This week, Dimbo hosts Question Time from Cambridge. With him are deputy chairman of Ukip Suzanne Evans, Conservative(?) Europhile Ken Clarke MP, columnist Julia Hartley-Brewer, underwear model and Labour MP Chris Bryant and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufaks.
Kick off Thursday at 22.35
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I wonder how long it will take Cuckservative Ken Clarke to utter the phrases ”global village or globalisation or we live in a global market” ?
I shall be tuning into This Week, for a change. The got the Moggster on the sofa.
He may make the Queen sound like Peggy Mitchell but at least he is a “real” Tory.
I have just watched ‘Hunted’ and have just switched off my tv.. QT not welcome in my home.
Hunted is quite useful to me as it gives insight to some of the ‘state’s’ surveillance techniques and ‘tricks’, and where it is easy for them to find you and where not etc and where cameras are ‘hidden’ ( not now ), should I be on the run. I jest of course, but if I were for example an ISIS or IS Jihadist over here plotting mayhem it would of course be a very useful programme. Only a Liberal society can be so dangerously open to enemy infiltration. It reminds me of the west giving Iraq three days notification that they were about to be invaded. What other culture would notify their enemy of an imminent attack as surprise is a huge advantage in any war.
Liberalism is really quite a sick ideology to the point of self flagellation.
Totally biased against Suzanne Evans with the one other ‘right winger’ the Globalist pro EU twonk Ken Clark, then three on the left including the extremist ‘No Borders’ Greek, and in addition an aurdience heavilly loaded towards leftist extremists and immigrants.
And according to chris Bryant, if you see an immigrant in the nhs, its most likely they shall be treating you! Cue wild applause. Lights out night night.
Tell that to my son who was quoted 3 weeks to see his GP. In the 39 years we have been registered with this practice it has changed beyond any recognition. Whilst the older established patients play by the rules and book an appointment the newcomers arrive without notice and demand to see a doctor NOW.
Newspaper and other polls = 75 – 80% against accepting more migrants
BBC Question Time audience = 98% for
The Greek creep ” Borders look silly from outer space.” If you don’t have borders then he’s arguing for a one world government.
That is precisely what the No Borders extremists want, and to race mix all the populations to turn us all into Brazilians.
A small elite would rule and dictate how everyone else lives. Workers needed in Kazakhstan? Thats where you go.
Microchipped, monitored, no private transport beyond the bicycle, no cash money so all transactions are recorded.
Think Cougenhove Kalergi plan worldwide.
Soylent Green
“Borders look silly from outer space.”
And an island looks like an island from outer space. Borders based on topography (seas, rivers, mountain ranges) are perfectly sensible, indeed natural.
The English Channel , a natural moat. Wake up Cameron, use it!
But armed with paperwork supplied by Germany it is no obstacle to the Migrants.
The Left twists itself in knots constantly with its hypocrisy. Corbyn said in his leader’s speech “I love this country”. Well that surely means an area forged by its character, people and culture; things delineated by borders and belonging and shared values.
Come the revolution would he say: “I love this 300 hectares, more than I do that 300 hectares over there”?
”Borders look silly from outer space.”
I think he should endeavour to confirm this theory as soon as possible.
Just had a registration email bounce back for Geoff1234, maybe you got your email address wrong.
I find the format for the chat to be very ugly and not really up to it. Have the mods considered setting up a yahoo chatroom? It would be open to the public, but people could log in and use their resources. I doubt it would attract many random idiots if it was buried in the politics section and empty 99% of the time.
Thanks very much! Constructive criticism is always welcome. In what way is it not up to it? Not really bothered if you think it’s ugly, that’s a subjective thing.
Logging in always seems to be problematic. The updates seem slow. I think something like this might be better. It is free, can be shared by a link and doesn’t require registration:
It is just a suggestion, but I think it would be an improvement.
From what I’ve seen in the database you’ve only logged in twice. Did you forget your email or login name? What do you mean ‘updates seem slow’? Again, for me anything that I type in gets sent instantly. What browser / OS are you using? There may be issues with some OS like Android, but it works fine on Chrome, IE and Firefox for me on my laptop.
Suzanne is doing well though.
I can’t stand to watch the programme. You chaps deserve a medal for courage under fire.
