Lots to talk about …Nadiya, Mardell’s latest, the IMF praising Osborne, the EU exit campaign and of course the most important front page news….Murdoch’s latest Tweet…….over to you…
I’m amazed no paranoid SNP person has not yet taken you to task for referring to the Scotch as Scotch. They seem to think it a term of abuse, only associated with the drink of the same name, despite the fact that the word was in regular use by English, Welsh, Scotch and many others up until the mid-19th century when whisky became freely available on the open market.
Strangely, they don’t seem to be so stressed by the use of Scotch eggs, Scotch shortbread or Scotch broth – but maybe, deep inside, they know that Scotch is simply the whisky of the Scotch, just as Irish whiskey is the whiskey of the Irish and by accepting the fact they would lose another reason to hate the English.
“I’m amazed no paranoid SNP person has not yet taken you to task for referring to the Scotch as Scotch.”
That’s why I’ve started using it. Sick of their anti-English racism. Although there are as few good “eggs” in Bony Scotchland it can often cause them to get very hot under their “Scotch Bonnets”.
Yes, Scotch always used to be the normal term for people from there, like Welch is an alternative to Welsh.
As a Scot, I get totally pissed off with you bloody english calling us ” Scotch”. When are you daft Sassenachs going to learn that “Scotch” is a drink ? A man’s drink, not that warm, watered down horse’s urine that you call beer which , amazingly , causes you to fall over drunk, just when it is your round. By the way, if you think we have forgotten Culloden, you are sadly mistaken. Wee Nicky Sturgeon and Alex Shrek are our revenge and serves you bloody well right.
Just returning to my post, and, joking apart. ( except for the bit about buying a round of drinks ) , I can assure non-Scots that those of us who are not SNP hate them with a vengeance and resent these narrow-minded racists pretending to represent all Scots ( or Scotch ). They do not !
Angry, LOL , thanks. I can assure you that many of we Scots hate the SNP even more than some english hate them. They are a disgrace to our people. By the way, I took the name Grant from one of my heroes, General US Grant. My God , the UK could do with a Lincoln and Grant today ! They had balls !
Sassenachs = Saxons (Anglo Saxons). Sadly you Scots are Saxons too. We are pretty much all the same, the only difference is you speak English with an accent.
And speaking of racist Scots ,the word in meeja circles in London that if you want to work for Sky t.v. or be editor of the Sun newspaper. you need wear a ginger syrup, have a Scottish surname or be a real McCoy Scot . The Irish are acceptable though,Murdoch hates the Welsh for some reason
Me old Dad used to call them ‘Scotch’ and he was stationed in Scotland for a good while serving in The Black Watch in WW2 (before heading off for the desert).
”Angela Merkel has asked Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, to stop Germans from making comments against mass immigration on Facebook. In Germany, Facebook is now being patrolled by a government group which seeks out people who express “radical” opinions.
Their definition of “radical” seems to mean anything they don’t agree with. It can range anywhere from making threats, to simply talking negatively about immigrants.
(Whoops, radical old me – I have used the “i” word. We’re supposed to call them “newcomers” now.)
Censorship means one thing: they have lost the debate. Merkel HAS lost the debate so she simply tries to stop her opposition from talking.
At first she was screaming “racist” and “nazi” at them. For once, that didn’t work. Now she has moved on to legally censoring their opinions.
In case you didn’t know, Merkel wants Germany, and Europe as a whole to bring in as many non-White immigrants as possible in order to get rid of the White majority.
This is White Genocide because policies and laws have been put in place to make this happen. When there is a deliberate attempt to get rid of a group – no matter what the methods – it is always classed as genocide.
Recently, Merkel has said Europe should protect its borders. Do not be fooled – she still wants White Genocide, but she has been forced by a massive public backlash to bring an end to open borders.
“And for Europe, this means we of course need to, above all, protect our external borders across Europe – and protect them together – so that immigration to Europe is orderly,” she said.
“But it also means we must take on more responsibility for countries where the causes for people to flee are, or where there are a lot of refugees, such as in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey,”
From reading her comments, it becomes pretty clear where her priorities lie: immigration, immigration, and more immigration.” whitegenocideproject.com/germans-could-lose-jobs-and-children-for-posting-anti-mass-immigration-views-on-facebook/
Don’t be too surprised if Cameron looks to doing something about comments which fail to meet multi culti standards. Let’s hope the rumblings of discontent in Germany result in her removal. That might give him and his cronies cause for concern and put the brakes on their plans for our cultural enrichment.
But perhaps I’m dreaming again.
This is part of a trend across the EU and in particular Germany. Democracy and free speach are becoming things that are decided arbitorarily by the powers that be. In Germany the guy who founded Pegida is being prosecuted for a “hate crime”, the same with Le Pen in France. In the UK they didn’t manage pin that on Tommy Robinson, so they did him on mortgage fraud instead.
Germany has also introduced a law to seize private property (within 24hrs) so it can to be used for migrant accommodation – sounds a very East German policy, next they will be reinstating all the retired Stasi to help.
Its not likely that Merkel will be removed. I predicted some weeks back, Merkel has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize.
Rest assured that the lefty Norwegian committee will oblige. Europe’s destruction is at stake. The Left will do everything to destroy Europe, its Christian foundations, and replace it with a Soviet style republic.
Many readers will have had the experience, usually as a child, of lifting up a large stone in the garden or elsewhere and seeing the strange, unfamiliar, colourless creatures that live under it scurry to get out of the sunlight. That is how leftists behave when the light of truth shines on them – accustomed to a dark, damp, deceitful abode they struggle to get away from it. The problem is ultimately psychological: their entire world view is based upon fantasy, lies and wish-fulfilment rather than reality and experience. They cannot have it challenged or questioned, because that would cause it to come crashing down about them, much as a building does if the foundations are undermined. Unfortunately, some of these creatures that live under intellectual stones are not harmless beetles and centipedes, but nasty scorpions that will try to sting those that expose them. It is in their very nature – remember the story of the Scorpion and the Frog and be aware.
As there have been around 200 non-lethal arson attacks on refugee centres in the last 6 months, Merkel may have lost more than the debate. Warnings are given that evil neo-nazis are behind it all, but it is more likely “direct action” by disgruntled locals who see that there are plans to increase the population of their village by 10% to 30% overnight by order of the authorities. As she is sitting on a powder keg, it is not surprising that she is trying to silence critical voices. At a recent televised ceremony in Frankfurt, marking 25 years of a united Germany, the Bundesratspresident waffled on about Willkommenskultur and the need for immigration which ” might change Germany”, “the future is ours”. Then in the interlude they had the gall to show a video of traditional German Heimats , Bavaria etc. This must be the height of cynicism – pretending to love what you want to destroy to lull people into asquiescence. Germany as a geographical entity may well continue, but Germany as a culture will be slowly extinguished.
ID, I agree with all your comment except for the word “slowly” in the last sentence. I think it is gathering pace and Germany will be effectively gone within 20 years. And we’re not far behind.
Helmut Kohl said that he enjoyed the “Gnade der späten Geburt” in relation to personal guilt for Nazi crimes and, if 20 years is your time scale, then it looks like I will still be able to enjoy the “Gnade des frühen Todes”. Walking through Southall or Hounslow 40 years ago while earning my living I would come across a single, old white man in a street of Asians waiting to meet his maker. I never imagined then that this would be the situation for the whole country 70 or 80 years later. This is the insidious thing about exponential growth and differential birth rates – nothing seems to happen for ages then suddenly you are overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. As you say, it is the “gathering pace” aspect that is crucial.
All this does show how unsuited we are in England o be part of the EU. it is authoritarian by instinct.Merkel is of a type and I hope we never see her like in this country.
Intolerant of opposition and impervious to reason she seems like a throwback to a past age except that in Germany the past is always with them one way or another.
What she and her like see as strength is really weakness and it is no accident that Russia is asserting itself now when Germany is in chaos . That it is in chaos is becoming clear from reports (usually absent from the MSM) and reading between the lines.
As with Greece her heavyhandedness will have unintended effects. Weakening Europe at a critical time.
I agree with everything you say and would add that this is the agenda of many other leaders across Europe, despite being the opposite of what large sections of their populations actually want. Some notable and sensible countries oppose this lunatic policy such as Slovakia and brave Hungary. What baffles me though is why do previously sensible leaders like Merkel wish to destroy their countries? It can’t be that she thinks Germany needs more workers because the Germans could get themselves out of a lot of criticism from southern Europe by offering jobs to a few million young folk in Italy , Spain , Portugal , Greece etc. This would preserve European culture ,pose no risk of civil unrest and later religious wars and also preserve the ever closer union that Merkel seems keen on. Her current plans will lead to civil unrest and the fracture Europe , possibly very quickly. Why is she prepared to risk so much and gain absolutely nothing except the short term praise of the liberal left across the continent?
”What baffles me though is why do previously sensible leaders like Merkel wish to destroy their countries? ” Agenda 2030, the U.N’s Agenda 21 on steroids.
OK I have spent 15 minutes on Agenda 21. Not enough to do it justice but plenty to see its a load of UN twaddle. Whilst I agree that I can’t think of any reason why a leader would wish such ill on their own country as Merkel is on Germany and of course on the rest of Europe, surely adhering to Agenda 21 can’t be the reason. Its obviously just meant to be the output of a pious talking shop like the UN always issues . Perhaps the BBC or Guardian may take it seriously, no grown up could. A leader couldn’t possibly do to their country what Merkel is doing to Germany just to follow Agenda 21! It would be insane. Unless of course she was a international communist sleeper who was determined to destroy the West. Sorry , whilst I have no other explanation of her behaviour I find it too much of a stretch to believe she is doing it to follow Agenda 21.
“in Andrew Neather’s words ” to rub the right’s noses in diversity.””.
I use to agree with the point Neather make in his quote, but I now have a different take on it. If it was only Blair doing this to Britain it could have been a specific policy to distress the “Right”, but Cameron has continued with importing millions, as has almost every other European leader. It is much wider than Blair – which leads to your point “they have no allegiance to their own countries”.
My current view of ” to rub the right’s noses in diversity.”, is that this was how Blair sold mass immigration to Labour supporters who would have been worried about importing millions of low skill workers and driving down wages for the indigenous working class.
The EU apparachiks have no concern for the will of the people. I caught the tail end of HARDTALK on BBC Worldnews where Sackur was interviewing some Greek commissioner no one has ever heard of and he made it very clear that the EU elites are not interested in “populism” in any form as this is “antidemocractic”. Why people put up with this perversion of reason is beyond me. Clearly there are “European values” enshrined in declarations and treaties no one has ever heard of that trump the unenlightened views of the demos. This is an attitude often adopted by Merkel. She claims on German media that her refugee policy is merely the implementation of the sacrosanct Basic Law or Grundgesetz. In any rational society laws must be changed if their consequences are not approved by the people. This is what parliaments are for. The EU seems to be some form of pseudotheocracy. In Iran moribund mullahs impose their interpretation of the holy text on a disenfranchised populace. In the EU various basic laws seem to have become new versions of the Koran. Ironic that human rights law, essentially a pragmatic Ango-Saxon invention should be turned into metaphysical Continental claptrap.
Take their treatment of Israel and ISIS. They very masterfully balance the atrocity stories from each. You didn’t hear about those 12 Christians tortured and murdered by ISIS on the Beeb? Sorry, about that but they couldn’t find a balancing Jewish crime for that week even though they tried to portray a Palestinian terrorist as the victim when he died in the course of murdering two men and trying to kill a baby.
Thanks for posting that Alex – I love that comment: “Is there nowhere in English history, the TARDIS can go which doesn’t have ethnic minorities in it?”
‘The Nazis used public displays to spread their ideas of race.’ so says a caption to a photo used on the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Not surprising then that modern technology is used by the BBC and their network of TV, radio, print publishing and internet programming to spread their ideas of race.
Name, There are many similarities between the BBC’s propaganda methods and the Nazis and indeed between the BBC and Nazis generally. Not least, anti-semitism.
The BBC continually repeat the message “for some Nigel Farage is divisive”, “some say Nigel Farage is a Marmite character” Where is the evidence for this? Who precisely is saying this ?
“Some may say Jeremy Corbyn is a child molester” is also a statement the BBC could make, but of course it won’t. It associates a negative quality with a political ally. Pure Goebbels.
Alex, I wonder what proportion of the UK population are transgenders ? No disrespect to them. It must be an awful condition, but I suspect that it is quite rare.
Vanishingly rare. The number who have gone the full hog and had their bits chopped off is around 1000, mainly middle-aged men (Bruce Jenner syndrome). Remember, the only interest of the Left is not compasion for those different or unfortunate but simply as a tool to undermine normal society, roles and family.
Ian, you are so right. Lack of real, as opposed to fake, compassion for anyone is a symptom of the Left. Look at their silence on FGM. If it was practised by white christians , it would be a different matter.
Agreed. The left’s grievance culture has to constantly find new ‘victims’ to justify itself. The seams of ‘homophobia’ and ‘racism’ are almost worked out, so new thought-crimes like ‘transphobia’ have to be invented.
I don’t understand why their is a general assumption of people that transgender people are all men becoming women, it also happens the other way around too, as is the case of this actor, born female, now male.
You will probably find that most of the Transgender people just want to blend into society and live their lives as normal people, it is exactly as you say, the Fascist left using them as a tool with which to bully other people.
You are right, it is a general assumption that it is men pretending to be women rather than women pretending to become men (I use the term ‘pretend’ as they do not of course actually change sex. Clothing and appendages can be changed – chromosomes not). The majority of cases that progress to surgery do involve men, though. I think there is added excitement and piquancy for liberals because in their view women are superior to men and so this business is also a sort of indirect proxy for feminism (i.e. men becoming quite literally emasculated, which they would like to see across the board).
It would be if there was such a thing as a transgender gender but just like the word islamophobia, it is a made up word designed to mean something and nothing. There are only two genders, male and female.
Mr Rushlow – good point. The replacement of ‘sex’ with ‘gender’ is a relatively recent (last 40 years) idea, part of the pseudointellectualisation (if that’s a word) of sexual relations.
I believe it happened because of the problem with perverts who saw the word ‘sex’ and couldn’t keep their tongues in their mouths, not because of any ‘pseudointellectualisation’.
There is an argument that ‘sex’ is what you are, (the ‘bits’), and ‘gender’ is what you think you are. That makes some sort of sense.
What doesn’t make sense is organisations like the NHS asking you what ‘gender’ you are, (and that alone). So a woman who thinks she is a man, who has been impregnated by her ‘wife’, who is a man who thinks he is a woman, would be denied access to maternity services when he/she/it answers the ‘gender’ question.
The usual expression is “sex is what is between your legs, gender is what is between your ears”. It may be an argument but is is a fallacious one. Merely thinking you are something doesn’t make you that thing. Agree on the general point about NHS questions etc.
“Merely thinking you are something doesn’t make you that thing.”
But that is the whole point of the new thinking. Reality is what you make it, “virtual”. Hence of course, “gender”, not “sex”. In a big city, and with the internet, we can live in a make-believe world. (I think this explains the school massacres.)
How many actors are there?
How many transgender actors are there?
What are the statistical chances of a trangender actor getting any given role?
So what are the statistical chances of a transgender actor getting a transgender role?
I’d like to see the job description for this and the evidence of ‘open competition’ because this to me is a clear case of discrimination.
In Israel, the news is all about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that is engulfing the country. First there were a series of stoning attacks on the West Bank that took one Israeli life. Then there were a series of shooting attacks that killed two and wounded several. Now there is a series of stabbings that have taken two lives and injured many. Most of the attacks took place in and around Jerusalem, but the latest ones have been in Tel Aviv, Kiryat Arba, Petach Tikva and Afula. Two of the terrorists were killed and several were injured and captured. This is obviously a coordinated series of terrorist attacks designed to instill fear in the average Israeli. Nevertheless life goes on as normal, with a much increased security presence, especially in Jerusalem. The security forces also claim to have thwarted several other attempts to carry out attacks.
But, you will have seen very little of this wave of terrorism from the BBC. Apart from the attacks on the Temple Mount that started two weeks ago, there has been very little coverage . It seems that the Palestinian issue is no longer the magnet that it once was for the left-oriented media. It has been replaced by such news items as the Syrian civil war (300,000 dead), the Russian military intervention in Syria, the mass migration of Muslims from Syria and elsewhere into Europe and the reaction of the European countries, the Volkswagen cheating scandal that could cost billions of dollars and thousands of jobs, the Greek debt crisis and so on. The fact that Pres. Obama has obviously put the Palestine problem on the back burner has something to do with this. So the Palestinians are rioting and trying to kill Israelis to get back onto the front pages, but it isn’t working.
Generally, I favour taking a hard line on these kind of stone throwing, stabbing and shooting attacks carried out by individual Palestinian youths. But, to shoot them, as they deserve, would only give them martyrs and also give them the publicity they desire. Let them be arrested, beaten, jailed and interrogated, but let’s not kill them yet, let’s wait until the wave of attacks subsides. They have been threatening a third intifada (uprising), but the last two ended in failure (yes, they killed a lot of Israelis, but they did not break our will and they accomplished nothing concrete, such as Israeli concessions). So this wave of terrorism will die down too and then we should hit them hard…Then it will be reported by the BBC
Magicoat, Thank you so much for an insider’s report. Please keep us posted . You will find many Gentiles, on this site, including me, who fully support the Israelis’ continuing battle for survival. Keep up the good work !
And not just support Israel – are grateful, too. The boys and girls in the IDF and the ordinary Israelis constitute the frontline against the horrors that lie beyond their borders. If Israel were ever to fail then we would be only a few years behind.
It appears your comment was prescient – as usual, the BBC have indeed waited for some Palestinian casualties to occur, then told the story in its usual ‘last-first’ manner, as BBC Watch calls it.
Thank you to all for your support
The following is a transcript of remarks made by Dr. Yagil Henkin at the funeral of his brother, Rabbi Eitam Henkin, who — along with his wife, Na’ama — was killed by Palestinian terrorists in front of their four children, on Oct. 1.
In my view a must read to be found at.. http://tinyurl.com/o7zve74
Magicoat, Deeply moving address. The vermin at the BBC do not report that Eitam was a scholar and PhD with a great future ahead of him. In fact , they only care about his murderer. The whole of the BBC put together is not worth one Eitam. One of the many things I admire about the Israelis is their incredible restraint and patience. I really do not know how you do it. May Eitam rest in peace.
Good point magicoat. The only way to find out what is really happening in Israel is to subscribe to the “Times of Israel”. You cannot rely on the western MSN.
Yesterday Ed Thomas gave a sob story on PM about a baby of unknown origins washed up on the small island of Kos. Because of this second ‘baby’ death the EU has to now operate a safe ‘open-door’ policy to let everyone in, (build a better mousetrap etc.).
He was doing his full Pulitzer prize emoting stuff that we have been getting from all the BBC reporters this year. (Perhaps there will be a special award at one of their never-ending industry back-patting ceremonies?).
Meanwhile, on the southern part of a somewhat larger island, part of the EU, ‘babies’ continue to die. Yet from the emotional BBC there is not a whimper.
How many babies? One, two, three perhaps?
One hundred and eighty four thousand, five hundred and seventy one last year. That is five hundred and five per day, twenty one per hour, nearly one every three minutes. Or one for every 1.2 square kilometres of this island, about one per quarter square mile, or at least one within half a mile distance. No need for a ‘foreign’ correspondent to go scouring the beaches here!
