Here’s a nice image from the Labour Party conference. As you can see, the Union Flag is being taken down and replaced with the Red Flag so beloved of the comrades. Funny how the world class BBC missed this one…
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“The Labour Party is now a threat to our national security, our economic security and your family’s security.”
David Cameron earlier today.
Sorry, Dave, totally wrong, that’s the Conservative Party.
The Labour party are the enemies of British People and the the party should be proscribed.
Labour Party members and supporters should be tried for treason.
No, we have austerity, we cannot afford these trials.
Sentence first, we can hold the trials when the economy has recovered.
Not on the BBC I guess
And to think of the minor transgressions that Conservatives or Kippers are forced to resign or apologise for…
Labour are disgusting, the BBC are also as they do not pursue this with a fraction of the rigour they would if they were from right of centre.
The comrades at the bBBC have been creaming themselves today after John McDonnell’s speech. The audience at Brighton were in full Marxist mode, clapping and cheering every drop of tax-and-spend class-warfare that came from the semi-literate Shadow Chancellor’s lips. I haven’t heard such nonsense since student union days.
“I haven’t heard such nonsense since student union days”
Watching on the news JC arrive and shake hands with those waiting to greet him I was greatly struck by the fact that most of them were at the lower end of the voting age range and will not have “enjoyed” living under socialism.
There is a considerable education job to be done by those of us who do remember.
I am working slowly through MT’s autobiography at the moment, within which there are several points when discussing “socialism” I have stopped and thought “absolutely spot on”.
If you have not read it, I would commend it for those pearls if not the general narrative.
“I haven’t heard such nonsense since student union days.”
There’s a reason for that. Corbyn and his cronies are not really politicians, they are simple minded protesters who have never grown up. They are not motivated by any serious desire to run the country like adults for the benefit of the majority, but instead they see Parliament as an opportunity to damage people and institutions that they personally dislike based, more often than not, on class and race according to the usual stale totem pole of victimhood. Their snarling, bitter, envy ridden, dim witted supporters must be lapping it up.
The simplistic claptrap pouring out of the Brighton conference is entirely predictable. Heard it all before.
Well said. Exactly the same has been going on over in the US with community organiser-in-chief, Obama.
John McDoughnut’s conference speech. Usual lies and nonsense.
He doesn’t want to live in an age of austerity or as some might call it living within your means. Wonder what all those supposed young people ‘flocking’ to Labour will do when they realize that they have to pick up and sort out the bill in future generations.
Once again Doughnut repeated the myth that the financial crisis was all caused by the big bad banks. Again ignoring the fact it was originally called the sub prime mortgage crisis …. as a result of the American Government effectively forcing their banks to lend to people that could not afford to repay mortgages in the name of spreading ‘social housing ownership’. Who was the President during that time. None other than that darling of the Left and Blair Best Buddy Clinton.
As for the Socialist’s oft repeated ‘we had to waste all that money to get the banks out of trouble instead of giving it to the poorest and worst off’. What was the alternative. Let the banks go bust ? Taking everyone’s salaries and savings with them, and resulting in all overdrafts, mortgages and business loans being called in. How would that have worked out for everyone then ?
Had to laugh at the Labour spokesperson on the daily politics show when asked how much would be recovered from tax evaders, one of Doughnuts key methods of reducing the deficit …. her response …. could be £20 billion … could be £4 billion that isn’t the point. Sorry, that is exactly the point. They haven’t a clue. As history records all Socialists know how to do is raise taxes, spend money, and beggar the public finances. They have no idea how to generate money to pay for it’s fantasy plans.
I await Pestman’s endorsement of their financial plans with complete indifference.
I spell Clinton differently.
AFP: “Once again Doughnut repeated the myth that the financial crisis was all caused by the big bad banks. Again ignoring the fact it was originally called the sub prime mortgage crisis”
In addition, don’t forget we had our own Sub-Prime Crisis here with Northern Rock in Sept 2007. Then we had Retail Crisis Pt1, Gordon’s doubling of income tax on the lowest earners + food + oil price increases = Retail Crisis Pt2 + recession.
