If they replace the BBC, what will happen to Eastenders, that cutting edge drama series? It would be a shame to see it go and it doesn’t cost a lot to make , they have managed to make one storyline last a year and a half – that’s good value for the license fee payers.
Seismicboy – Eastenders has made one storyline last longer than a year and a half! It’s basically had the same storyline since 1985: ‘life is awful, don’t try to change it or something even worse will happen’ .
Islamofauxbia …….
Tories to record Islamic erm …”hate”? crimes separately, galloping toward Eurabia.
“It comes as Mr Cameron announced that anti-Muslim hate crimes will be recorded as a separate category by all police forces in England and Wales. Hate crime is defined as an offence which is perceived to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic.”
Hope this post will get on? … the last two this morning have disappeared
Once again, separate, protected status for the ideology, the perpetrators of the most vile hate crime
don t worry, expect a surge in reports of Hijab pulling, and offence, and insult etc
“”I want to build a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremists and the poison they peddle. I want British Muslims to know we will back them to stand against those who spread hate and to counter the narrative which says Muslims do not feel British.”
“It comes as Mr Cameron announced that anti-Muslim hate crimes will be recorded as a separate category”.
I can live with this – so long as all crimes by Muslims against non-Muslims are also recorded as a separate category. Lets have truth in all directions.
The rape statistics alone will cause an uproar if anyone dares to report them.
BBC reporting this am on racial statistics for taserings? – apparently BME get disproportionate % compared to their number in UK population. Only two possibilities according to them
– police racism
– social deprevation
Since the latter is no excuse for violent thuggery that requires such measures to subdue it must be racism – could they not have thought of any other more plausible reasons? If not then why run the report
Yes, did hear Mishal( Ma Belle!)…say this after the fine and funny bit from Ole John with the Vulcan Bombadier just previous.
THAT is what the BBC is for-to show up its own knicker twistings by the pools -over the last 60 years…imagine the Warmons in the control tower having the wet willies put up them with all that talk of a “beautiful bomber” and “the only free standing, privately owned nuclear facility we`ve got in the country!
Even old Jon saw the weirdities thrown up by his musings-and his guest was similarly aware of what a surreal syntax strangling piece of comedy that it was.
Beam Me Up indeed!…a legal alien bit of fun Thomas Newton would have scratched his goolies over!
Oh -as for the Zapping of Zurgs People-WGA(flying)F?
Only thing I cares about are
a) Are the zappers sustainably charged before Plod goes walkies-and I don`t recall Huhne or Lucas demanding we have solar powered tazers…the fuzz do plenty Marbellaring, so get `em all charged at once say I.
Could use that Vulcan to fly them over…Freddie Starr could set `em up on “stun”…or “sparkler” as needs be.
b) All these people of colurr-how many were Christians?-as opposed to the Nation Of Islam in deed or in indifference?..THAT is all I give a damn about-I`ve heard nothing from MLKs bunch, nor the good Church oldies who brought their kids up with us lot.
I`m guessing they`all be Duggans Chugz…Or Mozzies who chase the flames!
When I get this BME bollox sifted Michalmasher…THEN I`ll give a Hoon!
(Other units of cold spineless and brainless killing units of useful idiots at the MOD are, of course, available)
Off to Tebb now…that`s do some good, stick it to the culchavulchaz-then remember when we did proper jobs and the BBC was on a lead.
Fido Piles!…that`s all we ever get…
“Same old Sloze on my radio-and my telly-and my iPlayer too”.
That song needs a reron!
Think there`s five songs and one film in the above-can you find them gyzangals?
“Black people ‘three times more likely’ to be Tasered” says Pravda. AlBeeb’s FOI unit (you know, the one that doesn’t seem too keen on providing information to punters on BBC-type stuff) seems to have been busy collecting taser stats (not too difficult as they are published every year). The Beeb’s statistical wiz kids reached their conclusion by comparing the number of instances taser were “used” on different “ethnic groups” (more on this in moment) with stats from the 2011 census for the ethnic composition of the populations of England and Wales. Er, but, but, surely crime events are not evenly distributed, and crime rates are far higher in urban areas (e.g. domestic burglary is roughly 4 times higher). What if we just look at crime in major urban areas ? Well, taking London where “black” ethnic groups comprised 13.3% of the population at the time of the 2011 census, then the taser stats are almost certainly not skewed. Oh and taser “use” refers to any instance where a taser is drawn from a holster. On average they are only fired 1 in 5 times once drawn. Never mind, let us not let small details get in the way of our “narrative” here in Corbynland.
I`d trust Pravda more than the BBC-so “disappointed” to see that Putins People have not gone on to tell us what happens to black students in their OWN country…and it`s a bit worse that tasers ,Vlad!
Good analysis. Now, if you can do a bit of research, what’s stopping the world’s worst broadcaster? That’s the trouble with the beeb – it’s about the narrative. Trouble is, their misinformation, will cause people to riot and even, kill. Reprehensible broadcasting, all payed for by you, by threat of jail.
Following on from my rant about Sainsbury removing the “Pork” flags from the fresh meat aisles, I see in Beckton they have the Apples and Pears in the Exotic Fruit section.
As I mentioned the other day Sainsburys major share holder is Qatar Holding LLC. They notified the Company on 04 February 2010 that it held 25.999 per cent. Qatar Holding LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Qatar Investment Authority (‘QIA’) and acts under QIA’s direction and control shareholder.
A Chiles BBC5Live has a parade of Islamic groups and imams on over new separate Islamic protections by Cameron ..
tut tutting and using, Jewish schools and places of worship needing high security because of …”hate” attacks as a justification.
you couldn t make this sh-t up … who are the perpetrators of this rising Jewish hate?
… it doesn t say
Nogginator, don’t be silly now! We all know that hate attacks are caused by the ‘rise of the Far Right’ which has been going on for years now (but somehow never actually seems to get anywhere).
It is not a coincidence that as Europe is being swamped by Islam, special rules protecting Muslims comes into play. Islamaphobia will officially be categorized a hate crime. Free speech will be finished completely. All criticism will be punishable with prison. To see the [near] future look at Saudi Arabia. It is buying Europe to convert to Islam. Yeeahh!
Good Wall Street Journal article criticising the media for their mis-reporting of the rising tide of Palestinians stabbing Jews in Jerusalem. Every word of the article applies in spades to the lying BBC :
Thanks to the embalmers’ arts, coupled with a total humour-bypass, it’s never been difficult for Polly Toynbee to keep a straight face, but credit must be given for her ability on Daily Politics, sitting in a BBC studio, to accuse Channel 4 of being ‘a bit silly….in paying their top executives absurd sums of money…’
Despite the BBC’s & MSM’s best efforts Joe Public still ain’t getting it, must try harder. Another Telegraph poll, 46151 voting yes so far. Note how they keep changing the question, one day the out question is framed for a ‘Yes’ answer the next a ‘No’
Anyone else just had to endure Jeremy Vile on Radio-2 fawning to a sexual deviant trying to tell us what it is to be human?
No BBC, to be human is to understand and accept that we all have different views, and we will not be bullied and coerced into a homogeneous mind-set. It’s about accepting the fact that as much as some people can’t help their sexual deviancy, others can’t help feeling revolted and sickened by it.
Jeremy Vine.
I switched off as soon as I heard the intro. I’ve just had enough of being told I must celebrate perverts and suppress the normal built in reflex of gagging.
Normal built in reflex, like not wanting to eat ones tea opposite the elephant man even though he might have been a very nice fellow.
Anyone else had to endure The Daily Politics today as they had that awful Polly ‘3 haciendas’ Toybeee sitting smugly next to Jo Thunderthighs Coburn all programme!
BBC speed dial no 1 just oozed self righteous hatred to anyone who questioned anything the Liebor Party and Tom Watson or indeed what the Al Beeb have been up to. They even had a Dave Spart character, with the requisite beard spouting off.
The bias has to be seen to be believed!
Can a BBC supporter find a SINGLE example over say the last 30 years where a political discussion programme (that was not interviewing people at a Party Conference) was as dominated by people from the Right as the Daily Politics programme today was dominated by people from the Left. They don’t even pretend to be politically balanced do they, so why should people be forced to pay for it? Take away Andrew Neil (and a couple of other reporters) and BBC news and current affairs is little more than what middle class socialists think should be the talking point of the day.
Can you imagine what a bitch fest working for the BBC must be like judging by the way BBC journalists queued up to slag off fellow leftist Peston. Are there any BBC Leftists who are not revolting human beings? Why should anybody be forced to pamper their envy and greed. At least the royals bring in a few tourists, all the Left do is vomit sanctimonious bile.
‘Can you imagine what a bitch fest working for the BBC must be like’
Somewhat akin to being Billy No Mates in the middle a sack of rats, I have heard from various BBC sources, including MP inquiries and such as the Pollard Report.
Jeremy Vine today and an item on Corbyn’s u-turn on the vote to commit government to running a budget surplus.
To discuss said topic we had George Galloway (WHY????) and some journo from the Independent.
Another BBC opinion-piece-by-proxy to blame the bankers for the economic mess left after the last Labour government, that borrowing squillions to boost capital spending is the best thing since sliced bread and to tell us all, yet again, the crash was nothing to do with Labour. The Independent moron also said it was nearly 10 years since it happened (???) so its no longer relevant.
You bet your life if this had been a Tory u-turn we’d still be listening to these two leftist twats.
For impartiality, the BBC still needs a critic of Labour. But apart from George Galloway and Arthur Scargill, I cant think of other left-wing critics who have not now joined or rejoined the Labour party.
So Corbyn has narrowed down diverse opinion acceptable to the BBC, down to only George Galloway and Arthur Scargill. Everyone else is the enemy of the BBC.
Quite disappointed that the autobiographer of that colossus of national economics should be replacing Tom Bradby, who for me, played it pretty straight.
Been most notable since 2010 that Peston has not had a sniff of a “scoop”, having been the willing donkey for Labour in its latter years.
Remember he and Robinson confidently predicted a rise in VAT by Labour, then big Gord bottled it at the last minute, leaving them both with egg on their face.
Would love to know who gave Peston the inside track on Northern Rock and Lloyds / Halifax. I wonder if they were from the party in power at the time. Hm
The absurdity continues with the coverage of flight MH17 on the 1 o’clock news. Your intrepid reporter exposed a serious lack of research or even common sense when describing the partially rebuilt fuselage, in the background at the crash site, as ‘eerie’. Someone really should tell him that this is precisely what would have been done at Farnborough, or any other major air disaster research facility, in a genuine attempt to re-construct, investigate and establish all relevant data.
This ‘special measures’ list of 14 constituencies are nearly all ‘Asian’ and are suspected of, or having been proved guilty of electoral fraud.
It’s quite complex, and far too detailed for me to spend the time outlining it all here but it certainly is worth a read to find out what has been, and is still going on today.
What to do No10 traitors eh? … typical Tories Mr Cameron, hope all that petrodollars worth it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34511274
Anti-Muslim crimes gets own category in statistics
‘Tell Mama’ did exaggerate anti-Muslim attacks:
The PCC rejects all Fiyaz Mughal’s complaints against us http://t.co/94pddduIQL
At the Allied Cemetery at Monte Cassiono in Italy, the site of a long battle during WW2 there is a grave of one Cpl Chapman of the Tower Hamlets Regiment. One of many from East London who gave their lives fighting to prevent their country being invaded. After the war it took until the 1970s before the long promised programme of rebuilding the homes destroyed during German bombing started.
Those who had lived there all their lives , had relatives killed by bombs, suddenly found themselves at the back of the housing queue because recently arrived Bangladeshis with families were given priority.
Horace Cutler was in charge of the LCC at the time.
How would Cpl Chapman and his bereaved family feel about the part of London, that was once their home but is now populated by invaders who would never defend it, whose culture and way of life is totally alien?
At first glance I thought it was the line-up for next year’s “Great British Bake Off”.
I was dying to get my hands on the recipe for Lemon Drizzle Naan Bread.
I have numerous South Asian friends and acquaintances. Unanimously they say they would never vote for another “Asian” because of the corruption. Their perception is that proper, traditional Britons (note for junior BBC execs – we are talking White people here) are not tainted by the considerations of religion, caste and clan that mar their original homelands. I don’t have the heart to tell them that the promise of EU appointments and Saudi/Qatari money achieves much the same end here.
I believe Tower Hamlets used to be in Britain once upon a time. The BBC even made a programme set there in an ancient time called the 1950s, “Call the Midwife”. I think it’s part of Bangladesh now.
Nothing to do with the old man facing death by the lash for possession of a bottle of wine! The prisons deal, which was to provide a “training needs analysis” for Saudi prison service staff.
The Times says the justice secretary wanted to pull out of the deal, saying the government should not be assisting a regime that uses beheadings, stoning, crucifixions and lashings to punish its citizens.
But Mr Hammond warned that cancelling it would not be in the national interest as it would make Britain appear an untrustworthy ally, the paper reports.
Obviously Gove has not been considered important enough to need his palms greasing, but Hammond has! After all in was a secret deal which saw the Saudis elevated to head of the UN human rights panel.
Cameron has done as little as he possibly can to assist Karl Andree the man caught with the wine, “Downing Street said Prime Minister David Cameron was personally intervening in the “extremely concerning” case of Mr Andree, by writing to the Saudi government.”
Wow a letter from spineless Dave, a man in the pockets of the Saudis anyway, I bet they’ll have to allow Mr Andree to leave the country Scot free !
Quite relevant as the BBC has again used FoI to get its knickers even more twisted over taser targeting, so how they handle those incoming always interesting.
Point of order Chairman:
It was a Siberian Swan that had arrived early in Slimbridge not a goose as I reported earlier. But, it is the earliest “eva” arrival of such a bird. Snow chains at the ready.
As I posted on the previous thread Russia has unprecedented levels of snow cover for the time of year. Just because they have it, doesn’t mean we will though.
The other point is that this is an El Nino year, and it’s an exceptionally strong one. The wise would do well to take any weather events with a large pinch of salt as they are unlikely to be repeated.
