Well, the BBC did all they could to spin Corbyn’s “straight-talking” speech, didn’t they? I note they casually dismissed the fact that a section of it was written years ago for Neil Kinnoch. I note they overlooked he read out directional advice from the autocue. Straight-talking? Anyway, here’s a mid week open thread and the last one of this month!
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According to the BBC website it appears that the migrant crisis must be over, but ‘Georgia executes Kelly Gissendaner despite last-ditch appeals’.
What about Islamic Iran and Saudi, or Communist China and North Korea – they execute more people don’t they? And what exactly is the British interest anyway in whether or not an American murderer gets executed? Virtue signalling by the Beeb?
I don’t use the BBC anymore ( though still pay for it)- to what extent have they covered this?
Interestingly, a Google search reveals three BBC articles about this. Two refer to Jeremy Corbyn raising the matter and one is on BBC Trending. Yet I’ve heard absolutely nothing on the airwaves about it. Given they’ve never stopped mentioning Corbyn this seems rather strange.
Not strange at all.
Last week the BBC was citicised for raising the ‘unacceptable’ treatment of a 14yr old boy in the States who was arrested for bringing a ‘clock’ into school by nasty islamaphobic Americans. The BBC reported at length on his
fake bombclock, referred to him as an inventor, avoided reporting his sister’s ‘previous’ relating to bomb scares, avoided his fathers activist record but reported of his White House visit and how great and anti-islamaphobic Barrack Obama is. The BBC were criticised because of all the attention they were giving to ‘Clock Boy’, whilst ignoring the plight of a 17yr old Saudi, who said something out of place an is going to be executed for it.The BBC has been infiltrated by islamists and islamist sympathisers. The BBC are reporting the case of the 17yr old now, linking two reports to Corbyn, to demonstrate how much they (the BBC and Labour) really care about victims of barbarity. Screw all the other children in american schools, who, thanks to t BBC and their fellow appeasers, are now in more danger than they were last week.
How many American teachers will now think twice about scrutinising the activity and electronic equipment carried by Muslims in schools due to the inappropriate actions of the POTUS? And the BBC wonder why fear of Islam and by inference, fear of Muslims is on the increase. A clue for you BBC: Its because they have a drive to kill kuffar, and do so in large numbers.
The BBC. Undermining our society every day.
The drive to kill is taught to Palestinian Arab Muslims . They are abused in UNWRA schools and summer camps and a warped education is one of the main underlying cause of their violence. It has to be seen to be believed – See video below but I doubt anyone in the BBC would even watch this and therefore it will never be reported.
I remember seeing a Palestinian female being interviewed at an Israeli hospital. They were treating her male child – about 6 or 8. In the end she stated how she was happy and he can grow up to be a martyr……. The interviewer pointed out that he might kill the doctors who had treated him. But that is what he must do, she replied….
“The BBC has been infiltrated by islamists and islamist sympathisers”
I put on the Victoria Derbyshire programme. I have never watched it before, and since it is on the BBC I assumed they would be talking how simply spiffing the Labour Party is and how absolutely horrible are the Conservatives. Hooray for the Public Sector! But I was shocked. They had a beautiful girl, and she was not saying how important it is to put up taxes to create jobs for Guardian readers. What! I watched for approximately 5 seconds in shock, before I realised that the beautiful girl was saying how absolutely spiffing a hijab is, because……………well television off. Hooray for oppressing women seems to new mantra at the BBC.
The BBC’s lightweight (but female) Political Editor Laura Somebody (Scottish accent) was a joke on the Today Programme this morning. She had just heard Corbyn announce that he would never use Britain’s nuclear deterrent. None of us want nuclear war but the whole point of a £30 billion deterrent is to deter. You negate that straight away by making the sort of comment that Corbyn uttered. This, like every one of Corbyn’s lunacies such as taxing the middle class more, printing money to pay for pet schemes etc would on its own make Labour unelectable. Yet only at the very end of her piece did Laura Somebody admit that the clock was ticking towards the next local government elections in May. It sure is……
Credit somewhat in that they nailed him on the nuke issue. However, the logical conclusion with his reply is that he would NEVER concede to collective responsibility. That so, means he could never become PM, but that is the position he is vying for. The bBC have not progressed that line of argument which is so obvious.
Just read this in the Spectator. Hope Mike doesn’t mind me ‘half-inching’ it.
Mike Mount
///A few months ago I attended a recording of Any Questions with Jonathan Dimbleby in the chair. It was held in the hall of a west London private school. The audience contained a large number of parents and I would guess was predominantly small “c” conservative. Before the programme began JD explained to the audience that if he felt time was running short he would raise his hands to indicate that we should stop applauding or whatever so that he could keep the programme running to time and move on to the next question – all perfectly reasonable. Once we got going though it quickly became apparent that when the labour representative (the lady who posted the white van tweet during the election) spoke he allowed the applause to run its course but when the conservative (M Gove) spoke he almost immediately raised his hand to curtail the audience response. This irritated many in the hall but of course was invisible to the radio audience who (as I confirmed by speaking to some listeners) had the impression that the live audience were overwhelmingly “right on liberals” with BBC approved views.
It was quite blatant but I suspect that JD wouldn’t even have been aware he was doing it given the view that most of his ilk have that their world view is the only reasonable and civilised one.///
Clearly the time has come to stop being tolerant, polite, and law abiding British citizens because we are just being manipulated and taken advantage of. At events like Any Questions we should ignore the likes of JD and boo and sneer at any left wing rubbish and clap and cheer for as long as we like when we hear something sensible. The same goes in many other spheres, if we let the left make all the noise they will convince the gullible that they are winning the argument.
I’ve said this before but applause should not be allowed in QT. I recently watched the Oxford Union debate between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams on Youtube, from a few years back. The chairman’s first housekeeping point was that applause was not permitted until the end of the debate.
Would liked to have posted this on start-week thread but I cannot access that page now, so hope here is OK
OK I’ll concede, shortly after my last post I realised how self-defeating it was. Just peeved I couldn’t read posts on one of my favourite web sites.
>Complain to the library that they are censoring widely held views.
Usually blocked pages become available after the moderator has removed content. You might be surprised what actually gets through (plenty of F & C words etc). Isn’t it one of the reasons registration was introduced?
>Censorship of inconvenient facts…
Catch 22. Without seeing the banned page I don’t know what is the trigger. I’m not happy at the censorship applied, but as mentioned above, the criteria must be similar to that applied by this sites moderator. It only takes a few words to block page (or trigger moderator to remove content), I can assure you quite alot gets through.
>something cogent about say the BBCs appalling bias re Islam…
All that gets through no problem (and much more!). I think it is blatant hate phrases that trigger it, again the sort of thing a web site owner would feel uncomfortable with.
>So oppose your library’s censorship…
Ideally I would have to know what was the trigger by being able to pass the original HTML page repeatedly through their filter to identify the cause. Only then would I have the ammunition to show unreasonable censorship or political bias to the local press, my MP, and other council tax payers (although I understand Internet acccess from local libraries is funded by main government).
>Its interesting to know that local authorities are blocking public access to this website.
The site is not blocked, only certain pages on occasion (usually the main weekend/week threads).
>people always should exercise some self-discipline when posting to avoid giving unnecessary excuses to those who would be only too willing to find reasons to censor this site.
Otherwise it would be a pity all those articulate and intelligent posts which having given some of us insights into the bBBC will become rendered down by the lowest common denominator. Just like those who opppsed cuts can all be tarnished as people who deface war memorials. Then the bBBC cause is already lost. If I worked at the BBC I would be very happy to fully exploit the “they’re just a load of offensive hate-filled nutters” line and the bBBC cause could be dismissed. We’ve seen how the silent herd can be so easily led – how many peoples knee-jerk instinct now is to dismiss UKIP as ‘right-wing racists’ thanks to the drip-drip from the BBC?
Surely censorship is a two-edge sword? It’s too easy to ‘cut your nose to spite your face’?
I guess I’ll just sit here next to a 13 year pile of monthly threatening letters from TVL (despite letting them look around my house back in 2002) and wait to see the BBC Levy added to the bottom of my council tax bill in the years to come. After all, I’m just 1 of 8e9.
He is The Messiah !
It is the overwhelming consensus of the Media (well BBC, Sky, and C4 anyway) and therefore the fact is settled. Henceforth there is no need to present any other view expoused by the Messiah Deniers.
The comrades don’t need to follow the Messiah … they don’t need to follow anybody … they’ve got to think for themselves … they are all individuals ! Well .. some of them aren’t … and the term individual is a bit of a problem … but they will decide this at some unspecified future date … once it has been discussed in a friendly, sharing, non-confrontational way … and it is concluded that there is no such thing as the individual.
This is the a new way of doing politics. There are rumors of policies going astray, a great confusion as to the precise nature of the policies, what they are, what they mean, who knows about them. Nobody really knows where those policies are kept, if they exist, or if they have all just been cut and pasted from other peoples freely available internet policies. The young flocking people do not know where the policies possessed by their comrades flourish and don’t need to care …. because The Messiah will fix everything … and iphones and video games will be provided free at the point of need by the NHS.
