Time for a fresh open thread……a Tory conference in full swing, mass Muslim immigration, a war in the Middle East with the Turks and Russians curiously bombing everyone except the one target they should be hitting…the Islamic State, Europe in turmoil and Peston’s hair….the BBC newsroom must be working full-steam ahead, all hands to the pumps, to keep up with all that and shape it into a narrative that pleases the left-wing sensibilities….
Don’t want to pay for BBC propaganda? Just avoid paying the licence fee.
Do I need a TV licence?
“This is always going to be a contentious guide, as the BBC and its licence fee attracts strong feelings from both lovers and haters. Personally I support the licence fee, but this is a MoneySaving site and our job is to save people cash.
One way of doing that is not paying the licence fee if you don’t need to, or don’t value the ability to watch live television. Of course you may think these rules are ridiculous – fair dos, but they are the rules.”
I put this in the last open thread, in reply to someone’s comments about nationality and then realised it would get lost there:
More than that – nationality is about culture. Norman Tebbit’s “Cricket test” was the perfect example. He was panned by the BBC and other fascists, accusing him of racism. But his point was proved when a local reporter visited a housing estate where some Asian boys were playing cricket. The reporter asked them which was their favourite cricket team “England” they all shouted. He then asked if England was playing Bangladesh – and they even more vehemently shouted “Bangladesh!”.
I don’t care what someone’s religion is, and they should be free to practice any aspects of it that are legal in this country (eg not FGM, nor bigamy, nor Sharia etc.). They should also be aware that in our culture it is not acceptable (albeit still legal) to cover your face provocatively as these self-apartheided chattels do. After all most in their own countries don’t do it.
What I was trying to say is that being British is about taking part in our culture. What that is is hard to define. For me it means one set of things but everyone else will have their own ideas of what things make “British Culture”. It’s not to do with queuing (as said by Alibaba Brown) nor fair play etc (we have our share of cheats and criminals and other countries have their share of honest people).
Most people will like some aspects of Britishness but dislike others. Beeboids hate all the good things about it! I like our sense of humour, our healthy, mild mistrust of authority, our sense of indignation if we see someone trying to cheat – eg fare-dodgers, tax-dodgers etc. I am a monarchist, a Shakespeare fan and Proms fan (amongst lots of other things) and enjoy our history (even our bad bits) – that is what made our country what it is.
In common with most of the Western World we used to enjoy free speech. So some parts of our culture are shared with other countries, which is why Poles are more welcomed than some others due to their similar culture and ability and wish to integrate. This doesn’t mean they have to abandon links with their homelands.
John Major thought it was about cricket, warm beer and cycling spinsters. (Although he also enjoyed an odd curry: A very odd one!) I like cold lager, and cycling spinsters is straight out of old, b&w Ealing films of the 50’s. I’m mainly a footy fan but like cricket and rugby too. So John Major and I are both lovers of British culture but don’t necessarily like the same things. Part of our culture is the right to disagree with someone else’s opinion.
What else do other people think helps to define British culture?
1. Freedom of speech – non-negotiable.
2. A constitutional monarchy – a bulwark against tyranny. Subject, of course, to 1 above.
3. Consent to democracy. I have said this before, but will rehearse it again. Democracy is not fundamentally about the forms it takes (although I think PR is anti-democratic, for reasons below). Democracy is about consent, and the two fundamental consents I have so far been able to identify are:
i. Consent to be governed by your opponent. Because your opponent is not your oppressor – this is necessarily a matter of faith, as are all true consents, rather than a negotiable contract;
ii. Consent to be represented by a person or body that does not share your identity. Because people can understand your point of view even if they don’t share it.
The rest of being British is largely contingent on these fundamentals, I think, although I’m open to discussion.
You may be open to discussion, I am not.
The sole and fundamental criterion for being British is being white.
I think culture is similar to accents – nobody is aware that theirs is distinctive. It is only when you travel to another area that you realise you do have a definite culture.
”Implementing White Genocide will take place one White life at a time. It will take place step by step. Germany, burdened by a self imposed guilt trip, is leading the way. When will you and your home be the front line?
Merkel has pledged to enrich German society with 800,000 non-Germans per year. To prepare the way Germans must not only move over, they must move out. The town of Nieheim has ordered the eviction of Bettina Halbey, a 51 year old nurse, from her home of 16 years. Her crime is her race. She is White. The town of Eschbach has ordered the eviction of twenty-three year tenant Gabrielle Keller, 56, from her home. Her crime is her race. She is White. Housing policy is a major tool for the ascendant anti-Whites.
Remember these abused women, Bettina Halbey and Gabrielle Keller. To your great grandchildren one hundred years from now they will loom more important in their memories than you will. They are precursors of things to come.
The death of the White race will come about through billions of scraps of paper, each seemingly trivial in itself. An eviction notice here, a pink slip there. A hate crime charge. A medical treatment denied. A college place refused. A job application turned down.” http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2015/09/30/chasing-down-white-women/
The main reason the govt and bloody landlords want everyone to be tenants…they have no power, they can be shuffled about at will….socialism in action.
What I learned from BBC3’s “Is Britain Racist?”
White people never receive racist abuse walking through non-white areas, so the BBC is not interested in exploring this issue. Only black people, Muslims and Jews receive this kind of abuse in the streets.
The disproportionate number of black people arrested and in prison is proof that Britain is racist. Black people bear no responsibilities for their actions.
An exercise in which a Muslim girl dressed in a niqab took four minutes longer than a Jew and a black man to give away doughnuts in the street is evidence of racism. This is nothing to do with the fact that if you are concealed and the public can only see your eyes you are always going to appear less trustworthy.
A black man is more likely to be searched if an alarm goes off as he leaves a shop. However, when conducting this experiment it is not necessary to keep to basic experiment parameters by maintaining consistency of shop and security guard.
Showing a racial preference for who you want to date is yet more evidence of subconscious racism, and is nothing to do with who you just naturally find attractive.
Opposition to multiculturalism is racist. There is nothing within Islamic culture and attitudes worth exploring that could possibly be at odds with British values.
A chippy black man is always going to come to the conclusion that Britain is racist despite walking about a mainly white Somerset town for a day and being broadly welcomed there while suffering no racist abuse.
A BBC show called “Is Britain Racist” is always only going to have one conclusion, despite the weak evidence supporting that conclusion.
Waaycism is just an anti white scam to do down white people, you know it’s a scam because they don’t target India, Pakistan, the Caste System for FFS !! China, Saudi Arabia, Arab or African nations based on ethnic tribal societies, they only target white countries.
Luton, to comment on one point. In my experience, most black African girls in Africa that I have met, want to marry white men. They must be racist. That would be a nice one for the BBC.
White women in Britain are definitely racist as they only want to marry black men. Or if not marry at least have their babies. I’ve come to this conclusion by watching BBC dramas and adverts for banks and furniture shops on the commercial channels.
Ian, LOL ! It must be true then. Many white ladies come to Gambia and marry black Gambians. It must be love . Amazingly, it does not always end in tears. I say this as a white British racist married to a black Gambian racist. I was having a discussion with a black Afro-American racist once and he said that my marriage was evidence that I am a racist. To misquote the late, great, Peter Simple. ” We are all racists” !
Well folks, that s only the start
After lumping us in with programmes on the KKK, and black US youth police shootings there s more tonight … yep! same bat time, same batty channel … AND
… once again BBC Islam is a choice, an ideology NOT A RACE! … unlike Jewish people to whom the BBC,(and Muslims) are inherently racist.
Islam … you can be white/black or Chinese nothing to do with race, its an ideology totalitarian in nature and supremacist.
Of course Britain is racist, 1400+ abused white girls in Rotherham is testimony to it.
There is very little I could ‘learn’ from the current BBC. In fact, I really don’t give a fig about whether some bought and paid for ‘journalist’ thinks I’m racist or not. And I couldn’t give a fig whether a politician thinks the same. It’s an opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
Do I want to live in ‘my tribe’? Yes,
Do I apprecaite some of the things that immigration has brought to the country? Yes
Do I want to be a minority in my own country? No
Am I racist….and do I care if you think I am?
Never watched it because it sounds exactly how I thought it would be. Just a continuation of the “Day the migrants went home” which prompted my first ever complaint to the BBc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00r3qyw an anti-white / anti- English agenda at work.
LR, ” Blacks, jews, muslims.” and what about the invisible Chinese community ? I don’t think the BBC knows they exist.
David, I suspect the Chinese are quite happy with that !
Except when the BBC report on ‘Asian’ criminals.
Seems the BBC was well represented by off duty, views their own staff on market rate talent duty.
Then back to the office to clock on at MTW, HIGNFY, Twitter, Press Office Twitter Deletions, etc…
What did Geordie lass Steph McGoven just say? The BBC do like a token just-about-anything, including regional accents. They don’t really care what the viewers want. In case you were wondering – our Steph was introducing a report on New Car Sales.
