Yet another technology whinge about the malign influence of the BBC over the UKs broadcast standards.
The BBC is pushing DAB radio heavily. So much so that it is now pushing for another digital switchover wanting to switch FM analogue broadcasting altogether.
But DAB is very much inferior to analogue. Not because the digital technology is inferior, but because the BBC have crushed it down past the bare minimum they think they can get away with.
It uses an old obsolete MP2 codec much inferior to MP3. Bit rates are at maximum 128Kbs and now broadcasts are mono only !
Worse than that the BBC are ‘encouraging’ other broadcasters to follow them down this path.
The excuse they give for this is the bandwidth of the broadcast signal, but that still does not account for the fact that their internet radio stream is just as bad!
They can broadcast HD TV in digital, and stream it on iPlayer so I don’t accept this excuse, it’s just the BBC holding the UK back on technology, something they’ve been doing since the 1950s
My internet radios are pretty well obsolescent. When I first bought them I could stop and start ‘listen again’ content and wind it back. Now I’m lucky to get ‘live’ content. The streams often stop for no reason, the service won’t connect, or it is full of interruptions, yet TV is fine. Remarkably the French seem to be able better quality radio that is reliable.
My ‘smart’ dvd player is no longer smart. First it lost the ability to receive ‘listen again’ radio and then TV – the BBC thinks ‘everybody’ watches TV on a smart phone now.
I doubt if anyone in this country even knows what a decent TV picture looks like anymore. Colour balance used to be important once but now it is all garish lighting and uni-race orange skin tones.
It is interesting, Thoughtful, that with all their engineering ‘groundbreaking knowledge and innovation’ and ‘technical excellence’ that the BBC in relation to digital broadcasting, let alone DAB radio, completely overlook the Global Warming & Climate Change implications of switching. Set aside the extra transmission & reception power required, the manufacture, shipping, unloading, transport, retailing & shopping for new televisions and set top boxes and new radios, is probably massive and probably far outweighs other road transport & air travel that we are regularly told by the BBC is so bad for the planet.
All that before considering the waste packaging created, the piles of redundant units, the transport of same for recycling and possibly the damage done (often in countries with developing economies) by the residues and any contamination therefrom. The BBC appears totally blind or hypocritical or blind AND hypocritical as far as digital broadcasting is concerned.
Digital radio reception is especially power hungry and I cannot understand why the BBC refuse to acknowledge that fact. Perhaps because they can pitch for an increased Licence Fee because they need to employ another Director at vast expense (& other sundry staff) to direct the radio switch over. Stuff the planet, ignore the listeners, ‘we have to ensure we make the BBC kingdom ever larger, ever more powerful’.
Time for another letter of protest to the DG, methinks, cc The Editor, The Guardian.
Outrage on the Today programme this morning over the comment from Ben Carson, Republican Presidential Candidate that islam is incompatible with the US Constitution. It did not go unnoticed that John Sopel, BBC’s Washington correspondent, took care to avoid mentioning that Ben Carson is African-American, but was content to let the uninformed listener assume he was a white (racist). My opinion is simply that, since Democracy is incompatible with islam, it follows that the US Constitution is incompatible with it also.
Islam is incompatible western democratic freedoms, period. To state such a thing is not outrageous: it is a fact. This is why wherever there are large Islamic ‘communities’ in western democratic nations they remain ghettoised – apart, unintegrated. This is because the Quran expressly forbids muslims to ‘integrate’ (i.e. to adopt the social values and cultures of their host nations). Ergo, Islam is incompatible with western democratic freedoms.
‘Moderate Islam’ is a western illiberal construct – designed by the msm and others to create apologia for Islam’s refusal to ‘integrate’. You will not find a single reference to ‘moderate’ Islam in the entirety of the Quran because such a concept doesn’t exist and it never has. Islam is a non-negotiable text – muslims are muslims first and foremost; before any allegiance to national flag, before any allegiance to family. There is no such thing as a ‘moderate’ muslim. It simply does not exist.
As I understand it, when people talk about ‘moderate’ Islam they mean something similar to being a lapsed Catholic.
It’s not a religion or a movement in itself, it’s just people who don’t take their religion too seriously or have given it up and consider themselves Muslim in name only. I know one or two people like this myself and a lot of the people in the secularised Muslim countries such as Tunisia are like this.
The problem is it’s not a moderate religious movement like, say, liberal Protestant Christianity, so it has no leaders or representatives who can balance out the fundamentalists. That’s why the BBC et al never seem to be able to call upon some ‘moderate’ Muslim spokesman or group.
“…it’s just people who don’t take their religion too seriously or have given it up and consider themselves Muslim in name only.”
I understand what you’re getting at there, but unfortunately Islam doesn’t. In Islam, there is no right to reject the faith, or to choose another. There is, therefore, no such thing as a ‘lapsed’ muslim, as far as Islam itself is concerned. The punishment for leaving the faith is death (generally – see this slippery article on wikipedia).
‘Moderate’ muslims, in so far as they can be claimed to exist, are either heretics or apostates in the eyes of ‘true’ (Sharia) Islam. This is partly why so many muslims get killed by other muslims.
This link has the transcript of Brigitte Gabriel’s response to an American Muslim student who raised the question of “moderate Muslims” in the context of the Benghazi murders:
Of course the BBC are outraged. How can anybody claim that a (so called) ‘Religion’ which merely calls for the execution of Apostates, Infidels and those who they deem to insult their pedophile ‘Prophet’, is not compatible with Western Democratic values? My word even a Black man cannot be allowed to get away with that !!…… Still, best to keep his ethnicity quiet eh.
BBC move from the little boy with a clock scam to a more general attack on the treatment of muslims in the US. This is blatant propaganda. Being black and muslim guarantees hostility at school.
What is surprising is that the clock scam – with photos of a sweet little boy which worked so well with the Trayvon Martyn scam – has been swallowed by rational conservative thinkers who abandoned scepticism for an expression of outrage against the teachers who, they say, over reacted. No they did not . Just take a train journey and hear announcements about unattended baggage, etc. The caution is built into our lives
But Dawkins has now ‘seen the light’ and repented.
I’m all for treating each case on its merits but it is frightening how many people, who ought to know better, have automatically switched into ‘Muslims Are Victims Mode’.
I have no idea why this kid pretended to make a clock – he has merely pulled the works out of a commercially-made clock and mounted the display inside his ‘pencil case’. He hasn’t even got the wit to realise that an unmounted mains transformer in a metal case is NOT a good idea. The school should, at the very least, have impounded this abortion as an ELECTRICAL safety hazard.
NASA , the president and all the other useful idiots should have gone into standard “don’t mess with mains electricity – don’t do this at home mode”.
Why are our leaders determined that Islam will take over the world?
And basically it will probably come as no surprise that in its news stories the BBC quotes family members/relations of prominent BBC staff.
In this instance the BBC staff member is Tom Robinson.
If you start to dig through their Twitter followers it reveals a very interesting picture.
Needless to say DO NOT TRUST the BBC and it’s own take on the news, it is full of lies.
This is not the first time I have done research on somebody quoted by the BBC and it then turns out that they work or have worked, or are closely related to somebody who works, for the BBC.
( Andrea Robinson was also featured in this “story” or whatever you call it:
My point being that the BBC is riddled with cronyism, self interest and self promotion to the point where almost no story, no matter how seemingly straight forward or trivial, is immune to it.
Andrea Robinson has a personal Twitter account which is followed by 7 people, one of whom is our trusty Tom Robinson under ANOTHER twitter name.
Their half arsed attempt at secrecy/keeping professional distance may have worked if Andrea Robinson wasn’t following her own twitter feed with her “private” one…. sigh.
Obviously none of that is really an issue until good old Andrea is brought in to comment on front page BBC news stories.
The BBC also did this once when they quoted somebody on inheritance tax or somesuch and I googled the name and did some research on LinkedIn and it turned out that the quotee runs a production company that has been retained by the BBC in the past.
Coincidence that they happened to use her quote?! I think not.
‘Andrea Robinson has a personal Twitter account which is followed by 7 people, one of whom is our trusty Tom Robinson’
Good spot. With the surname Robinson the BBC stood a reasonable chance of getting away with this bit of in-house news churning.
When BBC London’s Alice Bhandhukravi’s relatives were shoehorned into a BBC news story last year the spot was a little easier – the dubious practice evidently remains blatant, however.
I’m doing some more thorough checking now as I think an assumption I made is incorrect. I have actually emailed her to ask if she is linked to Tom Robinson the musician of the BBC rather than a different musician called Tom Robinson who is in turn linked to Tom Robinson of the BBC.
This might get a lot more complicated now, but maybe more interesting too… I hope she responds.
There is a small chance that it is a total coincidence that she shares a link to two people called Tom Robinson who are both musicians and/or that she is not in fact the Andrea Robinson who was asked to comment on the design of the station when she was also featured in an art related story previously on the BBC. I think that is very unlikely, but still possible.
Interesting article in the Times by the splendid Melanie Phillips on how those liberal lefties in the Labour Party are sowing what they reaped with the arrival of the hard left Corbanystas. She goes to ask what did they expect would be the outcome of their decades long campaign to undermine British values with their non stop attacks on faith , flag and family. Her only significant omission is that she doesn’t name the BBC as the liberal left’s mouthpiece and fog horn in this campaign. The BBC has been the perpetrator in chief in poisoning the minds of millions of Brits with an endless stream of liberal left propaganda whilst denying air time to any counter points of view.
The BBC continues in that vein this week with a radio 4 ‘ drama’ scheduled for Wednesday evening titled ‘ Our Sea’, in which the no doubt heart rending stories of Mediterranean migrants are revealed to a weeping nation. They don’t ever stop pushing their various agendas do they, and all at your expense.
It is relentless. Luckily the BBC is a behemoth and like all behemoths is unable to adapt quick enough. When people start realising the bias (and I think that this is starting to happen on a larger scale) the BBC will be too slow to adapt and will be screwed.
I am very very confident that all this talk of migrants etc is really pissing off a lot of people, even the kinds of people that the BBC would usually be able to rely on.
2020 and 2017 will be very interesting years.
How long do we honestly think that the current status quo can be maintained before the whole rotten thing comes crashing down.
When (not if) somebody like UKIP gets into power the BBCs days will be numbered. In the meantime all they can do is try to alter the UK population enough to try and delay the inevitable.
For those who have not yet read it, Melanie Phillips’ previous article of 17 September on the appalling (my adjective) Iran Deal – “Democrats in the US Senate blocked the vote ….. “. It can be found on her blog. The article is full of alarming and revealing information, the sort that anyone might expect the BBC to broadcast, but does not.
Ms Phillips is a good speaker. I had the privilege of hearing her give a talk on secularism in London and she was questioned very aggressively by some ‘angry atheists’ in the audience but she held her ground. She does tend to rant about Israel a bit, but given that she’s Jewish I suppose it’s understandable. She’s always worth a read.
Actually, despite all the absurd nepotism, the blatant propaganda and seismic unreliability of today’s BBC, there’s almost a tinge of sympathy creeping in to my assessment of the grandiose ‘organisation’ as they enthusiastically haul away at their petards. By creating, cultivating and nurturing what could perhaps be regarded as the national ‘QT audience’ the results can now be seen in both the fascist SNP and the election of Jeremy Corbyn. Both phenomena have arisen through the voting power of a vociferous minority who, encouraged by the BBC, have come to regard themselves as politically astute rather than the painful reality which is they are essentially juvenile, spiteful, jealous and malicious – as politically astute, in fact, as any other group of five-year-olds.
Randomly associated with the above, yet with potential relevance, two little ironies come to mind.
One, by allowing his hair to grow and encourage a bouffant quiff, and with the addition of a pint of Grecian 2000, John McDonnell would look remarkably like My Lord of Mandelson – which I find quite delicious.
And two, despite a degree of undue influence out of all proportion to its circulation, the Guardian still only represents less than 3% of overall newspaper sales.
Save your sympathy for people, not an organisation. The Corporation can go straight to the Pit as far as I am concerned. The people who work for it can re-educate themselves, if possible, to make them fit to work for a truthful employer that upholds the values of the nation that pays for it. If they cannot see the error of their ways, they do not deserve employment at our expense (or at anyone’s expense, for that matter).
SKY ”migrant porn” News, hatchet faced Alex Crawford interviewed that 12 year old brat I was telling you about the other day, ” I want to go to Oxford University and become a brain doctor and then go to Liverpool and Manchester football clubs,” then he blubbed. Why doesn’t Alex Crawford interview the family of the 7 year old raped in Munich by an invader ?
Naga to reporter Guy on the Slovenia Border: Those fleeing war torn countries appear not to be getting the help they so badly need. Buses don’t come for hours and this causes protests
My comment. Most of these migrants aren’t from war torn countries and the BBC know that. Also, why do the migrants riot and protest because the have to wait for hours for a bus? It’s happened to me in the past.
At 08.16 Naga comments to Guy: They have no promises of a secure home life, to start a career or an opportunity to contribute economically. Guy replies: Nobody wants to stay in Slovenia but to head to Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland. All say ‘We want to build a better life for ourselves’.
My comment. Many people in the UK have no promises of a secure home life, to start a career or an opportunity to contribute economically. Guy admits that all those he have spoken to are economic migrants by their desire to seek a better life for themselves. It’s about time the BBC Immigrant Fan Show was disbanded.
There followed a BBC report based on a survey that the UK was short of 500k homes and this would increase to 1 million by 2020. No mention of immigration of course driving this. The BBC favoured building on the Green Belt.