” Should we take more refugees ? ” Susanne Evans ” In a word, No.” Gosh, Isn’t that refreshing ? putting the interests of the British people first.
Greek creep ” We’re ALL migrants, we ALL came out of Africa !!! ” How come I’m not black then ?
A quick glance at the ‘audience’ and neanderthals would have crossed his mind.
How come I’m not black then?
It seems that our ancestors 40,000 years ago where Black, but we evolved White skin as our ancestors adapted to a colder environment in more northerly latitudes.
I also read in Mensa that Japanese scientists using brain scan data, found a correlation between lighter skins and higher intelligence was caused by higher brain activity generating higher warmth in light skinned people. This would be because as our ancestors adapted to colder environments, brain activity increased as it turned from a need to cool the brain in Africa, to increased brain activity producing needed warmth in a cold environment, which would explain why advanced civilizations did not arise earlier than 12,000 years ago.
So we evolved from Black to a more advanced White hominid race over a 30,000 year period.
Richard Pinder
Totally disagree with your post I’m afraid, you repeat liberal mantra taught to our kids from primary school.
The most probable case is that all the races on this planet today have a common ancestor, of what colour we know not. Bear in mind that at the time of human conception on this planet the continents were not in the position they are now. There is evidence that human activity on this planet goes back millions of years, artifact’s have been found in many South American mines embedded in rocks and coal themselves dated to millions of years old. I recommend ‘Civilization One’ written by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler. Our history isn’t known, only the BBC and assorted liberal authorities think they know it all, and of course it doesn’t favour ‘us’.
The oldest human remains as it happens have been found in Israel, so we could assume ‘Asians’ were the first people on earth. I would suggest that European man is probably the oldest as he is the wisest, and it is well documented that ‘red haired’ ( celts ) human remains have been on all four corners of the earth going back some 10,000 years or so. No other ‘peoples’ have been found so widely dispersed around the planet as these peoples at such an early period.
The ‘out of Africa’ Jackanory story was totally discredited by the BBC when they did a programme some years ago whereby they traced our beginnings back to a little village in Africa with mud huts and an open fire, with such garbage as that they clearly have no clue themselves apart from self loathing wishful imagination.
Further to my last post ( as this is a huge topic in it’s own right ) climate difference or change does not account for the very distinct differences in facial types and body types amongst all the different racial characteristics of all races.
Typical ignorant leftist (if that isn’t a tautology). The ‘Common Ancestor’ theory posits a common genetic ancestor but does not specify a common geographic location. The original work notes that many early hominid remains have been found in Africa, meaning that could be the likely source but does not make the claim. Analogy: if I look out the window I can see many BMWs, Audis and Mercs in the road but it doesn’t mean I’m in Germany (and no, I’m not a Syrian refugee).
Let’s move on from the unimportant shit about the insignificant shadow cabinet to the NHS and completly ignore the elephant sitting in the corner of the operating theater..
A Greek telling us what do do with our economy to put it right? – only on al-Beeb.
The Greeek telling us what we should do about anything is a damn cheek. Is he telling the Greek Government to take in these invaders.
The Brewer bird ” Germany has a demographic ticking time bomb.” Of course the invaders don’t get old.
The Greek guy thinks (i) that English history started after 1945; (ii) That its OK for the state to remove the fruits of a working man’s labour through force; (iii) That a society will not be destroyed if it has both a welfare state and uncontrolled borders and immigration. Classic authoritarian Marxist twaddle. Oh, and he laughed at the guy who suggested that the concept of living within one’s means was a wise one. Lesson learned Yanis! We can just spend! There’s no need to earn it, because someone else will do that!
But what does one expect from the BBC’s flagship political parody show. It is a comedy show isn’t it?
With idiots like him in charge its no wonder the Greek economy operates like a third world country. As if we need to be lectured on economic matters by a fiscally incompetent self opinionated moron.
And indeed it will soon be populated like a third world country…
I couldn’t take that anymore. I never thought I’d hate the BBC as much as I do now (although I’ll still watch some programs on BBC4 every now and again as well as Match of the Day).