Turks and Russia not bombing who they should?
Been listening to the BBC?
Try this, ‘making sense of Russian activity in Syria’
Putin destroys more of ISIS a week than NATO could manage in 13 months and Camoron is threatening Russia???
I wonder why …
Name, Putin must be quaking in his boots !
‘Putin destroys more of ISIS a week than NATO could manage in 13 months’
Perhaps NATO did not want to damage ISIS, but to maintain its strength to combat Assad. Just weaken it enough so it cannot harm Obama and Cameron’s Saudi paymasters.
Now it looks as if ISIS is going to be clobbered by Russia, the Saudi hirelings are squealing.
It always seemed obvious that Isis was vulnerable to a serious offensive by a determind army. It just never convinced as a military force long term.
There is another possibility, and a more alarming one , for the useless Nato performance.
The Western military prowess has gone. Probably in elite units there is still a residual capability but in general the armies of Germany, Holland, UK, USA etc are feminised and politicised out of utility.
This will not be lost on Russia and I expect a much more aggressive attitude towards any Nato games in Ukraine or the old East. Putin has called Nato’s bluff and we can all see it.
The EU can huff all it wants but Russia is back as a major European power and able to dictate terms soon.
Good or bad ? Who knows but we have ourselves to blame for refusing to take the defence of Europe and it’s culture seriously.
I wonder if Turkey is the real target. It has been a Russian dream for centuries, especially the Bosphorous. It would be an amazing gamble and very risky. It will not have escaped Putin’s notice that Erdogan has cleared out hundreds of the Turkish military’s senior officers. On the other hand, maybe I am fantasising !!!!
Hey Grant – just watch Putin quaking:
Name , thanks for that ! The interviewr does not look too happy.
Picture of the week
The Today programme was banging on about isms again this morning. This time it was sexism in engineering. “Why aren’t there more women in engineering?”
Of course, they found someone to come on and discuss it who blathered on about diversity and quotas. She’d clearly been to the correct courses, which is probably how the BBC came to know about her.
Lol nice! my better half was one the first women through the Honda engineering school is a fully trained agricultural engineer and motorcycle mechanic currently running Triumph UK’s dealer warranty network and just succeeded in getting off the ground Triumphs first dealers ‘ladies nights’ and women’s road tests !
Yet she was dropped by the BBC from a programme about ‘women in engineering ‘ for a single mum who runs a machine in a car factory and a Muslim architect pen jockey no idea but then as she hates the imposition of quotas for women and ethnic groups so maybe ??
Matt, well done to your wife. PS Love your cartoons !
I studied Engineering at Cambridge in the 1970’s. In my year there were 300 undergraduates, of whom only 5 were women. The 5 women were given all the help they needed but at the end of the first year, 2 of them failed their end of year exams. They were given extra coaching and allowed resits. The faculty bent over backwards to keep them on the course. One eventually dropped out and the others all graduated. The 3 that didn’t fail in the first year were all daughters of engineers. And people are surprised that there aren’t more engineers now.
It not because women are incapable of being engineers, but most women do not find engineering an interesting attractive subject. Mathematical sciencey women are far more likely to be drawn to medical subjects or teaching or in some other way look for a career which is more people focussed.
Why aren’t there more male nurses, male child minders, male midwifes!
And when am I going to get a tour guide in London whose first language is British English!
And more male mothers ? (But give them time, we’ll have them eventually.)
BBC business presenters Sally Bundock and Ben Thomson on the 9am news this morning seemed to be mildly amused that Air France executives had been attacked by a mob of disgruntled workers, had their clothes ripped from their backs and had to climb fences to escape. This small vignette encapsulates the BBC’s “Up the Workers” editorial attitude. Intimidation by rent-a-mob crowds in East London or Manchester- “no worries mate”, at least not in Corbynland.
‘This small vignette encapsulates the BBC’s “Up the Workers” editorial attitude’
I’ve said it before about the BBC and I’ll say it again – ‘where’s the fun in dancing, unless you’re dancing with the rebels’
Indeed, these thugs were of course presumed to be of The Left, and thus justified. We can guess, and guess correctly, how they would have covered the story had an attack come from the Front Nationale on say, a government Minister.
And here of course Corbyn’s thugs are out and active. We’ve seen them in Manchester, we’ve seen how the BBC does not condemn them, it won’t be long before someone is seriously hurt by one of them or a mob of them. Is the BBC buying in the tubs of whitewash?
Immigration on Al Beeb!
Has our PM been reading the posts on this site? Has he been listening to Nigel Farage again to get ideas? Or has the Tory Party suddenly spotted the ‘elephant in the room’?
There are big promises of building houses, problems with school places etc..
According to Al Beeb, Theresa the appeaser comments that ‘Migration into UK is unsustainable’
If members of UKIP had been making such comments there would have been uproar and shouts of racist, racist. It will be interesting to watch Al Beeb and its take on this in the next few days………………………………
Be fair to Theresa ! She has only had 5 years as Home Secretary to deal with immigration !
John, It is a total mystery to me why she has ever been in office at all. Am I missing something ? Does she have some hidden talent ?
She’s pale and stale, but not male.
Rob, LOL ! You’re a poet …….
Just Listening to Theresa the appeaser’s speech on immigration and we get the comment by Al Beeb’s ‘Storming Norman’ that she was ‘tough’ !!!!!
In my humble opinion,’ horse and stable door’ comes to mind.
it appears to me that the Tory’s are stealing UKIP’s policies.
Can anyone take what Appeasing Teresa says about immigration seriously? She wets her knickers at the thought of kicking out terrorists.
GWF, Can anyone take anything she says seriously ? She is a joke .
She’s 6-7 million immigrants too late….stupid bitch……
“Bake Off ‘betting scandal’ being investigated by the BBC” (Daily Telegraph 6th October)
“The BBC is investigating claims of a £10,000 Great British Bake Off betting scandal involving its employees.
Ladbrokes said that workers opened accounts in order to place bets on the winner of the show, which was recorded weeks ago, according to The Sun. … …
Dozens of gambling accounts were thought to have been created by people with links to BBC workers and the independent production company that makes the programme, it was claimed.
‘Whoever is doing this thinks they are being very clever”, a source from Ladbrokes told The Sun. “But they are not that smart as they have been using their own names to open accounts.”
Some work in television and have close links to the BBC and the show’s production company, the newspaper reported.
“Lots of other accounts appear to be owned by friends and family of culprits”, said the source.
A BBC spokesman said: “We have no knowledge of these claims and have asked The Sun to provide us with details to be able to look into it. We are still waiting.”
Love Productions, the independent production company that makes The Great British Bake Off, said: “We take any allegation extremely seriously”.”
If true, this is dynamite and a police matter.
deception and fraud why isn’t plod banging on Aunties door?…silly me CP again.
Why would any bookie with an ounce of sense take bets on a race which was run weeks ago?
I like the way the BBC spokesman just sits back and expects the Sun to get in touch. Why hasn’t he contacted Ladbrokes who made the allegations in the first place? Why isn’t the BBC sending out an investigating reporter to research the allegations?
Maybe they could get the bloke from Watchdog who went down for benefit fraud to look into it? He must be out by now.
“Thanks to the unique way the BBC… does just about everything…”
The BBC staff used their own names for this fraud? I think the BBC ought to seek brighter individuals to propagate its leftist messages.
Bright people don’t propagate leftist propaganda.
A news report you won’t find on the BBC, not even the BBC Wales web site. I cannot think why.
A group of travellers set up home on the car park of a café in N Wales. Avid BBC viewers will already be aware travellers can park anywhere they wish and live not just rates and tax free but have rate and tax payers subsidise their life style. Anyone who even slightly defers from this view is obviously a racist, even though travellers appear to be the same race as the majority of the UK population.
The benign, hardworking travellers demanded £8000 to leave. The owner blocked them in until they surrendered and moved on, hopefully without any extortion money being extracted.
Perhaps the BBC will report on it later.
I do hope that sort of thing catches on. I have to say I’m surprised the police didn’t arrest the cafe owner. Police
GlasgowScotland probably would have found a reason to do that, assuming anyone attended.Had a very pleasant week last week exploring the Ardnamurchan Peninsula in Scotland. Great weather too! We took our caravan to a fairly remote campsite. No TV and limited wifi (so I’m now struggling to catch up with all your reports of a week’s worth of BBC bias). The lack of a TV signal was not a problem but Mrs Nick likes background ‘noise’ however we had a choice of only 2 radio stations – BBC Scotland or Radio 4. She opted for the devil you know (R4) although it did get me thinking – when in England where is BBC England?
Anyway here are a few observations from the week (I’ve probably forgotten some as the annoyance with bias just never stops):
Woman’s Hour – how can they go on week after week, year after year with gender bias in the workplace, pay, prospects etc etc?