Where is this place? Somewhere the BBC has never heard of, called Englandandwales, and it’s all legal. That’s ‘Progressive’ for you.
Genocide, carried out in industrialised baby killing units (“pregnancy advisory services” in the jargon) and paid for by the taxpayer (95% of abortions paid for by NHS). Trivialised by the BBC/Left as “a woman’s right to choose”, as though comparable to the decision as to what nail varnish to use or what colour to dye her hair. Shrinking, ageing population means we need millions of immigrants? Bullshit. Restrict abortion to genuine medical and legal reasons (life in danger, rape, incest) and it would sort itself out within a generation.
Not a Catholic are you Ian?
What you are proposing is state control of women’s bodies and their right to choose what happens to them. Seeing as the Catholic view is that even the moment of conception is a sacred life, the morning after pill would also be banned.
It’s the thin end of a very nasty wedge, because the Catholic Church has an appalling historical record of Human rights abuses.
If your aims are achieved the next target will be contraception, followed by sex outside of marriage, and other controls.
What is the point of forcing a woman to carry a baby to term when she doesn’t want to? What kind of life will that unwanted child have?
Problem I have here is that the bats in my loft have more rights than an unborn human.
I can understand in the cases of rape or severe medical problems, but it’s the same women every time using termination as a form of contraception. Or is it a feminist issue ?, no rights for the father with that lot.
How many millions since the abortion act ? ( Lord) david steel , you can make your excuses to a higher authority at the pearly gates.
For the record I gave up organised religion many years ago.
Thoughtful, have you heard about the billions of taxpayer money that are poured into helping childless couples conceive, often without success? The BBC may have faults, one of which is a major one in that it fails to remember or connect the dots between much of its reporting. Here it is on the UK Baby Killing Industry and the UK Baby Making Industry but at least it does report the activities of the latter, so that sharper, more careful listeners & viewers may see the relationship.
And why should conceived but unwanted babies (at a time of the greatest sexual education and free contraception ever) be forced IN FUTURE to pay for the PAST sins of some in the Catholic Church?
To me that seems to be the height of stupid wickedness, an evil form of revenge. At a more basic level, it is totally contrary to the law of natural justice.
I do think that the arguments in favour of abortion – the choice arguments- rest on shaky moral grounds. I have argued over many years, that voluntarily terminating the life of a healthy fetus/baby is wrong. I am not a Catholic and cannot make sense of morality as the rule of some transcendental super being.
Given the determination of many women to end their pregnancies I could not provide an argument that the state should enforce continuation of pregnancy. But maintain that voluntary termination is wrong, and that out of necessity the state is supporting wrong.
I have sympathies with Ian’s views, but urge him not to link population requirements to enforced pregnancy, and certainly not to balance immigration with enforced pregnancy. The case against abortion rests on its own merits. Sadly, enforcement will produce misery.
Other arguments based on the ontological status of the fetus/baby which regard it as a non person, are flawed. If it is not a baby, then you are not pregnant. I have attended meetings held for women who have lost pregnancies and seen how they share their grief; not in losing an insignificant bundle of cells, but in losing a baby. I would not advocate explaining to these woman that all they had lost was a bundle of cells.
A former adversary of mine, Prof. Peter Singer, developed the argument that babies and fetuses were morally similar and pursued the argument in favour of infanticide for unwanted neonates. His book caused protests, but I took responsibility for its republication, as I believe that no arguments on this topic should be suppressed. As a libertarian I support the right to argue for both sides – unlike so many of our universities which prohibit pro-life speakers.
I have re-discovered Schweitzer’s reverence for life ideal. All life is morally significant, but remember he practiced abortions when necessary.
Perhaps I can assume that the BBC’s obligation to educate does not extend to moral education on this subject – other than a ridiculous polarisation between choice and obedience to an imaginary friend.
My understanding is that the Catholic Church is totally opposed to abortion. A majority of people support abortion in some circumstances, which is what I described. It is commonly believed and promoted by so-called progressives that abortion was illegal in the UK prior to the 1967 Abortion Act; this is factually incorrect. Abortion became legal in this country through the 1929 Infant Life Preservation Act, provided it was carried out to preserve the life or health of the mother. The effect of the 1967 Act was to create the conditions for state sponsored abortion on semi-demand, which David Steel has said was not his intention.
My real purpose was to highlight the contradiction between the Left’s position of ‘we need more people (immigrants)’ and alternative methods of achieving that if it is a valid goal. If we need more people we could restrict abortion, increase child benefit, improve child care, make cash payments to prospective parents. If we need less we could stop immigration, encourage repatriation, make contraception more available, scrap child benefit. The Left likes abortion, perhaps because it enables the next generation to be legally murdered even if they can’t get away with murdering the current one. One of the first things that communists tend to do is legalise it e.g. as the Bolsheviks did in October 1920.
It is questionable whether abortion really is a feminist issue. As a professor of philosophy once observed: “It depends on what you mean by abortion. If you mean the right of a woman to choose what happens to and with her body then I am totally in support. But if you mean the right to murder unborn children then I am totally opposed to it.”
Well said Ian. There is also a distinction between not wanting to be pregnant and not wanting to be a parent, which touches on the issue of maintaining babies who survive after removal from the pregnant woman. Abortion should not be regarded as a feminiist issue. For the earlier pioneers of abortion it was connected to eugenics. Many black opponents of pro choice make that point today
Putin is paying women to have more children, while Lib Lab Con is telling women to go out to work and have a foreign invader to look after their children, demographics is destiny.
“women’s bodies and their right to choose what happens to them”.
Their right to choose what happens to their bodies over 9 months isn’t more important than a human being’s right to life. Killing babies isn’t an ethical method of contraception.
I’m not religious, but it is shocking that this conveyor-belt type killing goes on year after year – and people have been accepting it like it was nothing.
If an abortion is necessary (could be for a number of valid reasons, I don’t want to ban it) then fine but those numbers should less than a hundredth of what they are. You don’t kill a foetus because of a slight inconvenience through taking inadequate precautions. I get lectured by my lefty friends about supporting the death penalty but they never consider the ethics of abortion.
Actually most friends of mine are ignorant, not only of the numbers but of the grim procedure itself. And if you even mention the subject to the average woman, you’ll get hysterical defensive rage.
Thought has just occurred: wonder what it would do to have T-shirts printed with 184,571 and to walk around wearing them? You may have some people starting to shake their mobile phones or swear at them or their networks.
You could also imagine the conversations.
“What’s that number?”
“The number of babies that died last year.”
“What? In the Mediterranean?”
“No. In England & Wales.”
“That’s terrible. The NHS is in a bad way. The austerity & cuts are really bad.”
” Xxxx yyyyy zzzzzzz” {FILL IN THIS LINE WITH WHAT YOU MIGHT SAY NEXT! perhaps
“Well, actually they were taxpayer funded killings.” and await the response . . .
It might come as a surprise but no babies were killed as you say. A foetus is not a baby ! It is not capable of independent life outside the womb and therefore although you might not see it this way, it therefore cannot be killed.
Well I certainly don’t buy that argument. It’s an active decision to kill off something by an invasive technique that would live otherwise. Largely because of convenience reasons.
Again I’m not religious or particularly traditionalist in my morals – but there must be a better way of regulating peoples sexual urges – economic consequences aren’t a good enough reason.
We do not know when the brain first becomes conscious of it’s existence. Your argument is flawed. The mechanistic view is that baby is born into the world and suddenly is a conscious being with all the potential of being human. A moment before the baby was in a womb and according to your argument a mere lump of tissue not animated by that most mysterious of things which is life itself and the knowledge that we are alive.
And because we do not know we need to deal with abortion as someting that is always regrettable and a last resort.
In this country we hear little of the furore surounding Planned Parenthood in the USA. I tried to watch the videos and failed. I have seen many things in my life and I have to say these videos no man or woman should have to see.
That the company seeks to maximise profit by using certain techniques is beyond appalling.
Finally the woman’s movement has determind that women alone should speak on abortion. This is wrong . It is something about which all humans have the right to be heard
to Thoughtful. A two month old baby is not capable of independent life without the nurture and care of an older human. An extension to your argument is that infanticide can be justified.
I agree wholeheartedly with the comments of G.W.F. at 1.27 above.
Obviously the BBC and liberal left are very annoyed that the previous dead child didn’t lead to a lasting change in attitude of Brits to mass acceptance of an open door policy. They seem to think that if they keep giving us regular doses of this emotive propaganda some of us will change our minds ( I won’t of course). Well they might be right we shall see, after all it seems to have forced Cameron to disown the brave Ms May on immigration. . They are also trying to soften us up by showing that Muslim women, when allowed out, can bake exceedingly good cakes plus of course the usual non stop barrage of pro immigration propaganda. Once again it won’t work on me because I am very happy with European cakes thank you.
Brave Ms May? I don’t think so. Her deeds up to now don’t suggest she believed a word of it, but was pandering to those she thought might vote for her as leader.
Since this child was washed up on the Greek island of Kos, unlike the other one who was posed on a Turkish beach, perhaps there are no carefully arranged photographs of the poor tot? After all, the Turks wish to facilitate the islamization of Europe, the Greeks do not.
Say what you like about FIFA, but at least they haven’t decided to start referring to Argentina as the 2014 World Cup Winners. Meanwhile, every BBC report on FIFA seems to involve an interview with representatives of a party that hasn’t been in government since 2010. Will they ever interview someone actually relevant?
I think their problem may be that very few members of the actual government will talk to them at the moment, so they’re rather left spinning their wheels..
JimS , exactly. Beeboids and their fellow Leftoids have no idea about life outside their bubble. But they don’t care. The political agenda is everything ! No humanity, no compassion.
Come on BBC, you’ve only just dipped your toe into the water of immigrant flavoured light entertainment tv…
Look at your schedules today – plenty of scope for lots and lots more. There’s no upper limit, you know.
Everyone likes antiques, how about Albanian Road Trip… Kosovans in the Attic… and for our middle eastern community: Flog It, obviously.
Then for us locals you could do: Escape from the Country…. or Native British Homes Under the Hammer
Rip Off Britain and Would I Lie to You, they can remain unchanged
Million Immigrant Big NHS Lotto – tag line ‘Everyone’s a Loser’ or how about… ‘It could be Asian Flu’
Don’t worry if you are duplicating any shows other channels already produce
Flash some of that licence payer cash at Endemol and we could all soon be enjoying the Big Muslim Brotherhood House
Just want to continue my theme from an earlier contribution about the BBC’s successful applications for EU grants at http://ec.europa.eu/budget/fts/index_en.htm
Here are just some
2014 Shaping the future of Syria’s Media by promoting independent voices and fostering constructive debate 308,968 €
2013 MedMedia: towards media sector reform in the Southern Mediterranean region 4,975,000 €
2013 Consolidating Media Freedoms in Iraq 1,125,987 €
2013 Shaping the future of Syria’s Media by promoting independent voices and fostering constructive debate 643,164 €
2012 Journalist training and networking in the ENPI countries 3,213,857 € (note – basically the countries round the Med. this comes under ‘Humanitarian Aid’)
2011 Support for Media capacity in the area of EU integration 354,954 €
Now maybe some of this is well-meant but can anyone doubt the availability and subject matter of these awards has a strong bearing on the tone and stance of their whole output? And of course this vested interest is never admitted.
This shows the insidious nature of the bias. Drip drip drip, fed by an unseen and unreported wodge of our cash via the EU.
AsIseelt. Love the idea for imagining new bBBC output.
“And now on BBC1, “Modern Suffragettes” in which a group of disabled lesbian refugees from Syria bravely and inspirationally fight for their rights to free NHS treatment in the UK”
“This will be followed by “New Master Chef Bake-off” . This week, contestants from Leicester, Bradford, and the Edgware Road wearing Niqabs compete to produce the tastiest Halal main course”
Yesterday Andrew Marr presented a R4 programme on the history of British poetry. Of course, I knew multi-culti would have to be included, but I was surprised at just how it was done. At university I learnt that Matthew Arnold’s poem ‘Dover Beach’ (you can probably guess what’s coming) was about the decline of Christian faith in the Victorian era. But no! A modern poet was wheeled on to tell us it was actually about immigration! And he’d even written a modern version, about some immigrants in a boat trying to get into Dover at night.
Marr then started wittering on about Muslims in nineteenth century Britain. But they were totally insignificant – you might as well talk about Tibetan Buddhists, Zoroastrians or Mormons in nineteenth century Britain. I am convinced now that the BBC has a specific agenda to mention Islam as often as possible. They remind me of someone who has become a born-again Christian and who keeps mentioning it at every and any opportunity.
Mr Marr might care to look at, say, the records from the 1881 Census – names such as Mohammed, Hussein and Ibraham are noticeable by their absence. The total Muslim population towards the end of the 19th Century was about 1000, mainly comprising Englishmen who’d had their heads turned out East, some sons of Indian potentates, transient Indian seamen (“lascars”) and a few Yemenis (also seamen).
I was looking forward to that programme. Tuned in after about 4 mins, and heard |Benjamin Zeffania or whatever his name is on the show.
I do not need to tell anyone here about him!
Turned over.
Incidentally, I learnt that Andrew Marr ”earns’ £660K a year and Peston £750K, although the BBC were offering to increase that to save him from boring ITV audiences.
Just think how many ‘balanced’ Question Time audiences, at 5K per show, remember the quote from a Beeb produced a couple of weeks ago, the BBC could afford if they got rid of Marr as well!
Just reported on Sky that figures ‘released’ from the Refugee Council………. there are now 7,000 per day arriving in Greece. The raised influx is due to the sea weather conditions in that area deteriorating, so they’re all making a rush for the bus !!
Despite the relentless anti-Israel propaganda from the left and the BBC, there are still many of us in Britain who have a real sense of solidarity with Israel.
Indeed, yes. It must never be forgotten where Merkel learned her politics.
On a wider point, it is worth remembering that for all the blathering and posturing about ‘democracy’ many of our EU ‘partners’ have only had a recent and brief flirtation with the concept – and it shows!
Of course, as the Left is always restrictive, proscriptive and dictatorial, the BBC feels quite comfortable with this. It has never liked the idea of free speech.
And just to show there’s nothing new about massive migration, DNA tests on a skull found in Eritrea apparently suggest there were huge numbers migrating from Eurasia to Africa 3,000 years ago. Of course, they don’t mention actual numbers because that would spoil the illusion – but since the whole of humanity would have equalled one large modern city it’s not too difficult to find the odd flaw in the science. Other than relatively low numbers of enslaved Jewish tribespersons, there’s no mention of this diaspora in Egyptian records of the time either, when that civilisation was at its height and the Nile valley would have made a natural route for those seeking a brave new world.
You’d have thought they would have left a few hieroglyphs around, listing the benefits to their multicultural society.
Last week the U.N launched Agenda 2030, Agenda 21 on steroids, to end world poverty, hunger etc etc by 2030 and become, in their words Global Citizens, when the Power Elites start gushing about utopian idealist societies I immediately think of gulags, death camps and Soylent Green. Check this out
Tesco ! don’t get me started. They may and try to conjure up a warm ethical image, it doesn’t extend to their buying offices, where they screw their suppliers to the floor, extract every last penny of margin and are responsible for many company’s going to the wall along with all the unemployment that entails. Tax credits let them pay lousy wages and you the tax payer picks up the bill.
Got into a confab with what turned out to be the local vicar in a pub when he was giving it the last time ” lets make poverty history” 10 years back, it failed as I said it would, you owe me a pint vicar.
Not only is this a piece of propaganda for one world government, every day will be sunny, blah blah blah, sounds all nice and fluffy, that’s the deception, but the way it was done is also highly irritating, an edit every second, so a celebrity says one word, edit and the next useful idiot says the next word and so on and so on to make a complete sentence. Creep Richard Branson said ” no one will be left behind,” so you can’t opt out, no free choice, eh ? Note the tranny with the purple hat at 33 seconds, , plus our old friend David Camoron is in this at 2.39, blink and you’ll miss him. This kind of explains what’s happening in Europe, the abolition of nations, erasing the borders, mass immigration to subvert our countries, etc etc.
This faux-feminist patronising crap is offensive. Mr Branson as well in the opinions of some. But he is no longer involved with Virgin Media, having sold it in February 2013 to a company called Liberty Global (bit of an oxymoron that name!).
I should follow this doctrine because £ucking One Direction promote it? And who’s paying for this so called utopia? You and I, that’s who, paying with our land, our birthright and our futures. I don’t suppose this lot of multi millionaires from the comfort of their secluded mansions will be digging too deep or really even care, just massaging their egos.
Pure propaganda, pulling at the heartstrings of brainwashed libtards and our young.
I still kick myself for buying the Band Aid crap back in 1984.
Yes, he’d absolutely love to pay British taxes, but somehow he just found himself living on this desert island. How did that happen? Only his accountants know. Strangely, despite not living here or paying taxes here, the bearded twat still thinks he has the right to lecture us on how we should live our lives. Am I alone in thinking he can fuck right off?
If you want to know what Branson’s all about, read the unofficial biography by Tom Bower – the one he did all he could to prevent being published; there is some truly astonishing stuff in there about him and Virgin.
I made the mistake of listening to the Today programme on the occasion of another self-serving festival created as far as I can tell to accommodate the vast ego of Andrew Marr called National Poetry Day. It really has lost its way: amateurish and embarrassing I think the mandate of heaven has passed from the BBC and its old invincibility and self-righteousness no longer quite washes. There were two stand-out examples:
Radio 4 has appointed (inevitably for 2 whole years) a”poet in residence” a Daljit Nagra (no me neither). One of the sententious old bores who present made the mistake of calling him Dalit. Oh dear! It was Major-General Dwyer all over again. Deep offence was taken by our up to the minute Homer and we had a dose of the caste system in all its vibrant diversity. Eventually Mr Nagra was fawned over and begged to demonstrate his skills with a piece of truly dreadful doggerell about how his identity had suffered under the wicked British and their evil empire. It was excruciating. Mr Nagra used words the meaning of which he clearly didn’t understand (Broadcasting house is a Necropolis apparently); we have two more years of this crap to pay for and endure.
Then the idiotic Sarah Monatgue thought she had a free pass at feminist virtue signalling and grievance promoting interviewing Meryl Streep about the film Suffragettes. Meryl Streep not doubt bored with yet more fawning interviews with stupid lazy grovelling female journalists was not playing nice, and swatted her away like the bloody idiot she is.
All this was set in a silver sea of badly read third rate poetry, a thought for the Day in sixth form blank verse that would have re-intered Lazarus and yet another scot in love with the sound of his own voice interviewing a new science Nobel Laureate rather as a Trobriand islander might have talked to Ernest Rutherford.
Quite so! I enjoy poetry but five minutes of R4 that morning and the radio was firmly switched off! The BBC is incapable of touching anything without tainting it with the fetid stench of its liberal ‘progressive’ obsessions.
Why doesn’t Biased BBC appoint a poet in residence?
I used to listen to Radio 4
I found their programs such a bore.
Their interviewers were none to bright
And the comedy a load of ..
(“I can’t think what to put here!”)
Some West Indian gentleman was on that programme, declaiming something or other about slavery or imperialism. He didn’t sound very happy but I wasn’t sure if he was actually reading a poem or just talking about things he didn’t like.