Professor Paul Cheshire from the LSE was wheeled on to demand that the Green Belt should be used for housing. I’ve read elsewhere that he blames the housing shortage on rich people wanting more homes. No mention of immigration
Silent stomping of the elephant in the BBC studio as it muttered …..immigration…immigration…
So there you have it. The BBC/Left support maximum immigration from anywhere yet see it as having no impact on housing availability. Bias by omission.
We want to build a worse life for the natives, we want to steal the houses they are entitled to live in. We want to steal the jobs they need. We want, no we demand, that we take precedence for medical resources. We demand that they abandon their beliefs and adopt Islam.
If they do not adopt Islam willingly we will force them to convert.
**** them, every single one of them, including any already here.
Not sure how easy the gimmegrants will find getting into Norway, Alex, its not a member of the EU love. I wonder if they will all sit on the border at Sweden and smuggle themselves on board lorries, like they are doing at Calais and Dunkirk.
This is my favourite exchange (so far) on order-order
Hughes. • an hour ago
Coincidence that we hear the PM once stuck his knob in a pig the same week we hear Corbyn stuck his knob in one too, then put her in his shadow cabinet?
Daves Shoe > Hughes. • 38 minutes ago
Love it!!!! mind if i use it old chap
RomaBob > Hughes. • an hour ago
Was one of ’em wearing knickers?
Keith B > RomaBob • an hour ago
No, she’d been debriefed!
Tweets by afneil
Tweet from Brillo
Retweeted 284 times
Andrew NeilVerified account @afneil 8h8 hours ago
Ashcroft on Cameron: illustrates old adage that revenge is dish best served cold – but dresses the plate with some pork crackling #oinkoink
284 retweets 245 favorites
Reply Retweet 284 Favorite 245
Merry japes ‘n all, if true, and the BBC has of course chipped in as best they can before the credibility envelope ruptured further than even CECUTT could dismiss.
Must say I have spared myself the gory details, but as a genuine question has it been confirmed yet… or at least denied (nudge, nudge, damage done)?
Seems an awful lot of folk are getting an awful lot of mileage so far on the basis of the claims of a spurned funder, who as all know are absolutely above over-reacting to the point of self-harm to take out the ex.
I simply have found it funny the ‘news’ has made little apparent difference to Call me Babe’s standing but Jezza’s dalliance with the comely Diane saw him tank even more. Bet that saw a few mirrors nutted chez Abbott. Again.
” Germany exposed as Soviet state – Jaw-dropping Political Correctness propaganda in football
The latest news from out of Germany is painting a pretty clear picture that the country is rapidly descending into an authoritarian state, similar to old Soviet union.
Bayern-Munich, a German football team, has staged a PR event in their stadium in front of 75,000 people, as “a symbol for the integration of refugees.”
The propaganda event saw team-members hold hands with a German child, and a non-White non-German child. In addition to propaganda like this being published daily in Germany, some members of the German government want their political opponents to be censored, and their views outlawed.
Chancellor Angela Merkel told the BBC that she wanted Facebook to completely ban so-called “hate speech” on the website.
“When people incite others on social networks, using their real name, not only the state must act, but also Facebook as a company must do something against those slogans” she said.
The Soviet Union used to ban “hate speech” as well. “Hate speech” to them, was anything Communists didn’t agree with.
These days, “hate speech” is anything anti-Whites don’t agree with.
The Soviet Union looked like an invulnerable fortress that could never be stopped, but in the end it got torn apart with just one simple meme: “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
And maybe some day, another simple meme will bring down the “diversity union” – I’ve got a feeling those words will be “Mrs Merkel, stop white genocide.”
never takes much for Germany to revert to type. Merkel is old East so knows the score.
Good job the Germans do not control Polish football they would have a shock and Merkel would implode. Legia Warsaw is not on message to say the least.
I read somewhere that a football club in Poland tried a similar propaganda stunt last week. The fans protested by not going – the usual gate of well over 20,000 was reduced to just 3000.
Radio 4 yesterday, Sunday. The programmes were being trailed were an analysis of the two Eagle sisters (I wonder how many people are really that interested) and a programme about the CPS and how they were unable to do their job due to government (read malicious Tory) cuts. No mention on the latter how the CPS was hopeless under the last Labour government.
The single benefit of trails is that one is forewarned which programmes to avoid – like that one. I also noted that it was presented by a certain Mark Coles, someone who specialises in presenting programmes promoting those who are not un-adjacent to his, ahem, left-field proclivities.
“we’ve come to the land of freedom”. They have the freedom to go back home immediatel if it’s not to their satisfaction there.
Of course the left-wing politicians in Sweden will now be falling over backwards to find them luxury accommodation right in “the centre”, therefore depriving ethnic Swedish families of that decent accommodation.
We want, we want, we want want, what about the wishes of the locals and indigenous types, do their (our) birthrights count for nothing? What about what we want, or more apt what we don’t don’t want and we certainly don’t bloody well want to fund these ungrateful parasitic barstewards.
Interviews like this bring home the fact that these people ain’t no refugees.
Odd isn’t it? How he never complains about how far it is that he has to travel to get to work, but just how far away the schools and the hospitals are.
I wonder how far he had to travel to the supermarket or hospital in Shittistan, or wherever he came from?
It’s times like this that I really miss the wisdom of Dez and Scotty – I would have loved to have read their thoughts on this “refugee” business.
He complains about how far he has to travel to go to the shops or to the hospital but had no problem travelling 1000+ miles to get from his home to take someone else’s.
I suspect a lot of these visitors don’t really understand the concept of welfare states – it’s hardly surprising, since very few of the natives seem to either – the idea that it is something you have to pay into seems lost on them. It’s all just free money from the socialist magic money tree.
I’ve posted that Youtube clip to everyone on my email list, – the only way to get ‘it out there’ rather than let the Beeb do their brainwashing. Its already brought angry response by those who just shrug their shoulders to it all with an air of resignation. Just shows, that most of the country haven’t a clue whats really going on.
It shouldn’t any more given our woeful politico-media establishment shambles, but it still amazes that a demand or protest succeeds when made in a hostile manner from anything other than a position of strength.
Rewarding this behaviour explains but does not excuse the insanity of the lunatics in charge.
This may sound a bit weird, but I’ve been wondering if there’s a sexual element in all this migration business.
This is the first time in history when there’s been a mass migration of young, fit, foreign men, coming up against governments and authorities with a lot (probably a majority in some cases) of females in positions of power. Even I, as a heterosexual male, can see that a lot of these chaps are very fit good looking young men, with the kind of no-nonsense masculinity that has been legislated out of western European men.
In previous mass migrations it was only men in charge, who obviously weren’t too keen on the idea of importing competition en masse.
Is there some weird mass desire to diversify the gene pool? Particularly in countries like Sweden where everyone looks (or at least did until recently) more or less the same? Are women fed up with feminised western men? (I believe the Scandis are among the worst of the type).
I don’t want to turn this into a ‘they’re taking all the women’ rant, because I don’t believe they are, it’s just that I’m puzzled why there seems to be so much enthusiasm over migrants by some sections of the native population. Sure a lot of it is just (largely misguided, but sincere) desire to help and show compassion, but there’s got to be something more going on than that.
Mrs G would whole heartedly disagree with that statement, she thinks they’re ugly b*****ds, any woman with the slightest whiff of dignity would know that to play hide the sausage with them would be a bit like playing Russian Roulette…
Sad thing is lots of women today have very little dignity….
Good comment Cranmer – there was an excellent post on a U.S site, about the increasing feminization of the top of government and the police and many of the issues coincide with much of what you raise. I will try to locate it to re-post on here.
I would have to disagree with your view that they aren’t here to be “taking all the women”, these immigrants are predominantly male and predominantly Muslim – throughout the history of Islam they have ALWAYS taken the women.
“When slaves turned concubines could increase the Muslim population by leaps and bounds when captured in large numbers. Hence there was a particular keenness in enslaving women from the very beginning of Islam.”
“Islam permits polygamy with unbelievable liberality. A man can have 4 wives at any point of time, that is, if he chooses to have a 5th, he can divorce 1 of the 4 and then marry again.”
“In Islam there is provision for temporary marriage, multi-marriage, divorce, re-marriage of widows, concubinage – in short there is freedom from all inhibitions and reservations in matters of sex. The insistence is on everybody marrying and celibacy is frowned upon.”
K.S. Lal ‘Muslim Slave System in Medieval India’.
In answer to Cranmer, I wonder if there might at least be a psycho-sexual element to allowing mass immigration.
This is more subtle than the crude jibe that Frau Merkel (or Swedish women politicians, or Clare Short, or whoever) might like the fantasy of ‘dark meat’ from the East or Africa. Yet the great increase in the numbers of women – and homosexual men – in positions of authority and media influence, does seem to coincide with mass immigration into the West. As the West has become more feminized (importantly including the men too) so it seems less able to defend its long term ethnic and cultural interests.
The notion of the “psycho-passive / submissive” mindset might be useful here. Going with the flow, letting it all wash over you, submitting to your / Europe’s fate, allowing yourself to be penetrated, fantasizing about obliteration, opposing ‘austerity’ (i.e. refusing to live within your means), not worrying about practical or financial considerations but leaking emotion and empathy; all these traits have characterized BBC coverage and the political response to what is in part an invasion of the West by people who have no case for being allowed in.
Thanks Mustapha – good analysis, I think. A lot has been written about this kind of thing in relation to the European colonisation of Africa and India, but I don’t think much has been written about it with regards to the ‘reverse colonisation’ (or what might be called the imperial implosion) which we’re seeing at the moment.
It’s pretty much a taboo subject really, which is laughable when you think that you could go on primetime BBC and talk about ‘trans’ this and ‘cis’ the other with no trouble at all.
Another aspect of the ‘migration’ is the frequency with which the young men are described as ‘of military age’. This infers that individually, or more relevantly, en masse, they have some potential for military discipline and effectiveness whereas, both historically and in recent experience, Arab/Muslim men have provided regular and irrefutable evidence that they are probably the world’s most undisciplined and ineffectual ‘military force’ in human experience. Granted, they are highly proficient at the mass murder of unarmed civilians, torture, rape and covert terrorist acts, but this does not give them military status and it is wrong, both psychologically and strategically to dignify them as such.
I got banned from another forum years ago for asking why the vast majority of well-known half-castes have a black father and white mother. Barack Obama, Lewis Hamilton, Jessica Ennis, Halle Barry, Mariah Carey, Daley Thompson, etc.
What is it with some white women that they are attracted to black men?
One reason might be that a black man, if he puts it about and is an absentee, can father an almost limitless number of mixed race children; whereas a black woman can only have one every year or so. So the black father/white mother scenario is going to be more common than the white father/black mother.
I think also, white women are more attracted to black men than white men are to black women, though I’m not entirely sure of the reasons – I think a lot of it is probably based on stereotypes.
I have worked with young girls who were at risk saying that they wanted black babies. However a couple of days with the black crying baby soon changed their minds.
Blonde women for you if you make it to Sweden, say people smugglers in one of their adverts. Unfortunately, the advert speaks the truth. Free rapes, housing benefits, and massive street demonstrations of local Swedes against anyone who objects.
During the Second World War men used condoms to protect the ends of their rifles. This occurred in Norway and was so successful they decided make condoms for 18-inch guns and Durex made special condoms for this purpose. Churchill ordered that these were sent with the message: “For British service personnel use only. Size small.” So if the Germans captured a box they would think the British soldiers would have huge penises with Churchill saying, “That will show them who’s the master race.”
Those were the days when we were proud to be British! And allowed to be proud!
In Obama’s case it maybe because he was abandoned by his black father and raised by his white mother. What would have happened with the races reversed?
“To save your bacon.”
If something saves your bacon, it saves your life or rescues you from a desperate situation. People can also save your bacon.
Some recent news popped into my email tray from the anti licence campaigners.
Today, I have news of the BIGGEST importance. But let’s start with the more mundane stuff first, bear with me.
The numbers of prosecutions per police force area in England, for 2014, are out! (Before that, I was relying on stats from 2013). Not surprisingly, London is the place with the most evaders, with 23,396 prosecutions last year resulting in 18,532 convictions, 12,283 of which were women. London is followed by Warwickshire, Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire and Northumbria. The complete results are here: I will prepare a press release to accompany this table. I hope local newspapers will find it interesting. If you can help me convincing your local newspapers that they should print it, it would be much appreciated.
I’ve also finished the “Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man report”. It took some time to convince the Crown Dependencies to open up their files, but I got there in the end. The blog entry can be read here:
Now, let’s get on with the news a lot of you have been waiting for, for a long time:
Thanks to all of your signatures and spreading the word about this petition to reach the significant numbers we have, it secured a meeting in Westminster a few days ago with Andrew Bridgen, MP.
If you don’t know much about him, he’s famous for having tried, and very nearly managed, to get the TV licence fee decriminalised in 2014 (He won in the House of Commons but lost at the Lords review by only 3 votes!) Back then he said “Decriminalisation of the BBC licence fee evasion will happen, I’m convinced of it and I will drive it through … it’s a matter of how and when.” To me, that made him the perfect man to reopen the debate on the future of the licence fee. If you want to read more about Andrew Bridgen’s opinion, I’ve put together his best speech excerpts here: It’s awesome stuff. I highly recommend a read.
Now, the amazing result of this meeting is:
The petition will be presented directly to the House of Commons by Andrew Bridgen, MP.