Even Corbyn, who I think is rather more open minded than many in New Labour, appears to be unable to understand that 40% inflation 1997-2010 + property boom + record levels of Govt and personal debt + excessive taxes on low earners (in part to fund Benefits for themselves & others) + excessive bonus culture + unnecessary unemployment in longest period of growth must, US Sub-Prime apart, crash the UK economy sooner or later.
I always understood that the sub-prime mortgage fiasco was originally rooted in the Housing and Community Reinvestment Act way back in 1977, when Jimmy Carter was President.
” Who was the President during that time. None other than that darling of the Left and Blair Best Buddy Clinton.” You forgot that Obama was one of the prominent lobbyists to remove the Glass/Steagal law which separated commercial from Investment banks.
Wall to wall 24/7 guff and ritual swallowing of whatever McDonnell tells them.
The BBC and Jon Snows craven sniffing of Lefty espadrilles as they inhale old patchouli and Gitanes-and confuse it with being a rebel.
Shallow speaks unto shallow-and the likes of Crick, Snow and assorted Labour stoolies sniff each others bottoms and call it “policy and political analysis”.
Of course we can all expect similar “united in diversity, policy on the hoof is just dandy, has Sir got anything else to tell the grateful nation”?..when the Tories do their stuff next week.
Or will every Tory get “critiqued” by Labour types and will they be harried and abused, shouted over and mocked…as is usually the case.
As yet-not one Tory has been asked to shaft McDonnells droolings?…why so BBC?
I heard on the radio (LBC) that of those who voted Labour at the last election, only two out of five of them were indigenous white citizens, (unsure of the veracity of such a study) yet I didn’t observe many Asian,Ugandan,Pakistani,Somali,West Indies ethnics at the conference.
Maybe its the contrast or brightness button on my tv that needs adjusting.
It would be very interesting indeed to know if that figure is accurate. If it is, the accusation that Labour has a client class from which it buys votes looks pretty unassailable.
Sorry to bore you again with my analysis.
Who votes Labour?
Those on benefits, public sector workers, non whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive, the counter-productive.
I would consider myself strongish right wing and allergic to Labour but you don’t help, my friend. Look at your comment again. Are you really being fair…
Are you referring to me?
If so, your pseudonym demonstrates that we have a different definition of help.
Starting any future contributions “BBCde” will assist me in deciding whether to respond.
John McDonnell’s speech was as economically illiterate as investing in chocolate teapots! The idea that you can eliminate the deficit by making the ‘usual suspect’ large companies pay their taxes is not only self-defeating but a clear message to big business and investors not to come to Britain. It isn’t as if they’re employing thousands of tax-paying people, is it? John McDonnell is probably blind to PAYE because that’s one of those taxes that’s always taken for granted. That’s why governments need to impose corporation tax on big businesses – to get some more juice out of them!
You cannot reduce the deficit (a jaw-dropping Labour party achievement) by knocking on the door of Amazon and saying “We’re changing the rules, you owe us billions in taxes”. You’re just going to end up with job losses through the knock-on effect of a large company investing less and perhaps even pulling some of its warehousing operations out of Britain.
John McDonnell also pointed out how the national debt had increased to £1.5 trillion as an indicator of Tory failure. Actually, the debt (another jaw-dropping Labour party achievement) will always increase whilst the deficit exists. George Osbourne promised to eliminate the deficit in the first term of office, but he had the Lib Dems scuppering his plans at every turn.
The ideology of socialists and those on the left of politics is almost infantile. Politics is (or should be) about thinking outside of the box. It’s about climbing the concrete stairs to the upper stands of the stadium to view your team playing and to see the dangers that await on the outskirts of the pitch.
But socialism seems to be all about playing chess with the strategy of taking your opponent’s queen. You will always lose!
