Now that the BBC has become the unofficial voice for encouraging unlimited muslim immigration across Europe, and hoisting the flag for Comrade Corbyn, the bias is replete across the spectrum. A new open thread to detail the bias.
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Brief report on the BBC’s ‘Panel of Experts” Q&A sessions on the TV yesterday at 11.30am, 3.30pm, and (previously unadvertised) at about 7.30pm.
I missed the first one as I was busy earning money to pay for the import into the EU and upkeep of a couple of dozen soon-to-be extended families of economic migrants… Maybe someone saw it and can add to this post.
The second session at 3.30pm in fact started after the sport about 3.40pm, and lasted for just 15 minutes. The ‘Panel of Experts’ was:
1. Leonard Doyle, International Organisation For Immigration (as I predicted yesterday)
2. Claude Moraeus, Labour MEP
Yup, that was the Panel – two people. Since when have only two oft-interviewed commentators from just one point of view comprised an ‘expert panel’?
It got even better at 7.30pm (or thereabouts). There was the BBC presenter of course. The ‘panel’ consisted of another BBC journalist whose name I’ve instantly forgotten, and a lady from a ‘hug-a-refugee’ organisation I’d never heard of. Expert panel my a*se.
Needless to say in each case the usual pro-immigration propaganda was trotted out at length. It was clear that almost all the questions the BBC had received from the public were anti, but they managed to choose the least provocative-sounding ones.
So, let’s summarise. The BBC’s ‘expert panels’ comprised just two people in each case , both of whom were pro-migrant. Their answers weren’t effectively challenged by the presenters, even when their answers were factually wrong.
I believe in freedom of speech and the fair presentation of all relevant points of view, even those I disagree with. Despite the fact that the majority of the British people (see the polls) are against further immigration, I’m even happy to accept that the ratio of pro and anti voices should be 1:1, in order to ensure that a minority opinion gets heard properly.
In this case the BBC consciously weighted their ‘panels of experts’ 100% in favour of one side of the debate – the pro-immigrant lobby. The other side wasn’t given any voice at all.
We can all argue about bias when there are subjective opinions and the BBC can dismiss our protests, as they do all the time.
However in this case the facts speak clearly for themselves. There’s nothing subjective about this. In a pre-planned and trumpeted day of ‘have your say’ slots in main BBC news programming, the BBC proved itself to be completely unfit for purpose as a national broadcaster.
Do you mean this Claude Moraes?
If you read the section entitled ‘Previous Work’ all will become clear as to why he is on BBC speed dial
Good grief, Moraes was Director of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, executive secretary to the Immigrants’ Aid Trust, and a Commissioner for Racial Equality? I assumed he was on there purely because he’s a left-winger with a big gob.
Just imagine if the Green Party had been around during WW2. They’d be making pathetic excuses for Nazism constantly, and the BBC would be their vehicle for doing so. I am sick to death with the BBC and its leftist comrades pretending that ISIS filth are somehow human and ‘British’. These scum need to wiped from the face of the planet not supported by the likes of the useless Green Party carrot crunchers.
A note about Poland…
The BBC reported yesterday that Poland decided not to vote against the EU’s mandatory migrant quota scheme. There were therefore only 4 countries voting against : Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia.
Poland was a key absentee from this list and has by far the biggest population of the five. Poland’s ‘yes’ vote wasn’t expected, as up until that moment Poland had been a strong opponent, along with the other Visegrad countries.
Did anyone from the BBC mention that Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, is in fact Polish and was Polish PM from 2007-2014? No.
I’m not saying Tusk leant on the current Polish government, but the BBC should have mentioned his background as I can’t help thinking it’s important background for viewers to have.
Wait and see. The Polish people are not going to lie down and let the EU dictate whatever Tusk thinks. In the event abstention is the best policy as this situation is changing very fast.
I agree 100% with you and with your earlier post. The depths that the BBC will go to try and convince the public that we should open our borders are deep and dark. Throughout this summer they have misrepresented the crisis claiming that the vast majority of migrants are families fleeing from war and persecution, when we know that the majority are economic migrants, often single young males. The BBC has claimed for weeks now that the majority of British people are in favour of open borders, which is perhaps the biggest lie of all. To back this up they refuse to grant those who oppose open borders any platform on which to reflect this majority view. They belittle the sensible humanitarian policy of the British government to send very large amounts of aid to the countries bordering Syria to try and make life tolerable in the camps and so stem the flow and make it easy for those in the camps to return home when the civil war is over.
It is abundantly clear that the BBC want the UK to take hundreds of thousands of migrants and that they are flagrantly abusing their near monopoly position and control of the news agenda of the country , to subvert the wishes of the British people on this issue. The government needs no more proof of how dangerous to our democracy the BBC is. The government should act to get rid of this danger to our democracy and to our way of life.
Tusk has gone native. They all do. Could it have anything to do with the huge salary and massive pension? Like all the rest, he is happy to sell his country and his birthright for a few thousand euros a month, but as the old saying goes, none dare call it treason.
Didn’t take long for the BBC to get going with the bias this morning! Radio 4 Today program running a pro migrant anti Tory play called “Our Sea” at 14:15 today.
“Ronan Bennett drama about the desperate migrant crisis in the Mediterranean. Mahmoud, Yasser, Shaibul, Marwan and Letebrhane share their experiences as they fight for their lives hours after their boat is sank by traffickers. Lindsay Duncan and Stephen Rea star.
Ronan Bennett is a novelist and screenwriter who was born and brought up in Northern Ireland and now lives in London. His third novel, ‘The Catastrophist’ was nominated for the Whitbread award in 1998. ‘Havoc, in Its Third Year’ (2004) was listed for the Booker prize. His latest novel is ‘Zugzwang’. His screen credits include the BBC series’ ’10 Days to War’ and ‘Hidden’, as well as ‘Top Boy’ and ‘Public Enemies’.”
The writer Ronan Bennett sounds just the kind of person the far looney left will love:
In 1974, aged 18, Bennett was convicted of murdering Inspector William Elliott, a 49-year-old police officer in the Royal Ulster Constabulary during an Official IRA bank robbery at the Ulster Bank in The Diamond shopping area at Rathcoole
His partner since King’s College, was Georgina Henry, former deputy editor of The Guardian and editor of, the newspaper’s website
That same year (1987), he was hired as a parliamentary researcher by Jeremy Corbyn MP, the future leader of the Labour Party, in a move that provoked controversy and security concerns.
How can the BBC get away with this clear bias, and no warnings that it is so massively biased? Yes I know that Cameron has no backbone, and that there is no oversight of the output.
Excellent post.
These little bits of “background” serve well to remind us of what a corrupt organisation the BBC is and to keep on hammering away at the BBC on here and elsewhere.
I heard the trailer for the play on the Today programme this morning and immediately made a mental note to steer well clear of what is clearly going to be another pro-muslim/illegal immigrant propaganda operation.
The BBC is so completely compromised on this issue they no longer have anything of any value or worth to contribute to the subject – assuming they ever really did in the first instance.
That’s hilarious! A play about middle east immigration written by an Irishman and starring and Englishwoman and an Irishman. I wonder if he’s ever actually met any Syrians in Hampstead, or been near any stretch of water bigger than White Stone Pond.
Cranmer, With a bit of luck there will be thousands of Syrians living in Hampstead soon. There must be lots of spare rooms available. But you make a good point. How many of the Lefties have ever visited the Middle East, let alone lived there ?
“Lindsay Duncan and Stephen Rea star”
Can’t they find any Syrian actors to play the parts? Lenny Henry will not be pleased.
Radio plays must present a real problem for the BBC, because it’s impossible for the audience to know (unless they bother to read the small print in Radio Times) that they’ve included ethnic minorities in the cast. With a modern play they can include ethnic characters with suitable names, but for, say, an Agatha Christie adaptation, they can’t virtue-signal to the audience by having a black Miss Marple. The only way to do it is through voice, but most ethnic actors (especially asians) naturally have an accent like anyone else.
