Peoples’ names sometimes go incredibly well with their jobs: Jim Al-Khalili doing science for Radio 4. Dan Saladino is a Producer (and now an occasional presenter) on the Radio 4 Food Programme.
The BBC Jerusalem Bureau Chief is . . . . . Nigel Bias.
They used to have David Willie as their reporter in Rome just after the sex abuse scandals in Boston Catholic Churches-but just before the BBC allowed Savile and the rest of them(Chris Denning comes to mind) to do exactly the same in Their Holy See(Bush House-oo-er) and in THEIR Temples “Nationwide”!
There`s no excuse though eh Beeb?…the England cricket team once had a bowler called that too-but the MCC have been fine thus far….
Just saying!
I think Nigel Bias is a made-up name. I thought it brilliant at first until I realised. To paraphrase a BBC comment: “Even though it’s untrue it is a sort of real truth.”
”The underlying problem and one that cannot be solved is that whites have built the most pleasant places to live in human history while, with only a few exceptions, everywhere else is a dung heap. It would not be incorrect to call them “invaders,” since they are an army of aliens come to occupy and transform Europe.
Liberals are scratching their heads, trying to figure out what set off the current flood. They note that the Syrian war hasn’t gotten worse, and that conditions in Turkish and Jordanian refugee camps are the same as ever.
The answer is simple: Waves of illegals are coming because they can. They saw hundreds of thousands of Africans from such places as Nigeria and Senegal without even a fantasy claim to being “refugees” swarming across the Mediterranean from Libya. Not only did the Italian Navy and Royal Navy save their lives when their boats sank, it turned them loose on the continent to go wherever the handouts were most generous. Firm treatment early on towing the boats back where they came from as the Australians do would have stopped them right away. Instead, Europe foolishly opened the door and is shocked that more have followed.”
”Ironically, it is former Communists, who lived under an overtly anti-religious, anti-nationalist ideology, that are still able to think in terms of national and religious identity. Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic refused. Communism protected them from something much worse: “tolerance” and “diversity.”
Perhaps the greatest irony, however, is that emasculated West Europeans are accusing East Europeans of not being European. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that Hungary’s efforts to keep out illegals shows it does not “respect Europe’s common values.” It is only because Europeans fought Muslim invaders for 1,000 years–from 732 at the Battle of Poitiers to 1683 at the gates of Vienna–that Europe as we know it even exists. Incredibly, Mr. Fabius wants to throw it all away in the name of what he calls “Europe’s common values.”
As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:
The West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.
pos index
20 UK 73.68
22 Turkey 73.47
38 India 66.34
50 Pakistan 56.78
52 Greece 55.96
Considering the size of the Indian and Pakistan populations! But India has relatively decent education and literacy levels. Pakistan has one of the worse in the world (literacy 60% of men, 40% of women), and has steadily worsened since 2009. So they are extremely healthy and breeding like rabbits, but are extremely illiterate and unskilled. Pakistan is a failed state. The charities are building the health of the nation for it to head north. Charities cannot provide funds for education as IS will blow the schools up, along with the teachers and the kids. Cannon fodder for the attack. Minus the cannons.
That’s a bold claim from our Louise Minchin and Bill mincing
I don’t think Asad Ahmad here in London delivers. First he bring us what feels more like a discussion point than news. Something about Met Police dress regulations, no less. Only later after a second half-hourly bulletin are we told ‘Vanessa Phelps will be talking about this topic on BBC Radio London, later’ – you see it was a teaser and a plug for another BBC show on another BBC channel on another BBC medium. News my big toe.
Listening to Five Live and panto Dame Campbell interviewing a laydee Judge (ret’d) who is a signatory to a letter saying that the government is not doing enough in the “refugee” crisis.
The interview is conducted in reverential tones (natch) with plenty of examples which run counter the television pictures we’ve all been seeing . No, no – they are all old people and families, not fit, healthy, fighting age men.
One thing that the Dame – and indeed any other BBC interviewer – never ask of such folks is;
* Where do you live?
* How much has your “community” been enriched by immigrants?
* What impact has immigration had in your chosen field of work and that of your family?
We all know what the answer would be.
If only these do-gooders could have a bit more up front and personal taste of the immigrants they so desire to be here, on a daily basis, their opinions may alter.
But seeing as that will never happen (well, not until we become part of the Caliphate) I doubt their bleeding hearts will be appeased.
Oh, surprise, surprise. The far-Left BBC always manage to find a few ‘top’ judges, lawyers and officials who support the pro-Muslim immigration agenda. It would be interesting to see how many ‘top’ lawyers and judges oppose the BBC’s beloved immigration utopia.
‘Among others to put their name to the open letter to the press is former president of the European Court of Human Rights, Sir Nicolas Bratza.’ Wow, who would’ve Adam and Eved it? A former ECHR president promulgating the Marxist propaganda line! Stop the world, I want to get off. Pure lefty propaganda from the bbc.
They used to have David Willie as their reporter in Rome just after the sex abuse scandals in Boston Catholic Churches-but just before the BBC allowed Savile and the rest of them(Chris Denning comes to mind) to do exactly the same in Their Holy See(Bush House-oo-er) and in THEIR Temples “Nationwide”!
There`s no excuse though eh Beeb?…the England cricket team once had a bowler called that too-but the MCC have been fine thus far….
Just saying!
We are celebrating some Islamic woman who has baked a cake or something, as if it was a great achievement. Its great only because the media are desperate to find anything good to say about Muslims. Besides, she is in full Muslim gear, thus loudly proclaiming that she is a Muslim, even though she is here because she fled from an Islamic country.
Yet we ignore a truly brave and great woman, whose centenary falls today
Edith Louisa Cavell (/ˈkævəl/; 4 December 1865 – 12 October 1915) was a British nurse. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from both sides without discrimination and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested. She was subsequently court-martialled, found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. Her execution received worldwide condemnation and extensive press coverage.
She is well known for her statement that “patriotism is not enough”. Her strong Anglican beliefs propelled her to help all those who needed it, both German and Allied soldiers. She was quoted as saying, “I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved.”[1] 12 October is appointed for her commemoration in the Church of England.
Edith Cavell, who was 49 at the time of her execution, was already notable as a pioneer of modern nursing in Belgium.
Migrant crisis: UK response criticised by senior former judges
The BBC pushing for unlimited immigration again. Having met some of these judges I have to say they are some of the most disconnected, out of tough people in society. Many of them started off as extreme left wingers with the belief that they could somehow change society later finding out that they couldn’t but still clinging onto a fantasy.
Most of them live very comfortably in the South East where there will be no migrants, and they will not be troubled by the violence, rape, drug pushing etc etc.
Not for them schools full of kids who cannot speak English, GPs surgeries where it takes 3 weeks to get an appointment, and Hospitals where the staff are too scared to treat patients after hoards of invaders with dread diseases have over run them.
We need a law like Germany where those people who call for more asylum seekers can have their property & assets seized by the state and used to accommodate the influx. When these nutters realise that the consequences of their out of touch idiocy will directly adversely affect them personally, then they will quickly change their tune.
A bit of credit for John Humphries on R4 Today at about 7.10am. He interviewed some ex judge/lawyer representing these 300+ legal types bleating on about “the need to do more” for Syrian immigrants and he really pressed her. “How many more?” He asked several times. He had her on the spot and she just would not reply. It was so telling. Here is a very clever person who can whinge but just has to use her legal skills to avoid giving an answer as she has no practical proposition whatever and had no answer to the simple question all ordinary people want to hear answered – how many is enough? And by inference showing the bBBCs intellectual bankruptcy on this issue, because they never seek to answer the question.
But sadly on the 8am headline news, it was business as usual. The headline only mentioned the 300 legal bods telling off the government for not admitting enough refugees. Bias by selectivity and omission.
Good post Sluff.
If ever we needed further evidence (which we don’t) of just how out of touch with the views and opinions of the majority of people in this country, that much of the judiciary and many in the legal profession are – then this is it.
We need a law like Germany where those people who call for more asylum seekers can have their property & assets seized by the state and used to accommodate the influx.
The retired judges.
Quite a high number of non ethnic British names there and among the other signatories foreign names proliferate! Kent Law school appears to be particulalry over represented – a veritable hotbed of pro mass immigrationists, probably brainwashing British children into becoming immigration lawyers.
Lord Phillips, former President of the Supreme Court and Senior Law Lord
Lord Steyn, former Law Lord
Lord Walker, former Justice of the Supreme Court and former Law Lord
Lord Woolf, former Law Lord
Sir Nicholas Bratza, former President of the European Court of Human Rights
Sir Henry Brooke, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Richard Buxton, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Anthony Hooper, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Alan Moses, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Stephen Sedley, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Nicholas Stadlen, former High Court Judge
Catriona Jarvis, former Judge of the Upper Tribunal
In my book, anyone with the title Lord,Sir,Baron etc is automatically discredited and generally should be ignored.
This leaves just Catriona Jarvis who is clearly seeking a title and feels left out by naming herself along with this more than probable irresponsible group of corrupt masons,thieves,peado’s,rapists,embezzling druggies.
You’d think with a name like Catriona she would want to keep a low profile.
Turkey is bombing Kurdish forces. Inevitably, throughout its report, the BBC avoids the fact that this is a Muslim state (Turkey) bombing its old enemies the Kurds. This is despite the Kurds offering a ceasefire on Saturday and being seen in the West as the good guys.
It is alarming news. The Kurds are one of the few groups who have beaten back ISIL, clearly the bombing will aid the Islamist insurgents in Iraq.
The Turkish government has stated that the bombings in Ankra that murdered 95 people was the result of ISIS terrorists but the Islamic government of the hardliner Erdoğan has lost its majority due to success from Kurdish parties within Turkey.
I do not know for how much longer the BBC can maintain the pretence that some groups of Muslims (and it isn’t all) are at war with the world. From Russia, through China, the Middle East, Africa to Europe.
Unnoticed by the BBC reporter the government of Turkey have demonstrated on which side of the line they stand. No doubt the EU will make a big announcement today and castigate its member state for the appalling act of attacking the Kurds. Or maybe not.
The best thing for Turkey would be a military coup to get rid of that animal Erdogan. Of course, all Kurds in Turkey are free to leave the country but choose to stay . Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on the reason why ?
ISIS could not have existed without the tacit support of Turkey. The Turkish state has allowed its territory to be used for the transit of fighters, weapons, and oil amongst many other things. This is because Erdogun is a Sunni fanatic who hates Assad because he is an Alawite, and therefore a heretic in his eyes. Erdogun also hates the Kurds, and has used this crisis to restart the war against them. As you said, the Kurds are the best friends we have against ISIS, the fact that Erdogun is bombing them tells you all you need to know about his attitudes. Meanwhile, Turkey continues along the road to EU membership. What could possibly go wrong?
RiC, I’m not even sure EU membership is critical to them anymore; in a few more decades Germany will be a majority (predominantly Turkish) Muslim state.
That will be the reality – unless the Germans decide that isn’t to be and do something about it.
Off topic and trying hard not to be sexist, but can any ladies posting here tell me why seemingly intelligent women (teacher and parish councillor!) fall for this and then expect sympathy.
Is it attraction, flattery or is it the constant agenda of miscegenation being thrown at us by the BBC, adverts and the rest of the MSM, or maybe something else?
I’ve done a survey of one (Mrs G) she doesn’t get it and claims she she would never fall for it, let alone be attracted. I would be interested in other views.
I’m off now to e-mail my banking details to a nice guy in Nigeria to help him release his inheritance….
Geoff, It happens all the time where I live in Gambia. And it is not just white women. White men make complete fools of themselves too !!! I could fill this website with the stories !!!!
I believe the BBC is going to make a documentary on how not terribly bright individuals are easy prey for Islamic, IRA and Russian propaganda. A few of these poor souls have even ended up leading a large political party, but obviously I cannot name names at this stage.
No Geoff, I rather agree with Mrs G. I cannot imagine circumstances where I would be taken for an old fool. Before I committed I knew where Mr D lived, where he worked and some of his colleagues, his friends and where he lived. By time we married I also knew the size of his mortgage as two houses needed resolving. How come these women don’t know the answers to most of these questions. It is sad.
There was a programme on Channel 4 several years ago about Scam Emails, you know the ones, ” I’m a King of my country and I’ve just inherited a gold mine from my uncle, could you send me £5000 pounds and I’ll give you a share of the gold mine.” They can’t even lie properly, it’s a kind of lie a 3 year old would make up.
Well, the documentary tracked them down and most come from West Africa, Nigeria to be exact, the scamming is on a industrial scale, when the presenter asked one of these Con men why he did it, grinning from ear to ear his response was ” White people are ALL rich, they can afford it.” Hmm, they seem to have a broken moral compass.
David, I think Nigerians get an unfair reputation as a result of having such a large population. But, in a sense , if greedy stupid white people want to lose a lot of money, bad luck. In my , fairly limited, experience in Africa, certainly where I live, I wouldn’t say that, on a day-to-day basis, Africans are any more dishonest than white people.
The father of a friend of mine was an immigration officer, he interacted with all nationalities and I remember him saying that Nigerians would lie and continue to lie, even if you’d caught them out banged to rights; in his experience they were some of the most corrupt people he had to deal with.
AS ” Nigerian conman called ‘Fizzy’ because he loved champagne so much scammed pensioners out of their life savings with fake lottery to fund lavish party lifestyle
Geoff, most of the woman in that documentary I saw are of a certain age, their husbands have either died or they’re recently divorced, they’re lonely and crave some company, this makes them vulnerable and easily manipulated by these African scamming scumbags.
Back in the late eighties when I worked for a High Street bank, our fraud manual was quick to remind us to take care when opening accounts for those of Nigerian origin, given their desire to defraud the western banking system. Even back then the author was castigated by the powers above for discrimination for stating such a fact. Undeterred by their stupidity in the face of facts he changed the manual to say “Take extra care when opening accounts for those whose names begin and end with a vowel”
These Women crack me up, there are plenty of stories in the papers about elderly Women getting taken for a ride (and not in a good way) by African lotharios and yet still they fall for it.
And to compound their stupidity they then get themselves in the papers, complete with obligatory “sad face” pictures, letting the whole world know how daft they’ve been.
I have no sympathy with them, harsh as that may sound.
I wholeheartedly agree with all the comments above; and I would add that yes, its generally the same ‘age group’ that get conned by all the sweet talk; and yes, bells should start ringing at the mere mention of the word money. Love isn’t just ‘blind’ in these cases, its paralytic !
Sadly there ARE so many people over 55 looking for love / companionship if left alone after death or divorce, and its very hard for those in relationships, whether long or short, to understand that, as its a position they have yet to find themselves in.
Dating sites for the more mature can be a minefield. Many older gents have NO idea how best to present themselves – their profile picture is generally one that’s been taken by the laptop, so they look down, and as we all know, you never look down on a photograph – jowls and necks hang like turkeys !!! Photos include vests (yes!), Christmas paper hats, or taken at a distance with dogs or grandchildren. Some appear to be very economical with the true with regard to age. A 62 year old can look older than my Dad did at 90 !!! Others that you message, immediately say you look ‘sexy’ – and start calling you ‘honey’…… why ? they don’t know me, yet feel inclined to be intimate after a couple of messages. I think these chaps have lost the art of ‘courtship’ because they’ve been in a ‘pipe and slippers’ relationship for too long.
I’m not condoning these ladies/men for succumbing to the sweet talking of the dating scammers, but its understandable to latch on to that one person after being dealt a lot of frogs !
I can’t speak for the chaps who have had issues with ladies on these mature sites, but I suspect us ladies can look just as bad !
Its not just old people many young people are getting caught out by foreign passport hunters too. A friend of my daughter was very nearly tricked into bringing a ‘boyfriend’ of South American background into Britain. And I know of several others whose relationships are ‘dubious’, and could well lead to their being sucked into marriage. I also had a friend when younger who fell for a West indian, brought him over married him hada child and it wasnt long before the marriage wa son the rocks.
Its less clear cut when both parties are young, but frankly anyone who finds a foreign partner froma non EU country who is the best lookign boyfriend/girlfriend theyve ever ‘pulled’ should be very wary indeed. At best, the promise of a British passport is almost certainly a part of the attraction, at worst its the only!
The BBC reports on the pro-EU campaign by ‘Lord’ Rose. In it he makes the ridiculous and unchallenged assertion that membership of the EU is worth £3,000 a year to each household (in which case, where do I send my cheque for £3,000 as this household is happy to leave now).
Question: the BBC has received many millions of pounds in loans from the EU – money it would not receive if Britain left the EU. It therefore has a direct financial interest in Britain’s continued membership. Surely then it should be forced to declare this vested interest in a rider at the end of each article relating to the referendum campaign?
To be honest if the best the old rogue Stuart Rose can manage is a fear campaign, based on better the devil you know, then there’s precious little positive to be said for the EU.
Most of us know that spineless Dave will cave as soon as anyone says no to him, and that he will come back home with nothing, and try to spin it as a victory.
My feeling is that we won’t actually get a referendum, and if we do, it will be delayed as long as humanly possible, given the immigration situation.
Any excuse for me to have a go at Rose ! First job, BBC, next management in M and S. Never ran his own business in his life. Made a complete balls up of 6 years as Chairman and M and S. Typical Eurofanatic in that he is totally useless. Perfect for the job !
Thoughtful, even if we get a referendum, the politicians will not agree with the result if we vote to get out. We no longer live in a democracy.
Someone told me today that the EU represents 7% of the world’s population. I have been unable to check whether that is correct, but I suspect it is probably in that region.
According to the BBC, the Commonwealth represents 30%
What I want is for Mr Rose and his cohorts to put up or shut up, and in the case of these claims that every household in the UK will be £3,000 out of pocket, literally put their money where their mouths are.
