“Europe You’ll Come Crawling When Mujahedeen Come Roaring”
The BBC is indulging in a very dangerous and dishonest attack on British society and in particular white British people, pushing the narrative that they are all racist based purely on the fact that they are white and that other races, and the BBC inlcudes Islam as a race for some reason, are always victims of white peoples’ prejudice thus sowing the seeds of increasing ethnic anger, dissent and ultimately open conflict…note Darcus Howe’s threats in the programme discussed below (8 mins in).
The BBC is highly irresponsible and dangerous, not only stirring up race conflict but religious based terrorism as well as it continually jusitifies and excuses Muslim terrorism and radicalisation.
Perhaps it is about time someone in ‘authority’ started looking at just what the BBC and its employees are doing as they whip up race hate and incite radicalisation.
The BBC thinks ‘Britain’ is racist. But just what do they mean by ‘Britain’? Or rather, we know they mean ‘White’ Britain, the question is why is the BBC pushing that racist, stereotyping conclusion about white, British, people?
Sian Williams tells us that there is a 20% leap in race crimes in London….but fails to tell us the truth about who is committing those crimes letting us think they are being committed by white people….the Independent gives us the figures that count…
Overall, the number of hate crimes reported in the capital rose by more than 20 per cent since last October, to a total of 11,400.
The majority of hate crime victims are male, and are aged between 20 and 49. Meanwhile, most offenders are male and aged between 20 and 29, around 45 per cent of who are white and British.
45% of offenders are white British. Hmmm….that means 55% are not white. So just who is being racist?
And what about this…a Ukrainian migrant, in the UK only a week attacks a Mosque and stabs a Muslim…..
A Ukrainian student has admitted murdering an 82-year-old man who was walking home from a Birmingham mosque.
Mohammed Saleem was stabbed by Pavlo Lapshyn in Small Heath on 29 April, less than a week after Lapshyn had arrived in the UK.
The attacker was a migrant, not British. Are all migrants racist now then using BBC logic? Why does the BBC usually underplay migrant crimes and the downsides to immigration in the UK whilst on the other hand always telling us of the supposed benefits of immigration?
The BBC are basing their programme on a speech by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who thinks that ‘Fear of Muslims has stirred up division between neighbours in Britain in a way not seen in living memory, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.’ The Telegraph reports…
The Most Rev Justin Welby said tensions had “seeped into our society” threatening to fracture multiculturalism by widening “cracks” between different communities into seemingly insurmountable barriers. Britain, he said, is now “living in a time of time of tension and fear” in which extremists try to marginalise the mainstream while secularists wish to turn religion itself into an activity like sex, which should be “between consenting adults in private”. He told a gathering organised by Muslim leaders in Cardiff that mainstream elements in all major religions must make their message more “exciting and beautiful” to drown out extremists.
Bizarrely Welby compares Christianity to Islam….
He insisted that many faiths, not just Islam, have a problem with radicalisation.
And, significantly, he said Christians should not deny “accountability” for the role of their faith in “many atrocities” over the centuries including recent decades.
Saying Christians should be accountable for past crimes rather misses the point…certainly Christians have done things ‘in the name of Christianity’ but no-where in Jesus’ teachings does he say kill people, oppress them and force them to adopt his religion….unlike in the Koran.
The BBC also misses the point in claiming that Britain is racist and basing that upon a rise in ‘Islamophobia’, a meaningless word used to silence debate. Most hate crimes against Muslims came in the wake of the Lee Rigby murder, you remember that? The hate crime where two Muslims hacked to death a British soldier on a British street?
Much of the increase in race and religious hate crime is likely to be due to a rise in offences in the months immediately following the murder of Lee Rigby in May 2013. Additionally, the police may have improved their recording of crime and the identification of motivating factors in an offence over the last year.
