Now that the BBC has become the unofficial voice for encouraging unlimited muslim immigration across Europe, and hoisting the flag for Comrade Corbyn, the bias is replete across the spectrum. A new open thread to detail the bias.
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A little history lesson (sorry for being slightly off topic).
Back in 1878 the first telephone was demonstrated to Queen Victoria, and in that year the first one was installed in a business in Manchester.
The systems in Britain were all installed by private operators until they were forcibly Nationalised as the GPO in 1912. It stayed as a Government department until 1969 when Tony Benn converted it into a Nationalised industry, and divided it into the departments we know today.
In 1981 the Telecoms side was separated, named British Telecom and in 1982 the government announced its intention to privatise it – the rest is history known to most up to the present day.
Why is it of interest to us? Because of its history under nationalisation, and because it’s an example of how a large decrepit public sector organisation behaved pre & post privatisation.
Back in 1891 a gentleman by the name of Almon Brown Strowger, developed a method of routing calls through an exchange, in 1912, the British Post Office installed several of these exchanges throughout the country. They were still the mainstay of the network in 1982 ! At the time of Privatisation however they had got their act together and developed ‘System X’.
You might remember the old rotary pulse dial, and the change to tone dialing?
BTs telephones pre 82 were all owned by the GPO and you could only rent them, plugging your own phone into their network was a criminal offence. They were like everything else the GPO did, built to a military grade specification! Not because they needed to be, but simply because the GPO could. The attitude of building to the highest specification possible is still widespread in the public sector.
Come the millennium it was recognised that the System X designed at the time of privatisation could not handle the data requirements of the new computer age, and they were replaced with systems bought from Huawei (China) It lasted just 20 years.
The lack of investment and over specification of equipment meant that the service delivered to the public cost far more than it need have. Calls in the 1950s cost more that they do now, without even taking inflation into account! It was so expensive to make a ‘long distance call’ that my parents went to use the works phone to do it (not very often !).
I can’t imagine anyone wanting to go back to these days, let alone renationalising the behemoth BT now is.
Why is it of interest to us on these pages?
Well, because the BBC has it’s roots in exactly the same company – the GPO ! Aside from originally being a private company owned by British and American electrical companies doing business in the United Kingdom (and anxious to build sales of their products by ensuring that there were radio broadcasts to which their radio-buying customers could listen).
“On 18 October 1922, the British Broadcasting Company Ltd. was incorporated under the Companies Acts 1908 to 1917 with a share capital of £60,006, with cumulative ordinary shares valued at £1 each.[3] No further capital could be issued without the Postmaster-General’s consent:
The shares were equally held by six companies:
Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company
Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company
Radio Communication Company
The British Thomson-Houston Company
The General Electric Company
Western Electric Company
The shareholders gave the BBC the benefit of their respective patents, and only radio sets supplied by BBC companies were permitted to be licensed to receive programmes. The ability of the shareholders to profit from the BBC was limited as part of the agreement with the Postmaster General:”
Sound familiar?
1 January 1927: The British Broadcasting Corporation is established, and all assets received by the Postmaster General from the British Broadcasting Company are transferred. John Reith takes office as the first Director General, and all staff previously employed by the Company are engaged under new contracts to the Corporation.
Since then structurally, little has changed. The corporation has a phobia to new technology, and always has had, it has been a drag on the country in terms of broadcast standards, all the while proclaiming how wonderful it is because the quality levels they impose are way above what might reasonably be expected.
Surely the lesson of the privatisation of BT is a shining beacon that the similar corporation, the BBC which shares common roots should be following, and should be equally successful, given the right leadership.
That’s a very interesting post but I’m not sure I agree with it.
The BBC hasn’t always had a phobia about new technology. Remember the BBC micro?
It has often championed poor technology, too early, and then stuck with it for no good reason – teletext and the flavour of DAB it uses now, for example.
I also nearly choked at even the suggestion that BT is a model for anything but a semi-monopoly with one of the worst records for service, innovation and technology in business.
As I recall there is someone who contributes to these pages who had an involvement with the BBC micro, and it might not be what you imagine.
The BBC did not have an influence on design (or it wouldn’t have worked!) other than writing the spec. It was very much a one off, and they have failed to capitalise on the Computer Literacy Project, or to extend it to a wider audience.
The broadcast technology however has a terrible history with colour TV being decades behind other countries, multichannel largely ignored, Digital TV used only as a vehicle to protect the licence fee, and as you say appalling implementation of DAB/Internet broadcasting. Draconian implementation of DRM which is illegal in most other countries, the list goes on.
I’m sure you might have nearly choked at “the suggestion that BT is a model for anything”, but that wasn’t what I was suggesting! You don’t like BT then go to Sky, Virgin, Talk Talk etc etc.
The point is that BT didn’t collapse or go bankrupt, it flourished regardless of its short commings. As applied as an example to the BBC I believe it is a good indicator.
We might still regard the BBC as all the things you criticise BT for, and more besides, but privatisation would mean you wouldn’t need to use its services if you didn’t want to pay for them !
But that is not, I’m afraid, an accurate reflection of the state of telecommunications in the UK, where BT still uses its near-monopoly to stifle the market. Ask your ISP or one of the many rural customers who struggle to get much better than dial-up speeds thanks the BT’s greed and technical incompetence.
If BT didn’t collapse and has made money, it sure as hell wasn’t because it was well managed. It has profited because, like so many of the botched privatisations, it was give a near-monoply by a clueless (or corrupt) government. Laurel and Hardy couldn’t have lost money had they been put in charge of BT!
A comparable situation would be if the BBC were to be privatised (not, in itself., a bad idea, of course) but the conditions imposed on any competitors were so onerous that hardy anyone could operate.
Privatise the BBC, but break it into small pieces and force them to compete as hard as possible. That’s the way to open up the market — not let them stagger along golem-like as does BT, the water companies and most of the rail operators.
It is however highly likely that any privatisation of the BBC will follow the successful (from the government stand point) BT privatisation model, the utilities companied, and the railways.
Obviously if we are calling for privatisation we need to be able to present a workable viable future that politicians can easily implement. We should not end up like Margaret Becket – a moron who failed to consider the future implications of the matters she proposed
The TV Licence Fee and the BBC are dinosaurs .
Get rid of them – Simples
“I also nearly choked at even the suggestion that BT is a model for anything but a semi-monopoly with one of the worst records for service, innovation and technology in business. ”
Agreed, but… it is still a massive improvement on what it was like pre-privatisation. I remember having to rent from them and wait for 4 weeks without service for them to deliver a “trim phone” They did not pay compensation for lack of service back in those days either.
In addition, I think I’m right in saying that BT ran a virtual monoply prior to privatisation, in which everyone had to pay a BT line rental fee even if you didn’t used BT phonelines (as was the case if you lived in Kingston on Hull). That all changed with privatisation and when greater competition arrived.
Slightly similar to the BBC Licence Fee, which is now an anachronism given that there are so many participants in the market now.
‘everyone had to pay a BT line rental fee even if you didn’t used BT phoneline… Slightly similar to the BBC Licence Fee’
Well, there is some infrastructure BT maintains, albeit as a monopoly. The BBC has and does squat for the money bar churn out the vital EastEnders and Strictly whilst setting aside more and more for Alan Yentob’s golden goodbye egg, Jimmy’s and bully victim compo fund and lawyers’ fees for everything from FoIs to defending useless or bent market rates.
All interesting stuff, IMO some broadcast technology has gone backwards, digital text (Red Button) isn’t anywhere near as good as teletext, you used to be able to get cricket scores etc in screen whilst whilst viewing something else, endless pages of news, sport, quizzes, you name it. Digital terrestrial either works or it doesn’t, or blips when you turn on a light and HD is no better than a good analog signal was on a decent large CRT TV.
As far as multichannel TV goes, the quality is no better just more thinly spread, its strange to note that the best TV was made when we only had three channels.
Once FM and MW has gone, it’ll also be impossible to get an accurate time signal, just what is the point of the ‘pips’ when listening on DAB? We no longer get a clock on TV before the news, there’s no point.
It feels like one big con necessitating in replacing equipment almost every couple of years B&W>Colour>Remote Control>Teletext>Nicam>Widescreen>Picture in Picture>Flat Screen (non HD) Analog>Flat Screen HD Plasma>Surround Sound>LCD Digital>LED>Smart TV>OLED>Massive Screen>Curved Screen.
Its a shame there is nothing decent to watch on our 85cm Digital Curved screen, Dolby 7.1, Smart TV’s….
Your computer supplies the most accurate time. All systems linked to the Internet have “ntp” (network time protocol”) installed which links to a grade 1 atomic clock. Generally your computer will give the time accurate to 0.1s
I don’t think nofanofpoliticians, that the people of Hull pay anything to BT. It used to be the cheapest area in the country for phone calls but after the dot com fiasco this no longer applies. In addition the people of Hull, or at least in their phone area are very limited in their choice of broadband provider, ie it used to be just Kingston communications, aol and one other. It may now be a greater range but they certainly don’t get the choice others get, and it is far more expensive.
As someone who has been on both sides of the fence I don’t think you are being entirely fair to GPO/PO/BT (the GPO ceased to exist in 1969 yet the name was still being used until BT days [as above!]).
The step-by-step system were vastly improved on Mr. Strowger’s efforts and were the mainstay of most countries networks in 1982. They were readily expanded, both in terms of adding ‘subscribers’ and capacity (high call volumes). It was also quite easy to replace in the event of a disaster as the logic of operation was built in and didn’t need to be programed into some computer. Of course, as now, ever other country had better systems. Or more precisely they had a few ‘better’, (like the American ESS1, which had two control computers and when one failed the other took over, inheriting the bad data from the first, so it fell over too!). The design life of these systems was 35, some lasted a lot longer. Few modern systems anywhere last that long, (Google chucks its servers after 18 months service).
Telecoms kit has always fallen in the middle ground of the commercial and the cheap. Every penny per line on a 10,000 line exchange is £100 after all. In my day I think the reliability target was six minutes outage in thirty years and that needs near-military quality. Probably the last PO telephone was the 746 model which was being banged out for under £5, which I don’t think was bad. And it worked, which 40% of the phones that I have bought don’t.
It is also worth bearing in mind that the service across the UK is and always has been remarkably homogeneous, regardless of where the customer lives. At the same time as the US were claiming ‘cutting-edge’ electronic exchanges they were still using ‘party lines’ in the 1990s in the rural areas. The customer had to count the number of bell strikes to decide if the call was for them!
I must say that I don’t understand this rubbish about rural broadband – if you want to use a motorway live near it, don’t expect someone to build one in the Outer Hebrides. Why should some other operator go where BT can’t afford to go? I don’t see Virgin Media offering ‘universal’ service. I don’t get the ‘vital’ for business either, if I had a rural business my website and mailserver would be running on a third-party server, not my Amstrad and 300 baud modem. A certain well-known animation company bleated that it couldn’t get the service it ‘needed’ to send data to Hollywood. When the consultants checked the numbers they said that nowhere could that amount of data be shifted and nothing beat removable terabyte drives air-freighted. (There is the small matter of the ‘yoof’ of today thinking that one has to send the complete film after each edit, rather than the changes. The concept of a ‘patch’ is well and truly lost).