Mmmm getting the likes of Amazon to pay more tax? Haven’t we heard that before?
“Amazon starts paying corporation tax for UK sales in Britain, not Luxembourg”
“The changes will enable HM Revenue & Customs to claim taxes on sales Amazon makes in the UK.”
The devil is in the detail, but to present taxing Amazon et al. as some brilliant idea Labour have come up with and that wrong foots the nasty Conservatives is misleading, as the BBC knows.
“How far will Osborne go on the ‘Google tax’?”
“It was soon being briefed around the bars of Birmingham, where the conference was taking place, that the Chancellor was planning a “Google tax”.
That is, a tax on technology companies that will mean them paying more in the UK rather than diverting profits to other countries with lower tax rates.
Indeed, it was soon clear that such a move was to be a centre piece of Wednesday’s Autumn Statement. ”
Accidentally pressed report , sorry
I prefer Amazon in a low tax area and cheaper stuff , rather than in the UK and my money is worth less
‘John McDonnell is probably blind to PAYE because that’s one of those taxes that’s always taken for granted. That’s why governments need to impose corporation tax on big businesses – to get some more juice out of them!’
-Spot on Edward
With an increasingly growing private sector the left are worried. The fast paced growth of the self employed worker combined with a diminishing public sector power base must of a concern to them.
The left like to spend money without the means to pay it back which in part might explain their desire to remain to be a member state of the EU. A sort of comfort blanket whereby someone else will pay for our prodigal behaviour, either that or can take the blame.
They are frightened of the word responsibility. They are a party without an inner belief in their own country. In short they are fraudulent and lack steel.
Forgot to mention that it was Junker himself ,a Luxembourg national, who helped to set up the Luxembourg tax haven from which these big corporations could reduce their tax bill to the country from which set up business in. Yet another paradox in the twisted thinking of the lefties twisted thinking in supporting the EU.
The logic of the lefties is thus,
-Let’s criticise the individual big Corporations for not paying enough tax but support the means (EU membership) by which they do it!
Yes, quite right. What is it about the EU that Corbyn and his followerrs don’t understand ? They want to stay in an organisation, one of whose basic principles is the complete freedom of the movement of capital. So Amazon and all the others quite legitimately move their money to where the tax is lowest. The only answer is to leave the EU and the sooner the better. Can you see Corbyn advocating that ? He’d be cutting off his nose……….
ITV News at Ten reported from the Labour conference yesterday and included Tristram Hunt at a press conference indicating less than glowing endorsement and ended telling us that many “moderates” would already be on their way home when JC makes his speech today.
The DT advises that none of the last four leaders of the party have made it to Brighton this week.
Any of these reported by the BBC?
Corbyn: “Most people share my views”
Well Jeremy I don’t share your communist views. Let’s take a quick look at nationalisation shall we? How does that work again? Oh yes, I seem to remember, when the railways are nationalised the unions will take over and it will be ‘jobs for the boys’ again. And of course who will pay when they make a loss?? The taxpayer by any chance? Good luck with that one.
This was a question on the ITV Quiz Show “The Chase”
Who said “They’ve got the usual Socialist disease – they’ve run out of other people’s money”
Possible answers – Edward Heath – Margaret Thatcher – John Major
(Correct answer – Margaret Thatcher)
I assume that Hell will have to freeze over before we get a question in a similar vein from J.Vine esq on the equivalent BBC Quiz Show “Eggheads”
I seriously doubt Jeremy Vine could make his mouth move to even say those words.
It was funny how Wurzel Corbyns speech was trashed by that bloke from Labour, Red dress Labour luvvie Coburn looked shocked, ha ha,ha.
I have just been on a long car journey and listening to Radio 4 I have heard how marvellous Jeremy’s speech to conference was going to be – with Norman Smith sounding particularly excited – switching to Radio 2, the young man on the top of the hour seemed similarly pleased with the speech. However having returned home and turning to Guido, other members of the press think the speech ‘Dire’. Now who do I believe?