Reading Europe – a daily look at different European writer visiting their favourite bookshops exploring issues ‘pre-occupying their societies’. Of the 3 I heard, one a ‘Moroccan Dutchman’ on how bookshops can offer refuge to those fleeing their home countries, next a Franco-American writer on whether immigration is causing an identity crisis in her native France, lastly a visit to a book shop in Istanbul to see if Turkey can be understood through its bookshelves (Turkey in Europe now is it?). Needless to say all though the mass immigration is a wonderful thing despite the ‘unprecedented popularity’ of some far right groups in France and Germany….
The Labour Conference on Mark Lardell & Eddie’s PMand every bulletin in-between – a party atmosphere being had by all with the name Jeremy Corbyn repeated ad nauseam – must have been a record last week. There have been so many discussions of what went wrong for Labour and what can be done for their future prospects – I think the BBC are treating this as a global brainstorming exercise in the hope that someone someday will find the perfect solution to ensure a Labour win next time.
Finally to upset us on the drive home, the Saturday drama in the Price of Oil Blood from Stone…. guess what a futuristic tale of fracking in Lancashire – oil companies in crisis and China fracking in the UK – what could go wrong – oh children poisoned, a major earthquake and Blackpool disappears into the sea.
Business as usual at the beeb.
That’s a pretty fair summation of a week on R4 – but you left out the ‘comedy’ (usually about as chucklesome as a KGB interrogation session), and the psience programmes with their endless repetitions of the religious observance of the day, ‘climate change’ .
R4 has become almost entirely worthless – and that’s some descent considering that it was once one of the world’s finest and most intelligent radio stations.
I used to enjoy having Radio Four on in the background. I had to stop because although many programmes were quite good, the increasing number of incidents of absolute naked left wing bias were making it sound like a piano concerto played by Les Dawson, where gradually so many bum notes are struck that it all falls apart and becomes impossible to listen to any more.
Nowadays if I listen to something I pick it very carefully, checking the listings in advance.
I watch despite it being the BBC not because it is the BBC. Its parasitic middle class socialist thought police do their best to destroy the cultural life of this country. The fact that we are forced to pay for it is a national disgrace.
Nick, Ardnamurchan is one of Scotland’s best kept secrets. Keep it quiet !
Sorry Grant-thank you Nick- I`ll look into it, and try something better than Mull of Kintyre for it eh?
OK Grant, will do… only the midges at dusk were as irritating as the BBC bias everything else was rather nice. I’ll say no more.
The BBC remind me more of mosquitos spreading malaria rather than midges !
The BBC reminds me of the reply of Sir Thomas Beecham when he was asked if he ever conducted works by Karlheinz Stockhausen.
Stockhausen! I think I trod in some once.
There are some fantastic quotes by Beecham, I remember there was a one off programme about his life years ago, with Timothy West playing him – great stuff.
There was one to a female cellist in his orchestra, whose playing he wasn’t happy with:
“Madam, you have between your legs an instrument capable of giving pleasure to thousands and all you can do is scratch it.”
I’m going for a mutated splicing with Leeches.
Heard Evan Davis go through the same old sounding-off crapola as he “interviewed” on Newsnight last night.
The BBC just don`t listen to anything that`s said to them…they`ve made a cake from earlier, and insist on trying to force us to like it-before hoping to stuff it up Camerons cakehole.
Utterly ineffective-tirades of liberal reflux postures, smug signalling to the Dinner Party Set…and of fuckall reference to us.
Jimmy Young, Robin Day, Brian Walden-Michael Parkinson-ANY one of these would do far better at skewering the useless Tories.
And their venom and bile is only thrown at the Tories-Evan Davis completely ignored Charles Moores comments on the gauntlet of vile lefties (and BBC crews no doubt) that they are all having to run through to even GET to the Tory Conference.
Very CyberNat, very Duggan, very Occupy, very Fatchfukkin…but truly evil!!!
And-blow me-bloody Mishal Husain asks the selfsame liberal tropes and shite on HER show this morning!
Don`t these BBC oafs LISTEN to what others have asked and failed to get a genuine issue to take the Tories to the cleaners ( to deal with the eggs and spit on their suits at least!).
So Cameron phones in the same cliches-and Husain hasn`t a bloody clue-but has earned a bun from Yentob.
Unco-ordinated and stupid-both the BBC and Labour!
So why are we paying?…only Husain thought the Big Issue of the summer was the “Migrant Crisis”….when the Euro is far more important..and she blurted out that this was true…well, at least it wasn`t Cecile the Lion-well not on Todays News Spin Cycle of shite
“Leftist News Spin Cycle of Shite” is what focus groups thought was the most apt new name for Newsnight in a BBC re-branding exercise.
From the combined salaries of the presenters of Newsnight you could take a modest sized town out of poverty in the Third World. If viewers had a say that is precisely what most would prefer to spend their money on.
I thought that was an Elton John number? .. makes sense, I suppose.
Mishal Husain was hammering on and on at George Osborne yesterday about the small minority – less than 10% of Tax Benefit recipients who could end up worse under the changes – time and time again avoiding the fact that 90% or more will be better off – AND the monstrous out-of-control growth of that budget will be scaled back.
She was back on at Cameron this morning – on and on with the same leftie “talking point”. They just can’t see the wood for the trees. Cameron did get in the point that the “sufferers” are still getting a lot of welfare – including housing benefit as well, and probably in social housing anyway – but Husain bashed on and on.
Both Osborne and Cameron were repeatedly interrupted by this rude woman.
Mishal Husain thinks that a fat union worker deserves our money, and uses her impartial BBC Twitter account to tell us so:
At least we know where the Breakfast Clubs and Cake Runs for cheridee end up!
Kids should not be eaten more than five a day, so I understand….
£1200 would cover the Cereal Killer costs for her and her BBC chums on the drive to the Steiner School in Islington.
So why doesn`t Mishal put her £1200 into Kates bucket…and get her own nose out of it…for a while?
The replies don’t seem to share Mishal’s agenda.
But they don’t tell us what her salary is !
Definitely easy to see.
Could be the best thing that has happened to her if she ‘s spending that £1200 on food she obviously eats but doesn’t need.
Yes, that really annoyed me yesterday and today. It was clear she was trying to get a sound bite from George that they could use on the news headlines to the effect that some people would be worse off, and he wasn’t going to play ball on that one. So instead of an interesting interview that got some information out of the Chancellor, we just had Mishal circling round with the same question that teased out precisely no information.
Not satisfied with that, she then based a large chunk of today’s interview with Cameron on the fact that if 9 out of 10 would be better off, that meant 1 in 10 weren’t – which she clearly equated in her head to 1 in 10 being worse off, because that was the implication behind her questions. Again a huge part of the interview was wasted not in teasing out information from the Prime Minister but in a futile search for the damning quote. This fixation on agendas meant that virtually nothing of note was learnt from having two of the most senior politicians on.
Fair point Roland, but I have to say that the Conservatives always mess up a change like this. It happened under Thatcher & Major and again in Coalition with ending the ‘Spare Room Subsidy’. It is probably happening again – yet again – here.
They could have set up the move away from Tax Credits so that 99.99%, even 100%, did not lose out from this policy right from the outset. They would have then had a huge tactical and strategic ‘win’ over both Labour AND the anti-Conservative media. The Conservatives have unhappy MPs and supporters amongst their midst on this issue. HQ are once again ruining the whole ship for the relative ha’p’orth of Departmental contingency funds.
If Dave stopped chucking money around at different things on a whim, the ending of the leech-like grip of Tax Credits could have been financed generously. The economy would have probably benefited an extra bit, the media coverage could not have been anything other than very favourable and they would not have handed Corbyn & Co an aggrieved group which they can now endlessly exploit.
Dave & GO are complete strategic disasters at times. They keep handing their opponents sticks with which to beat them forever and a day.
Surely the way to counter the BBC’s agenda is to ask if they’d prefer the 90%, who are now better off, to remain worse off? Why would you want to preserve the status quo that benefits 10% and is detrimental to 90%? I thought the BBC were against the ‘1%’ running things for themselves. How is 10% demanding they benefit to the detriment of 90% ‘good’?
The media, and the BBC especially, appear to think operating in a purely black or white world, with no realities of nuance, is credible.
The odds of all being served, or satisfied, by any policy, are about zero.
Which is why the flawed system of free-speaking, uncensored democracy is the best there is, to the evident frustration of bedfellows Angela Merkel & Eddie Mair.
Obvious media advice to Evan Davies: please do not perform that silly forced laugh when listening to the Prime Minister. Yes Cameron maybe as stupid or mendacious as you and your colleagues hope but on the other hand he may also be answering your questions.
Try and think of him as a figure from the green party as you always hang to every word they utter and even help them when they realise they talking total bo**ox.
AND-we voted for Cameron and his cohort in a free and fair election in 2015.
Despite the slurry and abuse thrown at him and his party-and the buckets of bile thrown at UKIP.