The current weather trends are also something of a unique set making it difficult to forecast winter weather save for the fact it is likely to be extreme. Extremely mild or extremely cold.
The situation in Germany continues to deteriorate. Not that you would know it if you relied on the BBC.
There is an interesting self interview conducted by Golz Kubitschek ( a Pegida leader ) to be found here and there on the net. It is on Gates of Vienna at the moment. I do not do links so you will need to look it up yourselves.
He raise important points that would never get a hearing on our media let alone any comprehension from the average commentator.
Briefly he puts forward the view that if those in charge of the state threaten the nation which in the case of the Merkel regime is to fail to secure the borders and to attempt population replacement by those who do not share the indigenous culture then resistance is legitimate.
He advocates peaceful protest but protest that involves breaking the lesser laws (trespass etc) to protect the nation against arbitary use of power by the state’s representatives. .
This is very interesting and resonates with us Anglo Saxons in England. The Civil War of the 17th century was the legitimate revolt by Parliament against arbitary exercise of power by Charles 1st. In that case Charles had forfeited the right to exercise power by acting against the interests of the nation. My view anyway so there.
I can also understand the fear in Germany of a state apparatus out of control and answerable only to itself.
Pegida and it’s followers are demonised by our craven media and the important principles that underlie it’s existence ignored. There is much to be discussed here and in particular just what democracy now means in Europe and Britain.
Whether in the final analysis resistance to any attempt to bring about the demise of the nation and the people who have built it generation upon generation overrides the adherence to the letter of the laws of that nation and to the very apparatus of a modern democratic state.
If Germany is to find a solution to this problem, in my view, it will come from the East; the part which was formerly communist – it’s just a question of quite how ‘final’ it will be, when it does.
I saw a video of Tommy Robinson speaking at a Pegida rally in Germany. Hard to hear him as the anti Pegida crowd were drowning him out.
Apart from scattered protests it seems that Merkel et al are having their way. I am sure that Cameron is watching closely, preparing the British step by step, with anti extremist measure in place to prevent any backlash when our turn comes.
The Beeb have been running this story all day, “black people are three times as likely to be tasered as whites.” I heard this morning on the Today prog’ that “blacks make up only 4.4 % of the population but are 13% of those that are tasered.” They’re still at it now, clearly implying that hoards of trigger happy racist cops are picking on defenceless Afro Caribbeans.
Of course that’s precisely the stance that I would expect our state broadcaster to take. They wouldn’t want to look any more closely at these statistics and ask why 4.4% of our population regularly find themselves in a position where such an unpleasant implement might be used. Much easier to simply suggest, to an already touchy minority, that they are being singled out for unfair treatment.
They have played similar games when prison stat’s are revealed and a huge number of inmates are revealed as being black.
I remember a BBC man, some years ago, interviewing an Texan sheriff about the racial discrepencies in Texan penitentiaries and asking why so many blacks were in the nick. The old lawman eyed the pc journo’ and drawled, “Cos they’re the ones committing the crimes.” And what did the BBC man say?
Sweet FA.
Jeff – to expand on the old quotation, “There are lies, damned lies, statistics, and the BBC’s interpretation of data” – a clearly significant progression as the phrase goes along.
(With a hat-tip to all of Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli, Leonard H.Courtney,and perhaps even Thomas Carlyle).
Jeff – I wonder for how many hours a senior British police officer would remain in his job, if he gave a response in an interview similar to that of the Texan sheriff?
The premise is impossible. Anyone who is not a Common Purpose drone would be weeded out long before they reached senior rank in the police. It may still be possible to find decent people in the lower ranks, I don’t know, but the higher echelons have been completely taken over by people who parrot the usual politically correct garbage. So no different from the rest of the public sector then.
What would have been really interesting and probably more informative would have been if the BBC had mapped the actual incidence percentage of taser applications to suspects against the percentage of crime attributed to the same ethnic group of people in these areas, or even mapped it simply to the percentage of these people in the population where the taser data was gathered in the first place to see if there was a real meaningful correlation.
If either of these was an even reasonable fit, then BBC take on the data, i.e. the national taser count vs national ethnicity count is so highly mis-leading as to warrant a mis-selling charge against the BBC.
I notice from the latest data that I can lay my hands on (around the turn of the decade) that a certain ethic minority was responsible for more than 50% of violent crime (even amongst women in some categories) in London despite having less than 3% of the population (and it is surely those people who are in the firing line for having a taser used against them). And in terms of the prison population, 13% of prisoners in English/Welsh Jails against less than 3% of the population. These figures may have changed recently (who knows – they don’t seem to be easily found), but figures of that scale put a completely different perspective on just the bald data presented by the BBC this morning. And the BBC should be at the forefront of presenting the whole picture of the situation.
But I guess we’ll never know, because the BBC, just like the AGW crew will never release the raw data so that a more accurate take on the data can be compiled. And any FOI request, of course, will be met with the old ‘journalistic purposes’ veto – never mind the BBC’s so-called commitment to inform !
And just to complete the obscuring of the truth by the BBC, when I heard the announcement this morning on the ‘Today’ programme, the words used must have been carefully crafted because the inference I drew from the bulletin was that a taser had actually been used on a 9-year old boy. My thought then was that sounded a bit OTT – but, of course, it turns out that a taser was ‘drawn’ in this particular casebut was not fired. (I noticed the distinction was clearly drawn by another contributor to BBBC exposing ‘taser ‘events’ in the BBC survey don’t even mean that the taser has actually been used…but of course, this distinction was not made clear by the BBC this morning on the broadcast I heard.
BBC – bias by omission, as usual.
Aaaaargh _ that’ll teach me (again) to look before hitting the ‘Post’ button after quite a bit of data searching and typing. Apologies to Sir A for repeating data from his post below.
The BBC could not logically use the ‘journalism, etc’ defence against passing on data that they themselves had obtained by FOI. If FOI applies once to data, it applies for all time. They would have no right to arbitrarily prohibit the sharing of such information to anyone who asked for it.
Indeed, they should be required to share every single piece of information obtained via FOI, proactively, prominently, on their web-site. After all, it is our money they use to pursue these information requests, so they are doing so as our proxies.
Who are they to deny us information we have paid for?
It is very easy, even for a dim beeboid, to look up the proprtion of prisoners of different races in the UK as the data are published annually under section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (e.g. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/statistics-on-race-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2012). The latest report shows that the proportion of the prison population that is black is 13.2% … exactly the same proportion as that tasered by police. So, nothing to see, move along now.
Incidentally, the same reports also tabulate the religion of UK prisoners since 2002. The number of Christians in British prisons is 42,000, much the same over 12 years. The number of Muslims in British prisons is now over 11,000, doubled from 5,500 in 2002. I wonder why.
Either the BBC is deliberately obtuse or it is it’s usual stupid self.
The black population is concentrated in the inner cities. A true comparison would be with the white and other ethnic groups in the same localities. it might come to the same conclusion but I doubt it.
To compare the inner city population with all the attendant problems associated with the cities as against the shires and the villages is absurd.
Typical BBC . The organisation is discrediting itself daily.
It is the BBC trick of fishing for the right sort of story that gives the ‘racist Britian’ meme more legs. One wonders how many FOI requests BBC researchers had to submit to come up with this lame nonsense. Of course they could try investigating paedophile activity in ‘ethnically diverse areas’. Or, perhaps, report on it in the same way and give it the same weight as these concocted ‘reports’.
Of course they are never pro-active when the narrative doesn’t fit their ideology.
Morality and Abstract Thinking, How Africans differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun
”I AM AN American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology. (ILLUSTRATION: A public service billboard in South Africa. Note old tire and gas can.)
It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.
What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.
My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language. “You can’t say that,” they explained. “All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?” “Nope; just ‘up’.” In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.
A few years later, in Nairobi, I learned something else about African languages when two women expressed surprise at my English dictionary. “Isn’t English your language?” they asked. “Yes,” I said. “It’s my only language.” “Then why do you need a dictionary?”
They were puzzled that I needed a dictionary, and I was puzzled by their puzzlement. I explained that there are times when you hear a word you’re not sure about and so you look it up. “But if English is your language,” they asked, “how can there be words you don’t know?” “What?” I said. “No one knows all the words of his language.” Read the rest here nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/morality-and-abstract-thinking/
”According to now-discredited folk wisdom, blacks are “children in adult bodies,” but there may be some foundation to this view. The average African adult has the raw IQ score of the average 11-year-old white child. This is about the age at which white children begin to internalize morality and no longer need such strong external enforcers.
Gruesome cruelty
Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty. A reviewer of Driving South, a 1993 book by David Robbins, writes:
“A Cape social worker sees elements that revel in violence … It’s like a cult which has embraced a lot of people who otherwise appear normal. … At the slightest provocation their blood-lust is aroused. And then they want to see death, and they jeer and mock at the suffering involved, especially the suffering of a slow and agonizing death.” here is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in such horrible agony?
During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by “necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:” nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/morality-and-abstract-thinking/
Sorry to change topic a little but I have just read this from today’s The Week. What a low life Corbyn is.
‘Corbyn’s spokespeople have also been busy dealing with a Sunday Telegraph report alleging his and shadow chancellor John McDonnell’s “close links” to the IRA.
The paper produced archive evidence that Corbyn had attended several events supporting the IRA in the 1980s and 1990s, and that he was general secretary of the left-wing magazine Labour Briefing when it “controversially sympathised with the Brighton bombing” in 1984.’
I shouldn’t wonder if the editor of the Denis Healey biography on BBC2 last week didn’t get his knuckles wrapped because in the section on the hard left/Militant Tendency takeover of the Labour Party in the early 1980s, guess who was shown sharing a platform with Tony Benn and Ken Livingstone? Yes, it was Jezza Corbyn. V surprised this was not edited out.
Incidentally, for added bias I have not noticed a similar biography of Geoffrey Howe, who has also died recently.
So it looks like the BBC are to axe The Voice and threatening to axe Eastenders and Strictly.
Yes they’re all sh1te, but they are popular. The game being played here is anti Tory, yes the evil Tory’s are behind the need to axe the chavs favourite programs.
Lets axe the popular stuff first before before we get rid of 1Xtra, The Asian Network, BBC3, 6Music, The World Service, 4extra, Cbeebies, Alba, Cash In The Attic, Chris Evans, Terry Wigon, Graham Norton, Paul O’Grady, 6 figure salaried management, The Great Diverse Bake Off, Sir Alan Sucrose, Clare Balding, Fatty Nolan, an overbearing abundance of diverse presenters, Nicky Campbell, Aquil Ahmed and all things Dimbleby and then we can blame the beastly Torys and the morons that we’ve brainwashed will believe us….
A bit like the Labour councils up here shutting all the libraries down. You need to be punished. Of course, the councils (like the BBC) are awash with money but that’s not the point. Your pleasure needs to be curtailed so that you can then rail against the government. It’s transparent but not everyone is as critical as we are on here. Oh, for someone to tell the BBC to shove it (although that would require balls, something sorely lacking today).
The Voice is not a BBC production , they buy it in , from the production company , which ITV recently bought . So its all a storm in a teacup , about nothing .
Storm in a teacup? They paid £22 million for the first series plus millions for judges such as Minogue and I’m guessing similar amounts for the three subsequent series.
No , but as I don`t watch it , they can waste their money on something else , which they do at regular intervals .They constantly waste money 1xtra , Asian Network etc .
That does not answer my statement which was, ‘the Tory Party and Cameron are not doing very much about stemming the waste’.
They are the government in power and have been for a second term of office .
You are merely trying to muddy the waters and deflect from the truth .
Thats not the only reason to find an excuse to chop Eastenders. They know it is anachroonistic nonsense picturign East London circa 1980. A true Eastenders today would be 90% foreign, the few English being young ‘gentrifiers’ from elsewhere and students, the Old Vic closed and replaced with affordable housing, and not an idnigenous Cockney within sight.
The programme is a bit of an embarrasment, but to give a true picture would reveal to ignorant provincials the extent to which London as we knew it has been destroyed. So Beeboids are caught between a rock and a hard place.
The Progressive tendency – take a grudge and amplify it to further your own agenda. Regardless of whether it makes things gratuitously worse. In fact if it does, all the better.
Yes, Eastenders in its truest form would be a complete negative of what we see now. Instead of one ‘token’ headscarf as a character, every character would be of Asian/indian/African/Jamaican descent, and there would be a ‘token’ white family – who would probably be eastern European !!! The programmed that was spawned in 1986 was what the majority of Britain assumed the East End was like, in the same way that the Coronation Street of 1960 was the perceived idea of how northerners lived north of Watford, and in the days when the word ‘mosque’ was something we’d only heard at school learning about the Ottoman Empire !!!
Poor old Bill Turnbull, everytime he hears Ray Davies sing Lola, he just ‘wants to sing a long’
One can perhaps understand his confusion.
Well, there he is this morning, on Tight Women from the BBC – with women challenging their divorce settlements, the Police responsible for the death of a young woman, Hilary Clinton having a good night, Angela Merkel up to something, an Aussie Sheila over here berating us for an overcrowded housing market, four women off to row the Atlantic – even their boat was blessed by a Vicar of Dibbly – is there ever any other kind on the BBC? The swans warn us there’s a cold winter on the way – but glitzy Carol Kirkwood may have a bone to pick with the birds on that claim.
Stephanie “two eds” Flanders circling the wagons for labour ahead of the fiscal responsibility vote given free rein to trash Osborne on Today. It is simply astounding that this blatant labour stooge who I recall called it all wrong during the coalition before fleeing to J P Morgan is now apparently on speed dial despite an obvious lack of objectivity and credibility.
Nice bias on R4 today this morning re Osborne vote to balance the budget.
Now irrespective of whether you agree or disagree with this, the bBBC had Danny Blanchflower on (McDonnell supporting economist) opposing it and then later Stephanie Flanders (ex BBC who waltzed off for a big pay cheque at JP Morgan) for an ‘independent’ view. Independent? Joke. Her Labour credentials are well-documented. Guess what? She opposed it as well.
