They can’t leave it alone, can they? This must be Trenberth’s missing heat, submereged in little boxes, and subsequently lost by his pixies. So they were beneath the Arctic ocean all along!
Of course they don’t tell the real story, do they?
“…Nobody on “Today” this morning to forward opposing views on this, and the other climate story.”
That would be because the BBC operate a policy, regarding ‘climate change’ of not giving what they term ‘undue impartiality’ to any ‘debate’ (i.e. no debate at all) of the subject. This was all decided shortly after 28gate and it’s all in the BBC’s own record.
In other words, the BBC – according to their own pronouncements on the issue – are refusing to give balance, offer counter narratives or enter into any debate on the subject.
This is another reason why the BBC license should be scrapped immediately.
and no suggestion on the BBC that the closure of the big Redcar steel plant is partly due to excessive electricity costs owing to Climate-Change costs imposed on industry and all of us.
[This was a reply to John Anderson but it has somehow shifted a notch!]
No. It did actually get a mention this a.m. (29 Sept) from Frances O’Grady, the TUC boss, so I count that another measure of some progress, albeit a tiny one. She wasn’t jumped on by the TOADY presenter either. Another tiny hint of progress? I seem to recall one of O’Grady’s predecessors, early in the Blair administration, fell in with the Climate Change malarkey and wanted to tax road fuels to the heavens. They were apparently oblivious to the impact that that would have on jobs and their members.
Steel components – the bits that go into making it – are heavy & bulky and have to be moved. The finished product is heavy & bulky and has to be moved, either to customers in the UK or to ships for export. Tax movement of raw materials and tax again the movement of product, perhaps again from wholesaler to end-user and eventually your business may be vulnerable to a downturn in demand. Add tax increases with massive surcharges on energy and you get a similar result. Less numerous ‘cost events’ maybe, but equally devastating when sales become a bit thin.
More basic science (economics this time) but the dear old Beeb does seem to struggle to understand it all. Could it be because they have a constant, guaranteed income rolling into their bank account all day, every day, irrespective of the winds of market change?
Al Beeb is missing an opportunity on this subject.
Where is their analysis showing Climate Change is our fault?
Or is it now taken for granted that everything is our fault?
This must be the same heat that has resulted in a 40% increase in the size of the ice-cap since 2014. Mind you, they don’t define the source of the wind under investigation, perhaps they’re not looking close enough to home…..?
They even managed to get climate change into some arts review on newsnight the other night – some opinionated woman had written book (nothing to do with science or climate change) started banging on about people denying the facts discovered by science – and sure enough in case we had not followed her drift later confirmed she was referring to climate change
Apologies for late arrival on this one. Heat from the ocean depths? I actually count that a bit of an improvement from the enviro-mentalists at the BBC. Take heart! There is some progress there. They were in denial on that for a long, long time. Only cars and aircraft produce Global Warming emissions, they said. Kate Humble tried to explaining it to them back in the days when I watched TV: our planet is very, very hot in the middle and this heat escapes on land and in the sea. It must be nearly fifteen years ago when they stuck Kate in a tin can with a TV camera and lowered her a couple of thousand feet into the sea somewhere to visit a deep ocean vent.
The BBC are still not fully comfortable with proper science though: ” … how wind-driven turbulence in the Arctic Ocean is stirring up heat from the depths … ” . Maybe one day soon they will get a handle on what a warm fluid does in a cold fluid without any help from turbulent Arctic winds whatsoever.
Back in the good old days of proper education, children used to do an experiment to demonstrate that in the penultimate or final year of their Primary schooling. Maybe these days they have to cover diversity & equality in science before they are allowed to blow lids off treacle tins and poke thermometers into recently boiled saucepans of water.
The Daily Mail came close last week. They had a story about a teenaged ‘refugee’ who come to the EU from Syria, with his young Husky puppy. I suggested we take in the puppy and return the bipedal parasite attached to it to Syria.
Yes, I like that… somewhere in the press this morning (it may have been the Mail) they were referred to as deserters on account of their being mostly men of fighting age fleeing the Syrian army draft. That was also quite apposite.
On the other channel …
“The EU has now opened Europe s borders to the most backward, and violent culture on this planet … one that rejects any concept of basic human rights what? … could possibly go wrong”
Another good example of BBC bias from Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics. She was interviewing Mr McTernnan ( probably I have mispelt his name) about the Shadow Chancellor’s speech at the Labour Conference. Mr McTernnan is an ex Labour Party worker who was an advisor to T Blair, so we know where he is coming from. After the speech McTernnan lambasted it ,pointed out all the obvious flaws in neo marxist economics and generally ridiculed the whole Corbyn project as one which appealed only to a very narrow section of the British electorate and not at all to the vast majority of the public.
This was too much for Jo, she used her time and questions trying to argue that perhaps there was something worthwhile in what the Shadow Chancellor had said , although she was unable to say what it may have been. McTernnan was having none of that and just kept on piling the rubbish on the speech. Anyway it was a mighty odd interview in which a BBC interviewer tried to persuade her Labour Party guest to find something good to say about a speech by the Labour Shadow Chancellor with a conspicuous lack of success!
I saw that too, Deborah. It was noticeable that she seemed to be trying to persuade him that actually there was merit in what the twit was saying.
At one point she seemed to be arguing McDonnell’s case.
I thought McTernan was pretty negative about the whole thing, and the more negative he became, the more strident she became in defending the speech. It was indeed all very odd.
Later in the programme, we had the sight of Andrew Neil ripping shreds out of that Mulhotra woman (Shadow Secretary to the Treasury) who despite what we have been told about this new set-up, was trying to spin it all. Neil, to his credit was having none of that.
Maybe in the analysis the BBC adjudicator will put it down to a case of good cop bad cop and sign it all off as balanced, but Jo Coburn’s interview was strange
Yes, I particularly enjoyed McTernan’s riposte to Ms Coburn’s attempt to swing his thread towards blaming the Tories – at which point those mesmerising, if strangely straight eyebrows almost collided above her nose.
Never mind Jo, another thread to add to the silver lining is the imminent departure of Robert ‘Dosser’ Peston to those capitalist ITV chaps where he’s apparently due for enthronement as their political editor. Having a Labour peer father in the Lords seems to have paid off at last.
I saw it. It really did expose Jo Coburn’s economic literacy level. (Yet) another example of an individual promoted way beyond their abilities. Put her brain in a male body – she would never have got near the position of professional ‘interviewer’ of national and international politicians. Credit McTeirnan – he tried to mansplain it to her. I guess he’ll be ‘far right’ now and shouldn’t expect further time on the BBC soon, unless Corbyn goes all ‘ ‘ on them.
Yes, will have had a hard time missing Labour erm ” spin doctor “John McTernan on TV and radio and in newspapers this week. Former special adviser to Tony Blair, he’s been rolled out on heavy rotation across the media to pontificate poison pen letters on Jeremy Corbyn, Quite a feat after his disastrous Scot General Election panning, now apparently playing a “destructive role” inciting turmoil in the Labour Party.
A thoroughly slimy, deceitful, odious individual, he ought to be in Conservative central office …
they re made for each other…. hmmm maybe he is?
Imagine calling yourself a ”spin doctor ”, another name for it is a professional liar, hatchet faced John McTernan is a nasty piece of work, a real scumbag, he like Blair is in it for the power for powers sake. He said on Any Questions regarding the Syrian invaders ” Let them in they’re our next door neighbours.” How many neighbours do you have that live 2.500 miles away ?
“….The government should take immediate steps to abolish the licence fee altogether. This would not ‘kill’ the BBC. A BBC placed on a commercial footing and raising its own funds would be well-positioned to compete in an increasingly global media marketplace given its brand, back-catalogue and expertise. Stripping away its privileged position would also de-politicise the BBC, as consumers would have the ability to withdraw their custom, dampening concerns about bias and the BBC’s dominance of the media news market…”
The full statement from their Public Policy Head is here:
Thanks to the idiots who post offensive diatribe, I am again unable to read the weekend thread. The web pages get blocked for anyone who can only get Internet access from their local library. Well done, I hope you feel you ‘got it off your chest’.
What is their explanation? If they say their filters caught something but won’t explain what it is, insist on an explanation, otherwise they could ban anything they don’t like. Which I suspect is what has happened, so you may be shouting at the wrong people.
Unfortunately this is what happens when you rely on a government body to provide your internet. Censorship of inconvenient facts.
Ah Yes … freedom of speech/expression, wonderful isn t it, cherish it … any remaining scintilla of it will be erased pretty soon.
“offensive” well, of course … no need for, it on speech that can put you to sleep.
… and as the saying goes, “the truth hurts”, is there a salient point in these posts, something cogent about say the BBCs appalling bias re Islam, re illegal immigrants, re the fake refugees crisis or spinning our history, or the climate con, or Israel.
Offensive eh! … that latest buzzword, don t let your integrity slip into sounding a bit, thought policey, a bit Islammy buddy
… If the library is … get together with your like minded friends, say something about it
… and let freedom reign
Its interesting to know that local authorities are blocking public access to this website. Could you confirm which posts constituted ‘offensive diatribe’, who it offended, and whether there was any merit in the substance of the offendee’s offense. Thank you.
Which particular posts are you referring to? What are your library’s grounds for blocking and did you just take their word for it?
Having said that, people always should exercise some self-discipline when posting to avoid giving unnecessary excuses to those who would be only too willing to find reasons to censor this site.
As my last comment was cruelly orphaned, I’m going to repeat it, hoping no one is offended – except the BBC, of course!
BBC R4 continues its heroic bid to outshine Radio Pyongyang as a beacon for socialist propaganda broadcasting. Hurrah!
After lunch, in what should have been an entertaining programme about Sir Hans Sloane, the presenter simply couldn’t restrain himself from worming ‘global warming’ into his essay. What? No editor had the guts to tell him to stick to his subject? Don’t be silly…
In the news that followed, 14 year old Labour MP, Anna Turley, took a break from her homework to breathlessly condemn the loss of jobs in Redcar, where the steel plant is being mothballed due to the ‘climate change’ legislation which, you can bet, the moron voted for. Was she questioned about her profound stupidity? Nope!
All followed by the first of a week long series of plays preaching to us about why we should stop using oil and head back to the Stone Age when, of course, life was so much better.
” A TEAM of undercover journalists are hoping to prove ( 😀 )that the nation is still prejudiced towards ethnic minorities as part of BBC Three’s race season. Is Britain Racist? will see the group staging a string of situations with people of different races to examine how the general public reacts.
Producers believe the programme will illustrate how race still impacts major decisions in people’s lives, “from those we do business with to those we end up marrying”. The documentary is expected to air this month as part of BBC Three’s race season. The programme claims to reveal how race still impacts major decisions in people’s lives, “from those we do business with to those we end up marrying”. It will be funded out of BBC Three’s £30million budget to make shows once it is shut down as a TV channel and re-launched as an online only service from January”
Obviously BBC default position … we are racist
With that vary narrative in mind, the BBC this morning has a prolonged piece on the … Far Right Far Right, on the Victoria Derbyshire Show.
Yep! … in typical nauseating BBC fashion, this prolonged piece, starts with their usual UAF narrative as a a voice of reason?, first from … Hope Not Soap, on to a string of Islamic voices, all bleating Islamofauxbia.
Shamefully on to Rotherham, to hear more Islamic voices and surprise surprise … nothing to do with Islam.
There is, interspersed clips from Britain First demo s, usually with a detrimental voiceover.
Their are small selected clips from Britain First organisers, and then goes onto an Imam who blames any anti Islamic feeling on …… the media!, he preaches in Luton, (yep … that haven of peace), and was trained in Yemen and Syria.
Later, there is to be more BBC shock and horror, as apparently Britain First choose to use “social media” ?
… yes its appalling, why don t they just choose to use the BBC eh! …. no wait! 😀
Like them or not, agree with them or not they should be allowed to protest
They are a political party, failure to address the very pertinent, glaringly obvious, deeply problematic issues, that they raise, has given them such an enormous mail list.
Issues ignored by a spineless, supine Government more interested in vilifying the poorest/most vulnerable, lining their own pockets with Saudi lucre, and selling out our nation.
These issues are growing . .. they are not going away, “shooting the messenger” in fact any messenger
will not cut it.
IE – According to the Al BBC Sharia Dept, you re a ‘radical’ for drawing a picture of Mohamhead?
If the bloody BBC would have done their job and ran the cartoons instead of cowering, stop equating our required freedom of expression, with an intolerant cult that only wants to destroy it, then this brave woman, and the few like her wouldn’t have to.
If by racist they mean that I am a) proud to be British b) enjoy the British culture and think it should be protected c) prefer the company of those with a similar culture and value set, this includes almost all Europeans d) abhor violence and religious intolerance e) have a profound belief that democracy for all its faults is the best form of government f) think those with very different value sets and who despise our values and democracy should not be in our country g) would never seek impose my views on those from another country that I visited, then I am a racist.
Sadly I think that this is what the BBC mean when they say racist. How long before saying even what I wrote above puts me on the wrong side of the law ? I just don’t accept that believing the points I made above can be against the law, nor is it racist, it is just what being British used to be about.
“How long before saying even what I wrote above puts me on the wrong side of the law ?”
I fear the answer is “not long”. Reading about media self-censorship in countries like Germany and Sweden, EU officials declaiming free speech when it conflicts with the EU agenda, police chiefs refusing to report on crimes by migrants, and German individuals being prosecuted for postings on Facebook etc…. I’d get everything off your chest now while you still can!
I agree all your points a-g, so I guess that means I’ll be in the next cell to you….
The BBC now, provides a partial segment from the show on youtube.
Britain First: “A declaration of war” – BBC News,
and throws in Anne Marie Waters as the radical in a link at the end
I guess VD is giving us the usual dose. VD is a disease.
At least Anne Marie Waters’ name is getting more publicity. As they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity (unless of course it gets you killed). Anne Marie needs help in doing the front line work of cleansing the disease from our public discourse on the nature of Islam and appealing for honest and unadulterated discourse of Muslims’ beliefs relating to (i) Sharia Law (ii) raping children (iii) killing homosexuals (iv) degrading and assaulting women (v) killing apostates, to name just 5 subjects.
Jezza Vine today discussing an attack on a “cereal cafe” (WTF?) by some leftist thugs; a cockney exile, living in Suffolk, rang in to discuss the gentrification of the East End. The caller talked about how the London where she’d grown up wasn’t what it was etc, yet Vine’s reason for the exodus of those areas’ traditional residents – increasing property prices.
Yes that’s right Jeremy – that is the exact and only reason why the English bailed out of there; you keep right on pushing that line, along with the other tw@ts at the British Bulls**ting Corporation. It had nothing whatsoever to do with them not much caring to be a minority, in the capital city of their own f*****g country!
A few months ago an ex-‘East Ender’ did manage to get in a remark to the effect that he had been ethnically cleansed – via ‘slum clearances’ to Essex.
I would have thought that the major changes in the East End haven’t been brought about by Wine and Cereal Bars though. Those changes are probably approved of by the protesters. It’s a strange world where you hate people because of their accent and yet prefer to replace them with people that hate your very being. (Not very tactful wearing pig masks was it?).
No – it’s a way of obscuring the fact that someone turned the areas they and their forbears had lived in for generations to s**t, via mass immigration from the Third World (which they were never given any say about) and they left; to live somewhere the immigrants and their offspring weren’t.
Nowadays rather than notice BBC bias, I tend to be more surprised when I don’t find bias, rather than when I do.
I’ve sold my telly, but often drop in to check on an elderly relative nearby and end up watching something (like when the son in law used to drop round in ‘The Royle Family’ and end up slumped in front of the telly).