They may be right, and on the other hand, they may not – so I want them to publish, in full, the data on which their assertion is made, showing all the facts, figures and assumptions they have used, and particularly which omissions they haven made, and why.
In addition, if this clown, Mr Rose, thinks he is going to endear himself to the public by denouncing anyone who does not see things his way as ‘unpatriotic’ and a ‘quitter’ (reminiscent of the SNP knuckledraggers’ tactics at the recent referendum), then I suspect he is far mistaken with these offensive slurs.
What we are potentially beginning to see here is yet another example of the tactics used by the CAGW devotees, who sure as hell didn’t want any of their data published, because, to paraphrase the way they put it….‘…but…..but…but, if we do that then people could investigate and analyse the data to see if they can prove it’s wrong’. And then, of course, they moved on to the tactic of trying to smear anyone voicing opposing viewpoints and, most recently, eventually tried to have them silenced by changing US law to try to shut them up.
We’ve had enough of these ‘jackboot’ tactics – what we want is a fair and honest debate, using facts for a change, rather than smears and assertions. The British public deserve that, at least, if they are being called upon to make significant decisions about their country’s future – and it should be a fundamental responsibility of the BBC to make that happen – impartially.
Here’s the programme Channel 4 The Internet Romance Scam, the scammer is Felix Epka you’ll be amazed at his brazenness and boastfullness, he conned the woman by saying he was from Holland ( Nigeria ) his wife had died, another lie to get sympathy, and his daughter was involved in a car crash, another lie, please send £9000 in cash NOW to pay for the hospital bills, that was just the start. She gave him £60.000 to a man she never met.
I really wonder how the likes of Zoe Williams would feel if someone went up and spat in her face ? Would she shrug her shoulders and say, fair enough ?
I somehow doubt it, and what if for instance, the spitter had TB or worse ?
People who support direct action rarely support it when its directed at them in my experience, I would love to bump into her and find out just how sanguine she’d be about getting a mouthful of spittle from my fair lips. I expect I’d be up on a charge quicker than you could say “Tory Scum”
My friends and I have spent the weekend in the pub spitting into a large glass jar labelled ‘A Gift for Zoe’ and getting people to donate 10p to clear their phlegm into it. Men were keen to participate but not when their wives or girl friends were around and we got a couple of pints. Some of the more vindictive types were keen to add other body secretions but we kept it clean. All in all we got £25 to put into the pub charity box. We’ve sent the jar , suitably wrapped, to the Guardian marked for the attention of Zoe Williams, claiming that it will give sheen and body to her hair if she tips it over herself. I think this could be the start of a national campaign directed at other direct action leftist scumbags . One tip, long time smokers hawk up the most disgusting stuff and their contribution should be labelled as’ Extra Strong’. We didn’t do this and gave Zoe the full benefit of their contributions.
Liberals are cowards at heart. Liberals are also nearly all leading sheltered lives.
The do not understand any point of view other than theirs. I mean that they literally cannot grasp it. The BBC and the Guardian are full of them.
Even to give a moment’s credence to this ridiculous woman’s views is to collude with them in some way. The only legitimate course now is to refuse to engage and to turn your back on them.
Tom Watson and his despicable role the Leon Brittain scandal is all over the press. Even the leftist Observer was having a go at Watson’s disgusting behaviour. Yet on the BBC political programmes there is not a murmur! Why not? Things have moved on from their Panorama programme of last week. Watson is getting heavily implicated in abuse of Parliamentary privilege and attempting ( succeeding ) in politicising a police investigation. Why isn’t the BBC hounding him non stop ? If he were a Tory it would be the number one story until he resigned from the deputy leadership and retreated to the back benches. A good example of bias.
“Malignant Narcissism” is the technical name for the characteristic psychology of a Leftist. They have bottomless ego, the universe was created for their benefit, and they respond to any frustration with the desire to destroy the object of their envy. Blair had the narcissism but he lacked the snobbery and envy to be counted as a true Leftist. A Leftist is somebody like Tariq Ali, who lives in a multimillion pound but goes on marches against inequality. If people became as wealthy as him he would be horrified, because they would be even more likely to ignore him than they do already.
Watson is the sort of ugly thug that thrives in the totalitarian politics of the Left. He would not know what a conscience is if it hit him in the face. He has his greed for power, and his hatred of anything that frustrates that desire, and nothing else.
Nick Cohen was opposed to Hacked Off. It was the BBC who pushed the anti-free press agenda of Hacked Off. The BBC is not an advocate of free markets, or free societies, or even democratic politics (if it produces the “wrong” result”) and if it ever was it certainly isn’t now. How many times has the UKIP been on This Week in comparison with that BBC approved poppet who speaks on behalf of the Liberal Democrats.
Where were the protests on the BBC when the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party fiddled the constituency boundaries? Is there a single person in the entire Country who believes that the BBC would have promoted postal voting with the enthusiasm it did (I recall turning on the TV and one of the actors in a BBC drama was extolling the virtues of making a postal vote) if it thought it would increase the vote of right wing political parties? Did the BBC work itself up into a lather about the increase in fraud that occurs with a postal system? How about Islamic men voting for their wives? Were the BBC bothered? Was it the BBC (for example Nick Robinson) that uncovered the expenses scandal? Nah they were much more interested in promoting child abuse sex smears against right wing MP’s.
On PM tonight the BBC was scrupulously neutral on the Watson scandal. I maintain that if Watson was a Tory who had accused a Labour grandee of vile crimes, with only unsubstantiated rumour as his basis , the BBC would have been wading in and attacking until the Tory was forced to resign. Once again the BBC bias is obvious and a threat to our democracy.
Neutral in what way? The facts cannot be disputed so I would be amazed if they could find anyone prepared to defend Watson as the interviewer would quickly and easily tear their defence to shreds.
Oh hang on, I forgot – this is the BBC we’re talking about….
I am no fan of Tom Watson, but in regards to his conduct on highlighting pedophilia in the establishment he should be applauded. The charges dropped against Leon Brittan were for the rape of a woman. The paedophile accusations are still being investigated. His name has not been cleared.
It is scary to see how quickly the MSM has jumped onto Tom Watson to try and force him to retract his accusations. At the same time they have started to rubbish the victims of abuse and their accounts of what went on.
There was (maybe still is) a large scale paedophile operation taking place at the highest level in the British establishment and the powers that be are pulling all the levers to try and cover it up.
I see that the Guardian today has an article on Zac Goldsmith saying that he should also retract his accusations or pull out from the London Mayoral race. We should put party loyalties to one side and applaud the likes of Tom Watson, Zac Goldsmith, Simon Danczuk and others. Every effort is being made by the establishment to cover up this scandal.
Great example of bias here.
The bBBC is running a HYS on the back of its story about Stuart Rose’s pro-EU campaign group launch.
So I put up a post noting the millions of Euros of EU grants the Beeb has received and questioning its impartiality.
My comment gets removed for being ‘off topic’.
How much more ‘on topic’ could you be?
“The bBBC is running a HYS on the back of its story about Stuart Rose’s pro-EU campaign group launch.”
Launch? Or re-launch? Launch Part 2? It all started last Friday. Was I the only one paying attention plus the TOADY presenter, of course, who interviewed him?
Anything which questions the impartiality of the BBC on the HYS discussion of Rose’s pro EU speech will last no more than five minutes. Several of mine went. Negative and inaccurate comments about Kippers warmly received. But even so, most comments are anti EU and the HYS will soon close
I get all my BBC bias from the radio since I don’t watch any TV. I don’t have or even need a licence. Many people misunderstand the law regarding the TV licence and think a licence is required for possessing a TV. This definitely is not the case. DVDs, Netflix and Amazon Prime do not require a licence. If you can stomach it, iPlayer and catch up don’t either.
The obvious thing to do is for a significant number of people not to renew their licence as soon as possible. When the intimidating letters arrive just ignore them and don’t answer the door to unknown people. This is all perfectly legal unless you actually watch broadcast TV. Do it as soon as your licence reminder arrives. This is the only way to reduce the power of the BBC.
The local BBC reader this morning tells me and the other yokel listening that BREAST MILK isn`t to be trusted when you go about selling it online!
Yes folks-women are selling their titmilk online-and posting it via Amazon etc-but there`s more candida and EColi in tested samples than in…well, you tell me…
A lactating lumpaloola tells us that -yes, she does sell to mums …but her major market is…erm…”for weight loss and body building”
But our BBC moppet-and the pitying, researching gladrag from the local Tech who dipped her wicks into the titmilk for “tests” both agree that this is yet another serious issue for us all to worry about-more funding, what of TransXE who wants HIS right to feed a baby..who`s paying for that?
MY problem with all this is that it`s weird and yet the BBC tell us all this as if it`s just another failure of the State.
After all-the BBC`s been sucking off the teat of us for years at no cost to them-and Abdul may have another supply of bodybuilding protein to enrich them if we`re nice to him!
Stunning-and, of course-only the BBC locoyokos could then tell us that local farmers are now putting new, more costly milk on the shelves so that we need not just settle for 89p at Lidl…
Dare I join the dots?….Alan Partridge turns out to have been AJP Taylor in comparison to the current crop of…well, boobies I guess!
And at least Alan answered Michel Lambewrts question openly-he thinks of nothing whenever he interviews…he just reads out what the researcher has highlighted for him.
Our current Beebers probably have to get it all hennae`d on a passing Lighly coloures skin-in case they go all woozy with having to actually pick up and book, and see if someone`s just taking the tit!
LOL internet breast milk turns out to be dodgy, who’d have thunk it ?
Reminds me of the two Ronnies sketch, where the bloke buys the one day old golden Labrador, which turns out to be a Hamster.
Not BBC specifically, but I’ve just come across this quote from Enoch Powell:
“I do not know whether it will be tomorrow, or next year, or in five years; but it will come. That factor is firearms and explosives. With communities which are so divided nothing can prevent the injection of explosives which we know perfectly well from experience in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world. At first there will be horrified astonishment, and inquiry as to what we have done wrong that such things should be happening. Then there will be feverish endeavour to find methods to allay the supposed grievances which lie behind the violence.”
I’ve finally managed to get barred from Guido. I know I’m on the edge (deliberatly so) but pointing out beeboid June Sarpong (rhymes with sarong) is an African, is hardly a crime. Also, pointing out that an African wants us to stay in the EU is hardly a crime either (although somewhat ironic). There again, I suppose it’s no wonder given the bollocks going on in the Med – she probably wants to get all her fucking relatives in. How long before this blog succumbs to the tide of political Correctness?
I’d completely forgotten about the ghastly bint until seeing Guido this morning. Apparently she’s got an OBE ‘for services to Urban Music’. And people were upset about the Beatles getting a gong…
It needs pointing out the immigrant/1st/2nd generation immigrant vote will, in the not too distant (already in some places with a 120% turn out) be significant enough to change the direction of the country in future elections.
Its no accident that we’re having to wait until 2017, almost hourly the balance is shifting.
“The ethnic minority is geographically concentrated, so that areas in which it forms a majority already exists, and these areas are destined inevitably to grow. It is here that the compatibility of such an ethnic minority with the functioning of parliamentary democracy comes into question. Parliamentary democracy depends at all levels upon the valid acceptance of majority decision, by which the nation as a whole is content to be bound because of the continually available prospect that what one majority has decided another majority can subsequently alter. From this point of view, the political homogeneity of the electorate is crucial. What we do not, as yet, know is whether the voting behaviour of our altered population will be able to use the majority vote as a political instrument and not as a means of self-identification, self-assertion and self-enumeration.”
Excellent J.E.P. quote hadda, along similar lines:
“One of the least desirable consequences of diversity is racial bloc voting. When candidates of different races run against each other, an election becomes a racial headcount rather than a choice of policies.” Jared Taylor.
Hello Geoff, I object to the fact that people I regard as foreigners (I really don’t give a shit whether they were born here or not) should be intimately involved in the future destination my people. No one ever asked me whether June Sarpong’s parents could come here and then, to add insult to injury, be employed by the worst broadcaster in the world and then cheekily, tie us to an organisation I regard as akin to Nazi fucking Germany. I’m a Ukipper and proud of the fact (not a BNPeer) but how much more do we have to fucking take? I was always of the kind who regarded immigration as a ‘good thing’ (how fucking naive was I, I didn’t realise at the time it was race replacement) but I’m at the end of my tether. Where does it end? What is the end game? I’ve almost given up thinking about it, it’s so fucking depressing. What I will say is this: UKIP could’ve saved this country for a generation. The fact that it didn’t happen means that everything we know dear will be lost a generation sooner. You won’t miss it until it’s gone (that’s for you Essexman, you dumb shit).
I will never accept the invaders, how can I they’re not my kinsmen , ethnically, by religion or culture. This invasion and colonisation of Britain and Europe has been going on since 1948, the peoples of the continent have never been asked, consulted or given permission for this, so like I said, I will never accept it.
As far as I know, David, it’s illegal. How can it be unacceptable in Africa or Amazonia and be okay here? It’s a tragedy what we (not us, the establishment) are doing to their own country and brotherhood. Mind you, money (extorted from us poor fuckers) will keep them warm at night. Whether, that money keeps their daughters safe at night is a different matter.
To make an analogy, it’s like someone breaking into your house and squatting there, he may reside / squat there for 3 months, 3 years or 30 years, but you’ll never accept him because he broke into your house.
DB – I would expand your interesting analogy, to it being more like long term tenants in a large property which they have helped to build and maintain; yet the landlord (who also resides there) decides to allow in other tenants.
These new tenants: are nothing whatsoever like any of the other residents in their habits; contributing nothing in the way of rent or maintenance of the building; they begin to slowly destroy the fabric of the structure and always seek to bring in more and more people like them (who do likewise) to live in the property as well. They parasitize and steal from the original residents and, when they can, rape their wives, daughters and mothers; but when the original tenants complain to the landlord (who is unaffected by the actions of the new additions) he does nothing – but always side with the newcomers.
I suspect this continues until it is realized that the solution, is the removal of both the original landlord (in favour of a better one) and the new tenants.
That’s about where I’m at. What I really struggle to get my head around is why governments of the last half decade and so many seemingly normal people are so compliant, my older sister included.
I jokingly liken it to John Wyndham’s Midwich Cuckoos (Village Of The Damned) as I can seriously see no other reason for the turkeys so keen to vote for Christmas.
I was once one who, like so many, thought immigration (at any rate some immigration) was a ‘good thing’, for all the usual trivial reasons, it seemed exciting (like visiting other countries but on your doorstep) , ‘black music’ was vibrant and sexy, new kinds of food were tasty, and didn one feel superior to those ‘narrow minded’ Alf garnet types who were ‘racist’?
Yet I now ask myself how I could have supported sucha dangerous process for such petty reasons< and the answer is I never saw the dangers. I was so up my own arse and self righteous that I was utterly oblivious to any 'threat' and consequently refused to listen to anyone (such as the wise Enoch P) who suggested there was one. I also believed everything I saw on the BBC, genuinely thought it unbiased and to represent the height of quality journalism.
And so it must be with the pro mass immigrationists today, they believ the BBC and most of the MSM telling them 'diversity' is good, immigration is a 'benefit', every carpetbagger from anywhere is just like us and will be become as British as us after a year or two here, most immigrants are hard working and all wish us well, Muslims ar epeace loving, yada yada
And of course people who oppose immigrants are all thick/bigots/old fashioned/ nasty/ hate filled nazis/xenophobes/ selfish/greedy or some combination of these…
I did not ask them in either Doyle , ( are you from ROI) if so you are also an immigrant too , I may vote to leave the EU , but not for UKIP , simples you rude man .PS , Essex ,is still true blue die hard Conservative , & will always be ,these are my people .Essex for ever!
Die hard Conservative? If you were die hard British, or die hard English, we might have a chance. The Conservative Party have left you, yet your loyalty blinds you to the fact. Perhaps the coming referendum will reveal that to you, as your party follows the Labour Party lead. Listening to Cameron, Osborne and Gove last week, they were indistinguishable from Blair’s New Labour.
“The plebs outside looked from Tory to Labour, and from Labour to Tory, and from Tory to Labour again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.” (credit George Orwell, Animal Farm Nov’43 to Feb’44)
Not concerned about Scotland , it will probably want to stay in the EU ,anyhow .Essex & the East of England , net contributers to UK economy ,along with South & South East .So we are important , to other parts of England , thats why we are true Blue.
Doyle isn’t my name although my name is Irish. I’m descended from Lancastrian peasants on the one side and Irish peasants on the other (when Ireland was part of Britain so technically, they weren’t immigrants).
I don’t know, but would guess, that what got you banned was the remark about “wanting to hit her afterwards”; it made me wince sufficiently to stick in my mind – I would also guess that the old fashioned gents who run this site would also not encourage such remarks but it would be wrong to mistake chivalry for political correctness.
Say what you like Mr Brim`s , we will soon get to vote on the EU , but it won`t be anything to do with Ukip , as they will have to defer to the nominated ,”Exit” campaign .Some of you kippers are behaving like “Hard Left” Corbynistas ,you want to spit on us too. But you will need the True Blue`s, to deliver the result you want .
re ChrisH at 1.58pm
“….this is yet another serious issue for us all to worry about-more funding…”
There is I think a good Bingo game to be had on the bBBC. We might call it “demand for more public money” bingo.
The R4 Today prog. is a good place as are the news bulletins.
I hadn’t seen the above example – thanks Chris – but this morning we had the latest variant of the NHS crisis, the ‘more immigration’ story from the legal people, and a new one about more public-funded financial advice.
I must start totting up the cost of all the single-issue pressure groups given free rein on the bBBC, were their demands for funding to be realised. Of course, seen through the eyes of a corporation which thinks it has a divine right to spend £4bn a year of other people’s money, those seeking such publicity have a much easier ride than those of us who would have to pay for it all. Who would care to bet against some educational initiative and an expensive new health treatment for some tiny sub-section of society to be featured on the news later this week?