And another thing. (but I’ll admit at the start that I’m no police spokesperson and that they have made many grievous errors about all manner of things over the years) At 7.50am on R4 Today we had 5 minutes of unadulterated tirade against the police from a woman who may have become another victim of the killer of Georgia Williams. Along the way, the police were criticised for not picking up on the fact that the killer had potentially attacked someone on the roads and it was dismissed as a road traffic accident.
There are about 110,000 reported (i.e. police attend) road accidents every year. Are we seriously suggesting we need some mega-database so that every person involved in every road accident is cross-checked for sex crimes? That was the logical conclusion of the comments made. This logic was not picked up at all by the dozy Mishal. Hussein just lobbed easy balls at her most vehement interviewee and let the anti-police tirade continue unabated. I cut the interviewee some slack because of her situation but we could do with some actual journalism occasionally.
Bias is sometimes not only political.
The police have always been a soft target for the BBC/Left.
Police managers (they’re not leaders anymore thanks to Bliar) never contest media attacks. These managers are selected for their servility and lack of backbone. They are there to repeat ‘our thoughts are with the family at this difficult time’ etc.
And most are women.
The BBC/Left have a political desire to undermine all institutions such as the military, police, prison service and immigration staff as part of reshaping society to their Marxist ideals.
The police can’t manage every nutjob by use of a surveillance team 24/7 who could potentially kill someone . They don’t have the resources. And if they did, the BBC would cry ‘human rights’.
Perhaps it’s because very many of the Police are completely incompetent, and other than attacking victims for an easy collar or engineering incidents (gate gate) they actually arrest and prosecute hardly any criminals at all.
My most recent complaint against them was a couple of young thugs on an illegal quad bike screaming around public roads at midnight with no lights, and so drunk they couldn’t properly stand. When the useless brigade got to them, one had a can of special brew, the other a bottle of sherry. Unbelievably he allowed them to take the quad bike home, after they promised they wouldn’t ride it !
Official complaints have been ignored and I’ve had no answers, speaking with the Police they have been hostile & dismissive.
You can bet though, had there been a sniff of Political Correctness laws being broken, they would have been down like a ton of bricks.
This is the problem. Uselesses are now first trained in equality, diversity, and Political Correctness. It forms the majority of their training and they no longer know what the law is nor how they should enforce it. When shown the written proof of the law they become angry and refuse to accept it. The number of times I’ve had problems with them, made complaints, received assurances ‘advice will be given’ only for them to do the same thing again is legion.
The more that are cut the better, they don’t actually do very much constructive anyway.
And if you are a Political Correctness Enforcement Officer reading this, then you should be very worried that you are losing the support of people like me, because sure as hell the lefties whose politics you are enforcing never have supported you and never will.
“Perhaps it’s because very many of the Police are completely incompetent”
I don’t entirely disagree with your comments but I think your generalisation is a bit unfair. Having said that, I’ve also made sweeping statements from time to time – usually in response to some outrageous news story.
Ordinary coppers do not determine policy or policing priorities. Nor are they responsible for daft decisions made by other parts of the criminal justice system. My anger is firmly directed at successive Home Secretaries and senior coppers whose priorities seem to be completely skewed. The recent decision to record so-called hate crimes against Muslims separately is a case in point. This, IMO, is totally objectionable, and its caustic consequences will drip down to law enforcement at street level.
Let’s not forget that the medical profession, whose members are recruited from some of the most educated people in the country, managed to kill 1200 or so people in Stafford. Quite an achievement. It’s always been easy to sneer at the stupidity of Plod, I do it from time to time, but are we prepared to pay 10x more on recruits, providing intensive training for six years, even if we could afford it? And would it make any difference? Some of the daftest decisions seem to come from the most educated members of our police ‘service’.
The Russians say a fish rots from the head first. This has happened with the police.
They are driven by government performance targets. Their ‘managers’ know the cost of every thing but the value of nothing.
Average plod feels the same as us about Political Correctness. They can no longer do the job that is expected of them. Their hands are tied and they have no management support. It’s easier to do nothing as doing something is likely to get them into trouble. They are disillusioned and now feel they can’t do their job.
The example of the quad-bike posted above is typical. No targets would be met by arresting the youths and the massive amount of IT paperwork would have taken the officers off the streets for about six hours or more. And their would have been follow up paperwork for weeks or months later. IT has reduced the effectiveness of the police. To input a burglary report onto the IT system takes over an hour assuming a free terminal can be found. It would have taken 10 minutes writing on paper. Multiply this across a constabulary and you have a huge percentage drop in available officers.
The police work ethic is driven by their ‘managers’ who are driven by the government.
Having said that, the police are almost 100% successful with murder and terrorist investigations. But in this area, funding is almost unlimited and their performance targets are clear and sensible.
I would sooner see a ‘local militia’ dealing with local needs such as yobs. A ‘patrol’ of three or four stout in heart and body members of the local population would be more corrective than the useless judicial system.
The police can’t deal with low level crime despite it being a blight on ordinary people. The police don’t have the powers and no longer the authority.
I sometimes think that the police go easy on lefty thugs, like the Class War, and Antifa gangs despite their open support for violence on their social media sites, which would not be tolerated from nationalist parties. Perhaps, in some way they serve the government – anti -UKIP, pro Islam – and higher plod are aware of their value.
Thoughtful re quad bikes.
You don’t surprise me at all.
Thames Valley Police are not allowed to chase and try and catch people (young people usually) on motor bikes (by which we really mean those trial bikes used on muddy paths, untaxed, uninsured, no lights, no number plates) when they are used on the public highway, as they are near where we live, for fear that this might be dangerous and potentially cause the rider to be in an accident. Yes, it’s ‘elf ‘n’ safety’ again!
I’m not making it up, more than one friendly local plod has told me this.
It’s not ‘elf and safety and rarely is to be honest. This is another case of unelected unaccountable Judges making law which affect everyone else. I would like to vote this judge out of office but because the UK is a totalitarian state I cannot.
The first thing we need to do is to abandon the legal principle of precedent and take up the Napoleonic code where every case is judged on first principle, and stupid decisions by judges do not affect the people in the future.
Our precedent based law is the reason the Human Rights Act doesn’t work here. Other European countries seemingly ignore the courts judgements, but that is because they can legally. Here we are bound to follow them, and town hall jobsworths and petty officialdom enforce it with great enthusiasm.
BBC London have been avidly following the ups and downs of West Ham Ladies football club. Our broadcaster’s interest was piqued recently when the club signed Indian national goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan – sadly the star signing has been leaking goals like a sieve.
Not so long ago the then manager Julian Dicks told the BBC “The good thing about the ladies is there aren’t any egos”
Now under new management all is not well ‘West Ham Ladies: Stacey Little ‘quits’ over ‘disgusting’ treatment’
Calm down dear, ‘The 28-year-old midfielder claimed on Twitter that she was suspended for “having an opinion as captain” and had decided to leave’
Two sides to every argument…
‘ “A meeting was called by the manager for Tuesday evening to announce his decision to release a number of senior players, including Stacey Little, whom he deemed surplus to requirements.”The club is focusing its future on its main players such as Aditi Chauhan, the Indian international, and Giulia Ferrandi from Italy.’
And if you’re thinking…. who cares? I would concur. However our BBC tv reporter tells us that it is all good because the interest this story is creating just goes to show how the women’s game is…. creating interest… and that interest is coming from…. the BBC.
And those migrants just here for a better life are at it again
It seems harsh to name and shame – I think it was Graham Satchell – and to be fair he was hand feeding a swan down at Slimbridge and trying to talk to camera at the same time. However, had the intrepid bird in fact migrated all of the 25,000 miles Graham said it would surely have arrived back roughly where it had started – the equator is 24,901 miles long. The on screen info stated 2500 miles – which seems about right – shhhhhush don’t tell the metric commissars you’re using Imperial.
Still, on the other hand, if the swan claims he did 25,000 then who are the BBC to argue – they’re just there to tell his story.
Last night on the BBC News at Ten we had another remake of Cry Freedom/Ghandi/Schindler’s List as a queue of ‘refugees’ (women and children, some clutching teddy bears) waited for buses to Germany at the Serbian border. What was the latest cause of outrage? The reporter was shocked – shocked, I tell you – to find out that the bus companies were CHARGING MONEY to take passengers. I suppose it must be hard for a Beeboid to understand that things like diesel and drivers have to be paid for and aren’t simply provided gratis through some sort of Royal Charter. Utterly sickening.
I saw this too and totally agree about those ‘outrageous’ ‘insensitive’ bus drivers wanting to be paid to work! Yeah, the women and children were in the foreground but in the background it was 80% male, a fact consistently ignored in each and every Al-Beeb report, such as that at Longford, Heathrow the other night on BBC London.
Somewhere, out in the Middle East and Africa, there must be now hundreds of thousands of women fending for themselves and potentially their children, while their menfolk have swanned off to Europe.
Shouldn’t the sisterhood of Harriet Harperson and Dianne Abbott be all over this? The silence is deafening.
Why do they love focusing the camera on some small child holding a teddy bear/dolly? It’s just what most young children do, in the same way adults carry around phones/handbags/umbrellas etc. I have every sympathy for innocent children caught up in all this but the way the BBC (and the adult migrants) use them as emotional blackmail is vile.
Surprised the lady managing to hold on to pop junior out live on the beach has not garnered more airtime. Maybe they are awaiting HMS Bulleron to arrive with half the UK’s midwives and an embedded set of BBC magazine/pop-up/trending teams to cover the same story?
TBH in many cases the women will approve. They know that as soon as their menfolk get work and permanent leave to remain, they will be able to join them.
This is something that the pro immigrationists choose not to discuss, for every one of these men they admit there is a whole family back home waiting to join them, in some cases not jsut wife and children but parents, and younger brothers and sisters who they can claim are their own children. There has been trickery going on for years importing relatives and passing them off as their kids. Right now my daughter lives next door to a middle aged Somali couple, and a baby (about eighteen months old) suddenly appeared in their house! I’ll bet it was imported from some relly in Somalia.
Just remembered on R4 Today was a story about Germany setting up new immigration centres in order to return the (quote) “40% of immigrants” who were from the Balkans and so had no legitimate right of entry.
This % was tossed in without any further remark or query but of course totally destroys, along with many other statistics,
the myth we are constantly force-fed that ‘poor Syrian refugees’ make up the vast majority of migrants, which informs Al-Beeb’s entire vast pro-open-borders propaganda campaign.
Maybe bBBC journos have never been trained that ‘percentage’ means ‘parts of a hundred’ and so have no basis to actually investigate and report the facts.
The Today programme mentioned Merkel’s increasing political difficulties – and said that one problem is how to return non-Syrians who have barged into Germany. It said that many of the newcomers were not Syrian ? “Many” I thought it was MOST of them were not Syrians, according to UN data ?
Judging from the pictures one sees almost everywhere but the BBC, a significant percentage of the immigrants are black Africans – clearly, not Syrians. And, of course, they are young males. That was certainly the case with the ones from Longford who are being expensively ferried around the country, according to newspaper reports.
It must be frustrating for the BBC when their carefully crafted lies are exposed by simple photographs.
Will it/won’t it be a cold winter, my observations.
In 2008 I bought myself a digital Max/Min thermometer with a radio controlled outdoor sensor and for my own amusement have since kept records…
Last night was the 2nd coldest October night to this point of the month (2.7 deg) here in not so rural Somerset, the coldest prior to that was 0.4 deg in 2010 (we know what sort of winter followed). Only once so far this October has it hit 20 deg. Every year since 2008 the temperature has hit 20 deg+ past mid month (bar 2010), last year on the 31st it hit 20.3 Looking at the forecast for the next couple of weeks it doesn’t look like it will go above 14 deg.
So in essence temperatures in October so far this year are similar to 2010. Just saying!
It’s an El Nino year, so all bets are off ! So was 2010 so it’s anomalous.
Whilst you at home might record a low temperature, the records are all based on a single weather station in a particular place and because of that, then it’s those figure which are important and not your home recording, because it might well be in a frost hollow. or full sun !
“Ho ho ho” Santa says as he greases up the runners on his sleigh and heaves some extra feed to the reindeer so that they can bulk up against the extra cold.
“Whilst you at home might record a low temperature, the records are all based on a single weather station in a particular place and because of that, then it’s those figure which are important and not your home recording, because it might well be in a frost hollow. or full sun !”
Thoughtful, do you mean the thermometer at the end of the Heathrow taxi-way they use to intercept jet exhausts when they want to record a “Record High” temperatures in the summer?
Think I have mentioned on here before, Geoff, my interest in a ‘Ice cube in Punchbowl’ theory and the cooling effect it will have on areas of the globe. It is actually a bit more than theory, because it is provable in scale experiments, for example in a punch bowl.
We have had some warming. It has caused ice loss near the Poles by break up (as well as greater ice evaporation and melting) and the circulation of smaller chunks of polar ice must take the cold, normally concentrated around the Poles out into much wider circulation around the globe. In addition, there must also be some effect from the purer water of ice melt diluting salt seawater.
I have always considered the claims of the ‘Alarmists’ to be unlikely to happen in the timescales they claimed because of this cooling effect of ice melt & break-up. Before any warming really gets underway again, the most likely effect of past warming is actually a cooling of parts of the planet.
So, to answer your question; yes, I think it will be a colder winter. For the UK 2013/14 and 2014/15 were milder warmer winters. A string of several colder ones would not surprise me at all.
Amazed at what I saw on the BBC news last night about 10. The report was about the murders of completely innocent Israelis by messed up Palestinian extremists. To be fair this is how the BBC reported it, with sympathy for the victims. In fact the report was based on the senseless killing of innocent people. It was a real turn around.
Then that f***wit Bowen. Can’t remember his first name. They cross to him live. First sentences were fine, he agreed the murders were senseless and sickeningly violent. But then starts to justify the killings.
