Theresa May said some sensible, measured and balanced things about immigration. The world went mad. And the BBC gave the world a helping hand.
John Pienaar and Co told us that May used a tough tone, a hard, uncompromising message, she was deliberately setting out to polarise opinion. Really? Wasn’t she just saying the absolute truth about uncontrolled mass immigration, a truth that most people in this country understand? The BBC might like to characterise that as a ‘hard message’ and ‘polarising’ but that is the BBC deliberately trying to paint May’s opinion as extreme, on the fringes and not supported by the mainstream. Five Live told us that May once called the Tory Party the ‘nasty party’…and you know what? She risks turning that label upon herself…says the BBC. At least we know how the BBC views any open and honest debate about immigration….if you dare to say you want controls on it you’re basically a Fascist or as near as makes no odds.
Pienaar selected a wide range of opinion on May’s speech…or rather we heard of the ‘backlash’ from certain interested parties….the Institute of Directors, fervently pro-immigration, the Telegraph’s Kirkup. again fervently, if not rabid and dementedly pro-immigration as his frenzied attack on May illustrates, and of course not forgetting those immigration charities and NGOs (oddly the BBC’s complaints guru, Fraser Steel, is director of a company that helps immigrants). Anyone not in favour of uncontrolled immigration? Ermmm…no. No inkling that the vast majority of the Public think that migration should be controlled?
So that’ll be the IOD whose members are more than happy to sack British workers and replace them with cheap migrants, who indeed are more than happy to sack British workers, pack the factories up and ship them to Poland or China or India…that’ll be the IOD members who haven’t bothered to go to the effort, expense and time to train British workers preferring instead to rob other countries of their trained workers. I don’t think I’ll be taking any lessons on ethics from the IOD whose sole concern is the bottom line.
Strange we didn’t hear the same wild accusations for the same speech from Labour’s Andy Burnham not even a week ago….
EU migration hits low paid – Andy Burnham
Free movement of workers in the EU has made life tougher for low paid workers in the UK, Andy Burnham has said. He was making a pitch to win back Labour voters from UKIP in his first big speech as shadow home secretary. He said it was “not true” that free movement had benefited everybody as Labour had claimed in the past.
Mr Burnham said in his speech that Labour had not “faced up” to some of the impacts of EU migration and consequently appeared “out of touch……To win back the voters we lost to UKIP, I want to reframe the debate about immigration and the way Labour approaches it”.
“For too long, we have argued that free movement across Europe benefits everyone and affects all areas equally. That’s just not true.
“In places, a free market in labour benefits private companies more than people and communities. Labour hasn’t faced up to that and that’s why we look out of touch.”
“The truth is that free movement on the current rules is widening inequality. It has built the economic power of the big cities and that is good. But it has made life harder for people in our poorest communities, where wages have been undercut and job security lost.
Curious Pienaar didn’t reference Burnham’s speech especially in relation to the IOD as Burnham spells out who benefits the most from cheap, imported labour……..’a free market in labour benefits private companies more than people and communities.’
Note he also states that this cheap labour undermines British wages and jobs lost….two things May also pointed out and yet the Telegraph’s Kirkup savages her for…and not Burnham.
Pienaar has been highlighting the extremely negative reactions to May’s speech without any balancing pro-comments, or none that I heard…..though at least Tony Livesey on 5 Live (16:14) took the IOD to task and pretty well discredited their stance…accusing them of using the same inflammatory language the IOD accuses May of using. Livesey also raised the point that even immigrants are concerned about immigration. I well remember a Polish builder complaining that the next wave of East Europeans who came to the UK were undercutting him…after he had undercut the natives.
I can’t say I heard the BBC making such a fuss about Burnham’s speech, certainly not in the tone they use to describe May’s (Livesey aside). Pienaar has always leant towards Labour, Miliband could do no wrong and walked on water, Labour policies were always well thought out and workable whilst Tory ones were usually dismissed as far fetched and unworkable. If I relied on Pienaar for the news I’d think May was striding around the stage in jack boots and a tiny moustache….Max Mosley’s dream come true?
May’s speech was in essence a UKIP-style speech – spelling out the downsides of the excessive immigration she and Cameron have presided over.
So of course the BBC and much of the media went bat-crazy. How dare a Home Secretary come out with all this UKIP stuff ! How dare a senior Minister, with direct responsibility for it all, tell us what most of us ignored plebs actually believe !
“The butterfly upon the road
Preaches contentment to the toad
But the toad beneath the harrow knows
Where every single pinprick goes”
A genuine conservative government would say nothing about immigration, this spiking BBC guns, but just practice what they would have preached .
She was absolutely right and even a lefty aid organisation has finally agreed. The Human Relief Foundation visited Calais and found that the people there were not refugees at all, but economic migrants.
