Muslim accosts injured Para in hospital
A paratrooper wounded in Afghanistan was threatened by a Muslim visitor to the British hospital where he is recovering.
Seriously wounded soldiers have complained that they are worried about their safety after being left on wards that are open to the public at Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham.
On one occasion a member of the Parachute Regiment, still dressed in his combat uniform after being evacuated from Afghanistan, was accosted by a Muslim over the British involvement in the country.
“You have been killing my Muslim brothers in Afghanistan,” the man said during a tirade.
Because the soldier was badly injured and could not defend himself, he was very worried for his safety, sources told The Daily Telegraph.
The BBC has been reporting that an RAF sergeant was moved from a hospital ward in case his presence upset ‘other patients’…or rather might ’cause offence’ to them. There is one very relevant quote missing from the BBC’s reports….even the Guardian uses the quote…..the Sergeant was moved because “they didn’t want to upset people” and because the hospital has “lots of different cultures coming in”.
Of course when they say ‘different cultures’ they mean only one…Muslim. Let’s examine the issue….the RAF sergeant has been to Iraq and Afghanistan to help improve the lives of people in those countries, to free them from the oppression and tyranny they have lived under for so long whilst the sort of people who attack forces personnel in hospital are the same who travelled, or supported those who did, to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight British and American troops and spent most of their time murdering as many Afghans and Iraqis as they could…whilst blaming it on Western foreign policy….the BBC of course backed which side? No need to guess.
I would suggest the person of a ‘different culture’ be moved (given a one way ticket to meet his ‘brothers in Iraq or Afghanistan’ possibly?) and not the good Sergeant or other service personnel in a similar situation.
The way the British Sergeant was treated in hospital was no different in effect to how the BBC has treated the British forces for years…trying to ignore their efforts to bring peace and stability to those countries, and to demean and malign them whilst all the time peddling a false narrative about Iraq, and British history in the Middle East, a narrative that has long served to fill the ranks of the Jihadis….the BBC has very serious questions to answer about its part in promoting terrorism…even now that narrative is sending people to ISIS. Strangely the BBC, which repeatedly tells us that Islam is the ‘religion of peace’, that made a programme that insisted Al Qaeda didn’t exist, another that suggested we need to negotiate with the Taliban, and which tried to cover up the facts about ‘Muslim demographics’ in Europe is more than happy to call Buddhism a violent religion, to suggest we have ‘Buddhist terrorism’ and a Buddhist ‘Osama Bin Laden’….Why is the BBC so ready to attack Buddhists (when not attacking Hindus) ….the Buddhists are in a fight with Muslim insurgents in Myanmar/Burma…guess who the bad guys are in the BBC reports.
It seems the BBC hasn’t changed and doesn’t want you to know the real reason the Sergeant was moved….especially as we are in the midst of a ‘migration crisis’ in which millions of like-minded people of ‘different cultures’ are on the march towards Europe…bringing those ‘different cultures’ with them.
The future is so bright, so cosmopolitan and diverse…oh yes...enjoy your kebab.
The closure of the military hospitals was a disaster carried out surprisingly under Mrs Thatcher!
Historically inaccurate DICK R. As an example, the Queen Elizabeth Military Hospital, Woolwich closed in 1995. Prime Minister then was John Major.Right party, wrong person.
Cambridge Military Hospital,,Aldershot closed 1996. Princess Mary Hospital, Halton, Bucks closed 1996. Duchess of Kent, Catterick closed 1999. By now, the governing party had changed.
You forgot RAF Wroughton.
And Haslar?
Whoever it was they deserve public castration (difficult in the case of thatcher ) , it turned out to be a monumental balls up !
They certainly do DICK R- further listening to the Saturday BBC repeat of the Friday night political question prog-I was struck by naivety of most of the answers from the public on the question of the immigrant invasion-they really have no idea it would seem of just what we are letting invade Europe-a culture, a despotic religious ideology which is completely alien to most Christian Europeans. Islam should be treated as an evil that will engulf us all if we are not prepared to open our eyes, study the teachings of Islam, learn from those who made it their study for years-they are repeatedly cautioning us against the dark cloud of Islam that is settling across Europe. The duplicity of our Politicians/Police Forces & placating Media is not helping.
The Birmingham incident is from some years ago. The local Labour MP was Lynne Jones (who had considered challenging Brown for the Labour leadership, but deferred to her chum John Mc Donnell). She refused to back calls for more secure facilities for injured military patients and seemed to consider that wounded servicemen & women were getting treatment more than their due, she said at the time “The soldiers seem to want a little empire consisting of their own designated staff and facilities, a fiefdom,” she told the MoS. “The point of basing the RCDM at Selly Oak was to make the most of the range of experience there. The priority should always be the standard of clinical care. When I’ve visited the military ward it has been cluttered with staff.”
Odd for a labour mp to be critical of NHS staff. I would have thought ”cluttered” was a term used by nasty people about the scene at the nurses’ stations in the Burnham ward whilst patients need a wee or glass of water.
It may be the case though, as there is a chance that some wards are nicer places to be given that some patients are more stoic and some seem to hit the uk making demands and don’t stop thereafter.
The cluttering was being done by armed forces personnel.
Rage rage against the dying of the light.
It’s an utter disgrace the way our armed services are treated. Shoved off to fight the illegal foreign wars of Blair, Cameron and the rest. Ill-equipped and undermanned to fight an enemy that tore up the Geneva Convention. Yet our troops are expected to play by the Queensbury rules and if they make a single mistake like Sergeant Blackman find themselves sent to jail to satisfy the conscience of the dribbling, left-wing, self-loathing champagne-socialists up in leafy North Landon. Then if our soldiers are lucky enough to return alive, most probably injured and scarred for life are treated like enemies of the state, handed their P45, or forced to live in poor housing while our politicians live it up on the public expense. Now they have a new scheme to cut out the costs of sending our 16 and 17 year old soldiers to be slaughtered in some foreign land. They allow immigrants with deep seated hatred of Britain and our military to murder our servicemen in Woolwich High Street, saving them the journey to Iraq or Afghanistan to give up their life for their country. And then they wonder why they can’t recruit enough people to join the services?
I deeply dislike the characterisation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as “illegal”. That is standard extreme left wing sloganizing, and implies that our forces are themselves war criminals, if they are participating in an “illegal war”. Similarly, 16 and 17 year old soldiers are not sent abroad on active service. There is nothing to be gained by spoiling your points with inaccuracies such as this.