The BBC can hardly ask them to ‘black up’ their accents, unless they start saying things like ‘Lawdy lawdy’.
I notice they’ve managed it with one of the Radio 4 presenters though, a very well spoken gentleman with just enough of a West Indian accent to make it clear he’s black.
I knew it would be a cartload of steaming manure but I didn’t realise the author was a convicted murderer with long standing anti British record. The BBC is disgusting. Where is the play about poor white Brits left behind in areas taken over by Muslims ? The BBC does not speak for Britain, it actively undermines Britain and yet we are forced to pay for this pile of shit.
I would be very surprised if any play or film criticising, even moderately, an open-door immigration policy would ever get shown in the UK. A few years ago, the lefty press got their knickers in a twist over a so called ‘racist’ play at the National Theatre called ‘England People Very Nice’. I went to see it, and it was largely pro-immigration. The only ‘racist’ thing about it was that it made fun, equally, of different ethnic groups in London, as well as making fun of the native white Britons, which seemed perfectly fair to me.
What, this Stephen Rea?
“The Hollywood star Stephen Rea has carried the coffin of his former wife, the IRA Old Bailey bomber Dolours Price, at her funeral.”
So, a play written by an IRA murderer, with one of the leads played by the husband of an IRA bomber.
And the BBC agonised about giving Nick Griffin a platform.
… and this Lindsay Duncan
“For its new drama about the fall of Mrs Thatcher, BBC2 has cast an actress who loathes her. But Lindsay Duncan says that it isn’t a hatchet job.”
““I suppose, if I’m honest, I hated her,” she says. “That’s not a big surprise, is it, coming from someone in the arts? I wonder what you were expecting me to say.” She laughs.”
Ever wondered why the BBC could never have made Downton Abbey, or used the work of Frederick Forsyth? For BBC Drama every act is a political act.
On the interests of balance , I am sure the BBC will follow up with a play about the victims of IRA terrorism.
Oooh, the ‘T’ word. I don’t think the BBC would approve.
“‘The more militant ‘Provisional’ IRA demanded the unification of Ireland in defiance of Britain and was prepared to use violence to achieve it.'”
I believe the BBC used to use Stephen Rea to do the voice over for Gerry Adams when he was banned from the airwaves. It must have been a nice little earner for him, and was also a way for the BBC to put two fingers up to the elected government.
So he literally was a spokesman for the IRA. Paid for by the BBC.
This morning on R4 Naughtie interviewed Prof. somebody re VW and NOx emissions. She stated there might be 27000 excess deaths in the UK due to NOx and 6000 of these were due to cars. “That’s a profound amount” said Naughtie in terms, ready to put the boot in. But errr, it less than a quarter of the total. So what about the three-quarters? The question was never asked.
BBC is heavily biased against car users. Not surprising when TV centre used to have its own Tube Station (White City) and now they are just a short walk from the connectivity of Oxford Circus. That does not mean NOx emissions is not a valid or even serious issue, just the biased and selective reporting of it.
For example I think you’ll find NOx levels on Oxford Street itself are pretty high, and yet cars are banned from using it !
I want to know just how they arrive at such figures, that are more likely to be plucked from the air and designed to shock. How the hell can they prove that 27,000 deaths are down to NOx?
Such crap from sandal wearing unwashed greenies is based on a few readings at congested sites in a handful of locations such as Oxford Street where wall to wall stationary taxis and vans chug away in a gridlocked situation. Diesel engines produce the heaviest NOX levels when they are idling and operating at tiny accelerator positions in heavy traffic. In normal use they are no problem at all, and they do get 30% more miles per gallon of fuel used.
Nitrogen oxides are produced when an engine is operating in an oxygen rich situation. Diesels don’t have a throttle which restricts the amount of air being drawn into the cylinder at each stroke as petrol engines do. They suck in the full cylinder capacity on every stroke and when idling, burn tiny amounts of fuel in an oxygen rich cylinder. This causes the nitrogen to be converted to Nitrogen oxides. When running under normal power conditions there is not the same amount of spare oxygen available to create nox because it is consumed by the extra fuel being burned.
Just the fact that you will get more MPG from a diesel car (that will also last longer and go further that its petrol equivalent) makes them more green.
Its not NOx that is clogging our atmosphere its greenie bullshit…
‘How the hell can they prove that 27,000 deaths are down to NOx?’
The increasingly odious Simon McCoy was trying his best yesterday on BBC News Channel to hype up this notion that VW has killed more people than the Luftwaffe – questioning an ‘expert’ the blustering McCoy was almost lost for words in his excitement (incitement) : “…er ummm… you know what I’m asking….!?”
The guest ‘expert’ although something of an alarmist himself and perhaps aware he was only on tv because of his expected alarmism at least stuck to some cautious science-based wording in his response: “Well, yes…. the figure is at the upper limit of our expectation of estimates”
The real irony is that filthy diesel cars were forced on us by a Labour government, desperate to appear ‘Green’, egged on by the BBC and other pro-ecoloon organisations.
It’s a bit rich for the BBC to be piously clucking about something it helped advocate!
Have to disagree, thats a bit of a fallacy, as a fleet buyer we were buying diesel cars as early as 1986 (when I had my first diesel company car) and the whole fleet (mainly Astra estates) was diesel by 1989, purely down to the fact that the savings on fuel (extra MPG) far outweighed the extra cost of servicing.
Many fleets did the same during this period.
No doubt you are right about fleets but the huge boom in diesel sales to private buyers came about at least in part as a result of beneficial tax changes for diesel vehicles. While petrol vehicles were penalised for CO2 emissions, diesels were given a free pass on the filth they pump out. It had a signifcant effect on sales and still does. And that’s not even starting on the DPF disaster.
The government wanted to reduce emissions of CO2, which is harmless, so ended up increasing emissions of NO2, which isn’t. In cities they then clogged up traffic with bus lanes and other anti car measures, increasing the periods diesel cars are idling and thus emitting NO2. Remind me someone what we did to deserve all this?
You used the word ‘forced’ no one was forced, a diesel made absolutely no sense for low mileage buyers buying a car which was £2k+ more than the petrol equivalent and with higher service costs.
You also use the word ‘filthy’ refer to my above post, they are cleaner in motion and more fuel efficient and its not actually cars that are causing the pollution its lorries, busses and taxies.
For the average driver not wishing to burn off boy racers at the lights, a diesel with low down torque is a much more pleasant and relaxed drive.
It’s off topic so I’ll just say that I completely disagree with you. Possibly the only thing I have in common with Jeremy Clarkson is that I share his conviction that diesel is the fuel of the devil. Diesel cars are noisy, polluting, increasingly unreliable and expensive to service. Granted, lazy drivers like the torque, but it’s the still the wrong power source for a car.
I’ll agree with you on the unreliability, that is of today’s DPF diesels and wouldn’t touch one, but before the greenies got their hands on them, diesels circa 1998 – 2005 were actually more fuel efficient, powerful and green because of their longevity.
I’ll give you the VW TDI PD engine of that era, next time you’re out and about have a look at all those TDI powered VW’s, Audis, Skodas and Seats of that generation, all over ten years old and most well over 100k some 200k, now that’s green!
Clarkson did actually like one diesel, the Skoda Fabia VRs TDI, powered by the above diesel engine!
We digress!
I agree that the effort to “green up” diesels with DPFs and the like has turned simple and reliable units into complicated and unreliable ones. This is a consequence of the stupidity of politicians, but then I repeat myself.
Question to 60022Mallard.
Does your choice of name signify support for nationalisation?
If not should you consider changing your name to 4468Mallard? And light blue is so much nicer.
Agree with your post btw.
I take great delight in referring people to the passenger usage graph which until the mid 1990s was flat lining and then suddenly took off, with only one slight blip in 2010, I think.