Usual BBC’ balance’ I note on the Daily Politics show on the EU decision. Two pro EU and one anti and the presenter Joke Coburn spending most of the time attacking the ‘chaos’ of the leave campaign ! Not worth watching when Andrew Neill is not on, and even when he is you can see his frustration at being told by the producers to keep quiet whilst the idiot Coburn fumbles her way through interviews.
I see the kipper.lady on the Daily Politics.is saying that we have a proud record of welcoming immigrants. Not exactly following. Nigel Farage “s policy she? I think Ukip would still let loads in all along.
The Prime Minister and his cabinate are pinching all Farage’s ideas. So he must be getting something right. If it wasn’t for Farage we would probably not have the promised referendum to get out of the failed experiment in building an european state.
The one that Cameron wants to us ‘stay in’ .
To be fair to Cameron – he said he was “the heir to Blair” and he’s governed as the heir to Blair. I know the electorate voted for a conservative government, and we’ve got New Labour, but that is just what he promised us. And the BBC still don’t love him.
1. If the UK stays in the EU, we can not control, or estimate ‘how many’. If we can not estimate ‘how many’, our government can not plan effectively the location, size and demand for social services and infrastructure. You can draw your own inferences on the social consequences of unpredictable significant changes in demographics when combined with the inability to plan and anticipate future infrastructure requirements.
2. If the UK leaves the EU and introduces strict border controls, the sovereign Parliament can determine ‘how many’ in accordance with the democratic will of the people through our elected representatives, based on predictable population projections. I suspect you know UKIP’s policy in this regard which you can find here on page 10:
Should you have comments as to where the UKIP policy could be amended or improved, I would welcome your feedback.
To give you an example: Last week Kirklees Council (population approx 0.47million – huddersfield and environs) published their house construction plans. 21,000 homes [destroying the identity of numerous distinct areas and combining them into conjoined urban sprawls] are suggested. If we accept the national occupancy rate of 2.3 persons per household, this represents a suggested planned population increase of approximately 50K, or just over 10%. That many areas will be changed beyond recognition will be a driver for those who like where they currently live, to wish to move, even though they would prefer to stay if the area were not so rapidly altered. The people don’t want this, but the officers of the council do. (approx £20million in increased income, protecting staffing levels in management within the council). There is no internal demand for this level of housing increase (we don’t have thousands living in cardboard boxes) – it is social engineering providing accommodation as a ‘pull’ to ‘Comer-inners’ [ ‘Comer-inner’ is a local term – it means what it says. I moved to Huddersfield when I was about 3yrs old and I am a ‘comer-inner’ myself.] No plans for new schools, no plans for new hospital facilities, no road/sewerage/water supply upgrades planned, 1.5Trillion national debt, ongoing deficit – so no wealth to invest in such infrastructure even if they did have the capacity to plan. Our institutions are breaking down, and employees within those institutions are acting in narrow self interest and against the interests of those they are paid to serve.
UKIP’s point based system can reduce numbers. For instance if they use the Mensa test, they could reduce the numbers from half a million per year to 10,000 per year. Its why I am so enthusiastic about UKIP’s immigration policy. Vote UKIP, as they must be even more intelligent than Tories.
Or is this BBC ten point position correct:
(1) BBC staff vote Labour
(2) BBC staff regard immigrants as more intelligent than themselves
(3) BBC staff regard UKIPers as less intelligent than themselves
(4) People who vote Labour are more intelligent
(5) All Immigrants, especially Black ones, overwhelmingly vote Labour
(6) Therefore you have to be stupid to oppose mass immigration
(7) The remit of the Labour Party is to represent poor people
(8) Therefore, you have to be poor to be intelligent and intelligent to be poor
(9) Immigrants come from poor countries
(10) Therefore they must be more intelligent than people in rich countries
BBC logic, or BBC emotional contortions of thought?
This is pretty much always the case on daily politics anyone who is anti-EU is always outnumbered, this is the case with all the programmes on the BBC (Any questions, Question time etc ..) the extreme mad left always have more representation than anyone who advocates sensible policies which put the wellbeing of the citizens of this country first.
UKIP is the largest party from the UK in the EU parliament but always seem to be outnumbered on the BBC when discussing anything EU.
Al Beeb are telling us that ‘NHS deficits hit ‘massive’ £930m.’
What’s my answer?
Write of its debt by using the money we waste on Foreign Aid, stop the NHS being used as in International Health Service, stop health tourism, get rid of all its bureaucracy along with its ‘trusts’ , train and employ nurses and doctors instead of bringing in ‘agency staff’ and finally, pour in all the money we save by getting out of the EU. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34353408
Heard this report on ‘Today’ programme this morning, along with the moaning from the speed-dial representative for the eternally Left-leaning think tank, the King’s Fund (not that the BBC is interested in identifying it as Left-leaning, of course).
Now, forgive me if I might be wrong, but I had always been under the impression that in order to have deficits, this has to be compared to something meaningful, like, oh, just for argument’s sake – a budget. And again, correct me if I am wrong, but this ‘deficit’ has occurred in the first quarter of the financial budget year.
Bearing these in mind, how come the BBC only seems be completely selective in inviting people on to the programme who want to simply lay the blame and the responsibility for solving this problem on the government – i.e. to unquestioningly throw huge chunks of extra money into the NHS.
I have worked in both public and private sectors in my lifetime, and I never saw as much waste as I saw in the public sector, and particularly in the NHS. But, of course, the BBC allow this to be dismissed as just ‘peanuts’ compared to the deficit levels – it is not, waste is endemic in the NHS.
But my biggest complaint about the BBC’s approach to such matters is that they never ask any simple questions when, week after week, it reports various sections of the NHS demanding more money for their particular niche areas. Questions such as “….well you came on this programme basically complaining that the NHS isn’t spending enough on your particular area, so I am sure you will be delighted to tell us which other aspect of the NHS the money should be taken from to provide you with these particular additional funds…. do tell us which…..?”
But the one glaring question that should have arisen from this morning’s news should have centred around the fact that this £930 million deficit has occurred in the first quarter of the budget year.
That means one of two things (and potentially even both !). Either the NHS as a whole is deliberately setting out to just spend money without any regard for financial probity, with the view (aided by the BBC, of course) that the government can be bullied into funding any resulting deficits forever, or be labelled as an ‘enemy of the people’….. not least by the BBC.
Or, there are a whole slew of utterly incompetent Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers in what are vary large organisations, who set and agreed these budgets and then simply failed to manage these organisations in their control of income and expenditure in an even half-reasonable fashion. That is fundamental to the jobs they are employed to do. In any other organisation, these executives would be ignominiously turfed out long before the first quarter had finished, not waiting to arrive at a ‘catastrophic’ position before deciding to do something to change the situation. And their gross incompetence would see them unlikely to ever be employed in similar positions ever again. (I know…….we’re talking public sector, and it’s unlikely ever to happen…but it should at least be explored by the BBC as a cause of failure at this level of over-expenditure. However, the BBC is publicly funded too, and is unlikely ever to want to have its expenditure looked at closely, so guess which unexplored avenues have tumbleweed blowing around in them…….)
And this morning, at least in the interviews and commentaries I heard, there was no mention of what plans had been brought forward by these very highly-paid executives to turn the situation around – the simple answer seems to be – well, it may be bad now, with a £930 million deficit in the first quarter, but it’s only going to get worse – so stump up oodles more cash or we’ll be on this programme every quarter reporting the heartless failure to give us more money.
And don’t even get me started on the absence of any structured examination of some of the other potential causes of these deficits in some areas….. like immigration levels….
As I understand it from Radio four, and its many interviews with actresses, there are no major roles for women in today’s cinema. This is due to horrible smelly men, who not only leave loo seats up but spend their entire time conniving to keep a golden generation of female thespians from our screens.
And then I read today’s The Times movie reviews.
The main review from Kate Muir, the chief film critic, is for Suffragette the story of powerful, kick arse, feisty women fighting horrible smelly men who leave the …
Her second review is of Sicario staring Emily Blunt as powerful, kick arse, feisty woman who confronts some male drug lords in Mexico and engages in battle with them.
Her third review is for Haunting in Cawdor about a girl playing Lady Macbeth.
The major review of Kevin Mahler’s is that of Regression staring Emma Watson as a woman who … you don’t want to know.
His second review is of Leading Lady staring Katie McGrath as a woman who stages a play in deepest Africa.
Perhaps BBC interviewers should visit the cinema or read movie reviews so they can challenge rather than fawn when an actress says there aren’t any great parts for women.
BTW having worked with artistes I can assure you male actors say the exactly the same, (where are all the good parts these days), except they do not seem to get interviewed on radio four. Not sure why.
That prize idiot Zoe Williams of the Guardian was on the Daily Politics. She of course thinks of herself as being on the Intellectual Left! Today her dimwit contribution was to say that if people feel excluded and unable to affect what is happening in the country, then they should protest and spit and throw eggs etc. Well Zoe, how would you feel if, the millions of Brits who never had a vote as to whether we wanted millions of immigrants to form a multiculty society, who are forced to pay whilst the state funded BBC manipulates the news in favour of ever more immigration, who see their leaders making concession after concession to Muslims , were to turn up and throw eggs plus gallons of spit at you and your liberal left friends. I don’t think that would be legitimate protest in your eyes would it? If we were to protest about immigration, you would want us arrested under the laws that people like you approve of, designed to limit our right to free speech on issues you don’t agree with. The the pages of the Guardian would be full of how awful we were and calls for the harshest possible penalties to be imposed.
You and your lot are just hypocritical, liberal fools who will wake up one day and realise that the liberal democracy, that Britain has had for so many years, has been destroyed by people just like you!
It’s an odd thing, but leftists seem to think it will always be them who are doing the violent protesting, and therefore it must be legitimate. One day they may get a shock.
Doublethinker, please be more sensitive when dealing with the class sluggard Zoe. The poor lass honestly thinks that Quantitative Easing can be used to fund anything, rather like her hero, the big issuer seller Jeremy Corbyn.
In her comments section the Guardian readers have patiently tried to explain it to her how QE must always be paid back, ie it is not about printing money, yet she still doesn’t get it. So I think Zoe is one of life’s lost causes but can she always be relied up on to offer the daftest notions on any inane subject. Hence why she has a column in the Guardian.
Just goes to show how Oxford University are lowering their standards by letting the likes of Zoe Williams get in. May be she spat in the face of the admissions officer to show her lefty credentials.
No jaytan, she is from a posh background, probably went to public school and has good connections at Oxford.
Yes, as predicted, Wiki:
Williams attended the independent Godolphin and Latymer School girls’ school and read Modern History at Lincoln College, Oxford.
Talking of prize idiots This Week on Thursday night with Andrew Neil presented the fragrant Professor Alice Roberts “everyone’s favourite clinical anatomist” on the politics of the tribe. One of her first sentences contained the phrase “wonderful diverse human population” – I think I know where we are going from here !
Andrew Neil question : Are males more tribal than females ?
Alice Roberts : Oooh ! I don’t know. What do you think Caroline (Flint)?
Andrew question : What is the fundamental reason for joining or becoming identified with a tribe ?
Alice Roberts :Yeah, I don’t know. Blah, blah,hunter gatherers, blah, blah, tough lives, egalitarian, blah, blah nobody in charge.
Andrew Neil: I wonder if globalisation makes us perversely feel more tribal?
Alice Roberts: I don’t know – it shouldn’t do should it ? Blah, blah, lessen perceived differences around the
world, blah, blah, overwhelming commonality, blah, blah.
Andrew Neil : You’ve got a new tv series coming out on the Celts ?
Alice Roberts : Yes ! Yes ! (She does know something!)
Andrew Neil : There is a book coming out ?
Alice Roberts: Yes ! Yes !
Michael Portillo modelled a bright fuchsia blouse this evening.
Yes and that twit Portillo has finally worked out that the Arab Spring has had bad results for the West. It can’t have taken him five years to work that out . He recommends that we should leave dictators in power so they can control the extremists in their countries. He was Secretary of Defence and he has only just worked that out, or more likely he now judges it to be so obvious even to his BBC paymasters that he dare say it. Why do we have assorted Labour MPs and him on the panel every week ? Why can’t we have some one who actually represents the right in British politics? Oh I forgot its on the BBC so Mr Portillo is seen as nearly ‘far right’.
Dr Alice Roberts has a shockingly feeble publication record considering she is a ‘professor’, however she does stick to the Globalist establishment line and is attractivee and extraordinarily youthful looking for her age, so thats enough for the BBC.
Another similar one is media luvvie the beautifully dressed and blond Dr Lucy Worsley.
The title “Professor” is pretty meaningless in the UK these days. It is mainly a political appointment. But it is amazing how many BBC professors are young, female and attractive. Professor Nadia next ?
“The findings, published in the journal Science, suggests that about 3,000 years ago there was a huge wave of migration from Eurasia into Africa.”
No that’s definitely not what the publisher suggests:
“Manica suggests that both the European farmers and living Africans inherited this DNA from the same source—a population in the Middle East, perhaps Anatolia or Mesopotamia. Some of these Middle Easterners headed into Europe and Asia starting 8000 years ago, and were the first farmers of Europe. But other descendants of this population migrated into Africa…”
– All the report confirms is the Out of Africa theory. It just adds that on reaching turkey or Iraq some reversed the direction and returned to Africa.
“This has left a genetic legacy, and the scientists believe up to 25% of the DNA of modern Africans can be traced back to this event.”
– Yes, during the migration out of Africa, some descendants turned back.
“Every single population for which we have data in Africa has a sizable component of Eurasian ancestry,” said Dr Andrea Manica, from the University of Cambridge, who carried out the research.”
– No it doesn’t. 1)Africans have middle eastern ancestry [3000ya]. 2)Europeans have middle eastern ancestry [3000ya]. 3)Europeans have African ancestry[ancient 40000ya- Iberian Peninsula and small amounts throughout Europe] 4)But Africans do not have European ancestry. 3000 years ago, there was not a mass migration from Europe into Africa.
This kind of thing does not concern me. BUT, if the BBC are going to educate me through its news web site about human evolution, I will double check. Same with BBC educating me about Geography, where cities mysteriously move. Cant wait for those impartial trustees!
That guy, that saved the terrorist attack in Paris, who has been stabbed multiple times …
in serious condition, collapsed lung ,… The BBC eh!, they seem to be burying that story.
Police looking for two “Asians”
Nothing to do with terrorism, Nothing to do with revenge for Paris Attack, nothing to with anything
to do with anything about ahem … “Asians” especially if they re Islamic.
… got it!, now move along, nothing here, nothing to see put it out of your mind entirely etc.
… The guys a national hero? – prevented Islamic mass murder? – only recently?
Bear in mind that in the US, ‘Asian’ means what we might once have called ‘Oriental’, not the current BBC euphemism for ‘Indian Subcontinent, OK, Pakistani heritage, oh OK, Muslim then’. So for once this might not be a bit of , er, ‘brownwashing’, but an inability on the part of those very fine BBC journos to translate USan into British English.
Just finished listening to ‘The ARchers’ on R4. It was followed by a play about Somali immigrants in London!
You seriously can’t make this stuff up…why is it always Muslims or at least blacks or Asians? What about a play about the half a million French people living in London? What about a play about the 300,000 or so Jews of Stamford Hill and Golders Green? Or are they all too busy being ‘filthy capitalists’ to warrant having plays written about them?
To be fair they did make the very good ‘Chinese Detective’ series with David Yip in the 1980s, as well as showing old Charlie Chan films on BBC2 after children’s hour. Since then they seem to have gone quiet!
Ah but sadly those were the days when all those working at the Beeb were adults and have long since retired or are dead ! We are left with the ‘media studies’ bunch running the show – the sort that hire Chris Evans !
Tom Watson, the class clown to Cobyrn’s head with a nervous breakdown, is back on the BBC web site. This time with his unapologetic apology for the pain he caused Leon Brittan’s family whilst the former politician was dying of cancer.
Just to bring you up to speed in a non BBC way: Watson is the halfwit who demanded that Alison Saunders, the equally witless DPP, investigate Brittan on the basis of allegations that had no evidence behind them. One of those ‘victims’ now admits he said it as ‘a joke’ (I kid ye not) and the other’s story was so full of holes the police spent 3 hours examining it- 1 hour listening to ‘Jane’ and then two falling about laughing that anyone could believe her.
For the sake of vindictive, self-publicity Watson even wrote an open letter demanding justice for the imaginary crimes that on the day of Brittan’s funeral. I guess he was desperate to create as much human misery as he could so long as he could get his flabby chops on the news channels.
So in the light of my wholly unbiased evaluation of the events please check out Watson’s measly words and shake your fist at the world.
By the way Watson personally oversaw each of the current crop of new labour MPs so his gifts to the world will be felt for many years to come.
Didn’t take long for Yasmin Alibaba Brown to file her page long copy about Nadya Bake Off, doing more to further the cause of Islam and cohesion than any politician !!!!!
Having lunch with friends yesterday, this was a hot point of discussion, and to a person we all agreed that we felt uncomfortable watching a show that was not representative of good cooking skills, but an exercise in blatantly putting ethnics before the indigenous population.
This group of friends, were not radicals, activists or inherently racists. Just ladies in their 60’s who are far from stupid (who think Jurgen Klopp is ‘hot’), but are seriously fearful as to the future of this country for their grandchildren. We discussed how the media thinks we should be all welcoming to everybody, and that old chestnut “how the NHS wouldn’t survive without the migrant workers, whether born here or not”. In one voice we all said, the NHS ran perfectly well in the 50’s and 60’s when migration was hardly noticeable, and we didn’t need them then; and if it was at the same level now as then, the NHS wouldn’t be in crisis. We also talked of how there is never a white child being shown opening the envelope of his exam results – always a mainly ethnic school is broadcast.
Our lunchtime natter was not malicious in any way, just a reflection of how ordinary people see the way things are going, and are not happy about it, and feel powerless to do anything.
I was unfortunately in hospital for several weeks last year, and for a while I was the only white English speaking Briton in a bay of six patients.
Perhaps we wouldn’t need so many migrant staff in the NHS if there weren’t so many migrant patients.
Lobster. That’s something I’ve been saying for some time. I even said it on the QT chat last night. Funny how the media haven’t looked at that isn’t it
It isn’t a new problem, although it’s getting worse. A few years ago I spoke to a consultant from a large London hospital about staff recruitment. She said that if it wasn’t for the foreign born staff they wouldn’t be able to communicate with most of their patients, and on the days when they had mainly British nurses on duty those wards could only offer a veterinary service.
We have an International Health Service, with an international staffing profile, paid for with British money – and not the Foreign Aid budget..
Which goes a long way towards answering Richard D’s post at 5.16 (almost all of which I agree with).
Apart from merely being despicable, Tom Watson’s behaviour is just an example of how politically juvenile most of Corbyn’s cronies are. They are so firmly stuck in a student world of demos and agit-prop that you cannot take anything they say seriously.
These are the people Labour supporters believe are fit to run the country.
I listened to Toady this morning and there was an excellent debate between a chap called John Moynihan, who represents a new group which is beginning to campaign for a Brexit, and a politician from Frau Merkel’s party.
I thought it was very good; the dim wit Humphreys managed to keep his trap shut just enough, so that you could hear the anti-EU case Moynihan made. He did it based purely on the economic grounds for the U.K. to leave, and it was a compelling argument and I found him to be impressive in making it. The German just came across as an arrogant, smug, pro-EU tw@t (think Nick Clegg, but sounding like one of the krauties in Allo Allo).