They could agree that they don’t actually need any policies …. which is nobody’s fault, not even the Conservatives … but that they have the right to have policies. Then they can fight the Torys on that basis as a symbol of their struggle against oppression … and reality.
By the way it is not The Labour Party … it is the Party of Labour … based in Judea.
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. K from Men in Black
BBC takes a softly softly approach to the so called anti gentrification protest where Nazi styled left thugs of Class War attacked a cereal cafe. This bunch constantly seek violent confrontations, openly condemn A to B marches and political speeches and, like true Nazis, denounce rational discussion in favour of action
A Guardian interview with Class War’s so-called anarchist leader, Ian Bone, also takes a sympathetic view, accepting the excuse that the resort to violence is part of a wider protest against inequality of housing in london. It might be worth further investigation of the leaders of this centralised anarchist outfit who object to small businesses. Their leader. Ian Bone, once ran a small business, a shop, selling leftie junk in Swansea, along with material advocating pedophilia, including the notorious Little Red School Book, which upset many of the Welsh Nonconformists in the area.
We can expect the Guardian and other left wing sheets to adopt an understanding approach to street thuggery but the BBC, ought to come down on the side of the rule of law
Our country is full of people who think society owes them something, who never went to school but complain that they have no job, who have made a career of doing nothing and contributing nothing to society except complaining about people who have. I wonder how they feel about the 20k Syrian refugees who will be housed, educated and given jobs. I would rank the refugees higher on the social scale than these scum. They deserve nothing and should be given just that.
‘Our country is full of people who think society owes them something’
Channel 4 news, I believe, a day or two ago, intrepid reporter visits Corbyn Street in North Islington. What a good bloke that Corbyn must be, everyone on the estate loves him. Client State, you may think. One young woman whose grandmother died recently is now hit with the ‘bedroom tax’. Obviously the thought of getting a job and perhaps paying her way would never occur. Must be the fault of greedy Google and Starbucks.
Excellent article by Sarah Vine in the Mail – “Whats the point of universities that breed such idiots?” – so true ! she goes on……….. “add to that the last Labour government’s obsession with everyone getting degrees, and you have a lot of sub-standard intellects on campus ” . I have waited YEARS for someone to actually admit this !
In today’s climate I could probably be walking about with a Professorship despite failing my 11+ in the early 60’s. I say failed, but when a local teacher refused to accept this, he found my test paper and discovered I had actually ‘passed’, but due to a lack of places at the Grammar, those whose parents owned businesses had first dibbs. Not sour grapes, but actually true. So, when I hear those going to Yuni in the past 20 years have no idea what the Pampas of Argentina is, or ‘is not sure whether Charles Dickens wrote The Old Curiosity Shop’, I could weep !
Today anything can be called a University. Soon we will have Monty Python’s Matchbox in’t middle of Road University.
Those going to Yuni think it is somewhere in the Middle East ,probably Palestine and they believe the Pampas of Argentina are a South American brand of nappies.
Lol – my late mother used to call Pampers ‘Pampas’ when she went to get them for me. Great memory.
I’m all for reclaiming London, for the cockneys.
Cockneys were ethnically cleansed from London decades ago. Ironically, by the socialist LCC.
There is nothing ironic about it. Socialists profess to love the working class in the abstract, but they cannot stand actual proles when they see them. Remember the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell in 1968. That was true working class activism, and it is why Socialists hate it. To them the working class have to be led towards the promised socialist utopia by their educated leaders who have understood Marxist doctrine at the LSE. That is why they prefer nice compliant immigrants over turbulent members of the British working class who can see their bullshit for what it is. Socialism is an organised conspiracy against the interests of the true working class.
Great post, R i C.
“Socialism is an organised conspiracy against the interests of the true working class.”
It is about redistributing wealth and power – from people who work for a living to Guardian reading middle class public sector parasites. That is why universities are full of Labour Party supporters – their sense of entitlement is bottomless.
All Socialism is theft.
That’s how I see it. I find it very frustrating that so many working class people, around here(S Wales), still vote Labour.
Everything I see tells me that Labour actually hate ‘real’ working class people.
And the oafs of Redcar vote Labour eejits in , time after time.
So I`ve no problem with them losing their jobs.
Draining the swamps of those who mocked the death of Mrs Thatcher, as far as I`m concerned.
Only such a moribund bunch of moaning minnies would send the likes of Vera Baird to Parliament…and let the likes of Stuart Bell, Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt return to medical practice.
Welcome to Labour Fairy Dairy Land-well, it would be if we still had a dairy industry we`ve plenty of the other to compensate though, I`d imagine.
Yes, as I pointed out here the other day – Redcar is closing primarily because of the so-called ‘Climate Change Act’ – which was introduced and nagged through Parliament by none other than the Milliband.
It’s rank hypocrisy for Labour and the BBC to be whining about it now and rank stupidity for the turkeys of Redcar to keep voting for Christmas!
Hard to disagree with that.
BBC undermining our society again by their biased reporting of the woman who killed a neighbour because he was a convicted paedophile. She took a knife, stabbed him eight times and left him for dead. Somehow she managed to get away with manslaughter, rather than murder, and had her sentence halved because she has a houseful of illegitimate kids.
No questions asked by the bBBC, and all of their extensive report on last night’s News at Ten was about the man’s paedophile convictions, giving the strong impression that lynch mobs were OK as long as they acted in a cause that the bBBC favours.
Sir, but there are paedophile’s and there are BBC paedophile’s and there are the other paedophile’s.
“…She took a knife, stabbed him eight times and left him for dead.”
I was staggered that this woman got just three and half years for this. This was a clear case (proven with CCTV evidence) of a premeditated murder of the most cold, callous kind imaginable. What the hell is going on? She is a lunatic – a homicidal maniac. Three and half years?
The fact she killed a paedophile is nothing – nothing at all – to do with anything. She killed another human being in a calculated act of murder.
Utterly disgraceful. The legal system is a f*cking joke. ‘Justice’ by mob rule. Is this what we’ve all been reduced to?
I suspect that there is some information we’re not being told, to protect the privacy of a child – i.e. one of her kids was a victim of the paedophile. Given police inaction in Rotherham, I’d probably do the same.
Funnily enough quite a few women do get put inside for non payment of the licence fee, but overall judges appear loath to put women in prison even for the most outrageous offences. They believe any old sob story from these wretched harridans. In other blogs I read I believe it’s known as the ‘pussy pass’ or the ‘because vagina’ get out clause.
I have to admit that the “murder” of a man who molested children over a 30 year period, arouses in me no sympathy for him or outrage at this mother nor the sentence she received for killing him.
In my view adults who sexually abuse children should face the death penalty. If the state had done so with this paedophile decades ago, how many young children would have been saved from having their innocence destroyed? And how many would have grown up, not going on to abuse children themselves?
I will limit myself to feeling sorry that this creature engaged in child abuse over three decades, facilitated by: the lenient punishments meted out by our justice system (acting as no deterrent); by our politicians not enacting legislation to deal with these people and by the incompetence of our police and child care services in not keeping track of him.
Good riddance.
I feel that the UK is heading towards its own version of “Kristallnacht” with anyone speaking for sanity being labeled a legitimate target for these thugs. The only rule of law they follow is the Marxist one , “what’s yours is mine even if you’ve worked all your life for it”
In response to G.W.F@ 11.55 seems to slipped down.
It looks like Danny Shaw’s career with the bBBC ought to be cut short after non-PC comments like this.
Not a current event, but still rather amazing. CBBC has a series in which “Mr Maker” uses double sided sticky tape etc to make an amusing trinket for pre-school children. This series has been “enhanced” by sending Mr Maker around the world to do the same thing. The show from Sydney, Hong Kong, Rio, Cape Town etc has always looked so much like a green screen production (ie Mr Maker sets up his trestle table with the Habour Bridge etc as backdrop & does his craftwork) that I gave it the benefit of the doubt. But it appears that the BBC did actually give him & his crew a holiday of a lifetime at the licence fee payers’ expense. Remarkable!
There’s been a fair amount of BBC coverage of Jeremy Corbyn.
I think it is fair to say that the only criticism from the BBC has been in terms of his electablilty.
His tired, re-cycled, 1970s statist, tax and spend, print and borrow, unilateral pacisism – has all passed without particular comment.
…Because, for the BBC everything old is new again. And Corbyn did make a point in his grand speech before the proletariat yesterday of reminding the BBC that they were safe with him. It was an important point – a bit like putting a sizeable deposit in the bank against a future risk.
Just checked out who’s in charge of BBC News. Appears to be one James Harding, mid 40’s and from the same stock as Danny Cohen and Alan “BBC pension pot” Yentob ! no surprise there then.
Russia appears to have carried out its first air strikes in Syria against opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, US officials say.
Well Saudi won’t be happy about that, which means America won’t be happy and neither will most European leaders !