And for the moaners about profits my take is that the companies have made their money by putting bums on seats, as Ryanair do, with relatively fixed costs every extra advanced purchase etc. seat you fill that would otherwise be empty goes to your bottom line.
I cannot believe a nationalised industry would have had that drive in passenger, or freight, or would be doling out compensation for late running etc.
Labour did tighten up on the franchise offer by being very prescriptive of what is to be run. A classic being telling the EMT franchise that they would only need two car units for the Norwich to Liverpool service thus taking away the three cat units. The GW furore over overcrowding in the Bristol area was the same as the DfT prescribed how many units they would need.
Dismounts from hobby horse!
P.S. Anyone in any doubt how the BBC views rail privatisation?
I certainly remember British Rail. It was dirty, dangerous and trains were normallylate (or not at all). Prices kept going up despite more and more of our taxes propping it up. Yes, it’s very expensive now (although if it was still BR I doubt it would be any cheaper despite more and more that would be taken from our taxes.) Trains are much more reliable now, despite not being perfect, staff are less surly.
My main gripe is the way it was privatised, it should have been regionalised as before (maybe Scotland as a fifth region). The same company should be responsible for everything from rolling stock to track to staff. There should be no regular franchise battles (except in catering perhaps) so the management can follow a joined-up company policy.
Agreed. The Left has a very selective memory regarding the ‘joys’ of BR. Sadly, many members of the public seem to be taken in by the re-nationalisation argument and I suspect if it were put to the vote a majority would back it.
Simple solutions appeal to simple minds.
The vertically integrated argument would reduce the opportunity for competition, and most proponents only ever think of local passenger services.
Who would run the Aberdeen to Plymouth service and the many others that would cross boundaries?
More importantly most commenters forget that the four major freight companies, quite often requiring short term paths would have to negotiate with each and every track owner to run their trains. Why would a passenger business want to keep open lines just to let someone else run freight trains? Axle loadings on freight trains are higher so impose higher costs on maintenance
We also have an excellent series of special train trips all round the country organised locally where more than one point of contact to provide routes and timings would probably cause them to cease.
The division of track and operators is probably the best way if you do not have a completely nationalised system. It also complies with EU requirements, although the French and others are dragging their heels.
Dismounts again.
Thanks for your reply. I’m not convinced though, these trains crossing boundaries always happened even before BR. The various regional companies would sign agreements with one-another pretty much as they do now I assume. As far as the freight goes, the same argument really – the freight companies would continue to negotiate with the different companies as now. For them it doesn’t matter if the lines are owned by company X or company Y they still need to negotiate. But if the same company is responsible for both tracks and rolling stock they would also be responsible for timetables and know when to schedule freight traffic. I assume this goes on now but the freight companies would only need to negotiate with one company per region, not two or more as now.
And just to complete the trains dialogue, I travel from London to the Mallard’s place of manufacture regularly, sometimes by train. If I book ahead I can do this for £20 return !!
The East Coast Line has some genuine competition – Virgin, Hull Trains, Grand Central, Northern and I can’t help feeling this has increased demand by providing a variety of fares (some very low) (I don’t know why people moan about the complexity of this – do they also complain about airlines?), and generally made companies sharpen up their act. Would that the statist Beeb had to operate in a similar environment without the protection of £4bn a year guaranteed income, and the opportunity to advertise themselves for about 10 minutes every hour in between programmes.
Still think 4468Mallard would suit you better though.
Follow up to the Active Citizen post at 7.40am
I heard on the radio this morning Donald Tusk actually say in terms and possibly exactly that “Open-door immigration is over” The BBC website quotes him verbatim thus “We need to correct the policy of open doors and windows,”
This of course proves beyond any doubt at all that there has been an open-door policy. Will the BBC now be apologising to all those who for months have claimed this on its programmes and been systematically rubbished, denounced, and ganged-up on as extremists, ranters, UKIPpers, neo-Nazis, unrepresentative, tiny right-wing minorities etc etc. when in fact they were to the Beeboids committing the most heinous sin of all – they were telling the truth?
I won’t be holding my breath.
Thanks for that info, Sluff. I just saw this, to add to your post. It’s about the Polish General Election on 25th October :-
“For her part, Beata Szydlo, from the right-wing opposition Law and Justice party, told Polish TV on Wednesday that Poland “cheated” its allies – the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. She said it’s false to claim the EU decision isn’t a precedent.
“The parameters, which were imposed yesterday on nation states, are a precedent which can, in years to come, result … in us taking in additional groups [of refugees]”. She also said the 4,600-or-so figure is fake because family members will be allowed to join initial arrivals.
“The [EU] decision … is a scandal. It was adopted against national security and without the agreement of the Polish people”.
Far-right Szydlo is running for PM against the incumbent, Ewa Kopacz, from the centre-right Civic Platform party.
The latest poll, by Millward Brown for Polish TVN and TVN24 on Monday, says Szydlo is ahead on 33 percent, with Kopacz on 22. ”
In other words in a month’s time there will be a different government in Poland who will be just as adamant on protecting sovereignty as Mr Orban in Hungary.
The above comes from
It will be interesting to see what coverage the BBC will give to the Polish election results, given that it seems they won’t conform to their left-liberal agenda.
They will report a wave of racism spreading across Poland.
Agreed. Suspect it will be covered in the same way as the Front Nationale in France, ie, out of touch, disgruntled, bigoted working class minority somehow becoming more vocal, etc.
I listened to that interview with Tusk this morning and from what he said, it appeared to me that the E.U. are trying to take full advantage of this “crisis” to grant themselves even more power.
He said that the borders of the E.U. need to be better secured and suggested a coast guard to patrol the Greek coastline, presumably controlled from Brussels or Strasbourg.
The next thing will be an E.U. navy to patrol further into the Med and an E.U. border force to prevent these “migrants” from cascading in, like they have been of late; or why not just an E.U. army, just a small one (for now) to help enforce the “quotas” which the E.U. have foisted on its member states.
If one were cynical, it’s almost as if this “migrant crisis” was contrived in some way, to provide the E.U. with an excuse for beginning to militarize itself and to initiate the process of bringing the Eastern European nations more firmly to heel, like those in the West and the South; but those nice men at the E.U. would never dream of doing such a thing, would they? After all, they set the best interests of the citizens of the E.U. above all else in the decisions they take, don’t they?
The Hegelian Dialectic, problem, reaction, solution, the EUSSR causes the problem of open borders and offers the solution, an EUSSR coast guard which will lead inevitably lead to an EUSSR navy, which they always wanted in the first place. ” Order out of chaos” I think the phrase is.
”it’s almost as if this “migrant crisis” was contrived in some way,” The Syrian Civil war has been going on for 4 years, why now the flood of invaders ?
I suspect it’s a combination of factors:
The UN has cut funding for the camps in Lebanon, Turkey etc;
The Syrians have, rumour has it, started press-ganging young men into military service (hence the large numbers of military age men).
The Greeks can’t protect their borders any more due to austerity, and would like to get one back on the Germans;
The Turks are fed up and see the opportunity of getting one over the Greeks, so allow the migrants to leave.
DB – Merkel saying that Germany could accept 500,000 per year.
I seriously doubt the pen-pushers of Brussels are capable of that kind of organised response or collusion. They’re too soft and inexperienced, living in a naive, cosy world that has seen no major conflict in 70 years. It’s just chaos, pure and simple, with some governments like Germany possibly taking advantage of the situation to get cheap labour and do some gerrymandering, and others (like Sweden) so wedded to the idea of multi-culti and ‘enrichment’ that they will actively encourage the crisis to continue.
”I seriously doubt the pen-pushers of Brussels are capable of that kind of organised response.” . The 1973 referendum was sold to the British people as cheap fags and booze, that was the deception. The Common Market led to the EEC then to the EU, it now has a flag, a national anthem, a parliament that makes laws, a currency, a president etc etc, this has taken over 50 years incrementally, the boiling the frog process.