A date is not set, but the 6th of October looks likely. I’ll come back to you on this as soon as it’s firmed up, but it’s certainly cranking up the pace of things by several notches.With only 3 weeks to go, getting as many new signatures as possible is now a top priority. Last time I checked, we had passed the 168,500 mark. Can we get 21,500 signatures to reach a beautifully round 200,000? I know a lot of you called friends, sent rounds of emails, wrote twitter posts and blog posts, etc. to reach people and it really worked. It had more impact on the level of new signatures than any publication in the newspapers (including the one in the Daily Mail) so kudos to you. Do you think you could do it one last time please? A final 3 week marathon, to share the news that we will be heard in parliament at last!
Thank you so much everyone for making this possible!
Caroline Levesque-Bartlett
A disgraceful and disgusting story which illustrates the leftie governments sheer hatred of white people, and the love for ethnics.
When did you last see a homeless ethnic? What about a homeless Muslim? How about a Halal food bank?
People see the government bringing in ‘refugees’ to the UK, and all the other offers of help for them, but the way the government treats those most unfortunate white people is an absolute disgrace.
Equality means ‘equal’ treatment for everyone, but when was the last time you ever heard of anyone asking for more homeless Pakistanis, Muslims, Blacks etc etc?
The truth is as Nu Liebour has always done, used words to hide, disguise and lie about real meanings. Equality is nothing more than a disguise to hide the disgusting and illegal Positive Discrimination.
That is a dreadful story Thoughtful, both the tragic death of the son and the disgraceful treatment of this man subsequent to that.
Why is is that there is such an embarrassingly high number of our fellow countrymen, who will queue up to offer to house, clothe and feed foreigners; yet they would never dream of offering to do the same for a British ex-serviceman, such as the chap who is the subject of this article?
The bBBC doesn’t do irony. ‘News’-24 has just run a lengthy report on the Muslim invasion, followed immediately by a piece saying that we ‘need’ to build millions more houses in Britain!
Personally I’d wonder if that was deliberate. I’m a (magazine) editor and one of the things I’m very careful about is what images and news items go together on a page; for example if I’m doing a page with a picture of a vicar, and there’s a separate story about a child molester, I’ll be very careful about how I position the text and images of the two items. I don’t know how TV editors work but there must be some similar process so I can’t believe they don’t notice these things.
The pig pic has disappeared from that page now. It might have been some sort of rolling news image sidebar that the editor had little control over, perhaps?
Well done Jenny, the new/old Hard-Extreme-Left Wing Labour Party is exactly the right party for unrepentant, fully fledged anti-semites like yourself. A match made in Hell (or Islington).
When is an illegal immigrant a ‘migrant’? Let the BBC explain:
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
Yes, that was doing the rounds a few days ago. Even the Guardian readers were snorting with derision at such obvious propaganda. They really have gone full “Day Today” on this…..
The BBC is another country, they do things differently there
Or, the BBC continues to protect us from ‘upset’
I return to the question of ‘upset’ previously deployed by the BBC as their excuse for Stephen Nolan ‘challenging’ the ‘strong views’ of John in Merseyside (or whatever his name was). You see a post-10pm phone-in where a caller displayed the temerity to have questioned the open door policy to migrants preferred by the BBC acted like a red rag to a bull for Nolan – who, so the reasoning goes (according to our BBC) simply acted to counter the ‘upset’ possibly caused to certain listeners having to hear such ‘strong views’. Poor dears. They should get out more.
Momentarily intrigued by the deployment of the word ‘upset’ I thought little more of it.
Until I settled down to watch the BBC’s latest costume adaptation – The Go-Between
And yes it was happily free of some of the more extraneous and ludicrous of BBC diversity touches – such as an Edwardian country scene with a bewhiskered Lenny Henry sporting tweeds and deerstalker and whizzing past the village green on a pennyfarthing.
My interest was piqued by the preparatory disclaimer ‘…scenes some viewers may find upsetting, and scenes of a sexual nature….’
Well the latter explicit caution was somewhat over-stated, signifying as it did a brief – and fairly tastefully done – shot of potting shed rumpy-pumpy late on at the climax (as it were) of the drama. Done in an upright manner, you might say, but with a minimum of nudity.
Past the watershed and after the more vulnerable in society just here for a better life ought to have been in bed.
But where was this potential ‘upset’ ?
The manner of the voice-over caution suggested that the upset was in fact a separate issue to the sex. Not to spoil the decades old plot but there was a scene involving bloodshed – tame enough and pale with insignificance compared to, for example, Silent Witness.
Is the BBC somehow touchy about the 13-year-old incarnation of Jim Broadbent being mixed up in this love affair – which is in effect the whole point of the story? Is this a post-Savile thing? Any thoughts, anyone?
Has ‘offence’ been retired to make way for ‘upset’?
Ah this is all to do with this silly idea of ‘trigger warnings’ that dopey lefties are keen on, in case somebody gets an attack of the vapours.
I suspect ‘scenes some viewers may find upsetting’ is now a catch-all cop out, the televisual equivalent of labelling all foodstuffs with ‘may contain nuts.’
I didn’t watch it (The Go-Between) for two reasons: first – I didn’t think the original could be bettered, it is one of my favourite British films; and second – I have no wish to see any more of the idiotic, ethnic anachronisms in which Al Beebus excels, that have marred so many of its historical dramas (Asian man of business in Little Dorrit etc etc etc).
That description of Lenny Henry made me chuckle though, not just because it’s funny – but because it’s exactly the type of thing the Beeboid’s might actually do!
Another thing BBC drama excels at is putting modern PC ideas into the brains of characters decades, or even centuries before such ideas were in common circulation. Feminism is the usual one, so we get characters saying things like ‘I can’t see why a woman can’t do xyz’.
AS, did you not see the opening ceremony of the London Olympics ? Lots of black guys in stovepipe hats prancing about in the Industrial Revolution excerpt, there was also promotion of miscegenation, our future perhaps ? and the highlight of Britain’s history was the SS Empire Windrush turning up in 1948 for FFS !!!!
Somebody (Peter Hitchens, probably) described the Olympic opening ceremony as being the equivalent of a Soviet victory parade. I watched it on TV in Hungary, and my friends from that country were utterly bewildered by it. They couldn’t understand, for example, why the NHS was being shown as some sort of uniquely British miracle, when the vast majority of modern western states have something similar (often better run, as well).
Like most people who watched the London Olympic opening and closing ceremonies we were left bewildered and saying WTF was that all about ? Here’s an interesting article on the esoteric meaning of it all.
I do remember that DB from 2012 and also the representation of the “typical British family” which just HAD to be a mixed race couple and their kids of course – about a subtle as a car crash.
Well there we have it, the BBC does read the Daily Mail. At least it does when the Mail publishes anti Tory, anti Cameron , stuff. It wouldn’t dirty its hands if the Mail was attacking one of liberal left friends and would do its best to bury the story by simply ignoring it. How on earth can a story on a Tory donor’s tax affairs from 12 years ago , be at the top of the news , even pushing the BBC beloved migrants, off top spot? Only on the BBC could this storm in such a tiny teacup receive such prominence.
Let us hope that the corporation upsets the PM enough to get him to press Whittingdale to cut the BBC down to size.
By the way the campaign to decriminalise non payment of the BBC LF is being debated in parliament on 6th October. I fear that unless Whittingdale discovers some unexpected backbone all that will happen is that the LF will be scrapped in favour of funding the BBC out of specific general tax which will be very much harder to avoid.
“Hungary PM Orban: Europe borders threatened by migrants”. Al Beeb shuts down this HYS in less than an hour and after just 162 comments, after a ‘swarm’ of support for Hungary and PM Orban. Guess some ‘pleb’ will get a ticking off for putting that one on the open market. ….
When I lived in Hungary, I didn’t have much time for Orban, but now I think he must have balls of steel to stand up to the shrieking onslaught of the entire liberal/left EU establishment. He’s a seriously strong leader to do that.
I also wonder how much longer comments sections will be allowed on BBC and other website news pages. They can’t very well maintain much credibility if the majority of the comments are contradicting the news reports.
I was out all day yesterday so I missed the BBC bias. Just searched for the ‘article’ and it now has no comments! Surely the BBC are not deleting comments when they do not reflect their bias?
The question is, why did I suspect from this that there would be little if anything on the BBC website about it?
Sure enough, when I checked at 18:30pm there was no mention of this model, and the Telegraph story is timed at 12:54pm today.
Not even on their local webpages for the Manchester area. Bear in mind, it’s the same area as their Salford offices, so there is no doubt that the BBC are aware of the story, but decided it wasn’t in their best interests to cover it.
The story’s also covered by the Daily Mail from 11:22am and the Daily Mirror from 11:30am, and both of these are shown in the BBC search engine as ‘Elsewhere on the Web’.
And now for something completely different!
I got into my car at 2.15pm today to go to the swimming pool. Turned on R4. Arrived at destination about 2.25 and sat in the car until 3pm listening to the really excellent adaptation of Eurydice & Orpheus, I couldn’t get out
Missed half an hour of my swim but it was worth it.
Will this be the only R4 Drama devoid of anti British racism, Empire Slavery, poor migrants made good, you all know how it usually goes, and I usually switch channels after just a few moments.
I know the original story, but would there be a happy ending?
Have a listen if you can; the BBC as it used to be
That’s good to hear. I purposefully avoided it – the fact it was Greek just made me think the Beeb wouldn’t be able to resist including some contemporary allusions!
Thanks for the alert, Invicta 2066. Like Cranmer, I avoided the play, as I now do all R4 dramas unless I can be sure I’m not about to be preached at by some half-witted SJW.
I’ll download it for later listening.
In passing, this is precisely how the BBC shoots itself in the foot. After a while, people who have woken up to what it is doing simply stop listening and watching.
There is only one reason that ancient Greece is of interest to the BBC. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to work out what that might be (Hint: Think Stephen Fry, national treasure.)
Doesn’t change the fact that Islamic ideology is a violent, base intolerant one that has no place in Western society. Just further evidence that our society is screwed as it is unless there is repatriation…. let alone taking in God knows how many thousands more.
This is just abhorrent..the time is coming when the only solution to the muslim problem will be to wipe them of the face of the earth, stamp on them like they do to people who are weaker than themselves like the cowards they are. I’m sick of seeing stuff like this.
Hi all, I find myself coming back to this site more and more, mainly because the posts are frequently thoughtful and contain information, as opposed to being rants. I also enjoy the odd bit of humour on here. 🙂
My interests go beyond the problem of BBC and mainstream media bias, but then that appears to be the case with many of you.
I have a question. Is it just me or has no-one addressed the question of the Beeb failing to show the two sides of the human interest story in relation to the current mass migration crisis, except as a general comment about balance?
I looked in on the BBC today at about 5.30am, local time in the South of France. Once again the mass migration crisis was covered by using a migrant family’s story.
Specifically, has anyone asked the BBC why we don’t get an equal number of ‘human interest stories’ from the p.o.v. of the local resident? I honestly can’t remember seeing a single interview of a resident of any of the countries through which migrants are flowing.
Don’t get me wrong, I deplore the Beeb using ‘human interest stories’ as a substitute for genuine journalism. If they replaced all that TV and radio time with factual pieces giving us information on what the various EU leaders were saying each day, what the actual statistics show and where whese come from, which potential solutions are being considered, etc, etc, we might actually learn something new. But that would involve background research and real journalism….
If we’re going to be fed an endless diet of human stories, should we not be complaining that the BBC (and Sky and all mainstream media) should be interviewing a local resident, for every migrant to whom they give adoring and uncritical coverage?
I complained to the BBC and also happened to include your issue. Below is the response I received.
“”Dear Mr
Thanks for contacting us about our coverage of the migrant crisis. We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story. In order to use our TV licence fee resources efficiently, this response aims to answer the key concerns raised, but we apologise in advance if it doesn’t address your specific points in the manner you would prefer.
The situation along Europe’s borders is a complex one. The issue affects Europe as a continent, the member states and institutions of the European Union, the UK and of course the migrants and refugees themselves. In our coverage we have strived to tell the stories of all of these different factors and have aimed to reflect the often different opinions on how the situation has come to pass and how it should be solved.
Across our programmes and reports we have heard from migrants and refugees who want to come to the UK and Europe. We have also heard from those in the UK and across Europe who feel their countries can’t cope with the increase in population this would result in. We have heard from UK politicians and organisations who feel the UK in particular cannot cope or deal with an influx of migrants. We have reflected concerns that public services like the NHS and schools are already under enormous pressure.
Our coverage has featured those concerned about the breakdown in security at some border crossings in Eastern Europe and at Calais. We have spoken to government representatives from countries like Hungary who are opposed to taking in refugees. During our programmes and coverage they have explained their positons and the reasons behind their decisions.
We have reflected the complex make-up of the migrants looking to enter Europe, making it clear that some are refugees fleeing war in countries like Syria, but that others are choosing to move country for economic reasons.
As with any story, our aim is to report on this subject over time in a fair, accurate and impartial manner. We believe we have allowed our audience to make their minds up on the issues at hand, but we were sorry to read you felt otherwise on this occasion.
Your concerns have been raised with senior editorial staff at BBC News. Please be assured they consider audience feedback such as yours vital in approaching how they report on a story.
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.””
To reply to their response is a tedious business and designed to be off-putting.
I’ve been thinking of ‘carpet bombing’ the BBC complaints department with regards to bias, in the hope that the sheer weight of correspondence might start to have an effect, if only to take up staff time. Amnesty International used to do letter writing campaigns to foreign dictators which supposedly made a difference. But if they are just sending out cut and paste replies I don’t know if it’s worth bothering with.