“Russia has warned that US air strikes against militants in Syria would be a “gross violation” of international law.
A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said any such action, without the backing of the UN, would be “an act of aggression”.
It comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry meets Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia to try to build a coalition against Islamic State (IS) militants.”
what a surprise !
Mr Kerry, who arrived in the Red Sea port of Jeddah on Thursday, will hold talks with representatives of Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Gulf states as well as Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Nato member Turkey.
On the Daily Politics today they had that prize fool Zoe Williams, who writes for the Guardian and describes herself as of the intellectual left, God knows how thick the non intellectual left is. Well actually we have seen prime examples from the Labour Conference haven’t we!! After her debacle on Newsnight recently, when she said that the deficit etc could easily be solved by the B of E just printing loads of money , I would have thought she was too embarrassed to show her face, but not a bit of it , there she was as arrogant and stupid as ever. Her main contribution today was to ask a Tory MP why Britain should not be paying reparations for slavery! If the left wants us to pay for things that happened generations ago we will soon be bankrupt, unless of course we get compensated by the French for having invaded our country and oppressed our people for centuries following the Norman invasion. I ask where does the statute of limitation end in this weird leftist world ? Also what about some money from Spain to make up for their sponsoring of Bloody Mary’s imposition of Catholicism on our protestant land.
Intellectual left , oh dear oh dear.
All that Danegeld we handed over to the Vikings, I want it back !
And the enslavement of English people from the south west by Barbary pirates (the R.O.P. ).
I want compensation from Denmark to Britain … for our having to put up with Lefty Sandi Toksvig.
And Norway, for my dead parrot.
And the enslavement of English women by the Vikings!
And the enslavement of English children by the Romans!
Then there was the harrowing of the North by William the Conqueror.
So we demand compensation from:
1. The Muslims.
2. The Italians.
3. The Norwegians.
4. The bloody French.
“I would have thought she was too embarrassed to show her face”
You have to have some self-awareness first before you can experience embarrassment.
Zoe Williams seemed to think the whole thing was one big joke, laughing and grinning all the way through. Did the BBC really think that she would have anything useful to contribute, or did they want us all to know what a complete idiot she is?
The only way to clip the BBC’s ambition is to reduce its funding. These links can help if you want to stop paying the TV tax.
The BBC will get the law changed, but till then you can legally avoid subsidising its propaganda.
An absolute howler on lunchtime BBC news……..
Reeta Chakrabarti at 13:09 said “Russian politicians have voted unanimously to send troops to Syria” have they? are you sure about that? I think you will fine they voted to allow air strikes against ISIS.
In the same article at 13:10 Russian Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov said (translated) “as the president has already said, the use of armed forces in ground operations is ruled out”
Cutting edge journalism, not!
And we pay four billion a year for this? I think we are all due a refund.
BBC News
For entertainment
purposes only
Wasn’t it Joan Bakewell who once said that the BBC was run by ‘children’ ? well, since all those Yuni graduates from 20 years ago are now in charge – have only just left home and bought their first homes, its hardly surprising is it that the only word they know is ‘entertainment’ – anything ‘serious’ like News isn’t “cool”.
Entertainment – your joking . When did they last do comedy ?
Son of cliche was quite good, but that was around 1983
The M.S.M news has said that smoking has been banned in prisons. As far as I can make out it hasn’t. Its only been banned in recreational areas. Prisoners can smoke in their cells. Why can’t these bastards be truthful?
10 th year Anniversary of Mohammed cartoons?, (recent exhibit closed to London)
For safety having to be run in the Danish Parliament?
BBC has this tucked away in “from other news outlets” section
“still angry” eh! … throwback motherf–kers , beneath contempt.
I tell you not as much as me … especially after the Paris murders
and with our media, the lying crooked traitors in No10 and they re response.
Got to love this bit:
Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen, a professor of political science at Aarhus University, argued the figures reflect a cultural difference between the two groups.
”There are clearly different views on this: our political culture versus religion-founded rules,” Thomsen told Jyllands-Posten. “The Danes defend the freedom of speech and Danish Muslims do so to much less of a degree.”
“Danish Muslims do so to much less of a degree.” The BBC couldn’t do better; I think it’s a ‘no’ then.
As usual Douglas Murray speaks a great deal of sense. On PM this evening there was a short item about the Danish cartoons 10 years on. The parting thought from the BBC ‘journalist’ was that the man who drew the cartoons may be seen in future as someone who couldn’t come to terms with a changing Europe.
I didn’t expect that the BBC would see the rampant ,ongoing Islamification of Europe as in any way unwelcome, never mind the fact that most of the people who pay for the BBC, because they are coerced to do so by law, do in fact see this as a major worry. The BBC do not speak for us so why should we be forced to pay for them?
At the Copenhagen event Mark Steyn said that George W Bush had come out with a good line 10 years ago about the way the Muslims are always complaining – “If its not the Crusades, its some cartoon”.
Any REAL journalist would see the lesson of the cartoons as a key incident in the Islamic and dhimmi pressure by politicians and the media to de-limit free speech. Led by the BBC, virtually the entire media failed to show the cartoons – just as they failed to show the Charlie Hebdo front cover.
Just have a mass non payment of the licence fee , they can`t arrest, prosecute , fine or imprison everyone . The BBC would run out of cash , in weeks .
Tut tut EM. What would Pritti say about Breaking the Law? As an alternative, you could look to the political party which will abolish the License Fee.
Vote UKIP! 🙂
Ukip have only said about “reducing ” the licence fee , not abolishing it , infact they are still very keen to appear on the BBC as well .
Keep an eye on official policy. The membership is not divided on this. Of course our representatives need to appear as much as possible using as many media forms as possible, including the BBC.
Essexman , and what has the Conservative government done about AlBeeb’s bias ?
If you don’t watch or record live TV you don’t need a TV licence. I haven’t needed one for over a decade. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/tv-licence
Thanks for posting that nogginator, an excellent speech by Douglas Murray; the part near the end where he discusses free speech within the British tradition and its origins, is pure gold – what an intellect.
…pure gold…
Not quite. Did you miss the bit at 4 minutes in where Douglas showed some profound naivety in suggesting he trusted the Police to deal with burglaries, robberies and muggings? I guess he hasn’t suffered from such crime, nor studied the statistics. Other than that minor off-topic indiscretion, I agree – we need more Murrays on the TV’s in the UK – he says what needs to be shouted.
I didn’t miss that bit – you haven’t read my post properly. The part I referred to as “pure gold” I stated was “near the end”. A part of his talk at “4 minutes in” isn’t anywhere near the end of a speech, which is almost 22 minutes in length. The part of his talk you criticize, is no where near the part I was praising.
I agree with your point though, about the police.
The BBC they re going at it again this morning re the refugee s more bias, they re all too busy, rushing to get them off the boats, punching the air … crying “you ve made it”.
or desperately searching for a child who looks bedraggled enough for a photo opportunity to fit the narrative.
Meanwhile … in the real world
Merkel s .. . 500, 000 a year utopia is going swimmingly
New Muslim refugees attack Christian refugees so often in Germany, that police chief says “they should be housed separately” hmmm, a question … when the Christian refugees are removed, whose next? if they can t stand them, how will they “cope” in modern Germany?.
“Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, said migrants should be divided, following increasing numbers of attacks on Christians in refugee centres.
“I think housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense,” Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, told German newspaper Die Welt, particularly for Muslims and Christians.”
“The police have reached their absolute breaking point,” said Mr Radek. “Our officials are increasingly being called to confrontations in refugee homes.”
Folks … They re not fleeing sharia, they re bringing it
I agree with Herr Radek that housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense: Muslims housed in Asia, Christians housed in Europe.
Well, the Germans do have a lot of experience in segregation.
Angela, wheels coming off so soon?
Because of what happened in Germany between 1933 to 1945 the Germans have swung 180 degrees the other way, they’ve become anti racist nazis !! After the war they set up a constitution anyone fleeing persecution could settle in the country, this was and is a green light for every chancer, free loader and parasite in the third world to come, plus the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt School that fled in 1933 returned in 1958 to wreck havoc in the educational system. Anyone gloating at the plight of Germany, well it’s a bit like celebrating that your next door neighbours house is on fire, it’ll spread.
The guy at 4.00 reminds me of Scott.
LOL! Great comment – though the guy in the video comes across as much more masculine than one would imagine ‘Scott’ is.
I do miss Scott!
Scott was nailed when someone on this sight found an old post by said Scott (on his twitter account I believe) where he apparently found a terrorist “kinda hot.”
If he pointed the finger (which he often did) at posts on this sight, I and others would draw this statement to him. He would get quite irate. Once saying that it was a “five years ago” when he made that statement….As if that made it okay.
After that it was downhill for sanctimonious one.
Shame. He did add something to this sight. He could argue well and I had a sneaking reagrd for him. But no one likes a sanctimonious hypocrite.
I don’t. He was a sanctimonious little prig whose entire worldview was shaped around his sexual preferences. What a bore.