Mr Brims – I agree – but as you say, it took 50 years. I don’t know whether they are organised enough to suddenly push through a vote for something like a common EU military force, particularly as they don’t seem particularly concerned about the numbers of migrants coming in.
” I don’t know whether they are organised enough to suddenly push through a vote for something like a common EU military force,” A Franco- German brigade and Eurocorp
Enoch called the 1973 referendum another Munich. ” The British people do not as yet fully grasp the consequences of a Yes vote but they will soon learn.”
Through the just-waking-up-and-realising-that-“Today”-was-on-and-I-was-half-listening haze, this morning, thought i heard someone blathering on about the changing migration routes of the blackcap (bird, I assume) due to people putting out food for garden birds, thus tempting them from further south… This has come to notice, apparently, because “volunteers” had been looking for them. So, before the “volunteers” suddenly started to take an interest, are we expected to believe that these birds had a different migratory route?
Needless to say, climate change reared its predictable head, when it was alleged that the birds are also straying further north on their migratory routes because temperatures had been rising. That old chestnut – why do they keep pushing it? It’s false, and they know it.
Also noticed that the headlines were continually pushing some architect who had won a prize because, it seems, she’s a “woman” – the BBC, no doubt are particularly pleased about that, I should think. Anyway, later on I thought I heard an interesting spat between this architect and the person who was interviewing her. Not sure of the details, as I only heard part of it. No doubt someone will be along soon to fill us all in. It sounded delicious!
I don’t watch the BBC nowadays for health reasons, but I do enjoy old programmes on Youtube. Last night I watched an episode of ‘Til Death Us Do Part’ from the early 1970s.
Alf Garnett was refusing to pay his TV licence because he objected to the BBC’s liberal propaganda! Plus ca change!
In the end an inspector came round and threatened him with a fine or imprisonment unless he paid up. So, no propaganda there then!
Alf Garnett is a clever and very subtle piece of propaganda. Most of his opinions are bigoted, irrational nonsense (‘Jesus was English’, ‘coons can only give blood in hospital to other coons’ etc) but mixed in with them are some fairly reasonable viewpoints, such as the one about the TV licence. But the overall effect is to show that ANY right wing opinion is daft and irrational.
In my opinion, it was serials like that that formed a lot of the opinions of todays baby-boomer generation. It’s no surprise that Garnett’s son in law- the ‘randy scouse git’ – was in real life the father of Cherie Blair!
“Alf Garnett was refusing to pay his TV licence because he objected to the BBC’s liberal propaganda! Plus ca change!”
Considering the script was written by an unrepentant hard/extreme/looney-left winger it shows that he was well aware of what the BBC was already.
The good thing about Garnett was it backfired somewhat, as a lot of fans apparently liked him because they agreed with him. It put Jonny Speight (the author) and Warren Mitchell (who played Garnett) in a bit of a quandary because they didn’t want to be held responsible for promoting his views. The character’s racism was moderated a bit in later episodes. Still bloody funny though.
TDDUP backfired hideously on both the Left and Johnny Speight, its creator. Speight had intended to satirise working class Tories with Garnet by making him outrageous. What actually happened was that people very often agreed with him!
Sorry Cranmer, I more or less duplicated your comment. I’d begun writing mine before yours appeared and was interrupted by a phone call. I hit Post without having seen your comment.
No problem, to be fair Mr Mitchell does tend to mention this ‘backfiring’ in most of his interviews. It didn’t stop him playing the character for about 50 years though!
Did the report address the question of why Blackcaps which nest in the UK do not winter here but migrate south ?
In reply to Old Goat.
Don’t think so…
I doubt if they are even aware of it. The problem with species distribution and migration is that there are so many factors involved that it is impossible to isolate a single one. But then the BBC do not do science anyway !
“Anyway, later on I thought I heard an interesting spat between this architect and the person who was interviewing her.”
Oh, yes indeed. I think it was with Sarah Montague. Ms Hadid, the architect, was brought on in the first place to be egged on about sexism in architecture, and my initial thought was “why does the BBC view everything through an ism?”. She duly obliged. Then it went pear-shaped.
Said architect was accused of having 1200 deaths at her latest project. No, there have been none, and the paper that said that was sued and forced to retract. Sarah wouldn’t let it rest and was firmly told there were no deaths. On several occasions. Sarah then went on to whether Ms Hadid had left another job she was on. No, she hadn’t but Sarah pressed on regardless. Ms Hadid then walked. Very entertaining.
Roland, I heard the interview, too. Most entertaining, as Ms Montague struggled to corral Ms Hadid towards her preferred narrative (‘nasty corporate kills thousands of migrant workers’). Ms Hadid, to her credit, was having none of it and, as you say, eventually resorted to the only appropriate response in answer to Ms Montague’s persistent bullying: she walked.
Next up was serial dissembler James Naughtie, flanked by a Greenpeace communist attempting to treat Owen Paterson as a lying, scheming climate denier. The discussion was supposed (in theory at least) to be about whether ‘green technology’ was a good or bad thing. Mr Paterson made the mistake of reminding everyone that GM crops – long the target of a hateful Greenpeace campaign – were producing remarkable results in many impoverished countries, which he saw (and I agree) as a good thing.
Greenpeace refusenik was having none of it, Naughtie allowed him to go off on one. Paterson reminded them both that just recently two Greenpeace activists had been prosecuted for attempting to destroy a GM crop trial – something the Greenpace t*sser was allowed, without challenge by Naughtie, to deny on air twice.
But what’s this..?
Seriously, how difficult is for the BBC to do what I did – just Google for the incident Mr Paterson referred to and check to see if his claim was true? Mr Paterson should demand an on-air correction from Naughtie and the Today team.
The BBC – Your license fee at work, folks.
And never forget, Greenpeace is a private company, not a charity. The BBC’s constant support for the organisation is very questionable. Would it give a similar platform to Shell? It has even been disowned by the man who founded it.
A properly run broadcaster would be peering deep into Greenpeace to see what is really going on inside the organisation – not acting as its unpaid PR company.
Steerpike at the Speccie:-
I know what ‘market rate; is supposed to mean.
I really must recheck on ‘talent’.
Doesn’t the Trump Doctrine mean that Naughtie is obliged to correct the Greenpeace
liemisstatement?So if you lay a food trail for migrating birds, they will follow it? How surprising. Someone ought to tell Frau Merkel, as this seems to be her exact policy for migrating muslims.
Fascinating insight into Yentob’s crumbling empire, by one of their own (well, ex)
A lift named after him, and all sorts of other stuff…
They named a lift after Savile. It only went down.
Another after the pension fund. It only went up.
AlBeeb reporting ‘Homelessness on the rise’ – Can it be that our Home Secretary and Prime Minister are not keeping their promise to cut immigration?
‘IMMIGRATION into Britain soared by 24 per cent last year, one of the highest rates in the world’…………….
Elephant in the room or what ?
QT tonight, UKIP representation and Hartley Brewer, who no doubt totally at odds with the audience when the subject of migrants comes up…
Yanis Varoufakis
Ken Clarke
Chris Bryant
Suzanne Evans
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Other than to embarrass the Tory party can there be any possibly excuse for wheeling out that ridiculous old dinosaur, Ken Clarke?
Why would Varoufakis be on it? The only reason I can think of has something to do with the turmoil in Labour, which the BBc wouldn’t want to demonstrate or stir so publicly.
This panel is interesting to analyse. 2 from the right, 2 soft left and Varoufakis. 3 against 2 to argue the EU cause. Not hard to see what questions are likely to be raised.
VW anyone? I’ll raise you a migrant.
Possibly a Greek angle on the migrants? Though the BBC seems to be pretty much ignoring Greece’s role in all this at the moment.
How often do overseas politicians appear on Question Time ?
I stopped watching QT when most of the audience looked as though they should still be out on their paper round, and the show itself lost its gravitas when panellists started to be ‘showbiz’. For me, the audience haven’t “lived enough”, and am certainly not interested in the opinion of c’lebs.
