At the same time we the ordinary people of Britain are putting up with inadequate housing, schools, hospital places and doctor appointments vote here ………………………………..
Watched a prog last night about Tele in the 60’s. In today’s climate it WAS very un pc. It included Black & White minstrels, and an aged Tory MP saying how ‘coloured’ and white shouldn’t mix, interviewed by one Dan Farson (name from the past !). Looks of shock horror by all – most by those who weren’t even born then; BUT that was the rub, they seem to be unaware that there was a life before Political Correctness, and that most of us had the mindset of Alf Garnet – get over it. Yes times have changed, but we’ve also stopped sending kids up chimneys too !!
It’s funny how disgusted everyone was by Mr Cholmondley-Warner or whatever his name was, saying he was against mixed marriage, but no one ever says a word about so called “honour killings” (that’s hate crimes to you and me)
If a Muslim girl wants to marry a non Muslim these days its frowned upon, at best, in their society. And yet some of the contributors to that 60’s programme were smugly congratulating themselves on how much things have changed.
I noticed Slappi turned up on that again. The usual shock horror that wouldn’t be allowed today, yes but ir’s not today it’s 50 odd years ago retards. I didn’t get what was so outrageous about the set from the saint. Slappi seemed to think Simon Templer was going to rape the girl. Obviously although she seems able to deliver judgement on TV from any time period that expertise doesn’t run to the Saint it would appear.
Was reading an old copy of Pravda at the time of Dubcek getting taken into “protective and fraternal” custody in 1968, as the tanks rolled into Prague during its “Spring”.
“The Sovereignty of any Socialist country cannot be set up to allow any opposition to the interests of the Socialist world and the interests of the world revolutionary movement.”
Replace that word “socialist” with the word “progressive”-and top and tail the word “world” with “New” and “Order”…and you need not fuss about migration, Camerons ingestions or any need to wonder what exactly the BBC and Corbyn fellow-travellers are “all about”.
No license-fingers in the ears, go “Ting-a ling-a loo”
Yes, I’ve been thinking of that with regards to Hungary. In 1956 Hungary basically said ‘up yours’ to Russia and that they would assert their sovereign rights. The Russians went along with it for long enough to get an invading force together, then brutally crushed dissent and installed a puppet leader in power.
In 2015 Orban says something pretty similar to the EU, which has already threatened to withdraw its funding (the modern equivalent of sending the tanks in). It wouldn’t surprise me if the EU starts meddling in the Hungarian democratic process, as it did with the election of the right winger Jorg Haider in Austria. We need to watch carefully.
The EU and it’s useless Nato will come unstuck if it attempts to interfere significantly in Hungary. Firstly the Hungarians will oppose it and secondly the Russians will warn the EU off.
Russia knows that instability on it’s borders threatens it and will not tolerate it.
It is looking very likely that if this invasion continues then the old Warsaw pact countries will have no choice but to accept Russian help and Russian protection.
The Russian army of today is more than a match for anything Nato can field. The EU needs to understand these simple facts of life.
I have no doubt that in six months time the situation in Eastern Europe will be very different.
‘Why David Cameron’s ‘Pig-Gate’ Scandal Isn’t Going Away’
Well, one reason is the BBC, who don’t talk about it, seem to talk a lot about others talking about it, and adding odd pig-related stories to their pages, by sheer coincidence.
Sort a of a reverse circle of virtue, attracting all sorts to make all sorts of witty puns.
I also note Ms. Oakeshot has established the principle of mud observation for adhesive qualities over silly things like proof (she offers none other than a Nic ‘sources say’ Robbo ‘senior pol’. And almost all media have decided to look at the target for soil rather than the hands of those who first threw it.
Could get fun. Next up we’ll have Jezza got jiggy with Di, or something.
Now he could be working from a position that lobbing £4b of initial start up competition in the pool may skew things, but mostly that seems to say ‘couldn’t survive as a gravy train for lefties without the public being forced to prop it up’.
I see the BBC have bravely opened another ‘Have Your Say’ on the migrant crisis. Once again the majority of comments there echo those who post here. It’s good to see BBC News get slated on it’s own website.
Seeing as yesterday’s HYS on Viktor Orban got taken down in less than an hour (presumably because most comments didn’t fit the BBC narrative), it’s a miracle this one is still up and running!
Interesting map on that BBC article, showing that Hungary has around 100,000 asylum seekers. That’s about 1% of the existing population, so the equivalent of about 600,000 turning up at Dover western docks. A body of people about the same size as the population of Glasgow. Not to mention those who are refusing to claim asylum and using the country as a corridor/waiting room for Germany. And people have the gall to criticise Orban for his actions? They need to wake up.
Managed to get in there and make my feelings known about the BBC (and Channel 4 and Sky News) and their 1-sided reporting of the ‘migrant’ crisis. It’s scandalous – not one of them provides any counter-narrative to their dogmatic ‘asylum seekers’ agenda. An absolute disgrace.
I got a reply from Sky to my complaint about their coverage of the illegal immigrant outrage…They are passing it on to their news team, no doubt another complaint destined for the digital dustbin.
“Thank you for contacting us concerning our coverage of the migrant situation.
Due to the nature of your enquiry, this has been forwarded to our News team accordingly.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. ”
Viewer Relations
Original Message Follows: ————————
I am writing to complain about the extremely one sided reporting of the illegal immigrant influx on Sky news. Your reporters never seem to question the vast amount of fighting age young men, currently trying to smash their way into Europe, the constant criticism of Hungary is also outrageously biased.
You continue to insult viewers intelligence with pictures of the few women and children you can find. People can see exactly what is going on and we are not prepared to be lectured to, by middle class journalists on some sort of guilt trip.
The BBC may be able to get away with such naked bias, but you are a subscription channel (even though your “news” programme is available subscription free) You would do well to remember that many people are very angry with the way that the swarm coming our way are being portrayed, and may well reflect their displeasure by voting with their feet, or in your case, their subscriptions.
As with MPs, whilst not ideal, SKY does still have a feedback system that they can take note of: your wallet. You are entitled to cease paying them. Or hit them where it hurts via the advertisers. Classic FM now goes off at 5 to ’til 5 past the hour as Global News is utter tripe I cannot tolerate any more.
Only the BBC seems in the unique position of having no check or balance of any form.
Well done, Shelly – even if they ignore it, at least you made the effort. I’m currently still in the process of deciding whether or not to end my Sky subscription by looking at alternatives. Freeview seems quite interesting…
Freesat is also something you could consider Obiwan.
I love tuning into the Islam Channel on there so that I can have the pleasure of turning it off.
Do you have the link to the one hour special? I will try and find it but with the BBC it’s not often easy.
I have had a few conversations on HYS closings, and an hour may be a record I’d like an anonymous BBC spokesperson to refuse to answer if that’s common, as it’s a secret.
Very encouraging HYS. 84 pages of comments with 20 per page in 6 hours works out to about 5 comments a minute. And from what I scanned through, the vast majority are against the invasion – indicated not only by the comments themselves but by the positive and negative recommendations to the comments.
And this is on the BBC’s own website. If it’s not an indication of how totally out of touch the bleeding-heart BBC is on this issue, nothing is.
The BBC closed this HYS half an hour ago. I imagine it will be incapable of learning the appropriate lesson from it.
Comment number 4. Posted by Fetch A Cloth
on 7 hours ago
Well done Germany, you told these people that they could come to your country, so guess what’s happening now?
You caused this problem Merkel, so you sort it out.
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Comment number 8. Posted by Can You Hear Me Mother
on 7 hours ago
This is little more than mob violence by aggressive young men – it’s no better than the riots we had a couple of years ago here in the UK.
And it has to be dealt with like a riot or even an invasion (which it is) – and it has to be done now before it’s too late.
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Comment number 19. Posted by Dee
on 7 hours ago
Why do the BBC continue to claim ‘mostly Syrian’ when a report shows only 1 in 5 are actually Syrian?
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Comment number 26. Posted by Hereward
on 7 hours ago
I noticed that the BBC News yesterday interviewed an Iranian migrant.
I wasn’t aware of any civil war in Iran, so it begs the question, just what is the actual geographic make up of all these migrants?
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Comment number 36. Posted by horsforthmick
on 6 hours ago
Merkel must be rapidly becoming the most hated person in Europe.
at least Hungary is making a stand against this invasion.
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Comment number 2. Posted by Bildeborg
on 7 hours ago
Feed them up, tend to any immediate medical issues then pack them off to Jordan, Suadia Arabia, UAE etc where they will feel more at home.
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Comment number 7. Posted by JohnTitor
on 7 hours ago
This is getting ridiculous, Europe simply cannot take in a never ending stream of refugees. The more we take in the more they’ll keep coming.
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Another piece of under researched nonsense. The dog heard sounds and responded to them with rewards by sitting or standing. I often do this with my dogs. What a waste of reporting. A piece of cheese held a few inches above his head and I say ‘bollocks’ and he sits; I lower my hand to the ground and say ‘Piss off’ and he lies down.
Remember when Clint Eastward talked to an empty chair – instead of Obama – at the Republican Convenstion. All I have to do is put my dog by a chair and say Obama.
If so have you noticed how most immigrants of all creeds just hate them, kids especially.
I own an ageing friendly, intelligent, discerning and locally popular Border Collie who goes nowhere close to home on the lead, if she goes anywhere near the recently arrived, they freeze or give her a wide birth. Yesterday a kid freaked out just walking by, so much so that the kids mother poked my dog with her umbrella, not best pleased I remonstrated, I could have really lost it, but it was pointless she didn’t understand a bloody word I was saying, or me her. She was lucky it wasn’t a chav owned Terrier, the outcome may have been a bit different…
I guess, had I contacted the RSPCA, I would have been the one at fault. Dog ownership is another bastion of Britishness that is under threat.
There are stories of attacks on dog owners by members of the ROP, and some northern councils have received requests to ban dogs near cemeteries used by the ROP.
Perhaps the BBC could interview one of their Islamic academics to explain the problem I understand that angels will not go near a house with a dog in it, even if there is only a photograph of one.
Here are a couple of prongs in the Islamic problem with dogs.
‘Migrants are an invaluable asset to the British economy, however, those with entrepreneurial flair are being held back because of lack of access to funding to start a business in the UK, reveals new findings from social enterprise This Foreigner Can.’
Maybe they can get a loan from that doctor chappie in Turkey? He seems flush and has an awesome business model.
Can’t wait for Migrant’s Den, where Evan consoles the buff losers if they can’t swing money without showing how it gets paid back.
That was a month ago hopefully he’s foxtrot oscared now, I didn’t know Latvia was wartorn.
What sort of BBQ’s does Mr Davis frequent where young unemployed immigrant men are guests?
On second thoughts I rather not know the answer, still at least it pays the rent…
Maybe Evan could find a job for all our own unemployed?