I feel much more confident lately that we have at least a fighting chance of freeing ourselves from the asylum that is the EU and in doing so we can (maybe) start to set things right in the U.K.
Does anyone else remember Huddlines from a few years back? It was a mildly amusing comedy skit on contemporary events and starred Roy Hudd and June Whitfield. I’d always thought it was a fairly bland, typically safe BBC comedy of that time. Clearly I was wrong. Listening to Feedback this afternoon I discovered that some of these prog’s had been repeated to show modern audiences just what comedy was like in the 70’s. And modern BBC audiences were far from amused! Even I was shocked by some of the comments. Apparently it was “racist” it was “homophobic” and “steriotyped minorities.” Now, remember this was Roy Hudd, not Bernard Manning or Jim Davidson. They played some of the “offensive” clips and prior to inflicting it upon a squeamishly sensitive pc audience warned us that some material may be “offensive.” Dear God what a pathetic politically correct bunch of feeble wimps we’ve become. I have to confess I found nothing to offend me
On the other hand listening to that arrogant,ranting prick Marcus Brigstocke…
Similarly I’m amazed at what they used to get away with on I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again — repeated on 4Extra on Wednesdays without any sort of ‘it was a different time, nowadays you might find it offensive’ health warning.
I liked ‘Huddlines’, as subtle as a brick but good, clean fun. It appeared to operate under the radar of beeboid central, having the temerity to poke fun at all political walks of life. Repeats of ‘The Burkiss Way’ show similar widespread targeting.
Slightly OT, I used to listen to ‘bBC7’ (avoiding the kids shows) but find now that it has ‘progressed’ into ‘R4 Extra’ that there are is too much of the current leftie nonsense being repeated to make listening worthwhile. Shame.
Oh, there are still some diamonds amidst the manure, and it remains my first choice radio listening. For one thing, it’s free of the hourly news agenda and Fatty Nolan. But the Comedy Club is, I grant you, getting increasingly shit.
Recently an episode of Hancock was preceded by a warning that it may upset modern sensitvities, oddly though nothing before “Today” warning of the potential projectile vomiting it may induce.
Ah yes, Brigstocke, who a few years ago went on an arctic jolly to see the ice before it all disappeared due to you-know-what. Then we had the freezing winter of 2010/11, whereupon the great Rod Liddle did an amusing pisstake on his spectator blog called ‘Weather with Marcus’.
Hallowe’en is a-coming so why not get a little history from its origins the custom of ‘souling’ nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls and a lot to do with praying for the souls of the dead. Mentioned by Shakespeare in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, when Speed accuses his master of “puling (whimpering) like a beggar at Hallowmas.”
This is our history and tradition and culture which the BBC ignores and wants to wipe out. Although there is now the American tradition of Trick or Treat, like many things they are English traditions which they kept and practiced and then were re-discovered by us again.
Although the tradition died out in Victorian time when the last record of Soul Cakes were still being baked in Shropshire, the recipes are available, and now I bake a batch every year. Rather like shortbread – sugar & spices were expensive so they’re not too sweet either.
Hallowe’en is a-coming so why not get a little history from its origins the custom of ‘souling’ nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls and a lot to do with praying for the souls of the dead. Mentioned by Shakespeare in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, when Speed accuses his master of “puling (whimpering) like a beggar at Hallowmas.”
This is our history and tradition and culture which the BBC ignores and wants to wipe out. Although there is now the American tradition of Trick or Treat, like many things they are English traditions which they kept and practiced and then were re-discovered by us again.
Although the tradition died out in Victorian time when the last record of Soul Cakes were still being baked in Shropshire, the recipes are available, and now I bake a batch every year. Rather like shortbread – sugar & spices were expensive so they’re not too sweet either.
I remember seeing a Frankie Howard film in the early 70″s,think it was. ‘Up the Chastity. Belt ‘,this dealt with The Crusade ‘s & was an A certificate or PG. today.. In one scene the Frankie Howard character was leaving or coming back to England on a boat. In the background rowing to England on a raft were some Pakistanis. FH did an aside to the camera & said. “You weren’t supposed to see them’ So I guess we won’t see that film on TV again.
Ah, thank you, I’ve been trying to remember what it was called for ages so I can see if it’s available on Lovefilm. Hugh Paddick as an uber-camp Robin Hood was a riot!
I , had seen it again on TV , sometime between the late 70`s to 90`s , but that sort of film nowadays , would I guess be on Chan 5 or ITV 3 , if it was shown . They do show St Trinians ,& Carry On`s on ITV 3 quite a often too .
Have just watched HIGNFY, it reached a new low tonight. Neither of the guest panellists were funny or original and the format of the whole program was narrow. Three attacks on the Royal Family, including the Odd One Out round.
With Dianne Abbott on the show I thought the producers could have come up with something more topical and funny;
How about?
1) Three pictures of labour MPs with their children plus DA. Odd one out? They all sent their kids to ordinary state schools whereas, vociferous opponent of private education DA sent her son to a top private school!
2( Three pictures of Jeremy Corbyn’s new shadow cabinet, plus DA. The odd one out ? DA as she is the only one who has slept with him…way to get on eh! DA.
3) Three pictures of white nurses, all scratching their heads and looking in a nursing manual, and a black patient. The odd one out? Obviously the black patient, because as Abbott claimed, in her local hospital” blonde blue-eyed Finnish girls were unsuitable as nurses because they had never met a black person before”.
Now why didn’t the HIGNFY script writers go for any of these scenarios?
I gave up watching”Have I got news for you” about 10 years ago, tired of the smug fest, they get told the questions before hand so they can have 24 hours to think up some witty ad lib, it’s all scripted, same with Stephen Frys QI,
Plus HIGNFY although they have a live audience the bbc uses an amplifier to accentuate the laughter but they’ve gone overboard with it and it sounds like a racket.
“The West Indian or Asian does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a West Indian or Asian still.” J. Enoch Powell.
Al, British Subject , not citizen. This is not a Republic, thank goodness ! I am surprised at Enoch. However, the British EU passport refers to “citizen” . Just another example of the evil EU destroying this country.
Banania, I have just looked at my passport. It describes me as a “British Citizen” and uses the words ” British National” but nowhere can I find the words “British Subject ” . I object to venal, here today, gone tomorrow, politicians altering my status without my express , personal permission !!!
I thought her BBC sinecure outside of legitimate political interviews (and even then she probably gets a Bung to be colourful) was on hold due to her new berth?
Yet another music documentary on BBC4 tonight lauding the bloody Smiths, telling us that ‘aspirational’ music of the 80’s was (quote) ‘crap’ yes Duran, Queen, Collins and Ritchie were crap. Yet we’re told by the usual crop of lefty talking heads that Morrissey’s lyrics were ‘evocative’ of the era and about real people.
This is strange, being a teenager/20 something of that era, the clubs and pubs I frequented didn’t play such tosh, the music they they played was the feel good aspirational type, more reflective of the optimistic upwardly mobile mid 80’s.
So why does the BBC insist on telling us that Morrissey and the Smiths were more reflective of the era, when in reality only once did they pierce the top 10 of that period, this can’t be if Morrissey spoke for the kids, why did this not reflect in record sales? Could it be because The Smiths = Foot and Kinnock and the aspirational and feel good music = Thatcher?
Have you noticed how the BBC has rewritten history such that just about every single indie band came from Manchester? What a wasted opportunity of a programme, just showing the same old overplayed bands that very few people actually listened to back then.
The up-their-own-arse students who loved the Smiths in the 1980s are now the people who commission the programmes. The other students (me included), and the rest of the population who hated them with a passion aren’t.
‘…why does the BBC insist on telling us that Morrissey and the Smiths were more reflective of the era’
In fact, this BBC show itself gave the game away – there was a quote to the effect ‘The Smiths were only in the charts becasue their loyal fans rushed out and all bought their records as soon as they came out – they then plummeted out of the charts as quickly. They were not a major band – they were a large cult’
That fact is true, but only in relation to quick in out album sales (students?) the myth told by the BBC that the Smiths spoke for the ‘kids’ who are more likely to buy singles. Only once did a single go top 8 and that was a 90’s reissue.
As far as albums go, their only number one album stayed just 13 weeks in the charts, compare to an album that in every way represented the period, Dire Straits aspirational Brothers in Arms, released at the same time (1985) that hung around for 228 weeks!
The BBC and the Guardian along with that bog roll of a newspaper the Independent have all been cheerleaders in the Left’s treacherous fight to get scum like this released from Guantanamo.
It’s the usual stock on message type article used as filler when and where required, it was the line written about Mitsu Kimata’s workplace experience that caught my eye “To win promotion she had to work harder than male colleagues” No supporting evidence, just that one line reported as fact. A more appropriate take may have been “To win promotion Mitsu Kimata claims she had to work harder than male colleagues”. Lazy journalism by leftie hack or have I just got out of bed on the wrong side?
Maybe Mitsu wasn’t able enough? Being a woman doesn’t automatically make you better than every male work colleague.
Can I say that, Angela…?? Or is it verboten?
BBC website says Stuart Rose is to lead a pro-EU campaign. This is good news as he was a total failure when chairman of M and S for 6 years. Sums up the EU really. There is no way the BBC can airbrush his useless business record.
If there is no chance of catching Ebola from the nurse why is she transported on an RAF aeroplane in a self contained tent ? I thought the same about Stuart Rose I think they may have made a mistake there he is the type of bloke who your average UK citizen can’t stand -they will look at him as some toffee nosed business bloke
Hmmmmmm, yes, like we all have our businesses put in our spouses name, and reside in tax havens, and spends millions on birthdays ending in a 0 !!! very ‘common touch’.
BBC Weather got a new trick at 05.00 am on their map the lowest temperature is 9 in Glasgow . They are now only showing the overnight temperatures in Cities and quite frankly they look on the generous side. A quick mention that temperatures may touch freezing overnight so why are your maps nice and yellow and showing lows of 10 overnight in the UK when it is going to be freezing in places
This is the most biased piece of BBC reporting I’ve seen in a long, long time.
A totally one sided view of the crisis. The BBC have taken the far Left view again that immigrants are perfect saints who deserve whatever they want and those who oppose this view are bad, bad, bad.
Here’s a few quotes:
“”a representative of the repressive organs”” (evil border police)
“” For two months I (BBC reporter) haven’t had a non-migrant dream. In the short watches of the night between the last evening raft of reports, and the early morning ones, I challenge statesmen, quarrel with friends, and explain to migrants where they might be fingerprinted, and what that might mean. “”
“”And I (BBC reporter) thought of the young Syrian tattoo artist who told me he had worked for a year in Istanbul, but was unhappy with the wages – $1,000 a month, so had joined the exodus to Germany. What birds will he tattoo on those bulging Teutonic biceps, those gentle Germanic thighs? And who has the right to say to him: “Go home to your own ruins”? “”
“”What are you asking for, from the people of Europe?” I (BBC reporter) asked a man from Gao, in Mali, in the Hungarian dust before the weather turned to autumn? “Seulement ta pitie,” he replied. “Just your pity.””
There’s more, but my guts are now raw.
It’s 100% Biased BBC reporting on a crisis that will have an impact on our lives for generations. This is not the BBC’s job. Report the facts. All the facts. And nothing but the facts.
Wait until Christmas. Instead of bashing the Christian festival the leftie Christians will be telling tales of kindness shown to the suffering invaders and how they reciprocate. Pure Christianity. Imagine St Justin of Occupy sharing his version of the Christian message.
Of course it’s not news; it’s a magazine. There’s a difference, apparently.
But the ‘reporter’ seems to be more channelling his inner Barbera Cartland: bulging Teutonic biceps. Gentle Germanic thighs. Maybe a route map to Prince Albert’s column? Oo, er, missus. Evan will be on the first EasyJet available.
And surprise of the day was that this intrepid seeker of truth’s subjects were happy to see the BBC propaganda squad turn up again.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the tie thing? I could have thrown on a green one for the Irish”
Oh dear, oh dear.
BBC Breakfast male sports presenters fret like school girls over the colour of their neck wear this morning. One limp rag pleads that yesterday he borrowed a red one (for Wales) from house eunuch Charlie Stayt. He got porridge on it and so today (fittingly, given the accident with the porridge) it is replaced with a blue one ‘for Scotland’. His male sofa mate feels left out of this metrosexual sartorial salute to the regions and wishes he had played the green card. It is left for our Naga Munchetty to point out that a neck tie would have clashed with his cardigan. Come off it Naga, don’t ‘woman-explain’ about fashion to the boys – it’s so sexist.
England, anyone?
Ok, I know there’s nothing wrong with the BBC providing a safe space for the chaps to explore there feminine side – and one of those spaces is BBC One Breakfast tv. But really, the celtic fringe ties, boys? I think you Englishmen are trying just a little too hard.
And as our men pull their’s out to show one another, it’s left to Naga to exclaim about pictures from the North Korean national day “What an impressive show of military might!”
So the Yorkshire dales has a cave with rhino,elephant and bear bones and the climate used to be arid savannah . BBC what you say Global warming / climate change ? nothing to see here ?
Lock13, Exactly!
Its a point that I have made on this website before.
Wales was once a covered by a tropical rainforest which became a ‘super fuel’ known as coal.
Proof? See The BBC’s own website …………………………….
Golbal warming anyone? http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/ancient_earth/Coal_forest
I’ve heard a rumor that Jeremy Kyle is joining the Great British Bake Off as a judge. He will be doing DNA checks to see whose bun is in which oven etc.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
Well done Northern Ireland for getting to the Euro 2016 finals , DV will be happy now !
And if Wales make it there will only be the Scotch missing.
Yet something else that the SNP can blame the rest of the U.K. for then
Blame England, you mean.
I’m amazed no paranoid SNP person has not yet taken you to task for referring to the Scotch as Scotch. They seem to think it a term of abuse, only associated with the drink of the same name, despite the fact that the word was in regular use by English, Welsh, Scotch and many others up until the mid-19th century when whisky became freely available on the open market.
Strangely, they don’t seem to be so stressed by the use of Scotch eggs, Scotch shortbread or Scotch broth – but maybe, deep inside, they know that Scotch is simply the whisky of the Scotch, just as Irish whiskey is the whiskey of the Irish and by accepting the fact they would lose another reason to hate the English.
“I’m amazed no paranoid SNP person has not yet taken you to task for referring to the Scotch as Scotch.”
That’s why I’ve started using it. Sick of their anti-English racism. Although there are as few good “eggs” in Bony Scotchland it can often cause them to get very hot under their “Scotch Bonnets”.
Yes, Scotch always used to be the normal term for people from there, like Welch is an alternative to Welsh.
Orwell pointed out in one of his letters that a good way to wind up Scottish nationalists was by calling them ‘Scotch’. It still works today!
As a Scot, I get totally pissed off with you bloody english calling us ” Scotch”. When are you daft Sassenachs going to learn that “Scotch” is a drink ? A man’s drink, not that warm, watered down horse’s urine that you call beer which , amazingly , causes you to fall over drunk, just when it is your round. By the way, if you think we have forgotten Culloden, you are sadly mistaken. Wee Nicky Sturgeon and Alex Shrek are our revenge and serves you bloody well right.
Banania, to be fair. At least the english taught us irony !
Thank you Grant. You confirm the point rather neatly.
Beltane, You are welcome !
Dyw’r cymry ddim yn mynd i ddweud dim byd wrth bobl mor anwybyddus.
Thought I’d run that through Googletranslate:
‘Does cymry not going to say anything to the people as unknowns.’
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, ha, bet you thought we wouldn’t understand!
Just returning to my post, and, joking apart. ( except for the bit about buying a round of drinks ) , I can assure non-Scots that those of us who are not SNP hate them with a vengeance and resent these narrow-minded racists pretending to represent all Scots ( or Scotch ). They do not !
I’m going to pour myself a nice glass of scotch and enjoy you crying your eyes out.
LOL ! With a name like ” Xavier ” , you should be drinking Manzanilla ! Ola !
From this Sassenach – Thanks for making me laugh Grant (A good Scotch name if ever there was one).
Angry, LOL , thanks. I can assure you that many of we Scots hate the SNP even more than some english hate them. They are a disgrace to our people. By the way, I took the name Grant from one of my heroes, General US Grant. My God , the UK could do with a Lincoln and Grant today ! They had balls !
Sassenachs = Saxons (Anglo Saxons). Sadly you Scots are Saxons too. We are pretty much all the same, the only difference is you speak English with an accent.
And speaking of racist Scots ,the word in meeja circles in London that if you want to work for Sky t.v. or be editor of the Sun newspaper. you need wear a ginger syrup, have a Scottish surname or be a real McCoy Scot . The Irish are acceptable though,Murdoch hates the Welsh for some reason
Demon, I belive Johnson used the term “Scotch”. You would have thought Boswell would have corrected him !
Me old Dad used to call them ‘Scotch’ and he was stationed in Scotland for a good while serving in The Black Watch in WW2 (before heading off for the desert).
My Dad too. Black Watch ! No prisoners ! I guess the BBC would think it is racist now !
They will find a way to blame Thatcher.
Rob, don’t you mean “Fatcher”?
Stop making fun of the North British.
”Angela Merkel has asked Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, to stop Germans from making comments against mass immigration on Facebook. In Germany, Facebook is now being patrolled by a government group which seeks out people who express “radical” opinions.
Their definition of “radical” seems to mean anything they don’t agree with. It can range anywhere from making threats, to simply talking negatively about immigrants.
(Whoops, radical old me – I have used the “i” word. We’re supposed to call them “newcomers” now.)
Censorship means one thing: they have lost the debate. Merkel HAS lost the debate so she simply tries to stop her opposition from talking.
At first she was screaming “racist” and “nazi” at them. For once, that didn’t work. Now she has moved on to legally censoring their opinions.
In case you didn’t know, Merkel wants Germany, and Europe as a whole to bring in as many non-White immigrants as possible in order to get rid of the White majority.
This is White Genocide because policies and laws have been put in place to make this happen. When there is a deliberate attempt to get rid of a group – no matter what the methods – it is always classed as genocide.
Recently, Merkel has said Europe should protect its borders. Do not be fooled – she still wants White Genocide, but she has been forced by a massive public backlash to bring an end to open borders.
“And for Europe, this means we of course need to, above all, protect our external borders across Europe – and protect them together – so that immigration to Europe is orderly,” she said.
“But it also means we must take on more responsibility for countries where the causes for people to flee are, or where there are a lot of refugees, such as in Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey,”
From reading her comments, it becomes pretty clear where her priorities lie: immigration, immigration, and more immigration.” whitegenocideproject.com/germans-could-lose-jobs-and-children-for-posting-anti-mass-immigration-views-on-facebook/
Don’t be too surprised if Cameron looks to doing something about comments which fail to meet multi culti standards. Let’s hope the rumblings of discontent in Germany result in her removal. That might give him and his cronies cause for concern and put the brakes on their plans for our cultural enrichment.
But perhaps I’m dreaming again.
Funny how the Germans always seem to revert to type. Merkel’s natural inclinations are fascist, as are the BBC’s , of course.
This is part of a trend across the EU and in particular Germany. Democracy and free speach are becoming things that are decided arbitorarily by the powers that be. In Germany the guy who founded Pegida is being prosecuted for a “hate crime”, the same with Le Pen in France. In the UK they didn’t manage pin that on Tommy Robinson, so they did him on mortgage fraud instead.