Anyway last night the BBC showed ‘Cider with Rosie’. I waited patiently to see black or asian people in 1920s Gloucestershire but I was surprised to see there weren’t any. There was an entire village of white people! They didn’t even manage to get in any references to gays, lesbians, global warming or Islam. Apart from some rather am-dram acting in places and one or two small anchronisms, it was a fairly decent adaptation.
All rather odd considering the author’s impeccable lefty credentials!
What is it about remaining in the EU that the six figure salary Glenis Wilmott MEP (Labour) finds so attractive?
She’s on BBC Parliament 1610Hrs 28 Sept 2015 begging the Labour delegates to protect her job and support her own support for TTIP. She hasn’t mentioned to the delegates that she just voted for TTIP though. Can’t get my head round why that may be either.
Glenis Willmott MEP – a highly paid trougher who I have never heard of before. There should surely be an IQ test for these people?
There really is little left in Labour, and what’s left don’t agree with one another (as to how best impoverish our nation and its citizens). And now for that gargantuan of Left leaning intellects…….. Alan Johnson, former postie and unionista, now Leader of Labour’s ‘Yes’ EU Campaign. Farage must be quaking in his boots!
I’m angry. Angry at the batallion of schoolteachers who allow our children to leave school so deficient in maths, economics and the meaning of the word ‘money’. This can be the only explanation for the idiocy running through the comments. Some contributers with brains have tried to point out some basic facts.
Will Robert Peston perform any better once he has escaped the sinking ship of the BBC and been ‘saved’ by HMS ITV’s lifeboat? The Guardian sailed on by and wouldn’t pick him up.
Explaining the exploitation of workers by the EU corporatist stitch up, and how free movement of people is a mechanism for keeping wages down. Oh dear, the Doublethink of the Labour Party is starting to become obvious to the least hard of thinking amongst them.
Good solid bit of old style, sweary ‘nasty’ Tory Party bashing from Paul Kenny!
(In case you didn’t get it, Paul Kenny doesn’t dig the EU, but if our membership of it preserves enforced Union funding, he might be swayed – them nasty, nasty Tories!)
Hugh Edwards gives an unsurprising easy ride to a Shadow spokesman addressing Labour’s proposals for the economy. Labour would stop the steel works closures by reducing the price of energy in the Uk. It is apparently higher than in competitor countries. Edwards doesn’t ask whether costs are higher because of green subsidies, previously championed by Labour. Labour will also increase the tax take from business. Labour and Edwards just see this as a gain for the exchequer with no downside. Labour could be asked whether increasing the tax paid by Amazon, Starbucks, etc (as with the “Robin Hood tax” & banks) might have the effect of increasing prices to the consumer
Snippet from today’s Express………
‘Student union officials in Norwich have been confiscating sombreros given out by a Mexican restaurant because – they say – wearing them is racist.’ Rather follows on from the RAF uniform wearing serviceman at an A & E department. The devil in me would love to walk through the streets of Norwich dressed as a ….. one of those banned characters off the marmalade jar…….. wearing a sombrero and a military jacket !!!!
And now Andrew (no longer Andy – he’s in the City in a suit) Verrity – billed by the BBC as a economic/business correspondent (ha!) tells us on BBC News that the “Robin Hood” tax is not left wing because it is supported by Frau Merkel. He doesn’t pause to consider that the UK is far more reliant on the financial services sector than Germany- which makes dirty cars
Good point Nisa. Rather than a Financial Transaction Tax how about a Car Particulate Tax … it would raise money and prevent them killing us too. Ah course that would mainly penalise our German neighbours …. who require our European solidarity in their time of need …. the same solidarity as they gave us during the Mad Cow epidemic ….. when they continued to ban our beef long after any threat to humans had been removed. Lets redesignate it Mad Car disease !
Whilst the BBC and the rest of the leftie sandal-wearing earthenware pot sculptors are throwing rose buds and tapping their tambourines in support of the ‘refugees’ (most of whom seem to be aggressive young Muslim men with sunglasses and smartphones) the real victims get hardly any coverage:
And you all know why? It’s because they are Christians and the left don’t care about Christianity. Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to world peace since WW2; and BBC is the biggest threat to British traditions. Both must be dismantled.
John McDoughnut’s conference speech. Usual lies and nonsense.
He doesn’t want to live in an age of austerity or as some might call it living within your means. Wonder what all those supposed young people ‘flocking’ to Labour will do when they realize that they have to pick up and sort out the bill in future generations.
Once again Doughnut repeated the myth that the financial crisis was all caused by the big bad banks. Again ignoring the fact it was originally called the sub prime mortgage crisis …. as a result of the American Government effectively forcing their banks to lend to people that could not afford to repay mortgages in the name of spreading ‘social housing ownership’. Who was the President during that time. None other than that darling of the Left and Blair Best Buddy Clinton.
As for the Socialist’s oft repeated ‘we had to waste all that money to get the banks out of trouble instead of giving it to the poorest and worst off’. What was the alternative. Let the banks go bust ? Taking everyone’s salaries and savings with them, and resulting in all overdrafts, mortgages and business loans being called in. How would that have worked out for everyone then ?
Had to laugh at the Labour spokesperson on the daily politics show when asked how much would be recovered from tax evaders, one of Doughnuts key methods of reducing the deficit …. her response …. could be £20 billion … could be £4 billion that isn’t the point. Sorry, that is exactly the point. They haven’t a clue. As history records all Socialists know how to do is raise taxes, spend money, and beggar the public finances. They have no idea how to generate money to pay for it’s fantasy plans.
I await Pestman’s endorsement of their financial plans with complete indifference
The bail out of the banks without reform or destruction, and the transfer of wealth via QE and low interest rates were wrong, morally and economically. That doesn’t mean McDonnell’s prescription is a cure though.
“The bail out of the banks without reform or destruction, …”
I trust you did not have any of your money in a bank at the time.
I would be quite happy for your principles to cost you your savings, but I’m rather less sanguine on such a matter.
QE at the time may be proven to have been the least worst route, as it has to be paid back some time out of future reduced growth.
Peoples QE has been trialled I believe in Zimbabwe and other countries.
As for the proposal to build hundreds of thousands of social houses my question to any Labour door knocker is to ask them to identify exactly where they will build them. The expected answer will be nowhere near you, as we want you to vote for us!
The rule before the crisis was that (I think) £50k per depositor was guaranteed. Even bust banks have assets which could help cover depositors further. With Northern Rock, which did go bust, I think it was shareholders who took the hit. The mortgage business was sold on. All that ‘rescuing’ the banks as they were with no haircut for depositors, shareholders or bondholders, meant was that the taxpayer covered the loss, which is to be realised with RBS. Not sure if the issue about what RBS knew at the time of their last right issue has been settled. Lloyds was a good bank dragged down by the ‘rescue’ of HBOS. Barclays was rescued by Middle east money but still benefited from QE. Low interest rates have ‘robbed’ depositors and created asset bubbles.
Absolutely outstanding speech by Mark Steyn, filmed at the free speech event in Copenhagen last weekend, go to to watch it – if you don’t want to wait to see it on Al Beebus.
The bBBC don’t get it do they. An asylum seeker has asylum seeker status! All the people they report on here are illegals! One overstayer by their own admission, an undocumented because they were born here but could soon be sent to the birth mother’s country, an illegal who came on a boat.
Not one appears to have even tried to claim asylum!
Bbc london at 1830
200 thugs wearing masks and brandishing fire torches from some rabid left wing anti poverty group, attacked and intimidated a cafe in brick lane because quote ‘ rightly or wrongly’ it was considered to be gentrifying the area.
Rightly or wrongly ?????
Errrr it should be pretty clear even to al beeb that thuggery should not be entertained.
Except of course when it is for a right-on left wing cause, obviously.
The universities, like the media, are key players in promulgating far-Left multicult propaganda. Anyone who has ever studied at both undergraduate and postgraduate level will be only too aware how often the words inclusion, equality and diversity crop up in almost every subject. Whether it be clinical psychology, education, social research or even science, your subject area will be saturated with left-wing groupthink which if confronted or contested could lead to a stern rebuke by your lecturer. No wonder so many students are voting for Corbyn. Universities are fast becoming left-wing factories.
Swedish Report “Därefter slutade konferensen. Några av deltagarna fick splittra upp sig eftersom den förhandsbokade restaurangen blivit rädda för att befatta sig med TFS och de inresta föreläsarna”.
Which translates to something like:
“After that the conference ended. Some of the participants had to split up because the pre-booked restaurant became afraid to deal with the Free Speech Society and the speakers they’d invited”.
That’s true. They did. We were escorted by officers from the PET, the Danish Security Service. But the minute the restaurant discovered that, the management – some joint called Fiat – cancelled. Compared to what happened to Charlie Hebdo, that’s a small price to pay, but it is still a price, and a telling one.
Those who defend freedom for all wind up with less than anybody: airlines that won’t fly them, theatres that won’t book them, and even crappy Italian restaurants that won’t serve ’em a few pasta shells at the end of a hard day defending liberty.
… Exactly the same, with the Mohamhead cartoon exhibit in London.
You forgot the word “progressive”…In fact just flick over to Hope Not Hate or the Socialist workers party and tick off each and every box in what Bolshevik double speak looks like today.
You’re absolutely right and it’s hard to know what could be done, short of removing funding and closing down the worst of them. Sadly, though, the ‘worst’ would include some of our oldest and, in other respects, best institutions.
One of the worst effects has been the way the media has closed its doors to non-graduates which has killed-off traditional ‘school of hard knocks’ journalists. I’m not a fan but Richard Littlejohn learned the truth about trade unions as a local newspaper reporter, seeing them at work first hand – an experience denied to kids who waltz more or less straight out of ‘uni’ into a job with the Guardian, Telegraph or BBC.
This is one of the causes of the Leftism hat runs right through our media and the root cause is indoctrination by academics and the lack of ‘real life’ experience that entails. I do not think this is an accident, by the way. I think it was calculated and quite deliberate, culminating in the huge expansion of tertiary education under the Blair regime.
The strategy is the Communist staff give Communist students more help and better marks.
These students are then accepted for PHD study, where they get more help etc.
When a student is awarded a PHD they receive backing from the Communist staff and get a position as a lecturer.
When the Communist professor retires he recommends the Communist lecturer as his replacement.
Self perpetuating.
One of the reasons for grade inflation.
One of the reasons we get so many dopes on the BBC with impressive qualifications talking nonsense.
One of the reasons why we read of so many “scientific” reports on publicly funded research which could be seen at the outset to be a complete waste of (our) money.
Naturally a non-communist or anti-communist student is marked down.
When these students choose to “work” in the public sector they get promoted regardless of abilities.
The same strategy eases people into a gravy train known as a QUANGO, where they advocate
Communist policies.
Inside Out BBC West Migrant Special. Live from Calais, Why? Tonights Points West also leads with the story.
Why should this be of interest to those of us in the West Country, what’s its relevance other than a group of aid workers being from Swindon?
All we get are interviews from bleeding heart liberal types feeling sorry for the migrants, the usual ‘we should feel sorry’ platitudes from our bBC man. These aid workers are told is dangerous to enter the jungle, but we’re not told why, migrants refuse the gifted food (so they can’t be hungry) they’re picky in what they want, so maybe these people ain’t as desperate as portrayed? Questions not asked.
We see an earth mother from Bath welcoming the invaders to Kos with a ‘well done’ ‘you look so happy’ of course they are you stupid fifth columist cow, they’ve hit the jackpot. Has it not entered her mushy liberal brain that she is welcoming people that further down the line will happily take all that she has and more, let’s hope she hasn’t got teenage daughters.
Finally we get sob story’s from those already here (cue the sad music soundtrack) all arrived by lorry, we hear about their terrible journeys, never is it pointed out that what they have done is illegal.
We did get to hear from one aid worker that she has been disowned by her family for doing what she is, but the tone was that this family are evil…
A bit ranty but astounded at the pointless waste and cost of a live OB transmission, aimed just at a local audience of which 75% had no interest, but with a definite agenda. I’d like to think that like me, the good people of the West Country either saw through it or switched off.
”We see an earth mother from Bath welcoming the invaders to Kos.”
Christianity has collapsed in the West, what’s replaced it is multiculturalism and like a religion its adherents are evangelical zealots, anyone who disagrees with mass immigration is a heretic and should be killed for hate crimes, that’s what they actually believe.
There are some people who think that the UK’s overseas aid budget gets squandered by the governments that receive it. Well, here is the proof that at least some of it allows nations to invest in their indigenous science and technology sectors:
Isn’t it great to see struggling nations surge ahead thanks to our generosity?
The correct response to that DB is – What about the children indeed? The British children of today and tomorrow: whose racial identity, nation and birthright the treacherous leaders of our country are giving away; to Islamic, Third World infiltrators who will seek to convert, kill or subjugate them once they become the majority sometime after 2040.
I thought I would watch news and weather on BBC 1 at 10pm. It is being followed by a pop concert with Sting, Chris Martin, Ed Sheeran, Leonardo De Caprio oh and as I type Obama and Nelson Mandela. But it is left wing propaganda from start to finish. They keep going on about children living in deep poverty. Well can’t these people give the cause all their money and leave the rest of us alone. And how many times can you talk about climate change to people standing in a muddy field/ cold Central Park and they believe you? One million being indoctrinated shown on Tv, makes me realise that if the West can do it, then so can ISIS. And I don’t like much of the music either!
I’m feeling bombarded by adverts and concerts pleading for money for children, whether its water-aid, or the NSPCC, Save the Children, and shortly its gonna be Children in Need again time.
C-in-N has been going for over 30 years, so I’d like to know, is the money being collected now being used to replace all those playgrounds/play huts/nursery buses that were funded back in 80’s ?? There must have been literally thousands of ‘projects’ paid for over the years that surely don’t last just 12 months, so why are there still Children in Need ? I gather all the donations don’t pay for food or clothing, so what other ‘Needs’ are there ? Is it for medical equipment and nursing care? I don’t ever watch this money fest, but in the early days I remember lots of toddlers being shown ‘in need’, and lots of playgrounds being constructed. AND wouldn’t it be good if 30 years later the Beeb tracked down some of these kids that benefitted at the time, to see if the money donated actually did them any good.
I think it would be more prudent in this day and age (seeing how there are very few kids without a Smart Phone, so what qualifies as In Need is beyond me), to have Pensioners In Need; just think how lovely it would be for lots of money to be pumped into decent care home facilities, like each room have a camera installed (!), a few more community buses for trips out, oh the list is endless, but you get my drift.
The sick BBC charity appeal ‘Children in Need’ really annoys me!
Why should a corporation which criminalises 200 000 poor people per year then turn round to the public who are forced to fund it asking them for money which they can then hand out like lady bountiful to the poor they have just prosecuted!
Worse than that they use licence fee money to administer the charity, which the keep quiet, but tell everyone that every penny goes to charity !
A proper charity where volunteers occasionally die doing charitable work.
I am sick of reading on tins “All profits go to Charity”.
It should say “All profits, after paying huge salaries and lavish expenses to useless left wing wankers who are pretending to be involved in charity work, go to Charity”.
British Legion
Sightsavers (been paying since I was 20. They prevent blindness due to infections in the third world, which allows people to be self-reliant)
Facing the World – charity that provides facial surgery for people with severe disfigurement.
That’s about it.
With regards to Facing the World, they had a documentary on TV in which they brought an Indonesian boy to the UK for surgery (at the charities expense). He had a horrific facial tumour and had a horrible life in Indonesia (ostracised and ridiculed). Before the operation he spent a day sightseeing in London. The documentary team asked him if he like England. He said he like it a lot, because people didn’t point and laugh at him in the street. I guess all cultures aren’t as equal as we’re told…
Here is another, true, charity story.