Caught up with Dateline London 19/09/2015. The opening discussion was on the refugee issue. A Bel Bari Atwan (A Arab writer) was on the panel. Bari is a frequent guest on DL. I believe he is taken there from the mental asylum he is (should be) detained in. There was a Italian and French female Jono also on the panel. The fourth person was young man from the Conservative Foundation (I believe). His contribution was a breath of fresh air. Reasoned, logical and sensible. Love the bit where he commented that Italian Jono was ? See and hear for yourself
Bari Atwan, he promised to dance in Trafalgar Square when Iranian rockets hit Tel-Aviv. And the bbc have this tw*t on speed dial for this and other vicious anti Israel programmes.
Dateline Londonistan – hosted by Gavin “Truly Islam is a religion of peace”* Esler.
A game show masquerading as a serious political discussion, the object of which is to shout down any right-of-centre opinion. Saturday’s show was a stormer, with Mr.Atwan screaming and waving his hands about at Alex Deane (Conservative Home). Mr.Deane had made some fairly sensible suggestions regarding the migrant crisis, e.g. most migrants are of the economic variety, we should be helping the Syrians closer to home, Europe cannot take all of the world’s desperate. Abdel Bari Atwan went into self-detonation mode, shouting incoherently that if Alex Deane wasn’t bombing them then they wouldn’t need to come, and that we deserve it anyway because of what we all did during the days of the British Empire.
Mr.Deane remained admirably calm both then and during the next topic of discussion which was on Corbyn. Even this discussion ignited the highly flammable Atwan who essentially shouted it was none of Deane’s business how the Labour party voted. It was an extraordinary performance by Atwan and made him look like the anti-westerner that he is.
* Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher supermarket atrocities in Paris this year, Gavin Esler was interviewing a spokesman for the RoP, and concluded by saying “Truly Islam is a religion of peace”, while the evidence in Paris would obviously suggest otherwise. This was another of those BBC moments that I logged mentally in building up my case against them.
Can’t access the show as I’m outside the UK, but I found this clip with the reprehensible Shabi, but also with the impressive Alex Deane putting the case for Israel.
At least Esler let him speak without interruption, quite unusual for the BBC. Deane starts at around 4 minutes in:
Edit: Dunno how I got to Facebook. Found the clip by clicking on the ‘a section’ link from this BBC Watch article on Esler and Shabi:
Fans of Polish football club Lech Poznan recently boycotted a football match in protest at a ticket surcharge to raise money for refugees. Even ‘The Guardian’ reported that the game
‘…was played in front of a crowd of around 3,000 at the Inea Stadium, where the club’s average attendance last season was 20,054. A banner reading “Stop Islamization” was hung at one of the entrances.’
However, the BBC merely reports that ‘A fans’ group of Polish club Lech Poznan said it did “not agree” with the move (to surcharge tickets)’. At least that’s all I can find on the BBC’s coverage anyway.
And yet…a simple Youtube search reveals a number of videos showing enormous protests at Polish football matches. Surely the BBC should be reporting this in some form?
Ok not BBc , directly, however remember I sent an E-mail to my MP on 4/9 asking the Government not to kowtow to the wave of media bullshit I could see coming on the back of Aylan. Well this is the response dated 14/9 but just received today.
Dear Mr…
Thank you for contacting me about Syrian refugees.
This issue is clearly the biggest challenge facing countries across Europe today, and I share your deep concern about the plight of the Syrian people fleeing the terror of Assad and ISIL, which has seen more than 1 million people driven from their homes. More than 300,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year and Britain must, and will, continue to be at the forefront of the international response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria.
Ours is a country of extraordinary compassion, we stand up for our values and we help those in need. We have seen this throughout history. Some will remember the Vietnamese ‘Boat People’ crisis in the late 870’s. In 1979, I joined our local Round Table Lions and Rotary clubs to collect donated beds, fridges, cookers etc for the ‘boat people’. We drove around Northwich in a Roberts bakery can and it was wonderful to see the generosity of local people. In 1979 we wanted to help in a practical way, we wanted to show we cared and that we were standing by those who had lost everything through terrible conflict. Once again the kindness and warmth of the British people is demonstrated with many many donation points and fundraising efforts happening right now across Waver Vale, and indeed the whole country.
This is of course in addition to what Britain is already doing nationally. Money from our taxes is being used to alleviate poverty and suffering in the countries blighted by the crisis. We are the only major country in the world that has kept the promise to spend 0.7% of our GDP on aid. We are already the second largest bilateral donor of aid to the Syrian Conflict, including by providing more than 18 million for rations, giving 1.6 million people access to clean water and providing education to a quarter of a million children. Last week, we announced a further £100 million, taking our total contribution to over £1 billion. That is the UK’s largest ever response to any humanitarian crisis.
Some £60 million of the additional funding will help Syrians who are still in Syria. The rest will go to neighbouring countries – Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon – where Syrian refugees now account for a quarter of the population. More than half of the new funding will support children, with a particular priority placed on those who have been orphaned or separated from their families. No other European country has come close to this level of support. Without Britain’s aid to the camps, the numbers attempting the dangerous journey to Europe would be very much higher.
The whole county can be proud of the role we are playing in supporting the Syrian people at a time of great crisis. But the only way for the violence and suffering to end is by pursuing a comprehensive approach that tackles the causes of the problem as well as the consequences. That mans helping to stabilise the countries from which the refugees are coming, seeking a solution to the crisis in Syria, pushing for the formation of a new unity Government in Libya, exposing the criminal gangs who are profiting from this human tragedy, and playing our part in saving lives in the Mediterranean, where our Royal Navy has now rescued over 6.700 people.
I believe we have a moral responsibility to help those displaced by the ongoing conflict in Syria, and I am glad that the UK is to provide resettlement to thousands more Syrian refugees. Some 20,000 refugees will come from camps bordering Syria, to discourage people from making the perilous journey to Europe. This number is proportionate, and in keeping with Britain’s response to previous Humanitarian crises, be it the Ugandan Asians, or the Vietnamese ‘boat people’. Since this crisis began we have granted asylum to nearly ,000 Syrians and their dependants, offering them safety, security and the chance of a future. We will continue to do this because Britain is a country full of caring and compassionate people who will always strive to help those in need.
I hope you have been reassured by my response. Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Yours sincerely…
ERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I would assume my MP has just decided to not bother reading my e-mail just saw Syria and sent me this steaming pile. Not happy at all. By an ironic twist however, for some reasons he mentions the boat people, Well. My Mother worked for DHSS as did I my Mother was involved in going out to meet them at the ex Army camp in Sopley Dorset I was involved in their benefit payments when I was also working for DHSS in 1983. So I was perfectly justified to reply to my MP to this I felt no sense of pride handing out benefits to them then. Wonder if I’ll get a reply to my response? I have very little respect for Mps having had a few skirmishes with them over the years this reply doesn’t change my view.
By no means overly effective and hence any solution, but at least you (currently) can apprise him of how you feel about his failings as an MP at the ballot box. Enough folk do that and he ceases to be an MP. That sinks in and he and his colleagues may just get around to representing the people who pay them.
But it is astounding how they feel hey can get away with being little more than copy typists, lifting chunks of safe patronising pap on tricky subjects from central office templates and thinking that kind of response will reassure.
As with CECUTT, I pushed mine (on a CQC issue) as far as I could, but it foundered when the (then) Minister got his letter, copied large chunks of that and sent it back to him, and he copied this and passed it back to close the file.
He got my vote to deal with Miliband and stabilise the economy. Next time I will be less keen to compromise as there are other issues, and bad service is bad service.
This “moral responsibility” crowd could be the death of our nation, and the West, if they were permitted to have their way completely.
This @rsehole MP should realize: the primary “moral responsibility” that he and the rest of them have, is to the citizens of their own country and the best interests thereof; and not to all this human chaff from Africa, the Middle East and all the other dysfunctional middens on the globe, who are attempting to get here.
I simply cannot understand how we can bomb young male Islamic fighters in Iraq and Syria and call them terrorists but, when the same young male fighters leave Iraq and Syria, because apparently they are losing the war there, the BBC, the EU and the UN and the rest can now call them poor refugees fleeing from war.
They were terrorists there and unless they have seen the light and miraculously converted to a new kind of Islam, which has not been seen yet on planet earth, then when they cross a border, any border, they will still be evil Islamic terrorists.
But today the EU, the elite managers of the European catastrophe are discussing a quota system to distribute them all around Europe. To distribute them to us, because as soon as they get EU ID cards they WILL come here.
This is delusional to the extent of complete madness yet no one, no one will say so. These young male Islamic fighters will destroy Europe and Britain and we the public know it.
We have told the BBC and Sky News this on their websites, they then shut off comments. We have told every newspaper, even the Guardian comments are against this madness and they ignore us. Every blog screams out do not let them in and we may as well talk to the wall. The opinions of tens of millions of people are discounted as being worthless.
Do not think that just Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the countries in the Middle Eastern mess will be the only ones infected with upheaval and war just because we in Britain have had peace for 70 years. We have already had a few tasters in our streets and there will be more.
War like disease spreads quickly if it is not contained and wiped out, but what do we do? We just keep on importing the deadly disease.
Unfortunately the utterly useless fully politicised PCs didn’t think to even ask him how he had survived in the UK illegally for 10 years and who might have employed him – it might not have been Politically Correct !
The UK government – again utterly inept should ask this man to fund his ticket with an advert that they can play to migrants about how the UK is not a paradise for migrants, but so bad that life is actually better back home. But that might not be Politically Correct !
Do the numbers refer to those coming into Europe this morning, or this afternoon?
I jest, but unless the Schengen area seals it borders, quotas are pointless because people will just keep on coming.
I understand there are some restrictions, eg I think Germany grants some sort of limited travel document rather than a full passport etc, but obviously if Schengen still applies nobody will be checked when crossing borders.
Hmm, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Israel are not on the list, they care about their nations. Our anti white European elites don’t care about ours, quite the reverse, they’re actively seeking to abolish them.
BBC 5pm news just said there will be 2 Q&A sessions on the migrant crisis tomorrow, at 11.30am and 3.30pm. The questions will be selected by a ‘panel of experts’ who will then answer them.
You can send your questions to the usual Huw Edwards looked very uncomfortable announcing this, no doubt fearing the deluge of true feeling from the country…
Now, I’m starting a book on the composition of the ‘panel of experts’. Bets for job titles and organisations, anyone….?
I’ll kick off the betting with :-
1. Leonard Doyle, International Organisation for Migration
2. Hugger-Cuddler-in-Chief, [any NGO with ‘Refugee’ in the title]
Kind regards
The Active Citizen (the artist formerly known as David Pearl) 🙂
Well Active Citizen.
As you`ll be a student of these things, TWATO earlier had Sir Peter Sutherland-the Englishmans personification of what an educated Irishman should sound like.And he does.
The very embodiment of Irelands Mary Robinson generation…done nothing, no spuds-but lots of Trinity College/EU baubies for being the cultivated plastic paddy.