They weren’t starving and desperate at all. They were well off and had even made bonfires of the stuff donated by well-intentioned, if thick-as-mince, British do-gooders.
Cameron, Boris and rising blue-collar Scottish star Ruth Davidson also made exceptionally good speeches. Correctly calling for great social reform underpinned by Conservative values. Ending poverty through building an economy strong enough to provide jobs which will lift millions out of poverty, as millions already have been. Not throwing more and more good money after bad to trap the poor in labour voting poverty. Equality of opportunity, regardless of your race or gender. I just hope that they do not implement the divisive PC solution of quotas and dividing society into arbritory “victim groups” and then pitting them against each other to create a false, delusional and unfair equality of outcome (dumbing down). Perhaps employers seeking to fill vacancies should be presented with anonimised CV’s listing only skills, qualifications and experience relevent to the role, and ignore the race, gender and irrelevant parts of the candidate’s background.
I fully support the words of Martin Luther King Jr in his “I have a dream” speech. People should be judged, not on the colour of their skin, but on the content of their character. What they can deliver for themselves, their families and society as a whole.
Tackling the injustice and failure in social services. Giving children in care real support and opportunity to make a success of their lives, instead of the human waste it creates.
Making prison time work. Punish then reform the prisoners, so that when they leave prison, they won’t re-offend, because they have opportunities to build an alternative, positive future.
Tackling extremism and shutting down schools or madrassas which preach hatred. Ending the passive tolerance of hatred, because to act in support of British Values causes terrorist sympathisers offence? End that passive tolerance now!
If the tories embrace this, and actually implement it, instead of unfair and divisive PC ideology, and if they see reality on the EU, where Cameron pushed optimism to fantasy, then I can envisage returning to that party.
Hmm, so when do the Cuckservatives start deporting the invaders ? Tumbleweed, church bell tolling in distance, tap dripping, door creaking etc etc.
She was talking absolute sense and and consequently may have upset a few people along the way, specifically those who don’t like to be told that what they might think is rubbish.
There is a Census every ten years, the output of which helps the authorities to plan and invest for the future. It stands to reason that if you have an uncontrolled influx of numbers, on an unexpected or unanticipated basis there will be a material impact upon plans and resources.
Of course it is hard to explain that, because ordinary folk don’t think in that way, but the logic of what she says can be seen every day in the course of our ordinary day.
The census is not worth a jot. They put the population at 66m. The supermarkets say they are catering for 85m.
I wish this was more widely known. I wonder why the BBC doesn’t help make it so?
That supermarket survey does indeed say that we, as a nation, are buying quantities of food and goods that a country of 80+ million. But does it also take into account the amount of that stuff, that is wasted and goes straight from fridge to bin? Just because we buy for 80+ million, does not necessarily mean there are 80+ million.
Being fairly new to bBBC this may have been covered before, but a writer on the BBC HYS web page referencing the May speech has conveniently included the URL of the EU ‘grant transparency’ website. This shows Al-Beeb received Eu 12million in EU grants for the two years 2012/13. In itself it of course shows their EU coverage in a different light. But it gets better (or is that worse?). In 2012, a grant of Eu 500,000 was awarded by the EU to BBC Media for (quote) “Enhancing capacity to communicate with crisis-affected populations”. It kind of reveals the biased coverage of all things “Syrian” and “refugee” in a whole new context. Just use the URL and put in BBC.
The BBC have my blessing when they attack this worthless politician. This was her annual speech to the Tory faithful,who need to hear someone expressing their deep fears about immigration. But experience reveals that May will do sod all to prevent mass immigration, will do even less to combat the terrorism that accompanies migration, but will please her Islamic masters with a clampdown on so called far right extremism, that is legitimate protests against sharia incursion. If I were involved in Britain First, I would be expecting an early morning visit from May’s multicultural plod. Conference delegates should have responded with the silence she deserves.
A cynical speech as she positions herself to succeeed Cameron. Not a word she says is to be trusted. That the idiotic BBC harrasses her just shows the mentality of the hive. She is one of them !.
Just why immigration is so important to the hive sometimes escapes me. General level of stupidity I suppose coupled with the hive loathing of Britain and in particular all things English.
There is probably another reason for May’s sudden conversion to some form of reality based politics. The party knows what is going on in Germany and Sweden and really fears that this country is next and with the people of this country not being, shall we say, so stupid and supine as the Germans or Swedes the resulting chaos might get out of hand.
Either way it is so obviously cynical and not to be trusted. The only upside is that it has upset the hive. Good to see and hear them buzzing around so uselessly
This is the Home Secretary that barred entry to the UK of Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer. She is pro-muslim.
I agree that May is useless in every way and not the sharpest tool in the box. Cameron is pretty awful, but the thought of May as PM makes me shudder. So far as population is concerned. I would rather trust supermarket estimates than any government figures. It is so sad to see the UK heading for melt-down in so many senses. I just hope it is not too late.