Now Cumberbatch had demanded to see the Home Secretary to demand we let in 23 million migrants and their extended families ( I paraphrase him there).
Who the hell is he – an OK actor (nothing special) – what gives him the thought that he is so important? Why doesn’t he stick to learning his craft and leave politics to intelligent people who have an understanding of the effects of this immigration. (Even if they do nothing about it)..
I wonder if Harrow educated Cumberbatch will be sending his kids (if he has any) to the local state school, where they will be competing with the newcomers for places ?
Social housing not likely to be a problem for the Cumberbatch clan either is it.
I too, am utterly sick and tired of being preached at by people whose self importance knows no bounds. Actors in particular, seem to think that they have some sort of moral obligation to lecture the government on how to run the country. I daresay his Hobbit mate Freeman, whose Wife went bankrupt to avoid paying tax, is right behind him on this.
Bloody hypocrites.
Mr Cucumberpatch is making a perfectly sensible career enhancing statement here. His primary source of income is the liberal media to wit : Holywood and the BBC. His target audience are non-tax-paying, social media-savvy, youngsters of middle to higher income groups – they are often female (Cumberbitches is the collective, I believe) – their outlook is globalistic, optimistic and above all naive. The Batch is a smart cookie – and probably has good management.
Good management…………….. the way that Simon Fuller has masterminded the Beckham brand, their every move, photo call, speeches to the United Nations, job for junior in a coffee shop (for 2 weeks), employed designers to ‘draw’ for VB to pass off as her own, ambassadorships for knickers, whisky, BT et al, and now a bit part in a film.
Cumbersome is an actor….he cannot tell real life from fantasy…his life revolves around being someone else. Oh, how many migrants has he taken in? and Emma Thomson? and Geldoff? any one know? Oh and that Lily Savage prick is still here, not fled to Venice like he pledged if the tories won….worthless fools the lot of them.
Fame is an odd thing. He looks like his face got slammed in a door, but he has Cumberbitches hanging off his every word. No wonder he thinks that his views are so important that he must share them with us, the ignorant unwashed. Excuse me whilst I tug my forelock.
Why don’t these self-important actors, singers and so-called comedians just f**k off.
Their opinions are no more valid than those of a road sweeper in Stoke-on-Trent – less so, in fact, as the road sweeper probably has to live among these freeloading bastards.
Have a nice day …….
I think Lobster’s second sentence summed this up completely – straight to the nub of the problem. The people who are affected by immigration are the one’s who should be listened to. Not self-important slebs in ivory towers.
Cumberbatch is homosexual and as such has a hatred of traditon and a love of ‘diversity’. Its ironic that they fail to take on board that so many of those they admit are precisely everything they hate, traditonal, narrowminded bigots, with a supreme loyalty to kith and kin and a hatred of ‘diverse’ types especially those of deviant sexuality.
Please check your facts. Cumberbatch isn’t homosexual. He is married to a woman and has son. Please don’t spread inaccurate information, it reflects poorly on the site.
Oddly, one of the examples cited there is Robert Taylor (real name, the wonderful Spangler Arlington Brugh) who I’m pretty sure wasn’t cos he ploughed the gorgeous Ava Gardner (when she was hot).
No offence was taken and to be honest very few of my friends (gay or straight) do. Then again, I tend to exist in the real world rather than the one inhabited by the “Luvvies”.
Maybe we could see a new Series.from Danny Cohen: “Luvvie Swap”.
In the first, Benny gets to demand to see Vladimir Putin, Elt gets to see Lord Hall Hall, and Lenny persuades Theresa to let him star in a remake of ‘Gone With The Wind Outta Compton’? It’s so crazy it could just work.
Guilt. His ancestors were slavers so he has to make up for it by allowing this country to be invaded by Third World savages. Of course, he won’t suffer because his money will protect him from the catastrophe he promotes. I have nothing but contempt for him and his kind. In an ideal world, his comments would be rightly ignored as the ravings of a maniac. Having the world’s worst broadcaster on board though, gives his comments some sort of credence. Just stick to the acting mate, I couldn’t give a shit what your opinions are about anything.
According to ‘Littlejohn’, old Cumbersome starts begging for funds at the end of each of his performances after the applause has died down ! and as they file out are met with bucket wavers to ‘catch the change’. This is SO wrong. Theatre used to be a place for escapism, not to be lectured at for how awful the Government are at not allowing more refugees into the Country. Poor show Benedict ! Poor show.
Former Senior Judges (who are they to demand?) state that we should open the gates to immigration. I’ll deal with these extracts one by one. They are typical Left wing demands that haven’t been thought through for obvious practical problems.
“”One way of doing this would be to create a system of “humanitarian visas” so that refugees did not have to undertake dangerous journeys to reach Europe””.
1/ Who issues these visas?
2/ What would the visas state?
3/ How do we contact the people who need these visas?
4/ How do we meet these people to assess they are genuine applicants?
5/ Where do we meet them? Any Health and Safety issues in their home countries for the assessment teams? IS?
6/ How do we ensure that no forgeries are created?
7/ Who pays for their travel?
8/ Who decides which country they can opt for?
9/ Who verifies these visas and how?
10/ Who pays for the visa system?
“”The letter also calls for the suspension of the so-called Dublin system, which means asylum seekers must claim asylum in the first EU country in which they arrive.””
1/ Why should an EU rule be suspended? Should they all be suspended when a political end is obstructed and they become inconvenient?
“”The lawyers and judges are calling for the establishment of safe, legal routes into the EU.””
1/ What does ‘establishment’ mean?
2/ What does ‘legal route’ mean?
3/ Who enforces it’s legality?
4/ What happens if there are objections from countries that have these ‘legal routes’ over their territory?
“”Among others to put their name to the open letter to the press is former president of the European Court of Human Rights, Sir Nicolas Bratza.””
1/ He is a former Human Rights Barrister and supporter of free movement. No axe to grind, then?
But if objections are raised, the response would be, “so you thinks it’s right that children should drown when trying to make their way to safety?”
“Think of the children!” blackmail.
Roger Bolton is nearly in tears on Feedback in sympathy with po-faced fascist listeners upset about sexist and racist jokes in an old Hudd Lines programme on Radio 4 Extra.
Should this ‘unacceptable’ material be re-broadcast? Is a warning at the start enough? (Careful Roger, we will be having warnings in front of Brigstock, Hardy et al “Contains No Humour”, next).
Apparently ‘satire’ should only be directed against the powerful.
In another part of the Feedback we are told that the BBC has apologised for a programme that made fun of the ‘mighty’ Met. Office and the ‘97%’ of scientists that are funded to promote ‘Man Made Climate Change’. This was also completely ‘unacceptable’. What was that about directing satire at the powerful again?
I heard this yesterday. I thought it was a joke satire on Feedback. That it was for real is incredible.
Free speech is free speech and whatever Bolton and the rest of the them try to say it is really simple to understand. Free means free and freedom is excatly that.
What this bit of rubbish was all about was virtue signalling and saying to us scum -look we are all so much more empathetic now and even some of you lot have improved. There is still a long way to go but a bit of re education in a gulag ( sorry I did not mean that really) will soon sort you out.
Meanwhile keep paying the TV tax and STFU.
Peter Lilley has written a caustic letter to Lord Tony Hall about the BBC’s disgraceful apology over the “Who needs the Met Office”progrmme by Quentin Letts :
No doubt Lord Haw-Haw will ignore it in time-honoured fashion. Because he can and because he has the New Inquisition on his side, including this bunch of science-hating, eco-socialist totalitarians:
We might think that a semi-secret, international conference of top judges, held in the highest courtroom in Britain, to propose that it should be made illegal for anyone to question the scientific evidence for man-made global warming, was odd enough to be worthy of front-page coverage…..
Difficult to believe this is happening in Britain. But there again, in a country where segregation of men and women in a mainstream political meeting can pass by with barely a flutter of concern, an agile ability to suspend belief has become a prerequisite for retaining one’s sanity.
Quite chilling really.
Our defence is reality itself. Just as the idiotic and unreal foreign policy of the West is being undone and destroyed by Russia so I expect that the same will happen to these odd attempts to impose thought control over us re the climate.
Probably, as Booker writes ,it will be China and India that do for the West over this.
What is becoming clearer is just how irrelevant the West is becoming. It could be that this is just the start of real Western decline. it could really accelerate now and will have grave repercussions for us all. Not least on. our very well fed and cushioned existence.
The blame is squarely upon the post war liberal consensus that took real hold in the 1960s as the wartime generation was retiring.
Cultural marxism has played a role but over and above this has been the illogical desire of a whole generation to defy the reality of the world and our place in it. Pragmatism and trying to make the best of the world has been replaced by a need, pathological in it’s applications re PC etc , to reorder reality to fit preconceived desires.
An entire useless class of drones has furthered this. Just read the Guardian/Independent/Telegraph etc or look and listen to our media and you will hear them buzzing uselessly now .
It is now just a matter of time before their day is ended.
This is a clear case showing us that the Arrhenius formula of calculating the Greenhouse effect has failed, and that the new thermodynamics formula in the Unified Theory of Climate by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller solves all those errors.
Peter Lilley is on the “lukewarm” end of the range given by the IPCC, which only accepts the Arrhenius method. It must be true to say that with the Unified Theory of Climate, a minority of scientists are out of step with the scientific consensus, because the consensus has been proved wrong by computer models using the Arrhenius formula. The Met Office did publish in 2004 with much fanfare a forecast that the world would warm by 0.3C by 2014 whereas there was no statistically significant increase in temperature over that period. The Arrhenius formula produces no scientific consensus about the climate sensitivity – how much warming will follow from a doubling of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. The IPCC shows a wide range of estimates.
Peter Lilley studied physics at Cambridge, so he accepts the basic thesis that a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere, will marginally warm up the Earth. Both theories indicate this to be so. 0.007C for 100ppm for the new theory. (Astronomers have proven that changes in cloud albedo caused Global Warming) But the Arrhenius formula is false because it has been proven to be of no credible use in calibrating carbon dioxide warming in the carbon dioxide Atmosphere of Venus. But the Unified Theory of Climate provides a formula that produces exactly what is observed in all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
As it says in the article: To paraphrase Prof Feynman, the scientific method is to compare predictions, based on a theory, with observations (e.g comparing Met Office’s predictions with observations): “If they disagree … the Arrhenius theory is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your theory is, who made the theory – if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is all there is to it.” That does not mean the basic physics of global warming is wrong (but it is) but their model clearly does need revising by someone who knows better, like the brother of the leader of the Labour Party.
I am not sure how Piers Corbyn has come to this conclusion, but studying the carbon dioxide Atmosphere of Venus seems to be the best route to changing the consensus from the Arrhenius theory to the Unified Theory of Climate.
Here’s Enoch ” Nationality is not a question of mere travel documents getting stamped, it has a much more deeper meaning than that, it’s about ones own homeland.” He runs rings round the interviewer.
bBBC in full pro-immigrant mode tonight.
We had Fiona Bruce emoting over the poor refugees having to walk across Europe in the rain! And from Macedonia ( errr a safe country? Not of course mentioned)
Meanwhile on BBC London a full immigration special. The village of Longford near Heathrow has been taken over by asylum seekers courtesy of the authorities and a local hotel entrepreneur. Bus- loads of immigrants were shown. Hundreds. But a. Surprisingly few from Syria and b. Every single immigrant out of dozems and dozens shown was young and male. Not a single woman.. So when the Islington Labour council leader was then interviewed going on about poor vulnerable immigrants, I was thinking- what about the women?
Which is amazing really when you consider how right-on the PC bBBC are. Yet of course this glaringly obvious fact was never mentioned once.
Like a game of Pokemon my kids used to play, immigrants are worth more than women in the al-beeb world. Absolutely disgraceful reporting.
“Like a game of Pokemon my kids used to play, immigrants are worth more than women in the al-beeb world. Absolutely disgraceful reporting.”
Order of trumps:
Black sub Saharan Africans
Brown Muslims
Other browns
Homosexuals and non VEMs (Visible ethnic minorites)
European or Far eastern ethnic minorites
Ethnic British heterosexual women
Ethnic British heterosexual men
Can’t wait for next weeks “inside out” bbbc1 . “We shall be in cambridge, to meet the families that are taking in migrants from the crisis” . It shall be interesting to see who these families turn out to be.
It shall be interesting to see who these families turn out to be.
We know how so many strive in our present society to do anything to try and achieve ‘celebrity’ status, no matter how little, if anything, they contribute to society, and are more usually a negative influence.
As if that wasn’t bad enough prepare now for a new type of mindset – we can call them ‘sell-out-Brittys’. Even more ready and willing to follow the BBC propaganda to make themselves feel intelligent and important, besides their 5 minutes of fame.
Considering Refugees cannot be housed with families and must have their own 4 walls, it will be interesting to see exactly what crisis these migrants came from and why they didn’t apply for asylum! Another BBC whitewash coming up!
“A terror suspect, who was freed from Guantanamo Bay and given £1m compensation by Britain, has joined Isis. Jamal al-Harith, a Muslim convert formerly known as Ronald Fiddler, claims he was on holiday in Pakistan when he was locked up by the Taliban who accused him of being a British Spy.”
The Left/BBC will defend him by saying that he was innocent when he was sent to Guantanamo Bay, but his experiences there left him embittered and drawn to IS for redress.
To the Left/BBC, nobody has responsibility for their criminal actions. It’s all down to others, such as a society that ‘fails’ to understand their issues. In this case, the fault of Western foreign policy has ‘driven’ him to act.
The west was under attack years before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 9/11 anyone?
Anyone thought of getting a legal team and a BBC crew over there to see how the compo claims are progressing for those who have suffered a mild bit of heart eating, petrol-conflagrations or head-lopping?
Crimewatch features a segment on ‘Hate Crimes’ homophobic, disabled and racist (we know the sort) of hate crimes were featured….
Next up was the horrific rape of a young blond British girl (yes we know where this is going) plod describes the perpetrator as (quote) “a black man with a foreign accent”. Thankfully this wasn’t a hate crime, as this type of crime wasn’t featured in the earlier hate crime segment…..
Given the latest hoot on PLP coherence, the BBC must be now meeting in Frankie Howerd to see how they can formally become the unelected opposition. Well, a bit more so… whilst still being uniquely funded by compulsion.
The statistics are for the whole of England and Wales but don’t break it down into regions or boroughs. Where I live White British are a very small minority at 17.6%. Generally larger conurbations have higher black populations and correspondingly more crime. Yet again a wicked attempt by the BBC to seek sympathy for a violent and dangerous ethnic group.
There is a greater percentage of recorded crime committed by black youths than by white youths. It’s a fact. Therefore there will be more instances of a taser being used. It’s called logic.
There is a greater percentage of white males involved in armed robberies on banks etc. than by black males. It’s a fact.
Black ‘yoots’ are also larger (on average) , more aggressive (higher testosterone) and more likely to challenge the police. Small wonder the police are obliged to taser them.
bBBC squeezed in (but of course did not follow up) the fact that Asian males are tasered less than average.
From this I conclude that the plod either have the most excellent colour vision, able to detect on a dark night even the slightest gradation between black and brown and so maintain discriminatory tasering, OR they are just doing their job and policing what is in front of them.
Don’t get me wrong. The plod are no saints and have some rough diamond within. But could we just have for once some proper informative reporting? Any measure of anything will show a deviation from some other average – that’s why speed cameras are put in place and why they don’t on the whole reduce accidents. If bBBC are so worried about these statistics then how about the one that shows that black and asian people are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the blood and organ-donating community? You see, we can all play the game.
Saw that report about tasering. As usual no reference to percentage of prison population in relation to race. But that wouldn’t fit your shit-stirring narrative. What happens if some young black gang banger got so incensed with the fraudulent reporting on the BBC and murders someone based on his false BBC inspired prejudices?
Please fuck off forever BBC. Disgraceful.
Crikey, did anyone hear that cockney millionaire, Charlie Mullen, on Toady just now?
He was saying what a fantastic thing the EU is. Convinced me. (larf)
A wide boy who has made his wealth using cheap foreign labour, slagging off the British worker and a ready supply of foreign landlords and buy to letters cash to service their properties.
No surprise here, what does he care, pretty sure he doesn’t live in Tower Hamlets…
Could the reason why the BBC journalists can only manage half a story, one side of an argument, one side of a debate etc. be that it requires more skill, more nous, more effort, more understanding of world affairs, real journalistic expertise etc. which they don’t actually have. A story of an underdog, the muslim etc is so easy to cover if you only have a biased and unreasonably simplistic viewpoint. A proper, in depth study that looks at all aspects is a lot harder to do.
Yesterday BBC London news ran a short item on Lymes disease. Until recently the condition was often misdiagnosed and sufferers were not always aware that the bite from a tick had been the source of their infection or indeed that it was an infection that was causing their symptoms.
The number of cases is going up. The BBC journos do love statistics – although they are pretty poor when it comes to using them honestly. The viewer is told that the rise in cases ‘may be due due to better diagnosis’.
But being the ‘climate change’ propagandists that they are, the BBC adds ‘some think (scientists?) the increase in cases is due to climate change’
So there you are viewers, take notice of climate change alarmists and do what they say or else you may get a nasty disease.
The BBC climate change sore thumb sticking out into this report is probably based on this BBC report:
‘America, particularly the forested areas of New England, has the most cases of Lyme disease – here the numbers of those infected run into hundreds of thousands each year. Russia is also quite badly affected.’
Wait a minute…. ‘climate change’ is about temperature increase, right? The forested areas of New England are not really known for their sunshine, are they? And Russia? Do you pack always your suncream for Russia?
‘As Lyme disease spreads across the U.S., those in its path cope with a debilitating, bewildering array of maladies, misery and afflictions’ – nasty.
‘Editor’s Note: “Climate at Your Doorstep” is an effort by The Daily Climate to highlight stories about climate change impacts happening now.’ Gosh, full on climate change here folks!