“But you know, we have to consider why young Palestinians are being pushed to….” and the sound is cut.
He has been cut off! It was too much too soon, even for al Beeb. I’m not surprised, imagine a day after the Warrington Bombings, a reporter began to justify the killings by the IRA. That was the first example to spring to mind. To justify any murder is inherently wrong.
Bowen claims he wasn’t censored, and a battery failed. He’s a liar. The context was the victims, he was only interested in the plight of the Palestinians.
“My live on BBC News at 10 was cut because a battery failed. Was about to say the context for violence as ever is the conflict & occupation”. Yes you were censored you f***wit, because the BBC new you were about to say that. That context was put aside in respect for the victims. Tosser! It’s not always about you. Please come back to Britain, you will be treated with tolerance and understanding, Islam stylie.
Unfortunately for Bowen his report was broadcast on radio 4 & I expect they received any number of complaints. The attacks were apparently wholly justified by illegal occupation, and the building of settlements (which is undeniably illegal) plus the Jews being well – Jews !
How on earth such Fascist anti Semitism is allowed to get on air is a mystery, but I guess when the government is owned by a Muslim one, then it’s inevitable.
Bowen, like the BBC as a whole, has been totally out of control for years. I really object to having to pay for scum like him. He is one of the vilest Beeboids and that is saying something. Pure evil.
Here’s Yolande Knell pretending to report on BBC ‘News’ on the current wave of Palestinian terror against Israelis:
…occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Here in Bethlehem clashes every single day have taken on a familiar pattern with Palestinian protesters coming down the streets throwing stones and the Israeli forces firing tear gas and rubber bullets.
Many of these young Palestinians don’t respect their leaders…a generation that’s grown up with the failure of peace talks to deliver an independent Palestinian state and there are feelings of anger and humiliation.
Well that’s the blind BBC ‘progressive’ lefty interpretation. In fact these youngsters are rioting precisely because they respect the leaders who are inciting them to violence over imaginary Israeli threats to the Al-Aksa mosque and no doubt enticing them with promises of 72 virgins in Muslim ‘paradise’ if they die while killing Jews.
Nobody told these poor kids that they are being conned and the reward is actually a 72-year-old virgin.
What a f****** disgrace! This racist scum should be hanged! What’s an even bigger disgrace is the pathetic response from the media compared to the Stephen Lawrence case. In the latter the lefty media STILL bang on about White racists and Black victims, and the parents are given titles and positions in charities etc. However, none of the self-righteous lefty media reporters/writers/newspeople have given anything like appropriate coverage of this poor lad’s plight ; because was murdered by racist Pakistani thugs, the media went quiet. However, if it were the other way round the BBC, Channel 4, Sky, The Guardian, The Independent, Huffington Post, The Labour Party would be inflicting decades of guilt-evoking ‘analysis’ into how we indigenous Brits are racist thugs.
Yeah, one of the worse racist murders in the UK, and one of the most sickening depraved killings of a kid. I did a news search on the BBC website a month ago or so on the young lad. Very little about him, lots about his murderers appeals and searches for justice. Whole thing hidden away in Glasgow West reporting. They are all complicit, and his family definitely deserve an apology.
Not one of the worse – probably the worse, ten times the seriousness of the Stephen Lawrence case but only 1/1000th of the publicity and concern of the Establishment. Astonishing that the BBC actually admit that this was a racist murder and do so without comment (I bet a sub-editor was straining at the bit to put in something along the lines of ‘Most racist murders involve white killers and black victims, but in this highly unusual case…’).
Yes terrible, thankfully we have member of the Lords, like Lady Diane Lawrence who are on the alert for racist murders and will be calling for an apology.
I don’t see why he was isolated. In the interests of cultural diversity he should be placed in a prison wing containing several “White British” murderers. They can all compare notes and then the “white” techniques can be demonstrated for and on him.
The way the BBC describe the way poor Kris was killed, in the link Alex posted, comes nowhere near to describing the appalling suffering he went through.
All three of these evil c***s should be put into a hole in the ground with bars on top and starved to death.
All the while some @rsehole lawyers are making money out of representing this scum via Legal Aid – totally despicable.
Standard procedure for the MSM, especially the Beeb, to filter out anything that doesn’t suit the party line.
Like the shooting the other day at Keele Services, on the M6.
It seems a couple of farmers went to investigate some kind of activity around a Hungarian lorry and disturbed a group of Afghan “migrants” (presumably “desperate” and “fleeing” something or other, as these people usually are…..). When they got there, the “migrants” ran off, firing a couple of rounds from a handgun in their direction, presumably to encourage them to keep their distance.
Of course, Al Beeb, together with much of the MSM, are ignoring this incident, since it doesn’t show their pets in a good light and goes against the usual meme that all “migrants” are perpetual victims.
One wonders what the reaction would have been if the farmers had taken a potshot at the gimmegrants. Screaming headlines on the Beeb for a month, warning of gangs of armed right-wing thugs prowling the country, no doubt. Questions in the House and “calls” to ban shotguns would follow.
But as it is…………nothing. Move along. Nothing to see here.
The follow-up today on Breitbart is that the Staffordshire police have stopped looking for them. Presumably the police’s assumption is that they’ve reached sanctuary in Birmingham.
It is mentioned on BBC’s Stoke and Staffordshire news page…but wouldn’t you think this warranted a big story on the national news?
At any other time in history, if seven illegal immigrants were wandering the countryside, armed and shooting at people, it would make national headlines and lead to a ‘posse comitatus’ being set up to find them.
BBC Radio 2 is doing a tribute to the music of Nelson Riddle. At 66 (not that old), I can remember a time when there was never any mention of Muslims on the radio but Nelson Riddle was mentioned frequently. At the time, I thought muslim was a type of cloth. Oh, the sweet innocence! I wish we had now what we had then. But we won’t – thanks to the BBC!
Those were the days, so exotic they were made in Bristol! Not sure if the Fry’s name is still used, they merged with Cadbury’s, then in 2010 they were bought by Kraft, immediately the Bristol factory was closed (after 80 years) with the loss of 400 jobs and production moved to Poland.
The irony now is that the site is being redeveloped for housing to meet the ever growing demand because of immigration, probably to house, among others Polish workers…..
The lionisation of Nadiya,
that is Hijab baker continues.
Today she was interviewed by jenny Murray on Womans Hour, who actually admitted that Nadiya has got far more media atttention than she could possibly have expected.
Jenny described her as ‘self depracating’, well that may be, but surely Murray realises that Asian women are taught from childhood to behave in this way – its what the in laws expect in their daughter in law! Its an ACT not just a charming quirk of Nadiya’s character but a symptom of female repression, that Murray purports to fight. Hypocrit.
I think my education needs updating ! I thought (perhaps wrongly) that Muslims cant/don’t drink alcohol. Well, a story in today’s Express reports that a village near Heathrow is being swamped by migrants in transit to elsewhere, and the local landlord of the Kings Arms……. one RANA SAIF is moaning that his trade is suffering !!! er, eh ? Um, opticians, corner shops, chemists, NHS, steel companies, and now, the humble pub !!! where will it end ? you never see an Asian dog walker though do you !
These (Calais) migrants are being housed by a m/millionaire landlord of a different kind …… one SURINDER ARORA . A local elderly resident….. Ray (hoo..RAY !) reports that the village is being overwhelmed.
I read that yesterday and thought exactly the same about the landlord, probably serves nothing other that Becks N.A.! But remember profit always trumps religious sensitivities in such cases (24 hour corner shops?)
Surinder Arora, owns 16 hotels, an airfield and a large stake in Wentworth golf course, is a good friend of the worlds 5th richest man (and Cliff Richard) worth £365m, what does he care about the destruction of the UK, happy to assist….
Most Muslims do not drink alcohol, although many do in Turkey, where wine, beer and spirits are produced. Many Middle Eastern countries have a spirit of some sort by the generic name of ‘arrack’, although it is made by individuals and rural communities rather than commercially. The Koran does not mention alcohol (an Arabic word) by name – the term used is ‘intoxicant’ although can arguably be translated as ‘wine’. There are three verses, of increasing severity. The first implies moderation in such things; the second says that if something is bad then it is also bad in small quantities, implying prohibition; the third warns against praying or going to the mosque whilst intoxicated, which sounds reasonable enough. My thanks to a whisky drinking Turkish friend for explaining this to me!
The doctrine of abrogation (naskh) covers this. A later revelation cancels out a previous one. The more lenient texts on alcohol come from the Mecca period, when the Muslims were trying to get established and had to be tolerant of non-adherents. The Medina texts supersede these and are harsher and less tolerant as the group was now in power and able to impose their will. Hence the early texts are more liberal, e.g. no compulsion in religion, but the later ones are harsh, e.g. smite the unbelievers. Apologists usually quote the earlier texts, without admitting that they have been cancelled out by the types of text that appeal to ISIS.
Mr Rushlow – A Tunisian gentleman once told me, when I asked why so many young Tunisian men were drinking beer in pubs, that beer was not prohibited by the Koran, only wine, which bears out your post. But it’s all academic; religions have always picked and chosen. As Shakespeare said ‘The devil may cite scripture for his purpose.’
To see Muslims and alcohol in action, all you have to do is watch the traffic on the Saudi Arabia – Bahrain causeway at the weekend. Huge queues as the alcohol-free Saudis go over to more liberal Bahrain for a good weekend p*** up (and for that matter a bacon buttie or two as well).
It’s BBC news time, and the priorities are as follows:
1, Victory for greedy ex wives in the courts – Feminism
2, Idiot lefty nurse, who caught Ebola in a country where she wasn’t needed – Liberal Hero
3, Winner of crappy, unreadable Man Booker prize is Black & Jamaican – Minority, Drugs, Bob Marley
4, Drop in unemployment, rise in wages- Success for evil Tory Government (booo!)
5, Germany looking into ways of deporting Balkan ‘refugees’ – Poor Immigrants
6, Death of BBC journalist who no-ones heard of – BBC hero & winner of Order of Lenin
Minority issues take precedence over things that actually affect the population like the success of the economy, though I am surprised that immigrants didn’t take top spot.
The BBC news department is run by socialist chimps.
We need to take a sledge hammer to this wretched lefty fortress.
re VotM
So true. Excellent summary of the bBBC’s version of ‘news’. And worth adding that item 4 on your list – 79,000 fewer unemployed, average earnings up 2.8%, thus positive news for a huge number of people, did not get a mention until 10.20pm on the 10 o clock TV news.
The other day news of negative inflation was met with “15 million pensioners to suffer” because their pensi9ns are tied to the inflation index.
They’d suffer a whole lot more under rampant inflation. Not of course mentioned.
And I could add that on R4 Today this morning, news of the Grammar school expansion in Kent naturally led to an interview with someone who (surprise surprise) opposes Grammar schools. How very impartial.
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Ding dong, the politically correct tosser hasn’t gone down with his sinking ship….Even here Danny Cohen shows cowardice beyond the pale..
The BBC is metastasizing, that’s all.
If they replace the BBC, what will happen to Eastenders, that cutting edge drama series? It would be a shame to see it go and it doesn’t cost a lot to make , they have managed to make one storyline last a year and a half – that’s good value for the license fee payers.
Did he jump or was he pushed?
He will be sorely missed.
That market rate can only be matched by any seeking a deft touch with such as Song, Marry, Avoid or handling a Top Gear team.
‘a new leadership challenge’
So that would be pursuing other interests, or to spend more time with his pension?
But we will always have Botney. Apparently.
‘Mark Linsey, Controller of Entertainment Commissioning, will take on Danny’s responsibilities until an appointment is made’
So basically it was, is and will be a non job, albeit with a massive salary and pension pot. Unique.
BBC senior management held in high esteem out East at least.
My day has been made !!!!!
Seismicboy – Eastenders has made one storyline last longer than a year and a half! It’s basically had the same storyline since 1985: ‘life is awful, don’t try to change it or something even worse will happen’ .
Islamofauxbia …….
Tories to record Islamic erm …”hate”? crimes separately, galloping toward Eurabia.
“It comes as Mr Cameron announced that anti-Muslim hate crimes will be recorded as a separate category by all police forces in England and Wales. Hate crime is defined as an offence which is perceived to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic.”
Hope this post will get on? … the last two this morning have disappeared
Once again, separate, protected status for the ideology, the perpetrators of the most vile hate crime
don t worry, expect a surge in reports of Hijab pulling, and offence, and insult etc
“”I want to build a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremists and the poison they peddle. I want British Muslims to know we will back them to stand against those who spread hate and to counter the narrative which says Muslims do not feel British.”
Folks … the end is nigh
Amazing what a few petro dollars will buy you isn’t it?
Prime Minister going cheap ??
I don’t think Cameron takes much persuading. Pushing at an open door, more like.
“It comes as Mr Cameron announced that anti-Muslim hate crimes will be recorded as a separate category”.
I can live with this – so long as all crimes by Muslims against non-Muslims are also recorded as a separate category. Lets have truth in all directions.
The rape statistics alone will cause an uproar if anyone dares to report them.
Cameron has stolen Ed Milliband’s policy on making Islamophobia a hate crime.
Cameron has stolen most of Brain Dead Ed’s policies. I don’t know why we bother voting.
He has stolen Nigel Farage’s policies also. Cameron is a ‘flim flam man’.
BBC reporting this am on racial statistics for taserings? – apparently BME get disproportionate % compared to their number in UK population. Only two possibilities according to them
– police racism
– social deprevation
Since the latter is no excuse for violent thuggery that requires such measures to subdue it must be racism – could they not have thought of any other more plausible reasons? If not then why run the report
Yes, did hear Mishal( Ma Belle!)…say this after the fine and funny bit from Ole John with the Vulcan Bombadier just previous.
THAT is what the BBC is for-to show up its own knicker twistings by the pools -over the last 60 years…imagine the Warmons in the control tower having the wet willies put up them with all that talk of a “beautiful bomber” and “the only free standing, privately owned nuclear facility we`ve got in the country!