I suspect that the German love of order and efficiency may soon begin to trump the ‘welcome’ fever being promoted by their government. It would be a triumph of double think to carry it off indefinitely. Many Germans get quite excited if you so much as put the washing out on the wrong day – so they may not react with such a big welcome when entire areas of German towns start to resemble a Levantine souk.
I also find it hard to get my head around claims that Austria is welcoming them. Like Germany, it needs to get over its past but, in my experience, it has shown more reluctance to do so at grass roots level. Some very stubborn people down there and it’s less obviously sophisticated, whatever that means.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Austria and have been there many times but I can’t reconcile its touristy love of kitsch with the presence of lots of sullen young men hanging around in the resorts looking resentful.
Same applies to the Christmas markets in Munich, Nuremberg etc. Nicely done, very German, and less tat on offer than you would find here. To be honest though, I don’t really want to go again if the places don’t look German. Some people will find that comment objectionable. Guess what? I don’t care.
You are not on your own Anne, I strongly believe that Europe will suffer a catastrophic fall in tourism, – as our friend above commented, we don’t want to see replicas of ‘souks’ springing up outside the Coliseum, alongside the Louvre, or the cathedral in Cologne. Admittedly we have our own problems in London with Romanian beggars defecating the streets – (I stay away as much as possible) . We go to Europe to experience the culture, the lifestyle and the history of these places, we don’t want to be faced with thousands of migrants with a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower !
” we don’t want to be faced with thousands of migrants with a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower .” Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo7dhp5_u0c
Thank you for posting the clips from this conference, Nogginator. Excellent speakers. More people need to see this.
you re more than welcome …
not to be seen in the Al BBC Sharia Dept anytime soon.
BBC 2 tonight 8pm ” Welcome to the Mosque”. Err um, I think I’ll pass on that one http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06fpxcv
Heard a half decent interview with the producer on R4 Today yesterday. One bit went something like …
Him: It’s bad of OFSTED to ask pupils at the Islamic school about ISIS etc as that just makes them feel persecuted and got at.
Mishal Hussein: But it is Muslim children who are being radicalised.
Him: No, radicalisation is a problem for everyone. My brother was radicalised.
MH: Yes, after he became a Muslim ..
He had no answer to that.
Bull shit Alert
Europe’s Border Crisis: The Long Road
”As Europe witnesses the dramatic movement (INVASION) of people across its borders, Panorama reporter John Sweeney (THE VILLAGE IDIOT) joins thousands making the journey from the Greek island of Kos to the Austrian border with Hungary. He meets families (YOUNG MEN ) fleeing conflict and terror in Syria (TURKEY), refugees (CHANCERS) separated from their loved ones, children, the old and sick (PUPPIES AND KITTENS, SOB) being forced ( NO ONE IS FORCING THEM) to march to safety. Among this tide of humanity, he also finds economic migrants seeking a better life (COLONISATION) in northern Europe and he asks, with winter on the way, is the crisis about to claim even more lives?”
“being forced to march to safety”
In what way were they not already safe in Turkey? Or indeed Greece? Or Macedonia? Serbia?
On my local Anglian news a reporter was interviewing a migrant from Somalia who had made his way via the usual route through Europe, and is now comfortable in a Red Cross Refugee hostel in Peterborough whilst awaiting his asylum application to be processed. His wife and children remain at home. All the usual platitudes were coming out, about him feeling safe, and he was hoping to have his family join him etc etc. NOT ONCE did the interviewer ask him why he didn’t remain in Italy, Greece, Germany or France ! WHAT IS IT WITH THESE BLOODY REPORTERS ? are they handed a Call Centre script of what to say, because we don’t want to hear how sodding happy they are to be here, we want to know WHY they are here in the first place ! Dear God I would love to get out there with a microphone; they wouldn’t get any soft questions from me.
It just gets better and ‘better’. Maybe a new Director position needs creating again?
W1A seems to have morphed into an instructional manual for runaway executive hiring.
I hope the all offer a free coffee at their barista second job sites.
It’s not bias, just from the BBC Department of Stupid Questions.
VW scandal: 1.2m UK vehicles affected
I shared my experience, but I don’t think it will be published:
I drive a diesel Audi A4. My experience has been that the car drives exactly as it always has done. What sort of experience are you expecting? A sudden cloud of CO2 that wasn’t noticed before? A hidden button saying “press here for testing mode”?
Do I recall correctly the BBC reporter on, I think, WatO News getting things back to front saying VW owners could expect worse fuel consumption after the company had made the adjustments to their cars? They had a motoring journalist (was it Chris Goffey?) on later but only allowed him one short sentence and off.
They mentioned that on the News At Ten. I shall be ignoring the recall, I think, until the position is clear!
I drive a diesel VW, what has been my experience ? The traffic on the stretch of North End Road leading up to Talgarth Road is as bad as ever.
Me too , my VW Golf TDI , has just passed its MOT, with flying colours , last year the same .
It’s amazing how many of the lilly-livered liberal apologists still use the word ‘tolerance’ when it comes to minorities/muslims etc. However this, I am guessing, is not the correct term as implicit in tolerance is dislike. I believe the word you should be using is acceptance. Not that it bothers me that much.
If you do insist on being a lilly-livered liberal apologist then at least use the English language correctly.
Somebody on here said he or she was ‘Islamed out’ and I’m beginning to agree. The BBC is all for diversity, but that seems to be just promoting Islam and Muslims over everything else. I know Islam is a big issue at the moment, for obvious reasons, but I never seem to hear much about other ‘minorities’ on the BBC.
There are lots of ‘minority’ groups in the UK we don’t seem to hear much about. What about the Nepalese, Indian Christians, traditional Anglo-Jewry, Sikhs, Irish Protestants, people from the Baltic states, anglophile Iranians (I know some of them), Greek Cypriots, etc etc all of whom one would think have interesting stories to tell about their origins etc. I suspect the reason we don’t hear about them is that most of them just get on with things, generally integrating and being law abiding, and thus don’t have sufficient ‘victim’ status to make BBC headlines.
The Chinese community is invisible. Those who squeal the loudest gets the most attention.
When I was about nine I was given a book that took a page or two to explain each of many subjects and aspects of ‘modern’ life.
There were pages about different trees, the school system, the legal system, the police, submarines, steam engines etc. One pair of pages showed the flags of countries around the world and their national dress.
From this book I learnt that: a) some Muslims live in India and b) some Muslim women wear veils. That was the sum total of what a child of 9 needed to know in the Britain of my birth. I suspect that that knowledge probably exceeded what the majority of the population knew of Islam at that time.
Now not a day goes by without this death cult getting a mention. What’s the problem? A poor hard-done by minority, ‘only’ 4% of the population! It is such a minority that it now represents the largest religious group in the city that I was brought up in and its children fill 99% of the places in the school building where once was a leading grammar school.
Islamed out? It can’t be long before we will all be able to claim refugee status as ‘stateless persons’, but where to go? Never mind, Frau Merkel has the final solution, cultural genocide.
What is bad is that Islam is pushed at kids at school from primary stage onwards – in some detail. With no mention of the downsides, of course – just the RoP blarney.
On the 10th Anniversary of the Danish Cartoon ‘Crisis’ our ‘cutting edge’ BBC should be declaring:
1. It is our birthright to ridicule the ridiculous.
2. There can’t be anything more ridiculous than the all-knowing ‘great one’ choosing an illiterate to spread his ultimate word. Given that the ‘great one’ created the universe would it have been too much to bang out a sort of Mount Rushmore in English (the ‘universal’ language)?
In reality we can’t ridicule:
1. The Religion of Peace
2. The Religion of Global Warming
3. The Religion That There Are No Races, just racism (how?)
4. The Religion of Homosexual ‘Normality’ (and we breed how?)
5. The Religion of Minorities Are The Majority Now
All You Used To Need To Know About Muslims

Good old Dave. The BBC will approve without question…
What a twat the man is.
The best twat of a bad bunch, Sir Nigel aside…
I would prefer Sir Nigel, than the rumoured promise of old squeaky voice Sir David Beckham and Lady Posh – dear Lord I hope someone sees sense before THAT happens. I shall truly leave the country then.
Is his real name Davud al-Q’amrun?
Even on the Biased Broadcasting Crescent …
“Halal and Kosher slaughter ‘must end’
Halal meat: David Cameron refuses to intervene even on its labelling
An arrogant, incompetent, self serving, traitor and quisling
I think he’s gone off pork for some reason . . .
Prime time BBC2 tonight.
“Welcome to the Mosque”
“Robb Leech provides an insight into what life is like behind a mosque’s walls, from rituals and marriage, to racism experienced by older community members when they were growing up. He witnesses segregation and meets younger members of the community, who are afraid of `free-mixing’ with the opposite sex. He also captures the response to the news of the three London schoolgirls who left Britain to join Isis jihadists in Syria, including frantic phone calls and the journey to Istanbul with the girls’ families to find them”
It was lucky a bBC crew was on hand to witness said phone calls and make the journey with them. We all know what stance this program will take and for that reason (among many) I won’t be watching.