I have mentioned this before but I think it is worth repeating as showing exactly how twisted some UK values have become, thanks in part to the BBC.
About twelve years ago on a list of successful applicants for National Lottery funds was a “drop-in” cafe for male homosexuals in some Northern town, Sheffield from memory.
I then read about an organisation who had also applied for National Lottery funding at the same time, but had been refused a grant.
This organisation was the long established national charity St Dunstan’s who assist ex-servicemen who have been blinded on active service!
Another charity story.
The RNLI have never applied for any National Lottery funding because they have been told
in advance they would not be eligible.
From 2005, I have not heard of any changes since.
Our Company stopped charitable donations to the main charities 12 years ago. Now the local paper invites worthy causes and individuals to write in for a fixed donation, that way the timewasters etc can be weeded out and the genuine needy who are usually ignored by PC get a fair hearing. This month was a memorial bench to First World War soldiers in Kirriemuir.
I’ve avoided C in N ever since I worked for a company that processed some of their money and discovered that BBC committees decide who to send the money to.
Then I realised the whole thing is a sort of masturbation exercise for the BBC to feel good about itself. In the process it abuses its position with mass advertising drawing in millions of £ for those charities IT selects. This deprives charities not selected. It also I feel enables many of the passive public to donate and therefore feel good about themselves without having to think.
What we do and I encourage this is to decide once a year what charities you would like to support and then give what you can/want (including to children’s charities if you want) in whatever proportion you want but crucially, make a positive thoughtful decision to do this, and not be brainwashed by the Al-Beeb C in N propaganda machine.
“It also I feel enables many of the passive public to donate and therefore feel good about themselves without having to think”
Spot on, the bBC have an absolutely monopoly, the weeks leading up to the day we are hit with it continually across every bBC platform local and national TV and radio and on the day the whole network from Radio 1 to Radio 3 is awash, pleading with us to dig deep, giving the impression that if you don’t you’re a ‘cant’.
I used to work for a company that made people dress up for the day, constantly sticking collection buckets under your nose and it seems the same happens in most supermarkets on the day.
This is actually its 36th year and as pointed out, what has it really achieved? Don’t forget in that period how many times we’ve been emotionally blackmailed by Bob & co for our cash with endless charity ditties, what have they really achieved? That is apart from helping to increase the birthrate in Africa, one that is now marching forever northwards….
Still its a good opportunity for Wogan to rake in a 5 figure sum for is ‘efforts’ and Evans to give us plebs a chance to drive one of his fleet of multimillion pound Ferrari’s….
I used to find it very difficult NOT to contribute, as there would often be something organised by the school or similar. Eventually I decided to make it clear that I wasn’t going to give as I preferred to give directly to the charity of my choice and know exactly where my donations were going. I found more in agreement with me than I’d anticipated.
A couple of years ago , I was in the pub , on lunchtime , around about the 6th of November , & some dosey bint came in with a bucket collecting for CIN . I pointed to the date & said , “You have got a nerve” , “Why” she replied , I said , “Are you so dim ? .In a few days it will be the 11th Nov ( or the date of the Sunday, in which Remembrance day was being observed , that year) , you should be collecting for them FIRST “.”But the Children “she replied . I said “Stuff it , you disgust me” . With that she left the pub . So if anyone see`s CIN collecting prior to the 11th Nov , give em hell .
I’ve noticed a marked difference with this ‘migrant crisis’ in terms of charity collection. If you recall the Tsunami of ’04, there was a huge drive to collect money, on the streets, in pubs, on tv etc. People realised it was a completely unavoidable ‘act of God’ and that the people involved desperately needed help. I even heard of one chap who gave a month’s salary to help. Contrast that with the migrant crisis – nothing like that is gaining popular support, and it’s because people sense, despite the propaganda, that the vast majority of the people involved are not charitable cases.
I encounter quite a wide cross-section of people professionally and I have rarely seen such unanimity as I have witnessed over this ‘migrant’ crisis. The BBC-Guardian axis and most politicians are more out of step with public feeling than I have ever seen them. I fervently hope they are made to pay the price for their betrayal of the people of this country.
In the early hours of yesterday morning, I posted on the Weekend Thread with a couple of questions. The first question was “How can we re-establish a fair and unbiased media in the UK, starting with the BBC News & Current Affairs Department?”.
I then wondered if perhaps the site owners would allow a permanent thread to be set up, allowing those with practical and workable suggestions to start putting forward pragmatic ideas to effect real change. Not comments on bias, but ‘real world’ ideas for how to restore some element of impartiality to BBC News & Current Affairs – ideas which could be discussed and where the best of them could be put into action by us or by our elected representatives.
The post got some interesting replies about the licence fee and moving to a subscription model for BBC funding. No-one posted on the basic premise: that we can complain all we want and post examples of BBC bias on a daily basis, and yet the situation goes from bad to worse each year.
Does anyone have any comments about the idea of a ‘Workable Suggestions to Restore an Impartial BBC News Dept?’ and the idea of a permanent thread purely for this? Obviously I won’t raise it with the site owners (or with you again) if there’s no appetite for the concept.
I did reply to your last post agreeing with a couple of other posts, that the only way to reform the BBC is to make it a subscription only service. Perhaps most people would still pay for the BBC subscription and the BBC staff could rest more easily in their beds knowing that their salary wasn’t extorted from the unwilling by force of law. How the BBC staff sleep at night with the present coercive arrangement I simply don’t know. On the other hand if the BBC continued to demonstrate the very un British attitude across the range of issues it presently does , then it would become a niche channel for the liberal left ultras and public sector employees, just like its soulmate the Guardian.
There is not a cat in hells chance of reforming the BBC whilst it still gets its money from the public purse. The whole corporation is riddled with leftist views to the extent that they even think that 90% of the public support their liberal agenda and that the few of us who don’t are evil, selfish, right wing bigots.
I would welcome somewhere to see what other views there are about practical ways of dealing with the BBC.
Why don’t you set up your own website? I can’t speak for David and Alan but they appear to allow ‘advertising’ or at least pointers to a few other sites with a broadly anti-‘progressive’ bent.
“and yet the situation goes from bad to worse each year”
It does. But I also feel there is more and more perception now of the BBC’s bias, and they are not far off over-reaching themselves. They may already have done so over the immigrant crisis.
All we can do is keep pointing it out and keep complaining. Hopefully more and more will do so and eventually their systems will be unable to cope as they drown under their own contradictions. I don’t think there’s a quick fix, short of a heavyweight public figure who is in a position to influence matters coming on board. Such people seem reluctant at present to stick their heads above the parapet, possibly because of what the BBC with its near-monopoly could do to their careers.
Why does the BBC insist on adorning the people (ISIS) who murder, rape and behead other humans with the term Jihadist? Why can’t they bring themselves to call them what they actually are – murdering terrorists. The pro-muslim corporation refuse to call a spade a spade and just love their romantic Alladinesque notions about these scum. Oh and I forgot the Jihadi brides (another BBCism), how romantic are they?, going out to Syria to whore for terrorists.
“”◾Aqsa Mahmood, 21, has been accused of recruiting three London schoolgirls to join IS – something her parents have denied.
◾Nasser Muthana, 21, is accused of appearing in videos showing beheadings, although his father said it was not him.””
Why does the BBC do this? Is it because in the eyes of the BBC, Islam can do no wrong?
Are we supposed to feel pity for this guy?
He’s in France and has access to full medical treatment, food and shelter. And he won’t be bombed, tortured or forced to join up.
But the report is asking why he can’t come to the UK from Calais?
The BBC are so pro-immigration that they stoop to this journalistic low to gain our sympathy to his ‘plight’. Why should the UK prioritise him. Is France a third-world country? It’s his choice to be at Calais.
What the hell do bBBC want us to do? Send the fire brigade to help him illegally enter my country?
The poor disabled blighter managed to get to Calais with only one functioning arm, surely he could have got from Syria to a refugee camp in a neighbouring country far more easily?
We have former soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan with fewer working limbs than this man and they can scale Everest and don’t rely on al-Beeb to support illegal gimmegration.
Coos Louise Minchin, Bill’s platonic sofa-partner. She has just conducted the softest of soft interviews with dopey Labour Shadow Education Secretary Lucy Powell.
You must remember Lucy Powell? She is the one who ‘never met’ Jeremy Corbyn when he desperately needed to up the skirt quota on the opposition front bench.
Education, mmmm.
She struggles with numbers, see her car crash interview on tax figures with Andrew Neil here:
She’s not much stronger with her English articulation
Hear her radio car crash ‘Ed Stone promises, not set in stone’ here:
The point is that our accident-prone only there because she’s a woman Lucy standing in the lovely Brighton sunshine has nothing to fear from the more than sympathetic BBC Breakfast team.
Go on voters, let her loose on our children’s education. She’s not at all nasty like that horrible Mr Gove.
DT reports JC keen to update what children learn as to the important role of trade unions and also the evils of empire, such as the slave trade. Presumably Ms Powell will be publishing draft curriculums in due course.
One must hope that the trade union studies will include the malign influence on the nation in the 70s and 80s and encourage the children to never vote to return matters to that state ever again, and that the slave trade studies will fully inform them of just who it was capturing and bringing the slaves to the ports in Africa, and which nation lead the way against it.
On empire It has always amazed me how a nation of 40 – 50m could spare all those people, soldiers etc to go off and subjugate so much of the world. Strangely in the Indian Mutiny the vast majority of the soldiers who put it down were Indian, which gives a clue as to how it was done.
I cannot commend too highly Niall Ferguson’s book “Empire, how Britain made the modern world”, but would suspect it would not be a recommended reading in a JC history curriculum!
I have a Japanese friend, a very erudite and cultured lady, who had heard of Niall Ferguson’s book. She found a copy in a charity shop and bought it. She told me she was shocked to find that somebody had written a diatribe in the flyleaf about how it was all racist, lies etc. ‘Why do British people think this way about their history?’ she asked. I replied ‘How long have you got…?’
For those who struggle at school perhaps a screening of “Carry on at your convenience” should be obligatory in comrade Corbyn’s schools.
I wonder if any child might be bright enough to equate the Rene Housten and Kenneth Cope roles to Margaret Thatcher and Arthur Scargill in the after screening disussion!
“On empire It has always amazed me how a nation of 40 – 50m could spare all those people, soldiers etc to go off and subjugate so much of the world.”
Yes, and when the Empire had been disbanded, former members had been so badly persecuted that they chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it was known in 1949. The Empire wasn’t perfect, but it can’t possibly have been all bad either.
Staggered to read an article headline in Telegraph today saying…Migrant crisis politics are not EU’s problem! Some Greek dude who pushed through the unpopular quotas said this and the reason it’s not their problem….they do not have to face re-elections! He said they acted with vision, responsibility and commitment!
I used to be a stay-in voter…. if DC gets his way in negotiations.
Then I wavered.
Now…I’m definitely for leaving this corrupt band of brothers!
I don’t know which is worse: the bBc or the lot across the water.
The BBC is partially funded by the EU.
Which maybe partially explains why “The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said”
Yet another example of the BBC’s risible double standards, this one on R4 a few minutes ago.
Normally, when an immigrant blows something up, rapes a child, hops off to join ISL or the like, he is referred ti as ‘British’. Hardly ever are we allowed to know his country of origin, in fact the BBC will contort its story to conceal this information.
This morning, however, on one of its ‘arty’ (they think) programmes, a writer was described, quite casually, as being ‘Moroccan Dutch’, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to describe someone in that way.
I would like to think this marks a change of policy and that henceforth we will hear about ‘Yemeni British’ murderers, ‘Bangladeshi British’ traitors and ‘Pakistani British’ child molesters – but, of course, we won’t.
Yes, I’ve always thought this. Although the term ‘ British Muslim’ is often banded about, which makes me immediately think er, NO, he may have a British passport – even born here, BUT did his great grandfather or grandfather fight for this country in WW1 or 2 ? I have firm views on this, to BELONG to a country you have to have a ‘history’. I have British friends who have become citizens of other countries i.e. U.S and Switzerland, and talking to them, yes they have passports of their adopted country, but have allegiances to their birth country, – and with religion its not so unusual, British jews have a pull towards Israel, and live alongside us amicably, but as we’ve seen already, Islam has another agenda.
AH! This Islamofauxbia cannot be allowed to go unchallenged! Do you not know that there are dozens of brave Jihadis who have claimed the name ‘Al Britani’?
Here are just a few !
Abu Sammyh al-Britani, also known as Kabir Ahmed from Derby, who died as a suicide bomber last November in Baji
Khalil al-Britani, aka Ibrahim Kamara from Brighton, killed in a US air strike in Aleppo two months earlier
Abu Dugma al-Britani, born Abu Rahin Aziz in Luton, who fled abroad after stabbing a football fan.
Um Hussain al-Britani, also known as Shakina Hussein, previously Sally Jones, who declared after the video appeared of James Foley’s murder that her ambition was to carry out a beheading.
Mohammed Emwazi, exposed as “Jihadi John”, who is reported to have used the name Abu Abdullah al-Britani.
Abu Hussain al-Britani, aka Junaid Hussain, Shakina’s 20-year-old husband. Hailing from Birmingham, he was jailed in 2012 for stealing Tony Blair’s personal information online and has also been described as an Isis cyber-chief
Abu Abdullah al-Britani, from London, who used to be known as William Clinic before converting to Islam. He was killed last November in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.
Abu Abdullah al-Britani, who produced an travel guide on life as a holy warrior in Syria and Iraq.
And of course who could forget the Labour leader soon to institute these brave Jihadis into the remembrance service in November, and his chosen name – Jibrail Corbani Al Islingtani !
BBC News.
There have been fresh clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians at a disputed holy site in Jerusalem.
Police fired tear gas at youths who were throwing stones and petrol bombs.
The site, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, and to Jews as the Temple Mount,
“a disputed holy site” ….. “and to Jews”?, it appears that Jerusalem
… oops, cut off my hands, Al BBC Sharia Dept ! … Al Quds, is getting less Jewish by each BBC report.
Something the BBC wouldn’t report on – the abuse in the education of Palestinian Arabs in UNWRA schools and summer camps that is one of the main underlying cause of this violence
A commenter yesterday raised the question of the damage done to our society by academics. Regular readers may remember this is a bit of a hobbyhorse of mine as I believe humanities departments have taken the media prisoner.
Here, then, from the Mail is a shining example of one of those educating the next bunch of hacks and presenters who will be plaguing us in a few years time.
Ironically, and as stated by the Guardian, breakfast cereals are incredibly bad for you. There is no nutritional value, any vitamins are artificially added. There is more nutrition in the cardboard boxes that some come in! They are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. You can get a box or packet of cereal from any Supermarket for as little as 50-60 pence.
Another defender of the protest, in which campaigners carrying flaming torches attacked the cereal bar, was POET Simon Elmer – who posted a photo of himself after the protest in a pig’s mask.
He wrote on Facebook: ‘Opening a shop that sells children’s cereals for £4 a bowl in a borough in which 49 per cent of the kids are living in poverty is an insult to the thousands of Tower Hamlets residents who have to eat on less than £4 a day.’
Is that what they told him! Or is he speaking on their behalf. He doesn’t mention it.
They are not interested in hungry kids are they. The kids are just collateral damage. Think about the children! Again
The lady, and I use the term loosely, who was part of group ‘Class War’, whose members caused criminal damage to a ‘cereal bar’ at the weekend was rewarded by the BBC with a slot on Newsnight Tuesday 29th Sept 2015. She was given the platform by Kirsty Wark to spout anti-social, criminal leftist garbage. The London School of Economics is linked to a growng list of unsavoury characters. This ‘lady’ would be more suited to working in a warehouse – after she’d served time in jail and repaid every penny of the costs incurred to innocent business owners. Kirsty’s moral ambivalence is exposed well in this iterview, with only ‘soft righty’ Hartley Brewer providing anything bordering on a rational human perspective. I can only conclude that Kirsty has some mental health issue, as it appears that she wishes to promote class war.