We do need a new model for the BBC though!
I remember my parents getting their first phone back in the late 70s they had to wait 6 months + to even get a party line and then it took another 6 years + to get a dedicated line, and all this wasn’t in a particularly rural area.
Phone lines are just twin strand copper wire between consumer & exchange internet however is not .
6 minutes of downtime every 30 years is manifestly excessive given the cost.
The Last BT telephone I remember was Facility Phone 200 which was quite expensive, but high spec.
But then this is reminiscence and not really on the topic of the similarities between BT and the BBC
“Phone lines are just twin strand copper wire between consumer & exchange internet however is not”
Funny, sounds exactly like my internet connection! Without the massive infrastructure of the telephone network, (world-wide) there would be no internet, (or mobile phones). Amazing how people were able to connect to people on the other side of the world just with a sequence of 14 numbers and a ‘pair of copper wires’. It’s all so simple now, just ones and noughts that fly through the air! No wonder ‘clock boy’ is thought of as the new ‘genius’. Engineers throughout the ages weep in peace.
Allison Pearson in the Daily Telegraph (23/9/15):
“Did you listen to Radio 4’s ‘Any Questions?’ on Friday from Impington Village College, outside Cambridge? If you did, it will have been clear from the audience that Britons have very much welcomed the new and strikingly sane Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. You will also have gleaned that they are in favour of taking as many refugees as possible. Meanwhile our poor nation is struggling under the yoke of a wildly unpopular Tory government, whose determination to balance the books is cruel and unnecessary.
Above the operatic sighs and jeers of the audience, you may just have made out the voices of two panellists – both women – who tried to claim that Corbyn was a disaster for his party and the country. [My note: these were AP herself and Tory MP Therese Coffey]. … … …
How could it be, when almost all Cambridgeshire is true blue, that the audience appeared to be composed of Corbyn fans? Why was Seema Malhotra, who confined herself to feelgood platitudes, cheered while Therese and I, who were making points with which most Britons agree, felt like Myra Hindley at a Nativity play?
The BBC has to take some responsibility for broadcasting a current affairs programme that gives such an erroneous snapshot of the national mood. After the recording, its excellent host, Jonathan Dimbleby, sighed heavily and told me it was a constant problem. … … …
The BBC needs to take action so that its current affairs output reflects all licence-fee payers.”
This is a ‘constant problem’ that could be solved at the stroke of a pen, or with a single phone call. Just recruit audiences from different sources than the unions/political parties/schools ‘n hospitals/universities/public sector bodies that it does now.
The BBC won’t fix the hideous imbalance of its audiences because it does not want to,.
They could dump the Dimbleby’s. That would be a start, both are well above retirement age so not difficult.. In that example, Jonathan is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.
All very sad.
It’s almost as if Allison Pearson has experienced a road to Damascus moment, which begs the question which rock has she just crawled out from under?
We of course all know that the BBC is massively biased to the left, and it’s widely known that the audience for any political question show is also massively biased to the left.
“The BBC has to take some responsibility for broadcasting a current affairs programme that gives such an erroneous snapshot of the national mood”
Really? Why? It’s being doing this for years, shrugged off any criticism and carried on as normal, because there is no body with any oversight or teeth to enforce the conditions of the Royal Charter.
ALL of Britain’s managing bodies are utterly toothless facades, filled with comfortable apparatchiks paid a fortune for doing very little, and the BBC Trust is a prime example.
The saddest part of this piece, is the naivety of Allison Pearson who comes across as utterly clueless as to what is going on in Britain and the BBC today – alas she’s not alone.
A ‘why, oh why’ response …
Yes I read that piece and was struck that Jonathan Dimbleby appeared aware of the problem. So why is it not addressed? Why was Farage given such a hard time when he exposed it?
Why is the audience so aggressively left wing when during the election over half the voters chose right wing parties? Let us remember the minority socialist workers and green parties took a humiliating thumping at the election box.
The writer also mentioned how her husband in the audience was surrounded by aggressive lefties. Surely an intimidating environment for anyone who doesn’t believe the revolution is going to start next week in the Tory town of Impington.
I will also remind you of a despicable Question Time during a by-election not long before the national election. The Green gentleman spoke first to rapturous applause but the UKIP candidate was howled down within a few words. If the audience was representative of that constituency how come the UKIP guy won with the Tory second and the Green losing their deposit?
So why, oh why can they get away with it?
Was at an Any Questions the other week.
Dimbleby was very courteous and matey with the two Labour blokes, and his intros to both were patsy-type “tell us what a polymath” you are…
The womans TV show was given incorrectly, the Tory given no matey set up for the braying lefties bussed in from all over Wessex.
So Dimblebys a plant Allison…certainly full of sap anyway.
And Pearson herself mooched over migration with no principles-I switched off.
Thankfully, Any Answers was much better…Anita was most put out, and was reduced to Twitter readouts, giving the lefties the last words…but the meat of the show blasted her liberal crap.
One Scottish lady accused Merkel of inviting all of the Middle East to her houseparty, using Facebook…so why should we adults bail her out?
Good analogy!
Beat me to it. I loved the bit when after the show Dimbleby and the producer ‘sighed heavily’ and claimed it would cost £5000 a week to pay someone to assemble a politically balanced audience! Apparently, left wing shouties are more likely to show up! Anyone would think they just queued up outside the venue.
I think the questionnaires that have to be completed beforehand revealing your political leanings might just have something to do with the audience bias.
Very simple way to get round that Invivta…..swallow your pride, get machiavellian on the bastards and give answers that infer you are left-wing….it worked for me….still surrounded by morons though, public sector types going by their conflabs. They asked me what i did, just said retired council worker, worked a treat…..Come on BBC biasbuggers, do the same, erupt to jeer the lefties every time…i did.
” Jonathan Dimbleby, sighed heavily and told me it was a constant problem. … … …” sorry but whats the problem BBC choose who’s on,they choose the audience.and they choose the host. A problem of their own making.
Meanwhile, the storm around Volkswagon cars is building.
You will not see any mention in here about how the Blair (and Brown) governments pushed remorselessly for diesel, nor any reference to the growing unease of the economics in owning a diesel car (the fact that the benefits only really kicked in if the owner/ driver covered more than about 12-13000 miles per annum).
Nor will you see any reference to carmakers being driven towards greater fuel efficiency by laws that were informed by flakey climate change models and data.
Nor is there any reference to which cars, or models might be most affected (Skodas? Porsche’s? Audis too?)
That ‘orrible James O’brien is just starting to pontificate about this on his LBC show too… had to turn it off.
I’ll lay good odds that VW are not alone, and this will run and run, but it gives the BBC another chance to re-iterate and enforce all its climate change messages.
I am glad to see that the Tories have abandoned the mad stepped car tax duty which saw many smaller cars forced into the highest £500 band, especially petrol automatics. Even some diesel automatics ended up in the highest bands, and they were under 2.0 litre engines !
Its not retrospective though, only for new cars registered after 1/4/2017, the higher polluting cars will still have to pay up to £2000 for their first years VED.
Those of us with older cars will still pay the old rates, my 12 year old Audi diesel goes marching on, still returning 55+mpg, old car high MPG, what could be greener? Bugger the emissions!
The was indeed a reference on Five Live yesterday, when it was said, repeatedly, that the ‘government’ had pushed for the switch to diesel.
True to form the BBC failed to mention which government.
Another casualty of the mad emission rules has been the ‘spare wheel’ in new cars. Bought a new Honda Jazz 5 yrs ago. I asked where the spare was? Oh, you have a puncture kit sir….i said get lost, give me a spare wheel. Had to buy one in the end, though they did knock a bit off the price. How idiotic is this? Found out from my Ins. company that if i used that kit, had another flat on that tyre, they would not cover me…’ unauthorised repair sir’…..i gave this info to the dealer, very quiet, said he’d get back to me. No chance, so beware, don’t use these shitty kits. Main thing is, i asked why they do not supply a spare wheel now, answer, ‘ to keep the weight down sir, the emissions you know’…i said bollocks, fill the car with three fat bastards and their luggage, what will that do to the bloody emissions?…he concurred. ‘It’s the EU sir’ Well you know what to do.
Woo-hoo ! Corbyn now trawling for utter shite in his ‘shadow cabinet’
What next?
Hmm…. “fire raising”… is that the same as “Arson” in good old english terms?
Maybe the reporter is paid by the word.
It’s a familiar pattern with all of these types of programmes. Whether or not the BBC takes an active part in the make up of the audience or simply chooses to do nothing about it, the fact is the left are much better at making themselves heard than the rest of us. We need to be activists too.
It’s a disquieting thought to note that at the time of the February revolution in Russia the Bolsheviks were a minority party.
Rather like ‘Greens’ today. And yet somehow, the Green movement has exerted a huge influence on this country.
Part of its power has come from having the BBC take the Greens’ agenda fully on board and using every conceivable programme to champion its causes and beliefs for the past 20 years.
The reason we don’t hear the true voice of the vast majority of the public is because we, along with every other western democracy, have endured years of social engineering during which the censorious left have poisoned the well of discourse to such a degree that to hold or express contrary views on a wide variety of subjects (climate change, immigration, the EU, etc) is now almost verboten.
Naturally, most rational human beings do not want to expose themselves to the toxic bile and hatred of the illiberal left in public forums such as Any Questions and Question Time – consequently, such people are always outnumbered (if they are there at all) by busloads of socialist bullies who have commandeered the ‘debate’ (i.e. no debate unless it’s on their terms) for themselves.
There is no ‘debate’ in Britain (in public spaces) any more. There is just The Narrative – and god help you if you step out of line and dare to express a dissenting opinion.
SKY news paper review, witless wonder Tom Newton Dunn, editor of the Sun rag, his mum must be so proud, said and I quote ” Eastern Europeans have some dodgy views on muslims.” Translated Eastern European countries would like to remain Eastern European and not turned into a third world slum like Western Europe.
You can see his point of view, I mean, mass muslim immigration, what’s not to like?
SKY migrant porn News, went to a refugee centre outside Munich, they stopped being refugees when they left Turkey, a safe country, and became invaders. ” Whilst some of the residents are newly-arrived from the conflict in Syria, many are not – there are Afghans, Senegalese, Albanians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
Housam Kbieh fled the Syrian capital Damascus with his wife and two sons, one of whom is disabled and needs specialist medical care.
If he is forced to move from Germany to another EU country, Housam says he will return to Syria: “I go back to my country, it’s Germany or NOTHING.” Hmm, another DEMANDING economic gimmiegrant then ?
To which the only sensible response would be “Bye then Housam, close the door after you”, but since we live in the twilight zone, he’ll be in Berlin by this time next week.
And London the week after. Beware the NHS, as shown by the demands made by the migrants complaining regarding their rehousing in Sweden, they want to be housed in easy reach of a hospital!
“they want to be housed in easy reach of a hospital”
Fine, build the cemetery across the road.
It really bugs me that there is no “evidence” that immigrants have caused the NHS crisis here. I know what I see. Every time I have taken my daughter for her vaccinations the waiting room is overflowing with people who don’t speak English and most women covered head to toe.