However – the fact that a cut and paste reply was sent regarding the migrant crisis does at least indicate they have had a large number of complaints in this regard.
Mr Pearl – to be fair, I have once or twice seen on BBC reports, brief interviews with local residents in Hungary. One was a man and woman on a motorcycle who said they were somewhat fearful of the crowds; the other was a farmer who described how migrants had stolen his crops.
So the BBC hasn’t entirely overlooked the locals, but of course they haven’t been portrayed in the dramatic/Pallywood/heart-rending way that anything to do with the migrants is reported.
Yes, the BBC has done a few off the cuff reports, but they have been far and few when giving the alternative ‘message’. I’m retired and so home all day, and was able to watch the intense coverage of both BBC and Sky in Europe. The reply from the Beeb that Mr Pearl received I read with open mouth, because they seem to have issues with telling the truth, and probably have some under grad sat writing replies to letters like his. I saw very little of the balanced views he wrote of, and think it must have been a regional news programme that spoke of the strain on the NHS and schools should those migrants come here. I concur with Mr Pearl that the Beeb tie people up with jargon and so its tiresome to delve deeper with them.
Over recent weeks a refrain of BBC and other journalists has been the ‘incredible temperatures’ on the migrants’ journeys through the Balkans and into Hungary, Austria, etc. “And it’s well over 30 degrees in the sun”.
Now, that particular area of Europe has been enjoying above-average temperatures in the last few weeks, it’s true. However you might expect that a BBC journalist who is presenting (as they do) the suffering of the migrants should think of temperatures in terms of what the migrants are used to. Instead, the poor luvvies from the UK were obviously feeling the heat themselves, compared to the temperatures they’re used to around Broadcasting House.
I checked some temperatures at the weekend. Baghdad: 42 degrees. Damascus: 36 degrees. I’m not saying that it isn’t uncomfortable travelling in temperatures in the 30s, but it would have been nice to have had some context from the BBC.
I think it was Cranmer on a post some days ago who mentioned that things will soon get much cooler in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Yup, it certainly will. Watch out for BBC broadcasts coming your way very soon, with freezing temperatures to tug at your heartstrings.
Yes it was me – warm daytime temps are common around there until mid to late October, but by the end of that month camping out or standing around will start to become difficult. Most of them don’t seem to have coats or even jackets, so yes, we can expect the BBC to make the most of that. There are also likely to be a fair few photojournalists slavering at the opportunity for some ‘iconic’ photos now that the Hungarian army has been given permission to engage.
The weather may in fact force the issue – there will either have to be semi-permanent accommodation set up all along the ‘corridor’, or a speeding up of the dispersal process into Germany, Sweden etc.
The BBC’s health correspondent Triggle is damning as usual of the NHS as a whole. It appears to be his mission in life. He describes Addenbrookes Hospital as a ‘basket case’. Really? I would apply it to the BBC with far greater evidence.
Here’s an extract:
“”But now a hospital that can boast of being a centre of excellence for major trauma, transplants, cancer, neurosurgery, genetics and paediatrics, has been judged to be a basket case””
My contact with the staff at Addenbrookes Hospital found them to be superb. They were very professional.
A friend of mine’s wife is a Ward Sister in a north London Hospital. She has worked in the NHS for over twenty years.
Top of her list for the strains imposed on the NHS is immigration. Unrecognised by the media are rare tropical diseases that are imported and require vast amounts of care. A high proportion of immigrants have chronic diseases that have been untreated for years in their home countries. All this costs time and money.
About 90% of casualty patients in her hospital are of ethnic minorities and most can speak little English. They are of course immigrants.
All the above has a knock-on effect throughout the NHS.
The BBC article by Triggle hints at the aged causing the problems by referring to hip operations. But, no mention of Immigration. Strange, that? The BBC never quoting immigration as an important factor? The cynical might regard it as political alliance to the Left.
Um, I remember the NHS managing very nicely back in the 50’s and 60’s when migration was on the bottom rung. We (somehow) managed without them then ! hospitals were also cleaner, nurses ‘looked’ clean in their starched uniforms, and you didn’t have your leg marked with a pen so they didn’t operate on the wrong one !!!
Do I recall correctly that, defeated Labour Leader candidate, Andy Burnham had direct dealings with the Trust that included Addenbrooke’s when he was briefly Secretary of State for Health? Something to do with privatisation of some services … ?
Could be my memory is defective but if not that is something else that the BBC declined to mention concerning Addenbrookes. Now, there’s a thing!
The comments about who the ‘British’ are and what the ”British’ now do (apparently) are why I have deep concerns about being ”spoken for’ by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Listening to the radio, in their press previews the BBC have quoted the ‘Daily Mail’ more times in the past two days than in the whole of the last nine months.
A mystery indeed. Either their renowned editorial integrity has seen a shift in emphasis, or they at last have found space that was previously unavailable, for instance with Alan Yentob front pages.
BBC radio 4 The Long View the Vietnamese Boat people, used as a lever to grill past ministers on todays ‘migrant’ crisis.
Self destructive Jew Jonathan Freedland and Guardian contributor asks Peter Bottomley – “Isn’t it the case that British public opinion is ahead of the government and regards the 20 000 figure of refugees to be a rather low figure?”
Of course public opinion is nothing of the sort and Freedland must be in cloud Hampstead land to believe that it is, but it’s yet further evidence of how out of touch the BBC is to the public which is forced to pay their inflated fees.
And another thing. ‘Serious violence’ at Cookham Wood youth jail. It seems all is not well according to HM Inspector of Prisons. Apparently the 166 ‘children’ held at Cookham have been quite naughty, with 17 charged or convicted for murder or manslaughter. In just six months at the prison there were 61 assaults and 92 fights, including 21 assaults on staff. Again according to HM Inspector, Cookham reflects” systematic problems across young offenders institutions”. Mmm, 16 & 17 year -old ‘damaged children’ capable of acts of extreme violence. So no read across there then to events elsewhere ? And of course no issues at our ‘young offenders institutions’ with regard to gangs or racial tensions… brush, carpet, sweep.
Not really off topic, but I have been dabbling with a programme called You Now Link below, a simple way of broadcasting t friends and indeed followers. At the moment it is a means of sharing banal comments but It could be an opportunity for politicians (hear me UKIP) to conduct interviews and indeed by-pass the Montague’s and Hussein’s with their in built sneers and under researched questions. Methods of communication like this – by the next election – might help to drive a few nails in the BBC coffin, even in Whittingdale has not the balls to do it.
I found this site a few months ago and am relieved and delighted to see I am not alone in being disappointed, and lately disgusted, by our broadcasting corporation. As a new user, I hesitate to make my first comment as folk on here seem so much more knowledgeable than I am, but here goes – just a couple of things. I gave up watching the news and resorted to Radio 4 some time ago. Recently that twit Matthew Price has presented The World Tonight and I quite expect him to start by saying…”Now, are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin!” Remember that from Listen with Mother? Just about sums up the level to which our broadcaster has sunk. He makes my skin crawl!
The current movement of people crisis reminds me of a film or documentary some 40 years back about men from Africa walking north. All I have in my head is a picture of a tall African looking towards the blazing sun and the crowds increasing as they went on their journey. Does anyone else remember that? It was on TV, I do remember that.
And a final question. The Telegraph reports today that thousands of fake Syrian passports can be bought online! Surprise, surprise! Who knew that might happen!!! Well I never! Can we trust the authorities to find and seize these fraudulent passports?
Battle of Britain : BBC’s Fiona Bruce: “I would have slapped the pilot’s face”
A little vignette of 1940, intended, no doubt, to show the presence of women in the war effort turned a little unpleasant as the BBC presenter felt the need to intrude her own ‘fiesty female signalling’ into the retelling of someone else’s wartime anecdote.
The Spitfire was, were are told in a story handed down by a veteran, a little nose-heavy – requiring on take-off sometimes a WAAF or two to add some weight to the tail fin. On one memorable occasion the woman clung on beyond the point of no return and the plane flew for a while with a stowaway outside guest – an unarmed uninvited tail-gunner, you might say.
Quickly noticing the unusual flight charactistics of his aircraft the pilot kept his wits about him and landed safely.
We are told his passenger was rather shaken up but soon calmed her nerves with a cigarette. How very British, how very Battle of Britain.
It was a pity then that our Fiona had to go and spoil it by suddenly launching herself into bout of ad libbing wimmin’s libbing. Not for the modern BBC female warrior the keep calm, have a quiet fag, and carry on. Oh no, our Fiona tells us she would have rushed up and slapped the pilot’s face. Because of course on the evidence our Fiona has heard it was all – quite obviously – the man’s fault!
Oh I do hope the muslim immigrant gets his planning permission to build a block of flats at the end of her garden. You wanted diversity Fiona? You got it.
Probably more upset that the man allowed her to smoke. In BBC land no-one anywhere smokes and those handful of deviants who do are on a level somewhere below paedophiles.
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:44 Midweek 26th February 2025 Why are they asking how it will be finance as opposed to why it is happening anyway? ……….. “Yes, China…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:41 Midweek 26th February 2025 “I think his inauguration speech was very clear, which is the message he gave during his campaign which is to…
diggFeb 26, 15:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 It’s the legal training Emmanuel, ……………. “anything you say will be taken down and may be used against you…..”
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 26, 15:29 Midweek 26th February 2025 Why are so many commentators going on about TTK not answering a question about how the Chagos surrender will be…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:25 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone, BBC2/iPlayer 17/19 Feb 2025 Since the transmission of our documentary on Gaza, the BBC…
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:20 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Media reports say Washington has dropped initial demands for a right to $500bn (£395bn) in potential revenue from the natural…
DocmaroonedFeb 26, 15:16 Midweek 26th February 2025 Churchill he is NOT. Doubt he could inspire anyone, He is an insufferable dickhead.
MarkyMarkFeb 26, 15:10 Midweek 26th February 2025 [img][/img]
BBC not working for peach. They always try to work with British gov. they never try to Push gov to take right decision. economy news
Yet another technology whinge about the malign influence of the BBC over the UKs broadcast standards.
The BBC is pushing DAB radio heavily. So much so that it is now pushing for another digital switchover wanting to switch FM analogue broadcasting altogether.
But DAB is very much inferior to analogue. Not because the digital technology is inferior, but because the BBC have crushed it down past the bare minimum they think they can get away with.
It uses an old obsolete MP2 codec much inferior to MP3. Bit rates are at maximum 128Kbs and now broadcasts are mono only !
Worse than that the BBC are ‘encouraging’ other broadcasters to follow them down this path.
The excuse they give for this is the bandwidth of the broadcast signal, but that still does not account for the fact that their internet radio stream is just as bad!
They can broadcast HD TV in digital, and stream it on iPlayer so I don’t accept this excuse, it’s just the BBC holding the UK back on technology, something they’ve been doing since the 1950s
My internet radios are pretty well obsolescent. When I first bought them I could stop and start ‘listen again’ content and wind it back. Now I’m lucky to get ‘live’ content. The streams often stop for no reason, the service won’t connect, or it is full of interruptions, yet TV is fine. Remarkably the French seem to be able better quality radio that is reliable.
My ‘smart’ dvd player is no longer smart. First it lost the ability to receive ‘listen again’ radio and then TV – the BBC thinks ‘everybody’ watches TV on a smart phone now.
I doubt if anyone in this country even knows what a decent TV picture looks like anymore. Colour balance used to be important once but now it is all garish lighting and uni-race orange skin tones.
It is interesting, Thoughtful, that with all their engineering ‘groundbreaking knowledge and innovation’ and ‘technical excellence’ that the BBC in relation to digital broadcasting, let alone DAB radio, completely overlook the Global Warming & Climate Change implications of switching. Set aside the extra transmission & reception power required, the manufacture, shipping, unloading, transport, retailing & shopping for new televisions and set top boxes and new radios, is probably massive and probably far outweighs other road transport & air travel that we are regularly told by the BBC is so bad for the planet.
All that before considering the waste packaging created, the piles of redundant units, the transport of same for recycling and possibly the damage done (often in countries with developing economies) by the residues and any contamination therefrom. The BBC appears totally blind or hypocritical or blind AND hypocritical as far as digital broadcasting is concerned.
Digital radio reception is especially power hungry and I cannot understand why the BBC refuse to acknowledge that fact. Perhaps because they can pitch for an increased Licence Fee because they need to employ another Director at vast expense (& other sundry staff) to direct the radio switch over. Stuff the planet, ignore the listeners, ‘we have to ensure we make the BBC kingdom ever larger, ever more powerful’.
Time for another letter of protest to the DG, methinks, cc The Editor, The Guardian.
The BBC continue to broadcast, that’s what annoys me.
Off topic.
Conversation overheard in the pub at the weekend:
Gentleman #1 : I wonder what the Syrian national sport is, anyway…
Gentleman #2 : Well clearly not swimming or rowing.
I’ll fetch my coat.
Outrage on the Today programme this morning over the comment from Ben Carson, Republican Presidential Candidate that islam is incompatible with the US Constitution. It did not go unnoticed that John Sopel, BBC’s Washington correspondent, took care to avoid mentioning that Ben Carson is African-American, but was content to let the uninformed listener assume he was a white (racist). My opinion is simply that, since Democracy is incompatible with islam, it follows that the US Constitution is incompatible with it also.