‘Reasons for the spread are not fully understood but include suburbanization and the growth of suitable habitat for the black-legged tick, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC believes climate change may be a factor, and this spring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency added Lyme disease to its list of climate change indicators.’
The usual not fully understoods, the ifs and maybes – but it looks as though the alarmists are going with this one – hence the BBC obediently follows suit.
So come on US science dudes, cards on the table time…
‘C. Ben Beard, chief of the bacterial diseases branch of the CDC’s vector-borne disease division…”With climate change you would expect to see some northern expansion, and that is probably happening in Canada and the northern reaches of the U.S. But the mystery to us is that Lyme disease is expanding south at the same time,” with large increases in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.”It’s hard to say what the cause of that is, and there’s a lot of research to look into that,” Beard added. One explanation could be the expansion of suburbia into the edge of forests, creating the lightly wooded habitat favored by deer and the white-footed mouse – important tick hosts and transporters. The warming correlation is less clear. ‘
So we will leave it there as the warmist strain a gut to back up their alarmsist claims. Perhaps the BBC ought to have left it there and get back to us when their so-called scientist have a coherent theory.
I contracted Lyme in 2012, ostensibly from an infected tick here in France, but I never actually saw it. Because I thought the swelling was just another insect bite, and the ensuing period of flu-like symptoms passed after a day or two, I did nothing about it. However I then developed a severe ache in my left shoulder, and visited the GP. Luckily, I went with my partner (she speaks better French), who happened to mention the “tick” incident – he immediately cottoned on and sent me for a blood test, which proved positive. I endured 14 daily antibiotic injections, and that was it – no follow up test, and no recall to the surgery.
Anyway since then I have developed further aches and unexplained ailments, and (more seriously), a heart arrhythmia which is causing me some distress, fatigue and breathlessness. Several spells in hospital has not resolved anything (despite having two stents inserted in my heart).
Interestingly, rural France is a country with a large tick problem, yet there don’t appear to be any specialised treatment centres here. I continually mention that I suspect Lyme may be involved in my problems, but no-one seems to be interested.
I’ve been in contact with John Caudwell’s outfit, but no reply, as yet.
My own research suggest that Lyme is potentially an extremely serious disease, and it’s only recently that the medical profession in Europe is beginning, at last, to wake up.
‘Several spells in hospital has not resolved anything’
One can only wish you all the best and hopes for a speedy recovery. It sounds a horrible disease – no wonder the alarmists are keen to co-opt it for their twisted propaganda purposes
There has been a slight(ish) increase in the number of reported “Tick” events here on Dartmoor over the last 10 years or so. Nothing to do with “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change” but more to do with the number of visitors coming down the M5/A303 on a Friday and the readily accessible Moor. The unwittingly urbanites blunder off to look at miniature ponies, Dartmoor ponies, black haired cows and sheep not aware of the menace lurking in the animal coats. Another issue is the number of Lamas now finding their way into the Dartmoor environment, now they do pack a “Tick” punch I can tell you!
“Climate Change” covers all bases doesn’t it, in fact what hasn’t been caused by “Climate Change”?
I have to ask what were the other symptoms? After a walk in the country with the dog back in June I awoke with a tick hanging out of my shoulder, the OH got it out and initially no problems and forgot all about it.
However have had a lot of neck pain in the last couple of months, again have just lived with it putting it down to old age and a car accident I had 10 years ago, but now with the latest press that Lymes is getting I do wonder…
Geoff, as one who has seen Lymes disease attack my friends who have been regular walkers (who no longer are because of Lymes) get yourself off to your nearest health centre straight away and get checked out. Believe me, Lymes is not funny and very disabling in so many ways. One friend, can barely walk these days! Do it, pronto, my friend.
Old Goat. I am truly sorry to hear about your problems. I know nothing about Lyme but hope that, whatever the cause, you will soon find some doctor who will make a correct diagnosis and put you on the right course of treatment. I am surprised to hear that some in the French medical profession are a bit laissez faire, like many in our own NHS. I do hope you will soon be feeling a lot better.
Thanks Demon, and everyone else for their comments. Geoff, as I discovered to my cost, the effects of Lyme are not immediate (apart from a short bout of flu-like illness), and may not show themselves for weeks, months or even years. And when symptoms DO manifest themselves, they mimic other ailments, (especially joint problems) and thus treatment is often misdirected. The medical profession seem to be very slow in acknowledging Lyme as a serious problem (more serious, probably, than AIDS seemed to be in the eighties). Tests are “iffy”, even if you can convince a GP to arrange one. It is a potential killer, though not everyone, of course, succumbs.
The poor old TODAY programme is turning into a bit of a train wreck this morning (13 Oct) even Fraught for the Day missed the mark somewhat. I need to listen to one part in the 7-730am segment again because I think John Humphrys accidentally got a surprising answer from a health scientist. The old chap still has an edge at times but this morning has been almost embarrassing. It could, of course, be that the Producer and Editors are mostly responsible. They must have been the ones at fault for the premature interview about the Malayasian Airline Flight MH17 report. Even so, someone needs to do the tough but kind thing and encourage John into a well deserved & honourable retirement.
Talking about BBC London News, my wife and I have bets on whether or not there will be a muslim story on the news. It’s great fun and we only bet a small amount of money. Quite often, just as you might think there is no way on earth that they will find a muslim story now with 2 minutes to go before the weather and purses and wallets are appearing, boom – “and finally, at a London mosque today. blah blah blah” They must have a ‘muslim story’ button they press.
A blistering 3 minute clip from Channel 4’s Homeland, Series 5, Episode 1
Quinn, a frontline undercover CIA agent has returned from 2 years in Raqqa, to tell his Langley bosses just how it really is – both barrels.
‘They have a strategy…Endtimes…a world without Infidels…What do you think all the beheadings, crucifixions are about? It’s all in their book…’
These few minutes blow all the BBC’s Spooks dross out of the water.
My better half tells me the clip was on Newsnight last night. I wonder what they made of it?
Siberian Geese have arrived early in the U.K., earliest sighting for over 30 years. The last time they were this early we had a mini ice age. Hmm. What do they know?
Walking on the south side of the Thames Estuary at the weekend in the Swale, the geese were plentiful, it was cold and I had the thought ‘They are about a month early, does this mean a bad winter?
I did predict it on here about two months ago. I think.
“Black people are three times more likely than white people to be involved in Taser incidents”
“In more than 12% of cases Tasers were used against black people, who make up about 4% of the population.”
Sorry BBC, all that proves is that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime. Perhaps if they learned a bit of basic civil behaviour they wouldn’t get zapped quite as often.
Maybe they do commit more violent crime, or maybe they are more likely to resist arrest and need constraining – I’m sure readers can come to their own conclusions. But note the comment “…including those local forces with enough incidents to assess separately (West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and the Metropolitan Police).” In other words, the majority of forces do not generate enough statistics to produce meaningful information and most of the information comes from large urban areas where black people represent more than 4% of the population. Also note that Asians (sic) are under represented – is the BBC going to campaign to have more of them zapped?
Mishal Husain was yapping on and on about the blacks this morning. Doesn’t she know the basic crime statistics – the amount of violent gun and knife crime among black communities ? And has she never seen the many cases of violent black schizophrenics ? As usual, the elephant in the room goes unnoticed – deliberately – by BBC interviewers.
The BBC are absolutely certain they’ve found another witch to burn with their non existent ‘Waycism’ which they see everywhere and in everyone.
They invited an ‘Asian’ police officer on who told them that it wasn’t ‘waycism’ because ‘Asians’ are less likely to be tasered that whites. It didn’t satisfy the rabid Husain who was as single minded as Matthew Hopkins, the witch finder general – it WAS waycism and nothing especially not reality or facts were going to detract from that.
It was sad to hear the Asian Police guy saying that they didn’t know why the figures were as they are, when he obviously did. The problem is that no one is allowed to criticise an ethnic minority in the new Fascist regime in which we live today.
One of the very few films (Blood On Satan’s Claw is another) to make use of the wondrous English countryside (in this case it was Suffolk). Director Michael Reeves killed himself soon after – a terrible loss as the British film industry entered the uncertainty of the 70’s.
It was mentioned above how Newsnight used the brilliant Quinn speech from the compelling series Homeland. The sort of drama that is far too complicated to be made by the BBC.
In tightly scored lines of dialogue Quinn grinds out what the west is up against in the war against Islam.
In essence he says Islam has a strategy, ie Enddays with the extermination of all infidels whereas the West lacks a strategy.
Plenty to discuss there … unless you are the Guardian reading Newsnight team. Emily Matis leads in with and then asks as the intro question: ‘can drama be used for propaganda for government’s foreign policy?’
I kid ye not. Point missed.
Ludicrously she said Band of Brothers was used to push US public’s thinking to support the Afghan and Saddam wars. Band of Brothers first episode aired BEFORE 9/11. Yes before. The producers would have been planning a series on that scale for many years, possibly 5/10 years previously. Secondly, and someone should tell the newsnight team this, it was not produced by George Bush, the White House or any Neocons. Honest. It was made by Steven Spielberg’s production company. Spielberg is a rabid democrat as is Tom Hanks the series principal producer. No doubt most of the production team would be politically left leaning. Band of Brothers was based on the heart wringing book D-Day by Stephen Ambrose. This was written in 1988 which would make Ambrose and the series production team staggeringly prescient if they made it to pressure the US public into the Afghan invasion.
It is an insult to the viewer that the Guardian researchers on newsnight can’t be asked to research anything.
Worse, the Homeland speech threw up a huge arena of concerns that the BBC in particular, but the West in general, does all it can to avoid. The BBC had to work very hard on this occasion to circumnavigate the debate. All Miss Maitland should have asked is: ‘Mister Ackerman, you are a decorated soldier who has risked his life in the middle east for the good of the people unfortunate to be living under Islam and then worked with CIA counter intelligence, do you think Quinn was accurate in his view.’ Now that would have led to the discussion the West must at some stage face up to.
Extraordinary dialogue and just about right. It is a complete waste of time expecting Maitlis and the rest of the liberal fantasists to even understand it let alone accept that it is reality.
This has been coming for some long time certainly since the 1970s. If you really want to understand the Russian motivation for intervening in Syria then put the two together.
So devastating is the potential disaster facing Europe and even Russia that in some way I do not understand this future possibility is leaking into our present and there are a good many people who have had fears of this for over twenty years now.
To put it briefly. The USA is on the verge of quitting Europe and we are defenceless against a determind enemy that wants us gone. We lack any will to defend ourselves effectively.
The current political leadership is clueless and unfitted by training and temperament for the future. If you listen to Putin’s speech at the UN you will hear his fears that underlie his actions. I know of nobody in power in Western Europe who even begins to grasp the peril our civilisation is in. Gert Wilders does. So do the leaders of Pegida. Maybe Marine Le Pen. Here nobody at all . There are sound men and women in the old East.
Watch Sweden. It is on the way to an irreversible failed state status. Maybe it has only five or ten years left as a cohesive nation state.
This afternoon that superb film ‘Shane’ was on the TV. It could never be made today in the West. Can you imagine the BBC commissioning anything like it ?
Impossible. Cohen would have a tantrum.
It is everything a liberal hates. At it’s heart is the family -a traditional family of a man and a woman and the boy- and the building of a nation and a people based on this. and when the only way to protect this is to use violence then it is used in the person of Shane who accepts his role as the warrior.
Reluctantly but in the knowledge that this is the way of the world and always will be.
Not that I entirely agree with what I am about to say, but one could make a case for Putin being a Shane figure.
Similarities between Shane and Putin are clear
They both ride horses, both are short, both good in a gun fight,both single men, both showed a reluctance to get involved in the fight until they had to in order to protect their interests. Neither Shane nor Putin get pushed around, both fight their corner, neither show any fear.
In the interests of destroying the UK our government which obviously is not going to allow reality to impinge on money making, and certainly not going to allow the lessons of history to be even considered, is about to allow drinks giant SABMiller be taken over by American giant Anheuser-Busch InBev.
Unlike Nu Liebours disastrous allowing of Kraft taking over Cadburys, where at least promises were made, promises which were never kept, and tax receipts worth billions were lost, the Tories don’t even seem to have sought even the most basic assurances.
The company made an operating profit of $22.31 billion in the accounting year ending 2014 which should have resulted in corporation tax receipts at 20%, around $4.5 billion roughly £3 billion a year.
We all know American companies don’t pay tax in any countries, Facebook paid just £4327 last year and no I haven’t missed off billion, or million it really is just four thousand pounds.
There are 26.5 million households in the UK meaning that each one will have to either pay £175 or lose services to the value of to make up for the lost tax revenues.
I suppose the BBC hasn’t got any business or economic insight given the left wing fantasy world they live in, but they haven’t reported anything other than the basic facts.
Thoughtful, I agree with much of what you say, particularly about the Cadburys deal.
I know it’s not fashionable to defend Facebook’s tax arrangements but there is an erroneous left wing view that they are avoiding tax. This is perpetuated by the by BBC reporters who clearly know f**k all about business and taxation. They probably studied Global warming and its impact on Gender at University.
Say a company makes 1 million pounds profit, then it will pay 20% of this in corporation tax. That is in the simple world.
This forces companies to spend the profits to avoid tax. So they buy plant, hire more staff and invest in innovation. The money used to buy these products/staff is eventually taxed, usually with income tax on the staff at one of the supplying companies. Ie the money is taxed somewhere along the line.
With Facebook the company chose to use their profits to pay their staff an additional £35 million as a share bonus scheme. Staff took home, on average, an additional £97,790. The staff will pay tax at 20% and 40% thus the tax man earns more revenue than if Facebook paid 20% corporation tax.
This way staff will feel they have been rewarded, the company has minimised its tax liability and the revenue earns more tax.
Everyone wins in all areas apart from in the imagination of the left as inflamed by BBC reporting above.
Most of AB Inbev trading is outside the UK , along with SAB Miller . Us Camra members drink real ale from Independent`s , & not mass produced lager fizz . Not a problem for real ale drinkers , this take over.
Not everyones cup of tea, but Jon Gaunt is doing a live test transmission on his new radio station, so far its a refreshing change from 5Live and LBC. Tackling Islam right now, with live callers.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
It’s funny because it’s true:
Peoples’ names sometimes go incredibly well with their jobs: Jim Al-Khalili doing science for Radio 4. Dan Saladino is a Producer (and now an occasional presenter) on the Radio 4 Food Programme.
The BBC Jerusalem Bureau Chief is . . . . . Nigel Bias.
I actually checked that on Twitter, it’s not that early!
They used to have David Willie as their reporter in Rome just after the sex abuse scandals in Boston Catholic Churches-but just before the BBC allowed Savile and the rest of them(Chris Denning comes to mind) to do exactly the same in Their Holy See(Bush House-oo-er) and in THEIR Temples “Nationwide”!
There`s no excuse though eh Beeb?…the England cricket team once had a bowler called that too-but the MCC have been fine thus far….
Just saying!
I think Nigel Bias is a made-up name. I thought it brilliant at first until I realised. To paraphrase a BBC comment: “Even though it’s untrue it is a sort of real truth.”
Yes, it’s a satirical site.
Is This the Death of Europe? by Jared Taylor
”The underlying problem and one that cannot be solved is that whites have built the most pleasant places to live in human history while, with only a few exceptions, everywhere else is a dung heap. It would not be incorrect to call them “invaders,” since they are an army of aliens come to occupy and transform Europe.
Liberals are scratching their heads, trying to figure out what set off the current flood. They note that the Syrian war hasn’t gotten worse, and that conditions in Turkish and Jordanian refugee camps are the same as ever.
The answer is simple: Waves of illegals are coming because they can. They saw hundreds of thousands of Africans from such places as Nigeria and Senegal without even a fantasy claim to being “refugees” swarming across the Mediterranean from Libya. Not only did the Italian Navy and Royal Navy save their lives when their boats sank, it turned them loose on the continent to go wherever the handouts were most generous. Firm treatment early on towing the boats back where they came from as the Australians do would have stopped them right away. Instead, Europe foolishly opened the door and is shocked that more have followed.”
”Ironically, it is former Communists, who lived under an overtly anti-religious, anti-nationalist ideology, that are still able to think in terms of national and religious identity. Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic refused. Communism protected them from something much worse: “tolerance” and “diversity.”
Perhaps the greatest irony, however, is that emasculated West Europeans are accusing East Europeans of not being European. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that Hungary’s efforts to keep out illegals shows it does not “respect Europe’s common values.” It is only because Europeans fought Muslim invaders for 1,000 years–from 732 at the Battle of Poitiers to 1683 at the gates of Vienna–that Europe as we know it even exists. Incredibly, Mr. Fabius wants to throw it all away in the name of what he calls “Europe’s common values.”
As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:
The West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.
He put it even more pithily in The Camp of the Saints: “The white race was nothing more than a million sheep.”
Another consideration is the enormous amounts of charity money being spent on healthcare in Pakistan,Bangladesh and India.
pos index
20 UK 73.68
22 Turkey 73.47
38 India 66.34
50 Pakistan 56.78
52 Greece 55.96
Considering the size of the Indian and Pakistan populations! But India has relatively decent education and literacy levels. Pakistan has one of the worse in the world (literacy 60% of men, 40% of women), and has steadily worsened since 2009. So they are extremely healthy and breeding like rabbits, but are extremely illiterate and unskilled. Pakistan is a failed state. The charities are building the health of the nation for it to head north. Charities cannot provide funds for education as IS will blow the schools up, along with the teachers and the kids. Cannon fodder for the attack. Minus the cannons.
What could go wrong?
