David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Leicester, with journalist Melanie Phillips, Employment Minister Priti Patel MP, Lib Dem Leader Tim Farron MP, SNP Deputy Leader Stewart Hosie MP and Shadow Energy Secretary Lisa Nandy MP. No Ukip representation, but the irrelevant SNP are back. Interesting
Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.35
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Methinks that the BBC may finally be trying to put this show out of our misery.
Whilst the SNP may be the third largest party, they have nothing to say outside of Scotland.
The third largest party?
I think you are referring to the party with a certain number of elected traitors.
The patriotic party, with the third highest number of votes was UKIP.
I’ll lay odds again
“This just goes to show ” will be uttered by the LibDim leader about baking .
“What we’ve seen from the Conservative conference ” by the Labour person
” What this shows is Dave is in touch with ” by Pretty Patel
“Putin is playing a dangerous game” by any one of them
” both the CBI and IOD are concerned ” by the Scots Nat .
Evens if one is used , 2/1 for two , 8/1 three 25/1 all four .
Fun bets
Dimbleby wears a tie
Someone asks what Melanie Phillips is scribbling
No Not You , The Person Next To You
Pretty girl from the audience will make a pro immigration statement/question . Who wants to be hard hearted in front of that loveliness?
Place your bets through BBBC , normal rules apply , your house will be possessed by ghosts if you do not keep up repayments , bets void if something to do with British Bake Off .
Question time audience-particulaly the asian lady in purple-yes,immigrants stick together you liar! Why “liar” -because she knows the truth.
QT sadly and all to predictably back to a socialist happy-clappy mutually agreeable pro-immigration talking shop. The only bright star is, of course, Melanie Phillips. Farron is a joke. Everyone over-using keywords like ‘cohesion’, ‘diversity’ and all the usual multicultural bollocks.
As always with QT, the only casualties here are the facts and the truth.
Pritti Patel getting no reaction whatsoever from the audience.
Bloody ironic though that a product of immigration is the only politician on the panel speaking out against it…
That’s because she can do so in relative safety.
Rather an uneventful Question Time I thought, with bias only at the usual level of high proportions of immigrants, but there again it is Leicester, so on that basis the BAMEs were actually ‘under represented’.
I liked the outrage at the supposed slurs on Corbyn’s patriotism.
Clearly anyone who demands the end of the “British occupation of Northern Ireland” as the IRA do and does not mind that thousands of innocent fellow citizens are murdered by the IRA while persuing the “liberation struggle” is the very epitome of a patriot. The highest form of patrotism is, of course, the destruction of imperialism and colonialism.
I’ve got a theory about Corbyn. For the Labour Party he’s the mysterious figure in white (he’s even got a white beard!) that we supposedly see at the point of death at the end of a dark tunnel, beckoning us on and telling us not to be afraid. It’s all part of the death throes of the party, producing a sort of collective euphoria to counter the sense of impending annihiliation.
Judging by the number of posts here, visitors to this website are not much interested in QT any more. I haven’t watched it for years. So far as I can see , it is a sort of political Bake Off without the mass audience. A rigged joke.
For the third time on a QT I have heard Farron say immigration is ” a blessing”, this an MP for Penrith. Go live in Manningham, Bradford for a year then make that comment.
Which, if course, is just like Islington – lots of vibrant, diverse restaurants.
Only joking – I know Lumb Lane. I also know that the vibrancy spread beyond Manningham’s boundaries years ago.
RPM. Your point is valid. The demographic makeup of Farron’s constituency, in which I have lived and worked, insulates Farron from knowledge of the realities of the effects of mass immigration. (For the record, Rory Stewart [con] is MP for Penrith, Farron’s constituency is Westmorland and Lonsdale).
QT is just one of many programmes I don’t watch or listen to any more. I seem to be the only person in the country who hasn’t seen Strictly Come Dancing or the Great British Bake Off. Have I become marginalised or is it the BBC?
There was a surprisingly good play on Radio 4 a couple of days ago about the man who stole the Goya portrait of the Duke of Wellington in protest at the license fee. Clearly no sense of irony in the little minds of the BBC drama department…
Oldartist, you’re not on your own – no “Strictly” for me, and the nearest I get to “Bake-Off” is what I read on the news sites. So, if you’re marginalised, moi aussii! Still, the Beeb doesn’t care that we don’t look through their looking glass, it doesn’t have to – still forces the majority of us to pay.
As usual an audience determined to discuss the NHS (even though it wasn’t on last night’s agenda)
There never seems to be a riposte to the constant mantra which insists that the NHS would collapse unless supported by immigration. Or would it be stating the bleeding obvious to say that controlled immigration (advocated by UKIP, certain Labour MPs and now apparently Cameron’s government) would still provide essential immigrants as required such as Doctors, Nurses etc.
Tim Farron stated that immigration has provided Britain with a 20 billion pounds net benefit since the year 2000. I am extremely sceptical of this figure.
This may be daft but,-
In the event of Farron proven to be not telling the truth- from a position of important public office, would it not be useful for UKIP et al, to expose Farron as a liar and take legal action against him in some shape or form. This manoevre would create such good publicity for those who wish to leave the EU.
I would interested to know whether Farron includes infrastructure in his statement, ( I sincerely hope its source isn’t the same as that who provided the false immigration figures from London University) assuming it isn’t as I cannot imagine anyone who would take London University sources as credible especially given their vested interest and thier wildly incorrect previous track record but ten times on immigration, I would be interested to know the source of his findings?