Al Beeb’s consumer affairs programme is currently twittering on about the housing rental market, in particular in London. All of this is most unhelpful at conference time to OldNuLOldLabor and the Corbynuttas I’m sure, but I wonder if anyone will point out that according to Migrationwatch’s carefully researched statistics that 40% of London’s social housing is let, on very favourable terms indeed, viz £130 pw max for a 3-bed, to tenants not born in the UK and that since 2000 the proportion given to them has increased.
“29. Half of social housing in Inner London is occupied by households with a foreign born household reference person (HRP) and the figure for the whole city is 43%[33] as table 2 illustrates. “
They’ve just built some new flats close to me and they are not advertised as for sale neither was there any indication of the site developer on the hoardings. I can only assume this is a social housing project. On Saturday I saw a group of three Eastern Europeans arrive to look around. They arrived in a Transit Van with a Romanian number plate.
Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t ALL vehicles that are here longer than 6 months have to have a UK license plate?
If I’m right then it beggars belief that European Gimmigrants who have been here less than 6 months are jumping the queue for social housing.
So, John, you can find this site but you can’t/can’t be bothered to Google ‘Migrationwatch’! JimS kindly provided the EXACT figures, for which I thank him.
You, John, wouldn’t be a disbelieving Leftoid anxious to send decent souls off to provide the sort of information that any well-read, capable person who wanted hard facts could find with the minimum of effort, would you?
No he didn’t, he asked the typical Leftoid disbelieving, diversionary question intended to send people off on a wild goose chase, a tactic much used by Corbynutters in the Guardian’s comment columns. The query is out there but never the acknowledgement that the initial comment was correct. It took him longer to log in and type his response than it would have done to google ‘Migrationwatch’.
Do keep getting your fellow travellers up north to approve of your post.
Don’t know who you are John, but evidently I’m a fellow traveller. We must have found our inner Leftard??? I think Peter must be having a bad week, or perhaps doesn’t read our posts.
I was ‘the poster who presumably had them to hand’, but I didn’t ‘have them to hand’. It was something I’d seen a few weeks ago.
Knee jerk it might have been on my part having seen it far too often but the use of ‘prat’ obviates the apology which might have otherwise been coming.
It would still have been easier and less indolent to google ‘Migrationwatch’.
Haven’t heard much from the BBC (or SKY for that matter) about the fire at that muslim church thingy in Morden. Apparently, two teenage boys have been arrested on suspicion of arson but it is not thought to have been a hate crime. They were obviously very fond of the place then?
One struggles to understand what actually constitutes a ‘hate crime’. Presumably, if Shias burn down a Sunni mosque that doesn’t count, because a ‘hate crime’ can only be committed by a white Briton?
The sooner former members of the ZaNuLabour junta are put on trial for treason and crimes against sanity, the better.
Nice bit of bias here.
There is a story today about pioneering eye surgery at Moorfields. Good news. And the BBC have reported it. OK so far.
But then this becomes a ‘Have Your Say’. What is there to say? That it’s terrible? Of course not. And many top rated remarks have been deleted. Did they by any chance wonder why this is an HYS at all?
So essentially what we have here is the BBC acting as cheerleaders for the NHS, setting up an HYS which can only realistically show support. Any other comment is either off-topic and so deletable or if opposing would rightly be churlish and mean-spirited.
Meanwhile the 4 Brits in Syria getting UN sanctions – ah, that’s off limits for HYS.
Bias is so often not in what you say but in what you choose.
‘West Ham’s Aditi Chauhan becomes India’s first woman to play in England’
Our Asad puts it down to the growing popularity of ‘Womens Football’
Personally I reckon it must be a shrewd career move for the young lady concerned and, no doubt, her family.
Next up on the BBC: great excitement as the growing popularity of Big Issue selling in Romania encourages a Romanian woman to transfer to a shopping centre near you…..
Oh one last thing:
‘Chauhan’s debut could have gone better as West Ham lost 5-0 to Coventry’
perhaps she will be nicknamed Cinderella – always late for the ball
TWAT-O nearly caused an accident at 1 p.m. today as I inadvertently left the car radio on after listening to the weather forecast. I had no sick-bag handy and could scarcely get the window down quickly enough when their first ‘news’ item was some vox pops with orgasmic Corbynistas, telling us how much they were looking forward to the forthcoming speech from their glorious leader. That appears to be TWAT-O’s idea of the most important ‘news’ of the day.
Martha Kearney was obviously going along with the groupies when she ‘interviewed’ Angela Eagle and kept inviting her to say how ‘inclusive’ Corbyn’s party now is, and it is unreasonable to expect them to have any policies yet.
‘The “Ugandan bishops support the death penalty for gay people” line was used in an article by Andrew Brown in The Guardian the day before; it was picked up and repeated by Caroline Wyatt, the BBC religion correspondent, in her TV report, and then used by the interviewer Mishal Husain in the morning. Wyatt and Brown have apologised and amended their reports, but the damage has been done. A big lie has been asserted as truth by authoritative sources, and has reached millions of people’
Just watched the analysis of Corbyn’s speech on the Daily Politics. Today they had another ex Labour spinner on , Lance Price who worked for T Blair, he said the speech was rubbish and that Corbyn only spoke to those who were already certain to vote Labour but that he ignored those who hadn’t voted Labour but needed to be persuaded to do so if Labour was to win in 2020. This visibly annoyed Jo Coburn who again popped in a few questions aimed at trying to salvage something from the wreckage and big up Corbyn’s performance. This is exactly what happened yesterday when she was interviewing Mr McTernnan who also poured cold water all over the Shadow Chancellor’s speech. Surely it isn’t the job of the BBC to go round looking for positives in politicians speeches when people from their own party can’t find any! Someone needs to have a word with her. I will watch with interest how she reacts to the Tories next week. Jo is becoming a rich seam of blatant BBC leftist bias.
Very true DT … and as someone noted in a previous comment … where was the comment by anyone from the Right side of politics. Wonder if that will be the case for the Conservative party conference ? I’m not a fully qualified flying pig for nothing …
Two things that programme didn’t connect to, although slightly unfair to expect them to, possibly, but here goes:
1. Yesterday, in his speech, the Shadow Chancellor cracked on about corporate welfare and what he was going to do to reduce it, whilst today Corbyn attacked the government for not doing anything to address the problems in the steel industry, and
2. He said that the last bearded leader of the Labour party was Keir Hardie. This is wrong it was Lansbury who was thrown out 80 odd years ago for appeasing fascists.
I wondered why the cameras at the conference kept focusing on the same few attractive young women looking suitably entranced and teary eyed at the glorious leader … until later that evening I caught the news and realised I had not seen Steptoe’s arrival ….. escorted by those self same young Corbynettes …. what lucky chance that the cameras picked those same faces to alight on.
Still at least we had a balanced critique from Newsnight … Len McCluskey Unite Union Leader, Jonathan Freedland Executive Editor of The Guardian, Ellie May O’Hagan Guardian columnist and Peter Kellner YouGov pollster and former Newsnight reporter. The only newspaper headline read out by Kirsty Wark ?…. the Guardians. Don’t tell me Newsnight is run by people with connections to that paper or the Labour party ???
I await Newsnight’s program following David Cameron’s conference speech with interest.
Exactly right – the only puzzle is who is bringing ex-Blair spinners in to comment on the conference! Poor little Jo swimming desperately against the tide again but, most pertinent of all and a lesson to be remembered, is how Ian McTernnan summed up John McDonnell’s speech yesterday. Love him or loathe him, he still quite rightly made the point that both McDonnell and Corbyn will be prepared to say anything, to appear as reasonable as is necessary, to apologise for any offence, to speak softly and from the heart, to gradually gain acceptance and thus to gain real power. If the electorate ever lose sight of the fact that both of these lying professional politicians are radical Marxists, we really will be in the shit.
Excellent speech Steptoe Corbyn and the hall of useful idiots. ! All our problems are solved. So easy. I can’t understand why every other country hasn’t done it already ! They must be economically and socially stupid. Only explanation.
A house for everyone that wants one. A job for everyone that wants one (even those made redundant scrapping Trident – new designs for windmill driven submarines are at this very moment being drawn up). For those that don’t want a job, unlimited benefits plus a free Labour subsidised 60 inch flat screen TV. More nurses, doctors, nurses, teachers, nurses, local government workers. nurses, single mums (or anyone else with Union membership). Free higher education extended to mandatory five year courses so they don’t miss any of those student parties. Open borders for the entire population of the planet. The new flocked (misspelling ?) Labour children have the answers (slight pause waiting for G3 Google connection … one moment … like we’ll be with you in a moment … it’s never normally this slow …. urm we’ll get back to you yeah ?).
A salute to the brave British people that faced down tyranny in the recent past, no not the two World Wars and nasty, dangerous, probably illegal soldiers, but the suffragettes, trade union pioneers and Danny Boyle hero of the Biblical (sorry Koranic) inclusive Olympic ceremony. We are a rich country, no need for austerity, we can afford everything and will pay down all our massive debts (whoaa did I just miss an oxymoron) by spending ever more !!!!
Well that’s alright then. At last a peaceful nights sleep.
Down in the People’s republic of Brightonistan Chairman Corbyn duly gets his (several) standing ovations from the commissars, apparatchiks and assorted proles at his glorious conference speech. North Korean TV at its finest. Comrade Corbyn even managed to slip in a helpful reminder to the BBC that he (and by extension The Party) is on their side. Always good to know who your friends are.
And did you see him and Watson/McDonnell help some wheelchair tubster get around on the platform last night?
Channel 4, Newsnight showed plenty of the Christ-like healing hands of Corbyn…and only time prevented her from getting out of her chair.
Or was it that she`d lose her disability allowance if we all saw the miracle?Still-Evan and Snowjobbie thought it bang on, old bean.
And THIS is the level of media anal-ISIS we get from the liberal effete milksops who “do politics” for the liberal taxpayer funded “meejah”?
Surely chrisH you’re not suggesting the perilously wedged and inherently life-threatening wheelchair entrapment scenario was anything other than a brutal illustration of the pressures the poor girl meets every day of her life, due to the savage cuts. Set-up? Oh how could you!
Thanks for this John…it`s vital that we read it so we can all see what a REAL national leader says, how he factually sets about the ritual self disembowelling of all those dhimmi nations around him…and speaks truth to his Parliament and hence to us.Quite brilliant, calm evisceration of the useful idiots of the EU and its political show ponies in Brussels, Berlin and at the BBC.
His language reminds me of BIbi Netenyahu…maybe it`s only those who`ve fought for something in the face of Arafat or Brezhnev that are able to fearlessly speak truth to their own people.
Look at the useless scum WE get by way of politicians and media.
Common Sense from Victor Orban. The speech is excellent. It appears that Hungarians have elected a leader who is worthy of the term. We have Call me Dave.
Orban lives in the real world. Merkel, Hollande and Cameron do not.
ScrobleneJan 31, 05:53 Midweek 29th January 2025 Too rught, Digg! No doubt President Trump will be closely examining all their copy, which as you say, is just…
ScrobleneJan 31, 05:46 Midweek 29th January 2025 Nice piece, Jeff! As you say, gardening is one of the best antidotes to the imagined ‘mental’ issues spouted by…
diggJan 31, 00:53 Midweek 29th January 2025 Utter BBC cunts…. Completely buried the carnage of oct 7th already….with all its horrible rape and disgusting animal violence.…
JohnCJan 31, 00:13 Midweek 29th January 2025 Isn’t it amazing how the BBC can suddenly stop caring about someone’s human rights when it suits them ?. I’m…
StewGreenJan 30, 23:58 Midweek 29th January 2025 The Anglican Catholic Church USA have cancelled* Calvin Robinson cos during a pro-life speech the audience clapped & laughed when…
StewGreenJan 30, 23:38 Midweek 29th January 2025 2 Pakistani Women Speak Out on Tommy Robinson , “he’s not a racist” they agree BTW Don Keith tweeted…
JohnCJan 30, 23:33 Midweek 29th January 2025 Combative Trump takes aim at diversity policies after air tragedy Another piece of BBC journalistic lies from Zurcher’s worsening…
diggJan 30, 23:27 Midweek 29th January 2025 I think you are spot on John! It’s all about justifying their juvenile antics. I would be a bit miffed…
JohnCJan 30, 23:27 Midweek 29th January 2025 Contrast: White man just questioned and denies any responsibility makes a front-page headline: ‘Man who drugged wife and plotted her…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiJan 30, 23:25 Midweek 29th January 2025 If he had wanted to reassure those kids, he could have said that CO2 levels are now about half as…
Climate Change is real for the BBC despite the facts. No debate allowed.
“”A team of 18 oceanographers has been gathering evidence of how wind-driven turbulence in the Arctic Ocean is stirring up heat from the depths””.
They can’t leave it alone, can they? This must be Trenberth’s missing heat, submereged in little boxes, and subsequently lost by his pixies. So they were beneath the Arctic ocean all along!
Of course they don’t tell the real story, do they?
Nobody on “Today” this morning to forward opposing views on this, and the other climate story.
“…Nobody on “Today” this morning to forward opposing views on this, and the other climate story.”
That would be because the BBC operate a policy, regarding ‘climate change’ of not giving what they term ‘undue impartiality’ to any ‘debate’ (i.e. no debate at all) of the subject. This was all decided shortly after 28gate and it’s all in the BBC’s own record.
In other words, the BBC – according to their own pronouncements on the issue – are refusing to give balance, offer counter narratives or enter into any debate on the subject.
This is another reason why the BBC license should be scrapped immediately.
and no suggestion on the BBC that the closure of the big Redcar steel plant is partly due to excessive electricity costs owing to Climate-Change costs imposed on industry and all of us.
Indeed, and the bill imposing those charges was introduced by nine other than the former half-wit-in-chief, Milliband!
[This was a reply to John Anderson but it has somehow shifted a notch!]
No. It did actually get a mention this a.m. (29 Sept) from Frances O’Grady, the TUC boss, so I count that another measure of some progress, albeit a tiny one. She wasn’t jumped on by the TOADY presenter either. Another tiny hint of progress? I seem to recall one of O’Grady’s predecessors, early in the Blair administration, fell in with the Climate Change malarkey and wanted to tax road fuels to the heavens. They were apparently oblivious to the impact that that would have on jobs and their members.
Steel components – the bits that go into making it – are heavy & bulky and have to be moved. The finished product is heavy & bulky and has to be moved, either to customers in the UK or to ships for export. Tax movement of raw materials and tax again the movement of product, perhaps again from wholesaler to end-user and eventually your business may be vulnerable to a downturn in demand. Add tax increases with massive surcharges on energy and you get a similar result. Less numerous ‘cost events’ maybe, but equally devastating when sales become a bit thin.
More basic science (economics this time) but the dear old Beeb does seem to struggle to understand it all. Could it be because they have a constant, guaranteed income rolling into their bank account all day, every day, irrespective of the winds of market change?
Al Beeb is missing an opportunity on this subject.
Where is their analysis showing Climate Change is our fault?
Or is it now taken for granted that everything is our fault?
This must be the same heat that has resulted in a 40% increase in the size of the ice-cap since 2014. Mind you, they don’t define the source of the wind under investigation, perhaps they’re not looking close enough to home…..?