The BBC orchestrated it in the main-remember the “Empty Chair” stuff that the BBC threatened him with?
Not one of us has EVER voted for a Davis, a Husain or Naughtie-these spineless scatter cushions of the Left have NEVER put themselves up for election…anywhere!
AND the “spokespeople” that the BBC go to for their soundings all too often are unelected flophouses as well.
“DOCTOR” Liz McKenzie from Class War got FIFTY THREE votes when she put her Class War deadlock tribe up against IDS in 2015…so who else to ask on Newsnight re “The Peoples Anger” at OsterET!
Which-to be fair-is 53 votes more that Lord Charles Falconer…Blairs bedwarmer or buttplug of convenience…
Who else then to ask about euthanasia?
Indeed Chris.
Last night BBC’s Newsnight found several genuinely nice, charming Manchester protesters to interview, (obviously the spitters, chuckers and other haters weren’t available). One young lady pointed out that it was democracy to be make the government do what she wanted. The interviewer forgot to remind her it is democracy that put the conservatives in power. I would have loved to have heard her reply as she did appear to be very pleasant and further along the evolutionary scale than the spitting, tattooed yobs with their faces stamped with lumps of metal.
“Last night BBC’s Newsnight found several genuinely nice, charming Manchester protesters to interview, (obviously the spitters, chuckers and other haters weren’t available).”
I am sure every time the BBC send one of their reporters onto the streets to interview about anything controversial, they perform many mor einterviews than are shown. They are then able to select those that best transmit the porpaganda point they wish to make e.g. ‘anti immigration’ choose the dimmest least articulate ethnic Brit, preferably unatttractive too..
Newsnight especially. They used to keep ‘finding’ representative mothers of the nation to expound on what women want, who it turns out were related to the programme’s now editor, rather uniquely.
We’ll Miss You When You’re Gone, Germany
Many a truth is said in jest.
bBBC ‘news’ reports that Britain’s end-of-life care has been ranked the best in the world. But Tulip Mazumdar, “Global Health Correspondent” – no, me neither – has to turn this into an item about how ‘Panama, Chile, Mongolia and Uganda are singled out for praise’. The anti-British Broadcasting Corporation is at it again.
The BBC’s really got its teeth into the tax credits issue. I really don’t think that I’ve heard such a dismissive attitude on the part of their interviewers, to such an extent before. They must have been provided with a crib sheet by the controlling mind.
Jo Coburn, just, has followed the same pattern completely refusing to accept that the measures that the government are taking are a package of measures to make work worthwhile for people for whom tax credits and benefits made it not worth someone’s while to get a job. Obtuse, cold and brusque she repeatedly put the IFS analysis of the impact to the Tory Minister, Patel – repeatedly not listening to and ignoring the fact that the IFS study was only part of the story.
Let’s remember, it was Coburn and her BBC acolytes who repeatedly, on behalf of their Labour colleagues, challenged the government on the poor level of productivity in this country as the election approached.
Now DP has moved on to its other hobby horse, the Tory succession (although nearly five years away) – it’s a way of fermenting splits. Now doubt the word has gone out from the BBC’s producers to find the weirdest conference attendees to cement the BBC’s view of Tories in the public’s eye.
The bBBC ‘news’ editors cannot bring themselves to use the word ‘immigration’ in a headline, leading to absurdities like today’s headline Theresa May: Cohesion ‘impossible’ with high migration followed by the subheading High levels of immigration make it “impossible to build a cohesive society”, Theresa May has warned. There is plenty of room for the two letters ‘im’ but they won’t use them.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry or laugh again or start weeping and then repeat the cycle yet again.
WatO (today 6 Oct, R4 1pm) is well worth a listen to hear the BBC shoot not only itself in one of its pro-immigration feet, but the Director General of the CBI straight through the head. John Cridland, after Martha’s interview with Teresa May (fresh from her immigration speech at Conference) was claiming that immigration into the UK was wholly beneficial, especially from an economic point of view. He then managed to contradict himself twice with his own examples.
There was another later segment that really put the ‘gun’ to Cridland’s head & pulled the trigger. A news item about foreign criminals setting up shell companies to launder their ill-gotten funds through the UK. A not very favourable side of the economic benefits of widespread immigration to the UK.
I hope John Cridland was able to listen to that item. Would he have understood the implications from within his CBI Ivory Tower when he returned there? I doubt it.
Cridland and the CBI would support the compulsory slavery of grandmothers or boiling them down for glue if they thought there was a profit to be made from it. As with their ridiculous support for the EU, they haven’t an ounce of patriotism between the whole vile lot of them.
The CBI receive a substantial hand out from the EU. Hence, they are pro-immigration.
Hand that feeds?
The CBI is the face of corporatism. They do not see us as British citizens, but as units of work and consumption. We are interchangeable with people from Poland or Pakistan as far as they are concerned. They despise us, and I despise them right back.
World at One today had the offended BBC extolling us to support mindless immigration. Theresa May, (Tory scum), had stated: ‘High levels of immigration make it “impossible to build a cohesive society.” Not much different to Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and, well, just about everyone outside of the BBC.
First up is a representative of the CBI who enthusiastically explains to the simpering Martha Kearney how immigrants are all Professors, Surgeons, Engineers and wholly virtuous people which our country requires to function. Martha was so impressed by this logic she forgot to ask about the millions of immigrants who fly in from the educationally free areas of North Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Had she time I am sure she would have pointed out that the CBI would be in favour of cheap imported labour as immigrants will work and reside in conditions that many thought were outlawed in the 19th century.
Still, that gave her plenty of time to listen to Theresa May’s arguments … well interject every few words and not trouble herself to hear the reasons articulated by a nervy May.
At one point Kearney said a report had found that immigrants do not push people out of any jobs. Erm? How is that so? If immigrants are doing plumbing, car repairs, gardening, etc what happened to the indigenous folk who once performed these tasks?
Unless immigrants and their families are forever healthy then at some stage they must add to the NHS waiting lists for services paid for by the indigenous population.
Either the BBC or everyone else in the world is missing something.
I am afraid I turned off half way through the interview so it may be that Kearney actually did admit that the BBC’s view on multiculturalism and open door immigration might lead to a not entirely advantageous environment for the indigenous people of this country.
I suppose it is unreasonable to expect anything even remotely approaching competence from Kearney on this issue. Mind you, even by her dismal standards that was a lamentable interview.
The CBI receive a substantial hand out from the EU. Hence, they are pro-immigration.
Hand that feeds?
Umm. looks like BBC producers, Guardian readers, the UAF and Corbyn supporters have been manipulating this Telegraph poll, completely out of step with the accompanying comments. More out and put bias and propaganda from what was once considered the right wing press.
Must be rigged. But the DT has swung in the wind between left and right for years now. I simply do not believe these results . I think they got it the wrong way round
That poll is out of synch with very professional opinion poll commissioned.
A year so ago I added a comment to a newspaper’s report on fracking. Within minutes my point was attacked by scores of people, often putting forward the same mindless, hysterical arguments. I think that although the left are incompetent at doing much apart from intimidating others they are very clued up on using modern communications to direct an attack.
I guess this can best be seen in the twitter/facebook hordes of a single opinion who squeezed an eminent Nobel Prize winning professor like Sir Tim Hunt out of his job before the truth is even known.
It is a shame most people are in work and oblivious to these polls.
Indeed and the Telegraph’s choice of political featherweights, whose social media comments were paraded like the tablets of stone, shows just how lost that once reliable newspaper has become.
Scribbling, very true. And, of course, lefties have much more time on their hands.
GCooper, But Mary Riddell is a real intellectual heavyweight !
Compared to whom, though – Joan Collins?
I always thought Joan Collins was quite bright !
I think Mary’s brother Jimmy Riddle speaks more sense even after he’s flushed away.
The great thing is though, that many people are simply not falling for the narrative being pushed at us on social media and MSM.
And although the loony left may be great at mobilising themselves on twitter, and spitting at people in the street, they still only get one vote (Tower Hamlets excluded), hence their outrage and confusion at the result of the election.
Obviously if we don’t get out of Europe and the enrichers keep outbreeding us, the outcome in about 20 years could be very different. But in the meantime I am quite enjoying seeing them thrashing about, railing against Democracy, like a bunch of spoilt babies.
I was thinking that yesterday and this morning, listening to Mishal Husain attacking Osborne and then Cameron time after time about the under-10% who may lose out under the Tax Credit changes. I imagined most of the audience – including many Labour voters – saying “About damn time the Tax Credit stuff was cut back – to save the taxes of most ordinary working people.”
And then the stupid Husain posts a Twitter photo of some overweight young “Classroom Assistant” .in a Unite T-shirt – asking for sympathy. As most of the comments on that Twitter post – the general reaction was “Cut down on your food bill, babe – and getta a proper job”. Husain doubled down on it all – showing complete obliviousness and disregard for mass public opinion.