Ha Ha, Al Beeb suddenly worried about British jobs if China wins some HS2 contracts. Not an issue apparently for Al Beeb concerning labour market implications of 500,000 plus migrants per year. Meanwhile the brilliant Norman Smith thinks the threat from Corbyn nationalising the railways will deter investors. Well Norm, investors will also take a view on his chances of winning the next election first, and “progress” to date on that front is none too encouraging (Note to Al Beeb- must try even harder).
Having fallen into the rabbit hole some time ago, down here in Corbyn-land these two stories could not possibly be true in the real universe could they ?:
1. “Britain faces paying tens of millions more to the European Union to fund a controversial new scheme to deal with the migrant crisis on the continent, it emerged on Wednesday night.
Jean-Claude Juncker demanded that countries including Britain “put their money where your mouth is” as he announced the EU will spend an extra €1.7 billion (£1.25 billion) on emergency support to European countries, EU police officers and humanitarian aid.” (As Merkel bears personal responsibility for exacerbating this crisis in Europe, maybe JCJ should take his invoices to Berlin).
2. ‘Send me home to Iran… I just can’t stand Manchester anymore’: Immigrant begs to be kicked out of UK after handing himself in to police – because he’s fed up of the city’s ‘rudeness and violence’ . Seems a bit harsh on the good folk of Manchester, but I’m sure the Iranian security services run a pretty tight ship.
Am intrigued by the Iranian in Manchester story, which I have also seen elsewhere. If he dislikes it so much, there’s nothing to stop him just flying back to Iran.
Oh, except that he wants the British taxpayer to pay for it of course.
As he is, by all accounts, an illegal immigrant and has been for some years, why hasn’t he been arrested and tried?
It’s a bit of a fishy story. It turns out he has indefinite leave to stay and receives benefits. My guess is he hoped he could get a taxpayer funded flight home for an extended holiday, knowing he could always come back to the UK if things didn’t work out in Iran. Why else would he turn himself in like that, instead of just leaving?
‘the EU will spend an extra €1.7 billion (£1.25 billion) on emergency support to European countries,’
Presumably not Hungary though, unless it is to pay for some compulsory re-education programme for its citizens. ‘De-Magyarization’, perhaps?
This money ‘the eu’ spends… from where does it come?
On the Daily Politics today there was an interview with the Rev Giles Fraser. In it he said that, ‘if the public didn’t want mass immigration they should be ignored and told that they were wrong’. Perhaps he should be reminded that we live in a democracy and if he has views that the rest of us don’t agree with , then it is he that is wrong not us ! This man is a disgusting fool. When issues such as the lack of integration from the previous waves of immigrants , the rape epidemic , the corruption in Tower Hamlets, were raised he just said that people who found these issues a problem that prevented them from welcoming more immigrants , were morally wrong!
The other point to make is that the pro immigration lobby has had months of wall to wall media coverage ,almost all of it heavily biased in favour of immigration with the BBC in the lead, yet the British people remain resolutely set against opening our borders. Having failed to persuade us on the virtues of his case he is now threatening us. His reaction is typical of the left, they loose and argument so they want to resort to force in order to get their way, they can’t accept democracy when it goes against what they think. Anti democrats like him should not be given a platform by the state funded broadcaster , except of course his views are certainly shared by the BBC.
I find it almost incredible to believe that the Church of England used to be known as ‘the Tory Party at prayer’.
Giles Fraser is the BBC at prayer.
Yes, an enjoyable and revealing performance from Giles Fraser. I suppose, taking his thread to its logical conclusion, those unenlightened and ignorant of the benefits could always be publicly flogged, while some could be used as an ultimate example by stoning.
I wonder if the realisation will ever dawn on those valued and well-paid producers, who continually foist great minds like Fraser, Jones, Toynbee and others of that ilk on an increasingly sceptical public, that their indolent failure to find more intelligent and perceptive commentators, who might perhaps not write for the Guardian, is actually counter-productive.
Clearly Giles is in the company of those he is reassured share his quaint notions.
BBC promoting the backlash meme again.
“The crisis has also sparked a warning from the European Commission that if it is not addressed properly there could be a surge of right-wing extremism across Europe.”
It’s more likely to increase nationalism, both left, right and centre (if those labels still mean anything).
So, if I have this correctly, the best way to avoid a ‘far-right backlash’ is to flood the EU with millions of unskilled economic migrants, against the wishes of the people? What could possibly go wrong?
Cranmer re C of E and Tory Party at prayer.
This old description does have some merit. A church I know quite well has a number of ‘middle class’ white people, certainly Tory with some UKIP voters. I also point out that a) disproportionate numbers of churchgoers are elderly b) disproportionate numbers of elderly contribute to charities ( as detailed the other day in discussion about aggressive charities) and c) disproportionate numbers of elderly are Tory voters. So there is a grain of truth in this.
What is missing is that Church LEADERS are predominantly now of the beard-and-sandals goodie two shoes Labour /Christian Socialist supporting brigade. You get this incessantly on ‘Thought for the Day’. The great and noble exception is Lord Carey who speaks a lot of sense from a centre and occasionally even slightly centre-right position.
I ceased to attend. I did not mind the departure from the Tory Party so much as its commitment to our diverse multiculty Interfaith community, the parish magazine with reports from muslim countries, informing us of their hospitality, and now, so I am told, of collections for the gimmigrants.
It’s true. I stopped donating produce to the local C of E church’s harvest festival when I discovered that the proceeds went to Africa. Even if I didn’t consider that a complete waste of money, there are plenty of ‘deserving poor’ in a nearby parish who could badly do with some help.
Every church you go into these days seems to have posters up about overseas aid and multi-ethnic propaganda of one kind or another.
Even if I had ever been tempted to take up Christianity, that sort of intellectual decay would have repelled me.
I think you are probably right. I think nearly every parson I’ve met has been pretty much left wing or at least lib-dem, but there are still a few conservative church-goers of the ‘old-colonel’ or ‘lady bountiful’ types, but I think these are dying off now. I agree about Lord Carey, he’s one of the few public figures to have talked some sense in this recent crisis.
Pat Condell on Sweden, are we next? The result of gutless, leftoid, Jew hating, state funded journos. Do we have them here?
There’s an entire wikipedia entry entitled ‘rape in Sweden’ with not one single mention of immigration. Not even any references to disproved allegations of an immigration link.
Similarly, this BBC article says much the same thing – that it’s all to do with how the statistics are collated, reported etc.
I can understand that in a highly feminist culture such as Sweden, rape is more likely to be reported/defined, but the fact that no mention whatsoever is made of immigration makes me highly suspicious.
Edit: there is, however, this article on wikipedia, which does point to a link between rape and immigration in Sweden.
I recommend this article

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West
Off topic, but the BBC’s Eddie Jordan was proclaiming at the weekend that the Red Bull F1 team would be either bought out by or would be useing VW engines in 2017, apparently they’ve been testing already them already as this shot proves…..
I posted on this towards the end of the last open thread.
Helpful advice from the BBC now that Hungary is policing its border.
“Migrant crisis: What is the next route through Europe?”
The BBC – keeping you informed on what you need to know.
more here
Just had a quick trawl through the BBC’s Have Your Say opportunities.
They are currently asking for contributions from people in Mecca, and refuges or migrants in Europe. Such people might even get to talk to a BBC journalist.
I note Anglo Saxon Christians who pay the licence fee appear not to feature in the BBC’s concept of ‘inclusivity’.
So I guess they won’t be too interested in a contribution from my Hungarian wife, who is currently in Budapest for a few days, having to survive in what Alex Crawford of Sky last week referred to as “a country on a war footing” ??
Lunchtime BBC news reporter asking some Mecca bloke (the town, not the bingo hall) what measures they had taken to prevent further overcrowding. I couldn’t help shouting at the radio ‘keeping the Syrians out!’