All the news, wherever you are
That’s a bold claim from our Louise Minchin and Bill mincing
I don’t think Asad Ahmad here in London delivers. First he bring us what feels more like a discussion point than news. Something about Met Police dress regulations, no less. Only later after a second half-hourly bulletin are we told ‘Vanessa Phelps will be talking about this topic on BBC Radio London, later’ – you see it was a teaser and a plug for another BBC show on another BBC channel on another BBC medium. News my big toe.
Listening to Five Live and panto Dame Campbell interviewing a laydee Judge (ret’d) who is a signatory to a letter saying that the government is not doing enough in the “refugee” crisis.
The interview is conducted in reverential tones (natch) with plenty of examples which run counter the television pictures we’ve all been seeing . No, no – they are all old people and families, not fit, healthy, fighting age men.
One thing that the Dame – and indeed any other BBC interviewer – never ask of such folks is;
* Where do you live?
* How much has your “community” been enriched by immigrants?
* What impact has immigration had in your chosen field of work and that of your family?
We all know what the answer would be.
If only these do-gooders could have a bit more up front and personal taste of the immigrants they so desire to be here, on a daily basis, their opinions may alter.
But seeing as that will never happen (well, not until we become part of the Caliphate) I doubt their bleeding hearts will be appeased.
Oh, surprise, surprise. The far-Left BBC always manage to find a few ‘top’ judges, lawyers and officials who support the pro-Muslim immigration agenda. It would be interesting to see how many ‘top’ lawyers and judges oppose the BBC’s beloved immigration utopia.
‘Among others to put their name to the open letter to the press is former president of the European Court of Human Rights, Sir Nicolas Bratza.’ Wow, who would’ve Adam and Eved it? A former ECHR president promulgating the Marxist propaganda line! Stop the world, I want to get off. Pure lefty propaganda from the bbc.
They used to have David Willie as their reporter in Rome just after the sex abuse scandals in Boston Catholic Churches-but just before the BBC allowed Savile and the rest of them(Chris Denning comes to mind) to do exactly the same in Their Holy See(Bush House-oo-er) and in THEIR Temples “Nationwide”!
There`s no excuse though eh Beeb?…the England cricket team once had a bowler called that too-but the MCC have been fine thus far….
Just saying!
We are celebrating some Islamic woman who has baked a cake or something, as if it was a great achievement. Its great only because the media are desperate to find anything good to say about Muslims. Besides, she is in full Muslim gear, thus loudly proclaiming that she is a Muslim, even though she is here because she fled from an Islamic country.
Yet we ignore a truly brave and great woman, whose centenary falls today
Edith Louisa Cavell (/ˈkævəl/; 4 December 1865 – 12 October 1915) was a British nurse. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from both sides without discrimination and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested. She was subsequently court-martialled, found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. Her execution received worldwide condemnation and extensive press coverage.
She is well known for her statement that “patriotism is not enough”. Her strong Anglican beliefs propelled her to help all those who needed it, both German and Allied soldiers. She was quoted as saying, “I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved.”[1] 12 October is appointed for her commemoration in the Church of England.
Edith Cavell, who was 49 at the time of her execution, was already notable as a pioneer of modern nursing in Belgium.
Migrant crisis: UK response criticised by senior former judges
The BBC pushing for unlimited immigration again. Having met some of these judges I have to say they are some of the most disconnected, out of tough people in society. Many of them started off as extreme left wingers with the belief that they could somehow change society later finding out that they couldn’t but still clinging onto a fantasy.
Most of them live very comfortably in the South East where there will be no migrants, and they will not be troubled by the violence, rape, drug pushing etc etc.
Not for them schools full of kids who cannot speak English, GPs surgeries where it takes 3 weeks to get an appointment, and Hospitals where the staff are too scared to treat patients after hoards of invaders with dread diseases have over run them.
We need a law like Germany where those people who call for more asylum seekers can have their property & assets seized by the state and used to accommodate the influx. When these nutters realise that the consequences of their out of touch idiocy will directly adversely affect them personally, then they will quickly change their tune.
A bit of credit for John Humphries on R4 Today at about 7.10am. He interviewed some ex judge/lawyer representing these 300+ legal types bleating on about “the need to do more” for Syrian immigrants and he really pressed her. “How many more?” He asked several times. He had her on the spot and she just would not reply. It was so telling. Here is a very clever person who can whinge but just has to use her legal skills to avoid giving an answer as she has no practical proposition whatever and had no answer to the simple question all ordinary people want to hear answered – how many is enough? And by inference showing the bBBCs intellectual bankruptcy on this issue, because they never seek to answer the question.
But sadly on the 8am headline news, it was business as usual. The headline only mentioned the 300 legal bods telling off the government for not admitting enough refugees. Bias by selectivity and omission.
Good post Sluff.
If ever we needed further evidence (which we don’t) of just how out of touch with the views and opinions of the majority of people in this country, that much of the judiciary and many in the legal profession are – then this is it.
We need a law like Germany where those people who call for more asylum seekers can have their property & assets seized by the state and used to accommodate the influx.
Germany has such a policy? Is it implemented?
The retired judges.
Quite a high number of non ethnic British names there and among the other signatories foreign names proliferate! Kent Law school appears to be particulalry over represented – a veritable hotbed of pro mass immigrationists, probably brainwashing British children into becoming immigration lawyers.
Lord Phillips, former President of the Supreme Court and Senior Law Lord
Lord Steyn, former Law Lord
Lord Walker, former Justice of the Supreme Court and former Law Lord
Lord Woolf, former Law Lord
Sir Nicholas Bratza, former President of the European Court of Human Rights
Sir Henry Brooke, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Richard Buxton, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Anthony Hooper, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Alan Moses, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Stephen Sedley, former Lord Justice of Appeal
Sir Nicholas Stadlen, former High Court Judge
Catriona Jarvis, former Judge of the Upper Tribunal
In my book, anyone with the title Lord,Sir,Baron etc is automatically discredited and generally should be ignored.
This leaves just Catriona Jarvis who is clearly seeking a title and feels left out by naming herself along with this more than probable irresponsible group of corrupt masons,thieves,peado’s,rapists,embezzling druggies.
You’d think with a name like Catriona she would want to keep a low profile.
‘Turkish air strikes on Kurdish PKK rebels as mourning continues’
Turkey is bombing Kurdish forces. Inevitably, throughout its report, the BBC avoids the fact that this is a Muslim state (Turkey) bombing its old enemies the Kurds. This is despite the Kurds offering a ceasefire on Saturday and being seen in the West as the good guys.
It is alarming news. The Kurds are one of the few groups who have beaten back ISIL, clearly the bombing will aid the Islamist insurgents in Iraq.
The Turkish government has stated that the bombings in Ankra that murdered 95 people was the result of ISIS terrorists but the Islamic government of the hardliner Erdoğan has lost its majority due to success from Kurdish parties within Turkey.
I do not know for how much longer the BBC can maintain the pretence that some groups of Muslims (and it isn’t all) are at war with the world. From Russia, through China, the Middle East, Africa to Europe.
Unnoticed by the BBC reporter the government of Turkey have demonstrated on which side of the line they stand. No doubt the EU will make a big announcement today and castigate its member state for the appalling act of attacking the Kurds. Or maybe not.
The best thing for Turkey would be a military coup to get rid of that animal Erdogan. Of course, all Kurds in Turkey are free to leave the country but choose to stay . Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on the reason why ?
ISIS could not have existed without the tacit support of Turkey. The Turkish state has allowed its territory to be used for the transit of fighters, weapons, and oil amongst many other things. This is because Erdogun is a Sunni fanatic who hates Assad because he is an Alawite, and therefore a heretic in his eyes. Erdogun also hates the Kurds, and has used this crisis to restart the war against them. As you said, the Kurds are the best friends we have against ISIS, the fact that Erdogun is bombing them tells you all you need to know about his attitudes. Meanwhile, Turkey continues along the road to EU membership. What could possibly go wrong?
RiC, I’m not even sure EU membership is critical to them anymore; in a few more decades Germany will be a majority (predominantly Turkish) Muslim state.
That will be the reality – unless the Germans decide that isn’t to be and do something about it.
Off topic and trying hard not to be sexist, but can any ladies posting here tell me why seemingly intelligent women (teacher and parish councillor!) fall for this and then expect sympathy.
Is it attraction, flattery or is it the constant agenda of miscegenation being thrown at us by the BBC, adverts and the rest of the MSM, or maybe something else?
I’ve done a survey of one (Mrs G) she doesn’t get it and claims she she would never fall for it, let alone be attracted. I would be interested in other views.
I’m off now to e-mail my banking details to a nice guy in Nigeria to help him release his inheritance….
Geoff, It happens all the time where I live in Gambia. And it is not just white women. White men make complete fools of themselves too !!! I could fill this website with the stories !!!!
Geoff, I fear ‘gullible’ is a unisex word.
I believe the BBC is going to make a documentary on how not terribly bright individuals are easy prey for Islamic, IRA and Russian propaganda. A few of these poor souls have even ended up leading a large political party, but obviously I cannot name names at this stage.
Scribbling . LOL ! Let me guess……… !!!
No Geoff, I rather agree with Mrs G. I cannot imagine circumstances where I would be taken for an old fool. Before I committed I knew where Mr D lived, where he worked and some of his colleagues, his friends and where he lived. By time we married I also knew the size of his mortgage as two houses needed resolving. How come these women don’t know the answers to most of these questions. It is sad.
There was a programme on Channel 4 several years ago about Scam Emails, you know the ones, ” I’m a King of my country and I’ve just inherited a gold mine from my uncle, could you send me £5000 pounds and I’ll give you a share of the gold mine.” They can’t even lie properly, it’s a kind of lie a 3 year old would make up.
Well, the documentary tracked them down and most come from West Africa, Nigeria to be exact, the scamming is on a industrial scale, when the presenter asked one of these Con men why he did it, grinning from ear to ear his response was ” White people are ALL rich, they can afford it.” Hmm, they seem to have a broken moral compass.
David, I think Nigerians get an unfair reputation as a result of having such a large population. But, in a sense , if greedy stupid white people want to lose a lot of money, bad luck. In my , fairly limited, experience in Africa, certainly where I live, I wouldn’t say that, on a day-to-day basis, Africans are any more dishonest than white people.
The father of a friend of mine was an immigration officer, he interacted with all nationalities and I remember him saying that Nigerians would lie and continue to lie, even if you’d caught them out banged to rights; in his experience they were some of the most corrupt people he had to deal with.
AS ” Nigerian conman called ‘Fizzy’ because he loved champagne so much scammed pensioners out of their life savings with fake lottery to fund lavish party lifestyle
Frank Onyeachonam ran the UK end of global lottery scam
He targeted vulnerable pensioners and extracted from £2,000 to £600,000
Meanwhile, he enjoyed a life of fast cars, champagne and designer clothes
Pictures show he spent cash on Rolex watches, Porsches and Maseratis.” Check out the photo’s, they do love their bling, don’t they ?
Geoff, most of the woman in that documentary I saw are of a certain age, their husbands have either died or they’re recently divorced, they’re lonely and crave some company, this makes them vulnerable and easily manipulated by these African scamming scumbags.
Back in the late eighties when I worked for a High Street bank, our fraud manual was quick to remind us to take care when opening accounts for those of Nigerian origin, given their desire to defraud the western banking system. Even back then the author was castigated by the powers above for discrimination for stating such a fact. Undeterred by their stupidity in the face of facts he changed the manual to say “Take extra care when opening accounts for those whose names begin and end with a vowel”
In all honesty Geoff, I think men are just as susceptible to this kind of madness.
These Women crack me up, there are plenty of stories in the papers about elderly Women getting taken for a ride (and not in a good way) by African lotharios and yet still they fall for it.
And to compound their stupidity they then get themselves in the papers, complete with obligatory “sad face” pictures, letting the whole world know how daft they’ve been.
I have no sympathy with them, harsh as that may sound.
Agreed – nor any for the stupid men who get taken in by Russian or Thai gold-diggers.
I wholeheartedly agree with all the comments above; and I would add that yes, its generally the same ‘age group’ that get conned by all the sweet talk; and yes, bells should start ringing at the mere mention of the word money. Love isn’t just ‘blind’ in these cases, its paralytic !
Sadly there ARE so many people over 55 looking for love / companionship if left alone after death or divorce, and its very hard for those in relationships, whether long or short, to understand that, as its a position they have yet to find themselves in.
Dating sites for the more mature can be a minefield. Many older gents have NO idea how best to present themselves – their profile picture is generally one that’s been taken by the laptop, so they look down, and as we all know, you never look down on a photograph – jowls and necks hang like turkeys !!! Photos include vests (yes!), Christmas paper hats, or taken at a distance with dogs or grandchildren. Some appear to be very economical with the true with regard to age. A 62 year old can look older than my Dad did at 90 !!! Others that you message, immediately say you look ‘sexy’ – and start calling you ‘honey’…… why ? they don’t know me, yet feel inclined to be intimate after a couple of messages. I think these chaps have lost the art of ‘courtship’ because they’ve been in a ‘pipe and slippers’ relationship for too long.
I’m not condoning these ladies/men for succumbing to the sweet talking of the dating scammers, but its understandable to latch on to that one person after being dealt a lot of frogs !
I can’t speak for the chaps who have had issues with ladies on these mature sites, but I suspect us ladies can look just as bad !
Its not just old people many young people are getting caught out by foreign passport hunters too. A friend of my daughter was very nearly tricked into bringing a ‘boyfriend’ of South American background into Britain. And I know of several others whose relationships are ‘dubious’, and could well lead to their being sucked into marriage. I also had a friend when younger who fell for a West indian, brought him over married him hada child and it wasnt long before the marriage wa son the rocks.
Its less clear cut when both parties are young, but frankly anyone who finds a foreign partner froma non EU country who is the best lookign boyfriend/girlfriend theyve ever ‘pulled’ should be very wary indeed. At best, the promise of a British passport is almost certainly a part of the attraction, at worst its the only!
Declaration of vested interests?
The BBC reports on the pro-EU campaign by ‘Lord’ Rose. In it he makes the ridiculous and unchallenged assertion that membership of the EU is worth £3,000 a year to each household (in which case, where do I send my cheque for £3,000 as this household is happy to leave now).
Question: the BBC has received many millions of pounds in loans from the EU – money it would not receive if Britain left the EU. It therefore has a direct financial interest in Britain’s continued membership. Surely then it should be forced to declare this vested interest in a rider at the end of each article relating to the referendum campaign?
To be honest if the best the old rogue Stuart Rose can manage is a fear campaign, based on better the devil you know, then there’s precious little positive to be said for the EU.
Most of us know that spineless Dave will cave as soon as anyone says no to him, and that he will come back home with nothing, and try to spin it as a victory.
My feeling is that we won’t actually get a referendum, and if we do, it will be delayed as long as humanly possible, given the immigration situation.
Any excuse for me to have a go at Rose ! First job, BBC, next management in M and S. Never ran his own business in his life. Made a complete balls up of 6 years as Chairman and M and S. Typical Eurofanatic in that he is totally useless. Perfect for the job !
Thoughtful, even if we get a referendum, the politicians will not agree with the result if we vote to get out. We no longer live in a democracy.
Why do we have to fear the unknown about leaving the EU but conquer our fears of the ” unknown ” about immigration ?
The results of staying in are also unknown, with much more to fear.
Yes, let’s hope Rose does for the Yes campaign as much as he did for M&S.
Someone told me today that the EU represents 7% of the world’s population. I have been unable to check whether that is correct, but I suspect it is probably in that region.
According to the BBC, the Commonwealth represents 30%
In addition, the growth comparison favours the Commonwealth
Methinks that the “Stay” campaign will need to work harder
What I want is for Mr Rose and his cohorts to put up or shut up, and in the case of these claims that every household in the UK will be £3,000 out of pocket, literally put their money where their mouths are.
They may be right, and on the other hand, they may not – so I want them to publish, in full, the data on which their assertion is made, showing all the facts, figures and assumptions they have used, and particularly which omissions they haven made, and why.
In addition, if this clown, Mr Rose, thinks he is going to endear himself to the public by denouncing anyone who does not see things his way as ‘unpatriotic’ and a ‘quitter’ (reminiscent of the SNP knuckledraggers’ tactics at the recent referendum), then I suspect he is far mistaken with these offensive slurs.
What we are potentially beginning to see here is yet another example of the tactics used by the CAGW devotees, who sure as hell didn’t want any of their data published, because, to paraphrase the way they put it….‘…but…..but…but, if we do that then people could investigate and analyse the data to see if they can prove it’s wrong’. And then, of course, they moved on to the tactic of trying to smear anyone voicing opposing viewpoints and, most recently, eventually tried to have them silenced by changing US law to try to shut them up.
We’ve had enough of these ‘jackboot’ tactics – what we want is a fair and honest debate, using facts for a change, rather than smears and assertions. The British public deserve that, at least, if they are being called upon to make significant decisions about their country’s future – and it should be a fundamental responsibility of the BBC to make that happen – impartially.
Don’t forget the EU grants it receives also
Here’s the programme Channel 4 The Internet Romance Scam, the scammer is Felix Epka you’ll be amazed at his brazenness and boastfullness, he conned the woman by saying he was from Holland ( Nigeria ) his wife had died, another lie to get sympathy, and his daughter was involved in a car crash, another lie, please send £9000 in cash NOW to pay for the hospital bills, that was just the start. She gave him £60.000 to a man she never met.
Did anyone else catch this statement from Guardian columnist, Zoe Williams?
I really wonder how the likes of Zoe Williams would feel if someone went up and spat in her face ? Would she shrug her shoulders and say, fair enough ?
I somehow doubt it, and what if for instance, the spitter had TB or worse ?