They even managed to get climate change into some arts review on newsnight the other night – some opinionated woman had written book (nothing to do with science or climate change) started banging on about people denying the facts discovered by science – and sure enough in case we had not followed her drift later confirmed she was referring to climate change
Apologies for late arrival on this one. Heat from the ocean depths? I actually count that a bit of an improvement from the enviro-mentalists at the BBC. Take heart! There is some progress there. They were in denial on that for a long, long time. Only cars and aircraft produce Global Warming emissions, they said. Kate Humble tried to explaining it to them back in the days when I watched TV: our planet is very, very hot in the middle and this heat escapes on land and in the sea. It must be nearly fifteen years ago when they stuck Kate in a tin can with a TV camera and lowered her a couple of thousand feet into the sea somewhere to visit a deep ocean vent.
The BBC are still not fully comfortable with proper science though: ” … how wind-driven turbulence in the Arctic Ocean is stirring up heat from the depths … ” . Maybe one day soon they will get a handle on what a warm fluid does in a cold fluid without any help from turbulent Arctic winds whatsoever.
Back in the good old days of proper education, children used to do an experiment to demonstrate that in the penultimate or final year of their Primary schooling. Maybe these days they have to cover diversity & equality in science before they are allowed to blow lids off treacle tins and poke thermometers into recently boiled saucepans of water.
The BBC’s total support of immigration:
“”Migrant crisis: Memorable pictures by BBC correspondents””
No photos of the other viewpoint. All the BBC photos show immigrants as victims. The plight. The children…
By you guessed it, Lyse Doucet!
It’s beyond parody, I’m waiting to see an invader in a wheel chair with a kitten in one hand and a teddy bear in the other.
The Daily Mail came close last week. They had a story about a teenaged ‘refugee’ who come to the EU from Syria, with his young Husky puppy. I suggested we take in the puppy and return the bipedal parasite attached to it to Syria.
“…No photos of the other viewpoint.”
The BBC isn’t aware of any other point-of-view on the issue of ‘migrants’. Didn’t you get the memo?
Scrap the license fee now.
Someone (sorry, can’t remember who) posted this on another thread here…
It cannot be referred to too often
Somebody has come up with the term gimmegrants, which I think is quite clever and apposite.
Yes, I like that… somewhere in the press this morning (it may have been the Mail) they were referred to as deserters on account of their being mostly men of fighting age fleeing the Syrian army draft. That was also quite apposite.
Shouldn’t that be Lies Doucet?
Lies Deceit. FTFY
On the other channel …
“The EU has now opened Europe s borders to the most backward, and violent culture on this planet … one that rejects any concept of basic human rights what? … could possibly go wrong”
They re bringing sharia, not fleeing it
My vote for this week’s Damien Day Teddy goes to Bethany Bell. Honorable mention to Ben Brown.
Another good example of BBC bias from Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics. She was interviewing Mr McTernnan ( probably I have mispelt his name) about the Shadow Chancellor’s speech at the Labour Conference. Mr McTernnan is an ex Labour Party worker who was an advisor to T Blair, so we know where he is coming from. After the speech McTernnan lambasted it ,pointed out all the obvious flaws in neo marxist economics and generally ridiculed the whole Corbyn project as one which appealed only to a very narrow section of the British electorate and not at all to the vast majority of the public.
This was too much for Jo, she used her time and questions trying to argue that perhaps there was something worthwhile in what the Shadow Chancellor had said , although she was unable to say what it may have been. McTernnan was having none of that and just kept on piling the rubbish on the speech. Anyway it was a mighty odd interview in which a BBC interviewer tried to persuade her Labour Party guest to find something good to say about a speech by the Labour Shadow Chancellor with a conspicuous lack of success!
I saw that too, Deborah. It was noticeable that she seemed to be trying to persuade him that actually there was merit in what the twit was saying.
At one point she seemed to be arguing McDonnell’s case.
I thought McTernan was pretty negative about the whole thing, and the more negative he became, the more strident she became in defending the speech. It was indeed all very odd.
Later in the programme, we had the sight of Andrew Neil ripping shreds out of that Mulhotra woman (Shadow Secretary to the Treasury) who despite what we have been told about this new set-up, was trying to spin it all. Neil, to his credit was having none of that.
Maybe in the analysis the BBC adjudicator will put it down to a case of good cop bad cop and sign it all off as balanced, but Jo Coburn’s interview was strange
Yes, I particularly enjoyed McTernan’s riposte to Ms Coburn’s attempt to swing his thread towards blaming the Tories – at which point those mesmerising, if strangely straight eyebrows almost collided above her nose.
Never mind Jo, another thread to add to the silver lining is the imminent departure of Robert ‘Dosser’ Peston to those capitalist ITV chaps where he’s apparently due for enthronement as their political editor. Having a Labour peer father in the Lords seems to have paid off at last.
I saw it. It really did expose Jo Coburn’s economic literacy level. (Yet) another example of an individual promoted way beyond their abilities. Put her brain in a male body – she would never have got near the position of professional ‘interviewer’ of national and international politicians. Credit McTeirnan – he tried to mansplain it to her. I guess he’ll be ‘far right’ now and shouldn’t expect further time on the BBC soon, unless Corbyn goes all ‘ ‘ on them.
Yes, will have had a hard time missing Labour erm ” spin doctor “John McTernan on TV and radio and in newspapers this week. Former special adviser to Tony Blair, he’s been rolled out on heavy rotation across the media to pontificate poison pen letters on Jeremy Corbyn, Quite a feat after his disastrous Scot General Election panning, now apparently playing a “destructive role” inciting turmoil in the Labour Party.
A thoroughly slimy, deceitful, odious individual, he ought to be in Conservative central office …
they re made for each other…. hmmm maybe he is?
Imagine calling yourself a ”spin doctor ”, another name for it is a professional liar, hatchet faced John McTernan is a nasty piece of work, a real scumbag, he like Blair is in it for the power for powers sake. He said on Any Questions regarding the Syrian invaders ” Let them in they’re our next door neighbours.” How many neighbours do you have that live 2.500 miles away ?
DB – you can be damn sure that when they do get here, they’ll never end up living where they really could be a next door neighbour of that c**t.
From the Institute of Economic Affairs:
“….The government should take immediate steps to abolish the licence fee altogether. This would not ‘kill’ the BBC. A BBC placed on a commercial footing and raising its own funds would be well-positioned to compete in an increasingly global media marketplace given its brand, back-catalogue and expertise. Stripping away its privileged position would also de-politicise the BBC, as consumers would have the ability to withdraw their custom, dampening concerns about bias and the BBC’s dominance of the media news market…”
The full statement from their Public Policy Head is here:
Thanks to the idiots who post offensive diatribe, I am again unable to read the weekend thread. The web pages get blocked for anyone who can only get Internet access from their local library. Well done, I hope you feel you ‘got it off your chest’.
So how did you manage to post that comment ?
Because I CAN access this page – I CANNOT access the weekend thread page.
Complain to the library that they are censoring widely held views. What right do they have to do this?
What is their explanation? If they say their filters caught something but won’t explain what it is, insist on an explanation, otherwise they could ban anything they don’t like. Which I suspect is what has happened, so you may be shouting at the wrong people.
Unfortunately this is what happens when you rely on a government body to provide your internet. Censorship of inconvenient facts.
Ah Yes … freedom of speech/expression, wonderful isn t it, cherish it … any remaining scintilla of it will be erased pretty soon.
“offensive” well, of course … no need for, it on speech that can put you to sleep.
… and as the saying goes, “the truth hurts”, is there a salient point in these posts, something cogent about say the BBCs appalling bias re Islam, re illegal immigrants, re the fake refugees crisis or spinning our history, or the climate con, or Israel.
Offensive eh! … that latest buzzword, don t let your integrity slip into sounding a bit, thought policey, a bit Islammy buddy
… If the library is … get together with your like minded friends, say something about it
… and let freedom reign
So oppose your library’s censorship.
Since when have (private) web sites been obliged to conform to petty municipal sensibilities?
Its interesting to know that local authorities are blocking public access to this website. Could you confirm which posts constituted ‘offensive diatribe’, who it offended, and whether there was any merit in the substance of the offendee’s offense. Thank you.
Which particular posts are you referring to? What are your library’s grounds for blocking and did you just take their word for it?
Having said that, people always should exercise some self-discipline when posting to avoid giving unnecessary excuses to those who would be only too willing to find reasons to censor this site.
If you are unable to access the offending pages, how do you know what was posted, and who did it offend?
As my last comment was cruelly orphaned, I’m going to repeat it, hoping no one is offended – except the BBC, of course!
BBC R4 continues its heroic bid to outshine Radio Pyongyang as a beacon for socialist propaganda broadcasting. Hurrah!
After lunch, in what should have been an entertaining programme about Sir Hans Sloane, the presenter simply couldn’t restrain himself from worming ‘global warming’ into his essay. What? No editor had the guts to tell him to stick to his subject? Don’t be silly…
In the news that followed, 14 year old Labour MP, Anna Turley, took a break from her homework to breathlessly condemn the loss of jobs in Redcar, where the steel plant is being mothballed due to the ‘climate change’ legislation which, you can bet, the moron voted for. Was she questioned about her profound stupidity? Nope!
All followed by the first of a week long series of plays preaching to us about why we should stop using oil and head back to the Stone Age when, of course, life was so much better.
Just close it down.
There’s a certain community who would welcome easier access to stones!
” A TEAM of undercover journalists are hoping to prove ( 😀 )that the nation is still prejudiced towards ethnic minorities as part of BBC Three’s race season. Is Britain Racist? will see the group staging a string of situations with people of different races to examine how the general public reacts.
Producers believe the programme will illustrate how race still impacts major decisions in people’s lives, “from those we do business with to those we end up marrying”. The documentary is expected to air this month as part of BBC Three’s race season. The programme claims to reveal how race still impacts major decisions in people’s lives, “from those we do business with to those we end up marrying”. It will be funded out of BBC Three’s £30million budget to make shows once it is shut down as a TV channel and re-launched as an online only service from January”
Obviously BBC default position … we are racist
With that vary narrative in mind, the BBC this morning has a prolonged piece on the … Far Right Far Right, on the Victoria Derbyshire Show.
Yep! … in typical nauseating BBC fashion, this prolonged piece, starts with their usual UAF narrative as a a voice of reason?, first from … Hope Not Soap, on to a string of Islamic voices, all bleating Islamofauxbia.
Shamefully on to Rotherham, to hear more Islamic voices and surprise surprise … nothing to do with Islam.
There is, interspersed clips from Britain First demo s, usually with a detrimental voiceover.
Their are small selected clips from Britain First organisers, and then goes onto an Imam who blames any anti Islamic feeling on …… the media!, he preaches in Luton, (yep … that haven of peace), and was trained in Yemen and Syria.
Later, there is to be more BBC shock and horror, as apparently Britain First choose to use “social media” ?
… yes its appalling, why don t they just choose to use the BBC eh! …. no wait! 😀
Like them or not, agree with them or not they should be allowed to protest
They are a political party, failure to address the very pertinent, glaringly obvious, deeply problematic issues, that they raise, has given them such an enormous mail list.
Issues ignored by a spineless, supine Government more interested in vilifying the poorest/most vulnerable, lining their own pockets with Saudi lucre, and selling out our nation.
These issues are growing . .. they are not going away, “shooting the messenger” in fact any messenger
will not cut it.
IE – According to the Al BBC Sharia Dept, you re a ‘radical’ for drawing a picture of Mohamhead?
If the bloody BBC would have done their job and ran the cartoons instead of cowering, stop equating our required freedom of expression, with an intolerant cult that only wants to destroy it, then this brave woman, and the few like her wouldn’t have to.
If by racist they mean that I am a) proud to be British b) enjoy the British culture and think it should be protected c) prefer the company of those with a similar culture and value set, this includes almost all Europeans d) abhor violence and religious intolerance e) have a profound belief that democracy for all its faults is the best form of government f) think those with very different value sets and who despise our values and democracy should not be in our country g) would never seek impose my views on those from another country that I visited, then I am a racist.
Sadly I think that this is what the BBC mean when they say racist. How long before saying even what I wrote above puts me on the wrong side of the law ? I just don’t accept that believing the points I made above can be against the law, nor is it racist, it is just what being British used to be about.
“How long before saying even what I wrote above puts me on the wrong side of the law ?”
I fear the answer is “not long”. Reading about media self-censorship in countries like Germany and Sweden, EU officials declaiming free speech when it conflicts with the EU agenda, police chiefs refusing to report on crimes by migrants, and German individuals being prosecuted for postings on Facebook etc…. I’d get everything off your chest now while you still can!
I agree all your points a-g, so I guess that means I’ll be in the next cell to you….
The BBC now, provides a partial segment from the show on youtube.
Britain First: “A declaration of war” – BBC News,
and throws in Anne Marie Waters as the radical in a link at the end
I guess VD is giving us the usual dose. VD is a disease.
At least Anne Marie Waters’ name is getting more publicity. As they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity (unless of course it gets you killed). Anne Marie needs help in doing the front line work of cleansing the disease from our public discourse on the nature of Islam and appealing for honest and unadulterated discourse of Muslims’ beliefs relating to (i) Sharia Law (ii) raping children (iii) killing homosexuals (iv) degrading and assaulting women (v) killing apostates, to name just 5 subjects.
Please donate, to allow her to undertake the unpaid labour that she is doing on behalf of us all, in her defense of decency and freedom.
Oh, and vote UKIP.
Jezza Vine today discussing an attack on a “cereal cafe” (WTF?) by some leftist thugs; a cockney exile, living in Suffolk, rang in to discuss the gentrification of the East End. The caller talked about how the London where she’d grown up wasn’t what it was etc, yet Vine’s reason for the exodus of those areas’ traditional residents – increasing property prices.
Yes that’s right Jeremy – that is the exact and only reason why the English bailed out of there; you keep right on pushing that line, along with the other tw@ts at the British Bulls**ting Corporation. It had nothing whatsoever to do with them not much caring to be a minority, in the capital city of their own f*****g country!
A few months ago an ex-‘East Ender’ did manage to get in a remark to the effect that he had been ethnically cleansed – via ‘slum clearances’ to Essex.
I would have thought that the major changes in the East End haven’t been brought about by Wine and Cereal Bars though. Those changes are probably approved of by the protesters. It’s a strange world where you hate people because of their accent and yet prefer to replace them with people that hate your very being. (Not very tactful wearing pig masks was it?).
Vine’s reason for the exodus of those areas’ traditional residents – increasing property prices.
If that another way of saying that someone offered a better price for their property than they expected and they took the money? Oh, the inhumanity!
No – it’s a way of obscuring the fact that someone turned the areas they and their forbears had lived in for generations to s**t, via mass immigration from the Third World (which they were never given any say about) and they left; to live somewhere the immigrants and their offspring weren’t.
Nowadays rather than notice BBC bias, I tend to be more surprised when I don’t find bias, rather than when I do.
I’ve sold my telly, but often drop in to check on an elderly relative nearby and end up watching something (like when the son in law used to drop round in ‘The Royle Family’ and end up slumped in front of the telly).
Anyway last night the BBC showed ‘Cider with Rosie’. I waited patiently to see black or asian people in 1920s Gloucestershire but I was surprised to see there weren’t any. There was an entire village of white people! They didn’t even manage to get in any references to gays, lesbians, global warming or Islam. Apart from some rather am-dram acting in places and one or two small anchronisms, it was a fairly decent adaptation.
All rather odd considering the author’s impeccable lefty credentials!
What is it about remaining in the EU that the six figure salary Glenis Wilmott MEP (Labour) finds so attractive?