Consparcy Theory:
Suppose theyMigrants/Invaders) keep comming, to such an extent that western Govenments decide to invade Syria and put armies in. Once our troops are over there then any ISIS over here will start unleashing their own ground war on “our civilian populations.
If the ones who came before them have taken the time to stockpile their Mosques with arms and munitions we are in for another world war.
If ever there was a better example of a BBC political correctness own goal and hypocrasy, here it is.
Not so long ago the BBC rounded on the prime minister for disrespecting the illegal immigrants at Coquelles by calling them a swarm (a word that is primarily used to describe insects but can quite correctly be used to describe group of people) In the BBC’s world this is wrong. However the following headline appeared today on the Al Beeb website –
“Hajj stampede: At least 717 killed in Saudi Arabia”
Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t the word ‘stampede’ also primarily used to describe animal behaviour with a secondary application to humans?
So Cameron is disrespectful but it’s OK for the BBC to liken pilgrims to cattle?
Yee Hah
Should they not be calling for a ban on H/S grounds.
Or maybe it’s non of our buisness?
There will always be such disasters at the annual Haj. It might have been fun to throw stones at the devil when islam was a small religion with a few followers, but now it has over a billion adherents, all of whom are under an obligation to go and tramp round a meteorite and throw stones at some rocks, this is bound to happen. It just demonstrates yet again that islam has advanced not one jot since the 7th century, yet according to the BBC we need to welcome as many followers of this retarded belief system into our country as wish to come. What could possibly go wrong?
Blaming the Africans could be waaycist.
‘Saudi-owned al-Arabiya TV reported that the head of the central Hajj committee, Prince Khaled al-Faisal, had blamed the stampede on “some pilgrims with African nationalities”‘.
No children nor teddybears in the BBC reports…yet.
I wonder if public pressure will force Cameron to give a large donation to the disaster fund.
GWF, Arabs have always been racist against black Africans going back over 1000 years. Maybe the BBC could do a fearless documentary on this !
BBC Website tells us the FCO is trying to find out if any British Nationals are involved !
who needs drones with these lemmings
I’m sure it won’t be long before the BBC find an injured animal to photograph accompanied with a quote from their favourite PETA. PETA by the way are terrorists who advocate bombings and arson to protect animals. Perhaps the RSPCA is too British for the BBC these days?
No HYS for that article. It is almost as if the BBC wants to deny the opportunity for people to offer their condolences.
Or anyone to inquire why the bbc’s finest why they are not all now over there to hound the authorities on repeated institutional failures. Maybe they have an inkling how that would work out?
There is an elephant in the Room Mr Cameron ?…………………………………………….
Just read this confusing report which states most asylum seekers/refugees are actually coming from Kosovo. I may be wrong but Kosovo is deep inside Europe.

Why do they not want to go to a country in Europe already Islamic? Why is there an Exodus from Kosovo into other European countries that are not Islamic? When a country converts to Islam is it abandoned and then the population moves to the next? I’m trying to look for another rational conclusion, but so far it seems this is a coordinated invasion by Islamic people of which the media (especially the BBC) and the authorities are well aware of.
I am a rational person, I don’t do conspiracies. Don’t believe in aliens, USA behind 911, etc because there’s no proof. I cannot find a valid reason why Europeans are looking for asylum in Europe to avoid a war in the Middle East.
Personally I don’t subscribe to the ‘co-ordinated invasion’ theory, as I don’t think there’s anybody capable of co-ordinating it. I think they just realise that the wealthy Muslim countries won’t take them, and the poor ones are basket cases so there are no benefits/jobs available.
Whether the influx is being deliberately encouraged, and possibly even co-ordinated, by Europeans is another matter. We certainly know the Germans are keen to import more workers.
No, perhaps not co-ordinated, I agree. But there are plenty of opportunists around who will take advantage of a trend. Including the BBC and its Leftist allies.
Doesn’t need to be co-ordinated – it’s a swarm. Think about the way migrating birds flock, moving together and changing direction spontaneously. But it is certainly being encouraged and exploited.
” I cannot find a valid reason why Europeans are looking for asylum in Europe to avoid a war in the Middle East. ”
– There are two aspects to this that I see:
i) Kosovans have figured out they can ride on the tailcoats of the current fit of EU self-harm and think they’re in with a good chance of getting in on one of the EU’s more bloated welfare systems
ii) Kosovo is effectively Europe’s gangster state – I imagine there are plenty of criminal connections currently being formed via Kosovo to aid in the people trafficking.
“Why do they not want to go to a country in Europe already Islamic?”
Why invade a country twice?
There has been recent talk about the army taking over if Corbyn gets power. I wouldn’t be surprised if something happened before that. I’m pretty sure the military top brass are watching the situation. They know about invasions. I think the Balkans could do with some military help right now, before it is too late.
Love the tweet from Owen Jones. Owen, you are not wrong, a serving British general does seem to have suggested a mutiny. The paragraphs above his tweet are a bit obscure showing what a genius he is in being able to decipher such a cryptic message. Well done Owen.
As if Owen ‘tiny brain – big mouth’ Jones wouldn’t be first in the queue to applaud a Left wing coup.
Further to my earlier comment regarding the Today interview with Zaha Hadid, look what’s appeared on their website.
I think most of Zaha Hadid’s buildings are rubbish, but I had to admire the way she stuck it to the BBC in this car crash interview. It just showed the pathetic standard of basic research carried out by the flagship news programme of a £4 billion organisation. Slip shod and amateurish. Don’t the interns even know how to use Google?
The bbc’s happiness in barely conceding they can’t weasel out of this one is actually bloody funny.
Classless numpties.
Provocative propaganda from Radio Four (how predictable) this afternoon in an absolutely nauseating Afternoon Playtrying to make us feel guilty about the invaders of Europe.
If you want to increase your blood pressure, a listen will guarantee.
I notice it gave lots of opportunity to cast foreigners too rather than native British actors. The BBC absolutley love doing that.
Why cant British actors play the role of a foreigner? They have no hesitation about putting foreign ethnics in the roles of native Brits. Changing accents is supposed to be part of an actors skill.
Aefen asks: ‘Why cant British actors play the role of a foreigner?’
Because no one in their right mind would wish to be associated with the author Ronan Bennett. A nasty piece of work. Found guilty of murdering a police officer during an IRA bank robbery, later charged with conspiracy to cause explosions when living in London. Worse than any of that he is employed by Jeremy Corbyn – an act which caused security fears and outrage at the time. Corbyn can pick ‘em eh?
If all that doesn’t warrant an opportunity to write for the BBC then have no fears, he was married to an editor of the Guardian.
Incredibly the Guardian also fills his wallet by paying him to write the Chess column. They replaced an actual Chess Grand master, Nigel Short with this anti British jailbird. Mysteriously chess enthusiasts were less than impressed with the appointment. Can’t think why.
What about Spike Milligan in ‘Curry and Chips’ ?
Let me guess, rather than check mating the King, all his games end with the Queen being exploded with Semtex?
I was reading last week’s Sunday Times. There’s a chap called Charles Clover who writes a column about environmental issues.
Anyway, he was criticising Chris Packam? a BBC nature programme presenter for bias in favour various extremists; badger lovers, greens, you know, associated nut jobs.
Fair enough, I don’t know much about him or the issues involved, but, and here’s the point of my post. To show why Packam was wrong he asked how people would feel if other presenters showed similar bias (as if) and better still went on to give 2 examples;
‘jim naughtie supporting the SNP on the Today programme ‘(no mention of Labour) and best of all;
‘could you just imagine if Jeremy Bowen, the BBC ME correspondent, was biased against the Israelis or pro Palestinian. He’d soon find himself out of a job’
^He’s either having a private joke or he’s never listened to any BBC news coverage, particularly from the middle-east.
Mind you, he comes across as a bit of a liberal. Perhaps when his sort hear outrageous bias they genuinely think they’re listening to honest, neutral reporting?
The Lord, Clover used to write for the Telegraph many years ago and he is pretty good. I think he is taking the P out of the BBC.