How about Muslims blowing up trains and buses, attacking airports, tryng to blow up night clubs, raping white girls, endless plots to carry out terror attacks in the UK, endless attacks on British society and culture often led by mainstream Muslim groups such as the Muslim Council of Britain, how about Muslim teachers telling their pupils that white women are prostitutes, or trying to take over schools to force them to become Islamic, or Muslims carrying out ‘false flag’ attacks on Muslim properties in order to make it look like they are under ‘Islamophobic’ attack, or the ‘Muslim Patrols’, or the Muslim hate preachers that are welcomed into Mosques and university Islamic societies up and down the country…and let’s not forget the Sunni Muslim attacks on Ahmadi Muslims which the BBC seems to want to downplay.
Did I miss any Muslim inspired ‘racism’? Oh yes, let’s not forget that Islam is not a race, it’s an ideology just like Fascism and Communism, a lot like Fascism and Communism…and therefore open to criticism.
The BBC’s curious notion that ‘Britain’ is racist, ie white Britain, is highly prejudicial and inaccurate, an inaccuracy made all the worse because we know that it is a deliberate choice by the BBC to present the ‘facts’ in a way that makes white Britons out to be racist purely on the basis of their skin colour…you’re white therefore you must be racist.
The BBC is deliberately stirring up race hate against white, British people as it falsely accuses them of being some sort of white supremacists.
The BBC narrative is intended to influence politicians and any other organisations in positions of power so that white people become ‘suspect’ and in need of control and oversight with the policing of their thoughts and perceptions, and of course a necessary increase in the resources and power of non-white communities to help them combat and overcome such prejudice.
The fact is that Welby is right about rising tensions, but who and what is at the centre of that? The starting point for any investigation should be Islam itself. Welby doesn’t start from the right place, blaming people’s reaction to Islam rather than blaming Islam to start with. People are increasingly and jusitifiably concerned about Islam and the beliefs and actions of Muslims in this country, and that will only increase as Muslim migrants force their way into Europe and those at Calais, who are mostly Muslim, actually attempt to ‘invade’ Britain.
Samira Ahmed, in The Big Issue not on the BBC, tells us we should be concerned about the influx of Muslim men….
Polling here shows a large number of Britons, the majority even, are at best cautious about taking in refugees from Syria because of the fear of conservative Islamic attitudes. Some readers might want to dismiss this as a cover for racism, just as in the 1930s the Daily Mail warned of the “threat” of so many Jews coming from Hitler’s Germany.
But just as in East Germany, looking at gender opens up a legitimate question about how you build a strong and stable society.
The BBC is being entirely dishonest in this programme in not revealing why people have concerns about Islam and the fact that Muslims themselves are the perpetrators of much of the hate crime…not as if the BBC doesn’t know as this BBC report from last week illustrates...The ex-Muslim Britons who are persecuted [by Muslims] for being atheists…
It sounds like a crime from a medieval history book. Apostasy is the decision to renounce a faith and/or convert to another religion. Among some of Britain’s urban Muslims – nearly half of whom were born in the UK and are under 24 – there’s a belief that leaving Islam is a sin and can even be punished by death.
An investigation for the BBC has found evidence of young people suffering threats, intimidation, being ostracised by their communities and, in some cases, encountering serious physical abuse when they told their families they were no longer Muslims.
The Mail from two days ago reports that ‘Muslim family are driven from their home… after they converted to Christianity: Neighbours vandalise car and call them ‘blasphemers’…
An Asian family who converted to Christianity claim they are being driven out of their home for the second time by Muslim persecutors. Nissar Hussain, his wife Kubra and their six children said they have suffered an appalling ordeal at the hands of neighbours who regard them as blasphemers.
They claim they are effectively prisoners in their own home after being attacked in the street, having their car windscreens repeatedly smashed and eggs thrown at their windows. Mr Hussain, 49, has even given up his career as a nurse due to the effect on his health.
Police have been called numerous times to deal with the trouble but are said to be reluctant to treat the problem as a religious hate crime.