Islam is incompatible western democratic freedoms, period. To state such a thing is not outrageous: it is a fact. This is why wherever there are large Islamic ‘communities’ in western democratic nations they remain ghettoised – apart, unintegrated. This is because the Quran expressly forbids muslims to ‘integrate’ (i.e. to adopt the social values and cultures of their host nations). Ergo, Islam is incompatible with western democratic freedoms.
‘Moderate Islam’ is a western illiberal construct – designed by the msm and others to create apologia for Islam’s refusal to ‘integrate’. You will not find a single reference to ‘moderate’ Islam in the entirety of the Quran because such a concept doesn’t exist and it never has. Islam is a non-negotiable text – muslims are muslims first and foremost; before any allegiance to national flag, before any allegiance to family. There is no such thing as a ‘moderate’ muslim. It simply does not exist.
I have always thought that the concept of “moderate Islam” is a bit like “moderate Nazism”.
And about as believable.
As I understand it, when people talk about ‘moderate’ Islam they mean something similar to being a lapsed Catholic.
It’s not a religion or a movement in itself, it’s just people who don’t take their religion too seriously or have given it up and consider themselves Muslim in name only. I know one or two people like this myself and a lot of the people in the secularised Muslim countries such as Tunisia are like this.
The problem is it’s not a moderate religious movement like, say, liberal Protestant Christianity, so it has no leaders or representatives who can balance out the fundamentalists. That’s why the BBC et al never seem to be able to call upon some ‘moderate’ Muslim spokesman or group.
“…it’s just people who don’t take their religion too seriously or have given it up and consider themselves Muslim in name only.”
I understand what you’re getting at there, but unfortunately Islam doesn’t. In Islam, there is no right to reject the faith, or to choose another. There is, therefore, no such thing as a ‘lapsed’ muslim, as far as Islam itself is concerned. The punishment for leaving the faith is death (generally – see this slippery article on wikipedia).
‘Moderate’ muslims, in so far as they can be claimed to exist, are either heretics or apostates in the eyes of ‘true’ (Sharia) Islam. This is partly why so many muslims get killed by other muslims.
This link has the transcript of Brigitte Gabriel’s response to an American Muslim student who raised the question of “moderate Muslims” in the context of the Benghazi murders:
In her response, Brigitte Gabriel spelled out precisely how, over the course of human history, the peaceful majority were irrelevant.
Of course the BBC are outraged. How can anybody claim that a (so called) ‘Religion’ which merely calls for the execution of Apostates, Infidels and those who they deem to insult their pedophile ‘Prophet’, is not compatible with Western Democratic values? My word even a Black man cannot be allowed to get away with that !!…… Still, best to keep his ethnicity quiet eh.
That simple & very correct point, Martin, being quite beyond the current comprehension of John Sopel AND the TOADY Editors & Presenter.
Amazing that none of the four picked up on that …
… or chose not to present it to the listening public.
BBC move from the little boy with a clock scam to a more general attack on the treatment of muslims in the US. This is blatant propaganda. Being black and muslim guarantees hostility at school.
Meanwhile Richard Dawkins calls out the muslim boy clock story.
What is surprising is that the clock scam – with photos of a sweet little boy which worked so well with the Trayvon Martyn scam – has been swallowed by rational conservative thinkers who abandoned scepticism for an expression of outrage against the teachers who, they say, over reacted. No they did not . Just take a train journey and hear announcements about unattended baggage, etc. The caution is built into our lives
But Dawkins has now ‘seen the light’ and repented.
I’m all for treating each case on its merits but it is frightening how many people, who ought to know better, have automatically switched into ‘Muslims Are Victims Mode’.
I have no idea why this kid pretended to make a clock – he has merely pulled the works out of a commercially-made clock and mounted the display inside his ‘pencil case’. He hasn’t even got the wit to realise that an unmounted mains transformer in a metal case is NOT a good idea. The school should, at the very least, have impounded this abortion as an ELECTRICAL safety hazard.
NASA , the president and all the other useful idiots should have gone into standard “don’t mess with mains electricity – don’t do this at home mode”.
Why are our leaders determined that Islam will take over the world?
Listen here and its clear the only engineering involved was the construction of the controversy
I was linked this in comments
I did a whole load of research today on a single person quoted in this story :
By the name of Andrea Robinson.
And basically it will probably come as no surprise that in its news stories the BBC quotes family members/relations of prominent BBC staff.
In this instance the BBC staff member is Tom Robinson.
If you start to dig through their Twitter followers it reveals a very interesting picture.
Needless to say DO NOT TRUST the BBC and it’s own take on the news, it is full of lies.
This is not the first time I have done research on somebody quoted by the BBC and it then turns out that they work or have worked, or are closely related to somebody who works, for the BBC.
( Andrea Robinson was also featured in this “story” or whatever you call it: )
My point being that the BBC is riddled with cronyism, self interest and self promotion to the point where almost no story, no matter how seemingly straight forward or trivial, is immune to it.
Very interesting.
Twitter would appear to be a hand grenade people carry around without realising that it can explode on them!
People seem far less “careful” on Twitter than on other media.
It certainly seems to keep giving in respect of BBC employees.
Andrea Robinson has a personal Twitter account which is followed by 7 people, one of whom is our trusty Tom Robinson under ANOTHER twitter name.
Their half arsed attempt at secrecy/keeping professional distance may have worked if Andrea Robinson wasn’t following her own twitter feed with her “private” one…. sigh.
Obviously none of that is really an issue until good old Andrea is brought in to comment on front page BBC news stories.
The BBC also did this once when they quoted somebody on inheritance tax or somesuch and I googled the name and did some research on LinkedIn and it turned out that the quotee runs a production company that has been retained by the BBC in the past.
Coincidence that they happened to use her quote?! I think not.
‘Andrea Robinson has a personal Twitter account which is followed by 7 people, one of whom is our trusty Tom Robinson’
Good spot. With the surname Robinson the BBC stood a reasonable chance of getting away with this bit of in-house news churning.
When BBC London’s Alice Bhandhukravi’s relatives were shoehorned into a BBC news story last year the spot was a little easier – the dubious practice evidently remains blatant, however.
Really good work Wells.
It is this sort of investigation and reporting which produces the ammunition to make life extremely difficult for the BBC because it is undeniable.
Twitter is lefty Tourettes.
Good detective work. Can you post links to the evidence?
I’m doing some more thorough checking now as I think an assumption I made is incorrect. I have actually emailed her to ask if she is linked to Tom Robinson the musician of the BBC rather than a different musician called Tom Robinson who is in turn linked to Tom Robinson of the BBC.
This might get a lot more complicated now, but maybe more interesting too… I hope she responds.
There is a small chance that it is a total coincidence that she shares a link to two people called Tom Robinson who are both musicians and/or that she is not in fact the Andrea Robinson who was asked to comment on the design of the station when she was also featured in an art related story previously on the BBC. I think that is very unlikely, but still possible.
I will post more when I know!
Interesting article in the Times by the splendid Melanie Phillips on how those liberal lefties in the Labour Party are sowing what they reaped with the arrival of the hard left Corbanystas. She goes to ask what did they expect would be the outcome of their decades long campaign to undermine British values with their non stop attacks on faith , flag and family. Her only significant omission is that she doesn’t name the BBC as the liberal left’s mouthpiece and fog horn in this campaign. The BBC has been the perpetrator in chief in poisoning the minds of millions of Brits with an endless stream of liberal left propaganda whilst denying air time to any counter points of view.
The BBC continues in that vein this week with a radio 4 ‘ drama’ scheduled for Wednesday evening titled ‘ Our Sea’, in which the no doubt heart rending stories of Mediterranean migrants are revealed to a weeping nation. They don’t ever stop pushing their various agendas do they, and all at your expense.
It is relentless. Luckily the BBC is a behemoth and like all behemoths is unable to adapt quick enough. When people start realising the bias (and I think that this is starting to happen on a larger scale) the BBC will be too slow to adapt and will be screwed.
I am very very confident that all this talk of migrants etc is really pissing off a lot of people, even the kinds of people that the BBC would usually be able to rely on.
2020 and 2017 will be very interesting years.
How long do we honestly think that the current status quo can be maintained before the whole rotten thing comes crashing down.
When (not if) somebody like UKIP gets into power the BBCs days will be numbered. In the meantime all they can do is try to alter the UK population enough to try and delay the inevitable.
For those who have not yet read it, Melanie Phillips’ previous article of 17 September on the appalling (my adjective) Iran Deal – “Democrats in the US Senate blocked the vote ….. “. It can be found on her blog. The article is full of alarming and revealing information, the sort that anyone might expect the BBC to broadcast, but does not.
Ms Phillips is a good speaker. I had the privilege of hearing her give a talk on secularism in London and she was questioned very aggressively by some ‘angry atheists’ in the audience but she held her ground. She does tend to rant about Israel a bit, but given that she’s Jewish I suppose it’s understandable. She’s always worth a read.
Sowing what they reaped ? I meant it to be the other way round of course!
Actually, despite all the absurd nepotism, the blatant propaganda and seismic unreliability of today’s BBC, there’s almost a tinge of sympathy creeping in to my assessment of the grandiose ‘organisation’ as they enthusiastically haul away at their petards. By creating, cultivating and nurturing what could perhaps be regarded as the national ‘QT audience’ the results can now be seen in both the fascist SNP and the election of Jeremy Corbyn. Both phenomena have arisen through the voting power of a vociferous minority who, encouraged by the BBC, have come to regard themselves as politically astute rather than the painful reality which is they are essentially juvenile, spiteful, jealous and malicious – as politically astute, in fact, as any other group of five-year-olds.
Randomly associated with the above, yet with potential relevance, two little ironies come to mind.
One, by allowing his hair to grow and encourage a bouffant quiff, and with the addition of a pint of Grecian 2000, John McDonnell would look remarkably like My Lord of Mandelson – which I find quite delicious.
And two, despite a degree of undue influence out of all proportion to its circulation, the Guardian still only represents less than 3% of overall newspaper sales.
Save your sympathy for people, not an organisation. The Corporation can go straight to the Pit as far as I am concerned. The people who work for it can re-educate themselves, if possible, to make them fit to work for a truthful employer that upholds the values of the nation that pays for it. If they cannot see the error of their ways, they do not deserve employment at our expense (or at anyone’s expense, for that matter).
Quelle sodding surprise.
Agenda, what agenda?
Probably a large crossover of readership between here and Breitbart, but the comments are good, too.
SKY ”migrant porn” News, hatchet faced Alex Crawford interviewed that 12 year old brat I was telling you about the other day, ” I want to go to Oxford University and become a brain doctor and then go to Liverpool and Manchester football clubs,” then he blubbed. Why doesn’t Alex Crawford interview the family of the 7 year old raped in Munich by an invader ?
BBC TV News Breakfast Sofa Team at 08.13:
Naga to reporter Guy on the Slovenia Border: Those fleeing war torn countries appear not to be getting the help they so badly need. Buses don’t come for hours and this causes protests
My comment. Most of these migrants aren’t from war torn countries and the BBC know that. Also, why do the migrants riot and protest because the have to wait for hours for a bus? It’s happened to me in the past.
At 08.16 Naga comments to Guy: They have no promises of a secure home life, to start a career or an opportunity to contribute economically. Guy replies: Nobody wants to stay in Slovenia but to head to Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland. All say ‘We want to build a better life for ourselves’.
My comment. Many people in the UK have no promises of a secure home life, to start a career or an opportunity to contribute economically. Guy admits that all those he have spoken to are economic migrants by their desire to seek a better life for themselves. It’s about time the BBC Immigrant Fan Show was disbanded.
There followed a BBC report based on a survey that the UK was short of 500k homes and this would increase to 1 million by 2020. No mention of immigration of course driving this. The BBC favoured building on the Green Belt.
Professor Paul Cheshire from the LSE was wheeled on to demand that the Green Belt should be used for housing. I’ve read elsewhere that he blames the housing shortage on rich people wanting more homes. No mention of immigration
Silent stomping of the elephant in the BBC studio as it muttered …..immigration…immigration…
So there you have it. The BBC/Left support maximum immigration from anywhere yet see it as having no impact on housing availability. Bias by omission.
‘We want to build a better life for ourselves’
I will translate that for you.
We want to build a worse life for the natives, we want to steal the houses they are entitled to live in. We want to steal the jobs they need. We want, no we demand, that we take precedence for medical resources. We demand that they abandon their beliefs and adopt Islam.
If they do not adopt Islam willingly we will force them to convert.
**** them, every single one of them, including any already here.
Not sure how easy the gimmegrants will find getting into Norway, Alex, its not a member of the EU love. I wonder if they will all sit on the border at Sweden and smuggle themselves on board lorries, like they are doing at Calais and Dunkirk.
Easy to get into Norway , they are in Schegen , but not the EU . Same as Switzerland .
The BBC play it quietly about the revelations concerning their stooge of a Prime Minister, otherwise known as the Pig Gate Scandal.
Says the BBC
‘They include allegations of drug-taking and an initiation ceremony Mr Cameron is said, by an unnamed source, to have taken part in’.
See the Mail – Dave put his member in a pig’s mouth. Ooh Dave, better not include that in your next Ramadan broadcast
We might live under a highly censored regime, but muck about our elites can get out.
If true……….
It may be too late for the BBC to save their PM – Pig Gate is spreading across the internet.
This is my favourite exchange (so far) on order-order
Hughes. • an hour ago
Coincidence that we hear the PM once stuck his knob in a pig the same week we hear Corbyn stuck his knob in one too, then put her in his shadow cabinet?