We really are on board the Titanic being steered by people just like that Greek fool. “Borders are meaningless” This is the lie perpetuated to all and sundry so that they’ll be completely prepared to give up their birthright and freedom. If you can convince a wealthy person that their jewellery or artwork are fake, then you’re halfway there to peaceably stealing their valuables away from under their noses.
If that poll posted above is correct, more and more people who are relatively switched on will see right through the BBC and the left wing morass we find ourselves in.
If you thought you couldn’t hate the BBC any more than you already do, then try listening to Marcus Brigstocke’s half hour of humourless, childish whinging that was on R4 yesterday.
Marcus Brigstocke can sometimes be quite funny, or maybe my memory’s playing tricks on me. His spiel does tend to be rather dour though. Are his politics very left? Do I have to ask? The BBC really does have a stable of like minded souls doesn’t it?
I wouldn’t listen to Radio 4 today, but I grew up with a lot of it because my dad used to listen to it in the car all the time. Every morning going to school I’d get the today program and thought for the day. I thought the best show was Just a Minute but then they still had Clement Freud, Derek Nimmo etc. Back then, the thing that really bugged my dad was the constant cricket but he gave up on it all years ago and won’t listen to it now whatsoever, which says it all for me.
One thing I do listen to are some of the BBC radio science podcasts, unless they’re dealing with climate change. And even there you can’t escape the bias. I was listening to the enjoyable Infinite Monkey Cage with Brian Cox and Robin Ince (no idea who he is, some comedian but he’s good at impressions and can be quite amusing and he’s very sharp). They were talking about outerspace aliens and being afraid of them when Robin Ince interjected “bit like Nigel Farage then!” Har de har. When you become aware of it you notice that the bias is absolutely relentless!
It is relentless. I first started noticing it almost subliminally. BBC news or radio on in the background, not really paying attention. But something just catches you. You know its bias or spin that is suppose to go under the radar. Then it’s relentless.
I thought Roger Johnson on our local news was OK. He was talking to a reported who said people were worried about the numbers of immigrants , but most people didn’t realize that immigration was good for the economy.
‘Which is true’ replied Johnson.
What! How does he know it’s true. I’m not interested in his personal opinion. He is there to present the news and be impartial. A newsreader does not say ‘A man has been imprisoned for life for murder. Good he deserves it’.
Got that off my chest!
That’s something I’ve noticed too with the news (all news everywhere as it happens); opinions passed off as facts. It seems to be a very useful carry over from rolling 24 hour news channels because it never seemed to happen before. Whenever something big is happening, like a war or an emergency, there’s still nothing happening in real time so to fill the time all you get is journalists interviewing journalists and asking each other their opinion (the only time I think rolling news was truly effective and useful was 9/11, but that was really a once in a lifetime event). This seems to have become habit forming, every news report in the main bulletins now consists of a few “facts” which are then analysed at length by someone holding a microphone.
Journalists interviewing one another has now become so normal that we viewers just put up with it. When I was a child, we only had one telly, so every evening my dad would insist on watching the C4 news (he avoids that too now). It was just so different back then, news seemed much more impartial and mature. It credited its audience with a lot more intelligence and in fact I did find it terribly boring most of the time (sure I was just a kid). Still, it did give me an insight to the wider world. Ironic how most things went over my head when I was young and how most things feel stupid and beneath me today. “shrugs”
I was watching an old news segment on youtube recently and it brought me right back to my yoot. I’d recommend anyone to watch some old news for a few minutes. The contrast with news today is just so jarring.
Just how I remember it – no opinion or subtext, simple plain reporting. Couldn’t imagine this now on any station.
And we didn’t know Kenneth Kendal was gay because he didn’t feel the need to keep telling us, not that we would have cared.
Now the News is like this
This is exactly how the BBC wants everyone to think it is. Whenever justifying itself, the BBC harks back to the days when it was a trusted institution.
Like many others here, I have come to loathe the BBC for its treachery.
He’s always been awful in my opinion, but he plumbed new shallows on yesterday’s show.
He’s a smarmy, dogmatic, self-righteous, hypocritical, champagne-socialist snob.
Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. – This man’s a fool!
How do dangerous idealist sixth-form fantasists idiots like this get into power?
Is it any wonder that Greece is in trouble.
On yer bike ya’ wally!