Even old Jon saw the weirdities thrown up by his musings-and his guest was similarly aware of what a surreal syntax strangling piece of comedy that it was.
Beam Me Up indeed!…a legal alien bit of fun Thomas Newton would have scratched his goolies over!
Oh -as for the Zapping of Zurgs People-WGA(flying)F?
Only thing I cares about are
a) Are the zappers sustainably charged before Plod goes walkies-and I don`t recall Huhne or Lucas demanding we have solar powered tazers…the fuzz do plenty Marbellaring, so get `em all charged at once say I.
Could use that Vulcan to fly them over…Freddie Starr could set `em up on “stun”…or “sparkler” as needs be.
b) All these people of colurr-how many were Christians?-as opposed to the Nation Of Islam in deed or in indifference?..THAT is all I give a damn about-I`ve heard nothing from MLKs bunch, nor the good Church oldies who brought their kids up with us lot.
I`m guessing they`all be Duggans Chugz…Or Mozzies who chase the flames!
When I get this BME bollox sifted Michalmasher…THEN I`ll give a Hoon!
(Other units of cold spineless and brainless killing units of useful idiots at the MOD are, of course, available)
Off to Tebb now…that`s do some good, stick it to the culchavulchaz-then remember when we did proper jobs and the BBC was on a lead.
Fido Piles!…that`s all we ever get…
“Same old Sloze on my radio-and my telly-and my iPlayer too”.
That song needs a reron!
Think there`s five songs and one film in the above-can you find them gyzangals?
“Black people ‘three times more likely’ to be Tasered” says Pravda. AlBeeb’s FOI unit (you know, the one that doesn’t seem too keen on providing information to punters on BBC-type stuff) seems to have been busy collecting taser stats (not too difficult as they are published every year). The Beeb’s statistical wiz kids reached their conclusion by comparing the number of instances taser were “used” on different “ethnic groups” (more on this in moment) with stats from the 2011 census for the ethnic composition of the populations of England and Wales. Er, but, but, surely crime events are not evenly distributed, and crime rates are far higher in urban areas (e.g. domestic burglary is roughly 4 times higher). What if we just look at crime in major urban areas ? Well, taking London where “black” ethnic groups comprised 13.3% of the population at the time of the 2011 census, then the taser stats are almost certainly not skewed. Oh and taser “use” refers to any instance where a taser is drawn from a holster. On average they are only fired 1 in 5 times once drawn. Never mind, let us not let small details get in the way of our “narrative” here in Corbynland.
I`d trust Pravda more than the BBC-so “disappointed” to see that Putins People have not gone on to tell us what happens to black students in their OWN country…and it`s a bit worse that tasers ,Vlad!
Good analysis. Now, if you can do a bit of research, what’s stopping the world’s worst broadcaster? That’s the trouble with the beeb – it’s about the narrative. Trouble is, their misinformation, will cause people to riot and even, kill. Reprehensible broadcasting, all payed for by you, by threat of jail.
Bye Bye Danny, Bye Bye. Farewell to the genius who brought us “Partners in Crime”.
To be in Tower Hamlets or
Not to be in Tower Hamlets,
Well Hamlet? How about it matey!
Following on from my rant about Sainsbury removing the “Pork” flags from the fresh meat aisles, I see in Beckton they have the Apples and Pears in the Exotic Fruit section.
Should we be surprised?
As I mentioned the other day Sainsburys major share holder is Qatar Holding LLC. They notified the Company on 04 February 2010 that it held 25.999 per cent. Qatar Holding LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Qatar Investment Authority (‘QIA’) and acts under QIA’s direction and control shareholder.
Time to boycott?
Perhaps they’re upstairs?
A Chiles BBC5Live has a parade of Islamic groups and imams on over new separate Islamic protections by Cameron ..
tut tutting and using, Jewish schools and places of worship needing high security because of …”hate” attacks as a justification.
you couldn t make this sh-t up … who are the perpetrators of this rising Jewish hate?
… it doesn t say
Nogginator, don’t be silly now! We all know that hate attacks are caused by the ‘rise of the Far Right’ which has been going on for years now (but somehow never actually seems to get anywhere).
It is not a coincidence that as Europe is being swamped by Islam, special rules protecting Muslims comes into play. Islamaphobia will officially be categorized a hate crime. Free speech will be finished completely. All criticism will be punishable with prison. To see the [near] future look at Saudi Arabia. It is buying Europe to convert to Islam. Yeeahh!
Dhimmi Danny Cohen?
Where’s Danny Cohen going ? I think we should be told….
Amazon anybody?
Good Wall Street Journal article criticising the media for their mis-reporting of the rising tide of Palestinians stabbing Jews in Jerusalem. Every word of the article applies in spades to the lying BBC :
Thanks to the embalmers’ arts, coupled with a total humour-bypass, it’s never been difficult for Polly Toynbee to keep a straight face, but credit must be given for her ability on Daily Politics, sitting in a BBC studio, to accuse Channel 4 of being ‘a bit silly….in paying their top executives absurd sums of money…’
Despite the BBC’s & MSM’s best efforts Joe Public still ain’t getting it, must try harder. Another Telegraph poll, 46151 voting yes so far. Note how they keep changing the question, one day the out question is framed for a ‘Yes’ answer the next a ‘No’
Anyone else just had to endure Jeremy Vile on Radio-2 fawning to a sexual deviant trying to tell us what it is to be human?
No BBC, to be human is to understand and accept that we all have different views, and we will not be bullied and coerced into a homogeneous mind-set. It’s about accepting the fact that as much as some people can’t help their sexual deviancy, others can’t help feeling revolted and sickened by it.
Jeremy Vine.
I switched off as soon as I heard the intro. I’ve just had enough of being told I must celebrate perverts and suppress the normal built in reflex of gagging.
Normal built in reflex, like not wanting to eat ones tea opposite the elephant man even though he might have been a very nice fellow.
” I’ve just had enough of being told I must …….suppress the normal built in reflex of gagging.”
So there’s no point in introducing you to Evan Davis
This has been around since last year, I’m sure most here have seen it, but worth a watch if you haven’t. Some excellent editing.
Anyone else had to endure The Daily Politics today as they had that awful Polly ‘3 haciendas’ Toybeee sitting smugly next to Jo Thunderthighs Coburn all programme!
BBC speed dial no 1 just oozed self righteous hatred to anyone who questioned anything the Liebor Party and Tom Watson or indeed what the Al Beeb have been up to. They even had a Dave Spart character, with the requisite beard spouting off.
The bias has to be seen to be believed!
Can a BBC supporter find a SINGLE example over say the last 30 years where a political discussion programme (that was not interviewing people at a Party Conference) was as dominated by people from the Right as the Daily Politics programme today was dominated by people from the Left. They don’t even pretend to be politically balanced do they, so why should people be forced to pay for it? Take away Andrew Neil (and a couple of other reporters) and BBC news and current affairs is little more than what middle class socialists think should be the talking point of the day.
Can you imagine what a bitch fest working for the BBC must be like judging by the way BBC journalists queued up to slag off fellow leftist Peston. Are there any BBC Leftists who are not revolting human beings? Why should anybody be forced to pamper their envy and greed. At least the royals bring in a few tourists, all the Left do is vomit sanctimonious bile.
‘Can you imagine what a bitch fest working for the BBC must be like’
Somewhat akin to being Billy No Mates in the middle a sack of rats, I have heard from various BBC sources, including MP inquiries and such as the Pollard Report.
Danny Cohen’s leaving bash will be a hoot.
Jeremy Vine today and an item on Corbyn’s u-turn on the vote to commit government to running a budget surplus.
To discuss said topic we had George Galloway (WHY????) and some journo from the Independent.
Another BBC opinion-piece-by-proxy to blame the bankers for the economic mess left after the last Labour government, that borrowing squillions to boost capital spending is the best thing since sliced bread and to tell us all, yet again, the crash was nothing to do with Labour. The Independent moron also said it was nearly 10 years since it happened (???) so its no longer relevant.
You bet your life if this had been a Tory u-turn we’d still be listening to these two leftist twats.
Impartial and balanced? My arse.
Ten year cut off date? That’s the whole of Jeremy Hardy’s ‘fatcher’ act gone then!
For impartiality, the BBC still needs a critic of Labour. But apart from George Galloway and Arthur Scargill, I cant think of other left-wing critics who have not now joined or rejoined the Labour party.
So Corbyn has narrowed down diverse opinion acceptable to the BBC, down to only George Galloway and Arthur Scargill. Everyone else is the enemy of the BBC.
Blimey! Peston’s defected to ITV!
Quite disappointed that the autobiographer of that colossus of national economics should be replacing Tom Bradby, who for me, played it pretty straight.
Been most notable since 2010 that Peston has not had a sniff of a “scoop”, having been the willing donkey for Labour in its latter years.
Remember he and Robinson confidently predicted a rise in VAT by Labour, then big Gord bottled it at the last minute, leaving them both with egg on their face.
Would love to know who gave Peston the inside track on Northern Rock and Lloyds / Halifax. I wonder if they were from the party in power at the time. Hm
Bradby has been horribly biased lately. Things won’t improve with Peston though.
The absurdity continues with the coverage of flight MH17 on the 1 o’clock news. Your intrepid reporter exposed a serious lack of research or even common sense when describing the partially rebuilt fuselage, in the background at the crash site, as ‘eerie’. Someone really should tell him that this is precisely what would have been done at Farnborough, or any other major air disaster research facility, in a genuine attempt to re-construct, investigate and establish all relevant data.
Here’s an interesting article which has never (to the best of my knowledge) been adequately reported on by the BBC.
This ‘special measures’ list of 14 constituencies are nearly all ‘Asian’ and are suspected of, or having been proved guilty of electoral fraud.
It’s quite complex, and far too detailed for me to spend the time outlining it all here but it certainly is worth a read to find out what has been, and is still going on today.
What to do No10 traitors eh? … typical Tories Mr Cameron, hope all that petrodollars worth it
Anti-Muslim crimes gets own category in statistics
‘Tell Mama’ did exaggerate anti-Muslim attacks:
The PCC rejects all Fiyaz Mughal’s complaints against us
“in-depth survey’ ……………….. of 20 Muslims? .
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/britons-are-failing-to-support-muslim-victims-of-hate-crime-study-says-a6689976.html …”
Jeez, is this what is meant by diversity? it only seems to be one-way here….
“Is this what is meant by diversity?”
All we know is that Hannah Hinde won’t be the winner.
Tokenism as the only white candidate!
At the Allied Cemetery at Monte Cassiono in Italy, the site of a long battle during WW2 there is a grave of one Cpl Chapman of the Tower Hamlets Regiment. One of many from East London who gave their lives fighting to prevent their country being invaded. After the war it took until the 1970s before the long promised programme of rebuilding the homes destroyed during German bombing started.
Those who had lived there all their lives , had relatives killed by bombs, suddenly found themselves at the back of the housing queue because recently arrived Bangladeshis with families were given priority.
Horace Cutler was in charge of the LCC at the time.
How would Cpl Chapman and his bereaved family feel about the part of London, that was once their home but is now populated by invaders who would never defend it, whose culture and way of life is totally alien?
At first glance I thought it was the line-up for next year’s “Great British Bake Off”.
I was dying to get my hands on the recipe for Lemon Drizzle Naan Bread.
Sorry Hannah Hinde, Germans have never been popular in London since the blitz!
She stands as much chance as the white guy in the Great British Bake Off.
More like White Genocide, that picture paints a thousand words.
…..Coming to a town near you soon.
Somewhat amusingly, it was the real Asian girl (Deng Yan San) wot won it.
Blimey, I bet that didn’t go down at all well with the “Community”. Still, I suppose they had to share the other 137% of the vote between them.
I have numerous South Asian friends and acquaintances. Unanimously they say they would never vote for another “Asian” because of the corruption. Their perception is that proper, traditional Britons (note for junior BBC execs – we are talking White people here) are not tainted by the considerations of religion, caste and clan that mar their original homelands. I don’t have the heart to tell them that the promise of EU appointments and Saudi/Qatari money achieves much the same end here.
Surely the BBC’s cubicle gardeners would have to concoct a whole new set of isms to explain why their cousins failed to prevail?
Tricky as you point out that in this case the actual Asian term applies still.
Was Lutfur Rahman counting the votes?
I believe Tower Hamlets used to be in Britain once upon a time. The BBC even made a programme set there in an ancient time called the 1950s, “Call the Midwife”. I think it’s part of Bangladesh now.
By their fruit ye shall know them:
UK pulls out of £5.9m Saudi jail deal
Nothing to do with the old man facing death by the lash for possession of a bottle of wine! The prisons deal, which was to provide a “training needs analysis” for Saudi prison service staff.
The Times says the justice secretary wanted to pull out of the deal, saying the government should not be assisting a regime that uses beheadings, stoning, crucifixions and lashings to punish its citizens.
But Mr Hammond warned that cancelling it would not be in the national interest as it would make Britain appear an untrustworthy ally, the paper reports.
Obviously Gove has not been considered important enough to need his palms greasing, but Hammond has! After all in was a secret deal which saw the Saudis elevated to head of the UN human rights panel.
Cameron has done as little as he possibly can to assist Karl Andree the man caught with the wine, “Downing Street said Prime Minister David Cameron was personally intervening in the “extremely concerning” case of Mr Andree, by writing to the Saudi government.”
Wow a letter from spineless Dave, a man in the pockets of the Saudis anyway, I bet they’ll have to allow Mr Andree to leave the country Scot free !
I suspect I know the initial answer already, but a small popcorn pre-order possibly still worth making…
Quite relevant as the BBC has again used FoI to get its knickers even more twisted over taser targeting, so how they handle those incoming always interesting.
What the BBC will not show you:
(Warning: Adult site)
Point of order Chairman:
It was a Siberian Swan that had arrived early in Slimbridge not a goose as I reported earlier. But, it is the earliest “eva” arrival of such a bird. Snow chains at the ready.
Siberian swan? Perhaps Putin’s going to send them over to crap on ISIS.