Speaking of polls here’s an interesting piece from Breitbart
worth working your way through to see how ‘opinion is divided’ ( in a strictly BBC sense), perhaps some one could forward it to fatty Nolan before the weekend
This poll is still live. I just voted it is now 39%/61%. Everybody join in.
Its now 43/57 with 26968 voters. This is a biased question poll on several levels. You can answer yes or no to both questions. You can believe immigration should be controlled, but also agree her speech is prejudice stoking and makes matters worse.
I read it as “it can be irresponsible, but is isn’t stoking prejudice in this case”
or “Yes it’s stoking prejudice but immigration also has to be controlled”
It’s a win-win situation for her anyway. She pays lip service to the right, strong ‘rhetoric’ against migration, but her acts will satisfy the left, ie the act of doing nothing. No policies will be changed and immigration will continue at record levels. It’s no different to how Tony Bliar acted throughout his time as PM. Milliband did the same, speaking at a Liebour convention talking tough on migration, then the same day at a muslim meeting promising no limits to immigration. Tough on crime..etc. Basically, they’re full of sh*t!
Cameron – “my first job as prime minister is to keep people safe” – which ones?
Putin destroys more of ISIS a week than NATO could manage in 13 months – UK traitor Camoron threatens Russia?
( I bet Putin is really worried 😀 )
Did you ever wonder why?
Saudi Arabia: Muslim clerics call for jihad to defend the Islamic State
“Against a Russian-led Shi’ite/Orthodox Christian crusade, you see. This shows one reason why the Saudis have not moved energetically against the Islamic State themselves: if they did, they could be facing an internal uprising from Saudis who believe the Islamic State to be manifesting authentic Islam.”
That doesn’t explain why the West has failed to act decisively does it.
I assume it is because the Saudis would not have liked it but there is another reason much more fundamental.
The West ,and in particular the EU nations, has lost the will to defend itself by attacking it’s enemies even when these same enemies make their intentions clear.
It is not most of us by any means but the governing class which is as cowardly as it is corrupt.
Isis realised this which is why they are so dangerous. Russia also realises this and sees it’s opportunity to do in the ME and soon in Europe as it wishes in order to secure hegemony.
We will have to get used to Russia. It is going to be a rough ride and the blame is squarely on our leaders.
Just caught up with your reply nogginator. My comment ending in ‘I wonder why …’ was originally followed by a link to an Alex Jones ‘Infowars’ report to the effect that IS/ISIS/ISIL etc. etc. was funded and armed by Nato and the Saudis in order to take down Assad. The link was, for some reason, removed by biasedbbc.
I hold a similar view to yours with regard to Camoron and I find it incredible and quite sickening to think that Putin and Assad now appear to be gateholders for ‘European’ values. With regard to Alex Jones, I’m not sure why the link should be removed but, once again, I find it sickening that a ‘conspiracy theorist’ can give credible in-depth coverage to news and views that the cowardly (or malign) BBC ignores. Yes, he may be way off the mark on occasions but he has passion and belief and I’ll take that over the BBC’s equally way off the mark appeasement and pro-European genocide values. God help us all, I fear we’re in for a bumpy ride.
Jezza vine show today,” are the tories now more to the left” ,obviously, most of the callers described the tories as far right, one even likened them to”a certain European party from the 1930s, next up, jezza reads the comment that the tories are to the left what McDonald’s are to fine dining”brilliant” says jezza. Not biased at all eh jezza?
During the Labour conference, did they ask if Labour are now more to the left ?
Looks like this chap was suffering from Michael Jackson syndrome, ‘Its Black, Its White….'
And yet this guy is as black as Rachel Dolezal
The bBBC ‘news’ doesn’t seem to have found space to tell us that a student diversity officer is being charged with malicious communications offences after she tweeted ‘kill all white men’. As racism is the bBBC’s favourite subject, and they’ve already given Bahar Mustafa space to tell us her view that ‘I can’t be racist if I’m from an ethnic minority’, I’m sure they’ll want to follow up with this important news.
“diversity officer”
“kill all white men”
I should laugh, but the Left always use words in the opposite of their sense
Anti-Racism = anti-white
Anti-Sexist = anti-male
Equality = more wealth and power for left wing politicians
Liberty = expand the power of the State
Multiculturalism = oppose Western culture
Fraternity = guillotine your opponents.
Kinder politics = promote thuggery and intolerance
Oh good, it’s about time – we all heard about this stupid, nasty woman some time ago. Someone, somewhere, must have an ounce of common sense if they have decided to bring her into the realm of the law. One of these days a BBC journalist is going to slip up and they’ll be up before the beak too. Won’t that be satisfying?
Sir Arthur, please be gentle on the poor moppet.
Bahar Mustafa is a Turkish-Cypriot, lesbian, non white, disabled activist. *Phew*. Need to mop the brow after ticking all those boxes.
Anyway, she is probably exhausted from her hard work on her course that she describes as …
“I am particularly interested in looking at the gendered body in Japanese pornographic anime and horror through a Foucauldian framework in order to analyse the West’s gaze upon a world it attempts to categorize.”
Ah, I see. Well aren’t we all? No one in my work place speaks of anything else.
Clearly she is delighted that Great Britain provides her with a University course and the means to live, feed herself and, er, rubbish all indigenous white people, particularly men. She did apologise for calling one gentleman ‘white trash’ so she can’t be all bad … Can she?
That is one for Private Eye ” Pseuds Corner ” !
Radio Fives Afternoon Edition with Sarah brett and Dan Walker, were falling over themselves to slaver over Jamaican reggae musician who (arrogantly) calls himself by the name “Prodije” , which BrettWalker repeated at every opportunity.
Reading between the lines it seems very obvious that this invader wishes to remain in London permanently. Of course BrettWalker didn actually ask that question, instead Brett coyly said she hoped theyd have him on the programme again. I wouldnt be surprised if this foreign dyslexic is soon a BBC music presenter.
A lot on here about interviewers; many I dislike on radio and TV but a few are reasonable. However, have they never thought that if they stopped interrupting and let the person speak at length, the interviewee may in the end drop themselves in it? How Cameron and Osborne – and, to be fair, politicians in other political parties at times – keep their cool, I don’t know.
One other point. I am very uncomfortable of the word “scum” being bandied around by the protesters. It is a horrid word and is reminiscent of the dark dirty days of the referendum campaign in Scotland. If the bBc can complain about the word swarm, why can’t they complain about the word scum. These protest movements are becoming most undemocratic, I fear.
I think I have posted on this before, Soapbox, and to me one of the most successful and adroit political interviewers was Jimmy Young on his Radio 2 programme broadcast many years ago. As you say, he would ask a very straightforward question, wait for a full answer, then follow-up either by himself, or more often, by repeating a listener’s question who had phoned in regarding the politico’s answers. It was indeed far more enlightening than the constant interruptions of today’s “interviewers”.
I suspect most of the present BBC crowd see themselves as the reason most listeners/viewers tune in and I also suspect they would receive a huge eye-opening shock if there was some way of giving mass feedback from their audiences.
BBC R4, “PM with Eddie Mair” – What an absolute slithery, slimy “interviewer” this creature is. Go listen on a playback thing to him “interviewing” a Tory minister today, Mon 06 Oct, about Theresa May’s speech on immigration.
To summarise:
EDDIE: But the Institute of Directors say they are “astonished” by the home secretary’s “irresponsible rhetoric and pandering to anti-immigration sentiment”. Could they be right?
TORY MINISTER: We also have to listen to the public, the people who voted for us.
EDDIE: Could the public be wrong on this?
TORY MINISTER: We cannot just say they are wrong [… Eddie interrupts]
EDDIE: You cannot say they are wrong just because they voted for you?
I then lost it and almost blew a steam valve listening to this slimy, slithery twerp of an alleged interviewer. The man is an utter tosspot.
Henry, one good sign is that the BBC are panicking and getting more and more desperate. They are nailing their true colours to the mast and seem to have given up any pretence of impartiality.
I think Eddie Mair is a poor thing – reptilian in style but obviously seething inside. I hope his partner, whoever it is, can bring a little light into his life.
Eddie Mair doesn’t look well, emaciated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06fn26m
Eddie’s grasp of democratic proxy representation by ballot seems rusty.
Maybe he’s more a power from the barrel of a gun kind of guy?
One not to miss tonight – R4 “Front Row” at 19:15 tonight – the winner will be announced of the BBC National Short Story Award. I’m just phoning William Hill now to see if I can get a Tenner on Hilary Mantel for her lovely tale of “The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher”. And time I’m at it, I wonder if the bookies will let me make that a double coupled with the winner of “Great Britain Bakes in a Hijab”.
It should be trebles all round in my local tomorrow!
Ya Boo Suks! Chiz!
BBC cheetas changed all votes so I would not win a penny! When I axed my Bookie if I cud still bet on baker in hijab he clipped my lug and sed, “get lost, sonny! we all ready lost a bundle to the BBC Nobs!”