Germany has also introduced a law to seize private property (within 24hrs) so it can to be used for migrant accommodation – sounds a very East German policy, next they will be reinstating all the retired Stasi to help.
The phrase “hate crime” always sounds terribly 1984, doesn’t it?
Its not likely that Merkel will be removed. I predicted some weeks back, Merkel has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize.
Rest assured that the lefty Norwegian committee will oblige. Europe’s destruction is at stake. The Left will do everything to destroy Europe, its Christian foundations, and replace it with a Soviet style republic.
Many readers will have had the experience, usually as a child, of lifting up a large stone in the garden or elsewhere and seeing the strange, unfamiliar, colourless creatures that live under it scurry to get out of the sunlight. That is how leftists behave when the light of truth shines on them – accustomed to a dark, damp, deceitful abode they struggle to get away from it. The problem is ultimately psychological: their entire world view is based upon fantasy, lies and wish-fulfilment rather than reality and experience. They cannot have it challenged or questioned, because that would cause it to come crashing down about them, much as a building does if the foundations are undermined. Unfortunately, some of these creatures that live under intellectual stones are not harmless beetles and centipedes, but nasty scorpions that will try to sting those that expose them. It is in their very nature – remember the story of the Scorpion and the Frog and be aware.
As there have been around 200 non-lethal arson attacks on refugee centres in the last 6 months, Merkel may have lost more than the debate. Warnings are given that evil neo-nazis are behind it all, but it is more likely “direct action” by disgruntled locals who see that there are plans to increase the population of their village by 10% to 30% overnight by order of the authorities. As she is sitting on a powder keg, it is not surprising that she is trying to silence critical voices. At a recent televised ceremony in Frankfurt, marking 25 years of a united Germany, the Bundesratspresident waffled on about Willkommenskultur and the need for immigration which ” might change Germany”, “the future is ours”. Then in the interlude they had the gall to show a video of traditional German Heimats , Bavaria etc. This must be the height of cynicism – pretending to love what you want to destroy to lull people into asquiescence. Germany as a geographical entity may well continue, but Germany as a culture will be slowly extinguished.
ID, I agree with all your comment except for the word “slowly” in the last sentence. I think it is gathering pace and Germany will be effectively gone within 20 years. And we’re not far behind.
Helmut Kohl said that he enjoyed the “Gnade der späten Geburt” in relation to personal guilt for Nazi crimes and, if 20 years is your time scale, then it looks like I will still be able to enjoy the “Gnade des frühen Todes”. Walking through Southall or Hounslow 40 years ago while earning my living I would come across a single, old white man in a street of Asians waiting to meet his maker. I never imagined then that this would be the situation for the whole country 70 or 80 years later. This is the insidious thing about exponential growth and differential birth rates – nothing seems to happen for ages then suddenly you are overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. As you say, it is the “gathering pace” aspect that is crucial.
All this does show how unsuited we are in England o be part of the EU. it is authoritarian by instinct.Merkel is of a type and I hope we never see her like in this country.
Intolerant of opposition and impervious to reason she seems like a throwback to a past age except that in Germany the past is always with them one way or another.
What she and her like see as strength is really weakness and it is no accident that Russia is asserting itself now when Germany is in chaos . That it is in chaos is becoming clear from reports (usually absent from the MSM) and reading between the lines.
As with Greece her heavyhandedness will have unintended effects. Weakening Europe at a critical time.
I agree with everything you say and would add that this is the agenda of many other leaders across Europe, despite being the opposite of what large sections of their populations actually want. Some notable and sensible countries oppose this lunatic policy such as Slovakia and brave Hungary. What baffles me though is why do previously sensible leaders like Merkel wish to destroy their countries? It can’t be that she thinks Germany needs more workers because the Germans could get themselves out of a lot of criticism from southern Europe by offering jobs to a few million young folk in Italy , Spain , Portugal , Greece etc. This would preserve European culture ,pose no risk of civil unrest and later religious wars and also preserve the ever closer union that Merkel seems keen on. Her current plans will lead to civil unrest and the fracture Europe , possibly very quickly. Why is she prepared to risk so much and gain absolutely nothing except the short term praise of the liberal left across the continent?
”What baffles me though is why do previously sensible leaders like Merkel wish to destroy their countries? ” Agenda 2030, the U.N’s Agenda 21 on steroids.
I’m sorry I don’t know what the UN agenda 21 is nor why leaders of European countries should be doing such damage to their own people
Agenda 21. Search the internet; there are lots of references.
OK I have spent 15 minutes on Agenda 21. Not enough to do it justice but plenty to see its a load of UN twaddle. Whilst I agree that I can’t think of any reason why a leader would wish such ill on their own country as Merkel is on Germany and of course on the rest of Europe, surely adhering to Agenda 21 can’t be the reason. Its obviously just meant to be the output of a pious talking shop like the UN always issues . Perhaps the BBC or Guardian may take it seriously, no grown up could. A leader couldn’t possibly do to their country what Merkel is doing to Germany just to follow Agenda 21! It would be insane. Unless of course she was a international communist sleeper who was determined to destroy the West. Sorry , whilst I have no other explanation of her behaviour I find it too much of a stretch to believe she is doing it to follow Agenda 21.
Agenda 2030 decoded http://www.naturalnews.com/051058_2030_Agenda_United_Nations_global_enslavement.html#
”why a leader would wish such ill on their own country as Merkel is on Germany.” Have you forgotten Tony Bliar flooding Britain with mass immigration ? to in Andrew Neather’s words ” to rub the right’s noses in diversity.” These politicians are internationalists, they have no allegiance to their own countries. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html
“in Andrew Neather’s words ” to rub the right’s noses in diversity.””.
I use to agree with the point Neather make in his quote, but I now have a different take on it. If it was only Blair doing this to Britain it could have been a specific policy to distress the “Right”, but Cameron has continued with importing millions, as has almost every other European leader. It is much wider than Blair – which leads to your point “they have no allegiance to their own countries”.
My current view of ” to rub the right’s noses in diversity.”, is that this was how Blair sold mass immigration to Labour supporters who would have been worried about importing millions of low skill workers and driving down wages for the indigenous working class.
”why a leader would wish such ill on their own country as Merkel is on Germany.” Have you forgotten Tony Bliar flooding Britain with mass immigration
For the time honoured reason, they have been bribed.
Tony Blair is now a very wealthy man, rewards for dirty deeds done. merkel envisages a similar retirement for herself.
The EU apparachiks have no concern for the will of the people. I caught the tail end of HARDTALK on BBC Worldnews where Sackur was interviewing some Greek commissioner no one has ever heard of and he made it very clear that the EU elites are not interested in “populism” in any form as this is “antidemocractic”. Why people put up with this perversion of reason is beyond me. Clearly there are “European values” enshrined in declarations and treaties no one has ever heard of that trump the unenlightened views of the demos. This is an attitude often adopted by Merkel. She claims on German media that her refugee policy is merely the implementation of the sacrosanct Basic Law or Grundgesetz. In any rational society laws must be changed if their consequences are not approved by the people. This is what parliaments are for. The EU seems to be some form of pseudotheocracy. In Iran moribund mullahs impose their interpretation of the holy text on a disenfranchised populace. In the EU various basic laws seem to have become new versions of the Koran. Ironic that human rights law, essentially a pragmatic Ango-Saxon invention should be turned into metaphysical Continental claptrap.
The BBC IS balanced.
Take their treatment of Israel and ISIS. They very masterfully balance the atrocity stories from each. You didn’t hear about those 12 Christians tortured and murdered by ISIS on the Beeb? Sorry, about that but they couldn’t find a balancing Jewish crime for that week even though they tried to portray a Palestinian terrorist as the victim when he died in the course of murdering two men and trying to kill a baby.
There’s a pretty good piece on the BBC’s balance in the Middle East at: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/10/bbc-is-enemy.html
Alex, So true !
Thanks for posting that Alex – I love that comment: “Is there nowhere in English history, the TARDIS can go which doesn’t have ethnic minorities in it?”
‘The Nazis used public displays to spread their ideas of race.’ so says a caption to a photo used on the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Not surprising then that modern technology is used by the BBC and their network of TV, radio, print publishing and internet programming to spread their ideas of race.
Name, There are many similarities between the BBC’s propaganda methods and the Nazis and indeed between the BBC and Nazis generally. Not least, anti-semitism.
Completely accepted.
The BBC continually repeat the message “for some Nigel Farage is divisive”, “some say Nigel Farage is a Marmite character” Where is the evidence for this? Who precisely is saying this ?
“Some may say Jeremy Corbyn is a child molester” is also a statement the BBC could make, but of course it won’t. It associates a negative quality with a political ally. Pure Goebbels.
Reassuring to see the finger-on-the-pulse Guardian (they ARE part of the BBC in my opinion) are reporting the massive stories of the day:
Funny how the BBC report on this non-story, too:
Almost as if the two media outlets are joined at the hip, so to speak.
I wonder how many transgenders would survive walking the streets of the REAL East London?
Alex, I wonder what proportion of the UK population are transgenders ? No disrespect to them. It must be an awful condition, but I suspect that it is quite rare.
Vanishingly rare. The number who have gone the full hog and had their bits chopped off is around 1000, mainly middle-aged men (Bruce Jenner syndrome). Remember, the only interest of the Left is not compasion for those different or unfortunate but simply as a tool to undermine normal society, roles and family.
Ian, you are so right. Lack of real, as opposed to fake, compassion for anyone is a symptom of the Left. Look at their silence on FGM. If it was practised by white christians , it would be a different matter.
Agreed. The left’s grievance culture has to constantly find new ‘victims’ to justify itself. The seams of ‘homophobia’ and ‘racism’ are almost worked out, so new thought-crimes like ‘transphobia’ have to be invented.
Absolutely, yet millions of OAPs, ex-servicemen and genuine cases of mental illness and poverty suffer in silence.
I don’t understand why their is a general assumption of people that transgender people are all men becoming women, it also happens the other way around too, as is the case of this actor, born female, now male.
You will probably find that most of the Transgender people just want to blend into society and live their lives as normal people, it is exactly as you say, the Fascist left using them as a tool with which to bully other people.
You are right, it is a general assumption that it is men pretending to be women rather than women pretending to become men (I use the term ‘pretend’ as they do not of course actually change sex. Clothing and appendages can be changed – chromosomes not). The majority of cases that progress to surgery do involve men, though. I think there is added excitement and piquancy for liberals because in their view women are superior to men and so this business is also a sort of indirect proxy for feminism (i.e. men becoming quite literally emasculated, which they would like to see across the board).
“If you have a penis you’re a man. If you’re a man who cuts off his penis and pretends to be a woman – you’re still a man: albeit a very sick one.”
Isn’t it genderphobic to get a transgender actor to act as a transgender person?
It would be if there was such a thing as a transgender gender but just like the word islamophobia, it is a made up word designed to mean something and nothing. There are only two genders, male and female.
True, although strictly speaking there are three genders: male, female and neutral e.g. Der, Die and Das in German.
Mr Rushlow – good point. The replacement of ‘sex’ with ‘gender’ is a relatively recent (last 40 years) idea, part of the pseudointellectualisation (if that’s a word) of sexual relations.
I believe it happened because of the problem with perverts who saw the word ‘sex’ and couldn’t keep their tongues in their mouths, not because of any ‘pseudointellectualisation’.
There is an argument that ‘sex’ is what you are, (the ‘bits’), and ‘gender’ is what you think you are. That makes some sort of sense.
What doesn’t make sense is organisations like the NHS asking you what ‘gender’ you are, (and that alone). So a woman who thinks she is a man, who has been impregnated by her ‘wife’, who is a man who thinks he is a woman, would be denied access to maternity services when he/she/it answers the ‘gender’ question.
It is a crazy world, isn’t it!
The usual expression is “sex is what is between your legs, gender is what is between your ears”. It may be an argument but is is a fallacious one. Merely thinking you are something doesn’t make you that thing. Agree on the general point about NHS questions etc.
“Merely thinking you are something doesn’t make you that thing.”
But that is the whole point of the new thinking. Reality is what you make it, “virtual”. Hence of course, “gender”, not “sex”. In a big city, and with the internet, we can live in a make-believe world. (I think this explains the school massacres.)
Al Beeb broadcasting corporation ‘thinks’ it is the official opposition party.
“There are only two genders, male and female.”
John, I’m not sure that I agree. Last time I was in London I saw a lot of people I would class as “WTF”.
How many actors are there?
How many transgender actors are there?
What are the statistical chances of a trangender actor getting any given role?
So what are the statistical chances of a transgender actor getting a transgender role?
I’d like to see the job description for this and the evidence of ‘open competition’ because this to me is a clear case of discrimination.
In Israel, the news is all about the wave of Palestinian terrorism that is engulfing the country. First there were a series of stoning attacks on the West Bank that took one Israeli life. Then there were a series of shooting attacks that killed two and wounded several. Now there is a series of stabbings that have taken two lives and injured many. Most of the attacks took place in and around Jerusalem, but the latest ones have been in Tel Aviv, Kiryat Arba, Petach Tikva and Afula. Two of the terrorists were killed and several were injured and captured. This is obviously a coordinated series of terrorist attacks designed to instill fear in the average Israeli. Nevertheless life goes on as normal, with a much increased security presence, especially in Jerusalem. The security forces also claim to have thwarted several other attempts to carry out attacks.
But, you will have seen very little of this wave of terrorism from the BBC. Apart from the attacks on the Temple Mount that started two weeks ago, there has been very little coverage . It seems that the Palestinian issue is no longer the magnet that it once was for the left-oriented media. It has been replaced by such news items as the Syrian civil war (300,000 dead), the Russian military intervention in Syria, the mass migration of Muslims from Syria and elsewhere into Europe and the reaction of the European countries, the Volkswagen cheating scandal that could cost billions of dollars and thousands of jobs, the Greek debt crisis and so on. The fact that Pres. Obama has obviously put the Palestine problem on the back burner has something to do with this. So the Palestinians are rioting and trying to kill Israelis to get back onto the front pages, but it isn’t working.
Generally, I favour taking a hard line on these kind of stone throwing, stabbing and shooting attacks carried out by individual Palestinian youths. But, to shoot them, as they deserve, would only give them martyrs and also give them the publicity they desire. Let them be arrested, beaten, jailed and interrogated, but let’s not kill them yet, let’s wait until the wave of attacks subsides. They have been threatening a third intifada (uprising), but the last two ended in failure (yes, they killed a lot of Israelis, but they did not break our will and they accomplished nothing concrete, such as Israeli concessions). So this wave of terrorism will die down too and then we should hit them hard…Then it will be reported by the BBC
Magicoat, Thank you so much for an insider’s report. Please keep us posted . You will find many Gentiles, on this site, including me, who fully support the Israelis’ continuing battle for survival. Keep up the good work !
And not just support Israel – are grateful, too. The boys and girls in the IDF and the ordinary Israelis constitute the frontline against the horrors that lie beyond their borders. If Israel were ever to fail then we would be only a few years behind.
Ian, they are heroes and heroines.
Agree wholeheartedly.
“ It seems that the Palestinian issue is no longer the magnet that it once was for the left-oriented media.”
I wouldn’t be so sure. The media is waiting for Israel to retaliate, so it can make it look as if Israel started it.
It appears your comment was prescient – as usual, the BBC have indeed waited for some Palestinian casualties to occur, then told the story in its usual ‘last-first’ manner, as BBC Watch calls it.
Thank you to all for your support
The following is a transcript of remarks made by Dr. Yagil Henkin at the funeral of his brother, Rabbi Eitam Henkin, who — along with his wife, Na’ama — was killed by Palestinian terrorists in front of their four children, on Oct. 1.
In my view a must read to be found at.. http://tinyurl.com/o7zve74
Magicoat, Deeply moving address. The vermin at the BBC do not report that Eitam was a scholar and PhD with a great future ahead of him. In fact , they only care about his murderer. The whole of the BBC put together is not worth one Eitam. One of the many things I admire about the Israelis is their incredible restraint and patience. I really do not know how you do it. May Eitam rest in peace.
Good point magicoat. The only way to find out what is really happening in Israel is to subscribe to the “Times of Israel”. You cannot rely on the western MSN.
Yesterday Ed Thomas gave a sob story on PM about a baby of unknown origins washed up on the small island of Kos. Because of this second ‘baby’ death the EU has to now operate a safe ‘open-door’ policy to let everyone in, (build a better mousetrap etc.).
He was doing his full Pulitzer prize emoting stuff that we have been getting from all the BBC reporters this year. (Perhaps there will be a special award at one of their never-ending industry back-patting ceremonies?).
Meanwhile, on the southern part of a somewhat larger island, part of the EU, ‘babies’ continue to die. Yet from the emotional BBC there is not a whimper.
How many babies? One, two, three perhaps?
One hundred and eighty four thousand, five hundred and seventy one last year. That is five hundred and five per day, twenty one per hour, nearly one every three minutes. Or one for every 1.2 square kilometres of this island, about one per quarter square mile, or at least one within half a mile distance. No need for a ‘foreign’ correspondent to go scouring the beaches here!
Where is this place? Somewhere the BBC has never heard of, called Englandandwales, and it’s all legal. That’s ‘Progressive’ for you.
Genocide, carried out in industrialised baby killing units (“pregnancy advisory services” in the jargon) and paid for by the taxpayer (95% of abortions paid for by NHS). Trivialised by the BBC/Left as “a woman’s right to choose”, as though comparable to the decision as to what nail varnish to use or what colour to dye her hair. Shrinking, ageing population means we need millions of immigrants? Bullshit. Restrict abortion to genuine medical and legal reasons (life in danger, rape, incest) and it would sort itself out within a generation.
From your mouth to God’s ear.
Not a Catholic are you Ian?
What you are proposing is state control of women’s bodies and their right to choose what happens to them. Seeing as the Catholic view is that even the moment of conception is a sacred life, the morning after pill would also be banned.
It’s the thin end of a very nasty wedge, because the Catholic Church has an appalling historical record of Human rights abuses.
If your aims are achieved the next target will be contraception, followed by sex outside of marriage, and other controls.
What is the point of forcing a woman to carry a baby to term when she doesn’t want to? What kind of life will that unwanted child have?
Problem I have here is that the bats in my loft have more rights than an unborn human.
I can understand in the cases of rape or severe medical problems, but it’s the same women every time using termination as a form of contraception. Or is it a feminist issue ?, no rights for the father with that lot.
How many millions since the abortion act ? ( Lord) david steel , you can make your excuses to a higher authority at the pearly gates.
For the record I gave up organised religion many years ago.
Thoughtful, have you heard about the billions of taxpayer money that are poured into helping childless couples conceive, often without success? The BBC may have faults, one of which is a major one in that it fails to remember or connect the dots between much of its reporting. Here it is on the UK Baby Killing Industry and the UK Baby Making Industry but at least it does report the activities of the latter, so that sharper, more careful listeners & viewers may see the relationship.
And why should conceived but unwanted babies (at a time of the greatest sexual education and free contraception ever) be forced IN FUTURE to pay for the PAST sins of some in the Catholic Church?
To me that seems to be the height of stupid wickedness, an evil form of revenge. At a more basic level, it is totally contrary to the law of natural justice.