Plenty of EU Rapporteur/Cheridee connections for all things UN and migratory…now whether he wears a Green St Patshat or an Arafat kiffayah depends on whether he`s on Ryan Tubriddys show or on the radio.
And-ever the cosmopolitan tarmac layer-he realises that Ireland takes no migrants…but Britain should, so his job is easier.
Of course poor Martha the Muffin is bewitched by that Oirish lilt-can almost taste the Baileys…so she`ll not be asking where is Ireland on immigration, seeing as the Irish have done very well from this “humanitarian scam”.
Peter Sutherland-the BBCs goto guy for that independent UN perspective…Sir Peter is the very dream of EU/BBC progressive consensual onanism…
Hilarious 🙂
Seriously though, oh dear God I hope not. I was hoping to catch at least one of the sessions but if he’s on the Panel that would strictly go against my doc’s orders to take things easy.
Chief Imam and Grand Mufti Dr Al-Rawahak al-kantoui al-havashandi of the Muslim Rights Association
Angie Leftie of ‘Refugee Respect Now’ action group, (Islington branch)
The Very Rev Dr Ima Hand-Ringer, the C of E’s first lesbian bishop
Baroness Judith Schlossheimer, Labour peer and chairperson of the Kindertransport veterans’ association
Keith Dither of the European Commission on Open Border Promotion
Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League
Well, I nearly didn’t listen, but I’m glad I did. Amazingly, reasonably balanced discussion, at least compared to the Corp’s now-customary propaganda drivel. Apart from there being not a single mention of the Islamic question. None of this matters – it’s the kind of discussion that should have been happening all over their programming, for weeks now, and not just as an after-thought. The fact that it seems at least semi-balanced just works to highlight the naked hallucinations of the rest of their ‘journalistic’ output.
I think the BBC has realised, somewhere in one of their saurian brains, that their corporate viewpoint might be somewhat at variance with 90% of their viewers and listeners. They are attempting to row back, just a little, by laying belated claim to some kind of broadcasting integrity. Too late, of course – once the cat is out of the bag, no-one goes back to believing them, except guardedly, provisionally, and with your hand firmly on your wallet. A desperate ploy, destined to blow back in their faces, I imagine.
A first-year course in journalism, c.2020 – ‘Pravda in the 20th c, and the BBC in the 2010’s: compare and contrast the downfall of each; assess the continuity of tradition; news as control of the demos; describe how the UK woke to the dispensibility and danger of the Corporation – how did we come to think the unthinkable, from believing the unbelievable?’
Heard near-on twenty minutes of TWATO at lunchtime.
Now that they`ve smeared Cameron and mocked Osborne in China, we`re back to the migrants…a classic filler whilst Corbyn gets himself sorted for them all.
Never heard such rubbish-hatchet job on the Czech spokesman ( come off it, being under the Soviet jackboot is just a historical detail( and don`t ask Corbyn to square HIS views on liberating the Soviets satellites)..then some sob story about Khaled(nasty French, do we want him or not?,,,he reads Dickens you chavs!)…then up comes UN Irishman Sutherland to tell us that “he`ll wait for the factual evidence” before taking numbers as an excuse not to let `em all in…jihadi John is only one facet of the “opportunity to acquaint ourselves better with Sir Stanley Knife”…words like that.
We really don`t deserve these migrants you know-serve us right if they`ll all piss off back to the Sand Dancers Pit of Plumptiousness, and bring THEM up by the bootstraps to economic paradise…72 raisins for everybody!
Why don`t the BBC and Martha etc try and GET an education before Islam teahes them something painful.
Liberal oafs….
Just watching the ITV news where we see French Riot Police are clearing the ‘jungle’ at Calais. Rocks are thrown at the police – one migrant shouts ‘what about us’ as news reaches them that Cameron is taking in refugees directly from camps at Turkey.
A couple of observations –
Anything on AlBeeb about this ?
Where have the French Riot Police been until now ?
What happened to the international law of being able claim asylum in the first country you set foot in ? Has Germany and the EU torn that one up ?
Why has the EU been slow to act and deal with the invasion ?
Why is our Prime Minister and Home Secretary slow to secure our borders ? Are they deliberately dragging their feet ?
What are they doing to prevent the overflow of migrants in France clandestinely crossing the Channel in boats?
Given all the events over the past week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain I listened to the start of Great Lives this afternoon. I thought that we might get an edition on Dowding or Park, or perhaps one of the better known pilots; maybe Bader or Tuck.
I really should have known better. It was about Nelson Mandela’s defence lawyer. I didn’t stay long enough to register his name. Back to Planet Rock.
If you’re looking for something positive about Britain you can rely on the BBC to disappoint.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said they will come from refugee camps in countries neighbouring Syria.
He has said the UK would take the most vulnerable, including disabled children, women who had been raped and men who had been tortured.
That is in order Dave. How about some attention to the thousands of children raped by the muslim gangs in the UK. Just asking.
”Camoron said the UK would take the most vulnerable, including disabled children, women..” Bit difficult that since they’re all men, aged 18 to 25, built like rugby players.
Well, well, well. There you have it, ladies, gents and Albaman. To be honest, I’ve been so utterly disgusted with large swathes of my fellow countrymen (although I now view them as traitors) and Europe of late that I’ve been unable to even bring myself to post on my favourite site. The despicable Cultural Marxist rabble have pulled it off, they really have; they’ve finally achieved their loathsome objective of flooding Europe with Muslims, and we on the Right have sat back and let them get away with this repugnant and most treacherous design of the foulest immensity. We’re now all up sh*t creek to put no finer point on our situation. It’s game over, as violent war with Islam is now inevitable. It will be street by street; town by town, ale house by ale house and I’m afraid there will be no safe zone.
I just had hoped, prayed even, that at least one party who would have stopped this might have been elected and made good on their promise to stop this self-imposed insanity. Ever seen that film Zulu Dawn, when the British redcoats are overrun by Zulus? Well, that is what is coming to your children and grandchildren. Put your tunics on, fix bayonets, and form a square.
Personally I’d liken it more to Munich, 1938. The EU are basically waving around a piece of paper with quotas on it, saying ‘peace in our time!’ But what’s going to happen next week, or month, (or year at the most) when there has to be another quota, and then another? At some point the flow either has to be stopped, or a fight over resources begins.
In International Law there is a fundamental right of a people to self-determination. I’m not sure how it sits with being in the EU or where the Government voted in betrays the people it is supposed to represent. I’m sure somebody intelligent enough could find in the legislature, and frame in into the situation the UK finds itself in. Remember, lawyers will not be to interested in this, as the money is in the human rights law. But a peoples right to self determination is a basic right. It depends on the passion of the UK people. I doubt they’ve got the fight
AlBeeb reporting that Addenbrooke’s patients are put at risk because of concerns about staffing levels. At the same time medicine degree courses at a UK university are not open to students from the UK – only overseas students are allowed to apply.
All due to government limits on places to study medicine.
It would be far better if the government put limits on places to study the mickey mouse degrees that kids are leaving university with where there are no real jobs at the end of their wasted years.
Thought I had stumbled on a rerun of the Oscar Pistorius court case tonight on bBC1, daft murderous white man in court presided over by ethnic judge and clerk of court among others, but no it was Eastenders….
With perhaps the exception of the Daily Mail and the Express, not one f******* media outlet has bothered to fulfil their public duty to report in an impartial manner. All we get is childish non-stop pro-illegal immigrant poopaganda drivel on a relentless and gigantic scale. You’d think that maybe one, just one, reporter might question why so many of these undesirables are young men, many of whom have smartphones and a massive sense of entitlement. No-one is highlighting the very real possibility that a large proportion of these stinkers could be ISIS filth.
Not so sure I would include the Daily Mail, they were just as bad in their reporting of the drowned child.
I lost all respect for that rag for their treatment of Farage and UKIP during the election, whilst at the same time continually winding us up with endless provocative anti immigrant pieces.
And now the DM are peddling the refugee with a puppy guff, as discussed up thread somewhat of an oxymoron? I can see it now a hybrid charity porn ad, Oxfam meets the Dogs Trust, regular screenings on Sky between their sob sob pieces on the Hungarian border…
“(iv) Self-determination includes the right of a people of an existing State to choose freely their own political system and to pursue their own economic, social, and cultural development.”
His speech is alluding to the fundamental right of self determination recognized in International Law. Looking at Germany, regarding Merkel openly selling out to Islam, the Germans should assert their fundamental rights before its too late.
Before Russia invaded, Hungary was THE advanced post industrial state way ahead of everybody else. The people are intelligent and industrial. They’ve had communism forced on them, I don’t think forcing Islam will go down to well.
‘The German government – despite much domestic opposition – says the influx is manageable,’
Has this opposition actually been admitted by the Beeb before? I thought up until now the official line was the Germans were in favour?
Also, there’s absolutely nothing in that article about any proposals to stem the flow of migrants. What on earth is the point of distributing 120,000 people over two years, when nearly half a million have already arrived this year alone?
Just being reported that migrants want to decide for themselves where they live ! (?) Um, I wouldn’t mind spending 6 months of the year in California, and perhaps Davos for the skiing in Winter, and of course someone else can pay for it. Bloody disgusting, they come here, demanding a ‘new life’, moan when they ARE given accommodation – a la our friend in Sweden, and this is resulting in a toxic mix of a melting pot that’s going to blow at any time soon.
A late comment but I’m afraid I’ve been busy (someone has to work, pay tax and support a migrant). Today’s R4 WATO saw a ‘first evah!’ event – a worth winner of the ‘first evah!’ Damian Day Memorial Teddy Bear Award.
Emma Jane Kirby actually managed to worm a discarded teddy bear into her sobbed report on a Syrian migrant having been turfed out of his camp in France.
Those wonder who Damian Day was – he was the viciously amoral news reporter in Drop The Dead Donkey who took a teddy bear everywhere with him to add a little added tragedy to whatever warzone he was reporting on that week.
Either la Kirby is an uneducated oaf and has never heard of Day, or she has had an irony bypass. Truly a worthy recipient of the major award for modern ‘liberal’ journalism.
Speaking of Dimbles, should anyone fancy cutting the fictional Damian of yore, with the all too real Emma Jane of yawn, that might be a worthy new satire. Just sayin’.
Jonathan Dimbleby accuse UCL of ‘silencing’ scientist Sir Tim Hunt
Sir Tim was made to resign after a sexist joke about women in science
Dimbleby said he was ‘appalled’ that Sir Tim had been forced out by UCL
I’ve noticed that some of these old liberal dinosaurs occasionally have a ‘Frankenstein’ moment when they realise the effects of what they’ve been espousing all their lives. They then write long impassioned newspaper articles which can basically be summarised as ‘But…but…I CREATED YOU!!!’