N. Smith would have a wankfest if the speech was delivered by a “Dead Red Parrot ” , as long as its left , left , left . The BBC put up with Blair because he was Labour , but they REALLY all are Corbynites to their bones .
All very bizarre. A lifelong and comittted labour acquaintance put me straight on Corbyn. He and his associates voted for him as the other candidates were useless and his man ( guess who ) refused to stand and also serve under Corbyn. He was blunt. Corbyn is useless and cannot survive to the next election.
His man is just biding his time and I am bound to say is a rather impressive potential leader. It all looks very cynical but when was it ever really different?
I leave you to guess his man’s name. My lips are sealed.
dave S
‘ impressive potential leader’ are you sure you meant to write that about someone in the Labour party?
Are they going to exhume Clem Atlee?
Chuck our man has back tracked and lost credibility along with Dan Jarvis
David Megabland is as the name suggests is very mega bland and a Blairite. – completely out of fashion
Which leaves………………either Fidel Castro,Lenny Henry or Russell Brand . Given this choice I’d probably vote for an exhumed Clem Atlee. In saying nothing he would make more sense than the rest of them put together!
So by the powers of deduction Dave S, am I right?? It’s an exhumed Clem isn’t it?
Come on spill the beans!!
Many of the comments are generally true about the speech by Jeremy Corbyn.
It was rambling,
It was without a theme,
It offered no solutions just sound bites,
It was sixth form studenty,
It was a speech for those already in the cabal, I don’t think the rest of the electorate would be very impressed.
The growth in Labour membership must amount to about 0.05%.
If the Labour party want to become stronger they will need to be much tougher on the SNP when debating on any platform and not waste their time, directing all of their ire at the Tories. Scotland has a small electorate with a disproportionate number of seats. They must focus all their anger at the SNP.
Their other vote gaining option would be to state that they are against the big corporates and the control they wield, and get out of the EU, which I am both surpised and relieved that they are not doing so already. ( I am a UKIP supporter).
I am of the opinion, that if Corbyn stays beyond six months, (and by that time he should have all his key positions filled with fellow Corbynistas not moderates to appease the right of the party,) Labour will be asking the public to vote out of the EU come the referendum. They will gain a large amount of electoral support not from the inner parlimentary circle.
As recent results show, the Labour party’s parliamentary group are out of touch with those of whom they represent.
If this scenario were to happen, I would then fear for the future of my beloved party. The party of sound common sense and good old fashioned British values..
I did notice that, contained in Corbyn’s speech was the statement that the BBC are under attack from the Tories.
When Corbyn says this at Conference, it is confirmation and must be beyond all doubt to the wider public that the BBC are an ally of the Left.
In my view it is the BBC who are attacking the electorate with their anti British propaganda.
Therefore, I hope the Tories counter Corbyn’s statement and articulate how much damage the Beeb’s left wing bias has both inflicted and affected our society. I won’t hold my breath though, not with Cameron’s lack of a backbone!
On that theme, just a thought!
If Cameron had an X-ray, I am convinced we would see that he is a invertebrate. Could even be a David Icke monster!! Such a lucky ( to be against Brown and Megabland)albeit a cowardly leader.
About 1 hour 27 minutes VD in as deals sympathetically with the Kristallnacht style Class War fascists who terrorised a cafe for selling cereals to hipsters. Yep, the looney left want a diverse and vibrant multiculture, but no aspiring gents thank you.l
I don’t get this use of ‘Hipster’ .I always thought it to be associated with Kerouac and the world of the 1940s/50s..
These people selling porridge are hardly of the same mould.
Back to the reason for the thread:
It annoys me that the hammer and sickle is not treated in the same way as the swastika. Both represent evil ans have the blood of many millions on their red banners. The same for the casual wearing of Che Guevara T-shirts, he was a racist, mass-murderer. Could anyone imagine what would happen if someone wore a Horst Wessel T-shirt?