The surgery texted me to say that in future there will be no face to face appointments and if I needed a doctor I would have to call to book a telephone appointment!
Are all Syrians sickly? Why is it that hospitals are their major concern? Catch the bloody bus like the rest of us do!
If this current crisis has demonstrated anything, it is the unbridgeable chasm between the media class and the British public.
Clearly, journalists and editors working for the BBC, Sky and almost all the print media have next to nothing in common with the ordinary people of this country.
The reason for this is that they are predominantly young and have been the victims of an arts ‘education’ at our subverted (and subversive) universities.
That’s why I watch the SKY paper review, to observe the disconnect between the London metrosexual Eloi cocktail party set, the city is no longer part of Britain.
Yes, I agree. Sky’s paper review is like being forced to endure like an Islington dinner party – without the Waitrose trimmings.
If you’re talking about the morning paper review with Eamonn Holmes or whoever is in charge, Northern accents turn up quite regularly without any noticeable improvement. Islington is a state of mind and can be found in places as distant as the Yorkshire Dales, where people can afford to be mindlessly idealistic about immigrants which they never see. Give it time ……
I think the people working in immigration belong to the same class as the media because they certainly are not refusing entry to the people they should.
”Arabs who go to Sweden get free blonde sex slaves, promise smugglers.
Smugglers who are moving illegal immigrants into Europe, are promising that if they go to Sweden they will be let in quicker than any other country.
Smugglers also promise that illegal immigrants will be given free accommodation in hotels, free money, and their very own blonde haired girlfriend.
“On the whole it can be said that the young Syrian men are lured to Sweden by the oldest tricks in the book – money and girls. Pictures are published of blonde beauties and quotes from upset Swedish women are published because they require men,” writes a Swedish newspaper.
When illegal immigrants make it to Sweden, they often find that they are not treated like gods, and get angry because of this.
Just recently, a bus full of illegal immigrants to be re-housed in abandoned 50’s housing, refused to get off the bus, complaining that they deserved better housing. They were also upset that they had to make their own food, instead of it being served to them.
While it is tempting for us to pin all of the blame on the smugglers, it is Europe’s anti-White politicians who have allowed this to happen.
Things like this never happen in the history of Europe up until the last few decades. For thousands of years, Europe’s leaders understood that to protect your children, you have to protect your borders.
These politically correct, pro-diversity, anti-White politicians we are stuck with today, want the White majority to be eliminated and replaced with foreigners from around the globe.
This is not some secret plot that they only talk about behind closed doors – this is what they say publicly, just not in those words.
When there is a deliberate plan to get rid of the White children, how can it not be White Genocide? ”
Sorry that I couldn’t provide a link for this but it provides a graphic illustration of what we can look forward to if the liberal/lefties get their way.
Third World Invasion: Eyewitness Description, September 5, 2015
An eye-witness account from Kamil Bulonis, a Polish travel blog writer, who was present on the Italian-Austrian border on September 5, 2015, as swarms of Third World migrants poured across the border to invade Austria and Germany (A translation from Polish):
“Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria I saw with my own eyes a great many immigrants …
With all solidarity with people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror … This huge mass of people – sorry, that I’ll write this – but these are absolute savages … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting loudly “We want to Germany!” – and is Germany a paradise now?
I saw how they surrounded a car of an elderly Italian woman, pulled her by her hair out of the car and wanted to drive away in the car. They tried to overturn the bus in I travelled myself with a group of others. They were throwing faeces at us, banging on the doors to force the driver to open them, spat at the windscreen … I ask for what purpose? How is this savagery to assimilate in Germany?
I felt for a moment like in a war … I really feel sorry for these people, but if they reached Poland – I do not think that they would get any understanding from us … We were waiting three hours at the border which ultimately could not cross.
Our whole group was transported back to Italy in a police-cordon. The bus is damaged, covered with faeces, scratched, with broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea for demographics? These big powerful hordes of savages?
Among them there were virtually no women, no children—the vast majority were aggressive young men … Just yesterday, while reading about them on all the websites I subconsciously felt compassion, worried about their fate but today after what I saw I am just afraid and yet I am happy that they did not choose our country as their destination. We Poles are simply not ready to accept these people – neither culturally nor financially.
I do not know if anyone is ready. To the EU a pathology is marching which we had not yet a chance to ever see, and I am sorry if anyone gets offended by his entry …
I can add that cars arrived with humanitarian aid – mainly food and water and they were just overturning those cars …
Through megaphones the Austrians announced that there is permission for them to cross the border—they wanted to register them and let them go on—but they did not understand these messages. They did not understand anything.
And this was the greatest horror … For among those few thousand people nobody understood Italian or English, or German, or Russian, or Spanish … What mattered was fist law… They fought for permission to move on and they had this permission— but did not realize that they had it!
They opened the luggage hatches of a French bus—and everything that was inside was stolen within short time, some things left lying on the ground …
Never in my short life had I an opportunity to see such scenes and I feel that this is just the beginning.”
What a wonderful story lead for the VD show!
I asked yesterday if those granted right to reside in Germany or wherever do they get the right to move about within the EU.
I cannot now find my question and therefore any definitive answer from anyone who can quote chapter and verse.
So apologies for asking again, but it is, I think, an important bit of information to know when discussing the current situation.
I wonder if there were any Beeboids on the bus ? No way of knowing as they wouldn’t have reported it anyway. I think the last time this happened was when the Ottomans besieged Vienna !
If they did report it, it would read;
‘Hungry, desperate, destitute victims of war, who had risked their lives on a perilous sea crossing and had traipsed the length of Italy – people who no one wants, were forced to resort to extreme measures to seek food, warmth and safety, today, on the Italy Austria border.
‘The racist countries of northern Europe, in demanding to register and fingerprint these poor refugees; an action reminiscent of Nazi Germany, have taken away these people’s humanity and dignity, this, evidenced by their ever more, pitiful, desperate actions. If these women, small children and their puppy dogs look angry, it is entirely understandable and justifiable. The Governments of the west have serious questions to answer…Orla Guerin…BBC News…on the Italy / Austria border.’
If you google Kamil Bulonis there are one or two sites that discredit what he is saying. They may, of course, be attempting to cover up the truth, but it does seem odd that someone who describes himself on Facebook as a ‘photojournalist’ was not able to provide pictures or video of what he describes, nor was anyone else. There’s nothing about it on his Facebook page, for example.
I believe the media is giving a distorted picture of what is going on, but we need to be very careful with things like this because those in favour of unlimited immigration will use it to discredit us.
There are photos on this link but as you say, what is the truth. One thing for certain, you will get nowhere near the truth by watching BBC TV, listening to *any* BBC radio station, or studying the BBC’s website.
The same seems to apply to most other MSM sites these days. Who is pulling the strings to keep them all in line?
Does anyone read Polish? This appears to be his original article:
Here it is:
But those photos just show the litter left by migrants, not the incident alleged to have occurred in Mr Bulonis’ article. We need to be very, very careful about taking things like this on trust, as a number of videos are doing the rounds on Youtube etc that purport to be of ‘migrants rioting’ and some such, which when investigated turn out to be not directly connected with the current crisis.
Many in the unlimited migration lobby are skilled media manipulators and will make political capital out of those are taken in by falsified footage.
Good mind to send a copy of this too all the luvvies that opined over these ‘poor’ people, Geldof, emma thompson, Dumb cumberpatch and the rest… many have they taken so far? Yeah….
Interesting this as I published the same on this website on 6th September. My wife said it was a friend of hers that wrote it, not the travel writer you mentioned. Wonder how genuine this particular story is now
Many people may be interested in this common sense ….
….though the BBC will not be.
This Petition has been disabled because of inappropriate content
Can you recall what it said?
38 Degrees are a bunch of progressive left wing lobbyiers, the removal of such a poll (which they would deem racist) shouldn’t be a surprise.
Could be that 38Degrees are a leftist international Marxist ‘pressure group’. Now why would the petition which appeared reasonable to me, be determined to have ‘inappropriate content’? Hmmm…
38Degrees, a vehicle for pro-EU, pro-corporatist, pro big government, pro-multiculturalism, anti-british and anti-democracy propaganda. I wonder whether many patriots will sign up to 38Degrees en-masse, and give them so many petitions that they won’t be able to keep up?
This disconnect between the leaders, the compliant media and the majority is fraught with danger. It is an unreal situation and always unreality fails in the end.
We are in a world that is now so uncertain that anything is possible. Let us consider a few things. Will the EU survive the pressures from the incomers and from it’s financial crisis.?
Is this invasion of the incomers going to stop or gather momentum?
How long before the indigenous revolt against what is an unprecendented invasion.?
Will Isis use this to infiltrate real terrorists?
How long before we have the first military takeover in Europe and where will it be?
What will Russia do if the situation on it’s borders becomes unstable?
Our useless media and in particular the BBC refuses even to consider these things.
It feels very much how the late 1930s must have felt.
The children in our media seem to be oblivious to anything except their own emotions and ignorance.
My bet is military rule somewhere soon .
And then just imagine the howls of anguish from these media fools.
Finally to those who think time is on the side of reason and the status quo just look at history. This has never been true.
I think that is one of the most chilling and yet accurate posts we have had on here in some while. It really does feel as if we are dancing on the edge of a volcano.
While the media are, almost to a man, prattling on with their ‘liberal’ nonsense, the world is reeling from events it isn’t even reporting – to add to your list, for example, the FTSE 100 near-collapse this week, which the mas media somehow seems to have overlooked.
How long before the great unwashed rise up somewhere and start slitting throats? Not long would be my guess.
We could certainly do with a military coup in the UK !
General Walter Walker. ”Walker then began giving television interviews and then took part in a documentary named A Day in the Life of a General, which was never aired for security reasons, but Walker believed it was banned because he was “revealing the true state of affairs which the politicians are hiding from the public”.
By 1974, Walker had grown “shocked” by the state of the country in general and the “militancy” of the trade unions in particular. In July of that year he wrote a letter to The Daily Telegraph calling for “dynamic, invigorating, uplifting leadership… above party politics” to “save” the country from “the Communist Trojan horse in our midst.”
Shortly afterward, the London Evening News gave Walker a front-page interview and asked him if he could imagine a situation in which the British Army could take over Britain. Walker responded, “Perhaps the country might choose rule by the gun in preference to anarchy,” although Walker always said he hated the idea of a military government in Britain.
Walker privately told journalists that he thought Harold Wilson was a “proven Communist” and that there was a “Communist cell” in Downing Street. He advocated Enoch Powell as Prime Minister.”
David, That is interesting. It seems , at least, some in the military consider the possiblilty. I certainly agree about Harold Wilson !
That explains why the military has been downgraded to a mere shadow of its former state.
Do you remember ” Fairly Secret Army ” from the 1980s starring Geoffry Palmer ? ” it was based on persistent though unsubstantiated rumours in the 1970s press that right wing generals were secretly planning a coup to rescue Britain from union militancy.” Here’s a clip
A documentary on General Walter Walker, the Lost World of the 1970s.