The BBC is reluctant to tell us the truth about Muslims and the effect they have on society….where are the BBC reports on the migrants who attack Christians in Germany or the plea by German police to separate Muslims from Christian migrants as the Muslims attack the Christians? And very reluctant to mention threats like this….
Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’
Welby’s conclusion, that we need more Islam, is the typical weak, cowardly and intellectually dishonest and ill-conceived response we expect from the wishy-washy Church….Islam is irrefutably opposed to Christianity and it uses the beloved inter-faith dialogue merely as a trojan horse to further its own aims until it is the dominant religion and suddenly that interfaith dialogue is no longer so attractive to them. Perhaps Welby would be wiser to practise a bit of muscular Christianity if he doesn’t want to find himself marginalised and out of a job in the coming years.
People like Welby need to understand that critiscim of Islam is not racism and that it is built upon very real concerns about the teachings and practise of Islam in relation to a Western democratic, liberal, progressive society and the growth of that religion, the growing power and influence of that religion…an influence curiously and paradoxically arising from Muslim terrorism against the West and subsequent claims that Muslims are the real victims of those attacks leading to politicians and the likes of the BBC falling over themselves to reassure Muslims by handing over more and more power, influence and resources to them.
The Mirror may think that the BBC has succumbed to the Muslim grievance industry and is giving into ‘blackmail’…ie the answer to Muslim ‘problems’ is more Islam in Britain…if only we had more Islam the youth wouldn’t be radicalised…those same Radicals who demand what? er…more Islam….the ‘Radicals’ win then……
AS the country vexes itself over how to deal with the radicalisation of British-born Muslim youths, it’s revealing to know some of their leaders believe they have the answer.
The introduction of Sharia Law in Britain along with important religious days in the Muslim calendar becoming public holidays for followers of the faith should do the trick, or so claims the secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Ireland.
As Dr Syed Aziz Pasha says: “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
This sounds perilously close to blackmail. Thus far the British people have shown exemplary tolerance in the face of terrorist threats.
There has been no widespread backlash against the Muslim community. Quite rightly, the majority of us can only extend sympathy to those who must feel mortified that, within their vast numbers, lurks a bunch of lunatics with one shared ambition – to bring about the destruction of our democracy.
Except, of course, that many Muslims are in an even greater state of denial than the rest of us about terrorism: “It’s hyped up”, “The government hates Muslims and so does Tony Blair” and “Muslims feel like there is an underlying agenda against us,” are a selection of comments from Walthamstow in East London, the neighbourhood targeted by anti-terror raids last week.
Anyone would think they’d forgotten the banners at a demo, just a few miles down the road, last February which read: “Europe You’ll Come Crawling When Mujahedeen Come Roaring”.
There is every reason to be concerned and fearful about the growing Islamification of the UK and Europe. History tells us that Islam is definitely not a religion of peace and that Muslims aggressively try to impose their religion, beliefs and values on others once they feel strong enough to do so. We can see the early stages of this happening before our eyes. In any other circumstance the loss of freedom of speech re cartoons et al would have been met by outrage from the left but we hear not a word. Which of our values will be surrendered next?
The BBC has a policy of trying to promote peaceful integration and so abuses its state granted monopoly position to manipulate the news by a mixture of suppression , distortion and outright lies. Despite the best ( perhaps worst is the correct word here) efforts of the BBC and others, integration isn’t happening, most Brits don’t want Muslims anywhere near them, but feel cowed by the liberal left Gestapo, and most Muslims refuse to accept Western values in any shape or form. Indeed second and third generation Muslims are more anti Western in outlook than their grandparents and parents. The Muslims we have already taken into the country are therefore a cause of great instability and danger for the future. As if this wasn’t bad enough the corporation then throws fuel on the smouldering fire by promoting mass immigration of yet more Muslims. This policy is extraordinarily dangerous and irresponsible as I am sure Mrs Merkel is about to find out.