She’s on BBC Parliament 1610Hrs 28 Sept 2015 begging the Labour delegates to protect her job and support her own support for TTIP. She hasn’t mentioned to the delegates that she just voted for TTIP though. Can’t get my head round why that may be either.
Glenis Willmott MEP – a highly paid trougher who I have never heard of before. There should surely be an IQ test for these people?
There really is little left in Labour, and what’s left don’t agree with one another (as to how best impoverish our nation and its citizens). And now for that gargantuan of Left leaning intellects…….. Alan Johnson, former postie and unionista, now Leader of Labour’s ‘Yes’ EU Campaign. Farage must be quaking in his boots!
Robert Peston has humoured the Corbynista’s, and his ‘twittervists’ have been ‘HYSing’.
I’m angry. Angry at the batallion of schoolteachers who allow our children to leave school so deficient in maths, economics and the meaning of the word ‘money’. This can be the only explanation for the idiocy running through the comments. Some contributers with brains have tried to point out some basic facts.
Will Robert Peston perform any better once he has escaped the sinking ship of the BBC and been ‘saved’ by HMS ITV’s lifeboat? The Guardian sailed on by and wouldn’t pick him up.
Paul Kenny of the GMB. BBC Parliament.
Explaining the exploitation of workers by the EU corporatist stitch up, and how free movement of people is a mechanism for keeping wages down. Oh dear, the Doublethink of the Labour Party is starting to become obvious to the least hard of thinking amongst them.
Good solid bit of old style, sweary ‘nasty’ Tory Party bashing from Paul Kenny!
(In case you didn’t get it, Paul Kenny doesn’t dig the EU, but if our membership of it preserves enforced Union funding, he might be swayed – them nasty, nasty Tories!)
Hugh Edwards gives an unsurprising easy ride to a Shadow spokesman addressing Labour’s proposals for the economy. Labour would stop the steel works closures by reducing the price of energy in the Uk. It is apparently higher than in competitor countries. Edwards doesn’t ask whether costs are higher because of green subsidies, previously championed by Labour. Labour will also increase the tax take from business. Labour and Edwards just see this as a gain for the exchequer with no downside. Labour could be asked whether increasing the tax paid by Amazon, Starbucks, etc (as with the “Robin Hood tax” & banks) might have the effect of increasing prices to the consumer
Snippet from today’s Express………
‘Student union officials in Norwich have been confiscating sombreros given out by a Mexican restaurant because – they say – wearing them is racist.’ Rather follows on from the RAF uniform wearing serviceman at an A & E department. The devil in me would love to walk through the streets of Norwich dressed as a ….. one of those banned characters off the marmalade jar…….. wearing a sombrero and a military jacket !!!!
And now Andrew (no longer Andy – he’s in the City in a suit) Verrity – billed by the BBC as a economic/business correspondent (ha!) tells us on BBC News that the “Robin Hood” tax is not left wing because it is supported by Frau Merkel. He doesn’t pause to consider that the UK is far more reliant on the financial services sector than Germany- which makes dirty cars
Good point Nisa. Rather than a Financial Transaction Tax how about a Car Particulate Tax … it would raise money and prevent them killing us too. Ah course that would mainly penalise our German neighbours …. who require our European solidarity in their time of need …. the same solidarity as they gave us during the Mad Cow epidemic ….. when they continued to ban our beef long after any threat to humans had been removed. Lets redesignate it Mad Car disease !
How about a Muslim tax that would raise a few million,tick everyone’s boxes.
Whilst the BBC and the rest of the leftie sandal-wearing earthenware pot sculptors are throwing rose buds and tapping their tambourines in support of the ‘refugees’ (most of whom seem to be aggressive young Muslim men with sunglasses and smartphones) the real victims get hardly any coverage:
And you all know why? It’s because they are Christians and the left don’t care about Christianity. Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to world peace since WW2; and BBC is the biggest threat to British traditions. Both must be dismantled.
John McDoughnut’s conference speech. Usual lies and nonsense.
He doesn’t want to live in an age of austerity or as some might call it living within your means. Wonder what all those supposed young people ‘flocking’ to Labour will do when they realize that they have to pick up and sort out the bill in future generations.
Once again Doughnut repeated the myth that the financial crisis was all caused by the big bad banks. Again ignoring the fact it was originally called the sub prime mortgage crisis …. as a result of the American Government effectively forcing their banks to lend to people that could not afford to repay mortgages in the name of spreading ‘social housing ownership’. Who was the President during that time. None other than that darling of the Left and Blair Best Buddy Clinton.
As for the Socialist’s oft repeated ‘we had to waste all that money to get the banks out of trouble instead of giving it to the poorest and worst off’. What was the alternative. Let the banks go bust ? Taking everyone’s salaries and savings with them, and resulting in all overdrafts, mortgages and business loans being called in. How would that have worked out for everyone then ?
Had to laugh at the Labour spokesperson on the daily politics show when asked how much would be recovered from tax evaders, one of Doughnuts key methods of reducing the deficit …. her response …. could be £20 billion … could be £4 billion that isn’t the point. Sorry, that is exactly the point. They haven’t a clue. As history records all Socialists know how to do is raise taxes, spend money, and beggar the public finances. They have no idea how to generate money to pay for it’s fantasy plans.
I await Pestman’s endorsement of their financial plans with complete indifference
The bail out of the banks without reform or destruction, and the transfer of wealth via QE and low interest rates were wrong, morally and economically. That doesn’t mean McDonnell’s prescription is a cure though.
“The bail out of the banks without reform or destruction, …”
I trust you did not have any of your money in a bank at the time.
I would be quite happy for your principles to cost you your savings, but I’m rather less sanguine on such a matter.
QE at the time may be proven to have been the least worst route, as it has to be paid back some time out of future reduced growth.
Peoples QE has been trialled I believe in Zimbabwe and other countries.
As for the proposal to build hundreds of thousands of social houses my question to any Labour door knocker is to ask them to identify exactly where they will build them. The expected answer will be nowhere near you, as we want you to vote for us!
The rule before the crisis was that (I think) £50k per depositor was guaranteed. Even bust banks have assets which could help cover depositors further. With Northern Rock, which did go bust, I think it was shareholders who took the hit. The mortgage business was sold on. All that ‘rescuing’ the banks as they were with no haircut for depositors, shareholders or bondholders, meant was that the taxpayer covered the loss, which is to be realised with RBS. Not sure if the issue about what RBS knew at the time of their last right issue has been settled. Lloyds was a good bank dragged down by the ‘rescue’ of HBOS. Barclays was rescued by Middle east money but still benefited from QE. Low interest rates have ‘robbed’ depositors and created asset bubbles.
Absolutely outstanding speech by Mark Steyn, filmed at the free speech event in Copenhagen last weekend, go to to watch it – if you don’t want to wait to see it on Al Beebus.
The asylum seekers, migrants and refugees in search of legitimacy.
The bBBC don’t get it do they. An asylum seeker has asylum seeker status! All the people they report on here are illegals! One overstayer by their own admission, an undocumented because they were born here but could soon be sent to the birth mother’s country, an illegal who came on a boat.
Not one appears to have even tried to claim asylum!
Bbc london at 1830
200 thugs wearing masks and brandishing fire torches from some rabid left wing anti poverty group, attacked and intimidated a cafe in brick lane because quote ‘ rightly or wrongly’ it was considered to be gentrifying the area.
Rightly or wrongly ?????
Errrr it should be pretty clear even to al beeb that thuggery should not be entertained.
Except of course when it is for a right-on left wing cause, obviously.
The universities, like the media, are key players in promulgating far-Left multicult propaganda. Anyone who has ever studied at both undergraduate and postgraduate level will be only too aware how often the words inclusion, equality and diversity crop up in almost every subject. Whether it be clinical psychology, education, social research or even science, your subject area will be saturated with left-wing groupthink which if confronted or contested could lead to a stern rebuke by your lecturer. No wonder so many students are voting for Corbyn. Universities are fast becoming left-wing factories.
”inclusion, equality and diversity”, Another name for it is communism, it didn’t go away, just repackaged.
Yes, you’re right! The words also mean that you must hate everything British and refuse to criticise anything to do with Islam.
Yep! … or else
just like the battered wife, convince yourself that slug in the kisser its for your own good
Thank you for putting that on here nogginator, it is one of Steyn’s best, which is saying something as he has made some great speeches over the years.
Thanks again, I would urge people to take the time to watch it.
I would concur. This should be shown in schools.
Have just watched it and agree totally.
Swedish Report “Därefter slutade konferensen. Några av deltagarna fick splittra upp sig eftersom den förhandsbokade restaurangen blivit rädda för att befatta sig med TFS och de inresta föreläsarna”.
Which translates to something like:
“After that the conference ended. Some of the participants had to split up because the pre-booked restaurant became afraid to deal with the Free Speech Society and the speakers they’d invited”.
That’s true. They did. We were escorted by officers from the PET, the Danish Security Service. But the minute the restaurant discovered that, the management – some joint called Fiat – cancelled. Compared to what happened to Charlie Hebdo, that’s a small price to pay, but it is still a price, and a telling one.
Those who defend freedom for all wind up with less than anybody: airlines that won’t fly them, theatres that won’t book them, and even crappy Italian restaurants that won’t serve ’em a few pasta shells at the end of a hard day defending liberty.
… Exactly the same, with the Mohamhead cartoon exhibit in London.
The last laughs in Europe
You forgot the word “progressive”…In fact just flick over to Hope Not Hate or the Socialist workers party and tick off each and every box in what Bolshevik double speak looks like today.
It has always been so. At Uni, in the 1970’s, you always claimed to be “of the Left”. It was the best chance of getting laid. Well, for me , anyhow!
You’re absolutely right and it’s hard to know what could be done, short of removing funding and closing down the worst of them. Sadly, though, the ‘worst’ would include some of our oldest and, in other respects, best institutions.
One of the worst effects has been the way the media has closed its doors to non-graduates which has killed-off traditional ‘school of hard knocks’ journalists. I’m not a fan but Richard Littlejohn learned the truth about trade unions as a local newspaper reporter, seeing them at work first hand – an experience denied to kids who waltz more or less straight out of ‘uni’ into a job with the Guardian, Telegraph or BBC.
This is one of the causes of the Leftism hat runs right through our media and the root cause is indoctrination by academics and the lack of ‘real life’ experience that entails. I do not think this is an accident, by the way. I think it was calculated and quite deliberate, culminating in the huge expansion of tertiary education under the Blair regime.
The strategy is the Communist staff give Communist students more help and better marks.
These students are then accepted for PHD study, where they get more help etc.
When a student is awarded a PHD they receive backing from the Communist staff and get a position as a lecturer.
When the Communist professor retires he recommends the Communist lecturer as his replacement.
Self perpetuating.
One of the reasons for grade inflation.
One of the reasons we get so many dopes on the BBC with impressive qualifications talking nonsense.
One of the reasons why we read of so many “scientific” reports on publicly funded research which could be seen at the outset to be a complete waste of (our) money.
Naturally a non-communist or anti-communist student is marked down.
When these students choose to “work” in the public sector they get promoted regardless of abilities.
The same strategy eases people into a gravy train known as a QUANGO, where they advocate
Communist policies.
Inside Out BBC West Migrant Special. Live from Calais, Why? Tonights Points West also leads with the story.
Why should this be of interest to those of us in the West Country, what’s its relevance other than a group of aid workers being from Swindon?
All we get are interviews from bleeding heart liberal types feeling sorry for the migrants, the usual ‘we should feel sorry’ platitudes from our bBC man. These aid workers are told is dangerous to enter the jungle, but we’re not told why, migrants refuse the gifted food (so they can’t be hungry) they’re picky in what they want, so maybe these people ain’t as desperate as portrayed? Questions not asked.
We see an earth mother from Bath welcoming the invaders to Kos with a ‘well done’ ‘you look so happy’ of course they are you stupid fifth columist cow, they’ve hit the jackpot. Has it not entered her mushy liberal brain that she is welcoming people that further down the line will happily take all that she has and more, let’s hope she hasn’t got teenage daughters.
Finally we get sob story’s from those already here (cue the sad music soundtrack) all arrived by lorry, we hear about their terrible journeys, never is it pointed out that what they have done is illegal.
We did get to hear from one aid worker that she has been disowned by her family for doing what she is, but the tone was that this family are evil…
A bit ranty but astounded at the pointless waste and cost of a live OB transmission, aimed just at a local audience of which 75% had no interest, but with a definite agenda. I’d like to think that like me, the good people of the West Country either saw through it or switched off.
”We see an earth mother from Bath welcoming the invaders to Kos.”
Christianity has collapsed in the West, what’s replaced it is multiculturalism and like a religion its adherents are evangelical zealots, anyone who disagrees with mass immigration is a heretic and should be killed for hate crimes, that’s what they actually believe.
Hate crime is the new blasphemy
And some are both Christian and immigration zealots, apparently convinced that the Good Samaritan is th e most important message the gospels deliver.
The Good Samaritan provided care and lodgings but did not take the person into their own home!
”Inside Out BBC West Migrant Special. Live from Calais, ”
The invaders in Calais, most of whom are black, are they all Syrian chimney sweeps ?
There are some people who think that the UK’s overseas aid budget gets squandered by the governments that receive it. Well, here is the proof that at least some of it allows nations to invest in their indigenous science and technology sectors:
Isn’t it great to see struggling nations surge ahead thanks to our generosity?
Can’t see any bias by omission in this item:
I wonder why?
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC TV Licence Supported by Fewer than One in Three.
– BBC Bosses Seek to Delay Damning Review into Culture of Sexual Abuse.
BBC4 Just Now – “new – a Syrian love story”
” But what about the childwen ? ” Stephen Nolan quote.
The correct response to that DB is – What about the children indeed? The British children of today and tomorrow: whose racial identity, nation and birthright the treacherous leaders of our country are giving away; to Islamic, Third World infiltrators who will seek to convert, kill or subjugate them once they become the majority sometime after 2040.
I thought I would watch news and weather on BBC 1 at 10pm. It is being followed by a pop concert with Sting, Chris Martin, Ed Sheeran, Leonardo De Caprio oh and as I type Obama and Nelson Mandela. But it is left wing propaganda from start to finish. They keep going on about children living in deep poverty. Well can’t these people give the cause all their money and leave the rest of us alone. And how many times can you talk about climate change to people standing in a muddy field/ cold Central Park and they believe you? One million being indoctrinated shown on Tv, makes me realise that if the West can do it, then so can ISIS. And I don’t like much of the music either!
I’m feeling bombarded by adverts and concerts pleading for money for children, whether its water-aid, or the NSPCC, Save the Children, and shortly its gonna be Children in Need again time.
C-in-N has been going for over 30 years, so I’d like to know, is the money being collected now being used to replace all those playgrounds/play huts/nursery buses that were funded back in 80’s ?? There must have been literally thousands of ‘projects’ paid for over the years that surely don’t last just 12 months, so why are there still Children in Need ? I gather all the donations don’t pay for food or clothing, so what other ‘Needs’ are there ? Is it for medical equipment and nursing care? I don’t ever watch this money fest, but in the early days I remember lots of toddlers being shown ‘in need’, and lots of playgrounds being constructed. AND wouldn’t it be good if 30 years later the Beeb tracked down some of these kids that benefitted at the time, to see if the money donated actually did them any good.
I think it would be more prudent in this day and age (seeing how there are very few kids without a Smart Phone, so what qualifies as In Need is beyond me), to have Pensioners In Need; just think how lovely it would be for lots of money to be pumped into decent care home facilities, like each room have a camera installed (!), a few more community buses for trips out, oh the list is endless, but you get my drift.
The sick BBC charity appeal ‘Children in Need’ really annoys me!
