The former chairman of the BBC has attacked the corporation over its reporting of the recent spate of Arab terrorist attacks in Israel. Lord Michael Grade, a member of the House of Lords for the Conservative Party, claimed the BBC had failed to show “impartiality,” and focused his fierce criticism in particular on a recent report by BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, which he said promoted an “equivalence” between Palestinian terrorists and their victims.
Anti-Israeli bias is a CORE BBC value, in my view. We have shown it time after time and Grade is only saying the obvious.
He should be invited to look at another category of BBC reporting and return to deliver his view on that. Maybe we could give him, say, a fortnight to review whatever the category is.
It could be Europe.
Or the Migrant crisis.
Or Climate Change.
Or something else.
We could build up a rosta for him, review a new category and report fortnightly. His findings would always the be the same as the BBC is institutionally biased.
The Despicable Return of Casualty Statistics as a Moral Barometer
The current wave of terror engulfing Israel looks to be following the same pattern. Reuters and the BBC for example, has begun including a “death tally” in its reports on the conflict:
Four Israelis and 26 Palestinians, including eight alleged attackers and eight children, have died in 12 days of bloodshed, the worst spell of street violence for years, stirred in part by Muslim anger over increasing Jewish visits to the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem.
The Reuters/BBC reports focused mostly on stabbing attacks in Tel Aviv and Ra’anana. The presentation of the numbers, however, leaves out more than it includes. What is clearly a Palestinian onslaught against an innocent population of Israelis looks like Israeli aggression. Why are so many more Palestinians being killed, one may ask.
The raw numbers ignore the facts on the ground. Palestinian attackers are often killed but their victims merely sustain life-threatening injuries and are not included in the tally. Some aggressors were killed before they reached their Israeli victims.
You can almost hear Mishal Husain sitting there at the front with her knitting, cackling, as the next dopey kid tries to chalk one up for the Imam
Yet another disgraceful report by the snarling Orla Guerin. She really is a piece of work ! Kicks off with the stale old lie that the West Bank is “occupied”by Israel. No – it is disputed territory. The Israelis could say it is “occupied” by Palestinians.
For year after year the BBC fails to report how Palestinian kids are taught terrorism with their mothers’ milk onwards. How youths and young men are praised for terrorist deeds. Orla Guerin and other BBC staff skew the context – or fail to describe the context – at every opportunity they get. BBC reporting on Israel is shown time after time to be an encouragement to terrorism.
“For year after year the BBC fails to report how Palestinian kids are taught terrorism”.
Change Palestinian to Muslim, it is happening, as I type, in a Mosque near every real European.
Orla Guerin makes the Grim Reaper look like Father Christmas.
well fuck me sideways…shame he didn’t metion this while BBc Boss…
That was back when he was sucking Blair’s ballsack. He fully believed in the New labour mission, right up until New Labour threw him under a bus, for having the gall to report truthfully about sexing up the intelligence about WMD.
It was at that moment when his blind ignorance was first challenged and he realised what a mug he was for ever believing in Blair. Personally, I cannot understand how anyone could ever be taken in by that slimy lying war criminal Blair. I remember watching him when he was the shadow environment secretary, and thought he was a lying con merchant back then. I always referred to him as the ‘fake rolex’ tory. Always pretending to be something he was not. Stealing conservative language to dress up his labour idealism.