Agree wholeheartedly ..
and It won t be long,
read it and weep, well you ll certainly feel like it after this …
For this mans bravery, and for the craven, disgusting hand he has been dealt
by both the MSM, and government.
Islam and totalitarian communism are in a league of their own when it comes to oppression and barbarity. Nazism by comparison is far better then either of the two, for at least it values Western art and culture.
In any case, apart from the BBC continually referring to Nazism, the reality is that there are no Nazis in significant numbers to make any difference whatever. That is not the case as regards Leftys/communists and Muslims. Both are a clear and present danger, with Islam clearly an existential threat. We can recover from communism, but it is nigh impossible to recover from Islamisation. The only exception is Spain, and it took 800 years.
While Muslims rape, pillage, and murder their way across Britain and Europe
Saleem Kidwai, Secretary General of the Muslim Council, “[It is] an environment in which to be a Muslim is to be treated with suspicion;
Considering the continuous killing of non-Muslims by Muslims screaming allah ackbar, and the rapes of tens of thousands of young White non-Muslim girls by Muslims, it would not be natural not to treat Muslims with suspicion.
In fact, in this continuous drumbeat of Jihad, I’m surprised how patient we have been with Muslims. Its long past time to say “Enough, or else out you go”.
Long…long past the time for them to go….proscribe Islam….deport the lot, irrespective of any ‘citizenhood’ they have, they have soiled this country. And then go after the appeasers and ‘little helpers’ who have done so much to bring this country low. It is less a religion, more of a political and military movement, just like Communism and Fascism, and it needs to be stressed, the mosques are not only there for ‘worship’, but also as meeting places, seats of govt, and….arms depots, they were, as Islam over-ran the middle-east and parts of Europe from the 7thC on. The sheer size and number of mosques is to give a sense of superiority over all others…to intimidate, fact. Oh for some one strong to instigate this, and destroy the BBC. I fear a civil war is the only way to wake up the mostly ignorant, self-absorbed populace.
Couldn’t agree more, what a coincidence that whilst the mosque, the muslim scum’s favourite place of meeting to discuss subversive practices…sorry, pray, is thriving the white working class equivalent…the local pub, has been destroyed.
No more groups of white men discussing the evils of British society, I never for one minute believed the hard times were closing pubs, local councils and the poodle force used any excuse to close a pub at the drop of a hat, a great place for the lefty liberal socialists to start the war against the white British population and replace it with their utopian dream of multi culti. The white’s are right at the bottom of that pile.
In total agreement Grim Reaper-the Mosques should be c onsidered as dens of iniquity-Saudi has pledged to supply the finance to build 200 Mosques in Germany, with upwards of one million new Muslim arrivals into that countnry by end 2015, they will need 200 Mosques!-of course Germany should ban even one & be demanding the Saudi’s provide a safe place in their own country for its co-religionists. The UK together with the clowns in Brussels have through their duplicity brought about the ravaging of Europe by the followers of a despotic, political, religious ideology-I am not happy to say this, but the time maybe has come, if not too late for a benevolent dictator (on a short term contract) to take charge, to rid this nation of the evil that is surrounding us-the EU should be destroyed & shaved clean of the despots that have been so well fed by the European nations for far too long. The UK is bankrupt as we know-our national debt is estimated to stand at almost £ 1.4 trillion, Britain now one of the most heavily indebted countries in the Western World, so how the H can we be expected to entertain thousands of Non-Muslims + dependencies no doubt,in this position & with an already crumbling infratructure?
Mistake on last line of my comment of 6th October- should read ‘thousands of Muslims + dependencies.
The BBC is completely in thrall to cultural marxism. It is what guides and informs all it’s actions. It is not in any way representative of the people who are forced to pay for it.
It sees Islam as an ally in it’s attack on Western culture and by inference on the small c conservative values of the majority. It looks no further that this . It is not pro Islam it is anti us.