On the other side we can enjoy Nadiya,Tamal, Ian and Flora in the Great British Bake Off Final, (me neither..)
Nikki Campbell going to pop in with the latest BBC fashion statement …
… the Hijab
Is this an indication that there something we don’t know and they do about the winner of GBBO then ?
Lest we forget who Robb Leaches brother is…..An Islamist!..
What stops Robb understanding?
I have read this Guardian article. Robb Leach has my sympathy for the circumstances he finds himself in. Also, his article from a year ago has much sense in it.
Robb’s sub-heading reads:
“Extremism of any kind is a symptom of an unhealthy society and, in order to eradicate it, we should look to treat its cause”
Very sensible comment Robb. Also this (my emphasis):
“From the moment he converted, Rich was talking about fighting western oppression and dying a martyr. In a sense, the writing was on the wall. Violent jihad was something he and his “brothers” constantly talked about.”
And some honest self-realisation:
“In hindsight, Rich’s arrest and subsequent conviction shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me: he set out to do what he had always talked of. As I stood in the public gallery and heard the evidence put forward by the prosecution, I looked into the dock to see Rich’s stony face (which would shortly afterwards utter the word “guilty”), and felt let down and sad, but also unexpectedly stupid. “
Robb’s conclusion also has its grounds in reason:
“The inherent problem in attempting to tackle radicalisation is that often it is too late. By the time its signs begin to show, the scene is already set. Extremism of any kind is a symptom of an unhealthy society and, like any illness, in order to eradicate it, we should look to treat its cause.”
To complete his ‘journey’, Robb only needs to admit to himself that the ‘illness’ is Islamic extremism; the symptoms are dead apostates, dead gays, abused women, raped children and barbaric societies; The cause is Muslims acting in accordance with their beliefs; the facilitators are the Koran, Imams, mosques, Muslim parents and the politicians who have facilitated the introduction of Islam into our country over decades, amplified in the last 18 years through deliberate social engineering through mass immigration.
So Robb, should you wish to treat its cause, be honest with yourself, accept that you won’t get another gig with the Guardian/BBC and those not honest enough to be honest with themselves. You Robb should be working with these guys ‘n gals:
Once we as a society have accepted the truth, however much we might dislike that truth, the real question that needs asking is: How can our country (and other non-islamic countries), peacefully and humanely, rid the land of Islam? Unlike with Christianity, a Reformation of Islam is not realistic, as secular students of Islam testify. As a secular society with a Christian history we should assume that this solution, a Reformation which is outwith our influence, will not happen and we should prepare and act accordingly.
As many will know, when one sees this truth the experience is irreversible, as you become to understand the all too real existential threat that Islam is to our very civilisation.
“Welcome to the Mosque”
I wonder how much time will be devoted to female genital mutilation and “honour” killing?
I look forward to other BBC programmes such as ‘Welcome to the Buddhist Temple’, ‘Welcome to the Synagogue’ etc. Actually I would genuinely find that interesting. Somehow I doubt we’re going to see them though, as there’s only room for one ‘established’ religion with the Beeb, it seems.
Dear God ! what passes for comedy on BBC Radio 4 these days.
“Sami Shah is an award-winning comedian and best-selling author, and one of Pakistan’s most successful comedians. Yes, Pakistan has comedians. In A Beginner’s Guide To Pakistan he has traveled to Birmingham – or, to give it its full name, the Islamic Republic of Birmingham – to give Radio 4 a quick guide to the country who have directly and/or indirectly provided the UK with 1.8% of its population: Pakistan.
In this first episode he looks at the country’s political history, from its foundations in British-ruled India right up to the present day. It’s a litany of coups and assassinations, in the middle of which Sami was grew up, moved away and came home – to a very different Pakistan from the one he left. Which isn’t to say that there weren’t more coups and/or assassinations. ”
The BBC carrying on the fight against imaginary right wing groups with the tacit support of the Tories, and not biased at all.
Talking of ‘imaginary right wing groups’ it strikes me that if all these supposedly scary violent right wing groups in eastern Europe actually existed in any significant numbers, they would be out in force by now, particularly Jobbik in Hungary. Seems to me their ‘threat’ is vastly over-rated by the western media.
Could this news item from the Telegraph “With further and final proof that the BBC has completely lost interest in covering golf, it has been announced that the R&A has agreed to rip up the last year of the contract and hand over to Sky from 2016.” be in any way connected to this programme being shown tonight on BBC4, ” Dark Side of the Greens”, Radio Times saying “ And environment destruction is par for the course: according to the UN, water irrigating golf courses could meet the needs of 80 per cent of the world’s population.”
How even the most successful series can upset the BBC if it’s not slaying imaginary dragons !
Let me see…Only Fools and Horses. A comedy about working class white British people in London – no wonder certain people didn’t like it! It reminds me of an interview with Jimmy Perry about ‘It Ain’t ‘Alf Hot Mum’ where he said it didn’t get repeated on the BBC because of fears of ‘racism’ (adding that he didn’t care what he said because he was in his nineties). Yet anyone who’d seen it and who knew a little about the British Raj could see it was actually making fun of imperialism.
Now then, now then. BBC comedy is alive and flourishing with shows like Miranda and Citizen Khan having us all in hysterics with every line.
Sad to consider just how far the BBC has fallen.
Not BBC bias, just an anecdote.
I live in Brighton and was in the pub the other night. Got talking to a bunch of Labour delegates on the table next to us.
Whilst I kept my politics under wraps, they waxed lyrical about Labour. As you would expect. They then began to talk about interviewers and I was truly shocked. Not only did they all agree that Andrew Neil is the best on TV but they also agreed that Marr was one of the worse. Not only did they agree that he was biased, they also uttered words such as weak, feeble, etc. Even the left can see his bias.
Al Beeb reporting that Jamaica wants an apology and reparations from Great Britain for the slave trade?
Perhaps they should address the real perpetrators in Africa who sold off their ancestors to the European traders?
Reparations yes OK – give them fares to emigrate back to Africa – see how many take that up, considering that Africa is in one heck of a mess since the Europeans pulled out of that continent. Jamaica is a paradise compared to most of Africa.
They should also pay attention to the way their ancestors treated each other. One of the funniest things I saw was a black guy on who do you think you are being told his ancestor was an overseer who was the one who whipped the slaves when they misbehaved !
There were also plenty of Black slave owners too, it seems to all be glossed over as inconvenient truth.
That was Ainsley Harriott, He became more and more outraged/preachy about the slave trade and owners – what utter scum they were, etc. Then, towards the end of the programme, discovered he was descended from a slave owner. That shut him up.
Given my family has absolutely no history of slave trading, perhaps Mr Harriott should pay compensation for his ancestors crimes? I’m really not sure why I should be expected to pay.
On the origins of the word ‘slave’, one might consult the BBC. I would bet they are not too keen on maintaining this piece of history about their Moslems.
Does this mean that early slaves were white?
The BBC seems to dislike Putin and Russia but even it’s news reports cannot disguise that Russia is contemptuous of Nato and Obama led USA.
It even allowed Cameron to fulminate against Russian intervention in Syria.
What would their blue eyed boy Corbyn say about that I wonder?
The actions of Russia are now of real importance to us all although you would never know it listening to the pundits and the media children. All their instincts prevent them understanding the concept of a nation state acting in it’s interests .
Russia is going to be key to the West’s survival now. The USA is increasingly irrelevant and as for us and Nato – please don’t make me laugh.
What I object to is the lack of real knowledge and depth in reporting. Emotion takes the place of this .There is obviously a realignment of power taking place in Syria and soon on the borders of Europe and this is going to affect all our futures. How long before Russia imposes conditions on those old Warsaw pact lands.? And more to the point what is stop Russia doing this?
What does the liberal media concern itself with? Human interest emotion driven snippets of rubbish.
You should read this:
“The new Syrian rebel army has become a hotbed of terrorism, much of it governed by ISIS.
The good guys are now the bad guys, and the bad guys suddenly don’t seem quite so bad by comparison.”
“Frankly, I haven’t got a clue what Obama’s plan is for Syria or ISIS.” – Neither does Obama until his Saudi paymasters decide and tell him what they want him to do !
ISIS = Islamic Syrian Invasion Service
BBC – The Great multicultural diversity (oops I mean) British Fake off
The Nogwife has just bought in a mug of tea, as I finish writing up todays notes, complaining
“that TGBBO is just totally biased”.
Oh no! … I don t believe it 😀 … pray tell dear, goes my heartfelt response.
Apparently, the judges were overly gushing, over an Islamic contestant putting her 1st in 2
challenges where they knew it was her cake yet, amazingly she came last when it was a blind judging.
The wife insists she wasn t best in style, innovation or in taste … anyway the upshot,
the final (3 contestants) contains 2 Asians, (1 Islamic ).
… Surprised?
Nope, I think we all knew where this was heading weeks ago, and my bet is that it isn’t the English man that wins.