I do think that the arguments in favour of abortion – the choice arguments- rest on shaky moral grounds. I have argued over many years, that voluntarily terminating the life of a healthy fetus/baby is wrong. I am not a Catholic and cannot make sense of morality as the rule of some transcendental super being.
Given the determination of many women to end their pregnancies I could not provide an argument that the state should enforce continuation of pregnancy. But maintain that voluntary termination is wrong, and that out of necessity the state is supporting wrong.
I have sympathies with Ian’s views, but urge him not to link population requirements to enforced pregnancy, and certainly not to balance immigration with enforced pregnancy. The case against abortion rests on its own merits. Sadly, enforcement will produce misery.
Other arguments based on the ontological status of the fetus/baby which regard it as a non person, are flawed. If it is not a baby, then you are not pregnant. I have attended meetings held for women who have lost pregnancies and seen how they share their grief; not in losing an insignificant bundle of cells, but in losing a baby. I would not advocate explaining to these woman that all they had lost was a bundle of cells.
A former adversary of mine, Prof. Peter Singer, developed the argument that babies and fetuses were morally similar and pursued the argument in favour of infanticide for unwanted neonates. His book caused protests, but I took responsibility for its republication, as I believe that no arguments on this topic should be suppressed. As a libertarian I support the right to argue for both sides – unlike so many of our universities which prohibit pro-life speakers.
I have re-discovered Schweitzer’s reverence for life ideal. All life is morally significant, but remember he practiced abortions when necessary.
Perhaps I can assume that the BBC’s obligation to educate does not extend to moral education on this subject – other than a ridiculous polarisation between choice and obedience to an imaginary friend.
My understanding is that the Catholic Church is totally opposed to abortion. A majority of people support abortion in some circumstances, which is what I described. It is commonly believed and promoted by so-called progressives that abortion was illegal in the UK prior to the 1967 Abortion Act; this is factually incorrect. Abortion became legal in this country through the 1929 Infant Life Preservation Act, provided it was carried out to preserve the life or health of the mother. The effect of the 1967 Act was to create the conditions for state sponsored abortion on semi-demand, which David Steel has said was not his intention.
My real purpose was to highlight the contradiction between the Left’s position of ‘we need more people (immigrants)’ and alternative methods of achieving that if it is a valid goal. If we need more people we could restrict abortion, increase child benefit, improve child care, make cash payments to prospective parents. If we need less we could stop immigration, encourage repatriation, make contraception more available, scrap child benefit. The Left likes abortion, perhaps because it enables the next generation to be legally murdered even if they can’t get away with murdering the current one. One of the first things that communists tend to do is legalise it e.g. as the Bolsheviks did in October 1920.
It is questionable whether abortion really is a feminist issue. As a professor of philosophy once observed: “It depends on what you mean by abortion. If you mean the right of a woman to choose what happens to and with her body then I am totally in support. But if you mean the right to murder unborn children then I am totally opposed to it.”
Well said Ian. There is also a distinction between not wanting to be pregnant and not wanting to be a parent, which touches on the issue of maintaining babies who survive after removal from the pregnant woman. Abortion should not be regarded as a feminiist issue. For the earlier pioneers of abortion it was connected to eugenics. Many black opponents of pro choice make that point today
Putin is paying women to have more children, while Lib Lab Con is telling women to go out to work and have a foreign invader to look after their children, demographics is destiny.
“women’s bodies and their right to choose what happens to them”.
Their right to choose what happens to their bodies over 9 months isn’t more important than a human being’s right to life. Killing babies isn’t an ethical method of contraception.
I’m not religious, but it is shocking that this conveyor-belt type killing goes on year after year – and people have been accepting it like it was nothing.
If an abortion is necessary (could be for a number of valid reasons, I don’t want to ban it) then fine but those numbers should less than a hundredth of what they are. You don’t kill a foetus because of a slight inconvenience through taking inadequate precautions. I get lectured by my lefty friends about supporting the death penalty but they never consider the ethics of abortion.
Actually most friends of mine are ignorant, not only of the numbers but of the grim procedure itself. And if you even mention the subject to the average woman, you’ll get hysterical defensive rage.
Thought has just occurred: wonder what it would do to have T-shirts printed with 184,571 and to walk around wearing them? You may have some people starting to shake their mobile phones or swear at them or their networks.
You could also imagine the conversations.
“What’s that number?”
“The number of babies that died last year.”
“What? In the Mediterranean?”
“No. In England & Wales.”
“That’s terrible. The NHS is in a bad way. The austerity & cuts are really bad.”
” Xxxx yyyyy zzzzzzz” {FILL IN THIS LINE WITH WHAT YOU MIGHT SAY NEXT! perhaps
“Well, actually they were taxpayer funded killings.” and await the response . . .
It might come as a surprise but no babies were killed as you say. A foetus is not a baby ! It is not capable of independent life outside the womb and therefore although you might not see it this way, it therefore cannot be killed.
Well I certainly don’t buy that argument. It’s an active decision to kill off something by an invasive technique that would live otherwise. Largely because of convenience reasons.
Again I’m not religious or particularly traditionalist in my morals – but there must be a better way of regulating peoples sexual urges – economic consequences aren’t a good enough reason.
We do not know when the brain first becomes conscious of it’s existence. Your argument is flawed. The mechanistic view is that baby is born into the world and suddenly is a conscious being with all the potential of being human. A moment before the baby was in a womb and according to your argument a mere lump of tissue not animated by that most mysterious of things which is life itself and the knowledge that we are alive.
And because we do not know we need to deal with abortion as someting that is always regrettable and a last resort.
In this country we hear little of the furore surounding Planned Parenthood in the USA. I tried to watch the videos and failed. I have seen many things in my life and I have to say these videos no man or woman should have to see.
That the company seeks to maximise profit by using certain techniques is beyond appalling.
Finally the woman’s movement has determind that women alone should speak on abortion. This is wrong . It is something about which all humans have the right to be heard
to Thoughtful. A two month old baby is not capable of independent life without the nurture and care of an older human. An extension to your argument is that infanticide can be justified.
I agree wholeheartedly with the comments of G.W.F. at 1.27 above.
Obviously the BBC and liberal left are very annoyed that the previous dead child didn’t lead to a lasting change in attitude of Brits to mass acceptance of an open door policy. They seem to think that if they keep giving us regular doses of this emotive propaganda some of us will change our minds ( I won’t of course). Well they might be right we shall see, after all it seems to have forced Cameron to disown the brave Ms May on immigration. . They are also trying to soften us up by showing that Muslim women, when allowed out, can bake exceedingly good cakes plus of course the usual non stop barrage of pro immigration propaganda. Once again it won’t work on me because I am very happy with European cakes thank you.
Brave Ms May? I don’t think so. Her deeds up to now don’t suggest she believed a word of it, but was pandering to those she thought might vote for her as leader.
Since this child was washed up on the Greek island of Kos, unlike the other one who was posed on a Turkish beach, perhaps there are no carefully arranged photographs of the poor tot? After all, the Turks wish to facilitate the islamization of Europe, the Greeks do not.
Where an aborted child has been shown to enlist sympathy, the anti-lifers unite in horrified protest.
Say what you like about FIFA, but at least they haven’t decided to start referring to Argentina as the 2014 World Cup Winners. Meanwhile, every BBC report on FIFA seems to involve an interview with representatives of a party that hasn’t been in government since 2010. Will they ever interview someone actually relevant?
I think their problem may be that very few members of the actual government will talk to them at the moment, so they’re rather left spinning their wheels..
JimS , ” Unknown origins” is the key phrase in your post.
I did wonder if it was a locally produced baby that some unhappy teenager had disposed off, who’s to say?
JimS , exactly. Beeboids and their fellow Leftoids have no idea about life outside their bubble. But they don’t care. The political agenda is everything ! No humanity, no compassion.
Come on BBC, you’ve only just dipped your toe into the water of immigrant flavoured light entertainment tv…
Look at your schedules today – plenty of scope for lots and lots more. There’s no upper limit, you know.
Everyone likes antiques, how about Albanian Road Trip… Kosovans in the Attic… and for our middle eastern community: Flog It, obviously.
Then for us locals you could do: Escape from the Country…. or Native British Homes Under the Hammer
Rip Off Britain and Would I Lie to You, they can remain unchanged
Million Immigrant Big NHS Lotto – tag line ‘Everyone’s a Loser’ or how about… ‘It could be Asian Flu’
Don’t worry if you are duplicating any shows other channels already produce
Flash some of that licence payer cash at Endemol and we could all soon be enjoying the Big Muslim Brotherhood House
Just want to continue my theme from an earlier contribution about the BBC’s successful applications for EU grants at http://ec.europa.eu/budget/fts/index_en.htm
Here are just some
2014 Shaping the future of Syria’s Media by promoting independent voices and fostering constructive debate 308,968 €
2013 MedMedia: towards media sector reform in the Southern Mediterranean region 4,975,000 €
2013 Consolidating Media Freedoms in Iraq 1,125,987 €
2013 Shaping the future of Syria’s Media by promoting independent voices and fostering constructive debate 643,164 €
2012 Journalist training and networking in the ENPI countries 3,213,857 € (note – basically the countries round the Med. this comes under ‘Humanitarian Aid’)
2011 Support for Media capacity in the area of EU integration 354,954 €
Now maybe some of this is well-meant but can anyone doubt the availability and subject matter of these awards has a strong bearing on the tone and stance of their whole output? And of course this vested interest is never admitted.
This shows the insidious nature of the bias. Drip drip drip, fed by an unseen and unreported wodge of our cash via the EU.
AsIseelt. Love the idea for imagining new bBBC output.
“And now on BBC1, “Modern Suffragettes” in which a group of disabled lesbian refugees from Syria bravely and inspirationally fight for their rights to free NHS treatment in the UK”
“This will be followed by “New Master Chef Bake-off” . This week, contestants from Leicester, Bradford, and the Edgware Road wearing Niqabs compete to produce the tastiest Halal main course”
Yesterday Andrew Marr presented a R4 programme on the history of British poetry. Of course, I knew multi-culti would have to be included, but I was surprised at just how it was done. At university I learnt that Matthew Arnold’s poem ‘Dover Beach’ (you can probably guess what’s coming) was about the decline of Christian faith in the Victorian era. But no! A modern poet was wheeled on to tell us it was actually about immigration! And he’d even written a modern version, about some immigrants in a boat trying to get into Dover at night.
Marr then started wittering on about Muslims in nineteenth century Britain. But they were totally insignificant – you might as well talk about Tibetan Buddhists, Zoroastrians or Mormons in nineteenth century Britain. I am convinced now that the BBC has a specific agenda to mention Islam as often as possible. They remind me of someone who has become a born-again Christian and who keeps mentioning it at every and any opportunity.
Mr Marr might care to look at, say, the records from the 1881 Census – names such as Mohammed, Hussein and Ibraham are noticeable by their absence. The total Muslim population towards the end of the 19th Century was about 1000, mainly comprising Englishmen who’d had their heads turned out East, some sons of Indian potentates, transient Indian seamen (“lascars”) and a few Yemenis (also seamen).
I was looking forward to that programme. Tuned in after about 4 mins, and heard |Benjamin Zeffania or whatever his name is on the show.
I do not need to tell anyone here about him!
Turned over.
Incidentally, I learnt that Andrew Marr ”earns’ £660K a year and Peston £750K, although the BBC were offering to increase that to save him from boring ITV audiences.
Just think how many ‘balanced’ Question Time audiences, at 5K per show, remember the quote from a Beeb produced a couple of weeks ago, the BBC could afford if they got rid of Marr as well!
You turned over when Benjamin Zeffania was on! But he is so lovely – don’t you long to run your fingers through his hair?
Just reported on Sky that figures ‘released’ from the Refugee Council………. there are now 7,000 per day arriving in Greece. The raised influx is due to the sea weather conditions in that area deteriorating, so they’re all making a rush for the bus !!
Despite the relentless anti-Israel propaganda from the left and the BBC, there are still many of us in Britain who have a real sense of solidarity with Israel.
Angela Merkel’s attempts to censor Facebook are astounding. She must think she is back in the GDR.
Indeed, yes. It must never be forgotten where Merkel learned her politics.
On a wider point, it is worth remembering that for all the blathering and posturing about ‘democracy’ many of our EU ‘partners’ have only had a recent and brief flirtation with the concept – and it shows!
Of course, as the Left is always restrictive, proscriptive and dictatorial, the BBC feels quite comfortable with this. It has never liked the idea of free speech.
And just to show there’s nothing new about massive migration, DNA tests on a skull found in Eritrea apparently suggest there were huge numbers migrating from Eurasia to Africa 3,000 years ago. Of course, they don’t mention actual numbers because that would spoil the illusion – but since the whole of humanity would have equalled one large modern city it’s not too difficult to find the odd flaw in the science. Other than relatively low numbers of enslaved Jewish tribespersons, there’s no mention of this diaspora in Egyptian records of the time either, when that civilisation was at its height and the Nile valley would have made a natural route for those seeking a brave new world.
You’d have thought they would have left a few hieroglyphs around, listing the benefits to their multicultural society.
And I’d put good money that there would have been an accompanying amount of bloodshed to go along with any large-scale migration.
Last week the U.N launched Agenda 2030, Agenda 21 on steroids, to end world poverty, hunger etc etc by 2030 and become, in their words Global Citizens, when the Power Elites start gushing about utopian idealist societies I immediately think of gulags, death camps and Soylent Green. Check this out
Just as a side issue Tesco is heavily promoting this programme. So that’s one more reason never to shop with the blighted store!
Tesco ! don’t get me started. They may and try to conjure up a warm ethical image, it doesn’t extend to their buying offices, where they screw their suppliers to the floor, extract every last penny of margin and are responsible for many company’s going to the wall along with all the unemployment that entails. Tax credits let them pay lousy wages and you the tax payer picks up the bill.
Got into a confab with what turned out to be the local vicar in a pub when he was giving it the last time ” lets make poverty history” 10 years back, it failed as I said it would, you owe me a pint vicar.
An anti Tesco’s website tescopoly.org
Not only is this a piece of propaganda for one world government, every day will be sunny, blah blah blah, sounds all nice and fluffy, that’s the deception, but the way it was done is also highly irritating, an edit every second, so a celebrity says one word, edit and the next useful idiot says the next word and so on and so on to make a complete sentence. Creep Richard Branson said ” no one will be left behind,” so you can’t opt out, no free choice, eh ? Note the tranny with the purple hat at 33 seconds, , plus our old friend David Camoron is in this at 2.39, blink and you’ll miss him. This kind of explains what’s happening in Europe, the abolition of nations, erasing the borders, mass immigration to subvert our countries, etc etc.
I posted this yesterday, but worth reminding ourself’s of the shite that Branson promotes.
Also note the Cowell’s protege’s soundtrack, number one next week no doubt.
This faux-feminist patronising crap is offensive. Mr Branson as well in the opinions of some. But he is no longer involved with Virgin Media, having sold it in February 2013 to a company called Liberty Global (bit of an oxymoron that name!).
I should follow this doctrine because £ucking One Direction promote it? And who’s paying for this so called utopia? You and I, that’s who, paying with our land, our birthright and our futures. I don’t suppose this lot of multi millionaires from the comfort of their secluded mansions will be digging too deep or really even care, just massaging their egos.
Pure propaganda, pulling at the heartstrings of brainwashed libtards and our young.
I still kick myself for buying the Band Aid crap back in 1984.
”lot of multi millionaires” Correction, Billionaires. ”secluded mansions”, Do you know where Richard Branson lives ? A tropical Caribbean island, Necker Island https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necker_Island_(British_Virgin_Islands)
Yes, he’d absolutely love to pay British taxes, but somehow he just found himself living on this desert island. How did that happen? Only his accountants know. Strangely, despite not living here or paying taxes here, the bearded twat still thinks he has the right to lecture us on how we should live our lives. Am I alone in thinking he can fuck right off?
I’ve always suspected Richard Branstons is actually Tony Blair, with a wig and false beard. Have they ever actually been seen together?
If you want to know what Branson’s all about, read the unofficial biography by Tom Bower – the one he did all he could to prevent being published; there is some truly astonishing stuff in there about him and Virgin.
Thoroughly sickening.
I made the mistake of listening to the Today programme on the occasion of another self-serving festival created as far as I can tell to accommodate the vast ego of Andrew Marr called National Poetry Day. It really has lost its way: amateurish and embarrassing I think the mandate of heaven has passed from the BBC and its old invincibility and self-righteousness no longer quite washes. There were two stand-out examples:
Radio 4 has appointed (inevitably for 2 whole years) a”poet in residence” a Daljit Nagra (no me neither). One of the sententious old bores who present made the mistake of calling him Dalit. Oh dear! It was Major-General Dwyer all over again. Deep offence was taken by our up to the minute Homer and we had a dose of the caste system in all its vibrant diversity. Eventually Mr Nagra was fawned over and begged to demonstrate his skills with a piece of truly dreadful doggerell about how his identity had suffered under the wicked British and their evil empire. It was excruciating. Mr Nagra used words the meaning of which he clearly didn’t understand (Broadcasting house is a Necropolis apparently); we have two more years of this crap to pay for and endure.
Then the idiotic Sarah Monatgue thought she had a free pass at feminist virtue signalling and grievance promoting interviewing Meryl Streep about the film Suffragettes. Meryl Streep not doubt bored with yet more fawning interviews with stupid lazy grovelling female journalists was not playing nice, and swatted her away like the bloody idiot she is.
All this was set in a silver sea of badly read third rate poetry, a thought for the Day in sixth form blank verse that would have re-intered Lazarus and yet another scot in love with the sound of his own voice interviewing a new science Nobel Laureate rather as a Trobriand islander might have talked to Ernest Rutherford.
Comdey gold.
Quite so! I enjoy poetry but five minutes of R4 that morning and the radio was firmly switched off! The BBC is incapable of touching anything without tainting it with the fetid stench of its liberal ‘progressive’ obsessions.
“(Broadcasting house is a Necropolis apparently)”
What’s wrong with that? A lot of dead heads in there.
Do I understand correctly that Radio 4 has appointed a poet in residence who hates Britain? What a perfect summary of the BBC!
Why doesn’t Biased BBC appoint a poet in residence?
I used to listen to Radio 4
I found their programs such a bore.
Their interviewers were none to bright
And the comedy a load of ..
(“I can’t think what to put here!”)
Scronker , Let me help you . “Trite ” ?
Good job he didn’t call him Mr Nigra by mistake then.
Some West Indian gentleman was on that programme, declaiming something or other about slavery or imperialism. He didn’t sound very happy but I wasn’t sure if he was actually reading a poem or just talking about things he didn’t like.
” We the People for the Global Goals.” Correction, We the bankers and multi national corporations for the global goals,
This is where Richard Branson lives.
Ha ha. I enjoyed seeing Branston stretching his legs out in his chair. Perhaps he might try this in one of his trains.
Usual BBC’ balance’ I note on the Daily Politics show on the EU decision. Two pro EU and one anti and the presenter Joke Coburn spending most of the time attacking the ‘chaos’ of the leave campaign ! Not worth watching when Andrew Neill is not on, and even when he is you can see his frustration at being told by the producers to keep quiet whilst the idiot Coburn fumbles her way through interviews.
I see the kipper.lady on the Daily Politics.is saying that we have a proud record of welcoming immigrants. Not exactly following. Nigel Farage “s policy she? I think Ukip would still let loads in all along.