The same Michael Grade who said that failure to pay the licence fee should be decriminalised, but when it came to the vote decided it should continue, now shows that he as well as the BBC knows it cannot compete in the public arena if it had to earn its money.#
It shows that the BBC knows it lacks anywhere near the quality it would need to survive, and the majority of the public would not support it.
But I’ve no doubt they will continue to pretend otherwise for as long as the public will put up with their crap while watching their society decline, due in no small part to the propaganda of the BBC.
Not only does our society not learn from history, it shows an increased stupidity than had in the past. At least when the Greeks wanted to invade Troy they hid inside a wooden horse. Now we welcome known deceivers and terrorists masquerading as refugees, many of whom are responsible for the attacks on Christians described below by Raymond Ibrahim.
Our Trojan Horse is the BBC who not only willingly presents this scam as genuine, while ignoring the plight of Christians who suffered already from this mindset, but also avoids detailing the problems caused by this ‘multiculturalism’ as exampled in this story yesterday.
Despite what AlBeeb says in support of its ‘paymaster’ the EU .
The European Union is a failed experiment in an attempt to build a super state.
A message to all disillusioned labour and conservative voters, time to get out – Vote UKIP
BBC’s Hive Minds this week, with our old friend Fiona ‘nimby’ Bruce who is rapidly becoming a bBBC fave.
There’s always a bit of spiel regarding the answers but this seemed to go a bit too far, perhaps indicating, that it’s not so much group-think as a hive-mind (see, what I did there) .
“Now, Julia Gillard, do you remember the whole row between her and Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition. It made headlines all around the world (cos you wouldn’t stop banging on about it) where she said to Tony Abbott … I will not be lectured by this man, if he wants to know what sexism and misogyny look like in modern Australia he should look in the mirror”, she recounted, frothing like bottled Bass.
The message was clear – Julia, woman, good, Abbott, man, bad.
According to this article, Gore has a personal fortune of $200 million. A lot of this has been gained from so-called Green business ventures. Mind you, the reported $100 million from the sale of his TV channel to Al Jazeera would have helped. Note the comment about the energy consumption at his Nashville home being 20 times the national average. Easy to blab on about “moral issues” and “moral courage” when you’re a multi-millionaire with the BBC to report your words.
Democratically secretly elected for life by about a 100 elderly men in frocks
That’s the sort of world leader the BBC can really relate to
BBC Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue at the top of his report on the Papal visit to the US tells us the Pontiff’s top interests are ‘capitalism’ and ‘immigration’. Of course implying a socialistic critique of the first and a plea for open borders for the second. Same as Newsnight, then.
There was me thinking the Bishop of Rome was a religious leader. But I suppose I’m forgetting the words of the BBC’s main spiritual advisor John Winston Lennon ‘imagine there’s no countries’
I’m not a Catholic but I’m guessing much of this admiring BBC celebration of their liberation Pope is pure projection.
Is it partly that and partly like VW knowing the liberal media tests required the pope has fiddled his emissions output?
I would be interesting to know what effect turning off mobile phone masts in these regions would have. Pretty sure it would have a big impact on the organised movement of these people and certainly F up the traffickers….
How can I be expected to remember the name of any particular one of the countless BBC reporters covering the migrant crisis?
Anyway the snippet I call to your attention was broadcast two days ago and might have been from Channel 4
The migrant caravan was held up and delayed at a national border (what a fag – should have Thomas Cooked It?) a UN aid worker or some such was questioned by our reporter as why the migrants were getting ‘frustrated’ ?
“Some of them have paid a lot of money to get here” was the off-message reply
BBC “Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school”
“I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her she thought it was a threat to her. I’m very sad that she got the wrong impression of it.”
The BBC is probably a lost cause. It is the reactions of the Americans that I find worrying.
Yes I expect the idiot in the White House to jump in with both feet in his mouth, (he has form), but Google, NASA,Facebook? What happened to their critical facilities?
Then there is the reaction of ‘social media’ – “Give the kid a break, he’s only fourteen”. So many people prepared to give him a free pass because he is Muslim. The message that ought to be coming out of this – I have said this before – is, “Kids DON’T do this at home!”. We have here a piece of mains-powered equipment that relies for its safe operation being mounted in a insulated plastic box. Yet this ‘genius’ rips the guts out of the clock, (with a hammer?), never even lays a soldering iron on it, and drills two holes in a metal box, to mount a panel that needs four, (value engineering?), and literally just chucks the mains transformer into the box to go where it will.
One would hope that in the UK this abortion would have been confiscated the moment it was revealed. Sadly the ‘Muslim as Victim’ meme is so established in the West that we would probably see the same reaction here.
The problem is that this nonsense is perpetuated by PR departments, usually run by people with no understanding of what the company does. Obviously anybody with half a brain at NASA could see he hadn’t ‘made a clock’, but they’re not the ones running the Twitter feed. Social media has created an army of people whose jobs depend on pouring out a stream of click bait 24 hours a day.
This can only work with VERY simple propositions, ie, ‘muslim boy makes amazing clock, gets arrested, because racism’. There’s no time or inclination to dig any deeper or give any kind of analysis, especially not if it involves ‘racism’, which is the equivalent of a self-administered ‘D’ notice for the media. Turn off critical faculties, all ye who enter here.
Nobody with technical skills in Google, NASA etc would dare criticise what is happening, because racism. They would get their P45 (or whatever the American equivalent is) before they’d even finished typing a response on social media.
Of course, the counterpart to the fluffy PR girls churning out twitter nonsense are the army of grievance mongers and special interest groups who feed them with stories like this; in this case it seems like some sort of organised Muslim activists were behind it.
During the last month the subliminal messages coming from Al Beeb’s reporters is, ‘look how Germany sticks its hand in the fire – we should do the same’.
If I may repeat a message I saw on this website to AlBeeb’s Trustees, Reporters and Researchers who no doubt pop over to this site now and again…………..
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”.
Somehow that HYS is enduring and it’s already been 7 hours. But the number of comments is far fewer than yesterday – now over 500, whereas yesterday there were over 1600 in 6 hours.
They didn’t like my last comment – I indicated that I didn’t think the BBC would change its left-wing campaigning for unrestricted illegal immigration since nearly ten years of HYS and WHYS, with vast numbers of comments going against the BBC agenda, hadn’t influenced the BBC with its minority ideology at all.
If the BBC was anti-immigration, it would have shown mostly photos of the twenty-something males who comprise 70% of the total.
The fact that the BBC shows mostly photos of children who comprise only about 15% of the total, illustrates that the BBC is pro-immigration.
“”A Breitbart London analysis of over 200 images used by the BBC on its website shows a staggering 53 per cent of children as the focal points of images””
The BBC is indeed fanatically pro-immigration and this is reflected in its carefully chosen portfolio of ‘migrant porn’ photos. To be a reputable news organisation (stop giggling at the back) it should aim to be objective, neither pro or anti-immigration, but simply report the facts as they are or appear to be. This involves the use of neutral and temperate language, representative photography, declaration of vested interests in interviews plus a commitment to professional journalistic standards. Seriously lacking in all these areas, it is presently not fit for purpose. If it is incapable of reform it should be scrapped.
JohnCJan 22, 13:50 Midweek 22nd January 2025 lol – After we had the cars which killed people (with unmentioned enrichment at the wheel), we now have knives…
Emmanuel GoldsteinJan 22, 13:26 Midweek 22nd January 2025 When I was still at school almost everybody carried a penknife of some other kind of knife. Not to stab…
moggiemooJan 22, 13:26 Midweek 22nd January 2025 The entire energy industry in this country is just a money grabbing scam. If pensioners die because they can’t afford…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 13:21 Midweek 22nd January 2025 1 in 1570 ? One of the people who served jail time for taking part in the US Capitol riot…
vladJan 22, 13:19 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Good old BBC (by which I mean Bad old BBC). They find one solitary Jan 6 political prisoner who is…
JohnCJan 22, 13:15 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Just reading about two-tier’s virtue-signalling on knife crime and saw that the BBC are not addressing who is doing all…
Lefty WrightJan 22, 13:05 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Lucy I guess the location doesn’t matter much. One shit hole looks much like another.
Lefty WrightJan 22, 13:03 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Sluffy Well spotted sir. You should be a detective.
Lefty WrightJan 22, 12:59 Midweek 22nd January 2025 JonathanR For me, John Kennedy always speaks a lot of truth. I view his videos regularly and have done for…
andyjsnapeJan 22, 12:58 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Black lady murdered:- Police probe whether bank exec killer is abroad Thought the bbc would have said this is…
And the vital issue today which the BBC feels must be discussed is….
Bridge: Judicial review of decision that card game is not a sport
As ‘Theresa the Appeaser’ tries to sort out the European Parliament’s inability to deal with the invasion, a timely reminder about our leader’s election promise…………………………..
At the same time we the ordinary people of Britain are putting up with inadequate housing, schools, hospital places and doctor appointments vote here ………………………………..
Watched a prog last night about Tele in the 60’s. In today’s climate it WAS very un pc. It included Black & White minstrels, and an aged Tory MP saying how ‘coloured’ and white shouldn’t mix, interviewed by one Dan Farson (name from the past !). Looks of shock horror by all – most by those who weren’t even born then; BUT that was the rub, they seem to be unaware that there was a life before Political Correctness, and that most of us had the mindset of Alf Garnet – get over it. Yes times have changed, but we’ve also stopped sending kids up chimneys too !!
It’s funny how disgusted everyone was by Mr Cholmondley-Warner or whatever his name was, saying he was against mixed marriage, but no one ever says a word about so called “honour killings” (that’s hate crimes to you and me)
If a Muslim girl wants to marry a non Muslim these days its frowned upon, at best, in their society. And yet some of the contributors to that 60’s programme were smugly congratulating themselves on how much things have changed.
In the parallel universe of the BBC, marriage is ok between black and white but not between muslim and non-muslim. Beeboids are quite pitiful .
I noticed Slappi turned up on that again. The usual shock horror that wouldn’t be allowed today, yes but ir’s not today it’s 50 odd years ago retards. I didn’t get what was so outrageous about the set from the saint. Slappi seemed to think Simon Templer was going to rape the girl. Obviously although she seems able to deliver judgement on TV from any time period that expertise doesn’t run to the Saint it would appear.
Was reading an old copy of Pravda at the time of Dubcek getting taken into “protective and fraternal” custody in 1968, as the tanks rolled into Prague during its “Spring”.
“The Sovereignty of any Socialist country cannot be set up to allow any opposition to the interests of the Socialist world and the interests of the world revolutionary movement.”
Replace that word “socialist” with the word “progressive”-and top and tail the word “world” with “New” and “Order”…and you need not fuss about migration, Camerons ingestions or any need to wonder what exactly the BBC and Corbyn fellow-travellers are “all about”.