Hmmmmmm Pakistani Muslim woman or Gay ‘Asian’ man? The BBC must be wringing its hands raw trying to decide how to rig it !
I watched one episode about three weeks ago. The BBC places ethnicity over ability.
Given the row in the Labour Party about Corbyn’s stance on nuclear weapons, as detailed here:
Isn’t he already a dead man walking? Some of you will remember Michael Foot undermining his credibility in a similar fashion regarding Polaris in the 80s. Foot said he would decommission Polaris if the Russians promised to decommission the same number of warheads. However, and this is the bit that defies belief, he said that he would decommission Polaris anyway if the Russians weren’t forthcoming. These hard-leftists do suffer terribly from defence-dyslexia.
I particularly liked this sixth form level quote in the article,
‘Mr Corbyn said nuclear weapons “didn’t do the USA much good on 9/11”.’
This is a commonly deployed argument that seeks to falsify the argument for a nuclear deterrent by saying it is of no use because it doesn’t stop all wars. No Mr Corbyn, you fool, nuclear deterrence is all about deterring nuclear war.
On that logic, it didn’t do the UK much good on 7th July 2005. Or during the IRA bombings in the 70’s and 80’s. You expect at least a level of intelligence from MP’s. He isn’t a clever person pretending to be an idiot (boris j), he is just an idiot and completely out of his very shallow depth. He is the village idiot.
But can you imagine the extended applause he would receive on QT with that statement. While the panel and the vast majority can only listen on in utter disbelief.
It’s a little like the death penalty which the left claim is not a deterrent, well I ask you, how many people who have been executed have gone on to re-offend? 🙂
It is a perfect example of specious thinking.
adj. Seemingly well-reasoned or factual, but actually fallacious or insincere; strongly held but false.
adj. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious: a specious argument.
One of his favorite words is philosophy. ‘I have a philosophy on …, I have a philosophy that…’ He clearly doesn’t know or understand anything about any kind of philosophy. I doubt he is intelligent enough to deal with reasoned thought. That’s why he supports terrorism. He can’t think beyond ‘those in power are bad, so all terrorism is good’.
I see the BBC weather is very concerned about the weather in the Central Med , high winds , heavy rain , flooding , higher than normal tides . Hmm , I wonder why , holiday season almost over , must be something else down that way , they are worried about, & its not UV levels & sunburn .They do think,everyone is so stupid .
BBC – says Welcome to the Mosque? …
but please folks Google the phrase “taqiyya and tu-quoque” and arm yourself with knowledge first.
Be prepared to ask inquisitively about
Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha when she was nine,
about the assassinations of Asma Bint Marwan and others,
about the massacre of the inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khaybar oasis,
about the decapitation of 600-900 helpless prisoners of the Banu Qurayza,
and about so much more … oh and be sure to mention the Hadith.
Ask about the relevance of what Muhammad did and said for today’s Muslims, is he the supreme example to follow?
Ask why he is called in the Qur’an “uswa hasana” and in Islamic tradition “al-insan al-kamil”?
(If you re told Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha must be “put in the context of their times,”
don’t forget to ask why virtually the first act of Khomeini in Iran was to lower the marriageable age of girls to nine).
Oh, and ask about the concept of the “Dhimmi.” Ask what was required of Christians and Jews as non-Muslims under Muslim rule. What did they have to do, in order to remain alive?
Why Mohammed beheaded 200 Jewish people himself?
Why did he state he was made victorious by terror? … blueprint for Islamic terrorism ever since.
Why did he command slay the infidels wherever you find them? .. the blueprint for Islamic mass murder ever since.
Ask about why 95% of all honour killings are Islamic? and abhorrent honour crimes?
Don t forget to mention, Halal … proven to be unnecessarily barbaric and cruel, inflicting unnecessary pain, even the UKs most senior Vet Surgeon says so.
Ask about the phenomenon of Islamic honour acid attacks they leave a legacy of pain, disfigurement and abject misery for the vast majority of survivors … sooooo
why does Islam discriminate so much?
against women … even in the mosque?
against “real” education
against other faiths?
against other ethnic groups?
against homosexuals/lesbians?
even against other refugees?
Why is Islamic Sharia so discriminatory?
Why Islam murders over a cartoon?,
Why it murders over free speech?
Why it murders over apostasy?
Why it murders over homosexuality
Why it murders rape victims.
… I would welcome the BBC to come with me to the mosque, to ask those very questions
Where s that tea and taqiya?
Imagine Corbyn was accidentally given that as a speech on the autoque instead of the one from the 80’s that every other lableader laughed at and ignored. I can picture it now. The shocked,stunned silence. It would be the greatest moment in the history of British politics – ever. Why can’t it be true!
You could also ask about the sun setting in a muddy pool, and when you get the answer that it appeared to, you can loudly shout ‘Blasphemy’ and demand the man (for it will be a man) is immediately killed.
Ask about the 6th Pillar of Islam – Jihad and the commands to carry it out or go to hell, and how those who die get a higher rank in heaven.
How many ranks are there in heaven?
The Aisha answer of it being a different time is also blasphemous. Allah is supposed to be unchanging and eternal what he ordained all those years ago must hold true today or the whole religion collapses because all of it might be put down to being put into context of the times.
Ask what Mohammed said would happen if he was a false prophet (Allah would tear out my life artery (aorta), and then ask what Mohammed said was happening when he was dying – (It feels like God is tearing out my life artery!)
And if you really want to upset them ask why all the coins of the period which have the name Mohammed on them, also have the sign of the cross! Or how the Qur’an fragment in Birmingham is much older than the date Mohammed is supposed to have lived !
“It is still shocking to see thousands of exhausted travellers sleeping rough, on roadsides or railway tracks, or spread across grassy verges, as they wait for buses or trains to take them further on their journey.”
Wait! What? Travellers? So there are travellers amongst the ‘refugees and migrants now’ What next, tourists, sightseers
“And it raises searching questions: what kind of lives have they fled? What future awaits them somewhere in Europe, if not beyond?”
Beyond? What, like space, man.Or the afterlife. Is Ms Doucet smoking something stronger than menthols?
He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy! That is a mad picture though. Islam is on its way. Europe will soon be back in the stone age.
The photo looks like London
Ah … the East End Guvnor … Tower Amlets an all that.
I always like to ave, a nice cuppa Rosie lee my old China,
I ve ad a right Darby and Joan, afta a butchers at these streets … in a right 2 and 8 ain t they
… a right pen and ink too, called the blaady ruby murray frog n toad these days
Feels like Johnny no mates, round ere these days, my old China, everybody’s scarpered,
yus … on yer blaady Jack Jones! … what a bleedin liberty.
From the BBC Archives 1958
Sooner that we think !!!
Ray F, I actually did think that was a still from ‘Life of Brian’ put there as a joke when I saw it. I had to do a double take. I have no doubt that those people are facing terrible suffering – but I’m equally convinced that allowing them into Europe en masse will create more problems than it solves.
Always happy when ‘news’ happens along where I really could care less about any of the (inevitably) warring protagonists, including the BBC when it weighs in.
Seems an outrage posse has attracted the support of one of the bbc’s yoof magazines, Newsbeat, on account of not being able to blag their way into a club.
Sadly for Newsbeat, and said posse, the comments on FaceBook are not going well.
The BBC are reporting that Lord Drayson former Labour science minister now admits that Nu Labour got it wrong when it promoted the change to Diesel vehicles.
Yet again we see the Margaret Beckett ‘I am a moron’ syndrome, failing to even envisage tomorrow. It seems that the Fascist left are completely incapable of thinking about the consequences of the decisions they make, seeking only the simplistic there’s a problem today, lets solve it today and hang the consequences’.
Such is Lord Drayson’s pronouncement today and the insane proposal he has made, which to be honest calls his credibility into question.
Drayson says the government should offer a scrappage scheme for diesel cars and promote the sale of Hybrid / electric cars.
Given that the amount of energy required to build a new car, is far greater than any fuel saving then this is far from cost neutral in the carbon scene. Worse than that Hybrid / electric cars take even more energy to build than a conventional car. The batteries are particularly problematic – mined in Canada, shipped on to another country for refining, shipped to Norway (?) for manufacture, shipped to Japan for installation, and then shipped back to Europe / USA !
Then there’s the other problem of what to do with the dead batteries after they reach the end of their lives.
Drayson claims that the chemicals in diesel are ‘killing us’ but fails to look to the future that the chemicals in batteries are even more lethal !
Yet again the left prove incapable of looking to the future consequences of their actions.
There’s something funny about all of this. For a few months prior to revelations of ‘the scandal’, the media (esp. BBC) have been ‘dirtying up’ the diesel engine.
As ever with economics and politics, the principle ‘Follow the money’ applies.
What this means in reality, according to my limited auto engineering knowledge, is that out on the road in normal use, VW and other makers’ vehicles may have been consuming more fuel than necessary as well as creating greater emissions than intended. This is where the big scandal comes in: not that we were all being poisoned by Gordon Brown & Lord Drayson but that Government and the oil & fuel companies were making big money from this.