Why should a corporation which criminalises 200 000 poor people per year then turn round to the public who are forced to fund it asking them for money which they can then hand out like lady bountiful to the poor they have just prosecuted!
Worse than that they use licence fee money to administer the charity, which the keep quiet, but tell everyone that every penny goes to charity !
I’m fortunate – I suffer from a condition called Charity Fatigue, making me immune to all charities except those of the armed forces.
A proper charity where volunteers occasionally die doing charitable work.
I am sick of reading on tins “All profits go to Charity”.
It should say “All profits, after paying huge salaries and lavish expenses to useless left wing wankers who are pretending to be involved in charity work, go to Charity”.
British Legion
Sightsavers (been paying since I was 20. They prevent blindness due to infections in the third world, which allows people to be self-reliant)
Facing the World – charity that provides facial surgery for people with severe disfigurement.
That’s about it.
With regards to Facing the World, they had a documentary on TV in which they brought an Indonesian boy to the UK for surgery (at the charities expense). He had a horrific facial tumour and had a horrible life in Indonesia (ostracised and ridiculed). Before the operation he spent a day sightseeing in London. The documentary team asked him if he like England. He said he like it a lot, because people didn’t point and laugh at him in the street. I guess all cultures aren’t as equal as we’re told…
Here is another, true, charity story.
I have mentioned this before but I think it is worth repeating as showing exactly how twisted some UK values have become, thanks in part to the BBC.
About twelve years ago on a list of successful applicants for National Lottery funds was a “drop-in” cafe for male homosexuals in some Northern town, Sheffield from memory.
I then read about an organisation who had also applied for National Lottery funding at the same time, but had been refused a grant.
This organisation was the long established national charity St Dunstan’s who assist ex-servicemen who have been blinded on active service!
I still find this disgusting.
Another charity story.
The RNLI have never applied for any National Lottery funding because they have been told
in advance they would not be eligible.
From 2005, I have not heard of any changes since.
On what grounds, I wonder? Not diverse enough?
Our Company stopped charitable donations to the main charities 12 years ago. Now the local paper invites worthy causes and individuals to write in for a fixed donation, that way the timewasters etc can be weeded out and the genuine needy who are usually ignored by PC get a fair hearing. This month was a memorial bench to First World War soldiers in Kirriemuir.
I’ve avoided C in N ever since I worked for a company that processed some of their money and discovered that BBC committees decide who to send the money to.
Then I realised the whole thing is a sort of masturbation exercise for the BBC to feel good about itself. In the process it abuses its position with mass advertising drawing in millions of £ for those charities IT selects. This deprives charities not selected. It also I feel enables many of the passive public to donate and therefore feel good about themselves without having to think.
What we do and I encourage this is to decide once a year what charities you would like to support and then give what you can/want (including to children’s charities if you want) in whatever proportion you want but crucially, make a positive thoughtful decision to do this, and not be brainwashed by the Al-Beeb C in N propaganda machine.
“It also I feel enables many of the passive public to donate and therefore feel good about themselves without having to think”
Spot on, the bBC have an absolutely monopoly, the weeks leading up to the day we are hit with it continually across every bBC platform local and national TV and radio and on the day the whole network from Radio 1 to Radio 3 is awash, pleading with us to dig deep, giving the impression that if you don’t you’re a ‘cant’.
I used to work for a company that made people dress up for the day, constantly sticking collection buckets under your nose and it seems the same happens in most supermarkets on the day.
This is actually its 36th year and as pointed out, what has it really achieved? Don’t forget in that period how many times we’ve been emotionally blackmailed by Bob & co for our cash with endless charity ditties, what have they really achieved? That is apart from helping to increase the birthrate in Africa, one that is now marching forever northwards….
Still its a good opportunity for Wogan to rake in a 5 figure sum for is ‘efforts’ and Evans to give us plebs a chance to drive one of his fleet of multimillion pound Ferrari’s….
I used to find it very difficult NOT to contribute, as there would often be something organised by the school or similar. Eventually I decided to make it clear that I wasn’t going to give as I preferred to give directly to the charity of my choice and know exactly where my donations were going. I found more in agreement with me than I’d anticipated.
A couple of years ago , I was in the pub , on lunchtime , around about the 6th of November , & some dosey bint came in with a bucket collecting for CIN . I pointed to the date & said , “You have got a nerve” , “Why” she replied , I said , “Are you so dim ? .In a few days it will be the 11th Nov ( or the date of the Sunday, in which Remembrance day was being observed , that year) , you should be collecting for them FIRST “.”But the Children “she replied . I said “Stuff it , you disgust me” . With that she left the pub . So if anyone see`s CIN collecting prior to the 11th Nov , give em hell .
I’ve noticed a marked difference with this ‘migrant crisis’ in terms of charity collection. If you recall the Tsunami of ’04, there was a huge drive to collect money, on the streets, in pubs, on tv etc. People realised it was a completely unavoidable ‘act of God’ and that the people involved desperately needed help. I even heard of one chap who gave a month’s salary to help. Contrast that with the migrant crisis – nothing like that is gaining popular support, and it’s because people sense, despite the propaganda, that the vast majority of the people involved are not charitable cases.
I encounter quite a wide cross-section of people professionally and I have rarely seen such unanimity as I have witnessed over this ‘migrant’ crisis. The BBC-Guardian axis and most politicians are more out of step with public feeling than I have ever seen them. I fervently hope they are made to pay the price for their betrayal of the people of this country.
Geldof hasn’t made his move yet…
I can hear it now ‘There’ll be snow in Calais this Christmas Time….’
Get with the new agenda, Geoff! ‘Christmas Time’?! You old Nazi! You must mean ‘Winterval’? No?
Excellent point.
In the early hours of yesterday morning, I posted on the Weekend Thread with a couple of questions. The first question was “How can we re-establish a fair and unbiased media in the UK, starting with the BBC News & Current Affairs Department?”.
I then wondered if perhaps the site owners would allow a permanent thread to be set up, allowing those with practical and workable suggestions to start putting forward pragmatic ideas to effect real change. Not comments on bias, but ‘real world’ ideas for how to restore some element of impartiality to BBC News & Current Affairs – ideas which could be discussed and where the best of them could be put into action by us or by our elected representatives.
The post got some interesting replies about the licence fee and moving to a subscription model for BBC funding. No-one posted on the basic premise: that we can complain all we want and post examples of BBC bias on a daily basis, and yet the situation goes from bad to worse each year.
Does anyone have any comments about the idea of a ‘Workable Suggestions to Restore an Impartial BBC News Dept?’ and the idea of a permanent thread purely for this? Obviously I won’t raise it with the site owners (or with you again) if there’s no appetite for the concept.
I did reply to your last post agreeing with a couple of other posts, that the only way to reform the BBC is to make it a subscription only service. Perhaps most people would still pay for the BBC subscription and the BBC staff could rest more easily in their beds knowing that their salary wasn’t extorted from the unwilling by force of law. How the BBC staff sleep at night with the present coercive arrangement I simply don’t know. On the other hand if the BBC continued to demonstrate the very un British attitude across the range of issues it presently does , then it would become a niche channel for the liberal left ultras and public sector employees, just like its soulmate the Guardian.
There is not a cat in hells chance of reforming the BBC whilst it still gets its money from the public purse. The whole corporation is riddled with leftist views to the extent that they even think that 90% of the public support their liberal agenda and that the few of us who don’t are evil, selfish, right wing bigots.
I would welcome somewhere to see what other views there are about practical ways of dealing with the BBC.
“practical ways of dealing with the BBC”
Take a leaf out of the Islamic book.
Why don’t you set up your own website? I can’t speak for David and Alan but they appear to allow ‘advertising’ or at least pointers to a few other sites with a broadly anti-‘progressive’ bent.
If you build it they will come?
“and yet the situation goes from bad to worse each year”
It does. But I also feel there is more and more perception now of the BBC’s bias, and they are not far off over-reaching themselves. They may already have done so over the immigrant crisis.
All we can do is keep pointing it out and keep complaining. Hopefully more and more will do so and eventually their systems will be unable to cope as they drown under their own contradictions. I don’t think there’s a quick fix, short of a heavyweight public figure who is in a position to influence matters coming on board. Such people seem reluctant at present to stick their heads above the parapet, possibly because of what the BBC with its near-monopoly could do to their careers.
Why does the BBC insist on adorning the people (ISIS) who murder, rape and behead other humans with the term Jihadist? Why can’t they bring themselves to call them what they actually are – murdering terrorists. The pro-muslim corporation refuse to call a spade a spade and just love their romantic Alladinesque notions about these scum. Oh and I forgot the Jihadi brides (another BBCism), how romantic are they?, going out to Syria to whore for terrorists.
The BBC put the opposing view in this News link. (But they don’t do that for Climate Change, Immigration and other Left Wing narratives).
“”Four British jihadists face UN sanctions””
“”◾Aqsa Mahmood, 21, has been accused of recruiting three London schoolgirls to join IS – something her parents have denied.
◾Nasser Muthana, 21, is accused of appearing in videos showing beheadings, although his father said it was not him.””
Why does the BBC do this? Is it because in the eyes of the BBC, Islam can do no wrong?
Are we supposed to feel pity for this guy?
He’s in France and has access to full medical treatment, food and shelter. And he won’t be bombed, tortured or forced to join up.
But the report is asking why he can’t come to the UK from Calais?
The BBC are so pro-immigration that they stoop to this journalistic low to gain our sympathy to his ‘plight’. Why should the UK prioritise him. Is France a third-world country? It’s his choice to be at Calais.
AlBeeb thinks that our National Health Service is like its very own World Service, paid for by us but serving the rest of the world.
I saw this news abuse and was flabbergasted!
What the hell do bBBC want us to do? Send the fire brigade to help him illegally enter my country?
The poor disabled blighter managed to get to Calais with only one functioning arm, surely he could have got from Syria to a refugee camp in a neighbouring country far more easily?
We have former soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan with fewer working limbs than this man and they can scale Everest and don’t rely on al-Beeb to support illegal gimmegration.
“A skinny latte, for me please”
Says Bill Turnbull, not for our Bill the builder’s tea, he’s keen to align himself on the metrosexual side of British manhood.
“Oooo, it looks lovely in Brighton this morning”
Coos Louise Minchin, Bill’s platonic sofa-partner. She has just conducted the softest of soft interviews with dopey Labour Shadow Education Secretary Lucy Powell.
You must remember Lucy Powell? She is the one who ‘never met’ Jeremy Corbyn when he desperately needed to up the skirt quota on the opposition front bench.
Education, mmmm.
She struggles with numbers, see her car crash interview on tax figures with Andrew Neil here:
She’s not much stronger with her English articulation
Hear her radio car crash ‘Ed Stone promises, not set in stone’ here:
The point is that our accident-prone only there because she’s a woman Lucy standing in the lovely Brighton sunshine has nothing to fear from the more than sympathetic BBC Breakfast team.
Go on voters, let her loose on our children’s education. She’s not at all nasty like that horrible Mr Gove.
DT reports JC keen to update what children learn as to the important role of trade unions and also the evils of empire, such as the slave trade. Presumably Ms Powell will be publishing draft curriculums in due course.
One must hope that the trade union studies will include the malign influence on the nation in the 70s and 80s and encourage the children to never vote to return matters to that state ever again, and that the slave trade studies will fully inform them of just who it was capturing and bringing the slaves to the ports in Africa, and which nation lead the way against it.
On empire It has always amazed me how a nation of 40 – 50m could spare all those people, soldiers etc to go off and subjugate so much of the world. Strangely in the Indian Mutiny the vast majority of the soldiers who put it down were Indian, which gives a clue as to how it was done.
I cannot commend too highly Niall Ferguson’s book “Empire, how Britain made the modern world”, but would suspect it would not be a recommended reading in a JC history curriculum!
I have a Japanese friend, a very erudite and cultured lady, who had heard of Niall Ferguson’s book. She found a copy in a charity shop and bought it. She told me she was shocked to find that somebody had written a diatribe in the flyleaf about how it was all racist, lies etc. ‘Why do British people think this way about their history?’ she asked. I replied ‘How long have you got…?’
For those who struggle at school perhaps a screening of “Carry on at your convenience” should be obligatory in comrade Corbyn’s schools.
I wonder if any child might be bright enough to equate the Rene Housten and Kenneth Cope roles to Margaret Thatcher and Arthur Scargill in the after screening disussion!
“On empire It has always amazed me how a nation of 40 – 50m could spare all those people, soldiers etc to go off and subjugate so much of the world.”
Yes, and when the Empire had been disbanded, former members had been so badly persecuted that they chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it was known in 1949. The Empire wasn’t perfect, but it can’t possibly have been all bad either.
Staggered to read an article headline in Telegraph today saying…Migrant crisis politics are not EU’s problem! Some Greek dude who pushed through the unpopular quotas said this and the reason it’s not their problem….they do not have to face re-elections! He said they acted with vision, responsibility and commitment!
I used to be a stay-in voter…. if DC gets his way in negotiations.
Then I wavered.
Now…I’m definitely for leaving this corrupt band of brothers!
I don’t know which is worse: the bBc or the lot across the water.
The BBC is partially funded by the EU.
Which maybe partially explains why “The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said”
Yet another example of the BBC’s risible double standards, this one on R4 a few minutes ago.
Normally, when an immigrant blows something up, rapes a child, hops off to join ISL or the like, he is referred ti as ‘British’. Hardly ever are we allowed to know his country of origin, in fact the BBC will contort its story to conceal this information.
This morning, however, on one of its ‘arty’ (they think) programmes, a writer was described, quite casually, as being ‘Moroccan Dutch’, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to describe someone in that way.
I would like to think this marks a change of policy and that henceforth we will hear about ‘Yemeni British’ murderers, ‘Bangladeshi British’ traitors and ‘Pakistani British’ child molesters – but, of course, we won’t.
Yes, I’ve always thought this. Although the term ‘ British Muslim’ is often banded about, which makes me immediately think er, NO, he may have a British passport – even born here, BUT did his great grandfather or grandfather fight for this country in WW1 or 2 ? I have firm views on this, to BELONG to a country you have to have a ‘history’. I have British friends who have become citizens of other countries i.e. U.S and Switzerland, and talking to them, yes they have passports of their adopted country, but have allegiances to their birth country, – and with religion its not so unusual, British jews have a pull towards Israel, and live alongside us amicably, but as we’ve seen already, Islam has another agenda.
Its very simple. There are no British Muslims.
AH! This Islamofauxbia cannot be allowed to go unchallenged! Do you not know that there are dozens of brave Jihadis who have claimed the name ‘Al Britani’?
Here are just a few !
Abu Sammyh al-Britani, also known as Kabir Ahmed from Derby, who died as a suicide bomber last November in Baji
Khalil al-Britani, aka Ibrahim Kamara from Brighton, killed in a US air strike in Aleppo two months earlier
Abu Dugma al-Britani, born Abu Rahin Aziz in Luton, who fled abroad after stabbing a football fan.
Um Hussain al-Britani, also known as Shakina Hussein, previously Sally Jones, who declared after the video appeared of James Foley’s murder that her ambition was to carry out a beheading.
Mohammed Emwazi, exposed as “Jihadi John”, who is reported to have used the name Abu Abdullah al-Britani.
Abu Hussain al-Britani, aka Junaid Hussain, Shakina’s 20-year-old husband. Hailing from Birmingham, he was jailed in 2012 for stealing Tony Blair’s personal information online and has also been described as an Isis cyber-chief
Abu Abdullah al-Britani, from London, who used to be known as William Clinic before converting to Islam. He was killed last November in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.
Abu Abdullah al-Britani, who produced an travel guide on life as a holy warrior in Syria and Iraq.