No license-fingers in the ears, go “Ting-a ling-a loo”
Yes, I’ve been thinking of that with regards to Hungary. In 1956 Hungary basically said ‘up yours’ to Russia and that they would assert their sovereign rights. The Russians went along with it for long enough to get an invading force together, then brutally crushed dissent and installed a puppet leader in power.
In 2015 Orban says something pretty similar to the EU, which has already threatened to withdraw its funding (the modern equivalent of sending the tanks in). It wouldn’t surprise me if the EU starts meddling in the Hungarian democratic process, as it did with the election of the right winger Jorg Haider in Austria. We need to watch carefully.
We can watch carefully as you say, but what can we do about it? We are powerless in a democracy.
The EU and it’s useless Nato will come unstuck if it attempts to interfere significantly in Hungary. Firstly the Hungarians will oppose it and secondly the Russians will warn the EU off.
Russia knows that instability on it’s borders threatens it and will not tolerate it.
It is looking very likely that if this invasion continues then the old Warsaw pact countries will have no choice but to accept Russian help and Russian protection.
The Russian army of today is more than a match for anything Nato can field. The EU needs to understand these simple facts of life.
I have no doubt that in six months time the situation in Eastern Europe will be very different.
‘Why David Cameron’s ‘Pig-Gate’ Scandal Isn’t Going Away’
Well, one reason is the BBC, who don’t talk about it, seem to talk a lot about others talking about it, and adding odd pig-related stories to their pages, by sheer coincidence.
Sort a of a reverse circle of virtue, attracting all sorts to make all sorts of witty puns.
Nice to see the BBC’s ex-Newsnight editor’s muse is fine form. She must be due on soon to… ‘mispeak’ if she expects to get invited back.
Funny thing is…
…it all remains still in the realms of allegation, apparently. Yet Laurie sees it as fact. I wonder who she gets her source material from?
I also note Ms. Oakeshot has established the principle of mud observation for adhesive qualities over silly things like proof (she offers none other than a Nic ‘sources say’ Robbo ‘senior pol’. And almost all media have decided to look at the target for soil rather than the hands of those who first threw it.
Could get fun. Next up we’ll have Jezza got jiggy with Di, or something.
Ex-ITV chairman says scrapping licence fee would spell end for BBC
Where’s Mandy Rice Davis when clearly required?
Now he could be working from a position that lobbing £4b of initial start up competition in the pool may skew things, but mostly that seems to say ‘couldn’t survive as a gravy train for lefties without the public being forced to prop it up’.
I see the BBC have bravely opened another ‘Have Your Say’ on the migrant crisis. Once again the majority of comments there echo those who post here. It’s good to see BBC News get slated on it’s own website.
Seeing as yesterday’s HYS on Viktor Orban got taken down in less than an hour (presumably because most comments didn’t fit the BBC narrative), it’s a miracle this one is still up and running!
Interesting map on that BBC article, showing that Hungary has around 100,000 asylum seekers. That’s about 1% of the existing population, so the equivalent of about 600,000 turning up at Dover western docks. A body of people about the same size as the population of Glasgow. Not to mention those who are refusing to claim asylum and using the country as a corridor/waiting room for Germany. And people have the gall to criticise Orban for his actions? They need to wake up.
Managed to get in there and make my feelings known about the BBC (and Channel 4 and Sky News) and their 1-sided reporting of the ‘migrant’ crisis. It’s scandalous – not one of them provides any counter-narrative to their dogmatic ‘asylum seekers’ agenda. An absolute disgrace.
I got a reply from Sky to my complaint about their coverage of the illegal immigrant outrage…They are passing it on to their news team, no doubt another complaint destined for the digital dustbin.
“Thank you for contacting us concerning our coverage of the migrant situation.
Due to the nature of your enquiry, this has been forwarded to our News team accordingly.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. ”
Viewer Relations
Original Message Follows: ————————
I am writing to complain about the extremely one sided reporting of the illegal immigrant influx on Sky news. Your reporters never seem to question the vast amount of fighting age young men, currently trying to smash their way into Europe, the constant criticism of Hungary is also outrageously biased.
You continue to insult viewers intelligence with pictures of the few women and children you can find. People can see exactly what is going on and we are not prepared to be lectured to, by middle class journalists on some sort of guilt trip.
The BBC may be able to get away with such naked bias, but you are a subscription channel (even though your “news” programme is available subscription free) You would do well to remember that many people are very angry with the way that the swarm coming our way are being portrayed, and may well reflect their displeasure by voting with their feet, or in your case, their subscriptions.
As with MPs, whilst not ideal, SKY does still have a feedback system that they can take note of: your wallet. You are entitled to cease paying them. Or hit them where it hurts via the advertisers. Classic FM now goes off at 5 to ’til 5 past the hour as Global News is utter tripe I cannot tolerate any more.
Only the BBC seems in the unique position of having no check or balance of any form.
Well done, Shelly – even if they ignore it, at least you made the effort. I’m currently still in the process of deciding whether or not to end my Sky subscription by looking at alternatives. Freeview seems quite interesting…
Freesat is also something you could consider Obiwan.
I love tuning into the Islam Channel on there so that I can have the pleasure of turning it off.
Thanks, Lobster – interesting! Will investigate.
Wow have SKY contracted out their complaints department to the BBc?
Do you have the link to the one hour special? I will try and find it but with the BBC it’s not often easy.
I have had a few conversations on HYS closings, and an hour may be a record I’d like an anonymous BBC spokesperson to refuse to answer if that’s common, as it’s a secret.
Very encouraging HYS. 84 pages of comments with 20 per page in 6 hours works out to about 5 comments a minute. And from what I scanned through, the vast majority are against the invasion – indicated not only by the comments themselves but by the positive and negative recommendations to the comments.
And this is on the BBC’s own website. If it’s not an indication of how totally out of touch the bleeding-heart BBC is on this issue, nothing is.
The BBC closed this HYS half an hour ago. I imagine it will be incapable of learning the appropriate lesson from it.
Oh they’ll learn the lesson…it’s called ‘comments are disabled for this article’!
Looking at the comments on the Ministry of Truth will be quite dismayed …..
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Comment number 4. Posted by Fetch A Cloth
on 7 hours ago
Well done Germany, you told these people that they could come to your country, so guess what’s happening now?
You caused this problem Merkel, so you sort it out.
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Comment number 8. Posted by Can You Hear Me Mother
on 7 hours ago
This is little more than mob violence by aggressive young men – it’s no better than the riots we had a couple of years ago here in the UK.
And it has to be dealt with like a riot or even an invasion (which it is) – and it has to be done now before it’s too late.
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Comment number 19. Posted by Dee
on 7 hours ago
Why do the BBC continue to claim ‘mostly Syrian’ when a report shows only 1 in 5 are actually Syrian?
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Comment number 26. Posted by Hereward
on 7 hours ago
I noticed that the BBC News yesterday interviewed an Iranian migrant.
I wasn’t aware of any civil war in Iran, so it begs the question, just what is the actual geographic make up of all these migrants?
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Comment number 36. Posted by horsforthmick
on 6 hours ago
Merkel must be rapidly becoming the most hated person in Europe.
at least Hungary is making a stand against this invasion.
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Comment number 2. Posted by Bildeborg
on 7 hours ago
Feed them up, tend to any immediate medical issues then pack them off to Jordan, Suadia Arabia, UAE etc where they will feel more at home.
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Comment number 7. Posted by JohnTitor
on 7 hours ago
This is getting ridiculous, Europe simply cannot take in a never ending stream of refugees. The more we take in the more they’ll keep coming.
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Top ‘news’ from bBBC Scotland. Dog ‘learns Gaelic’ in three weeks
Well worth the licence fee, I’m sure!
So how came if a dog can learn Gaelic, nobody speaks English in London anymore?
Another piece of under researched nonsense. The dog heard sounds and responded to them with rewards by sitting or standing. I often do this with my dogs. What a waste of reporting. A piece of cheese held a few inches above his head and I say ‘bollocks’ and he sits; I lower my hand to the ground and say ‘Piss off’ and he lies down.
Remember when Clint Eastward talked to an empty chair – instead of Obama – at the Republican Convenstion. All I have to do is put my dog by a chair and say Obama.
Anyone here own a dog?
If so have you noticed how most immigrants of all creeds just hate them, kids especially.
I own an ageing friendly, intelligent, discerning and locally popular Border Collie who goes nowhere close to home on the lead, if she goes anywhere near the recently arrived, they freeze or give her a wide birth. Yesterday a kid freaked out just walking by, so much so that the kids mother poked my dog with her umbrella, not best pleased I remonstrated, I could have really lost it, but it was pointless she didn’t understand a bloody word I was saying, or me her. She was lucky it wasn’t a chav owned Terrier, the outcome may have been a bit different…
I guess, had I contacted the RSPCA, I would have been the one at fault. Dog ownership is another bastion of Britishness that is under threat.
There are stories of attacks on dog owners by members of the ROP, and some northern councils have received requests to ban dogs near cemeteries used by the ROP.
Perhaps the BBC could interview one of their Islamic academics to explain the problem I understand that angels will not go near a house with a dog in it, even if there is only a photograph of one.
Here are a couple of prongs in the Islamic problem with dogs.
Rest assured the religion of permanent offence are trying to change our British dog culture.
Thanks for the links, as I suspected.
If she had done that to my dog , the umbrella would have gone were the sun don’t shine and then put up . Sorry officer she sat on it .
Sorry should be where…..??
Unique funding being a bit of a BBC speciality, here’s a topical one that ticks all boxes going:
Be interested if they run with the PR.
‘Migrants are an invaluable asset to the British economy, however, those with entrepreneurial flair are being held back because of lack of access to funding to start a business in the UK, reveals new findings from social enterprise This Foreigner Can.’
Maybe they can get a loan from that doctor chappie in Turkey? He seems flush and has an awesome business model.
Can’t wait for Migrant’s Den, where Evan consoles the buff losers if they can’t swing money without showing how it gets paid back.
I think we all know where Mr Davis stands on the issue of young, unemployed migrant gentlemen…
I would have thought the BBC would have found somewhere to fit him in .
That was a month ago hopefully he’s foxtrot oscared now, I didn’t know Latvia was wartorn.
What sort of BBQ’s does Mr Davis frequent where young unemployed immigrant men are guests?
On second thoughts I rather not know the answer, still at least it pays the rent…
Maybe Evan could find a job for all our own unemployed?
I’m still waiting for the police to investigate Stephen Fry, he likes them young, hidden in plain sight. Another Savile I fear.
Um, what about as a ‘gofer’ for his older lookalike Owen Jones at the Guardian – lets see the ‘girls’ fight over him there !!
I can see the first pitch: “I took a rubber dinghy and turned it into a coffin…..”
