8 Responses to Trotter Trouble

  1. logiebored says:

    The Obumster wouldn’t make that comment. He’s pig ignorant……………. cough


  2. Demon says:

    Obama also added that “he’d just porked Cameron on Twitter”. When Cameron asked about visiting him, Obama replied that it was “Bacon Hot, so he should sty at home”. He told DC that he’d been to a Shakespeare play – and said “It was either Ham-let, that Danish thing, All swill that ends swill or Hockbeth.”


    • Jerry Owen says:

      Hogwash.. Obama never said that! And Cameron doesn’t give a sausage about Obama and his pig ignorant comments anyway. I think the ‘porking’ allegation is a load of old tripe, it’s just the media scratching around for a good story!


  3. G.W.F. says:

    Once the Twitterati take over there is no defence.



  4. nofanofpoliticians says:

    Never, ever, throw your pearls before swine.


  5. Sluff says:

    I’m reminded of the late great Humphrey Littleton who once mentioned that Samantha was about to enjoy some Pork in Cider. Or was it Tongue?


  6. Nibor says:

    Was that Obama or The Black Farmer offering Cameron to get ahead ?
    When they meat up (and hopefully not mince words ) Cameron will want to get his snout in the trough as usual .
    I think he’s a lard faced boar always telling porkies and haslet the country down .