Ya Boo! Chiz! Why can’t reel license payers like my Pater get a bet on bird in hijab anyway. I foned Old Humfries and Naughtys but they say,
Ya Boo Chiz! Cheetas never win! (My Teecha told me that!)
Watching ‘Coonsburg’ on Al Beeb News tonight, she wont like this petition,
Nearly 200.000 so far ………………………………….
Unusually, this petition seems to be building well beyond any initial group of ‘enthusiasts’.
This should be interesting. Cameron’s mates in the UAF demonstrating outside Tory conference in opposition to Teresa May’s ‘racist’ proposals on immigration. Don’t they know she has no intention of limiting immigration?
Hmm … some of the speakers:
Ahmad Al Mansour (Syrian refugee speaker), Farid Vahidi (RAPAR), Maz Saleem (Stand Up To Racism Calais Solidarity Delegation), Weyman Bennett (Stand Up to Racism). Chair: Zahra Alijah (Chair of Hideaway Youth Project, Moss Side).
Do these people not have jobs or do they just shit stir full time ?
BBC News – German TV channel under fire over image of Merkel in headscarf, under fire? from the BBC certainly
“Viewers took to Facebook to accuse the channel of anti-Islamic propaganda, calling the report “manipulative” and “appalling”. “This is not constructive journalism,” wrote another
Many viewers compared the image to placards used by the Germany anti-immigrant protest group Pegida – which stands for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamification of the West.”
So the Al BBC reports that with its usual slant… but not this
(seeing as they vilify Pegida again)
Germany: Tens of thousands rally against Islamization
Well now, enjoy such posts like that while you can for Tante Merkel is planning to do something about it:
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard on a hot mic confronting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over anti-immigrant posts, amid complaints from her government that the social network isn’t doing enough to curtail racist comments.”
“racist”? 😀 … care to expand
I rather think you should address your very valid question to Frau Merkel and not to me.
(Perhaps we shall soon see the mask of the kindly Tante slipping a little as the foreign tsunami engulfs them.)
Wonder what she had in mind?
Seems there’s this promising chap in her PR office got an idea for a new Ministry.
He goes by the name of Joseph.
Merkel seems to be becoming worried about her “living saint” status and electoral popularity as she made a “media first” by appearing on German TV’s Anna Will talkshow on Wednesday. She continually parrots the “Wir schaffen das” mantra, “we are a strong nation” as if Germans should exult in destroying their own culture. It is completely unclear what it is that she wants to achieve.
“The country will change”, “It could be a great opportunity for Germany”. It seems more like some bizarre form of collective punishment for past sins, a new Morgenthau plan by other means.
Merkel is so, so proud that well meaning (but simple minded folk) are opening the their arms/hearts/homes to “refugees” showing the world what a great force for good Germany has become. Aging population, skill shortage, new ideas blah, blah. At least the Bavarian CSU politicians seemed to have returned to reality and are turning up the criticism, as are the rank and file from her own party. Apparently nothing can be done to stop the flood of migrants. Borders don’t work. We would have to build fences and walls. We just have to knuckle down and enjoy the future enrichment. Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen. Trump seems to be right about one thing at least – Western leaders are fools. I’m sure Putin would have no difficulty in controlling Russia’s borders and seems quite capable of controlling other peoples’ borders too. Next summer I I can see a few hundred thousand Russian troops taking their holidays in Germany and claiming asylum.
Click ‘like’ if you’ve spotted the huge difference between the BBC’s coverage of Labour’s pathetic conference last month and the Tories’ present conference.
Of far more concern, Alex, is that the same level of bias, deliberate misinterpretation and misinformation is now to be found on ITV news, with their reporting of Teresa May’s speech at 6.30 a particularly shining example. Tom Bratby, whose impartiality and political knowledge were once a model of informed propriety, seems to have been taking lessons from Norman Smith and Evan Davies.
Whatever has happened to balanced reporting?
I know Beltane. It’s simply terrible. The PC leftie bias saturates all channels these days. The sheep mentality has triumphed. To be honest I’m watching less and less apart from Sky sport and movies, as I’m so busy with work. I simply cannot be bothered with the appalling bias any longer.
Not only all channels but all newspapers too. When the “Telegraph” publishes a diatribe today by James Kirkup twisting Theresa May’s words, you do realise just what you are up against.
I repeat a question I have asked many times before: Why are they doing it? What do these people hope to gain from seeing Britain shake, tremble, then fall?
Are they really so blind that they cannot see the cause they are promoting will lead to the collapse of not only the United Kingdom but Europe as a whole?
Or am I so blind that I cannot see the sunlit uplands laid out before me by these traitors?
It is a feeding frenzy like a pack of hyenas and it is ugly.
Yes, Henry. Great point. I too am at a loss as to why these middle class leftie/media types are so eager to witness the demise of our country and Europe; I mean, don’t they bloody realise that they won’t have the pants their sitting if Muslims ever become the majority in this country?
As to their motives, I fear that it boils down to an appalling sense of self-righteous moral superiority; their pathetic and puerile cant simply makes them feel better about themselves. And what is staggering is the extent to which they’re oblivious to their own sheer stupidity. I suppose when you have a cushy, highly-paid media job and live in a posh suburban neighbourhood your only real day-to-day cares in the world are what Shiraz you going to buy in bulk at Majestic at the weekend and what jazz gig or contemporary art gallery you’re going to see. In other words they’re unpatriotic, self-absorbed, selfish and completely out of touch prats who don’t give a toss about those poor sods who are experiencing the appalling affects of mass immigration on the front line (many of whom are elderly). It really is a f***** disgrace!
Quislings always assume they will be rewarded by the enemy. History suggests that once the enemy have won, the Quislings are discarded. They have served their purpose.
Alex, superb post. Spot on !
Thanks, Grant. I enjoy your posts, too.
Alex, I was going to cut and paste your words, “it boils down to an appalling sense of self-righteous moral superiority; their pathetic and puerile cant simply makes them feel better about themselves.” and say, *BULLSEYE* – You got it in one.
And yet the rest of your post deserves re-reading, especially concerning the lives these people lead, far, far away from the streets in almost every part of the country which have been swamped by an alien culture that has absolutely no intention of even pretending to belong to what was there before them. The immigrants now *know* that because they are supported left, right and centre, by national and local politicians of every shade, plus the wholehearted backing of the national broadcaster and the lickspittles sending out the same message in the print media, they *know* they are in the ascendency.
Whether that remains the case will depend on a so far sleepwalking public being somewhat violently shaken from their slumber.
Who will wake them?
How will he wake them?
(And how much longer will we be allowed to post messages like this if Tante Merkel and her friends in this country get their way?)
To quote Morrissey-the last of the Anti-National Playboys this lot!
Every country but their own, these tossers sip a latte over Correo Del Sport and think themselves the purring worldwide mindsetting Titans of Emperors and Kings.
Well, Sting and Assad(until it`s uncool to big up the humble optometrist and his British born hottie of a wife)
Barrosa and Mandelson, Piketty and Greenspans, Junker and Blatter, Lagarde and Dominique Strauss Kahn, Soros and Mandelson…all part and apart of/from the move to fuck this world over, leave it prostrate, neck bowed for Islam…but waving tea tree oil around and offering rebirthing mudbaths like Caplin and Cherie-Blair Clinton by way of diversion before the gore.
These people speak for Goebbels-whose intellect dwarfs any one of the Elton Welsbys that I mention here.
Our mockingbirds got us to laugh at oiks like “Arthur Putin”…and now we`ve got the extremely unfunny Vladimir instead-poor Yeltsin was unlucky in needing the West when Reagan and Thatcher had gone.
How`s THAT for a Long View then Freedland?-but it`ll always be the wrong one for the BBC.
Now then-did Theresa May or Nicky Morgan sip the bigger latte today-let`s ask Allegra to shout at them to find out.
Heard Tom Bradby-a man who I used to think was relatively independent-turn into a BBC monsterer of Mays tepid notions re immigration.
This was ITV too-what the heck is going on?…I`d have thought their advertisers would pull the plug on such PC crap…but they too seem to have turned into a sludgebath for the BBC.
Clearly-along with the bile thrown by the telegraph-we`re getting very Bildenberg/Common Purpose here…the Beehive says enough-immigration and the EU are off-piste. Period.
The rest of us talk of little else when it`s politics…but their revolution is only a cultural one-Islam and the Eurozone, the United States of Europe are the only options for them now…so expect a lot of trouble in getting any facts from the media.
Thank God for the Internet…buy why do the BBC get near-on £150 from all of us just to fund their fiction factories and flatulence?
My thoughts exactly regarding Tom Bradby on the news last night. I had to check I had not accidentally switched to BBC or had Bradby perhaps switched to BBC. Is the BBC’s attitude spreading – God forbid it’s becoming a role model for ITV (and The Telegraph)?
