The BBC clears the ariwaves to report that a Palestinian schoolboy in Israel who, with creative genius, built an electronic clock and took it into school one day where teachers mistook it for a bomb and called the police. The boy was arrested, charged, found guilty and sentenced to be beheaded and crucified by the Israeli authorities for intention to commit terrorist acts. The BBC are all over this story.
Or did that really happen?….Was the clock really a bomb or just a clock and did the Israelis merely jail the boy for a couple of hours?… the BBC wouldn’t let the facts spoil a good anti-Israeli story.
In fact, of course, none of that is true. But you can imagine all too easily the furore that would erupt were the Israelis to execute a boy on trumped up charges never mind merely arrest and jail him.
But there’s no such furore, oddly, from the BBC for a Shia Muslim being executed by the Saudis…this week his sentence of beheading and crucifixion was confirmed and may be carried out within days.
As far as I can see the BBC last reported on this story over a year ago and nothing since. Which is amazing really, a Shia Muslim boy being beheaded and crucified by Sunni Muslims, after probably being tortured into signing a false confession…and it’s all based on his religion.
‘Amazing’ because a Muslim boy in America who was arrested on suspicion of making a bomb and quickly released has really caught the BBC’s imagination and resulted in endless stories from the BBC about him…..none of which actually get anywhere near the truth as to what really happened…funnily enough. Why so much attention on what is essentially a non-story and why, in complete contrast, the lack of interest in a Shia Muslim actually being tortured then executed by Sunnis on trumped up charges?
Does the BBC have an agenda? Is the BBC only interested in stories that show Muslims as ‘victims’ of white oppression and Islamophobia? Looks that way doesn’t it?
The BBC’s interest in a boy about to be beheaded is minimal to nil, the BBC’s interest in Muslim Clockboy is phenomenal in comparison….
Texas teenager arrested after a homemade clock was mistaken for a bomb
Ahmed Mohamed: No charges for boy, 14, arrested over clock
‘Clock boy’ Ahmed Mohamed’s huge invite list – Facebook, White House, Twitter
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school
Oh yes, and then there’s this story….
Who’s behind the campaign for Ahmed, the young Muslim clockmaker?
Who indeed is behind the campaign for Ahmed? Is it really just a concerned Muslim girl shocked by America’s Islamophobia or a hard-core campaigner on Islamic issues?
The BBC merely tells us that ‘A Texas college student wanted to show her support for Ahmed Mohamed. Twenty-four hours later, her hashtag has started a movement. …Those on social media who feel that the event was unjust and racially motivated have used #IStandWithAhmed to show their support. The hashtag was created by Amneh Jafari, who wrote, “If his name was John he would be labelled as a genius. Since its Ahmed he’s labelled as a “suspect”. #doublestandards #IStandWithAhmed.” Jafari, a 23-year-old psychology student at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA).’
Who is she really? She is a Palestinian who champions the ‘one Ummah’ (you do remember the Islamic State’s single finger salute…one god, one religion, one mosque, one Ummah?) and her other hashtag is #HandsOffAlAqsa
Oh yes…she’s also a good friend of the extremist Islamist group CAIR’s Texas representative…...’Alia Salem, a friend of mine, and the executive director of CAIR-Texas Dallas Fort Worth’. That’ll be CAIR who are coordinating a campaign in Ahmed’s name…
Remarkably the BBC seem entirely unconcerned about investigating the actual events that led up to the boy’s arrest and rely purely upon the boy’s own narrative…and that of his new friends. But how true is that? In this video you can see the BBC absolutely lapping up CAIR’s narrative and even adding the BBC’s own twist to it….suggesting that unless America sorts itself out it runs the risk of alienating young Muslims…which, completely without irony, we are told could ‘be problematic in the future’...does he mean radical Muslims with bombs?
First, the narrative that this is Islamophobia based upon the fact that the boy was a Muslim….well yeah, it was precisely because he was a Muslim…why? Because Muslims are around the world planting bombs that get people killed. The ‘clock’ looked nothing like a clock and looked like what everyone would suspect a bomb to look like.
Consider this was just after the 9/11 anniversary as well and the boy refused to explain why he had made the clock, why he had brought it into school and what it was for….the police, on that basis, arrested him for making a hoax bomb. The school is also apparently just 25 miles away from where two Muslims attacked the Mohammed cartoon exhibition recently….why would people not be on the alert?
The boy was told not to show it to other teachers and yet he did, and in one class set the alarm to go off….which concerned the teacher enough to make her report him to the headteacher…..what would anyone make of a container full of electronics like that?