Caught up with Dateline London 19/09/2015. The opening discussion was on the refugee issue. A Bel Bari Atwan (A Arab writer) was on the panel. Bari is a frequent guest on DL. I believe he is taken there from the mental asylum he is (should be) detained in. There was a Italian and French female Jono also on the panel. The fourth person was young man from the Conservative Foundation (I believe). His contribution was a breath of fresh air. Reasoned, logical and sensible. Love the bit where he commented that Italian Jono was ? See and hear for yourself
Bari Atwan, he promised to dance in Trafalgar Square when Iranian rockets hit Tel-Aviv. And the bbc have this tw*t on speed dial for this and other vicious anti Israel programmes.
Dateline Londonistan – hosted by Gavin “Truly Islam is a religion of peace”* Esler.
A game show masquerading as a serious political discussion, the object of which is to shout down any right-of-centre opinion. Saturday’s show was a stormer, with Mr.Atwan screaming and waving his hands about at Alex Deane (Conservative Home). Mr.Deane had made some fairly sensible suggestions regarding the migrant crisis, e.g. most migrants are of the economic variety, we should be helping the Syrians closer to home, Europe cannot take all of the world’s desperate. Abdel Bari Atwan went into self-detonation mode, shouting incoherently that if Alex Deane wasn’t bombing them then they wouldn’t need to come, and that we deserve it anyway because of what we all did during the days of the British Empire.
Mr.Deane remained admirably calm both then and during the next topic of discussion which was on Corbyn. Even this discussion ignited the highly flammable Atwan who essentially shouted it was none of Deane’s business how the Labour party voted. It was an extraordinary performance by Atwan and made him look like the anti-westerner that he is.
* Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher supermarket atrocities in Paris this year, Gavin Esler was interviewing a spokesman for the RoP, and concluded by saying “Truly Islam is a religion of peace”, while the evidence in Paris would obviously suggest otherwise. This was another of those BBC moments that I logged mentally in building up my case against them.
Can’t access the show as I’m outside the UK, but I found this clip with the reprehensible Shabi, but also with the impressive Alex Deane putting the case for Israel.
At least Esler let him speak without interruption, quite unusual for the BBC. Deane starts at around 4 minutes in:
Edit: Dunno how I got to Facebook. Found the clip by clicking on the ‘a section’ link from this BBC Watch article on Esler and Shabi:
“How did we end up with the genetic runts of the litter lecturing us?”
Fans of Polish football club Lech Poznan recently boycotted a football match in protest at a ticket surcharge to raise money for refugees. Even ‘The Guardian’ reported that the game
‘…was played in front of a crowd of around 3,000 at the Inea Stadium, where the club’s average attendance last season was 20,054. A banner reading “Stop Islamization” was hung at one of the entrances.’
However, the BBC merely reports that ‘A fans’ group of Polish club Lech Poznan said it did “not agree” with the move (to surcharge tickets)’. At least that’s all I can find on the BBC’s coverage anyway.
And yet…a simple Youtube search reveals a number of videos showing enormous protests at Polish football matches. Surely the BBC should be reporting this in some form?
Ok not BBc , directly, however remember I sent an E-mail to my MP on 4/9 asking the Government not to kowtow to the wave of media bullshit I could see coming on the back of Aylan. Well this is the response dated 14/9 but just received today.
Dear Mr…
Thank you for contacting me about Syrian refugees.
This issue is clearly the biggest challenge facing countries across Europe today, and I share your deep concern about the plight of the Syrian people fleeing the terror of Assad and ISIL, which has seen more than 1 million people driven from their homes. More than 300,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year and Britain must, and will, continue to be at the forefront of the international response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria.
Ours is a country of extraordinary compassion, we stand up for our values and we help those in need. We have seen this throughout history. Some will remember the Vietnamese ‘Boat People’ crisis in the late 870’s. In 1979, I joined our local Round Table Lions and Rotary clubs to collect donated beds, fridges, cookers etc for the ‘boat people’. We drove around Northwich in a Roberts bakery can and it was wonderful to see the generosity of local people. In 1979 we wanted to help in a practical way, we wanted to show we cared and that we were standing by those who had lost everything through terrible conflict. Once again the kindness and warmth of the British people is demonstrated with many many donation points and fundraising efforts happening right now across Waver Vale, and indeed the whole country.
This is of course in addition to what Britain is already doing nationally. Money from our taxes is being used to alleviate poverty and suffering in the countries blighted by the crisis. We are the only major country in the world that has kept the promise to spend 0.7% of our GDP on aid. We are already the second largest bilateral donor of aid to the Syrian Conflict, including by providing more than 18 million for rations, giving 1.6 million people access to clean water and providing education to a quarter of a million children. Last week, we announced a further £100 million, taking our total contribution to over £1 billion. That is the UK’s largest ever response to any humanitarian crisis.
Some £60 million of the additional funding will help Syrians who are still in Syria. The rest will go to neighbouring countries – Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon – where Syrian refugees now account for a quarter of the population. More than half of the new funding will support children, with a particular priority placed on those who have been orphaned or separated from their families. No other European country has come close to this level of support. Without Britain’s aid to the camps, the numbers attempting the dangerous journey to Europe would be very much higher.
The whole county can be proud of the role we are playing in supporting the Syrian people at a time of great crisis. But the only way for the violence and suffering to end is by pursuing a comprehensive approach that tackles the causes of the problem as well as the consequences. That mans helping to stabilise the countries from which the refugees are coming, seeking a solution to the crisis in Syria, pushing for the formation of a new unity Government in Libya, exposing the criminal gangs who are profiting from this human tragedy, and playing our part in saving lives in the Mediterranean, where our Royal Navy has now rescued over 6.700 people.
I believe we have a moral responsibility to help those displaced by the ongoing conflict in Syria, and I am glad that the UK is to provide resettlement to thousands more Syrian refugees. Some 20,000 refugees will come from camps bordering Syria, to discourage people from making the perilous journey to Europe. This number is proportionate, and in keeping with Britain’s response to previous Humanitarian crises, be it the Ugandan Asians, or the Vietnamese ‘boat people’. Since this crisis began we have granted asylum to nearly ,000 Syrians and their dependants, offering them safety, security and the chance of a future. We will continue to do this because Britain is a country full of caring and compassionate people who will always strive to help those in need.
I hope you have been reassured by my response. Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Yours sincerely…
ERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I would assume my MP has just decided to not bother reading my e-mail just saw Syria and sent me this steaming pile. Not happy at all. By an ironic twist however, for some reasons he mentions the boat people, Well. My Mother worked for DHSS as did I my Mother was involved in going out to meet them at the ex Army camp in Sopley Dorset I was involved in their benefit payments when I was also working for DHSS in 1983. So I was perfectly justified to reply to my MP to this I felt no sense of pride handing out benefits to them then. Wonder if I’ll get a reply to my response? I have very little respect for Mps having had a few skirmishes with them over the years this reply doesn’t change my view.
By no means overly effective and hence any solution, but at least you (currently) can apprise him of how you feel about his failings as an MP at the ballot box. Enough folk do that and he ceases to be an MP. That sinks in and he and his colleagues may just get around to representing the people who pay them.
But it is astounding how they feel hey can get away with being little more than copy typists, lifting chunks of safe patronising pap on tricky subjects from central office templates and thinking that kind of response will reassure.
As with CECUTT, I pushed mine (on a CQC issue) as far as I could, but it foundered when the (then) Minister got his letter, copied large chunks of that and sent it back to him, and he copied this and passed it back to close the file.
He got my vote to deal with Miliband and stabilise the economy. Next time I will be less keen to compromise as there are other issues, and bad service is bad service.
Since this crisis began we have granted asylum to nearly ,000 Syrians and their dependants…
LOL, asylum granted to nearly no Syrians.
Sorry typo should be 5,000 and their dependents. So 10.000, 15,000? You take a guess.
This “moral responsibility” crowd could be the death of our nation, and the West, if they were permitted to have their way completely.
This @rsehole MP should realize: the primary “moral responsibility” that he and the rest of them have, is to the citizens of their own country and the best interests thereof; and not to all this human chaff from Africa, the Middle East and all the other dysfunctional middens on the globe, who are attempting to get here.
I simply cannot understand how we can bomb young male Islamic fighters in Iraq and Syria and call them terrorists but, when the same young male fighters leave Iraq and Syria, because apparently they are losing the war there, the BBC, the EU and the UN and the rest can now call them poor refugees fleeing from war.
They were terrorists there and unless they have seen the light and miraculously converted to a new kind of Islam, which has not been seen yet on planet earth, then when they cross a border, any border, they will still be evil Islamic terrorists.
But today the EU, the elite managers of the European catastrophe are discussing a quota system to distribute them all around Europe. To distribute them to us, because as soon as they get EU ID cards they WILL come here.
This is delusional to the extent of complete madness yet no one, no one will say so. These young male Islamic fighters will destroy Europe and Britain and we the public know it.
We have told the BBC and Sky News this on their websites, they then shut off comments. We have told every newspaper, even the Guardian comments are against this madness and they ignore us. Every blog screams out do not let them in and we may as well talk to the wall. The opinions of tens of millions of people are discounted as being worthless.
Do not think that just Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the countries in the Middle Eastern mess will be the only ones infected with upheaval and war just because we in Britain have had peace for 70 years. We have already had a few tasters in our streets and there will be more.
War like disease spreads quickly if it is not contained and wiped out, but what do we do? We just keep on importing the deadly disease.
Immigrant who is in Manchester illegally demands to be deported by police – after saying he’s fed up of life in the city
Unfortunately the utterly useless fully politicised PCs didn’t think to even ask him how he had survived in the UK illegally for 10 years and who might have employed him – it might not have been Politically Correct !
The UK government – again utterly inept should ask this man to fund his ticket with an advert that they can play to migrants about how the UK is not a paradise for migrants, but so bad that life is actually better back home. But that might not be Politically Correct !
“Demands” !
Allocation of Greek refugees. The numbers are irrelevant, once issued with an EU passport, it destination UK.
…Meanwhile at Calais…
Do the numbers refer to those coming into Europe this morning, or this afternoon?
I jest, but unless the Schengen area seals it borders, quotas are pointless because people will just keep on coming.
The BBC HYS site has a message indicating that those granted asylum are not able to move about freely about the EU.
Can anyone confirm / deny this definitively.
It may save shooting oneself in the foot when “debating” the matter!
A difficult thing to enforce, most countries would be happy to see the back of them.
Do you have a link?
I understand there are some restrictions, eg I think Germany grants some sort of limited travel document rather than a full passport etc, but obviously if Schengen still applies nobody will be checked when crossing borders.
Hmm, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Israel are not on the list, they care about their nations. Our anti white European elites don’t care about ours, quite the reverse, they’re actively seeking to abolish them.
Thanks, Geoff.
Poland is expected to take 3,881. I don’t think the Poles will accept that judging by their recent mass protests against Islam.
BBC 5pm news just said there will be 2 Q&A sessions on the migrant crisis tomorrow, at 11.30am and 3.30pm. The questions will be selected by a ‘panel of experts’ who will then answer them.