Bit of a cock up on the catering front.
There are 4 maybe 5 major problems across the EU that the EU leadership have failed and continue to fail to address (in no particular order):
1. Migration (and the risk that the intra- Muslim faith conflict, driving war in ME and Africa will be imported into Europe)
2. The Economy, lack of growth, unemployment across the southern countries, youth unemployment etc
3. Ukraine, the EU involvement in that and what to do in the aftermath
4. The banking sector, which is still not out of the woods across Europe, and debt overall
… and now the motor industry, which imho is going to expand outside of VW and maybe will impact the entire German car sector.
Each problem jostles to the fore from time to time, currently its migration, next week it could be something else. Greece and sovereign debt will be back soon!
The Mail beats the BBC over the cringe factor. Refugee walks 300 miles to safety with his puppy. The media – collectively – are working their buts off for the cause
I didn’t think Muslims had a very high opinion of dogs. Perhaps, though, the feeling is mutual.
Am I being too cynical here? I suggest both dog and 300 mile walking boy are from an agency
So last night I settled down to watch Holby City, a long time favourite and practically the only thing I now watch on the BBC ,that’s despite the PC story lines. I like medical dramas.!
What did we get? A not so subtle migrant theme of course….All the better to castigate us with !
…A long departed character turned up with TB needing specialist treatment ,drugs ,surgery the works, said character happens to a doctor from a state beyond the Balkans helping the disadvantaged.
Of course there happens to be on the same ward a middle aged British man who is not happy this Doctor is getting preferential treatment he having paid taxes all his life and he cannot get his tests completed.
Cue Consultant shouting at the nasty bigoted British man,” this patient is a highly qualified doctor and if it wasn’t for people like this the NHS would collapse.”
At that stage I switched off and vowed never to watch it again.They just cannot stop themselves with their lecturing ,hectoring propaganda….Rant over Axe the tax !
Something occured to me that may explain why we are seeing this ‘disconnect’ in the media.
When I was growing up, in the 70s and 80s, it was a standing joke in the media that news behind the iron curtain was basically just state propaganda, with a huge disconnect between that and what was actually going on. So people in the west were generally familiar with the difference between propaganda, and actual news.
Fast forward 25 years since the end of communism (of the Soviet variety, at least), and I wonder if many people under 40 can even grasp the concept that the media and governments can collude to produce propaganda. Who nowadays under 40 would even know what you meant if you said ‘it’s just like Pravda’?
It’s not helped either by the rise of social media, which purports to be ‘from the people’ (and therefore, objective and truthful) but which is actually grossly manipulated by special interest groups.
As a Russian priest remarked, “as we threw off the shackles of oppression you in Europe picked them up and put them on” !
Slightly OT, and possibly already shared…
That main image rather different to most one sees accompanying kid/wheelchair/crone/puppy stories elsewhere.
I also accord the Hungarians more trust on their figures than the BBC, who would in any case go coy if challenged. Be great if they did question the mission, as that would be an irony fail to treasure, nationally.
I used the email provided here last week and copied to my MP with some input on how this household in his constituency feels, and is being ill served by the BBC in its reporting. He is chair of the BBC Charter Committee.
With luck seeking a bit of political distance between him and the last.
Thanks for posting that. It’s good to see that the Hungarians appreciate the correspondence.
The more you examine the background of the Dhimmi BBC and is crypto muslim-atheist communist roots the more clearer the reasons for the slow decline of British society inflicted in no small measure by the ceaseless brainwashing of the BBC.
crypto-muslim Danny Cohen : Director of BBC Television , previously Controller of BBC1. (Married to crypto-muslim Noreena Hertz)
crypto-muslim Alan Yentob BBC Creative Director ,previously Controller of BBC1 and BBC2
crypto-muslim James Harding , BBC Head Of News and Current Affairs
crypto-muslim Anthony Reuben Head Of Statistics
crypto-muslim Ian Katz Editor, “Newsnight”,previously Dep.Ed. “The Guardian”
(Current Guardian editor: crypto-muslim Katherine Viner , crypto-muslim Jonathan Freedland)
crypto-muslim Emily Maitliss, presenter, “Newsnight”
crypto-muslim Robert Peston ,presenter “Newsnight” and BBC Economics/Business Editor
crypto-muslim Jon Sopel, presenter, “Newsnight”, and BBC Washington Editor
crypto-muslim Katya Adler , Europe Editor
crypto-muslim Laura Kuennsberg BBC Chief Political Editor. (Replaced crypto-muslim Nick Robison, who, in turn, replaced crypto-muslim John Sergeant who like Robinson was a former Chief Political Editor at ITN )
Correspondents /reporters /editors, “Newsnight” and other BBC News Progs:
crypto-muslim David Shukman : Science
crypto-muslim Joshua Rozenberg : Law
crypto-muslim Steve Rosenberg : Moscow /USSR
crypto-muslim David Stern : Ukraine
crypto-muslim Will Gompertz : Arts and Culture
crypto-muslim Simon Gompertz, Personal Finance
crypto-muslim Martin Lewis “Money-Saving Expert”
crypto-muslim Suzy Klein : Classical Music
crypto-muslim Tim Samuels : Investigative Reports / Correspondent
crypto-muslim Simon Shaama : History
crypto-muslim Simon Sebag-Montefiore : History
crypto-muslim Jo Coburn : presenter , “Daily Politics”
crypto-muslim Jenny Abramsky ,former Director Of BBC Radio,former BBC Director Of Audio and Music,
crypto-muslim Mark Damazer , former Radio 4 Controller, former “Newsnight” editor. Former Head Of political Programs, Former Head of News programs,former Head of Current Affairs,Former Director of BBC News
crypto-muslim Caroline Raphael Former Commissioning Editor Comedy and Fiction, Radio 4
Former BBC radio head of drama, etc
Tony Hayers, fictional former Chief Commissioning Editor, BBC Programmes.
Presenters , Pundits, Performers, Directors, Writers etc
crypto-muslim (Homosexual) Stephen Fry
crypto-muslim (Homosexual) Matt Lucas (Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim (Homosexual) Dale Winton
crypto-muslim (Lesbian) Sue Perkins
crypto-muslim Claudia Winkleman
crypto-muslim Eve Pollard (Mother of Claudia Winkleman)
crypto-muslim Gaby Roslin
crypto-muslim Clive Roslin (Father of Gaby Roslin)
crypto-muslim Alan Dein ( Guardian, R4, etc)
crypto-muslim Naomi Alderman (R4, Guardian, etc)
crypto-muslim Tracey Anne Oberman
crypto-muslim Maureen Lipman
crypto-muslim Jack Rosenthal (Deceased, husband of Maureen Lipman)
crypto-muslim Melanie Phillips : Daily Mail. etc
crypto-muslim Will Self (writer -Guardian etc)
crypto-muslim Howard Jacobson (writer-Independent, etc)
crypto-muslim Sir/Lord/Baron Robert Winston
crypto-muslim Emma Barnett (Columnist -Telegraph)
crypto-muslim Angela Epstein (Columnist :Telegraph ,etc)
crypto-muslim (Lord/Sir/Baron) Daniel Finkelstein (Editor-The Times)
crypto-muslim David Aaronovitch (Columnist -The Times , etc)
crypto-muslim David Baddiel (Columnist -The Guardian, etc
Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Ivor Baddiel (Brother of David Baddiel, Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Micheal Rosen (children’s laureate)
crypto-muslim Jay Rayner -Food/Cuisine /Observer ,Guardian, etc . (Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Peter Kelner (President of YouGov, former Newsnight political analyst) Sunday Times, Independent ,Observer, etc Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Victoria Coren
crypto-muslim Giles Coren : Times / Independent, etc
crypto-muslim Alan Coren (Deceased, father of Giles & Victoria)
crypto-muslim Ruby Wax
crypto-muslim Alice Levine
crypto-muslim Adam Richman
crypto-muslim Dave Berry
crypto-muslim Vanesa Feltz
crypto-muslim Jeni Barnett
crypto-muslim Miriam Stoppard
crypto-muslim Tom Stoppard (Former husband of Miriam)
crypto-muslim Mark Steele
crypto-muslim Simon Schama (Historian, Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Peter Kosminsky (Haberdashers’ Aske’s)
crypto-muslim Gaynor Faye
crypto-muslim Yvonne Francas
crypto-muslim Kay Mellor (Mother of Gaynor Faye & Yvonne Francas)
It may already be too late to prevent this islamic from caliphate taking us over.
Oy vey!
Whilst it seems likely that Maureen Lipman is still a lefty, to brand her a crypto muslim is bonkers! She wrote, in the Spectator I think , earlier this year why she had given up on Labour and her reason was that it had become anti semetic. Hardly the action of a crypto muslim, unless you think that she is a sleeper agent for ISIS.
Agreed. That post about ‘crypto-muslims’ was just barking.
If these communist agitators aren’t secret muslims, then what else is it within them that ties them in all together?
In what way are they ‘all together’ ?
He just *asked* what ties them together. Well for starters they all work on BBC TV/radio. Or they are behind the scenes, writing, directing. Or higher up administration, setting policy goals. If that doesn’t tie them together then nothing ties anyone together anywhere.
What exactly is a ‘secret muslim’? Nobody is forbidden by law or custom from becoming a Muslim in the UK – in fact it is positively encouraged by its adherents – so why would anyone make a secret of it? There are probably just as many cranks going on about ‘crypto Zionists’ as there are about ‘crypto Muslims’. The BBC has a left liberal, north London, middle class university educated socialist bias. That’s all. It’s not some David Icke style conspiracy.
George Galloway would be one I`d expect-serial taqqiya merchant, along with that Brennan bloke in the USA-high up in defence I`d have guessed.
Cat Stevens…Richard Thompson…and Medhi Hasan-who`s particularly nasty in that he says one thing behind closed doors to his Muslim mates-and quite another when he`s on the telly or seeking a job at the Daily Mail.
Oh-and whatever happened to Inyat Bunglawallah?…he used to be a slippery type from the MCB(providing unelected slime for Islamic takeover since Rushdie got his fatwa….funny isn`t it that Thatcher never gets any thanks for wasting so much money on keeping that ingrate safe?
I think this is the dawn of a new style of trolling – discrediting by parody. I have noticed several recent comments which seem to be experimenting with this approach.
Cranmer, I think your own very level headed approach is particularly to be recommended right now.
Socialism. Cultural Marxism. Adherence to Common Purpose aims and goals. Seem more likely than “secret Muslims.”
Melanie Phillips??
Just calling them all “crypto-muslims” proves nothing. What’s your evidence?
How on Earth does Melanie Phillips get on that list? She is one of the few truth-tellers that ever gets on the BBC. I’ve never heard Suzy Klein’s politics either. And that was from just a quick glance.
Sense our friend above is winding us up.
Melanie as a true star-and I`ll give Rozenberg the benefit of the doubt,seeing as he`s her husband.
Jacobsen and Lucas will be Jewish, as no doubt are others in the list.
Charlie`s taking the pee….
Melanie Philips???
Ruby Wax, LOL !
“crypto-muslim Melanie Phillips : Daily Mail. etc” Not sure what you think she’s done to deserve that title, she’s probably taken more flak than anyone for standing up and speaking out against exactly what you describe.