I think we need an intensive, multi-national investigation as to who knew what and when. It smells far worse than a worn, ten year old, badly adjusted, stinky diesel engine in a Passat!
Well, yes. But even more than that what we really need is a thorough investigation into the effect ‘Green’ politics has had on many aspects of our lives – from the decimation of productive industries (steel most recently) to deaths from hypothermia and ‘fuel poverty’ (due to ‘climate change’ legislation) the ridiculous banning of tungsten filament lightbulbs and traditional central heating boilers, the billions poured into wind farms and solar farms, restrictive building and transport regulations – in fact the entire panoply of Green-inspired legislation that has been foisted upon us without the Greens ever having won a significant election.
A properly independent broadcaster would be casting a very searching eye on the corrupt ‘Green’ sector, from the shadowy private companies like Greenpeace to dodgy politicians like Huhne and Gummer.
Of course, the BBC fully endorses the Green movement and acts as its propaganda arm. Which is just one more reason why it needs to be shut down.
GC, that may be true but is a bit of a distraction from what may have been criminal fraud in this case. One thing at a time – as the overworked copper pleaded on the TODAY programme this a.m.! The question is were the Greens, the Oil Cos (who work with auto makers) & the politicians who also all talk to each other in the know? There must be a likelihood. The big winners were HMG but the oil companies & associated businesses did quite well. The fraud is on the taxpayer, whether vehicle user, non-vehicle user and bus passenger. There must be scope for a major criminal investigation.
Just listened to Caroline Russell being given an easy ride by Martha Kearney on WatO. I think we knew exactly what diesel emissions were decades ago. It is also indisputable that what you put into an engine is what you get out, minus the effect of the catalytic converter. If the Greens did not know that for the past quarter century, then as you and AFP observe, are they competent on any environmental matter?
Aye, that’d save a bit of carbon. (shutting the BBC down)
Were diesel engines another example of the scientific consensus being settled … like the Sun orbiting the Earth … the Earth being flat and …. erm … something about man made climate change …..
AFP “Were diesel engines another example of the scientific consensus being settled … like the Sun orbiting the Earth … the Earth being flat and …. erm … something about man made climate change ….. ”
No. To the best of my knowledge, we knew quite well what diesels do, decades ago. A friend worked for CAV Lucas many years ago and he was involved in testing various instrumentation in relation to the control of testing of diesels. He got to play with interesting toys. Very high fuel consumptions and, hence, low emissions were possible, even in the late 1970s and technology has marched on a bit since then.
Just like the talking up of the harm of salt and sugar in food, drinks & confectionery, I get the impression that we are being softened up for more taxes when, in fact, we should be getting massive refunds and damages. On this, some people who were saying “Trust us.” may be actually caught with their hands in the till.
Interesting to see that the Tory mind set that saw them lose election after election to Tony BLiar is still alive & well. That instead of looking to talent and popular appeal, the Tories stick with what they know best, privilege, wealth, and entitlement.
To this end they have decided to surrender the out vote in the EU referendum by selecting yesterdays man Lord Lawson.
This man is 83 this year ! Yes he was a performer back when he was chancellor, but it’s like putting Red Rum into a race 10 years after he won the national on the grounds that he’s proven performer !
Age takes its toll, regardless of all the equality crap, and there’s no way that at 83+ we can think at the speed we could when younger.
Worse than that Lawson is associated with the Thatcher years, something I admire, but can be completely the opposite for those who want to vote no from the Labour side.
Cameron has made the mistake which Thatcher did, in not searching for new talent to replace todays leaders tomorrow, the ethos of privilege, wealth, and entitlement, means he wants to allow his chum Boris his turn at getting his snout in the trough.
This for me is a great disappointment yet so typical of the Tories.
And just as I pen that piece Lawson appears on the Today program making a hash of the entire thing by talking about ‘Xenophobic voices’ giving the BBC interviewer the shoe in to call UKIP Xenophobic !
Didn’t take him long to screw up.
Lawson has twice the brainpower of any member of the current Conservative cabinet, as his GWPF work proves.
Ageism is boring. I’d say ‘offensive’ but I am neither old nor an SJW.
Agree with you that ageism is boring and that Lawson can match the Cabinet. But I cannot help thinking about age in this respect. Our politicians, like our climate scientists, are mainly cowards who dare not speak out. The young will take risks because they care not about their future; the old can take risks because they have no future. Lawson has no dreams of leadership, but he can do the job without fear. And that puts him ahead of the cowards in the Cabinet.
One thing we know about climate ‘psience’ is that it is the province of younger academics. The previous generation (Hansen’s boss to name one of the most prominent) have tended to look askance at it.
The UK has had an unfortunate love affair with younger politicians – Blair and Cameron to name just two. If we are going to generalise, the young tend to get carried away with idealiism at the expense of common sense. Having and older, wiser, head on board like Lawson seems to me to be a Good Thing (c.)
Thought Lawson dealt with Mishals agitprop claptrap very well.
Her efforts to get him to name UKIP as being the problem-as opposed to the BBC and the EU pliable toadies-was typical smearing crap…and Lawson said “we both know who we mean”.
But Mishal and the BBC couldn`t possibly comment, no doubt.
Lawson`s been in the game to long, not to know what the BBC are up to.
So I sat down yesterday evening and picked up the TV guide to see what was on. Admittedly, my hopes weren’t high, but I thought I’d give them a chance. I have paid them for this service after all!
The first thing I saw was “Welcome to the Mosque” on BBC 2 at 8pm. Wow. Why is the BBC Thought Police continually trying to force islam down everyone’s throats? I am absolutely sick and tired of it!
The alternative viewing on BBC 1 has the Great British Bake Off, with it’s lengthy close ups of the muslim contestant’s face. I already know who is going to win it.
So, after putting my foot through the TV, I turned to the radio – so often a place of comfort in the past.
I turned on just in time to hear the announcer say “So, what do you know about Pakistan? Probably not enough!”, as he then went on to introduce some bullsh*t comedy programme about Pakistan. Laugh? I almost soiled myself!
After I’d regained consciousness and realised the radio was beyond repair, I decided to read a book – surely they couldn’t try to brainwash me there into accepting islam? Could they?
What the hell is going on, people?
You are the problem BS! The BBC is in lock step with the rapid change in the UK and across Europe as we become muticultural and Islamic ( obviously a contradiction but who cares). People like you, and the rest of the left behinders on this site, are pining for a country and continent that no longer exists. You should be out celebrating the welcome diversity and helping immigrants settle in, not sulking and getting angry. They are the future not you! So programmes on the BBC merely reflect the welcome changes in society that have taken place over the past 20 or 30 years.
Of course, no one has ever asked you if you wanted these changes made to your country because if they had you, and millions of other Britons, would have rejected them out of hand. So Labour kept quiet about their policy of mass immigration and tasked the BBC with covering it up and also to try and condition the natives to accept the policy. To a considerable extent they have succeeded and millions of Brits sleep walk down the path to an Islamic future without a murmur. But of course there are a few ‘hard cases’ like yourself and others on this site who are just old fashioned racist bigots. If you persist in your opposition the next stage well be that people like you are sent for corrective re-education at the local Mosque so as to become more accepting of other cultures and in particular to embrace the wisdom , love and warmth of Islam. Should this fail and you remain set in your racist attitudes, well then you will be handed over to the action squad when you will undergo some increasingly painful corrective training on an island off the Scottish coast. The only people let off the island alive are those who embrace the faith.
I just noticed that about 30 minutes ago. Watching channel 4 over a five minute period, I thought OK this is too much. If it wasn’t a Muslim presenter, it was a Muslim being interviewed. The programs were concerned about Muslim issues. I wouldn’t mind but Muslims watch Muslim tv and listen to Muslim radio. I worked with so many, they have no interest in English media. So who’s it for?
Buck ”After I’d regained consciousness and realised the radio was beyond repair, I decided to read a book – surely they couldn’t try to brainwash me there into accepting islam? Could they?”
”What the hell is going on, people? ” White Genocide whitegenocideproject.com
The Saudis have now expressed ‘concern’ about the Russian airstrikes, and right on cue their puppets in the West have given voice to those ‘concerns’.
Anyone with an eye to see can see what is going on, only the ignorant and wilfully blind cannot.
I always knew it was the Saudis that owned the Banks, the Media, the Western Politicians, and uses the West to fight their wars, and all along someone else was taking all the blame. Saudi gets away with murder all around the world, whilst little Israel and the Jews get all the blame for the worlds troubles.
Yet again when it comes to the Islamic jihad/ISIS/Al Quaida/Al Nusra threat, Putin is assessing the situation realistically while Obama and co are operating in the realm of some politically correct fairy land.
That UN speech on Monday, the failure of the Arab Spring to do what Obama and the other politicians and the MSM insisted it would do … bring the Middle East to democracy/freedom.
– ” Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life.