It is a degraded institution and has long abandoned reality for fantasy.
Certain people and nations really show up the BBc for what it is. Israel , Putin, Russia, the conservative part of the USA, any so called right wing European leader, All these excite it’s wrath and distortions. Once you grasp this you start to know your enemy.
It also over estimates it’s power. Like all would be tyrants it assumes much that is pure fantasy. It cannot be reformed.
Welby and the rest of the Left are fools.
They see Muslims as the shock troops to destroy British society. Once that is done they hope to take over the keys of the Islamic ‘tank’ – “thanks lads, we’ll take over from here”, as we move into a New Socialist Utopia. Yeah, right!
As for Welby’s ‘cracks in multiculturalism’, the whole point of multiculturalism is to promote difference and difference is synonymous with divisions, or in plain English, ‘cracks’. Welby is using Islam to keep the ‘faith’ business running in Britain, so that he can retain his stall in the Islamic Super Mall. A bit like a local shopkeeper welcoming a Super Tesco on the basis that the district won’t be zoned for housing!
Welby, (and the BBC), should have a word with his co-religionists over at Catholic Herald:
‘There’s something especially sinister about the way our governments have followed a Wahhabi-led scheme to overthrow a secular dictatorship, a revolution that would almost certainly endanger Christians in the land of St Paul.
For example, the rebel group al-Nusra Front, one of the players in the region Russia is now pounding, previously overran the Christian village of Maaloula, 40 miles north of Damascus, executing three Christians and kidnapping a dozen nuns before being driven out by the Syrian army.
During the battle for that village one Christian addressed the BBC cameraman with these chilling words: “Tell the Europeans and the Americans that we sent you St Paul 2,000 years ago to take you from the darkness, and you sent us terrorists to kill us”.’
The left! for f-cks sake … WAKE UP! … what is Camoron, and his No10 traitors doing?.
As my wife and I came out of Morrisons thismorning, a Muslim woman entered all in black with just her eyes showing. Really this should not be allowed, irrespective of their so called religious rules, no one would know whether it was a woman or man out to cause a terrorist act. Britain with the rest of Europe has fallen straight into the hands of this despotic Islamist lot-allowing the Muslim to run & raom free & unimpeded through our Laws & across all countries. No doubt Europe has & is being invaded by a type of person so out of step with the Western culture & values, in fact completely alien to us all. So what action are our Government or authoritive powers willing to take to arret this invasion? Nothing much, just more duplicity & stealth. GCHQ according to Snowden, can access all ‘Smart Phones’, not matter who, & at anytime-so why did they not alert this nation to what was going on in respect to the expected immigrant invasion? Because the very big business powers in Europe/Worldwide, needed more lower paid workers, no matter where from or of their religious values, inview of the lowering birth rates. Anger is boiling.
If Dr Who came acroos this woman clad in black from head to toe, he would think that he had come across a new and authentic mobile version of a Dalek.
Curiously, Muslims have the same attitude to non-Muslims, as Daleks to humankind- “Exterminate, Exterminate”
I’m honestly at a loss for words for how liberals operate. Why is it that whenever Islam is shown to be the barbaric, totalitarian, oppressive cult that it is, the focus is immediately shifted to Christianity? Whenever a Muslim does something bad in the name of his “religion,” the shameless liberal quickly reframes the debate to make Christians feel bad. OF course, specifics are very often omitted – there’s no specific reason WHY Christians should feel bad – but they should, presumably because Muslims’ feelings are being hurt by the truth.
I’ve often heard the argument that “Islamophobia” is a made up term that means nothing. I disagree. I do fear Islam. I fear what it can do to me, my family and my continent. History is replete with examples of what Islam in its raw forms does to peoples who refuse to subjugate themselves to it, hence the reason why the Arab world is as big as it is. Islam is dangerous, cruel and a threat. Why can’t the liberals see that?