I do wonder sometimes when someone who I don’t recognise writes a post like this, makes me wonder if it isn’t done to discredit a site which can then be dismissed by BBC supporters as being full of cranks & weirdo’s whose opinions are decidedly dodgy.
Look, it is just Charlie’s list of Jews in the media and not altogether accurate. This crypto nonsense is just to point out that they are not Muslims. Let Charlie have his rant and ignore.
I’ve noticed a rise in anti-semitism on this site lately. I accused one of being a left-wing false flag troll the other day as he’d also made disgusting comments about Muslims too. But no, anti-semitism should not be ignored , we all know what happened the last time that was done! Never again!
Not altogether accurate? Oh dear, lets have a more accurate list then. Over to you…
Charlie’s point surely is how is the BBC’s supposed crypto-muslim, anti-semitic, anti-Israeli agenda maintained when one looks at the personnel involved?
Apart from the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s failing to report news as it happens and not how they see it, it’s not actually that good a service anyway.
SPORT – oh dear, spent all our money translating thier liberal tainted news into 30 different languages ? Only enough left in the sport budget for some second hand soccer, snooker etc. Live coverage? only on the radio I’m afraid.
NEWS – enough said already but why when there is anything remotely technical or scientific, why do they have to resort to some sort of blue peter-esque demonstration that sounds like it is for 9 year-olds? Just explain it it in adult language please.
ROYAL FAMILY – why do they love the royal family so much, given the liberal bias? Charles described Witchall as ‘that horrible little man’ but they took that on the chin, puzzling.
WORLD WARS – Despite the liberal, ant-war, pro-refugee stance they do love their commemorations, celebrations, memorials. etc of the 2 WWs There is a paradox here.
I could go on.
Oh come on! There was loads of live football on the bBC during the summer, who could forget the Women’s World Cup?
(I have!)
I’ve mentioned this before but my theory about WW2 is that lefties won’t criticise it because it was a victory of the soviet union over fascism. Contrast with their coverage of WW1 which follows the usual left wing line that it was all a senseless waste etc etc.
The Royal Family is more tricky, I agree. I can only postulate that they know there’s a deep affection for the Queen with most British people, particularly of the older generation, and that Her Majesty is also an advocate of multi-culti because she brings together the peoples of the Commonwealth. But I agree, it doesn’t really make sense.
absolutely right. I have seen the statement several times in different ways that the left doesn’t care about the crime, it is the motive that matters. Hitler killed 6-7 million in the name of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Stalin killed well over 20 million in the name of socialism. As long as it’s for a good cause it’s OK.
Yes, the Queen is largely respected by the public so any attack would be problematic. Plus, she keeps her head down in matters political so the BBC seem content to leave her alone. I’d expect there to be a swing in their coverage once she is no longer with us, but it seems Charles has either 1) Seen this and so adopted a Green, Common Purpose outlook that will endear him to the almighty BBC or 2) he’s an idiot. Either way, I suspect Charles is probably safe, too for the time being. But the moment a Royal deviates from the accepted line – then there will be trouble.
The BBC will happily transform the Queen into an adored personal celebrity – because every single time they succeed in focussing attention entirely on her individual place in the ‘affection’ of the nation, they simultaneously and insidiously undermine her solemn and crucial constitutional position as the keystone of our democracy.
They are constantly and progressively whittling away at the public understanding of the Monarch’s importance as a consensual, non-partisan head of state. Look at the coverage of Royal events which have state significance, as opposed to purely private importance. They are attempting to remove any political understanding of the Monarchy, and reduce it to a ‘theatre of affection’. So next time you see the Queen being praised, look in vain for any appreciation of the constitutional role and the success with which she occupies it, as opposed to her undoubted qualities as an individual.
ROYAL FAMILY Have you seen the reaction to Jeremy Hardy when he criticised the Royals? He was booed off stage ! The BBC might have its agenda, but isn’t so insane as to attack that which is beloved of the people. No it will bide its time on this, and file it away for sometime in the future.
WORLD WARS What could be cheaper than a free show at the taxpayers expense? spend a whole morning covering an event such as the remembrance day parades and the cost is negligible.
Thoughtful – I would like to see the clip of Hardy you mention – is it on Youtube?
I think the left often seriously underestimate the esteem in which the royal family – particularly the sovereign – is held in this country. I heard on R4 that Labour leader Keir Hardy made an insulting speech about the future King Edward VIII, and it pretty much ruined his career.
It’s possible the BBC realise what the more doctrinaire left don’t, that the average Briton, even if he is a Labour supporter, is generally in favour of the monarchy, or at least, not actively opposed to it. George Orwell (as ever) put his finger on it in one of his essays (‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ I think) where he says the working class see socialism as being about fair play and fair shares, it’s not about cutting off heads or having bloody revolutions.
Try Wikipedia
He’s also supported the IRA like Corbyn has
OT (potentially), but have any Classic FM listeners heard a dire Vodafone commercial around a fake ‘news’ vox-pop with an awful drawly Australian female answering service owner.
I’m interested in who the male VO is being used to give it ‘credibility’.
Peter Sissons I think.
Ta. I thought it might be Jon H.
Classic BBC crap at “You and Yours” just now.
Winifred Robinson a bit eggy ans sniffy about the new craze to get compo from airlines over the last six years, had there been any delays due to mechanical failure…no excuse. pay the punter etc.
Winny does worry so-yet more PPI-type cold calling scams, yet more troughing for dodgy companies and lawyers…who`d have thunk it?
I`m guessing that Winny doesn`t get to hear those news headlines that top and tail her biletime of a show.
For last week-that very EU “victory for the little man over RyanAir etc” was being trumped by her BBC fellow-grundies at the start and end of her show…this will knock the smile of O`Learys spud-like smile…pay up you greedy pirates!
So within a week-the BBCs EU devotions turn into a vale of tears for the better class of traveller…one who would no more take a PPI call, unless she was getting paid to take it up to court.
Ain`t no pleasing you is there Winny?-the EU trumps Ryanair and Chav Airlines everywhere-but when YOU tell us all-and someone common in the buffet queue chooses to go for the Big Win in Court, as they heard you tell that this might be an earner..and Brussels would like that, then we might get more PPI cold calls-and less cheridee chuggers for Olive Cooks relatives to croak over.
Oh dear-so conflicted, so confused and confusing eh being a BBC lefty innit?
Jared Taylor on the fate of Europe, speaking ironically in Hungary in 2014 before the invasion, he gets quite emotional.
Here’s the last two minutes of Jared Taylor’s speech, summary and conclusion
Thanks for posting that DB; Jared Taylor is exceptional, the way he elucidates the position of race realists with such clarity and perception – it is no wonder he is so hated by the progressives.
Have you seen that interview he did about Dylan Roof? The interviewer becomes almost incandescent with rage, when he can’t get the better of him.
A great website he runs too –
Stop calling the enemy progressive.
I think it rather suits them, since they only ever get progressively worse.
Maybe I spend too much time on Guido and Breitbart, but haven’t we “reclaimed” it now? Whenever I hear the word “progressive” I always take it as a pejorative. Much like “enriched” or “diversity.”
Oh no Winnys on at Premier Inns now…and others that do budget rooms so we call all live like Winny for the night(hopefully without the attentions of the 6 million dollar man that is Sir Leonard Henry of Dudlay!).
Apparently this successful British export is thinking of opening up its chains so Germans and French might also get a cheap room somewhere central in a big city.
Oh no…what about the family-run hotels without the branding over in Europe-is Whitbread not thinking of them?
And Winny says that premier Inns have put all the little people out of business in the UK…not so, says our Premier bloke-but smears and damage done, signalling sustainability and Death to BIg Business achieved by Winny.
After all, only adds to the prosperity myths of the poverty deniers like…well Ryanair and Premier Inn.
Imagine Winny might meet a few more chaves as a consequence..BBC staff deserve better surely after a hards days bitching at nuthin` much…
Maybe Premier could house all the “Syrians…and Ryanairs obscure desert tents called airports out east could be defined as refugee camps at a stretch-then Winny would shine her love lights onto such nicenesses.
Another MSM article that fails to ask the question why this is happening, strange, as it was proved that a certain demographic were responsible for the ‘crash for cash’ scam.
The Mail, like the bBC fail to link the tide of immigration to the escalation of such scams, the perpetrator in the video obviously fits the profile, yet it takes the commenters to point out the blaringly obvious…
Victoria Ayling. I like her. The BBC don’t. She speaks truthfully and bluntly.
Don’t disagree with any of that, bar the use of the word ‘con’.
Most of the country saw it coming and are being hit over the head to agree that two plus two equals five by Ange, Dave & Auntie over and over again until the public loses patience.
It is an establishment attempted mugging of the most blatant kind.
Not sure they are going to swing this one like in the past.
The following was emailed to me….. I cant upload the photos properly – perhaps someone can. But to see acres upon acres of empty tents that are the equivalent of ‘glamping’ sitting there going to waste, while Europe is struggling to cope, is nothing short of obscene, and l wonder how many of those ‘in charge’ are aware of this..
While Europe takes the burden of the migrant crisis
Gulf Arab nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and others have taken in precisely zero Syrian refugees. While calling European nations racist for not joyously embracing millions of people who don’t share the same culture or religion as the host population.
The tents, which measure 8 meters by 8 meters, were permanently constructed by the Saudi government in the 1990’s and were upgraded in 1997 to be fire proof. They are divided into camps which include kitchen and bathroom facilities.
While Europe is being burdened by potentially millions of people who don’t share the same culture or religion as the host population , Gulf Arab states refuse to pull their weight, resolving only to throw money at the problem.
The likelihood of the Saudis inviting Syrian refugees to stay in Mina is virtually zero, but the thousands of empty tents serve as a physical representation of the hypocrisy shared by wealthy Gulf Arab states when it comes to helping with the crisis.
“…l wonder how many of those ‘in charge’ are aware of this.”
They’re all well aware of it. Those pictures and the knowledge of the site have been doing the rounds for a while. The BBC (and CH4 and Sky) are all well aware of their existence, but using the classic ‘lying by omission’ tactic they choose not to mention it. Those Saudis are our friends, after all, right..?
The fact that Arab states get a free pass when it comes to the ‘migrant’ crisis is all the evidence you need when searching for bias in the msm coverage of this muslim exodus into Europe.
This is, as many accusations are, completely untrue, and seeing as it’s currently the Haj they are occupied ! The collapsing crane should have warned you of that fact !
I can tell you now what Saudi & other Muslim nations will say about housing so many ‘unclean’ Muslims so close to their holiest site.
The Haj isn’t something Muslims just decide to do, like booking a holiday, they have to prepare for it prior to setting off !
Around six miles from Mecca, pilgrims enter into a state of holiness known as Ihram. Men are required to wear two white seamless cloths, with no knots or stitched items. Footwear should allow the ankle and back of the foot to be exposed, and no perfume must be used on the body. Cutting nails, shaving and sexual relations are all forbidden.