I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation:
Do you realize what you have done?” –
“The disagreement between Obama and Putin is a case in point. The Americans and French and the others in the Western coalition are merely carrying out cosmetic strikes against the Islamic State — strikes that even the mainstream media has begun to acknowledge are more for appearance’s sake than for making any real dent into the Islamic State’s holdings.
Meanwhile, Russia is now acting with Iran and its client regimes in Baghdad and Damascus to do something genuine to fight the Islamic State.
The U.S. position assumes that the Islamic State’s power and appeal is based on outrage at the crimes of Assad, and that therefore its support would melt away if Assad were gone.
No one who has ever read anything that the Islamic State has published or any of the accounts of why people join it could ever hold this position.”
R Spencer
Except that Spencer is wrong !
The US position is not based on “outrage at the crimes of Assad”, it is based on the fact that several Sunni Wahabist Oil rich countries believed that Al Assad as an Amadhi Muslim is a heretic and want him removed. To this end they and others financed ISIS, and the West, being their puppets supported ISIS in their attempts to slaughter everyone who isn’t a Sunni. ISIS only became our enemy after they stated their aim to remove the Saudi ruling family, and to destroy the Saudi tourist attraction – Mecca.
If Saudi had still been supporting ISIS then we in the West would be too!
ISIS poses a threat to Saudi, but their rank hatred for Assad and the Amadhis trumps that threat. Their strategy is to use ISIS to remove Assad from power and slaughter the Amadhis, but that ISIS should be weakened so they are a minimal threat to Saudi.
Remarkably that is also the Wests strategy – wonder how that happened ?
I think you’ve got your Alawites muddled up with your Ahmadis. I don’t blame you, easily done….. the Druse are confusing too…
according to some plooky 5dead reporter Assad has been pushing barrel bombs out of the back of helicopters every day since the start of the war. – More shite from the bbc
We only help the good t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶, r̶e̶b̶e̶, er, freedom fighters. ‘Call me Dave’ assured me.
For those new visitors to this site who are unhappy with Al Beeb’s bias, it worth voting here. Tell your mates……………………………………….
Newsnight hangover
Newsnight, or let’s be honest and call it Bumsnet – where the Guardian interviews the Guardian by way of the Guardian to find out what hot topic the Guardian is worrying about.
So the Islington Unpopular Front have a new (old) leader.
‘I would never push the nuclear button’ – not much of a poker player is he? No wonder the public sector Trades Union bosses love him. Can you imagine all the really soft bargaining about pay policy over beer and sandwiches?
They say the London Mayoral race will be his big test.
Posh Eton boy – or was it Harrow? – greentinged and paid up member of the wet glee club versus a man from said Tooting Popular Front organisation they fib will be the capital’s first Muslim Mayor. That’s not Strictly true Brucie Broadcasters – we had one already in Tower Hamlets who brought with him Bangladeshi levels of electoral graft and practically ended up in jail with democracy suspended, lest we forget. So as I stroll off to work in search of a better life beyond the new mega mosque and the floral tributes to the promising young rapper who was shot and stabbed in what the Met describe as a tragic case of mistaken indentity… think on as they used to say in Coronation Street.
BBC Online News:
“”Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home””
And of course to open the feature, there’s a photo of a crying young Syrian child being lifted onto the shore. Oh, the children, think of the children! If your heart doesn’t melt and agree with the BBC/Left….you are a stony hearted far-right bigoted Nazi racist!
Here’s a quote from the feature:
“”The billionaire, who is the current frontrunner in the Republican race for the White House, told a New Hampshire rally: “If I win, they’re going back.””
Why mention he’s a billionaire? To promote class-war envy? What’s it got do with it?
This quote will help Trump’s cause:
“”A number of Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, have urged the US to increase the number of Syrians from 10,000 to 65,000″”.
The BBC treat Trump the same way they treat Boris J. With contempt and ridicule.
Is there anyone running for US President that isn’t a billionaire?
The difference is that Trump started off in politics as a billionaire, whereas the likes of Clinton and Blair made millions out of milking their political careers.
The BBC also seemed to be showing some prog about Trump last night to do with his ill-fated golf course project in Scotland. Odd that they bring that up now he’s running for President. I don’t particularly like Trump, and I don’t think he’ll become President, but he is at least providing some sort of counter-balance to the prevailing left-wing political atmosphere both in the USA and in Europe.
The Today program on Radio 4 – Thursday morning. One of the presenters is interviewing a black activist in the USA about violence in the black ‘community’. It went something like this:
Interviewer: But it’s an undeniable statistic that most black people who are murdered die at the hands of other black people.
Black activist: It’s not as simple as black on black violence, I prefer to think of it as neighbour on neighbour violence.
The interviewer let this go, moving on to the nest question.
I suppose if one was being kind it could be described as ‘black neighbour on black neighbour’ violence, although it still poses the question of why such folk act in such an unneighbourly manner. Some years ago, on a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, I went down a street on which opera goers were on one side of the road and menacing, arguing young black men were on the other. It looked like it was about to get very ugly and I expressed my concern to my host. “Oh, no, we’ll be quite safe if we stay on this side of the road” he said, “it’s the other side which is their neighbourhood”.
I was surprised the interviewer even raised the point, to be honest.
It’s probably true, if the blacks had any white neighbours, they’d kill them too.
That’s what I like to see – equal opportunities at work.
Glad I don’t live next to him.
“One of the world’s largest fashion retailers is launching a new advertising campaign featuring – for the first time in its history – a Muslim woman wearing a hijab.
Mariah Idrissi, 23, appears in the H&M advert, which is trying to encourage people to recycle clothes.”
Well, I must say what that woman is wearing on her head looks remarkably like a pair of my old underpants that my wife took to the charity shop. Oh well, at least they have found a good home.
I hope she washed them first.
I’ve occasionally noticed women on the tube wearing ‘designer hijabs’ with Gucci etc written all over them. The big retailers are probably licking their lips in anticipation of all the new lines that they will soon be able to sell!
I also know a young lady – a very attractive English ‘head girl’ type – who works as one of those personal shoppers in Harrods. She told me that quite a few of the women in full black ‘pillar box’ robes actually wear designer clothing underneath and some have expensive lingerie, piercings etc. Once or twice they’ve even tried to ‘lez up’ with her in the changing rooms! I would have dismissed this as some sort of multicultural porn fantasy if I hadn’t heard it from her myself…
I was on a flight from Kuwait to London a few years ago. There were several women dressed head to toe as above. Once the flight was halfway there was a massive queue to the toilets. On landing very few in robes, quite a few in designer clothes, dresses and full make up.
This also happens WITHIN the Middle East.
Fly from Saudi to Dubai and you get exactly the same thing.
I flew Gatwick-Dubai once. 3 Arabs across the aisle drinking whisky like water until we entered Arab air space. No more whisky and out with their Korans. I carried on with my whisky and just laughed at them.
Does my bomb look big in this?
Now THAT`S a joke we`ll not hearing anytime soon!
The Today program seems to have gone full-on propaganda this morning.
Female surgeons experiencing institutional sexism, obviously no critical analysis needed, and smoking in cars with children presented with a little vox-pop from a set of infants displaying their deep knowledge of human biology and the respiratory system.
It’s something I commented on a little while back – why is almost everything at the BBC viewed through an “ism”? I turned off as soon as that article came on.
From the Daily Telegraph (1/10/2015):
“Alan Yentob, the BBC executive, is under renewed pressure as further allegations emerged claiming he has intervened in news broadcasting.
Mr Yentob lobbied a Radio 4 presenter who was about to present coverage of a report on Kids Company, the charity he previously chaired, according to the Daily Mail.
Mr Yentob has already come under attack for interfering in the BBC’s coverage of the charity. In July, he telephoned Newsnight bosses who investigated the failed charity’s mismanaged finances and he later turned up uninvited to a Today programme interview with Camila Batmanghelidjh, Kids Company’s founder.
Reports made this week claim Mr Yentob telephoned the Radio 4 presenter Ed Stourton 45 minutes before he was due on air on World at One. It is alleged that he was trying to influence the direction of the programme.
Mr Yentob will be questioned by MPs over the collapse of Kids Company at a public administration and constitutional affairs select committee hearing next month.
A BBC spokesman said: “World at One contacted Alan Yentob to discuss Kids Company. In his role as chairman he can speak directly to media outlets and got in touch with the programe to explain the charity’s position.”
“His BBC position doesn’t have any editorial control over BBC News. As we’ve said before, the fact that the BBC broke this story shows that our journalism has been impartial and in the public interest.””
“His BBC position doesn’t have any editorial control over BBC News. As we’ve said before, the fact that the BBC broke this story shows that our journalism has been impartial and in the public interest.””
..which this particular, terminally obtuse, member of the BBC’s vast army of gatekeepers knows isn’t the issue.
The issue is that Yentob, a senior BBC executive was repeatedly threw his weight around trying to influence the way in which the Corporation treated or reported a story in which he had a conflict of interests. Whether or not he was successful is neither here nor there (he must though have thought it worth his while), the fact that he interfered means that his position is untenable.
Yentob should be sacked.