People who support direct action rarely support it when its directed at them in my experience, I would love to bump into her and find out just how sanguine she’d be about getting a mouthful of spittle from my fair lips. I expect I’d be up on a charge quicker than you could say “Tory Scum”
My friends and I have spent the weekend in the pub spitting into a large glass jar labelled ‘A Gift for Zoe’ and getting people to donate 10p to clear their phlegm into it. Men were keen to participate but not when their wives or girl friends were around and we got a couple of pints. Some of the more vindictive types were keen to add other body secretions but we kept it clean. All in all we got £25 to put into the pub charity box. We’ve sent the jar , suitably wrapped, to the Guardian marked for the attention of Zoe Williams, claiming that it will give sheen and body to her hair if she tips it over herself. I think this could be the start of a national campaign directed at other direct action leftist scumbags . One tip, long time smokers hawk up the most disgusting stuff and their contribution should be labelled as’ Extra Strong’. We didn’t do this and gave Zoe the full benefit of their contributions.
Imagine it had been the Labour Party conference and imagine the ‘protestors’ had been the EDL.
Then imagine the BBC coverage, including specially-selected proxy interviewees to spout their indignation and calls for the EDL to be banned.
Liberals are cowards at heart. Liberals are also nearly all leading sheltered lives.
The do not understand any point of view other than theirs. I mean that they literally cannot grasp it. The BBC and the Guardian are full of them.
Even to give a moment’s credence to this ridiculous woman’s views is to collude with them in some way. The only legitimate course now is to refuse to engage and to turn your back on them.
Tom Watson and his despicable role the Leon Brittain scandal is all over the press. Even the leftist Observer was having a go at Watson’s disgusting behaviour. Yet on the BBC political programmes there is not a murmur! Why not? Things have moved on from their Panorama programme of last week. Watson is getting heavily implicated in abuse of Parliamentary privilege and attempting ( succeeding ) in politicising a police investigation. Why isn’t the BBC hounding him non stop ? If he were a Tory it would be the number one story until he resigned from the deputy leadership and retreated to the back benches. A good example of bias.
“Malignant Narcissism” is the technical name for the characteristic psychology of a Leftist. They have bottomless ego, the universe was created for their benefit, and they respond to any frustration with the desire to destroy the object of their envy. Blair had the narcissism but he lacked the snobbery and envy to be counted as a true Leftist. A Leftist is somebody like Tariq Ali, who lives in a multimillion pound but goes on marches against inequality. If people became as wealthy as him he would be horrified, because they would be even more likely to ignore him than they do already.
Watson is the sort of ugly thug that thrives in the totalitarian politics of the Left. He would not know what a conscience is if it hit him in the face. He has his greed for power, and his hatred of anything that frustrates that desire, and nothing else.
Nick Cohen (as so often) hits the nail on the head in his article for The Guardian
‘When he hounded a dying man to his grave ..[Watson]..sank lower than the News of the World reporters he and Hacked Off once fought.’
Yes, Nick Cohen is one of the decent people on the left. But often a lone voice.
Watson’s behaviour has been despicable. But precious little coverage of this on the BBC.
But we know that Hacked Off was always a Left luvvie put-up job. I do hope Mr Cohen was vociferous in his opposition to it.
Nick Cohen was opposed to Hacked Off. It was the BBC who pushed the anti-free press agenda of Hacked Off. The BBC is not an advocate of free markets, or free societies, or even democratic politics (if it produces the “wrong” result”) and if it ever was it certainly isn’t now. How many times has the UKIP been on This Week in comparison with that BBC approved poppet who speaks on behalf of the Liberal Democrats.
Where were the protests on the BBC when the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party fiddled the constituency boundaries? Is there a single person in the entire Country who believes that the BBC would have promoted postal voting with the enthusiasm it did (I recall turning on the TV and one of the actors in a BBC drama was extolling the virtues of making a postal vote) if it thought it would increase the vote of right wing political parties? Did the BBC work itself up into a lather about the increase in fraud that occurs with a postal system? How about Islamic men voting for their wives? Were the BBC bothered? Was it the BBC (for example Nick Robinson) that uncovered the expenses scandal? Nah they were much more interested in promoting child abuse sex smears against right wing MP’s.
On PM tonight the BBC was scrupulously neutral on the Watson scandal. I maintain that if Watson was a Tory who had accused a Labour grandee of vile crimes, with only unsubstantiated rumour as his basis , the BBC would have been wading in and attacking until the Tory was forced to resign. Once again the BBC bias is obvious and a threat to our democracy.
Neutral in what way? The facts cannot be disputed so I would be amazed if they could find anyone prepared to defend Watson as the interviewer would quickly and easily tear their defence to shreds.
Oh hang on, I forgot – this is the BBC we’re talking about….
I am no fan of Tom Watson, but in regards to his conduct on highlighting pedophilia in the establishment he should be applauded. The charges dropped against Leon Brittan were for the rape of a woman. The paedophile accusations are still being investigated. His name has not been cleared.
It is scary to see how quickly the MSM has jumped onto Tom Watson to try and force him to retract his accusations. At the same time they have started to rubbish the victims of abuse and their accounts of what went on.
There was (maybe still is) a large scale paedophile operation taking place at the highest level in the British establishment and the powers that be are pulling all the levers to try and cover it up.
I see that the Guardian today has an article on Zac Goldsmith saying that he should also retract his accusations or pull out from the London Mayoral race. We should put party loyalties to one side and applaud the likes of Tom Watson, Zac Goldsmith, Simon Danczuk and others. Every effort is being made by the establishment to cover up this scandal.
Great example of bias here.
The bBBC is running a HYS on the back of its story about Stuart Rose’s pro-EU campaign group launch.
So I put up a post noting the millions of Euros of EU grants the Beeb has received and questioning its impartiality.
My comment gets removed for being ‘off topic’.
How much more ‘on topic’ could you be?
“The bBBC is running a HYS on the back of its story about Stuart Rose’s pro-EU campaign group launch.”
Launch? Or re-launch? Launch Part 2? It all started last Friday. Was I the only one paying attention plus the TOADY presenter, of course, who interviewed him?
Anything which questions the impartiality of the BBC on the HYS discussion of Rose’s pro EU speech will last no more than five minutes. Several of mine went. Negative and inaccurate comments about Kippers warmly received. But even so, most comments are anti EU and the HYS will soon close
I get all my BBC bias from the radio since I don’t watch any TV. I don’t have or even need a licence. Many people misunderstand the law regarding the TV licence and think a licence is required for possessing a TV. This definitely is not the case. DVDs, Netflix and Amazon Prime do not require a licence. If you can stomach it, iPlayer and catch up don’t either.
The obvious thing to do is for a significant number of people not to renew their licence as soon as possible. When the intimidating letters arrive just ignore them and don’t answer the door to unknown people. This is all perfectly legal unless you actually watch broadcast TV. Do it as soon as your licence reminder arrives. This is the only way to reduce the power of the BBC.
There is some great material here for HIGNFY, I wonder if they’ll use it?
The local BBC reader this morning tells me and the other yokel listening that BREAST MILK isn`t to be trusted when you go about selling it online!
Yes folks-women are selling their titmilk online-and posting it via Amazon etc-but there`s more candida and EColi in tested samples than in…well, you tell me…
A lactating lumpaloola tells us that -yes, she does sell to mums …but her major market is…erm…”for weight loss and body building”
But our BBC moppet-and the pitying, researching gladrag from the local Tech who dipped her wicks into the titmilk for “tests” both agree that this is yet another serious issue for us all to worry about-more funding, what of TransXE who wants HIS right to feed a baby..who`s paying for that?
MY problem with all this is that it`s weird and yet the BBC tell us all this as if it`s just another failure of the State.
After all-the BBC`s been sucking off the teat of us for years at no cost to them-and Abdul may have another supply of bodybuilding protein to enrich them if we`re nice to him!
Stunning-and, of course-only the BBC locoyokos could then tell us that local farmers are now putting new, more costly milk on the shelves so that we need not just settle for 89p at Lidl…
Dare I join the dots?….Alan Partridge turns out to have been AJP Taylor in comparison to the current crop of…well, boobies I guess!
And at least Alan answered Michel Lambewrts question openly-he thinks of nothing whenever he interviews…he just reads out what the researcher has highlighted for him.
Our current Beebers probably have to get it all hennae`d on a passing Lighly coloures skin-in case they go all woozy with having to actually pick up and book, and see if someone`s just taking the tit!
Is it available in semi-skimmed?
Green top? Red, maybe?
LOL internet breast milk turns out to be dodgy, who’d have thunk it ?
Reminds me of the two Ronnies sketch, where the bloke buys the one day old golden Labrador, which turns out to be a Hamster.
BBc race biased?
Don’t watch it as it’s banal crap
Just point the sore loser in the direction of the Bake Off offices.
Not BBC specifically, but I’ve just come across this quote from Enoch Powell:
“I do not know whether it will be tomorrow, or next year, or in five years; but it will come. That factor is firearms and explosives. With communities which are so divided nothing can prevent the injection of explosives which we know perfectly well from experience in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world. At first there will be horrified astonishment, and inquiry as to what we have done wrong that such things should be happening. Then there will be feverish endeavour to find methods to allay the supposed grievances which lie behind the violence.”
He said that in 1976. As usual, he was right.
The grievance will be that we haven’t yet submitted to the Koran. We also know what that the aggrieved will only feel placated when we do submit.
Hadda…any armed resistance against the muslim hordes here now…count me in…no prisoners.
I’ve finally managed to get barred from Guido. I know I’m on the edge (deliberatly so) but pointing out beeboid June Sarpong (rhymes with sarong) is an African, is hardly a crime. Also, pointing out that an African wants us to stay in the EU is hardly a crime either (although somewhat ironic). There again, I suppose it’s no wonder given the bollocks going on in the Med – she probably wants to get all her fucking relatives in. How long before this blog succumbs to the tide of political Correctness?
Guido started to tighten up several weeks ago. The posts are much duller and restricted. Not quite as bad as BBC HYS, but heading there
I’d completely forgotten about the ghastly bint until seeing Guido this morning. Apparently she’s got an OBE ‘for services to Urban Music’. And people were upset about the Beatles getting a gong…
June Sarpong has the brains of a fruit fly.
It needs pointing out the immigrant/1st/2nd generation immigrant vote will, in the not too distant (already in some places with a 120% turn out) be significant enough to change the direction of the country in future elections.
Its no accident that we’re having to wait until 2017, almost hourly the balance is shifting.
Enoch again (1993)
“The ethnic minority is geographically concentrated, so that areas in which it forms a majority already exists, and these areas are destined inevitably to grow. It is here that the compatibility of such an ethnic minority with the functioning of parliamentary democracy comes into question. Parliamentary democracy depends at all levels upon the valid acceptance of majority decision, by which the nation as a whole is content to be bound because of the continually available prospect that what one majority has decided another majority can subsequently alter. From this point of view, the political homogeneity of the electorate is crucial. What we do not, as yet, know is whether the voting behaviour of our altered population will be able to use the majority vote as a political instrument and not as a means of self-identification, self-assertion and self-enumeration.”
Excellent J.E.P. quote hadda, along similar lines:
“One of the least desirable consequences of diversity is racial bloc voting. When candidates of different races run against each other, an election becomes a racial headcount rather than a choice of policies.” Jared Taylor.
Hello Geoff, I object to the fact that people I regard as foreigners (I really don’t give a shit whether they were born here or not) should be intimately involved in the future destination my people. No one ever asked me whether June Sarpong’s parents could come here and then, to add insult to injury, be employed by the worst broadcaster in the world and then cheekily, tie us to an organisation I regard as akin to Nazi fucking Germany. I’m a Ukipper and proud of the fact (not a BNPeer) but how much more do we have to fucking take? I was always of the kind who regarded immigration as a ‘good thing’ (how fucking naive was I, I didn’t realise at the time it was race replacement) but I’m at the end of my tether. Where does it end? What is the end game? I’ve almost given up thinking about it, it’s so fucking depressing. What I will say is this: UKIP could’ve saved this country for a generation. The fact that it didn’t happen means that everything we know dear will be lost a generation sooner. You won’t miss it until it’s gone (that’s for you Essexman, you dumb shit).
I will never accept the invaders, how can I they’re not my kinsmen , ethnically, by religion or culture. This invasion and colonisation of Britain and Europe has been going on since 1948, the peoples of the continent have never been asked, consulted or given permission for this, so like I said, I will never accept it.
As far as I know, David, it’s illegal. How can it be unacceptable in Africa or Amazonia and be okay here? It’s a tragedy what we (not us, the establishment) are doing to their own country and brotherhood. Mind you, money (extorted from us poor fuckers) will keep them warm at night. Whether, that money keeps their daughters safe at night is a different matter.
To make an analogy, it’s like someone breaking into your house and squatting there, he may reside / squat there for 3 months, 3 years or 30 years, but you’ll never accept him because he broke into your house.
But he’ll still expect you to maintain it.
DB – I would expand your interesting analogy, to it being more like long term tenants in a large property which they have helped to build and maintain; yet the landlord (who also resides there) decides to allow in other tenants.
These new tenants: are nothing whatsoever like any of the other residents in their habits; contributing nothing in the way of rent or maintenance of the building; they begin to slowly destroy the fabric of the structure and always seek to bring in more and more people like them (who do likewise) to live in the property as well. They parasitize and steal from the original residents and, when they can, rape their wives, daughters and mothers; but when the original tenants complain to the landlord (who is unaffected by the actions of the new additions) he does nothing – but always side with the newcomers.
I suspect this continues until it is realized that the solution, is the removal of both the original landlord (in favour of a better one) and the new tenants.
That’s about where I’m at. What I really struggle to get my head around is why governments of the last half decade and so many seemingly normal people are so compliant, my older sister included.
I jokingly liken it to John Wyndham’s Midwich Cuckoos (Village Of The Damned) as I can seriously see no other reason for the turkeys so keen to vote for Christmas.
I was once one who, like so many, thought immigration (at any rate some immigration) was a ‘good thing’, for all the usual trivial reasons, it seemed exciting (like visiting other countries but on your doorstep) , ‘black music’ was vibrant and sexy, new kinds of food were tasty, and didn one feel superior to those ‘narrow minded’ Alf garnet types who were ‘racist’?
Yet I now ask myself how I could have supported sucha dangerous process for such petty reasons< and the answer is I never saw the dangers. I was so up my own arse and self righteous that I was utterly oblivious to any 'threat' and consequently refused to listen to anyone (such as the wise Enoch P) who suggested there was one. I also believed everything I saw on the BBC, genuinely thought it unbiased and to represent the height of quality journalism.
And so it must be with the pro mass immigrationists today, they believ the BBC and most of the MSM telling them 'diversity' is good, immigration is a 'benefit', every carpetbagger from anywhere is just like us and will be become as British as us after a year or two here, most immigrants are hard working and all wish us well, Muslims ar epeace loving, yada yada
And of course people who oppose immigrants are all thick/bigots/old fashioned/ nasty/ hate filled nazis/xenophobes/ selfish/greedy or some combination of these…
I did not ask them in either Doyle , ( are you from ROI) if so you are also an immigrant too , I may vote to leave the EU , but not for UKIP , simples you rude man .PS , Essex ,is still true blue die hard Conservative , & will always be ,these are my people .Essex for ever!
Die hard Conservative? If you were die hard British, or die hard English, we might have a chance. The Conservative Party have left you, yet your loyalty blinds you to the fact. Perhaps the coming referendum will reveal that to you, as your party follows the Labour Party lead. Listening to Cameron, Osborne and Gove last week, they were indistinguishable from Blair’s New Labour.
“The plebs outside looked from Tory to Labour, and from Labour to Tory, and from Tory to Labour again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.” (credit George Orwell, Animal Farm Nov’43 to Feb’44)
Vote Leave. Vote UKIP.
A reminder of our Prime Minister’s pre-election promise ………………………………….
Great Britain is more than just about ‘Essex’.
Not concerned about Scotland , it will probably want to stay in the EU ,anyhow .Essex & the East of England , net contributers to UK economy ,along with South & South East .So we are important , to other parts of England , thats why we are true Blue.
Doyle isn’t my name although my name is Irish. I’m descended from Lancastrian peasants on the one side and Irish peasants on the other (when Ireland was part of Britain so technically, they weren’t immigrants).
I don’t know, but would guess, that what got you banned was the remark about “wanting to hit her afterwards”; it made me wince sufficiently to stick in my mind – I would also guess that the old fashioned gents who run this site would also not encourage such remarks but it would be wrong to mistake chivalry for political correctness.
Well he is Irish.
I guess we’re sufficiently un-PC (and sufficiently Irish) here for you to be allowed to say that.
”Well he is Irish.” Essexman is Irish ? that explains it then.
Say what you like Mr Brim`s , we will soon get to vote on the EU , but it won`t be anything to do with Ukip , as they will have to defer to the nominated ,”Exit” campaign .Some of you kippers are behaving like “Hard Left” Corbynistas ,you want to spit on us too. But you will need the True Blue`s, to deliver the result you want .
Wow..banned from Guido…i blanche at some of the posts there…what on earth did you say…?
re ChrisH at 1.58pm
“….this is yet another serious issue for us all to worry about-more funding…”
There is I think a good Bingo game to be had on the bBBC. We might call it “demand for more public money” bingo.
The R4 Today prog. is a good place as are the news bulletins.
I hadn’t seen the above example – thanks Chris – but this morning we had the latest variant of the NHS crisis, the ‘more immigration’ story from the legal people, and a new one about more public-funded financial advice.
I must start totting up the cost of all the single-issue pressure groups given free rein on the bBBC, were their demands for funding to be realised. Of course, seen through the eyes of a corporation which thinks it has a divine right to spend £4bn a year of other people’s money, those seeking such publicity have a much easier ride than those of us who would have to pay for it all. Who would care to bet against some educational initiative and an expensive new health treatment for some tiny sub-section of society to be featured on the news later this week?
Now Cumberbatch had demanded to see the Home Secretary to demand we let in 23 million migrants and their extended families ( I paraphrase him there).