You can send your questions to the usual Huw Edwards looked very uncomfortable announcing this, no doubt fearing the deluge of true feeling from the country…
Now, I’m starting a book on the composition of the ‘panel of experts’. Bets for job titles and organisations, anyone….?
I’ll kick off the betting with :-
1. Leonard Doyle, International Organisation for Migration
2. Hugger-Cuddler-in-Chief, [any NGO with ‘Refugee’ in the title]
Kind regards
The Active Citizen (the artist formerly known as David Pearl) 🙂
Well Active Citizen.
As you`ll be a student of these things, TWATO earlier had Sir Peter Sutherland-the Englishmans personification of what an educated Irishman should sound like.And he does.
The very embodiment of Irelands Mary Robinson generation…done nothing, no spuds-but lots of Trinity College/EU baubies for being the cultivated plastic paddy.
Plenty of EU Rapporteur/Cheridee connections for all things UN and migratory…now whether he wears a Green St Patshat or an Arafat kiffayah depends on whether he`s on Ryan Tubriddys show or on the radio.
And-ever the cosmopolitan tarmac layer-he realises that Ireland takes no migrants…but Britain should, so his job is easier.
Of course poor Martha the Muffin is bewitched by that Oirish lilt-can almost taste the Baileys…so she`ll not be asking where is Ireland on immigration, seeing as the Irish have done very well from this “humanitarian scam”.
Peter Sutherland-the BBCs goto guy for that independent UN perspective…Sir Peter is the very dream of EU/BBC progressive consensual onanism…
“Cosmopolitan tarmac -layer ” . ” Cultivated plastic paddy ” . Love it !
Hilarious 🙂
Seriously though, oh dear God I hope not. I was hoping to catch at least one of the sessions but if he’s on the Panel that would strictly go against my doc’s orders to take things easy.
And would they DARE to leave out Shami Chakrabarti ?????
Chief Imam and Grand Mufti Dr Al-Rawahak al-kantoui al-havashandi of the Muslim Rights Association
Angie Leftie of ‘Refugee Respect Now’ action group, (Islington branch)
The Very Rev Dr Ima Hand-Ringer, the C of E’s first lesbian bishop
Baroness Judith Schlossheimer, Labour peer and chairperson of the Kindertransport veterans’ association
Keith Dither of the European Commission on Open Border Promotion
Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League
(ok, I made the last one up.)
For making me laugh out loud, Cranmer, you’ve just been nominated as this group’s representative on the BBC’s “Panel of Experts” tomorrow.
I’l call them now and let them know. They shouldn’t have a problem with that, I’m sure.
Hehe…one has to keep one’s sense of humour at a time of crisis…as the late great Bernard Manning said, ‘They can’t stop us laughing!’
Well, I nearly didn’t listen, but I’m glad I did. Amazingly, reasonably balanced discussion, at least compared to the Corp’s now-customary propaganda drivel. Apart from there being not a single mention of the Islamic question. None of this matters – it’s the kind of discussion that should have been happening all over their programming, for weeks now, and not just as an after-thought. The fact that it seems at least semi-balanced just works to highlight the naked hallucinations of the rest of their ‘journalistic’ output.
I think the BBC has realised, somewhere in one of their saurian brains, that their corporate viewpoint might be somewhat at variance with 90% of their viewers and listeners. They are attempting to row back, just a little, by laying belated claim to some kind of broadcasting integrity. Too late, of course – once the cat is out of the bag, no-one goes back to believing them, except guardedly, provisionally, and with your hand firmly on your wallet. A desperate ploy, destined to blow back in their faces, I imagine.
A first-year course in journalism, c.2020 – ‘Pravda in the 20th c, and the BBC in the 2010’s: compare and contrast the downfall of each; assess the continuity of tradition; news as control of the demos; describe how the UK woke to the dispensibility and danger of the Corporation – how did we come to think the unthinkable, from believing the unbelievable?’
Heard near-on twenty minutes of TWATO at lunchtime.
Now that they`ve smeared Cameron and mocked Osborne in China, we`re back to the migrants…a classic filler whilst Corbyn gets himself sorted for them all.
Never heard such rubbish-hatchet job on the Czech spokesman ( come off it, being under the Soviet jackboot is just a historical detail( and don`t ask Corbyn to square HIS views on liberating the Soviets satellites)..then some sob story about Khaled(nasty French, do we want him or not?,,,he reads Dickens you chavs!)…then up comes UN Irishman Sutherland to tell us that “he`ll wait for the factual evidence” before taking numbers as an excuse not to let `em all in…jihadi John is only one facet of the “opportunity to acquaint ourselves better with Sir Stanley Knife”…words like that.
We really don`t deserve these migrants you know-serve us right if they`ll all piss off back to the Sand Dancers Pit of Plumptiousness, and bring THEM up by the bootstraps to economic paradise…72 raisins for everybody!
Why don`t the BBC and Martha etc try and GET an education before Islam teahes them something painful.
Liberal oafs….
Just watching the ITV news where we see French Riot Police are clearing the ‘jungle’ at Calais. Rocks are thrown at the police – one migrant shouts ‘what about us’ as news reaches them that Cameron is taking in refugees directly from camps at Turkey.
A couple of observations –
Anything on AlBeeb about this ?
Where have the French Riot Police been until now ?
What happened to the international law of being able claim asylum in the first country you set foot in ? Has Germany and the EU torn that one up ?
Why has the EU been slow to act and deal with the invasion ?
Why is our Prime Minister and Home Secretary slow to secure our borders ? Are they deliberately dragging their feet ?
What are they doing to prevent the overflow of migrants in France clandestinely crossing the Channel in boats?
Given all the events over the past week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain I listened to the start of Great Lives this afternoon. I thought that we might get an edition on Dowding or Park, or perhaps one of the better known pilots; maybe Bader or Tuck.
I really should have known better. It was about Nelson Mandela’s defence lawyer. I didn’t stay long enough to register his name. Back to Planet Rock.
If you’re looking for something positive about Britain you can rely on the BBC to disappoint.
” the Battle of Britain.” They shouldn’t have bothered.
Well it was won in 1940. In 2015, not so much.
The first of the migrants are arriving
Prime Minister David Cameron has said they will come from refugee camps in countries neighbouring Syria.
He has said the UK would take the most vulnerable, including disabled children, women who had been raped and men who had been tortured.
That is in order Dave. How about some attention to the thousands of children raped by the muslim gangs in the UK. Just asking.
”Camoron said the UK would take the most vulnerable, including disabled children, women..” Bit difficult that since they’re all men, aged 18 to 25, built like rugby players.
Well, well, well. There you have it, ladies, gents and Albaman. To be honest, I’ve been so utterly disgusted with large swathes of my fellow countrymen (although I now view them as traitors) and Europe of late that I’ve been unable to even bring myself to post on my favourite site. The despicable Cultural Marxist rabble have pulled it off, they really have; they’ve finally achieved their loathsome objective of flooding Europe with Muslims, and we on the Right have sat back and let them get away with this repugnant and most treacherous design of the foulest immensity. We’re now all up sh*t creek to put no finer point on our situation. It’s game over, as violent war with Islam is now inevitable. It will be street by street; town by town, ale house by ale house and I’m afraid there will be no safe zone.
I just had hoped, prayed even, that at least one party who would have stopped this might have been elected and made good on their promise to stop this self-imposed insanity. Ever seen that film Zulu Dawn, when the British redcoats are overrun by Zulus? Well, that is what is coming to your children and grandchildren. Put your tunics on, fix bayonets, and form a square.
Personally I’d liken it more to Munich, 1938. The EU are basically waving around a piece of paper with quotas on it, saying ‘peace in our time!’ But what’s going to happen next week, or month, (or year at the most) when there has to be another quota, and then another? At some point the flow either has to be stopped, or a fight over resources begins.
In International Law there is a fundamental right of a people to self-determination. I’m not sure how it sits with being in the EU or where the Government voted in betrays the people it is supposed to represent. I’m sure somebody intelligent enough could find in the legislature, and frame in into the situation the UK finds itself in. Remember, lawyers will not be to interested in this, as the money is in the human rights law. But a peoples right to self determination is a basic right. It depends on the passion of the UK people. I doubt they’ve got the fight
AlBeeb reporting that Addenbrooke’s patients are put at risk because of concerns about staffing levels. At the same time medicine degree courses at a UK university are not open to students from the UK – only overseas students are allowed to apply.
All due to government limits on places to study medicine.
It would be far better if the government put limits on places to study the mickey mouse degrees that kids are leaving university with where there are no real jobs at the end of their wasted years.
I wonder if this useless do-gooder and other lefties would house homeless war veterans?
Thought I had stumbled on a rerun of the Oscar Pistorius court case tonight on bBC1, daft murderous white man in court presided over by ethnic judge and clerk of court among others, but no it was Eastenders….
With perhaps the exception of the Daily Mail and the Express, not one f******* media outlet has bothered to fulfil their public duty to report in an impartial manner. All we get is childish non-stop pro-illegal immigrant poopaganda drivel on a relentless and gigantic scale. You’d think that maybe one, just one, reporter might question why so many of these undesirables are young men, many of whom have smartphones and a massive sense of entitlement. No-one is highlighting the very real possibility that a large proportion of these stinkers could be ISIS filth.
Not so sure I would include the Daily Mail, they were just as bad in their reporting of the drowned child.
I lost all respect for that rag for their treatment of Farage and UKIP during the election, whilst at the same time continually winding us up with endless provocative anti immigrant pieces.
And now the DM are peddling the refugee with a puppy guff, as discussed up thread somewhat of an oxymoron? I can see it now a hybrid charity porn ad, Oxfam meets the Dogs Trust, regular screenings on Sky between their sob sob pieces on the Hungarian border…
The Hungarians should let the dog in. He’ll grow quickly enough to be of use patrolling the fence.
Worth a read –
“(iv) Self-determination includes the right of a people of an existing State to choose freely their own political system and to pursue their own economic, social, and cultural development.”
His speech is alluding to the fundamental right of self determination recognized in International Law. Looking at Germany, regarding Merkel openly selling out to Islam, the Germans should assert their fundamental rights before its too late.
Before Russia invaded, Hungary was THE advanced post industrial state way ahead of everybody else. The people are intelligent and industrial. They’ve had communism forced on them, I don’t think forcing Islam will go down to well.
I’ve just read this article:
This line caught my eye:
‘The German government – despite much domestic opposition – says the influx is manageable,’
Has this opposition actually been admitted by the Beeb before? I thought up until now the official line was the Germans were in favour?
Also, there’s absolutely nothing in that article about any proposals to stem the flow of migrants. What on earth is the point of distributing 120,000 people over two years, when nearly half a million have already arrived this year alone?