Daves Shoe > Hughes. • 38 minutes ago
Love it!!!! mind if i use it old chap
RomaBob > Hughes. • an hour ago
Was one of ’em wearing knickers?
Keith B > RomaBob • an hour ago
No, she’d been debriefed!
Stay Puft > Hughes. • an hour ago
Sheer quality!!
I’d give him some respect if the pig had still been alive.
Oh, come on! Pigs do have some standards to uphold donchaknow!
Tweets by afneil
Tweet from Brillo
Retweeted 284 times
Andrew NeilVerified account @afneil 8h8 hours ago
Ashcroft on Cameron: illustrates old adage that revenge is dish best served cold – but dresses the plate with some pork crackling #oinkoink
284 retweets 245 favorites
Reply Retweet 284 Favorite 245
Merry japes ‘n all, if true, and the BBC has of course chipped in as best they can before the credibility envelope ruptured further than even CECUTT could dismiss.
Must say I have spared myself the gory details, but as a genuine question has it been confirmed yet… or at least denied (nudge, nudge, damage done)?
Seems an awful lot of folk are getting an awful lot of mileage so far on the basis of the claims of a spurned funder, who as all know are absolutely above over-reacting to the point of self-harm to take out the ex.
I simply have found it funny the ‘news’ has made little apparent difference to Call me Babe’s standing but Jezza’s dalliance with the comely Diane saw him tank even more. Bet that saw a few mirrors nutted chez Abbott. Again.
” Germany exposed as Soviet state – Jaw-dropping Political Correctness propaganda in football
The latest news from out of Germany is painting a pretty clear picture that the country is rapidly descending into an authoritarian state, similar to old Soviet union.
Bayern-Munich, a German football team, has staged a PR event in their stadium in front of 75,000 people, as “a symbol for the integration of refugees.”
The propaganda event saw team-members hold hands with a German child, and a non-White non-German child. In addition to propaganda like this being published daily in Germany, some members of the German government want their political opponents to be censored, and their views outlawed.
Chancellor Angela Merkel told the BBC that she wanted Facebook to completely ban so-called “hate speech” on the website.
“When people incite others on social networks, using their real name, not only the state must act, but also Facebook as a company must do something against those slogans” she said.
The Soviet Union used to ban “hate speech” as well. “Hate speech” to them, was anything Communists didn’t agree with.
These days, “hate speech” is anything anti-Whites don’t agree with.
The Soviet Union looked like an invulnerable fortress that could never be stopped, but in the end it got torn apart with just one simple meme: “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
And maybe some day, another simple meme will bring down the “diversity union” – I’ve got a feeling those words will be “Mrs Merkel, stop white genocide.”
Sounds like an excellent reason not to use one’s own name.
never takes much for Germany to revert to type. Merkel is old East so knows the score.
Good job the Germans do not control Polish football they would have a shock and Merkel would implode. Legia Warsaw is not on message to say the least.
I read somewhere that a football club in Poland tried a similar propaganda stunt last week. The fans protested by not going – the usual gate of well over 20,000 was reduced to just 3000.
Money talks, bull***t walks…..
EDIT: here we go – this might be it:
Radio 4 yesterday, Sunday. The programmes were being trailed were an analysis of the two Eagle sisters (I wonder how many people are really that interested) and a programme about the CPS and how they were unable to do their job due to government (read malicious Tory) cuts. No mention on the latter how the CPS was hopeless under the last Labour government.
The single benefit of trails is that one is forewarned which programmes to avoid – like that one. I also noted that it was presented by a certain Mark Coles, someone who specialises in presenting programmes promoting those who are not un-adjacent to his, ahem, left-field proclivities.
I heard that. They want more money,,,,,because they’re useless. Lol, I’ll try that on my next site.
Check out the ingratitude from the invader, now squatting in Sweden. Cry me a river.
“we’ve come to the land of freedom”. They have the freedom to go back home immediatel if it’s not to their satisfaction there.
Of course the left-wing politicians in Sweden will now be falling over backwards to find them luxury accommodation right in “the centre”, therefore depriving ethnic Swedish families of that decent accommodation.
“Our demand is…”!! FFS!! Does anyone else on here, besides me, get an overwhelming urge to punch the ungrateful c**t right in the teeth?
We want! We want! What a c&&t!
We want, we want, we want want, what about the wishes of the locals and indigenous types, do their (our) birthrights count for nothing? What about what we want, or more apt what we don’t don’t want and we certainly don’t bloody well want to fund these ungrateful parasitic barstewards.
Interviews like this bring home the fact that these people ain’t no refugees.
Hence the term “gimmegrants”.
Odd isn’t it? How he never complains about how far it is that he has to travel to get to work, but just how far away the schools and the hospitals are.
I wonder how far he had to travel to the supermarket or hospital in Shittistan, or wherever he came from?
It’s times like this that I really miss the wisdom of Dez and Scotty – I would have loved to have read their thoughts on this “refugee” business.
Trust me, you wouldn’t. The hive would have decided what they were to think and there would be no deviation, only obfuscation and isms.
He complains about how far he has to travel to go to the shops or to the hospital but had no problem travelling 1000+ miles to get from his home to take someone else’s.
Exactly. What has HE paid in? NOTHING! “We want. We want”. Land of freedom doesn’t mean land of “free” pal.
I suspect a lot of these visitors don’t really understand the concept of welfare states – it’s hardly surprising, since very few of the natives seem to either – the idea that it is something you have to pay into seems lost on them. It’s all just free money from the socialist magic money tree.
I’ve posted that Youtube clip to everyone on my email list, – the only way to get ‘it out there’ rather than let the Beeb do their brainwashing. Its already brought angry response by those who just shrug their shoulders to it all with an air of resignation. Just shows, that most of the country haven’t a clue whats really going on.
It shouldn’t any more given our woeful politico-media establishment shambles, but it still amazes that a demand or protest succeeds when made in a hostile manner from anything other than a position of strength.
Rewarding this behaviour explains but does not excuse the insanity of the lunatics in charge.
This may sound a bit weird, but I’ve been wondering if there’s a sexual element in all this migration business.
This is the first time in history when there’s been a mass migration of young, fit, foreign men, coming up against governments and authorities with a lot (probably a majority in some cases) of females in positions of power. Even I, as a heterosexual male, can see that a lot of these chaps are very fit good looking young men, with the kind of no-nonsense masculinity that has been legislated out of western European men.
In previous mass migrations it was only men in charge, who obviously weren’t too keen on the idea of importing competition en masse.
Is there some weird mass desire to diversify the gene pool? Particularly in countries like Sweden where everyone looks (or at least did until recently) more or less the same? Are women fed up with feminised western men? (I believe the Scandis are among the worst of the type).
I don’t want to turn this into a ‘they’re taking all the women’ rant, because I don’t believe they are, it’s just that I’m puzzled why there seems to be so much enthusiasm over migrants by some sections of the native population. Sure a lot of it is just (largely misguided, but sincere) desire to help and show compassion, but there’s got to be something more going on than that.
Mrs G would whole heartedly disagree with that statement, she thinks they’re ugly b*****ds, any woman with the slightest whiff of dignity would know that to play hide the sausage with them would be a bit like playing Russian Roulette…
Sad thing is lots of women today have very little dignity….
Good comment Cranmer – there was an excellent post on a U.S site, about the increasing feminization of the top of government and the police and many of the issues coincide with much of what you raise. I will try to locate it to re-post on here.
I would have to disagree with your view that they aren’t here to be “taking all the women”, these immigrants are predominantly male and predominantly Muslim – throughout the history of Islam they have ALWAYS taken the women.
“When slaves turned concubines could increase the Muslim population by leaps and bounds when captured in large numbers. Hence there was a particular keenness in enslaving women from the very beginning of Islam.”
“Islam permits polygamy with unbelievable liberality. A man can have 4 wives at any point of time, that is, if he chooses to have a 5th, he can divorce 1 of the 4 and then marry again.”
“In Islam there is provision for temporary marriage, multi-marriage, divorce, re-marriage of widows, concubinage – in short there is freedom from all inhibitions and reservations in matters of sex. The insistence is on everybody marrying and celibacy is frowned upon.”
K.S. Lal ‘Muslim Slave System in Medieval India’.
Yes. It’s called the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and both Merkel and Juncker have won its award in the past.
In answer to Cranmer, I wonder if there might at least be a psycho-sexual element to allowing mass immigration.
This is more subtle than the crude jibe that Frau Merkel (or Swedish women politicians, or Clare Short, or whoever) might like the fantasy of ‘dark meat’ from the East or Africa. Yet the great increase in the numbers of women – and homosexual men – in positions of authority and media influence, does seem to coincide with mass immigration into the West. As the West has become more feminized (importantly including the men too) so it seems less able to defend its long term ethnic and cultural interests.
The notion of the “psycho-passive / submissive” mindset might be useful here. Going with the flow, letting it all wash over you, submitting to your / Europe’s fate, allowing yourself to be penetrated, fantasizing about obliteration, opposing ‘austerity’ (i.e. refusing to live within your means), not worrying about practical or financial considerations but leaking emotion and empathy; all these traits have characterized BBC coverage and the political response to what is in part an invasion of the West by people who have no case for being allowed in.
Thanks Mustapha – good analysis, I think. A lot has been written about this kind of thing in relation to the European colonisation of Africa and India, but I don’t think much has been written about it with regards to the ‘reverse colonisation’ (or what might be called the imperial implosion) which we’re seeing at the moment.
It’s pretty much a taboo subject really, which is laughable when you think that you could go on primetime BBC and talk about ‘trans’ this and ‘cis’ the other with no trouble at all.
Another aspect of the ‘migration’ is the frequency with which the young men are described as ‘of military age’. This infers that individually, or more relevantly, en masse, they have some potential for military discipline and effectiveness whereas, both historically and in recent experience, Arab/Muslim men have provided regular and irrefutable evidence that they are probably the world’s most undisciplined and ineffectual ‘military force’ in human experience. Granted, they are highly proficient at the mass murder of unarmed civilians, torture, rape and covert terrorist acts, but this does not give them military status and it is wrong, both psychologically and strategically to dignify them as such.
Sorry – double post
All part of the plan. Rubber Dingy Rapids, bro.
I got banned from another forum years ago for asking why the vast majority of well-known half-castes have a black father and white mother. Barack Obama, Lewis Hamilton, Jessica Ennis, Halle Barry, Mariah Carey, Daley Thompson, etc.
What is it with some white women that they are attracted to black men?
Just heresay, but it has been said (mainly by those with an iron in the fire, as it were, admittedly) one can never go back… apparently.
Corbyn obviously got it all wrong with his Abbott liaison….
One reason might be that a black man, if he puts it about and is an absentee, can father an almost limitless number of mixed race children; whereas a black woman can only have one every year or so. So the black father/white mother scenario is going to be more common than the white father/black mother.
I think also, white women are more attracted to black men than white men are to black women, though I’m not entirely sure of the reasons – I think a lot of it is probably based on stereotypes.
I have worked with young girls who were at risk saying that they wanted black babies. However a couple of days with the black crying baby soon changed their minds.
Where have you lot been ???? its always been a well known fact (I’m only going on decades of heresay) that black men have big ………. !!!!
And as for white men and black women, just look at some of the tele ads !! there is every combination possible – well, not quite all.
Telly ads do seem to show white men with (usually rather light skinned) black women. But how often do you see this combination in real life?
Not a problem for ‘Asians’ – International Sized Condoms Too Big.
Probably not a problem for Africans either – don’t use them, hence prevalence of AIDS in that continent.
Blonde women for you if you make it to Sweden, say people smugglers in one of their adverts. Unfortunately, the advert speaks the truth. Free rapes, housing benefits, and massive street demonstrations of local Swedes against anyone who objects.
During the Second World War men used condoms to protect the ends of their rifles. This occurred in Norway and was so successful they decided make condoms for 18-inch guns and Durex made special condoms for this purpose. Churchill ordered that these were sent with the message: “For British service personnel use only. Size small.” So if the Germans captured a box they would think the British soldiers would have huge penises with Churchill saying, “That will show them who’s the master race.”
Those were the days when we were proud to be British! And allowed to be proud!
In Obama’s case it maybe because he was abandoned by his black father and raised by his white mother. What would have happened with the races reversed?
“To save your bacon.”
If something saves your bacon, it saves your life or rescues you from a desperate situation. People can also save your bacon.
Of course, “Bringing home the bacon” has a completely different meaning…
Some recent news popped into my email tray from the anti licence campaigners.
Today, I have news of the BIGGEST importance. But let’s start with the more mundane stuff first, bear with me.
The numbers of prosecutions per police force area in England, for 2014, are out! (Before that, I was relying on stats from 2013). Not surprisingly, London is the place with the most evaders, with 23,396 prosecutions last year resulting in 18,532 convictions, 12,283 of which were women. London is followed by Warwickshire, Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire and Northumbria. The complete results are here: I will prepare a press release to accompany this table. I hope local newspapers will find it interesting. If you can help me convincing your local newspapers that they should print it, it would be much appreciated.
I’ve also finished the “Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man report”. It took some time to convince the Crown Dependencies to open up their files, but I got there in the end. The blog entry can be read here:
Now, let’s get on with the news a lot of you have been waiting for, for a long time:
Thanks to all of your signatures and spreading the word about this petition to reach the significant numbers we have, it secured a meeting in Westminster a few days ago with Andrew Bridgen, MP.