As I posted on the previous thread Russia has unprecedented levels of snow cover for the time of year. Just because they have it, doesn’t mean we will though.
The other point is that this is an El Nino year, and it’s an exceptionally strong one. The wise would do well to take any weather events with a large pinch of salt as they are unlikely to be repeated.
The current weather trends are also something of a unique set making it difficult to forecast winter weather save for the fact it is likely to be extreme. Extremely mild or extremely cold.
The situation in Germany continues to deteriorate. Not that you would know it if you relied on the BBC.
There is an interesting self interview conducted by Golz Kubitschek ( a Pegida leader ) to be found here and there on the net. It is on Gates of Vienna at the moment. I do not do links so you will need to look it up yourselves.
He raise important points that would never get a hearing on our media let alone any comprehension from the average commentator.
Briefly he puts forward the view that if those in charge of the state threaten the nation which in the case of the Merkel regime is to fail to secure the borders and to attempt population replacement by those who do not share the indigenous culture then resistance is legitimate.
He advocates peaceful protest but protest that involves breaking the lesser laws (trespass etc) to protect the nation against arbitary use of power by the state’s representatives. .
This is very interesting and resonates with us Anglo Saxons in England. The Civil War of the 17th century was the legitimate revolt by Parliament against arbitary exercise of power by Charles 1st. In that case Charles had forfeited the right to exercise power by acting against the interests of the nation. My view anyway so there.
I can also understand the fear in Germany of a state apparatus out of control and answerable only to itself.
Pegida and it’s followers are demonised by our craven media and the important principles that underlie it’s existence ignored. There is much to be discussed here and in particular just what democracy now means in Europe and Britain.
Whether in the final analysis resistance to any attempt to bring about the demise of the nation and the people who have built it generation upon generation overrides the adherence to the letter of the laws of that nation and to the very apparatus of a modern democratic state.
Solid post, Dave S.
If Germany is to find a solution to this problem, in my view, it will come from the East; the part which was formerly communist – it’s just a question of quite how ‘final’ it will be, when it does.
As part of a school project German children are required to clean up and make beds for the invaders. Pamela Geller cites German sources.
I saw a video of Tommy Robinson speaking at a Pegida rally in Germany. Hard to hear him as the anti Pegida crowd were drowning him out.
Apart from scattered protests it seems that Merkel et al are having their way. I am sure that Cameron is watching closely, preparing the British step by step, with anti extremist measure in place to prevent any backlash when our turn comes.
Plans are being laid…
The Beeb have been running this story all day, “black people are three times as likely to be tasered as whites.” I heard this morning on the Today prog’ that “blacks make up only 4.4 % of the population but are 13% of those that are tasered.” They’re still at it now, clearly implying that hoards of trigger happy racist cops are picking on defenceless Afro Caribbeans.
Of course that’s precisely the stance that I would expect our state broadcaster to take. They wouldn’t want to look any more closely at these statistics and ask why 4.4% of our population regularly find themselves in a position where such an unpleasant implement might be used. Much easier to simply suggest, to an already touchy minority, that they are being singled out for unfair treatment.
They have played similar games when prison stat’s are revealed and a huge number of inmates are revealed as being black.
I remember a BBC man, some years ago, interviewing an Texan sheriff about the racial discrepencies in Texan penitentiaries and asking why so many blacks were in the nick. The old lawman eyed the pc journo’ and drawled, “Cos they’re the ones committing the crimes.” And what did the BBC man say?
Sweet FA.
I think I’ll complain about the disproportionate numbers of men in prison for rape compared to women.
The Judicial System is letting men down. Justice for men! Why are men being singled out by the police and not women? We want justice!
(That’s the level of logic being applied by the media to black male crime statistics).
Jeff – to expand on the old quotation, “There are lies, damned lies, statistics, and the BBC’s interpretation of data” – a clearly significant progression as the phrase goes along.
(With a hat-tip to all of Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli, Leonard H.Courtney,and perhaps even Thomas Carlyle).
“the BBC’s interpretation of data”
The BBC doesn’t do “data”, it does “anecdote”. Much more room for emoting.
Jeff – I wonder for how many hours a senior British police officer would remain in his job, if he gave a response in an interview similar to that of the Texan sheriff?
The premise is impossible. Anyone who is not a Common Purpose drone would be weeded out long before they reached senior rank in the police. It may still be possible to find decent people in the lower ranks, I don’t know, but the higher echelons have been completely taken over by people who parrot the usual politically correct garbage. So no different from the rest of the public sector then.
Only 3% of people in the UK are black according to the 2011 census, so the BBC missed an opportunity to exaggerate even more there.
What would have been really interesting and probably more informative would have been if the BBC had mapped the actual incidence percentage of taser applications to suspects against the percentage of crime attributed to the same ethnic group of people in these areas, or even mapped it simply to the percentage of these people in the population where the taser data was gathered in the first place to see if there was a real meaningful correlation.
If either of these was an even reasonable fit, then BBC take on the data, i.e. the national taser count vs national ethnicity count is so highly mis-leading as to warrant a mis-selling charge against the BBC.
I notice from the latest data that I can lay my hands on (around the turn of the decade) that a certain ethic minority was responsible for more than 50% of violent crime (even amongst women in some categories) in London despite having less than 3% of the population (and it is surely those people who are in the firing line for having a taser used against them). And in terms of the prison population, 13% of prisoners in English/Welsh Jails against less than 3% of the population. These figures may have changed recently (who knows – they don’t seem to be easily found), but figures of that scale put a completely different perspective on just the bald data presented by the BBC this morning. And the BBC should be at the forefront of presenting the whole picture of the situation.
But I guess we’ll never know, because the BBC, just like the AGW crew will never release the raw data so that a more accurate take on the data can be compiled. And any FOI request, of course, will be met with the old ‘journalistic purposes’ veto – never mind the BBC’s so-called commitment to inform !
And just to complete the obscuring of the truth by the BBC, when I heard the announcement this morning on the ‘Today’ programme, the words used must have been carefully crafted because the inference I drew from the bulletin was that a taser had actually been used on a 9-year old boy. My thought then was that sounded a bit OTT – but, of course, it turns out that a taser was ‘drawn’ in this particular casebut was not fired. (I noticed the distinction was clearly drawn by another contributor to BBBC exposing ‘taser ‘events’ in the BBC survey don’t even mean that the taser has actually been used…but of course, this distinction was not made clear by the BBC this morning on the broadcast I heard.
BBC – bias by omission, as usual.
Aaaaargh _ that’ll teach me (again) to look before hitting the ‘Post’ button after quite a bit of data searching and typing. Apologies to Sir A for repeating data from his post below.
The BBC could not logically use the ‘journalism, etc’ defence against passing on data that they themselves had obtained by FOI. If FOI applies once to data, it applies for all time. They would have no right to arbitrarily prohibit the sharing of such information to anyone who asked for it.
Indeed, they should be required to share every single piece of information obtained via FOI, proactively, prominently, on their web-site. After all, it is our money they use to pursue these information requests, so they are doing so as our proxies.
Who are they to deny us information we have paid for?
Dont presume the census is accurate. A high proportion of those unrecorded on the census will be black.
It is very easy, even for a dim beeboid, to look up the proprtion of prisoners of different races in the UK as the data are published annually under section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (e.g. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/statistics-on-race-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2012). The latest report shows that the proportion of the prison population that is black is 13.2% … exactly the same proportion as that tasered by police. So, nothing to see, move along now.
Incidentally, the same reports also tabulate the religion of UK prisoners since 2002. The number of Christians in British prisons is 42,000, much the same over 12 years. The number of Muslims in British prisons is now over 11,000, doubled from 5,500 in 2002. I wonder why.
Good facts Sir Arthur and Rufus, I bet these statistics won’t be stated on Newsnight.
I’d be interested to know how many prisoners of mixed race are incarcerated,- a high divorce rate,unmarried partners.
Either the BBC is deliberately obtuse or it is it’s usual stupid self.
The black population is concentrated in the inner cities. A true comparison would be with the white and other ethnic groups in the same localities. it might come to the same conclusion but I doubt it.
To compare the inner city population with all the attendant problems associated with the cities as against the shires and the villages is absurd.
Typical BBC . The organisation is discrediting itself daily.
It is the BBC trick of fishing for the right sort of story that gives the ‘racist Britian’ meme more legs. One wonders how many FOI requests BBC researchers had to submit to come up with this lame nonsense. Of course they could try investigating paedophile activity in ‘ethnically diverse areas’. Or, perhaps, report on it in the same way and give it the same weight as these concocted ‘reports’.
Of course they are never pro-active when the narrative doesn’t fit their ideology.
Why are, proportionally, more blacks tasered than whites in the U.K.?
“Low IQ, poor impulse control, lack of future time orientation, oppositional personality disorders and retarded brain growth.”
Morality and Abstract Thinking, How Africans differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun
”I AM AN American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology. (ILLUSTRATION: A public service billboard in South Africa. Note old tire and gas can.)
It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.
What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.
My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language. “You can’t say that,” they explained. “All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?” “Nope; just ‘up’.” In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.
A few years later, in Nairobi, I learned something else about African languages when two women expressed surprise at my English dictionary. “Isn’t English your language?” they asked. “Yes,” I said. “It’s my only language.” “Then why do you need a dictionary?”
They were puzzled that I needed a dictionary, and I was puzzled by their puzzlement. I explained that there are times when you hear a word you’re not sure about and so you look it up. “But if English is your language,” they asked, “how can there be words you don’t know?” “What?” I said. “No one knows all the words of his language.” Read the rest here nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/morality-and-abstract-thinking/
”According to now-discredited folk wisdom, blacks are “children in adult bodies,” but there may be some foundation to this view. The average African adult has the raw IQ score of the average 11-year-old white child. This is about the age at which white children begin to internalize morality and no longer need such strong external enforcers.
Gruesome cruelty
Another aspect of African behavior that liberals do their best to ignore but that nevertheless requires an explanation is gratuitous cruelty. A reviewer of Driving South, a 1993 book by David Robbins, writes:
“A Cape social worker sees elements that revel in violence … It’s like a cult which has embraced a lot of people who otherwise appear normal. … At the slightest provocation their blood-lust is aroused. And then they want to see death, and they jeer and mock at the suffering involved, especially the suffering of a slow and agonizing death.” here is something so unspeakably vile about this, something so beyond depravity, that the human brain recoils. This is not merely the absence of human empathy, but the positive enjoyment of human suffering, all the more so when it is “slow and agonizing.” Can you imagine jeering at and mocking someone in such horrible agony?
During the apartheid era, black activists used to kill traitors and enemies by “necklacing” them. An old tire was put around the victim’s neck, filled with gasoline, and—but it is best to let an eye-witness describe what happened next:” nationalvanguard.org/2015/05/morality-and-abstract-thinking/
It would take a heart of stone not to…
Sorry to change topic a little but I have just read this from today’s The Week. What a low life Corbyn is.
‘Corbyn’s spokespeople have also been busy dealing with a Sunday Telegraph report alleging his and shadow chancellor John McDonnell’s “close links” to the IRA.
The paper produced archive evidence that Corbyn had attended several events supporting the IRA in the 1980s and 1990s, and that he was general secretary of the left-wing magazine Labour Briefing when it “controversially sympathised with the Brighton bombing” in 1984.’
I shouldn’t wonder if the editor of the Denis Healey biography on BBC2 last week didn’t get his knuckles wrapped because in the section on the hard left/Militant Tendency takeover of the Labour Party in the early 1980s, guess who was shown sharing a platform with Tony Benn and Ken Livingstone? Yes, it was Jezza Corbyn. V surprised this was not edited out.
Incidentally, for added bias I have not noticed a similar biography of Geoffrey Howe, who has also died recently.
So it looks like the BBC are to axe The Voice and threatening to axe Eastenders and Strictly.
Yes they’re all sh1te, but they are popular. The game being played here is anti Tory, yes the evil Tory’s are behind the need to axe the chavs favourite programs.
Lets axe the popular stuff first before before we get rid of 1Xtra, The Asian Network, BBC3, 6Music, The World Service, 4extra, Cbeebies, Alba, Cash In The Attic, Chris Evans, Terry Wigon, Graham Norton, Paul O’Grady, 6 figure salaried management, The Great Diverse Bake Off, Sir Alan Sucrose, Clare Balding, Fatty Nolan, an overbearing abundance of diverse presenters, Nicky Campbell, Aquil Ahmed and all things Dimbleby and then we can blame the beastly Torys and the morons that we’ve brainwashed will believe us….
A bit like the Labour councils up here shutting all the libraries down. You need to be punished. Of course, the councils (like the BBC) are awash with money but that’s not the point. Your pleasure needs to be curtailed so that you can then rail against the government. It’s transparent but not everyone is as critical as we are on here. Oh, for someone to tell the BBC to shove it (although that would require balls, something sorely lacking today).
The Voice is not a BBC production , they buy it in , from the production company , which ITV recently bought . So its all a storm in a teacup , about nothing .
Storm in a teacup? They paid £22 million for the first series plus millions for judges such as Minogue and I’m guessing similar amounts for the three subsequent series.
And for what? Can you name any of the winners?
No , but as I don`t watch it , they can waste their money on something else , which they do at regular intervals .They constantly waste money 1xtra , Asian Network etc .
Well the Tory Party and Cameron are not doing very much about stemming the waste .
And whats Ukip policy on the BBC ?
That does not answer my statement which was, ‘the Tory Party and Cameron are not doing very much about stemming the waste’.
They are the government in power and have been for a second term of office .
You are merely trying to muddy the waters and deflect from the truth .
My post said exactly that, as well as pointing out that the BBC are anti anything right of Diane Abbot. Don’t quite get your point?
Thats not the only reason to find an excuse to chop Eastenders. They know it is anachroonistic nonsense picturign East London circa 1980. A true Eastenders today would be 90% foreign, the few English being young ‘gentrifiers’ from elsewhere and students, the Old Vic closed and replaced with affordable housing, and not an idnigenous Cockney within sight.