So, Charlotte Church is appearing next week on the programme. I didn’t think QT could be even more dumbed down than it already was!
Another socialist millionaire complaining about a lack of redistribution!!! Paradox or what!!!
Take her wealth away from her and redistribute it all to food banks. Put your money where your mouth is Charlotte!!
CHarlotte Church’s music career has ended, her ‘adult’ voice is not remarkable in the way her child ‘Voice of an Angel’ was, and her attempt to launch herself as a pop star was a total failure, so where next? She is clealry a mega attention seeker and cannot bear to lose her celebrity status so is grasping at anything to keep herself in the public eye. Do no be surprised if she attempts to become a Labour MP soon, and in her home city of Cardiff she might well succeed.
She’ll be sniffing around the victorious Welsh rugby squad for a boyfriend. That worked for a while previously in terms of publicity.
The one good thing about Varoufakis was I thought he might be able to engineer a ‘Grexit’, and it would have caused turmoil in Euroland because it would have been achieved by someone on the left, not the right. I can’t help thinking he was somehow ‘got at’ by the EU to pull back from this. Seems to me the EU is like the Hotel California in the old song – ‘you can check out any time you want but you can never leave.’
1. Began watching QT last night.
2. Suzanne Evans (UKIP) outlined very eloquently to the QT audience why she thought controlled immigration into the UK would be a good thing.
3. Absolute silence from the QT audience afterwards.
4. Greek, self-declared ‘Marxist’ hardly begins to speak in response = rapturous applause from the QT audience.
5. TV off.
The BBC really are beyond parody.
Infuriating, no wonder people loathe the bBC and all it stands for.
How does an audience of several hundred at an estimate manage to keep so silent when Evans spoke. It is spooky and totally unnatural. Then we get Jeremy Kyle style whoops and cheers and mass applause when the Grecian even so much as coughs. His comments were basic text book Marxist cliches, delivered with an arrogant, self assured smirk. The first 3 minutes of the program were embarrassing to watch. Biased Bullying Corporation.
I think the real answer is possibly fear and the fact that those opposed to immigration tend to be intelligent thinkers and thinkers tend not to resort to X-Factor style whooping and clapping, the silent majority if you wish.
If you actually revue the program at the point Varoufakis first spoke (3mins 33) the camera briefly cuts to the audience, it’s pretty clear regardless of what the soundtrack is telling us, more than half the people we see are not applauding. You will also note that Dimbleby sometimes pauses for applause, but here he moved quickly on from Evans not really giving them the opportunity to react, a tactic he often uses.
An explanation on the Question Time website, which is incidentally 10 years old, as to..
Why are Question Time audiences always biased in favour of left-wing policies?
“They are not. As indicated above, they are selected to reflect a broad range of views right across the political spectrum. ”
“It is, however, notoriously impossible to make a judgement about the overall views of an audience based on the noise they make or the levels of applause. ”
???? What about absolute silence and zero applause. That makes it easy to make a judgement.
It is also impossible to force people to speak in favor of a particular view, even if you know they are in the audience and hold that view.
???? Especially if they are intimidated and glared at by other members of the audience, or even the panelists.
In fact, there has been more criticism recently that the audiences “sound” anti-government.
re wronged at 6.51am
Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. – This man’s a fool!
I disagree. He may be barking, he may be rent-a-leftie, but he’s no fool, and therefore so much more dangerous. He does what Tony Benn used to do – the tactic of quick-fire wide-ranging populist statements knowing there is no time for opponents to tackle each one.
We desperately need equivalent centre-right people to stop pussy-footing around, take him and his ilk head-on and beat them intellectually. The Beeb of course will make sure this does not happen, by only getting lightweights up against him hence rambling Ken Clarke, no longer a big hitter, and carefully managing the audience as we know they do.
If it was a level playing field you’d have someone on the panel who would say to him “Excuse me, weren’t you part of the government that helped run your country into the ground? Why on earth should we listen to you?” Ken Clarke is also a total europhile so deep down he probably believes in a borderless, one world government too. A clever selection for the program. Suzanne Evans did well though, the little I saw of her. I find her quite impressive whenever she’s on.