The bBBC puts the Muslims trampling each other in Saudi Arabia as ‘European’ news!
The teenage interns at the BBC probably think Saudi is in Europe !
Maybe the ‘swarms’ started to ‘stampede’ when they heard the announcement for the next flight to Germany.
Maybe many were ‘European men’?
Can see the thinking behind Pete’s tee hee post, but anyone at the BBC raising taxis when the top brass are in the spotlight is… ‘Brave’.
‘UKIP… Eid…’ I think we can all see what the BBC chap is getting at here.
It has previously crossed my mind to wonder at the particular excitment of the BBC, and fellow Leftists, seem to have for migrants of a Muslim persuasion. Have others noticed this tendency? There’s Africans and there’s Asians but add the spice of Islam and the Guardian readers seem to swoon. My theory is that it is something along the lines of the Blairite wish to ‘rub noses in diversity’. This group represent otherness like no other immigrant group. The Left know Muslims won’t integrate and so they will be a permanent fly in the traditional English ointment. West Indians for example – allowing for the special pleading of the likes of Mr Henry – can if they so decide to sound and think fairly integrated quite soon. But a Muslim ‘community’ will forever be a Muslim ‘community’. First allegiance must always lie outside of these isles and this nation. Supposing they don’t decide Leicester has just become their fifth holy city. For a Leftist this is the next best thing to importing a loyal Marxist community – which of course can’t be found anywhere on earth.
I think you have a point. If you need perpetual victim groups to create a grievance culture from, you have to either keep creating new victims from the native population, or importing people to replace them. So as the traditional victim groups (eg women, homosexuals, commonwealth immigrants) become ’empowered’ or integrate successfully, new ones have to be found, and what better than people with a strong cultural identity and religion with virtually no links to Britain?
This is, as far as I can tell, the entire driving force behind “Social Justice Warriors”. They, quite literally, create a litany of minor “oppressions” and “oppressed groups” where none existed before.
UKIPers are ordinary people who will use the “Number 55” bus service from the station to the racecourse. There is a bus every 10 minutes driven by local indigenous drivers.
So Eid only effects the overpaid stuck up upper-class twits attached to the BBC Parliament staff, like political editor Peter Henley, who only uses taxi’s, because he’s too posh to use the local bus services.
There has been a very important omission from the reporting on the Gimmegrant (sorry – “desperate refugee”) quota deal.
Namely that, as the EU Council document on the decision states, it is now “a permanent mechanism that can be activated at any time by the Commission”.
Someone please correct me if they have seen this crucial detail reported?
Someone has already mentioned the extraordinarily awful play / piece of propaganda on Radio 4 this afternoon. It was penned by a former IRA bank robber and cop killer; just the sort of enlightened chap that the Beeb love to promote. It was gut wrenchingly bad and and clearly designed to make us all feel dreadfully guilty about the migrant crisis.
About an hour later there was another play, this time about an Irish assassin who sets out to murder Margaret Thatcher. This was as appalling and tasteless as you would imagine. The entire piece was sympathetic to the murderer and hostile to our former prime minister. It should have come with a health warning.
Radio 4 is going to the dogs.
Don’t worry , Jeff, in the interests of balance, the Next BBC play will be about the assassination of Harold Wilson.
If it was about the assassination of Hugh Gaitskell it might be interesting.
The BBC probably consider Harold Wilson to be a right-winger, so I’m sure they’ll approve of an assassination play!
Cranmer, LOL ! Maybe Tony Benn then ?
The BBC are famous for their edgy, risky, dramas and documentaries. How about ” The Assassination of Jeremy Corbyn ” ? Now that really would take balls !
I dimly remember the serial, I think on the BBC, ‘A Very British Coup’ in the 80s, which was about a Corbyn style PM, Harry Perkins, who ended up being ousted by a military coup. Perkins was, I think, supposed to be based on Tony Benn.
Beeb starting on Hungarian foreign minister right now on hard talk.
Sky asking David Beckham, Unicef ambassador, his opinion on refugee crisis.
The Worlds gone mad.
Are they asking the Hungarian foreign minister his opinion on the off side rule ?
Talkback interview with Hungarian foreign minister tonight. He gave as good as he got against an emoting Stephen Sackur. And he kept his cool except when he angrily said the criticism of Hungary was a media set-up. SS moved on.
Feargal keane news at ten, to a syrian immigrant in Germany with cerebral palsy, “do you ever see a day when you can take your gifts, your gift of inspiration, back home to syria?” WTF…..
Feargal keane news at ten, to a syrian immigrant in Germany with cerebral palsy, “do you ever see a day when you can take your gifts, your gift of inspiration, back home to syria?” WTF…..!
So then-hajj started with the deaths of over 100 people when one of Bin Ladens cranes fell on the Big House.
And it ends with over 700 killed when trying to get stoned at the Devils sphincter.
So well over 800 people killed-which, of course is quite the tradition these days in Mecca.And an annual event.
What are the insurance premiums like for going on hajj then?
And now I see why the Saudis won`t let whiteys like Judith Chalmers or Dale Winton go there to try and big up tourist opportunities for we kuffar , with a travel special-or indeed any chance to see the best in Saudi cocktail provisions.
Maybe when they can organise a camel slurp in an oasis-without killing loads of people-then we might be given visas to go and see for ourselves-we`re banned for health and safety reasons, I`d guess.
I`d have thought that would now be 800 aircon tents going begging tonight-why won`t the Saudis take a few of our Calais chaps?
AND-with this frequent killing of visitors to Mecca-no enquiry into the shambolics, the incompetencies and the rest of it…the BBC would much rather fuss over a bloke ignored as he falls of his bike between a few county boundaries.
And let`s hear no more guff about Islamic architecture, maths or science-their cranes,tunnels and Konigsburg algorithms are shite…
“”Government document considers Channel 4 ‘privatisation options'””
“”It says there has been a “recent meeting” between Cabinet Office minister Matthew Hancock and two unnamed secretaries of state.
The document reads: “You agreed that work should proceed [to] examine the options for extracting greater public value from the Channel 4 Corporation (C4C), focusing on privatisation options in particular, whilst protecting its ability to deliver against its remit.””
I’m surprised they haven’t found a way of blaming ‘us’ yet.
Edit.^ For the stampede.
The BBC must be in a real bind on how to deal with G.O.P. presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson. He’s black (good) but he’s a Republican (bad). He comes from a background of poverty (good) but doesn’t want to see a Muslim US president (v. bad). He isn’t Donald Trump (v.good).
Their analyst Jon Sopel says Carson leaps over the line with his Islam comment and predicts this will finish his campaign althoughthe polls suggest is statements on Islam have given his campaign a considerable boost.
So much for BBC neutrality.
Not forgetting of course that Dr. Carson has also had a very successful REAL job as a neurosurgeon. No wonder they don’t like him.
This is the real motive behind the ‘refugee’ crisis (and free benefits)
BBC Website News:
“”UKIP: Is the party coming to an end?””
As to be expected. No positives. The article is spun out with journalistic rhetoric.
Here’s a quote:-
“”A prominent UKIP donor told me, privately, last month that the party will be over in a few years’ time””
Why wasn’t the critic/donor named? Does he exist?
The BBC seems to get more desperate every day. Swansong , I hope ! They are just making it up as they go along !
Another reason I like UKIP. The party is interested in achieving a clear objective not merely clinging to power for the sake of it.
I see the BBC missed out the big kicker – I agree that UKIP may not exist in a few years time too. But that’s because I think the EU may not exist in a few years either.