If you don’t know much about him, he’s famous for having tried, and very nearly managed, to get the TV licence fee decriminalised in 2014 (He won in the House of Commons but lost at the Lords review by only 3 votes!) Back then he said “Decriminalisation of the BBC licence fee evasion will happen, I’m convinced of it and I will drive it through … it’s a matter of how and when.” To me, that made him the perfect man to reopen the debate on the future of the licence fee. If you want to read more about Andrew Bridgen’s opinion, I’ve put together his best speech excerpts here: It’s awesome stuff. I highly recommend a read.
Now, the amazing result of this meeting is:
The petition will be presented directly to the House of Commons by Andrew Bridgen, MP.
A date is not set, but the 6th of October looks likely. I’ll come back to you on this as soon as it’s firmed up, but it’s certainly cranking up the pace of things by several notches.With only 3 weeks to go, getting as many new signatures as possible is now a top priority. Last time I checked, we had passed the 168,500 mark. Can we get 21,500 signatures to reach a beautifully round 200,000? I know a lot of you called friends, sent rounds of emails, wrote twitter posts and blog posts, etc. to reach people and it really worked. It had more impact on the level of new signatures than any publication in the newspapers (including the one in the Daily Mail) so kudos to you. Do you think you could do it one last time please? A final 3 week marathon, to share the news that we will be heard in parliament at last!
Thank you so much everyone for making this possible!
Caroline Levesque-Bartlett
I’ve heard of a ‘pig in a poke’ but it seems our esteemed PM may have been ‘pokin’ a pig.’
A disgraceful and disgusting story which illustrates the leftie governments sheer hatred of white people, and the love for ethnics.
When did you last see a homeless ethnic? What about a homeless Muslim? How about a Halal food bank?
People see the government bringing in ‘refugees’ to the UK, and all the other offers of help for them, but the way the government treats those most unfortunate white people is an absolute disgrace.
Equality means ‘equal’ treatment for everyone, but when was the last time you ever heard of anyone asking for more homeless Pakistanis, Muslims, Blacks etc etc?
The truth is as Nu Liebour has always done, used words to hide, disguise and lie about real meanings. Equality is nothing more than a disguise to hide the disgusting and illegal Positive Discrimination.
That is a dreadful story Thoughtful, both the tragic death of the son and the disgraceful treatment of this man subsequent to that.
Why is is that there is such an embarrassingly high number of our fellow countrymen, who will queue up to offer to house, clothe and feed foreigners; yet they would never dream of offering to do the same for a British ex-serviceman, such as the chap who is the subject of this article?
The bBBC doesn’t do irony. ‘News’-24 has just run a lengthy report on the Muslim invasion, followed immediately by a piece saying that we ‘need’ to build millions more houses in Britain!
Personally I’d wonder if that was deliberate. I’m a (magazine) editor and one of the things I’m very careful about is what images and news items go together on a page; for example if I’m doing a page with a picture of a vicar, and there’s a separate story about a child molester, I’ll be very careful about how I position the text and images of the two items. I don’t know how TV editors work but there must be some similar process so I can’t believe they don’t notice these things.
‘I don’t know how TV editors work’
With great integrity, apparently. At least, according to CECUTT’s finest when faced with facts that can’t be countered.
Seems the NaughtieMarrs (tee-hee) were out in force today.
The pig pic has disappeared from that page now. It might have been some sort of rolling news image sidebar that the editor had little control over, perhaps?
Looking forward to how the ever-impartial BBC’s finest analysts ‘report’ this:
‘Tom Watson said the woman deemed too beyond the pale to remain in the LibDems is “welcome” to join Labour.’
Maybe they can find a Kipper being ejected from the party to scream about, vs. a party embracing such an interesting lady?
Well done Jenny, the new/old Hard-Extreme-Left Wing Labour Party is exactly the right party for unrepentant, fully fledged anti-semites like yourself. A match made in Hell (or Islington).
When is an illegal immigrant a ‘migrant’? Let the BBC explain:
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
Blink and you’ll miss it. Right at the foot of the page.
Remember the photo of the immigrant baby crawling alone in front of the evil Hungarian riot police?
Did it melt our hearts?
Now see the new heart-string-tugging photo promoted by the BBC in it’s cause to further illegal mass immigration!
What next? Grannies on fire?
ANALYSIS: BBC Pictures Show 53% Migrant Kids, Just 36% Men – Hugely Out Of Step With Official Stats
An analysis of photographs the BBC uses to illustrate Europe’s migrant crisis has revealed the publicly funded organisation is using mostly pictures of children, despite the actual number of children making the trip being suspiciously low (15%).
Even the Daily Mail is tagging along with this photo-prop ..

Yes, that was doing the rounds a few days ago. Even the Guardian readers were snorting with derision at such obvious propaganda. They really have gone full “Day Today” on this…..
The BBC is another country, they do things differently there
Or, the BBC continues to protect us from ‘upset’
I return to the question of ‘upset’ previously deployed by the BBC as their excuse for Stephen Nolan ‘challenging’ the ‘strong views’ of John in Merseyside (or whatever his name was). You see a post-10pm phone-in where a caller displayed the temerity to have questioned the open door policy to migrants preferred by the BBC acted like a red rag to a bull for Nolan – who, so the reasoning goes (according to our BBC) simply acted to counter the ‘upset’ possibly caused to certain listeners having to hear such ‘strong views’. Poor dears. They should get out more.
Momentarily intrigued by the deployment of the word ‘upset’ I thought little more of it.
Until I settled down to watch the BBC’s latest costume adaptation – The Go-Between
And yes it was happily free of some of the more extraneous and ludicrous of BBC diversity touches – such as an Edwardian country scene with a bewhiskered Lenny Henry sporting tweeds and deerstalker and whizzing past the village green on a pennyfarthing.
My interest was piqued by the preparatory disclaimer ‘…scenes some viewers may find upsetting, and scenes of a sexual nature….’
Well the latter explicit caution was somewhat over-stated, signifying as it did a brief – and fairly tastefully done – shot of potting shed rumpy-pumpy late on at the climax (as it were) of the drama. Done in an upright manner, you might say, but with a minimum of nudity.
Past the watershed and after the more vulnerable in society just here for a better life ought to have been in bed.
But where was this potential ‘upset’ ?
The manner of the voice-over caution suggested that the upset was in fact a separate issue to the sex. Not to spoil the decades old plot but there was a scene involving bloodshed – tame enough and pale with insignificance compared to, for example, Silent Witness.
Is the BBC somehow touchy about the 13-year-old incarnation of Jim Broadbent being mixed up in this love affair – which is in effect the whole point of the story? Is this a post-Savile thing? Any thoughts, anyone?
Has ‘offence’ been retired to make way for ‘upset’?
Ah this is all to do with this silly idea of ‘trigger warnings’ that dopey lefties are keen on, in case somebody gets an attack of the vapours.
I suspect ‘scenes some viewers may find upsetting’ is now a catch-all cop out, the televisual equivalent of labelling all foodstuffs with ‘may contain nuts.’
“may upset nuts” perhaps?
I didn’t watch it (The Go-Between) for two reasons: first – I didn’t think the original could be bettered, it is one of my favourite British films; and second – I have no wish to see any more of the idiotic, ethnic anachronisms in which Al Beebus excels, that have marred so many of its historical dramas (Asian man of business in Little Dorrit etc etc etc).
That description of Lenny Henry made me chuckle though, not just because it’s funny – but because it’s exactly the type of thing the Beeboid’s might actually do!
Another thing BBC drama excels at is putting modern PC ideas into the brains of characters decades, or even centuries before such ideas were in common circulation. Feminism is the usual one, so we get characters saying things like ‘I can’t see why a woman can’t do xyz’.
AS, did you not see the opening ceremony of the London Olympics ? Lots of black guys in stovepipe hats prancing about in the Industrial Revolution excerpt, there was also promotion of miscegenation, our future perhaps ? and the highlight of Britain’s history was the SS Empire Windrush turning up in 1948 for FFS !!!!
Somebody (Peter Hitchens, probably) described the Olympic opening ceremony as being the equivalent of a Soviet victory parade. I watched it on TV in Hungary, and my friends from that country were utterly bewildered by it. They couldn’t understand, for example, why the NHS was being shown as some sort of uniquely British miracle, when the vast majority of modern western states have something similar (often better run, as well).
Like most people who watched the London Olympic opening and closing ceremonies we were left bewildered and saying WTF was that all about ? Here’s an interesting article on the esoteric meaning of it all.
I do remember that DB from 2012 and also the representation of the “typical British family” which just HAD to be a mixed race couple and their kids of course – about a subtle as a car crash.
Well well well…An M.P. finally willing to stand up to the BBC
Well there we have it, the BBC does read the Daily Mail. At least it does when the Mail publishes anti Tory, anti Cameron , stuff. It wouldn’t dirty its hands if the Mail was attacking one of liberal left friends and would do its best to bury the story by simply ignoring it. How on earth can a story on a Tory donor’s tax affairs from 12 years ago , be at the top of the news , even pushing the BBC beloved migrants, off top spot? Only on the BBC could this storm in such a tiny teacup receive such prominence.
Let us hope that the corporation upsets the PM enough to get him to press Whittingdale to cut the BBC down to size.
By the way the campaign to decriminalise non payment of the BBC LF is being debated in parliament on 6th October. I fear that unless Whittingdale discovers some unexpected backbone all that will happen is that the LF will be scrapped in favour of funding the BBC out of specific general tax which will be very much harder to avoid.
Refuse asylum seekers & remove support for so called refugee migrants in the UK
A petition for people who do not support the petition “Accept more asylum seekers and increase support for refugee migrants in the UK.”
Please consider signing this petition.
UK Vocabulary – “litter”
After journalism training – “the detritus of humanitarian need”
UK vocabulary – “en mass illegal immigration”
After journalism training – “a humanitarian corridor”
Hat-tip BBCs Ola Guerin, just now.
Thank god I’ve got her to explain it to me. Theres nothing like having an expert on tv.
“Hungary PM Orban: Europe borders threatened by migrants”. Al Beeb shuts down this HYS in less than an hour and after just 162 comments, after a ‘swarm’ of support for Hungary and PM Orban. Guess some ‘pleb’ will get a ticking off for putting that one on the open market. ….
When I lived in Hungary, I didn’t have much time for Orban, but now I think he must have balls of steel to stand up to the shrieking onslaught of the entire liberal/left EU establishment. He’s a seriously strong leader to do that.
I also wonder how much longer comments sections will be allowed on BBC and other website news pages. They can’t very well maintain much credibility if the majority of the comments are contradicting the news reports.
Unbelievable that they shut this down just because 95% of the comments were anti-migrant.
So much for free speech.
BBC = a disgrace.
On that very subject just read this on Breitbart by the always excellent Millo Yiannolopoulos (that reminds me what has happened to the much lamented Scott?)
Read through to the end for the pay off
I was out all day yesterday so I missed the BBC bias. Just searched for the ‘article’ and it now has no comments! Surely the BBC are not deleting comments when they do not reflect their bias?
Is there another link to the original story?
I saw this headline on the Telegraph homepage
Model found hanged after fearing devout Muslim parents would force her into marriage
Nadia Menaz, 24, had a “strained” relationship with her parents and took out a court order to stop them forcing her into another marriage, inquest hears
The question is, why did I suspect from this that there would be little if anything on the BBC website about it?
Sure enough, when I checked at 18:30pm there was no mention of this model, and the Telegraph story is timed at 12:54pm today.
Not even on their local webpages for the Manchester area. Bear in mind, it’s the same area as their Salford offices, so there is no doubt that the BBC are aware of the story, but decided it wasn’t in their best interests to cover it.
The story’s also covered by the Daily Mail from 11:22am and the Daily Mirror from 11:30am, and both of these are shown in the BBC search engine as ‘Elsewhere on the Web’.
How did I know?
Some important news about the unjust and unfair tax that we all love……………
And now for something completely different!
I got into my car at 2.15pm today to go to the swimming pool. Turned on R4. Arrived at destination about 2.25 and sat in the car until 3pm listening to the really excellent adaptation of Eurydice & Orpheus, I couldn’t get out
Missed half an hour of my swim but it was worth it.
Will this be the only R4 Drama devoid of anti British racism, Empire Slavery, poor migrants made good, you all know how it usually goes, and I usually switch channels after just a few moments.
I know the original story, but would there be a happy ending?
Have a listen if you can; the BBC as it used to be
That’s good to hear. I purposefully avoided it – the fact it was Greek just made me think the Beeb wouldn’t be able to resist including some contemporary allusions!
Thanks for the alert, Invicta 2066. Like Cranmer, I avoided the play, as I now do all R4 dramas unless I can be sure I’m not about to be preached at by some half-witted SJW.
I’ll download it for later listening.
In passing, this is precisely how the BBC shoots itself in the foot. After a while, people who have woken up to what it is doing simply stop listening and watching.
There is only one reason that ancient Greece is of interest to the BBC. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to work out what that might be (Hint: Think Stephen Fry, national treasure.)
They do like to bang on about the ‘invention’ of democracy as well, and hint strongly that it’s purely a left wing concept.
Bless !
Let their be peace in Europe ever after, let our Islamic betters teach us their ways….(sic)
Do we know when and where this was filmed?
Yesterday, Sunday 20th of September, just outside Amsterdam..
Nope – it was last year. September 2014.
Doesn’t change the fact that Islamic ideology is a violent, base intolerant one that has no place in Western society. Just further evidence that our society is screwed as it is unless there is repatriation…. let alone taking in God knows how many thousands more.
This is just abhorrent..the time is coming when the only solution to the muslim problem will be to wipe them of the face of the earth, stamp on them like they do to people who are weaker than themselves like the cowards they are. I’m sick of seeing stuff like this.