They do welcome immigrants Essexman……simply the right sort and the right quantity…
Simples really…
Yes, but how many? Ukip have not thought it through.. I am sure if Farage was PM., you would soon be disappointed with him.
I’d at least welcome the opportunity to risk being disappointed…
The Prime Minister and his cabinate are pinching all Farage’s ideas. So he must be getting something right. If it wasn’t for Farage we would probably not have the promised referendum to get out of the failed experiment in building an european state.
The one that Cameron wants to us ‘stay in’ .
I seem to remember Mr Cameron making the mistake of giving numbers. Remind me, how did that work out for him?
Not sure it’ll have worked out all that badly for him, but it’s going to work out s**t for the rest of us.
To be fair to Cameron – he said he was “the heir to Blair” and he’s governed as the heir to Blair. I know the electorate voted for a conservative government, and we’ve got New Labour, but that is just what he promised us. And the BBC still don’t love him.
To Essexman. ‘Yes, but how many.”
1. If the UK stays in the EU, we can not control, or estimate ‘how many’. If we can not estimate ‘how many’, our government can not plan effectively the location, size and demand for social services and infrastructure. You can draw your own inferences on the social consequences of unpredictable significant changes in demographics when combined with the inability to plan and anticipate future infrastructure requirements.
2. If the UK leaves the EU and introduces strict border controls, the sovereign Parliament can determine ‘how many’ in accordance with the democratic will of the people through our elected representatives, based on predictable population projections. I suspect you know UKIP’s policy in this regard which you can find here on page 10:
Should you have comments as to where the UKIP policy could be amended or improved, I would welcome your feedback.
To give you an example: Last week Kirklees Council (population approx 0.47million – huddersfield and environs) published their house construction plans. 21,000 homes [destroying the identity of numerous distinct areas and combining them into conjoined urban sprawls] are suggested. If we accept the national occupancy rate of 2.3 persons per household, this represents a suggested planned population increase of approximately 50K, or just over 10%. That many areas will be changed beyond recognition will be a driver for those who like where they currently live, to wish to move, even though they would prefer to stay if the area were not so rapidly altered. The people don’t want this, but the officers of the council do. (approx £20million in increased income, protecting staffing levels in management within the council). There is no internal demand for this level of housing increase (we don’t have thousands living in cardboard boxes) – it is social engineering providing accommodation as a ‘pull’ to ‘Comer-inners’ [ ‘Comer-inner’ is a local term – it means what it says. I moved to Huddersfield when I was about 3yrs old and I am a ‘comer-inner’ myself.] No plans for new schools, no plans for new hospital facilities, no road/sewerage/water supply upgrades planned, 1.5Trillion national debt, ongoing deficit – so no wealth to invest in such infrastructure even if they did have the capacity to plan. Our institutions are breaking down, and employees within those institutions are acting in narrow self interest and against the interests of those they are paid to serve.
What could go wrong?
Vote Leave.
UKIP’s point based system can reduce numbers. For instance if they use the Mensa test, they could reduce the numbers from half a million per year to 10,000 per year. Its why I am so enthusiastic about UKIP’s immigration policy. Vote UKIP, as they must be even more intelligent than Tories.
Or is this BBC ten point position correct:
(1) BBC staff vote Labour
(2) BBC staff regard immigrants as more intelligent than themselves
(3) BBC staff regard UKIPers as less intelligent than themselves
(4) People who vote Labour are more intelligent
(5) All Immigrants, especially Black ones, overwhelmingly vote Labour
(6) Therefore you have to be stupid to oppose mass immigration
(7) The remit of the Labour Party is to represent poor people
(8) Therefore, you have to be poor to be intelligent and intelligent to be poor
(9) Immigrants come from poor countries
(10) Therefore they must be more intelligent than people in rich countries
BBC logic, or BBC emotional contortions of thought?
This is pretty much always the case on daily politics anyone who is anti-EU is always outnumbered, this is the case with all the programmes on the BBC (Any questions, Question time etc ..) the extreme mad left always have more representation than anyone who advocates sensible policies which put the wellbeing of the citizens of this country first.
UKIP is the largest party from the UK in the EU parliament but always seem to be outnumbered on the BBC when discussing anything EU.
Al Beeb are telling us that ‘NHS deficits hit ‘massive’ £930m.’
What’s my answer?
Write of its debt by using the money we waste on Foreign Aid, stop the NHS being used as in International Health Service, stop health tourism, get rid of all its bureaucracy along with its ‘trusts’ , train and employ nurses and doctors instead of bringing in ‘agency staff’ and finally, pour in all the money we save by getting out of the EU.
Heard this report on ‘Today’ programme this morning, along with the moaning from the speed-dial representative for the eternally Left-leaning think tank, the King’s Fund (not that the BBC is interested in identifying it as Left-leaning, of course).
Now, forgive me if I might be wrong, but I had always been under the impression that in order to have deficits, this has to be compared to something meaningful, like, oh, just for argument’s sake – a budget. And again, correct me if I am wrong, but this ‘deficit’ has occurred in the first quarter of the financial budget year.
Bearing these in mind, how come the BBC only seems be completely selective in inviting people on to the programme who want to simply lay the blame and the responsibility for solving this problem on the government – i.e. to unquestioningly throw huge chunks of extra money into the NHS.
I have worked in both public and private sectors in my lifetime, and I never saw as much waste as I saw in the public sector, and particularly in the NHS. But, of course, the BBC allow this to be dismissed as just ‘peanuts’ compared to the deficit levels – it is not, waste is endemic in the NHS.
But my biggest complaint about the BBC’s approach to such matters is that they never ask any simple questions when, week after week, it reports various sections of the NHS demanding more money for their particular niche areas. Questions such as “….well you came on this programme basically complaining that the NHS isn’t spending enough on your particular area, so I am sure you will be delighted to tell us which other aspect of the NHS the money should be taken from to provide you with these particular additional funds…. do tell us which…..?”
But the one glaring question that should have arisen from this morning’s news should have centred around the fact that this £930 million deficit has occurred in the first quarter of the budget year.
That means one of two things (and potentially even both !). Either the NHS as a whole is deliberately setting out to just spend money without any regard for financial probity, with the view (aided by the BBC, of course) that the government can be bullied into funding any resulting deficits forever, or be labelled as an ‘enemy of the people’….. not least by the BBC.
Or, there are a whole slew of utterly incompetent Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers in what are vary large organisations, who set and agreed these budgets and then simply failed to manage these organisations in their control of income and expenditure in an even half-reasonable fashion. That is fundamental to the jobs they are employed to do. In any other organisation, these executives would be ignominiously turfed out long before the first quarter had finished, not waiting to arrive at a ‘catastrophic’ position before deciding to do something to change the situation. And their gross incompetence would see them unlikely to ever be employed in similar positions ever again. (I know…….we’re talking public sector, and it’s unlikely ever to happen…but it should at least be explored by the BBC as a cause of failure at this level of over-expenditure. However, the BBC is publicly funded too, and is unlikely ever to want to have its expenditure looked at closely, so guess which unexplored avenues have tumbleweed blowing around in them…….)
And this morning, at least in the interviews and commentaries I heard, there was no mention of what plans had been brought forward by these very highly-paid executives to turn the situation around – the simple answer seems to be – well, it may be bad now, with a £930 million deficit in the first quarter, but it’s only going to get worse – so stump up oodles more cash or we’ll be on this programme every quarter reporting the heartless failure to give us more money.
And don’t even get me started on the absence of any structured examination of some of the other potential causes of these deficits in some areas….. like immigration levels….
An excellent post Richard.
As I understand it from Radio four, and its many interviews with actresses, there are no major roles for women in today’s cinema. This is due to horrible smelly men, who not only leave loo seats up but spend their entire time conniving to keep a golden generation of female thespians from our screens.
And then I read today’s The Times movie reviews.
The main review from Kate Muir, the chief film critic, is for Suffragette the story of powerful, kick arse, feisty women fighting horrible smelly men who leave the …
Her second review is of Sicario staring Emily Blunt as powerful, kick arse, feisty woman who confronts some male drug lords in Mexico and engages in battle with them.
Her third review is for Haunting in Cawdor about a girl playing Lady Macbeth.
The major review of Kevin Mahler’s is that of Regression staring Emma Watson as a woman who … you don’t want to know.
His second review is of Leading Lady staring Katie McGrath as a woman who stages a play in deepest Africa.
Perhaps BBC interviewers should visit the cinema or read movie reviews so they can challenge rather than fawn when an actress says there aren’t any great parts for women.
BTW having worked with artistes I can assure you male actors say the exactly the same, (where are all the good parts these days), except they do not seem to get interviewed on radio four. Not sure why.
That prize idiot Zoe Williams of the Guardian was on the Daily Politics. She of course thinks of herself as being on the Intellectual Left! Today her dimwit contribution was to say that if people feel excluded and unable to affect what is happening in the country, then they should protest and spit and throw eggs etc. Well Zoe, how would you feel if, the millions of Brits who never had a vote as to whether we wanted millions of immigrants to form a multiculty society, who are forced to pay whilst the state funded BBC manipulates the news in favour of ever more immigration, who see their leaders making concession after concession to Muslims , were to turn up and throw eggs plus gallons of spit at you and your liberal left friends. I don’t think that would be legitimate protest in your eyes would it? If we were to protest about immigration, you would want us arrested under the laws that people like you approve of, designed to limit our right to free speech on issues you don’t agree with. The the pages of the Guardian would be full of how awful we were and calls for the harshest possible penalties to be imposed.
You and your lot are just hypocritical, liberal fools who will wake up one day and realise that the liberal democracy, that Britain has had for so many years, has been destroyed by people just like you!
It’s an odd thing, but leftists seem to think it will always be them who are doing the violent protesting, and therefore it must be legitimate. One day they may get a shock.
Doublethinker, please be more sensitive when dealing with the class sluggard Zoe. The poor lass honestly thinks that Quantitative Easing can be used to fund anything, rather like her hero, the big issuer seller Jeremy Corbyn.
In her comments section the Guardian readers have patiently tried to explain it to her how QE must always be paid back, ie it is not about printing money, yet she still doesn’t get it. So I think Zoe is one of life’s lost causes but can she always be relied up on to offer the daftest notions on any inane subject. Hence why she has a column in the Guardian.
Sorry but I just can’t stand the arrogant idiot. Intellectual left , my foot. She has the brain power of an amoeba.
Double, That is an insult to amoebas. I accuse you of amoebaism. How dare you ? How very dare you ?
Just goes to show how Oxford University are lowering their standards by letting the likes of Zoe Williams get in. May be she spat in the face of the admissions officer to show her lefty credentials.
No jaytan, she is from a posh background, probably went to public school and has good connections at Oxford.
Yes, as predicted, Wiki:
Williams attended the independent Godolphin and Latymer School girls’ school and read Modern History at Lincoln College, Oxford.
Everybody has a right to be ugly but Zoe Williams takes it too far.
thirdoption, I find you post totally offensive. And can’t stop laughing !!!
“if people feel excluded and unable to affect what is happening in the country, then they should protest and spit and throw eggs etc.”
I doubt she’d extend that licence to the 4,000,000 who voted UKIP and got only one MP in return.
Well said. Plus those of us who are coerced into paying the BBC LF!
Talking of prize idiots This Week on Thursday night with Andrew Neil presented the fragrant Professor Alice Roberts “everyone’s favourite clinical anatomist” on the politics of the tribe. One of her first sentences contained the phrase “wonderful diverse human population” – I think I know where we are going from here !
Andrew Neil question : Are males more tribal than females ?
Alice Roberts : Oooh ! I don’t know. What do you think Caroline (Flint)?
Andrew question : What is the fundamental reason for joining or becoming identified with a tribe ?
Alice Roberts :Yeah, I don’t know. Blah, blah,hunter gatherers, blah, blah, tough lives, egalitarian, blah, blah nobody in charge.
Andrew Neil: I wonder if globalisation makes us perversely feel more tribal?
Alice Roberts: I don’t know – it shouldn’t do should it ? Blah, blah, lessen perceived differences around the
world, blah, blah, overwhelming commonality, blah, blah.
Andrew Neil : You’ve got a new tv series coming out on the Celts ?
Alice Roberts : Yes ! Yes ! (She does know something!)
Andrew Neil : There is a book coming out ?
Alice Roberts: Yes ! Yes !
Michael Portillo modelled a bright fuchsia blouse this evening.
Yes and that twit Portillo has finally worked out that the Arab Spring has had bad results for the West. It can’t have taken him five years to work that out . He recommends that we should leave dictators in power so they can control the extremists in their countries. He was Secretary of Defence and he has only just worked that out, or more likely he now judges it to be so obvious even to his BBC paymasters that he dare say it. Why do we have assorted Labour MPs and him on the panel every week ? Why can’t we have some one who actually represents the right in British politics? Oh I forgot its on the BBC so Mr Portillo is seen as nearly ‘far right’.
Dr Alice Roberts has a shockingly feeble publication record considering she is a ‘professor’, however she does stick to the Globalist establishment line and is attractivee and extraordinarily youthful looking for her age, so thats enough for the BBC.
Another similar one is media luvvie the beautifully dressed and blond Dr Lucy Worsley.
Yebbut if either, or both, turned up at my place with a bottle of wine each and a glint in their eye, I can’t say I’d be shutting the door on ’em.
The title “Professor” is pretty meaningless in the UK these days. It is mainly a political appointment. But it is amazing how many BBC professors are young, female and attractive. Professor Nadia next ?
Donbob, That is pretty much the level of BBC debate. And Michael Portillo is a nutter , whatever he is wearing. “Who dares wins ! ” FFS !
“Who dares wears” ?
I forgive Michael Portillo almost anything on account of his Great Railway Journeys series.
Leha, I cannot forgive him for his jackets !
BBC News science Ancient DNA reveals ‘into Africa’ migration
Science report – http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6257/149.full.pdf
Science report misleading – http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6257/149.full.pdf
BBC Report on Science report – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34479905
“The findings, published in the journal Science, suggests that about 3,000 years ago there was a huge wave of migration from Eurasia into Africa.”
No that’s definitely not what the publisher suggests:
“Manica suggests that both the European farmers and living Africans inherited this DNA from the same source—a population in the Middle East, perhaps Anatolia or Mesopotamia. Some of these Middle Easterners headed into Europe and Asia starting 8000 years ago, and were the first farmers of Europe. But other descendants of this population migrated into Africa…”
– All the report confirms is the Out of Africa theory. It just adds that on reaching turkey or Iraq some reversed the direction and returned to Africa.
“This has left a genetic legacy, and the scientists believe up to 25% of the DNA of modern Africans can be traced back to this event.”
– Yes, during the migration out of Africa, some descendants turned back.
“Every single population for which we have data in Africa has a sizable component of Eurasian ancestry,” said Dr Andrea Manica, from the University of Cambridge, who carried out the research.”
– No it doesn’t. 1)Africans have middle eastern ancestry [3000ya]. 2)Europeans have middle eastern ancestry [3000ya]. 3)Europeans have African ancestry[ancient 40000ya- Iberian Peninsula and small amounts throughout Europe] 4)But Africans do not have European ancestry. 3000 years ago, there was not a mass migration from Europe into Africa.
This kind of thing does not concern me. BUT, if the BBC are going to educate me through its news web site about human evolution, I will double check. Same with BBC educating me about Geography, where cities mysteriously move. Cant wait for those impartial trustees!
ray_f The BBC do not do science. It is too difficult for them to understand.
That guy, that saved the terrorist attack in Paris, who has been stabbed multiple times …
in serious condition, collapsed lung ,… The BBC eh!, they seem to be burying that story.
Police looking for two “Asians”
Nothing to do with terrorism, Nothing to do with revenge for Paris Attack, nothing to with anything
to do with anything about ahem … “Asians” especially if they re Islamic.
… got it!, now move along, nothing here, nothing to see put it out of your mind entirely etc.
… The guys a national hero? – prevented Islamic mass murder? – only recently?
No BBC? … squat? … nothing?
Bear in mind that in the US, ‘Asian’ means what we might once have called ‘Oriental’, not the current BBC euphemism for ‘Indian Subcontinent, OK, Pakistani heritage, oh OK, Muslim then’. So for once this might not be a bit of , er, ‘brownwashing’, but an inability on the part of those very fine BBC journos to translate USan into British English.
Indonesian? Malaysian?
You’ll need to check with a Septic about that.
Had the Muslim lady not won the Bake off prog. I am sure the judges and BBC would have been accused of Islamo-bakie-phobia!
Just finished listening to ‘The ARchers’ on R4. It was followed by a play about Somali immigrants in London!
You seriously can’t make this stuff up…why is it always Muslims or at least blacks or Asians? What about a play about the half a million French people living in London? What about a play about the 300,000 or so Jews of Stamford Hill and Golders Green? Or are they all too busy being ‘filthy capitalists’ to warrant having plays written about them?
And why is the BBC a Chinese-free zone ?
To be fair they did make the very good ‘Chinese Detective’ series with David Yip in the 1980s, as well as showing old Charlie Chan films on BBC2 after children’s hour. Since then they seem to have gone quiet!
That was 35 years ago !
Ah but sadly those were the days when all those working at the Beeb were adults and have long since retired or are dead ! We are left with the ‘media studies’ bunch running the show – the sort that hire Chris Evans !
Half a million French? Most of them are black ‘French’ immigrants!
Tom Watson, the class clown to Cobyrn’s head with a nervous breakdown, is back on the BBC web site. This time with his unapologetic apology for the pain he caused Leon Brittan’s family whilst the former politician was dying of cancer.
Just to bring you up to speed in a non BBC way: Watson is the halfwit who demanded that Alison Saunders, the equally witless DPP, investigate Brittan on the basis of allegations that had no evidence behind them. One of those ‘victims’ now admits he said it as ‘a joke’ (I kid ye not) and the other’s story was so full of holes the police spent 3 hours examining it- 1 hour listening to ‘Jane’ and then two falling about laughing that anyone could believe her.
For the sake of vindictive, self-publicity Watson even wrote an open letter demanding justice for the imaginary crimes that on the day of Brittan’s funeral. I guess he was desperate to create as much human misery as he could so long as he could get his flabby chops on the news channels.
So in the light of my wholly unbiased evaluation of the events please check out Watson’s measly words and shake your fist at the world.
By the way Watson personally oversaw each of the current crop of new labour MPs so his gifts to the world will be felt for many years to come.
Wouldn’t it be awful if someone made a similar complaint about Twatson?
I think Watson is ‘close to a shite’
Going a bit too far, I think:
If it’s a right, then we shouldn’t have to pay for it.
Today’s DT poll on the Carswell piece – very promising if accurate, if so when will the EU backed trolls hit the site. One to keep an eye on.
Thanks, Geoff. A very interesting result so far. 85% vote to leave the EU.
By next year, this figure could be 95%?
Fascinating times ahead.
Maybe up the percentage points?
Didn’t take long for Yasmin Alibaba Brown to file her page long copy about Nadya Bake Off, doing more to further the cause of Islam and cohesion than any politician !!!!!
Having lunch with friends yesterday, this was a hot point of discussion, and to a person we all agreed that we felt uncomfortable watching a show that was not representative of good cooking skills, but an exercise in blatantly putting ethnics before the indigenous population.