Yes very good. Should ask Tim nice but dim, why the UK has a 1.5+ trillion debt and 100 Billion a year deficit and why the NHS is now in 1 billion debt in the first 3 months. If all this immigration is so net positive why not import 1 billion people and clear out debt ? May be its because all these people will use these services like schools and hospitals and roads. My ten minute drive of 3 years ago to drop of my kids to the school now takes 30 minutes, surely this results in more pollution, more costs in fuel for everyone, not very green is it.
Anytime anyone mentions controlled immigration, the accusation of racist or xenophobe is thrown about how did it get to be like this ?. The BBC has played a large part over many years to slander anyone who questions mass uncontrolled immigration.
I regularly travel to Londonistan on business and have been doing so or 30 plus years. It was once ok to leave for home at about 4.30 and have a good run home. Now I need to leave by 3.15 to miss the ‘rush hour’! I can either use the M3 or M4 however the M4 has become known as ‘Paki Alley’ and it is obvious why, and an enormous proportion of our diverse ‘neighbours’ are taxi drivers… strangely a thousand plus are getting a London license per week which is why I think the black cab drivers aren’t too happy at present!
There is a direct provable link between immigration and traffic problems.
Even my village has more Pakistani taxis than English ones. They come en masse, take over relatively non skilled jobs, flood the market and render it non profitable for those indigenous folk that have filled their lives to match up to their income as we all tend to do causing great hardship once the newcomers have colonized the market.
I read recently that a couple with 2 children need to be earning £40k a year to ‘pay their way’ and not be a net drain on the Exchequeur. That covers everything, including infrastructure.
Therefore the paradox of the Left’s poisition is their constant mantra of immigrants bringing a substantial net benefit, at the same time claiming they do the low-paid jobs Brits ‘refuse’.
Government spending on each citizen:
This is easy to work out, (rounded up to the next 0 – assuming the spend was same per inhabitant throughout our nation):
Total UK Government Spending: £760,000,000,000
Divided by Total UK Population : £64,000,000
= £12,000 per inhabitant, per annun.
The idea that immigration is good contrast starkly with an interview on PM this evening about the NHS overspend. The expert the BBC had on said that a highly significant factor was the explosive growth in population seen in recent years! We all know where that growth came from. It is just silly to claim that mass immigration doesn’t cause pressure on the NHS or housing or schooling plus lots of other services. How much longer can the liberal left keep up this stupid deception? The PM expert , I have forgotten his name, will now be being told he has committed a racist act and will never be invited back on the BBC. His plea that he just told the truth will be dismissed with contempt. After all what has the truth got to do with the BBC news!
As to Farron he reminds me of a choir boy.
Farron states that ‘we should allow people in who work’ – word for word.
I am therefore assuming then, that Liberal poicy is that if an immigrant doesn’t work he/she will be sent back!
I am throroughly sick of of misinformation being spouted by politicians. They take us for fools!
Working includes selling the Big Issue as a judge ruled a few years ago that Big Issue sellers are effectively self-employed and eligible for immediate housing benefit.
Sorry if that ruins anybody’s weekend.
A man in the audience mentioned that we (as a country) seem to give more importance in creating ballerina’s than we do nurses.
I wish he could have expanded on that point. my children attend a state comprehensive specialising in Dance/Drama. To be a nurse you have to have English and Maths grade B or above.
I asked the Head of the School to justify the recent change in specialism ( was Computer IT specialism hen my children first joined the school). Surprise, surprise she talked about confidence and self expression through dance.
If my children fail their English and Maths they can be as confident as she wishes but they wont even get an interview to be a nurse!!!
I hate the word celebrate. why do lefties, mainly women keep using that word celebrate. A blond tart has just said it on QT to promote immigation and diversity.
Well let’s all have a bloody party to celebrate the immigrant nurses!!!@!!!!
Here’s an idea, let’s train our own indigenous populace to be nurses and doctors. Oh yes we don’t because they are cheaper to obtain without having to spend money training them from abroad. This proves that politicians care not for the people it governs but only for profit they can make. Train your own people, give them an opportunity, don’t put immigrants the opportunity first.
Why doesn’t someone say this on QT????
On the BBC (of all places) a few weeks ago a bloke from some nursing body explained the reason there is a current shortage of nurses is because a few years ago the NHS underestimated the number of new nurses it would need. The number of places offered at that time for nursing qualifications was pitched, unsurprisingly, in line with these estimates.
Needless to say this was a one-off slip in censorship standards by the BBC and they’ve made sure the argument hasn’t been used or heard of since.
I suspect that Cameron is entirely supportive of Farron’s position as leader of the Liberals, as well as his support for Corbyn’s in the Labour party.
I would even speculate that he has their portraits on his mantelpiece!
Question fom the audience
“Is Jeremy Corbyn a Britain hater”
Rhetorical I assume. Corbyn is a man wants to give the Falklands to the Argies, IRA lover,shagged Diane Abbott (-both like their own way, I wonder who was on top!), more immigration, etc. It’s bleedin’ obvious.
In my opinion, a better question would have been
-Are part time band leaders called semi-conductors?
And what does an occasional table do the rest of the time?
QT = Quisling Time.