I’m afraid I think it is too late. The only way out of this mess would be by repatriation and I can’t see that happening without some kind of massive political upheaval.
There are maybe a handful of Tory politicians who just about meet a definition of soft-Right. Not good enough. It’ll be a mite slower than under Labour – but we’re still sure as hell on the road to oblivion without a proper military response to our immigration crisis.
Look at what May’s done in all those years as Home Secretary. It’s just words. Nothing will be done to reduce numbers or increase deportations.
May talked about the negative effects of immigrants on social cohesion. The pro-immigrant campaigners, including the bBBC, talked about the economic impact. Apples and pears.
Try asking girls in Rotherham and Rochdale. Try asking the mutilated women of our northern cities. Look at the Metropolitan Police that runs a special unit devoted to black criminals. See how many foreign languages official documents are translated into. Etc. That is (the lack of) social cohesion, not economics.
To be frank, I’m more disgusted by the Telegraph’s reaction than the BBC’s. One expects the BBC to staffed by Left wing imbeciles. It’s taking a while to sink in that the Telegraph has fully gone the same way.
Whether Teresa May can actually walk the walk is an entirely different matter – that remains to be seen. But I would find it very hard to fault her speech in terms of either morals or simple logic. Of course what she had to say was right.
The reaction of the BBC was so predicable that it hardly seems worth a comment. It’s pathologically impossible for them to examine the subject of immigration or “racism” with even the tiniest degree of honesty. And yes, it is sad to see this dishonesty spreading to other parts of the media.
The IOD on LBC told us how much immigration had contributed to this country, except they strangely failed to mention a few such as FGM, child grooming, child rape, rioting, car jacking, pick pocketing, ATM robbery, inner city knife crime, inner city shootings, racial segregation, anti Semitism, whip lash insurance fraud, illegal taxi services, third world hospital hygiene, unsafe take away food, anti white racism, anti homosexual attacks, acid attacks on women … the list goes on….
But the IOD will respond by saying these miscreants “have nothing to do with Islam”. The miscreants misunderstand Islam. The true Islam is understood by imams such as al Cameron and al Blair. The real Muslims are highly qualified engineers we saw taking down barbed wire fences in Hungary.
My logic is that if we live in a supposed multi culti society, these ( to us unacceptable ) aspects of other cultures are valid and desirable. Indeed when I am involved in discussions about immigration I make it clear to my opponents that they like me should also support FGM and all the others above if not then they clearly do not support multiculturalism. After all it is peoples bents that create a culture. The left can’t have their cake and eat it. Try running the ‘ I support FGM ‘ against a lefty and watch them squirm, it’s a delight!
There are ways in which left multiculties support FGM. Usually indirectly, as when it is said that the real underlying reason for criticism of FGM is racism and Islamophobia, and in any case FGM is practiced by non muslims too, so there. In this way shifting the discussion to the morals and factual inaccuracy of the critic. Then there is a utilitarian argument from workers in the field, social or community workers, who say that the women who perform FGM also play an important role as birth partners and to alienate them would lead to birthing problems My point: there is not an activity too sick or inhumane that demands condemnation from the committed left.
On a different topic, left multiculties are selective in the cultures they support. Note the attacks on Hipsters or gentrifyers, Israeli property owners etc. from multiculty Class War. Why are they to be singled out rather than the Moslem migrants in Tower Hamlets?
So, I’ve been catching up on the huge bun fight in Walthamstow last night where the bBC airs a video of a Black girl been arrested much to the detriment of the black crowd:
What the bBC don’t show is this:
Help me here, 60 million people in the Uk, 10% of the population are non white and yet on the Great British bake off the bBC has 2 Asians out of the 3 finalists . Hey I’m a Paki myself, yet each and every baker I’ve come across in the UK (I only purchase artisan bread from local bakers) in the Uk has been …..white. (including the Polish bakers)
I am so disgusted at what is actually happening in this country, I walk into the centre of my town in the afternoon through an estate with back gardens full of extensions that reach to their neighbours properties with not even a nod to planning rules but the council won’t take this on, where my wife needs to be aware of what she is wearing because of hostility from the residents. Where the people live who have abused vulnerable young girls with the police looking the other way for years, then through an area with large numbers of east Europeans drinking on the steps of a derelict building. Hearing English spoken is a rarity even in the centre of town. This is middle England. I am a stranger in my own land. When will the BBC report on this?
This is how colonization works.. step by step. The populations in ‘diverse mono cultural areas’ elect people like themselves, thus councils start to operate to third world standards just like ‘back home’. Planning gets sloppy just like ‘back home’. In the case of the Tower of Babel Hamlets there is no Englishness left, this gives free reign for a parallel society to operate as they wish and our quisling masters ignore it.
What you see is living proof that a people make a culture.