Yes HenryWood they are so blind.
Most of them are ill informed rely entirely on the MSM for info re immigration, are quite unaware of the scale of invasion (even when their area is majority foreign ethnic they do not realise the whole country is going the same way), they are self absorbed and because they are complacent about immigration they dont think much about it, dont notice the changes. If they are used to living in London then when they visit friends or parents in say Bristol, or Oxford, because it is still majority ‘white’ they dont even notice how the proportion of natives has fallen. They do not prick their ears to foreign languages spoken in the streets (because they have no concerns) thus assume ‘white’ people are British.
I’ve just watched Laura Juliet Kuenssberg’s interview with the Prime Minister and again I wonder just why do politicians – particularly Conservative politicians – submit themselves to these inquisitions.
Never forget – and I suspect the average viewer/listener has no knowledge of this – that “smart” interviewers like Kuenssberg (and the late Newsnight star Paxman for that matter) have behind them, in the control room, a full phalanx of backup support from producers etc. downover all hanging on the interviewee’s every single word. Into the ear of the interrogator pour instructions as to how the interview must go and if it seems to drift from the BBC line there are masses of prompters to keep the interviewer on the rigid straight and narrow.
Over the course of an interview, not only will the interviewer be instructed, “Ask him this …!” Ask him that …!”, but there will also be many reminders of just what the interviewee had earlier stated either in the current question session, or in fact in interviews held months previous and from many different sources.
These interviewers are *not* the smart ones they attempt to demonstrate themselves to be. They are mere puppets held at string’s length, manipulated by their producers, and asking “questions” relayed down their ear-tube. Questions probably looked up in an instant by a whole team of “researchers” / interns, trying to make names for themselves and all at the expense of the person who has decided to accept the BBC’s invitation to sit in the hot seat.
Why anyone at all accepts such invitations is beyond me.
Trouble is that these politicians are gutless and do not want to appear to disagree with the interviewer whom they falsely believe to be a representative of the viewers. The interviewers have no skills, like schoolchildren in a debate, they interrupt with their own half baked views and never give the politician a chance to either make his/her point or hang themselves. In my opinion, one of the poor quality interviewers is Andrew Neil, who clutches a bunch of papers his masters have given him, whilst repeating the same question but interrupting before it is answered. But it works with so many politicians who want to please. They might learn something from the aggressive style of Trump; never back down. Love to see Trump whack Mishail Hussein.
Thanks for the link, G.W.F., and I do wish we had a Trump over here just to break the mould.
What I fear will soon happen in America is that all PC idiots from all sides of the political divide will join forces and force Trump out of the equation.
Oh, for one man – or woman! – who would stand tall in the West, refuse to back down from political liars, thugs, media sources and all the rest and just tell it exactly how it is. They would sweep the board.
(Pity Mark Steyn could not be persuaded to seek political office. I’ve just been reading his reports from Copenhagen last week.)
The way they did for Pat Buchanan? Possibly, but the U.S. has got massive, massive problems vis a vis immigration and minorities.
I think Trump may well get the nomination, however the presidency is another matter. I hope he attains both, as it could be a game changer across the West if he delivers on what he said he’ll do.
There are ways to deal with it though, Henry. I’m surprised that no-one really seems to use them. Occasionally you will find a clever interviewee who does but they are a rare find. Norman Tebbit is one who springs to mind. We are told that Ministers have various assistants, ‘trainers’ & advisors who are said to ‘prep them’ but I wonder how much they do or how effective they are.
Mind you with Dave, you’ve only got to ask the first question and he’ll be off, rattling away, unstoppable, rolling across the plateau of platitudes and picking up speed if you divert him off the top with another question.
I completely agree with you about Tebbit – tell it straight and no deviations from that. Interviewers found him impossible to handle – i.e. they could not get the desired results.
The trainers and advisors are not of much worth when they are sat in the Green Room and their Master is facing the Quiz Inquizitor! Michael Miles!
Dave says, “I’ll open the box!” “No!” says George! “We’ll take the money!”
“Oh dear, you have won a banana!” says Michael Miles. “*AND* a pig’s head!!!”
Even better at it than Norman Tebbit (a personal hero of mine, I must say) was Enoch Powell, whose laser-like intellect pierced interviewers to the core. The cold logic of Powell cut through Leftist flummery like a knife.
“Mind you with Dave, you’ve only got to ask the first question and he’ll be off, rattling away, unstoppable, rolling across the plateau of platitudes and picking up speed if you divert him off the top with another question.”
That is so, so absolutely true! He is like a black cab driver, so garrulous as to be unbelievable. *Except*, I sometimes wonder if the clever bugga does it deliberately to simply muddy the waters and confuse the interviewer?
Have an aide with you who enforces ‘earphones out’ conditions by pulling the plugs on them if necessary.
Al BBC News, blowing the trumpet for Turkey now …
“Russia says it is targeting “all terrorists” in co-ordination with Syria’s government, but Nato and allied states have expressed concern that it is concentrating its attacks on rebel groups opposed to President Bashar al-Assad, some of them backed by the West, and not jihadist groups like IS. The latest Russian strikes also targeted positions in the north-western province of Idlib, where rebel groups have made significant gains against government forces in recent months.
Turkey has twice summoned the Russian ambassador – once over the first violation, which occurred on Saturday, and once over a second violation that Turkey says took place on Sunday. In the latest reaction:
◾Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said he would be happy to invite Turkish officials to Moscow to discuss the crisis. He also said he was working on a “document of co-operation in aviation operations” to hand to the US
◾Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that “an attack on Turkey means an attack on Nato”. He added: “If Russia loses a friend like Turkey, with whom it has been co-operating on many issues, it will lose a lot, and it should know that”
BBC – Syria conflict: Russia violation of Turkish airspace ‘no accident’
Stuff the Turks, Anatolia needs to be returned to its rightful owners.
Oh dear poor old Erdogan. Soon to find out that Nato is as useless as it looks. Fun times coming provided nothing accidental happens.
Nato should just pack up and go home. It is embarrasing.
It is not NATO. It is Obama !
Amazed by finding that an Islamic Charity is considering withdrawing aid from the Jungle at Calais. Surely a lead item for the BBC? It features mIgrants ( their version), Islam, and Charidee.
How can they ignore this?
Just watch them.
“David Cameron has said he wants to address the “full spectrum of extremism”. Just what, in the government’s view, is an extremist?
The trajectory of “hate crime” has hardly set a reassuring precedent. Christians standing up for biblical sexual ethics have lost their jobs or had their collars felt by the police for discriminating against gay people.
The “phobia” label — Islamo, homo or trans — with other neologisms such as “ableism”, “heterosexism” or “cisgenderism” (sticking to the gender you had at birth, yes, really) are insults hurled to make unsayable a wide spectrum of hitherto normative views (drat,“n*****ive” isn’t permitted either).”
What about those who are “no platformed”, forcing the use of “safe spaces”, due to the possibility of “triggering” something or other ?…
what is all this babble, eh! … we are approaching lunacy
I don’t think we are approaching lunacy, if you ask me we’ve already arrived.
BBC Online News Website:
“”Asians could use Caucasian donor eggs””
Apparently, Consultant Neelam Potdar says there is a chronic shortage of Asian egg donors.
UK figures show that between 2009 and 2013, 2,967 white women donated their eggs compared with 83 women of Indian or Pakistani ethnicity.
Say no more …
“The finalists of Great British Bake Off were not solely chosen for their talents in the kitchen, the shows producer has suggested.
Anna Beattie has admitted that the 12 contestants on the popular BBC show were also selected to give a ‘representative mix’ of Britain.”
Sheesh! Where’s aal the Geordies then!!!???
Re: Great “British” bake off. The high points awarded to the hijab wearing Somali who made a choclate peacock I couldnt help but feel were given far too swiftly. Where the other ‘pieces’ were carefully viewed, tasted slowly and savoured, with comments at each point, the Somalis was’ Oh yes “it looks beautiful’ quick bite, and “it tastes delicious too” no flaws!
I did not think the peacock looked that great, the taste remains unknown. The Englishmans cleverly designed well with its rising bucket of lemon flavour chocolate was far more exciting.
Personally I thought the peacock looked like something my 6 year old nephew had made at school out of paper mache !! and blue and green chocolate ?????? The lemon well was far more inventive and a great centre piece.
Total fit-up by the BBC…fix. I said to relatives, that Somali woman will win, the BBC want her too, for nefarious reasons…i rest my case.
Could they not find a Somali Christian ?
And another thing…looked at a fawning piece on my BT site about the Bake off travesty…guess what?…no comments were being allowed on her win!!!!…all the other stories were. What does that suggest?…
Expect the same selection criteria for the forthcoming series of the ‘Voice’…and I hear that there is to be a new BBC teen spin off from Dr Who…set in a school in ‘contemporary London’. Written by the ‘award winning’ Patrick Ness, the BBC and the Guardian excitedly tell us, I wonder how many boxes the new series will tick.