Who the hell is he – an OK actor (nothing special) – what gives him the thought that he is so important? Why doesn’t he stick to learning his craft and leave politics to intelligent people who have an understanding of the effects of this immigration. (Even if they do nothing about it)..
I wonder if Harrow educated Cumberbatch will be sending his kids (if he has any) to the local state school, where they will be competing with the newcomers for places ?
Social housing not likely to be a problem for the Cumberbatch clan either is it.
I too, am utterly sick and tired of being preached at by people whose self importance knows no bounds. Actors in particular, seem to think that they have some sort of moral obligation to lecture the government on how to run the country. I daresay his Hobbit mate Freeman, whose Wife went bankrupt to avoid paying tax, is right behind him on this.
Bloody hypocrites.
‘Who the hell is he – an OK actor’
Mr Cucumberpatch is making a perfectly sensible career enhancing statement here. His primary source of income is the liberal media to wit : Holywood and the BBC. His target audience are non-tax-paying, social media-savvy, youngsters of middle to higher income groups – they are often female (Cumberbitches is the collective, I believe) – their outlook is globalistic, optimistic and above all naive. The Batch is a smart cookie – and probably has good management.
Good management…………….. the way that Simon Fuller has masterminded the Beckham brand, their every move, photo call, speeches to the United Nations, job for junior in a coffee shop (for 2 weeks), employed designers to ‘draw’ for VB to pass off as her own, ambassadorships for knickers, whisky, BT et al, and now a bit part in a film.
Cucumber should do well then.
Cumbersome is an actor….he cannot tell real life from fantasy…his life revolves around being someone else. Oh, how many migrants has he taken in? and Emma Thomson? and Geldoff? any one know? Oh and that Lily Savage prick is still here, not fled to Venice like he pledged if the tories won….worthless fools the lot of them.
Fame is an odd thing. He looks like his face got slammed in a door, but he has Cumberbitches hanging off his every word. No wonder he thinks that his views are so important that he must share them with us, the ignorant unwashed. Excuse me whilst I tug my forelock.
Why don’t these self-important actors, singers and so-called comedians just f**k off.
Their opinions are no more valid than those of a road sweeper in Stoke-on-Trent – less so, in fact, as the road sweeper probably has to live among these freeloading bastards.
Have a nice day …….
Great post.
I think Lobster’s second sentence summed this up completely – straight to the nub of the problem. The people who are affected by immigration are the one’s who should be listened to. Not self-important slebs in ivory towers.
ones not one’s. I tut when I see others do that – I am disgusted with myself.
Cumberbatch is homosexual and as such has a hatred of traditon and a love of ‘diversity’. Its ironic that they fail to take on board that so many of those they admit are precisely everything they hate, traditonal, narrowminded bigots, with a supreme loyalty to kith and kin and a hatred of ‘diverse’ types especially those of deviant sexuality.
Please check your facts. Cumberbatch isn’t homosexual. He is married to a woman and has son. Please don’t spread inaccurate information, it reflects poorly on the site.
He probably is though. In the old days it was called a lavender marriage.
Oddly, one of the examples cited there is Robert Taylor (real name, the wonderful Spangler Arlington Brugh) who I’m pretty sure wasn’t cos he ploughed the gorgeous Ava Gardner (when she was hot).
Aerfen, I am gay and I can assure you that I don’t love “diversity” one little bit. I am well aware of who my enemies are.
Sorry Lobster, it was a crude generalisation, but I suspect a high proportion of your gay friends do?
No offence was taken and to be honest very few of my friends (gay or straight) do. Then again, I tend to exist in the real world rather than the one inhabited by the “Luvvies”.
Maybe we could see a new Series.from Danny Cohen: “Luvvie Swap”.
In the first, Benny gets to demand to see Vladimir Putin, Elt gets to see Lord Hall Hall, and Lenny persuades Theresa to let him star in a remake of ‘Gone With The Wind Outta Compton’? It’s so crazy it could just work.
Guilt. His ancestors were slavers so he has to make up for it by allowing this country to be invaded by Third World savages. Of course, he won’t suffer because his money will protect him from the catastrophe he promotes. I have nothing but contempt for him and his kind. In an ideal world, his comments would be rightly ignored as the ravings of a maniac. Having the world’s worst broadcaster on board though, gives his comments some sort of credence. Just stick to the acting mate, I couldn’t give a shit what your opinions are about anything.
According to ‘Littlejohn’, old Cumbersome starts begging for funds at the end of each of his performances after the applause has died down ! and as they file out are met with bucket wavers to ‘catch the change’. This is SO wrong. Theatre used to be a place for escapism, not to be lectured at for how awful the Government are at not allowing more refugees into the Country. Poor show Benedict ! Poor show.
BBC Online News:
“”Migrant crisis: UK response criticised by senior former judges””
Former Senior Judges (who are they to demand?) state that we should open the gates to immigration. I’ll deal with these extracts one by one. They are typical Left wing demands that haven’t been thought through for obvious practical problems.
“”One way of doing this would be to create a system of “humanitarian visas” so that refugees did not have to undertake dangerous journeys to reach Europe””.
1/ Who issues these visas?
2/ What would the visas state?
3/ How do we contact the people who need these visas?
4/ How do we meet these people to assess they are genuine applicants?
5/ Where do we meet them? Any Health and Safety issues in their home countries for the assessment teams? IS?
6/ How do we ensure that no forgeries are created?
7/ Who pays for their travel?
8/ Who decides which country they can opt for?
9/ Who verifies these visas and how?
10/ Who pays for the visa system?
“”The letter also calls for the suspension of the so-called Dublin system, which means asylum seekers must claim asylum in the first EU country in which they arrive.””
1/ Why should an EU rule be suspended? Should they all be suspended when a political end is obstructed and they become inconvenient?
“”The lawyers and judges are calling for the establishment of safe, legal routes into the EU.””
1/ What does ‘establishment’ mean?
2/ What does ‘legal route’ mean?
3/ Who enforces it’s legality?
4/ What happens if there are objections from countries that have these ‘legal routes’ over their territory?
“”Among others to put their name to the open letter to the press is former president of the European Court of Human Rights, Sir Nicolas Bratza.””
1/ He is a former Human Rights Barrister and supporter of free movement. No axe to grind, then?
But if objections are raised, the response would be, “so you thinks it’s right that children should drown when trying to make their way to safety?”
“Think of the children!” blackmail.
Roger Bolton is nearly in tears on Feedback in sympathy with po-faced fascist listeners upset about sexist and racist jokes in an old Hudd Lines programme on Radio 4 Extra.
Should this ‘unacceptable’ material be re-broadcast? Is a warning at the start enough? (Careful Roger, we will be having warnings in front of Brigstock, Hardy et al “Contains No Humour”, next).
Apparently ‘satire’ should only be directed against the powerful.
In another part of the Feedback we are told that the BBC has apologised for a programme that made fun of the ‘mighty’ Met. Office and the ‘97%’ of scientists that are funded to promote ‘Man Made Climate Change’. This was also completely ‘unacceptable’. What was that about directing satire at the powerful again?
I heard this yesterday. I thought it was a joke satire on Feedback. That it was for real is incredible.
Free speech is free speech and whatever Bolton and the rest of the them try to say it is really simple to understand. Free means free and freedom is excatly that.
What this bit of rubbish was all about was virtue signalling and saying to us scum -look we are all so much more empathetic now and even some of you lot have improved. There is still a long way to go but a bit of re education in a gulag ( sorry I did not mean that really) will soon sort you out.
Meanwhile keep paying the TV tax and STFU.
Peter Lilley has written a caustic letter to Lord Tony Hall about the BBC’s disgraceful apology over the “Who needs the Met Office”progrmme by Quentin Letts :
Excellent letter from Lilley – thanks.
No doubt Lord Haw-Haw will ignore it in time-honoured fashion. Because he can and because he has the New Inquisition on his side, including this bunch of science-hating, eco-socialist totalitarians:
We might think that a semi-secret, international conference of top judges, held in the highest courtroom in Britain, to propose that it should be made illegal for anyone to question the scientific evidence for man-made global warming, was odd enough to be worthy of front-page coverage…..
Difficult to believe this is happening in Britain. But there again, in a country where segregation of men and women in a mainstream political meeting can pass by with barely a flutter of concern, an agile ability to suspend belief has become a prerequisite for retaining one’s sanity.
Quite chilling really.
Our defence is reality itself. Just as the idiotic and unreal foreign policy of the West is being undone and destroyed by Russia so I expect that the same will happen to these odd attempts to impose thought control over us re the climate.
Probably, as Booker writes ,it will be China and India that do for the West over this.
What is becoming clearer is just how irrelevant the West is becoming. It could be that this is just the start of real Western decline. it could really accelerate now and will have grave repercussions for us all. Not least on. our very well fed and cushioned existence.
The blame is squarely upon the post war liberal consensus that took real hold in the 1960s as the wartime generation was retiring.
Cultural marxism has played a role but over and above this has been the illogical desire of a whole generation to defy the reality of the world and our place in it. Pragmatism and trying to make the best of the world has been replaced by a need, pathological in it’s applications re PC etc , to reorder reality to fit preconceived desires.
An entire useless class of drones has furthered this. Just read the Guardian/Independent/Telegraph etc or look and listen to our media and you will hear them buzzing uselessly now .
It is now just a matter of time before their day is ended.
This is a clear case showing us that the Arrhenius formula of calculating the Greenhouse effect has failed, and that the new thermodynamics formula in the Unified Theory of Climate by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller solves all those errors.
Peter Lilley is on the “lukewarm” end of the range given by the IPCC, which only accepts the Arrhenius method. It must be true to say that with the Unified Theory of Climate, a minority of scientists are out of step with the scientific consensus, because the consensus has been proved wrong by computer models using the Arrhenius formula. The Met Office did publish in 2004 with much fanfare a forecast that the world would warm by 0.3C by 2014 whereas there was no statistically significant increase in temperature over that period. The Arrhenius formula produces no scientific consensus about the climate sensitivity – how much warming will follow from a doubling of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. The IPCC shows a wide range of estimates.
Peter Lilley studied physics at Cambridge, so he accepts the basic thesis that a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere, will marginally warm up the Earth. Both theories indicate this to be so. 0.007C for 100ppm for the new theory. (Astronomers have proven that changes in cloud albedo caused Global Warming) But the Arrhenius formula is false because it has been proven to be of no credible use in calibrating carbon dioxide warming in the carbon dioxide Atmosphere of Venus. But the Unified Theory of Climate provides a formula that produces exactly what is observed in all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
As it says in the article: To paraphrase Prof Feynman, the scientific method is to compare predictions, based on a theory, with observations (e.g comparing Met Office’s predictions with observations): “If they disagree … the Arrhenius theory is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your theory is, who made the theory – if it disagrees with experiment it is wrong. That is all there is to it.” That does not mean the basic physics of global warming is wrong (but it is) but their model clearly does need revising by someone who knows better, like the brother of the leader of the Labour Party.
I am not sure how Piers Corbyn has come to this conclusion, but studying the carbon dioxide Atmosphere of Venus seems to be the best route to changing the consensus from the Arrhenius theory to the Unified Theory of Climate.
“Apparently ‘satire’ should only be directed against the powerful”
Though clearly nowhere near one of the most powerful forces in the land, rather uniquely.
Here’s Enoch ” Nationality is not a question of mere travel documents getting stamped, it has a much more deeper meaning than that, it’s about ones own homeland.” He runs rings round the interviewer.
“He runs rings round the interviewer.”
Hardly surprising. Any leftist trying to debate Enoch was taking a knife to a gunfight.
bBBC in full pro-immigrant mode tonight.
We had Fiona Bruce emoting over the poor refugees having to walk across Europe in the rain! And from Macedonia ( errr a safe country? Not of course mentioned)
Meanwhile on BBC London a full immigration special. The village of Longford near Heathrow has been taken over by asylum seekers courtesy of the authorities and a local hotel entrepreneur. Bus- loads of immigrants were shown. Hundreds. But a. Surprisingly few from Syria and b. Every single immigrant out of dozems and dozens shown was young and male. Not a single woman.. So when the Islington Labour council leader was then interviewed going on about poor vulnerable immigrants, I was thinking- what about the women?
Which is amazing really when you consider how right-on the PC bBBC are. Yet of course this glaringly obvious fact was never mentioned once.
Like a game of Pokemon my kids used to play, immigrants are worth more than women in the al-beeb world. Absolutely disgraceful reporting.
Liberals want a Scandinavian welfare state system with an Arab and African population, it just isn’t going to work.
I think the Swedes (native population, not politicians) are beginning to work that out.
“Like a game of Pokemon my kids used to play, immigrants are worth more than women in the al-beeb world. Absolutely disgraceful reporting.”
Order of trumps:
Black sub Saharan Africans
Brown Muslims
Other browns
Homosexuals and non VEMs (Visible ethnic minorites)
European or Far eastern ethnic minorites
Ethnic British heterosexual women
Ethnic British heterosexual men
Bradford gets UK’s first Muslim woman lord mayor.
Woo Hoo light the fireworks for the vibrancy and the diversity !
A shame the BBC is so biased that they cannot report the failure of the vibrancy and diversity.
“Britain’s first woman Muslim Lord Mayor suspended by Labour after the police launched an investigation into ‘financial irregularities'”
Typical pro Muslim bias again.
Can’t wait for next weeks “inside out” bbbc1 . “We shall be in cambridge, to meet the families that are taking in migrants from the crisis” . It shall be interesting to see who these families turn out to be.
It shall be interesting to see who these families turn out to be.
We know how so many strive in our present society to do anything to try and achieve ‘celebrity’ status, no matter how little, if anything, they contribute to society, and are more usually a negative influence.
As if that wasn’t bad enough prepare now for a new type of mindset – we can call them ‘sell-out-Brittys’. Even more ready and willing to follow the BBC propaganda to make themselves feel intelligent and important, besides their 5 minutes of fame.
Other Muslims.
They could do a ‘7 Up’ series, only the numbering won’t be the ages in years but guests in months.
Considering Refugees cannot be housed with families and must have their own 4 walls, it will be interesting to see exactly what crisis these migrants came from and why they didn’t apply for asylum! Another BBC whitewash coming up!
Missing on the BBC?
“A terror suspect, who was freed from Guantanamo Bay and given £1m compensation by Britain, has joined Isis. Jamal al-Harith, a Muslim convert formerly known as Ronald Fiddler, claims he was on holiday in Pakistan when he was locked up by the Taliban who accused him of being a British Spy.”
Jamal Al-Harith: Guantanamo detainee flees to Syria
Thanks JimS for the link.
The Left/BBC will defend him by saying that he was innocent when he was sent to Guantanamo Bay, but his experiences there left him embittered and drawn to IS for redress.
To the Left/BBC, nobody has responsibility for their criminal actions. It’s all down to others, such as a society that ‘fails’ to understand their issues. In this case, the fault of Western foreign policy has ‘driven’ him to act.
The west was under attack years before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 9/11 anyone?
Anyone thought of getting a legal team and a BBC crew over there to see how the compo claims are progressing for those who have suffered a mild bit of heart eating, petrol-conflagrations or head-lopping?
Crimewatch features a segment on ‘Hate Crimes’ homophobic, disabled and racist (we know the sort) of hate crimes were featured….
Next up was the horrific rape of a young blond British girl (yes we know where this is going) plod describes the perpetrator as (quote) “a black man with a foreign accent”. Thankfully this wasn’t a hate crime, as this type of crime wasn’t featured in the earlier hate crime segment…..
Why isn’t Sir Lenny Henry or Dame June Sarpong not presenting Crimewatch ? you’d think it would be right up their street .
Maybe rape of blonde girls as a crime needs a new designation all of its own? So long as it is not discriminatory, natch.
Meanwhile Twitter policing squads get BBC embeds as they grow in number.
Don’t forget to tell your mother.
Question, is Essexman really Manonclaphamomnibus in disguise ?
Essexman is Eric Pickles MP
Pickles can’t read nor right
Pickles might not read or right, but he sure knows his onions ……
Unlike that Richard Branston ….
I’ll get me coat …….
LOL !!! Lobster ! Stop it, please !
Okay Grant – the tide’s coming in so I’ll go back under water …….
Pickles is from Yorkshire , but we are all true Blue in Essex . Never been on a Clapped out bus down Clappen Way.
If Labour have not been elected in the next twenty years, will the BBC still support them in 2035?
Given the latest hoot on PLP coherence, the BBC must be now meeting in Frankie Howerd to see how they can formally become the unelected opposition. Well, a bit more so… whilst still being uniquely funded by compulsion.
Anyone watch Doc Alice’s nnew series on the CCelts?
I missed it but have no doubt it was sending out PeeeCee ‘messages’ at every turn.
Perhaps Black youths and ethnic minorities are more likely to be involved in crime, especially in London? The BBC just cannot help the race hustling:
The statistics are for the whole of England and Wales but don’t break it down into regions or boroughs. Where I live White British are a very small minority at 17.6%. Generally larger conurbations have higher black populations and correspondingly more crime. Yet again a wicked attempt by the BBC to seek sympathy for a violent and dangerous ethnic group.
It’s proceeding as well for their narrative on Facebook as may be expected.
At least a new them for a ‘Likely Lads’ remake is now suggested.
There is a greater percentage of recorded crime committed by black youths than by white youths. It’s a fact. Therefore there will be more instances of a taser being used. It’s called logic.
There is a greater percentage of white males involved in armed robberies on banks etc. than by black males. It’s a fact.
Grooming and sexual abuse of white girls by….
Perhaps the Beeboids would rather they were twatted with batons, because that is the alternative.
Well instead of lumping me in with the Romanians and Hungarians how about they record indigenous white separately.
You’re too honest. It will make the other look bad.
Black ‘yoots’ are also larger (on average) , more aggressive (higher testosterone) and more likely to challenge the police. Small wonder the police are obliged to taser them.
bBBC squeezed in (but of course did not follow up) the fact that Asian males are tasered less than average.