I like to think most sensible people aren’t taken in by this crap anymore and it’s telling that the BBC have to skew their audience so much to keep the migrant narrative going. I think if they didn’t control the selection, there’d be a huge outcry from the audience and a holding of panellists to account, just like the QT debate that buried Ed Miliband.
re wronged at 6.51am
Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. – This man’s a fool!
I disagree. He may be barking, he may be rent-a-leftie, but he’s no fool, and therefore so much more dangerous. He does what Tony Benn used to do – the tactic of quick-fire wide-ranging populist statements knowing there is no time for opponents to tackle each one.
We desperately need equivalent centre-right people to stop pussy-footing around, take him and his ilk head-on and beat them intellectually. The Beeb of course will make sure this does not happen, by only getting lightweights up against him hence rambling Ken Clarke, no longer a big hitter, and carefully managing the audience as we know they do.
No territorial borders!, he’s nuts. Or in the words of Eric Morecombe- ‘This boy’s a fool’.
Only lefty whoop,whoopers with ideal happy clappy thoughts could possibly take him seriously.
You’re right, he most certainly is populist in his remarks, he would appeal to the unemployed, immigrant, student, university lecturer types. Working people should see through him.
I seem to recall reading that he was a bit pro IRA a few years ago.
I do indeed take your point though about the quick fire remarks, there is rarely any depth to QT.
Worrying that like Huhne’s ex-wife this waste of space is no longer welcome in Greece but finds a natural home for his rabid Stalinist views on the BBC. Expect to see a lot more of this rubber-faced prick.
Amazing how Dimbleby interrupted everyone tonight except him.
rubber-faced prick. Excellent!
Didn`t watch it…and noted Womans Hour asking about UKIPs “problem with women”.
This was Dane Jenner blowing down the phone to Allegra Stratton…positive blowback with risk of rancid liposuction and poodle poo.
And there was me thinking that it was LABOUR, and their hideously white men(and Toksvig-gonk lezzy accesory in the form of Eagleburger A) that were supposed to be anti-women.
Oh wait-that was a fortnight ago…so last decade darlings.
Will cut to Suzannes bits of speech on iPlayer later-and anybody who asks Obamas melanin-lite tieless fuckup Vavofuckup for an opinion on ANYTHING…well, that`s one clueless bunch of liberal shits and star bursting cretins isn`t it?
Dimbleby of course is in Obamas thrall-or indeed any tribute to “The One” like Ummuna or Varoflaccid.
But-to be fair, so`s the Pope…boy, we`re in trouble as long as we let these clowns think that they`re in charge of anything.
Didn`t UKIP get 4 Million votes only recently?…didnt` we the license fee payer vote for more Tory, less agitprop Marxism, less Green bollox, less EU and an end of Labour and the Tangomen at Lib Dem Camp Central?
Err-we must have got it all wrong, so let`s try again-very EU…very BBC.
I rarely watch Question Time these days, as quite frankly it’s not good for my health. But did anybody point out to the idiot that we don’t live in outer space and homo sapiens first left Africa approximately two million years ago. But that’s the problem with people who who can only express themselves in platitudes. They do tend to be idiots.
What is most worrying about this, once again, are the ridiculously unbalanced audiences who whoop and cheer at any rabid left-winger however idiotic they might be. I think over time this has a slow drip effect on the television audience at home. Even the most steadfast viewer could feel isolated and in the minority for simply having a reasonable point of view. Such is the power of television. To be constantly told that you are a racist for wanting to preserve your culture or believing what is self-evident, that there are differences between cultures, is a very poisonous form of propaganda. The BBC could do something about this if they wanted to. I find it very hard to believe that it isn’t deliberate.
Very true. The BBC now works on the drip, drip, drip principle. Remember the (appalling lazily named) Climategate? The BBC had a meeting to thrash out how it would report climate change. In other words, to decide its ‘position’. Why does the BBC even have, or feels the need to have, a position on anything? The meeting was interesting for a number of reasons including the inclusion of a number of activists and the exclusion of any dissenting voices. However, most revealing was the fact that the heads of a number of departments were there including Comedy. There is the proof that the BBC maintains a consistent, rigid, line across all fronts. In other words, propaganda. Get rid of the BBC.
Question time should be re named Shite time
They wouldn’t allow that Mr Sausages.How about Site Time with the voice of Sean Connery introducing it?