Did he actually ‘invent’ or otherwise create the clock himself? Seems that he actually just took the guts out of a digital clock and put them into the case……hardly genius at work here…
Also thanks to David Brims for this video which gives a perspective the BBC doesn’t bother with:
And there’s this video which also takes a critical look at the issue and tells us of other, non-Muslim school children who have been treated in a similar, if not worse way…
The BBC has just taken this story and run with the Islamophobia narrative put out by the Islamist activists. It hasn’t made the slightest effort to examine either the story or the supposed issues surrounding it as to whether this was ‘Islamophobia’ or a natural and cautious, sensible reaction in light of the serious terrorist threat in America right now…as we know there have been scores of arrests recently in the US related to the Islamic State.
The video in which the BBC hands over the airwaves to CAIR and actually sides with them, adding to CAIR’s own narrative of Islamophobia and Muslim victims, demonstrates perfectly how the BBC cannot be trusted to report on issues surrounding Islam and Muslims with the slightest degree of honesty and openness….another example of which was Jon Sopel’s astonishingly bigoted, biased pro-Muslim rant against Ben Carson which we looked at yesterday…..a story to which we can add to with this comment by Carson himself…..(H/T gb123 in the comments)
The first issue I want to deal with tonight is the stories today about my comments yesterday when I was asked if I would support a hypothetical Muslim candidate for President. I responded “I would not advocate for that” and I went on to say that many parts of Sharia Law are not compatible with the Constitution. I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive. Know this, I meant exactly what I said. I could never support a candidate for President of the United States that was Muslim and had not renounced the central tenant of Islam: Sharia Law.
Those Republicans that take issue with my position are amazing. Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed.
I know that there are many peaceful Muslims who do not adhere to these beliefs. But until these tenants are fully renounced…I cannot advocate any Muslim candidate for President.
…I also can’t advocate supporting Hillary Clinton either by the way.
But here’s a thing…one of CAIR’s declared enemies, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), run by Muslims, according to its 2011 IRS filings states, “AIFD’s mission is to advocate for the preservation of our U.S. Constitution’s liberties and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state.” ‘….therefore if a Muslim refuses to compromise on his beliefs he cannot be President and still defend the US Constitution….just as Carson said.
The clock meme is doing the rounds. Few outside of the BBC can maintain the fiction
It looks like the “Atomic Clock” sold to Schools for £20 by a company founded by the University of Middlesex.
It contains instructions for children on how to construct a timer that could be used for a bomb. The circuit board is used to receive and convert the wireless time signal into a pulse to drive a one revolution a minute steep motor. The intelligent bit would be to convert this into a timer for a bomb. But the company does not supply the explosive for the bomb.
But I suppose the image of a supposedly innocent ethnic making one of these things would impress the white middle-class Arts and Media morons at the BBC.
It’s odd.
‘Babegate’ persists, despite being based still on one anonymous source touted by compromised witnesses.
(Not sure that’s true, Mr. B. And if they failed to ‘report’ the BBC certainly got it referred to).
As far as I can gather on this, the deranged MSM has done all in its power to misrepresent actual facts to spin a bizarre filter victim story beyond credulity.
This is a classic example of the mixture of disinformation and lazy reporting that we get nowadays from the mainstream media and the BBC. It was obvious to anyone with an ounce of critical ability that there was more to this story than met the eye, yet the BBC accepts it completely at face value.
In any normal world a story like this would barely make the pages of a local newspaper.
I like to think, oa, that in the good old days, a local newspaper with a half-decent editor and a young stringer or staffer who was out to forge a decent career for themselves, would keep digging and digging until what appears to have been discovered, by a variety of citizen journalists about the clock story and reported on the Interwebby, came out. And when it did, it made such a local stir that all the Nationals suddenly sit up and realise there’s a big story out there.
It must be obvious, even to the nonces at the BBC, that this incident was a set up intended to stir the shit.
The spin promulgated by the BBC as proven yet again how biased, dishonest and despicable this organization is.
Any decent organization would present the news as it is and never offer their own opinions or distort the facts to suit their own narrative.
I remember the old days when the news was read by a smartly dressed presenter (I remember McDonald Hobley on the BBC, in a penguin suit, I’m that old), and that was all of it. Opinions and comments were left to programs like Panorama, and on ITV ‘World in Action’.
You could get the news, and if you did not want anyone’s opinions you could watch Popeye or Fred Flintstone on the other channel instead.
The clock boy joke, at Obama’s expense, is becoming quite a rave. Here is my current favourite. If only the BBC could afford to pay for a couple of reporters who would investigate the facts, not just churn out childish pro muslim propaganda