Just being reported that migrants want to decide for themselves where they live ! (?) Um, I wouldn’t mind spending 6 months of the year in California, and perhaps Davos for the skiing in Winter, and of course someone else can pay for it. Bloody disgusting, they come here, demanding a ‘new life’, moan when they ARE given accommodation – a la our friend in Sweden, and this is resulting in a toxic mix of a melting pot that’s going to blow at any time soon.
BBC News at 10 was actually vaguely neutral, tonight.
That this rates a post is telling.
364 to go.
A late comment but I’m afraid I’ve been busy (someone has to work, pay tax and support a migrant). Today’s R4 WATO saw a ‘first evah!’ event – a worth winner of the ‘first evah!’ Damian Day Memorial Teddy Bear Award.
Emma Jane Kirby actually managed to worm a discarded teddy bear into her sobbed report on a Syrian migrant having been turfed out of his camp in France.
Those wonder who Damian Day was – he was the viciously amoral news reporter in Drop The Dead Donkey who took a teddy bear everywhere with him to add a little added tragedy to whatever warzone he was reporting on that week.
Either la Kirby is an uneducated oaf and has never heard of Day, or she has had an irony bypass. Truly a worthy recipient of the major award for modern ‘liberal’ journalism.
Speaking of Dimbles, should anyone fancy cutting the fictional Damian of yore, with the all too real Emma Jane of yawn, that might be a worthy new satire. Just sayin’.
Always worth a repeat. The Teddy Bear sketch.
Oh the hypocrisy!
Jonathan Dimbleby complains about the very forces he has given his life to help create.
They don’t like it ‘up ’em’.
Dimbleby wades into row over ‘sexist’ professor: BBC presenter says he was ‘appalled’ at way Sir Tim Hunt was treated and says university bowed to ‘intimidation’
Jonathan Dimbleby accuse UCL of ‘silencing’ scientist Sir Tim Hunt
Sir Tim was made to resign after a sexist joke about women in science
Dimbleby said he was ‘appalled’ that Sir Tim had been forced out by UCL
Why did he not say it at the time, when it might have made some difference?
“… and then they came for me, because I’d waited so long to jump on a bandwagon, another one ran me over”
Is he gaga?
I’ve noticed that some of these old liberal dinosaurs occasionally have a ‘Frankenstein’ moment when they realise the effects of what they’ve been espousing all their lives. They then write long impassioned newspaper articles which can basically be summarised as ‘But…but…I CREATED YOU!!!’
The same Michael Grade who said that failure to pay the licence fee should be decriminalised, but when it came to the vote decided it should continue, now shows that he as well as the BBC knows it cannot compete in the public arena if it had to earn its money.#
It shows that the BBC knows it lacks anywhere near the quality it would need to survive, and the majority of the public would not support it.
But I’ve no doubt they will continue to pretend otherwise for as long as the public will put up with their crap while watching their society decline, due in no small part to the propaganda of the BBC.
Lord Grade: losing the licence fee would be the end of the BBC
Former BBC chairman Michael Grade says forcing the BBC to compete for revenue would be “the end” of the corporation as we know it
Ah, yes. Low Grade. Says it all, really.
Not only does our society not learn from history, it shows an increased stupidity than had in the past. At least when the Greeks wanted to invade Troy they hid inside a wooden horse. Now we welcome known deceivers and terrorists masquerading as refugees, many of whom are responsible for the attacks on Christians described below by Raymond Ibrahim.
Our Trojan Horse is the BBC who not only willingly presents this scam as genuine, while ignoring the plight of Christians who suffered already from this mindset, but also avoids detailing the problems caused by this ‘multiculturalism’ as exampled in this story yesterday.
“Wake Up!”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015
Despite what AlBeeb says in support of its ‘paymaster’ the EU .
The European Union is a failed experiment in an attempt to build a super state.
A message to all disillusioned labour and conservative voters, time to get out – Vote UKIP
BBC’s Hive Minds this week, with our old friend Fiona ‘nimby’ Bruce who is rapidly becoming a bBBC fave.
There’s always a bit of spiel regarding the answers but this seemed to go a bit too far, perhaps indicating, that it’s not so much group-think as a hive-mind (see, what I did there) .
“Now, Julia Gillard, do you remember the whole row between her and Tony Abbott, the leader of the opposition. It made headlines all around the world (cos you wouldn’t stop banging on about it) where she said to Tony Abbott … I will not be lectured by this man, if he wants to know what sexism and misogyny look like in modern Australia he should look in the mirror”, she recounted, frothing like bottled Bass.
The message was clear – Julia, woman, good, Abbott, man, bad.
Ah, Slapper Fi, last of the few.
It is do be hoped that should she ever risk a chipped fingernail enacting her threat, the target lays her out with a haymaker.
BBC Online News:
“”Al Gore urges UK over climate change position””
By Roger Harrabin
Al Gore must by now be wondering about the Emperor’s Clothes. Have they gone missing?
Notice his blackmail about ‘the children’.
According to this article, Gore has a personal fortune of $200 million. A lot of this has been gained from so-called Green business ventures. Mind you, the reported $100 million from the sale of his TV channel to Al Jazeera would have helped. Note the comment about the energy consumption at his Nashville home being 20 times the national average. Easy to blab on about “moral issues” and “moral courage” when you’re a multi-millionaire with the BBC to report your words.
Democratically secretly elected for life by about a 100 elderly men in frocks
That’s the sort of world leader the BBC can really relate to
BBC Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue at the top of his report on the Papal visit to the US tells us the Pontiff’s top interests are ‘capitalism’ and ‘immigration’. Of course implying a socialistic critique of the first and a plea for open borders for the second. Same as Newsnight, then.
There was me thinking the Bishop of Rome was a religious leader. But I suppose I’m forgetting the words of the BBC’s main spiritual advisor John Winston Lennon ‘imagine there’s no countries’
I’m not a Catholic but I’m guessing much of this admiring BBC celebration of their liberation Pope is pure projection.
Is it partly that and partly like VW knowing the liberal media tests required the pope has fiddled his emissions output?
Helpful advice from the BBC now that Hungary is policing its border.
“Migrant crisis: What is the next route through Europe?”
Oh, and in case we’d forgotten
‘Alan Kurdi, left, and his brother Ghalib are among those who drowned at sea’
But to show the BBC knows full well what it is doing
‘Migrants are using phones and social media to both contact relatives who are already refugees in the EU and share information with other arrivals’
Let’s end with another sad child eh?
“…and the bloody plimsoll…?”
See Damian Day sketch above
I would be interesting to know what effect turning off mobile phone masts in these regions would have. Pretty sure it would have a big impact on the organised movement of these people and certainly F up the traffickers….
How can I be expected to remember the name of any particular one of the countless BBC reporters covering the migrant crisis?
Anyway the snippet I call to your attention was broadcast two days ago and might have been from Channel 4
The migrant caravan was held up and delayed at a national border (what a fag – should have Thomas Cooked It?) a UN aid worker or some such was questioned by our reporter as why the migrants were getting ‘frustrated’ ?
“Some of them have paid a lot of money to get here” was the off-message reply
BBC “Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school”
“I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her she thought it was a threat to her. I’m very sad that she got the wrong impression of it.”
T’internet thingy “Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock… and Ourselves”
“Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock.”
You decide. This deception is old news on this site, but still under the BBC’s radar.
The BBC is probably a lost cause. It is the reactions of the Americans that I find worrying.
Yes I expect the idiot in the White House to jump in with both feet in his mouth, (he has form), but Google, NASA,Facebook? What happened to their critical facilities?
Then there is the reaction of ‘social media’ – “Give the kid a break, he’s only fourteen”. So many people prepared to give him a free pass because he is Muslim. The message that ought to be coming out of this – I have said this before – is, “Kids DON’T do this at home!”. We have here a piece of mains-powered equipment that relies for its safe operation being mounted in a insulated plastic box. Yet this ‘genius’ rips the guts out of the clock, (with a hammer?), never even lays a soldering iron on it, and drills two holes in a metal box, to mount a panel that needs four, (value engineering?), and literally just chucks the mains transformer into the box to go where it will.
One would hope that in the UK this abortion would have been confiscated the moment it was revealed. Sadly the ‘Muslim as Victim’ meme is so established in the West that we would probably see the same reaction here.
The problem is that this nonsense is perpetuated by PR departments, usually run by people with no understanding of what the company does. Obviously anybody with half a brain at NASA could see he hadn’t ‘made a clock’, but they’re not the ones running the Twitter feed. Social media has created an army of people whose jobs depend on pouring out a stream of click bait 24 hours a day.
This can only work with VERY simple propositions, ie, ‘muslim boy makes amazing clock, gets arrested, because racism’. There’s no time or inclination to dig any deeper or give any kind of analysis, especially not if it involves ‘racism’, which is the equivalent of a self-administered ‘D’ notice for the media. Turn off critical faculties, all ye who enter here.
Nobody with technical skills in Google, NASA etc would dare criticise what is happening, because racism. They would get their P45 (or whatever the American equivalent is) before they’d even finished typing a response on social media.
Of course, the counterpart to the fluffy PR girls churning out twitter nonsense are the army of grievance mongers and special interest groups who feed them with stories like this; in this case it seems like some sort of organised Muslim activists were behind it.
“Migrant crisis: What awaits refugees coming to the UK? ”
Another HYS about to end in tears shortly ?
During the last month the subliminal messages coming from Al Beeb’s reporters is, ‘look how Germany sticks its hand in the fire – we should do the same’.
If I may repeat a message I saw on this website to AlBeeb’s Trustees, Reporters and Researchers who no doubt pop over to this site now and again…………..
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”.
‘Vide’. Your very own ‘Have Your Say’ blogs.
Somehow that HYS is enduring and it’s already been 7 hours. But the number of comments is far fewer than yesterday – now over 500, whereas yesterday there were over 1600 in 6 hours.
They didn’t like my last comment – I indicated that I didn’t think the BBC would change its left-wing campaigning for unrestricted illegal immigration since nearly ten years of HYS and WHYS, with vast numbers of comments going against the BBC agenda, hadn’t influenced the BBC with its minority ideology at all.
If the BBC was anti-immigration, it would have shown mostly photos of the twenty-something males who comprise 70% of the total.
The fact that the BBC shows mostly photos of children who comprise only about 15% of the total, illustrates that the BBC is pro-immigration.
“”A Breitbart London analysis of over 200 images used by the BBC on its website shows a staggering 53 per cent of children as the focal points of images””
This is evidence of BBC Bias. It is not up to the BBC to decide if mass uncontrolled immigration is good or bad.
The BBC is indeed fanatically pro-immigration and this is reflected in its carefully chosen portfolio of ‘migrant porn’ photos. To be a reputable news organisation (stop giggling at the back) it should aim to be objective, neither pro or anti-immigration, but simply report the facts as they are or appear to be. This involves the use of neutral and temperate language, representative photography, declaration of vested interests in interviews plus a commitment to professional journalistic standards. Seriously lacking in all these areas, it is presently not fit for purpose. If it is incapable of reform it should be scrapped.