Islam wants to destroy Western civilization. That is why the Left see it as one of its allies, that and the fact that the New Left view race war rather than class war (or a perceived war between the sexes) as the path to the end of days utopia.
I just returned from my third Sainsbury where the word PORK has been removed from the fresh meat aisles. Beef, Lamb and Chicken still have large signs but PORK has been replaced with MEAT.
How long before my culture is eroded completely and the do-gooders and liberals welcome sharia law in the name of inclusivity and tolerance.
Jesus Christ
Wouldn’t that cause more problems than it would solve? An unwitting Muslim friend may pick up the descriptionally challenged meat, assuming it’s something safe, but it’s actually the filthy, unclean pork. Imagine the outrage if they accidentally ate some of the foul stuff!
@AL of course someone could accidentally pick up some of the unlabelled meat , change their mind and put it in another section after choosing a meat that is more suitable. As one has no idea what the meat is it being unlabelled surely it could go anywhere?? It could even become a new game ……how much meat can you move before security appear?????
That would provide Sosburys with an excuse not to stock pork at all any more, in “Muslim areas” lest the little darlings foul themselves with the meat of the hated oinking creatures.
I would go down to my local Chinese ,Vietnamese,Korean and Thai communities. Let them complain to Sainsbury about being offended and excluded at this anti-Asian policy concerning one of their staple foods. A minority complaining will have far greater weight to it.
One thing I always find strange. Indonesia an Malaysia export Pork. As Muslim majority countries, they don’t seem to have an issue making money from pork.
It really is getting to the point where white flight will be multi-coloured flight so we can buy the foods we grew up with in Britain. I already need Google Translate when I use the local shops but I was hoping the large supermarkets might remember that 69% of us in my borough are not Muslim and have no wish to be. I won’t mention the “Halalified” Shepherd’s pie they were selling in Stratford Sainsbury described as British Classics made Halal for you! Oooops
It is quite funny that, in Gambia, a mainly muslim country, the Lebanese supermarkets label pork
as “chicken” !
Yes its a bit like labeling Islam as tolerant and the Left as those striving for a kinder politics. If you take the intolerance out of Islam, and the hate out of the Left, and there is nothing left. Absolutely nothing.
Why is this nation being so pathetic-The Jews I have known, couldn’t care less about seeing the word Pork on the meat counters, nor as far I know, do the Hindu’s, so why should such a supermarket appear to appease the Muslim shoppers-to Hell with them-they are in this land not by my invitaion or yours no doubt, nevertheless are being allowed to enter in their thousands, being it appears so far to interfer with our societies behaviour & its values,- aided by the stealth & duplicity of those who claim to be governing this country, not fogetting the seemingly traiterous attitude of the Media/BBC.
Compare and contrast: dozens of instances of Muslims committing terrorist attrocities, screaming Allah Akbar, whilst they do it, and lefties scream, “Nothing to do with Islam”
A few UKIP supporters (not members, candidates or elected officials, just “supporters”) say something racist and the left cry, “ALL KIPPERS ARE NAZI RACIST FASCISTS!”
Do they have unicorns on the leftie’s planet? Because they definitely do not live in the real world.
“Islam is dangerous, cruel and a threat. Why can’t the liberals see that?”
Simple answer: Liberals CAN see the threat.
They deliberately choose to ignore it though, hoping that they’ll come across as ‘tolerant’ and ‘inclusive’.
Liberals care for nothing and no body. They pride themselves on actions and behaviour that will undoubtedly bring this country to its knees.
A Multicultural Imperium Built on Childish Fantasy-as one inttelligent observer put it.
The migrants are following the call of reckless European politicians in complete ignorance of the risk and the danger that lie in wait for them and their families-to which the hundreds of drowned people in the Med can attest. They all followed the promise that it would be entirely possible to live in Europe. Politicians like Anglea Merkel and Joachim Gauck encouraged and reinforced this notion with the actions. Humanitarian gesture? No on the contrary-they are a disservice to Europe. We should all worry over the future of European Civilisation.