Women are forbidden to wear the Burqa and Niqab, as they must have their faces uncovered. There is no gender segregation during Hajj, to remind pilgrims that men and women will be standing side by side on the Day of Judgment – Allah’s final assessment of humanity.
The Hajj is only required of those people who can financially afford to make the journey, and who are physically capable of performing the rites of pilgrimage. Many Muslims in the world save up funds their entire lives in order to make the journey just one time. For others the financial impact is minimal. Since the pilgrimage is physically grueling, it is beneficial to engage in physical exercise in the months prior to travel.
Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections are very common during Hajj . People from all over the world bring with them all kinds of infections, and the unavoidable closeness of the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims facilitates easy spread of these illnesses. Fatigue, and lack of sleep from the physically demanding regimen of Hajj rites as well as the over-enthusiastic exertions in prayers and devotions, lower one’s immunity and resistance, thereby making one more vulnerable to disease. However, you can take elementary precautions to minimize your chances of becoming ill, and also to ensure that you will get back on your feet faster should you get sick. Getting and staying in good physical shape by regular exercise prior to your departure is a good first step. You can also carry certain medicines with you for use later.
There’s just no way that the Saudis are going to allow the accommodation at Islam’s most holy site to be used by people not on the Hajj.
On top of that there are around 3 million people descending on the place each year, how could they be certain that the tents would be emptied in time ?
Of course the basic mistake you’re making in all of this is in regarding these people as ‘refugees’! They are economic migrants who are setting off in search of benefits culture in the West, and the knowledge that there are so many hand wringers and do gooders there who will not allow the truth to be spoken. What would they get in Saudi? Whipped crucified or beheaded, or all of them one after another !
You need the recognise that the Syrian refugees are safe in Lebanon & Turkey having been given asylum there, and what is coming to Europe are largely Pakistanis Afghans Turks and uncle Tom Cobbleigh & all !
Can anyone doubt that Islam is utterly retarded?
Well now you have come up with the truth, I shall pass that on to those that sent it to me. As for the collapsing crane, didn’t give it a thought to be honest, I just go on what I see (I’m so shallow) – but someone must have thought all those tents were empty otherwise it wouldn’t be ‘doing the rounds’. Thank you for your in depth reply anyway.
You can embed pictures by using ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here.’ which is just below the text box for your comment.
All very nice but is there a free school/hospital/supermarket nearby?
Now, where did I put that Daisy Cutter ………..?
Why would the Saudi’s want to import thousands of IS terrorists?
Just because most European politicians would rather preen themselves about their generosity than protect their people from the terrorist threat doesn’t mean that the Saudi government has to be that stupid.
I can’t help contrasting the BBC’s approach to Global Warming, where they are forever preaching the “precautionary principle” and the need to avoid risks no matter how remote, with their stance on accepting hundreds of thousands of young men from terrorist riddled areas of the world.
I’ve said it before…once again…forget Iran etc……get three carrier forces in the Med and Indian oceans…..destroy the Saudis air-force, navy, comms seize the oilfields, rout their army, no arab army is worth it’s salt, Israel demonstrated that. Re-assure Russia/China of supplies, get them involved, on our side. Sort this ME problem now.
A Liverpool street has been closed after two improvised explosive devices were found outside a home.
Police say they are unable to charge any offenders as had an explosion taken place it would have improved the area !
Commenting on the incident, neighbour Edna Welthorpe, 89, said ‘I saw a young lad visit the house and leave one of those newfangled digital clocks in a briefcase on the front step, like that one that nice Mr Obama admired so much. I gave him a friendly wave and said ‘good on yer, sonny!’ like the BBC and that Twitterbook thing said we should. I think it might have been faulty though as it blew up a few seconds later.’
RT asks
Thank you for voting!
The solution to Europe’s refugee problem is:
52% – Stop taking in migrants, send back any newcomers
4% – Pay other nations to take them
11% – Create one designated territory for them
34% – Open the gates, but make sure every nation takes their share
This is what the Russians think. How would the BBC spin this. I’ll have a go.
52% of people are against taking in any more migrants. Don’t mention the rest of the options. Suggesting 48% are pro-immigration.
How would everybody else read it:
67% people are against taking in any more migrants and 34% believe they should be allowed to enter EU.
All polls in all countries on average show a MINIMUM 2 to 1 (66%) against immigration, whatever the country.
Considering pro immigration citizens will be far more activist, i think anti-immigration is much higher in reality (70+%).
Also mentions the Belgium Parliament was evacuated this morning due to bomb scare.
“How would the BBC spin this”?
I can tell you exactly, because they’ve let the cat out of the bag on radio 4.
ALL of the polls have been infiltrated by the shadowy right wing groups they’ve invented, and ‘internet trolls’ and that the polls do not reflect public opinion !
It is probably a psychological condition which has progressed to the point of Paranoia where the people in the BBC are utterly convinced of the existence of a non existent group of well organised and influential people with right wing views capable of organising themselves into multiple votes on every single internet poll which has appeared on this subject.
Unless of course they are referring to the Tories and UKIP supporters, in which case it would be a glaring admission of the left wing bias they are accused of but always deny. It would perhaps be akin to claiming that Labour lost the election because of the influence of right wing groups !
Thoughtful – did they actually say this or is it a joke? I can no longer tell the difference with the BBC. It’s exactly what I thought would happen – that any dissent on HYS etc would be put down to organised trolling.
Yes the did actually say that the polls had been infiltrated by ‘right wing groups’ and internet trolls. They presented no supporting evidence nor did they give any explanation as to which exact groups they were referring to.
It enables them to simply dismiss all the evidence that they are massively out of step with society, they simply cannot accept that ordinary people do not share their values.
I believe that this mental affliction affects large sections of the BBC, many of whose employees believe they are on a political crusade to eradicate any thoughts which they do not approve of.
‘They presented no supporting evidence nor did they give any explanation as to which exact groups they were referring to’
Per editorial guidelines. Allegedly.
More likely the polls are infiltrated by left wing groups and actually overstate support for open borders.
Exactly! If the BBC don’t trust polls why do they even trust a General Election? Why not just say the Tories only won because of ‘infiltration’? Sounds to me like they just want to ignore public opinion when it suits them. If all the HYS and polls etc were in favour of unlimited immigration, would they also claim they were ‘infiltrated’ or would they say ‘the people have spoken!’?
Ah, but just remember the looks of disbelief and dejection on the BBC newsteam’s faces on Election night once the results came in. They can only live with themselves now because they plugged themselves back into Twatter and now believe that the Tories didn’t “really” win.
Radio 4 Media Show today. Apparently all the Scandinavian Public Broadcaster have written an open letter to the British government warning that any reduction in the size and scope of the BBC would have a profoundly negative effect on Britain’s role in the world. The lady who was being interviewed is the head of the Swedish PSB . She was asked how aware was she and her fellow heads of PSB in Europe aware of the BBC Charter Review process and why did she feel it worthwhile to publish this open letter. She said , in that serious earnest way Swedes have, that she kept up to date on issues in the UK by reading the Guardian ( honestly, she did) every day, and that she was alarmed by the number of negative views that British politicians had of the BBC ! The BBC interviewer moved rapidly to shut her up about her using the Guardian as her source of views in the UK, but too late the cat was out of the bag.
So all that this letter is about is just one group of people paid from the public purse being supporting another group who are similarly paid. If she hadn’t mentioned the Guardian some of the more gullible listeners and the sillier of the MPs, might have placed some weight on the contents of this letter. I bet the BBC were really annoyed with her Guardian moment, it messed up what was potentially a good piece of propaganda.
The shameful reductions in the size of the Royal Navy have affected Britain’s role in the world. The BBC? Not so much.
In other news, a representative of Sweden’s turkey population urged Britain’s turkey population not to vote for Christmas!
“Radio 4 Media Show today. ”
I retuned the radio this afternoon to listen to the Media Show, but didn’t get that far. The announcer was happily telling listeners that tomorrow’s afternoon play will be “Our Sea”, about the refugee crisis, while the 3.30 Short Story is “The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher. I quickly tuned away. This evening, checking the schedule to confirm that I need to avoid Radio 4 tomorrow, I notice that between the two programmes there is the Radio 4 Appeal – presented by Vanessa Redgrave.
The BBC are falling ever deeper in love with Tim Farron after he claims that the British want lots and lots of migrants!!! Silly man. His party activists and the BBC might like what they hear but the public will just think that he is as mad and dangerous as Merkel.
Good job ‘I’m on a different planet’ Clegg has gone, but what’s replaced him is about as acceptable as Corbyn and nearly as left wing. Don’t forget the lunatic pronouncements from Paddy Pantsdown over migration. If anyone is looking to the British Army to relieve us of the political nutters then look to Pantsdown who was a Captain by the time he left.
Er…..slight error…Pantsdown was a Royal Marine, therefore part of the Royal Navy.
Don’t forget the windmills! The soft twat wants lots of them too.
Farron is a leftie at heart and always will be. Frankly, he has more in common with Corbyn than most of Corbyn’s own party. He’s a pro-CAGW zealot, a pro-immigrant zealot and a pro-EU ‘borderless Europe’ zealot. The BBC, treading water awkwardly after the implosion of New Labour into a Communist Comintern, are casting about for someone new to champion – Farron squeaks all the right noises (centrist, safely ‘on message’ where it counts and reassuringly reminiscent of their beloved New Labour values of ‘multiculti totalitarianism’ with a smiley face) so naturally the Corporation will fluff up the LibDems.
For just as long as it takes for Chuka and his Blairite co-conspirators to finally rediscover their backbone and start the inevitable putsch to oust Chairman Corbyn and his cronies.
If there is hope…………… lies with the Poles.
Are you finding you’re morphing into a filthy anti-semite?
▪ Do you increasingly have outbursts of race-conscious thoughts?
▪ Do you believe that 2+2=4?
▪ Are you becoming angry towards your local council and government?
▪ Do you find you are becoming more xenophobic towards the millions of foreigners flooding into your country?
▪ Are you proud of being European and have nationalistic tendencies?
▪ Are you getting self-conscious of big brother surveillance?
▪ Do you think that diversity is a negative concept for your society?
▪ Are you repelled by the anti-nature sexual trends foisted onto your society?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions – then you are suffering from a mental disease. You are infected by a traditionalist right-wing virus. And you need immediate help!
But the good news is you can be cured of this metal illness relatively easily!
Yes, we here at The Progressiveness Clinic are able to cure you of your 4 affliction. We have hundreds of case studies where we have cured people of their Nationalist traditionalist values.
Our friendly qualified staff can cure you within weeks of entering our 10 step programme.
We recognise that these old-hat nationalist values are regressive and anti-social to a modern diverse and progressive society. We have a fail-proof system which has been created by our two leading psychologist Dr. Shlomo Goldberg and Dr. Hannah Bernstein which is guaranteed to turn any individualistic mindset around to a progressive thinking liberal…..within weeks! The system they have formulated is called the PCT [Progressive Conditioning Therapy] which has been created in the university of Tel Aliv. The results are truly incredible. Literally hundreds of filthy antisemitic (2+2=4) mindsets have been transformed. [Please see references below.]