From this I conclude that the plod either have the most excellent colour vision, able to detect on a dark night even the slightest gradation between black and brown and so maintain discriminatory tasering, OR they are just doing their job and policing what is in front of them.
Don’t get me wrong. The plod are no saints and have some rough diamond within. But could we just have for once some proper informative reporting? Any measure of anything will show a deviation from some other average – that’s why speed cameras are put in place and why they don’t on the whole reduce accidents. If bBBC are so worried about these statistics then how about the one that shows that black and asian people are ‘significantly under-represented’ in the blood and organ-donating community? You see, we can all play the game.
Saw that report about tasering. As usual no reference to percentage of prison population in relation to race. But that wouldn’t fit your shit-stirring narrative. What happens if some young black gang banger got so incensed with the fraudulent reporting on the BBC and murders someone based on his false BBC inspired prejudices?
Please fuck off forever BBC. Disgraceful.
Crikey, did anyone hear that cockney millionaire, Charlie Mullen, on Toady just now?
He was saying what a fantastic thing the EU is. Convinced me. (larf)
A wide boy who has made his wealth using cheap foreign labour, slagging off the British worker and a ready supply of foreign landlords and buy to letters cash to service their properties.
No surprise here, what does he care, pretty sure he doesn’t live in Tower Hamlets…
And he said at the end that we get 10 times more from the EU than we pay in. That is a total lie and he should have been challenged on it.
Could the reason why the BBC journalists can only manage half a story, one side of an argument, one side of a debate etc. be that it requires more skill, more nous, more effort, more understanding of world affairs, real journalistic expertise etc. which they don’t actually have. A story of an underdog, the muslim etc is so easy to cover if you only have a biased and unreasonably simplistic viewpoint. A proper, in depth study that looks at all aspects is a lot harder to do.
And it would probably get you sacked from the BBC.
Yesterday BBC London news ran a short item on Lymes disease. Until recently the condition was often misdiagnosed and sufferers were not always aware that the bite from a tick had been the source of their infection or indeed that it was an infection that was causing their symptoms.
The number of cases is going up. The BBC journos do love statistics – although they are pretty poor when it comes to using them honestly. The viewer is told that the rise in cases ‘may be due due to better diagnosis’.
But being the ‘climate change’ propagandists that they are, the BBC adds ‘some think (scientists?) the increase in cases is due to climate change’
So there you are viewers, take notice of climate change alarmists and do what they say or else you may get a nasty disease.
The BBC climate change sore thumb sticking out into this report is probably based on this BBC report:
‘America, particularly the forested areas of New England, has the most cases of Lyme disease – here the numbers of those infected run into hundreds of thousands each year. Russia is also quite badly affected.’
Wait a minute…. ‘climate change’ is about temperature increase, right? The forested areas of New England are not really known for their sunshine, are they? And Russia? Do you pack always your suncream for Russia?
Alright, lets have a look at the warmist’s case:
‘As Lyme disease spreads across the U.S., those in its path cope with a debilitating, bewildering array of maladies, misery and afflictions’ – nasty.
‘Editor’s Note: “Climate at Your Doorstep” is an effort by The Daily Climate to highlight stories about climate change impacts happening now.’ Gosh, full on climate change here folks!
‘Reasons for the spread are not fully understood but include suburbanization and the growth of suitable habitat for the black-legged tick, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC believes climate change may be a factor, and this spring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency added Lyme disease to its list of climate change indicators.’
The usual not fully understoods, the ifs and maybes – but it looks as though the alarmists are going with this one – hence the BBC obediently follows suit.
So come on US science dudes, cards on the table time…
‘C. Ben Beard, chief of the bacterial diseases branch of the CDC’s vector-borne disease division…”With climate change you would expect to see some northern expansion, and that is probably happening in Canada and the northern reaches of the U.S. But the mystery to us is that Lyme disease is expanding south at the same time,” with large increases in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.”It’s hard to say what the cause of that is, and there’s a lot of research to look into that,” Beard added. One explanation could be the expansion of suburbia into the edge of forests, creating the lightly wooded habitat favored by deer and the white-footed mouse – important tick hosts and transporters. The warming correlation is less clear. ‘
So we will leave it there as the warmist strain a gut to back up their alarmsist claims. Perhaps the BBC ought to have left it there and get back to us when their so-called scientist have a coherent theory.
I contracted Lyme in 2012, ostensibly from an infected tick here in France, but I never actually saw it. Because I thought the swelling was just another insect bite, and the ensuing period of flu-like symptoms passed after a day or two, I did nothing about it. However I then developed a severe ache in my left shoulder, and visited the GP. Luckily, I went with my partner (she speaks better French), who happened to mention the “tick” incident – he immediately cottoned on and sent me for a blood test, which proved positive. I endured 14 daily antibiotic injections, and that was it – no follow up test, and no recall to the surgery.
Anyway since then I have developed further aches and unexplained ailments, and (more seriously), a heart arrhythmia which is causing me some distress, fatigue and breathlessness. Several spells in hospital has not resolved anything (despite having two stents inserted in my heart).
Interestingly, rural France is a country with a large tick problem, yet there don’t appear to be any specialised treatment centres here. I continually mention that I suspect Lyme may be involved in my problems, but no-one seems to be interested.
I’ve been in contact with John Caudwell’s outfit, but no reply, as yet.
My own research suggest that Lyme is potentially an extremely serious disease, and it’s only recently that the medical profession in Europe is beginning, at last, to wake up.
‘Several spells in hospital has not resolved anything’
One can only wish you all the best and hopes for a speedy recovery. It sounds a horrible disease – no wonder the alarmists are keen to co-opt it for their twisted propaganda purposes
There has been a slight(ish) increase in the number of reported “Tick” events here on Dartmoor over the last 10 years or so. Nothing to do with “Global Warming” aka “Climate Change” but more to do with the number of visitors coming down the M5/A303 on a Friday and the readily accessible Moor. The unwittingly urbanites blunder off to look at miniature ponies, Dartmoor ponies, black haired cows and sheep not aware of the menace lurking in the animal coats. Another issue is the number of Lamas now finding their way into the Dartmoor environment, now they do pack a “Tick” punch I can tell you!
“Climate Change” covers all bases doesn’t it, in fact what hasn’t been caused by “Climate Change”?
I have to ask what were the other symptoms? After a walk in the country with the dog back in June I awoke with a tick hanging out of my shoulder, the OH got it out and initially no problems and forgot all about it.
However have had a lot of neck pain in the last couple of months, again have just lived with it putting it down to old age and a car accident I had 10 years ago, but now with the latest press that Lymes is getting I do wonder…
Geoff, as one who has seen Lymes disease attack my friends who have been regular walkers (who no longer are because of Lymes) get yourself off to your nearest health centre straight away and get checked out. Believe me, Lymes is not funny and very disabling in so many ways. One friend, can barely walk these days! Do it, pronto, my friend.
Advice taken!
Old Goat. I am truly sorry to hear about your problems. I know nothing about Lyme but hope that, whatever the cause, you will soon find some doctor who will make a correct diagnosis and put you on the right course of treatment. I am surprised to hear that some in the French medical profession are a bit laissez faire, like many in our own NHS. I do hope you will soon be feeling a lot better.
Thanks Demon, and everyone else for their comments. Geoff, as I discovered to my cost, the effects of Lyme are not immediate (apart from a short bout of flu-like illness), and may not show themselves for weeks, months or even years. And when symptoms DO manifest themselves, they mimic other ailments, (especially joint problems) and thus treatment is often misdirected. The medical profession seem to be very slow in acknowledging Lyme as a serious problem (more serious, probably, than AIDS seemed to be in the eighties). Tests are “iffy”, even if you can convince a GP to arrange one. It is a potential killer, though not everyone, of course, succumbs.
The poor old TODAY programme is turning into a bit of a train wreck this morning (13 Oct) even Fraught for the Day missed the mark somewhat. I need to listen to one part in the 7-730am segment again because I think John Humphrys accidentally got a surprising answer from a health scientist. The old chap still has an edge at times but this morning has been almost embarrassing. It could, of course, be that the Producer and Editors are mostly responsible. They must have been the ones at fault for the premature interview about the Malayasian Airline Flight MH17 report. Even so, someone needs to do the tough but kind thing and encourage John into a well deserved & honourable retirement.
Talking about BBC London News, my wife and I have bets on whether or not there will be a muslim story on the news. It’s great fun and we only bet a small amount of money. Quite often, just as you might think there is no way on earth that they will find a muslim story now with 2 minutes to go before the weather and purses and wallets are appearing, boom – “and finally, at a London mosque today. blah blah blah” They must have a ‘muslim story’ button they press.
Even the bloody weather forecast, when they say the weather will be generally Shi-ite but with a few Sunni spells.
Sorry !!
A blistering 3 minute clip from Channel 4’s Homeland, Series 5, Episode 1
Quinn, a frontline undercover CIA agent has returned from 2 years in Raqqa, to tell his Langley bosses just how it really is – both barrels.
‘They have a strategy…Endtimes…a world without Infidels…What do you think all the beheadings, crucifixions are about? It’s all in their book…’
These few minutes blow all the BBC’s Spooks dross out of the water.
My better half tells me the clip was on Newsnight last night. I wonder what they made of it?
Siberian Geese have arrived early in the U.K., earliest sighting for over 30 years. The last time they were this early we had a mini ice age. Hmm. What do they know?
Walking on the south side of the Thames Estuary at the weekend in the Swale, the geese were plentiful, it was cold and I had the thought ‘They are about a month early, does this mean a bad winter?
I did predict it on here about two months ago. I think.
“Black people are three times more likely than white people to be involved in Taser incidents”
“In more than 12% of cases Tasers were used against black people, who make up about 4% of the population.”
Sorry BBC, all that proves is that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime. Perhaps if they learned a bit of basic civil behaviour they wouldn’t get zapped quite as often.
Do the police in Woolwich have tasers? Asking for a friend.
Don’t know – they never seem to walk anywhere and peering in through the window of a police car is not likely to go down well.
Maybe they do commit more violent crime, or maybe they are more likely to resist arrest and need constraining – I’m sure readers can come to their own conclusions. But note the comment “…including those local forces with enough incidents to assess separately (West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and the Metropolitan Police).” In other words, the majority of forces do not generate enough statistics to produce meaningful information and most of the information comes from large urban areas where black people represent more than 4% of the population. Also note that Asians (sic) are under represented – is the BBC going to campaign to have more of them zapped?
Mishal Husain was yapping on and on about the blacks this morning. Doesn’t she know the basic crime statistics – the amount of violent gun and knife crime among black communities ? And has she never seen the many cases of violent black schizophrenics ? As usual, the elephant in the room goes unnoticed – deliberately – by BBC interviewers.
The BBC are absolutely certain they’ve found another witch to burn with their non existent ‘Waycism’ which they see everywhere and in everyone.
They invited an ‘Asian’ police officer on who told them that it wasn’t ‘waycism’ because ‘Asians’ are less likely to be tasered that whites. It didn’t satisfy the rabid Husain who was as single minded as Matthew Hopkins, the witch finder general – it WAS waycism and nothing especially not reality or facts were going to detract from that.
It was sad to hear the Asian Police guy saying that they didn’t know why the figures were as they are, when he obviously did. The problem is that no one is allowed to criticise an ethnic minority in the new Fascist regime in which we live today.
Witchfinder General, lol.
One of the very few films (Blood On Satan’s Claw is another) to make use of the wondrous English countryside (in this case it was Suffolk). Director Michael Reeves killed himself soon after – a terrible loss as the British film industry entered the uncertainty of the 70’s.
Just spoken to a police officer in north London and all shifts have a number of officers armed with tasers 24/7. This would apply to Woolwich.
It was mentioned above how Newsnight used the brilliant Quinn speech from the compelling series Homeland. The sort of drama that is far too complicated to be made by the BBC.
In tightly scored lines of dialogue Quinn grinds out what the west is up against in the war against Islam.
In essence he says Islam has a strategy, ie Enddays with the extermination of all infidels whereas the West lacks a strategy.
Plenty to discuss there … unless you are the Guardian reading Newsnight team. Emily Matis leads in with and then asks as the intro question: ‘can drama be used for propaganda for government’s foreign policy?’
I kid ye not. Point missed.
Ludicrously she said Band of Brothers was used to push US public’s thinking to support the Afghan and Saddam wars. Band of Brothers first episode aired BEFORE 9/11. Yes before. The producers would have been planning a series on that scale for many years, possibly 5/10 years previously. Secondly, and someone should tell the newsnight team this, it was not produced by George Bush, the White House or any Neocons. Honest. It was made by Steven Spielberg’s production company. Spielberg is a rabid democrat as is Tom Hanks the series principal producer. No doubt most of the production team would be politically left leaning. Band of Brothers was based on the heart wringing book D-Day by Stephen Ambrose. This was written in 1988 which would make Ambrose and the series production team staggeringly prescient if they made it to pressure the US public into the Afghan invasion.
It is an insult to the viewer that the Guardian researchers on newsnight can’t be asked to research anything.
Worse, the Homeland speech threw up a huge arena of concerns that the BBC in particular, but the West in general, does all it can to avoid. The BBC had to work very hard on this occasion to circumnavigate the debate. All Miss Maitland should have asked is: ‘Mister Ackerman, you are a decorated soldier who has risked his life in the middle east for the good of the people unfortunate to be living under Islam and then worked with CIA counter intelligence, do you think Quinn was accurate in his view.’ Now that would have led to the discussion the West must at some stage face up to.
The sooner the BBC is replaced the better.
Extraordinary dialogue and just about right. It is a complete waste of time expecting Maitlis and the rest of the liberal fantasists to even understand it let alone accept that it is reality.
This has been coming for some long time certainly since the 1970s. If you really want to understand the Russian motivation for intervening in Syria then put the two together.
So devastating is the potential disaster facing Europe and even Russia that in some way I do not understand this future possibility is leaking into our present and there are a good many people who have had fears of this for over twenty years now.
To put it briefly. The USA is on the verge of quitting Europe and we are defenceless against a determind enemy that wants us gone. We lack any will to defend ourselves effectively.
The current political leadership is clueless and unfitted by training and temperament for the future. If you listen to Putin’s speech at the UN you will hear his fears that underlie his actions. I know of nobody in power in Western Europe who even begins to grasp the peril our civilisation is in. Gert Wilders does. So do the leaders of Pegida. Maybe Marine Le Pen. Here nobody at all . There are sound men and women in the old East.
Watch Sweden. It is on the way to an irreversible failed state status. Maybe it has only five or ten years left as a cohesive nation state.
This afternoon that superb film ‘Shane’ was on the TV. It could never be made today in the West. Can you imagine the BBC commissioning anything like it ?
Impossible. Cohen would have a tantrum.
It is everything a liberal hates. At it’s heart is the family -a traditional family of a man and a woman and the boy- and the building of a nation and a people based on this. and when the only way to protect this is to use violence then it is used in the person of Shane who accepts his role as the warrior.
Reluctantly but in the knowledge that this is the way of the world and always will be.
Not that I entirely agree with what I am about to say, but one could make a case for Putin being a Shane figure.
Similarities between Shane and Putin are clear
They both ride horses, both are short, both good in a gun fight,both single men, both showed a reluctance to get involved in the fight until they had to in order to protect their interests. Neither Shane nor Putin get pushed around, both fight their corner, neither show any fear.
In the interests of destroying the UK our government which obviously is not going to allow reality to impinge on money making, and certainly not going to allow the lessons of history to be even considered, is about to allow drinks giant SABMiller be taken over by American giant Anheuser-Busch InBev.
Unlike Nu Liebours disastrous allowing of Kraft taking over Cadburys, where at least promises were made, promises which were never kept, and tax receipts worth billions were lost, the Tories don’t even seem to have sought even the most basic assurances.
The company made an operating profit of $22.31 billion in the accounting year ending 2014 which should have resulted in corporation tax receipts at 20%, around $4.5 billion roughly £3 billion a year.
We all know American companies don’t pay tax in any countries, Facebook paid just £4327 last year and no I haven’t missed off billion, or million it really is just four thousand pounds.
There are 26.5 million households in the UK meaning that each one will have to either pay £175 or lose services to the value of to make up for the lost tax revenues.
I suppose the BBC hasn’t got any business or economic insight given the left wing fantasy world they live in, but they haven’t reported anything other than the basic facts.
Thoughtful, I agree with much of what you say, particularly about the Cadburys deal.
I know it’s not fashionable to defend Facebook’s tax arrangements but there is an erroneous left wing view that they are avoiding tax. This is perpetuated by the by BBC reporters who clearly know f**k all about business and taxation. They probably studied Global warming and its impact on Gender at University.
Say a company makes 1 million pounds profit, then it will pay 20% of this in corporation tax. That is in the simple world.
This forces companies to spend the profits to avoid tax. So they buy plant, hire more staff and invest in innovation. The money used to buy these products/staff is eventually taxed, usually with income tax on the staff at one of the supplying companies. Ie the money is taxed somewhere along the line.
With Facebook the company chose to use their profits to pay their staff an additional £35 million as a share bonus scheme. Staff took home, on average, an additional £97,790. The staff will pay tax at 20% and 40% thus the tax man earns more revenue than if Facebook paid 20% corporation tax.
This way staff will feel they have been rewarded, the company has minimised its tax liability and the revenue earns more tax.
Everyone wins in all areas apart from in the imagination of the left as inflamed by BBC reporting above.
Most of AB Inbev trading is outside the UK , along with SAB Miller . Us Camra members drink real ale from Independent`s , & not mass produced lager fizz . Not a problem for real ale drinkers , this take over.
Not everyones cup of tea, but Jon Gaunt is doing a live test transmission on his new radio station, so far its a refreshing change from 5Live and LBC. Tackling Islam right now, with live callers.
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