Islam is evil. The BBC are complicit in their evil acts and we hear all the time on this site that “the BBC” are responsible for this or that, for not reporting the truth and for it’s obvious bias.
What I’d love to know is who at the BBC is responsible. Is it one editor, one controller, one journalist? Does anyone know the names of the staff who do this. Is there any way we, the public, can find out.
Not every journalist at the BBC can be responsible so who are they, how can we find out who they are, how can we hold them to account and how can we stop them? Can we get some names?
The problem is leftism and liberalism. To liberals, Islam isn’t evil, it’s the people who point out that Islam is evil who are evil.
Don’t try to work it out. People have tried for years but it just can’t be done.
Welby is the wrong man in an important job at a critical time. I assume Cameron and his friends were instrumental in his appointment
Welby, at least, has some business experience (in oil, no less). Williams had intellect, but was too woolie and liberal – I re-read his sermon on Sharia law twice to try to work out what he was actually saying, and still couldn’t find out! It seemed to just be ‘let’s not be beastly to the Muslims’ dressed up in academic waffle. Carey was alright but a bit too happy-clappy for my liking. It’s hard to believe that as recently as the early 90s we had ‘Killer’ Runcie as Archbishop, a former tank commander in WW2. I wonder what he’d make of it all.
But Wellby isa huge disappointment, he may be more right wing economically but is every bit as much of a Globalist as old beardie Rowan .
Muslim man kills 4-year-old daughter for forgetting to cover her head while eating
Why do the BBC even bother making the title of the programme a question, when they know that only one answer fits their agenda? Do they think we will be fooled into thinking this is a genuine debate? Why not simply call the programme, “Britain (specifically white British people) are racist. Subtitled: We are going to waste an hour of your time are large amounts of your money not listening to any other point of view.
A more interesting debate might be: Can the term “racist” have any real meaning in modern Britain?
Arch Bish ““Christians and Muslims are not called to a ghetto-like existence, although both our faiths have from time to time acted in that way, through fear or defensiveness,” said. “We are called by contrast to be actively involved in our society not for our own good but for the common good”,
What on earth is this man saying? The Muslim community has been intimately involved with tens of thousands of young non-Muslim girls for decades.
It is downright unfair that devotion to the care of young White non-Muslim girls by Muslims, has not been recognised by the police, social services, and the Home Office. In fact, they deliberately ignored the social work done by Muslims, because they were the wrong colour. Racism yet again from British society.
“is Britain racist”….I managed to last three minutes before I turned the programme on BBC 3 off…..Usual YouTube videos and no doubt tired “reporting” by another of the BBC/Guardianistas finest….
Did make me laugh when our heroine journo was herself found to be racist using a brain scanner to show that she was afraid of black people.
On being interviewed she was VERY angry with British society for “conditioning” her to be racist.
Welby should have the courage of his convictions and travel to the caliphate to speak to ISIS and preach tolerance…I’d give him around five minutes before his head is separated from his body.
I watched the disgusting Sian ‘we don’t do real debate’ Williams’ Sunday morning show on catch up and I was astonished, basically Williams’ last remark on the racism debate was to lead the debate on to another subject by saying “Britain isn’t the only racist country”…so why ask the question? The bbc scum clearly believe that the whole of the UK is racist..end of.
Darcus Howe is a disgusting bigot every bit as bad as the odious dianne abbott, Howe’s immediate reaction to the racism debate was to throw down the slavery card, that was it, a tirade against the white people of Britain. I remember a programme that Howe recorded a few years back about the rise in race hate crimes toward black youths by pakistani youths, he was hounded out of an area in London by some aggressive paki teenagers who made it quite clear that they would hurt him if he didn’t leave as ‘it was their area’!