Here at The Progressiveness Clinic we can guarantee a 180 degree turnaround in your thought pattern within ten weeks. We offer both one-to-one counselling sessions and group therapy to suit your needs [depending on your level of hatred].
So call us today for a free consultation on:
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The Progressiveness Clinic
helping build a progressive and diverse society
Some references from some of our treated (conditioned) clients:
“I can’t believe the turn around I’ve had since attending The Progressiveness Clinic. Within 6 weeks I had already rid myself of being proud of my race. And converted into a Guardian-reading lefty socialist do-gooder liberal.”
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“Thank you to all the staff at The Progressiveness Clinic. I am so ashamed to think I was once an evil nazi anti-semite fascist racist – and now I am a proud member of my local anti-fascist communist party. What a radical shift in mindset. What it is to now be progressive.”
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“Big thumbs up to Progressive Conditioning Therapy. To think I was one a Jew-hating filthy anti-semite. Now I am a huge advocate of the Babylonian Talmud and Protocols of the Learned of Zion. And fully guilt-ridden due to my Germanic Aryan heritage. I feel truly saved. Thank Mosses for usury.”
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“Ohh how silly I feel now; to think I was once a content housewife caring for my family, with traditional family values. PCT has now changed me into a proud aggressive feminist. Good riddance to traditional values – high five to my new lesbian lifestyle.”
~ Margret from Stratford upon Avon, England
I wonder if the treatment on offer can cure Islamophobia? Because, although I have no anti semitic feelings, I do have an increasingly pronounced fear of Muslims. I have tried so hard to combat this but every time I make a little progress in forgiving their barbaric acts and refusal to live in harmony with western values, another Muslim goes and does some awful thing , which sends me further down the path of total Islamophobia. I mean is it wrong not to want to have your hands chopped off, or to think that all religions are bunkum invented by priests who know when they are on to a good thing? Perhaps it is. I mean it was definitely frowned upon 500 years ago and maybe we have gone backwards without my noticing it. If I am beyond help, do you think that there is anyone who might try and make the Muslims less horrid and easier to get along with without converting to Islam? Or have they all run away to frightened to say boo to a goose in a turban.
I realise, because the BBC tells me every day , that I am in a tiny minority in the UK, because most people love Islam and want to hand the country over right away to the Imams. So I don’t suppose my views will count for much after all I’m just an ordinary white Brit, you know the left behind scum as the BBC puts it, who has paid taxes for 40 years , never caused any trouble , hardly used the NHS and supports the Queen and the armed forces.
I really don’t want to add to your woes Doublethinker, but the way things are going on Bake Off ( or the British Bake Con) the probably winner won’t please you either !!!
You forgot the link.
I have reported this comment, as I think it is simply a pretext for insinuating (falsely) that the views of commenters on this site are linked with anti-semitism. This site is dedicated to highlighting bias in the BBC’s broadcasting output. If there is a broader consensus, as far as I can see it is centred around the issues of bias in the media generally. As far as anti-semitism goes, I have only ever seen comments here complaining about an anti-Israeli, and possibly anti-semitic, strand in BBC reporting. I have never seen non-trolling comments complaining about the BBC being an ‘apologist for the Jews’ or any such accusation.
As for other alleged attitudes, for example ‘homophobia’ or ‘misogyny’ as so labelled by the media we observe, I have a feeling that most commenters here are more enraged by the ruthless ‘progressive’ exploitation of the miseries of individuals, by those who would happily engender and inflame conflict if it suited their ulterior political ends.
I may be wrong, but I see a lot of the anger expressed here as more genuinely humanitarian than that which we too often see paraded by those who would steal our hearts to put on their sordid sleeves.
+1 Stuart
I’m quite sure that the BBC will end up with this ridiculous obviously invented sob story pushing it as beyond question, and calling anyone who doubts it the usual nasty names!
“NHS uncovers 1,000 FGM cases in England”
An article on the BBC website reports the disturbing statistic that the NHS has uncovered 1,000 cases of female genital mutilation between April and June (see It is a crime, both in law as well as morally speaking, yet one which goes unpunished – so much so that the first ever attempt at a prosecution in this country only took place within the past year. But – and how shall we put this delicately? – this is not a crime traditionally encountered in this country. Are the BBC able to cast any light on what lies behind this epidemic of criminality? No they are not. For this is one of the many ‘benefits’ of the multi-culturalism that the BBC constantly espounses. Hacking women in this way is largely associated with Muslim North Africa and the Middle East – not exclusively but predominantly so. Here, for instance, are two articles from the BBC just a couple of months ago that are somewhat more informative: and Although the content of the second article is factually correct, note the misleading headline of “FGM victims ‘in every part of England and Wales'”, implying it is just one of those things that the inhabitants of Newcastle, Pontypridd, East Grinstead and Lytham St Annes have traditionally got up to.
Someone at the BBC must have left the office and forgotten to close the HYS debate on the migrant enrichment of Europe. It’s been going for ten hours and close to 700 comments and the overwhelming majority of comments and recommendations are against the invasion. A few have even attacked the BBC directly and stayed up, like this one:
No 664: BBC getting slated again for their odious and misinformed coverage! Glad people are finally realising that you are a mouth piece, rather than a institution that believes in true Journalism.
May your demise be swift.
When I last looked it had ten up votes and only one down.
This is truly educational. There’s even a migrant-supporting troll or three vastly outnumbered on the BBC’s own site!
Holy cr*p! The open-door immigration crowd have been overwhelmed on there as if they were lollypop ladies on a Croatian zebra crossing!
Mind you, I’m now starting to believe that the BBC, Guardian etc are deliberately allowing right wing comments in the hope that it just lets people let off steam instead of actually doing anything.
Or perhaps they are using these HYS articles as experiments to try to figure out why they can’t even get a majority of people to agree with their lefty agenda on their own bloody “news” website!
Remarkably, yesterday’s HYS is still going and was apparently open throughout the night:
But according to one comment, it’s impossible to find it on the website, so only those who originally saw it will be able to access it (provided they marked it in some fashion on their computers).
Still open Too.
Oddly, despite the duration, not yet 1,000 comments. Considering how quickly such a topic garners that in hours before being pulled, that does suggest the BBC in full tucking away mode.
I still can’t locate the one that was about Orban that apparently lasted only an hour.
Yes, I’ve been contributing a bit – for the novelty of being able to post on a HYS that takes my comments immediately and to try to educate some real shmucks there, like the anti-Semitic ‘BDS Now.’
Away off topic – quite a bit – for this would never, ever apply to the BBC:
I often wonder: Why doesn’t some “rogue” newspaper proprietor – someone like Murdoch, maybe – one day surprise the Establishment and come out with the full and simple truth about the massive and irreversible changes that unlimited immigration is bringing to the UK.
Nothing fancy or coded, just the simple facts about immigration, especially Muslim immigration and what the country will look like maybe some 50 years down the road. How the differential birthrate will alter the country beyond recognition and in turn will alter the voting power beyond all recognition. How our long established democracy will one day be destroyed by its own hand.
There is nothing fanciful in all of this. Most people of my acquaintance – and a quite broad acquaintance too – have fears for their children and particularly for their grandchildren.
If one Monday morning such a newspaper proprietor started publishing the facts, the truth, and nothing but the truth and facts, I would guess that by Wednesday morning his newspaper would be the most demanded in Britain, in *all* of Britain.
At the same time he would be doing a great service by exposing the devious propaganda of our national broadcaster and the surreptitious actions of our “betters” in Parliament. His intrepid reporters could also dig deeper, much deeper, to find out exactly who started this policy and why they started it. I have heard the story of “rubbing the Right’s noses in diversity” but have often wondered if that was the only reason. It seems a trivial reason when one considers the results of that policy of unlimited Muslim immigration.
Who are the guilty men? Just why did they do it? And the biggest question of all – as I said in opening, this does not apply to the BBC –
As Lord Gnome might have said: “I think we should be told!”
Mr Wood, I believe such an article was published in one of the Sunday papers a few years ago – I can’t remember which one. It was a broadsheet, not a tabloid, so presumably the Times or Telegraph. It had a lot of charts, venn diagrams etc over a map of Europe and basically said how immigration and the birth rate will mean whites will be in the minority in Europe by mid-century. I remember it caused quite a stir at the time and people were passing around cuttings of it.
Presumably the liberal media establishment dismissed it, as they always do.
Thanks Cranmer, but that is not really what I was asking. I have seen such charts etc., before and looked upon them with horror, *BUT* I get back to my two main questions:
1. Who were the guilty men who instigated, devised, brought about, call it what you will, *THE UNLIMITED IMMIGRATION OF MUSLIMS TO THE UK”* and perhaps of greater importance, just *WHY* did they think it was a good idea?
2. I can do no better than to copy and paste from my original post:
This question No. 2 is the one that really niggles at me. How did every single newspaper in the land take the vow of omerta on this subject?
[Omertà = a code of silence about criminal activity. And that is what it was, you know, a criminal act against the structure of the UK was met with a total silence by every single section of the UK MSM on the subject of unlimited immigration. Can anyone tell me that *no* news editors, proprietors, reporters, from anywhere at all had doubts about this strange policy? Not a single one of them have ever said anything to truly explain it. Why did it happen? Who allowed it to happen? NO! WHO *MADE* IT HAPPEN?
If you have ever read any explanations in the MSM (or even the BBC!) I would be glad of a link.
I see Mark Steyn is over in the U.K. at the moment, I wonder if the Beeb will ask him to appear on QT this week?
He is on his way to Denmark to take part in a conference this weekend commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons which upset the ROP so much.
His blog is worth following. I read it and learn in awed fascination that even the Home of the Free is heading down the same road as Europe. In fact, with having such commentators as Steyn, stations like Fox News etc., it is much easier to find the truth behind the headlines of what is going on in the world.
I truly admire Steyn and his ilk and have tried to support him by buying his books – the latest is a humdinger: “A Disgrace To The Profession – Volume 1” which tells what other scientists think of Michael Mann and his global warming hockey stick. (He published this because Mann has sued him and after 3 years the case is stuck in the American courts system with Mann doing the sticking. No one expected a person being sued by Mann would double down and publish more facts about Mann. Well worth a read and if you can’t afford to buy it, ask your local library to get a copy, but do make sure the “green/leftie” librarian is not on duty when you place your request.)
Steyn is a hero, once (amazingly) a regular on R4 and dropped like a red hot stone the moment they worked out his politics.
On Eddie Mair’s PM Jonathan Dimbleby has just been defending Question Time and his own radio version Any Questions from the observation that its audience is left of centre.
His arguments were ludicrous and seemed to be implying that all divisions of the audience become boisterous at some stage.
He took as an example the Iraq war and the treatment of those who defended Blair’s ousting of a fascist military dictator. Does he honestly not realise that it was the left, in particular the BBC, Guardian and Independent that were most upset at the removal of that loveable old rogue Saddam? It was the Soft Left and the Far left who marched against this country’s actions and howled down centrist labour MPs.
I have yet to hear anyone left of Shami Chakrabarti get howled down and anyone to the right of Shami Chakrabarti get a fair hearing.
The audience is belligerently and bullyingly to the left and the BBC needs to act and not waste all our time with these specious defences.