This group of friends, were not radicals, activists or inherently racists. Just ladies in their 60’s who are far from stupid (who think Jurgen Klopp is ‘hot’), but are seriously fearful as to the future of this country for their grandchildren. We discussed how the media thinks we should be all welcoming to everybody, and that old chestnut “how the NHS wouldn’t survive without the migrant workers, whether born here or not”. In one voice we all said, the NHS ran perfectly well in the 50’s and 60’s when migration was hardly noticeable, and we didn’t need them then; and if it was at the same level now as then, the NHS wouldn’t be in crisis. We also talked of how there is never a white child being shown opening the envelope of his exam results – always a mainly ethnic school is broadcast.
Our lunchtime natter was not malicious in any way, just a reflection of how ordinary people see the way things are going, and are not happy about it, and feel powerless to do anything.
I was unfortunately in hospital for several weeks last year, and for a while I was the only white English speaking Briton in a bay of six patients.
Perhaps we wouldn’t need so many migrant staff in the NHS if there weren’t so many migrant patients.
Lobster. That’s something I’ve been saying for some time. I even said it on the QT chat last night. Funny how the media haven’t looked at that isn’t it
It isn’t a new problem, although it’s getting worse. A few years ago I spoke to a consultant from a large London hospital about staff recruitment. She said that if it wasn’t for the foreign born staff they wouldn’t be able to communicate with most of their patients, and on the days when they had mainly British nurses on duty those wards could only offer a veterinary service.
We have an International Health Service, with an international staffing profile, paid for with British money – and not the Foreign Aid budget..
Which goes a long way towards answering Richard D’s post at 5.16 (almost all of which I agree with).
Apart from merely being despicable, Tom Watson’s behaviour is just an example of how politically juvenile most of Corbyn’s cronies are. They are so firmly stuck in a student world of demos and agit-prop that you cannot take anything they say seriously.
These are the people Labour supporters believe are fit to run the country.
Is the BBC listening?, where s that “orrible” Harribin?
US Judiciary Subcommittee … Mark Steyn – Global Warming/Climate Change
I listened to Toady this morning and there was an excellent debate between a chap called John Moynihan, who represents a new group which is beginning to campaign for a Brexit, and a politician from Frau Merkel’s party.
I thought it was very good; the dim wit Humphreys managed to keep his trap shut just enough, so that you could hear the anti-EU case Moynihan made. He did it based purely on the economic grounds for the U.K. to leave, and it was a compelling argument and I found him to be impressive in making it. The German just came across as an arrogant, smug, pro-EU tw@t (think Nick Clegg, but sounding like one of the krauties in Allo Allo).
I feel much more confident lately that we have at least a fighting chance of freeing ourselves from the asylum that is the EU and in doing so we can (maybe) start to set things right in the U.K.
Does anyone else remember Huddlines from a few years back? It was a mildly amusing comedy skit on contemporary events and starred Roy Hudd and June Whitfield. I’d always thought it was a fairly bland, typically safe BBC comedy of that time. Clearly I was wrong. Listening to Feedback this afternoon I discovered that some of these prog’s had been repeated to show modern audiences just what comedy was like in the 70’s. And modern BBC audiences were far from amused! Even I was shocked by some of the comments. Apparently it was “racist” it was “homophobic” and “steriotyped minorities.” Now, remember this was Roy Hudd, not Bernard Manning or Jim Davidson. They played some of the “offensive” clips and prior to inflicting it upon a squeamishly sensitive pc audience warned us that some material may be “offensive.” Dear God what a pathetic politically correct bunch of feeble wimps we’ve become. I have to confess I found nothing to offend me
On the other hand listening to that arrogant,ranting prick Marcus Brigstocke…
Similarly I’m amazed at what they used to get away with on I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again — repeated on 4Extra on Wednesdays without any sort of ‘it was a different time, nowadays you might find it offensive’ health warning.
It’s a great listen, too!
I liked ‘Huddlines’, as subtle as a brick but good, clean fun. It appeared to operate under the radar of beeboid central, having the temerity to poke fun at all political walks of life. Repeats of ‘The Burkiss Way’ show similar widespread targeting.
Slightly OT, I used to listen to ‘bBC7’ (avoiding the kids shows) but find now that it has ‘progressed’ into ‘R4 Extra’ that there are is too much of the current leftie nonsense being repeated to make listening worthwhile. Shame.
Oh, there are still some diamonds amidst the manure, and it remains my first choice radio listening. For one thing, it’s free of the hourly news agenda and Fatty Nolan. But the Comedy Club is, I grant you, getting increasingly shit.
Recently an episode of Hancock was preceded by a warning that it may upset modern sensitvities, oddly though nothing before “Today” warning of the potential projectile vomiting it may induce.
Ah yes, Brigstocke, who a few years ago went on an arctic jolly to see the ice before it all disappeared due to you-know-what. Then we had the freezing winter of 2010/11, whereupon the great Rod Liddle did an amusing pisstake on his spectator blog called ‘Weather with Marcus’.
Hallowe’en is a-coming so why not get a little history from its origins the custom of ‘souling’ nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls and a lot to do with praying for the souls of the dead. Mentioned by Shakespeare in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, when Speed accuses his master of “puling (whimpering) like a beggar at Hallowmas.”
This is our history and tradition and culture which the BBC ignores and wants to wipe out. Although there is now the American tradition of Trick or Treat, like many things they are English traditions which they kept and practiced and then were re-discovered by us again.
Although the tradition died out in Victorian time when the last record of Soul Cakes were still being baked in Shropshire, the recipes are available, and now I bake a batch every year. Rather like shortbread – sugar & spices were expensive so they’re not too sweet either.
Hallowe’en is a-coming so why not get a little history from its origins the custom of ‘souling’ nothing to do with ghosts and ghouls and a lot to do with praying for the souls of the dead. Mentioned by Shakespeare in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, when Speed accuses his master of “puling (whimpering) like a beggar at Hallowmas.”
This is our history and tradition and culture which the BBC ignores and wants to wipe out. Although there is now the American tradition of Trick or Treat, like many things they are English traditions which they kept and practiced and then were re-discovered by us again.
Although the tradition died out in Victorian time when the last record of Soul Cakes were still being baked in Shropshire, the recipes are available, and now I bake a batch every year. Rather like shortbread – sugar & spices were expensive so they’re not too sweet either.
Good post. I shall make some this year.
I remember seeing a Frankie Howard film in the early 70″s,think it was. ‘Up the Chastity. Belt ‘,this dealt with The Crusade ‘s & was an A certificate or PG. today.. In one scene the Frankie Howard character was leaving or coming back to England on a boat. In the background rowing to England on a raft were some Pakistanis. FH did an aside to the camera & said. “You weren’t supposed to see them’ So I guess we won’t see that film on TV again.
Ah, thank you, I’ve been trying to remember what it was called for ages so I can see if it’s available on Lovefilm. Hugh Paddick as an uber-camp Robin Hood was a riot!
I , had seen it again on TV , sometime between the late 70`s to 90`s , but that sort of film nowadays , would I guess be on Chan 5 or ITV 3 , if it was shown . They do show St Trinians ,& Carry On`s on ITV 3 quite a often too .
Have just watched HIGNFY, it reached a new low tonight. Neither of the guest panellists were funny or original and the format of the whole program was narrow. Three attacks on the Royal Family, including the Odd One Out round.
With Dianne Abbott on the show I thought the producers could have come up with something more topical and funny;
How about?
1) Three pictures of labour MPs with their children plus DA. Odd one out? They all sent their kids to ordinary state schools whereas, vociferous opponent of private education DA sent her son to a top private school!
2( Three pictures of Jeremy Corbyn’s new shadow cabinet, plus DA. The odd one out ? DA as she is the only one who has slept with him…way to get on eh! DA.
3) Three pictures of white nurses, all scratching their heads and looking in a nursing manual, and a black patient. The odd one out? Obviously the black patient, because as Abbott claimed, in her local hospital” blonde blue-eyed Finnish girls were unsuitable as nurses because they had never met a black person before”.
Now why didn’t the HIGNFY script writers go for any of these scenarios?
I saw the diversity of the panel and and immediately switched off. Abbott is enough to turn anyone off…
Another grands worth of our money in her fat ass back pocket…
“Abbott is enough to turn anyone off…”
Except Jeremy Corbyn, apparently.
Diane Abbott wrote on her Twitter page ” White people love playing “divide & rule” We should not play their game.” The donut later said she was misquoted, it’s her OWN twitter account for FFS !! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/8994068/Diane-Abbott-White-people-love-playing-divide-and-rule.html
I gave up watching”Have I got news for you” about 10 years ago, tired of the smug fest, they get told the questions before hand so they can have 24 hours to think up some witty ad lib, it’s all scripted, same with Stephen Frys QI,
Plus HIGNFY although they have a live audience the bbc uses an amplifier to accentuate the laughter but they’ve gone overboard with it and it sounds like a racket.
HIGNFY is actually recorded at ITV`s (LWT) , South Bank studio`s as its an Independent production .But BBC controllers fingerprints all over it .
Apparently Diane Abbott ”is Bwitish cos she’s born ere,” but would a true Briton say something like that ?
I have a dog that was born in a stable, but that does not make him a horse.
She’s a cuckoo in the nest.
And a cockatoo in the bush.
A trifle on the large side for a cuckoo I would have thought.
Great Bustard, maybe.
“The West Indian or Asian does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a West Indian or Asian still.” J. Enoch Powell.
Al, British Subject , not citizen. This is not a Republic, thank goodness ! I am surprised at Enoch. However, the British EU passport refers to “citizen” . Just another example of the evil EU destroying this country.
I refer you to, e.g, the British Nationality Act 1981.
Enoch was, as usual, right.
Enoch, professor at 25.
“British subject, citizen of the United Kingdom”: isn’t (wasn’t) that the correct formula?
Banania, I have just looked at my passport. It describes me as a “British Citizen” and uses the words ” British National” but nowhere can I find the words “British Subject ” . I object to venal, here today, gone tomorrow, politicians altering my status without my express , personal permission !!!
I thought her BBC sinecure outside of legitimate political interviews (and even then she probably gets a Bung to be colourful) was on hold due to her new berth?
Yet another music documentary on BBC4 tonight lauding the bloody Smiths, telling us that ‘aspirational’ music of the 80’s was (quote) ‘crap’ yes Duran, Queen, Collins and Ritchie were crap. Yet we’re told by the usual crop of lefty talking heads that Morrissey’s lyrics were ‘evocative’ of the era and about real people.
This is strange, being a teenager/20 something of that era, the clubs and pubs I frequented didn’t play such tosh, the music they they played was the feel good aspirational type, more reflective of the optimistic upwardly mobile mid 80’s.
So why does the BBC insist on telling us that Morrissey and the Smiths were more reflective of the era, when in reality only once did they pierce the top 10 of that period, this can’t be if Morrissey spoke for the kids, why did this not reflect in record sales? Could it be because The Smiths = Foot and Kinnock and the aspirational and feel good music = Thatcher?
Have you noticed how the BBC has rewritten history such that just about every single indie band came from Manchester? What a wasted opportunity of a programme, just showing the same old overplayed bands that very few people actually listened to back then.
The up-their-own-arse students who loved the Smiths in the 1980s are now the people who commission the programmes. The other students (me included), and the rest of the population who hated them with a passion aren’t.
Precisely, hadda.
I was a student in the eighties and anyone I knew who liked the Smiths was a total arse IMHO.
hahah yeh sullen misfits the lot of them
‘…why does the BBC insist on telling us that Morrissey and the Smiths were more reflective of the era’
In fact, this BBC show itself gave the game away – there was a quote to the effect ‘The Smiths were only in the charts becasue their loyal fans rushed out and all bought their records as soon as they came out – they then plummeted out of the charts as quickly. They were not a major band – they were a large cult’
Lessons there for Corbyn, perhaps?
That fact is true, but only in relation to quick in out album sales (students?) the myth told by the BBC that the Smiths spoke for the ‘kids’ who are more likely to buy singles. Only once did a single go top 8 and that was a 90’s reissue.
As far as albums go, their only number one album stayed just 13 weeks in the charts, compare to an album that in every way represented the period, Dire Straits aspirational Brothers in Arms, released at the same time (1985) that hung around for 228 weeks!
AsISeeIt – I always thought that Morrissey was a large cult.
Damn! – I must get this spellchecker fixed.
I wonder whether all those middle class prats at the BBC and the Guardian will report on this story?
The BBC and the Guardian along with that bog roll of a newspaper the Independent have all been cheerleaders in the Left’s treacherous fight to get scum like this released from Guantanamo.
Just a small niggle regarding the “Breaking out of Japan’s male-dominated workplace” item on the news website.
It’s the usual stock on message type article used as filler when and where required, it was the line written about Mitsu Kimata’s workplace experience that caught my eye “To win promotion she had to work harder than male colleagues” No supporting evidence, just that one line reported as fact. A more appropriate take may have been “To win promotion Mitsu Kimata claims she had to work harder than male colleagues”. Lazy journalism by leftie hack or have I just got out of bed on the wrong side?
Maybe Mitsu wasn’t able enough? Being a woman doesn’t automatically make you better than every male work colleague.
Can I say that, Angela…?? Or is it verboten?
‘ Lazy journalism by leftie hack..’
Yes indeed, it was. It is an example of what I like to call ‘casual leftism’
An intriguing post, Grant.
I think you may be referring to Smug, Sanctimonious, Spitting, Socialist Scum.
Down !! LOL ! Keyboard error but you filled in the blanks !!!! You can be my PA but no salary !
BBC website says Stuart Rose is to lead a pro-EU campaign. This is good news as he was a total failure when chairman of M and S for 6 years. Sums up the EU really. There is no way the BBC can airbrush his useless business record.
If there is no chance of catching Ebola from the nurse why is she transported on an RAF aeroplane in a self contained tent ? I thought the same about Stuart Rose I think they may have made a mistake there he is the type of bloke who your average UK citizen can’t stand -they will look at him as some toffee nosed business bloke
I recall he once was pushing his green credentials by driving a hydrogen-powered 7-series BMW….. which was followed by a diesel bowser.
And his daily appearances to flog tat in guise of BBC business news were embarrassing.
Lock, agree on both points. Re. Rose, Philip Green ran rings round him !
Yes Mr Green has more of the common touch mate
Lock, and the BBC hate him because he is wealthy and Jewish !
I was wandering around one of his shops in London and I turned round and he was wandering round checking on things himself says it all really
Lock, Yes, Self-made man ! By the way, I think Rose’s first job was , guess where ? The BBC !!!!!!
Hmmmmmm, yes, like we all have our businesses put in our spouses name, and reside in tax havens, and spends millions on birthdays ending in a 0 !!! very ‘common touch’.
BBC Weather got a new trick at 05.00 am on their map the lowest temperature is 9 in Glasgow . They are now only showing the overnight temperatures in Cities and quite frankly they look on the generous side. A quick mention that temperatures may touch freezing overnight so why are your maps nice and yellow and showing lows of 10 overnight in the UK when it is going to be freezing in places
Pass the sick bucket, please. And fast!
BBC Online News:
“Politeness and eloquence on the road to Europe””
This is the most biased piece of BBC reporting I’ve seen in a long, long time.
A totally one sided view of the crisis. The BBC have taken the far Left view again that immigrants are perfect saints who deserve whatever they want and those who oppose this view are bad, bad, bad.
Here’s a few quotes:
“”a representative of the repressive organs”” (evil border police)
“” For two months I (BBC reporter) haven’t had a non-migrant dream. In the short watches of the night between the last evening raft of reports, and the early morning ones, I challenge statesmen, quarrel with friends, and explain to migrants where they might be fingerprinted, and what that might mean. “”
“”And I (BBC reporter) thought of the young Syrian tattoo artist who told me he had worked for a year in Istanbul, but was unhappy with the wages – $1,000 a month, so had joined the exodus to Germany. What birds will he tattoo on those bulging Teutonic biceps, those gentle Germanic thighs? And who has the right to say to him: “Go home to your own ruins”? “”
“”What are you asking for, from the people of Europe?” I (BBC reporter) asked a man from Gao, in Mali, in the Hungarian dust before the weather turned to autumn? “Seulement ta pitie,” he replied. “Just your pity.””
There’s more, but my guts are now raw.
It’s 100% Biased BBC reporting on a crisis that will have an impact on our lives for generations. This is not the BBC’s job. Report the facts. All the facts. And nothing but the facts.
Dover, that is utterly revolting even by BBC standards. Beeboids are insane !
With reporters like this one I really don’t think we will have much of a problem when reality starts to come to Europe.
“Seulement ta pitie,he replied.” Translated, I want Nike trainers and a Iphone
Franchement, mon cher, je m’en fous!
“Politeness and eloquence on the road to Europe””, He makes it sound like a Merchant Ivory film set in an Edwardian drawing room.
Wait until Christmas. Instead of bashing the Christian festival the leftie Christians will be telling tales of kindness shown to the suffering invaders and how they reciprocate. Pure Christianity. Imagine St Justin of Occupy sharing his version of the Christian message.
Sorry, reported by accident!
Of course it’s not news; it’s a magazine. There’s a difference, apparently.
But the ‘reporter’ seems to be more channelling his inner Barbera Cartland: bulging Teutonic biceps. Gentle Germanic thighs. Maybe a route map to Prince Albert’s column? Oo, er, missus. Evan will be on the first EasyJet available.
And surprise of the day was that this intrepid seeker of truth’s subjects were happy to see the BBC propaganda squad turn up again.
Speaking of magazines, and the BBC, and BBC magazines, the entire corporation seems to be transfixed by this vital snippet:
“Why didn’t you tell me about the tie thing? I could have thrown on a green one for the Irish”
Oh dear, oh dear.
BBC Breakfast male sports presenters fret like school girls over the colour of their neck wear this morning. One limp rag pleads that yesterday he borrowed a red one (for Wales) from house eunuch Charlie Stayt. He got porridge on it and so today (fittingly, given the accident with the porridge) it is replaced with a blue one ‘for Scotland’. His male sofa mate feels left out of this metrosexual sartorial salute to the regions and wishes he had played the green card. It is left for our Naga Munchetty to point out that a neck tie would have clashed with his cardigan. Come off it Naga, don’t ‘woman-explain’ about fashion to the boys – it’s so sexist.
England, anyone?
Ok, I know there’s nothing wrong with the BBC providing a safe space for the chaps to explore there feminine side – and one of those spaces is BBC One Breakfast tv. But really, the celtic fringe ties, boys? I think you Englishmen are trying just a little too hard.
And as our men pull their’s out to show one another, it’s left to Naga to exclaim about pictures from the North Korean national day “What an impressive show of military might!”
So the Yorkshire dales has a cave with rhino,elephant and bear bones and the climate used to be arid savannah . BBC what you say Global warming / climate change ? nothing to see here ?
They were all planted there, a la Piltdown Man…
Britain has always been a nation of ‘migrants’, these are the discards from the lunch boxes of an earlier ‘swarm’.
That would explain that empty packet of Smoky Brontosaurus flavoured crisps.
Lock13, Exactly!
Its a point that I have made on this website before.
Wales was once a covered by a tropical rainforest which became a ‘super fuel’ known as coal.
Proof? See The BBC’s own website …………………………….
Golbal warming anyone?
I’ve heard a rumor that Jeremy Kyle is joining the Great British Bake Off as a judge. He will be doing DNA checks to see whose bun is in which oven etc.