The programme is a bit of an embarrasment, but to give a true picture would reveal to ignorant provincials the extent to which London as we knew it has been destroyed. So Beeboids are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Where is ‘Cockney’ on this, we haven’t heard from him for some time ?
I miss Bunny.
The Progressive tendency – take a grudge and amplify it to further your own agenda. Regardless of whether it makes things gratuitously worse. In fact if it does, all the better.
Yes, Eastenders in its truest form would be a complete negative of what we see now. Instead of one ‘token’ headscarf as a character, every character would be of Asian/indian/African/Jamaican descent, and there would be a ‘token’ white family – who would probably be eastern European !!! The programmed that was spawned in 1986 was what the majority of Britain assumed the East End was like, in the same way that the Coronation Street of 1960 was the perceived idea of how northerners lived north of Watford, and in the days when the word ‘mosque’ was something we’d only heard at school learning about the Ottoman Empire !!!
Poor old Bill Turnbull, everytime he hears Ray Davies sing Lola, he just ‘wants to sing a long’
One can perhaps understand his confusion.
Well, there he is this morning, on Tight Women from the BBC – with women challenging their divorce settlements, the Police responsible for the death of a young woman, Hilary Clinton having a good night, Angela Merkel up to something, an Aussie Sheila over here berating us for an overcrowded housing market, four women off to row the Atlantic – even their boat was blessed by a Vicar of Dibbly – is there ever any other kind on the BBC? The swans warn us there’s a cold winter on the way – but glitzy Carol Kirkwood may have a bone to pick with the birds on that claim.
Stephanie “two eds” Flanders circling the wagons for labour ahead of the fiscal responsibility vote given free rein to trash Osborne on Today. It is simply astounding that this blatant labour stooge who I recall called it all wrong during the coalition before fleeing to J P Morgan is now apparently on speed dial despite an obvious lack of objectivity and credibility.
Nice bias on R4 today this morning re Osborne vote to balance the budget.
Now irrespective of whether you agree or disagree with this, the bBBC had Danny Blanchflower on (McDonnell supporting economist) opposing it and then later Stephanie Flanders (ex BBC who waltzed off for a big pay cheque at JP Morgan) for an ‘independent’ view. Independent? Joke. Her Labour credentials are well-documented. Guess what? She opposed it as well.
I believe Ms Flanders has the unenviable record of having sh*gged both Ed Miliband and Ed Balls.
Just saying.
Spit roast?
Not both at the ame time! 😮
And another thing. (but I’ll admit at the start that I’m no police spokesperson and that they have made many grievous errors about all manner of things over the years) At 7.50am on R4 Today we had 5 minutes of unadulterated tirade against the police from a woman who may have become another victim of the killer of Georgia Williams. Along the way, the police were criticised for not picking up on the fact that the killer had potentially attacked someone on the roads and it was dismissed as a road traffic accident.
There are about 110,000 reported (i.e. police attend) road accidents every year. Are we seriously suggesting we need some mega-database so that every person involved in every road accident is cross-checked for sex crimes? That was the logical conclusion of the comments made. This logic was not picked up at all by the dozy Mishal. Hussein just lobbed easy balls at her most vehement interviewee and let the anti-police tirade continue unabated. I cut the interviewee some slack because of her situation but we could do with some actual journalism occasionally.
Bias is sometimes not only political.
The police have always been a soft target for the BBC/Left.
Police managers (they’re not leaders anymore thanks to Bliar) never contest media attacks. These managers are selected for their servility and lack of backbone. They are there to repeat ‘our thoughts are with the family at this difficult time’ etc.
And most are women.
The BBC/Left have a political desire to undermine all institutions such as the military, police, prison service and immigration staff as part of reshaping society to their Marxist ideals.
The police can’t manage every nutjob by use of a surveillance team 24/7 who could potentially kill someone . They don’t have the resources. And if they did, the BBC would cry ‘human rights’.
They’ll have a bit more to do, to distract them from the job they should be doing, soon…
Perhaps it’s because very many of the Police are completely incompetent, and other than attacking victims for an easy collar or engineering incidents (gate gate) they actually arrest and prosecute hardly any criminals at all.
My most recent complaint against them was a couple of young thugs on an illegal quad bike screaming around public roads at midnight with no lights, and so drunk they couldn’t properly stand. When the useless brigade got to them, one had a can of special brew, the other a bottle of sherry. Unbelievably he allowed them to take the quad bike home, after they promised they wouldn’t ride it !
Official complaints have been ignored and I’ve had no answers, speaking with the Police they have been hostile & dismissive.
You can bet though, had there been a sniff of Political Correctness laws being broken, they would have been down like a ton of bricks.
This is the problem. Uselesses are now first trained in equality, diversity, and Political Correctness. It forms the majority of their training and they no longer know what the law is nor how they should enforce it. When shown the written proof of the law they become angry and refuse to accept it. The number of times I’ve had problems with them, made complaints, received assurances ‘advice will be given’ only for them to do the same thing again is legion.
The more that are cut the better, they don’t actually do very much constructive anyway.
And if you are a Political Correctness Enforcement Officer reading this, then you should be very worried that you are losing the support of people like me, because sure as hell the lefties whose politics you are enforcing never have supported you and never will.
“Perhaps it’s because very many of the Police are completely incompetent”
I don’t entirely disagree with your comments but I think your generalisation is a bit unfair. Having said that, I’ve also made sweeping statements from time to time – usually in response to some outrageous news story.
Ordinary coppers do not determine policy or policing priorities. Nor are they responsible for daft decisions made by other parts of the criminal justice system. My anger is firmly directed at successive Home Secretaries and senior coppers whose priorities seem to be completely skewed. The recent decision to record so-called hate crimes against Muslims separately is a case in point. This, IMO, is totally objectionable, and its caustic consequences will drip down to law enforcement at street level.
Let’s not forget that the medical profession, whose members are recruited from some of the most educated people in the country, managed to kill 1200 or so people in Stafford. Quite an achievement. It’s always been easy to sneer at the stupidity of Plod, I do it from time to time, but are we prepared to pay 10x more on recruits, providing intensive training for six years, even if we could afford it? And would it make any difference? Some of the daftest decisions seem to come from the most educated members of our police ‘service’.
The Russians say a fish rots from the head first. This has happened with the police.
They are driven by government performance targets. Their ‘managers’ know the cost of every thing but the value of nothing.
Average plod feels the same as us about Political Correctness. They can no longer do the job that is expected of them. Their hands are tied and they have no management support. It’s easier to do nothing as doing something is likely to get them into trouble. They are disillusioned and now feel they can’t do their job.
The example of the quad-bike posted above is typical. No targets would be met by arresting the youths and the massive amount of IT paperwork would have taken the officers off the streets for about six hours or more. And their would have been follow up paperwork for weeks or months later. IT has reduced the effectiveness of the police. To input a burglary report onto the IT system takes over an hour assuming a free terminal can be found. It would have taken 10 minutes writing on paper. Multiply this across a constabulary and you have a huge percentage drop in available officers.
The police work ethic is driven by their ‘managers’ who are driven by the government.
Having said that, the police are almost 100% successful with murder and terrorist investigations. But in this area, funding is almost unlimited and their performance targets are clear and sensible.
I would sooner see a ‘local militia’ dealing with local needs such as yobs. A ‘patrol’ of three or four stout in heart and body members of the local population would be more corrective than the useless judicial system.
The police can’t deal with low level crime despite it being a blight on ordinary people. The police don’t have the powers and no longer the authority.
What happened to Special Constables? Do they still exist? Or were they abandoned in place of the CPSO experiement?
It’s getting to the stage that the only thing the police are good for is stopping decent people from defending themselves against thugs.
I sometimes think that the police go easy on lefty thugs, like the Class War, and Antifa gangs despite their open support for violence on their social media sites, which would not be tolerated from nationalist parties. Perhaps, in some way they serve the government – anti -UKIP, pro Islam – and higher plod are aware of their value.
Thoughtful re quad bikes.
You don’t surprise me at all.
Thames Valley Police are not allowed to chase and try and catch people (young people usually) on motor bikes (by which we really mean those trial bikes used on muddy paths, untaxed, uninsured, no lights, no number plates) when they are used on the public highway, as they are near where we live, for fear that this might be dangerous and potentially cause the rider to be in an accident. Yes, it’s ‘elf ‘n’ safety’ again!
I’m not making it up, more than one friendly local plod has told me this.
Plod is part of the problem, not the solution.
It’s not ‘elf and safety and rarely is to be honest. This is another case of unelected unaccountable Judges making law which affect everyone else. I would like to vote this judge out of office but because the UK is a totalitarian state I cannot.
The first thing we need to do is to abandon the legal principle of precedent and take up the Napoleonic code where every case is judged on first principle, and stupid decisions by judges do not affect the people in the future.
Our precedent based law is the reason the Human Rights Act doesn’t work here. Other European countries seemingly ignore the courts judgements, but that is because they can legally. Here we are bound to follow them, and town hall jobsworths and petty officialdom enforce it with great enthusiasm.
Handbags at dawn
BBC London have been avidly following the ups and downs of West Ham Ladies football club. Our broadcaster’s interest was piqued recently when the club signed Indian national goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan – sadly the star signing has been leaking goals like a sieve.
Not so long ago the then manager Julian Dicks told the BBC “The good thing about the ladies is there aren’t any egos”
Now under new management all is not well ‘West Ham Ladies: Stacey Little ‘quits’ over ‘disgusting’ treatment’
Calm down dear, ‘The 28-year-old midfielder claimed on Twitter that she was suspended for “having an opinion as captain” and had decided to leave’
Two sides to every argument…
‘ “A meeting was called by the manager for Tuesday evening to announce his decision to release a number of senior players, including Stacey Little, whom he deemed surplus to requirements.”The club is focusing its future on its main players such as Aditi Chauhan, the Indian international, and Giulia Ferrandi from Italy.’
And if you’re thinking…. who cares? I would concur. However our BBC tv reporter tells us that it is all good because the interest this story is creating just goes to show how the women’s game is…. creating interest… and that interest is coming from…. the BBC.
Statistics are always a problem area for the BBC
And those migrants just here for a better life are at it again
It seems harsh to name and shame – I think it was Graham Satchell – and to be fair he was hand feeding a swan down at Slimbridge and trying to talk to camera at the same time. However, had the intrepid bird in fact migrated all of the 25,000 miles Graham said it would surely have arrived back roughly where it had started – the equator is 24,901 miles long. The on screen info stated 2500 miles – which seems about right – shhhhhush don’t tell the metric commissars you’re using Imperial.
Still, on the other hand, if the swan claims he did 25,000 then who are the BBC to argue – they’re just there to tell his story.
It probably gets a generous travel allowance.
Last night on the BBC News at Ten we had another remake of Cry Freedom/Ghandi/Schindler’s List as a queue of ‘refugees’ (women and children, some clutching teddy bears) waited for buses to Germany at the Serbian border. What was the latest cause of outrage? The reporter was shocked – shocked, I tell you – to find out that the bus companies were CHARGING MONEY to take passengers. I suppose it must be hard for a Beeboid to understand that things like diesel and drivers have to be paid for and aren’t simply provided gratis through some sort of Royal Charter. Utterly sickening.
I saw this too and totally agree about those ‘outrageous’ ‘insensitive’ bus drivers wanting to be paid to work! Yeah, the women and children were in the foreground but in the background it was 80% male, a fact consistently ignored in each and every Al-Beeb report, such as that at Longford, Heathrow the other night on BBC London.
Somewhere, out in the Middle East and Africa, there must be now hundreds of thousands of women fending for themselves and potentially their children, while their menfolk have swanned off to Europe.
Shouldn’t the sisterhood of Harriet Harperson and Dianne Abbott be all over this? The silence is deafening.
Why do they love focusing the camera on some small child holding a teddy bear/dolly? It’s just what most young children do, in the same way adults carry around phones/handbags/umbrellas etc. I have every sympathy for innocent children caught up in all this but the way the BBC (and the adult migrants) use them as emotional blackmail is vile.
Surprised the lady managing to hold on to pop junior out live on the beach has not garnered more airtime. Maybe they are awaiting HMS Bulleron to arrive with half the UK’s midwives and an embedded set of BBC magazine/pop-up/trending teams to cover the same story?
TBH in many cases the women will approve. They know that as soon as their menfolk get work and permanent leave to remain, they will be able to join them.
This is something that the pro immigrationists choose not to discuss, for every one of these men they admit there is a whole family back home waiting to join them, in some cases not jsut wife and children but parents, and younger brothers and sisters who they can claim are their own children. There has been trickery going on for years importing relatives and passing them off as their kids. Right now my daughter lives next door to a middle aged Somali couple, and a baby (about eighteen months old) suddenly appeared in their house! I’ll bet it was imported from some relly in Somalia.
Just remembered on R4 Today was a story about Germany setting up new immigration centres in order to return the (quote) “40% of immigrants” who were from the Balkans and so had no legitimate right of entry.
This % was tossed in without any further remark or query but of course totally destroys, along with many other statistics,
the myth we are constantly force-fed that ‘poor Syrian refugees’ make up the vast majority of migrants, which informs Al-Beeb’s entire vast pro-open-borders propaganda campaign.
Maybe bBBC journos have never been trained that ‘percentage’ means ‘parts of a hundred’ and so have no basis to actually investigate and report the facts.
The Today programme mentioned Merkel’s increasing political difficulties – and said that one problem is how to return non-Syrians who have barged into Germany. It said that many of the newcomers were not Syrian ? “Many” I thought it was MOST of them were not Syrians, according to UN data ?
BBC twisting the figures – as usual.
Judging from the pictures one sees almost everywhere but the BBC, a significant percentage of the immigrants are black Africans – clearly, not Syrians. And, of course, they are young males. That was certainly the case with the ones from Longford who are being expensively ferried around the country, according to newspaper reports.
It must be frustrating for the BBC when their carefully crafted lies are exposed by simple photographs.