Eddie Mair doesn’t look well, he looks emaciated.
Good Lord!
A younger over weight Eddie Mair
If Eddie Mair is unwell I wish him all the best. The shinning light of BBC news.
Eddie is one of the best of a bad bunch at the BBC. He looks really ill. That photo really shocked me.
There will soon be an announcement that Mr Mair , has AIDS , & 3 days later he would of passed on. Bit like Freddie Mercury`s demise . I first saw Mr Mair reading the local news in Scotland, a few years ago , then a couple of years later he popped up on Radio 4 .
A first step would be to ban applause from the audience. It’s not allowed in the House of Commons, or in a lot of other debating organisations, because it causes speakers to ‘play to the gallery’ instead of making proper arguments.
I suspect however that the BBC keeps and encourages applause however because they know that the left wing views will be more loudly applauded (due to the bias of the audience) thus making them sound more popular and ‘approved of’ to the viewers and listeners at home.
Remember when the BNP Nick Griifin was on QT.? Dimbleby told the audience they could boo or cheer as much as they liked!
And this was someone whose economic policy was on a par with Corbyn
Why do they even have an audience, when it’s so obviously mis-representative? LBC get much fairer audiences than the BBC for their broadcasts.
What? A BBC audience flooded with far-Leftists? Goodness me; there’s a ‘surprise’.
The BBC really are an utter disgrace! They control the media share in this country and they are ruthless in promoting their disgusting far-Left propaganda. The Left are nothing but scum!
Each week let’s award the Damien Day Teddy Bear to the most blatant and misleading use of heart rending photopropaganda by the BBC.

Could this be this week’s winner?
‘Croatia says 44,000 migrants have arrived since last week’
24 hours ago I nominated Emma Jane Kirby of the BBC for just this award, for her rib-bursting nonsense about a ‘Syrian engineer’ who had just been turfed out of his camp by the French police. The star of the piece was the teddy bear.
Just had this in my email – your chance to voice your views on the TV Licence Fee !
Taffman, I did it a few days ago. The questionnaire is a little biased , but there is space to give them both barrels and I did !
Same here !
If the BBC was anti-immigration, it would have shown mostly photos of the twenty-something males who comprise 70% of the total heading to Germany and towards the UK.
The fact that the BBC shows mostly photos of children who comprise only about 15% of the total, illustrates that the BBC is pro-immigration.
“”A Breitbart London analysis of over 200 images used by the BBC on its website shows a staggering 53 per cent of children as the focal points of images””
This is evidence of BBC Bias. It is not up to the BBC to decide if mass uncontrolled immigration is good or bad.
The BBC always takes a Left Wing stance on any subject. That also is Bias.
It’s EASY to find Left Wing bias within the BBC. We here produce evidence every day.
The problem is, getting anything done about it.
And the BBC know that.
This is a well-hatched plan by the Islamic world to invade the west and breed; Muslim birthrates across Europe are already rocketing (almost in direct ratio to the amount of benefits they scrounge). The Imams have decreed that the Muslim must go forth and conquer. And they are rubbing their hands with glee as a result of our f****** useless, hand-wringing do-gooder lefties who are handing over centuries of European heritage.
For me it is the likes of that overgrown middle class student, Jon Snow, who represents the type of lefty who is behind the downfall of Europe, with his pathetic right-on metro-trendy crap.
I wish they would go forth and multiply, but not in the way the Imams meant.
“There was scepticism over Wednesday’s news of the deal from some on Twitter.”
Why would al Beeba choose to give prominence to this tweet?

I’m sure the BBC doesn’t have an opinion on Sisi.
Ah yes, the “murderous Egyptian dictator” the one who saved his country from the disastrous and evil rule of the Muslim Brotherhood – after millions of people came out onto the streets against it.
O/T but always worth tracking the opinions of the BBC’s comedy heroes
Richard Herring in the Metro newspaper today : “God Save The Queen is the worst national anthem in the world”
More of a apologia for a certain labour leader than a comedy column, but let’s take Richard seriously for a moment
Considering Wikipedia lists for us some 193 UN member states with anthems plus details of another 9 observer states, that’s quite a claim for the UK’s long standing tune – although there’s not so much standing done for the anthem these days.
I do hope our Richard has been carefully judging between anthems – his own personal Eurovision sort of thing – and he didn’t just jump to some unthinking prejudiced statement. As if.
Helpfully Wiki gives links to many examples for us
The Pacific island of Vanuatu gets my vote of douze points for most Eurovision sounding title : “Yumi, Yumi, Yumi”
Richard Herring is not going to enjoy Lichenstein’s “Oben am jungen Rhein” (same tune as God Save The Queen )
Perhaps it’s the lyrics that get under his skin. Are they a tad too patriotic for the comedy chap?
He ought to check Algeria’s “Kassaman” (We Pledge) :
“We swear by the lightning that destroys, By the streams of generous blood being shed”
“When we spoke, none listened to us, So we have taken the noise of gunpowder as our rhythm, And the sound of machine guns as our melody” – Nice
Some people are atheists and some republican – it might be tricky for them to fully embrace the words God Save The Queen – I get that.
Maybe they would be more comfortable with Italy’s corus of “We are ready to die” – that could be viewed as a progressive plea for euthenasia perhaps?
It could be that Richard remembers 1745 and that line we used once to sing about ‘Rebellious Scots to crush’
Oh dear, the Italians are still down on their Austrian neighbours – their anthem goes on : ‘Mercenary swords, they’re feeble reeds. The Austrian eagle has already lost its plumes. The blood of Italy and the Polish blood it drank, along with the Cossack. But it burned its heart’
“La Marseillaise”, Richard? : “Do you hear in the countryside, the roar of these savage soldiers, they come right into our arms, to cut the throats of your sons! May a tainted blood irrigate our furrows!”
Maybe it is in the nature of those nasty xenophobic capitalist nations to set their people against outsiders – look out for the Vietnamese anthem
“Our flag, red with the blood of victory, bears the spirit of the country.” Corbyn would approve of that!
“The path to glory is built by the bodies of our foes. For too long have we swallowed our hatred” – pacifism anyone?
Naturally, Herring knows every National Anthem in the world. He should be pickled.
Had to listen to Jeremy Vine on R2 this morning as wife was in the car. There was a discussion about the VW debacle and they talked to an MOT tester about to test a VW. Now, tell me, what are the odds of a randomly selected MOT tester being a woman?
About infinity to one at a guess. I have worked in the motor trade for over forty years and I have yet to encounter a female MOT tester.
Israel has a great national anthem – Hatikva. It’s about hope of return to the country after thousands of years of exile. It’s also a rousing melody.
BBC’s representation of immigrants (invaders) v actual numbers

What about the graph for the disabled and the ones with the puppies and kittens, probably off the charts ?
38 Degrees pumping out more pro BBC propaganda about government plans to wholly privatise it:
“Government plans to rip out the heart of the BBC are taking shape. [1] Imagine a BBC where newsnight is riddled with adverts. Or a BBC so underfunded that independent news becomes a thing of the past and the airwaves are dominated by Rupert Murdoch’s media. This is what the Government wants – we need to stop them.
If we’re going to stop these plans we can’t rely on newspapers or TV channels owned by Murdoch and other media moguls. Instead, we’re going to have to use people-power to show the government that we won’t stand for them destroying our independent BBC.
Just before the summer break, the government snuck out a ‘public consultation’ on the future of the BBC. It’s full of gobbledegook questions – they were obviously hoping that nobody would respond! So the 38 Degrees staff team has ‘translated’ the questions into plain English, and the time’s come to make sure they hear our voices.
It takes a few minutes to fill in the survey. Without our voices, the government can claim that people don’t care about the future of the BBC, opening the doors to Murdoch. So can you add your voice and stand up for the BBC?”
Strikes me that if far left groups are standing up in favour of the most iniquitous tax which criminalises the poor , then it’s a pretty good indicator that the BBC is every bit as biased as we are claiming it is. ..This really puts Corbyn and his side kick McDonnell into perspective
Totally off topic, but is Foxcote Manor still at Llangollen?
These “anorak” references really are a recipe for bringing the site into disrepute should some leftie ever have joined in such debatable practices and be able to “out” us.
This really puts Corbyn and his side kick McDonnell into perspective
That’s a fine, well-written and passionate blog.
Corbyn and McDonnell are scum and god help the UK if Labour win in 2020.
And then Thoughtful tells us elsewhere that the play on Radio 4 today is by an IRA murderer
SKY migrant porn News. Mark Stone interviews a Syrian refugee, who went to live in Iraq, Kurdistan for 2 years, then on a whim decided to move to Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, then Germany, he wants to live in the UK. What I want to know is where do they get the money from to travel ???
DB – probably from some of the £900,000,000 which that bell end Camerloon has given them so far; though I understand there’s to be a further £100,000,000 to be squandered on that s**thole.
My guess is they’re unlikely to be paying for their train travel. Can you imagine being a ticket inspector on one of those migrant trains?!
No doubt they have been advised to keep the receipts so they can claim back their travel expenses when they get to London.
A bit busy at the moment, moving house. But as we all know the BBC and pretty well all of the U.K. Media and Met office, went orgasmic when on July 1st 2015, a record temperature was set (for July…hottest eva) at Heathrow airport, London. I have pinned a photo of the site to show everyone just why there was this so called record temperature. You will see in the photo a pix of a BA747 on a runway heading west. Directly above the 747 is the Met Office recording site, (that little cluster of a building and artefacts which borders the grass and just to the right of a defunct taxiway) and a stones throw from the airport perimeter road. To the right of the 747 you will see a curved taxiway off the runway, where a jet exhaust gas plume points directly at the recording station. On the day in question, an easterly wind was blowing (from London) so aircraft arriving would be pointing in the opposite direction to the shown 747. Open up the throttles to clear the runway as quickly as possible and hey bingo, a record temperature in the U.K. for July. All down to Climate Change of course.
I want a moan about ITV tonight Midwinter of the Spirit. I could cope with the lead role beinga female vicar, but then it becomes apparent the whole cast is peppered with PCness, the female police DI with the black detecttive sergeant, the wisehead black vicar.
After this rubbish we move on to the even worse RL new leader of the LibDems demanding that cameron opend our borders to invaders! What an evil Brit hating clown he is!….
Migrant crisis: ‘I love Germany, I want to go there’
Well I like Barbados and I’d like to go there but I don’t see it happening somehow.
Aerfen, I happened to read in the Radio Times, the author of that serial, basically saying ‘don’t blame me for having to include ethnics’. He claimed it was down to ITV racial quotas rather than political correctness on his own part.
Interesting Cranmer, and I am not the least bit surprised and suspect the same was said to julian Fellows to force him into an inappropriate anachronistic storyline in the hit series Downton Abbey. I felt he dealt with it very well though, in a more honest way than might have been expected.
Perhaps we should call it ‘the Lenny Henry effect’? Apart from having to watch him in bed in the Premier Inn ads I was really cheesed off to have to put up with him as the handyman in the recent Syndicate series – he was whining a lot in that but I couldn’t decide whether that was part of his ‘character’ or not…