Funny how not a word was said by Howe about that episode, the bbc can’t have that can they? The masses can’t be reminded of the truth, we can’t be reminded that many high profile stabbings in London are either black on black or black on white…but we can be constantly reminded of Stephen Lawrence’s murder by white scum, oh those lefties, just can’t stop living in the past can they!
Then there was the muslim girl who became a patsy for the bbc’s ‘Is Britain racist’ programme whose final line was ‘life, (thoughtful pause) is getting harder to be a muslim in Britain (wry smile)’…try being a white teenage girl in many slum towns of the UK you sanctimonious c***.
I’m not racist, I despise the left, the bbc and islam none of which is a race, before any race war I’d like to see the left, the liberal socialists, marxists…whatever you want to call the problem, smashed to pieces, destroyed, humiliated, never allowed to rise again for it’s their superior attitude and self righteousness, their constant forcing of their agenda on to people who don’t want it, their labelling of ‘right wing fascist’ to any person who speaks out against them that is going to push the country to an inevitable outcome of their making and it won’t end well for their cause.
Martin Luther King said ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.’
When the BBC learns to judge by character rather than by race then I may choose to listen, until then I have no time for these anti-white racists.
“Scientific” test to show that Oxford street security guards were racist because they searched a black man dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, more times than a Jewish man dressed in “preppy” clothes. They did not even compare like with like security guards.
This programme mearly showed results they wanted to show
Or, looked at through eyes unclouded by liberal madness, their experience taught them that of the two…
There’s really no need to finish that sentence, is there?
These security profiling affront efforts are a no lose, especially if planned and edited for the desired result.
I still wonder how some may fare if testing the chilled out chaps above the bunker at the entrance to W1A.
Oliver Cromwell’s speech to Parliament comes to mind.
As does this by Sir Thomas More.
Where is Oliver’s Army when we need them ?
PM today Mr Mair was mightily upset when the Tory minister for Education being interviewed about the Home Secretary’s speech on immigration, said that what Ms May was talking about was what the British public wanted ie controlled immigration. Of course, rather than the government talk about it, what the British people really want if for the government to actually reduce to a trickle the tidal wave of immigrants flooding our country.
Mair was so upset that he asked the minister ‘ why should the government listen to what the British public said , after all the public might be wrong’!! So there we have it yet again, whenever the British public go against what the BBC wants, the BBC thinks they should be ignored. Mind you it must be galling for the corporation to realise that despite their non stop decades of effort to sell multiculturalism and mass immigration to us we still don’t want it.
Of course all sorts of idiots from media outlets that should know better eg, James Kirkup from the Telegraph, have also reacted stupidly to the speech. Kirkup claims that Britain is a harmonious society . He must be blind and stupid. He should go and stay for a week in Bradford or Burnely or Oldham or lots of other towns in Britain. He will soon find that there is an uneasy peace in these towns with a strong undercurrent of fear of Muslims . Why else is there so much white flight? Whites get out whilst they can. Pity those who can’t afford to get out and have to live in the nightmare of Islamification. Kirkup and Mair are just cogs in the machine which suppresses the fears and concerns of the white population. They disgust me. I wonder what these buffoons will say when the riots start and people start dying!
I’m currently wasting an hour of my life watching the BBCs propaganda film on Britain First….
Now fine, the BBC are going to loathe any far right movement, I understand that, and actually have no truck with the Britain First movement either…..But why the hell do I see, over and over again, the BBC use and indeed cite members of the UAF as some sort of credible force and fighters of the dark side?…They’re allowed to go unchallenged, allowed to spread their one sided motives without ever being questioned themselves, on what they stand for and about they’re own violent actions.
Slander Britain First BBC….Fine….But don’t take us for mugs by pretending that the UAF are in any way credible….I would love to watch an investigative programme on the UAF and Hope not Hate, but alas, on the ghastly BBC that’s never going to happen.