The BBC reported enthusiastically from north of the border as the chippy wee lassy marshalled the troops at the SNP conference….was interested to hear from wee lassy that Cameron has not respected the views of the Scottish people…unlike the wee lassy who of course fully respects and embraces their desire not to have an independent Scotland. Jim Naughtie said nothing.
Didn’t hear much about this from the BBC…..
Culture secretary: BBC is out of touch, failing viewers and not reflective of Scotland
THE BBC fails to satisfy audiences and doesn’t reflect Scotland, the culture secretary said yesterday.
During a debate on BBC charter renewal, Fiona Hyslop called for a “a bold and radical alternative to the out of touch structure and decision making of the BBC”.
There were also calls for Scotland to be given control of broadcasting, as well as the creation of a Scottish Six O’Clock News.
Former culture minister Linda Fabiani said: “Of course Scotland should control its own broadcasting, of course Scotland should be an independent nation.
“We have to move forward in every way we possibly can to get Scotland to achieve that independence and broadcasting is crucial to that, we recognised that in 2007 when we became a minority government.”
“Scotland needs a better service from the BBC, Scotland demands a better service from the BBC and Scotland must have a better service from the BBC.”
East Dunbartonshire MP John Nicolson, a former BBC presenter, said the once-a-decade charter renewal process was a “golden opportunity…to change the BBC”, adding: “We have a chance to shape it, and we’re demanding some changes.
“We want to see the full devolution of broadcasting to Scotland, we need more investment, we need more jobs, we need a separate Scottish six o’clock news.”
Edinburgh activist Doug Thomson said the BBC was at the heart of much of civic life, but “in recent times the Beeb has lost its way” and remained “London-centric, metropolitan and lacking in accountability to the people of Scotland”.
He said: “The BBC isn’t broken but it isn’t fit for purpose, and instead needs to be rehabilitated. It is time for Scotland to have full control over broadcasting.”
National socialists in charge of the national broadcaster…..great….what can we expect? All those years of Scottish suffering under the foreign yoke…only to be reborn….has a familiar ring to it…..
The SNP are all for mass immigration, die-versity and multiculturalism, so the comparison to the nazis who were against all these things doesn’t really work, a better comparison would be Stalins Soviet Union.
They only want multiculturalism for England, not Scotland. They are Nationalist Socialists so the comparison with the nazis is most apt.
” Anger at SNP plan to ‘bribe’ migrants into Scotland
ALEX SALMOND was last night accused of planning to throw open Scotland’s borders with “bribes” for foreigners.The First Minister wants thousands more immigrants to pour into the country following a Yes vote in next year’s referendum.
Mr Salmond is determined to pursue a different immigration policy than Westminster to aid economic growth.
The SNP leader wants to lift restrictions on non-EU immigration if voters back the break-up of Britain.
He also plans to bring in more immigrants by adopting a points-based system that would encourage foreigners to move to remote areas.
SNPs External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf yesterday claimed “providing incentives” was part of building a “fairer” immigration system.
Aides said details of the enticements were still being worked on but critics insisted ministers should be helping jobless Scots before “bribing” immigrants. Figures from the Migration Observatory census profile showed that the country’s foreign-born population increased by 93 per cent between 2001 and 2011. ”
David, incomers do not aid economic growth unless they bring lots of money with them. One of the statistics to emerge this summer, IIRC, is that a refugee migrant has to be supported totally for around two years before they are enabled to seek work.
Those last two words in the previous sentence are the key ones in Scotland. There are a lack of jobs north of the border. The work is not there. There are certain areas where certain industries do well but to avoid massive unemployment ‘during a period of unprecedented, sustained economic growth’ the State had to employ ever larger numbers in Scotland. It was a factor in the sub-Prime Crisis, Bank Crash and recession 2007-2009.
It is not sustainable.
[Salmond’s statement is actually an old economic meme that is now starting to be re-examined as far as mature and/or high technology economies with ageing populations are concerned. One of the things with economics is that the principles and rules and ‘Laws’ that applied in 19XX may no longer apply in 20YZ and, indeed, may never apply again.]
One winter in Scotland and all these “migrants” will be enriching us in England no doubt.
Open borders for Scotland means open borders for England. Unless we have an English Government that will control the border with Scotland. Gimmigrants will arrive in Scotland with instructions on how to obtain free rail fare to England.
Except, it really is a very strange form of nationalism, which wants their currency controlled from London, Their head of State to be the British Monarch and their laws dictated to them from Brussels.
What sort of independence is that?
I think that Nicola Sturgeon has the same effect on me as Margaret Thatcher has on leftists. I cannot stand her face, her voice, anything she says and anything she does. Apart from that, she’s all right I suppose.
She seems to have only one expression.
“She seems to have only one expression. ”
And that would be described as “smug”.
She is perfectly described by the word ‘cunt’.
Let , SNP , have their own “And now for viewers in Scotland” propaganda machine SNBC . They can all cough up for it ,themselves & English people won`t be able to view it, or pay for it.
I’m afraid you are all lagging behind a bit, the Scottish version of the BBC was invented years ago by a friend of Rab C Nesbitt:
I think this could prove to be uncannily prescient.