They do like to be beside the seaside
Considering their only stronghold is Brighton it is odd that the Greens bother to take themselves all the way off to Bournemouth for their annual conference. Carbon footprint? So up pops the antipodean loon whose hobies include barking at the moon’s reflection in puddles. The ‘new politics’ I’m told. BBC sofa bods have very very serious face this morning – people killed in Saudi – it must have been a toss up whether to delay Carol Kirkwood’s Strictly debue in an act of semi-official mourning. Anyway the sedantary grievance warriors cross swords in a play fight with Green Shelia over Proportional Representation and over Green Surge versus Corbyn Mania. But when she howls the nonsensical phrase Climate Change about fifteen times there’s not a migratory dicky bird of challenge from the BBC drones. I guess she’s singing their favourite song. Bad show.
Brett at 10.26pm. Yes yes yes. You are so right.
Crack open the champagne! Trebles all round! They did it. They did it. BINGO! Among all the thousands of young male migrants they found a female migrant IN A WHEELCHAIR. If only she had been a Lesbian the Beeboids could have written to the EHRC there and then asking for an inclusivity prize.
The bit I liked was when she said that she hoped to get to Germany ‘to get good treatment’. That’s what taxpayers really need. A migrant contributing diddly squat except ‘inspiration’ but costing the healthcare and social services system shedloads in perpetuity. Not that you need to worry about things like that when you get £4bn a year of other people’s money aka licence fee to spend/waste how you want.
Still, I suppose if what you want is the destruction of the free enterprise market economic system then every little helps.
‘…a female migrant IN A WHEELCHAIR’
Obviously desperately welcome in Germany to help pay their future pensions.
They’ve been following Girl In A Wheelchair around for some time now.
Last Friday I believe we first saw her. Our intrepid reporter followed her on her journey along with her able bodied sister, both desperately trying to get to their ‘caring’ brother we saw already settled in Germany.
The question wasn’t asked as to why this brother that supposedly cared so much about his crippled sister had buggered off and left her behind.
BBC coverage is repeatedly omitting any questions which might bring a touch of reality and common sense into the “migration” story. The other day I saw a “Syrian” in the Balkans interviewed – he had a head-veiled wife, a daughter and a son in a pushchair, disabled since his birth. He stated that he was heading for Germany, and if he wasn’t allowed in he would accept nowhere else and return to Syria. The interviewer made nothing of his “Germany or nothing” bluster.
Cranmer…I too read A Very British Coup and I found it alarmingly amusing…or should that be amusingly alarming! Well, anyway, it was a darn good read per se but the Corbyn story unfolding before us NOW is just so frighteningly similar. I’d recommend this book to everyone.
The speech from a Very British Coup, tailored for a QT audience. Could be delivered by Corbyn.
sluff at 09:08
yes but was the reporter also a female in a wheelchair? The Beeb have long been masters of horses-for-courses journalism. It is of course a huge box-ticking exercise but I maintain if there was a story on one-eyed dwarfs the BBC would find a one-eyed dwarf reporter to cover it.
Judy Dench on Desert Island Discs remarked how much she missed the Radio 4 Morning Theme at 5.30 – started with “Early One Morning” and then a pastiche of Greensleeves and other Olde English favourites. Kirsty Lefty-Curvy made nothing of how it was killed off by a hate-Britain controller during the destructive Blair decade:
The BBC Radio 4 UK Theme is an orchestral arrangement of traditional British airs compiled by Fritz Spiegl and arranged by Manfred Arlan. It was played every morning on BBC Radio 4 between 23 November 1978 and 23 April 2006.
The piece was used as the signature theme to introduce the daily beginning of Radio 4’s broadcasting following the early morning handover from the BBC World Service. The theme was immediately followed by the Shipping Forecast. In 2006, the decision by Mark Damazer (Controller of Radio 4 at the time) to drop the Radio 4 UK Theme to make way for a “pacy news briefing” caused much controversy in the United Kingdom, including extensive discussion in the British media and even in Parliament.
Austria-born Spiegl came to the UK as a refugee in 1939, after his parents fled Nazi persecution of Jews after the Anschluss. He had contributed several pieces of music to the BBC, including a theme for Radio 4 based on a children’s skipping rhyme introduced in 1973 (called A Skipping Tune),[1] which was replaced by the Radio 4 UK Theme.
O’Grady, another unfunny bBC fav and junkie with a book to sell.
BTW has he booked his ticket yet? The Tory’s have been in for over four months now….
Hi Seismic Boy at 11.12
Be careful what you wish for.
There was a disability story last night and I am sure the (female) reporter had a stunted left arm, possibly missing a hand.
No reflection on her of course, but I’d just love to know what the ‘fair and transparent’ recruitment process was!
And I think there is another reporter (not Frank Gardner) who is wheelchair bound and reports on disability issues. Or maybe she (yes, another female) just sits in a wheelchair when presenting! LOL! Tick tick tick in all the equality boxes.
White, male, able-bodied, heterosexual presenters seem to me to be ‘significantly under-represented’ on the news. Almost as much as young, male, migrants in fact. I’m not expecting a recruitment drive any time soon, however.
Don’t forget the other tick box candidate…………. Ade Adepitan ! he ticks EVERY box.
“From Turkey to Sweden: Syrian migrant’s perilous journey”
“The BBC’s James Reynolds follows the progress of a young Syrian migrant, as she makes a perilous journey from Turkey to Sweden to claim asylum…
For two years in Istanbul, she enjoyed a comfortable life. Nour found work in a hair transplant salon, and later with Turkish state TV. She learnt Turkish, went horse-riding and dyed her hair blonde for the summer.
But she wanted to start a new life away from the region. She aimed to make it to the Swedish city of Gothenburg where her brother lives with his young family. There, she would apply for political asylum…
Nour was finally able to declare herself to the country of her choice. She wanted to get the opening words of her asylum plea exactly right. Her brother sent her the text of what she should say to the police.
She repeated those words again and again to herself as she walked towards the nearest police station. She pressed the intercom and went inside.
“Hello, I am a Syrian refugee. I would like to apply for asylum in Sweden.”
”Syrian migrant’s perilous journey,” Sounds like a tourist, ”oh I fancy Sweden.”
Apropos of nothing
I happened to pop into Westfield Shopping Centre, Shepherds Bush. Absently-mindedly glancing through the shop windows of Luis Vuitton, Versace, Burberry and Prada, as I went along all of a sudden the idea dawned on me what a jolly good thing it would be to tackle the ‘pay gap’ vis-a-vis men and women.
This scandalous inequality might be rapidly ameliorated by the simple expedient of sharply increasing the salary of women in Britain’s boardrooms. The difficulty being that too few females choose to pursue certain career paths leading to the unhappy situation where by analysing the figures in a certain manner campaign groups are able to portray employers as acting in a discriminatory way.
Naturally the public sector (including our national broadcaster) could lead by setting a good example.
Just think, were Fiona Bruce to have her salary trebled this would off-set the pay of not only Huw Edwards and Clive Myrie but also of Simon McCoy. Fiona would feel the benefit (as no doubt would the high end fashion stores previously mentioned) but so too would the BBC in that when payroll figures were subjected to the equality test used by the feminist pressure groups the BBC would pass with flying colours.
Obviously there would be a cost (in terms of cash) to this scheme and so it may take some time for it to be fully implemented. In the mean time I think BBC presenters could prepare the ground by – apropos of nothing – asking every female guest (whatever their field of endeavour) about what sort of discrimination they might have witnessed – if any. A simple cost-free chore which BBC presenters appear to be doing already.
Considering how grossly underpaid women are supposed to be, it’s a source of amazement that the retailers you mentioned manage to stay in business. As a bloke, presumably rolling in cash, I usually get my clothes from Tesco, Sainsburys or Matalan.
Lets end the week with some good news.
Al-Beeb are really getting it in the neck on their UKIP HYS today. The vast majority of comments are totally off-message and getting big +ve votes. So they took the link down and started a new one. Oops. Same result!
Have biased BBC correspondents taken over? Good on you. About time they got a taste of their own medicine.
There’s even a ‘Vote up if you think Al-Beeb is biased on migration, down if you think it’s impartial’ message currently running at about Up 30, Down 3 !!!!
Happy days!
Hit it ..
It finished at up 315, down 75