“Islamic religious scripture encourages violence and aggression to a greater extent than the core scripture of any other major religion in the world.”
From the youtube listing, it was recorded in Holland.
BBC/Newsnight report on the ‘housing crisis’. Not a single mention of the elephant in the room. It begins with an ‘i’.
…Positive discrimination in action…
I should think that a very large part of that 9 million has come via the BBC. I doubt if Premier Inns pays that much.
Hi all, I find myself coming back to this site more and more, mainly because the posts are frequently thoughtful and contain information, as opposed to being rants. I also enjoy the odd bit of humour on here. 🙂
My interests go beyond the problem of BBC and mainstream media bias, but then that appears to be the case with many of you.
I have a question. Is it just me or has no-one addressed the question of the Beeb failing to show the two sides of the human interest story in relation to the current mass migration crisis, except as a general comment about balance?
I looked in on the BBC today at about 5.30am, local time in the South of France. Once again the mass migration crisis was covered by using a migrant family’s story.
Specifically, has anyone asked the BBC why we don’t get an equal number of ‘human interest stories’ from the p.o.v. of the local resident? I honestly can’t remember seeing a single interview of a resident of any of the countries through which migrants are flowing.
Don’t get me wrong, I deplore the Beeb using ‘human interest stories’ as a substitute for genuine journalism. If they replaced all that TV and radio time with factual pieces giving us information on what the various EU leaders were saying each day, what the actual statistics show and where whese come from, which potential solutions are being considered, etc, etc, we might actually learn something new. But that would involve background research and real journalism….
If we’re going to be fed an endless diet of human stories, should we not be complaining that the BBC (and Sky and all mainstream media) should be interviewing a local resident, for every migrant to whom they give adoring and uncritical coverage?
Just a thought.
@David Pearl
I complained to the BBC and also happened to include your issue. Below is the response I received.
“”Dear Mr
Thanks for contacting us about our coverage of the migrant crisis. We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story. In order to use our TV licence fee resources efficiently, this response aims to answer the key concerns raised, but we apologise in advance if it doesn’t address your specific points in the manner you would prefer.
The situation along Europe’s borders is a complex one. The issue affects Europe as a continent, the member states and institutions of the European Union, the UK and of course the migrants and refugees themselves. In our coverage we have strived to tell the stories of all of these different factors and have aimed to reflect the often different opinions on how the situation has come to pass and how it should be solved.
Across our programmes and reports we have heard from migrants and refugees who want to come to the UK and Europe. We have also heard from those in the UK and across Europe who feel their countries can’t cope with the increase in population this would result in. We have heard from UK politicians and organisations who feel the UK in particular cannot cope or deal with an influx of migrants. We have reflected concerns that public services like the NHS and schools are already under enormous pressure.
Our coverage has featured those concerned about the breakdown in security at some border crossings in Eastern Europe and at Calais. We have spoken to government representatives from countries like Hungary who are opposed to taking in refugees. During our programmes and coverage they have explained their positons and the reasons behind their decisions.
We have reflected the complex make-up of the migrants looking to enter Europe, making it clear that some are refugees fleeing war in countries like Syria, but that others are choosing to move country for economic reasons.
As with any story, our aim is to report on this subject over time in a fair, accurate and impartial manner. We believe we have allowed our audience to make their minds up on the issues at hand, but we were sorry to read you felt otherwise on this occasion.
Your concerns have been raised with senior editorial staff at BBC News. Please be assured they consider audience feedback such as yours vital in approaching how they report on a story.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.””
To reply to their response is a tedious business and designed to be off-putting.
“they consider audience feedback such as yours vital in approaching how they report on a story.”
Yeah. “Propaganda not working: increase levels!”
I’ve been thinking of ‘carpet bombing’ the BBC complaints department with regards to bias, in the hope that the sheer weight of correspondence might start to have an effect, if only to take up staff time. Amnesty International used to do letter writing campaigns to foreign dictators which supposedly made a difference. But if they are just sending out cut and paste replies I don’t know if it’s worth bothering with.
However – the fact that a cut and paste reply was sent regarding the migrant crisis does at least indicate they have had a large number of complaints in this regard.
Mr Pearl – to be fair, I have once or twice seen on BBC reports, brief interviews with local residents in Hungary. One was a man and woman on a motorcycle who said they were somewhat fearful of the crowds; the other was a farmer who described how migrants had stolen his crops.
So the BBC hasn’t entirely overlooked the locals, but of course they haven’t been portrayed in the dramatic/Pallywood/heart-rending way that anything to do with the migrants is reported.
Yes, the BBC has done a few off the cuff reports, but they have been far and few when giving the alternative ‘message’. I’m retired and so home all day, and was able to watch the intense coverage of both BBC and Sky in Europe. The reply from the Beeb that Mr Pearl received I read with open mouth, because they seem to have issues with telling the truth, and probably have some under grad sat writing replies to letters like his. I saw very little of the balanced views he wrote of, and think it must have been a regional news programme that spoke of the strain on the NHS and schools should those migrants come here. I concur with Mr Pearl that the Beeb tie people up with jargon and so its tiresome to delve deeper with them.
Just one more comment, if I may.
Over recent weeks a refrain of BBC and other journalists has been the ‘incredible temperatures’ on the migrants’ journeys through the Balkans and into Hungary, Austria, etc. “And it’s well over 30 degrees in the sun”.
Now, that particular area of Europe has been enjoying above-average temperatures in the last few weeks, it’s true. However you might expect that a BBC journalist who is presenting (as they do) the suffering of the migrants should think of temperatures in terms of what the migrants are used to. Instead, the poor luvvies from the UK were obviously feeling the heat themselves, compared to the temperatures they’re used to around Broadcasting House.
I checked some temperatures at the weekend. Baghdad: 42 degrees. Damascus: 36 degrees. I’m not saying that it isn’t uncomfortable travelling in temperatures in the 30s, but it would have been nice to have had some context from the BBC.
I think it was Cranmer on a post some days ago who mentioned that things will soon get much cooler in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Yup, it certainly will. Watch out for BBC broadcasts coming your way very soon, with freezing temperatures to tug at your heartstrings.
Yes it was me – warm daytime temps are common around there until mid to late October, but by the end of that month camping out or standing around will start to become difficult. Most of them don’t seem to have coats or even jackets, so yes, we can expect the BBC to make the most of that. There are also likely to be a fair few photojournalists slavering at the opportunity for some ‘iconic’ photos now that the Hungarian army has been given permission to engage.
The weather may in fact force the issue – there will either have to be semi-permanent accommodation set up all along the ‘corridor’, or a speeding up of the dispersal process into Germany, Sweden etc.
BBC Online News.
“”What Addenbrooke’s tells us about state of NHS””
The BBC’s health correspondent Triggle is damning as usual of the NHS as a whole. It appears to be his mission in life. He describes Addenbrookes Hospital as a ‘basket case’. Really? I would apply it to the BBC with far greater evidence.
Here’s an extract:
“”But now a hospital that can boast of being a centre of excellence for major trauma, transplants, cancer, neurosurgery, genetics and paediatrics, has been judged to be a basket case””
My contact with the staff at Addenbrookes Hospital found them to be superb. They were very professional.
A friend of mine’s wife is a Ward Sister in a north London Hospital. She has worked in the NHS for over twenty years.
Top of her list for the strains imposed on the NHS is immigration. Unrecognised by the media are rare tropical diseases that are imported and require vast amounts of care. A high proportion of immigrants have chronic diseases that have been untreated for years in their home countries. All this costs time and money.
About 90% of casualty patients in her hospital are of ethnic minorities and most can speak little English. They are of course immigrants.
All the above has a knock-on effect throughout the NHS.
The BBC article by Triggle hints at the aged causing the problems by referring to hip operations. But, no mention of Immigration. Strange, that? The BBC never quoting immigration as an important factor? The cynical might regard it as political alliance to the Left.
Or Bias.
The NHS would collapse without immigrants… but only because there would be no patients.
Um, I remember the NHS managing very nicely back in the 50’s and 60’s when migration was on the bottom rung. We (somehow) managed without them then ! hospitals were also cleaner, nurses ‘looked’ clean in their starched uniforms, and you didn’t have your leg marked with a pen so they didn’t operate on the wrong one !!!
Do I recall correctly that, defeated Labour Leader candidate, Andy Burnham had direct dealings with the Trust that included Addenbrooke’s when he was briefly Secretary of State for Health? Something to do with privatisation of some services … ?
Could be my memory is defective but if not that is something else that the BBC declined to mention concerning Addenbrookes. Now, there’s a thing!
This story was linked to a FaceBook page.
The comments about who the ‘British’ are and what the ”British’ now do (apparently) are why I have deep concerns about being ”spoken for’ by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
One of the Wiltshire Dholkias I believe.
Amazingly, not working and without any funds.
He must be flown home and nurtured asap.
You English with your complicated names!
It’s astonishing.
Listening to the radio, in their press previews the BBC have quoted the ‘Daily Mail’ more times in the past two days than in the whole of the last nine months.
Whatever could have got their attention?
A mystery indeed. Either their renowned editorial integrity has seen a shift in emphasis, or they at last have found space that was previously unavailable, for instance with Alan Yentob front pages.
They’ve probably realised the DM is nearly as left wing as them now.
BBC radio 4 The Long View the Vietnamese Boat people, used as a lever to grill past ministers on todays ‘migrant’ crisis.
Self destructive Jew Jonathan Freedland and Guardian contributor asks Peter Bottomley – “Isn’t it the case that British public opinion is ahead of the government and regards the 20 000 figure of refugees to be a rather low figure?”
Of course public opinion is nothing of the sort and Freedland must be in cloud Hampstead land to believe that it is, but it’s yet further evidence of how out of touch the BBC is to the public which is forced to pay their inflated fees.
I don’t know what public he meets, but it sounds a damned sight different to the one I do.
The BBC didn’t correct this falsehood? I believe that, using the Trump Doctrine, this is reprehensible behaviour.
And another thing. ‘Serious violence’ at Cookham Wood youth jail. It seems all is not well according to HM Inspector of Prisons. Apparently the 166 ‘children’ held at Cookham have been quite naughty, with 17 charged or convicted for murder or manslaughter. In just six months at the prison there were 61 assaults and 92 fights, including 21 assaults on staff. Again according to HM Inspector, Cookham reflects” systematic problems across young offenders institutions”. Mmm, 16 & 17 year -old ‘damaged children’ capable of acts of extreme violence. So no read across there then to events elsewhere ? And of course no issues at our ‘young offenders institutions’ with regard to gangs or racial tensions… brush, carpet, sweep.
Not really off topic, but I have been dabbling with a programme called You Now Link below, a simple way of broadcasting t friends and indeed followers. At the moment it is a means of sharing banal comments but It could be an opportunity for politicians (hear me UKIP) to conduct interviews and indeed by-pass the Montague’s and Hussein’s with their in built sneers and under researched questions. Methods of communication like this – by the next election – might help to drive a few nails in the BBC coffin, even in Whittingdale has not the balls to do it.
I found this site a few months ago and am relieved and delighted to see I am not alone in being disappointed, and lately disgusted, by our broadcasting corporation. As a new user, I hesitate to make my first comment as folk on here seem so much more knowledgeable than I am, but here goes – just a couple of things. I gave up watching the news and resorted to Radio 4 some time ago. Recently that twit Matthew Price has presented The World Tonight and I quite expect him to start by saying…”Now, are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin!” Remember that from Listen with Mother? Just about sums up the level to which our broadcaster has sunk. He makes my skin crawl!
The current movement of people crisis reminds me of a film or documentary some 40 years back about men from Africa walking north. All I have in my head is a picture of a tall African looking towards the blazing sun and the crowds increasing as they went on their journey. Does anyone else remember that? It was on TV, I do remember that.
And a final question. The Telegraph reports today that thousands of fake Syrian passports can be bought online! Surprise, surprise! Who knew that might happen!!! Well I never! Can we trust the authorities to find and seize these fraudulent passports?
Battle of Britain : BBC’s Fiona Bruce: “I would have slapped the pilot’s face”
A little vignette of 1940, intended, no doubt, to show the presence of women in the war effort turned a little unpleasant as the BBC presenter felt the need to intrude her own ‘fiesty female signalling’ into the retelling of someone else’s wartime anecdote.
The Spitfire was, were are told in a story handed down by a veteran, a little nose-heavy – requiring on take-off sometimes a WAAF or two to add some weight to the tail fin. On one memorable occasion the woman clung on beyond the point of no return and the plane flew for a while with a stowaway outside guest – an unarmed uninvited tail-gunner, you might say.
Quickly noticing the unusual flight charactistics of his aircraft the pilot kept his wits about him and landed safely.
We are told his passenger was rather shaken up but soon calmed her nerves with a cigarette. How very British, how very Battle of Britain.
It was a pity then that our Fiona had to go and spoil it by suddenly launching herself into bout of ad libbing wimmin’s libbing. Not for the modern BBC female warrior the keep calm, have a quiet fag, and carry on. Oh no, our Fiona tells us she would have rushed up and slapped the pilot’s face. Because of course on the evidence our Fiona has heard it was all – quite obviously – the man’s fault!
Oh I do hope the muslim immigrant gets his planning permission to build a block of flats at the end of her garden. You wanted diversity Fiona? You got it.
Probably more upset that the man allowed her to smoke. In BBC land no-one anywhere smokes and those handful of deviants who do are on a level somewhere below paedophiles.