan, so I’m gonna have to pass on the White House tour. But keep up the good work – we need kids to like kids who are kids who play with lego to make science!
O. Bumma
That looks as useful as a
Ramzpaul on the clock boy.
Good stuff on BBC Have your say today.
The Great British Public can see through the BBC luvvie-liberal migrant drivel and are really going for the jugular and the tide is so strong that the HYS censors, oops I mean moderators, just have no-where to go, so all the top-rated migration-sceptic remarks are still being shown, until the whole thing gets taken down.
It won’t last and this avalanche of the alternative view won’t ever get represented of course, but it is very refreshing to read.
Yes, it will probably be dismissed by the BBC as ‘organised right wing trolling by a few individuals not representing the vast majority of decent British people who believe in compassion fairness bla bla bla…..’
Lebanon has 4 million refugees, Turkey has two . Will they stay there for the rest of their lives ?
Do these counties have 2 million Poles and half a million Lithuanians , 3 million Eritreans , Sudanese and Yemenis , two million from South of the Sahara Africans , half a million from Mexico southwards from the Americas and a million plus from the rest of EUrope – rising .?
If the civil war stopped in Syria and Iraq the refugee flow would stop , but we need a civil war in the UK to stop the flow into here .
Civil War!!
It’s in Europe it will happen, almost definitely.
I’ve got an old WW2 tin hat, an old pellet rifle, and a penknife
and I’m up for it!
Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring! Don’t panic! Don’t panic!
My 12 Bore Browning and several boxes of Alphamax will do me and my family.
That nice Mr Bliar had my handguns!!!!
Migrant Crisis Solved? Easy – just include a Cameron-style initiation ceremony in the British Citizenship test.
That was brought in by New Labour , the citizen test . Anyhow the Krankie Comrade , north of the border would have lots & lots , till their are no “Bravehearts” left .
Obviously, encouraging them will only make it worse. There are billions of third world peoples.
Why do they arrive on boats? Has Turkey managed to stop them somehow.