I’m sure she’s right about why they were chosen. But are they saying that 2/3 of Britons are from ethnic minorities and 1/3 are gay?
For anyone who has always watched this programme to see the best amateur cooking you might as well give up now as yet again the BBC have completely ruined it. You can’t trust the BBC to be honest. In anything. Ever.
Spread it around a bit …
Never miss a chance, just as our opponents do to us, try and do it to them in return but without the foul language and hostile words that they tend to use.
Quite a few years ago I often noticed that if I ever did dare mention of how I was getting a bit fed-up with the way the BBC were putting over the news I was met with some strange looks and occassionally a comment about foil hats etc. Not so much now.
I have noticed over the lifetime of the last Parliament and now even more so in the past few months, that mention of the BBC’s apparent bias now falls on more fertile ground. Whilst this will not please our Masters, nor the Great and the Good of Notting Hill and such places, the burghers of mainly Northern habitats now seem more than happy to hear reports of how London distorts the whole feel and language of the country into something none of the locals recognise.
A classic example was today. The “notorious” speech by Theresa May, condemned out of hand by the BBC and their selective cohorts from the Institute of Directors, the CBI and the Refugee Council chief executive Maurice Wren who said the asylum changes were “thoroughly chilling”. Tonight in my local most people were voicing the opinion that Theresa May had got it about right and the others were concerned with their very own vested interests.
Don’t just save your mettle to mention our grievances here. Slip the odd word or two into casual conversations, emails etc and it is surprising just how much these views are not just listened to but are even welcomed these days.
Keep it honest. Keep it clean. But most of all, keep at it!
Good post, Henry.
As a long time BBC listener and ‘Listener’, I also have been struck how things have changed there since 2009-ish.
Point out the inconsistencies and contradictions, too. John Cridland (DG of the CBI) was trying to convince us there were sound economic arguments in favour of unlimited immigration at lunch time. So did the spokesman for the Institute of Directors, reported & broadcast at tea time. (R4 PM between 5.20pm and 6pm) He condemned May’s speech and suggested that it would be much better if she encouraged everyone to ‘work at integrating’.
There goes another economic advantage, then, straight out of the window. If we have to spend time and money working at integrating, there is another reduction in any economic advantage. If, in addition, we have to pay for things like The Prevent Strategy (cost £80m in the first six years – BBC’s figures from D.Casciani 26/8/2014) any economic advantage starts to look really weak.
Get people to listen for the contradictions, inconsistencies, the things that make no sense. The BBC interviewers and presenters no longer have the intellectual clout or sharpness or will to do so. Either that or they have sold out to present a biased view, however misguided, foolishly dangerous or deliberately wicked that may be.
One of the most delightful aspects of Theresa May’s speech is the collective look of horror on the faces of the newsreaders and various sanctimonious political correspondents. For so long the mythical benefits of mass immigration have been an ever present mantra. To question the validity of this nonsense was akin to questioning the bible in the middle ages. Shock, horror the earth isn’t flat. Most of them seem to be in a state of shock. “Mass immigration is not good for Britain,” they just can’t get their feeble brainwashed little heads around it. One or two lefty journo’s actually looked to be on the brink of tears, such was their shock.
Perhaps I’m being unkind and we shouldn’t be too harsh with them; let these sensitive, deluded liberals down gently. Next on the list; global warming is complete bollocks, Santa Claus doesn’t exist and last but not least, Jeremy Corbyn will NEVER be prime minister.
Well. it’s a start.
Others have noticed else where – Breitbart comments
krishnan gurning-leftie • 40 minutes ago
bbc have gone too far in attacking theresa may today – they had all pro immigration voices on the 10oclock even huw said hmmm in a (we’ve gone too far) voice
I don’t watch the BBC anymore ( though am still forced to pay for it), but am quite prepared to take Mr gurning-lefties word for it
If only I could persuade myself to believe a single word Theresa May says. This government has done nothing at all to slow the invasion and a few soundbites from her do not mean anything at all has changed.
GCooper, A fair point from you, but do take a look at the alternative. If a lot more people were persuaded to look again at Theresa May’s speech and then they find out they support what she has said the end result will be of much greater worth than the BBC’s outright condemnation of her words.
To simply say, “a few soundbites” plays exactly into the hands of those who wish to see some extreme things happening to Britain. A shrug of the shoulders and passing on by works more for them than whatever you might persuade yourself to believe.
For most of my life I worked in the oil patch. I never, ever liked what I saw in the Middle East, neither the rulers nor indeed the people. They simply have a different way of thinking and living than the West has.
I am now in my 70s. I will not surrender the country I know and love to such barbarians without a struggle.
But do take a look at the alternative…
There is an alternative – vote UKIP
That’s a fair point but I take a slightly different view. I suspect (and I very strongly suspect) that May was saying what she said deliberately to get the headlines her words achieved. The Left will cluck and run around like frightened chickens, people will nod over their copies of the Mail but nothing will change .
May is in place because Cameron put her there. He is an appeaser and a conman. She does what he wants – and what he wants is to fool the public into thinking he is what he isn’t – a conservative.
GCooper, Summed up perfectly. Politiics is just a continuation of Cameron’s marketing career. He is an empty vessel.
Well said GC, “Judge politicians by what they do, not what they say.”
And the message for the end of the day ?
Great Britain is a nation of lions led by donkeys.
Vote UKIP.
”If only I could persuade myself to believe a single word Theresa May says.” Smoke and mirrors, she made that speech to look tough, must be a EUSSR referendum coming up.
Exactly why I judged Winston Churchill on turning the troops on the miners !
Headline in tomorrow’s Telegraph: “Why everyone wants Nadiya to win”.
Leaving aside the question of what this once-great newspaper’s editor thinks he is doing running such irrelevant tosh better suited to a rag like the Mirror, I think that sentiment just about slams the lid on its coffin.
”Why everyone wants Nadiya to win”. Have they done a poll or does the Torygraph just make shit up ?
It is a journalistic tendency to have headlines ” Everyone…. ” or ” We are all……”. Especialy in the DT. But look at the mindset which can think that way. Who are they to speak for everyone ? Does this suggest they believe in diversity of opinion ? Who the hell are these talentless journalists to tell me who or what I am or what I am thinking ? Whenever I see one of these headlines I feel offended. Maybe I am too sensitive ?
No, you’re not sensitive G, – It gets my back up when its “public opinion shows……” – and my immediate reaction is… well, no-one asked me ! All these proclamations on behalf of the public, as in ‘welcoming refugees for hundreds of years’ – er no, we had it instilled upon us, as did multi-cultural neighbourhoods – we didn’t want them, but we were too gutless to stop it happening. Another cliché is ‘widespread condemnation’ – really ?
The same all encompassing statement is “hard working families”. Do most families have 3 jobs each on the go ? do they break stones in a quarry ? have they worked in a 3′ high space down a coal mine ? Of course not. Families are ‘working’ full stop. How many families I wonder survive purely on their wages anyway ? without the added income of child benefit or some other tax credit.
A spokesperson for Chris Gunness has pointed out that staff views are their own. Apparently.
No idea where that wheeze could get inspired.
So that scumbag Gunness is quite happy to employ people with personal opinions which impinge directly on their job. The assumption must be that he agrees with the sentiments. What an evil man.
It’s in his genes.
Interesting CV. Someone clearly liked what they saw.
“The BBC has refused to confirm or deny the story”
As the BBC is oft wont to do, and allowed to, uniquely.
A precedent is set.
But maybe an FoI may at least stir muddy waters?
It rather depends how much this self-flagellation gets run through the BBC editorial integrity filter overseen by senior staff who drop by and get to sit in the back of production suites to ‘observe’.
I find that the left-wing middle-class morons think with emotion.
The evolution of the Arts has no purpose other for sexual reproduction. So this must produce the prejudices and biases of those with uncontrollable emotions which are overwlmingly found on the Left of Politics.
While those who except the realities of the World around them with reasoned facts and evidence, are found mainly on the Right of Politics.
(1) White lefties fell superior to Foreigners. So they like them and therefore say only positive nice things about them such as “they are the same as me”
(2) The White lefties fell inferior to other Whites. So they hate them and say only negative bad things about them, such as “they are thick inferior people”
(3) If a right-wing UKIP supporting Mensa member says something negative about foreigners, then the lefty gets emotional, and then insists that free speech should be banned, as it is in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Bongobongoland.
(3) Top Gear with three white males mocking each other has free speech, and is funny.
(4) Top Gear with a diverse set up mocking each other would be racist and sexist if one of the presenters was a White Male, and the other presenters where a White Female and Black Female. Two of the Six way banter would be Racist, and Two of the Six way banter would be sexist. Only the Black would have free speech. So Political Correctness would destroy the set up.