And of course who could forget the Labour leader soon to institute these brave Jihadis into the remembrance service in November, and his chosen name – Jibrail Corbani Al Islingtani !
BBC News.
There have been fresh clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians at a disputed holy site in Jerusalem.
Police fired tear gas at youths who were throwing stones and petrol bombs.
The site, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, and to Jews as the Temple Mount,
“a disputed holy site” ….. “and to Jews”?, it appears that Jerusalem
… oops, cut off my hands, Al BBC Sharia Dept ! … Al Quds, is getting less Jewish by each BBC report.
Something the BBC wouldn’t report on – the abuse in the education of Palestinian Arabs in UNWRA schools and summer camps that is one of the main underlying cause of this violence
A commenter yesterday raised the question of the damage done to our society by academics. Regular readers may remember this is a bit of a hobbyhorse of mine as I believe humanities departments have taken the media prisoner.
Here, then, from the Mail is a shining example of one of those educating the next bunch of hacks and presenters who will be plaguing us in a few years time.
Or Islamic scholars like this dude … chanting ranting mob, startling similarities
Welcome to education Eurabia style
Oh … Its coming folks they re not fleeing sharia, they re bringing it.
Ironically, and as stated by the Guardian, breakfast cereals are incredibly bad for you. There is no nutritional value, any vitamins are artificially added. There is more nutrition in the cardboard boxes that some come in! They are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. You can get a box or packet of cereal from any Supermarket for as little as 50-60 pence.
“Britain is one of the world’s largest consumers of puffed, flaked and sugared breakfast cereals. How did that happen when many were said to contain less nutrition than the boxes they come in? Felicity Lawrence investigates”
Another defender of the protest, in which campaigners carrying flaming torches attacked the cereal bar, was POET Simon Elmer – who posted a photo of himself after the protest in a pig’s mask.
He wrote on Facebook: ‘Opening a shop that sells children’s cereals for £4 a bowl in a borough in which 49 per cent of the kids are living in poverty is an insult to the thousands of Tower Hamlets residents who have to eat on less than £4 a day.’
Is that what they told him! Or is he speaking on their behalf. He doesn’t mention it.
They are not interested in hungry kids are they. The kids are just collateral damage. Think about the children! Again
But Direct Action works!
The lady, and I use the term loosely, who was part of group ‘Class War’, whose members caused criminal damage to a ‘cereal bar’ at the weekend was rewarded by the BBC with a slot on Newsnight Tuesday 29th Sept 2015. She was given the platform by Kirsty Wark to spout anti-social, criminal leftist garbage. The London School of Economics is linked to a growng list of unsavoury characters. This ‘lady’ would be more suited to working in a warehouse – after she’d served time in jail and repaid every penny of the costs incurred to innocent business owners. Kirsty’s moral ambivalence is exposed well in this iterview, with only ‘soft righty’ Hartley Brewer providing anything bordering on a rational human perspective. I can only conclude that Kirsty has some mental health issue, as it appears that she wishes to promote class war.
The latest sob story from the bBC regards migrants who can’t be asked in claiming asylum in the first place they feel safe.
Disabled Syrian’s struggle in Calais migrant camp
I wonder what the underlying message from the bBC is here?
Al Beeb’s consumer affairs programme is currently twittering on about the housing rental market, in particular in London. All of this is most unhelpful at conference time to OldNuLOldLabor and the Corbynuttas I’m sure, but I wonder if anyone will point out that according to Migrationwatch’s carefully researched statistics that 40% of London’s social housing is let, on very favourable terms indeed, viz £130 pw max for a 3-bed, to tenants not born in the UK and that since 2000 the proportion given to them has increased.
Do you have a link for the MigrationWatch statistics ?
“29. Half of social housing in Inner London is occupied by households with a foreign born household reference person (HRP) and the figure for the whole city is 43%[33] as table 2 illustrates. “
Migration Watch Briefing Paper 339
Table 2: Tenure in London by UK born and non-UK born Household Reference Person
They’ve just built some new flats close to me and they are not advertised as for sale neither was there any indication of the site developer on the hoardings. I can only assume this is a social housing project. On Saturday I saw a group of three Eastern Europeans arrive to look around. They arrived in a Transit Van with a Romanian number plate.
Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t ALL vehicles that are here longer than 6 months have to have a UK license plate?
If I’m right then it beggars belief that European Gimmigrants who have been here less than 6 months are jumping the queue for social housing.
The values for ‘owned’ are incorrect.
There’s an error in row 3: 67% + 42% = 109%. Oops!
[Oh these pesky, Stand-In Pop-Up economists. What a pain! OK, if that’s what you feel then I’m off to annoy Peston on his Blog. 🙂 ]
So, John, you can find this site but you can’t/can’t be bothered to Google ‘Migrationwatch’! JimS kindly provided the EXACT figures, for which I thank him.
You, John, wouldn’t be a disbelieving Leftoid anxious to send decent souls off to provide the sort of information that any well-read, capable person who wanted hard facts could find with the minimum of effort, would you?
Perhaps you should get off John’s back. He only asked a polite question.
No he didn’t, he asked the typical Leftoid disbelieving, diversionary question intended to send people off on a wild goose chase, a tactic much used by Corbynutters in the Guardian’s comment columns. The query is out there but never the acknowledgement that the initial comment was correct. It took him longer to log in and type his response than it would have done to google ‘Migrationwatch’.
Do keep getting your fellow travellers up north to approve of your post.
Don’t be a prat Peter Grimes.
I politely asked for a link to the MigrationWatch figures as the poster presumably had them to hand.
And I have been supporting and posting at this website for many years.
You took a knee-jerk view that I am some leftie nutter – but I bet you don’t apologise.
Don’t know who you are John, but evidently I’m a fellow traveller. We must have found our inner Leftard??? I think Peter must be having a bad week, or perhaps doesn’t read our posts.
I reply to the post, I usually don’t conduct detailed research into the poster’s history. John Anderson seems quite capable of defending himself.
I was ‘the poster who presumably had them to hand’, but I didn’t ‘have them to hand’. It was something I’d seen a few weeks ago.
Knee jerk it might have been on my part having seen it far too often but the use of ‘prat’ obviates the apology which might have otherwise been coming.
It would still have been easier and less indolent to google ‘Migrationwatch’.
Haven’t heard much from the BBC (or SKY for that matter) about the fire at that muslim church thingy in Morden. Apparently, two teenage boys have been arrested on suspicion of arson but it is not thought to have been a hate crime. They were obviously very fond of the place then?
I suppose this means they weren’t White?
The police have been reported as quickly saying it’s not Islamophobia or a hate crime. Draw your own conclusions. I doubt they are white.
One struggles to understand what actually constitutes a ‘hate crime’. Presumably, if Shias burn down a Sunni mosque that doesn’t count, because a ‘hate crime’ can only be committed by a white Briton?
The sooner former members of the ZaNuLabour junta are put on trial for treason and crimes against sanity, the better.
Nice bit of bias here.
There is a story today about pioneering eye surgery at Moorfields. Good news. And the BBC have reported it. OK so far.
But then this becomes a ‘Have Your Say’. What is there to say? That it’s terrible? Of course not. And many top rated remarks have been deleted. Did they by any chance wonder why this is an HYS at all?
So essentially what we have here is the BBC acting as cheerleaders for the NHS, setting up an HYS which can only realistically show support. Any other comment is either off-topic and so deletable or if opposing would rightly be churlish and mean-spirited.
Meanwhile the 4 Brits in Syria getting UN sanctions – ah, that’s off limits for HYS.
Bias is so often not in what you say but in what you choose.
News Alert! Hold the front page – Indian woman moves to London
Yes that’s right folks, BBC London tv newsman Asad Ahmad is excited to share this old (18 August 2015 BBC Asia) ‘news’ story with London viewers.
‘West Ham’s Aditi Chauhan becomes India’s first woman to play in England’
Our Asad puts it down to the growing popularity of ‘Womens Football’
Personally I reckon it must be a shrewd career move for the young lady concerned and, no doubt, her family.
Next up on the BBC: great excitement as the growing popularity of Big Issue selling in Romania encourages a Romanian woman to transfer to a shopping centre near you…..
Oh one last thing:
‘Chauhan’s debut could have gone better as West Ham lost 5-0 to Coventry’
perhaps she will be nicknamed Cinderella – always late for the ball
Though this from Con.woman might be of interest here
(sorry if already posted elsewhere)
TWAT-O nearly caused an accident at 1 p.m. today as I inadvertently left the car radio on after listening to the weather forecast. I had no sick-bag handy and could scarcely get the window down quickly enough when their first ‘news’ item was some vox pops with orgasmic Corbynistas, telling us how much they were looking forward to the forthcoming speech from their glorious leader. That appears to be TWAT-O’s idea of the most important ‘news’ of the day.
Martha Kearney was obviously going along with the groupies when she ‘interviewed’ Angela Eagle and kept inviting her to say how ‘inclusive’ Corbyn’s party now is, and it is unreasonable to expect them to have any policies yet.
BBC’s big lies
Just in case this one hasn’t been posted here as yet:
‘The “Ugandan bishops support the death penalty for gay people” line was used in an article by Andrew Brown in The Guardian the day before; it was picked up and repeated by Caroline Wyatt, the BBC religion correspondent, in her TV report, and then used by the interviewer Mishal Husain in the morning. Wyatt and Brown have apologised and amended their reports, but the damage has been done. A big lie has been asserted as truth by authoritative sources, and has reached millions of people’
Just watched the analysis of Corbyn’s speech on the Daily Politics. Today they had another ex Labour spinner on , Lance Price who worked for T Blair, he said the speech was rubbish and that Corbyn only spoke to those who were already certain to vote Labour but that he ignored those who hadn’t voted Labour but needed to be persuaded to do so if Labour was to win in 2020. This visibly annoyed Jo Coburn who again popped in a few questions aimed at trying to salvage something from the wreckage and big up Corbyn’s performance. This is exactly what happened yesterday when she was interviewing Mr McTernnan who also poured cold water all over the Shadow Chancellor’s speech. Surely it isn’t the job of the BBC to go round looking for positives in politicians speeches when people from their own party can’t find any! Someone needs to have a word with her. I will watch with interest how she reacts to the Tories next week. Jo is becoming a rich seam of blatant BBC leftist bias.
Very true DT … and as someone noted in a previous comment … where was the comment by anyone from the Right side of politics. Wonder if that will be the case for the Conservative party conference ? I’m not a fully qualified flying pig for nothing …
Two things that programme didn’t connect to, although slightly unfair to expect them to, possibly, but here goes:
1. Yesterday, in his speech, the Shadow Chancellor cracked on about corporate welfare and what he was going to do to reduce it, whilst today Corbyn attacked the government for not doing anything to address the problems in the steel industry, and
2. He said that the last bearded leader of the Labour party was Keir Hardie. This is wrong it was Lansbury who was thrown out 80 odd years ago for appeasing fascists.
I thought the last Labour Party leader (albeit temporary) with a beard was Harriet Harman.
Beyond parody.
I wondered why the cameras at the conference kept focusing on the same few attractive young women looking suitably entranced and teary eyed at the glorious leader … until later that evening I caught the news and realised I had not seen Steptoe’s arrival ….. escorted by those self same young Corbynettes …. what lucky chance that the cameras picked those same faces to alight on.
Still at least we had a balanced critique from Newsnight … Len McCluskey Unite Union Leader, Jonathan Freedland Executive Editor of The Guardian, Ellie May O’Hagan Guardian columnist and Peter Kellner YouGov pollster and former Newsnight reporter. The only newspaper headline read out by Kirsty Wark ?…. the Guardians. Don’t tell me Newsnight is run by people with connections to that paper or the Labour party ???
I await Newsnight’s program following David Cameron’s conference speech with interest.
Exactly right – the only puzzle is who is bringing ex-Blair spinners in to comment on the conference! Poor little Jo swimming desperately against the tide again but, most pertinent of all and a lesson to be remembered, is how Ian McTernnan summed up John McDonnell’s speech yesterday. Love him or loathe him, he still quite rightly made the point that both McDonnell and Corbyn will be prepared to say anything, to appear as reasonable as is necessary, to apologise for any offence, to speak softly and from the heart, to gradually gain acceptance and thus to gain real power. If the electorate ever lose sight of the fact that both of these lying professional politicians are radical Marxists, we really will be in the shit.
To your last sentence, the unique contribution of BBC editorial integrity will likely play a major part in what is made known, and what is not.
Excellent speech Steptoe Corbyn and the hall of useful idiots. ! All our problems are solved. So easy. I can’t understand why every other country hasn’t done it already ! They must be economically and socially stupid. Only explanation.
A house for everyone that wants one. A job for everyone that wants one (even those made redundant scrapping Trident – new designs for windmill driven submarines are at this very moment being drawn up). For those that don’t want a job, unlimited benefits plus a free Labour subsidised 60 inch flat screen TV. More nurses, doctors, nurses, teachers, nurses, local government workers. nurses, single mums (or anyone else with Union membership). Free higher education extended to mandatory five year courses so they don’t miss any of those student parties. Open borders for the entire population of the planet. The new flocked (misspelling ?) Labour children have the answers (slight pause waiting for G3 Google connection … one moment … like we’ll be with you in a moment … it’s never normally this slow …. urm we’ll get back to you yeah ?).
A salute to the brave British people that faced down tyranny in the recent past, no not the two World Wars and nasty, dangerous, probably illegal soldiers, but the suffragettes, trade union pioneers and Danny Boyle hero of the Biblical (sorry Koranic) inclusive Olympic ceremony. We are a rich country, no need for austerity, we can afford everything and will pay down all our massive debts (whoaa did I just miss an oxymoron) by spending ever more !!!!
Well that’s alright then. At last a peaceful nights sleep.
Down in the People’s republic of Brightonistan Chairman Corbyn duly gets his (several) standing ovations from the commissars, apparatchiks and assorted proles at his glorious conference speech. North Korean TV at its finest. Comrade Corbyn even managed to slip in a helpful reminder to the BBC that he (and by extension The Party) is on their side. Always good to know who your friends are.
And did you see him and Watson/McDonnell help some wheelchair tubster get around on the platform last night?
Channel 4, Newsnight showed plenty of the Christ-like healing hands of Corbyn…and only time prevented her from getting out of her chair.
Or was it that she`d lose her disability allowance if we all saw the miracle?Still-Evan and Snowjobbie thought it bang on, old bean.
And THIS is the level of media anal-ISIS we get from the liberal effete milksops who “do politics” for the liberal taxpayer funded “meejah”?
Surely chrisH you’re not suggesting the perilously wedged and inherently life-threatening wheelchair entrapment scenario was anything other than a brutal illustration of the pressures the poor girl meets every day of her life, due to the savage cuts. Set-up? Oh how could you!
The Hungarian Prime Minister telling his Parliament exactly how it is :
I must have missed this on the BBC.
The Al Beeb network will dice it up, put some spin on it, and dish it out with a nice side of “fluffy liberalism”.
Thanks for this John…it`s vital that we read it so we can all see what a REAL national leader says, how he factually sets about the ritual self disembowelling of all those dhimmi nations around him…and speaks truth to his Parliament and hence to us.Quite brilliant, calm evisceration of the useful idiots of the EU and its political show ponies in Brussels, Berlin and at the BBC.
His language reminds me of BIbi Netenyahu…maybe it`s only those who`ve fought for something in the face of Arafat or Brezhnev that are able to fearlessly speak truth to their own people.
Look at the useless scum WE get by way of politicians and media.
Common Sense from Victor Orban. The speech is excellent. It appears that Hungarians have elected a leader who is worthy of the term. We have Call me Dave.
Orban lives in the real world. Merkel, Hollande and Cameron do not.