They’re Syrian chimney sweeps.
Or they work down’t pit
Will it/won’t it be a cold winter, my observations.
In 2008 I bought myself a digital Max/Min thermometer with a radio controlled outdoor sensor and for my own amusement have since kept records…
Last night was the 2nd coldest October night to this point of the month (2.7 deg) here in not so rural Somerset, the coldest prior to that was 0.4 deg in 2010 (we know what sort of winter followed). Only once so far this October has it hit 20 deg. Every year since 2008 the temperature has hit 20 deg+ past mid month (bar 2010), last year on the 31st it hit 20.3 Looking at the forecast for the next couple of weeks it doesn’t look like it will go above 14 deg.
So in essence temperatures in October so far this year are similar to 2010. Just saying!
It’s an El Nino year, so all bets are off ! So was 2010 so it’s anomalous.
Whilst you at home might record a low temperature, the records are all based on a single weather station in a particular place and because of that, then it’s those figure which are important and not your home recording, because it might well be in a frost hollow. or full sun !
“Ho ho ho” Santa says as he greases up the runners on his sleigh and heaves some extra feed to the reindeer so that they can bulk up against the extra cold.
“Whilst you at home might record a low temperature, the records are all based on a single weather station in a particular place and because of that, then it’s those figure which are important and not your home recording, because it might well be in a frost hollow. or full sun !”
Thoughtful, do you mean the thermometer at the end of the Heathrow taxi-way they use to intercept jet exhausts when they want to record a “Record High” temperatures in the summer?
Think I have mentioned on here before, Geoff, my interest in a ‘Ice cube in Punchbowl’ theory and the cooling effect it will have on areas of the globe. It is actually a bit more than theory, because it is provable in scale experiments, for example in a punch bowl.
We have had some warming. It has caused ice loss near the Poles by break up (as well as greater ice evaporation and melting) and the circulation of smaller chunks of polar ice must take the cold, normally concentrated around the Poles out into much wider circulation around the globe. In addition, there must also be some effect from the purer water of ice melt diluting salt seawater.
I have always considered the claims of the ‘Alarmists’ to be unlikely to happen in the timescales they claimed because of this cooling effect of ice melt & break-up. Before any warming really gets underway again, the most likely effect of past warming is actually a cooling of parts of the planet.
So, to answer your question; yes, I think it will be a colder winter. For the UK 2013/14 and 2014/15 were milder warmer winters. A string of several colder ones would not surprise me at all.
Amazed at what I saw on the BBC news last night about 10. The report was about the murders of completely innocent Israelis by messed up Palestinian extremists. To be fair this is how the BBC reported it, with sympathy for the victims. In fact the report was based on the senseless killing of innocent people. It was a real turn around.
Then that f***wit Bowen. Can’t remember his first name. They cross to him live. First sentences were fine, he agreed the murders were senseless and sickeningly violent. But then starts to justify the killings.
“But you know, we have to consider why young Palestinians are being pushed to….” and the sound is cut.
He has been cut off! It was too much too soon, even for al Beeb. I’m not surprised, imagine a day after the Warrington Bombings, a reporter began to justify the killings by the IRA. That was the first example to spring to mind. To justify any murder is inherently wrong.
Bowen claims he wasn’t censored, and a battery failed. He’s a liar. The context was the victims, he was only interested in the plight of the Palestinians.
“My live on BBC News at 10 was cut because a battery failed. Was about to say the context for violence as ever is the conflict & occupation”. Yes you were censored you f***wit, because the BBC new you were about to say that. That context was put aside in respect for the victims. Tosser! It’s not always about you. Please come back to Britain, you will be treated with tolerance and understanding, Islam stylie.
Unfortunately for Bowen his report was broadcast on radio 4 & I expect they received any number of complaints. The attacks were apparently wholly justified by illegal occupation, and the building of settlements (which is undeniably illegal) plus the Jews being well – Jews !
How on earth such Fascist anti Semitism is allowed to get on air is a mystery, but I guess when the government is owned by a Muslim one, then it’s inevitable.
Bowen, like the BBC as a whole, has been totally out of control for years. I really object to having to pay for scum like him. He is one of the vilest Beeboids and that is saying something. Pure evil.
World Service 10:02 GMT:
Here’s Yolande Knell pretending to report on BBC ‘News’ on the current wave of Palestinian terror against Israelis:
…occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Here in Bethlehem clashes every single day have taken on a familiar pattern with Palestinian protesters coming down the streets throwing stones and the Israeli forces firing tear gas and rubber bullets.
Many of these young Palestinians don’t respect their leaders…a generation that’s grown up with the failure of peace talks to deliver an independent Palestinian state and there are feelings of anger and humiliation.
Well that’s the blind BBC ‘progressive’ lefty interpretation. In fact these youngsters are rioting precisely because they respect the leaders who are inciting them to violence over imaginary Israeli threats to the Al-Aksa mosque and no doubt enticing them with promises of 72 virgins in Muslim ‘paradise’ if they die while killing Jews.
Nobody told these poor kids that they are being conned and the reward is actually a 72-year-old virgin.
What a f****** disgrace! This racist scum should be hanged! What’s an even bigger disgrace is the pathetic response from the media compared to the Stephen Lawrence case. In the latter the lefty media STILL bang on about White racists and Black victims, and the parents are given titles and positions in charities etc. However, none of the self-righteous lefty media reporters/writers/newspeople have given anything like appropriate coverage of this poor lad’s plight ; because was murdered by racist Pakistani thugs, the media went quiet. However, if it were the other way round the BBC, Channel 4, Sky, The Guardian, The Independent, Huffington Post, The Labour Party would be inflicting decades of guilt-evoking ‘analysis’ into how we indigenous Brits are racist thugs.
I wonder who’s footing the bill for these appeals? Silly question, I suppose …….
Yeah, one of the worse racist murders in the UK, and one of the most sickening depraved killings of a kid. I did a news search on the BBC website a month ago or so on the young lad. Very little about him, lots about his murderers appeals and searches for justice. Whole thing hidden away in Glasgow West reporting. They are all complicit, and his family definitely deserve an apology.
Not one of the worse – probably the worse, ten times the seriousness of the Stephen Lawrence case but only 1/1000th of the publicity and concern of the Establishment. Astonishing that the BBC actually admit that this was a racist murder and do so without comment (I bet a sub-editor was straining at the bit to put in something along the lines of ‘Most racist murders involve white killers and black victims, but in this highly unusual case…’).
Yes terrible, thankfully we have member of the Lords, like Lady Diane Lawrence who are on the alert for racist murders and will be calling for an apology.
I don’t see why he was isolated. In the interests of cultural diversity he should be placed in a prison wing containing several “White British” murderers. They can all compare notes and then the “white” techniques can be demonstrated for and on him.
The way the BBC describe the way poor Kris was killed, in the link Alex posted, comes nowhere near to describing the appalling suffering he went through.
All three of these evil c***s should be put into a hole in the ground with bars on top and starved to death.
All the while some @rsehole lawyers are making money out of representing this scum via Legal Aid – totally despicable.
Don’t forget the odious pro-muslim SNP ‘government’ also complicit in covering up and playing down.
Standard procedure for the MSM, especially the Beeb, to filter out anything that doesn’t suit the party line.
Like the shooting the other day at Keele Services, on the M6.
It seems a couple of farmers went to investigate some kind of activity around a Hungarian lorry and disturbed a group of Afghan “migrants” (presumably “desperate” and “fleeing” something or other, as these people usually are…..). When they got there, the “migrants” ran off, firing a couple of rounds from a handgun in their direction, presumably to encourage them to keep their distance.
Of course, Al Beeb, together with much of the MSM, are ignoring this incident, since it doesn’t show their pets in a good light and goes against the usual meme that all “migrants” are perpetual victims.
One wonders what the reaction would have been if the farmers had taken a potshot at the gimmegrants. Screaming headlines on the Beeb for a month, warning of gangs of armed right-wing thugs prowling the country, no doubt. Questions in the House and “calls” to ban shotguns would follow.
But as it is…………nothing. Move along. Nothing to see here.
The follow-up today on Breitbart is that the Staffordshire police have stopped looking for them. Presumably the police’s assumption is that they’ve reached sanctuary in Birmingham.
It is mentioned on BBC’s Stoke and Staffordshire news page…but wouldn’t you think this warranted a big story on the national news?
At any other time in history, if seven illegal immigrants were wandering the countryside, armed and shooting at people, it would make national headlines and lead to a ‘posse comitatus’ being set up to find them.
Now it seems we just shrug and accept it.
BBC Radio 2 is doing a tribute to the music of Nelson Riddle. At 66 (not that old), I can remember a time when there was never any mention of Muslims on the radio but Nelson Riddle was mentioned frequently. At the time, I thought muslim was a type of cloth. Oh, the sweet innocence! I wish we had now what we had then. But we won’t – thanks to the BBC!
The only muslim you saw was on the Turkish Delight advert.
We should go back to calling them Moslems. See link
Those were the days, so exotic they were made in Bristol! Not sure if the Fry’s name is still used, they merged with Cadbury’s, then in 2010 they were bought by Kraft, immediately the Bristol factory was closed (after 80 years) with the loss of 400 jobs and production moved to Poland.
The irony now is that the site is being redeveloped for housing to meet the ever growing demand because of immigration, probably to house, among others Polish workers…..
The lionisation of Nadiya,
that is Hijab baker continues.
Today she was interviewed by jenny Murray on Womans Hour, who actually admitted that Nadiya has got far more media atttention than she could possibly have expected.
Jenny described her as ‘self depracating’, well that may be, but surely Murray realises that Asian women are taught from childhood to behave in this way – its what the in laws expect in their daughter in law! Its an ACT not just a charming quirk of Nadiya’s character but a symptom of female repression, that Murray purports to fight. Hypocrit.
I thought at first glance you said “self defecating”!
I didn’t realise she was that excited at winning.
I think my education needs updating ! I thought (perhaps wrongly) that Muslims cant/don’t drink alcohol. Well, a story in today’s Express reports that a village near Heathrow is being swamped by migrants in transit to elsewhere, and the local landlord of the Kings Arms……. one RANA SAIF is moaning that his trade is suffering !!! er, eh ? Um, opticians, corner shops, chemists, NHS, steel companies, and now, the humble pub !!! where will it end ? you never see an Asian dog walker though do you !
These (Calais) migrants are being housed by a m/millionaire landlord of a different kind …… one SURINDER ARORA . A local elderly resident….. Ray (hoo..RAY !) reports that the village is being overwhelmed.
I read that yesterday and thought exactly the same about the landlord, probably serves nothing other that Becks N.A.! But remember profit always trumps religious sensitivities in such cases (24 hour corner shops?)
Surinder Arora, owns 16 hotels, an airfield and a large stake in Wentworth golf course, is a good friend of the worlds 5th richest man (and Cliff Richard) worth £365m, what does he care about the destruction of the UK, happy to assist….
Most Muslims do not drink alcohol, although many do in Turkey, where wine, beer and spirits are produced. Many Middle Eastern countries have a spirit of some sort by the generic name of ‘arrack’, although it is made by individuals and rural communities rather than commercially. The Koran does not mention alcohol (an Arabic word) by name – the term used is ‘intoxicant’ although can arguably be translated as ‘wine’. There are three verses, of increasing severity. The first implies moderation in such things; the second says that if something is bad then it is also bad in small quantities, implying prohibition; the third warns against praying or going to the mosque whilst intoxicated, which sounds reasonable enough. My thanks to a whisky drinking Turkish friend for explaining this to me!
The doctrine of abrogation (naskh) covers this. A later revelation cancels out a previous one. The more lenient texts on alcohol come from the Mecca period, when the Muslims were trying to get established and had to be tolerant of non-adherents. The Medina texts supersede these and are harsher and less tolerant as the group was now in power and able to impose their will. Hence the early texts are more liberal, e.g. no compulsion in religion, but the later ones are harsh, e.g. smite the unbelievers. Apologists usually quote the earlier texts, without admitting that they have been cancelled out by the types of text that appeal to ISIS.
Mr Rushlow – A Tunisian gentleman once told me, when I asked why so many young Tunisian men were drinking beer in pubs, that beer was not prohibited by the Koran, only wine, which bears out your post. But it’s all academic; religions have always picked and chosen. As Shakespeare said ‘The devil may cite scripture for his purpose.’
To see Muslims and alcohol in action, all you have to do is watch the traffic on the Saudi Arabia – Bahrain causeway at the weekend. Huge queues as the alcohol-free Saudis go over to more liberal Bahrain for a good weekend p*** up (and for that matter a bacon buttie or two as well).
It’s BBC news time, and the priorities are as follows:
1, Victory for greedy ex wives in the courts – Feminism
2, Idiot lefty nurse, who caught Ebola in a country where she wasn’t needed – Liberal Hero
3, Winner of crappy, unreadable Man Booker prize is Black & Jamaican – Minority, Drugs, Bob Marley
4, Drop in unemployment, rise in wages- Success for evil Tory Government (booo!)
5, Germany looking into ways of deporting Balkan ‘refugees’ – Poor Immigrants
6, Death of BBC journalist who no-ones heard of – BBC hero & winner of Order of Lenin
Minority issues take precedence over things that actually affect the population like the success of the economy, though I am surprised that immigrants didn’t take top spot.
The BBC news department is run by socialist chimps.
We need to take a sledge hammer to this wretched lefty fortress.
re VotM
So true. Excellent summary of the bBBC’s version of ‘news’. And worth adding that item 4 on your list – 79,000 fewer unemployed, average earnings up 2.8%, thus positive news for a huge number of people, did not get a mention until 10.20pm on the 10 o clock TV news.
The other day news of negative inflation was met with “15 million pensioners to suffer” because their pensi9ns are tied to the inflation index.
They’d suffer a whole lot more under rampant inflation. Not of course mentioned.
And I could add that on R4 Today this morning, news of the Grammar school expansion in Kent naturally led to an interview with someone who (surprise surprise) opposes Grammar schools. How very impartial.